August Forel is a great scientist, “the apostle of anti-alcoholism. Sexual issue Reproduction of living beings. History of the embryo

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“August Trout. Sexual Question": Book Publishing House "EOS"; ; 1909
Second, corrected and expanded edition. St. Petersburg, 1909. Publishing house "EOS". Natural scientific, psychological, hygienic and sociological research for the educated. As a scientist, Forel made a name for himself not only for his work on psychiatry and nervous diseases, but also for his amazingly subtle observations on social life ants and bees. As a doctor, Forel is known for his amazingly humane attitude towards the most “perverted” patients and his rare ability to treat them through hypnosis and psychic suggestion. As a public figure, Forel stands out as a fanatical fighter against alcoholism and in “The Sex Question” he establishes a connection between alcoholism and abnormalities of sexual life. Forel defends civil or state marriage, meanwhile his book is full of facts proving that there is nothing more irreconcilable than love and coercion. The constancy of love, the indissolubility of the concluded union seems to be the ideal of human happiness, but it can only be achieved through complete freedom without any obligation to the state or church. The study concerns many issues of family and marriage: jealousy, “sexual hypocrisy,” the use of contraceptives in the sense of improving the human race. Some pages of the book will undoubtedly “shock” readers: Forel does not have a drop of hypocrisy, he says everything to the end.
August Trout
Sex question
The gender issue is one of those issues, when considering which it is very easy to go astray. Arousing by its nature human passions and human curiosity, it, in connection with its content, gives wide scope for all kinds of abuse of it. Combined with religion, morality, art, politics, law and medicine, or placed at the disposal of trade and the desire for profit, in each individual case it is illuminated one-sidedly and tendentiously. For example, we find it expressed as follows:
1. Erotic and pornographic, in order to systematically irritate the natural desire, to take money from others. The consequences of such monetary greed are trafficking in girls, pimping, prostitution and pornographic literature.
2. The purpose of expressing one’s own eroticism, which in this way finds satisfaction.
Both of these motives are more or less associated with the following types of consideration of the subject:
3. The kind of religious-metaphysical, in the ecstasy-erotic or ascetic manifestation of mysticism.
4. The gender is political and social, historically demonstrating the manifestation in all its shamelessness, under the influence of greed and eroticism, of the right of the strong, that is, the right of a man relative to a woman. However, fortunately, they are beginning to consistently recognize the equality of women.
5. A special legal gender, manifested in the form of paragraphs of law intended to regulate the rights of both sexes and their offspring in relation to sexual intercourse and its results. Everywhere in these laws both the rule of the strong and mystical and barbaric customs shine through.
6. Medical interpretation of the sexual issue is divided, on the one hand, into Scientific research sexual physiology and pathology, and on the other hand, for the treatment of sexual inappropriateness and diseases and hygiene of sexual life. The first is reflected in the insufficient psychological education of doctors, while treatment is often too harmful due to an excess of respect for lawyers, theologians and tradition. In order for the medical attitude towards the matter not to deviate from the straight path, it is necessary to consider the sexual issue from the psychological, physiological, anatomical and pathological sides. This should also include the study of the development (embryology) and evolution (phylogeny) of sexual desire and genital organs.
7. The ethnographic and historical gender is extremely instructive not only as a description of actual sexual relations in world history, but also multiple human misconceptions. This genus, however, also often suffers from a lack of objectivity and superficiality, often being under the direct subjective influence of the two above-mentioned facts. But he has already made great strides.
8. The arts often pay attention to the sexual issue, because the role of sexual feelings and passion in all areas of art is dominant. The same can be said regarding fiction. Art and fiction are thoroughly imbued and inspired by the sexual issue, but often, unfortunately, they are also perverted by it, and, mainly, when greed and eroticism come to the fore. Art and literature, of course, respond to any kind of people's perception of the sexual issue, for good and for bad.
9. The ethical or moral nature of the attitude towards the sexual issue should also be given here. Unfortunately, it is often characterized by degeneration into moralizing phraseology, or mystical asceticism bordering on hypocrisy, or a reaction opposite to ethics. Here we are dealing with an extremely significant aspect of the issue, which must be combined with its social and hygienic side. Too lofty aspirations on the basis of ethics, without going beyond the limits of exceptional severity, often do not achieve their goal. But this serious area is the main one.
10. The role of the gender issue in pedagogy is also very important, but it is often misunderstood here.
In all of the above types of research on the sexual issue, in most cases, the personal erotic feeling of the author is very important, who can hardly get rid of it, but in the interests of scientific self-criticism it is, of course, necessary to make every effort to remain fair, neutral and objective.
How important is the sexual question for humanity, the happiness and correct development of which in the future is largely determined by its best solution! In making an attempt to understand this sensitive issue, I will try, if possible, to avoid callousness and eroticism, and also not to resort to compilation and ponderous presentation, characteristic of scientific works. I base my views on various studies in various fields, as well as on extensive personal experience in the study of pathological cases and normal sexual life of healthy people. But in the field of ethnography, which is completely alien to me, I adhered to the major work of Westermarck, summarizing his provisions. In my presentation of sexual psychopathology, I adhered mainly to Krafft-Ebing.
The extraordinary complexity of the sexual issue does not allow us to find a solution as simple as the issue of alcohol. The latter’s solution comes down to a short formula: “down with alcohol as a drink!” just like the question of the abolition of serfdom - to the formula “Down with slavery!” Alcohol, slavery, torture are only artificial growths that oppress humanity and can be simply removed. This will be associated with benefits for humanity, because they do not belong to human nature. Meanwhile, the sexual question concerns directly the roots of life, in many of its points it coincides with the universal human issue and deserves a completely different attitude towards itself. But at present it is on false, dangerous and harmful paths, from which it must be brought at all costs and directed into a more suitable channel, with the help of dams and appropriate sewerage. The main position of the sexual issue boils down to the following: Every sexual function and sexual love in humans, as well as in every living creature, has as its most important goal procreation. Therefore, it should be considered from the points of view of natural science, psychophysiology and sociology. These attempts have already been made, but mainly in scientific works or unilaterally. Humanity, in the interests of its happiness, must therefore desire that its reproduction be accompanied by a progressive increase in all its physical and mental (spiritual) qualities, both in the sense of strength and physical health, and regarding character, reason, will, creative imagination, love of work, cheerfulness and a social sense of solidarity. Depending on this, all attempts to resolve the sexual issue should have as a goal the prospects and happiness of our offspring.
In the interests of the best development of the sexual question, it is necessary to completely abandon individual considerations. But due to the inherent weakness and myopia of humanity, which manifest themselves most intensely in this area, it is necessary to keep in mind the above at all times. general position, taking into account both the immediate happiness and benefit determined by human individual weaknesses, because otherwise one can fall into utopianism. Such a connection increases the difficulty of solving the problem, due to which it is necessary to completely abandon prejudices and false shame. We will try to do this.
The sexual question, from the highest point of view, is as much aesthetic as it is ethical; as beautiful as it is good. And only dirt and baseness, caused by gross egoistic lusts, stupidity and ignorance, combined with erotic curiosity, mystical superstition and abnormal brain activity, are shameful and offensive.
We will divide our topic into 19 chapters.
Chapters I to VII discuss the natural history, history and psychology of sexual life: chapter VIII its pathology, and chapters IX to XVII its sociological side, in the sense of its relation to the various spheres of social human activity.
Chapter I
Reproduction of living beings. History of the embryo
Division; virgin birth; conjunction; mneme; development; gender differences; castration; hermaphroditism; heredity; blastophthoria.
The law common to the entire organic world is a kind of cycle performed by every living being, called a separate or individual life and ending in death, that is, the destruction of a significant part of the corresponding individual living being, which then again disintegrates into lifeless matter. Only small particles of it, in the form of germ cells, continue to live under certain conditions.
Microscopically, the small cell has been known to us since the time of Schwann as the simplest elementary form capable of detecting life, and in the lower organisms known to us it constitutes the entire individual being. Without a doubt, the cell is something highly organized. It consists of infinitely small, varied and multi-colored elements that make up the so-called protoplasm, or cell substance. However, these infinitesimal elements are still completely unknown. In them one must look for that transitional stage from lifeless matter to life itself, which was supposed to be found in protoplasm itself, when it complex structure was not yet known. This unresolved question will not occupy us here. For each given life, the cell is molded into a permanent elemental form. It consists of cellular protoplasm and the nucleus embedded in it, the substance of which is called nucleoplasm. The nucleus is the most important part of the cell, controlling its life, so to speak.
The reproduction of lower unicellular creatures is accomplished by division, as is the reproduction of individual cells of higher multicellular living creatures. Every cell comes from another cell. Together with its nucleus, the cell is pulled in the middle and in this way splits into two cells, which again increase due to the absorption of nutritious juices from the environment. The death or destruction of an individual cell, of course, also marks the death of the entire individual, who for the most part, however, has already managed to reproduce. But here, too, we are faced with a peculiar manifestation of conjunction, or conjugation, i.e., this kind of phenomenon when one cell is introduced into another, and such a fusion determines the emergence of stronger and more capable of reproducing cells. This phenomenon, which we observe in all living beings, as well as in people, gives us reason to conclude that the continuation of life is possible only when two different elements, under unequal influences, merge from time to time with each other. If this is prevented or certain living beings are allowed to reproduce continuously only by division or budding (see below), degeneration and weakening will inevitably follow, resulting in the extinction of the entire generation.
We need to explain here the latest scientific research into the intimate processes of cell division, to the extent that they have already been studied, since the close affinity between the processes of division and the processes of fertilization is quite obvious. The nucleus of an ordinary cell looks like a more or less round bubble inside it. Thanks to carefully crafted Lately staining methods, it was found that the nucleus contains numerous nuclear bodies, and the shell or skin of the nucleus is connected to an extremely thin mesh passing through the entire contents of the nucleus. The juicy substance of the nucleus is concentrated in the plexuses of this tissue, which is capable of especially energetically absorbing dyes and is therefore called chromatin. The process of division of this kind of higher cells containing a nucleus was called mitosis. It starts from the core. In the protoplasm, close to the nucleus, a body called a centrosome (central body) is formed. When the process of division begins in a cell, the chromatin plexuses are first of all pulled together, and the centrosome is divided into two halves. At the next moment, parts of chromatin are assembled into winding threads (chromosomes), the number of which varies in different living beings, but is constant for the same plant or animal species. At the same time, the centrosomes disperse on both sides of the nucleus. Following this, shortening and thickening of the chromosis occurs, with the complete dissolution of the cell nucleus, the disappearance of its skin and the mixing of the contents with the protoplasm of the cell. The chromosomes then line up like Prussian soldiers across the largest diameter of the cell, leaving one centrosome on each side. But now each chromosome is divided into two parallel halves, almost equal in size. As can be directly seen, both centrosomes are outlined by radiant lines. Some of them elongate towards the chromosomes, attach to them and attract each half of the already bifurcated chromosome to their centrosome. In this way, around each chromosome, as many chromosomes are concentrated as the mother cell originally created them. At the same time, the cell increases in width, and its protoplasm acquires a curved scar at both ends of the central line of chromosis that we have already observed. The nuclear fluid reassembles around each of the chromosomal groups; the rays surrounding the centrosomes disappear, and cell division occurs between both groups of chromosomes, which corresponds to the formation of a wall in the protoplasm that separates the cells. The chromosomes then unravel again into the original chromatin network of the nucleus, and each now completely separated half again has a nucleus and a centrosome, just like the mother cell.
Cell proliferation in the form described above is observed throughout the animal and flora. In the simplest creatures known to us (single-celled), division is the only type of reproduction (although in some cells, like bacteria, internal processes still dimly lit). The division of cells of complex organisms of higher plants and animals occurs in the same way, and during the period of embryonic, and often later growth, individual organs of the body are formed. This quite clearly states the internal affinity between all living beings. In this process, the most surprising thing is, so to speak, the mathematical division of the chromosis into two equal parts. What is being pursued here is, obviously, a uniform distribution of chromosomal substance throughout the body. We'll talk about this later.
The higher the representatives of these living beings on the ladder of the plant and animal world, the more complex, as we know, individual creatures become, for they no longer come from one cell, but from a sufficient number of cells united into one whole and, depending on the purpose, for which they are adapted, having received all kinds of forms and Chemical properties. Thus, plants form leaves, flowers, buds, branches, stems, bark, etc., and animals form skin, intestines, glands, blood, muscles, nerves, brain, sensory organs, etc. But, regardless of of the high complexity of various organisms, we often discover in some of them the ability to reproduce by division, and even more often by budding. In known animals and plants, groups of cells grow into a so-called bud, which subsequently separates from the body and forms a new living being (polyps, onions). In this way, a tree can be grown from a cutting. Unfertilized ants and bees, for example, can, as is known, lay eggs, from which, through the so-called virgin generation (parthenogenesis), living and normally built offspring develop. But such offspring are doomed to degeneration and death if asexual reproduction by budding or by virgin birth takes place over a significant number of generations. Reproduction without conjunction does not occur at all in higher animals, as in vertebrates and humans, and, therefore, there can be no place for parthenogenesis here. However, at the same time, scientific research confirms to us that long life is determined by sexual reproduction or conjunction. What is the essence of this conjunction?
It should first of all be noted that, regardless of the complexity of the individual who reproduces sexually, there is always an organ or tissue of which the same type of cells is predetermined for the reproduction of the species, or, more precisely, for the conjunction. Such an organ is called the gonad, and its cells, isolated from the body under certain conditions of conjunction (and in some cases temporarily without it), have the property of multiplying in such a way that in almost the same form (generic type) they again reproduce the individual to whom they owe their origin. Therefore, according to Weisman, it can be assumed, from the point of view of philosophy, that these cells continue the life of their predecessors, and, thanks to death, in fact, only that part of the individual that was adapted for his special functions was destroyed, and in the same meaning used.

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In the autumn of 1879, Forel, who had just turned 31, became professor of psychiatry at the University of Zurich and director of the Burghölzli psychiatric clinic.

As medical director of the Burghölzli, he became a strong advocate of total sobriety. He was called "the craziest of all the sleepwalkers in the hospital" because he suggested that his patients would reduce their alcohol consumption. Trout, however, noticed that the completely sober shoemaker had more success with the insecure asylum patients than he did. wine drinker doctor. And it was for this reason and from that moment on that Trout completely gave up alcohol. Trout took on the task with the uncompromising enthusiasm of a convert. He was terrifying in his condemnation of any alcohol consumption at any level. Forel wrote: “All those who advocate moderation in the consumption of alcohol, opium, etc., are not just the unwitting seducers of those who struggle with temptation, they are also the exclusive source, not to say the ovary, of alcoholism, as well as all narcotic intoxicants that lead to degeneration of the human brain and nervous system. All intoxicated individuals begin with moderate consumption of the drug and are thus recruited from the ranks of moderate drinkers."

For the pacifist Forel, the campaign against alcohol was “a war of life and death.” Even in his great work " Social life Ants,” which made him the world's expert on these creatures, he warned all who deal with ants about the dangers of alcohol.

Trout strongly advocated for the equality of women.

Since 1887, Forel supported the fight for the closure of brothels in Zurich; in 1897, after a general vote, they were closed.

In 1871, A. Forel saw what troubles and destruction the war brought. Since then, he has become an active participant in the international peace movement.

Forel resolutely opposed national hatred. In 1920, he wrote: “I condemn the manifestation of any national, religious and political narrow-mindedness, including anti-Semitism, as an anti-social, anti-ethical and anti-international phenomenon.”

In 1931, A. Forel passed away. on his tombstone depicts an ant and the inscription in Latin: “labor omnia vincit” - that is, “Labor conquers everything” (words of the ancient Roman poet Virgil). “Apostle of anti-alcoholism” is written next to it...

August Forel: “How I became a teetotaler”

“I used to drink moderately, with the exception of a few drinking bouts in my youth... As director of the Burghölzli clinic in Zurich (1879-1898), I had to treat drunkards. One of them (Ludwig), whom I considered incurable, was cured at the St. Chrischona clinic in Basel thanks to a regime of sobriety. This was the first slap I deserved, however, I continued to drink beer and wine.

And then in the fall of 1885 my father-in-law Fritz Steinheil came to me. In the spring he brought me the shoemaker Jacob Bosshardt, who made shoes according to the shape of the foot, and not vice versa. I offered him a glass of wine, but he refused. He was a teetotaler. I asked him if he could accept my drunkards from the Burghölzli clinic into his union “Blue Cross” (that is the name of the Protestant teetotaling organization that still exists today - V.L.). "Certainly!" - was his answer. And since then I have seen drunkards cured, but I myself continued to drink with a bad conscience.

In 1886 Bosshardt came to see me about another drunkard. “Why can’t I handle this responsibility of healing drunkards while you do it?” – I asked him. “Very simple,” Bosshardt answered me, “I am a teetotaler, and you are not.” “Well,” I told him, “here’s my hand: with today I'm becoming a teetotaler." So in 1886 I became a teetotaler and remain so to this day, until 1928.”

August Trout. Theses on Sobriety

1. Every alcoholic drink, including fermented ones, such as wine, beer or fruit wine, is poison.

2. These poisons kill more than 1/10 of Swiss men over 20 years of age, providing approximately 30 percent of our patients psychiatric hospitals, influence 75 percent of crimes against the individual, dumb down the people and make them rude, inhibit and slow down spiritual work, lower the moral level and cost huge sums of money without bringing any benefit. In fact, Switzerland imports more alcoholic beverages than it exports. Consequently, the money earned by producers and traders of alcoholic beverages is taken from the pockets of other Swiss people and from our entire country. So, all the energy, all work force, which is used in this industry, only serves to poison our people...

3. The so-called " moderately “Those who drink do not strengthen themselves, do not nourish themselves, and do not receive anything from it. They lose, on average, about six years of their lives... and suffer from illness at half the rate of abstainers.

4. A third of the Indian Army are teetotalers. This third accounts for twelve times fewer offenses (with an equal number of soldiers, 73 versus 869), and accounts for half less days diseases than in the other two inebriated thirds of this army.

5. Anyone who drinks alcohol in moderation tempts (unconsciously) a portion of his weaker fellow citizens to do the same. Thus, he makes himself culpable in the alcoholization of the people and the disasters mentioned in point No. 2, since the majority can never stop at the level of moderate drinking.

6. A teetotaler gains much more pleasure than he loses, because he becomes healthier. A person is not able to enjoy excessively artificially without losing a large number of natural pleasures.

7. If temperance becomes more and more widespread, its universal introduction will not harm any professional class or any type of agriculture. It will lead to another beneficial use of grapes and fruits, that's all. It will increase the wealth of a country whose strength, health and morals will no longer be wasted and destroyed by alcohol.

8. The very habit of “moderate” drinking slows down and inhibits any spiritual work, increases the number of mistakes, makes our thinking more trivial and more superficial, reduces muscle strength and safety when moving, thereby reducing the ability to do any physical and spiritual work. ... Alcohol significantly changes the nerve cells of the brain! ...

9. Alcohol spoils the germ cells of drinking men and women, as a result of which their offspring more or less degenerate...

10. Alcohol, as a rule, is of no use as a medicine. ... It is only useful as a solvent for certain medications.

11. The alcohol issue can be briefly summarized as follows: . If you wave a magic wand to eliminate all the drunkards in the country, then in a few years they will be replaced by new ones. Indeed, every year a lot of people die big number drunkards, but their total number is not reduced. Imagine, on the contrary, that in the same country all moderate drinkers suddenly turned into lifelong abstainers - in a few years there would no longer be a single drunk there. Thus, moderate drinkers form incubator stations (Brutstaette) of alcoholism, and the cause of alcoholism itself lies in use alcohol, which, being widespread, quietly leads most of the people to abuse.

12. Consequently, the only remedy lies in eliminating the use of all fermented or distilled drinks, as well as the trade that promotes their production.

For publication, the brochure by V.M. was used. Lovcheva “August Trout: a great scientist and a great teetotaler”

Prof. August Forel is an outstanding Swiss psychiatrist and neurologist, a major authority in the field of hypnology. His extensive medical practice over many decades and his practice specifically in the treatment of hypnosis and suggestion have rightly made his name very popular.

Since the 80s of the last century, the scientific development of the issue of hypnosis and suggestion has come from the teachings of hypnosis by the famous neurologist Charcot and his Paris School, on the one hand, and the Nancy School, led by Liebeau and Bernheim, on the other. The phenomena of hypnosis were associated with suggestion, explained by suggestibility as one of the main properties of neuropsychic activity, and thus hypnosis could not be considered as a manifestation of a painful condition, much less as something miraculous or mysterious.

Sex question

Naturally scientific, psychological, hygienic and sociological research for the educated.

In “The Sexual Question” he establishes a connection between alcoholism and abnormalities of sexual life. Forel defends civil or state marriage, meanwhile his book is full of facts proving that there is nothing more irreconcilable than love and coercion. The constancy of love, the indissolubility of the concluded union seems to be the ideal of human happiness, but it can only be achieved through complete freedom without any obligation to the state or church.

The study concerns many issues of family and marriage: jealousy, “sexual hypocrisy,” the use of contraceptives in the sense of improving the human race. Some pages of the book will undoubtedly “shock” readers: Forel does not have a drop of hypocrisy, he says everything to the end.

Man and Ant

The proposed essay presents a brief summary of the observations and research of A. Forel, a famous naturalist.

His works devoted to research into the life of ants have become classics in world literature. For 66 years, A. Forel tirelessly collected materials, made interesting observations, studied the life and psychology of ants, and presented his research in a major work on “ant science,” called “The Social World of Ants.” It was published by Kündig in Genf in 1923.

No matter how risky A. Forel’s excursions into the field of comparative psychology and “zoosociology” are, nevertheless, many of the thoughts expressed in this small book are not without interest, even if one does not completely agree with them.


© Copyright August Trout

August Trout
Sex question

The gender issue is one of those issues, when considering which it is very easy to go astray. Arousing by its nature human passions and human curiosity, it, in connection with its content, gives wide scope for all kinds of abuse of it. Combined with religion, morality, art, politics, law and medicine, or placed at the disposal of trade and the desire for profit, in each individual case it is illuminated one-sidedly and tendentiously. For example, we find it expressed as follows:
1. Erotic and pornographic, in order to systematically irritate the natural desire, to take money from others. The consequences of such monetary greed are trafficking in girls, pimping, prostitution and pornographic literature.
2. The purpose of expressing one’s own eroticism, which in this way finds satisfaction.
Both of these motives are more or less associated with the following types of consideration of the subject:
3. The kind of religious-metaphysical, in the ecstasoerotic or ascetic manifestation of mysticism.
4. The genus is political and social, historically demonstrating the manifestation in all its shamelessness, under the influence of greed and eroticism, of the right of the strong, that is, the right of a man relative to a woman. However, fortunately, they are beginning to consistently recognize the equality of women.
5. A special legal gender, manifested in the form of paragraphs of law intended to regulate the rights of both sexes and their offspring in relation to sexual intercourse and its results. Everywhere in these laws both the rule of the strong and mystical and barbaric customs shine through.
6. Medical interpretation of the sexual issue is divided, on the one hand, into the scientific study of sexual physiology and pathology, and on the other, into the treatment of sexual inappropriateness and diseases and hygiene of sexual life. The first is reflected in the insufficient psychological education of doctors, while treatment is often too harmful due to an excess of respect for lawyers, theologians and tradition. In order for the medical attitude towards the matter not to deviate from the straight path, it is necessary to consider the sexual issue from the psychological, physiological, anatomical and pathological sides. This should also include the study of the development (embryology) and evolution (phylogeny) of sexual desire and genital organs.
7. The ethnographic and historical genus is extremely instructive not only as a description of actual sexual relations in world history, but also of man’s multiple misconceptions. This genus, however, also often suffers from a lack of objectivity and superficiality, often being under the direct subjective influence of the two above-mentioned facts. But he has already made great strides.
8. The arts often pay attention to the sexual issue, because the role of sexual feelings and passion in all areas of art is dominant. The same can be said regarding fiction. Art and fiction are thoroughly imbued and inspired by the sexual issue, but often, unfortunately, they are also perverted by it, and, mainly, when greed and eroticism come to the fore. Art and literature, of course, respond to any kind of people's perception of the sexual issue, for good and for bad.
9. The ethical or moral nature of the attitude towards the sexual issue should also be given here. Unfortunately, it is often characterized by degeneration into moralizing phraseology, or mystical asceticism bordering on hypocrisy, or a reaction opposite to ethics. Here we are dealing with an extremely significant aspect of the issue, which must be combined with its social and hygienic side. Too lofty aspirations on the basis of ethics, without going beyond the limits of exceptional severity, often do not achieve their goal. But this serious area is the main one.
10. The role of the gender issue in pedagogy is also very important, but it is often misunderstood here.
In all of the above types of research on the sexual issue, in most cases, the personal erotic feeling of the author is very important, who can hardly get rid of it, but in the interests of scientific self-criticism it is, of course, necessary to make every effort to remain fair, neutral and objective.
How important is the sexual question for humanity, the happiness and correct development of which in the future is largely determined by its best solution! In making an attempt to understand this sensitive issue, I will try, if possible, to avoid callousness and eroticism, and also not to resort to compilation and ponderous presentation, characteristic of scientific works. I base my views on various studies in various fields, as well as on extensive personal experience in the study of pathological cases and the normal sex life of healthy people. But in the field of ethnography, which is completely alien to me, I adhered to the major work of Westermarck, summarizing his provisions. In my presentation of sexual psychopathology, I adhered mainly to KrafftEbing.
The extraordinary complexity of the sexual issue does not allow us to find a solution as simple as the issue of alcohol. The latter’s solution comes down to a short formula: “down with alcohol as a drink!” just like the question of the abolition of serfdom - to the formula “Down with slavery!” Alcohol, slavery, torture are only artificial growths that oppress humanity and can be simply removed. This will be associated with benefits for humanity, because they do not belong to human nature. Meanwhile, the sexual question concerns directly the roots of life, in many of its points it coincides with the universal human issue and deserves a completely different attitude towards itself. But at present it is on false, dangerous and harmful paths, from which it must be brought at all costs and directed into a more suitable channel, with the help of dams and appropriate sewerage. The main position of the sexual issue boils down to the following: Every sexual function and sexual love in humans, as well as in every living creature, has as its most important goal procreation. Therefore, it should be considered from the points of view of natural science, psychophysiology and sociology. These attempts have already been made, but mainly in scientific works or unilaterally. Humanity, in the interests of its happiness, must therefore desire that its reproduction be accompanied by a progressive increase in all its physical and mental (spiritual) qualities, both in the sense of strength and physical health, and in relation to character, reason, will, creative imagination, love of work, cheerfulness and social feeling of solidarity. Depending on this, all attempts to resolve the sexual issue should have as a goal the prospects and happiness of our offspring.
In the interests of the best development of the sexual question, it is necessary to completely abandon individual considerations. But due to the weakness and myopia inherent in humanity, which manifest themselves most intensely in this area, it is necessary to keep in mind the above general position all the time, taking into account the immediate happiness and benefit determined by human individual weaknesses, otherwise one can fall into utopianism. Such a connection increases the difficulty of solving the problem, due to which it is necessary to completely abandon prejudices and false shame. We will try to do this.
The sexual question, from the highest point of view, is as much aesthetic as it is ethical; as beautiful as it is good. And only dirt and baseness, caused by gross egoistic lusts, stupidity and ignorance, combined with erotic curiosity, mystical superstition and abnormal brain activity, are shameful and offensive.
We will divide our topic into 19 chapters.
Chapters I to VII discuss the natural history, history and psychology of sexual life: chapter VIII its pathology, and chapters IX to XVII its sociological side, in the sense of its relation to the various spheres of social human activity.

Chapter I
Reproduction of living beings. History of the embryo
Division; virgin birth; conjunction; mneme; development; gender differences; castration; hermaphroditism; heredity; blastophthoria.

August Trout

Sex question

The gender issue is one of those issues, when considering which it is very easy to go astray. Arousing by its nature human passions and human curiosity, it, in connection with its content, gives wide scope for all kinds of abuse of it. Combined with religion, morality, art, politics, law and medicine, or placed at the disposal of trade and the desire for profit, in each individual case it is illuminated one-sidedly and tendentiously. For example, we find it expressed as follows:

1. Erotic and pornographic, in order to systematically irritate the natural desire, to take money from others. The consequences of such monetary greed are trafficking in girls, pimping, prostitution and pornographic literature.

2. The purpose of expressing one’s own eroticism, which in this way finds satisfaction.

Both of these motives are more or less associated with the following types of consideration of the subject:

3. The kind of religious-metaphysical, in the ecstasy-erotic or ascetic manifestation of mysticism.

4. The gender is political and social, historically demonstrating the manifestation in all its shamelessness, under the influence of greed and eroticism, of the right of the strong, that is, the right of a man relative to a woman. However, fortunately, they are beginning to consistently recognize the equality of women.

5. A special legal gender, manifested in the form of paragraphs of law intended to regulate the rights of both sexes and their offspring in relation to sexual intercourse and its results. Everywhere in these laws both the rule of the strong and mystical and barbaric customs shine through.

6. Medical interpretation of the sexual issue is divided, on the one hand, into the scientific study of sexual physiology and pathology, and on the other, into the treatment of sexual inappropriateness and diseases and hygiene of sexual life. The first is reflected in the insufficient psychological education of doctors, while treatment is often too harmful due to an excess of respect for lawyers, theologians and tradition. In order for the medical attitude towards the matter not to deviate from the straight path, it is necessary to consider the sexual issue from the psychological, physiological, anatomical and pathological sides. This should also include the study of the development (embryology) and evolution (phylogeny) of sexual desire and genital organs.

7. The ethnographic and historical genus is extremely instructive not only as a description of actual sexual relations in world history, but also of man’s multiple misconceptions. This genus, however, also often suffers from a lack of objectivity and superficiality, often being under the direct subjective influence of the two above-mentioned facts. But he has already made great strides.

8. The arts often pay attention to the sexual issue, because the role of sexual feelings and passion in all areas of art is dominant. The same can be said regarding fiction. Art and fiction are thoroughly imbued and inspired by the sexual issue, but often, unfortunately, they are also perverted by it, and, mainly, when greed and eroticism come to the fore. Art and literature, of course, respond to any kind of people's perception of the sexual issue, for good and for bad.

9. The ethical or moral nature of the attitude towards the sexual issue should also be given here. Unfortunately, it is often characterized by degeneration into moralizing phraseology, or mystical asceticism bordering on hypocrisy, or a reaction opposite to ethics. Here we are dealing with an extremely significant aspect of the issue, which must be combined with its social and hygienic side. Too lofty aspirations on the basis of ethics, without going beyond the limits of exceptional severity, often do not achieve their goal. But this serious area is the main one.

10. The role of the gender issue in pedagogy is also very important, but it is often misunderstood here.

In all of the above types of research on the sexual issue, in most cases, the personal erotic feeling of the author is very important, who can hardly get rid of it, but in the interests of scientific self-criticism it is, of course, necessary to make every effort to remain fair, neutral and objective.

How important is the sexual question for humanity, the happiness and correct development of which in the future is largely determined by its best solution! In making an attempt to understand this sensitive issue, I will try, if possible, to avoid callousness and eroticism, and also not to resort to compilation and ponderous presentation, characteristic of scientific works. I base my views on various studies in various fields, as well as on extensive personal experience in the study of pathological cases and the normal sex life of healthy people. But in the field of ethnography, which is completely alien to me, I adhered to the major work of Westermarck, summarizing his provisions. In my presentation of sexual psychopathology, I adhered mainly to Krafft-Ebing.

The extraordinary complexity of the sexual issue does not allow us to find a solution as simple as the issue of alcohol. The latter’s solution comes down to a short formula: “down with alcohol as a drink!” just like the question of the abolition of serfdom - to the formula “Down with slavery!” Alcohol, slavery, torture are only artificial growths that oppress humanity and can be simply removed. This will be associated with benefits for humanity, because they do not belong to human nature. Meanwhile, the sexual question concerns directly the roots of life, in many of its points it coincides with the universal human issue and deserves a completely different attitude towards itself. But at present it is on false, dangerous and harmful paths, from which it must be brought at all costs and directed into a more suitable channel, with the help of dams and appropriate sewerage. The main position of the sexual issue boils down to the following: Every sexual function and sexual love in humans, as well as in every living creature, has as its most important goal procreation. Therefore, it should be considered from the points of view of natural science, psychophysiology and sociology. These attempts have already been made, but mainly in scientific works or unilaterally. Humanity, in the interests of its happiness, must therefore desire that its reproduction be accompanied by a progressive increase in all its physical and mental (spiritual) qualities, both in the sense of strength and physical health, and in relation to character, reason, will, creative imagination, love of work, cheerfulness and social feeling of solidarity. Depending on this, all attempts to resolve the sexual issue should have as a goal the prospects and happiness of our offspring.

In the interests of the best development of the sexual question, it is necessary to completely abandon individual considerations. But due to the weakness and myopia inherent in humanity, which manifest themselves most intensely in this area, it is necessary to keep in mind the above general position all the time, taking into account the immediate happiness and benefit determined by human individual weaknesses, otherwise one can fall into utopianism. Such a connection increases the difficulty of solving the problem, due to which it is necessary to completely abandon prejudices and false shame. We will try to do this.

The sexual question, from the highest point of view, is as much aesthetic as it is ethical; as beautiful as it is good. And only dirt and baseness, caused by gross egoistic lusts, stupidity and ignorance, combined with erotic curiosity, mystical superstition and abnormal brain activity, are shameful and offensive.

We will divide our topic into 19 chapters.

Chapters I to VII discuss the natural history, history and psychology of sexual life: chapter VIII its pathology, and chapters IX to XVII its sociological side, in the sense of its relation to the various spheres of social human activity.

Chapter I

Reproduction of living beings. History of the embryo

Division; virgin birth; conjunction; mneme; development; gender differences; castration; hermaphroditism; heredity; blastophthoria.

The law common to the entire organic world is a kind of cycle performed by every living being, called a separate or individual life and ending in death, that is, the destruction of a significant part of the corresponding individual living being, which then again disintegrates into lifeless matter. Only small particles of it, in the form of germ cells, continue to live under certain conditions.

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