Read the conspiracy for pain in the joints of the hands. Prayer for joint pain. Conspiracies for diseases of the joints of the arms and legs, back

Most often, various unpleasant pain sensations associated with joints occur in old age. However, statistics convince us that every fourth person in the age group under thirty-five years old may periodically experience one or another problem with the joints. A spell for joint pain will help you cope with this disease.

Spells will help you cope with joint pain

Treatment of this disease sometimes gives short-term results and therefore one has to resort to folk, time-tested remedies and even miraculous white magic, which offers such a unique method of healing as a spell for joint pain.

What are the main causes of joint pain?

The cause of the disease is intoxication of the body. Over time, infectious diseases lead to complications, which are expressed by pain of varying degrees. At best, weather-dependent people may receive periodic local flying pains in one place or another, and at worst, such pain may indicate the development of more serious illnesses joints.

Types of joint diseases:

  • arthritis (inflammation of the joints);
  • polyarthritis (inflammation of several joints at once);
  • arthrosis (age-related or post-traumatic changes in joints).

Arthritis may be the cause of joint pain

Sometimes successful treatment can eliminate pain completely or reduce it to a minimum, and then relief occurs. It is not recommended to ignore such pain symptoms, since periodically aching or acute and severe pain may hide a rather serious problem that will require clear intervention from specialists and timely treatment.

According to statistics, women experience various types of suffering from joint pain more often than men. Pain can occur not only during the day, but also at night. They can have all sorts of reasons, not only of an infectious nature, but also of a traumatic one. This or that pain will make itself felt periodically at the site of a fracture or dislocation. Such pains are called post-traumatic and tend to bother the patient periodically throughout his life, so much so that it will be difficult for him to do without painkillers at one time or another. This is where traditional medicine comes to the rescue and all kinds of conspiracies that help cope not only with the physical sensation of pain, but also psychologically affect the human condition.

If you cope with the disease traditional methods difficult, conspiracies will come to the rescue

Help words in solving a problem

Joint pain can have a different nature. Therefore, after an unsuccessful visit to the doctor, you can easily use conspiracies and prayers that will be aimed at treating the disease. Some rituals can be performed independently. For severe joint pain in the back, there is a conspiracy that has the power to get rid of this disease forever.

Moon conspiracy

This plot is read on a moonless night:

“Lomotica, Shchipatitsa Bone radimez. All joints and semi-joints Boots, boots Do not creak, do not hurt. The servant of God (name) so that she does not suffer anymore. Let me sleep. Amen".

Treatment of joint pain has its advantages, since traditional medicine today has the ability to provide first qualified assistance to relieve the inflammatory process and eliminate acute pain.

A spell for joint pain is read on a moonless night.

Poker conspiracy

To perform this ritual you will need:

  • poker;
  • towel;
  • large saucepan.

To perform the ritual, take a poker

All three items must be new and never used. The meaning of this ritual is to read the spell over a boiling pot of water. When the water in the pan has boiled, you need to take a towel and lay it on the floor in front of the stove. Take a poker and stir the boiling water clockwise, pronounce to yourself or quietly the text of the plot:

“God was there. God exists. God will always be there. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Heavenly water, spring water, well water, living water. Revive my white body so that it does not ache or hurt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

At the end of the spell words, this ritual involves steaming all disturbing parts of the body, and not just the back. This ritual must be performed at least forty times and only then the disease begins to recede.

After all the manipulations you need to steam the joints

Bread spell

Many rituals to relieve joint pain include bread, which is in some way a symbol of life. After the conspiracy, the bread used in the ritual is fed to birds or other animals. And there is also an element of healing in this gesture. In one of the spells to eliminate joint pain, a whole loaf of bread is used, preferably black, from which the crust is cut off and a special healing ball is made from the crumb. A ball made from bread crumb is rolled over the sore spot and the plot is read:

“Cheekbone, cheekbone, red maiden, You can’t stand here, don’t break any bones. I reprimand you from the bones from the relics, from the wild head, from the white sea, gray hair, brown eyes, from a white face, from pink blood, from blue veins. Go, cheekbone-whine, red maiden, Go to the thick vines, to the swampy swamps, To the high mountains, where the sun does not rise, the moon does not set, the birds do not fly, the dogs do not lie. There you can live and feast, look after and raise your children. I am in word, Lord in deed. I’m not helping myself - the Lord Himself helped the Servant of God (name) to drive out all the nasty things.”

To treat joints, you can use a bread spell

The ritual must be carried out during the waning moon at least three times. At the end of the ceremony, the crumb is given to the dog to eat.

Esoterics and human perception

Very often, traditional doctors, who are accustomed to dealing with obvious causes and symptoms, do not want to notice the psychological connection between the body and the mental state of a person. An important reason and an x-ray can serve as proof of a particular disease, but human thoughts have even more convincing properties, which shape not only our share, but also our health.

IN Lately doctors and scientists from all over the world began to notice this trend, which indicates that joint pain has a direct connection with the human psyche and the nervous stimuli surrounding him. It is during stress and emotional overexcitement that pain in the joints of unknown origin can arise and then disappear. Such pain may occur not as a problem with the joints themselves, but as a harbinger of any other disease. If the joints hurt periodically, thereby signaling some kind of problem, then the body requires a comprehensive examination and appropriate treatment.

Joint pain is often associated with a mental condition

To combat all sorts of ailments that traditional medicine cannot cope with, the power of consciousness is used, because thought is material, as esotericists believe. Positivity inspires and gives faith, and the disease disappears unnoticed.

Using spells that help eliminate or reduce any pain will never hurt, because by creating protection for ourselves with the help of magic words, we strengthen our health and faith in the best.


There can be many causes of joint pain. Most often, injuries, salt deposits, inflammation, colds, the senile period of life, when the entire body wears out and treatment of joints is aimed more at reducing pain and discomfort. But you have to live and you don’t want to experience much suffering.

If a patient suffers from joint pain, you can try to treat him with the words of spells. Be sure to do this on the waning moon. And it’s good to combine the conspiracy ritual with medical recommendations. It will be more effective.

Proven conspiracy for joint pain

When rubbing the rub or ointment into the joints, pat the joints lightly, saying:

I'm not kidding
I’ll whisper to you, pain!
I don’t scold anyone, I don’t blaspheme,
And I will drive away my pain.
Calm down, go away.
Don’t seem to me to be in pain anymore (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another plot from joints to bread

Sit the patient where he eats, give him a piece of bread, let him eat, and you read the words of the conspiracy. read how to do it correctly.

After reading three times, take the remaining bread from him and, going outside, crumble the remaining bread for the birds.

The holy relics do not hurt, but the slave (name)’s bones will heal. Hands do not hurt, legs do not hurt, all joints and semi-joints, bones, bones and vertebrae do not hurt. Just as holy relics do not hurt, so the slave (name) will not hurt. Amen.

Another plot is read on a piece of bread in the waning moon phase. Rub the piece onto the sore area and then give it to the dog.

Elena of God, mother, I ask you to take away my illness and give it to the dog. Be, my words, strong, molding, tenacious to a piece of bread. I'm sick, unhook me, and stick to food. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

Plot from joints to thread

Tie the sore joint three times with a strong thread, tying each turn in a knot, tying three knots in total. At the same time, pronounce words. Read three times:

“The snake is fierce, underwater! On the ground you crawl, wriggle,
you swim in the water, you bend over, everyone sees you as a nasty villain, I’ll click
you, help me, slave (name), take my pain, bury it under
heavy deck. You cover her body with rings, don’t give anyone that pain

After three days, untie the threads and burn them on the flame of a wax candle, reading the words of the conspiracy, until
the threads will not burn.

Spell for back pain

Back pain is familiar to every elderly person. You can try this spell for water or milk, which you then need to give to the patient:

God's word, pure deed
I speak to the servant of God (name),
All his duck, all his splurge
A strong shoulder, a strong hand,
His back is straight, his whole body is white,
The strength of his bones, his red blood:
Trite lived, trite half-lived,
Rub the joint, rub the half-joint,
Rub the vertebrae, rub the cartilage,
Rub your tailbone. Amen.
You, duck, you, splash, from the back to the threshold,
From the threshold to the road, the road to the field.
To be there, to lie there,
In the back of God's servant (name)
Never to be.
I will stand by my word,
I don’t let them in by force.
Oak tables, brocade tablecloths,
Baked pies, green wines,
Eat duck, drink spleck.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
From this hour, from God's order.


How to relieve knee pain

This conspiracy has great power, even if it does not completely relieve you of pain, but it will reduce it or make it tolerable, in a word it will somehow help. It will definitely help those who have swollen knees. They read the plot on a newly plowed field. The sick person himself needs to kneel down on the ground, cross himself three times and say the words: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

WITH that in the plowing, on the plowed boundary,
The earth does not groan and does not cry,
He does not cry or suffer from pain.
They cut her, stab her and beat her,
It is plowed, sown and reaped.
She gives birth every year
Nothing hurts her.
So my legs wouldn’t hurt,
My knees did not grow weak and did not grieve,
My bones did not groan,
The muscles did not swell.
And how Mother Earth lives long,
Never cries, never sheds bitter tears,
So my legs wouldn’t hurt,
They did not suffer and did not grieve.
Mighty earth, plowing, plowing,
You take the grain
In return you give its fruit.
Take my pain, take my illness,
Give me health and peace.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

Conspiracy for joint growths

For painful growths on the legs, heels, etc. - find a dry branch on a flowering tree and immediately break it with the words:

I break you, dry branch, along the crusty bones.
Just as I break you, branch, I will destroy the growths on the bones.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be healthy and don’t let your joints bother you!

Any pain is unpleasant, especially pain and aches in the joints. At a certain age, all the traumas of childhood and youth make themselves felt, this applies not only to athletes, dancers, but also to ordinary people. Excruciating and painful sensations in the joints interfere with life. There are several solutions - medicine, conspiracies, prayers. Everyone decides for themselves what to choose.

But it should be noted that although spells and prayers help relieve pain and reduce it, do not neglect medical advice. After all, it is easier to prevent illness initial stage than to deal with the consequences later. There are a lot of conspiracies and rituals, prayers that came from antiquity. This article discusses some of the most powerful and effective rituals.

In order for the ritual to relieve pain, you need to believe in your strength, in the power of the word. Without faith, there is no point in performing a ritual or turning to a magician. In order for the power of prayer and ritual to be as effective as possible, it is useful to follow several rules:

  1. Read the plot, believing in your power.
  2. You need to remain calm, without unnecessary emotionality.
  3. Be sure to wash your hands.
  4. Clear your mind, think only about good, bright things.
  5. Comply with all requirements specified in the ritual.
  6. Understand the meaning and essence of the ritual.

You should always remember that any ritual, prayer, conspiracy is an appeal to higher powers. During the ritual, be sure to respect those Gods from whom help is asked.

Consequences of conspiracies

Strong spells can relieve pain, but it is important to know that they cannot cure. Conspiracies have been used since ancient times. But you should use them wisely and be sure to consult a doctor for advice. When conspiracies are read independently, there are consequences only if the ritual relates to black magic; in other cases, there will be no reverse effect.

Strong and effective spells for joint pain

Conspiracy for pain in the legs and joints from Vanga

One of the most effective conspiracies is the ritual from Vanga. This ritual can relieve leg pain forever, and the first time. The spell is considered healing, the pain goes away regardless of the cause.

For the ritual you will need a tree: aspen is the most the best option. A tree in the forest will do, but it will also work in the city. It must look healthy in appearance; it is not recommended to perform rituals with diseased plants. It is believed that a strong, robust specimen takes away illness and fills the human body with health and life-giving force. The ritual is performed on any day, but only on the waning moon.

Carrying out the ceremony

Having chosen a tree, you need to come to it and stroke it. It’s time to rub your sore leg on aspen bark. Touch with your left hand and say the following words:

“I turn to you, Mother Aspen, servant of God (Name), I ask you to take away my pain and give health to my feet. I ask you to take away my illness, let it go to you, and let it go from you to the roots and into the damp earth, so that it can be there forever and ever. And give me strength and health, so that my little legs can stand firmly and reliably and walk as you stand. Amen. »

After such a ritual, your joints will stop aching and your legs will stop hurting; this is a very powerful spell. This is a completely white ritual, there will be no “return” from it.

Bath plot

  • An ancient effective spell that was used in ancient times. The ritual must be performed in a bathhouse. A broom is prepared for the ceremony, taking into account that it is best to use branches of such crops as:
  • nettle;
  • pine;
  • birch.

The broom is pre-soaked in hot water and the following words are pronounced over it:

“Bannik - father, bannikha - mother, I’m brewing a broom, I’m speaking for health, help me, charge the broom with the power of the bathhouse. So that I steam the bones, so that I steam all the joints, so that my arms and legs bend, so that the bones do not ache, do not hurt, and the joints do not creak. Let the healing steam drive out all the disease and infection from my cartilage. Amen."

After the broom is charmed and steamed, they beat the diseased areas of the body and say:

“There is an island in the blue sea, on that island the bathhouse is smoking. The fire in the oven flares up, heat and steam are produced. The bathhouse owner puts things in order there and greets visitors. Life-giving water, wash away the illness from me, I’ll walk with a broom and I’ll drive away the disease. I will heal my joints. Help me, father - bannik and mother - bannitsa, servant of God (Name). Key, tongue, lock."

The bath is very good for health, of course, pregnant women and people with heart pathologies take these procedures with caution.

Spell for aching joints with threads

One of the most powerful spells for aching joints is the ritual with red woolen threads.

For the ritual, a thread is cast and then tied to the sore joints. A small piece of thread is cut, it should be enough to wrap the sore spot on the body, place the thread on the floor, along the threshold, walk along it with the handle of a knife and say the following words:

“The thread was twisted, the fibers were twisted, and collected into a single whole. They turned it as they wanted, twist my pain, curtail my illness, drive it out of my joints and bones. The threshold is not public, but it sees everything, a witness of my prayer to you. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After this, tie a thread on the sore joint, after a short time the pain will begin to subside.

Full moon spell with coins

They believe that pain goes away as a result of positive energy flows entering the body; it is the forces of the universe and spirits that direct their flows to eliminate unpleasant sensations in the body. This ritual is performed only on the full moon, when it is clear and the moon is clearly visible. They take three small coins and some ordinary salt. They find a crossroads of four roads; it is advisable that no one is there. Bowing their head, they say the words:

“Small pennies, three coins, I give you the disease. I just ask you to give me the gift too. So as not to see or hear you, take the coins and go away. Take away the salt, take away my illness. As I command, so it will be. Amen."

Coins and salt are thrown over the left shoulder and quickly walk away from the intersection.

For rapid recovery of joints

For this ritual you will need three candles purchased from the church and a bowl of spring water. The ritual is performed at a convenient time.
Light candles and make a triangle out of them on the table, placing a bowl of water in the center. Wait 5-6 minutes and say the following words:

“Bright spirits, powerful spirits, heal the joints and legs of God’s servant (name), so that the ailment leaves, so that the pain goes away. Let your feet not hurt, stand firmly on the ground and run quickly, without knowing fatigue and illness. Amen."

These words are said three times, after which you need to take water and sprinkle it on the sore joints on the legs of the person for whom the ritual was performed. Drink the remaining liquid. Within an hour the pain will subside.

A spell for joint pain on things

An ancient method of getting rid of pain is to transfer the disease to a thing. This is a serious ritual, pain is transferred to an object using a spell, but this thing will need to be given away, and all the illness will go to the person to whom the object will be given. An accessory from the sick person’s wardrobe is taken and the following words are uttered at it:

“I drive away the illness, I drive away the pain. Let her go away and sit on (name of item of clothing), go to someone else, don’t touch me again. This is not your home, this is not your shelter, this is not your place, you are not welcome here. I am no longer your master, and you have no power over me either. Key, lock, tongue."

The item is either given to someone or simply left on the street, but the main thing is that it be picked up. All the disease will transfer to the new owner. This ritual has retroactive effect and is classified as black magic. After some time, a person will have to pay for violating someone else’s aura.

Plot for aches and pains on cream, ointment for joints

This ritual is performed with any medicinal ointment. Due to the power of words that are spoken about the drug, the ointment will become more effective and efficient. The main rule is an ointment for treating feet. It is valuable to use this drug once and then treat the areas on your legs where it hurts for several days. This ritual will help everyone.
The conspiracy can be done on any day of the week and phase of the moon. They perform the ritual both independently for themselves and for someone else. If a ritual is performed for someone, you cannot take money for performing the ritual.

To carry out the conspiracy you will need three church candles and ointment.

The candles are placed on the table in one line, lit from left to right, the ointment is placed in front of them and the spell is spoken seven times:

“As soon as this ointment touches the feet of God’s servant (the name of the person suffering from the disease, or your own), the pain will go away, the disease will disappear forever and will not return. Amen."

The candles must burn out completely, after which the ointment becomes stronger, but be sure to use it only as indicated in the instructions. The effect will be visible from the use of the charmed ointment almost immediately.

A spell to prevent your joints from aching at night

It is useful to clear your mind before the ceremony; it is advisable not to eat heavy food for two days. The ritual is performed at night, certainly on the waxing moon. The conspiracy is done either in the house or on the street; it is important to see the moon. Stand facing the moon and say these words:

“Pain, illness, aches, I conjure you. Stop whining and harassing me. My arms and legs hurt, they don’t let me sleep. My joints and bones ache. Go away, get away, pain, illness, aches. Before the moon I conjure you. Let the bones of God's servant (name) no longer hurt, let them sleep peacefully. Amen."

Conspiracy for joint growths

Very often, cartilaginous bumps and growths form on the legs, fingers, and heels. This is very uncomfortable and painful. So that they do not whine, do not get sick and do not grow larger, a conspiracy is read. To carry out the ritual, they find a dry branch on a tree that is all in bloom. They break it by saying the following words:

“I’m breaking you, dry twig, along the old bones that have grown. As I break you, let the growths on my bones also break. They will disappear, they will disappear, they will not come again. My spirit is strong, my will is indestructible, as I said, so be it. Amen."

After a short time, the growths will stop hurting and increase in size.

Conspiracy for pine decoction

Nature has powerful positive energy. In ancient times, all treatment was based on miraculous herbs and infusions. They thought that herbalists could heal any disease in humans. To relieve joint pain, a special infusion of herbs is used. To prepare the decoction you will need young, green, coniferous cones and needles. Place everything in a container and pour two liters of boiling water. While the steam is swirling, say the following words:

“Just as a tree cannot live without its cones and needles, twigs and leaves, so a person cannot live without its sheaths. I ask for health, I lure and speak to my sore bones. Spruce, pine, dear ones, help, heal my legs and joints. Take the disease to the roots and deep into the ground. And she will be there forever, she won’t get out.”

From the decoction, compresses and simple foot baths will help relieve fatigue and pain.

Ritual with bread for joint pain

This ritual is performed on someone who is in pain. You need to sit a person down and treat him with bread. While he is eating bread, the following words are said:

“The relics of the saints rest in peace, they do not hurt, they do not ache, so let the bones of God’s servant (name) heal. The cartilages don’t hurt, the bones don’t hurt, the arms move, the legs run, the back is straight, not a single cartilage ache. Just as the holy relics do not ache, so let the servant of God (name) no longer ache or ache. Amen."

They say it three times, after which the remaining bread is taken outside and crumbled for the birds.


To perform any ritual, it is advisable to cleanse the soul and mind. The mind must be bright. Do not perform the ritual if you have no strength or are unwell. A conspiracy will only be valid if you believe in it, this is the most important thing. Any conspiracy or ritual is aimed at relieving pain and alleviating suffering, but does not heal. Therefore, do not delay going to the doctor. After all, sometimes it is easier to prevent the development of a disease than to treat it later in its advanced form.

There are a huge number of moments in life when the likelihood of getting some kind of injury increases. For example, people who play sports constantly suffer from joint pain caused by frequent dislocations or fractures. Living with such pain is difficult, so each person is looking for his own path to recovery, some turn to doctors for help, while other people prefer to be treated with the help of God, namely prayer.

In bodily illnesses sent to us by the Lord so that we think about our sins, we should turn to the Mother of God for help.

Effective prayer for joint pain

If such painful sensations, many people turn to various saints or a guardian angel for help. But there is also a category of people who believe that turning directly to God will give a greater effect.

This prayer appeals directly to God's help and sounds like this:

“Strengthen my body, Lord. Give strength to the joints of my body. As the shadow disappears at noon from Your sunny face, so may the pain in the joints disappear. As the sun sets behind the horizon, my illness goes away. I put the cross on all pain in the joints and ask, Lord, to be burned by the fire of Your mercy. Lord, grant me a healthy and clean body. Let it be light and clean throughout your whole body. Amen".

You can say these words either out loud or to yourself. The main thing is sincere faith in God.

Prayer for joint pain using sunflower seeds

Then the following words are said nine times:

“Saint George rode on a white horse across the golden bridge, the horse stumbled, joint bumped into joint, vein pulled against vein, blood was found on blood, Holy saving prayer slave(s) of God(s) (Name) born (th), baptized (oh), prayed (oh), received communion (oh).”

While pronouncing the words, you need to use a sunflower seed to baptize and tingle the place where the pain is present.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow and St. Panteleimon

This prayer must be said directly in front of the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, so you can either buy a small icon for home or go to church.

If reading a prayer for joint pain is done at home, then place seven in one of the rooms. church candles, light them, place the icon of the Matrona of Moscow next to them and say the following words:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. I believe in holy healing, in your good prayer before God. Reject the illness that fetters my legs, so that the roads do not seem like a burden to me. Thy will be done. Amen".

The prayer to St. Panteleimon is read in exactly the same way. If the petition is addressed to him, then say the following words:

“Reverend Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Defender. The legs were tired, the pain had settled in, the joints were worn out from the load. You help people heal, give me strength to pray righteously. Thy will be done. Amen".

Regardless of which saint or saint the prayer was said to, at the end of its reading you need to cross yourself three times.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

Buy a small icon of Seraphim of Sarov, if this is not possible, then it is enough to buy an amulet with his image.

A person needs to kneel before the icon of Seraphim of Sarov and say the following words:

“From your youth, you loved Christ, O blessed one, and you ardently desired to work for Him alone, you labored in the desert with unceasing prayer and labor, and having acquired the love of Christ with a tender heart, you appeared as the chosen one beloved of the Mother of God. For this reason, we cry out to you: save us with your prayers, Seraphim, our reverend father. Help me, the servant of God (name of the patient), ask the Lord for forgiveness of my sins and healing from illness, so that my legs do not hurt. Amen".

The words are spoken three times. After this, without changing position (on his knees), the person must cross himself three times. This prayer service saved more than one person from such pain.

Prayer for dislocated joints

When such problems with joints are observed, and the treatment of doctors is very painful, therefore many people prefer prayers. It should be noted that holy words without proper medical influence can do absolutely nothing; they can only help in parallel with medications.

Usually, conspiracies for dislocation are read 3 times in a row, crossing the places of dislocation.

“St. Peter was walking, he tripped, joint bumped against joint, blood began to flow, vein struck vein against vein. Holy healer, help God’s servant (him) (her) (Name) in healing.”

Before reading this prayer, a red woolen thread is tied to the sore spot. The holy words are read twelve times, and with each pronunciation of these words one knot is tied on the thread. After twelve knots appear on the thread, tie it to the sore spot and be sure to remember to cross it.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for joint pain

To pronounce this prayer, prepare a small container with warm water. After the container is ready, turn your gaze to it and say the following words:

“Guardian angel, my patron, bless the water, So that it washes away the pain in the joints and muscles, Takes everything into an open field, into a dense forest, into the deep sea. As soon as the water leaves, it will take the pain with it. Amen!".

Water from the basin is used to wash the sore spot, and the remains are poured under the tree.

This prayer should be repeated daily, exactly until the pain completely leaves the human body. The optimal time for reading holy words is the morning hour.

Relieving joint pain with the Lord's Prayer and hands

Before you start reading the prayer, you need to rub your hands very hard, and then place them in the form of a cross on the sore spot ( working hand must be on top). After this, read the holy words “Our Father” seven times.

If the sore spot is located where a person cannot reach, and is not able to put a cross on it, then use the help of a loved one.

Bath plot for joint pain

This spell is very effective and even with current state medicine uses it all the time.

As the name of this plot implies, it needs to be carried out in a bathhouse. It is best to take a broom from plants such as willow, nettle, pine, birch, if desired, you can combine several of the plants. Before you start using the broom, you need to sprinkle it hot water. In the process of preparing the broom, the following words are said:

“Dear master, Father Antipka, dear mistress, Mother Anfisa, give me a broom for good health, so that my joints bend. Let them not break down so that the steam from the bath would drive all the sickness out of them. Amen".

“The bathhouse drives any disease out of the body,” people said.

After the broom is steamed, you need to carefully whip it on the sore spots and say the following words:

“On the sea-okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a five-walled hut. The chimney smokes, the fire burns, the flame blazes. You are the winds of the bathhouse, servants of the bathhouse, remove, blow away, wash off the aches, thorns, bone radims from all joints and semi-joints, from the tops, from the stretching of the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen".

If the pain does not go away after visiting the bathhouse, then this process is still very beneficial for the body.

Rules for reading prayers

  • Before you begin to read the holy words, you must wash your hands.
  • In the prayer service, invest all the strength of your own faith in God.
  • To obtain results, the reading must take place in front of the icon of saints and on your knees. If it is not possible to purchase an icon of a saint, then simply turn your face to the north and, while reading, imagine as clearly as possible the image of the saint to whom the request is directed.
  • If the prayer service is aimed at thanking God for the presence of food on the table, then pronounce these words while standing.
  • If a prayer service is carried out in places where people of other faiths are present, then respect must be observed.

If you follow all the above rules, the prayer service will definitely bring healing.

When the knees swell, hurt and swell, a person has a desire to get rid of unpleasant symptoms by any means. The best solution would be to contact a medical specialist who will prescribe treatment in accordance with the joint problems that have arisen. But for chronic pathologies, conservative treatment without surgery may help little. In this case, a spell for knee pain may be the most effective solution to health problems.

Rules for conspiracy

Spell for the treatment of the knee joint

If a person is preparing to read a spell, prayer or conspiracy on the knee joint, such an effect must be taken seriously. If you don’t believe that the enchanted swelling will subside and the pain will go away, then you shouldn’t even start the ritual. In this case, it is better to simply trust the knowledge of the doctor and the capabilities of modern medicine.

Accordingly, it is important to understand that those forces and spirits to which a person turns can manifest themselves in reality. They are able to cure the disease. But in the absence of respect, mystical energies can cause harm, aggravating joint diseases. Therefore, for any magical practices it is necessary:

Keep calm. Dejection and anger will attract negativity, aggravating the disease. But excessive fun can also offend the forces of the Universe. That's why best choice there will be a calm emotional state.

Maintain concentration. If you talk about your swollen left knee while thinking about shopping for tomorrow, then at best nothing will happen and you will be disappointed. In unfavorable situations, an unpleasant health situation can be aggravated.

Understand. A conspiracy is not a poem that you just need to remember and retell verbatim. These are ancient methods of addressing higher powers through symbols. And you shouldn't confuse them. Therefore, when addressing the spirits of nature, one should not remember the Christian God, Christ and the Holy Trinity. This can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Considering that spelling out illnesses is not so easy, it is better to contact an experienced specialist in this matter. This will greatly enhance the effect. A sincere desire to be healed will help overcome the lack of experience. But in this case, it is still better to consult with a healer or witch doctor, who will tell you how to do everything correctly.

Christian conspiracies

Minor swelling of the knee can be cured with a spell

Despite negative attitude to magic in Orthodoxy, church conspiracies are actively used to treat many diseases. Given the specifics of this religion, it is important to observe several additional conditions before the ritual:

  1. Fast. To ask for help from the Lord God and the saints, you need to cleanse your soul and body. To do this, it is necessary to fast three days before the start of practice according to standard rules. Alcohol, tobacco, intimacy are prohibited, as is savory food.
  2. Prayers. Any Christian conspiracy begins with “Our Father” in order to attract the attention of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the text of the spell, you must say a prayer of repentance.
  3. Secrecy. You cannot tell anyone about the plot for sore knees, not even the priest in confession. The ritual is performed strictly alone or in the presence of the person on whom the healing effect is planned.
  4. Attributes. Before the ceremony begins, you need to go to church and buy a candle. Her fire will protect from demonic forces during a conspiracy. It is also worth putting a couple of icons in the room. It is equally important to prepare other necessary ingredients in advance.
  5. Appearance. You cannot dress in bright clothes. A plain dress in pastel colors or a dull outfit would be more appropriate. You cannot wear a hat, braid your hair, or wear jewelry. The only exception is the pectoral cross.

Before you start reading the plot, you need to seek help in healing swelling and pain from your saint. It is better to memorize the text in advance or write it down without errors on a blank sheet of paper:

  • For knee pain. “My mother, Holy Mother of God, you curl your birch trees into trinity, you braid your ant-grass into wreaths, so do it so that my knees bend without pain, lightly and with dexterity.”
  • Bread. The sick person is given a piece of bread while the reading is going on: “The holy relics do not hurt, but the servant of God (Name) will heal his bones. Hands don’t hurt, legs don’t hurt, all joints and semi-joints, bones and bones, and vertebrae don’t hurt. Just as holy relics do not hurt, so the servant of God (Name) will not hurt. Amen." At the end of the ritual, the uneaten bread is fed to birds and animals on the street.
  • Night. It is read during a lunar eclipse or heavy cloudiness, when the luminary is hidden behind the clouds: “Lomotitsa, Shchipatitsa Bone radimez. All joints and semi-joints Boots, boots, do not creak, do not hurt. The servant of God (Name) so that she does not suffer anymore. Let me sleep. Amen".

Pagan rituals

Spell for knee pain

Before the advent of Christianity, people lived in close harmony with nature and often used its help to heal various diseases. This affected not only folk medicine and herbalism. Conspiracies for diseases of the knee joints often refer to various forces and spirits that help to heal.

It is important to remember that those forces to which a person turns will definitely turn their attention to him. Therefore, one must treat spirits politely and calmly, without fear, but also without arrogance, like older brothers and sisters. After the conspiracy, it is necessary to express gratitude for the help. If it is an element, a plant or a mineral, then a thought is enough. It is better to leave some treats for bathhouse attendants, water spirits and other spirits, for example, a little milk with honey and bread.

There are thousands of different conspiracies. Among the simplest and most widely known:

  • On the water. “Calm down, you lazy and aching one, from your violent head, from your zealous heart, from your clear eyes,
    from black eyebrows, from bones, from brains, from fingers, from joints and ducks; I'll give it up
    I will take you to the fast rivers. Mother fast water, when you go to the sea, take away the eyesores and aches from (Name) into the sea and the depths of the sea, to your very death.” The words are spoken under the waxing moon while water is poured from a full cup to an empty one. Then the liquid must be thrown out into the street or into the sewer.
  • To the moon. It’s best on a full moon, looking from your sore knee to the luminary: “Who will take all the illnesses with him, who will make me light and healthy? Moon mother, moon girl. Treat me, beauty, take away everything worthless from me. So that it doesn’t hurt, doesn’t ache, but just moves and jumps easily. I show you my aching legs, you take that pain to the dark side. Let no one suffer and let me not suffer. I give you everything that is worthless, and for that I thank you. I wish you good health, I am grateful to you immeasurably. Take it all, please take it all. And I will open my heart and shed gratitude.”
  • For arthritis. A burdock leaf is torn off and washed with water. Then rubbed with oil reverse side, repeating: “I smear the burdock with oil, it doesn’t help against flies, it helps with the grief that is sitting in the joints, I’ll show arthritis - I’ll smear the burdock with oil. Burdock and arthritis, nothing else hurts in this place.” The green plate is used as a compress, wrapped with a bandage on the knee at night.

When using conspiracies, it would be useful not to forget about conservative treatment. Higher power help those who are able to take care of themselves.

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