Why does irritation occur? Everything infuriates and irritates: what to do, the reasons, how to stabilize the emotional state and cope with irritation. Causes of increased nervousness

Every process taking place in the human body is regulated by the nervous system, which is responsible for overall health. For hundreds of years, medicine has maintained that most existing diseases are the result of a disorder nervous system. Irritability, the causes of which are becoming increasingly difficult to ignore, affects the nervous system, which instantly reacts to stimuli. People react differently: some with anger and aggression, and others quietly, but the inner experience remains equally strong.

What symptoms accompany irritability?

Many people note that it is difficult for them to control their behavior in such seconds. Their speech and coordination of movements change, even their eyeballs begin to move quickly. Next comes a response from the autonomic nervous system: the palms become cold and sweaty, the throat becomes dry, and goosebumps are felt throughout the body. The neurosis is obvious.

What are the main symptoms of neurosis?

  • tearfulness;
  • anxiety;
  • memory, thinking abilities, attention decreases;
  • sleep disorders due to overexcitation;
  • decreased potency and libido;
  • high susceptibility to stress;
  • touchiness, vulnerability;
  • fixation on a traumatic situation;
  • sensitivity to temperature changes, loud sounds, bright light;
  • autonomic disorders: fluctuations in blood pressure, disruption of the stomach, sweating, palpitations.

Causes of irritability

The main reasons for increased irritability are the following: psychological, physiological, as well as a reaction to medications and alcohol.

Physiological reasons:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • premenstrual syndrome or hormonal changes.

Psychological reasons:

  • lack of sleep;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depression and anxiety;
  • lack of vitamins.

For a person who is experiencing irritability and symptoms of instability, a surge of emotions can appear out of nowhere. For example, the noise of a drill, strangers screaming, renovations started by neighbors.

For some reason, most people believe that it is right to suppress any irritation within themselves, receiving as a reward the admiration of those around them for their endurance and willpower. However, this is very harmful to health and always leads to diseases.

If you talk to such people, in 90% of cases it turns out that they don’t even know how to deal with irritability and nervousness, if not suppress it. It turns out that you just need to make a slight correction of your perception, change your attitude, and all the negativity can be replaced with positivity.

It is known that accumulated irritability will lead to imbalance, mental breakdowns and chronic diseases. If you endure this constantly, a moment will inevitably come when it becomes difficult to restrain yourself, so the most innocent reason can cause a violent reaction. Dissatisfaction with yourself only adds fuel to the fire, and irritation becomes even greater. The neurotic state becomes so firmly entrenched that it will be impossible to get rid of it quickly.

Causes of irritability in women

What is the reason for women's irritability? There are many reasons why a fragile woman becomes aggressive and nervous, but in everyday life we ​​often hear the expression “unreasonable irritation.” However, doctors do not agree with this formulation of the question, believing that nothing in the world can happen without a reason. But a woman is always mysterious, so it’s difficult to guess and find out why she changes dramatically at one point or another. It is especially impossible to do this if you try to figure it out on your own without having a medical education.

What are the causes of irritability in women?

The reason for nervousness is workload

If there are a lot of things to do around you, and you can’t find helpers during the day, you have to do everything yourself, putting home, family, and work on a woman’s shoulders. Considering the mode women's day, you can see a whole list of responsibilities listed minute by minute. Early rise, gathering of all family members, the kids go to kindergarten or school, and she herself appears at work on time. There, the speed does not slow down, because you need to fulfill all your professional duties throughout your entire work schedule, which is sometimes irregular, and then return from work and household chores continue to rush around.

The ideal option is to assign your responsibilities to all family members. It may be difficult, but anything is possible.

The reasons for the emergence of an unstable state is the rejection of generally accepted norms in the behavior of society. If a person does not agree to live and work as the environment demands of him, it is natural that irritation comes. Many women note that in the workplace they have to pretend that everything suits them, obey, and ignore the shouts. All this has a depressing effect, while adding even more fuel to the fire. When returning home, when you can relax, negativity spills out on family members. The husband, children, pets and everyone who comes under the hot hand become to blame for all troubles.

How to be? Psychologists suggest taking an irritability test to determine how susceptible a person is to certain influences. All family members should be understanding, help morally, give some time to rest and recharge with new strength. If it’s a day off, you don’t need to sit with the whole family in front of the TV, because you can go outdoors, visit people, or go to entertainment venues. In a word, get distracted and change the situation.

Of course, it’s not good if the whole family always adapts, so you need to learn to love and respect yourself. Achieve respect at work, do not allow unnecessary responsibilities to be shifted onto yourself. If you are not happy with your job, you should think about changing it, choosing what is most important. Many people show determination and don’t regret it afterwards.

The reason for nervousness is too high demands

People who have low self-esteem very often try to increase their demands on themselves. When not everything turns out the way we would like, at work and in the family, irritability takes root in our minds. To avoid this, you should not compare the successes of other people with your own. You don’t need to pay attention to other people’s well-being, happiness, and forget about yourself. You just have to switch to yourself and how you would like your life to be, everything will begin to change. And the mood too.

The cause of nervousness is the physiology of women

Doctors and psychologists attribute female physiology to factors that can affect the state of the psyche and cause increased irritability. Monthly changes in hormonal levels are often the main reason for the surge in negativity. A lot of women experience this. Women's diseases can have a similar effect, so as soon as you suspect a problem, immediately go to the doctor.

What can you do to rid yourself of irritability? How to help yourself?

Be sure to find out the reasons. If these are hidden emotions that we do not allow to come out, we need to get rid of them. If you can’t do this on your own, seek help from a psychologist.

Rest. Take frequent breaks between work. Whenever possible, go outside Fresh air It will help you recover faster and take your mind off things that stress you out and make you behave impulsively.

Enter a control system. The mind should always be clear. Control yourself and calm down in time.

Learn to hold back if circumstances require it, but then reward yourself with pleasant time, relax and give yourself pleasure. Set yourself up in a good mood, no matter what happens - it will always help.

Irritability: main symptoms, causes and methods of combating


Snezhana Ivanova

Irritability can be compared to “rust” or “ulcer”, which destroys and destroys a person’s energy.

Life modern man filled with various stressful situations and conflicts. In addition, he is significantly negatively affected by the awareness of his helplessness and the impossibility of satisfying many of his needs and desires. The accumulation of various emotional reactions and being in a zone of chronic stress sooner or later leads to the emergence of irritability, which completely captures a person, knocking him out of his measured life and usual state. This irritability leaves an imprint on a person’s entire activity and begins to control his actions and behavior, disrupting a calm way of life.

A high level of irritability, and even more so a prolonged stay in such a state, inevitably leads to the depletion of a person’s physical and mental resources. Irritability can be compared to “rust” or “ulcer”, which not only destroys and destroys a person’s energy, but also makes him completely controllable by those events that contribute to an even greater manifestation of negative emotions and, as a result, the occurrence of aggressive reactions.

In principle, irritation can be characterized as a certain disadvantage of a person and a low level of quality of his life (physically and psychologically), and also consider it as an indicator of the line between a mature healthy person and a person with a painful condition and internal disharmony.

The essence and distinctive features of irritability

It is difficult to find a clear definition of irritability in the scientific literature, since it is not so much a specific reaction or action of a living organism, but a unique state of the human psyche. But it should be noted that irritability is a derivative of the word “irritability,” which in turn has a more precise definition, namely, a certain ability of any living organism to respond to various external stimuli (reaction to physical, chemical and other influences). Thus, irritability can be characterized as a property or characteristic feature to a person, indicating the strength of reactions to various stimuli or the ability to quickly respond to the most insignificant negative impact.

In psychology, irritability is understood as a person’s tendency to show inadequate and excessive reactions (emotional and behavioral) to stimuli that are no different in strength from other similar influences. Irritating information can come both through exteroceptive sensations (from the external environment) and through interoceptive ones (from the internal environment), that is, a person is influenced not only by other people and surrounding objects, but also by internal states (both physical and emotional) .

Quite often in everyday life, nervousness and irritability are perceived as identical definitions, although in fact they have significant differences. For example, nervousness (and just like irritability, there is no clear definition of it in the scientific literature) means increased level excitability of the human nervous system, which manifests itself when exposed to even weak external stimuli. Irritability is considered as a certain mental state, under the influence of which a person’s response (behavior and action) is inadequate in terms of the strength of the stimulus, that is, such a response is much brighter and stronger than the given situation requires. At the everyday level, they say about such people that they “break down over trifles” or “flare up like a match.”

Many modern psychologists and psychotherapists see the following in irritability:

  • fatigue and exhaustion of the human body and psyche;
  • negative habit or behavior pattern;
  • low level of self-esteem and increased anxiety;
  • dissatisfaction with living conditions (living within one's means);
  • lack of internal culture and lack of education;
  • intolerance, increased sensitivity, accelerated process of emotional response;
  • fussiness, uncertainty and internal imbalance;
  • an indicator of a weak personality with insufficient desire for self-development;
  • discrepancy between desires and needs and the possibilities of satisfying them (or rather, the impossibility of this);
  • a special form (emotional) of expressing dissatisfaction and claims;
  • erroneous perception of the surrounding reality (information, actions and actions of other people, events and various life situations).

Increased irritability of a person most often manifests itself in various forms manifestations of aggression, negativism, anger and bitterness, requiring external expression in screaming, crying, sudden movements and rash actions. If a person cannot control his increased irritability, the reasons for which most often lie in the discrepancy between his desires and available capabilities (or the discrepancy between the existing reality and the internal requirements of the individual), then such an emotional reaction will only intensify. As a result, it will develop into a stable one and eventually become a habitual way of reacting in similar life situations (a kind of dynamic stereotype will be formed). Therefore, if a person is prone to frequent manifestations of irritability, you should definitely think about developing self-control and restraint.

When does increased irritability occur? Causes and symptoms

All the emotional outbursts that a person experiences do not pass without a trace on his body and psyche, because being in such a state, the human body is poisoned by stress toxins and the psychological health of the individual is under threat. Moreover, if a person tries to control the external manifestation of irritability during an internal riot of negative emotions, this causes even greater harm to his mental state, contributing to the development of various psychosomatic diseases. And no matter how hard people try to control themselves, there will definitely come a time when self-control weakens and negative emotional reactions find expression in passive-defensive (tears, complaints, indignation) or open aggressive forms (screaming, knocking and clapping, swearing, fighting etc.).

Before you analyze the characteristics of a person’s manifestation of irritability, you should first understand what causes the appearance of such reactions, if this is not an innate personality trait (by the way, these are quite rare cases). So, What can cause irritability in a person? The reasons are as follows:

  • possible diseases of some organs that are hidden or latent in nature and lead to serious hormonal changes(diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as problems associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland);
  • severe stress and, as a result, subsequent exhaustion of the human nervous system;
  • chronic fatigue (long-term overwork), depression and some neurological diseases (for example, epilepsy);
  • post-traumatic reactions as a consequence of prolonged experiences after traumatic situations;
  • (both in work and in personal life);
  • side effects of certain medications.

Along with physiological reasons, increased irritability can be formed under the influence of psychological factors, such as the presence of fears and phobias, high level anxiety, inadequate sleep disorders and mental exhaustion, psychological addictions (alcohol depression, nicotine, drugs, etc.), the presence of chronic stress and dissatisfaction with oneself or one’s situation. The reasons for the manifestation of irritability are presented in the table.

Causes Characteristic
As a consequence of the disease Disorders of the thyroid gland, diabetes, brain tumor, stomach or duodenal ulcers, neurosis and various neuropsychiatric diseases (schizophrenia, psychopathy, dementia, epilepsy).
Physiological Increased reactivity of the central nervous system, lack of vitamins in the body, hormonal disorders, taking certain medications, drinking alcohol and other substances
Psychological Stress, affective states, frustration, increased anxiety, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, neuropsychic exhaustion and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Like any behavioral and emotional reaction, irritability can be identified by the presence of certain symptoms. It not only finds its manifestation in aggressive forms of human behavior and expression of anger, but is also always accompanied by physiological manifestations, such as rapid heartbeat, breathing problems, and changes in intonation in the voice. Symptoms of this emotional reaction are:

  • blood pressure rises, heart rate increases and pulse quickens;
  • stiffness is felt in the cervical spine and shoulder girdle;
  • breathing disturbances are observed (it becomes more frequent or it is intercepted);
  • a person’s movements become sharper and jerkier;
  • the movement of the pupils accelerates (the eyes “run around”);
  • the timbre and intonation of the voice changes, as well as the speed and volume of speech;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa, attacks of nausea and dizziness appear;
  • increased sweating is also possible;

How to get rid of it?

Increased irritability, as a negative human reaction, can cause harm not only to the people around you, but also to the person who manifests it. The fact is that any negative emotional manifestations necessarily affect both the physical and psychological health of a person. In addition, a high level of emotional response prevents an individual from easily adapting to rapidly changing living conditions and successfully realizing himself both in work and in personal life. That is why, if a person very often experiences increased irritability, he must certainly take measures to form volitional control and develop a higher level of self-regulation of the emotional sphere.

Most reasonable people who are subject to such emotional manifestations and understand that this brings harm to both themselves and loved ones, be sure to ask themselves the question “how to get rid of irritability and can this be done without the help of a specialist?” The answer is quite simple, if you realize your negative reactions, then it is quite possible to cope with the problem that has arisen on your own, you just need to master some techniques of self-regulation and control. Sometimes a person is required not so much to develop self-control skills as to try to change his habits and adjust his daily routine. So, for example, those prone to irritability should:

  • change shifts more often various types activity (this is especially true for those who have a predominant choleric type of temperament and they tend to get irritated when doing the same work, especially monotonous work, for quite a long time);
  • psychologists advise changing mental work to physical work (for example, if a person has been preparing a complex economic report for a long time, he should distract himself for 30-40 minutes and go for a run in the nearest park or square);
  • It is imperative to monitor your diet and the amount of fluid you consume, since a lack of nutrients and vitamins, and even more so a feeling of thirst, often provokes the appearance of negative emotions and, as a result, irritation occurs;
  • if a person finds himself in a stressful situation, it is necessary to get out of it as quickly as possible and switch to activities that bring positive emotions (you just need to remember a place or event when you felt most comfortable, protected and happy);
  • You need to monitor your schedule, especially not to forget about time for rest and sleep.

What not to do:

  • You should not replace activities that cause such a reaction by watching TV or playing on a PC (the fact is that when irritability appears, treatment is usually aimed at relieving pressures and emotional stress, and watching TV or playing on gadgets activates the work of the cognitive and emotional sphere, therefore relaxation never occurs);
  • you should not resort to alcohol as a means to calm the nervous system, because it is known that an excess of this substance causes the opposite reaction, namely, that a person becomes even more hot-tempered, sensitive and irritable;
  • Nicotine also will not help a person restrain emotions, because the fact that many consider the smoking process to be calming is a misconception, since nicotine promotes vasoconstriction and, as a result, a sufficient amount of blood with elements nutritious for nerve cells does not enter the brain, which leads to frequent headaches, bad mood and nervousness.

If simple changes in activity and diet do not help a person, it is necessary to resort to developing self-control and self-regulation. In that The following methods and techniques will help:

  • relaxation of facial muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle (we relax the muscles of the forehead, around the eyes, mouth, for example, when smiling or pronouncing various vowel sounds, and the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle can be well relaxed with the help of ordinary physical exercises);
  • breath control (you can use breathing exercises borrowed from yoga or do the usual breathing exercises with alternating calming and mobilizing breathing);
  • techniques of imagination and visualization (emotional memory is activated, positive emotions are recreated and pleasant sensations, emotional balance is restored);
  • autogenic training and autosuggestion.

If you cannot cope with your emotional state on your own and irritability constantly returns, treatment in this case is prescribed with medication, using a complex of special medications and various procedures (physiotherapy, massage, etc.). In very acute cases, a person may be referred to narrow specialists - medical workers (neurologist, psychiatrist), and if this happens, then in no case should you ignore it and self-medicate, as this can lead to quite serious problems.

You, of course, know that they are often blamed for emotions and mood. There is some truth here, and a significant one. And the main roles in the play based on the novel “Besit” are played by this company.

1. Estrogen and progesterone are female sex hormones.

Their level and proportionality change during the cycle. Hormones give you a set of vivid sensations in the form of PMS. Or rather, not really them. Emotions are a reaction to changes in hormonal levels from the central nervous system(CNR). Have you ever wondered why some women experience premenstrual syndrome relatively calmly, while for others life is not pleasant? Yes, the first ones are unpleasant, lucky individuals, but that’s not all that matters.

“If the central nervous system reacts so painfully to hormonal changes, there are some problems in the body,” explains endocrinologist at the Atlas Medical Center, Ph.D. Yuri Poteshkin. – For example, there is not enough serotonin, which should be released in moments of joy, and the mood regularly tends to be depressed. Or pain on the eve of menstruation and other sensations in the body are so unpleasant that they give a reaction in the form of irritation.” Conclusion: with pronounced PMS you need to go to the gynecologist. And then it will be seen whether they will prescribe you anti-inflammatory drugs, prescribe a COC, or refer you to a psychotherapist.

2. Thyroid hormones are hormones of the thyroid gland.

When too many of them are produced (this is called “hyperthyroidism”), harshness, aggressiveness, and outbursts of anger appear. In the extreme, everything turns into thyrotoxicosis - poisoning of the body with excess hormones (a condition that is dangerous even for the heart). Fortunately, this usually does not come to this; the patient is “intercepted” earlier. However, he still manages to show himself in all his glory.

“An important detail: the person himself feels good, his mood is often upbeat. Those around him are more likely to complain about him,” says Yuri. Therefore, if different citizens increasingly utter phrases in relation to your wonderful you like: “You have become unbearable,” “It’s impossible to deal with you,” there is a reason to contact an endocrinologist. An additional incentive should be the accompanying symptoms: hair falls out, nails become brittle, you constantly feel hot, the cycle is disrupted, and weight suddenly disappears.

By the way, a lack of magnesium in the body can also cause nervousness and irritability. Of course, you shouldn’t prescribe it to yourself (side effects and allergic reactions, plus you need to take into account interactions with other drugs), but if something happens, getting tested and consulting with a specialist won’t hurt.

Everything is annoying due to fatigue

The so-called manager's syndrome (synonymous with chronic fatigue) is a common thing today. Workaholics, managers, perfectionists are accustomed to living on their own, ignoring their physiological needs, saving on food and sleep. How can you not growl? " Gradually, this leads to depletion of the body's resources, and asthenia, a painful condition, may develop., which is on initial stage it is precisely characterized by increased excitability and irritability (and then lethargy, apathy, drowsiness develop, up to anxiety and depressive symptoms),” says Alexander Gravchikov, a neurologist at the Atlas Medical Center. If rest in this state does not help, you need to go to the doctor and start an examination: it is possible that some sluggish chronic disease is eating away at you from the inside or psychopathology is developing.

And by the way, be careful with sedatives. “Even the seemingly harmless valerian can give side effects, including liver dysfunction (when there is such a predisposition), digestive disorders, increase the risk of blood clots, continues Alexander, in case of hypertension, instead of a calming effect, have a tonic effect, and sometimes lead to apathy. In general, taking something on your own is not a good option.”

Everything is annoying because of the psyche

Your health is fine, there is no psychopathology, but you still live like on a volcano? This is the definition of your emotions given by our expert psychologist, Gestalt therapist, researcher at the Center for Professional Education of ASOU, teacher Victoria Chal-Boriu: “ To enrage means to make someone extremely angry." The latter, as Vika explains, we need in order to survive, protect ourselves, and also establish social connections, distance in communication, build and regulate relationships with people and the environment.

If you're angry about something, it means it's important to you. And this feeling is the power to somehow adapt something meaningful to yourself, use it better, integrate it into life, or, conversely, push it further away. “Then an extreme degree of anger may indicate that one of the described processes has been launched, some of the needs - to stay alive and/or to be with someone - require fulfillment.” So rabies is very much about relationships. Let's talk about them then.

In principle, it is natural to be angry. Especially in a society where there are so many people - and, accordingly, there are also many demands on the individual. Plus rudeness and aggression at every turn. " We get mad when we endure for a long time, consciously or unconsciously.“We don’t know how to do it any other way, we miss early signals from the psyche and don’t make decisions about how to cope with what doesn’t suit us,” says Victoria. - There are those who don’t hesitate. If you don’t like something, you immediately hit, shout, move, trample. It's easier for these people. For them, relationships - in principle or with a specific person - are not a valuable thing.” There’s no point in straining yourself here, just go to hell and there’s no problem.

It’s another matter if social connections are important or even extremely valuable (which is typical for neurotics): say, you are terribly afraid of losing a friend or boyfriend. Either your hands are tied, for example, by corporate culture and it is impossible to tell the idiot customer to go to hell. Then, in order to preserve the relationship, you have to take a patient position, remain silent, adapt in order to be close to someone or not lose a lucrative contract. And then all that remains is to suffer.

“When everyone and everything infuriates you, it means that everyone and everything is very necessary, but you can’t take anything important from people or the environment. There is a lot, a lot of power that is not used. It looks like despair associated with the inability to reach people,” continues Vika. But here a natural question arises. And if you, say, snapped at the saleswoman, yelled at the boss, discussed with your friends the bastard who didn’t call, isn’t this a burst of energy? “In anger, it is important where and how to direct it, our expert retorts. - It would be good for business. By yelling at your boss, you are unlikely to be able to establish contact with him; achieve your goal - even more so. When a person raises his voice, a release occurs and the tension seems to decrease slightly. But otherwise everything remains the same.” Moreover, there is an added feeling of guilt: oh, maybe I shouldn’t have offended Sergei Petrovich!

Who did you forget? A manicurist who is so interested in the future of your family. It would seem that this is just someone, but she definitely doesn’t mean anything to you. But it’s annoying! However, you also have to build relationships with “unnecessary” people and establish the correct distance. It is possible that you let the lady get too close - and now she is already invading your personal life, one might say, coming to your house, sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee. It is more convenient to discuss such cases at an appointment with a psychologist. Why does everyone become so important? Perhaps it’s the lack of good close relationships: while they don’t exist, you bring just anyone closer to you.

What to do if everything is annoying

“The beauty of the situation is that you have choice, opportunity, and most importantly, the strength to change everything,” sums up Victoria Chal-Boriu. And he offers to work productively with it. So, when everything gets annoying...

  1. Stop, sit down, or even lie down.
  2. Allow yourself to spend time just for yourself(fifteen to thirty minutes).
  3. Localize your feelings: feelings, tension, tingling, trembling.
  4. Honestly clarify who and what doesn’t suit you. Don't forget anyone, including that guy in the elevator who didn't let you go ahead. Don’t rely on your memory, take a piece of paper, a big one, and write everything down.
  5. Look how wonderful people are– they will all be similar in some ways. Group them according to the degree of rabies they cause or the qualities that offend you.
  6. Analyze what type of relationship these groups symbolize, by distance: for example, inner circle, buddies, outer circle.
  7. The hard part begins. You will have to admit to yourself what specific things you would like in each of these types of relationships. And then show responsibility and do something.

    For example, crowds in the subway are annoying. This is a distant circle that maliciously invades your life twice a day during rush hours. What can you want in such a relationship? Of course, move a bunch of people further away. But you understand: they won’t move on their own. Choose what you will do: put on headphones or aggressive clothes - dirty, dirtying those around you; you will start growling at everyone passing by, pushing, meditating; buy a car or start walking; Eventually, you will change jobs.

    In the inner circle, the settings are more subtle, although the needs may be similar. Move away or bring closer? Protect your borders from invasion or make closer contact? Again, decide for yourself. Ignore and tolerate, take risks and get closer, be interested in your partner or ask him not to do something? Finally tell your husband: let him give you flowers at least once a month or pick up your child from school. Or take the risk of discussing with him what doesn’t suit you about sex. At worst, ask him to tell his mother something important: she is not a member of your family.

    Colleagues and partners. Professional relationships are a separate sphere, with a special type of distance and rules established, alas, not by you. But you can still choose whether to follow them or not, realizing, of course, that this is only your responsibility. There are options: obey and get angry, obey and accept, obey and negotiate possible changes in working conditions.

    If you want to enter into a relationship, be in it, make up your mind and take a risk - start approaching people. Pay attention to them, notice how different they are (and sometimes strange, yes), be interested, be curious, invite them to communicate. Be sure that your “body movements” will not go unnoticed.

  8. When you have already begun to take all these responsible actions, observe whether anything changes, and try not to immediately devalue what is happening. Phrases like: “I do, I do, but nothing happens” quickly return you to your original state - and, of course, save you from change. Maybe that's what you need? Sometimes being mad is better than enduring changes in your life. And this is also your decision and your choice.

/ 21.03.2018

Severe nervousness treatment. Irritability: what causes it and how to deal with it

What is irritation? Experts describe the condition as a manifestation of negative emotions towards a situation or person. The causes of irritability are varied; it can be a symptom of a disease or a character trait. But outbursts of anger spoil relationships with other people. How to deal with irritability?

Why am I irritated

What do they say about excessive irritability? Irritation and irritability mean increased excitability. A person reacts to any minor situation with anger. Any little thing causes nervousness and irritability. Why is this happening? Let's look at the main causes of irritability.

Features of the nervous system

With choleric temperament, hot temper is not a pathology. Usually such people quickly calm down and can ask for forgiveness for an outburst of anger.

Stressful situation

Irritability sometimes manifests itself when changing jobs, moving, prolonged stress, or chronic lack of sleep. A person may be in a bad mood due to illness or fatigue. As a result, even the calmest people can become nervous and irritated. In most cases, the mood and emotional sphere returns to normal when the life situation improves.

Alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco addiction

In this case, the person reacts with anger in the absence of a specific substance that causes withdrawal. Increased irritability is associated with a dependence syndrome, which leads to severe physical and emotional discomfort.

Hormonal disbalance

Increased nervousness often occurs during pregnancy, menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

Diseases of internal organs

With any illness, not only fatigue can occur, but also excessive irritability. Symptoms are especially characteristic of thyroid diseases and neurological problems.

Psychological difficulties

  1. Depression. The disease is combined with low mood, fatigue, and insomnia. Sleep disturbances can cause nervousness.
  2. Neuroses. Fatigue, anxiety, symptoms of depression, and constant irritability can be symptoms of neurosis.
  3. Post-traumatic stress disorder. The condition occurs in people who have experienced severe trauma. In addition to apathy, angry reactions, insomnia, nightmares, and obsessive thoughts are observed.

Psychiatric diseases

  1. Schizophrenia. When the disease begins, unexplained irritability and aggression may be the first signs. Schizophrenia is combined with isolation, anger, and suspicion.
  2. Dementia. A disease of old age, people acquire it after a stroke or age-related changes. In young patients, dementia occurs due to infections and severe traumatic brain injuries. Patients with dementia are prone to outbursts of anger, tearfulness, fatigue, and impaired logic, memory and speech. Irritability is combined with anger; patients cannot explain the reason for their anger.

How to deal with irritation?

If severe nervousness and outbursts of anger interfere with your life and your loved ones suffer, you should take the advice of specialists. It is important to identify the cause and exclude serious illness. Sometimes it is the underlying disease that needs to be treated, rather than a single symptom. How to deal with hot temper and irritation?

Pay close attention to yourself

It is worth paying attention to your body and mood. It's useful to do some analysis. What makes you angry? What situations? It could be hunger, fatigue, discomfort. Psychologists recommend taking into account your physical needs so as not to let dissatisfaction enter your soul.

Physical activity

Constant sleep (sleeping from 3 to 6 hours a day) will lead to a state of chronic fatigue within a week or two. The constant desire to sleep causes nervousness, irritability, provokes aggression, nervous breakdowns on others. Naturally, in such a state it is difficult for a person to establish comfortable relationships both at work and in his personal life. Healthy sleep should last at least 7 hours (and with prolonged sleep deprivation, sometimes even 12 hours of sleep will not be enough for the body to rest).

To treat irritability, it is not recommended to resort to drinking alcohol and other alcoholic beverages; The same warning applies to smoking. Why? Because during smoking and drinking alcohol, the cells of the body (that is, all internal organs, including the brain and heart) are deprived of oxygen. Therefore, gradually, dose by dose, you destroy brain cells.

Alcohol dulls the sense of reality, a person forgets about all the reasons that could cause him irritability. But, at the same time, you risk acquiring a bad habit that is difficult to eradicate. Alcohol leads to depression and the ultimate loss of meaning in life.

Supposedly harmless coffee and tea also contribute to the fact that a person temporarily becomes active and cheerful, but after some time weakness and fatigue make themselves felt again. The maximum amount of coffee you can drink is 2 mugs per day.


Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of irritability, nervousness, stress and depression:

  • Take 1 tsp. seeds, pour 1 cup of boiling water and keep in a warm place for 1 hour. Afterwards, take the infusion as a medicine 4 times a day, 2 tbsp.
  • 1 tbsp. motherwort herbs are mixed with fresh zest of 1 lemon and 250 ml of boiling water. You need to infuse the medicine for 3 hours, take 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day after meals.
  • Therapeutic mixture for increased irritability and disorders of the central nervous system - 500 ml of honey, 3 lemons, 1.5 tbsp. walnuts, 3 tbsp. alcohol tincture of hawthorn, 3 tbsp. valerian. The ingredients must be crushed in a blender and consumed before meals as a medicine, 1 tbsp.
  • Hot bath with motherwort and valerian herbs.

Pharmacy remedies for irritability

To combat irritability and nervousness, you can use pharmaceutical products. Before using them, you must first consult with your doctor.

Irritability is the general name for manifestations of excessive, excessive sensitivity in relation to everyday impressions, both pleasant and, most often, unpleasant, especially those that are addressed to pride. For the most part, it is characterized as constantly occurring but short-term outbursts of discontent, relatively shallow manifestations of hostility, verbal and indirect aggression, focused on someone or something. (Dictionary of terms by Zhmurova V.A.)

Irritability manifests itself differently in everyone: some are overwhelmed by anger and aggression, others struggle to contain themselves, experiencing an internal storm of emotions. In any case, if you are irritated, it means that you are reacting emotionally to the situation, and it is significant to you.

Irritation, like any emotion, is a signal from our inner self. It occurs when there is something or someone that does not meet our expectations and ideas, some situation that takes us beyond our comfort zone. Irritation seems to tell us: “Stop. Look around. There is something you don't like and is bothering you. You can change this." This feeling can arise at different moments in life, and all people experience it. And that's okay.

When we talk about irritability, we already mean a not very pleasant character trait, the ability of a person to often react to others, showing precisely a feeling of annoyance and dissatisfaction.

Causes of irritability

Psychologists identify several causes of irritability: psychological and physiological. TO psychological reasons This may include fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, depression, etc. All these factors lead to a weakening of the nervous system, which ultimately begins to react to the stimulus.

For physiological reasons it is possible attribute a lack of any vitamins or microelements in the body. For example, experts say that women who diet are often irritated. This happens due to the fact that any diet is accompanied by a vitamin deficiency, which provokes a similar condition. Also, do not forget that the source of anger can be substances that enter our body from the outside. This is, for example, alcohol or certain medications.

The cause of irritation may also be a certain obstacle that arises on the way to the intended goal. And as a result, a person reacts with irritation to this obstacle, which disrupted his plans. People can be an obstacle, or circumstances can be an obstacle. Only one person will be helped by his frustration and anxiety to pull himself together, rethink his actions and achieve the desired goal..

Another may become irritable, that is, he will begin to react painfully to the very situation of failure, to the people who surround him, to some little things that may not even be related to the obstacle he has encountered. This state does not help in any way to overcome the obstacle and get out of the current situation, but only aggravates it. The result is anger, malice and aggression. Contacting a psychologist or psychotherapist would be the best solution, but it will save time and internal resources that are needed to solve the problem

In essence, irritation is just an emotion that is provoked by the environment and people. And how we react to it still depends on our own perception. And different people can have completely different attitudes to the same situation. For one it will cause anger and rage, for another it may seem funny and cheerful, and for a third it will even feel fear. For example, a broken plate will cause positive emotions in one person; he will think that this is fortunate and, to some extent, will even be pleased with such an incident. For another, this situation will leave sadness and sadness, because... it was his favorite plate. And the third will fall into anger and aggression, because cleaning up the fragments was not included in his plans.

A person is also irritated by what he is internally unable to accept in other people. These may be certain beliefs that go against his principles. And the person is sure that he is right, that his actions are correct and that everyone should agree with him and act exactly as he does. Therefore, when along the way we meet people with a different worldview, with different habits, many simply cannot internally come to terms with it. From this we can conclude that we ourselves may be the cause of our irritability. After all, if we are irritated by certain factors, this means that they own us, that we allow them to firmly establish themselves in our subconscious.

How to get rid of irritability

Everyone knows that an outburst of emotions in some cases can even be useful. But often irritability goes beyond all limits and ultimately becomes our negative habit. This requires urgent adoption of certain measures.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of the source of irritation, a radical change in the situation is needed. You need to get rid of the person who causes negative emotions, stop watching news and programs that can lead to depression, or stop reading certain information on the Internet that has negative consequences. bad influence. It follows that sometimes in order to get rid of the feeling of irritability, it is enough to simply get rid of the irritant.

But this will only work in a single situation. It also happens that we remove the source of irritation, but instead of the long-awaited peace, a new “intruder” appears. This happens when some object is a kind of “pear” for placing our emotions of anger and dissatisfaction. Therefore, getting rid of the source in this case does not help - our feelings remain with us, and subconsciously we look for new reason, which will allow us to react to what is happening to us.

You may find that there are many annoying situations. But they are all connected by something in common, this could be some character traits in others, violation of your personal space, violation of obligations by others, and much more.

And here the question arises, how do you deal with this? Do you know how to protect yourself from situations that are chronically traumatic? Can you convey to another what is for you? constant source irritation and change relationships? Can you minimize communication with those who are unpleasant to you? Do you know how to see and acknowledge character flaws not only of your own, but also of others?

You can find answers to these questions yourself or with the help of a specialist. They very often contain an understanding of the source of irritability - and this is the first step towards changing your emotional state and getting rid of your irritability.

It also happens that it is incredibly difficult to find the cause of your irritation. A person is involved in different situations, each of which can become a reason for anger and aggression. In this situation, experts in the field of psychology recommend writing down things that cause negative emotions every day for a week. Irritants can be completely different factors, including little things. For example, a picky boss or a queue at the store.

If there are many situations that irritate you and you are sometimes even surprised by the strength and harshness of your own reactions that arise in some minor moments, it’s time to seek help. Here it will no longer be a matter of the situation, but either

  • in the characteristics of your personality, excessive impressionability and anxiety (for example, very vulnerable people often cover up their internal defenselessness with aggression),
  • in an acute stressful situation and depletion of internal resources (increased irritability can, for example, appear when it is necessary to care for a seriously ill relative).
  • in your readiness to be “attacked”, criticized, condemned, devalued your views, etc., and therefore to an increased readiness to react aggressively and with irritation,

Psychotherapy for irritability

We are not always able to control our emotions. And sometimes it’s impossible to find the true reasons for irritability. In addition, such a search can lead, for example, to drinking alcohol. This method removes nervous tension and improves your mood, but only temporarily.

In a situation where irritability goes beyond all limits and causes emotional disturbances, it would be best to seek the help of a psychotherapist. It will help you understand the causes of irritability, and will also give correct recommendations in order to avoid a state of depression and irritation. A specialist is looking for each client individual approach, applies a special set of techniques that will be most effective for him.

The basis of psychotherapy in such a situation is aimed at ensuring that the client, first of all, is able to understand himself, to understand what exactly causes him to have attacks of anger and aggression and why this happens. And the specialist’s task is to help the client answer these questions and teach him to react less painfully to certain events and situations in life. Therefore, the first meeting with a psychotherapist most often consists of a diagnostic conversation, on the basis of which an individual technique for dealing with the problem is formed.

An integral part of psychotherapy is the technique of relaxation and self-control. After the client learns to control himself, the number of attacks of irritation will noticeably decrease. Your health will gradually return to normal, your mood and quality of life will improve. Help from a qualified specialist in problems of irritation gives a positive result, teaches you to treat many things much easier and simpler.

People react differently to a given situation, for some it may not evoke any special emotions, while others will throw them all out in a rush with great force. Such increased excitability in psychology is called irritability. It can appear at any age, with various symptoms.

An irritated person always causes negative emotions; he can be rude, insult, and even cause physical harm. Irritability is often considered a sign of temperament, in which case it is very difficult to deal with its manifestations. But there are cases when severe irritation arises as a result of the influence of external and internal factors. Why does it occur and how to deal with it?

Causes of irritability

Almost everyone is familiar with irritability; it often arises as a reaction to a person’s hectic lifestyle, which brings fatigue and frequent emotional turmoil.

Experts divide all causes into four groups, depending on the source of excitability:

  • Genetic factors;
  • Psychological factors;
  • Physiological factors;
  • Pathological factors.

The genetic factor manifests itself if increased excitability and irritability are inherited. In this case, it becomes a striking character trait and does not require treatment. The only thing that needs to be clarified is that it is usually difficult for such a person to adapt to society.

Psychological reasons include whole line factors that influence emotional and psychological condition person:

There is a person at work or among your immediate environment who causes irritation. He didn’t even lay a finger on you, but he infuriates you terribly. A way of speaking or something special in behavior. Is this a familiar picture? Let's look for reasons and figure it out.

Let's start with the fact that irritation is an unpleasant state and, worse than that, harmful. Therefore, do not look for an excuse the next time you experience a painful reaction to anyone. It's not a bad mood or Mercury retrograde.

“Whatever irritates others can lead to self-understanding,” Jung said. And he was certainly right. Other people are mirrors for us. If a person offends you, then this is an excellent reason to consider new information about yourself. Well, for example, as a child you were assured that “sticking your head out” is bad. You grew up timid and suppressed your own sense of activity and initiative. Think about who annoys you now? Upstarts, activists, initiators and people with ambition, right? Irritation does not arise out of nowhere. This is always our reaction to what we unconsciously forbid ourselves. Us or our parents. Our suppressed feelings most often manifest themselves through irritation. And they can be anything, be it anger or shame.

Why do we always notice all sorts of little things in others, but we don’t know how to look at ourselves from the outside? This is due to the imaginary image of oneself, loved and, of course, ideal in all respects. This is typical even for insecure and quiet individuals (a paradox, but especially for them). They sincerely believe that anyone is to blame, but not themselves. People by nature do not want to delve into their shortcomings, much less be aware of them. But the psyche is structured in such a way that the more we don’t like something about ourselves, the more we don’t accept it and project it onto others.

It’s more convenient to be angry with your neighbor Vasya than with yourself. And why does he always smile? What a scoundrel!

Another reason why incomprehensible irritation appears is envy. I don’t want to admit it at all, would you agree? And then, instead of admitting that we are simply jealous of a successful friend, we begin to get angry with her. We mistake her sociability for ingratiating herself with others, and her agility and easy-going nature for recklessness and frivolity. Or, for example, we can easily deceive ourselves in our desires: to engage in creativity, considering it something sublime, but in fact we want money and more mundane activities. We are afraid to admit to ourselves our own motives, thinking in stereotypical thinking or living up to other people’s expectations.

There is another reason why we lose our temper: our inability to work with our boundaries. We agreed to do something at work, for a relative or friend, through force, and were terribly tired. That's all. The process of irritation towards the “culprit” has begun. Of course, you were forced to do something that you didn’t want at all. The skill of saying “no” will help here so as not to suffer in the future and not to suppress yourself. Borders are our “home” and our security. They need to be protected and defended, and if that doesn’t work, new behavioral techniques should be tried and become a habit.

Unfortunately, irritation may not be a situational reaction, but an ingrained personal trait. It is characteristic of negative, self-centered and ill-mannered people. Here it’s not a matter of mirroring, but of banal disrespect for the interlocutor, inability to listen and react with restraint.

And let’s move on to our favorite question: what to do?

First, you need to admit to yourself that another source of irritation in the person of anyone is not to blame for anything and does not wish you harm. This really works and frees us from negativity. The ideal option is to keep a diary where you describe in detail what specifically angered you about the other person and what you think he should have done. In this way, you will bring out feelings and emotions that may have tormented you for a long time. In addition, consider whether there is any noticeable boasting or hypocrisy in you. Just be completely honest with yourself. Having discovered the cause of the hostility, you will feel how the irritation will go away and you will forget about it. If you accept your own shortcomings, you will instantly “allow” others to have them. And in general, calm down. After all, it’s better to be calm, even if imperfect, right?

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