Whose year comes in the year. Main characteristics. Choosing festive attire

Many people have heard that each new year has its own animal. It came to our culture from China. The Eastern calendar will help you learn more about the symbol of 2017.

The Eastern calendar has its own characteristics. Firstly, in the east people celebrate New Year not January 1st. The date of the celebration is constantly changing. Secondly, in accordance with ancient traditions, the celebration is not limited, like ours, to one day. Thirdly, each year has its own patron animal, and it is accompanied by a color that embodies one of the five elements.

Date of New Year celebration in China

In China and many other eastern countries, they celebrate the New Year at a certain period, choosing the date using lunar calendar. First, you need to remember one important date - the winter solstice. It falls on December 21st every year. This date corresponds to the longest night in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the shortest day. To determine the date of the New Year according to the eastern calendar, you need to find out when the second New Moon will be after December 21. This day will be the New Year.

Synchronization of the regular calendar and the lunar calendar in the east has been the norm since time immemorial. This time 2017 in China will begin on January 28th. As mentioned above, everything will not be limited to one day. The New Year in the east is celebrated for 15 days, ending with the Lantern Festival. During this period, the whole family gets together, even if someone works on the other side of the world. This is a big event, and not just an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the day.

People make plans for the next year based on which animal will be their patron. In China and neighboring countries, this is of great importance.

2017 - Year of the Rooster

There are only 12 animals in the eastern calendar: pig, dog, rooster, snake, horse, rat, monkey, bull, sheep, tiger, rabbit, dragon. In addition, there are five elements that determine the color of the animal: metal - White color, fire - red, wood - green, earth - yellow, water - blue.

One animal of each specific color occurs once every 60 years. This time we are waiting for the year of the Fire Rooster. The Red Rooster is a symbol of pride and high self-esteem. People who know their worth will be very successful in 2017. Fire best emphasizes the character of this animal, for it loves attention and always wants to draw it to itself.

  • The animals go in the following order: rat-ox-tiger-rabbit-dragon-snake-horse-sheep-monkey-rooster-dog-pig.
  • The color or element is also determined in order: yellow-white-blue-green-red. Each color changes every two years, rather than every year. That is why the Fire Red Monkey was replaced by the Red Rooster. Next year, for example, will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

What awaits us in 2017 of the Fire Rooster

Chinese sages say that in 2017 the Rooster will be incredibly positive for weddings. You simply won’t find a better year than this, especially since it’s over leap year. Now you can go wild, choosing a date for the celebration. The numbers will not matter much because the Rooster wants to see changes in the life of every person. The more of these changes there are, the better it will be. Anyone who strives for consistency will be disappointed at this time, because the patron of 2017 does not tolerate boredom. If you don't want changes to happen on their own, control them yourself.

Look for new hobbies, ways to earn money and your love. The new friendship or relationship will be incredibly strong. 2017 will protect you from problems, giving you good luck in business, but do not forget that any coin has two sides.

Usually people at such times are deprived of any self-discipline. Few people retain the ability and desire to put themselves in the shoes of others. If you are one of those who maintain humanity and diplomacy in relations with everyone, then incredible luck in business will smile on you, but its fruits will be visible only in the second half of the year. Chinese sages warn anyone who wants to snatch a thicker piece of the pie - troubles await you, which will be successfully disguised as success.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, people love to command and lead, but they should not make this the main goal of life. This year will bring good luck to those who occupy leadership positions, but if you do not care about your subordinates, you may lose respect. Know how to make concessions and reward the most loyal people nice gifts.

Red in Eastern philosophy is the color of victory over evil spirits. Beliefs say that this color scares away evil spirits, freeing homes from negativity. Even in Feng Shui, the color red signifies strength and attracts chi energy. The two-year period of fire ends at the end of 2017, so it should also be devoted to spiritual cleansing, prayers, and reconciliation with enemies. In China, hostility is normal, but if you get into conflicts with loved ones and do not admit your mistakes or forgive the mistakes of others, then you will be greatly disappointed. Eastern peoples have believed this for more than three thousand years.

Avoid loneliness in 2017, because the Red Rooster does not tolerate despondency. Don't let circumstances get the better of you this year. Always be cheerful, because sadness and depression will only make things worse. This once again proves that only thoughts determine our destiny. Every person has a choice of how to see the world. The Rooster's job is to remind us that fate is not something that cannot be changed. Fate is built only by our inner world, which is reflected in everything that happens around us.

So, a surprisingly positive and dynamic year awaits us, which will definitely make you remember it for the rest of your life. The Eastern calendar warns everyone against problems, advising them not to lose composure and hope for the best. This will be the year of love, advancement career ladder and bright emotions. Let it become fateful for you and direct your life in the right direction. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The most favorite holiday on earth is New Year. Everyone knows that every twelve years the symbol of the year is one or another animal, fabulous or real, which has an impact on the nature of the passage of the allotted time. That is why any 12 months expected by people will differ from the previous ones in their exceptional features and traits. Information about the character, habits and habits of the symbol will help people not only prepare for the New Year, but also for life in it. To live according to energy and mood, you should learn more about this symbol. Readers are often interested in: what animal year is expected in 2017?

In this article:

General characteristics of the symbol of the year

2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. By the way, at the same time, the most serious of the planets, Mars, also comes into its own, so the time will be tense and active. The Eastern calendar says that it will bring financial stability to the country, strengthen its external borders, and raise its authority in the eyes of its neighbors.

Since the rooster is the only and authoritative head of a large family, this poultry has the following characteristics: it is brave, strong, daring and reliable. He always protects his home from strangers and enemies, protects the weak and is jealous of betrayal. Loves order and discipline.

He is very hardworking, careful and conservative, for which he always receives a reward. He will never be poor and sloppy; the key to life is leadership in all respects. But, unfortunately, he often loses his head, because by nature he is quick-tempered, combative and terribly amorous. You always have to be on your guard with the Rooster, as he is never “unarmed.”

The sign patronizes bosses, entrepreneurs and politicians. Professions such as doctor, teacher and actor will not be left without attention.

New Year 2017 color palette

In 2017, the patron will be scarlet, and the element, accordingly, will be fire. What makes the symbol of the year cocky, ardent, passionate, jealous and amorous. The color of the year will paint people's relationships in brighter colors, but everyone must be careful and not succumb to the influence of the fiery patron.

Any minor passions negative character may lead to unpleasant consequences. You should also beware of entering into conflicts, because during its “kingdom”, the fiery color seems to imbue people with some kind of aggression. Temper and recklessness will actually be in the air.

Politicians need to be especially careful; the entire civilian population will depend on their decisions, and the scarlet and fiery color will not allow them to remain in the shadows and keep silent in front of their opponents.

This symbol not only has a fearless character, but also a fighting color: it gives preference to everything bright, defiant or golden.

Bright red, burgundy, yellow and orange colors will symbolize this year. When it comes to clothes, you should choose them in order to live all 365 days in harmony.

The Rooster also welcomes dark blue, purple, green colors- they are present in its plumage. The color of ashes and smoldering flames will be held in high esteem.

You should definitely wear gold jewelry - it will attract wealth and good luck in all your endeavors.

How to celebrate the Year of the Rooster?

First of all, it should be said that he is very strict towards women. It is the weaker sex who must approach the question with full responsibility: “What to wear to celebrate the New Year 2017.”

Wardrobe in bright colors

First, choose the right wardrobe. Give preference to red or the above-mentioned bright colors of red shades.

All jewelry must be precious; the sign does not like fakes. If the products are with stones, then these can be rubies, sapphires or emeralds.

The rooster will really like earrings: round or long.

Particular attention should be paid to earrings and heels. Earrings can be either in the form of rings or in the form of long threads. The heels should be thin with a metal winding, like spurs, then you will definitely please the owner.

Choose shoes with thin and high stiletto heels, like Cock Spurs.

You should not abuse the length of the dress; the Fire Rooster is very jealous of his women. It is best to choose a floor-length dress. But he doesn’t like simpletons either, so his arms and back can be exposed.

Do not dress in fur under any circumstances - predators are the first enemies of the rooster family.

Men can get away with detailing the costume; the representative of the eastern horoscope will not pay attention to them special attention. For example, it will be a scarlet tie, a red shirt, a bright striped jumper. But the stronger sex should also have gold jewelry; a watch or ring is most suitable.

You need to be very careful about your shoes. Preference should be given to patent leather items and long, elongated socks. Don't forget to thoroughly clean your shoes until they reach a mirror shine.

How to set the table?

Secondly, it is correct to set the table yourself. Despite the “polygamy”, the Rooster prefers gatherings in a narrow family circle. It is better not to plan trips to restaurants or clubs this night.

Be sure to put some treats on the table for the host of the holiday: cereals, grains and herbs.

Never cook poultry as a meat dish. You can serve fish, pork or beef, but it is preferable to serve a vegetarian table in the Year of the Rooster, excluding, of course, eggs. Those who take this issue very seriously remove them even from salads, leaving only vegetables seasoned with sunflower oil.

It is best to present non-traditional drinks in the form of cocktails. By the way, the word itself is translated as “Rooster Tail”, according to one version from English Cock - rooster, tail - tail, and according to another from Spanish - Cola de gallo rooster tail.

In any case, it is with mixed alcoholic or non-alcoholic cocktails that you will delight the patron of the year.

Gifts according to the symbol of the year

Thirdly, pay attention to gifts. ? Oddly enough, this sign is not distinguished by generosity, it can even be called economical, so gifts should be given that are practical and not very expensive. Household items, bed linen or towels are very suitable for this purpose, since the Cockerel attaches importance to household improvement.

As mentioned above, the Rooster is a very cocky guy, so he prepares a test of patience for temperamental people. They should try not to interfere in any disputes, much less in fights. It's better for bullies to keep their heads down.

The Fire Rooster will be a good advisor in all commercial transactions. He is pragmatic, practical and stingy, which is why he is good at solving financial matters.

And the symbol of the year simply loves romance novels and weddings; in 2017, everyone should be ready to meet their love. But, due to its nature, love may not be serious, and romances may be very short. The search for a permanent life partner is best left to the 2018 Dog with its loyal character.

Unfortunately, the political atmosphere of the country can be tense due to the sign's temper. Politicians should not make hasty decisions and be led by emotions. But on the other hand, the boundaries of the “family” will be strengthened, since it is economic and domestic, and the country will become more united than in previous years. There will be improvements in Agriculture and light industrial items of domestic production. And, of course, the country is expecting grain harvests, and the Rooster will try to make sure that this is exactly the case.

In general, the sign is quite firmly on its feet, so success in endeavors in various fields is virtually guaranteed. The ambitious Rooster will not allow any obstacles to stop him when climbing the career ladder. But this fact applies more to men or people born under his sign. He prefers to see women at home, taking care of the house and children.

According to the eastern calendar and horoscope, when calendar years change, the patron of each year of the twelve-year cycle is one specific animal, which conveys its protection, character, tastes and preferences to the year. In addition, the temperament of each animal is painted in a separate color and type of element, of which in the east there are five: fire, water, earth, wood and metal.

What animal is the symbol of 2017: color and element

The 2016 year of the Fire Monkey is being replaced by 2017, whose patron will be Fiery Red Rooster, bringing many surprises for everyone, both pleasant and not so pleasant. Thus, as you already understood, animal color, the patron saint of 2017 according to the eastern horoscope is red, respectively, the element of the year is fire.

Character of the fiery Rooster

It should be noted that the character of this animal is not simple. Of course, the Rooster is cocky, prone to idle chatter and selfishness, but he is conservative in the best sense of the word, he honors and respects traditions, age, and family rules. This animal is the symbol of the year 2017, but is not the most intellectual sign in terms of eastern calendar (horoscope), but at the same time, he is so intelligent and resourceful that he can easily lead the most difficult business if all his wards are ready to rely on his authoritative opinion (see what awaits us).

The Rooster achieves success not for the sake of money, although he considers it an indicator of his achievements in the career field, but for the sake of the final result. To avoid this, the Rooster should be raised from childhood to be a gentleman or lady leader, so that in the future such a person can make the right impression on others.

Horoscope for those born in the years of this animal

Women, born in the year of the Rooster, want to have access not only to the family sphere of life, but also to their own career. Even in the case of not the most brilliant feats in the working field, such a woman will simply wither away if she is not given at least a small opportunity to express herself outside the home. Men born in the year of this animal are not always careerists, but they often try to succeed in what life provides them: be it creativity, family, leisure, friends or something else - each side of their personality that is most expressed in a certain person , will require special attention.

Characteristics of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope

The Rooster is capable of spontaneity in money matters. This animal does not chase fashion, but is proud of the sense of proportion and style given to it by nature. If you want to impress a Rooster man, choose a cocktail dress with a string of pearl beads over all the newfangled excesses. A woman born under this sign will be captivated by a classic suit and gallant manners (see).

Roosters born in , promise to become especially receptive to beauty. Fire will manifest itself in them not only in the brightness of the feelings they experience and their manifestation, but also in the craving for natural beauty.

Many Roosters perceive what happens to them in life as very personal and often get upset over trifles. To avoid such sentiments, all loved ones should support their loved one, born in the year of this fiery animal.

Also see: , element and color.

The symbol of 2017 according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar is the Red Fire Rooster.

The rooster symbolizes, on the one hand, self-confidence, sociability, straightforwardness, courage, hard work, brightness, honesty, and on the other hand, vanity, arrogance, hot temper, stubbornness, conservatism, wastefulness.

Fire gives the Rooster authority. The color red gives him strength.

Red Fire Rooster - a born leader. He easily leads the team, captivating them with his ideas. At the same time, he never listens to objections or advice. Sometimes he should listen to the opinions of others and behave more correctly with others.

How to celebrate 2017

The Red Fire Rooster is a family sign. Therefore, it is advisable to spend New Year's Eve with close and dear people. It is better not to have a noisy celebration, but to celebrate the New Year quietly and calmly.

If the family has a tradition of traveling during this time and celebrating the event outside the home, in 2017 it is recommended to change the routine. After all, the host of the holiday loves the comfort of home and does not tolerate the extravagance that accompanies any trip.

At the same time, it is better not to skimp on fireworks, sparklers and garlands. The year of the Fire Rooster is coming - it’s worth meeting it “with a twinkle.”

What to wear

The rooster loves red and its derivatives - burgundy and purple. Therefore, a bright colorful outfit is suitable for New Year's Eve. The second most important shade is gold. You can choose gold jewelry that matches your dress. An accessory such as a feather will look original and appropriate, especially in a hairstyle or on a headdress.

There is a risk that everyone will wear red dresses to celebrate the New Year 2017. An outfit made of shiny flowing fabric - brocade, silk, satin or crepe-satin - will help you stand out from the crowd. It is recommended to choose a dress with a romantic airy cut. If you have to celebrate the New Year in an old dress, it is advisable to update it with accessories. A satin ribbon or bow is suitable for this.

You should not wear leopard or tiger-colored clothes - they can bring bad luck in the coming year. The rooster is not friends with the cat family, so he will remember such an oversight in his outfit for a long time.

What to gift

The owner of 2017 does not accept wastefulness and useless things. Therefore, it is better not to present any trinkets and souvenirs. It is advisable to give something that is useful in home life - a set of towels, blankets, bed linen, frying pans, steamers. Original version will be tickets to a concert, to the theater, to a spa salon, to a master class. The Rooster will regard such a gift as a useful event and will be favorable to the giver.

To appease the owner of the year and enlist his support, you need to present a figurine or image of the Rooster.

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