Which compliment is better for women? Multivitamins for women. Duovit for women


What vitamins and minerals do women at this age need? Which vitamin complexes contain them most effectively?

Preserving beauty and youth is a huge job that requires strict adherence to certain rules and normalization of the diet. Positive emotions, excellent mood, active lifestyle - this is not enough. It is important that the body receives a full range of important substances that ensure the full functioning of all organs and prevent premature aging.

What vitamins are most suitable for women under 25-30 years old? Which multivitamin complexes should you prefer and what are their features? Let's consider these questions in detail.

The most useful vitamins for women

Scientists have been able to prove that regular intake of useful elements guarantees prolongation of youth and good health. But what vitamins are most useful for girls? It is worth highlighting here:

  • Tocopherol (E)- a powerful antioxidant that stops the aging process and fights the formation of malignant tumors. It supports the functioning of the female reproductive system and accelerates the synthesis of estrogen. With a deficiency of tocopherol, a girl’s figure quickly becomes masculine.
  • Ascorbic acid (C)- an element known for its ability to strengthen immune system. In addition, it is called the beauty vitamin, providing powerful antioxidant effects. Regular intake of ascorbic acid keeps melatonin levels at a safe level. Otherwise, the risk of developing moles, age spots or freckles increases. So, “ascorbic acid” is one of the most important vitamins for girls under 25 years old.
  • Retinol (A)- an element that is found in sufficient quantities in carrots, pumpkin, apricots, eggs and fish. Its deficiency causes deterioration of the condition of the skin, the formation of cracks in the palms and feet. The corners of the lips also suffer, where cracks appear due to a lack of retinol.
  • Vitamin H- an element that should be present in the body of a woman of any age. Its action is aimed at normalizing the condition of the skin and strengthening the health of the mucous membranes. You can find such an important substance for the body in liver, peanuts and yeast.
  • Group B. Scientists have long proven that B vitamins are reliable helpers in normalizing the central nervous system. A deficiency of any of the representatives of this group leads to depression, sleep problems, drowsiness and other disruptions in the body. In addition, vision deteriorates, the skin turns red, and a burning sensation is felt on the eyeball. If we consider the most important elements, then the same B9 normalizes reproductive function, and B5 strengthens the hair follicles. B6 is also important, which helps in processing amino acids and accelerating muscle growth.
  • Vitamin D- a substance on the abundance of which the beauty of nails, the health of teeth and the strength of bones depend. Its intake is important at any age, regardless of gender.

We must not forget about the benefits of minerals:

  • The daily diet should include iron. This element is involved in the production of hemoglobin, which ensures normal oxygen transfer to every cell of the body. In case of deficiency, malfunctions in the functioning of cells occur, the skin loses its former appearance, becomes faded and unhealthy.
  • No less important calcium, which is required during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is worth remembering that the strength of bones and teeth directly depends on the sufficiency of this substance.

Useful vitamins for women by age

The most important elements for girls under 25-30 years old are discussed above. But for a complete picture, it is worth highlighting dietary recommendations for the fair sex of all age categories. Here it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • Vitamin complex for women up to 30 years old should include elements aimed at improving the condition of the skin and maintaining its youth. Thus, the additives Duovit and Alphabet are widely used. From vitamins, the body should receive tocopherol and folic acid, which ensures the normalization of the reproductive function of the female body. Also important are ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, and B12, which ensures an ideal supply of oxygen to the body. To improve health at such a young age, it is recommended to add zinc to the diet, which ensures normal hair appearance and eliminates wrinkles.
  • Women 30-35 years. During this period, it is important to protect yourself from the first signs of aging. If a vitamin complex for women under 30 should contain more tocopherol, now the emphasis is on vitamin A, the need for which is constantly increasing. In addition, to restore nails, teeth and hair, the diet should contain calcium, and to strengthen the central nervous system - representatives of group B.
  • Women 35-50 years. As in the previous case, the fair sex at this age should take retinol, which maintains the skin in normal condition. Tocopherol is also extremely useful, which delays aging and helps the body cope with dangerous radicals. After the age of 45, it is important to focus on complexes with a high content of B vitamins, which strengthen the nervous system.

The best vitamin complexes for women under 30 years old

The greatest difficulty for many is to decide which vitamins are best for girls, as well as which complexes to give preference to at this age. We dealt with the first question above. It remains to be seen which supplements are worthy female beauty most:

  • Supradin is a powerful complex that is sold in many forms and is suitable for girls and women of various ages. Today, syrups, regular or water-soluble tablets, and vitamins in the form of chewing candies are available on sale. The composition contains elements of group B, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, coenzyme Q10 and other beneficial substances. One tablet per day for 30 days is enough to strengthen the body and slow down the aging process. The best time to take it is autumn and spring.
  • Alphabet Cosmetics- ideal vitamins for girls 20 years old and older. This product contains a full range of microelements and vitamins that ensure healthy hair, skin and nail plates. So, it contains retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, etc. The unusual thing about the drug is that the elements are divided into 3 groups, each of which should be taken at a certain period - in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. The duration of treatment for girls is 14 days. Within a year, it is enough to complete two full-fledged courses.
  • Revidox is a world-famous drug that contains no synthetic substances. The supplement contains plant extracts that are natural sources of beneficial elements. It is based on grape seed and pomegranate extracts, which cover the body's need for antioxidants and slow down the aging process. Also, after completing the course, the skin becomes more elastic and the complexion improves.
  • Vitrum Beauty— high-quality vitamins for women 25-30 years old. Today, most therapists prescribe this particular drug. It's easy to explain. The Vitrum company has been on the market for a long time and has managed to earn popularity in wide circles. The composition contained a place for the most useful and important substances, including E, A, C, D, K, N and others. The manufacturer did not forget about the importance of minerals - calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, boron, selenium and others. At the same time, the company produces several lines of complexes that are suitable for both young and more mature women.
  • Complivit. Many drugs are produced today under this brand. This good remedy for girls under 25 years old, made using the unique “Shine” formula. The preparation contains the most important vitamins, as well as magnesium, selenium, zinc and other micro- and macroelements. A high-quality composition guarantees sufficient collagen production in the body, skin protection, bone strengthening and increased resistance to disease. Tablets are taken once a day. Course - 30 days.
  • Laura- a well-known vitamin complex for girls under 25 years old, the manufacturer of which is the Evalar company. This product belongs to the class of dietary supplements taken with food. “Inside” the product there are all beauty vitamins (C, E, hyaluronic acid and others). The thoughtful composition ensures full production of collagen, high-quality skin hydration and preservation of its youth. Taking a course of dietary supplements reduces the number of wrinkles on the face, provides a natural glow, and gives the skin an even color.
  • Perfectile- a high-quality product that is considered one of the best in matters of prolonging youth. This product from the English brand Vitabiotics contains the best vitamins for women that ensure healthy skin, strengthen the immune system, and accelerate the removal of dangerous toxins from the body. Perfectil contains representatives of group B, tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid and a number of minerals (zinc, manganese, magnesium and others).
  • Duovit- a complex of vitamins for girls, which today occupies a leading position in many consumer ratings. The composition contains the ideal combination of minerals and vitamins that the female body urgently needs. It is worth noting that Duovit does not belong to the category medicines, therefore it is allowed to take it without a doctor’s prescription. One tablet contains almost three dozen useful elements, including 15 minerals and 12 vitamins. The elements of group B and calcium deserve the most attention, ensuring healthy nails and hair and improving the general condition of the body. In turn, tocopherol and retinol keep the skin in perfect shape and smooth out wrinkles.

The choice of vitamin complexes today is wide enough to provide the body with useful elements, avoid many diseases and delay the approach of old age. This is especially important for women who dream of preserving beauty and youth for as long as possible. All this is possible if you approach the choice of drugs wisely and focus on the most important elements under the age of 30.

Taking vitamins is one of the ways to improve women's health. Even inexpensive drugs can replenish the balance of missing substances and microelements, as well as support the immune system and give strength to the body.

The Five Best All-In-One Vitamins for Women

Duovit for women (Slovenia)

One of the popular multivitamin complexes. It contains vitamins B, A, D3, C, E, H, as well as trace elements: iron, calcium, magnesium. Together they reduce oxidative processes in the body, prevent premature aging, and also “care” for the skin. It is recommended to take 1 capsule daily for a month. Price 30 pieces - from 400 rubles.

Artlife Formula Woman (Russia)

Inexpensive vitamins to keep the female body in good shape.

  • painful menstruation;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive system and their prevention;
  • delay of premature aging.

The composition allows you to cover the deficiency of 12 vitamins and more than 15 microelements. Take one capsule twice a day. The cost of 90 tablets is from 750 rubles.

Supradin from Bayer (Russia)

This is a multivitamin complex aimed at overall strengthening the body and maintaining normal metabolism. While taking it, an increase in immunity is noted, fast healing wounds, improvement of psycho emotional state. Take this way: dissolve the tablet in water and drink it with breakfast. The price of 20 effervescent dragees is about 650 rubles.

Doppelhertz Active A-C (Germany)

A balanced multivitamin complex for active women. Contains 13 vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, K, biotin, folic acid), as well as 14 microelements.

Women taking this drug note:

  • easy rise in the morning;
  • increased concentration;
  • improvement of mental and physical performance.

Daily dose- 1 tablet. The course of admission is 2 months. The cost of 30 tablets is 370 rubles.

BioTech Multivitamin (USA)

Inexpensive vitamins for women, the composition of which is impressive: 12 vitamins (A, C, E, D, group B), 9 minerals, as well as antioxidants. Due to the increased concentration of microelements, they are suitable for active women, as well as those who are keen on diets. Take 2 tablets per day for a month. Course cost: approximately 700 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for women's immunity

Selmevit Intensive (Russia)

The drug includes vitamins (A, C, E, as well as B1, B2, B6, PP) and microelements that effectively improve immunity and tone the body. Indicated in the autumn-winter period, as well as for stress and increased physical activity.
Duration of use: up to 3 months, 1 tablet per day. The cost of a monthly course is 350-400 rubles.

Centrum (USA)

Vitamins for general strengthening of the immune system and antioxidant effects on the female body. The complex is enriched with vanadium, which produces energy and stimulates the movement of blood cells to protect health from pathogenic bacteria.

There are several forms of release: chewable tablets and capsules, coated tablets. The course of administration is 1 tablet daily for a month. The cost of 30 tablets is up to 500 rubles.

Revit (Russia)

Some of the most popular and inexpensive vitamins with an extremely simple composition: A, B1 and B2, as well as C. This is enough to support the body and strengthen its resistance to viral and infectious diseases, as well as speed up recovery.

Dose calculation:

  • for prevention - 1 tablet twice a day for 1-2 months;
  • during the treatment of a cold - 2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

The cost of 100 pieces is 35-100 rubles.

Undevit (Russia)

Good composition The complex is combined with a budget price - up to 100 rubles. for 50 pills.

Contains vitamins B, A, E, C, and is also supplemented folic acid, nicotinamide.


The course of administration is a month, 1 tablet per day. During treatment and recovery - 2-3 pieces per day.

Vitrum (USA)

There are many variations of these multivitamins, but the classic version perfectly compensates for the lack of B vitamins, as well as A, E, C. The complex is indicated during periods of increased risk of getting the flu, colds, during recovery and during treatment with antibiotics.

Directions for use: course - 1-2 months, 1 tablet during or after meals. A bottle of 30 pieces costs about 500 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins after childbirth

Vitrum Prenatal (USA)

After childbirth, women's bodies are weakened, so the drug compensates for the lack of vitamins A, BC, E, as well as group B. Its composition is enriched with iron, calcium and zinc.

After a few days of taking it, women notice an improvement in their well-being, a surge of strength, and after completing the course, stronger hair and radiant skin. Dosage - 1 tablet per day after meals. A monthly course costs about 600 rubles.

Complivit Mama (Russia)

Inexpensive vitamins for women after childbirth, aimed at restoring the body. The drug contains vitamins and minerals that cover 75% of the daily dose of microelements.

The impact is aimed at:

  • increased hemoglobin;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • strengthening nails, hair and teeth;
  • tide vitality.

Take 1 tablet per day. The cost of 60 tablets is up to 300 rubles.

Doppergelz V.I.P. (Germany)

An active lifestyle and stress are the current state of young mothers, so it is important to replenish the balance of vitamins B, C, E, as well as trace elements: selenium, beta-carotene, calcium and zinc. The course of administration is 30 days, 1 tablet per day. The cost of packaging for 40 pieces is from 700 rubles.

Alphabet Mom's Health (Russia)

These are domestic vitamins developed for nursing women. Since during this period all macro-microelements from food enter milk, the composition includes: folic acid, magnesium, calcium and vitamins B1, B2, B5, C, K.

The peculiarity of vitamins is 3 types of tablets.

You need to drink 1 tablet of each color at intervals of 4-6 hours. For convenience, you can set an alarm. Package price (60 pieces) - from 300 rubles.

Elevit Pronatal (Germany)

The drug improves immunity, reduces the likelihood of postpartum hair loss, and improves overall well-being.

To compensate for the lack of microelements, the composition includes:

  • vitamins: A, C, PP, H, B1, B2, B5, B6;
  • minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc.

The course of administration is the entire period of lactation, 1 tablet per day. The cost of 30 tablets is up to 700 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for women after 30 years

Evalar Laura (Russia)

A unique formula developed specifically for women 30+ who want to rejuvenate their body.

Active ingredients of the drug:

  • vitamins E, C;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • wild yam extract.

The complex is aimed at prolonging the youth of the skin, normalizing metabolism, and strengthening the immune system. Directions for use: 1 tablet once a day for a month. The cost of the course is up to 400 rubles.

Lady's Formula Woman 30 Plus (USA)

In addition to the standard promises that vitamin complexes fulfill, pharmachologic effect the drug is aimed at:

The composition of the complex is unique, as it is a source of vitamins A, E, D3, as well as selenium, zinc, iodine and plant extracts. Daily dose - 1 tablet. The course of admission is 1 month. Its cost will be 700 rubles.

Opti-Women from Optimum Nutrition (USA)

One capsule is a source of 40 microelements (23 of them are vitamins). The drug is aimed not only at generally strengthening the immune system and reducing fatigue, but also at replenishing the lack of female hormones and increasing body tone. Take 2 capsules once a day with meals. The cost of a month of admission is 600 rubles.

Vitrum Beauty Elite (USA)

This is a unique multivitamin complex with an anti-aging focus. One capsule is a source of 15 vitamins, 10 minerals, 6 amino acids and 15 plant extracts.

The high cost compared to analogues (30 tablets - 1400 rubles) is due to the rich composition and high efficiency in:

  • improving skin condition;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • prevention of vascular diseases.

Dosage - 2 tablets after meals, 1 time per day.

Complivit (Russia)

Domestic-produced women's vitamins, due to their inexpensive cost (180 rubles for 60 tablets), allow you to take several monthly courses of taking them. Take 1 tablet at any time of the day after meals. The composition complements the diet of the average person and is aimed at maintaining immunity and reducing the effects of stress on the body.

Top 5 vitamins for women after 40-45 years

Qi-Klim 45+ (Russia)

A drug aimed at delaying early menopause. Black cohosh phytoestrogen is a source of vitamins A, C, E and L-carnitine, which:

Daily dose - 1 tablet. The price for a two-month course is up to 350 rubles.

Complivit 45+ (Russia)

A complete complex of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. The composition is aimed at replenishing the lack of microelements during the period before menopause, accelerating metabolism, and maintaining the beauty of the skin. Take 1 tablet per day. On the recommendation of a doctor, the daily dose can be increased to 2 pieces. The cost of a month of admission is 370 rubles.

Vitrum Beauty Lux (USA)

A “beauty” drug that covers the deficiency of 11 vitamins and more than 10 minerals.

These are general strengthening universal vitamins that:

  • suitable for winter and early spring;
  • cover the lack of microelements due to poor nutrition;
  • improve the well-being of women living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

A monthly appointment will cost 900 rubles.

Magne B6 (France)

After the age of 40, stress resistance decreases, which can ultimately lead to irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and tingling in the muscles. If you have these symptoms, it is advisable to take monovitamins that contain magnesium and B6 to replenish their balance.
Recommended daily dose: 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The cost of 50 capsules is up to 450 rubles.

Menopace (UK)

This is an excellent complex of vitamins for the onset of menopause and the prevention of early menopause.
The combination of B vitamins and pantothenic acid supports the production of estrogen, and vitamin C, along with magnesium and calcium, reduces the symptoms of early menopause. The daily dose is 1 tablet. The cost of the monthly course is 570 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for women over 50 years old

LadyVita 50+ (Finland)

After 50 years, the need for dosage of vitamins and minerals changes. Therefore, it is important to buy drugs with the appropriate mark.

This complex is different:

  • increased concentration of calcium and vitamin D3;
  • the presence of phytoestrogens;
  • low iron levels.

Take 3 tablets daily. The cost of 120 pieces is 1500 rubles.

Vitrum Century (USA)

A complex of vitamins and minerals (A, C, E, B, manganese, selenium, calcium), which has a general strengthening effect on the body of women aged 50+.

The effect is aimed at:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • protection of health from colds;
  • reducing the risk of heart disease.

Dosage: 1 tablet daily. A monthly course will cost 530 rubles.

Alphabet 50+ (Russia)

Inexpensive vitamins for women, which are a set of 3 tablets. They must be taken one at a time in any order throughout the day. This approach is due to the fact that the composition of one capsule contains vitamins that are combined with each other, thereby accelerating their absorption into the blood.

Doppelhertz active 50+ (Germany)

The optimal amount of 8 vitamins and 4 minerals to maintain good health throughout the day, increase productivity, and ensure the normal functioning of the elderly body. The course consists of a monthly dose of 1 tablet per day. Its cost will be about 300 rubles.

Mense (Russia)

A drug that combines 6 vitamins, isoflavones (phytoestrogens) and folic acid. This composition is aimed at reducing the manifestations of menopause and improving overall well-being.
Daily dosage - 1-2 tablets per day. Take for a month. The price of 40 tablets is about 350 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for the health of women's skin, hair and nails

Merz (Germany)

A universal drug aimed at:

The complex has a general strengthening effect for the whole body: increased immunity, rapid recovery and an influx of vitality. Dosage: 2 tablets per day (one in the morning and one in the evening). The cost of 60 capsules is about 780 rubles.

Vitrum Beauty (USA)

A multivitamin complex aimed at maintaining the beauty of hair, facial skin and body. It is recommended to take in the absence of a diet, as well as during increased physical and mental activity.

The first results in the form of reduced hair loss and strengthening of thin nails are noticeable already in the third week of use. The daily dose is 1 tablet per day. The maximum duration of treatment is 2 months. A monthly course costs from 800 rubles.

Aevit (Russia)

One of the most popular and affordable vitamins. The cost of 30 gelatin capsules starts from 20 rubles.

But, despite the meager price, Aevit is a powerful antioxidant that moisturizes the skin from the inside, thereby relieving the dermis of dryness and flaking, and the hair from increased oiliness. For the effect you need to take 1 tablet per day for 30-40 days.

Alphabet Cosmetic (Russia)

A complex of 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, which are aimed at improving the appearance of skin and hair, removing puffiness, and preventing pigmentation. A special feature of the drug is the presence of Q10, a powerful antioxidant.

The daily dose is represented by tablets of 3 colors, which can be taken alternately at intervals throughout the day or simultaneously. The cost of 60 tablets is about 450 rubles.

Perfectil (UK)

The drug shows results in the fight against alopecia, atopic dermatitis, eczema, accelerates the healing of wounds, scratches, cracks in the corners of the lips.

After completing a month-long course, girls note strengthening of their hair, absence of flaking on the skin and minimization of inflammation. Take 1 tablet per day. Cost of 30 capsules - from 600 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for menopause

Doppelhertz active Menopause (Germany)

A complex drug that helps combat the symptoms of menopause: irritability, sweating, hot flashes.

Inexpensive vitamins for women are designed for different ages.

It allows you to normalize weight, stop the destruction of bone tissue, strengthen the walls blood vessels. To maintain the body in normal condition, it is enough to drink 1 tablet per day. The cost of a monthly appointment is about 400 rubles.

Estrovel (Russia)

A rich complex that includes vitamins B6, E, K1, minerals and estrogens. The action is aimed at reducing sensations during the ebb and flow of the tides, renewing bone tissue, maintaining the balance of hormones and normalizing blood pressure.

Take 1 tablet per day for 2 months. The cost of a monthly appointment is 420 rubles.

Lady's Formula Menopause Strengthened Formula (Canada)

This complex is an alternative to hormone replacement therapy. Contains 7 vitamins, minerals and plant extracts.

The completely natural composition is capable of:

  • cheer up;
  • add strength;
  • reduce the symptoms of menopause;
  • stop the rapid aging of the body.

Vitatress (Russia)

Inexpensive vitamins for women during menopause are highly effective. After starting treatment, an improvement in mental performance, a decrease in the impact of stress and an improvement in emotional state are noted.

For prevention, it is prescribed to take 1 tablet per day, but in stressful situations it is recommended to increase the dosage to 4 pieces. The cost of 30 tablets is 170 rubles.

Femicaps (Finland)

The complex has a pronounced effect, since its components are able to normalize progesterone levels. This provides high-quality prevention of the occurrence of diseases of the female reproductive system, as well as relieving the symptoms of menopause.

Magnesium and B6 even out a woman’s emotional background, and vitamin E rejuvenates the body.

Effective yet inexpensive vitamins to support women's health can be found from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters: age, lifestyle, diet. Only then will they give noticeable results within a few days after the start of use.

Video: inexpensive vitamins for women

Cheap pharmaceutical products for female beauty in the video:

Vitamins for women in the video:

Women's bodies are more susceptible to environmental influences than men's, so they have more fragile bones, nails and hair that need external support. In this case, vitamins come to the rescue, having a beneficial effect on health and appearance.

Vitamin complexes help women slow down the process of external aging of the body and maintain health. They are designed specifically taking into account age-related changes and are intended for patients over 30 years of age.

All drugs in this category can be divided into several groups:

  • vitamins of group A. Preparations created on the basis of this vitamin class have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improving the process of cellular regeneration and increasing its elasticity and firmness. They affect the quality of vision and participate in the regulation of metabolic processes, thereby improving the general condition of the body.
  • vitamins E. The group of vitamins E helps slow down aging, which is expressed in loss of skin elasticity, increased fragility of nails and dullness of hair. In addition, they are involved in normalizing blood pressure and strengthening the immune system. But their most important property is prevention and reduction of the risk of developing cancer.
  • vitamins of group C. Preparations based on class C vitamins, which have a pronounced antioxidant effect and improve blood clotting. In addition, they take part in the processes of oxidation and reduction, and also improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Vitamin C is also very beneficial for nails and hair.
  • B vitamins. Preparations containing vitamin B have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system, thereby increasing resistance to nervous stress. They improve digestive processes and reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
Good vitamins for women protect against rapid aging and improve performance.
  • vitamins of group H. Such vitamins have a strong effect on the functioning of the digestive system. They can influence and speed up the process of losing weight, ensure the removal of accumulated excess fat from the body and help in the digestion of glucose. Also, such drugs can regulate the functioning of the central nervous system and help transport oxygen molecules to tissues.
  • vitamins of group D. The main task of preparations based on group D vitamins is the accumulation of minerals that participate in the redistribution of phosphorus and calcium.

There are many vitamin complexes from different groups that have different effects on the body, but almost all preparations consist of vitamins belonging to more than one class.

Such mixed preparations allow you to influence the problem comprehensively and solve all problems at once. But it is worth understanding that some of the substances are not only unable to work together, but are also harmful if taken together. Therefore, before taking different drugs It is better to consult a doctor.

Top 10 vitamins for women after 30-40 years from the pharmacy

Now the pharmacy offers a wide range of any vitamins, including those for women’s health and beauty. They all have a similar mechanism of action and properties. Below are 10 vitamin complexes that have a pronounced effect and are very popular.


Vitamins Aevit - good capsules for women are available in the form of small spherical gelatin tablets of yellow or brown color. They have no smell. Capsules are placed in cellular packaging of 10 pieces, of which there can be from 1 to 10 units in cardboard boxes.

Or one blister pack contains 150 tablets. The active ingredients of this drug are approximately 0.05 g of retinol and 0.1 g of tocopherol acetate. Used as an excipient sunflower oil.

The capsule shell contains:

  • glycerol (0.01 g);
  • gelatin (0.03 g);
  • natural instant coffee (0.0009 g);
  • methyl parahydroxybenzonate (0.0002 g).

One of the active substances, retinol, has a positive effect on visual function, improves bone growth and the functioning of the reproductive system. It also participates in various biochemical reactions of the body, improving its functioning. And tocopherol or vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and prevents the destruction of cell membranes.

It also regulates the functioning of the circulatory system. The drug is taken orally. The dosage should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body, clinical picture and the age of the patient.

Contraindications include age under 18 years and hypersensitivity to vitamin components.

Aevit is a fairly strong drug, so it should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Cost of vitamins: from 35 to 100 rubles.

Nagipol 2

Vitamins are available in the form of tablets that are brown in color with small inclusions of different colors. They are placed in plastic jars of 100 pieces. The vitamin complex is based on beer yeast autolysate. Vitamins E, B1, B2, and B5 act as additional substances. As well as zinc, selenium, calcium and iron.

The action of the tablets affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands, promotes hair restoration and prevents the development of skin diseases. The drug also reduces the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the body, thereby reducing the risk of developing melanoma. The drug is taken from 3 to 5 tablets per day with meals. The course of treatment continues for up to 30 days.

60 days after completion of the course, it can be repeated to consolidate the result.

If the patient lives in an area with unfavorable climatic conditions Nagipol can be taken for up to 3 months once a year. Vitamins do not have a strong effect on the body. You can buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor.

There is no data on their use during pregnancy, so it is better to consult your gynecologist. Nagipol is not recommended for use by children under 14 years of age, people with lactase deficiency and those who are sensitive to brewer's yeast. Price: from 169 rub.

Lifting 21

Good vitamins for women Lifting 21 are available in the form of soft or hard gelatin-based tablets with an opaque light or dark shell. Ini have a specific smell. Packed in blisters of 60 pieces in one cardboard package.

The vitamin complex includes the following components:

  • folic acid;
  • zinc;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • biotin;
  • copper;
  • thiamine;
  • tocopherol;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • riboflavin.

The capsule shell consists of gelatin, linseed oil, glycerin and lemon acid. The effect of the drug is to improve the condition of nails, skin and hair. It is involved in regulating the level of hormone production, cholesterol formation, cell renewal and red blood cells.

It should be remembered that the drug is not a drug, and it only acts as a dietary supplement, therefore it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. However, it is better to consult a doctor before use.

The only contraindications are individual intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Lifting 21 should be taken one soft and hard capsule with food. The duration of the course is 30 days, which can be repeated after 60-90 days if necessary. Price: from 170 rub.

AlfaVIT Cosmetics

Alphabet Cosmetic vitamins are produced in the form of tablets in cell blisters of 36 or 60 pieces in one cardboard box. It contains vitamins 3 different shades: green, yellow and orange. They differ from each other in composition and, accordingly, in impact.

The orange tablet contains 20 mg of ascorbic acid, 1.5 mg of vitamin B1, 3 mg of coenzyme, 0.5 mg of retinol, 200 mcg of folic acid, 14 mg of copper and 200 mg of inulin.

The yellow tablet contains the following components:

  • 100 mg para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • 50 mg ascorbic acid;
  • 30 mg nicotinamide;
  • 15 mg vitamin E;
  • vitamins B2 (1.8 mg) and B6 (3 mg);
  • 2.5 mg beta-carotene;
  • 40 mg magnesium;
  • 2 mg manganese;
  • 70 mg selenium;
  • 15 mg zinc;
  • extract from aloe vera leaves (30 mg);
  • 150 mcg iodine.

The green capsule contains: vitamin B12 (3 mcg), vitamin D (5 mcg), biotin (75 mcg), vitamin K (120 mcg), folic acid (200 mcg). As well as microelements, tea leaf extract, polyphenols and nettle leaf extract.

The vitamin complex, thanks to its division into tablets of different colors, affects the body precisely and does not cause side effects, which can give interactions between various substances.

The alphabet improves the condition of skin and hair, regulates well-being and maintains healthy appearance.

Also, due to the presence of coenzyme, the drug promotes rejuvenation.

You should take vitamins 3 times a day, one tablet of each color, with a break of 4 hours. However, all 3 capsules can be taken at one time. The course of treatment lasts about 30 days.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components of the complex and the presence of pulmonary hyperventilation.

Vitamins have a fairly strong effect on the body, so it is better to consult a doctor before using them. Price: from 530 rub.

Vitrum Beauty

Good vitamins for women Vitrum Beauty are available in polyethylene tubes placed in cardboard packaging, each containing from 30 to 100 capsules. The tablets themselves have an oblong-oval shape, convex on both sides. They are covered with an outer shell of a pale purple film, with small dark inclusions allowed. They have a specific smell.

As active ingredients, the drug contains macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron), microelements (zinc, boron, iodine, selenium), vitamins (C, nicotinamide, B1, B2, B6, B12, vitamin E, colecalciferol) and herbs horsetail.

Additional substances:

  • silicon dioxide;
  • small cellulose crystals;
  • stearic acid;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • croscarmellose sodium.

The tablet shell contains vanillin, carmine, indigo carmine, titanium dioxide and triacetin. The action of the drug is aimed at improving collagen production, thereby having a direct effect on nails, hair and skin. Vitamins also become involved in the metabolic process, normalize metabolism and have antioxidant properties.

It is best to take tablets after meals 2 times a day; in exceptional cases and to obtain a greater effect, the dose can be increased to 3. It is not recommended to take vitamins for people who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug and for children under 14 years of age. The drug does not have a strong effect on the body. The cost of vitamins is from 750 rubles.


Good vitamins for women Centrum are available in the form of film-coated tablets. They are oval in shape and the shell is peach colored. The letters “LL” are engraved on the surface of the tablet, and “C” and “I” are engraved on the other side, where the dividing line is drawn. Tablets are placed in 30, 60, 100 pieces in a white opaque polyethylene bottle with a screw cap.

There is a safety valve on the cap. This bottle is placed in a cardboard box. Instructions for use are included. As vitamin active ingredients, the drug contains vitamins: A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, D3, K1 and pantothenic acid.

The composition also includes mineral macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, silicon, manganese, potassium) and microelements (chromium, iodine, molybdenum, selenium, nickel, tin and vanadium). The tablet shell consists of dye and triethyl citrate polysorbate.

The drug also contains excipients:

  • stearic acid;
  • silica;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • crospovidone;
  • small cellulose crystals;
  • lactose monohydrate.

The effect of the drug is due to the properties of each of its components. In general, it has a beneficial effect on overall health, improves the well-being and condition of hair, nails and skin.

The course of taking vitamins lasts up to 30 days; tablets should be taken once every 24 hours after the first meal, washed down with plenty of water. It has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to its components. Price: from 570 rub.


Vitamin complexes Complivit are produced in the form of white biconvex chewable tablets with a slightly rough surface. A creamy shade of tablets with small gray inclusions is allowed. Has a light fruity scent.

The tablets are placed in white opaque polyethylene bottles from 30 to 120 pieces in each. The bottles are located in cardboard boxes one at a time. As active substances, Complivit contains 1.25 g of calcium carbonate and 5 mcg of colecalciferol.

There are also auxiliary components:

  • lactose;
  • povidone;
  • potato starch;
  • lemon acid;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • aspartame;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • flavoring

First of all, these vitamins participate in the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus, thereby improving bone tissue and increasing its strength. They also help improve blood clotting and cardiac function. In addition, the drug increases the production of parathyroid hormone.

Vitamins are taken orally with meals. The dosage depends on the purpose of administration. For the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in adults, it is worth taking 1 tablet 2 times a day. For calcium deficiency in children, vitamins are taken once a day, 1 tablet.

The vitamin complex is quite strong, so it has a number of contraindications:

  • hypervitaminosis of vitamin D;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • chronic kidney failure;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • decalcifying oncological diseases;
  • phenylketonuria.

You should take such vitamins with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding; it is better to consult your doctor.

The price of the drug is from 115 rubles.


Vitamins are produced in the form of white, film-coated tablets of 30 or 60 pieces in one polymer bottle, which is placed in a cardboard package.

Contains the following substances as active ingredients:

Vitamins Minerals
Ascorbic acid Iron
Thiamine Iodine
Riboflavin Calcium
Niacin Iagnes
Pantothenic acid Zinc
Folic acid

The drug is not a drug and belongs to the category of active biological additives that affect the regulation of metabolic processes.

The daily dose of the drug replenishes all the body’s needs for vitamins. Duovit should be taken with meals 2-3 times a day for 30 days. The only contraindications are individual intolerance to the components of the drug and the simultaneous use of similar dietary supplements. Price: from 490 rub.

Imedin Time of Perfection

Good vitamins for women Imedin is available in the form of brown biconvex tablets, placed in blisters of 15 pieces, which are in one cardboard package. The drug contains 3 active ingredients: 105 mg of seafood extract, 30 mg of Acerola extract and 100 mg of grape seed extract with the addition of soy polysaccharide and tomato extract.

The excipients are silicon dioxide and cellulose microcrystals. The vitamin complex is designed to combat skin aging and eliminate signs of aging. It smooths out wrinkles, restores elasticity to the skin and deeply affects its structure.

Imedin should be taken orally 2 times a day, preferably during meals, with plenty of water.

The duration of the course is at least 60-90 days. Contraindications are hypersensitivity to the components, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Children under 18 are not recommended to take such vitamins, because they are quite strong and are intended to solve age-related problems. Price: from 700 rub.

Lady´s formula ageless skin

Vitamins are produced in the form of oblong, round, white-yellowish capsules in blister packs of 15 pieces. 4 such packages are placed in cardboard box along with instructions for use.

The vitamin complex contains the following substances:

  • 10 mcg vitamin B12;
  • 12500 IU vitamin A;
  • 120 IU tocopherol;
  • 300 mg ascorbic acid;
  • 19 mg zinc;
  • 320 mg calcium;
  • 50 mcg selenium;
  • 125 mg horsetail;
  • 44 mg silicon;
  • 12.5 mg milk thistle extract;
  • 25 mg fructooligosaccharides;
  • 20 mg mucopolysaccharides;
  • 15 mg hesperidin;
  • 100 mg vitamin fruit complex.

The action of the drug is aimed at preserving youthful skin by slowing down the aging process. It neutralizes the effects of sunlight, improves cell renewal processes and maintains skin elasticity. The course of taking such vitamins can last from 30 to 60 days. They should be taken three times a day during meals, one capsule, with plenty of water.

Taking the vitamin complex is contraindicated for people with intolerance to certain components of the drug and for pregnant women. The cost of the drug is from 1000 rubles.

By choosing any of the above vitamins for women, you can get an excellent effect that will improve the appearance and general condition of the body. However, before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor, because some of them are quite strong and have contraindications for use.

Article format: Anna Vinnitskaya

Video about vitamin complexes for women

What vitamins should you take:

All women, regardless of age, try to maintain an attractive appearance. Vitamin deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin, the structure of hair and nail plates, well-being and emotional background. Natural suppliers useful substances Fresh and high-quality products are supplied to the body, but it is not always possible to cover vitamin deficiencies through nutrition. In this case, pharmacy vitamins designed specifically for women can help. The active components in vitamin complexes tone the body and restore an attractive appearance.

What vitamins are needed in winter and spring?

At the end of winter and beginning of spring, the body is weakened, as it has used up all its nutrients during the cold season. Vitamin and mineral deficiency is difficult to eliminate by changing the diet, so after winter you cannot do without pharmaceutical drugs.

During the scarce time of year, the female body especially needs the following substances:

  1. Retinol (A). Normalizes the condition of the skin. Eliminates dryness and flaking.
  2. Ascorbic acid (C). Strengthens the immune system. Reduces the risk of developing colds and infectious respiratory diseases.
  3. Calciferol (D). Supports healthy hair, nails, and skeletal tissues.
  4. Group B. Normalizes mental and emotional state. Improves protein metabolism. Increases the supply of oxygen to cells.

In the spring months, it is better to consume natural sources of vitamins: fresh plant foods, greens. After winter, a woman’s diet must include vegetables and root vegetables, citrus fruits, natural squeezed juices, dried fruits and nuts, honey, fish and seafood, and leafy greens.

What vitamins are good for skin, hair, nails?

To ensure that hair, skin and nail plates remain beautiful and healthy, it is important for women to regularly receive the following vitamins:

  1. Retinol (A). Protects epidermal tissues from the effects of external negative factors.
  2. Ascorbic acid (C). Stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers. Makes skin tissue stronger and more elastic.
  3. Calciferol (D). Helps calcium to be absorbed in nail tissues.
  4. Riboflavin (B 2). Regulates cellular respiration.
  5. Nicotinic acid (B 3). Helps hair and nail cells receive sufficient oxygen.
  6. Biotin (H). Accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues. Stimulates growth processes in nails and hair follicles.
  7. Unsaturated fatty acids (F). Normalize the secretory activity of the skin glands.

What vitamins do women of different ages need?

Manufacturers divide vitamin complexes into categories according to their intended use for women of different ages. Women at 30 need some nutrients, and women after 40 and 50 need others.

  1. . This age is the flowering of the body. It is advisable to take vitamin preparations to prolong internal health and external beauty. At this age, taking calcium and vitamin D is recommended. These substances prevent the possible future occurrence of osteoporosis. To maintain attractiveness and improve emotional state, it is recommended fish fat saturated with tocopherol. And to slow down skin aging, you should choose a drug with retinol.
  2. . During this period, the first signs of the oncoming menopause are noted. Hormonal changes occur in the body, and the amount of sex hormones in the blood decreases. During this difficult time, it is recommended to take complex preparations containing retinol, ascorbic acid and vitamin B 12. These substances strengthen hair follicles and nail plates, maintain skin elasticity, prevent obesity, eliminate memory problems, and reduce the effects of stress.
  3. . This is the height of menopause - the most difficult time for a woman. The body is in dire need of vitamin and mineral support. Complex preparations should be selected, including calciferol, iron, calcium, magnesium. Vitamin D during menopause prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis and breast cancer.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

Vitamin deficiency leads to serious consequences for the female body. Immunity weakens, problems arise with appearance and work internal organs, the cyclicity of menstruation is disrupted. The deficiency of each vitamin is accompanied by specific symptoms.

  1. Hypovitaminosis C. Collagen formation worsens, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity and the complexion becomes painful. The woman feels weak and apathetic, suffers from pain in the muscle tissue. The gums bleed, and blue vascular spots form on different parts of the body.
  2. . Visual acuity deteriorates, the surface of the eyeballs dries out. The skin becomes dry and flaky. Age-related wrinkles appear ahead of time.
  3. . The condition of the skin noticeably worsens. Libido decreases.
  4. . Bone tissue becomes thin and fragile. Joints hurt. Chronic fatigue occurs. Muscles weaken and convulsions occur.
  5. . The skin turns pale. Anemia develops. A woman suffers from insomnia and dizziness. Baldness is noted, nail plates become thinner and peel off.

List of the best vitamin preparations for women

The female body needs nutrients much more than the male body. During pregnancy, the body becomes exhausted and anemia develops. During the fertile period of life, women lose blood every month during menstruation. During menopause, many health problems arise. Therefore, at any age, women are advised to take a suitable multivitamin. Below are the names and descriptions of the best vitamin preparations for preserving the youth and attractiveness of the female body.

  1. . These American multivitamins deservedly top the rating of women's medications. The complex, intended for young representatives of the fair sex, includes all the important vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts. The composition in optimal concentration includes ascorbic acid, betaine, inositol, extracts of milk thistle, echinacea and ginkgo biloba. Plant extracts can increase blood pressure, so it is not advisable for elderly women to take the drug. The vitamins are inexpensive, although imported, costing about 650 rubles.
  2. Revidox. The premium vitamin complex, produced in Spain, is one of the best women's preparations suitable for use every day. Spanish vitamins do not contain synthetic components. The component base is extracts of pomegranate and grape pulp, grape seeds. These substances have a strong antioxidant effect. Antioxidants, flavonoids, microelements included in the extracts have a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthen hair and nail plates, maintain dental health, and slow down the aging process. Vitamins are expensive, but have no analogues. For a package with 15 capsules you will have to pay about 1,400 rubles, for a package with 30 capsules - 2,500 rubles.
  3. . The most popular and frequently purchased vitamin complex. The drug has a rich component composition and numerous indications for use. Typically, vitamins are prescribed for a poor diet, hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency, after illnesses and injuries. The composition contains vitamin A, tocopherol, calciferol, inositol, biotin, iodine, zinc, selenium and many other substances important for the female body. Women with thyroid problems should take the drug with caution, after consulting a doctor, since the composition contains iodine in significant quantities. The tablets are quite large and difficult to swallow. The complex costs an average of 1,200 rubles.
  4. . High-quality vitamins from the British company Vitabiotics, recommended for use in winter. The drug for skin, hair, nails has a restoring and strengthening effect. It helps your hair stay beautiful in winter, your skin not to dry out, and your nail plates not to split. The composition is saturated, containing retinol, group B compounds, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, biotin, coenzyme Q 10, and microelements. Vitamins are relatively inexpensive; a package of 30 capsules costs up to 800 rubles.
  5. . Inexpensive Slovenian vitamin and mineral preparation, suitable for women of any age, including only the most important components. Vitamins C, A, E have an antioxidant effect, improve the condition of hair and skin, calciferol and calcium prevent the development of osteoporosis, iron prevents anemia. The price does not exceed 380 rubles.
  6. . Good Russian-made vitamins to strengthen the body after winter and preserve beauty. The drug is sold in tablets containing vitamins E, A, C, group B, iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium, coenzyme Q 10 and other useful compounds. The active substances are divided according to compatibility into three tablets. The drug practically does not cause allergies or other side effects. The cost is about 500 rubles.
  7. Completing 45 plus. Popular multivitamins for older women. The component basis of the domestic drug is vitamins and hormonal plant extracts. Retinol and tocopherol slow down skin aging. Rutin makes vascular walls stronger. Group B compounds normalize the state of the nervous system. Selenium reduces the effects of stress. Motherwort extract restores emotional and mental state. Black cohosh extract, containing phytoestrogens, normalizes hormonal levels. The best Russian drug for prolonging youth costs only 300 rubles.
  8. Doppelhertz active. Effective German vitamins are sold in the form of lemon soluble tablets. Active components strengthen the immune system, improve the structure of hair and nails, have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, prevent varicose veins, and prevent thyroid pathologies. The drug is easy to use; the tube with effervescent drinks can be carried with you in your purse. The disadvantage of the complex is the rapid consumption of tablets. But the vitamins are cheap, costing only 220 rubles.
  9. Laura. Women's anti-aging vitamins from the Russian company Evalar. Intended for women over 30 years of age. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, necessary for youthful skin. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and improves blood circulation. Tocopherol has an antioxidant effect and is important for the beauty of the skin. Yam extract alleviates the symptoms of menstruation and maintains an attractive appearance. The drug is iodine-free, so it can be taken without fear by women with a problematic thyroid gland. The downside is a large list of contraindications. The cost of tablets is on average 440 rubles.
  10. . General strengthening Swiss vitamins produced by the famous company Bayer. The vitamins and mineral elements included in the composition normalize metabolism, stimulate tissue regeneration and cellular growth, and tone the body. It is recommended to drink a multivitamin preparation for hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, deterioration of hair and nails, and pregnancy. Before you start taking it, you should read the instructions, as there are contraindications. The average price is 660 rubles.
  11. LiveLon. Under this name, high-quality French vitamins from the famous company Vision are sold. The component base is plant antioxidants against old age and the negative effects of free radicals. The drug is recommended for women over 30 years of age to strengthen the immune system, prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles, improve metabolism, accelerate cellular regeneration, and normalize weight. The complex includes specific components, so it can cause allergies. Vitamins are very expensive, you can’t find them in pharmacies, you can only buy them on the Internet. The average price is 6,800 rubles per jar of 60 tablets.
  12. Wellness Peck for women. Swedish vitamins from the famous company Oriflame. The composition contains omega-3 fatty acids, the carotenoid astaxanthin, optimally combined microelements and vitamins. The useful components collected in the preparation are necessary to maintain a young and attractive appearance for many years. The complex improves the condition of the skin, stimulates brain function, normalizes the functioning of the heart and vascular system, strengthens the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect, activates metabolism, and maintains visual acuity. The vitamins cost about 2,600 rubles.
  13. . Multivitamins from the Russian company Valenta. It is recommended to buy a drug with optimally selected vitamins and microelements for women who are constantly mentally overexerted, have a poor diet, or have had an infectious disease. The tablets have a positive effect on the immune system, normalize metabolism, and saturate the body with energy. A package of 30 tablets costs about 410 rubles.
  14. Wellwoman. Doctors recommend buying these British vitamins for patients leading an active lifestyle. The drug tones the body, strengthens the immune system, and contains a full range of substances necessary for a woman. Indications for use: headaches, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, recovery of the body after a serious illness. The average price is 650 rubles.
  15. Art Life Formula of a woman. High-quality vitamins for girls who care about external beauty and internal health. The drug has a unique composition, including not only vitamins and mineral elements, but also lecithin, royal jelly, extracts of lemongrass, red pepper, and ginkgo biloba. Active components weaken menstrual symptoms, tone the body, increase performance, and eliminate signs of fatigue. The price is quite high, about 920 rubles.
  16. Univit Eva. Belarusian budget vitamins for the general strengthening of the female body. The composition contains retinol, calciferol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, group B, iron, magnesium and L-arginine. The active components have an antioxidant effect, inhibit aging, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, strengthen protective forces the body, stimulate metabolism, saturate tissues with energy, ensure complete mineralization of the skeleton and teeth, and help to endure stress more easily. The average price is 200 rubles.

Daily norms of vitamins for women

When taking vitamin preparations, you must consider daily norm consumption of nutrients. Women aged 20 – 60 years old are shown the following amount of vitamins per day:

  • retinol (A) – 1 mg;
  • tocopherol (E) – 15 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) – 90 mg;
  • calciferol (D) – 0.01 mg;
  • thiamine (B 1) – 1.5 mg;
  • riboflavin (B 2) – 1.8 mg;
  • nicotinic acid (B 3) – 20 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B 5) – 5 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) – 2 mg;
  • folic acid (B 9) – 0.4 mg;
  • cobalamin (B 12) – 0.003 mg;
  • biotin (H) – 0.05 mg;
  • phylloquinone (K) – 0.1 mg.

When choosing complex drugs, you need to take into account the compatibility of the active components with each other, as well as with other medications. Thus, retinol is perfectly combined with iron, zinc and tocopherol, and group B – with copper, selenium, and manganese. You should not take vitamins at the same time as tonics, alcoholic drinks, or antibiotics.

When taking vitamins, you should follow all medical recommendations. Typically, vitamin complexes are taken during or immediately after meals. Tablets or capsules are taken with a sufficient amount of water. The standard course of treatment lasts 1 – 2 months. Repetition of courses – 2 times a year.

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