mockery of women in WWII. Soviet women prisoners of war in German photos. What awaited a female sniper in German captivity

Drunk blood. Russian atrocities in Germany.

We will bring Justice on gunmetal to the cursed land of the Bolshevik geeks. Impunity and the triumph of the dregs of humanity continued for decades, but History knows no crimes that lasted forever. The longer the Soviet rabble celebrated its false victory, the stronger will be the punishing Retribution of the world of the descendants of civilized nations - a noble mission inspired by the memory of each of us.

Einsamer Krieger

All the words of Russians, in particular regarding History, must be understood in the opposite way. But few of the owners of civilized thought, even building a picture of the Russian anti-world, are able to independently present the facts that have become known despite the many years of bacchanalia of red propaganda.
The first of the following documents (thanks to for English original material) presents the events of January 16-18, 1945. in the city of Neustettin (Shecinek), captured by Zhukov's I army.
Testimony given by Leonora Geier, née Cavoa (b. 1925, Brazil), before returning to her country of origin (drawn up on 06/10/1955). Witnesses: Bernhard Wassmann, Reiner Halhammer, Manfred Haer, Kyrill Wratilavo.
The document was published in the Deutschland Journal (23.04.1965, issue 17), republished in Der Freiwillige (June 1995).
Published in translation into Russian Surzhik for the first time.

When orcs filled half of Europe...
“On the morning of February 16, the Russian division entered the RAD Wilmsee camp in Neustettin. The commissar, who spoke German well, announced the dissolution of the camp and the immediate transfer of us, as disbanded units, to the assembly camp. Since I was from Brazil, friendly to the Allies, he entrusted me with the command of a transport bound for Neustettin, on the territory of what seems to be a foundry. We were about 500 girls from RAD.

The commissar was very polite to us and placed us in the former foreigners' barracks at the factory. But 11 of us didn't have enough space, so I went to report it. He replied that this was, after all, a temporary accommodation and offered to go to the secretariat if the previous place was so crowded for me, to which I agreed. He immediately warned me to avoid any contact with others as members of a criminal army. My protests about the illegality of this were stopped by the threat of execution.

Suddenly I heard loud screams, two Red Army soldiers drove five girls into the room. The commissioner ordered them to undress. When they refused out of embarrassment, he ordered me to undress them and we all follow him. We walked across the courtyard to the former factory kitchen, which was empty except for a few tables by the windows. The poor girls were shivering from the terrible cold.

In a large, tiled room, several Russians were waiting for us, making what must have been obscene comments, judging by the way they were constantly neighing. The commissar ordered me to watch and learn how to turn the master race into miserable remains. 2 Poles entered, naked to the waist, the girls screamed at their appearance. They quickly grabbed one and threw it on its back on the edge of the table, so that the joints crackled. I almost fainted when I saw how one of them, taking out a knife, cut off her right breast in front of the others. After waiting a little, he cut off the left. I have never heard anyone scream as madly as this girl. After these actions, he stuck a knife several times in her genitals, to the joyful cries of the Russians.

The next victim begged for mercy, but in vain. The terrible torture lasted even longer for her, apparently due to her very good looks. The remaining 3 girls fell on their faces, crying out to their mothers and praying for a quick death, but the same fate awaited them. The last of them was almost a child, with barely developed breasts. They literally tore meat from her bones until her white ribs were exposed.

They cut the body of one of them lengthwise and poured inside a can of machine oil, which they tried to set on fire. The Russian shot another of them in the genitals before cutting off her breasts. There was a loud howl of approval as someone brought in a saw from a toolbox. They tore off the breasts of the others with a saw, and soon the floor was covered with blood. The Russians were in a bloody frenzy.
They brought more and more victims. I watched these nightmarish actions as if through a red mist. Again and again I heard the terrible scream that accompanied the cutting off of the breasts, and the loud moaning that accompanied the tearing of the genitals.

When my knees gave way, I was seated on a chair. The commissioner always made sure I was watching, if I vomited, they would stop their torture. One of the girls, who seemed a little older than the others, who were about 17, was not stripped naked. They doused her bra with machine oil, set it on fire, and drove a metal rod that came out of her navel while screaming in her genitals.

In the courtyard outside, girls were beaten to death with clubs after the prettiest of them were selected for torture. The air was filled with the dying cries of women. But compared to what happened here, being beaten to death was almost humane.
The slaughter was interrupted several times to wipe the blood off the floor and remove the corpses. That same evening, I was seized with a nervous fever. I don't remember anything until the moment I arrived at the field hospital.

German troops temporarily liberated Neustettin, where we were. As I found out later, about 2000 girls from RAD and BDM and other camps nearby were killed in the first 3 days of the Russian occupation.”

Much later, one of the participants in the fighting in the Neustettin area gave his own testimony, published together with the report of Leonora Geyer in 1995.
“I have read the testimony of the witness, Ms. Leonora Guyer. The accounts of the atrocities experienced and described by her are 100% correct. This is a typical reflection of the fantasies and slogans of Soviet propaganda with its main ideologist Ehrenburg. This atrocity was a tactic to force the German population into exodus from the Eastern Regions, and was the rule rather than the exception all the way to the Oder.

I have seen the following.
I was a panzergrenadier, trained on the most modern German tank of those days, the Panther. The surviving crew members were collected in Cottbus in reserve, where they remained ready for further action. In mid-January 1945, we were transferred to Frankfurt an der Oder, placed in a school building. One morning we were given infantry weapons: rifles, faustpatrons and submachine guns.

The next day we were ordered to march to Neustettin. We covered the first 95 kilometers or so in trucks, after which we forced marches of 140 kilometers a day. We had to reach a group of tanks prepared for us in the forest west of Neustettin. After two days and nights on the march, about 10 carriages entered the forest just before dawn. Two tanks were immediately ready for battle and guarded the access roads, while our weary comrades slept a little. By noon all the tanks, about 20, were ready. Our orders were the restoration of the front line, and the return of the cities and villages captured by the Russians. My platoon of 3 tanks attacked a suburb with a railway station and an open yard. After we destroyed several anti-tank guns, the Russians surrendered.

More and more of them came out of their houses. They were herded into the open yard and planted tightly next to each other. Then something unexpected happened.
Several of our women, running up to the Russians, began to stab them with kitchen knives and forks. We were responsible for the protection of the prisoners, I could not allow this. But no one stopped until I fired a burst into the air. The women retreated and began to curse us for protecting these creatures. They asked us to go into the houses and see what the Russians had done.

When we went inside, we were absolutely amazed. We have never seen something so unimaginably monstrous. The naked corpses of women lay in many rooms. Swastikas were carved into their bellies, some had their entrails torn out, their breasts cut off, their faces smashed into a swollen mess.

The torn bodies were tied to furniture by the arms and legs. One had a broom sticking out between her legs, the other had a brush, and so on. For me then young guy 24 years old, it was a crushing sight, beyond comprehension.

The women told us what had happened. Mothers were forced to watch how their daughters, still children and teenagers, were raped 20 times each, while daughters saw how their mothers and even grandmothers were raped. Those who tried to resist were tortured to death. There was no mercy. Many of the women were not from the locals, who fled here from other cities, fleeing from the Russians.

They also talked about the fate of the girls from the RAD, whose camp was captured by the Russians. When the massacre began, several of them hid under the barracks, fled at night and told us everything they knew. There were three of them. These women and girls partly saw what Leonora Guyer was talking about.

It is almost impossible to describe the condition of the women we have liberated. Emaciated, with crazy, expressionless faces. Some no longer spoke, but repeated the same words, randomly running around.

Seeing the consequences of these monstrous atrocities, we were terribly shocked and determined to fight. We knew that the war was already lost, but it was our duty and sacred duty to fight to the last bullet ... "

Nemmersdorf, Neustettin, Berlin or Budapest - differences in 44-45 years. did not have. With equal probability, this could be seen along the entire route of the red rabble of rapists, murderers and marauders from the Ukraine they occupied again. As the Bolshevik hordes moved to the West, the degree of their red rage grew, caused by only one reason. Breaking out of their filthy stall, Russian cattle saw that there is a civilized world, different from their usual eternal abomination and not willing to voluntarily become like cattle. The communist leaders needlessly feared for the ideological security of their slaves, who harbored a primordial hatred for everything human. The anti-selection of the perpetual cutworm turned out to be a self-regulating process that outlived its creators.

There were only a few exceptions who have long been dead and who then never were next to the horde of drunken, tearing accordions and throats every May 9 bastards, shaking slave trinkets, with the intelligentsia singing along with them discordantly - sixes (Rabichev, Solzhenitsyn, etc. "shy" accomplices of the Reds). While at the suggestion of a bunch of pathetic henchmen of the neo-Bolsheviks in the West there are inclinations to introduce a cult of self-humiliation and exaltation of the red rabble, the Russian offspring of murderers, rapists and robbers themselves go into enthusiastic lies about their own pride in the crimes of their slave ancestors, singing the neo-Soviet a dictator who boasts of striving for the image of the bloody tyrant Stalin. However, no less than a simple Russian emelka, who returned from any war - with his "exploits" and "trophies" behind a bottle in the yard.

The mistake of many, especially modern politicians, is the separation of the concepts of "Russian" and "Bolshevik" en masse. The reality of the voluntary recreation of the Soviet stall by 140 million of its population, as well as modern wars in Chechnya and Georgia, where there were neither "Jewish commissars" hated by many, nor red rags, showed the opposite. All the same Russian slave, who replaced the Soviet one, finds invariable pleasure in robbery, looting, torturing and killing civilians. In the rape of teenage girls by a crowd of drunken bastards with machine guns. In the destruction of EVERYTHING that is different from Russian dirt - the natural habitat of the result of the Bolshevik anti-selection, der untermensch.

We will bring Justice on gunmetal to the cursed land of the Bolshevik geeks. Impunity and the triumph of the dregs of humanity continued for decades, but History knows no crimes that lasted forever. The longer the Soviet rabble celebrated its false victory, the stronger will be the punishing Retribution of the world of the descendants of civilized nations - a noble mission inspired by the memory of each of us.

Article, all English-Russian translations and compilation are made by Nicolas von Schatz, a.k.a Einsamer Krieger, for Free Speech of MFF.

From time immemorial, war has been the domain of men. However, the Great Patriotic War refuted this stereotype: thousands of Soviet patriots went to the front and, along with the stronger sex, fought for the freedom of the Fatherland. For the first time, the Nazis encountered so many women in the units of the active Red Army, so they did not immediately recognize them as military personnel. Almost throughout the war, there was an order according to which the Red Army women were equated with partisans and were to be shot. But many Soviet women and girls were destined for an equally tragic fate - to survive German captivity, torture and abuse.

The horrific fate of female health workers in German captivity

Tens of thousands of female health workers were mobilized into the Red Army. Many, after completing a course of study, volunteered to go to the front or to the people's militia. Despite the humanity of the medical profession, the Germans treated the captured nurses, nurses and medical instructors with the same cruelty as the rest of the prisoners of war.

There are many testimonies of atrocities committed against Soviet female medical workers. A captured nurse or nurse could be raped by a whole company of soldiers. Eyewitnesses told how in winter they found shot Russian nurses on the roads - naked, with obscene inscriptions on their bodies. Somehow, Soviet soldiers found the stiff corpse of a nineteen-year-old nurse girl, impaled, her eyes gouged out, her chest cut off and her hair turned gray. And those who ended up in the concentration camp were expected to do hard work, inhuman conditions of detention, bullying and violence from the guards.

What awaited a female sniper in German captivity

Not a single army in the world could boast of such a number of snipers as it was during the years of the Great Patriotic War in the Red Army. Only from the middle of the summer of 1943 until the end of the war, the Central Women's Sniper Training School produced over a thousand snipers and more than 400 instructors. Female shooters inflicted no less damage on enemy manpower than male snipers. The Nazis were afraid and fiercely hated the brave Red Army women and dubbed them "invisible horror."

There are cases when German soldiers nevertheless showed some leniency towards young snipers, however, as a rule, the gender factor did not play any role. The girls realized that it was better for them not to be captured, therefore, in addition to the necessary sniper equipment, they took grenades with them and often, being surrounded by enemies, blew themselves up. Those who failed to do so were in for a terrible torment.

Yes, Hero Soviet Union Tatyana Baramzina, covering the retreat of her comrades, was seriously wounded, fell into the hands of the Nazis and was subjected to severe torture. Her body was found with her eyes gouged out and her head pierced by an anti-tank rifle.

Sniper Maria Golyshkina said that her partner Anna Sokolova was captured and, after sophisticated torture, was hanged. The Nazis tried to recruit female shooters who ended up in a concentration camp, but there is no evidence that any of them agreed to cooperate. The female snipers who passed the concentration camps preferred not to go into the details of being in fascist captivity, not wanting to remember the horrors of the past.

The tragic story of women scouts who were captured by the Germans

History knows many feats accomplished by young Soviet intelligence officers. The symbol of heroism and selflessness was the name of the Komsomol member Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, a fighter of the reconnaissance and sabotage unit of the headquarters of the Western Front. Yesterday's schoolgirl went to the front as a volunteer. In November 1941, while fulfilling the assignment of the command - to commit arson in several settlements Moscow region - fell into the hands of the Germans.

The girl was subjected to many hours of inhuman torture and humiliation. According to the owner of the house in which the saboteur was tortured, Zoya courageously endured the abuse, did not ask for mercy and did not give out any information to the enemy. All the inhabitants of the village of Petrishchevo were driven to a demonstration execution, and the fearless eighteen-year-old partisan managed to turn to her compatriots with a fiery speech. For intimidation local residents the body hung on the square for about a month, and drunken fascists, having fun, stabbed him with bayonets.

Almost simultaneously with Zoya, her colleague in the sabotage group, 22-year-old Vera Voloshina, tragically died. Residents of the Golovkovo state farm, near which the girl was captured, recalled that she, bleeding to death, beaten half to death with rifle butts, held herself very proudly before her death and sang the Internationale with a noose around her neck.

Soviet women not only showed miracles of heroism at the fronts. During their stay in captivity, they amazed the Nazis with their moral qualities.
Upon admission to the concentration camp, all women were examined by a gynecologist in order to identify venereal diseases. German doctors were surprised to state that more than 90% of unmarried Russian women under the age of 21 retained their virginity. This figure was strikingly different from similar data for Western Europe. Soviet girls demonstrated high morality even in war, where a woman was constantly among the opposite sex and was the object of their close attention.

While in places of detention, Soviet women were striking in their stamina. The prisoners were forced to exist in terrible sanitary conditions, without the slightest possibility of maintaining hygiene. In addition, they worked hard physically, often subjected to sexual violence, for attempting to avoid which they were severely punished. One more feature Soviet women prisoners of war was rebellious. So, having arrived at the Ravensbrück concentration camp, Russian women demanded compliance with the norms of the Geneva Convention, refused to go to work, declared hunger strikes. And having received a punishment in the form of several hours of marching along the parade ground, they turned it into their triumph - they paced, singing in chorus "Get up, the country is huge ...".

Look at the photo of the brave citizens of the Soviet Union, who, despite these horrors, found the courage to defend their country -

Below are excerpts from various books (I don’t remember the names, alas)

    Our past neighbors - grandparents - got married in the war. She was a nurse, she slept, and he raped her sleeping. In the process, I realized that she was a virgin, was afraid of arrest and offered to marry: “anyway, no one will marry you anymore.” She was scared and agreed. So he later reminded her all his life: “Now, if I hadn’t taken pity on you, no one would have taken you.”

    Then there was Allenstein and there was more fire and more death. Near the post office, he (Kopelev) met a woman with a bandaged head, who tightly held the hand of a young girl with blond pigtails, she was crying, the child's legs were stained with blood ... "The soldiers kicked us out of the house," she told the Russian officer, " they beat and raped us, my daughter was only 13, she was raped by two, and everyone else raped me" She asked him to help her find her little son. Another woman asked him to shoot her.

3. "I remember what happened the first three days after the capture of Stettin, all the roads were covered with feathers from featherbeds, posters were placed on the approaches to the city - "Blood for blood!", And the corpses of civilians here and there did not cause anyone surprise As if the Mongol horde had passed. And when it became clear to the command that the time had come to urgently curb the vengeful impulse of the advanced units, then the order of Marshal Zhukov appeared - "For violence and looting - to be court-martialed and shot" ... Then Aleksandrov's article "Comrade Ehrenburg simplifies", and the commanders, together with political workers and tribunals, were able to restore discipline in the army units."

4. “They poked here,” the beautiful German woman explained, lifting up her skirt, “all night, and there were so many of them. I was a girl,” she sighed and cried. “They ruined my youth. they climbed on me, they all poked at me. There were at least twenty of them, yes, yes, - and she burst into tears.

“They raped my daughter in my presence,” the poor mother put in, “they can still come and rape my girl again.” From this again everyone was horrified, and bitter sobbing swept from corner to corner of the basement where the owners had brought me. here, - the girl suddenly rushed to me, - you will sleep with me. You can do whatever you want with me, but you are the only one!" writes Gelfand in his diary.

  1. “There is no way to say that the Major is raping me,” she writes. “Why am I doing this? For bacon, sugar, candles, canned meat? major, and the less he wants from me as a man, the more I like him as a person."

Many of her neighbors made similar deals with the winners of defeated Berlin.

  1. “Suddenly, tanks appeared on our street, bodies of Russian and German soldiers lay everywhere,” she recalls. “I remember the terrifying twang of falling Russian bombs. We called them Stalinorgels (“Stalin’s organs”).”

One day, between bombings, Ingeborg climbed out of the basement and ran upstairs for a rope, which she adapted for a lamp wick.

“Suddenly, I saw two Russians pointing guns at me,” she says. “One of them forced me to undress and raped me. Then they switched places and another raped me. I thought I was going to die, that they would kill me.”

Then Ingeborg did not tell about what happened to her. She kept quiet about it for decades because it would be too hard to talk about it. "My mother used to brag about the fact that her daughter had not been touched," she recalls.

I want to note that it's scary, but it was. And women have always been war trophies, they have always paid for the war, wherever it takes place - and the winners are not judged. There are bastards in any country, on any side of the barricades. There are, were and will be. Like good people, I hope.

Why modern Germans launched a campaign about “raped German women” and how German fascists raped and killed women and children in the Soviet occupied territories. What do you know about the German genocide of Soviet citizens during the Second World War?

Author Olga Talantseva, candidate of cultural studies, professor, author of more than 70 scientific papers, including two scientific monographs, member of the scientific and methodological commission for the examination of dissertations at the RIVSh, expert website.

It is strange that many years after the Second World War, modern Germans were suddenly overcome with grief about "German women raped by Soviet soldiers." Apparently, the Germans, who are constantly reminded of war crimes, also wanted to accuse at least someone of something. But the Americans and the British, who literally wiped Dresden and other German cities with their civilians from the face of the earth with carpet bombing, are not to be blamed by the Germans according to their rank. In the same way, one cannot blame the Czechs and Poles, who committed the most massive and brutal deportation of the 20th century - the post-war expulsion of ethnic Germans from their countries. During the period of the deportation, from 12 to 14 million Germans were expelled, of which up to 2 million died. Many of them were raped German women. The Poles were especially fierce in this regard. They raped and killed German women on deportation marches. German women were also raped in the concentration camps for the Germans set up by the Poles, left to restore the economy destroyed by the war. But in today's tolerant Europe, it is not customary to condemn one's neighbor. That's what the Russians are for.

Yes, there were separate rapes of German women during the war by both American soldiers and Russian soldiers. But neither there nor there they did not acquire a mass character. For the rape of German women Soviet soldiers severely punished by their own command, even someone was shot for a crime.

  • “In reality, the statistically inevitable cases of crimes among the fighters of the Red Army,” write our modern historians, who objectively examine the history of the war of 1941-1945, “were not widespread and were condemned by official propaganda and military justice. /.../ The myth about them was actively spread by German military propaganda at the final stage of the war in order to mobilize the efforts of the population to resist the anti-Hitler coalition.
  • After the war, the propaganda samples of the Goebbels department were actively used by the United States against the USSR, which was reflected in a number of "historical studies" that are subject to justified criticism by modern authors (Great slandered war. We have nothing to repent for! Collection. - M .: Yauza, Eksmo, 2008 ).

So the Germans today, quite in the spirit of Goebbels' propaganda, and the United States during the Cold War, began their campaign against Russia. Finally, they also had the long-awaited opportunity to win back at least someone and pour out their anger on someone for the lost war, constant reminders of the Nazi past and war crimes committed. However, the Nazi past in Germany, judging by the campaign of raped German women, is not forgotten at all, since all the same old methods of Goebbelian propaganda were used here.

However, the Germans also took something from the French. Tagline: "Come on, come on!", who accompanied this next campaign against the Russians, is clearly licked off from the phrase "Quick, quick!", which became the running gear of the French during the war with Napoleon. According to legend, this phrase originates from Russian Cossacks, who, due to the rapid advance on Paris, ran into roadside restaurants and asked for food to be served as quickly as possible: "Quickly, quickly." From the Russian word "quickly" in the French dictionary, a new word "bistro" appeared - meaning a small fast food restaurant.

But if the French have the phrase "quickly, quickly!" is historically reliable, then for the Germans its analogue "come on, come on!" is a modern remake . i.e. another fabrication in the spirit of that lie, which today comes in fetid streams to Russia from the West . So in Germany, a start was set for the campaign “about raped German women”, who, of course, were raped by Russians.

The Russian people themselves are usually forgiving and do not blame modern Germans for what their grandfathers and fathers did on Soviet soil. We do not blame modern Germans. But what their grandfathers and fathers did on our land is impossible to forgive. And these crimes have no statute of limitations. Never! As there is no forgiveness for the crimes of the German fascists who raped Soviet women, young girls and even children, after which they were brutally killed.

A certain British lady Gibb in the autumn of 1944, as historian A.R. appealed to tolerance and asked for reconciliation between Russians and Germans. She wrote this appeal of hers when the Red Army approached the borders of the Third Reich. The letter of the English human rights activist was also published in the Soviet press. The response in our country to this letter was enormous. Hundreds of Red Army soldiers responded to it. Here are fragments from these letters, published in their entirety in the book of the historian A. R. Dyukov.

Private Zakharov:

“Our people do not take revenge and do not forgive, they judge. If Lady Gibb lived in one of the cities occupied by the Germans, if she saw how the “nice” Germans raped her daughter, if her old mother was torn apart by tanks, if her dad died in the dungeons of the Gestapo, what would she say then? No, lady, you have no heart, you have no respect for your own people, suffering from the horrors of war."

Scout, junior lieutenant Zinchenko:

  • "In 1941, German pilots at low level shot refugees. One landed - he was shot down, he was asked why he killed the children, and the corpses were shown to him. He replied: "The Fuhrer and Germany do not consider this."

Tanker Captain Fomenko:

"I have been fighting since the first day of the war. In front of my eyes in 1941, near Baranovichi, the Germans crushed about 70 women and children with caterpillars."

Second Lieutenant Zoomer:

  • “The Germans took my relatives to the Kamenets-Podolsk highway, forced them to dig holes, then shot them, and threw the children alive into the graves ... When, after this, they openly come out in defense of child murderers, I will say: this is a shame for our era!”.

Lieutenant Ruzov:

“The Germans shot my son in Minsk. He was 16 months old. I want to ask the honorable lady: what did this child do against the so-called Third Empire?.. Every Red Army soldier knows that we are not going to Berlin for booty. We are going to judge the guilty, and this is not only in our interests, but in the interests of all freedom-loving peoples.”

Guard Sergeant Major Pronin:

  • “/.../ Reading the lady's letter, I remembered how we entered the newly liberated village of Bukhalovo. There was no living soul there.
  • In the first house we entered, we saw a child with twisted arms, he was lying in a pool of blood, next to the corpse of his mother ... If Lady Gibb and her like-minded people saw this picture, they would not dare to write about mercy ... "

Private Fomenko:

"/.../ Lady, do you know the girl Anna Tereshchenko from the village of Maiskaya on the Terek? No, you don't. And I was at her funeral.
When two red-haired Germans burst into her clean hut, she was washing. They grabbed her and raped her.
You, brought up on the best poets, can you imagine what it means to rape a proud Cossack woman? She laid hands on herself. And is it forgiven? I wish you all the best and advise you to do useful work for the good of your country, then you will not get into your head various bad thoughts.

Sergeant Vorobyov:

  • “/.../ Passing by the village of Klina, we saw a terrible picture: village boys were shot under a hill, bullets in the back of the head, girls lay at a distance, raped, with their breasts cut off, an old man and an old woman strangled separately in a pit. What did they die for, Lady Gibb? Because they are Russian? I don't know if you have children, but we, the fathers and mothers of the Russian people, cannot forgive. /.../ I want you to understand that forgiving the Germans is out of the question.”

Sovinformburo reports

And this information about the women raped and executed by the Germans was taken from the wartime reports of the Soviet Information Bureau in the temporarily occupied territories of the Soviet Union (Georgy Zotov. How fanatical Germans raped Russian women).

16.07.41 :

From the testimony of Anna Mezheva and Galina Ostapenko, collective farmers of the agricultural artel " New life". The women, who turned gray with grief, miraculously escaped from their village, told the commander of the unit, Major Bagdasarov, about fellow villagers brutally murdered by the Nazis and drunken German soldiers who brutally raped girls from their village.

22.07.41 :

  • Soviet partisans delivered a group of women and children, recaptured during the raid, to the location of the Ensky part of the Red Army. partisan detachment on the village of F., captured by the Germans, the Nazis turned the village of F. into piles of ruins, littered with the mutilated corpses of the peasants and members of their families killed and burned alive. Among the delivered residents of the village are eight girls aged 13 to 15 who were raped by drunken German soldiers and officers.

02.08.41 :

The thirteen-year-old daughter of a collective farmer, Zina G, was delivered to the field hospital of the Ensky part of the Red Army, operating in the southwestern direction. The girl was brutally raped by a German officer. As a medical examination showed, the fascist rapist infected the girl with syphilis.

09.08.41 :

  • The worker of the shell factory "Aida" comrade. I. Bryantsev writes: “Thirty Stakhanovites and activists of the Lviv garment factory No. 1 were killed by stormtroopers at night in their apartments.
  • Drunken German soldiers dragged girls and young women from Lvov to Kosciuszko Park and brutally raped them. 15-year-old schoolgirl Lydia S. was raped in turn by seven German tankers.
  • The tormented corpse of the unfortunate girl was thrown by the Nazis into the trash at house number 18 on Slovatskogo Street.. The old priest V. L. Pomaznev, who, with a cross in his hands, begged to spare the population and tried to prevent violence against girls, the Nazis beat him, tore off his cassock, burned his beard and stabbed him with a bayonet.

14.08.41 :

Bursting into the village of Berestovets in the Uman direction, the Germans raped all the women and girls. Having abused the collective farmers Ulyana Rybalova and Elena Kozhumyak, the fascist officers shot them.

27.08.41 :

  • In the village of P. in the Smolensk direction, drunken German soldiers broke into huts, seized and raped women. Men who stood up for their wives and daughters were killed.

07.09.41 :

Having captured Dnepropetrovsk, the Nazis brutally dealt with the inhabitants who did not have time to leave the city. /.../ On Bolshaya Bazarnaya Street, drunken Nazi soldiers detained three women. Tying them to poles, the Germans wildly abused them, and then killed them.

09.09.41 :

  • On the territory of the regions of Ukraine occupied by the Germans, the Nazis continue to commit excesses, kill hundreds and thousands of Soviet citizens, rape girls and women, and rob the population. In the village of Selishche, Kanevsky district, Kyiv region, the Nazis gathered a group of women and girls, took them into the forest, and there they were brutally raped.

11.09.41 :

In the village of Khanino, a group of German officers threw a drunken party, to which they dragged a local teacher and raped her one by one. 16-year-old collective farmer Ch. was raped by five German soldiers.
The Nazis gathered all the girls and young women from Tokarevo and the surrounding villages and drove them away in an unknown direction. None of them have returned home yet.

18.09.41 :

  • In the village of Ekaterinovka, Pervomaisky district, Odessa region, the Germans broke into the house of the chairman of the rural consumer society and took away his daughters, then abused the girls and brutally tortured them.

16.09.41 :

The monstrous atrocities of the Nazis were reported by a resident of the city of Luga, Alexei Petrovich Orekhov, who fled from Nazi captivity. “As soon as the Nazi bandits entered the city,” says Comrade. Nuts, - the executions of the civilian population began. /.../ On the very first evening, the Nazis caught 8 girls on the street and raped them.”

05.10.41 :

  • In the village of Borodaevka, Verkhnedneprovsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, the Nazis raped all young women and girls. Collective farmer Tatyana Galushko says: “For three days the Germans rampaged in our village.
  • /.../ They destroyed and burned 13 huts. The monsters seized women, raped them. They caught my daughter and in front of my eyes, not paying attention to my cries and tears, they bullied her for a long time.

04.11.41 :

Capturing the village of Akimovka /.../, the fascist scoundrels brutally abused Agafonova. They raped her, and then subjected her to the most painful tortures, cut off her breasts, and pierced her whole body. Fascist monsters did not spare even the young children of Agafonova. When they were about to leave, the Nazi bandits killed her four-year-old son Vasya and two-year-old daughter Shura.

18.11.41 :

  • In the village of Nerki, the Nazis raped and tortured to death the peasant women Zhigalova, Serikov and Urupina. In the village of Holmy, fascist monsters brutally tortured six fifteen-year-old girls.

16.12.41 :

Residents of the villages and towns of the Moscow region, liberated by the Red Army, say: “In the village of Puchki, the collective farmer Terekhin Ivan Gavrilovich was walking with his wife Polina Borisovna. Several German soldiers grabbed Polina and, in front of her husband, they raped her in turn, and then killed her.
The collective farmer Terekhin, who was trying to protect his wife, was also shot.. In the village of Generalskaya, the Nazis raped, then tortured and shot Nadezhda Gurtovaya and her 14-year-old daughter.

25.12.41 :

  • In the village of Voronki, the Germans placed 40 wounded Red Army prisoners and Soviet nurses in a former hospital. The Nazis raped and shot the nurses, and sent guards to the hospital and did not let anyone in.
  • Some of the patients died after 4 days.. The survivors were drowned in the river.

01.01.42 :

60-year-old peasant Arkatov, who lives in the village of Sloboda, now liberated from the Germans, Novopetrovsky district, Moscow region, said: “The Germans shot many peasants of the village. The Nazis raped the pregnant Evdokia T. two weeks before giving birth.

02.04.42 :

  • In the village of Glazunovka, Kharkov region, the Germans burned 16 collective farmers alive, including three children. The Nazis took 83 civilians with them. In the village of Geevka, the Nazis raped many women.

03.01.42 :

In the village of Masleno, Moscow Region, after the departure of the Nazis, the bodies of 8 women and one 14-year-old boy were found. The women were raped and then killed. The unfortunate ones had their noses cut off, their faces were cut, one woman's stomach was torn open.

09.01.42 :

  • Retreating from the village of Mazikino, the Nazi monsters burned down all the huts, and the peasants who tried to put out the fire were shot. The Germans burned four children near the peasant woman of this village Shmakova D.M. In the village of Myasoedovo, the Nazis drove 12 women into a barn, raped them and shot them.

11.01.42 :

In the village of Peresheek, Lyadsky district, Leningrad region, the German invaders staged a wild pogrom. /.../ After the robbery, several girls were raped, and then the entire village was burned.

16.01.42 :

  • In the village of Slobodino, Moscow Region, the Nazis from the punitive detachment gathered a group of girls and young women, raped them without exception and shot 15 of their victims.

20.01.42 :

In the village of Chernaya Gryaz, Ugodsko-Zavodsky district, Moscow region, the Nazi scoundrels shot 30 peasants, and the corpses were hung on trees along the road. In the same village, fascist bandits raped and then brutally killed two women - E. Soloninkova and K. Erokhin.

27.01.42 :

  • In the village of Myasoedovo, Kursk region, the Germans burned all the houses. During the fire, one peasant woman carried two of her children out of the burning house, laid them on the street, and she ran to save the others.
  • The Nazis passing along the street grabbed both children and threw them into the hole in the river.. Before retreating from this village, the German bandits raped 12 women and girls and then shot them.

19.04.42 :

On the outskirts of the village of Chervinskaya Luka, Leningrad Region, liberated from Nazi invaders, 63 corpses of old people, women and children were found. All corpses are doused with water and frozen.
Several women were raped and then bayoneted. Many of the corpses had their fingers cut off and their legs twisted. Two women have their breasts cut off.

13.06.42 :

  • The captured chief corporal of the 171st regiment of the 56th German infantry division, Gustav Lanz, said: “I witnessed the atrocities committed by the soldiers of the Great Germany regiment. In early April, we replaced this regiment in the villages of Rzhevka and Melehovo.
  • In Rzhevka, I saw 15 burnt corpses of local residents. Among the tortured were old men, women and children. In one house on the outskirts of the village of Melekhova, six dead women lay. The soldiers abused them and then strangled them.”

16.07.42 :

In the village of Lugan, Oryol region, the Nazis tortured 20 local residents. The executioners shot the teacher Anna Fedoseevna Korotchenko, 23 years old, her son Vyacheslav, 2.5 years old, and mother Praskovya Ivanovna, 53 years old. The Nazi scoundrels raped the teacher Anna Konstantinovna Kozhanova, and then shot her along with her 5-year-old son Viktor and 7-year-old daughter Lyudmila.

17.07.42 :

  • Nazi scoundrels plundered and burned the village of Aleshok, Oryol region. The Nazis tortured and shot many peasants.
  • Bursting into the house of the collective farmer Kazakov Anton Ivanovich, the executioners first killed five of his children, and then shot Kazakov's wife and himself. Hitler's beasts abused the 17-year-old girl Maria Potanchikova, and then shot her.

06.11.42 :

Nazi bastards destroyed and burned to the ground the village of Soltanovka, Oryol region. The Germans tortured and shot dozens of villagers.
19-year-old collective farmer Anna Matyushkina was raped by Nazi monsters, and then they cut out her breasts, cut off her ears and shot her. The bandits burned the doctor of the local hospital Alexandra Alekseevna Malinovskaya alive.

17.11.42 :

  • The German fascist fiends committed a wild and heinous crime in the village of Trosna, Kursk region. The Nazis drove a group of girls from the surrounding villages to this village to send them to hard labor in Germany.
  • Here all the girls were locked in a barn. At night, a German army passed through the village. military unit. Fascist scoundrels broke into the barn and abused the Soviet girls who were in it.
  • A brutal massacre was committed by Nazi bastards in the village of Boyarka, near Kyiv. The Nazis drove 15 teenage girls into the school building, abused their victims, and then hung them on telegraph poles.

12.01.43 :

From the act on the atrocities of the Nazi scoundrels in the village of Balabolkino, Kalinin region: “Before retreating from the village of Balabolkino, the German invaders drove the inhabitants into the street and shot them in front of everyone. /.../ Several German soldiers dragged aside the young collective farmer Yevdokia Novikova, publicly abused her, and then shot her with a machine gun.

13.01.43 :

  • From the act on the bloody atrocities of the Germans in the city of Nalchik, the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic: “Having broken into the city last autumn, the Nazis began to rob the population and kill civilians. In the very first days, fascist monsters killed the wife of the Red Army soldier Shaulov and his five children aged from 5 months to 11 years, shot Mikho Shamilov and his 10-year-old son and many other residents of the city.
  • Fascist rapists abused 14-year-old schoolgirl V., raped 16-year-old girl N. After some time, the German military authorities began mass execution and extermination of civilians - Russians, Kabardians, Balkars, Ossetians, Georgians, Jews and others. On January 5, 1943, after the Red Army units entered the city, 6 kilometers from the city, in anti-tank ditches and in a distant cemetery, we found over 600 corpses tormented and mutilated by the Germans.
  • The Nazi bandits cut off the arms, legs, ears of many victims, and gouged out their eyes.. There are a large number of children among the victims of the Nazi executioners. According to preliminary data, at least 2 thousand civilians of Nalchik died at the hands of the Nazi robbers.

14.01.43 :

From the act of the atrocities of the German-Italian fascists in the village of Smagleevka, Voronezh region: “Having captured the village, the Nazis drove the entire population to the square, stripped everyone naked and searched. /.../ The Germans and Italians grabbed women and girls and raped them. A gang of drunken soldiers shot Natalya Lozovaya, who stood up for her daughters.

16.03.43 :

  • In the village of Sukhodol, Smolensk region, fascist scoundrels drove a group of residents into one house. Hitler's executioners abused women, and then set fire to the house.
  • I. Fomushkina with a baby, Evdokia Kotova, Ekaterina Fruntova and others burned down in the fire. A total of 24 people died, including 8 young children.

07.03.43 :

From the act of Nazi atrocities in the village of Kuban, Oryol region: /.../ Hitler's bastards raped Varvara Zh., abused Marina Melnikova, and then killed her.

07.04.43 :

  • The Germans devastated and devastated the village of Podmosh'e in the Smolensk region. The Nazis spared neither women nor children. /.../ Teacher Anna Konyukhova was shot by bandits because she resisted a German who tried to rape her.

20.04.43 :

In the village of Peski, Leningrad Region, Nazi killers hanged the collective farmer Ivan Morozov and burned his house because he hid his daughter from a German officer who wanted to rape her. Sixteen-year-old girl Nastya Zemskova hit a German officer who was molesting her and said: “You can’t see Moscow or Leningrad, like a pig can’t see the sky.”
The Nazis grabbed the girl and took away. Since then, nothing is known about her fate.

06.07.43 :

  • In the forest outside the village of Belaya, Vitebsk region, the Nazis shot 86 old people, women and children. In the village of Starina, the Germans burned 24 collective farmers alive. Fascist scoundrels in the same village raped several girls and then killed them.

24.12.42 :

The Germans perpetrated a bloody massacre on the civilian population of the villages of Snorki and Golovitsy, Smolensk region. In the village of Snorki, the Nazis burned 16 houses along with the people who were in them. 70 people burned alive.
Fascist monsters raped 17-year-old collective farmer Alexandra Gvardeytseva. After vile bullying, they cut off her breasts and shot her.
In the village of Golovitsy, German bandits shot the collective farmer Maria Zabolotskaya with three children aged from one to six years old. A one-year-old child was shot dead in his mother's arms.
The entire Denisenkova family, consisting of five adults and a two-year-old child, was shot.. In total, in these villages, the Nazis shot, brutally tortured and burned 166 innocent women, children and the elderly.

And now about the atrocities of the Germans against women prisoners of war: doctors, nurses, liaisons, etc. In his memoirs, the German officer Bruno Schneider told what kind of instruction German soldiers went through before being sent to the Russian front. Regarding the women of the Red Army, the order stated one thing: “Shoot!”(Fascist atrocities against Russian women).

This was done in many German units. Among those who died in battles and encirclement, a huge number of bodies of women in Red Army uniforms were found.

Among them are many nurses, female paramedics . Traces on their bodies testified that many were brutally tortured and then shot.

Torture was used against female prisoners of war, the cruelty of which medieval inquisitors could only envy: they were impaled, stuffed with hot red pepper, etc. Often they were mocked by German commandants, many of whom were distinguished by obvious sadistic inclinations.

In addition to these atrocities, Red Army women were constantly subjected to rape. The highest military ranks of the Wehrmacht were forbidden to have intimate relations with the Slavs, so they did it secretly. The rank and file had a certain freedom here. After the discovery of some female Red Army soldier or nurse, she could be raped by a whole company of soldiers. If the girl did not die after that, she was shot.

Residents of Smagleevka (Voronezh region) told after their release in 1943:

  • At the beginning of the war, a young Red Army girl died a terrible death in our village. She was badly injured. Despite this, they stripped her naked, dragged her out onto the road and shot her.
  • On the body of the unfortunate were horrific traces of torture. Before her death, her breasts were cut off, her entire face and hands were completely cut to pieces. The woman's body was a continuous bloody mess.
  • They did the same with Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Before the demonstration execution, the Nazis kept her half-naked in the cold for hours.

Not only did the torture undermine the morale and last strength of the exhausted women, but also the lack of basic hygiene. There was no talk of any washing for the prisoners. Insect bites and purulent infections were added to the wounds. Military women knew how the Nazis treated them, and therefore fought to the last.

Ilya Ehrenburg, in his February 1943 column, gives the example of Kursk, which at that moment had just been liberated by the Red Army:

“Schools were closed. The theaters were closed. Libraries closed. What did they discover? House of tolerance on Nevsky street. Opened solemnly. Herr Dr. Vogt delivered a speech: "We bring fun to the icy desert." They didn't bring any fun. They brought the infection.
Before the war, syphilis completely disappeared in Kursk. The Germans have infected Kursk. According to German statistics, between 70 and 80 cases of venereal diseases were registered among the civilian population in a decade. The sick were sent to the city prison. Over a hundred of them were killed by the Germans.
These syphilitic baboons left behind not only ruins and a moat in Shchetinka (a place of mass executions in the Kursk region. - RP). They left a terrible infection.” The historian of the German occupation, Boris Kovalev, confirms Ehrenburg's correctness: in the Kursk archives, a huge number of registration cards of residents who contracted venereal diseases during the occupation were preserved.

The creation of brothels in the occupied territories, like all the Germans, was clearly organized and worked like a conveyor belt. As soon as the German soldiers and officers had a few days of rest, wherever they were staying, temporary brothels were organized for them, where young girls, sometimes just children, were forcibly driven. In large cities, permanent brothels were created for them.

For nine years, the Berlin scholar Robert Sommer studied documents scattered in archives and memorial complexes. various countries, talked with victims of sexual exploitation and eyewitnesses who have survived to this day, on the basis of which he wrote the book "Borthel in a concentration camp" (Sommer Robert. A brothel in a concentration camp "// Taboo of the Second World War). The scientist debunked the myth that the National Socialists fought against prostitution. Rather, the regime sought total control over a highly profitable business. A whole network of brothels that covered half of Europe and the occupied territories of the USSR in those years, which were controlled by the authorities of Nazi Germany, brought huge income to the Nazis.

  • "There was a whole system of sexual services in the army of the Third Reich," writes Russian journalist Andrey Vasilchenko in his study "Prostitution in the Third Reich" ( "Everything was taken into account and calculated: for each prostitute, "production standards", and they were not taken from the ceiling, but scientifically substantiated.
  • /.../ By the way, only soldiers' and sergeants' brothels moved directly behind the troops. They settled in a village or town not far from the unit where the soldier received his leave. The same officers, who could not go far, were delivered prostitutes ...
  • on house. In soldiers' brothels across the state, it was supposed to have prostitutes in the ratio: one per 100 soldiers. For sergeants, this figure was reduced to 75.
  • But in the officer's one prostitute served 50 officers. /.../ After entering this job, the girls received the status of "cultural figure", which assumed the presence of special documents and a special serial number. From that moment on, their lives were strictly regulated. They constantly lived in a brothel.
  • Visits to the doctor or hairdresser, they could make only accompanied by a specially assigned officer or soldier. Even this way of moving around the city was strictly determined by the occupiers - not a step to the side.
  • If the "art critic" from the brothel was found to be pregnant, then the girl was obliged to work for another three months "( When a German battleship moored in any port occupied by the Germans, then hard work began in the brothels of the German occupiers, women "simply remained lying in their rooms, processing up to five dozen sailors a day."

The concentration camps had their own brothels. In conditions of mass starvation, exhausting work and high mortality, some of the women went there voluntarily, others were sent to this "work" by force.

“It is unimaginable that these women had to endure: humiliation, punishment, isolation, discrimination and disease. If the sex appeal of women was used up, they were sick or pregnant, they were exchanged like a thing for new ones.
And those who worked out were sent back to the concentration camp, where, if they were not shot or gassed, they died of venereal diseases. (Sommer Robert. A brothel in a concentration camp. // Taboo of the Second World War).

As regards the occupied zones of the Soviet Union, here entertainment establishments had to be created in a new way . They weren't. On the front line, on the outskirts of Leningrad, there were bloody battles, and in the quiet rear, the Germans settled down and tried to create comfortable conditions for recreation and leisure.

  • “A German soldier must eat on time, wash himself and relieve sexual tension,” many Wehrmacht commanders reasoned. To solve the latter problem, brothels were created in large occupied cities and meeting rooms at German canteens and restaurants, and free prostitution was also allowed. (Robert Sommer "The Brothel in the Concentration Camp" // Taboo of the Second World War).

In brothels, the racial origin of women no longer mattered. What mattered was their attractiveness. Women were brought there by severe hunger. The Germans, who occupied Soviet cities and villages, completely robbed everything that people had. Women in brothels worked literally for a loaf of bread, often to feed their children. In some canteens and restaurants where German soldiers dined, there were so-called visiting rooms. Waitresses, dishwashers, in addition to the main work in the kitchen and in the hall, had to additionally provide sexual services and also for bread.

It wasn't always about the food. The Germans simply forced some women into cohabitation, intimidating them with the possibility of shooting their children and relatives. In addition to brothels, street prostitution appeared in the occupied territory. For some women, it has become the only way to avoid hunger, to feed their young children or sick parents. After the war, the average incidence of syphilis was 174.6 per 100,000 people. It took Soviet medicine 10 years to return it to the pre-war level (3.5 cases per 100 thousand people) (

Note that the Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians sometimes surpassed the Germans in their cruelty.

Watch the video of the famous historian Yegor Yakovlev about early stages German genocide:

On the basis of photographs from German albums, I spoke about the difficult fate of Soviet women prisoners of war last year in a report and a little earlier in a material on prisoners of war in Sevastopol. In recent months, many noteworthy photographs of prisoners of war have been exhibited at the beating auction, which my colleagues caught and posted in the group Stalag 372 Since FB does not provide any sort of categorization or tagging option, I'm going to separate the photos of female POWs into a separate report on my starcom68 blog. Unfortunately, most of the photos cannot be attributed. Some of them are difficult to view and understand.

A group of women prisoners of war at the hospital (?) building. To the right are wounded prisoners of war, healthy prisoners of war in the onboard vehicle. Everyone is watching with interest the German's conversation with the women and some other scene hidden from us in the background.


Road to captivity. Pay attention to gloves and suitcase

Mixed group of prisoners of war on the march

Captured. In the background is a disguised technique, it is necessary to separately understand whose and what. Characterized by reflex hand gestures straightening hair in front of the camera

Mixed group of prisoners of war. The girl opposite is supposedly holding a medical bag. Ukraine (?)

Collection point for prisoners of war. I would guess that all three of these photos were taken in about the same place.


Two women prisoners of war in the back of a truck or some kind of pickup

Prisoner of war preparing food


Two women prisoners of war in front of the assembly point

A strange series of photographs taken after the capture of Tallinn. On the heads of the fighters are Swedish steel helmets, which is actually understandable. But what kind of double-breasted overcoats with 6 buttons on women is not clear. Also a legacy of the Estonian army?

In this photo, the overcoat can be clearly seen by those who understand in uniform

A very sad series of photographs, at first glance connected only by the seller. However, it is not. I tried to post these photos in the similarity chronological order, but not the fact that he did it right. Judging by the long shadows, these photos were taken with a short time interval and in one place.

This photo shows a group of Soviet soldiers surrendering. Some of them are walking across the field, someone has already froze when they see a camera aimed at him. On most belts and helmets. Behind the escort flickers

A happier group of soldiers and one woman in a dress. Perhaps this is a staged photo taken along the route and this group of soldiers was doing some work with poles in the background. All of them had their belts removed, as if they were doing household work, and there were no helmets, i.e. they have not given up now. How a civilian woman got there is a mystery.

The landscape in the background is about the same, but the characters change. Under the guard of mocking Germans, three men of military age in civilian clothes support a woman wounded in the head in front of the camera in a tunic, a civilian coat and a straw hat. In the background, the Germans are carrying something in a wicker container or some kind of rugs. Note the woman's headband and the men's fully civilian attire.

Captured somewhere under the cliff, the wounded. Judging by the vegetation, we can assume a choice: Ukraine, Crimea, the Caucasus. Some of the wounded lie on stretchers or mattresses. It was here that the woman from the photo above was moved. Why did I think this photo was taken later? Because most of the wounded look at her with interest, and the bandages on their heads are fresh. The far left prisoner of war has something shining in his buttonholes. On the ground are the remains of packaging from dressing bags.

The woman still attracts the attention of the photographer and he takes a close-up shot, leaning over her. The bandages are fresh, the blood on the left side of the face is wiped off, but on the right side it remains. The sleeve of the coat was stained with clay, some kind of civilian jacket was put under the head. Perhaps, after all, the events had a reverse sequence, but then I cannot explain a number of points.

That's all for now. Any clarifications are welcome.

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