How Eastern women are raised. Oriental sweets in sex (only for women, men should not read). Hot showers and healthy hair don't mix

On the Domashny channel, heroines share their real experiences. For absolutely everyone, moving to an eastern country became a reality; they had to change and establish relationships with their foreign husband and new relatives. Some were severely disappointed, others were quite satisfied. But they have something to tell those of our compatriots who cherish similar dreams.


This is the closest of the eastern countries and the most understandable for us. We go there on vacation, we are superficially familiar with the culture and way of life, the favorable attitude towards us as tourists makes us happy. But what does it really mean to marry a Turkish man and move to Turkey?

1. Türkiye is the most Europeanized state, so it is not necessary to follow strict rules of religion here. But this does not mean that they will not have to be taken into account at all. First of all, in order to be accepted into her husband’s family. But family foundations are an important condition of the Turkish way of life.

2. You will be able to engage in any active activity to which you are accustomed, drive a car and be free to move. But this does not free you from women's obligations - the Turks attach great importance to housekeeping.

3. But in constant confirmation of your importance to your husband, you will not have a shortage. Turkish men are emotional and sensitive, and are also brought up in traditional rules of how to treat a woman. This also means that in conflicts with your husband you will have to be gentler.


Tunisia has stricter rules even for tourists. Compliance with restrictions on diet, clothing and behavior is more important here than in Turkey, since the lifestyle local residents is largely subject to religious traditions and rituals. What does Tunisia have in store for those women who found love there?

1. Tunisian men are greedy for open beauty, because they are not spoiled by the local ones. Women of this country cover up their appearance and grooms are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the bride’s appearance in detail only after the wedding.

2. Real stories Tunisian wives who wish to end their marriage are rather unsuccessful and the most pressing issue is their common children. The fact is that divorce in the Tunisian mentality is a shame, and men are ready for the most reckless actions when finding themselves in this situation. At the same time, in big cities, civil marriages are a completely normal practice today.

3. If you meet a Tunisian here, he will most likely show a freer character than is accepted in his country. This is due to the fact that young men themselves are tired of the strict rules of their country. But upon arrival, they return to the norms of their homeland.


A country where our tourists are treated favorably, but unobtrusively, which can be found in Turkey and Egypt. If you follow the rules, you can have a great time here, but getting married is a different story.

1. Covered clothing, modest behavior, caution in everything that concerns strangers are the main rules for a Moroccan woman. Any manifestations of femininity - hairstyles, cosmetics, looser outfits - are allowed only in relation to the husband.

2. A Muslim woman has much more advantages in her rights to children during a divorce. But in fact, a man has more opportunities to keep his children. The best guarantee will be any opportunity to maintain a good relationship with your husband even after a divorce.

3. Today, Morocco is in a transitional stage towards expanding women's rights. Therefore, a lot depends on your personal behavior and desire to assert your needs. However, in any case, it is better to look for a way to reach an agreement peacefully.

United Arab Emirates

This country is in short term has transformed from a desert area into a rich and modern paradise on earth. There is a great risk of wanting to stay here forever, especially since the dream of a prince easily turns into a dream of a rich sheikh.

1. The law allows a man to officially have four wives. Few can provide them, but this does not diminish the desire of an Arab man to bring a girl into the house in the hope that she will eventually come to terms with her illegal situation.

2. Real stories testify to jealousy towards our wife that is unhealthy for our relationship.

3. Physical violence against women is punishable by law. Therefore, it is possible to cope with assault, although it is not entirely compatible with family life.


Tourist Egypt is familiar and understandable to us. Russian women are known in Egypt; in this state there are enough examples of successful marriages between Russian women and local men.

1. The main mistake of girls who move to men in Egypt is refusal of property claims. Practice shows that Egyptian husbands are not at all against property insurance. This provides protection to the woman in case of difficulties in the future.

2. If you change religion, getting married in Egypt is quite simple. But such a marriage in Russia will be invalid.

3. In tourist areas you can afford more than if you live after the wedding, for example, in Cairo or other remote places.

Watch the documentary series “Eastern Wives” on the night air from May 5 and on the Domashny website.

When it comes to food, we are gourmets, we prefer Asian cuisine and savor every dish with pleasure. But for some reason in bed we are content with fast food. It's time to correct the situation! Discover the world of exotic oriental rituals that will bring unearthly pleasure to you and your man.

Eastern nights (Arabian Peninsula)
Harem and aphrodisiacs

In the period from the 10th to the 16th centuries, various Arab teachings about love arose: this is the “Book of the Flower” by Ibn Dashud al-Zair, “The Arena for Lovers” by Abu Nasr al-Saradi and “The Fragrant Garden” by Sheik al-Nafsawi, or, for example, the teachings of Ibn Hazma al Andalusi "The Collar of the Dove" (the collar is a metaphorical name for the vulva, and the dove for the penis). In the Muslim world there were no such distinctions between soul and flesh as in the Christian world, and the joy of sexual intercourse was closely associated with the pleasure derived from food. We will share with you the most exciting recipes:

  • The art of calligraphy The prophets of feelings say that love and sex caress the soul. And the soul is the body. Fingers speak, but skin hears - let your lover write with his fingers and lips, dipping a “brush” in rose water or honey, what he wants to do to you.
  • Picking roses Let your lover rub the head of his penis against your pubis, and then, when you expose your “purple rose” with your fingers, walk along your labia until you rush towards him.
  • Gift wrapped The harem ladies knew: the more clothes a man takes off from them, the longer he will be in anticipation of the upcoming caresses (and at the same time his dignity will increase). To prolong the process of undressing, some women wrapped their light body transparent cloth, under which was visible a smoothly shaved pubis, lubricated with almond oil.
  • Hair braid Men moved wet hair all over their bodies or wrapped it around their penis. And some craftsmen beat their lover’s buttocks and back with their hair soaked in rose oil, like twigs.
  • Grit test Ibn Dashud said: “If the beloved loses patience, he will reveal all his secrets.” He advised all women to take their time: spend a little on a kiss, then on painfully pleasant caresses without touching the penis, then advised to tie up their loved one and continue until he groans with pleasure.
  • Hammering nails He sits on the bed, legs spread wide, and you sit on top of him, joining your feet behind his back and wrapping your arms around his neck. He holds your buttocks and you move back and forth at the same time. Thus, it turns out that the excited clitoris is constantly rubbing against his pubic area. The stronger his hands, the longer he will “drive the nail.”
  • Dinner is served! This advice is taken from the teaching “The Fragrant Garden”: “Your “flower” or its “dove” should be enjoyed like a fruit: the date is savored for a long time before reaching the stone (head). If you try a “fig”, then caress its end with the tip of your tongue - he won’t mind!
Ananga Ranga (Northern India)
Foreplay and seduction

Anaga Ranga, or “The Boat in the Sea of ​​Love,” is the most thorough treatise describing various love techniques, compiled in 1172 by the Indian poet Kalyana Mala. This detailed sex guide passed from one man's hands to another and carried invaluable knowledge that will be useful to your lover!
  • TO chinese bath To increase the sensitivity of your vulva, before foreplay he immerses his “hero” in warm water with oils (use coconut or ylang-ylang). Add oil to water and stir until a thin oily layer forms on the surface. First, he plunges his erect penis into the warming solution, and then pushes it between your labia, constantly touching your clitoris.
  • Wake the Dragon The poet Mala was known as an experienced lover. To awaken the “dragon” in a woman, he advised using the Bhujangavallika technique: in a lying or sitting position, you hold each other by the hair on the back of the head in the place where the spine meets the head, and tug rhythmically. It has now been scientifically proven that pulling the hair on the head has a direct effect on the nerve endings in the hypogastric region.
  • Dual source This move will drive you crazy: he touches your vulva and sucks your nipples at the same time - everything must be done very rhythmically! It’s most convenient if he lies down, turning his face to you, and begins to play with your nipples with his tongue, and with his fingers, pressing, stimulate your clitoris.

Koka Shastra (India)
Refined and sensual

In the 12th century, when the art of love was a science, the Indian scientist Pandit Kokkoka compiled “Koka's Theory of Love.” His work is as popular in India as the Kama Sutra, because it contains techniques that are not mentioned in the most famous treatise on love. The basis of Koki's teachings was sincere, sensual love and the pleasure derived from confidential humility.

  • Exciting kiss The partner covers the man’s eyes with her palm, wanders her tongue over his teeth and sucks his lips.
  • Fivefold variation Before describing the Limit of Five technique, Koka said: “Pleasure should be like a rough sea”: you need to captivate your lover by kissing every corner of his body, lightly touching him with your lips, like the wings of a butterfly, stroking him with the tip of your tongue and sucking lightly. This method is being replaced by a harsher behavior: exciting biting. We then soothe the skin again with gentle stroking with our fingertips. As a fourth variation, Koka suggests scratching the buttocks, breasts and thighs, and the final fifth stage is “twisting” the head and clitoris.
  • Indrani The goddess of the war god Indra captured her lovers with force. When he lies on top of you, extend your legs, squeeze your knees tightly between his thighs and squeeze. The more he interferes, the tighter you will squeeze him until he repays you in kind, so Koka argued.
  • Merging of Souls Coca suggested “practice to walk the path to orgasm in unity with each other.” You need to have sex regularly to learn to read your partner's desires in the eyes. Ask your man to look at you as often as possible and look back without a twinge of conscience. If necessary, take a mirror. Look him in the eyes when you give a blowjob and when you cum. This is the pinnacle of reunion!
  • Devoted Passionately and with a share of humility: Koka believed that a woman should only offer her lips, and the man himself moves in her at will. Modern version: Squat down with your back to the wall. He rests his hands and slowly, enjoying every movement, inserts his penis into your mouth. To prevent him from overdoing it, you can control him by holding his penis with your hand. And if you caress his “Jadeite pearls” (testicles), he will cum and cum and...
  • After sex - before sex Whatever the final moment in the love game will be, so will the subsequent sex, Coca argued. The virtuoso of love recommended using the moment after sex as foreplay: eating food rich in aphrodisiacs, reading some erotic story, or taking a bath together. Koka knew: the man would immediately get aroused and be ready for the second time!

Kamasutra (India)
Unknown practices

The Indian school of love is the basis of all erotic movements. “Lines of Passion” (kama: desire, lust, sutra: verse, line) is a collection of works by various authors on the topics of seduction, sex and marriage. Around 250, Mallanaga Vatsyana collected all the advice in one textbook. Due to inaccuracies in translation from Sanskrit, some poses resemble acrobatic acts of a Chinese circus. And yet the Kama Sutra is more than a reference book of poses.

  • Scratch me! Run your nails over his body eight times - this will awaken the fire of desire in him and leave a “gift” of a night of love on his skin. Don't get carried away. Deep scratches are taboo; marks should be created by applying pressure to the skin. Wrap your lips around the tip of his tongue, and run your nails along his buttocks, back - and so on to the back of his head, only lightly pressing on the skin. Leave a mark on his chest in the shape of a month (press with your fingernail thumb) - let this sign remind him of your passion.
  • Hit me! Only gently. Confident spanks with a handful or palm, back of the hand or fist intensify passion. Vatsyana emphasizes: partners should know each other well. In most cases, posture helps to cope with difficult choices. While you are sitting on him, he can pat you on the back, spank you on the butt or on the bottom of your chest. In missionary position, you can hit his buttocks with your palm and his thighs or shoulders with your fist (hitting the energy lines stimulates his prostate)
  • Make me scream! There are some poses that are aimed exclusively at female pleasure, which humility will help you achieve. For example, the “Adoration” pose: you sit on your knees, squeezing your legs, lowering your head and resting your hands on the wall or headboard. He, standing from behind, enters you with slow thrusts, but not completely, but only with the head. And so on until one of you capitulates!
  • Take me! The “Cow and Bull” position is recommended for “indomitable women”: while you kneel in front of him, raising your pelvis, lowering your face onto the sheet and squeezing your legs, he squats and, spreading his legs, adjusts from behind. So it moves from top to bottom, rather than horizontally. Real virtuosos sit on a woman’s buttocks, pressing her shoulders into the sheet - at this angle the head of his penis hits the back of her clitoris! You will be more excited than ever, and additional stimulation and self-massage guarantee a unique orgasm.

Dao (China)
Pressure and numbers

Along with Confucianism and Buddhism, Taoism is the most important religion in China. Unlike Western tenets of faith, in the Tao (“Way”) sex is not a sin, but a source of vital energy. Taoist love games are focused on maintaining a balance between male and female satisfaction; it is their harmony that gives rise to the erotic energy of Ching Shih. Deep breathing acupressure and a nine-fold variation of one love technique realizes all sexual desires:

  • Wake the Dragon “Hi Yuyin” has entered the American lexicon as the most important point on the human body. It is located between the testicles (“dragon pearls”) and the anus, and underneath is the sensitive prostate. Caresses, pressing (9 seconds!) or kissing with your tongue will impress you with a “solid” result.
  • Hot hands Rub your palms together and take a deep breath before touching his “jade scepter” with your fingers - your warm hands will be pleasantly arousing.
  • Peacock in the Jade Palace Give your partner a brush dipped in aromatic oil. This is a peacock that wanders around the garden of the Jade Palace - along your chest, thighs, popliteal hollows... His goal is to get to the palace itself (clitoris, labia and pubis).
  • Return visit (tassel on the penis) is called “the butterfly teasing the scarlet bird.”
  • Fast start Massage the base of his thumb, lick the area transitioning from the hand to the fingers (as in back side, and on the inner surface), gently scratch his palm from bottom to top - this massage affects the erection.
  • With the speed of a tiger This position originated from the Taoist Mystery Lady ritual: get on all fours, legs together, and he penetrates you from behind, knee forward. In this position, his “jade hammer” touches the “black pearl” located in the vaginal area - this is the same position in which the penis slides along the back of the clitoris. By stretching your hands between your legs, you can gently finger his “treasure” or stroke his perineum with wet fingers, thereby stimulating his prostate.
  • All nines According to Taoist philosophy, nine positions should be used during sex - starting with the position in which the woman takes an active position. This is followed by a male dominant position. Then you again take the initiative into your own hands. The game ends in position 9, with you straddling him and him arching so that his pubic bone touches your clitoris.

Chunga (Japan)
From the diaries of a maiko and geisha

The task of geishas is to entertain the guests of Japanese courtesans. They prepare a man for the upcoming love game. Sex is not part of their duties, yet they are considered
ideal lovers who bring ease to sexual relationships. Future geisha (maiko) study this art from “shunga” (“spring books” with pornographic pictures) or from the diaries of their teachers. Here are some excerpts from these texts:

  • Geisha massage Twist, smooth, press from head to toe - in this sequence, Japanese temptresses touched the man’s body. If he is still tense, the geisha begin erotic touching: first scratching (inner forearm, buttocks), and then pinching (nipples, thighs) and spanking
  • Voluptuous little bushes This is what geishas call a method of curbing a partner with premature ejaculation. Take the head of his penis in your hand, play with it, moving it over the labia and clitoris. From time to time he is allowed to enter you. Use a “harikata” (dildo), which you should hold in your vagina while you caress the clitoris with its head, and do this until you come.
  • Extragenital orgasm Caress him with your vulva, fingers and mouth until he reaches the peak of pleasure. After this, continue caresses in a different position. Repeat this as often as possible - he will cum, despite the fact that you do not move on to more decisive actions.
  • Meeting point “Encroachment on three places” means, for example, that you simultaneously suck his tongue or lower lip, tease his nipples with one hand, and caress his crotch with the other. He can “capture” “four places”: moving inside you, he stimulates your clitoris with his thumb, massages one of your nipples with the other hand, and caresses the other with his tongue. Initiate him into this art of war.
  • Euphoria You sit on it with your legs bent and squeezed, and you rotate your pelvis and hips. All this bears the poetic name “tea stupa”. It is good to blindfold your partner.
Joy magazine, May 2010

Geisha - the Japanese priestess of love - is a professional in everything related to seducing a man and keeping his attention. She masters the most ancient methods of charm and seduction, which have a reliable effect on male psychology.

Translated, the word “geisha” means “person of art.” Everything about this Japanese priestess is elevated to the level of unshakable skill and science. She is a perfect woman, an ideal in which beauty, intelligence, sexuality and passion are combined with affection and femininity.

Priestesses of love in Japan are highly respected and their work is honored. But under no circumstances confuse her with a woman of easy virtue. She is the hostess of the party, her task is to entertain the guests so that their interest does not fade for a minute. Geisha is the woman with whom any man will feel like a real Man. This oriental temptress knows how to attract attention and intrigue anyone with just one turn of her head, with just one glance. But her task is not to subjugate and conquer, but to be conquered.

Becoming a geisha is not at all easy; you need to study this craft hard and for a long time. Several times a day, Maiko (an apprentice geisha) gives lessons in singing, dancing, drawing, and playing musical instruments.

And every Maiko knows: the furor of men’s adoration lies in 5 secrets, each of them binds men more and more tightly.

First secret. Exciting and exciting touches.

Everyone loves massage without exception - it relieves stress and gives a lot of positive feelings and emotions. But this same massage can also become a sexual foreplay, stimulating erogenous zones using the chest, tongue, lips.

Eastern mistresses of love are undisputed professionals of erotic massage. We, too, should not neglect this love method of seduction.

Dim the lights, stock up on aromatic oils and light candles. Apply an emollient cream or oil to your hands and start working from the back, changing the pressure and tempo. In addition to your hands, use touch with your whole body, don’t forget about your chest. Alternate stroking the manhood with other areas of the body (neck, chest, legs). By doing a massage, you touch and stimulate a large number of senses, and the perception of touch and smell is heightened. To increase arousal, it will be effective to blindfold your partner. Each touch stretches his excited body like a string, because the man does not know how and where his resourceful priestess will touch him next time.

An excellent effect is achieved by alternating cold and heat - this procedure stimulates blood circulation, the skin becomes sensitive and receptive to touch. You need to start with heat, and the massage itself from the lower part of the body. Don't forget about passionate hot kisses and breast touches. The next step is to walk a piece of ice over your body.

Second rule. Food of seduction and pleasure.
Eastern geishas know exactly the answer; they study the basics of cooking, studying special ingredients- aphrodisiacs. They have a magical property - they have a positive effect on the intimate sphere, sexuality, and increase the tone of the body. Foods rich in aphrodisiacs are capable of producing sex attractants (hormones that attract other people). In addition to the classic dish of oysters with champagne, aphrodisiacs include: avocado, eggs, banana, almonds, honey, seafood, olive oil. Unrivaled spices and herbs: curry, ginger, coriander, cloves, vanilla. One of the sexiest aphrodisiacs, cardamom, helps increase potency and adds spice to relationships in the bedroom. Add a pinch of this miracle seasoning to your loved one’s dish - the effect will not take long to appear!

Third rule - Sex in Japanese.
From the very beginning school activities Geisha students study another important subject - the art of mastering intimate muscles. This skill helps to enhance and control your pleasure and that of your partner. This skill is called vumbilding and means training the vaginal muscles. During sexual intercourse, a man gets a much brighter and longer orgasm. There are a lot of advantages to such a workout: it increases blood circulation in tissues, preserves the health of the genital organs, restores microflora, develops sensuality and, most importantly, orgasm, thanks to which you are able to experience pleasure of such intensity that you have never even dreamed of.

Kegel exercise. These exercises can be done anywhere and anytime.

1.Tighten and relax your muscles (10 relaxations/10 contractions).
2.Slowly unclench and contract your muscles for 5 seconds. After the break, tense your muscles for 20-30 seconds.
3. Now relax the muscles slightly, fix for 5 seconds, then increase the tension - fix, gradually increase more. Follow exactly the same path to relax the vaginal muscles.
4. “Pushing” exercise - push down, as when lifting something heavy or as during childbirth.

Rule four. Love joys of a geisha.
An exciting gait, charisma, a slight smile, peace and tranquility - this is how the priestess of love appears before a man. Geisha amuses male pride humility and tenderness, beautifully indulges his weaknesses, she will not sulk, she will not start a scandal. These are her weapons - not assertiveness and strength, but weakness and sensual tenderness. A geisha is aware of a wide variety of sexual positions; in bed she is constantly in a state of lust and excitement. While caressing her partner, she plays with him, shows imagination and enjoys this game. She expresses all her emotions and feelings with movements, not words. By the way, on a love bed, priestesses are always silent. In Japanese culture, this feature (moans and words) is a sign of disrespect for a partner.

Rule five. Erotic meditation.
Geishas attach particular importance to erotic meditation and spiritual practices. All this helps to achieve peace, harmony, and reveal sexuality. By meditating, an oriental geisha gets rid of the tightness and shyness that prevent her from achieving pleasure and giving a man pleasure. It helps to perceive your body and yourself as a single whole, heightens sensuality. In this way, the geisha prepares herself and her body for an intimate date. They explore sensual, responsive and erogenous zones and places on their body. They imagine the body in the form of a garden, where each part of it is flowers, grass, trees. To tune in to the desired thoughts and sensations, women sometimes heated their underwear so that the warmth between their legs would cause languor and give rise to special sexual sensations

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Polygamy and harems, lack of education and legal disenfranchisement, the shine of diamonds and burqas - the life of Arab wives has acquired so many stereotypes in the eyes of foreigners that it is already difficult to distinguish truth from fiction.

website I decided to find out how the beautiful and mysterious women of the East actually live.

Arranged marriage

  • Half of marriages in many Arab countries are indeed still concluded based on the will of the parents. And many are sure that no one takes into account the girl’s opinion. Actually this is not true. If the bride does not like the groom, then she has the right to refuse the marriage proposal.
  • A marriage contract must be signed. Unlike the rest of the world, in Arab countries this rule is strictly observed.
  • Arab women rarely marry non-believers, since they can be expelled from the country for marrying an infidel. Men are in a more privileged position; they are allowed to marry Christian and Jewish women. But in this case, the girl does not receive citizenship, and in the event of a divorce, the children remain with the father.
  • Age of marriage. In most Arab countries, the minimum age for the bride and groom is 18 years. For example, residents of Tunisia, by law, can get married at the age of 18, but in fact the average age of brides is 25 years, grooms - 30 years. Although early marriage is still practiced in some developing countries. For example, more than half of girls in Saudi Arabia and Yemen get married before the age of 18.

How do weddings go?

IN different countries Traditions vary, but often the Arab bride and groom celebrate their wedding separately.

  • "Men's Wedding" It can even be celebrated on more than one day with the bride’s celebration and, as a rule, takes place simply: tea, coffee, dinner and communication - no more than 4 hours in total. The wives' weddings are much more magnificent: a huge hall, waiters, artists.
  • "Women's Wedding"- this is a reason to show off in diamonds, designer shoes and evening dresses. After all, usually all this beauty is hidden under scarves and hijabs (abayas). Therefore, only ladies are present at such weddings. Men are strictly prohibited from entering. All staff are women only, including singers, photographer and DJ. If a famous singer is invited, then he will not see either the hero of the occasion or the guests, performing songs behind a screen or in the next room, and the broadcast is broadcast into the hall.
  • The husband's arrival is announced in advance, so that all the ladies could cover themselves with abayas. And if the husband comes with his brothers or father, then the bride is also covered with a white abaya, because even male relatives should not see her beauty.
  • It is not customary to give money or household appliances as gifts for a wedding. Jewelry is usually given to the bride as a gift.


  • Most marriages are monogamous. Not every Arab man can afford polygamy. Islam allows you to have up to 4 wives, but each of them must be provided with their own home, equally given gifts, attention, jewelry and other things. Several wives are the privilege of sheikhs and very wealthy people.
  • The first marriage is the most important. No matter how many wives a man has, the first, “great” marriage is considered the most important, and the wife is considered the “eldest”.
  • If the husband nevertheless took another woman as his wife, the remaining spouses are ordered to reconcile. They must submit to the will of their man and not show any emotions. As a rule, all wives live in different houses and do not intersect so often.


  • A man, wanting to divorce his wife, according to a long-standing tradition, could tell his wife “go away” three times at any time. After this, the wife had to immediately leave his house, taking with her only what she was wearing. Therefore, women carried all the donated gold on themselves. In practice, divorces initiated by husbands are extremely rare. In addition, during a divorce, children always remain with their father.
  • A woman can file for divorce if a man does not provide for her well enough. The courts consider such applications carefully and most often satisfy them. In the Arab world, men express their love not with flowers, but with gold and jewelry. For example, he is obliged to take her to restaurants, buy expensive gifts and clothes. If there are several wives, then everyone is entitled to the same amount of attention and gifts.
  • In other cases, it will not be so easy for a woman to get a divorce, after all, courts often make decisions with bias, supporting the husband’s side to the last.

Women's rights

Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, an Arab woman is highly respected by men. She shouldn't need anything.

  • Arab women were among the first to receive the right to marry at will, to divorce, and to own property. This happened back in the 7th century, while in other countries ladies were deprived of such opportunities. Islamic law viewed marriage between a woman and a man as a contract that could only come into force with the consent of both parties. Also during this period, women's right to own property and dispose of the wealth that she brought into the family or earned was introduced.
  • Weekly women's days. Once a week in the UAE, all beaches, water parks and beauty salons are open exclusively for ladies. A man will simply not be allowed into the establishment.
  • However, a Muslim wife does everything with the consent of the man. In order to go somewhere, she should warn her husband about it and get his permission.


  • Women should cover their bodies with loose clothing and a veil. They can wear anything: miniskirts, jeans, and shorts. The outfits of Arab beauties could be the envy of many fashionistas. But when going outside, a woman puts on a silk cape down to her toes, and hides her face with a scarf. After all, her beauty is only for her husband; strangers should not see her. The exception is “women’s” celebrations and weddings, where there are no men and you can “walk” designer new items. However, this custom is not observed everywhere, but women must cover their heads in almost all Arab countries.
  • Kuwait is the only Arab country where women wear European clothes on the street. However, she must remain modest and closed.
  • In contrast to Kuwait There are countries, such as Yemen and Sudan, where the old customs still exist and women are required to wear black capes that hide their entire body, from crown to toe.
  • There is a career. In the UAE, women make up about 2% of executives, hold 20% of administrative positions and account for 35% work force countries. At the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange, 43% of investors are women. Also in the United United Arab Emirates women can become judges and work in government departments such as the police. In Tunisia, more than 26% of parliament members are women. Fly in the ointment It can only be the fact that in many Arab countries a woman cannot get a job without the consent of her husband or guardian.

The sexual culture of the East is based on principles other than European ones. This is, for example, the cult of the naked body, admiration for sensual pleasure. Everyone knows that in countries such as Japan, China, India, Nepal, sexuality is viewed not so much as an art, but as a science. Sex in these countries is not so much a goal as a path, movement and even development of the soul. Sexuality is considered something natural, it is not forbidden, but at the same time it is not an “animal” act performed only for the sake of one’s own satisfaction, but a way to become closer spiritually.

Attitudes towards sex in China have been greatly influenced by ancient philosophy, which viewed a woman as a “second-class” creature. The views of the Chinese even now are clearly anti-feminist in nature: a woman is seen as an inferior being compared to a man. In China, since ancient times, female purity and devotion to her husband have been valued - this is the main thing in family life and raising children. The Chinese family is distinguished by the fact that mutual respect and care reign in it; children are required to behave in a way that does not harm the family. This atmosphere creates a special attachment to each other, and marriage is primarily to have a family. In modern China, as in ancient times, the naked body is negatively assessed.

Anal and oral sex are considered perversion in China and are punishable by law. The Chinese are critical of male masturbation (the loss of semen, they believe, is tantamount to the loss of vitality), but women are treated tolerantly. Figures: 95% of Chinese do not enjoy sex and do not know how to give it to their partner.

An active sex life has always been part of Japanese culture, and the Japanese still adhere to the advice of ancient books devoted to the technique of carnal love. Japanese sexual play is characterized by a very slow and formal beginning, bordering on ritual. A woman collects her hair in a bun and pins it with hairpins, thereby opening back neck, which, according to Japanese ideas, looks extremely erotic. After this, the man lightly touches her neck with his lips or lightly runs the tip of his tongue along it, as if teasing, and only after that the partners are naked and foreplay begins. When sex begins, the soft movement of the woman's hair sliding down adds new colors to the erotic picture. Japanese couples are traditionally silent, in small wooden houses with paper partitions instead interior walls partners try not to disturb others with any noise. Words spoken in a whisper, or communication without words, but only through touch, increase tension. In Japan, all newlyweds are given a richly illustrated book, which depicts all possible options for sex. Traditionally, this book is placed under the pillow to ensure a delightful wedding night.

Women who come to India from other countries are simply shocked by the frankly ardent gaze of local men - hence the myth about “sexually horny” Indians. In fact, an Indian man is brought up in such a way that he is simply obliged to keep his distance when communicating with women and treat them like his sisters or mothers. The thing is that Indian women are very inaccessible, which is why men are attracted to foreign women. In general, sex in India has long been given spiritual content and truly ritual significance. Since hoary antiquity, it has been considered part of many sacred rituals. As they believed and still believe in this country, sex is an act pleasing to God. In general, the influence of ancient religious customs in India is very strong. For example, women's menstruation is perceived as a period of ritual pollution. On such days, women leave all household chores to servants or daughters. Sex before marriage in India is fraught with penalties. But the system of punishment applies only to women: the code of female behavior has always been much stricter, regardless of their social status. Even the Kama Sutra says that the ideal of sexual perfection is achieved only in marriage. A woman, as stated in this treatise, must completely satisfy a man and submit to all his desires, as well as remain faithful to him. Love between spouses in India is important, but it is believed that it will certainly arise and strengthen in the process of living together. Marrying for love is not at all necessary - in fact, marrying for love is contrary to traditions that have developed over thousands of years. About 95% of all marriages in India are based on a preliminary agreement between the parents of the bride and groom.

Sex in Thailand has never been considered a forbidden fruit, and children learn about it early - at 8-10 years old. For every Thai man, a course of initiation into monastic life is required; both the king and all his subjects follow it. And only after completing this course can a man get married. Traditionally, Thais have one wife. True, in city life there has always been an unspoken institution of concubines. The main wife knows about the existence of “junior wives,” as they are called. It is believed that if a man has got himself a “younger wife,” then he must support her well and also satisfy her regularly. The main rule of a Thai woman is to be pleasant to a man and anticipate his desires.

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