Test tasks for the section “Social work as practical and volunteer activity. Practical recommendations for social work specialists and social workers on conducting communication modules; methodological guide Practical


option 1




Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:



Applicable documents

Induction training


Individual tasks

Solving a practical problem


Complete in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on the work



Using the lecture material and the reference legal system “Consultant Plus” or “Referent Delta”, determine on the basis of which legal acts the state implements social policy in relation to groups and layers in need of social protection, social assistance and support. Present your answer in the form of the following table:

Groups and layers in need of social protection, social assistance and support

(main social facilities)

Regulatory and legal acts that determine the social policy of the state in relation to specific groups and layers in need of social protection, social assistance and support

disabled people


participants of the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them

home front workers during the Great Patriotic War

single elderly people and families consisting of only pensioners (by age, disability and other reasons)

widows and mothers of military personnel killed in wars

former minor prisoners of fascism

persons subjected to political repression and subsequently rehabilitated

refugees and internally displaced persons

persons exposed to radiation as a result of an accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, nuclear releases and nuclear tests

persons returning from places of imprisonment, deprivation of liberty, special educational institutions

persons without a fixed abode

families containing persons who abuse alcohol or use drugs

families with disabled children

families with orphans and children left without parental care in their care

low income families

large families

families of minor parents

young families (including students)

mothers on maternity leave

pregnant women and nursing mothers

graduates of orphanages and boarding schools living independently (until they achieve financial independence and social maturity)

orphaned or left without parental care children

street children and adolescents

children and adolescents with deviant behavior

children experiencing abuse and violence who find themselves in conditions that threaten their health and development

divorcing families

families with an unfavorable psychological microclimate, conflictual relationships, families where parents are psychologically bankrupt

persons with psychological difficulties, experiencing psychological stress, prone to suicidal behavior


health status

elderly, retirement age

special situation of children

vagrancy, homelessness

Control questions

  1. Indicate the main subjects of social work
  2. Describe the federal level of regulation of social work
  3. Indicate the main features of social work as an academic discipline


on performing practical work No. 1

option 2

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Main directions of social work in the context of reform in Russia

Target: Consolidation and systematization of acquired theoretical knowledge about the elements of the social sphere and the main directions of social policy of the state, the formation and development of practical skills of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for performing practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework of SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, IC "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of the activities of a social worker. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3.. Platonova N.M. and others. Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4.. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. /Textbook for general ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Sequence of tasks to be performed

Applicable documents

Induction training

Sequence explanation

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write down the topic and purpose of the lesson in your notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Complete in writing in a notebook

Monitoring acquired skills

Solving a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Complete the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in your notebook.

Performing Security Questions


Complete in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on the work


Write down a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the completed work


Using the legal reference system “Consultant Plus” or “Referent Delta”, identify legal acts regulating various levels of social work (at least 3 for each level) and fill out the following table:

Social work level


What issues are regulated

Federal level


The main directions of state youth policy in Russian Federation, approved by Resolution of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 1993 No. 5090-1

They contain conceptual provisions on the basis of which state youth policy is formed and implemented in the Russian Federation. The goals and principles of such a policy are common to all levels of government and management. The implementation of measures in the field of state youth policy in Russia is carried out by state authorities and management on the basis of regulations and programs adopted in the development of these Main Directions in accordance with the competence of these bodies.

Regional level

Municipal level

Local level


Distribute the listed social work objects among the rows of the table:

Persons who have returned from places of imprisonment; street children; families with orphans in their care; persons prone to suicidal behavior; families with disabled children; forced migrants; children left without parental care; children experiencing abuse and violence; lonely elderly people; disabled citizens; rehabilitated persons; divorcing families; large families; children with psychological difficulties; nursing mothers; widows and mothers of military personnel who died during the Great Patriotic War and in peacetime; persons without a fixed place of residence; persons exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; home front workers during the Great Patriotic War; families with an unfavorable psychological microclimate; children and adolescents with deviant behavior; orphaned children; families consisting of only pensioners; young families; low-income families; single-parent families; pregnant women; refugees; family members of persons subjected to political repression; participants of the Great Patriotic War; families of minor parents; families containing persons who abuse alcohol or use drugs; minor prisoners of fascist camps.

Basis for classification of social work objects

Population groups that find themselves in difficult life situations

health status

service and labor in extreme social conditions

elderly, retirement age

deviant behavior in its various forms and types

difficult, disadvantaged situation of various categories of families

special situation of children

vagrancy, homelessness

situation of women in the prenatal and postnatal state

legal (and in connection with this social) status of persons subjected to political repression and subsequently rehabilitated

Control questions:

  1. Indicate the main objects of social work
  2. Describe the municipal level of social work
  3. Indicate the features of social work as a type of professional activity



on performing practical work No. 2

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technological process of social work

Target: Consolidation and systematization of acquired theoretical knowledge about the technological process of social work, the formation and development of practical skills of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for performing practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework of SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, IC "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of the activities of a social worker. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3.. Platonova N.M. and others. Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4.. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. /Textbook for general ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Sequence of tasks to be performed

Applicable documents

Induction training

Sequence explanation

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write down the topic and purpose of the lesson in your notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Complete in writing in a notebook

Monitoring acquired skills

Solving a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Complete the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in your notebook.

Performing Security Questions


Complete in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on the work


Write down a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the completed work


Natalya is 52 years old. Pre-retirement age. Three years ago she became a widow. She is dependent on two student daughters and an elderly mother. The publishing house where she worked closed. It is difficult to find a job at her age; she has only one specialty, and even that is not very popular - editor. But Natalya is a determined woman. She set a goal for herself: to find a job. However, she understands that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop a specific plan of action, divided into certain stages.

She offers the following detailed plan:

1. Criteria for choosing a job.

Natalya doesn't want to get any job. She needs a job that meets certain criteria.

2. Summary.

In order to offer herself on the labor market, she must prepare a resume that meets all standards and contains and emphasizes those features of Natalia’s training, experience and personal qualities that would help her interest the employer.

3. Information.

Natalya should have information about where she can find out about various vacancies, study the demand market for labor and choose the most suitable directions for sending your resume.

4. Selection of the best and most suitable firms and organizations.

Having considered various directions, Natalya plans to sift through the offered vacancies and select the most attractive ones for herself.

5. Meetings with employers.

6. Selecting the most suitable offer. If more than one job is offered, she will have to make a choice. For selection, it is also necessary to develop certain criteria, such as: prestige,

Possibility of growth, wage, working day, distance from home, team, bosses, etc.

7. Developing a new plan in case she cannot find a job this way.

Evaluate the logic of the presented plan. Indicate how fully it reflects the desire to achieve the goal.


Irina is a 48-year-old divorced woman. She has an adult married daughter and an elderly mother. Everyone has separate apartments. Each lives its own life. Irina was married to an artist. It seemed to her that he would definitely be famous. But his talent was ruined by his addiction to alcohol, to which he also introduced Irina. Young artists often gathered in the house, drank a lot and talked a lot. In the morning it was difficult to figure out where everyone was and who was with whom. For Irina, such a life was unusual. But her husband often told her: “If you want to be an artist’s wife, be patient and get used to it. We are a free people and do not like conventions.” Before Irina’s eyes, her husband began to arrange his personal life with another woman. In revenge, Irina entered into a close relationship with a young avant-garde artist. Then she broke down and began drinking without stopping. She could not forgive herself for her weakness. The parents first took her daughter to live with them. And then she was forcibly taken to a clinic for treatment. At the clinic, she realized that there would be no life if she stayed with her artist. They were divorced.

Many years have passed, but Irina remains lonely. She doesn't trust men. He drinks alcohol once a year, but voraciously. He drinks continuously for two weeks, because of this he cannot hold down a permanent job.

Point out the reasons that did not allow Irina to resist in life and maintain her integrity. What character traits of Irina led to the sad outcome?


Igor was found serious illness. Doctors recommended that he first quit smoking. Igor started smoking back in adolescence, tried to quit this habit several times, but to no avail. This time, the very circumstances associated with the threat to his life force him to take this step. He developed the following strategy for himself to stop smoking: 1) gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day; 2) reduce the number of cigarettes by one every day.

Will Igor's plan lead to achieving his goal? Propose your plan.

Control questions:

  1. List the basic principles of social work technology
  2. Determine the essence of social work technology
  3. Imagine the classification of V. I. Banerushev



option 1

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work



Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for performing practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework of SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, IC "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of the activities of a social worker. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3.. Platonova N.M. and others. Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4.. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. /Textbook for general ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Sequence of tasks to be performed

Applicable documents

Induction training

Sequence explanation

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write down the topic and purpose of the lesson in your notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Complete in writing in a notebook

Monitoring acquired skills

Solving a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Complete the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in your notebook.

Performing Security Questions


Complete in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on the work


Write down a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the completed work



Definition of the concept

Social adaptation

Adaptation shock

Voluntary adaptation

Forced adaptation

Adaptive behavior

Functional adaptation

Organizational adaptation

Situational adaptation


Vladimir, 40 years old, worked as a delivery driver with his own car. He has a fairly large family - his wife is a teacher, his daughter is a student at a commercial university, and his wife’s elderly parents. As a result of fatal circumstances, Vladimir had an accident and lost his leg. Now he is depressed and does not know how to continue to live, how to feed his family.

Determine what measures social rehabilitation necessary for Vladimir in the current situation and why.

Show him how to get out of this difficult life situation.


Nikolai, 12 years old, constantly ran away from home and wandered, as his parents abused alcoholic beverages, and, when drunk, caused scandals and pogroms at home. Often they brought drinking companions of dubious appearance and occupation. Due to lack of education, Nikolai grew up as a hooligan and fell under the influence of older “comrades” who began to involve him in the distribution of drugs.

Determine what social rehabilitation measures Nikolai needs in the current situation and why.

How can the current situation be transformed so that Nikolai grows up as a normal member of society?



on performing practical work No. 3

option 2

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social rehabilitation and adaptation

Target: Consolidation and systematization of acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of application of social adaptation and rehabilitation technologies, formation and development of professional competencies, practical skills of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for performing practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework of SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, IC "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of the activities of a social worker. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3.. Platonova N.M. and others. Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4.. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. /Textbook for general ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Sequence of tasks to be performed

Applicable documents

Induction training

Sequence explanation

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write down the topic and purpose of the lesson in your notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Complete in writing in a notebook

Monitoring acquired skills

Solving a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Complete the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in your notebook.

Performing Security Questions


Complete in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on the work


Write down a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the completed work


Based on the studied educational material, fill out the following table of definitions:


Definition of the concept

Social rehabilitation

Need for social rehabilitation

Social and medical rehabilitation

Social and psychological rehabilitation

Social and pedagogical rehabilitation

Vocational and occupational rehabilitation

Social and environmental rehabilitation


A young 35-year-old woman, recently married, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Surgeons informed her that she needed to remove her left breast. The woman is not afraid of death. She does not know how to tell her husband that she will be disabled, an inferior woman, from her point of view. And he would never be able to have children, which they both dreamed of. Life is over for her, she believes.

What information will help her break the deadlock and see the possibilities of a normal life after surgery?

What mechanism of social adaptation will take place in this case?


Irina, a graduate of a social university, got a job in one of the maternity hospitals. It was very difficult for her. A social worker is a fairly new and unusual phenomenon in a health care setting. The doctors did not express their great affection for her and did not understand why she was needed here without a medical education. Some of them not only watched with distrust, but even with contempt, her interactions with patients and their relatives. In addition, she noticed that some male obstetricians were disrespectful not only to her, but to all the women working there. One doctor often made fun of her very offensively, told obscene jokes, and sometimes simply threw barbs that questioned her professionalism. One of the nurses advised Irina to talk frankly with this doctor and tell him everything she thinks about him. But Irina believes the following: “I think this will not bring me anything good. I’d rather prove with my work that I can help unhappy women, especially those who have nowhere to go with a child and want to give it up. Then the doctors will understand that if they treat the body of a woman and her child, then I am their soul. It’s better not to pay attention to stupid jokes and simply not notice them than to create a conflict situation that will not lead to anything good.”

Answer the following questions:

Is it possible to agree with Irina on everything? She speaks from the position of so-called common sense and does not want to conflict with anyone. But isn't she, like an ostrich, hiding her head in the sand?

Do you agree with the proposed vision of the future development of the situation?

What actions need to be taken to resolve this situation?

What would you suggest Irina do to solve her problem?

What type of social adaptation will take place in this case?


Tamara, a journalist, lost a prestigious job in one of the central newspapers. Although she was fired due to staff reduction, many said that it was because of her quarrelsomeness and desire to constantly question the orders of her superiors. Currently, Tamara, having registered at the labor exchange, receives unemployment benefits, prepares lunches for her adult son and writes articles on request for various newspapers and magazines. Her goal is to get a job in one of the decent newspapers. To do this, she must start looking for work and going to interviews. But often she simply refuses to go to interviews already during the telephone invitation. She herself tried to analyze the reasons for this and discovered that she was dissatisfied with her appearance - gray and unkempt hair, lack of makeup, jeans that she wore for her son. Every time she has to go for another interview, she finds that she is not ready for it for the above reasons. In addition, on the day of the interview something always happens to her - a friend gets sick, the taps are leaking, new furniture is brought in, etc.

Determine what social rehabilitation measures Tamara needs in the current situation and why.

How can Tamara get out of this difficult life situation?



on performing practical work No. 4

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social work in the field of healthcare

Target: Consolidation and systematization of acquired theoretical knowledge on the main aspects of the application of various social technologies in the field of healthcare, the formation and development of professional competencies, practical skills of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for performing practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework of SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, IC "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of the activities of a social worker. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3.. Platonova N.M. and others. Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4.. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. /Textbook for general ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Sequence of tasks to be performed

Applicable documents

Induction training

Sequence explanation

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write down the topic and purpose of the lesson in your notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Complete in writing in a notebook

Monitoring acquired skills

Solving a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Complete the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in your notebook.

Performing Security Questions


Complete in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on the work


Write down a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the completed work


Based on the studied educational material, fill out the following table of definitions:


Definition of the concept

Preventive medical and social work

Medical and social work of pathogenetic orientation

Group at increased risk of developing drug addiction diseases

Family members of drug addicts and their immediate circles

Prevention programs

Treatment programs

Specialized programs


Using the capabilities of legal reference systems, determine which legal acts regulate social work with drug abusers and fill out the following table:


Document's name

Types of social work with drug addicts provided for in this document


His beloved girlfriend left Nikolai (20 years old). He was fired from his job because he showed up drunk one day. The relationship with my parents was upset. All this was a blow for Nikolai, because of which he began to seek solace in alcoholic beverages, and then became addicted to drugs and began to communicate with dubious personalities. Nikolai’s life went downhill, he did not work anywhere, did odd jobs, which were immediately spent on purchasing drugs. He often spent the night in the basement with others leading the same lifestyle. When he became sober, he thought that it was impossible to live like this, but he continued to abuse drugs.

Do you think it’s possible to somehow improve Nikolai’s life and return it to normal?

What methods of social work can be used to influence Nikolai, who finds himself in a hopeless situation?


Using the capabilities of legal reference systems, determine which legal acts regulate social work with cancer patients and fill out the following table:


Document's name

Types of social work with cancer patients provided for by this document


Mikhail (35 years old) was diagnosed with cancer in an advanced stage. According to doctors' forecasts, he did not have long to live. Mikhail lost heart and began to refuse treatment, arguing that there was no point in treatment, since he would soon die anyway. He began to experience deep depression, he began to refuse to communicate with friends and relatives, who in every possible way wanted to support him in this situation and help him in any way they could.

What social assistance does Mikhail need in this situation?

Give a fully motivated answer on the merits of the case.



on performing practical work No. 5

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social work with older people

Target: Consolidation and systematization of acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of application of social work technologies with older people, formation and development of practical skills of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for performing practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework of SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, IC "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of the activities of a social worker. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3.. Platonova N.M. and others. Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4.. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. /Textbook for general ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Sequence of tasks to be performed

Applicable documents

Induction training

Sequence explanation

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write down the topic and purpose of the lesson in your notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Complete in writing in a notebook

Monitoring acquired skills

Solving a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Complete the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in your notebook.

Performing Security Questions


Complete in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on the work


Write down a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the completed work


Ministry economic development The Russian Federation has developed a Forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2017. Using the capabilities of the Reference Legal Systems “Referent Delta” or “Consultant Plus”, determine what social measures in the field of social work with older people are established in this forecast.


Using the capabilities of the Legal Reference Systems “Referent Delta” or “Consultant Plus”, study the Federal Target Program “Social Development of Rural Affairs” and fill out the following table:

Program name

Basis for program development

State customer - program coordinator

Main developers of the program

Goals and objectives of the program

Timing and stages of program implementation

Main program events

Expected results of the program implementation


Using the Referent Delta Legal Reference System, determine which social rural development program is in effect in the Primorsky Territory and fill out the following table:


on performing practical work No. 6

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social work with disabled people

Target: Consolidation and systematization of acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of application of social work technologies with people with disabilities, formation and development of practical skills of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for performing practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework of SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, IC "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of the activities of a social worker. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3.. Platonova N.M. and others. Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4.. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. /Textbook for general ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Sequence of tasks to be performed

Applicable documents

Induction training

Sequence explanation

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write down the topic and purpose of the lesson in your notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Complete in writing in a notebook

Monitoring acquired skills

Solving a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Complete the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in your notebook.

Performing Security Questions


Complete in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on the work


Write down a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the completed work


Using the capabilities of the Reference Legal Systems “Referent Delta” or “Consultant Plus”, determine which legal acts determine the social policy regarding people with disabilities in the Russian Federation. Briefly describe what relationships are regulated by these legal acts:


Using the Reference Legal System “Referent Delta”, determine which legal acts adopted at the level of the Primorsky Territory determine the social policy regarding people with disabilities in the Primorsky Territory. Briefly describe what relationships are regulated by these legal acts:

Present your answer in the form of a table:


The disabled employee asked the employer to provide him with annual paid leave of 34 calendar days, citing the fact that, in accordance with the Federalby lawdated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation,” disabled people must be granted annual leave of at least 30 calendar days. Since such a period is not specifically established or limited, in the employee’s opinion, he has the right to ask the employer to provide a vacation of a duration longer than 30 days.

Determine whether such a vacation can really be longer?


Spouses N. are planning to sell their apartment in order to pay for the treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child abroad. The family is low-income, the spouse is a disabled person of the second group, the spouse does not work because she is caring for a disabled child.

Determine whether the exemption from personal income tax on income from the sale of an apartment applies in the above case?

Is social tax deduction according to personal income tax for the treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child abroad?



on performing practical work No. 7

Discipline: Theory and methodology of social work

Subject: Technologies of social work with persons without a fixed place of residence

Target: Consolidation and systematization of acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of application of social work technologies with persons without a fixed place of residence, formation and development of practical skills of students in the process of working with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, development of logical and analytical thinking of students.

Time limit: 2 hours.

Didactic material:

1. Guidelines for performing practical work;

2. Notebooks for practical work;

Regulatory framework of SPS Consultant+


1. Guslova M.N. Theory and methodology of social work. M, IC "Academy", 2007

2. Medvedeva G.P. Ethics and psychology of the activities of a social worker. JIC "Academy", 2010.

3.. Platonova N.M. and others. Theory, methodology and practice of social work. JIC "Academy", 2010.

4.. Theory of social work. / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2008.

5. Technologies of social work. /Textbook for general ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007.


Sequence of tasks to be performed

Applicable documents

Induction training

Sequence explanation

Familiarization with the guidelines


Write down the topic and purpose of the lesson in your notebook

Independent completion of tasks

Individual tasks

Complete in writing in a notebook

Monitoring acquired skills

Solving a practical problem

Complete the task in writing in your notebook. Complete the exercises in pairs and record the results in writing in your notebook.

Performing Security Questions


Complete in writing in a notebook

Conclusion on the work


Write down a conclusion on the purpose of the lesson at the end of the completed work

Exercise 1.

Using the capabilities of the Reference Legal Systems “Referent Delta” or “Consultant Plus”, determine which legal acts regulate social work with persons without a fixed place of residence. Briefly describe what relationships are regulated by these legal acts:

Present your answer in the form of a table:


Using the Reference Legal System “Referent Delta”, determine which legal acts adopted at the level of the Primorsky Territory determine the social policy in relation to persons without a fixed place of residence in the Primorsky Territory. Briefly describe what relationships are regulated by these legal acts:

Present your answer in the form of a table:


Using the capabilities of the Reference Legal Systems “Referent Delta” or “Consultant Plus”, determine what kind of social work with persons without a fixed place of residence is carried out by a social assistance institution for such persons.


Using the capabilities of the Reference Legal Systems “Referent Delta” or “Consultant Plus”, determine what rights and responsibilities do persons staying in a social assistance institution for persons without a fixed place of residence have.


Using the capabilities of the Reference Legal Systems “Referent Delta” or “Consultant Plus”, determine what constitutes a night stay home for people without a fixed place of residence and occupation and what tasks and functions such houses perform.

1. What concept fits the definition of “The state of society in which a significant part of its members, knowing about the existence of norms that bind them, treats them negatively or indifferently”?

a) anarchy;

b) stagnation;

c) anomia.

2. According to the popular point of view in Russia, what components does social work include (indicate all correct answers):

a) academic discipline;

b) structure;

d) type of practical activity;

3.Fill in the missing words.

According to Russian specialists, in the narrow sense of the word, social work is .... which helps people or organizations .... difficulties (personal, social and situational), but not only, and also overcome them through support, protection, correction, ..... In In a broad sense, social work can be defined as…. activities aimed at solving social problems of ...., layers and groups, as well as creating conditions favorable to .... or improving people's ability to... functioning.

a) rehabilitation;

b) realize;

c) restoration;

d) activity;

e) social;

f) individuals;

4. The category of psychological and pedagogical principles of social work includes:

a) humanism, justice, altruism;

b) historicism, social conditioning, social significance;

c) modality, empathy, attraction, trust.

5. Please indicate the match.

a) principles of social work as a science;

b) principles of social work as a practical activity.



    social justice;

4) democracy;


6) confidentiality.

6. A special way of understanding the feelings of another person, which consists in empathizing with his emotional state, in penetrating his empathy, is defined as _________________.

7. Giving social workers a facilitative function is necessary to implement the principle:

a) democracy;

b) self-help;

c) confidentiality;

d) social justice.

8. Among the listed functions, highlight the one that does not relate to the functions of the state as a subject of social work:

a) social support for the client;

b) revival of private charity;

c) social protection of the population.

9. “Case study” literally means:

a) method for determining the degree of customer satisfaction;

b) method of encouragement;

c) case study method.

10. Which of the following principles does not belong to the principles of social policy?

a) the principle of social justice;

b) the principle of social partnership;

c) the principle of confidentiality;

d) the principle of individual social responsibility.

11.In the activities of a social work specialist, fundraising for the needs of a client is a type of:

a) mediation assistance;

b) financial assistance;

c) answers A and B are correct;

d) there is no correct answer.

12. To provide a specific type of service that meets the interests of the association’s participants, the following organizational and legal form of public associations can be created:

a) social movement;

b) public organization;

c) an amateur public body;

d) public institution.

13. The educational assistance of a social work specialist differs from the educational activities of a teacher in that:

a) is determined not by educational standards, but by the difficult life situation of the client;

b) is carried out not in an educational institution, but in a rehabilitation institution;

c) other forms of training are used;

d) other teaching methods are used.

14. An expression of an active employment policy is such a form of assistance as:

a) provision of information and intermediary services;

b) payment of unemployment benefits;

c) retraining of unemployed citizens;

d) all answers are correct.

15. On what issues is advisory assistance provided in social service institutions?

a) social and social and medical support for life;

b) psychological and pedagogical assistance;

c) social and legal protection;

d) for all of the above.

16. On what principles are social services based in the Russian Federation:

1) targeting, 2) accessibility, 3) voluntariness, 4) humanity, 5) priority in providing social services to minors in difficult life situations; 6) confidentiality, 7) preventive orientation; 8) free of charge:

a) except (3) and (5);

b) paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7);

c) paragraphs (1), (2), (4), (6), (7), (8);

d) paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5).

17. What is anomie?

a) the state of a drunk person;

b) the state of society when the majority of its members have a negative or neutral attitude towards existing values ​​and norms;

c) the condition of weakened pregnant women;

d) the condition of disabled people.

18. Who first founded a vocational school of social training in France:

a) Mary Richmond;

b) Jeannette Schwerin;

c) Alice Solomon;

d) Maria Gaheri.

19 .Types of assistance provided by a social teacher:

a) intermediary

b) material

c) psychological

d) educational

d) there is no correct answer

20. Types of assistance provided by a social work specialist:

a) intermediary

b) material

c) psychological

d) educational

d) there is no correct answer

21. Types of assistance provided by the teacher:

a) intermediary

b) material

c) psychological

d) educational

d) there is no correct answer.

22. The use of such a form of work as client patronage contributes to the implementation of the principle:

a) targeted approach;

b) accessibility;

c) all of the above.

23. One of the signs of a person’s everyday maladjustment is: a) inability to self-care; b) deviations in behavior; c) lack of housing.

24. Charity means the provision by individuals or organizations of free assistance to people in need or social groups (strata) of the population

a) in a broad sense;

b) in a narrow sense

25.The function of social work is:

a) diagnostic;

b) professional - preparatory;

c) medical; d) economic forecasting

26. The criterion of humanism is currently recognized as:

a) good, the value of a person as an individual;

b) a combination of morality and culture;

c) absolute freedom;

d) presence of a liberal arts education

27. The ability to experience and empathize with another person is called:

a) observation;

b) insight;

c) empathy;

d) attentiveness

28. A system of actions aimed at restoring a person’s rights, status, health, and legal capacity is called:

a) social readaptation;

b) resocialization;

c) social rehabilitation;

d) reorganization

29. Elimination of causes, conditions, factors causing socially unfavorable deviations is:

a) rehabilitation;

b) social prevention;

c) social correction;

d) social protection

30. Work with specific deviations aimed at a person is:

a) social prevention;

b) social rehabilitation;

c) social correction;

d) identification

31. The term “tolerance” means:

a) hostility;

b) tolerance;

c) stability;

d) exclusivity

32. Social and economic methods of social work include:

a) establishment of benefits, one-time benefits;

b) regulation;

c) informing;

d) punishment

33. Organizational and administrative methods of social work include:

a) rationing;

b) informing;

c) encouragement;

d) order

34. Psychological and pedagogical methods of social work include:

a) method of criticism and self-criticism;

b) observation method;

c) instructions

35. Social rehabilitation:

a) a system of measures aimed at restoring and compensating for impaired functions of a person’s status;

b) active in social and economic support;

c) a form of social protection of the population aimed at maintaining decent living conditions;

d) protection from social risks through comprehensive assistance to people from the state;

36. Methods used in practical social work:

a) methods of analysis and synthesis;

b) methods of scientific abstraction;

c) methods of induction and deduction;

d) socio-economic

37. Socio-economic methods used in the practice of social work:

a) introduction of a system of minimum social and economic guarantees;

b) rationing;

c) instruction;

d) modeling

38. What is social work at the macro level?:

a) a set of measures to improve the human environment;

b) development of rules, norms of behavior;

V ) formation of state social policy ;

d) social work is not used at the macro level.

39 . What are the signs of a difficult life situation?:

a) lack of means of subsistence;

b) the possibilities of normal social functioning are impaired;

roving the client;

c) social actors cannot cope with the situation themselves;

d) clients need third-party support

40 . What problems of human life determine the need for social work?:

a) a state of health that does not allow one to independently solve life problems;

b) lack of time and funds to organize your leisure time;

c) old age;

d) deviant behavior

41. What does targeted social assistance mean?:

a) provision of social assistance at home (at addresses);

b) provision of inpatient care (at a specific address);

c) assistance to an individual or group of individuals having similar problems;

d) allocation of certain funds to a specific person.

42. How is the principle of client-centrism understood?:

a) complete focus on the problems of a specific client;

b) recognition of the priority of the client’s rights in all cases that

do not contradict the interests of others and do not violate their rights;

c) comprehensive social assistance;

d) concentrating all resources on solving one problem

43. What does social adaptation mean as a technology of social work?:

a) assistance to a person for the purpose of his integration into society;

b) establishing boundaries of acceptable behavior for a person;

c) protection and restoration of human rights;

d) provision of social and medical services

44. Social rehabilitation as a type of social assistance implies:

a) restoration of the client’s physical capabilities;

b) restoration of the client’s mental capabilities;

V ) restoration of the client's social capabilities ;

d) replenishment of the client’s lost economic resources

45. The general classification of levels of social work includes:

a) individual level;

b) level of the workforce;

c) group level;

d) societal level

46. At the individual level, social assistance is provided, on-

example, in cases:

a) if the person has become a victim of violence;

b) loss of ability to work (disability);

c) alienation;

d) job loss.

47. On what basis is social work carried out in a group?


A ) if group members have a similar or common problem;

b) provided that the group members themselves cannot solve the problem;

c) in case of a threat to the physical or mental health of one -

any of the group members;

d) if all members of the group agree to receive social assistance.

48. What situations social groups most often require the intervention of a social worker:

b) youth public organizations and movements;

c) street or yard teenage party;

d) peer groups in schools (classes in school)

49. Social work methods are classified:

a) in areas and forms of social work;

b) by the time of influence on the situation;

c) on objects of social work;

d) by subjects of social work

95. According to the objects of social work, methods are distinguished:

a) work in a team;

b) individual work;

c) social work with a group;

d) social work in the community (community).

50. The individual work method includes:

a) care planning;

b) carrying out rehabilitation;

c) social therapy;

d) making a diagnosis

51. Group methods of social work include:

a) reflexology;

b) referentometry;

c) sociometry;

d) group discussion

52. To the list of methods of social work in the community(community)


a) social diagnostics;

b) development of the territorial administration system;

c) social forecasting;

d) modification of social behavior.

53. The use of life course research methods involves:

a) study of individual development from birth to death;

b) paying special attention to critical periods in life;

c) analysis of life crises;

d) longitudinal studies

Ministry of Education and Science of the Khabarovsk Territory Regional state autonomous educational institution Khabarovsk Technological College primary department vocational education I.N. Sokolova FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THEORY OF SOCIAL WORK PRACTICUM Khabarovsk, 2013 "FUNDAMENTALS OF THE THEORY OF SOCIAL WORK" Workshop Author: Sokolova I.N. - teacher of special disciplines Abstract: The workshop on the discipline "Fundamentals of the Theory of Social Work" is intended both for work in the classroom and for independent control of knowledge. The proposed manual contains test papers on various topics of the discipline, practical tasks (filling out tables, working with text, solving situations, etc.) The workshop is intended for teachers, industrial training masters, as well as students - for self-preparation and self-control. Address: KSAOU SPO "Khabarovsk Technological College", department of primary vocational education, Khabarovsk, Vostochnoe highway, 2a tel. 27-56-70 Introduction “Guide to life and activity” Answers-reflections encourage a person to analyze his actions, actions, thoughts, feelings; develop value orientation, motivation - the desire to become better. 1. Who am I (if my future profession is a social worker)? 2. What am I (my professional needs, interests and abilities; personal characteristics (pronounced personality traits, positive and negative traits character, etc.)? 3. My mission on Earth, in society? 4. Where am I (why am I here)? 4.1. Educational institution- my role and condition; my rights, responsibilities, opportunities. 4.2. Social work as academic subject. Which sections are interesting? 4.3. Map of my preferences (items of particular interest). 5. Social work as a professional activity. My future profession. 5.1. What interests me about it? 5.2. What do you like? 5.3. What don't you like? 6. The image of my professional future: plan, program, forecast map of professional movement (growth). 7. Who are the others who are next to me? 7.1. Am I a person who creates problems or am I able to solve them by helping others? 7.2. How to coexist and cooperate. 7.3. Who and what should we conform to and sympathize with? 8. The degree of my tolerance (tolerance); yes (to whom? what?), no (to whom?, what?), I want (what?), I love (what? whom?), I do (what?) 9. Life path (strategy) of my personality (life scenario, faith, hope, love in my life). Topic 1. Development of social work in Russia and abroad Social work: definition, essence, content 1 task. Define the concepts: Social work - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Social work as a discipline - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social work as a science - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social work as a practical activity - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 assignment. Complete the missing element in the diagram. Topic: Historical models of social work Assignment. Fill out the table "Historical models of social work" Textbook "Theory and Methodology of Social Work", pp. 7 - 14 No. Name of model Essence Forms of social assistance 1. Archetypal model 2. Philanthropic model 3. Model of public charity 4. Model of social security 5. Model of public charity 6. Model of social services Topic. Social work IX-1917 1 task. Please answer the following questions. 1. List the main forms of mutual aid and mutual support in Ancient Russia________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What was the peculiarity of parish charity in the 16th-17th centuries? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Based on knowledge from the history course, characterize the reform activities of Peter the Great in the formation state system social contempt.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 task. Textbook "Theory and Methods of Social Work". Read the text on pages 35-36 “Experience in solving social problems of children without parental care” and answer the questions. 1. What was the name of the state body of Soviet power that dealt with issues of mass epidemic? 2. What measures have been taken Soviet power to combat mass orphanhood and homelessness? 3. What is the role of the Children's Rescue League? 4. In 1921, the Extraordinary Commission for the Improvement of Children's Lives was created. Who led it? What was her main task? What was the result of the work of the Extraordinary Commission? Topic: Social work in the Russian Federation 1 task. Textbook "Theory and Methods of Social Work". Read the text on pp. 47-50 “The role of the third sector in solving social problems” Read the text and complete the following tasks. 1. Fill out the table “The main institutions of modern civil society” Name of the sector Main content 2. In August 1995, the law “On charitable activities and charitable organizations” appeared in Russia. What legal relations does this law regulate? What is the definition of charity law? 3. Fill out the table “Charitable activities” Goals of charitable activities Who has the right to implement charitable activities Forms of organizations implementing charitable activities Participants in charitable activities Test work Topics: Social work, definition, essence, content. Development of social work in Russia. Option 1 1. Professional activity aimed at helping people, social groups and communities overcome personal and social difficulties through support, protection, correction and rehabilitation. A. social protection B. social work C. social security 2. Social work as a type of social activity is aimed at: A. harmonization of personal and social relations B. formation of personal and professional qualities of a future social worker C. activation of the potential of an individual’s own capabilities in solving complex problems and life problems. 3. One of the founders of professional social work is: A. Catherine II B. Sh. Ramon C. Mary Helen Richmond 4. What stages did M. Richmond highlight in the individual work of a social worker with a client. A. identifying someone in need of help B. obtaining information C. researching conditions of social deviations D. proposals for the prospect of improvement E. treatment 5. What relationships dominate in social work? A. subject-subject relations B. subject-objective relations C. object-subjective relations D. object-objective relations 6. The first experience of social assistance in Russia is described in the work “Public Charity”, authored by: A. T. Shanin B S. Soloviev V. A. Stog G.V. Gasoline 7. The period of state support falls on: A. 1917-1991. B. early 1990s to the present time V. late XIX- beginning of the twentieth century. 8. The basis of social work in Russia is A. mercy B. charity C. charity D. cleanup 9. Which of the Russian tsars (princes) introduced an article in the law book on the need to care for those who are “possessed by a demon and deprived of reason.” A. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich B. Ivan the Terrible C. Alexey Mikhailovich G. Peter I 10. In what year did educational institutions named after. St. Catherine A. 1802 B. 1902 C. 1917 2nd option 1. The purpose of social work as an academic discipline is: A. promoting social adaptation and the realization of the subjectivity of the individual and group in accordance with the social norms and values ​​of society in different spatio-temporal situations; B formation of personal and professional qualities of a future social worker C. harmonization of personal and social relations 2. Who introduced such medical terms as “diagnosis”, “client”, “treatment” into the theory of social work? A. Sh. Ramon B. T. Shanin V. M. Richmond G. A. Stog 3. The period of social work falls on: A. 1917-1991. B. early 1990s to the present time V. late XIX - early XX centuries. 4. How the ancient Slavs took care of orphans: A. orphans were adopted within the clan community B. worldly help, i.e. the child moved from house to house for feeding B. assistance was provided with food, land was allocated 5. What conditions were necessary for benefactors of the period of princely and church-monastic support: A. love of poverty B. mercy C. nobility 6. By 1862 in Russia the system social assistance institutions included: A. medical institutions B. charity institutions C. educational institutions D. boarding institutions D. home charity for the poor sick ( free treatment at home). 7. Who is the founder of the newspaper "Russian Invalid" A.F.M. Rtishchev B. P. V. Pomian-Pesarovius V.V.F. Odoevsky G. F. I. Haaz 8. Where and when did special schools for the deaf appear A. in 1806 in St. Petersburg B. in 1807 in Moscow C. in 1808 in Yekaterenburg 9. Who in Soviet times was involved in helping the disabled at home, the elderly, the sick, social patronage. A. social workers B. health workers C. Red Cross organizations 10. Professional activities aimed at helping people, social groups and communities overcome personal and social difficulties through support, protection, correction and rehabilitation. A. social protection B. social work C. social security Topic 2. Principles, goals, objectives and methods of social work 1 task. Fill out the diagram "Levels of Social Work" Macro level Meso level Micro level task 2. Give examples of the implementation of the principles of social work. * The principle of self-reliance * The principle of confidentiality * The principle of tolerance 3 task. Textbook "Theory and Methods of Social Work". Page 84 - 91. Fill out the table. Group of methods Types of methods Main content Examples or methods General scientific theoretical method of analysis and synthesis Method of induction and deduction Method of ascent from simple to complex Qualitative methods Quantitative methods Private special scientific methods Sociological methods Pedagogical methods Psychological methods Proper specific methods Socio-economic Organizational administrative administrative Psychological and pedagogical Practical methods Individual work Group workSocial work in the community Topic: "Methods of cognition in social work" Test work 1 option 1. General scientific theoretical methods in social work include: a. Method of analysis and synthesis b. Method of ascending from simple to complex c. Unity of qualitative and quantitative analysis d. Statistical method e. Observation 2. The statistical method allows: a. Development from simple to complex social processes b. Detect repeating or common features in complex phenomena to identify general patterns c. Using mathematical procedures, test empirical hypotheses and establish the reliability of the data obtained 3. Particular methods include: a. Interview, questionnaire, expert assessment method b. Methods of forming consciousness, methods of approval and condemnation c. Methods of psychological consultation d. Establishing Benefits 4. Match a. Sociological methods1. psychodiagnostic methods b. Pedagogical methods2. psychological and pedagogical c. psychological 3. case stages 4. methods of forming consciousness 5. Socio-economic methods include: a. In kind and cash b. Moral encouragement c. Establishment of benefits d. Organizational and administrative e. Psychoprophylaxis f. Patronage, consumer services option 2 1. The most common methods of professional activity of social workers are: a. Sociological b. Psychological c. Administrative d. Pedagogical 2. The typologization method makes it possible to: a. Opportunity for a broader and deeper approach and appropriate guidance for professional practice b. Influence the material, moral, national, family and other social interests and needs of the client c. Focus on a comprehensive study of the problem situation 3. The specific groups of social worker methods include: a. Psychological-pedagogical, socio-economic, administrative b. Sociological, pedagogical, psychological c. Method of analysis and synthesis, method of induction and deduction, unity of qualitative and quantitative analysis d. Group work, community work, bibliographic method 4. Find a match. a. Socio-economic methods1. sociometry b. Administrative methods2. rationing c. Psychological and pedagogical3. patronage 4. social therapy 5. Practical methods include: a. individual social work b. social work with group p. social work in the community d. method of psychodiagnostics f. method of approval and condemnation f. organization of social support networks Topic: Principles, goals, objectives and methods of social work Card No. 1 1. Professional activity aimed at assisting people, social groups and communities in overcoming personal and social difficulties through support, protection, correction and rehabilitation, as well as through changes or reforms of individual elements of the social system. A. social work B. social protection C. social security 2. The main goals of social work include: A. increasing the degree of independence of the client B. adaptation or readaptation of people in society C. creating conditions for the individual so that he can live with self-esteem 3 At the macro level, social work is expressed in: A. helping an individual, family and various groups of people in need B. restoring or maintaining the individual’s social and psychological connections with society C. assistance in creating decent conditions for human life in society 4. The essence of the biographical method is: A. studying the client’s personal documents B. developing a formal model social relations between the social subject and social research B. in obtaining new knowledge 5. The socio-political principles of social work include: A. the unity of the state approach B. the socio-technological competence of personnel C. the democratism of the content of the state’s social policy D. comprehensive analysis assessing the living conditions of clients 6. The principle of tolerance is due to the fact that A. information available to a social worker should not be disclosed B. every person in need of help should receive it C. recognition of the priority of the client’s rights in all cases. 7. The object of social work can be: A. a specific person B. family C. microdistrict D. social worker D. researchers 8. A professionally educated specialist in the field of social work, meeting the requirements and nature of the work performed in social services and inclined according to his personal qualities for the provision of social services. A. social worker B. social work specialist C. social teacher Card No. 2 1. Professional activity aimed at helping people, social groups and communities overcome personal and social difficulties through support, protection, correction and rehabilitation, as well as through change or reforming individual elements of the social system. A. social work B. social protection C. social security 2. The principle of social response implies: A. the exclusion of discrimination in the provision of social assistance B. the need to take action on identified social problems C. recognition of the priority of the client’s rights 3. The principle of confidentiality is associated with the fact that that: A. information available to a social worker should not be disclosed B. every person in need of help should receive it C. recognition of the priority of the client’s rights in all cases. 4. The method of complex psychosocial modeling involves: A. researching the subjective aspects of social life B. studying family history C. developing a formal model of social relations between social actors and social research. 5. At the micro level, social work is based on: A. client requests and is aimed at restoring or maintaining the individual’s social ties with society, a group or an individual. B. improving the living environment of people C. identifying categories of citizens in need of help. 6. The main goals of social work include: A. creating conditions for an individual so that he can live with self-esteem and self-respect from others B. increasing the degree of independence of the client C. adaptation or readaptation of people in society 7. A set of technologies, research and therapeutic procedures, methods of activity. A. methods of social work B. methods of social work C. principles of social work 8. The subjects of social work include: A. social worker B. social work specialists C. social educators D. trade unions E. sphere of education Topic: Objects, subjects, areas of application of social work 1 task. Make a diagram "Objects and subjects of social work" task 2. Textbook "Theory and Methods of Social Work". Page 54-57. Fill out the table "Main areas of social work" Area of ​​social work Areas of work Activities specific to this area Health Care Armed Forces Production Education Culture 3 task. Let's say you are a college graduate coming for an interview. You were asked the question “Why did you decide to become a social worker?” You need to answer this question by giving arguments in favor of this profession. 4 task. Draw up a professional profile for a social worker. Topic: Etiquette of a social worker Test work 1. The principles of etiquette include A. the principle of humanism B. the principle of unity C. the principle of expediency of actions D. the principle of beauty of behavior E. the principle of tolerance E. the principle of taking into account folk customs and traditions 2. The principle of humanism presupposes: A . respect for a person, recognition of the dignity of his personality B. creative application of rules of behavior to specific situations C. compliance of behavior and appearance person, manner of communication, spiritual qualities of the individual 3. What should a social worker say when introducing himself to his client? A. last name, first name, patronymic B. last name, first name, patronymic and position C. last name, first name, patronymic, name of the organization 4. Did the social worker act correctly? A.S.R. gladly accepted his client's invitation to dine with B.S.R. politely declined the invitation to dinner, not forgetting to thank him for the invitation. V.S.R. called his client at 8 a.m. to clarify what he needed to buy. 5. You must wait for the call to be answered for: A. 3-4 beeps B. 5-7 beeps C. 8-9 beeps 6. The telephone conversation should be: A. 3 minutes B. 4 minutes C. 5 minutes D. 7 minutes 7. In preparation for a meeting with a sponsor, a social worker must prepare: A. a conversation plan B. a preliminary cost estimate and an explanatory note C. a thank-you letter 8. What should a social worker do first when visiting a medical facility for the first time with his client? A. introduce yourself to the attending physician and obtain all the necessary information about the client’s condition B. pay primary attention to the client’s well-being and tactfully help him follow the doctor’s recommendations C. talk with the client and support him in the current situation Topic 3 Social policy of the state. Legal foundations of social work Textbook "Theory and Methods of Social Work". Page 145 - 169 Questions on the topic “Social policy of the state” 1. What is social policy? 2. List the specific historical conditions of social policy. 3. What is the object of social policy? Draw up a diagram “Social Sphere” 4. List the indicators characterizing the level of development of the social sphere. 5. What is an integral indicator of the productivity of the social sphere? What does it include? 6. Principles of social policy. 7. What are the functions and mechanisms of social policy? 8. List the basic goals of social policy. 9. List the types of social policy. Make a table "Types of social policies." 10. The main function of social work in Russian practice. 11. What is a welfare state? 12. Objectives of the welfare state. 13. Basic parameters of the welfare state. 14. Principles of the social state (3-4 principles) 15. What is the social model of the Russian state? 16. What are the social transformations at the territory level? 17. What are priority national projects? List them. Task 2. Make a crossword puzzle on the topic "Legal foundations of social work" Topic 4. Technology of social work Topic: The concept of social technologies and their classification Test work Option 1 1. A system of knowledge about the methods and means of processing and qualitative transformation of an object. A. technology in the social sphere B. technology C. social product 2. Find the match: A. Routine1. by scale B. innovative2. according to the degree of novelty V. informational3. in content D. global 3. The theoretical justification and general description of certain methods of action is called: A. process B. method C. methodological approach C. technology 4. The analytical part of social technology includes: A. collection of information, its analysis and formulation social diagnosis B. establishment of connections by a specialist with the object and environment C. drawing up and implementation of a plan of therapeutic action D. analysis of results and correction of the plan 5. Private technologies of social work include: A. technologies of working with families B. social work in the field of health C. social design D. social medical examination E. social work with the elderly and disabled 6. The process of adapting people to the rules, system of norms and values ​​is a meta-technology of social work that combines its directions, types and forms is called: A. social technology B. social rehabilitation C . social therapy D. social adaptation 7. Socio-economic methods are aimed at: A. promoting the well-being of objects of work B. normalizing the behavior of individuals and social groups during microsocial work C. improving the health of objects of social work D. identifying trends in social development, goals and the tasks of creating social programs. 8. Sociocultural methods include: A. individual work B. club work C. discussions on vital issues D. health and therapeutic physical education D. educational work in the media E. cultural work 9. Where are methods of mediation and conflict resolution used? A. when working with individuals, families, organizations. B. in macrosocial work with social categories in need of maintaining health. V. in social and preventive work with the population of G. in individual and group work. 10. Managing an individual’s behavior is: A. group social work B. individual social work C. microsocial work D. macrosocial work Option 2 1. A way of organizing activities in this area, aimed at achieving the goals and objectives. A. social technology B. technology C. method D. process 2. Find the match: A. regional1. By the degree of novelty B. administrative and managerial 2. By scale B. demographic3. in content G. intellectual4. by type 3. Change (dynamics) of the state of an object under the influence of external or internal factors. A. method B. technology C. process D. methodological approach 4. The conditions for technologization of practical activities in the social sphere include: A. the object must have signs of a social system B. the features of its structure and functioning must be highlighted C. the possibility of reproduction and repeatability of operations , procedures or indicators in new conditions D. the possibility of formalizing actually occurring processes and presenting them in the form of certain operations, procedures, indicators. D. no correct answers E. all answers are correct 5. What is the name of the procedural stage of the technological process during which a therapeutic action plan is drawn up and implemented. A. analytical part B. Implementation C. Social therapy D. Analysis of results and correction of the plan 6. Social work technologies are divided according to operational goals and objectives and the nature of therapeutic work. These include: A. social prevention B social work with older people C. social design D. social habilitation 7. A specialized area of ​​social work that uses mentoring to develop creative capabilities and psychological training of future specialists. A. resolution of social conflicts B. macrosocial work C. group social work D. formation of personality and behavior of social work specialists. 8. Socio-economic methods include: A. organization of self-employment B. club work C. social partnership D. promotion of work municipalities D. economic support for families with children. 9. Where are sociological methods used? A. in social design B. in working with children, families, adolescents and youth C. in maintaining the health of the disabled, elderly and senile people 10. What is the name of the technology that represents meetings of a specialist with people who need help in practical social work? information useful for navigating a difficult situation for them. A. social counseling B. social medical examination C. social design D. social forecasting Topic: Technological process in various areas of social work 1 task. Fill out the tables: Stage 1. Social diagnostics is... (p. 243) Stages of the analytical part Their characteristics Collection of information Definition and methods Compilation of an anamnesis Compilation of an epicrisis Analysis of the social background Establishing a social diagnosis Classification of social diagnoses Information of interest to a specialist Range of questions when working individually with a client Range of questions when working in group p. 244Page 245 Stage 2. Implementation is... (p. 247) Stage 3. Social therapy is... (p. 248) - What the intervention involves. - fill out the table "Main methodological approaches to intervention" pp. 248-254. ApproachCharacteristicsExamples Fill out the table "Methods of therapeutic influence in microsocial work" pp. 255-256 MethodThe essence of the method task 2. Resolve these situations. Situation 1 An elderly woman, 67 years old, contacted the social protection department. She has a small pension (12 thousand rubles). Children don't help. Write a script for an interview (conversation) with this woman. Prepare an individual plan for working with her. What social work methods will you use? Situation 2 Man, 74 years old, disabled - wheelchair user. The wife died, the son went abroad, having previously concluded an agreement with the social service center to provide his father with a social worker. But the man refused the services of a social worker, citing the fact that he could cope with everything himself. What should the social worker do in this situation? What methods can be used in this situation. Make a plan for individual work with this client. Situation 3 Your clients are an elderly childless couple. Their problem is a limited circle of friends. Think over a plan for working with this couple. 3 Task. Draw up an algorithm for a social worker’s actions with: A. an elderly person experiencing grief B. refugees Topic: Technologies in social work Option 1 1. The set and procedure for applying methods, techniques, means of solving social problems is called... A. technology B. social technology C. method D. process 2. In the most general form, the technological process is distinguished main procedural steps. Mark them. A. analytical part B. implementation C. social therapy D. analysis of results and correction of the plan D. all answers are correct E. no correct answers 3. Individual social work includes: A. managing the behavior of an individual B. managing the behavior of social groups C. the use of socio-psychological methods of therapy and the principle of mimicry (maximum consideration and use of the opinions, habits and preferences of the objects of work) D. activities for structuring territorial communities, the population of local territories both at the federal and regional levels, and at the level of municipalities, rural settlements, city blocks, based on the interests and capabilities of the population. 4. Private social technologies of social work include: A. social patronage B. social design C. social work with the disabled D. social work with the elderly D. social forecasting E. social work in organizations. 5. Complete the stages of the analytical part of social diagnostics. 1) collecting information 2) drawing up an anamnesis 3) drawing up an epicrisis 4) ___________________________________ 5) ___________________________________ 6. What methods can be used to collect information about the client? (2-3 methods)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. The “treatment by setting” method is used for: A. old people, elderly couples B. children, teenagers C. children's small social groups D. people suffering from chronic mental illnesses or disorders D. alcoholics, people in a depressed state 8. Voluntary clients of social services are... A. individuals who Other services are engaged in attracting social work specialists to change the social attitudes of their wards. B. individuals who consciously turn to social services C. individuals who turn to social services through intermediaries 9. Activities aimed at the formation of new and mobilization of existing social, mental and physical development of a person, including the formation and development of personal qualities and skills that allow them to function adequately in a social environment - this is... A. social habilitation B. social rehabilitation C. social counseling 10. Make an algorithm (order) for the actions of a social worker when using the projective method interview. Option 2 1. Social technology usually takes two forms. Mark them. A. a project that describes the process and methods of social work B. carrying out activities in accordance with the created project C. changing the state of the subject 2. Working with the population, including social risk categories, using sociocultural methods, social counseling and patronage is called : A. social prevention B. social habilitation C. social rehabilitation D. social forecasting 3. Sociological methods include: A. organization of self-employment B. collection and analysis of information in social diagnostics C. planning method 4. What information is of interest to a social work specialist during group work? A. who the client is, his demographic characteristics B. what are the difficulties and possibilities of interactions in the group C. who makes decisions, what measures he uses for this, how this affects the achievement of the goals of the entire group and its individual members D. what goals recognized by the client could form the basis of social work with him 5. An open action that is performed not personally by a specialist, but by a commission consisting of a psychologist, lawyer, social worker from the relevant social service, a general practitioner, and, if necessary, a psychiatrist - this is... A. observation of behavioral characteristics B. survey C. examination of social conditions and social status of the object 6. Complete the methodological directions of the “development of communication skills” method 1) development of the social field 2) joint directing in a group 3) modeling of situations 4) _______________________________________ 5) _______________________________________ 7 The “Faith Therapy” method is used when working with: A. older people B. mentally ill, alcoholics C. teenagers 8. What methods do specialists use in group social work (2-3 methods)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 9. Social patronage provides: A. medical and social assistance B. socio-psychological assistance C. social and domestic assistance D. social and legal assistance D. no correct answers E. all answers are correct (A-D) 10. Create an algorithm (order) for a social worker’s actions with an aggressive client.

Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

State budgetary professional educational institution

"Perevozsky Construction College"


on completing tasks

in practical classes

according to MDK 04.03 “Technology of social work in social protection institutions”

For specialty 39.02.01 Social work

Compiled by Svetlana Aleksandrovna Dudina



Compiled by: Dudina S.A.

Guidelines for organizing practical classes according to MDK 04.03 “Technology of social work in social protection institutions” / Perevozsky builds. college; Comp.: S.A. Dudina. – Perevoz, 2015. –16 p.

These guidelines have been compiled to help teachers and students. The methodological development contains instructions for the implementation of practical work MDK 04.03 “Technology of social work in social protection institutions”. Designed for students majoring in 02/39/01 Social work

Reviewer: Telnova N.A. – teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution “Perevozsky Construction College”

© Perevozsky Construction

college, 2015

Considered at a department meeting

Social and legal direction

Head of the department

_________________________ __________

Approved at the meeting

Methodological Council

Protocol No. ____ “____” _______ 20____



The purpose and objectives of mastering the module……………………………………………………….…….……5

Student competencies formed as a result of mastering MDK 04.03 “Technology of social work in social protection institutions”……….……….…..6

Algorithm for completing practical tasks…..……………………………..…………8

Topic: “Drawing up a tree of the concepts “Social protection” and “Social security”..11

Topic: “Implementation of organizational and managerial activities”………………....11

Topic: “Comparative analysis of organizational management systems”…………………11

Subject: “Analysis of the activities of the regional system of executive power in the field of social protection of the population”………………………………………………………………………………12

Topic: “Solving practical situations on the topic “State executive authorities in the social protection system”……………………………………...12

Topic: “Analysis of regional features of the activities of territorial institutions for social protection of the population”……………………………………………………………………………….....12

Topic: “Solving practical situations”……………………………………………………13

Topic: “Drafting a professional profile of social work specialists, heads of structural divisions of social protection institutions”…………………………………………………………………………………………… …13

Topic: “Drawing up algorithms for providing social assistance to various categories of citizens”……………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………13

Topic: “Organization of social work in rural areas”…………………………..14


Guidelines for conducting practical classes on MDK 04.03in the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SPO) 02/39/01 Social work (in-depth training) .

Practical classes are conducted with students who already have theoretical training on the relevant topic or section. The main goal of organizing and conducting practical classes is the formation of general and professional competencies in the main type of activity. Methodological instructions provide for the implementation of practical tasks by students in group and individual form, in the process of organizing practical classes, seminars, trainings and business games. The results of practical exercises are material for the portfolio of students in the professional module and can be presented for defense in the qualifying exam.

2. Goal and objectives of mastering the MDK

The purpose of mastering the MDC is to master the relevant competencies in the main type of activityTechnology of social work in social protection institutions .

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies During the development of the MDC, the student must:

have practical experience:

- implementation of organizational and managerial activities in the social sphere, taking into account the specifics of the assistance provided;

be able to:

Apply various shapes, methods and technologies for the implementation of social work in accordance with the specifics of professional activity;

Organize social work in various fields;

Carry out organizational and managerial activities for interdepartmental interaction of specialists and institutions of different systems;

Determine the scope of specialist activities required to solve specific problems in providing assistance and support to the client;


- the essence and characteristics of various spheres of human life;

Features and content of social work in various fields;

The specifics of the specialist’s activities necessary to solve specific problems in providing assistance and support to the client;

Technology of organizational activities of a specialist;

Legal aspects of social work in various fields;

The content of social work is in solving clients’ problems in various areas;

Features of the organization of social work in various fields.

3. Student competencies formed as a result of mastering the MDC

The IDC process is aimed at developing the following competencies in accordance withFederal State Educational Standards program for secondary vocational education in specialty 39.02.01 Social work


Name of learning outcome

PC 4.1.

Carry out organizational and managerial activities in accordance with the specifics of the area of ​​social work.

PC 4.2.

Use various forms, methods and technologies of social work in professional activities.

PC 4.3.

Determine the specifics and scope of activities, as well as the range of necessary specialists to solve specific problems in providing assistance and support to the client.

PC 4.4.

Interact with specialists and institutions of other systems (interdepartmental interaction).

OK 1.

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2.

Organize own activities, determine methods and means of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3.

Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

OK 4.

Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

OK 5.

Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities.

OK 6.

Work collaboratively and in teams, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

OK 7.

Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work, taking responsibility for the results of completing tasks.

OK 8.

Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, and consciously plan professional development.

OK 9.

Be prepared for changes in technology in your professional activities.

OK 10.

Take care of the historical heritage and cultural traditions of the people, respect social, cultural and religious differences.

OK 11.

Be ready to take on moral obligations towards nature, society, and people.

OK 12.

Organize workplace in compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation, infection and fire safety.

OK 13.

News healthy image life, engage physical culture and sports to improve health, achieve life and professional goals.

4. Algorithm for completing practical tasks

Algorithms for completing practical tasks

1. Algorithm for compiling a “concept tree”

Working with the concept occurs as follows. All meanings for the word being studied are written down from all dictionaries, and thus the first row of the “tree” is filled. From the first row you need to select the meanings of the word that interest you, the meanings of which must be written out again from the dictionaries - this is how the second row of the “tree” is built. And so on until your interest in this concept is satisfied.

To build a tool for independent knowledge search, named by its author, prof. K.Ya. Vazina, “the tree of the concept”, it is necessary to define the word for research. Next, you should arm yourself with dictionaries: “ Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" V.I. Dahl (required!), any explanatory dictionary, for example, “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova, a dictionary of foreign words (if the word is of foreign origin), etymological, encyclopedic and other dictionaries, Internet resources.


The conclusion should include answers to the following questions:

1. Why did you choose this particular word for your research (defining the purpose of the research)?

2. What new meanings of the word under study were obtained in the process of constructing the “concept tree”, how did they deepen, clarify, change your understanding of the word?

3. Are there contradictory, at first glance, mutually exclusive definitions in the “concept tree”? What might their presence indicate? How can they be “connected”?

4. Does the “concept tree” include a value and worldview component? methods of active comprehension, mastery of meaning this concept?

5. What is your “new” understanding of the meaning of the word being studied?

2. Algorithm for performing educational and research work

Educational research on a specific topic has the following structure:

- Justification of the relevance of the topic. This section reflects your search - why this topic is really interesting, what is the purpose of your research, what methods and approaches you intend to implement. This section examines the current state of affairs in relation to the research problem, the scale and globality of the theory of the issue, as well as the state of affairs in the practice of the topic.

- Content . A list consisting of an introduction, names of points (paragraphs) of the study, conclusion, list of references used and appendices indicating their position on pages in the work.

- Introduction. Here the research program itself is reflected literally point by point, the goals and objectives of the study are set, research methods are determined, the object of the study, its novelty and practical significance, briefly describes the content of the study.

- Points (paragraphs) of the study. The purpose and objectives, methods and techniques of researching data processing tools are reflected here. Pivot tables graphics and charts are included. The results are analyzed and conclusions are drawn.

- Conclusion. "Reply to the introduction." Brief answers to the tasks posed at the beginning of the study. The main conclusions of the study are noted.

- Bibliography. A numbered list of literary sources on the problem used when writing the work. It is compiled in alphabetical order with the obligatory indication of the author, title of the work, city of publication, name of the publisher, year of publication and number of pages.

Your work is ready! Now all that remains is to protect the research, if necessary. And you will do this because you wrote it yourself, and are accordingly very familiar with the content. Good luck!

3. Algorithm for solving the situation

    On the basis of what regulatory documents can this situation be resolved?

    Play out the situation (case)

    Explain the situation

    Present solutions to situations.

4. How to make a diagram.

1. Read the proposed text and write down its name

2. In the text, indicate with a pencil the main sections that make up the text and give them names.

3. Draw arrows down from the title of the text and sign the names of sections of the text next to each of them.

4. Complete the diagram with examples.

5. How to fill out the table.

1. Read the table of contents titles.

2. Read the text of the textbook and, using a pencil (or highlighting it in color in the electronic version of UEMK), indicate in it the materials for each column.

3. Write down the specified materials from the text in abbreviated form in the appropriate columns of the table.

5. Contents of practical tasks

Topic 3.1. The concept of the state system of social protection of the population.

Practical lesson No. 43 “Drawing up a tree of the concepts “Social protection” and “Social security”

concept analysis "Social protection" and "Social security"

Exercise: draw up tree of the concept “Social protection” and “Social security”

Type of control: report

Practical lesson No. 44 “Implementation of organizational and management activities”

Goals and objectives of the practical task: analyze organizational and managerial aspects of activity in the system of social protection of the population

Exercise: educational and research work


1. Consider theoretical problems in the study of organizational and managerial activities in social work;

2. Explore the nature and role of the social policy of the Russian state in the social protection system

3. Show the most important strategic directions for increasing the efficiency of organizational and managerial activities in the social protection system.

Type of control: report

Practical lesson No. 45 “Comparative analysis of organizational management systems”

Goals and objectives of the practical assignment: Carry out organizational and managerial activities in accordance with the specifics of the area of ​​social work

Exercise: make an analysis of the main organizational management systems by filling out the table:

Types of organizational management structures






Type of control: report

Practical lesson No. 46 “Analysis of the activities of the regional system of executive power in the field of social protection of the population”

Goals and objectives of the practical assignment: analyze the features of the activities of the executive power system in the field of social protection of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Exercise: Fill out the table “Analysis of the activities of the executive power system in the field of social protection of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region”,using materials from the website of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region:

Tasks of the social protection body of the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Main areas of activity of the social protection body of the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Functions of the social protection body of the population of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Type of control: report

Practical lesson No. 47 “Solving practical situations on the topic “State executive authorities in the social protection system”

Goals and objectives of the practical assignment:


Type of control: report

Practical lesson No. 48 “Analysis of regional features of the activities of territorial institutions for social protection of the population”

Goals and objectives of the practical assignment: analyze the features of the activities of territorial social protection institutions


Exercise: Make a comparison table:


social protection of districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Managment structure

Main goals

Department of Social Protection of Perevozsky District

Social Security Office for the area where you live

When compiling a table, it is recommended to use the website of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region: http://www.minsocium.ru/ and websites of social protection departments of districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Type of control: report

Practical lesson No. 49 “Solving practical situations”

Goals and objectives of the practical assignment:

Exercise: Resolve situations (Collection of situations and cases on social work)

Type of control: report

Practical lesson No. 50 “Drafting a professional profile of social work specialists, heads of structural units of social protection institutions”

Goals and objectives of the practical assignment:

Practical task : draw up a professional profile for a social work specialist in following diagram:

    The main goals of social work as a professional activity

    Main functions

    Training requirements

    Description of the labor process

Type of control: report

Practical lesson No. 51 “Drawing up algorithms for providing social assistance to various categories of citizens”

Objectives of the practical assignment: identification of personal difficulties in various categories of citizens

Z assignment: Develop an algorithm for interaction with clients (elderly and disabled people in difficult life situations, etc.), in accordance with the rules for the provision of social assistance

Guidelines for completing the task

Algorithm - this is a sequence of commands intended for the performer, as a result of which he must solve the task. The algorithm must be described in a formal language that eliminates ambiguity in interpretation. The performer can be a person or a machine. The performer must be able to execute all the commands that make up the algorithm. The set of possible commands is finite and initially strictly specified. The actions performed by these commands are called elementary.

Work is carried out in micro groups

Algorithm for completing the task:

    Simulate the situation

    Draw up an algorithm for interaction with the client, in accordance with the principles of interaction between a social worker and a client (reference information)


Type of control: protection

Practical lesson No. 52 “Organization of social work in rural areas”

Goals and objectives of the practical assignment: analyze the main directions

Exercise: make an analysis of the areas of social work in rural areas by filling out the table:

Main directions of social work in rural areas


social work in rural areas

Methods and forms of implementation

social work in rural areas

Type of control: report

1. Main sources: (subject to subsequent changes and additions)

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 1992 No. 1157 (as amended on July 1, 2014) “On additional measures of state support for people with disabilities”;

    Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001

    Law of the Nizhny Novgorod Region of May 5, 2005 No. 40-3 “On State Social Services to the Population”;

    Vasilkova T.A. Fundamentals of andragogy [Text]: textbook / T.A. Vasilkova. – M.: KNORUS, 2011.

    Non-Arevyan O.A. Social insurance [Text]; Tutorial/ O.A. Non-Arevyan. – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”; Rostov n/d: science-Spectrum, 2011.-288 p.

    Pavlenok P.D., Rudneva M.Ya. Technologies of social work with various population groups [Text]: Textbook. / Ed. prof. P.D. Pavlenok. – M., INFRA –M, 2011. – 272 p. (Higher education)

    Platonova N.M. Innovations in social work: Textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education/N.M.Platonova, M.Yu.Platonov – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2011, 256 p. – (Ser. Baccalaureate)

    Social rehabilitation: Textbook./Under the general editorship. N.Sh. Valeeva. – M., INFRA-M, 2012 – 320 p.

    Social work: Textbook / Ed. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, prof. N.F. Basov - 2nd edition, revised. and additional – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”, 2011, 364 p.

    Theory of social work: textbook / edited by Doctor of Philology, Prof. E.P. Agapova – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”; Rostov n/d: science-Spectrum, 2011.-280 p.

    Firsov M.V. Technologies of social work: Textbook for bachelors / M.V. Firsov, E.G. Studenova/ -M., Yurayt Publishing House, 2012. – 557 p.

    Tsitkilov P.Ya. – M.: Textbook / P.Ya. Tsitkilov. – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”; Rostov n/d: science-Spectrum, 2011.-280 p.

    Technologies of social work in various spheres of life [Text]/ ed. prof. P.D. Pavlenka: Textbook. – M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and K”, 2010. – 596 p.ISBN5-94789-802-X

2. Magazines and newspapers

1. Russian Medical Journal

2. Help for the elderly and disabled

3. Social work

4. Social protection

5. Hope

3.Internet resources

1. Internet resource “Information service on the issue of rehabilitation of disabled people.” Access form: http://www.rehabin.ru/

2. Internet resource “Information business portal”. Access form: http://market-pages.ru

3. Internet resource “Information business portal”. Access form: http://www.ref.by/refs

4. Internet resource “Technologies of social work in various fields.” Access form: http://fictionbook.ru/

5. Internet resource “Invalid.Ru” - social server for disabled people - Laws on disabled people” Access form: http://www.invalid.ru

Topic 1. Technologization of social work

(practical lesson – 4 hours)

Issues for discussion:

    Objective prerequisites for the technologization of social space and the reasons for the technologization of social activities.

    What are the specifics of social technologies? The essence and types of social technologies.

    The concept of “social work technology”: essence, content, principles. What are the features of social work technologies?

    The main purpose of social technologies.

    Principles and grounds for classifications of social technologies and social work technologies.

    Characteristics of approaches to classifications of social technologies and social work technologies (Compare different approaches).

Practical tasks.

2. Make a table various types social technologies.


Using the example of one of the countries, characterize social work technologies. When characterizing, reveal the following questions:

Factors influencing the development of social work practice;

Forms and methods of social work with various population groups. (Country is optional: Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, USA, Sweden, etc.).

Basic concepts of the topic: macro-technologies of social work, meso-technologies of social work, micro-technologies of social work, social technologies, technology, technology of social work, difficult life situation, human resources.


    Fundamentals of social work: textbook / rep. ed. P. D. Pavlenok. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. – P. 185-198.

    Social work: theory and practice: Proc. allowance / Answer. ed. Doctor of History prof. E. I. Kholostova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. A. I. Sorvina. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – Chapter VII.

    Technology of social work: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / Ed. I. G. Zainysheva. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2002. – Chapters I, III.

    Technology of social work in various spheres of life: textbook / ed. P. D. Pavlenka. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2007. – P. 11-16.

    Firsov, M.V. Technology of social work: Textbook. manual for universities / M. V. Firsov – Ed. 2nd. – M.: Academic Project, 2009. – Topics 2, 3.

    Kholostova, E. I. Social work: textbook / E. I. Kholostova. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2008 – P. 459-474.

Topic 2. Technological process in social work

(practical lesson – 2 hours)

Issues for discussion:

    Social work technology as a process. Principles of problem solving in social work.

    Aspects of technologization in social work.

    Structure of the technological process.

    Procedural stages of the technological process.

    Technology and creativity in social work.

Practical task:

1. Compile a dictionary of the main concepts of the topic.

2. Study the schemes of cognitive, structural, functional and resource models of social work technology. Analyze them, determine the general, the special, the individual. [See: Firsov M.V. Social work technology. Diagram 2 (p. 80), diagram 3 (p. 87), diagram 4 (p. 93), diagram 5 (p. 99)].

Basic concepts of the topic: algorithm, tools, social work methodology, intervention methods, social work methods, expert assessment methods, operation, social problem, social contradiction.


    Pavlenok, P. D. Theory, history and methods of social work: Textbook. – 7th ed., add. – M.: Dashkov and K°, 2007. – 476 p.

    Social work: theory and practice: Proc. allowance / Answer. ed. Doctor of History, Prof. E. I. Kholostova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. A. S. Sorvina. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 427 p.

    Technology of social work: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / Ed. I. G. Zainysheva. – M.: VLADOS, 202. – 240 p.

    Firsov, M.V. Technology of social work: textbook. manual for universities / M. V. Firsov. – M.: Academic Project, 2009. – Topics 4.

    Kholostova, E. I. Social work: textbook. Manual / E. I. Kholostova. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2008. – P. 466-474.

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