Pickling tomatoes without herbs. How to salt tomatoes in a simple cold way in a bucket, barrel, pan, jars? Recipes for green and red salted tomatoes for the winter. Green tomatoes for the winter in Korean

The most different recipes, which use green tomatoes, are particularly popular late in the season. And no wonder, because sometimes not all vegetables have time to fully ripen, and few know what to do with them. Today I will tell you and show you how to pickle (ferment) green tomatoes in a cold way. The result is a truly fabulous appetizer that everyone will appreciate.

A little theory before starting the cooking process itself. Pickling (salting) is a method of preserving food that is biochemical in nature. During the fermentation process (for example, cucumbers or tomatoes), lactic acid fermentation occurs, as a result of which a certain amount of a natural preservative - lactic acid - accumulates. It is this that gives ready-made pickled (salted) products a unique taste.

Apart from a fairly strong solution of salt and natural aromatic additives (fresh herbs, spices), there are no and cannot be any other additives in the recipe for pickled green tomatoes. In particular, I'm talking about sugar and vinegar, which some chefs love to use - these are components of the marinade, that is, they are suitable for making pickled tomatoes, and not salted ones.


(1 kg ) (1 liter ) (2.5 tablespoons) (5 items ) (5 items ) (2 pieces ) (1 head) (2 pieces ) (1 teaspoon) (1 teaspoon) (1 bunch)

Cooking step by step:

To prepare salted (fermented) green tomatoes, we will need the green tomatoes themselves, as well as drinking water and table salt for brine. As aromatic additives, I suggest using blackcurrant and horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, parsley, garlic, mustard seeds and coriander.

So how will I ferment tomatoes? small quantities, a capacity of about 3 liters is quite enough for me. Wash the greens very thoroughly in cold water, and remove the top layer of dry skin from a large head of garlic. We simply break the head so that the teeth separate from each other - no need to clean them. Place half the herbs and garlic on the bottom of the dish.

Wash green (or brown) tomatoes thoroughly and tear off the stems. We prick each vegetable with a fork from the side where the tail is attached - this will help the brine penetrate inside the fruit faster.

Place the tomatoes prepared in this way in a container on top of the aromatic herbs. Always try to place the largest fruits at the bottom, covering them with smaller ones.

On top add the second half of the cloves of fresh garlic and a couple of clove buds (not worth more, as this is a very strong spice). Add a teaspoon of mustard seeds and coriander.

Next we will prepare the brine. To do this, take 1 liter of cold, not boiled drinking water and dissolve 2.5 tablespoons (without slides) of salt in it. Regarding water: ideally, it is advisable to take spring or well water, but for city residents even flowing water from a tap is suitable (if it is of good quality). In any case, I get it straight from the tap. Now about the salt: fine or coarse - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the salt is not iodized - it is completely unsuitable for preservation. In this case, there is a high probability of spoilage of the product and the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in salted green tomatoes. Basically, the pack of salt always contains information about whether the product can be used for preservation.

Next I cover the tomatoes flat plate, on which I place a can of seaming - thus creating a load (oppression). Thanks to this, the tomatoes will be completely covered with brine and will begin to ferment evenly. The process of pickling/pickling our tomatoes has begun - we hide the dishes somewhere in a secluded corner away from the sun and light. For the first 2 days we do not break the structure, but on the third day we simply remove the jar - only the plate will remain as a load, which is quite enough to prevent the contents of the dish from rising above the brine level. We leave the tomatoes at room temperature for a total of 3 weeks, during which a variety of things will happen to the future snack. For example, on the fifth day, the brine and everything in it will not smell very pleasant (for me personally, this smell is comparable to vomit, sorry). But after another four days, the “amber” will gradually change: those same notes of salted tomatoes that are familiar to many lovers from childhood will begin to creep into it.

In addition, the color of the tomatoes will also change: the richness of the color will disappear, giving way to pallor. Whether salted green tomatoes are ready to eat can be judged solely after tasting. So, I personally recommend trying the results of your culinary creativity no earlier than three weeks (!!!) of pickling. However, it should be noted that the time may vary depending on temperature conditions, the size of the fruit, the volume of the harvest, etc. When the salted green tomatoes are properly soured, we move them to a cooler place (in my case, the refrigerator), where we store them until we eat them. The tastiest (for me personally) salted green tomatoes turn out about a month after the start of their preparation.

Harsh, punchy, vigorous, sour-salty green tomatoes are an excellent appetizer for any table. I really hope that this year I am not too late with the recipe and you will definitely find it useful. Cook for your health, friends, and bon appetit!

Tamara Sidorova

Probably every housewife has in her notebook delicious recipe pickling red tomatoes. There are a great many ways to prepare these fruits for the winter and everyone can choose the option that they like best.

But not everyone knows how to pickle green tomatoes for the winter. Although often in the autumn, vegetables do not have time to ripen and housewives simply do not understand what to do with such fruits. But if you put in a little effort, you can save tomatoes in jars, and in the cold season you can delight yourself and your loved ones with their piquant taste and aroma. By the way, green vegetables can be added to various salads and soups, making the taste of the dish absolutely unique.

Recipe for cold pickling green tomatoes in jars

Pickling green tomatoes can be done different ways. There are quite a lot of tasty and simple recipes, which allow you to create a truly unique snack. Some housewives, having learned to cook tomatoes, for example, using the cold method, further improve the existing recipe by adding their favorite herbs and seasonings to it.

The first method that we will consider today will be cold.

To prepare a two-liter jar of snacks you will need:

  • green tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • cold water – 1 l;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • horseradish leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • black currant leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves – 5 pcs.;
  • dill umbrellas – 2 pcs.;
  • hot and allspice to taste.

Sequence of cooking green tomatoes in jars.

  1. Remove the stems from the tomatoes and thoroughly wash the vegetables and dry;
  2. Remove the peel from the garlic;
  3. Rinse the dill, blackcurrant and horseradish leaves, shake off excess liquid;
  4. Sterilize a two-liter jar in a way convenient for you and place the greens in it, and then half the tomatoes;
  5. Place garlic, pepper and herbs on the fruits, then tomatoes again;
  6. The last layer should be horseradish leaves and dill;
  7. Dilute the required amount of salt in cold water and pour the resulting brine into a jar filled with tomatoes and herbs;
  8. The brine should completely hide the entire contents of the jar;
  9. Close the container with a plastic lid, after heating it in hot water;
  10. You can eat the finished dish within a month. And the workpiece should be stored in a cool place, for example, a refrigerator.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, this is a very simple option for pickling for the winter, the recipe is suitable for those who are just trying to cook tomatoes. By the way, every tomato prepared according to this recipe will remain crispy and dense.

If you do not have the opportunity to store such a preparation in the refrigerator, and you do not have a cellar, then you can can the tomatoes. To do this, you will have to fill them with brine twice. First, the filling should be boiled, and then the jar with the fruit should be filled with hot brine.

Next, wait a quarter of an hour, pour the brine into a convenient saucepan, boil again and pour in the tomatoes again. Then screw the jars with an iron lid and leave them to cool, turning them upside down. The workpiece created according to this recipe does not need to be put in a cool place; it is not afraid of room temperature.

Recipe for pickling green tomatoes with vinegar in jars

In order for your preparation to be stored better and retain its pleasant taste longer, it is recommended to cook it with the addition of vinegar.

For 3 kilograms of tomatoes you will need:

  • greens – 200 g (dill, parsley, currant and cherry leaves are suitable);
  • garlic - a whole head;
  • onions – 100 g.

To prepare the brine, take:

  • clean water – 3 l;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 9 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • vinegar 9% – 1 glass;
  • allspice – 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil (calculate its quantity as follows: 1 tablespoon of oil per 1 liter of water).

Then everything is simple: washed, peeled greens are placed on the bottom of a sterilized jar.
garlic and add vegetable oil. On top are washed tomatoes, and on them onions, cut into large rings.

For the marinade, all ingredients except vinegar are mixed and heated.

Vinegar is added to the hot brine and the resulting mixture is poured over the tomatoes, after which they are sterilized for a quarter of an hour and covered with lids.

As you can see, salting tomatoes with the addition of vinegar is also not difficult at all. The main desire.

Of course, today we have not looked at all the recipes for pickling green tomatoes in jars for the winter, since it is simply impossible to cover all the methods of preparing the snack.

After all, some housewives cook tomatoes with mustard, others with celery and pieces of apples, and others with horseradish.

In every house, in every refrigerator in winter there should be a jar of salted green tomatoes. After all, these tomatoes are very tasty. Pickled green tomatoes have an unusually piquant taste; many people love them more than pickled cucumbers. Salted green tomatoes are distinguished by their versatility. They are also good as an incomparable pickle in the form of an appetizer; they make pickle soup, vinaigrette, and many other dishes very tasty. Exist different ways pickling green tomatoes for the winter. I will tell you about one of them, which does not require much time and special costs, and the tomatoes turn out very, very tasty.


To prepare tomatoes for the winter you will need:

green tomatoes - 1 kg;

black currant leaf - 5 pcs.;

dill with inflorescences - 2 pcs.;

garlic - 3-5 cloves;

horseradish - leaves - 3 pcs.;

hot pepper - to taste (or without);

allspice - 3 pcs. (not necessary).

For the brine :

cold water - 1 liter;

salt - 2 tbsp. l.

(!) From the specified quantity of products one 2-liter jar is obtained.

(!) The water must be of good quality - from a well, borehole or passed through a filter.

Cooking steps

Place some greens at the bottom of a clean jar, then green tomatoes, then more greens, chopped garlic and hot peppers, if you use it. I added a small piece of hot pepper, without seeds (the seeds add a special bitterness and spiciness). And thus fill the entire jar.

(!) Those who do not have the opportunity to store such tomatoes in a cool place can preserve these tomatoes by pouring brine twice. Boil the brine, pour it hot into the jars with tomatoes, after 15 minutes pour the brine into the pan, boil again, pour the boiling brine into the jars and immediately screw on the lids, turn the jars upside down and store them as they cool. Tomatoes prepared this way can be stored at room temperature.

Bon appetit and have a delicious winter to you!

There is probably nothing more troublesome, but at the same time enjoyable, than preparing pickles for the winter. Each product must be well selected. After all, not all vegetables are suitable for pickling, but only the most delicious, neat, beautiful, without damage.

Precisely, in this case we can achieve ideal ratio gustatory and visual pleasure. Personally, I like green tomatoes in this regard. They are simply my favorites. And the recipes for preparing green tomatoes for the winter are simply FINGER-LICKING! And not only for its interesting taste, but also for its ease of preparation. Since their fruits are almost always neat, even and quite dense, which prevents them from being spoiled appearance in preparation for salting.

In general, the most important thing in this dish, apart from the tomatoes themselves, of course, are well-selected spices. After all, only thanks to them will the unusual taste of this delicacy be emphasized, which anyone can afford to try.

And, the best part is that the components used are ordinary, familiar to us all and not at all expensive. Yes, and preparing them is very simple.

Before you start cooking, I’ll tell you a little about how to choose the right tomatoes. Tomatoes, you need to choose medium in size, or a little larger than that. But, under no circumstances take small ones, they are not yet fully formed and there is a high probability that they contain a toxic substance - corned beef.

In addition, such tomatoes are not tasty at all, and there is no benefit from them, only harm. But fruits that are already at the ripening stage, that is, not yet brown, but will soon become so, are ideal for pickling. There are practically no toxic substances in them. I will note right away that the content of corned beef in some specimens is possible, but it is so insignificant and so rare that it will not bring us any harm. The taste of the dish will be simply magnificent, and there will be many benefits.

If you still doubt and worry, then you can simply use brown fruits, but I’ll say right away that their taste will be slightly different.

You can also use one very good, proven method to completely remove corned beef from tomatoes. It’s simple, just fill them with water with a good salt content and leave for 2 hours.

How to choose the size of container for pickling tomatoes

So, what container will be most suitable for pickling green tomatoes? In general, there is no clear answer to this question. Because there are many factors that influence its size. For example, each housewife chooses a different quantity of products that she needs and, accordingly, this affects the size of the container. It's also worth taking into account how long you want the pickles to last. Thirdly, which is also quite important, you need to consider at what temperature your tomatoes will be stored.

Well, let's look at some examples of containers that are suitable for pickles.

1. Barrel. There are a huge number of them now. Starting from the largest to the smallest barrels. But, it is worth remembering that this type of container is suitable only for those who actively consume pickles. And, the cold salting method is suitable for them.

By the way, this method is also suitable for glass containers.

Also, in addition to the size, the barrels differ in the material from which they are made. Nowadays, everything made of plastic is very popular and they are no exception. And, such popularity is due to the fact that it is light, cheaper, convenient and fewer microbes accumulate on it. But, of course, there are disadvantages, the most important one is the content of harmful substances in plastic, albeit in very small quantities.

In my opinion, it would undoubtedly be better to use the good old, proven method and pickle the tomatoes in a wooden barrel. But first you need to rinse it thoroughly and pour boiling water over it to disinfect it.

2. If you don’t have barrels, but have a metal container and you decide to use it, then keep in mind that such dishes can only be enameled.

3. And of course, in the absence of any of the above, an ordinary glass jar will do.

Cold sourdough: how to preserve rich taste

We will salt unripe tomatoes in almost the same way as cucumbers. And, the most common, simple spices are used for this process.

So, we need:

  • hot pepper - 2-3 pods;
  • black currant leaves - 10 pieces;
  • dill - a bunch (200 grams);
  • parsley - 40 grams.

The above indicated quantity of products is used to pickle 10 kilograms of tomatoes.

Keep in mind that the brine should be quite salty, at least 7%. To obtain this consistency, you need to dilute 70 grams of salt in one liter of water. Apply this ratio to your brine quantity.

As for spices, don’t limit yourself to anything at all. Put whatever your heart desires. Be it cloves, coriander, cinnamon or other favorite spices.

Above, I mentioned that there is such a method of salting as cold. So, I would like to focus a little more attention on it and describe the whole process. At the bottom of the selected container, first place a layer of tomatoes, then a layer of spices mixed with salt. And so on until the barrel is full. Then, we fill everything exactly cold water, preferably tough. As you can see, everything is very easy and simple.

Of course, not everyone’s house or apartment has the size, especially if there is no pantry or cellar, to store barrels of pickles. In this case, you can salt the vegetables in glass jars. They can be placed anywhere, and the product in such a container will be stored for quite a long time.

In addition to all the conveniences, when using this method, vegetables can be combined with each other. They can be not only whole, but also cut into slices, stuffed with various spices, and so on.

I want to offer you some wonderful recipes. I am sure that you will definitely like at least one of them and become your favorite.

Unripe tomatoes with herbs

We will need:

  • green tomatoes;
  • peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill, parsley (fresh or dried) - to taste;
  • garlic - 3 heads per jar (1 liter);
  • hot pepper - 2 pieces per liter jar.

To prepare the brine, you need:

  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • dry mustard - a pinch (if you don’t like it, you don’t have to add it).

Cooking method:

1. First, the jars that we will use need to be sterilized.

2. Then, prepare the brine: add salt and sugar to boiling water, you can also sprinkle a pinch of dry mustard. Bring the brine to a boil, turn off the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.

Keep in mind that the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe is for 1 liter of water.

Now, first of all, put the garlic cloves on the bottom. Then follows a layer of tomatoes, the second layer - herbs and spices (peppercorns, bitter, bay leaf). And in this way, we alternate layers of tomatoes and herbs with spices until the jar is filled to the top.

3. As soon as the brine has cooled, pour it over the tomatoes with garlic and spices and close the jar with a nylon lid.

Below, we present to your attention another very delicious way pickling tomatoes, where they need to be stuffed with herbs.

Tatar tomatoes

We will need:

  • green or brown tomatoes - 6 kilograms;
  • bell pepper - 0.5 kilograms (preferably different colors);
  • carrots - 6 pieces (medium size);
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • greens - to taste;
  • spices - to taste.

To prepare the brine:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt 2 - tablespoons;
  • sugar 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the filling for the tomatoes. To do this, cut the bell pepper into small strips, grate the carrots on a medium-sized grater and chop the garlic. Mix everything thoroughly.

3. Place the filling into this cut. Little by little!

4. Place peeled garlic cloves on the bottom of a sterilized jar, then stuffed tomatoes. Sprinkle spices on top and use herbs as decoration.

5. Now, prepare the brine: add salt and sugar to boiling water, mix and bring to a boil.

6. And with this just boiled brine, pour the tomatoes and close the lid. Be sure to wrap the jars in a blanket and leave them to cool.

Delicious pickled tomatoes with garlic and herbs for the winter

What would we do without fragrant and incredibly healthy garlic? After all, not a single pickle can do without it. It has such an attractive aroma that as soon as you smell it, you immediately want to try the dish to which it was added.

In addition, garlic is one of the few vegetables that does not lose its medicinal properties when canned.

And so, let's move on to preparing delicious green tomatoes with garlic.

Also, I want to add that in this recipe You can use both cold and hot brines. Choose according to your taste.


  • green or brown tomatoes (medium size);
  • dill with parsley - to taste;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish.
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon.

By the way, if you use cold brine, you don’t need to add sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes accordingly. And carefully cut each fruit from the top.

2. Cut the garlic into slices and put them into this cut.

3. Place vegetables in a jar in layers, alternating with spices. That is, a layer of tomatoes, a layer of spices. And so on until the container is completely filled.

In addition to jars, you can also use an enamel pan. This will be even better. Firstly, it is roomy. Secondly, it is convenient to remove tomatoes from it. As for the shelf life, it is practically not inferior to banks. For example, we store tomatoes pickled in a saucepan until spring, but this happens very rarely, unless a lot of them were salted.

Another simple recipe for green tomatoes in their own juice

To prepare, we will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • black currant leaves;
  • horseradish leaves.
  • cherry leaves;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons per jar (3 liters);
  • garlic;
  • soft cabbage leaves;
  • sugar - 30 grams per jar (3 liters).

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes and pierce them near the stalk. We put them in the container that we chose for salting. Next, add currant leaves, horseradish leaves, cherries and herbs to the vegetables. Mix everything thoroughly. Place garlic between the fruits, add salt and sugar.

2. Place greens and cabbage leaves on top.

3. That’s it, cover the vegetables and herbs with a lid and leave for 24 hours. After this time, juice should appear. If there is not much of it, then you need to add brine. To do this, add 60 grams of salt to one liter of water.

In conclusion

Remember, so that green tomatoes do not spoil longer and are stored better, they must be kept cool.

By the way, there is one very good advice, so that salted tomatoes can be stored even longer. Simply, you need to put a small branch of bird cherry in the container. But first, soak it in boiling water for a little while.

In addition, green tomatoes can be used to make a very tasty snack. For example, take carrots, peppers or zucchini and pickle them along with tomatoes.

Bon appetit!

Autumn came. Tomatoes don’t ripen as well anymore and sometimes you have to pick them green. What can be done with such fruits, should we just throw them in the trash? Not at all, there are a lot of recipes that use green, unripe tomatoes in their composition - they are salted, they are made into caviar, and salads. Today we will present options for pickling with various marinades and vegetable additives.

How to cold pickle green tomatoes - recipe

Now let's give an example of how to pickle green tomatoes and then seal them in jars for the winter. Moreover, let's make them stuffed.

To pickle green tomatoes we need to take the following:

  • 1 kg of green tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of celery leaves;
  • 50-60 grams of garlic;
  • one carrot;
  • a pod of hot red pepper.
To prepare the brine we need to take:
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt;
  • 60 grams of dry dill with seeds;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 8 peas of allspice.

Cooking method:

  1. For this recipe, to pickle green tomatoes in jars for the winter, we select small, hard tomatoes. Make a longitudinal cut in the middle of each tomato. We will put the filling there.
  2. Let's prepare the filling. Coarsely chop the celery greens, cut the garlic cloves into 2-3 mm thick slices, finely chop the carrots and cut the hot pepper into rings. Mix everything thoroughly and stuff the green tomatoes with the resulting filling.
  3. In order to prepare brine for green tomatoes, bring water to a boil and add allspice, bay leaf, dry dill and salt. Let the brine boil for 3-5 minutes and then cool. Remove the pepper and bay leaf and discard.
  4. Take a pan and place green tomatoes tightly in it. Between them we put dill from the brine. Fill the tomatoes with brine, place a wooden circle or plate on top of them and press down on it.
  5. Cover the pan with green tomatoes with a lid. It should stand in a cool place for several days. Then we take out the tomatoes from there and put them into jars. We put dill between them. We close the jars with green tomatoes with lids and place them in the refrigerator for the winter.
  6. As for our first pickling recipe, green tomatoes can also be sealed in jars. In this case, the tomatoes with spices are placed in jars and filled with cold brine. In this form, green tomatoes last for 2-3 days. Then the brine is drained, boiled and again poured into jars of tomatoes. Jars of green tomatoes are closed with lids.

How to hot pickle green tomatoes for the winter - recipe

Let's look at how to pickle green tomatoes for the winter according to a standard recipe. It consists in the fact that 10 kg of tomatoes must be carefully placed on the bottom of the container, where the herbs and spices are already located. For brine, use water with salt - add 550 g of salt to 8 liters of liquid. Suitable spices include: garlic, horseradish root, dill, hot capsicum. You can also use currant or cherry leaves.

  1. Let's also learn how to pickle green tomatoes. First, you need to prepare a filling for green tomatoes. It will consist of 3 liters of water, 9 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt, it is also advisable to add 10 allspice peas and a few bay leaves. Add a glass of 9% vinegar to the prepared solution for tomatoes.
  2. To pickle green tomatoes according to the recipe, put the following greens in jars: cherry and currant leaves, parsley, dill, add a head of garlic and pour vegetable oil.
  3. To pickle tomatoes, you need to pour one tablespoon of vegetable oil into a liter container. Then we put green tomatoes in these jars (take 3 kg), and pour chopped onions on top (it will be enough to cut half a head into one jar onions).
  4. According to the recipe, fill the jars with hot filling and seal them.

How to pickle green tomatoes in jars - recipe

  1. There is another recipe for pickling green tomatoes, perhaps you will like it more than the previous one. In any case, you need to try it. We take three 1-liter jars, prepare them, and sterilize them. Then we begin to prepare the filling for the tomatoes. It will require a liter of water, in which you will need to stir a glass of sugar, a heaped tablespoon of salt, half a glass of 9% vinegar, parsley, horseradish, and dill.
  2. After that, take a sharp knife and carefully make small cuts in several places on each green tomato. Then, thin slices of chopped garlic must be inserted into these slits of the tomatoes. Do not skimp on the garlic at this stage, then the tomatoes will turn out tasty and spicy.
  3. After this procedure, put the tomatoes in jars and fill them with hot solution and roll them up. Then carefully turn the jars over with their lids down and wrap them in something warm. You can use a cotton or down blanket.
  4. Let the jars of tomatoes stand in this manner until they have cooled completely. Then you can put the jars of green tomatoes in the cellar or any other cold place. I would like to say that the pickling prepared according to this recipe will surprise you with its piquant taste.

Almost everyone loves salted and pickled tomatoes, so let's look at one spicy recipe for salting tomatoes with garlic.

How to pickle green tomatoes with garlic - recipe

  1. In order to pickle green tomatoes, take a kilogram of tomatoes, half a kilogram of bell pepper, a head of garlic, and a bunch of celery. For the marinade, we will need to dilute two tablespoons of salt, 8 tablespoons of sugar in two liters of water and prepare 100 grams of 9% vinegar.
  2. To pickle green tomatoes with garlic, you need to wash them, prick them with a toothpick so that they don’t accidentally burst, then carefully cut out the place where the stalk is and place a clove of garlic inside. Now we’ll learn more about how to salt tomatoes with garlic.
  3. At the bottom of a 3-liter sterilized jar you need to put half of the greens prepared in advance, then a layer of tomatoes. In the next layer, to salt the tomatoes with garlic, we put the bell pepper, it should already be seeded and cut into pieces. Then again we put a layer of tomatoes, peppers, etc. The last layer should be peppers along with the remaining greens on top.
  4. Now, to salt the tomatoes and garlic, boil water with sugar and salt and pour it over the tomatoes placed in the jar. Thus, let the green tomatoes stand for 10 minutes. Then pour the marinade back into the pan, boil it again, then add 100 grams of 9% vinegar to it and carefully pour the boiling water over the tomatoes.
  5. Jars of green tomatoes should be rolled up with sterile lids, then turned over and wrapped until they cool completely. Store salted green tomatoes with garlic in a cool, dark place.

How to pickle green tomatoes with garlic and celery - recipe

  1. In addition, you can try pickling green tomatoes with garlic using this recipe. To do this, for one kilogram of green tomatoes, take a few cloves of garlic, half a carrot, half a hot red pepper, a sprig of cilantro, a sprig of parsley, a sprig of celery and 100 grams of salt.
  2. It is better to use small green tomatoes to add salt and garlic. They need to be cut in the middle, but this should not be done all the way. And in such a way that the tomatoes resemble an unopened oyster.
  3. In addition, you need to prepare the filling for the tomatoes. Therefore, we take garlic, carrots, peppers and herbs and pass them through a meat grinder. This will be much faster, however, if you are not in a hurry and it is more convenient for you, then cut the carrots into strips, the garlic into slices, finely chop the herbs and peppers with a knife. Now you should stuff the green tomatoes. When you're done, carefully place them in jars, then add one hundred grams of salt and fill the jars with plain cold water.
  4. If you want tomatoes and garlic to ferment faster, you can pour warm water over them. After this, cover the green tomatoes with a nylon lid and place them in a cool place for storage.

Video with a recipe for cold pickling of green tomatoes

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