Spitsyn Evgeniy Yurievich complete. Historian Evgeny Spitsyn: biography, books on the history of Russia. The structure of the folk history textbook by E. Spitsyn

E.Yu. Spitsyn

On the air of the Den TV channel, an adviser to the rector’s office of Moscow State Pedagogical University, a historian Evgeny Spitsyn and famous journalist Andrey Fefelov We talked about the political path of Joseph Stalin.

Historian, author of textbooks on Russian history Evgeny Spitsyn talked about how Stalin, being in a not the most important position, was able to concentrate power in his hands in the USSR. The topic of the program is “ Stalin. Political struggle (1921–1923)».

The conversation took place within the framework of a new project of the Den TV channel called “Stalin”, first gear within the framework of which the famous Russian historian, chief researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor historical sciences Yuri Zhukov.

Institute of History and Politics

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02 / 03 / 2017

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19 / 10 / 2019

Professor of the Institute of History and Politics of Moscow State Pedagogical University G.V. Aksenova took part in the XIII Agafangel Readings.

18 / 10 / 2019

October 14, 2019 on the basis of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation The All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Teaching military history in Russia and abroad: transformation of approaches in the era of globalization” took place. The conference was co-organized by the Institute of History and Politics of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

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Advisor to the rector's office of Moscow State Pedagogical University Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the program "Guest in the studio. Unknown Khrushchev."

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Advisor to the MSGU Rectorate Evgeniy Yuryevich Spitsyn on the Russia-24 channel (VGTRK) in the program “Windows. The clown is running in circles."

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October 14, 2019 Professor of the Department of Contemporary Russian History, Director of the Directorate for the Study of History of Moscow State Pedagogical University S.D. Polovetsky spent practical lesson with 2nd year undergraduates of II&P at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945 on Poklonnaya Hill.

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Vladimir Leonidovich Shapovalov, associate professor at the Institute of History and Politics at Moscow State Pedagogical University, commented on the SNEG.TV portal on the senseless attempts of political scientists to “guess” who will become president after Putin.

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12 / 10 / 2019

Advisor to the rector's office of Moscow State University Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the program "Results of the week with Nikolai Platoshkin."

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Advisor to the rector's office of Moscow State University Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn and associate professor of the Institute of History and Politics of Moscow State University Vladimir Leonidovich Shapovalov on the Zvezda channel in the Open Air program.

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08 / 10 / 2019

Advisor to the MSGU Rectorate Evgeniy Yuryevich Spitsyn on the Russia-24 channel (VGTRK) in the program “Windows. Ukraine is not a state, but a collection of gangs.”

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Advisor to the rector's office of Moscow State Pedagogical University Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn gave an interview to the Nakanune.ru Information Agency about the American film about Catherine II “Avenged for the Crimea?” Information agency “Nakanune.RU” – 10/08/2019

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On October 2, 2019, a meeting of participants in the “School of a Young Teacher” project was held, which works on the basis of the Institute of History and Politics of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

07 / 10 / 2019

Advisor to the MSPU Rectorate Evgeniy Yurievich Spitsyn and Director of the Institute foreign languages MPGU Sergei Alekseevich Zasorin on the Spas channel in the program “Traces of the Empire. What is the truth, brother?”

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Advisor to the MSGU Rectorate Evgeniy Yuryevich Spitsyn on the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio in the program “It’s Friday Again. About the victims of perestroika."

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There are many pressing and important issues in Russian society, the solution of which depends on the opinions of citizens. One of them is the historian Evgeny Spitsyn. The fact is that for many centuries the country has experienced events of very different meaning and influence on people. Each requires comprehension and analysis, and the development of a common attitude towards it among all citizens of the country. And acquaintance with the history of the state begins from school. But in Russia there is no single history textbook. The problem is very serious. Let's discuss it and meet the person who took responsibility for developing the solution. This is the historian Evgeny Spitsyn, who is now popularizing the material collected in the four-volume textbook.

Why is it important?

We should start by describing what kind of state we live in. It is the largest country in terms of area, consisting of federal subjects. And they, in turn, have their own government, which develops decisions, including those related to the education of the younger generation. That is, the content of the history textbook actually depends on the officials dealing with this problem in the relevant ministry. It turns out that the children of a huge and strong country receive different information about where it came from. And not only does the information in them vary depending on the official’s worldview, but the ideas also do not harmonize with each other and are out of phase. And this ultimately leads to the disunity of citizens brought up on conflicting concepts. That is, we are talking, as historian Evgeny Spitsyn convinces, about the integrity of the state. This person spends a lot of energy and time resisting such threatening trends. What matters to him is what his homeland will be like in ten or a hundred years. And an understanding is laid of where to go and how to develop for children sitting at school desks. When they grow up, it will be too late, if not impossible, to change their worldview.

Evgeny Spitsyn (historian): biography

The Russian hinterland is said to be rich in talent. But the capital also sometimes gives society bright and smart people. Spitsyn Evgeniy Yurievich is a native Muscovite. He was born in 1966; at school, like many boys of that time, he was interested in stories about military events. This affected the choice of profession. In 1991, he graduated from the university with honors. I immediately went to school to teach children. Spitsyn Evgeniy Yurievich gave pedagogical activity more than twenty-five years. As he himself says, he worked in two schools, one of which he headed for some time. He was not interested in administrative activities. This man considered his subject - history - more interesting. And he was forced to write a textbook by the situation in the education system, which he himself called catastrophic.

The essence of the problem

University education differs from that provided by specialized universities by being deeply systematic. To put it simply, young people master a framework that allows them to collect, structure and analyze large amounts of information. Practical historian Evgeny Spitsyn, as we know, has studied the courses offered to perfection, as evidenced by his honors diploma. While teaching, this man constantly analyzed the quality of the system, which was undergoing changes at that time. His conclusions are disappointing. He considers the introduction of the Unified State Exam, as well as the transition to the “Bologna system,” a disaster. These two circumstances create a severe contradiction that destroys. At the Unified State Exam, students are required to demonstrate the ability to understand historiography. But the “Bologna system” leads to the fact that students do not study, and therefore do not understand, this material. Having come to work, they are not able to instill such skills in students due to the lack of them themselves. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

Evgeny Spitsyn: history textbook

It took more than fifteen years to create a work that optimally describes the path of Russia. The four volumes harmoniously combine historical facts, names, and analysis of the works of famous scientists. Evgeny Spitsyn created his books for the younger generation. That is, I was sure that they would teach history at school. But this requires a corresponding government decision, and there is none yet. The first collection was released for sale in August 2015. It was purchased mainly by ordinary teachers who had principles similar to the author regarding teaching the subject. Reviews from readers note that this four-volume book is the most convenient guide and aid, allowing the teacher to structure the material and present it to children at an accessible level. This is how historian Evgeny Spitsyn received recognition among his colleagues. His work was not in vain.

Textbook structure

The four-volume work consists of nine chapters, which include ninety-five topics. It covers all periods historical development Russian state. Distinctive feature The benefit of the textbook is that it includes a detailed historiography and bibliography of research. Each topic is accompanied by reference material to primary sources, which is considered convenient for the reader. This allows you to optimize your work on preparing lectures, lessons, reports or abstracts. Eliminates the need to search for additional literature. The textbook begins with the ethnogenesis of the Slavs and the formation of the first ancient Russian statehood. The last topic of the books, authored by Evgeny Spitsyn, is “GKChP: how the USSR was destroyed.” That is, the textbook corresponds to the historical and cultural standard approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

Other works by the author

The textbook is not the first work created by Evgeny Spitsyn. Although it should be noted that thanks to this work the author received recognition. The scientist and teacher published articles and books throughout his life. His works dealt with the history of Russia from ancient times, as well as problems of modern culture and education. Articles were published in the magazine “On Control”, in newspapers and on Internet resources. Evgeniy Yuryevich considers the goal of his activities to be the improvement of methods of teaching history. Therefore, in addition to the textbook, I published courses of lectures. Among them are such as “Russian culture of the 9th-19th centuries”, “History of Russia 1894-1945”. These and other works receive the most positive reviews from readers, who note the convenient structure and accessibility of the presentation of the material.

Social activity

Evgeniy Yuryevich did not stop at publishing the textbook. He considers it his duty to convey to the general public the correct attitude to complex issues in the history of Russia. In 2016, he began hosting a series of programs on this topic on the Day TV channel. His programs are popular among citizens of the Russian Federation and the entire Russian-speaking world. As the historian himself notes, his goal is to popularize knowledge, to attract people's attention to the problems of presenting past events and the consequences of distorting the material. A citizen brought up on an incorrect worldview becomes a traitor to the Motherland. That is why the country needs a single textbook. It exists, but is not officially recognized. The author himself approaches this circumstance philosophically. The Ministry of Education probably has its own opinion about a unified history textbook, and Evgeniy Yuryevich proposes in broadcasts to the public to judge who is right.


The work of historian Evgeny Spitsyn is far from over. This talented person and citizen with an active life position is doing everything so that society develops the right attitude towards the study of history and its comprehension. And this is necessary so that people are proud of their country, and not ashamed of its past under the pressure of dubious propaganda. The great country and its people overcame many obstacles. There were ups and downs. But was there anything shameful in history? They have been looking for an answer to this question for many years. And the opinions of experts differ, which becomes the basis for further doubts and confusion in society. Is this how to build a Great Power? There is no way to do without understanding history and understanding the essence of events. The goal is noble, don’t you think?

Are you looking for an interesting and understandable publication about the history of Russia? We offer a set of five volumes, which contains not only reliable information, but also maps, portraits, and photographs.

The work of a historian talks about the pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern periods. It should be noted that the material is well-argued and clearly presented. The five-volume book is very relevant and useful for school teachers and university professors who give lectures on the history of Russia. A description of a large number of events, dates, names is woven into the narrative. Thus, the publication is an excellent guide for the reader and teacher who will work according to the so-called unified people's history textbook.

Spitsyn, to some extent, tried to correct and neutralize the errors and miscalculations of previously published books. When he himself worked as a teacher and then as a director at a school in Moscow, he drew attention to the lack of historiographic information in existing publications. That's why Evgeny Spitsyn and took on the task of writing such a complex work, which he did brilliantly.

The five-volume set is unique; such books have never been published in our country before. The thing is that the material in it is not presented in the usual diagrams and texts. This is an illustrated history of Russia! More than 90 books are presented on the pages historical maps, about 80 authentic documents that have never been seen, but many have heard about them. The most significant is that for the first time in one collection there are concentrated more than 120 rare group photographs from the life of representatives of the highest authorities of our country in the twentieth century, as well as portraits of almost 800 figures who left a noticeable mark on history. There are images of all the princes, kings, rulers, as well as generals and military leaders Soviet Union and imperial Russia, great designers, scientists, production workers. It is also important that the author refers to sources on the topic described, helping to navigate the pile of scientific and pseudo-scientific facts, hypotheses and opinions.

Spitsyn's five-volume book " Russian history"will be of interest to all lovers of such literature, and will also be useful to teachers and students, especially those who have to take exams in the subject. You can order it online or by phone.

Russian history. Set of 5 volumes, Spitsyn Evgeniy Yurievich

Evgeny Spitsyn about the textbook “History of Russia”

What is a history textbook for?

Review from Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A.V. Lubkova

The work done by Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn in writing a fundamental book on the history of Russia deserves great respect and is of undoubted interest not only for specialist historians, but also for everyone interested in the past of our Fatherland. This work, of course, has particular value for teachers of secondary schools, disorientated by the presence on the book market and on the Internet of an abundance of the most diverse literature, often of very dubious content, with extremely subjective assessments and a vulgar interpretation of events that has nothing to do with the scientific interpretation of facts. In these conditions, the author’s attempt to provide teachers with a good navigator that gives clear guidelines in the sea of ​​a wide variety of publications that have flooded not only bookstores over the past decades, but also settled on the shelves of school libraries, is seen as extremely important. It is this role that the excellent work of E.Yu. Spitsyn is intended to fulfill. Its undoubted advantages include the clarity of the wording, the organic inclusion of historiographical subjects in the outline of all historical events, a detailed description of the sources and a clear methodological position of the author.

Review from Kantan O.E. and Pivishcheva S.Yu., teachers of history and social studies, GBOU secondary school No. 2033

It is valuable that the author does not impose his point of view and does not provide ready-made answers to questions. The teacher has the opportunity to independently select and clarify (thanks to a literature review on each topic) the data that interests him. It is necessary to note the clarity and reasoning of the presentation of the material. It is important that the author primarily refers to sources on the topic, and not facts retold by others. From the vast amount of historical information in Lately it is difficult to distinguish between scientific and pseudo-scientific facts, and The book helps you navigate this jumble of hypotheses and opinions. The book under review will, of course, be very useful for studying history courses in specialized classes and for preparing high school students for taking the Unified State Exam.

Review from a history and social studies teacher at GBOU Secondary School No. 810 of Moscow VAO Kameneva T.M.

The book is written accessible language, topics correspond to Russian educational standards and specialized level training programs, concepts of history are presented. The manual contains a large number of examples from domestic historiography, primary sources for independent study of the discipline. Can be used when development of elective courses(for 10-11 grades of specialized education), in-depth study of individual fragments of history. All the information is correctly presented, the book is an excellent assistant for students, graduates and teachers.

Despite the fact that this textbook reflects the traditional version of history, it helps to destroy many Russophobic myths about our recent past, in particular ideological mines about the history of the twentieth century. Without a good knowledge of the traditional version of history, it is impossible to have informed discussions about alternative versions...

This fall, a presentation of a folk history textbook in 4 volumes, written by the scientist and teacher Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn, took place in Moscow.

Spitsyn’s people’s history textbook because money for his publishing house was collected by the whole world, through social media. An ordinary teacher was able to do what the Ministry of Education could not do - solve the problem of a single history textbook:

I don't impose my own point of view. I do not impose the point of view of any particular group of authors. I give different perspectives on key historical events, characters, etc. On the one hand, this removes the notorious question of imposing a single view of history, and on the other hand, it provides enormous opportunities to enrich one’s horizons and teaches one to correctly perceive information. Develops information literacy, which is so lacking in modern society, which succumbs to propaganda provocations. Shows how the same event or person can be assessed differently (often diametrically opposed) by historical schools of different historical eras.

E. Yu. Spitsyn.

Spitsyn's history textbook differs from all others in that it organically intertwines the centuries-old history of Russia and historiography. In other words, the historical narrative in it is closely intertwined with descriptions of events, dates, names; with historiographical plots containing complete information on periods of Russian history, including controversial ones, and its main characters.

It took Spitsyn more than 15 years to create this textbook; it includes an analysis of several hundred sources and historical studies authored by prominent historians, including our contemporaries.

The structure of the folk history textbook by E. Spitsyn

The textbook consists of 4 volumes, which are divided into 9 chapters and 95 topics on the main periods of Russian history, starting with the ethnogenesis of the Slavs and the formation of the Old Russian state, ending with the collapse of the USSR in 1991, and within the specified chronological framework fully complies with the new historical and cultural standard approved President V.V. Putin.
And in terms of the content of the most detailed historiography and bibliography of historical research, it even exceeds this standard.
In this textbook you can find links to all primary sources and Additional materials on the topic, which may be necessary when preparing for a lesson or lecture, as well as for writing essays and other written works. All this greatly facilitates the work of both a history teacher at school and a teacher at a university.

Finally, as teaching aid The four-volume book will also be useful to students, applicants and high school students themselves when studying a subject in depth or when preparing essays, coursework, and reports.

About the author of the textbook

Evgeny Yurievich Spitsyn is a historian, teacher with 25 years of work experience. In the early nineties, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of Moscow State Pedagogical University. V.I. Lenin. For about 20 years, 25 years he worked as a history teacher in high school in two Moscow schools, as well as the director of one of these schools. Author of several dozen articles, publications on historical topics and on problems of general and higher education.

Buy a single history textbook of Spitsyn in 4 volumes

As soon as such an opportunity arises, a link will appear on this page allowing you to download a single history textbook in 4 volumes by Evgeny Yuryevich Spitsyn

Video - Russophobes rule the roost, fragment of a speech by the author of a unified history textbook (duration 12 min.)

Video - presentation of the Unified History Textbook (duration 50 min.)

The famous historian, sociologist and publicist Andrei Fursov, as well as physicist Alexei Zolotarev, came to support the author. Andrei Fursov noted that since we have proclaimed the principle of VARIABILITY in teaching history, teachers can exercise their right to choose Evgeniy Spitsyn as the main textbook. During the conversation, a lot of valuable historical information was voiced, unknown to the general public.

Historian Evgeny Spitsyn on the publication of archival documents related to the abdication of Nicholas II.

“Documents from Rosarkhiv put an end to the dispute about the abdication of the Tsar - there was an act, there were memories and there is legal force”

For the first time, the State Archives of the Russian Federation published documents related to the abdication of Nicholas II and his execution. The list of published papers included the act of abdication of Nicholas II from the throne, signed in pencil - “Nicholas”. Some time ago, Poklonskaya voiced the widespread opinion that such a document has no legal force. In general, there is a “conspiracy war” going on around this act, the historian, author of textbooks on the history of Russia, co-creator of the project said in an interview with Nakanune.RU. Last call“Evgeny Spitsyn - there are a number of “scientists” who believe that Nicholas did not abdicate the throne, they are trying to prove the falsity of these documents posted today for public viewing on the Internet.

Question: For the first time, Rosarkhiv published documents related to the abdication of Nicholas II - did they once again confirm that the tsar really abdicated?

Evgeny Spitsyn: There are modern historians like Peter Multatuli who try, wherever possible and impossible, to prove the forgery or falsity of these documents. But it is clearly clear that both the act of abdication of Nicholas II and the addressee of this act are reality. He supposedly doesn’t understand why this document was addressed to the mythical chief of staff at Headquarters? Therefore, Multatuli says that this is some kind of mythical headquarters of the Masonic lodge, that the addressee of this fake was probably Kerensky, the head of this headquarters, etc. Some kind of utter nonsense. Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky indeed, since 1916, was general secretary Great East of the Peoples of Russia - the famous Masonic lodge, which at that time actually controlled most of State Duma and, above all, the well-known Progressive Bloc - the headquarters for the preparation of the coup.

Question: How did the renunciation go?

Evgeny Spitsyn: It was all within the framework Russian legislation that time. A number of articles of the Code of Basic state laws The Russian Empire, in particular the 37th, 38th and 43rd articles clearly indicated that the sovereign-emperor had the right to abdicate not only for himself, but also for his minor son, and then Alexei Nikolaevich was only 12.5 years old . There are memoirs of the Minister of the Imperial Court and Appanages, Count Fredericks, where he also confirms that an act of abdication took place for himself and his son. There are also diary entries of Nicholas II himself, in which he also confirms that he signed an act of abdication of the throne.

Act of abdication of Nicholas II

Question: Well, they said that the diary where he writes about how he shot at cats was forged?

Evgeny Spitsyn: How can this be a false diary if he kept it from his youth and throughout his reign and even after his abdication? Everyone knew well that this was HIS diary. In the years Soviet power it was not published, it was in a special storage facility, and in the post-Soviet period even publications of this diary were published, I have one of them at home.
Professional historians, before presenting anything, before turning anything into a reliable source, first conduct a scientific critique of the source. They look at many parameters: the paper on which the document was written, ink, handwriting, etc. After all, the sovereign’s handwriting was well known from many other documents, the paper corresponds to that period, and the ink also corresponds. What do you think, professional historians will present some kind of fake document, without conducting scientific criticism of it, as some kind of source? Yes, they will be exposed immediately. Professional historians never deal with this matter and never will. Any historian who does this will simply put an end to his scientific career and reputation.
There were a lot of different fakes, for example, there was one related to the fact that Stalin was an agent of the Tsarist secret police - there were a lot of such fakes, and they were quickly exposed. And then, Nicholas II signed this manifesto not in splendid isolation, but in full view of many people. After all, not only people from the opposite camp left their memories, Shulgin, for example, who was one of the participants in these events, but also those generals who were part of the retinue of the sovereign himself or who were at the headquarters of the Northern Front in Pskov, for example, General Savvich, General Danilov - they also left their memories.

Maria Vladimirovna, Romanovs, Patriarch Kirill, Putin

I understand why this is being done - the fact is that Mr. Multatuli is a representative of that rather narrow but nimble community of pseudo-historians and monarchists who are actively promoting the so-called Kirillovichs. This is a “gypsy camp” with a swindler queen and her son George, who they want to present as the legitimate heirs of the Russian crown and place them on the Russian throne.

Question: Well, many will object to you - this is funny, what kind of monarchy?..

Evgeny Spitsyn: It would be funny if these guys didn’t run around different government agencies, they wouldn’t be accepted various kinds ministers, plenipotentiaries and governors. The same Metropolitan Hilarion, a famous ecumenist, runs with them, takes pictures, receives some orders from them. There are a bunch of all sorts of crooks to whom they gave baronial, count, princely and God knows what other titles. A real theater of the absurd and vanity fair!

Maria Vladimirovna, Romanovs, Patriarch Kirill

Question: Crimean prosecutor Poklonskaya loves to meet with them, she even went out with a portrait of Nikolai in " Immortal Regiment", and before that she stated that his renunciation had no legal force, because he signed it in pencil.

Evgeny Spitsyn: Poklonskaya, yes. But she’s just, excuse me, a “fool” who doesn’t understand anything about source studies, and she’s also a “specialist” for me! The sovereign's pencil signature was varnished right there so that it would not be erased; this act was then certified by the Minister of the Imperial Household and Appanages, Count Fredericks, who held this position for 20 years. All this is visible on the act, including the date of its preparation. So she says - there is no legal force, but she is a lawyer - and nowhere in the law is it written that acts of this kind must be signed with a pen or a ballpoint pen - there simply must be a signature, that’s all. And how the sovereign-emperor put this signature is purely his own business. The presence of a pencil signature does not in any way detract from that signature on this document.

Question: There are still so many mysterious things - even in the published ones. There is a lot of talk about the remains. Are there many versions at all?

Evgeny Spitsyn: These comrades believe that the remains that are buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral are not the remains of Nicholas II and his family. And even Maltatuli himself and several like-minded people wrote some kind of letter demanding non-recognition of the remains. I asked him personally that if these are not his remains, then where are he? And he began to tell me “fairy tales” that during the war they were taken by the Germans somewhere to Europe, and now some of the remains are kept in Europe, and some are still somewhere here, i.e. in Russia. I ask him - where is it and why are they not buried? He is mysteriously silent...

Question: The Church does not recognize the remains for its own reasons; they should have been incorruptible, since Nicholas is a saint?

Evgeny Spitsyn: This is a matter for the church, I don’t want to go into details here. We just need to remember that the issue of canonization of Nicholas II was very difficult. Many, including church hierarchs and religious scholars, for example, the famous professor Osipov, categorically opposed the canonization of the last Russian Tsar. Moreover, in the decision on his canonization it was directly stated that the church would canonize him only due to the circumstances of that period of his life that was after his abdication, and for his martyrdom. And it was specifically stipulated that they do not take the period of the king’s reign, because it is extremely ambiguous.
When it comes to the figure of Nicholas II, normal, adequate historians try to evaluate him precisely as the ruler of the Russian Empire, the result of whose reign was the collapse of the state. And our opponents - the same great-grandson of the Tsar's cook Pyotr Multatuli - insist only on the kind of death he suffered. I have a question: what kind of martyrdom did those who were shot during the 1905 demonstration suffer, for example? And what kind of martyrdom did the victims of the Lena execution of 1912 suffer, and what kind of martyrdom did millions of Russian soldiers and officers who died on the fields of the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars suffer?

Revolt of the Czechoslovak Corps, Belochekhi in Siberia

Question: In the same Yekaterinburg, after the execution of the former Tsar, the White Czechs came and caused “martyrdom” to many ordinary people?...

Evgeny Spitsyn: Yes, in this case, highlighting the figure of the tsar, and not just the tsar, but citizen Romanov, who was no longer a tsar - I think that this is just a well-paid project. Moreover, some say that this whole pandemonium with the Kirillovichs is largely financed almost by Rothschild structures.

Question: Who are these Kirillovichs anyway?

Evgeny Spitsyn: Kirill Vladimirovich, cousin of Nicholas II, was in a morganatic marriage with Victoria Melita, and during the life of Nicholas II his offspring were abdicated from the throne and inheritance. But in 1924, he personally proclaimed himself Russian Emperor Kirill I, which was not recognized even by representatives of the Romanov clan itself. After his death, this “title” was inherited by his son Vladimir Kirillovich - the same dad of the current swindler Maria Vladimirovna, who already on June 26, 1941 called on all emigration to support Hitler in the fight against Bolshevik Russia. Moreover, later, in 1944, an entire paramilitary structure was created under his leadership, which was under the direct control of the SS.

Maria Vladimirovna, Romanovs

Question: How did it happen that we began to accept them at the highest level?

Evgeny Spitsyn: This story began at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Vladimir Kirillovich himself was still alive then, then, when he died in 1992 - although he was never a reigning monarch - he was taken and buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral, in the same place where all the ruling monarchs of the Russian Empire were buried. What is this anyway? We need to move away from the paradigm of social behavior that was imposed on us during the counter-revolution of 1991.
After all, it becomes absolutely obvious that the bourgeois model of the economy, I would say, the quasi-bourgeois model, has led not only our country, but the whole world to a dead end. Therefore, now the Americans are trying to solve the crisis of world capitalism by military means.
It is not for nothing that Lenin wrote back in 1914 that imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism, in which wars are inevitable. This economic redivision of the world between transnational and national corporations, sooner or later, leads to a new colonial redivision of the world. And this colonial redivision of the world is impossible without a world war. That's all. True, under Khrushchev this thesis was discarded and it was stated that in the conditions nuclear weapons it's outdated. However, now we see that Lenin was right a thousand times over. We are talking not just about some kind of military confrontation in a global sense, for example, between two superpowers, we are talking about the fact that these regional conflicts are blazing all over the world, which are provoked precisely by the Americans. The USA is the world gendarme, the leader of the bourgeois world, there is a hybrid war going on, which implies both informational and ideological confrontation. There is a war, only the forms are different, because there is nuclear deterrence.

Question: If we return to the documents, did they put some points in high-profile discussions, discovered something that no one knew before?

Evgeny Spitsyn: No, all this could be seen in the archive, and since we now live in the age of digitization, they simply put it in the public domain so that everyone could look and make sure that the act of renunciation really took place, that there were all the supporting documents, and act, and diary entries of the sovereign, ministers, generals - i.e. those people who were directly involved in those historical events. And this strikes in the guts of all the “great-grandsons of the royal cooks,” who constantly lie and insist that the abdication is a fake.

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