Accurate horoscope for February Taurus. Work and business sphere. Health and leisure

Taurus, whose stability is now in that phase when it is not worth making sudden movements, as if contrary to all the laws of nature, are trying to change the world. Horoscope for February 2017 Taurus does not consider it a serious help in solving the piled-up affairs and worries, but he will soon understand that it is better to stop, look around, exhale and accept the situation, which is actually not so bad.

You shouldn’t make grandiose plans or look for excuses for your impulses. Be calm and attentive. Your drive will be very useful towards the end of February, when the races turn their attention to you, and you will be less emotional about what is happening around you. There are many things you shouldn't care about, but you tend to be overzealous in areas that you don't understand.

Don’t argue, don’t spoil your relationship with your employees, and even more so with your manager; he’ll form an unflattering impression of you. Do the work that is assigned to you, do not fail on deadlines, and do not get distracted by careless conversations.

In mid-February, you may be offered a new business that you consider profitable and understandable to you. In fact, it will be complicated both documentary and technically, and due to your average professionalism you will not be able to quickly solve the problems that have arisen.

Your family supports you more than ever, there is no moment when you are not given a helping hand. Appreciate this, respond with your attention. The best thing now is to listen to the advice of older relatives and enjoy stability.

Health and leisure

For Taurus, people who take their health seriously and carefully, there will be no special problems in February. At this time, you need to take care of your heart, understand that peace and harmony within you are the most important and necessary at this time.

It is advisable to undergo a full examination of the cardiovascular system, carefully monitor the state of your blood pressure, take the necessary tests and take all treatment prescribed by the doctor.

You also need to prepare yourself for the onset of spring. Having caught a cold now, you are unlikely to be able to completely get rid of the disease, because in the spring the immune system in Taurus will worsen. It would be a good idea to consume more vitamins and microelements. Change your lifestyle to the extent that it is acceptable and possible for you - consuming more fruits, vegetables, and herbs will soon affect your general condition. Do not abuse alcohol while taking vitamins, smoke less.

Taurus is a very homely person, so he does not devote much time to sports, or does not devote it at all. It will be useful if you find time for morning exercises, jogging, and ideally, get ready and go to the pool. But home exercises will also not be superfluous, and having started with them, you may adapt faster and decide that it’s time to increase the load.

Love and relationships

In love, this month for Taurus will not be a time for serious and important changes. Love horoscope as of February 2017, Taurus turns more in the direction he needs and sees what he wants to see.

For those who have a couple, stability in the relationship is guaranteed. The main thing is that this stability does not develop into a routine and that you do not become bored with each other. To do this, you need to diversify your time together. You should not spend your evenings in front of the TV or computer. It's better to go to the park, play sports together, or share important hobbies or hobbies with each other. Then you will understand that next to you is the person you would like to see next to you every day.

Those people who do not have relationships that threaten family should not elevate the first sympathy to the level of love. This month it is generally better not to make serious decisions. Most suitable option If you keep your distance from people until you know them completely, there is a risk that you will soon become disillusioned with them. It is advisable not to make new acquaintances at all, but to communicate with people who make you feel calm and warm. This applies not only to love, but also to friendship. Let this month become a month of peace and regularity for you.

If your relationship with someone has recently ended, this is a wonderful opportunity to burn out the past, find something new within yourself that is completely unexpected for you, for example, creative notes, and start writing poetry.

Career and business

This month Taurus should not strive upward. The main thing is to stay in your place, fully do what is required of you and not take on unnecessary responsibilities. It’s better to do one thing calmly and efficiently than to do two things poorly. If you think that this is not noticeable to others, it is in vain.

There is no need to get involved in groundless disputes in the work team; if you are not satisfied with something, you should calmly discuss it and come to a common decision. This month it is better for you not to start your own business, at least not to do it alone. This applies not only to business, but also to any decisions related to finance. It’s better to wait, because it won’t bring results anyway, but will squeeze all the juice out of you, and you won’t be able to “get back on your feet” for a long time.

Finance and Opportunities

Despite the fact that the stars advise you to stay put, you will not experience any problems financially. You don't have to save and count the days until your next paycheck. The best option will use this money for something really important, for example, repaying part of a loan, mortgage, treatment. Don't skimp on your health and the well-being of your family.

Your current business, in which a lot of effort and money has been invested, is stable, but the situation in the world does not allow it to develop at the pace that you would like. This is a temporary hitch, and you know it very well, but you don’t stop considering the options that you are missing out on important detail, and all problems are solely due to your shortsightedness. Relax and rejoice for a while in the fact that even if you are going with the flow, you are sailing on a sailboat and there is a clear sky above you, and the breeze of stability fills the sails with fresh ideas.

Man – Taurus

Know one thing - no one doubts that you are strong and smart. To do this, you don’t need to constantly prove your versatility and knock down all the doors with your frantic energy. Now this energy in you is completely meaningless.

Be like a boat on the waves - turn your sides under the slight rocking, and do not try to resist the current. You are in a good, calm situation where time will do everything for you.

The best way out of the state of being trapped and internal discomfort is a sport in which you can give your all and throw out your energy.

Do not trust women who themselves show interest in you, but if you cannot miss an opportunity that comes up, be careful, because you can waste not only personal belongings, money, but also peace. An unexpected romance is something that will break you into little pieces, and you will be torn between trying to make a meaningful choice and wanting to follow your heart.

The family Taurus man perceives February 2017 as a moment of flirtation and interesting adventures, but will be disappointed both by his passion and by the situation that will break his family peace and for a long time he will have to collect everything piece by piece, proving his loyalty and innocence.

Taurus Woman

The restless and fussy Taurus woman sees February 2017 as a time of opportunity in any endeavor. And after that she is surprised that everything is not going according to plan, not the way she would like. In any area of ​​life, you need a time of static, you need a point when you need to calmly look around and only after that make decisions.

Relationships, gossip, some extraordinary romances are starting up around you, hearts are beating, and it’s as if you are standing on the sidelines and observing someone else’s life, and this upsets you, because your temperament asks to be a participant in this grotesque show.

Curb your ardor and exhale, because everything is going well, you are in a good mood and believe in your strength. But now is not your time.

Don't rush to give your heart to a stranger you've known for a few days, most likely he will be the one who will break your heart in a matter of days.

Swipe free time with your family, with your children, with your parents who are drawn to you and expect the same desire in return. You have friends whom you have known for many years, and they should become your support and support in February.

February 2017 may be a good period for Taurus women. You will feel increased interest from male friends. It will be pleasant to be in the center of attention, love and universal adoration. You will unmistakably choose the right line of behavior so as not to offend anyone - neither your friends, nor your many fans.

Relations with others during this period promise to be almost cloudless. You will realize that you are becoming popular in your circle and will try to make the most of this situation. In February, business connections will expand, this will happen thanks to the women around you. You can indulge in light flirting and courtship.

Horoscope for February 2017 Taurus woman

  • Favorable days for Taurus women in February 2017: February 5, 15, 19, 22, 28.
  • Difficult days for Taurus women in February 2017: February 4, 11, 18, 21.

Love. This week you will tend to be in charge all the time. If your partner is flexible, he will put up with it.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Colorful love fantasies created by your rich imagination can now come true, but it will take a lot of effort. We'll have to try...
  • From 11 to 20 February. You are about to meet a person who will charm you at first sight. After all, he will be so smart and charming! But do not give in to the temptation to open up to him right away - excessive frankness can alienate your chosen one. Restraint is your trump card.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Your feelings will become so strong that you will begin to dream of your own cozy nest. All that remains is to persuade your partner.

Health. Take care of your health - you may be prone to excesses. And as luck would have it, temptations will not escape you.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Now you are especially emotional - sometimes shedding tears, sometimes laughing. Since this significantly undermines your nervous system, try to control yourself. You can do it!
  • From 11 to 20 February. It is important that your plans do not conflict with your physical capabilities. Don't plan to exercise if you're a little tired or have a cold.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Shopping with friends will fill you with optimism and good mood. And your health will be at its best.

Finance. Misconceptions, especially in the area of ​​money, can cost you dearly. It's better not to do anything.

  • From 1 to 10 February. You will develop vigorous activity. Moreover, at the end of the week you will hardly be able to really explain what you were doing.
  • From 11 to 20 February. The tenacity and resourcefulness with which you will achieve your goal will remain unchanged. Before a decisive assault, hold a meeting with your loved ones and listen to their advice.
  • From 21 to 28 February. You will regularly become deceived at the expense of others and mislead others yourself. Try to think in advance about who and what you will negotiate with.

Horoscope for February 2017 Taurus man

  • Favorable days for Taurus men in February 2017: February 1, 6, 16, 19, 23, 27.
  • Difficult days for Taurus men in February 2017: February 3, 10, 17.

Love. Everyone will tell you that it's time to confess your feelings to your partner. Indeed, tell her at least about your plans for the coming week - what if they coincide?

  • From 1 to 10 February. Another important acquaintance awaits you. Just try not to repeat previous mistakes - your enthusiasm may be misunderstood. Now everything depends on your restraint.
  • From 11 to 20 February. Your outrageousness will cause disapproval and gossip among your friends. Drive away doubts, great love awaits you!
  • From 21 to 28 February. Your apparent calm will attract reliable love partners to you. In the first half of the week, you can spend a lot of energy on courtship, but Taurus never loses heart.

Health. Now be careful. You can throw your health on the altar of achieving your goal.

  • From 1 to 10 February. A good week to play sports with friends. This will not only improve your health, but also lift your spirits, increase your vitality and give you self-confidence.
  • From 11 to 20 February. It’s been a difficult week, it’s absolutely forbidden to get sick. Your superiors will make serious claims against you if you are absent from work. Go to the service “because I can’t.”
  • From 21 to 28 February. It makes sense to limit travel to public transport and meeting friends. You're about to get sick.

Finance. You have to make sure that your colleague is not so reliable and is not suitable for the role of your colleague.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Your hesitation and uncertainty will reach the limit. And only by the end of the week you will make the right decision.
  • From 11 to 20 February. In a conversation with a colleague, you can find mutual relatives, acquaintances or friends. This will bring you not only mental pleasure, but also material benefit.
  • From 21 to 28 February. At the beginning of the week you will get a second wind at work, but you will spend the weekend calmly, like a family. Expect money and gifts from distant relatives.

Horoscope for February 2017 Taurus child

Daughter. Taurus girls will be strongly influenced by their parents during this period. Your child's behavior largely depends on you. If you are harsh and rude, your daughter will begin to behave the same way. The requirements that were previously placed on it will increase. Teachers can assess her abilities and give her additional workload. In addition, friends will play a big role in your baby's life.

Son. It is now very important for Taurus boys to find their place among their peers. During this period, the son will depend on the opinions of others; he will want to get into a company where he was not accepted before. This will be possible largely thanks to his increased charm and ability to get along with everyone. mutual language. At the beginning of February, the role of upbringing and education in the family will increase. Support your son.

Read the horoscope for February 2017 for other zodiac signs:

After numerous disappointments, Taurus will finally be able to receive moral satisfaction in February, as their personal life will develop very successfully. They will easily establish relationships, and the passions and emotions around them will simply go off scale. Moreover, the outcome will always be positive.

The beginning of the month will give Taurus many joyful meetings and warm feelings. They will be able to see in their close circle a person who is very close to them in spirit, with whom they will not want to part with even for a minute. And such a discovery made by Taurus within themselves will help them feel the taste of life in full force. Therefore, a relationship that begins in February can soon lead to the creation of a real family. And Taurus will definitely not regret their choice.

Family representatives of this sign need to beware of intrigues from the opposite sex. And this can lead to the fact that the marriage is in danger of collapse, especially if Taurus does not take any steps to refute all the rumors and speculation that pop up.

To change the situation in reverse side, Taurus needs to more vigorously defend their interests in relation to their family. And then there will definitely be no threat to personal happiness in marriage. And at the end of February you can take the whole family on a short trip.

Taurus Woman: Love Horoscope for February 2019

A very interesting and eventful period awaits Taurus women in February. Fans will appear near them, who will be able to contribute to improving their financial relationship and obtaining a new status. And thanks to this, Taurus women will be in a wonderful mood, thereby attracting the attention of men even more. But you shouldn’t rush to make a choice towards only one partner. Time itself will put everything in its place and soon fate will give a sign which gentleman is worth taking a closer look at.

Married Taurus women will begin to lack emotions. They will feel bored and begin to provoke their spouse specifically in order to get more affection and care from him. However, at this moment the other half will be too busy to pay attention to the whims of Taurus women. And on this basis, irritation and outbursts of anger may arise. The stars advise trying to immediately extinguish such negative emotions, otherwise you cannot do without scandals and showdowns in relationships.

At the end of the month, the situation in personal relationships will begin to stabilize and the Taurus woman will finally choose the right vector that will allow her to fully experience love from her partner.

Taurus Man: Love Horoscope for February 2019

Most Taurus men will be able to experience completely unexpected emotions in February. Lonely representatives of this sign will experience an irresistible desire to find a warm, family hearth. And having caught themselves thinking this way, they will begin to take various steps to achieve this. As a result, you will begin to look for the only one who can conquer your obstinate heart. But the stars warn that such a search will take a long time. Therefore, you will have to acquire patience. And then, perhaps by the end of the month, that fateful meeting will happen.

Taurus men, who have been legally married for a long time, will feel even happier this month. But nothing will happen just like that. You will need to take some steps yourself and take actions aimed at improving your relationship with your spouse. Not everything will always go smoothly, but gradually feelings will flare up again between two people. And some Taurus men will again think about replenishing their family. So February may turn out to be quite a fruitful month in terms of love expressions and feelings.

In February, Taurus will have the opportunity to move freely in all chosen directions. They will become more relaxed and free, as well as sociable and open. Thanks to this, Taurus will have new acquaintances and friends who will be able to further fill their inner state and change some of their outlook on life.

The beginning of February for most Taurus will bring many interesting and dynamic moments. Everything that surrounds them at such a moment will be filled with its own specific meaning. And then they will be able to feel that fortune has finally turned its face in them and such a streak of luck will never end. However, the stars advise not to delude yourself, otherwise you will have to fall too painfully when suddenly the white stripe gives way to gray or black.

The middle of the month is best to think about transforming your home. Those who have long wanted to make repairs can begin to implement them right now. All the ideas in your head will be easily brought to life, and constant promotions and discounts will allow you to save a lot.

And after the hard work, Taurus can take a short break and go to a sanatorium with the whole family or just with their other half. And this will help strengthen the relationship and color it even more in a romantic mood.

Taurus Woman: Horoscope for February 2019

Many Taurus women will be filled with optimism and energy. Because of this, different people will be drawn to them, including very interesting personalities, who will help realize all their plans and bring to life what they have long wanted. At the same time, you should not forget about the support of loved ones who will be able to cover your weak rear at any time.

In the middle of the month, some Taurus women will become very suspicious and suspicious. And thus they will make their life even more difficult. Distrust will manifest itself in the entire environment, including the other half. And this is fraught with aggravation of relations with a partner. The stars also strongly advise you to stop inflating every problem to a global scale. Then progress will be noticeable in your personal and professional life.

The end of the month will require you to be focused and attentive. This will especially apply to situations of a non-standard nature. And you shouldn’t wait for the situation to resolve itself. In order to achieve something, you will need to make some efforts, including those made on yourself.

Taurus Man: Horoscope for February 2019

For many Taurus men, the beginning of February will give them some kind of lightness and ease. In relationships, everything will go quite smoothly, and the financial sphere will be quite stable. And all this will help the Taurus man to finally think about himself and what they are striving for and what they want to achieve in life.

By identifying the most important aspects for themselves and identifying the point they want to achieve, it will be much easier for them to move forward. However, the stars do not advise you to immediately overload yourself with super-tasks and forget about basic days off. Sometimes you need to find time to take a break and relax a little.

In mid-February, you need to try to resolve all business issues. And it’s better to do this in an informal setting. The dialogue will then be more constructive and active. Misunderstandings may arise in the team during this period, but they will be immediately extinguished thanks to the charm of Taurus men. And you should try to maintain this internal state for as long as possible. Then everything will go with incredible ease. So, soon there will be a significant reason to throw a noisy party to celebrate the successful completion of a large-scale project.

In the year of the Red Rooster, Taurus has a great opportunity to conquer new heights in almost all areas of their lives. Thanks to the vital energy and rapid rhythm that the Red Rooster will bring in 2017, there will be no mountain so high that the hardworking Taurus cannot climb.

But, when achieving your next goal, you still shouldn’t forget about your health. Despite your energy and hard work, which can be the envy of other zodiac signs, your body is not eternal, so you need to give yourself time for proper rest.

Family relationships and personal life of Taurus in February 2017

Married Taurus people should pay more attention to their family in February. Any missed family event can also have a negative impact on married life.

The best thing to do this month is to get out into nature with your family or visit an amusement park, or arrange a romantic candlelit dinner for your significant other. It is not recommended to quarrel, as this can lead to a break in love relationships, especially at the beginning of the month.

If the relationship between the spouses is too tense, then it is not forbidden to give your marriage partner a rest. This approach will help improve relationships and avoid quarrels that can become an obstacle to achieving success in other areas.

Lonely Taurus will most likely remain so during this period. The stars foretell a low probability of marriage in February. A busy schedule and the fulfillment of personal goals are the very things that may prevent Taurus from taking responsibility as a marital partner for the specified period.

This month there is a high chance of meeting your future soul mate.

For Taurus, February will be filled with new acquaintances and people who can significantly affect their lives, both in personal and financial aspects. It is unknown whether it is positive or negative side will lead to such changes, so Taurus is recommended to show a little attention to their new acquaintances.

Work and finance for Taurus in February 2017

Someone born under the sign of Taurus can discover other talents and abilities that were previously unknown to him. For example, a person involved in the exact logical sciences may discover the skill of an artist or begin to write books.

February provides an excellent opportunity for those who want to climb the career ladder. The stars speak of positive relationships with management, so it is extremely important to put in all your efforts and demonstrate maximum skill at work.

Particular attention should be paid to business meetings; a small responsibility in resolving a particular issue will indicate to the boss about the competence of such an employee, which will further improve the attitude towards him.

It is worth noting that thanks to the fruitful work of Taurus, his boss or business partner can significantly succeed in any field of activity. This option will serve as a guaranteed reason for climbing the career ladder.

Taurus this month should reconsider:

  1. Your attitude towards your work colleagues.
  2. Approach assigned tasks extremely carefully and painstakingly.
  3. Don't pay attention to empty talk.

It is important for Taurus to know that there will be those who will talk about his incompetence with an envious look; he needs to treat this as empty words, not lose faith in himself and continue to move upward.

It's also worth Special attention pay attention to money, since by the end of the month there may not be any, so the horoscope for February 2017 recommends Taurus to be more careful in resolving financial issues.

Taurus health in February 2017

The horoscope for February 2017 for Taurus does not promise any health risks.

However, it is best not to get into a car while drunk, as the stars talk about an increased risk of injury from driving in a Taurus.

The Taurus horoscope for February 2017 reports that the best time to get behind the wheel is: February 8, 13, 17, 22, 26.

You should refrain from traveling on the numbers 4, 16, 20.

Despite the fact that Taurus is not expected to get colds, they still need to strengthen their immunity. Swimming in the pool, dousing, morning and evening jogging, skiing and skating in natural terrain are good options.

Taurus needs to pay attention not only to the physical, but also to the psychological component of rest, which will help them temporarily forget about work. Calm, relaxing music and massage are perfect for this option.

Perfect for a holiday trip to foreign countries, which will allow Taurus to receive a storm of joyful emotions and will have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

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