Cranberry juice: test purchase. How to make healthy and tasty fruit juice How to make healthy fruit juice

Juices, fruit drinks, drinks for dessert... How to choose a drink so that it is healthy?

Cold drinks

Always in stores wide choose drinks that attract with a bright, rich taste. But they are not always able to quench your thirst, much less bring benefits and nourish you with natural vitamins.

And more and more often I want to replace all this “chemistry” with a drink prepared at home according to simple recipe. This drink reeks of childhood: homemade lemonade in a transparent jug, jelly made from natural products (black, green, red), vegetable and milkshakes and, of course, fruit juice and compote.

How these drinks differ from store-bought ones is clear. But how do they differ from each other? In this article we’ll talk about how fruit juice differs from compote.

Morse and compote: differences

To quench your thirst, you can use compote and fruit drink. What is the difference between these drinks? Let's see how they are prepared and what is included in their composition.

Morse is a soft drink that is prepared from natural juice diluted with water and added sugar. Fruit drinks are prepared from various berries and fruits, both from one type and from a mixture. Only boiled water is used for preparing fruit drinks. Sugar is diluted in it and heated to completely dissolve. The juice should be added only to the cooled syrup in order to preserve as many vitamins as possible. To enhance the taste, the pulp is often boiled in water first. It is better to drink fruit drink chilled; you can add lemon or orange to the jug.

Let's see how fruit juice differs from compote.

Compote is a dessert made from berries and fruits. It is valuable because it is not canned, but sterilized (if stored for future use). Can be prepared without sugar. Compote is low-calorie and is considered a diet drink. Compote, unlike fruit drink and especially juice, does not irritate the gastric mucosa, so it can be drunk even during exacerbations of diseases of the digestive system. Dried fruit compote is especially good. It improves digestion and normalizes metabolism.

The presence of natural juice in the drink is how fruit juice differs from compote.

Both fruit juice and compote are very rich in vitamins. The value of fruit juice lies in the presence of natural juice in it, and the compote is subjected to short heat treatment, which preserves the vitamins in the berries and fruits. also rich in vitamins because it is very concentrated. Additionally, it can be enriched with vitamin C if you add rose hips to the dried fruits.


Now let’s look at compote, fruit drink, and juice, what is the difference between these drinks.

Juice prepared at home comes in two types: freshly squeezed and prepared. Freshly squeezed juice is prepared from berries or fruits by passing them through a juicer. This natural juice can be prepared for future use. We dilute the remaining cake with water, filter, then add sugar, heat until dissolved and add juice. Pour into jars and sterilize.

In order for the juice to be tasty, only high-quality raw materials must be used for its production.

In addition, juices are prepared not only from fruits and berries. Vegetables are also used to prepare this drink.

A natural, undiluted liquid product is what distinguishes juice from fruit drinks and compote. Let's move from theory to practice.


To understand the difference between compote and fruit drink, let’s prepare and try these drinks.

  • Dried fruits compote. Boil four liters of water, add a glass of sugar, washed dried fruits, bring to a boil and leave to brew. You can put a little of any jam for taste. It is better to drink compote chilled.
  • It turns out delicious and First, boil the lemon peels in four liters of water, add a glass of sugar, then chopped rhubarb petioles and cook over medium heat until soft, cool.
  • Redcurrant juice. Pass 250 grams of washed berries through a juicer. Dilute the remaining pulp with one liter of water, add half a glass of sugar, bring to a boil, strain, cool and add the squeezed juice. Cool the resulting fruit drink.

As you can see, the last drink contains natural juice. And this is exactly how fruit juice differs from compote.

In any case, if you have one of these drinks on your table, your body will receive the necessary dose of vitamins. In addition, these drinks are great to quench your thirst or use as a dessert.

There are several ways to prepare fruit drink from jam or fresh fruits and berries. Any drink is prepared depending on the availability of ingredients. In winter, fruit drinks can be made from summer preparations, and drinks based on natural berries and fruits are used as a soft drink in the summer.

How to prepare and preserve berries?

A simple berry juice requires only sugar, water and seasonal fruit raw materials. The recipe for making the drink involves using any berries, fruits and even root vegetables. Preparation consists of washing nature's summer gifts. But where to get fruits and berries in winter?

Modern technology allows housewives to preserve their harvest of berries for several months. This means that even out of season you can prepare fruit juice from frozen berries and fruits. Such a drink in its own way useful qualities no different from summer version: When frozen, all vitamins and minerals are preserved in the berries.

You can freeze any berries and fruits. Before storing, fruit raw materials are washed, cleared of debris and dried, scattering them in a thin layer on a clean towel. The prepared berries are placed in the freezer and the freezing mode is set. The refrigeration equipment takes care of the rest, and the housewife will only have to take out a portion of the product before making a fruit drink from frozen berries.

Another modern version drink - from fruit puree prepared without cooking. To preserve the berries, simply crush them and mix them with an equal volume of granulated sugar. This puree will have to be stored in the refrigerator. glass jars. With this method, it is possible to preserve most of the vitamins. The puree can also be used as regular jam.

An ancient method of preparing berries is soaking. Only lingonberries and cranberries are suitable for this method: they have antiseptic properties and saved in in kind without any additives. The berries need to be sorted, washed and dried. Place in jars of convenient size and fill with cold boiled water. Under plastic covers, the workpiece can be stored in the refrigerator or cold cellar until spring.

Methods for preparing fruit juice

Making fruit juice at home is quite simple. There are such ways to make the drink yourself:

  • mixing juice and water without heat treatment;
  • preparing fruit juice with pulp digestion;
  • using ready-made jam or puree.

The easiest way is to mix juice and water. To do this, liquid is squeezed out of the berries, which is diluted and sweetened to taste. This option is only suitable for certain types of raw materials, since not all fruits have pulp that easily releases juice. It’s easier to make fruit drink from frozen berries this way: freezing and thawing destroys the fruit’s pulp cells, and it’s easier to squeeze out the juice.

To extract the remaining juice remaining in the pulp, another method is used. The pomace is cooked for a short time. The finished broth is mixed with juice. The preservation of vitamin C depends on how much fruit juice is cooked, so it is important to know how to properly prepare it in this way.

Jam is used as a base for fruit drink in cases where the drink needs to be made quickly. It is important to remember that there is practically no vitamin C left in the classic preparation, so it is best to use puree, which is made without cooking. The algorithm for making fruit juice in this case is the same (stir a few tablespoons of jam in water), and the benefits of the drink will be much greater.

Recipe for classic berry juice

To prepare fruit juice according to this recipe, any fruits and berries are suitable. You can take several different types raw materials to make the drink tastier and healthier. Required:

  • 0.5 kg of fruit and berry products;
  • 100 g granulated sugar (you can take more or less);
  • 0.8-1 liters of water.

Berries and fruits intended for fruit drinks must be chopped. Soft varieties can be easily crushed with a pestle or fork; denser ones can be passed through a meat grinder or using a blender. The result should be a paste from which you can squeeze the juice.

The resulting liquid should be set aside, and the pomace should be placed in a pan and covered with boiling water. Sweeten to taste.

Some types of berries with delicate pulp and thick skin (currants, cherries, cranberries, etc.) do not even need to be boiled. In this case, the pulp is kept in boiling water until it cools completely. The infusion is filtered and mixed with the previously squeezed juice. If necessary, you can add more sugar.

If the fruit pulp is dense (irga, blueberries, apples, etc.), then after extracting the juice, the pulp must be boiled. This way you can get the most out of it useful substances. Cooking fruit juice correctly means not heating it for more than 5-7 minutes. Sugar is easier to add during cooking. Cool the broth, strain and mix with juice.

It is recommended to cool the finished drink before serving as a soft drink. After this, it is poured into glasses and served with ice. Based on the basic recipe, you can make several variations of the drink, as well as make your own delicious fruit drink from frozen raspberries or other types of raw materials.

Healing drink for colds

To prepare it, you need berries with natural antibiotic properties: cranberries, lingonberries or sea buckthorn. In this case, the fruit drink will turn out to be truly healing. But other fruits are also beneficial due to their vitamin C content and fruit acids, which help reduce fever and strengthen the immune system.

Mash the berries (200-250 g) and squeeze out the juice. Pour boiling water (500 ml) over the pulp and let it brew until it cools. Strain, mix with juice and sweeten with honey. If you have a cold, it is better to drink berry juice slightly warm.

Cooling fruit drink with mint

By adding aromatic herbs to a drink, you can get an unusual fruit drink, reminiscent of the famous Mojito cocktail. For production you need:

  • lingonberries - 300 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar to taste;
  • a few fresh mint leaves.

Crush the lingonberries, pour boiling water over them, add crushed mint leaves and sugar. Place the container in a water bath and leave for 1 hour. Cool and strain. Serve the drink in cocktail glasses, add ice and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine

The hot spicy drink is also a fruit drink based on its production method. This is a recipe for fruit drink made from frozen berries, but they are processed in the same way as fresh ones. Will need:

  • blackberries or blueberries, but other not very sour varieties with brightly colored juice are also suitable (200-250 g);
  • water (500 ml);
  • spices to taste (cinnamon, cloves, allspice, ginger);
  • sugar and honey - optional.

Squeeze out the blackberry juice and pour boiling water over the pulp. Put the necessary spices there and boil the liquid for 3-4 minutes. Strain and mix with juice, adding honey or sugar. Drink hot or cool.

Other fruit drink recipes

The easiest way is to make a fruit drink from jam. For instant cooking drink: take 1 glass of boiled chilled water, add jam or jam syrup, stir. The drink is already ready to drink.

There is another way to make fruit juice from sweet fruit preparations. In this case, they should be used in the same way as fresh or frozen berries. Candied jam is well suited for this method. The product is dissolved in hot water, bring to a boil. To remove any remaining berries, after cooling, strain the solution through cheesecloth or a sieve. The ratio of ingredients can be very different, but usually take about 3 parts of water for 1 part of jam.

You can make berry fruit drinks from juice canned for the winter. With this method, proceed in the same way as when making a drink from jam. It is enough to dilute the canned juice with boiled water and sweeten it to taste with sugar or honey. Unlike the juice itself, fruit juice will have a lower concentration and a less pronounced berry taste. It is easy to make from sea buckthorn, cherry or other juice with high acidity.

Fruit juice can be canned. In this case, the fruit raw materials are not boiled, as in the production of winter compotes, but are poured with boiling water once and the jar is rolled up. To make the drink tasty and healthy, you need to take about 2 cups of prepared berries (you can make an assortment of different types), place them in a sterile 3-liter jar and cover with granulated sugar (2 cups). Bring water to a boil, carefully pour it into the jar almost to the edge, roll it up and turn the container over. Wrap and leave to cool for 8-10 hours. After this, immediately put it in the cellar or pantry.

Fruit juice can even be made from vegetables. Prepare it from sweet root vegetables: carrots, beets, rutabaga, etc. Peel the vegetables and grate them on a fine grater. The juice is squeezed out, and the pulp is treated in the same way as when making fruit juice from fresh berries. If desired, add ginger or other spices, and add a sour taste to the prepared drink with lemon juice.

Berry juice, prepared in any way, can be used as a base for alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. You can also make fruit juice at home from citrus fruits, using a little of their zest to flavor the drink. By adding a little vanilla, cinnamon, ginger or aromatic herbs to a drink made from frozen or fresh fruit, you can come up with your own exclusive recipes for dishes that will become the highlight of any holiday table.

Morse is a refreshing drink consisting of water, berry or fruit juice, with added sugar or honey. Its history goes back several centuries, and according to one version, it comes from the Romanian mursa “fruit drink”, which in turn originates from the Latin word mulsa “honey drink”.

Useful properties of fruit drink

Useful properties of fruit drink determined by those natural ingredients (berries, fruits, vegetables) that are part of it:

  • Lingonberry helps fight colds and increases appetite;
  • cranberry is used as an antipyretic and in general to increase the overall tone of the body. It is also recommended for the prevention of diseases of the urinary system, in particular cystitis in women;
  • blackberry normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, soothes nervous system and is a general tonic;
  • blueberry is known for its beneficial effects on the organs of vision, in addition, it is given to children for stomach upsets;
  • blackcurrant juice improves immunity, strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • cherry is recommended for the prevention and treatment of intestinal infections. Its regular use reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • from chokeberry has a vasodilating effect, stimulates blood circulation and regulates the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Health benefits of fruit juice

Any is an excellent thirst quencher in the summer, when it is customary to drink it cold or with ice, and a good warming drink in the winter, if served slightly warmed. Fruit juice replenishes the supply of vitamins in the body, relieves fatigue and improves mood.

Fruit drinks improve digestion and help you lose weight, they are drunk during the fasting days, taking up to two liters of drink per day.

There is even such a thing as sea therapy. In this case, the fruit drink performs a therapeutic and health-improving function, and the cycle of its use is calculated for two to three weeks. Morse drink one glass before each meal at normal or low acidity gastric juice in half an hour, with elevated levels - in one and a half hours. Sea therapy is aimed at general improvement of the body and improvement of well-being; it can be carried out at any time of the year, but it is especially recommended in the spring, when there is a possibility of vitamin deficiency.

According to experts, the most beneficial for a person are those berries, fruits and vegetables that grow in the region where he has lived for a long time. Be sure to take this into account when choosing ingredients for or a finished product.

Ingredients of fruit drink: vitamins and minerals

The most popular fruit drinks are made from cranberries, lingonberries, black and red currants, blueberries and cherries. You can also use other berries, fruits and even vegetables. Classic Russian fruit drinks are prepared only from forest berries, and at the same time they are distinguished not only by excellent taste characteristics, but also medicinal properties. Berry juice is rich in organic acids and mineral salts. It also contains pectin, which is necessary for the human body for the proper functioning of the intestines, faster removal of toxins and the fight against pathogenic bacteria. Fruit juice contains a large amount of vitamins, ,, and provitamins. In addition, it is rich in microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Quite often there are fruit drinks made from several varieties of berries or fruits; sometimes vegetable juices are added to them, for example, beets, carrots, pumpkin, and so on. Such “mixes” make it possible to come up with new flavor combinations, while receiving the maximum of nutrients.

Most of the fruit drink is water, the rest is the juice of berries, fruits and vegetables with the addition of a sweetener. The latter can be sugar, fructose or honey.

Making fruit juice at home

Fruit juice can be prepared at home; moreover, this is the only way you can ensure its maximum usefulness for yourself and your loved ones. To preserve all the vitamins and microelements contained in it, berries or fruits prepared for fruit drinks are first squeezed in a non-oxidizing container until juice is obtained. The squeezed fruits are poured with water and brought to a boil, then the resulting broth is filtered and combined with freshly squeezed juice. If you use sugar as a sweetener, it is added when cooking the juices. If you decide to use honey, do not boil it under any circumstances, otherwise it will lose all its properties. medicinal properties . Honey is diluted in a glass of warm boiled water or slightly warmed juice, and then added to the already prepared fruit drink. To enhance taste sensations You can put grated lemon zest in any of them, squeeze out the juice of half a lemon, or when serving, decorate a glass with a drink with a slice of lemon or orange.

Another popular method is preparing fruit juice without boiling, when squeezed berries or fruits are simply combined with boiled water and, if necessary, a sweetener.

Fruit drink recipes

Lingonberry-beet juice
Ingredients: lingonberries 1 kg, beets 1 kg, water 3 l, sugar or honey to taste. Preparation: wash the lingonberries, sort them, squeeze out the juice, pour it into a glass container and put it in the refrigerator. Boil the squeezed berries in one liter of water and strain. Grate the peeled beets on a coarse grater, boil in the remaining water and squeeze out the juice. Mix lingonberry broth, lingonberry juice and beet juice, add sugar or honey.

Cranberry-carrot juice
Ingredients: cranberries 250 g, carrots 500 g, water 1 liter, sugar or honey to taste. Preparation: wash the cranberries, sort them, squeeze out the juice. Boil the squeezed berries, then strain. Grate fresh carrots and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Mix cranberry broth, cranberry juice and freshly squeezed carrots, add sugar or honey.

Lemon juice (lemonade)
Ingredients: 2 lemons, 1 liter water, 1/2 cup sugar. Preparation: cut the zest from the lemons and boil it in water with sugar. Let the broth cool, then squeeze the juice from the lemons into it. Serve chilled, you can add a sprig of mint.

Mors Mors

Berry juice is usually diluted with water and slightly sweetened. One of the oldest Russian national drinks, first mentioned in Domostroy (XV-XVI centuries). The name is of Byzantine origin: from “mursa” - “water with honey”, a distorted Latin “mulsa”. Most often, fruit juice is prepared from cranberries, but also from berries such as cherries, lingonberries, red currants, raspberries, blackberries, bird cherry, sloe, that is, either too bony or collected in large quantities and requiring quick processing.

To prepare fruit juice, berries are taken in volume or weight two to three times less than water, and boiled for 2-4 hours, depending on the volume. Then it sits for a day, drained, filtered, and the grounds are squeezed out; Sugar or honey, sometimes spices, are added to the resulting juice, heated again to a boil, and the foam is carefully removed. The resulting drink is hermetically sealed and stored in the cold, preferably in an icebox, since it can ferment in warmth or at room temperature.

(Culinary Dictionary by V.V. Pokhlebkin, 2002)

* * *

(Source: United Dictionary of Culinary Terms)


Morse is a cool sweet drink made from the juice of berries or fruits diluted with water and seasoned with sugar. Morse can be prepared from various berry and fruit juices and their mixtures or from fresh berries and fruits.

Glossary of culinary terms. 2012 .


See what “fruit drink” is in other dictionaries:

    fruit drink- fruit drink, and... Russian spelling dictionary

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    - ... Wikipedia

    A soft drink usually made from cranberry juice flavored with sugar. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MORS berry and fruit juice, diluted with water. Dictionary of foreign words,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    MORS, fruit drink, plural. no, husband (from German: Moosbeere cranberry). Cool drink, prepared from the juice of berries or fruits. Cranberry juice. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    MORS- a refreshing drink made from a chilled decoction of fruits or berries with sugar; the proportions of berries and sugar and the method of preparation are the same as for jelly (see), but potato flour is not added to the fruit drink. Most often, cranberry juice is prepared... Concise encyclopedia household

According to one version, the word “cranberry” comes from the old Russian “klyuchevina” - swamp, damp place

ABC of fruit drink

Marianna Trifonova, nutritionist:

Cranberry juice is a really healthy thing. It contains not only vitamin C, but also fat-soluble vitamins, as well as pectin and fiber - active participants in regular cellular metabolism. An antioxidant of plant origin, polyphenol, which is also hanging out in the drink packaging, helps improve immunity and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Of course, there is not as much of this goodness in store-bought fruit juice as in natural juice (the share of berry puree in the drink is usually no more than 15%), but it is much better than soda or cologne.

During the blind tasting, members of the editorial staff gave each drink ratings on a five-point scale.

"Golden Rus'"

Anton Ivanov: Sweet. Even too much. (score "3")
Dmitry Sirotkin: Kind of bittersweet. Strange taste. (3)
Arseny Vinogradov: Lots of sugar. This makes it seem thick. (3)
Nikolay Egorov: In my opinion, on the contrary, it is watery. I don't like these fruit drinks at all. (2)
Artem Betev: Lots of sugar, not enough cranberries. (2)
Overall score: 2.6


Sirotkin: Smells like chemicals! Tastes like bubblegum. (2)
Egorov: This one is chemical. (0)
Ivanov: Not at all tasty. (2)
Betev: Yes, he’s nothing at all. (1)
Vinogradov: In my opinion, the main taste comes from citric acid. (2)
Overall score: 1.4

"A delight for the soul"

Sirotkin: I don't smell it at all. (1)
Ivanov: And there is no taste. (2)
Betev: There is a taste - but not fruit drink, but washing powder. There may be cranberry present here, but it is very small, a homeopathic dose. (1)
Vinogradov: For me, the taste is there, but there really isn’t enough cranberry. But it's good that it's not too sweet. (3)
Egorov: Yes, just such a compote. (3)
Overall score: 2.0

"Miracle Berry"

Sirotkin: Smells like real fruit juice. And it tastes just like natural. (4)
Ivanov: Tasty. (4)
Egorov: Not bad. The flavoring was chosen well. (5)
Vinogradov: Very good. This one is probably better than the rest. The taste of real cranberries is pronounced. (4)
Betev: Good. (4)
Overall score: 4.2

"Northern Berry"

Ivanov: It doesn't smell like anything. And not tasty at all. (2)
Sirotkin: Yes, there is no smell. But with a hangover it would be fine. (3)
Egorov: This is because it is very sour. (2)
Vinogradov: Yes, as if citric acid unbosomed. (3)
Betev: Some kind of fake fruit drink. (2)

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