Your thoughts and control over them. List of books that will help you learn to manage your subconscious How to manage your own thoughts

A person who knows how to control his thoughts can do and have everything he wants to do and have - everything is in his hands on demand. However, he must remember that everything received must be used and not lie motionless. Creation is always in motion and development, and we only have as much as we can use; too much would lead to stagnation.

We have completely freed ourselves from the idea of ​​clinging to something or someone. Is not the Great Principle of Life able to create for us faster than we can spend or use? The Universe is inexhaustible and endless, it knows no boundaries and has no limits. In everything we want, have, or will ever have, we rely not on a reed shaken by the wind, but on the principle of life itself. This is not some kind of power or even great power, but the OMNIPOTENCE OF THE WORLD, and we will not tire of affirming this again and again. The only thing we have to do is believe and act according to it, never wavering even for a moment, no matter what happens. By doing this, we will find that events proceed steadily according to our desires and everything happens without that excessive effort that destroys the peace of most people. We know that the Divine Mind does not fail, and He is the Power on which we rely.

But just because we rely on the Divine Mind does not mean that we should not do our part. God will work through us if we give Him the opportunity, but we must act as if we were relying on ourselves. Our job is to believe and then act in faith.

Jesus came to Lazarus' tomb believing and knowing that God was working through Him. We often have to go somewhere or do something, and we must remember with deep conviction that everywhere we are accompanied by a powerful force that nothing can resist. When we feel this reliable support in our thoughts, then everything we have to do will begin to work out. There is no doubt that the creative power of the universe will respond to your call, it always does. So we don’t need to worry about ourselves, we just need to “ask with thanksgiving.”

When Christ said: “According to your faith, be it done to you,” he was expressing one of the deep truths that were so clear to him, but which we are only beginning to comprehend. He knew that everything is created from Reason and that without a person’s positive perception of it there is no “mold” into which Reason can be cast. In the Mind of God there is an ideal "casting mold", true knowledge, but the human mind does not always possess this knowledge.

Since God can only do anything for us through us, nothing can be created without our positive acceptance. But when we understand the law and how it is implemented, we will create a complete internal perception of God. By doing this, we give the Mind the opportunity to act and gift us.

The reason we ask and immediately give thanks is because we know from the very beginning that we will receive what we ask for, and therefore we cannot help but be grateful. This state of gratitude to the Spirit brings us into close contact with its power and fills everything with which we deal with true reality. Without such grateful faith we can do little. Let us try to be grateful as much as we can. We gratefully send our thoughts into the world, and they return to us, filled with the fruits of the Divine Spirit.

After the student of the Science of Mind has understood that everything is Spirit and that everything is governed by Divine Law, the thought arises that he himself can create through his own thinking. He can create such a strong spiritual atmosphere of success that its impact will be irresistible. He can send any thought to the whole world, and it will return to him, bringing what he wanted. He can fill his business with such energy of success that success will be drawn from everywhere. A thought will always bring us what we sent with it. But first of all, we must completely clear our thinking of unbelief. This book is written for those who believe. And for the one who really believes, what is written will become the truth of his life.

No real creative work can be done without complete clarity of thought. Just as water rises only to a certain level, so Reason will return to us only what we first believe in. We always get what we believe in, but not always what we want. Our thought has the ability to achieve, embodied in the form of external circumstances, their exact correspondence to our internal beliefs.

By thinking, you set in motion the creative Force, and it acts in exact accordance with your thoughts. You send some idea to the World Mind, and He creates from it the reality that you meet on your life path. So think of the World Mind as your best friend. He is always with you. He never leaves you, no matter where you are. With him you are never alone. There is no more doubt, no more fear, no more surprise - you have known the truth. And you will use the only Power that exists in the Universe. You will use it for a purpose that you have already mentally focused on and are now ready to express. You express it for your own good. You want only good and know that only good can come to you. You have achieved your unity with the entire Universe, and now its inherent Power will help you in your affairs.

You will create such a spiritual atmosphere of success around yourself that it will become an irresistible force, sweeping away all obstacles, since the Omnipotence of the One is manifested in it. You are so confident of success that you don’t even turn around to see how everything turned out, you already know everything. And now your word, one with Infinite Life, must be spoken calmly, with complete confidence. And then your word will be accepted, and creation will immediately begin in accordance with it. The more perfect your plan, the more perfect the result. You will see yourself surrounded by what you desire. Moreover, you yourself will become who you wanted to be. And it will always be as you say: see it, feel it, understand it. You are now surrounded by perfect life, endless activity, omnipotent power, ideal guidance. The power of the Spirit attracts those around you, is the source of all blessings for you, gives you the fullness of life, truth and love.

Wait in concentrated silence until this inner spiritual force receives your word, and then you will know that it has come true. Your word activates the power of the Infinite. “The words that I speak to you are both spirit and life.”

Thought control allows an individual to have and do whatever he wants, and working on his thinking can make him the most happy man. Thought management is a complex process that involves daily practice to master the skill of changing your consciousness and mind. How to manage your thoughts and create the desired reality is of interest to many people. Each thought is a link in the chain of cause and effect, and each link consists of three components - desire, thought and action. Desire prompts thought, and then the thought materializes into action. Action creates destiny. creates his own destiny only by the power of thinking. In the world of thought there is a great law: like attracts like. Individuals with similar thinking are attracted to each other. A philosopher may be interested in the personality of another philosopher, a doctor will be drawn to another doctor, a slacker will find much in common with another slacker, and a loser will attract an equally unlucky person.

Similar thoughts have a “power of attraction.” Each individual attracts to himself those thoughts vitality, influences and conditions that are closest to him and related to his sphere of interests and hobbies. This law is always implemented, regardless of whether a person realizes it or not.

How to attract what you want into your life? By holding any idea in your consciousness that is pleasant, you can attract to yourself that which corresponds to the basic quality of the thought. Thus, a person manages his life himself and it depends on the order of distribution of his thoughts, which are pleasant to him. Therefore, he is not at all a victim of circumstances, unless, of course, he wants to become one voluntarily.

You can use your own energy to adjust your feelings and goals in the desired way. The success of any action depends on the strength of the performer, as well as his ability to concentrate on the desired result.

Thoughts are very contagious. A sympathetic thought in the depths of an individual’s soul evokes the same sympathy in the souls of other individuals. An angry thought gives rise to a similar vibration in people who may be located at a considerable distance. A soul that rejoices evokes a joyful response in the souls of other people. Therefore, one should cultivate ideas that ennoble and elevate the soul, aimed at good intentions and achievements. Submitting to the belief that events are inevitable can breed laziness and inertia. Realizing the greatness of the power of thinking, it is necessary to make every effort to create the desired destiny for yourself with positive thinking.

Every day, over 40 thousand thoughts are born in a person’s head: positive and negative. Any consciously launched thought, repeated a sufficient number of times over a certain period of time, can turn into a program.
For example, a person has been spinning the thought in his mind for many years that he will live in poverty.

Thus, he develops a program in his subconscious, for the implementation of which he does not even need to think about it. Each individual can build his own future consciously with his own thinking. By working on one's own thoughts and forming new patterns, a person is able to develop a subconscious program for success. Of course, this requires mental discipline and a certain amount of time.
By working on your thinking, you can achieve changes in your life.

Thought management includes a simple truth: if something in a person’s life is not satisfactory, then you just need to stop talking and thinking about it. Everything that is objectionable to a person lives only because it feeds on the energy of attention, and disappears if this channel is blocked. An example in this case would be domestic troubles. For example, a husband who is charged with a scandal, but has not received support in developing a quarrel from his relatives, will not quarrel with himself.

By freeing yourself from a problem on an emotional level, you can truly get rid of it. A person is often unable to control thoughts and feelings; as a result, it is not he, but his feelings that control his consciousness, transferring him from one state to another. An individual's thoughts change each other due to reactions to different stimuli. For example, a person walks down the street and thinks about a desired weekend or an upcoming promotion at work. Suddenly he notices a pensioner walking with difficulty down the street, and in a store he sees an old woman counting pennies. What will the person think at this moment? Poor people, life is hard for them. At such a moment, a feeling of compassion, a sense of injustice overwhelms, and a desire to help them arises. There are many examples that can be given, but from the above it is clear that thoughts have a primary influence on the state and actions of the individual. It’s great if bright and kind thoughts prevail in your head, and a person is full of joy for life. The main thing is that he is ready to share this joy with loved ones and people around him. And if thoughts are gloomy and a person is filled with anger and grief, then loved ones also suffer as a result. In this situation, there is one way out - this is to control your own thoughts before they ruin your life.

Is it possible to control thoughts? Every person has doubted this possibility more than once. Most people believe that it is not the individual who controls his thoughts, but his emotions. And when a person believes that he makes decisions on his own, at that moment he is mistaken, because his mind makes decisions twenty seconds faster than he has time to make them.

Contrary to all opinions, an individual is able to control his own thinking. Doing this, as it turned out, is not at all difficult.

How to effectively manage your thoughts and always be in a positive frame of mind, as well as an excellent emotional state. In order for a person to experience happy moments in life, it is necessary to get rid of negative thinking. Sometimes it can be very difficult, but the effort is worth it. Controlling your own thoughts includes several stages.

The first is the recognition of the fact that the thought is real. When an individual treats thoughts as something abstract, they creep into the head one after another. If thoughts are not filtered out and not noticed, then a person is able to “drown” in negative thinking, which will lead to a deterioration in the emotional state. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the following: all thoughts that appear in the head are real. When they occur, the brain begins to release chemical compounds. An electrical impulse is sent to the brain. A person begins to realize what exactly he thinks and this begins to influence the feelings and life of the individual.

After realizing that thoughts are real, you should move on to the second stage of controlling your thinking. You need to pay attention to what the entire body feels under the influence of negative thinking. To do this, just remember the times when you had to get angry. What did the person feel at these moments? Often during this, your palms sweat, your heartbeat quickens, all your muscles tense, your blood pressure rises, and you feel dizzy. Moreover, such a reaction appears to any negative thought, changing only the form of manifestation. Some individuals only experience dizziness and increased blood pressure, while others experience sweaty palms. But one of the listed reactions is always observed.

At the third stage, we pay attention to how the body reacts to positive thoughts. When a joyful and pleasant thought appears, the brain produces chemical substances, from which a person begins to feel good. To be transported into the world pleasant sensations and experiences, it is necessary to remember those moments when a person was happy. To do this, you need to sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and be transported to a pleasant event: buying a car, a trip to the sea, the birth of a son, etc. By plunging deeply into past happy experiences, you can greatly change your emotional condition. A few minutes ago the person was ready to “tear and throw” and the mood was terrible, but now everything in the soul comes to life. will certainly affect the condition of the whole body: the palms will be dry, the heart rate will be normal, breathing will be measured and slow, the muscles will be relaxed, a smile will appear on the face, and the mood will improve.

The fourth stage involves realizing that negative thoughts pollute thinking, leading to bad consequences. When thoughts are in order, the soul is in harmony with the world, and the body does not know suffering and illness. As soon as negative thoughts begin to drive out positive ones, the body immediately becomes ill, the soul becomes ill and one does not want to live. The individual begins to feel that circumstances or other factors are to blame for everything, but the true cause of suffering is his thinking.

Controlling thoughts changes a person's reality. Every cell in the body feels the impact of thinking. Therefore, most physical disorders appear during periods of emotional turmoil. When an individual is in a state of stress, his legs give way and he feels dizzy. To be healthy and happy, you need to change your thinking to a positive one.

Managing the power of thought will not only allow you to become cheerful and energetic, but will also reduce the likelihood of developing diseases.

The fifth stage of managing a person’s thoughts says that negative thoughts are not always true and justified. If a person perceives his spontaneous thoughts that come to his head on faith, then he risks going the wrong way, since they are capable of lying. You can't believe every thought that comes into your head.

Managing the power of thought includes the ability to examine your own thoughts and filter out negative ones. It is necessary to recognize that not all thoughts are objective, so you should not worry about them.

The sixth stage of thought management requires you to declare war on spontaneous negative thoughts. Right now you need to choose your path: either we give our negative thoughts the opportunity to always upset ourselves in the future, or we train our thinking to work positively, creating only positivity and living with it. The main thing that must always be remembered, regardless of the decision made, is that only the person is responsible for the consequences.

A good way to control your thinking is for a person to catch himself thinking that he is thinking negatively again. Initially it is very difficult to do this, because a person forgets about this need, but gradually it becomes a habit. Once an individual begins to remove negative thoughts from his own head, they will lose their power over him.

The seventh stage is correcting the direction of thoughts. A person cannot tell himself: “think positive,” because negative thoughts will still creep in. Therefore, it is necessary to put things in order in your head. The best way speaks - record your own negative thoughts on paper, while giving a reasoned answer to them. For example, to the thought “my husband doesn’t love me,” you can write the answer: “my husband doesn’t know female psychology, so he doesn’t want to give flowers and gifts for no reason,” or “my husband doesn’t know how to express his feelings, so he doesn’t say nice and beautiful things.” words." Thus, it will be necessary to analyze all the negative thoughts arising in the head. Replacing negative thinking with positive thinking is not an easy task, but if a person firmly decides to do it, then nothing will stop him.

Tips for managing thoughts.

It is necessary to get rid of all-or-nothing thoughts forever. You need to exclude such words from your thinking - forever, always, every time, no one, never.

For example, you can’t think like this: “I’m always the extreme one,” “nobody loves me,” “I’m always unlucky,” “he’s never around at the right time, which means he doesn’t need me,” and so on.

When such negative formulations arise, one should recall cases that will refute these negative statements.

For example, “he’s never around at the right time” - “how nice it was when I got sick and he “froze around” with me like I was a little girl.”

"Nobody loves Me!" - “how many pleasant surprises and gifts I received from friends for my birthday!”

You need to stop choosing the worst option of all possible. Man is designed in such a way that he is accustomed to calculating the worst options in the development of events. You can calculate them, but it is not recommended to take them on faith. It is important to try with all your might to look for something good in every situation. So gradually positive thinking will become a habit, and life will change for the better.

You should separate your feelings from reality and stop feeling. Often a person says to himself: “I feel that they won’t believe me,” “I feel that they don’t love me.” This is all speculation.

You should stop looking for someone to blame for your failures. Every individual is afraid to take responsibility for what has happened in their life. However, someone must be guilty, so a person looks for a culprit among those around him, although in fact there is only one culprit - himself. You should take responsibility, but do not blame yourself for all the troubles. Yes, an unpleasant situation happened, but it can be corrected.

So, if you want to live a joyful and happy life, then you should start managing your own thinking today.

Controlling another person's thoughts

It is a tempting option to be able to influence the actions of other people with the power of thought. Is not it? Many ladies would not mind returning their loved one with the power of thought, if he is in no hurry to return of his own free will.

Seduction by the power of thought or how to attract a person through thought can be accomplished by creating a visualization scenario of intimate relationships with the object of interest.

To do this, you need to draw in your imagination a detailed and step-by-step picture of love foreplay with the person whose affection you want to achieve. First you need to carry out a series of meditative practices that will open the energy channel for transmitting the suggestion. After this, it is necessary to periodically meet with the desired object in reality in order to observe changes in its behavior. Under the influence of the power of thought, the desired object will experience sexual and emotional arousal, which over time will be directed to its source.

More surprising are the cases of self-hypnosis, when healing occurs with the power of thought. Training the power of thought is to develop hypnotic abilities. If it is implied external influence on the consciousness of the individual, then we are talking about hypnosis. An altered state of consciousness, in which an individual has increased suggestibility, as well as reduced criticality of thinking, is the only phenomenon that is associated with the power of thinking, which has scientific real confirmation. It is impossible to deny the reality and effectiveness of hypnosis, especially since it is an effective method of psychotherapy.

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The worst thing about anxious thoughts is that even when you realize you're acting irrationally, it doesn't always help. In most cases, this only increases anxiety when the thought comes: “If I know this is irrational, why can’t I stop? Oh god, I can't stop it." And you begin to believe that you are no longer in control of your mind.

Amy Desu

Cycle of Thoughts

Life throws us different situations. For example, you are walking in the forest and see a bear. The thought automatically arises: “There’s a bear there!” It triggers a physiological response: blood pressure rises, pulse and heart rate increase. Several emotions appear almost simultaneously. Seeing a bear makes you feel anxious, panicked, and afraid.

Then the defense mechanism starts - you run away from the bear. Although they say that it is best not to run away, for the sake of the example we will ignore this fact. And now you are safe. What's the next thought? “Ugh, I'm safe! I survived!". And your body's response is that your heart rate slows, your pulse rate drops, and you begin to breathe more heavily. naturally. Other emotions are included - joy, relief, satisfaction. What will your behavior be? Remembering the miraculous rescue, upon returning home you will open a bottle of wine or enjoy ice cream. To celebrate.

But let’s say that in the cave you are overcome by completely different thoughts: “I’m such a weakling! Why did I run away? It was just a bear cub. Why am I always such a coward? You are upset, your breathing remains fast and ragged. Emotions range between disappointment, anger and self-loathing. What about behavior? You can also buy yourself a kilo of ice cream, but that will be your punishment for yourself.

The above scenario is Aaron Beck's cognitive behavioral theory in a nutshell. Its essence is that thoughts, beliefs, feelings, body, behavior and our past are connected: they influence each other. Through the practice of managing our thoughts, we can change the physiological or mental side of our reactions. For example, avoid stress, depression or anxiety, create enthusiasm and great enthusiasm for doing something.

It's difficult, but with dedication and practice you can achieve impressive results.

Benefits of Mastering Your Thoughts

You will sleep better

The ability to control your thoughts directly depends on the quality of your sleep and how long it takes to fall asleep. Are you tired of tossing and turning in bed for several hours?

You will achieve inner peace

Anyone who experiences panic attacks or is subject to obsessive thoughts will be simply happy if it all ends. And the first thing you should start with is control of thoughts.

You will increase your emotional intelligence

We have already found out that managing thoughts directly affects emotions. If so, then you will increase your self-confidence, begin to understand your feelings and begin to experience less stress.

You will improve your memory and concentration

Once we learn to direct our thoughts in the right direction, we will begin to concentrate several times better. Which means it will improve. Add to this the fact that development depends on its quality and you get a whole range of advantages.

How to learn to manage your thoughts

What can you do to remove obsessive thoughts and learn to replace them with proactive, necessary, positive ones?

Ten Day Challenge

This method is based on changing your vocabulary. Without language, we find ourselves in a state of emotional chaos. We have the ability to communicate, and the way we do this can improve the neural functioning of the brain and relieve stress. If we are careless with the words we say in our heads and out loud, we lose our ability to solve problems, calm our minds, and communicate with people.

Here are four steps you need to take to change your vocabulary. 10 days are enough for this, but everything is individual.

Step One: Become aware of the habitual words you use to describe negative or anxious emotions.

Start noticing the labels you attach to situations, emotions and feelings. If you say something like, “I'm so worried about this,” stop yourself and acknowledge that the “worry” may be too much. strong word. It might be worth saying that you're "a little worried." Watch your language and do not exaggerate the intensity of emotions.

Or better yet: consciously choose a word that will reduce the negative connotation of the situation. Instead of saying you're "angry" at someone, describe yourself as a little "annoyed" or "disappointed with their reaction."

If someone asks you, “How are you?” Instead of saying “Okay,” you can simply smile and break the pattern. You can add: “You have no idea how I feel!” We often miss great opportunities to lift our spirits when we use familiar words.

Step two: Write down three words that you regularly use that reinforce your negative feelings or emotions.

You might use words like “I'm upset,” “I'm depressed,” or “I'm humiliated.” Come up with alternative words that reduce the intensity of these .

Maybe instead of “I'm humiliated” you should say “I'm a little embarrassed” about how the meeting went?

To soften emotional tension, you can use so-called modifiers: “I just A little puzzled”, “It’s for me slightly not to my liking." Remember that we lose our temper when we use categorical words.

Step Three: Write down three words you use to describe your positive experience.

People often ask you: “How are you?” Why not finally come up with three original yet truthful answers that enhance positive feelings and inspire you? Say “amazing,” “incredible,” “impressive.” These may not be the words you feel are your own. Then find yours so that when you use them, you feel whole.

Step Four: Pull the Right Levers.

Choose two people from your life: a close friend and someone else you respect and are afraid of disappointing. Tell them about your commitment to replacing keywords in your vocabulary. Explain that if they hear you use an old word, they should ask, “Do you really feel that way or are you just using old expressions?”

If you say, "I'm depressed," let close person will ask, “Are you really depressed or just a little out of sorts?” All this will provide additional support and help form a new habit.

By carefully and consciously choosing the words you use to describe your experiences, you can become more sensitive to how you really feel and how strong those emotions are.


Each of us, at any point in our lives, believes that we deserve more. But when reality diverges from this belief, we experience disappointment and dissatisfaction. They either push us forward towards change, or they slow us down and drive us into a shell. Which option do you choose?

If the second, then you need to “reprogram” yourself. Here are three steps to do this.


What is your desired outcome? The first step is to get absolutely clear about what you want. Clarity is strength. The more accurately you envision the end result, the stronger your vision will be, and the greater the chance of turning that vision into reality.

If you argue with a friend, you risk getting involved in a conflict and ruining the mood for yourself and him. But what if you stopped in the middle of an argument and asked yourself what the desired outcome was? It’s not about arguing and swearing, but about finding a solution? Now the focus is completely on this.

Give direction to your thoughts. What do you want physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually, in your business, work, personal life? Decide that you will not act unconsciously.

Take Action

Now it's time to rid your mind of fear and uncertainty. How can I do that? By turning down other opportunities that do not lead to a decision.

Fear is one of the biggest traps that keeps people from taking action. Fear of rejection, failure, success, pain, the unknown - we all have fears. And the only way to deal with them is to confront them. You have to look them in the eye and make the effort no matter what.

Are you afraid of failure? Failure is an education. Look at it this way: if you fail, you will learn what doesn't work. And when you try again, you can use it to your advantage. People often don't take real action to achieve their goals. They just keep saying, "Someday I'll do it."

The ability to interrupt negative thoughts is like a muscle. At first, when you try to load it, it will be difficult and even painful. But if you start small and try to change your way of thinking every day, you will gradually become stronger. Soon everything will work out effortlessly.

Take action and overcome the negativity. Take action to make your life better. When you take action and end up with a small victory, you move on to the next level. When you do something you couldn’t expect from yourself before, it fills you with strength.

Reprogram the brain

Once you have clearly decided what you are going to do and have taken action, you need to take inventory of your life. Pay attention to what you are getting from your current activities and evaluate what is working and what is not. And then change. Find solutions that will help.

The most important part of finding a solution is flexibility. Flexibility is strength. If you're harsh in your judgment and life feels like a tunnel, you're missing out on unexpected opportunities and alternative routes that can provide incredible benefits. Remember that you are never in control of 100% of your life and all situations.

Think about it: Is your life going according to plan? Probably not. The path is never straight. And therefore it is important to remain flexible - to learn from mistakes, cope with failures and use negative experiences as driving force change. The point is to understand one thing: keep moving forward and use mistakes and failures in order to achieve success.

Fight negative thoughts

When it comes to managing thoughts, we mean getting rid of negative ones. Everything else seems to work itself out.

Because we are constantly exposed to negative information from the media and other people, our brains are always on alert to focus on possible threats to our safety and well-being. These negative stimuli release neurochemicals in the body that cause anxiety and depression.

How to get rid of negative thoughts:

  1. Write them down. When automatic negative thoughts start running through your mind, write them down so you can clearly identify and name them.
  2. Explore them. Ask yourself: are these thoughts true?
  3. Answer them. If negative thoughts are false, address them. This dialogue brings you out of your state of unconsciousness and allows you to look your enemy in the face. It is best to keep it on paper.

All methods of destroying negative thoughts have one common feature- they encourage you to take an active role in reconsidering thoughts, rather than being in passive acceptance (which ruins your life). In a word, without consciously working on your thoughts - sitting down, writing them down and answering - it is impossible to get rid of the negative.

Travis Robertson Strategy

Thoughts are everything. Many people are not aware of what they are thinking most of the time. This is where all the problems come from.

At the same time, you know the impact thoughts can have on you. You may become depressed, angry, frustrated, lonely, anxious, sad and doubtful.

Thoughts control how we feel at any given moment. Therefore, by controlling our thoughts, we change our feelings.

Robertson offers five steps to mastering your thoughts.

Learn to stop your thoughts

One of the first things you need to do is learn to stop in the middle of your thoughts (good, bad or just plain boring). IN different time catch yourself thinking every day. How are you feeling? What are you thinking about? Why are you thinking about this?

When we are angry, our intelligence level drops significantly. You also forget that you need to observe your thoughts. So watch them when you are in your normal mood.

Don't put pressure on yourself. Take 5 minutes and try to understand what are the main thoughts in your head right now.

Identify Negative Emotions

Every feeling we have is a direct result of what we were thinking. So if you feel anxious, ask yourself, “Why am I anxious?” Always look for the root of the problem.

Record a mental movie

By default, most people “make” negative psychological films. When a current situation reminds us of a previous one, we tend to replay the movie.

What you need to do is determine what kind of movie it is and “write” it down. For what? Because you need to pull it out of the subconscious. Now you can analyze the film with a cool head.

Find the lie

Watch the film carefully. How to spot a lie? As a rule, these are some specific labels, like “stupid”, “loser” and “not deserving of success”. You know that none of this is true. Write down each point of the lie on paper.

Recognize the Truth

The only way to fight lies is the truth, and now is the time to understand what the truth is for you. Next to each false point, write down about ten refutations. If you are stupid, then why did you act like this in these ten cases? clever man? This simple exercise will remove the negative soil from under your feet.


There are many books on the topic of thought management, so you will not have a shortage of literature. In some, the bias goes towards esotericism, in others - science, while others simply contain good advice from personal experience authors. We advise you to start with the first book on our list, and then decide for yourself which book to read next.

  • "How a Man Thinks or the Thinking of a Man" James Allen
  • “The Power of Now or the Power of Now” Eckhart Tolle
  • “The subconscious can do anything” John Kehoe
  • "The Silva method. Mind Control by Jose Silva and Philip Miele
  • “Dreaming is not harmful. How to Get What You Really Want by Barbara Sher and Annie Gottlieb
  • "Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill
  • “Change your thinking and you will change your life” Brian Tracy
  • "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain
  • "Thoughts Matter" David Hamilton
  • "Awaken the Giant Within" Tony Robbins

Each person comes at one time to realize the power of thoughts. This can happen at 20 or 60, but the sooner the better. We hope this article has convinced you that mastering your thoughts is the most important step towards peace of mind and achieving your goals.

We wish you good luck!

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Sincerely, Tatyana Bakhtiozina

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This article will list the main methods of controlling thoughts, the description of control methods is based on the book “The Power of Thought” by Sri Swami Sivananda. If you manage to find this book, that's great, because there is quite a lot of useful material in it and, despite the fact that this book has a religious slant, you may find it interesting. IN the following articles in this section you will find detailed description some of these methods, and now let's move on directly to the methods.

Methods for controlling thoughts.

Controlling thoughts through the practice of concentration.

This method consists of focusing your attention on a specific form. It doesn’t matter what, on a flower, a candle flame, a point on the wall, an image of Buddha, any dream picture, the radiant light of the heart or the face of a saint, the main thing is that you keep your attention on this image. It is advisable that you exercise three times a day, at eight in the morning, four in the afternoon and eight in the evening. During class, you should remain indifferent to the thoughts that come into your head. In concentration you should have only one thought, the mind should be occupied with only one object, and all other operations should be suspended.

Controlling thoughts with a positive attitude.

Here you must close yourself off from harmful and unwanted thoughts and influences by creating a special attitude of mind, remaining open to the higher impulses of the soul, and positive influences from without. You repeat to yourself: “I close myself off from all negative influences and thoughts, I remain open and receptive to all influences from above.” Creating this positive mental attitude should become a habit. You need to eliminate any doubts in your abilities. Affirm affirmations: “I will succeed, there is no doubt about it,” “I am throwing words like “can’t,” “impossible,” “difficult” out of my vocabulary.”

Thought control through non-cooperation.

You refuse to cooperate with the negative ruminations of the mind. Thus, gradually the mind will come under your control. Let's look at examples of the practice of this method. If your mind says, “I must have a beer today,” tell it, “I will not cooperate with you today. I refuse to drink beer. I will only drink soft drinks." If your mind says, “I must lie on the couch today,” tell it, “I refuse to lie on the couch today. I’ll take on something I’ve been putting off for a long time.” You refuse to cooperate with your mind, and force yourself to swim against the sensual currents. Soon the mind will submit to you, and you will gain power over it. Among other things, you will develop a strong will.

The art of thinning thoughts.

Rubber plantation workers regularly thin rubber trees, eliminating excess small trees that stand in close proximity to large trees. This increases the production of tree sap. Likewise, you must thin out your thoughts, consistently destroying harmful thoughts in order to get more benefits from life. You simply eliminate bad thoughts leaving room only for good thoughts. They will resist, but if you work long and hard to eliminate negative thoughts, the results will follow.

Thought control using Napoleon's method.

When you think about one thing, do not allow thoughts of something else to enter your mind. If you think about a rose, think about it or about different types roses and nothing more, stop any other thoughts. If you think about mercy, think about mercy and only mercy. Don't think about forgiveness and tolerance. Your mind should be occupied only by thoughts about the subject you have chosen. Napoleon controls his thoughts in this way: “When I want to think about pleasant things, I close the closets of my mind containing the unpleasant things in life, and open the closets containing more pleasant thoughts. If I want to sleep, I close all the closets of my mind.”

No giving in to negative thoughts.

First a negative thought enters your mind. Then it occupies your imagination. You turn over this negative thought in your head, give consent for it to remain there, as a result of which, without finding resistance, it takes root in your head. As a result, it becomes very difficult to manage. To prevent negative thoughts from taking root in your head, try to eliminate negative thoughts before they gain momentum. Try also to simply not let negative thoughts enter your head, it will be difficult at the beginning, but over time it will become easier.

Always keep your mind occupied.

If your mind is free, negative thoughts try to enter it, in order to prevent this from happening, try to always keep your mind busy, let your mind be completely occupied. Keep yourself busy with something: sewing, washing dishes, tidying, reading, meditating, singing, praying, nursing, anything to occupy your mind. Avoid useless conversations and gossip. Fill your mind with uplifting thoughts.

Daily thought discipline.

Your mind is like a mischievous little devil, jumping like a monkey from one thought to another. Your task should be to discipline your thoughts; this is one of the most important conditions for bringing your mind under your control. Only practical training of your mind can prevent negative thoughts and actions. Practice the following exercise for mental relaxation. Close your eyes, remember something you like, imagine yourself in a beautiful, calm and safe place. It is very relaxing for the mind. The less attention you pay to bad thoughts, the less influence they have on you.

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