General Naumov Mikhail Ivanovich: biography, awards and interesting facts. Why did Stalin make a senior lieutenant a general? Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Naumov

    - [R. 3(16).10.1908, p. Bolshaya Sosnovka, now Bolshesosnovsky district of the Perm region], one of the leaders of the partisan movement in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War 1941‒45, Major General, Hero Soviet Union(7.3.1943). Member... ...

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Naumov. Mikhail Naumov: Naumov, Mikhail Alekseevich (1919 1998) Soviet tanker. Naumov, Mikhail Fedorovich (1757 1823) Russian general, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Smolensky ... ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Known media 1.1 A 1.2 B 1.3 C ... Wikipedia

    I Naumov Alexey Alexandrovich [b. 14(27).1.1916, St. Petersburg], Soviet physicist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1964). Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Communications Engineers (1942). Worked at the Institute of Atomic Energy (1945 59), Institute of Nuclear Physics... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Naumov M. I.- NAUMOV Mikhail Ivanovich (190874), one of the leaders of the partisans. movement in Ukraine, Major General (1943), Hero of the Soviet Union. Union (1943). Member CPSU since 1928. Graduated from Higher. border school troops (1938). Since 1930 in the OGPU and NKVD troops. I met the war on... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

    1 . Mikhail Ivanovich (b. October 3, 1908) one of the partisan leaders. movements in Ukraine during the Great Ages. Fatherland war 1941 45. Gen. reserve major, Hero of the Sov. Union (7.III.1943). Member Communist party since 1928. Rod. in the village Bolshaya Sosnovka, Perm region. in family … Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Shulyatikov. Alexey Ivanovich Shulyatikov (1847, Glazov, Vyatka province 1920, Yaransk, Vyatka province) Russian doctor. Contents 1 Biography 2 Memory in Yaransk ... Wikipedia

Born on October 3 (16), 1908 in the village of Bolshaya Sosnova, Bolshesosnovsky district, Perm Territory, into a peasant family. Russian. Since 1927, he worked as a pipe fitter at a coal mine in the Perm region, then as a propagandist and secretary of the district Komsomol committee, and deputy chairman of the district consumer union. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1928.

In 1930 he began serving in the Border Troops of the OGPU of the USSR. He was a Red Army soldier, a cadet at the school for junior commanders of the 23rd regiment of the OGPU troops in the city of Shostka (Sumy region). He graduated from the military chemical school in the city of Gomel (Belarus) and served as head of the chemical service of the NKVD regiment. In 1937 he graduated from the Higher Border School in Moscow. In 1938, he was appointed company commander of the 4th motorized rifle regiment of internal troops in Kyiv. Since 1940 - commander of the training battalion of border troops in the city of Chernivtsi.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Senior Lieutenant M.I. Naumov was the head of the combat training department of the headquarters of the 94th Skolensky border detachment of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR in the city of Skola, Drohobych region. In the first days of the war he was surrounded, wounded and left for treatment by local residents. From July 1941 to January 1, 1942, he was in the occupied territory; after recovery, he walked from the city of Galich to the Khinelsky forests in the Oryol region.

In January 1942, M.I. Naumov established contact with the partisans of the Chervony district of the Sumy region and became an ordinary fighter, and after a short time - the commander of a group of a partisan detachment. From October 1942 to January 1943 - chief of staff of the operational group partisan detachments Sumy region.

In January 1943, on the instructions of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U and in accordance with the order of the chief of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, four detachments and three groups were allocated from the units subordinate to the Sumy underground regional committee of the CP(b)U and the regional headquarters of the partisan movement for independent combat operations. From them they created a cavalry partisan unit with a personnel of 650 people. M.I. Naumov was appointed commander of this new formation of partisan detachments.

M.I. Naumov’s formation was given the task of carrying out a raid from the Khinel forests to the southern regions of the Sumy region, paralyzing the movement of enemy trains on the Sumy-Konotop, Sumy-Kharkov sections, and then reaching the right bank of the Dnieper to conduct military operations in the Kirovograd region.

On February 1, 1943, an equestrian partisan unit under the command of M.I. Naumov set out on a raid from the Fatezh area of ​​the Kursk region. During the 65 days of the raid, the unit covered almost 2,400 kilometers through the temporarily occupied territory of Sumy, Poltava, Kharkov, Kirovograd, Odessa, Vinnitsa, Kiev, Zhytomyr regions of Ukraine and the Polesie region of Belarus, and carried out 47 combat and sabotage operations; the most typical of them are Yunkovo-Sumskaya, Shevchenkovskaya, Andreevskaya. As a result of the fighting, hundreds of Nazi soldiers and officers, as well as a lot of military equipment, were destroyed.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 7, 1943, for military services to the Motherland in organizing the partisan movement in Ukraine, Mikhail Ivanovich Naumov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 924).

For the successful conduct of the Steppe raid, M.I. Naumov in April 1943 was awarded military rank"Major General" He became one of the youngest generals in the army, and the case of awarding the rank of general to a senior lieutenant is generally unique.

After the raid, the formation of partisan detachments went to the Khrapuni region of Polessoy region of Belarus, where they reformed, rearmed and prepared for further hostilities. The commander of the unit, M.I. Naumov, flew to Moscow for treatment.

The raid into the southern steppe regions of Ukraine carried out by a partisan unit under the command of M.I. Naumov was of great political importance for organizing the struggle of the local population against the invaders.

In June 1943, the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement set a new task for M.I. Naumov’s formation: to carry out a raid in the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions and go to the Kirovograd region for combat operations.

During the period of the second raid from July 12 to December 22, 1943, M.I. Naumov’s partisan formation covered almost 2,500 kilometers behind enemy lines. It crossed 23 rivers, among them: Pripyat, Ubort, Sluch, Teterev. Conducted 186 combat operations. The most prominent of them are Rachkovskaya and Emilchinskaya in the Zhitomir region, where many enemy soldiers and officers were killed and weapons, ammunition, and food were captured. The connection grew from 355 to 1975 people.

In December 1943, a formation of partisan detachments under the command of M.I. Naumov in the Gorodnitsa area merged with units of the Red Army.

While in the liberated territory, the unit was re-equipped and rearmed. After a short rest, on the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (Bolsheviks) and the order of the chief of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, the formation of partisan detachments under the command of M.I. Naumov received the task of going out for combat operations in the Drogobych region. On January 21, 1944, the partisans launched their third raid. Advancing with battles behind enemy lines, the formation passed through the territory of the Rivne, Ternopil, Drohobych, Lvov regions of Ukraine and the Lublin voivodeship of Poland, and carried out 72 combat and sabotage operations. On March 22, 1944, a formation of partisan detachments under the command of M.I. Naumov met with units of the Red Army.

In total, during the war years, Major General M.I. Naumov led three raids of his cavalry unit, during which about 10 thousand kilometers were covered behind enemy lines, 366 battles and major operations were carried out, several thousand German and Hungarian soldiers, as well as policemen and Banderaites.

After the war, M.I. Naumov continued military service. In 1945 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov. He was the head of the border troops of the Pacific Border District, then served in the Baltic states. In 1953 - Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, from November 1953 to 1960 - Head of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian USSR, took part in the liquidation of military formations of Ukrainian nationalists. Since 1960 - in reserve.

He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR of the 4th-5th convocations, a delegate to the 16th and 21st congresses of the Communist Party of Ukraine. He was a member of the Writers' Union.

Awarded the Order of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, Red Star, medals.

Streets in the cities of Kyiv, Perm, Nesterov in the Lviv region, the village of Bolshaya Sosnova in the Perm region, a school in the village of Bolshaya Sosnova and school No. 230 in Kiev, as well as a patrol ship of the Internal Troops are named after M.I. Naumov Russian Federation. His name is engraved on the memorial sign “Border Guards of All Times” in the city of Sumy (Ukraine).

Mikhail Naumov - WWII general, commander of a partisan cavalry detachment. An active participant in the resistance to the Nazis in the territory of occupied Ukraine. He was one of the main leaders of the partisan movement. In 1943 he received the title of Hero of the USSR. This article will present short biography general


Mikhail Ivanovich Naumov was born in the village of Bolshaya Sosnova in 1908. Since 1927, the young man worked in a coal mine (Perm region) as a pipe fitter. Then he worked as Komsomol secretary, propagandist, and deputy chairman of the regional consumer union. Since 1928 he joined the CPSU party.


In 1930, Mikhail Naumov joined the OGPU of the USSR. He studied at the school for junior commanders in the city of Shostka. He joined the ranks of the Red Army. After graduating from military chemical school, he was appointed head of the NKVD regiment. In 1937 he completed his studies at the Moscow Border School. In 1938 he became commander of the 4th motorized rifle regiment in Kyiv. In 1940, he headed the training battalion of the border troops (the city of Chernivtsi). Let's move on.

Guerrilla movement

Head of the 94th Skolensky border detachment - this is the position that Mikhail Naumov held at the beginning of the war. The Second World War took the future general by surprise. In the first days of hostilities, he was surrounded and wounded. Mikhail had to stay with local residents to recover. For the next six months, the young man lived in the occupied lands. And after recovery he went to the Khinelsky forests in the Oryol region.

At the beginning of 1942, Mikhail Naumov contacted the partisans of the Chervony district. He joined the detachment as an ordinary soldier, and after some time became the commander of the unit. Then the future general headed the center of the operational staff of partisan detachments.

Cavalry unit

At the beginning of 1943, by order of the chief who headed the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, and on the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, three groups and four detachments were allocated. They formed a cavalry unit of 650 people. The new division of partisan groups was headed by Mikhail Naumov. His cavalry detachment was given several tasks: to carry out a raid into the southern outskirts of the Sumy region, to eliminate the movement of enemy trains in the Sumy-Kharkov and Sumy-Konotop sections. And the final goal is to conduct a military operation in the Kirovograd region.

Sabotage activities

In February 1943, headed by M.I. Naumov, a cavalry unit of partisans went on a raid from the Fatezh area (Kursk region). During 65 days of raids, they covered almost 2,400 kilometers through several occupied territories of Zhitomir, Kyiv, Vinnitsa, Odessa, Kirovograd, Kharkov, Poltava, Sumy regions of Ukraine, as well as the Polesie region of Belarus. The cavalry unit conducted 47 sabotage and combat operations. The most significant of them were Andreevskaya, Shevchenkovskaya and Yunkovo-Sumskaya. As a result of the hostilities, many units of army equipment were destroyed, as well as hundreds of German officers and soldiers.

New title

In March 1943, for military services to the country in organizing the partisan movement, Mikhail Naumov received the Gold Star medal, and, naturally, he was awarded the title of Hero of the USSR.

Mikhail Ivanovich was also awarded for a successful steppe raid. In April 1943 he became a major general. Naumov turned out to be almost the youngest military man with a similar rank. And in general, his assignment to senior lieutenant can be called a unique case.

After the raid, partisan detachments went to the Khrapuni area (Polesskaya region, Belarus). There the fighters rearmed, reorganized and prepared for further military operations. And the commander of the unit M.I. Naumov had to fly to Moscow for treatment.

It is worth noting that the raid into the southern steppe lands of Ukraine carried out by partisan detachments under the command of Mikhail Ivanovich was of enormous political significance. First of all, in terms of organizing the struggle of local residents against the invaders.

Second raid

In mid-1943, the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement set a new task for Naumov’s unit: the fighters were to carry out a raid on the Zhitomir and Kyiv regions. And then move to the Kirovograd lands for a new battle.

The second raid lasted from July 12 to December 22. Behind enemy lines, the partisan unit of the hero of this article covered about 2,500 kilometers. It crossed 23 rivers. The largest of them are: Teterev, Sluch, Ubort, Pripyat. Conducted 186 combat operations. The most significant were Emilchinskaya and Rachkovskaya. Many enemy officers and soldiers were destroyed there, and food, ammunition, and weapons were captured. The number of Mikhail Ivanovich’s unit increased from 355 to 1975 partisans.

In December 1943, Naumov’s detachments merged with the Red Army troops in the Gorodnitsa area.

Third raid

While in the liberated territory, the partisan unit rearmed and re-equipped. After a short rest, the detachments received a new order from the Chief of Ukrainian Staff. Under the command of Naumov, they were supposed to go to the Drohobych region to conduct military operations. In January 1944, the partisans made a third raid. Advancing with battles behind enemy lines, the detachments passed through the territory of the Lviv, Drohobych, Ternopil, Rivne regions of Ukraine, as well as the Lublin Voivodeship (Poland). The unit conducted 72 sabotage and combat operations. In March 1944, Naumov's unit met with the Red Army.

It is worth noting that Mikhail Ivanovich was the only organizer of a partisan cavalry unit in Ukraine. Naumov preferred maneuver warfare. Therefore, raids became his element. He repeatedly criticized partisan commanders who, from 1941 to 1944, were based only in swampy and wooded areas, avoiding raids in lowland areas.

Life after WWII

In 1945 the war ended. But Mikhail Naumov decided to continue his service. To begin with, he graduated from the Higher military academy named after Voroshilov. Then he headed the Pacific District and left to serve in the Baltic States. In 1953, Mikhail Ivanovich was appointed acting Minister of Internal Affairs. For the next seven years he led. He also took an active part in the liquidation of nationalist combat units. Since 1960 he has been transferred to the reserve.

Several times Mikhail Naumov was elected as a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR and a delegate to the Communist Party of Ukraine. Member of the Writers' Union.

He spent the last years of his life in Kyiv. He died in 1974. The general’s grave is located in Kyiv at the Baikovo cemetery.

Memory and awards

In Ukraine, in the city of Sumy, there is a memorial sign “To the Border Guards of All Times.” The name M.I. is stamped on it. Naumova. Also, a patrol ship of the Internal Troops of the Russian Federation and streets in cities such as Nesterov, Perm and Kyiv are named in honor of the general.

The hero of this article was awarded many medals and the following orders:

  • Patriotic War (1st degree).
  • Red Star.
  • Lenin.
  • Bohdan Khmelnitsky (1st degree).
  • Red Banner (2 copies).

During the war years, General Mikhail Naumov:

  • Three times he led the raids of his cavalry unit.
  • Traveled about 10,000 kilometers behind enemy lines.
  • Conducted 366 major operations and battles.
  • He destroyed several thousand Banderaites, policemen, as well as Hungarian and German soldiers.
Annotation board in Kyiv
Memorial sign in Sumy
Memorial sign in Novograd-Volynsky district

N Aumov Mikhail Ivanovich - one of the leaders of the partisan movement in Ukraine, chief of staff of the operational group of partisan detachments in the Sumy region; commander of a partisan cavalry unit.

Born on October 3 (16), 1908 in the village of Bolshaya Sosnova, now Bolshesosnovsky district of the Perm Territory, into a peasant family. Russian. Since 1927, he worked as a pipe fitter at a coal mine in the Perm region, then as a propagandist and secretary of the district Komsomol committee, and deputy chairman of the district consumer union. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1928.

In 1930 he began serving in the Border Troops of the OGPU of the USSR. He was a Red Army soldier, a cadet at the school for junior commanders of the 23rd regiment of the OGPU troops in the city of Shostka (Sumy region). He graduated from the military chemical school in the city of Gomel (Belarus) and served as head of the chemical service of the NKVD regiment. In 1937 he graduated from the Higher Border School in Moscow. In 1938, he was appointed company commander of the 4th motorized rifle regiment of internal troops in Kyiv. Since 1940 - commander of the training battalion of border troops in the city of Chernivtsi.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Senior Lieutenant M.I. Naumov was the head of the combat training department of the headquarters of the 94th Skolensky border detachment of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR in the city of Skola, Drohobych region. In the first days of the war, he was surrounded, wounded and left to be treated by local residents. From July 1941 to January 1, 1942, he was in the occupied territory; after recovery, he walked from the city of Galich to the Khinelsky forests in the Oryol region.

In January 1942, M.I. Naumov established contact with the partisans of the Chervony district of the Sumy region and became an ordinary fighter, and after a short time - the commander of a group of a partisan detachment. From October 1942 to January 1943 - chief of staff of the operational group of partisan detachments in the Sumy region.

In January 1943, on the instructions of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U and in accordance with the order of the chief of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, four detachments and three groups were allocated from the units subordinate to the Sumy underground regional committee of the CP(b)U and the regional headquarters of the partisan movement for independent combat operations. From them they created a cavalry partisan unit with a personnel of 650 people. M.I. Naumov was appointed commander of this new formation of partisan detachments.

M.I. Naumov’s formation was given the task of carrying out a raid from the Khinel forests to the southern regions of the Sumy region, paralyzing the movement of enemy trains in the Sumy - Konotop, Sumy - Kharkov sections, and then reaching the right bank of the Dnieper to conduct military operations in the Kirovograd region.

On February 1, 1943, an equestrian partisan unit under the command of M.I. Naumov set out on a raid from the Fatezh area of ​​the Kursk region. During the 65 days of the raid, the unit covered almost 2,400 kilometers through the temporarily occupied territory of Sumy, Poltava, Kharkov, Kirovograd, Odessa, Vinnitsa, Kiev, Zhytomyr regions of Ukraine and the Polesie region of Belarus, and carried out 47 combat and sabotage operations; the most typical of them are Yunkovo-Sumskaya, Shevchenkovskaya, Andreevskaya. As a result of the fighting, hundreds of Nazi soldiers and officers, as well as a lot of military equipment, were destroyed.

U KAZAK of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on March 7, 1943 for military services to the Motherland in organizing the partisan movement in Ukraine, Naumov Mikhail Ivanovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 924).

For the successful conduct of the Steppe raid, M.I. Naumov was awarded the military rank of “Major General” in April 1943. He became one of the youngest generals in the army, and the case of awarding the rank of general to a senior lieutenant is generally unique.

After the raid, the formation of partisan detachments went to the Khrapuni region of Polessoy region of Belarus, where they reformed, rearmed and prepared for further hostilities. The commander of the unit, M.I. Naumov, flew to Moscow for treatment.

The raid into the southern steppe regions of Ukraine carried out by a partisan unit under the command of M.I. Naumov was of great political importance for organizing the struggle of the local population against the invaders.

In June 1943, the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement set a new task for M.I. Naumov’s formation: to carry out a raid in the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions and go to the Kirovograd region for combat operations.

During the period of the second raid from July 12 to December 22, 1943, M.I. Naumov’s partisan formation covered almost 2,500 kilometers behind enemy lines. It crossed 23 rivers, among them: Pripyat, Ubort, Sluch, Teterev. Conducted 186 combat operations. The most prominent of them are Rachkovskaya and Emilchinskaya in the Zhitomir region, where many enemy soldiers and officers were killed and weapons, ammunition, and food were captured. The connection grew from 355 to 1975 people.

In December 1943, a formation of partisan detachments under the command of M.I. Naumov in the Gorodnitsa area merged with units of the Red Army.

While in the liberated territory, the unit was re-equipped and rearmed. After a short rest, on the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (Bolsheviks) and the order of the chief of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, the formation of partisan detachments under the command of M.I. Naumov received the task of going out for combat operations in the Drogobych region. On January 21, 1944, the partisans launched their third raid. Advancing with battles behind enemy lines, the formation passed through the territory of the Rivne, Ternopil, Drohobych, Lvov regions of Ukraine and the Lublin voivodeship of Poland, and carried out 72 combat and sabotage operations. On March 22, 1944, a formation of partisan detachments under the command of M.I. Naumov met with units of the Red Army.

In total, during the war years, Major General M.I. Naumov led three raids of his cavalry unit, during which about 10 thousand kilometers were covered behind enemy lines, 366 battles and major operations were carried out, several thousand German and Hungarian soldiers, as well as policemen and Banderaites.

After the war, M.I. Naumov continued his military service. In 1945 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov. He was the head of the border troops of the Pacific Border District, then served in the Baltic states. In 1953 - Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, from November 1953 to 1960 - Head of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian USSR, took part in the liquidation of military formations of Ukrainian nationalists. Since 1960 - in reserve.

He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR of the 4th-5th convocations, a delegate to the 16th and 21st congresses of the Communist Party of Ukraine. He was a member of the Writers' Union.

Awarded the Order of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, Red Star, medals.

Streets in the cities of Kyiv, Perm, Nesterov in the Lviv region, the village of Bolshaya Sosnova in the Perm region, as well as a patrol ship of the Internal Troops of the Russian Federation are named after M.I. Naumov. His name is engraved on the memorial sign “Border Guards of All Times” in the city of Sumy (Ukraine).

Hinel hikes. M., 1954;
Steppe raid. Kyiv, 1961;
Western raid. Kyiv, 1985.

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