Application of wax moth waste products. Wax moth larvae excrement - treatment without prejudice Wax moth feces

Man is such an inventive creature that he can sometimes benefit even from industrial waste and household pests. Did you know that waste products (actually its excrement) are very popular among beekeepers and adherents traditional medicine. It is recommended to take it as effective medicine for the treatment of many different diseases.

A little about moths

Wax moth, or moth, is a real threat to all beekeepers. There are two varieties. The large one can reach up to 3.5 cm in wingspan and is usually brownish or beige in color. The smaller moth does not exceed 2.5 cm in wingspan, has a grayish tint and is almost invisible. Butterflies are nocturnal.

The beekeeper knows that the hive has been attacked by moths by the chewing of wax on the honeycombs, from which the honey then completely disappears. Small pellets remain at the crime scene - waste products of the wax moth, which can be collected to make a medicinal tincture.

Wax moth

The excrement is left by voracious larvae, which the moth deposits in the honeycombs. Having hatched from the eggs, they begin to rapidly destroy honey, gnawing through entire wax labyrinths and emptying the honeycombs. If there is a lack of food, wax moth larvae can even attack bee larvae or their own kind. This is why their presence in evidence can lead to the death of a swarm - they simply prevent the bees from reproducing.

As preventive measures it is necessary:

  • ensure that evidence is clean and properly cared for;
  • periodically inspect the cells to detect damage in time;
  • to repel wax moths, hang dried wormwood, mint, or lay out orange peels near the evidence;
  • The moth cannot penetrate through the central hole - other bees will not let it through, so you need to make sure that there are no cracks in the hives through which it could get inside.

If larvae or waste products of wax moths were nevertheless found in the hive, they must be collected. Damaged honeycombs must be treated with acetic acid or preparations specially designed to combat wax moths.

Beneficial features

About whether the excrement of wax moth larvae really has medicinal properties, scientists are still arguing. The irrefutable fact is that in the absence of other food, the larvae begin to eat their own excrement and continue to develop further. But not only wax moths are capable of this.

During the study of wax moth waste products, some useful substances were actually found in them:

  • Iridoids. They give the excrement tincture a characteristic bitter taste. Similar substances are present in extracts of some plants. But they are not found in fruits usually eaten. Iridoids are able to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, neutralize and promote the elimination of toxins, and activate the immune system.
  • Steroids. Not at all the ones that athletes use to build up muscle mass. But the substances contained in pzhvm are close to them in their effects on the body. They enhance metabolic processes, relieve pain and muscle tension. This feature has found application in the treatment of diseases affecting various muscle groups.
  • Flavonoids. Substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body and especially on the cardiovascular system. They cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, prevent varicose veins and thrombosis, and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. When taken regularly, it greatly improves immunity.

But frankly speaking, concentration useful substances, which the wax moth waste product contains, is not too high compared to other bee products and extracts medicinal plants. That is why such a product has not yet appeared as a medicine on the shelves of pharmacy chains.

What does it help with?

Beekeepers believe that wax moth excrement contains all the useful substances in a form that has already been processed and absorbed by the larva. Therefore, such a product enters the bloodstream and begins to work in the body much faster than in the arc form. It is recommended to take a tincture of wax moth larvae excrement to treat:

  1. Tuberculosis. It helps reduce and then completely stop debilitating coughing attacks. If you take the drug in combination with a tincture of wax moth larvae (there is such a medicinal product), then tangible results can be noticed within a few days, and the cough practically disappears after 1.5-2 months.
  2. Heart diseases. Since it has a positive effect on muscles: it relaxes and restores them, it has a similar effect on the heart. At the same time, improving the condition of blood vessels, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire cardiovascular system: it reduces the frequency and severity of angina attacks, and evens out the heart rhythm.
  3. Reduced immunity. stimulates immune system, thereby significantly increasing protective forces body. Its regular use serves as a good prevention of frequent colds, viral diseases and even cancer, since the growth of cancer cells is also restrained by our immunity.
  4. Fungal infections. The product has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The treated skin areas easily get rid of dermatitis and other fungal lesions.
  5. Infertility. Beekeepers convince that the product can cope with this problem. It is not able to restore serious disorders of the reproductive system. But it increases libido, helps normalize hormonal levels and increases sperm motility.

This remedy is also used in sports medicine. According to the athletes themselves, it significantly increases physical activity and endurance, facilitating more effective training. The product can also be used as a general tonic.

How to prepare and use

Many people are interested in how to prepare a tincture from excrement or wax moth larvae and how to take this product correctly.

If you are not a beekeeper, then it is better to buy a ready-made product via the Internet or its distributors and use it according to the instructions included with it.

When using the product, you must remember that the tincture of PGVM is a potent product, so you should never exceed the recommended dosage. It is 1 drop per 1 year of life for a child (6 years and older!) and approximately 20-25 drops for an adult. Moreover, it is enough to drink the product diluted in water only once a day for 1 to 3 months.

Recipes and detailed instructions how to prepare tinctures from wax moth larvae or excrement can be found on the Internet with videos and detailed comments. Let’s say right away that this is a troublesome matter and experienced beekeepers breed wax moths specifically for these purposes. IN natural conditions She is an extremely unpretentious creature, but when artificially breeding there are many subtleties that must be taken into account. Most often, to obtain a 10% tincture per 100 ml of alcohol, take two hundred gram glasses of larvae and infuse for about 3 weeks. The product from excrement is prepared in a similar way, but infused 2 times less.

To prepare the tincture, larvae are selected only from individuals that have reached a certain size, and this will have to be done manually. In order for them to develop quickly and correctly, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature close to the conditions of a bee hive, which is 35-36 o C. The larvae feed not only and not so much on wax - for full development they need honey, bee bread and a mixture of other products. Ventilation must also be provided and they cannot be kept in tightly closed containers.

That is why most beekeepers still treat wax moths as the pest that they actually are, and take active measures to exterminate them. And if you really want to use the waste product of wax moths for treatment, then it is easier and safer to buy it from professionals. Try it only if you are confident in its quality and trust the manufacturer.

Golden butterfly, firefly, wax moth... This pest of apiary farms and at the same time a real natural Aesculapius is called everything. Adult moths flutter near bee hives in order to one day lay eggs in them. Only after hatching, the larvae demonstrate incredible gluttony. First of all, they eat honey and bee bread. Then they proceed to wax frames with the remains of old cocoons and bee pupae. They don’t even disdain using insulation for hives.

Benefits of wax moth

Over the course of a month of such a “diet,” an incredible amount of useful substances accumulates in the larvae’s body. And since the moth has a unique ability to digest wax, its digestive enzymes are of high value. In particular, lipases extracted from larvae have long been used in phthisiology. By analogy with a honeycomb, the enzyme dissolves the protective waxy shell of Koch bacilli. This allows medications to combat the tuberculosis bacteria as effectively as possible.

The excrement of the larvae is a dry, powdery substance of a dark color with a pleasant honey smell - after all, in addition to wax, the larvae successfully digest honey and royal jelly. Therefore, excrement is waxy and rich in carbohydrates, peptides, serotonin-like compounds, flavonoids and plant aromatic acids. Thus, it is quite advisable to use moth excrement for therapeutic purposes.

Tincture of wax moth excrement is by far the most useful beekeeping product. Scientists compared the effectiveness of a tincture of moth larvae and excrement. The activity of the waste products extract was 10 times higher than that of the larvae extract. According to the experiment, it was revealed that wax moth excrement is the most valuable raw material for traditional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. This property is easily explained by the fact that the waste products of moth larvae contain bee products that have been processed and broken down into easily digestible components.

How much wax moth helps in treatment is the best way to imagine patient reviews. There are many cases where the tincture of PZHVM helped to cope with prolonged bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma. She successfully treats liver and stomach diseases, heals wounds and the consequences of surgical interventions. Wax moth is used in the treatment of gynecological and urological problems and increases potency.

Application of wax moth excrement

IN medicinal purposes use an alcohol tincture of moth excrement. You can buy it ready-made or prepare it yourself. The scope of application of the tincture of waste products of wax moth larvae is truly extensive:

Cardiovascular diseases: there is a decrease in blood pressure, normalization of heart rate, and attacks of angina are reduced;

Tuberculosis: tincture of excrement successfully treats all types of this disease, relieves coughing attacks;

Infertility: the use of tincture helps to normalize hormonal levels and increase libido;

Increases immunity: due to the high content of steroids, the activity of immune cells increases tenfold;

Oncological diseases: moth excrement can protect the body from the effects of atypical cells;

Protection against microbes: successfully used to treat fungal diseases;

General strengthening of the body: there is an increase in tone, a surge of energy, an improvement in well-being and mood, this effect is especially noticeable in the elderly.

How to use

Take the drug mixed with water in a small dosage: 4-11 drops per 10 kg of weight for medicinal purposes, and as a preventive measure - in a halved amount. This should be done half an hour before meals, 2-3 times daily for 3 months. For severe illnesses, it is recommended to repeat the course several times at intervals of 15-30 days.

How to make a tincture at home?

The technology for obtaining moth excrement is quite complex. To do this, the larvae with the necessary supply of food are placed in a wooden box for six months. During this time, several generations of moths reproduce, which receive a diet as rich in nutrients as possible. As a result, at the bottom of the box, PZHVM is found - black crumbly excrement of larvae, with an intense honey-wax aroma and an extreme concentration of healing substances. It is necessary to pour the waste products of wax moths (WWM) with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 and keep them in the dark for 10-14 days.

It is very important where to buy really high quality wax moth. In our store we offer tinctures and PZHVM from NPK Melmur, a trusted manufacturer. In addition, the price of wax moth preparations is affordable for anyone who needs real help.

Other useful tinctures:

10.11.2016 0

Wax moth tincture is a favorite medicine among adherents of traditional medicine, but in order to achieve good results, you need to know how to take it, as well as indications and contraindications for use.

This popularity is due to its ability to heal many diseases. This remedy can be used as an adjunct to traditional medicine therapy.

What is a wax moth?

This insect, also known as the moth, is a terrible pest in beekeeping. The wax moth butterfly exudes a honey smell, so it can easily penetrate inside the hives.

By itself, it does not pose a threat to bees due to its undeveloped digestive system. However, its larvae feed on wax, beebread, and honey, producing cerrase. This substance is an enzyme for processing products.

Over time, the larvae can damage the hive so much that the bees die or leave their place. Pest larvae often eat their own kind.

Healing properties of tincture

To understand why wax moth is useful, it is enough to learn about its properties:

  • high efficiency in the treatment of viruses;
  • the extract can stimulate hematopoiesis and metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels and prevent fat deposits;
  • relieves the consequences of myocardial infarction;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases libido in men, relieves menopausal symptoms in women;
  • beneficial effect on nerve cells;
  • relieves inflammation of the prostate and fights diseases affecting the reproductive system;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • promotes rapid restoration of muscle activity.

Areas of application and contraindications

The healing properties of wax moth are effectively used to get rid of the following ailments:

  1. Respiratory diseases.
  2. Influenza conditions, respiratory viral infections.
  3. Varicose veins.
  4. Cardiovascular disorders, including ischemia and heart attacks.
  5. Metabolic disorders.
  6. Endocrine pathologies.
  7. Diseases of the genital organs in men and women.
  8. All kinds of ailments of the liver and pancreas.

Wax moth occupies a worthy place in folk medicine due to the meager list of contraindications. It is not used for peptic ulcers, any type of hepatitis, a tendency to allergic reactions, pregnancy.

When were they opened useful aspects PZHM (a waste product of the wax moth), the drug began to be tested to get rid of tuberculosis. Cerrase, which is necessary for the assimilation of bee products, can cope with the Koch virus. It is he who is the causative agent of a terrible disease of the respiratory system. The tincture stimulates the growth of healthy epithelium in the bronchopulmonary system. Currently, wax moth is recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis by healers and healers.

The tincture has won positive reviews from some doctors for good reason. In medical practice, there are known cases of its miraculous effect. In oncology, wax moth significantly alleviates the patient’s condition, helps cope with excruciating pain and reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy. The drug stimulates the growth of healthy cells and reduces the rate of tumor spread.

Indications and contraindications must be strictly observed. This will allow you to treat diseases at the proper level without harming the body.

Rules for preparing the medicine

The tincture of wax moth excrement is prepared mainly by beekeepers themselves. To properly prepare the medicine, it is necessary to use larvae in the penultimate instar. Their size should be large enough. If the caterpillar is in the pupation stage, it should not be used. You can prepare a tincture in the following concentrations:

  1. 10% - for this you will need one part of larvae and 10 parts of vodka.
  2. 25% – you need one part caterpillars and 4 parts vodka.

In both cases, the composition is infused for three months in a tightly sealed container.

In the pharmacy chain you can purchase medicines made from insect extract. They vary in concentration and are manufactured industrially by private companies. The result is an alcohol solution that is preserved at low temperatures. This mode allows you to save beneficial features substances.

You can make your own external remedy based on the extract. The preparation recipe is quite simple: add a couple of teaspoons of pharmaceutical medicine to a solution of dimexide at a concentration of 33%. The product effectively treats wounds, skin inflammations, purulent infections and boils.

There are capsules on sale that contain the waste product of wax moths. They are prescribed twice a day during meals. The treatment period involves complete abstinence from alcohol-containing drinks.

Treatment method

Instructions for using wax moths must be strictly followed. The main criteria when calculating the dosage are body weight and age, and the method of application is universal:

  1. Mix four tablespoons of any liquid and 20 drops of tincture well.
  2. Consume before meals.
  3. To treat the disease, a three-time dose per day is required, for prevention - a single dose.
  4. The course of treatment is up to 90 days.
  5. The break between courses is from two weeks to a month.
  • for children under 14 years of age, the number of drops for daily use corresponds to age;
  • 3-8 drops per day per 10 kg of body weight for the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • 3-9 drops per 10 kg of weight daily when fighting diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • 4 drops per day for every 10 kg of body weight during a heart attack, but not earlier than the tenth day after the attack.

In some cases, treatment may cause side effects and discomfort. To minimize them, it is advisable to carry out treatment according to the following scheme:

  • on the first day of therapy, drink a quarter of the daily dose in the morning;
  • on the second day - half;
  • on the third day - three quarters;
  • in the fourth - the full daily norm.

Video: about wax moth tincture.

Good to know

People used the healing properties of wax moth larvae in ancient times, but they were able to prove its effectiveness only in the 19th century. It was then revealed chemical composition this traditional medicine. Amino acids help cope with any poisoning of the body, including radiation. It contains enzymes, peptides, steroid hormones, xanthine, minerals, vitamins, biological flavonoids, acids.

For athletes all over the world, this product has become a real salvation when it is necessary to as soon as possible restore muscle tone and nervous system, recover from injuries and surgery.

A long course of treatment with this beekeeping product is due to its ability to first concentrate in the body and then enter the active phase of fighting the disease. When interacting with other medications, wax moth does not have negative consequences. It can be stored for several years without losing its medicinal properties.

The pharmacy chain sells bee moth extract made only by private manufacturers. The reason is that, according to the medical community, the tincture has a placebo effect.

Cerrase is an enzyme that chemical science has not yet recognized. At the same time, in medical practice there are scientific studies conducted to prove the effectiveness of the drug.

It is important to remember that tincture of larvae cannot act as an independent medicine. It is an addition to medical or surgical therapy. However, doctors do not prescribe it, leaving the decision up to the patient.

Currently, wax moth tincture has become good remedy earnings. For this reason, many beekeepers and private producers breed it purposefully. For this, an old hive or box is used, where frames with honey and insects are placed. Moth reproduction is possible at a good level of humidity and temperatures from 25 to 35 degrees. The collection of larvae should be as careful as possible so as not to damage them. Only whole individuals are used to prepare the medicine.

Wax moth tincture is obtained from wax moth larvae. Research and practice have shown that much more effective are PVHM - the waste products of wax moths, in other words - the poop of wax moth larvae. Wax moth larvae feed only on natural raw materials - old honeycombs with remains of honey, bee bread and pollen.


During the study of waste products of wax moth tincture, some useful substances were actually found in them:

  • Iridoids. Physiologically active elements that influence the activity of enzymes in the body. Flavonoids have many beneficial properties:
  • protect the body’s cells, maintaining their integrity;
  • prevent aging of the body at the cellular level;
  • protect the body from the effects of viruses and carcinogens, preventing the development of tumors and viral diseases;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • effective in the fight against cardiovascular diseases and varicose veins;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • effective for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • help women cope with unpleasant symptoms during menopause.
  • Steroids. Substances of animal or plant origin with high biological activity. Steroid compounds are very important for human life.
    Steroids are involved in the regulation of metabolism and reproductive functions of the body, controlling the occurrence of various biological processes in the body. They affect carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, maintain water-electrolyte balance and the functions of the cardiovascular, immune, endocrine and nervous systems, as well as kidneys and skeletal muscles.
  • Flavonoids.They are powerful phytochemicals produced by plants or insects and have a wide range of biological activities. Iridoids have the following beneficial properties:
  • normalize cholesterol levels and the body’s response to the inflammatory process;
  • have an immunomodulatory effect;
  • resist the formation of free radicals in the body;
  • increase energy and endurance;
  • stimulate brain activity;
  • have a cardioprotective effect;
  • promote the normal formation of new blood vessels;
  • have antiviral and antitumor effects;
  • inhibit the formation of AGE substances in the body, which affect the human aging process.

The excrement of the wax moth contains all the useful substances in a form that has already been processed and assimilated by the larva. Therefore, such a product enters the bloodstream and begins to work in the body much faster than in the arc form. It is recommended to take a tincture of wax moth larvae excrement to treat:

  1. Tuberculosis. It helps reduce and then completely stop debilitating coughing attacks. If you take the drug in combination with a tincture of wax moth larvae (there is such a medicinal product), then tangible results can be noticed within a few days, and the cough practically disappears after 1.5-2 months.
  2. Heart diseases. Since wax moth tincture has a positive effect on muscles: it relaxes and restores them, it has a similar effect on the heart. At the same time, improving the condition of blood vessels, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire cardiovascular system: it reduces the frequency and severity of angina attacks, and evens out the heart rhythm.
  3. Reduced immunity. The beneficial product of bee moth stimulates the immune system, thereby significantly increasing the body's defenses. Its regular use serves as a good prevention of frequent colds, viral diseases and even cancer, since the growth of cancer cells is also restrained by our immunity.
  4. Fungal infections. The product has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The treated skin areas easily get rid of dermatitis and other fungal lesions.
  5. Infertility. Beekeepers convince that the product can cope with this problem. It is not able to restore serious disorders of the reproductive system. But it increases libido, helps normalize hormonal levels and increases sperm motility.

This remedy is also used in sports medicine. According to the athletes themselves, it significantly increases physical activity and endurance, facilitating more effective training. The product can also be used as a general tonic.

But few of you have heard about PZHVM - a waste product of the wax moth. And this is normal, since there is practically no information. Today we will try to lay out all the available information and facts that we have. So make yourself comfortable, brew a cup of tea or coffee and start reading. Have a pleasant and useful time.

Millions of people owe their health to bee products - honey, royal jelly, and so on. You can find a huge amount of information about their effectiveness, but few people know what about healing properties an inconspicuous-looking moth - . These insects are the worst enemies of bees, since in those areas where they settle, the bees weaken or die completely. And if there is a lot of information about the tincture of the larvae of this insect, then only a few know how useful wax moth excrement is.

What is PZhVM?

Immediately before pupation, they stop accumulating nutrients (therefore, only young individuals that have not lived for more than 20 days are selected from them to prepare an extract) and all their biological activity is transferred to excrement. If they do not have enough food (that is, wax honeycombs), then they can eat both their excrement and weaker individuals of the larvae, as a result of which black crumbly masses can be seen at the bottom of the hive, which beekeepers call PZHM - a waste product of the wax moth (excrement).

To obtain this useful raw material, beekeepers place black honeycombs in the hive, which have already been “processed” by the moth. They are covered with a special mesh and a millimeter-thick lid, and after a few months (3-6) a black mass appears at the bottom of the hive, smelling like honey. Over such a long period of time, the larvae manage to process this entire mass several times and literally “charge” it with their biological activity. If you cook from this mass medicinal product, then the concentration of useful substances in its composition will be even greater than in the larvae extract.

You can always purchase PVHV in Ukraine from us, at the family apiary “Veselyi Shershen” by phone:


What is the reason for their beneficial effects?

To confirm the value of pzhvm - the waste product of the wax moth, a series of studies was carried out scientific research, during which Comparative characteristics extract from larvae and their excrement. The excrement was left to sit for nine days, stirring occasionally, resulting in a solution red-yellow color. Computer diagnostics of this solution showed that it precisely contains the following active substances:

  • flavonoids;
  • iridoids;
  • steroids.

Flavonoids have a beneficial effect on vascular permeability, preventing the development of varicose veins and atherosclerosis. Iridoids increase energy, stimulate the immune system and brain activity of a person, and steroids are known to have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, so the drugs they contain can treat a fairly wide range of human diseases.

Application of PZHVM

Before talking about how effective and useful the extract of wax moth waste products is, you need to emphasize that it works on the principle of vermicompost (this is a substance that every summer resident knows about). Vermicompost is humus produced by worms. Worms process it in such a way that it becomes easily digestible for all plants, and they do not waste energy and effort on processing it. It is on this technology that the principle of “work” of drugs based on moth excrement is based, that is, after careful processing, the biologically active substances in their composition become extremely useful and easily digestible for the human body. That is why the results from taking it become noticeable already in the first days of treatment.

=> General health effect. While taking this remedy, the overall tone of the body increases, mood improves and strength appears. It is often recommended for people after 50 years of age, when the signs of aging become more pronounced.

=> Sports medicine. During the period of increased physical activity The athletes’ bodies experience extreme stress and exhaustion, and this can cause poor results in any competition. To improve physical endurance and protect at the same time nervous system You need to take a processed product every day, which can not only increase physical activity, but also have a completely beneficial effect on the body.

You can order wax moth larvae excrement by calling:

In conclusion, we can say that medicines obtained from the excrement of moth larvae are as effective as the dead wax moth, which is made from its dead bodies (of course, it doesn’t sound very “appetizing”, but for the sake of the result you can endure it). They can cure just a huge number of diseases and this is not magic, but simply traditional medicine.

Sincerely, the family apiary "Veselyi Hornet"

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