Prepositions are ranked by meaning. Classifications of prepositions by meaning and by combination with case forms. What are prepositions for?

Classes of prepositions. By value. By origin. Non-derivatives. Non-derivatives. Derivatives. Derivatives. Derivatives. Spatial (indicate a place). Temporary (indicate time). Causal (indicate the reason). Target (indicate the target). Mode of action (indicate the mode of action). Additional (indicate the object to which the action is directed). Adverbial. Named. Verbal. In, on, under, at, to, with, over, from, on, to, etc. Near inside, around about. Due to during in continuation by. Thanks including excluding later. In, on, because of, under, around, around at, to, above, etc. He went out onto the road and came to a friend. Through, to, before, with, before, during before, etc. Sleep until lunch and approach evening. By, for, in view of, because of, from, as a result, etc. It went out because of the wind. For, for, on, etc. To do for you; bring for everyone. With, without, in, by, from, etc. He wrote without errors; laugh heartily. Oh, about, about, with, by, about, etc. Do not think about this football lessons.

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Russian language 7th grade

summary other presentations

“The word “thank you”” - This word has its own holiday - world “thank you” day. The word "thank you". About the meaning of the word “thank you.” Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word. May the world become a kinder place on “thank you” day. The word “thank you” in proverbs and sayings. The history of the word "thank you". When you wake up on January 11th, remember that kindness will save the world. Every day in all countries and in all languages ​​the word “thank you” is heard. Synonyms.

“Real participles of the past tense” - Dictionary “Speak Correctly”. From the stems of which verbs are active past participles formed? Border guards. Active past participles. Introduce students to the formation and writing of active participles. Explain the choice of spelling in the suffix of participles. Writing a vowel in a verb. Write down the phrases. Active participles. Moving objects.

“Words-adverbs” - Grammatical meaning adverb. Adverb. Morphological analysis. An adverb as a member of a sentence. Adverbs. Offer with appeal. Collocations with adverbs. The meaning of adverbs. Lexico-grammatical categories. Comparative form of adverbs. Soft sign after the hissing ones. Integrated and separate writing of adverbs. Peer review. Hyphenated spelling of adverbs. Spellings.

“Russian language in tables” - Interjection. Participle. Particle. Stable phrases. Particle discharges. Formation and spelling of active participles. Participle. Spelling interjections. Formation of perfect participles. Spelling passive participles. Functional parts of speech. Union. Participial turnover. Declension of participles. Spelling. Spelling of active present participles. Difference between participles.

“Dal and Pushkin” - Birthday of Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. The role of Dahl and Pushkin. Dahl. Dahl participated in the poet’s treatment. Love for the living Russian word. Pugachev's paths. Luxury. Pushkin. Ring as a keepsake. Dahl came to St. Petersburg.

“The word “cat”” - Etymological meaning. Proverbs and sayings about cats. Gail Mason. Lexical meaning. Superstitions. The word "cat" different languages. Phraseologisms. Cartoons about cats. Cats in fine art. Constellation "cat". Paintings by Louis Wayne. A complex idea of ​​the word. Cats on stained glass. Cat. Aphorisms about cats and cats. Books about cats. Similar words.

According to education, prepositions are divided into 2 groups:

1) non-derivatives(primitives): in, on, to, for, by, under, with, above, about (about), with, from, for etc. Non-derivatives also include paired, or double, prepositions: over, from under, behind. Primary prepositions are the most ancient, they appeared in the common Slavic era and usually consist of one, two, three sounds;

2) derivatives prepositions correlative with other parts of speech. Depending on what part of speech they are formed from, they are distinguished:

- adverbial prepositions: near, along, inside, past, opposite, in front, around, behind;

- Canceled prepositions formed from nouns: during, by, by means of, like, as a result of, by virtue of and etc.;

- o t d e c t i v e formed from adjectives: regarding, in comparison with, proportionately, according to, regardless of, similarly, regarding, accordingly and etc.

- ot v a l l e:thanks to, including, excluding, after, despite, in spite of, looking at, not counting.

Based on their structure, prepositions are divided into simple, compound and complex. TO simple Prepositions consisting of one word include: to, over, way, thanks to, regarding and etc. COMPONENTS prepositions - non-primitive, include a preposition and the name following it: during, in continuation, along the line, on the basis of, in question, from the side, in part, for the reason, for the purpose etc. COMPLEXITIES prepositions consist of the indirect case of a noun and prepositions before and after it: towards, in contrast to, in relation to, in response to, in connection with etc., as well as from a short adjective, adverb or gerund followed by a primary preposition: despite, along with, along with, regardless of, following, up to, depending on and etc.

§ 4. Meanings of prepositions.

In the semantics of prepositions, there is an inextricable connection between lexical and grammatical meanings.

The meanings expressed using prepositions are very diverse and are not fully described in the linguistic literature. Let's name some of them:

1) SPATIAL(or local): in, on, to, at, about, between, around, near and etc.: in the house, in front of the house, around the house, near the house etc.;

2) TEMPORARY(or temporal): in, after, during, in continuation of, through, after: after lunch, within an hour, after half an hour;

3) Reasonable(or causal): for the sake of, because of, thanks to, due to, in view of, as a result of, from, because of: blush with shame, because of bad weather, because of misfortune, because of the upcoming exam, because of good conditions, etc. .;

4) goals: for, for, by, on, to, for, for the purpose of: to do for a brother, to seek help, for safety purposes, in order to achieve success, etc.;

5) G e n e t i c e: from, from: by descent from the nobility, a man from the earth;

6) qualifiers: from, in, with, without, under: polka dot dress, marble walls, eyes without glitter, leather bag;

7) comparative: with, like, like, against: the sky seems like the best indicators compared to last year;

8) conclusive: in spite of, in spite of, despite: in spite of the prevailing conditions, despite the difficulties;

9) about the relationship with togetherness: with, together with, together with: you and I, we worked together with a comrade;

10) d i s t r i b u t i v e(distribution): by, on: distribute an apple, distribute between two;

11) RELATIONSHIP OF DELETION, VERSUS POSTMENT(ablative or caritative): without, outside, for: to be left without parents, was outside the institute;

12) t r a n s g r e s s i v e(transition from one state to another): from, into, onto: tear into pieces, turn into dust, from a bag into a matting;

13) in relation to the image and the way of action: by, in, on, through, under, with, at, to: play for money, have a heart-to-heart talk, say it as a joke;

14) o f limita tions(limitative): by, in relation to, in the area, in relation to: deputy for personnel, make decisions in the field of education, solve problems in relation to the brother;

15) conditional: in, in case, subject to: act if (if) necessary, subject to a decision being made;

16) f i n i t i v e : by, to: fed up, tired to hell;

17) deliberative (indication of content, reason for judgment, subject of speech, thought): about (about), about, about, about, above: think about mother, talk about about the meeting, reflect on the task;

18) in relation to replacing, being in the role of someone: for, instead of: remained for (instead of) the director.

The meanings of prepositions, especially polysemous ones, are realized in context. The minimal context is a control and controlled word, the lexical meanings of which determine the attitude expressed by a preposition. So, for example, the preposition V in combination I'm going to college has spatial significance, in combination I'll be there at five o'clock- temporary, and in combination crush into fine sand- transgressive. The context creates the conditions for the realization of the meanings of the preposition. There are contexts in which the preposition is meaningful in itself, and these meanings are revealed in the same context: on the table - in the table, under the table - above the table, in front of the table - behind the table.

§1. general characteristics prepositions

A preposition is a functional part of speech. Prepositions are needed to connect words in a phrase. Prepositions express the dependence of some words on others. Prepositions can be used with nouns, pronouns and numerals.
Prepositions are an unchangeable part of speech. A preposition is not a member of a sentence, but since the meaning is expressed by a prepositional-case combination, during analysis, prepositions can be emphasized along with the words to which they refer. Prepositions express various semantic relationships:

  • temporary: come under evening, submit a report To Thursday, call V Wednesday,
  • spatial: put V table, put on table, put under table,
  • Causal: skip classes because of illnesses,
  • target: come For participation in competitions and others.
    But the proper meaning of the preposition does not appear outside the prepositional-case combination of the preposition with a noun, pronoun or numeral.

Prepositions can be used with only one case or with different cases. Examples:

To to whom? To what?: To to a friend, to school - D.p.;
thanks to to whom? what? thanks to help, thanks to father - D.p.;
in What? V five hours - V.p.;
V how? V forest - P.p.

From the examples it is clear that prepositions To And thanks to are used only with nouns in d.p., and the preposition V- with nouns in different cases: V.p. and P.p.

§2. Formation of prepositions

From an educational point of view, prepositions are divided into non-derivatives And derivatives.

  • Non-derivative prepositions: without, V, before, For, behind, from, To, on, above, O, about, from, By, under, before, at, about, With, at, through.
  • Derivative prepositions are formed by transitioning independent parts of speech into auxiliary ones. In this case, the lexical meaning and morphological features of words are lost. Examples:
    Around parka is a preposition formed from an adverb around.
    During hour is a preposition formed from a noun with a preposition.
    Thanks to help is a preposition formed from a gerund.

Accordingly, adverbial, denominal, and verbal prepositions are distinguished.

Non-derivative prepositions are more often used with different cases.

Derivative prepositions are usually used with one case.

§3. Preposition structure

From a structural point of view, prepositions are divided into simple And composite.

  • Simple ones are prepositions consisting of one word: in, on, to, under, above, contrary to, etc.
  • Compounds are prepositions consisting of two, less often three words: in continuation, during, in connection with, depending on, towards, etc.

§4. Places by value

According to their meaning, prepositions are divided into:

  1. Places (spatial): on the window, in the window, near the window, under the window, above the window, behind the window, in front of the window, etc.
  2. Time (temporary): at eight, about eight, by eight, before eight, after eight, etc.
  3. Object (object): about the book, about the book, with the book, etc.
  4. Reasons (causal): due to rain, due to rain, due to rain, due to illness.
  5. Goals (targets): for children, for the sake of children, money for children.
  6. Mode of action: work without inspiration, work with inspiration.
  7. Comparisons: character like his father, as tall as his father.
  8. Definitions: striped fabric, bicycle with motor, coffee with milk.

Prepositions can be unambiguous And polysemantic.

  • Unambiguous: thanks to, in view of, because of, etc.
  • Multi-valued: V (V Wednesday - time V closet - space, V father - comparisons, V stripe - definitions)

Test of strength

Check your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What are prepositions for?

    • To connect words in a sentence
    • For contact simple sentences as part of complex
    • To express emotions
  2. Is it possible to assume that each case corresponds to one specific preposition?

  3. Are there unambiguous prepositions in Russian?

  4. A preposition is an auxiliary part of speech that expresses the dependence of some words on others in a phrase and sentence ( talk V office, By evenings, behind table). Prepositions express various relationships between objects, actions and characteristics that are called by these words, for example spatial ( go on south), temporary ( meet before sunset), causal ( exclude because of academic failure), target ( fight for the sake of happiness).

    Prepositions can be unambiguous or ambiguous. Yes, an excuse inside indicates a place within something ( inside ball, Houses), near denotes time ( near hours) and place ( near schools). Multiple-valued prepositions can be used with several cases. So, under used with V.p. and denotes the direction ( go under Moscow), state ( take under control ), time ( happen in the evening ), destination ( box for instruments ). Under also used with T.p., denoting space ( stand under the tree ) and reason ( admit under the weight evidence).

    In structure, prepositions are simple, consisting of one word (in, on, With, before), and compounds, usually consisting of two or three words ( together with, regardless, as, during, despite, in connection with, in accordance with).

    Prepositions can be non-derivative and derivative. Non-derivative, primitive prepositions are prepositions not formed from significant words: s, before, For, O etc. They can be used, as was shown in the example under, with different cases. This group of prepositions includes: without (without) + R.p., V (in) + V.p. and P.p., for + R.p., before+ R.p., behind+ V.p. and so on., from(iso) + R.p., To (co) + D.p., except + R.p., between, between+ R.p. and so on., on+ V.p. and P.p., above (necessary) + T.p., o (ob) + V.p. and P.p., from (oto) + R.p., before (in front) + etc., By+ D.p., V.p. and P.p., under (under) + V.p. and so on., at+ P.p., about + V.p., for the sake of+ R.p., through+ V.p. This also includes double prepositions formed from two simple ones: because of And from under + R.p.

    Derivative prepositions are formed by transforming significant words into function words. At the same time, they lose their lexical meaning and morphological features, and are usually used with one case. Yes, an excuse around+ R.p. ( around the garden) comes from the adverb around (look around); by+ R.p. ( form a word by adding) - from a noun path in T.p. ( go another way). Derivative prepositions are formed:

    • 1) from adverbs - and are usually used with R.p. ( near someone, anything, deep into something, along something, etc.), less often with D.p. ( in spite of everything, towards someone, anything, according to something, etc.);
    • 2) from nouns - and are usually used with R.p. ( through, by, in the role, in mind, depending on the etc.), less often with the like. ( in connection with, compared with etc.); 3) from verbs - and are used with different cases, which is determined by the control of these verbs ( thanks to someone, anything, despite anyone, anything, starting with someone, anything etc.).

    Prepositions used together with nouns and pronouns in certain case forms form their prepositional case forms. The meaning of these forms depends on the meaning of cases and prepositions, as well as on lexical meaning name.

    Prepositions based on the nature of the relationships being expressed

    Since prepositions express not only the dependence of some words on others in phrases and sentences, but also the relationship between nouns (pronouns) and these words, we will indicate the nature of the expressed relationships and give relevant examples.

    1. Prepositions expressing spatial relations are most common. These include: in, on, inside, through, through, between, but also others. In table. 42-44 illustrate their particular meanings and main cases of use.

    Table 42. Pretext V

    With direction value

    (when asked Where? + V.p.)

    With the meaning of finding

    (when asked Where? + P.p.)

    Direction into something: on the table, into the cupboard

    Being inside something: in the table, in the closet

    Direction towards the continent: in America, to Australia

    Location on the continent: in America, in Australia

    Direction to any country: to the Russian Federation, to the People's Republic of China, to the United States of America

    Location in any country: V Russian Federation , in the People's Republic of China, in the United States of America

    Direction to any area or to any region (state, province): to the Moscow region, to Vsevolzhsky district, to Arkansas

    Location in any area or in any region (state, province): in the Moscow region, in Vsevolzhsky district, in Arkansas

    Directions to town, village, village: to Moscow, to the capital, to the village of Staropole, to the village of Otradnoe

    Location in a city, village, village: in Moscow, in the capital, in the village of Staropole, in the village of Otradnoye

    Referral to any institution, organization (university, lyceum, school, college, theater): to Moscow University, to the medical lyceum, to high school, to a nearby college, to class, to the group, to the city museum, to the United Nations

    Being in any institution, organization (university, lyceum, school, college, theater): in Moscow University, at the medical lyceum, in middle school, at a nearby college, in class, in Group, in the city museum, at the United Nations

    Table 43. Pretext on

    With direction value

    (when asked Where?+ V.p.)

    With the meaning of finding

    (when asked Where?+ P.p.)

    Direction to the surface of something: on the table, on the closet

    Being on the surface of something: on the table, on the wardrobe

    Direction to one of the four cardinal directions: to the East, to the southwest, and home, neither the Caucasus, to the Urals

    Being on one of the four cardinal directions: in the east, in the South-West, and at home, in the Caucasus, in the Urals

    Direction to the enterprise (plant, factory): to the power plant, to the mine, and to the stadium, by mail, the station

    Location at the enterprise (plant, factory): at the power plant, In a mine, and at the stadium, at the post office, at the station

    Referral to a public event (meeting, convention, meeting, conference, congress): to a trade union meeting, to the party congress, to the international congress, nor the All-Russian exhibition, for practical training

    Being at a public event (meeting, convention, session, conference, congress): at a trade union meeting, at the party congress, at the international congress, at the All-Russian exhibition, in production practice

    Direction to the street, avenue, square: to the main street, on Nevsky Prospekt, to Manezhnaya Square, and to the stop, to the station, to the first floor

    Location on a street, avenue, square: on the main street, on Nevsky Prospekt, on Manezhnaya Square, and At the stop, at the station, on the first floor

    Direction to faculty, department, course: to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, to the philological department, for the first year

    Location at the faculty, department, course: at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, at the philological department, in the first year

    Table 44. Prepositions expressing spatial relations (except V, on)


    The meaning of prepositions

    Examples for use


    Direction of movement to the middle, to the limits of something + R.p.

    inside the laboratory, inside the museum


    The direction of movement through the inside of something + V.p.

    through what?

    through glass, through the wall, through the shell


    Direction of movement from one side to the other + I.p.

    through what?

    over the bridge, across the square

    Direction of movement, path, trajectory of movement, in particular on the surface + D.p.

    along the wall, by gender, around town


    A place within something, in the middle + R.p.

    inside the office, inside the theater

    A place outside of something, outside + R.p.

    outside the office, outside the Earth

    Direction of movement towards someone, something + D.p.

    to the station, to the window, to the manager

    Limit, action limit + R.p.

    Starting point of movement, action + R.p.

    run away from home, leave grandma

    Direction of action, movement from somewhere + R.p.; used with the same groups of words as the preposition V(see table 42)

    from the table, from America, from the Russian Federation, from the region, from the city, from the University

    Direction of action from somewhere + R.p.; used with the same groups of words as the preposition on(see table 43)

    with table, from the east, from the enterprise, from the meeting, from the street, from the faculty, from high

    Direction or being below someone, something + respectively V.p. and so on.; with T.p. can also mean proximity to something

    put under the table, lie under the table, near Pskov, i.e. near Pskov

    Being above, on top of someone, something + etc.

    plane over the city, lamp above the table


    Being at some distance from the front side of something, opposite something

    in front of whom (what?)

    in front of the fighters, in front of the building

    Being on the other side, behind someone, something or around something + etc.; direction on the other side of something + V.p.

    there was a garden behind the house, everyone was sitting at the table, travel outside the country

    Prepositions can convey very subtle spatial nuances, for example: - Have a great life! Now your house on the edge , not with edge! - Aunt Arina is laughing as she enters the gate[postman] and shaking a fresh magazine(V. Fedorov). Here the substantive-prepositional combination with edge associated with the saying my house is on the edge, i.e. aside from general affairs, and the substantive-prepositional combination on the edge(villages) in its literal meaning.

    • 2. Temporary relations are expressed by a large number of prepositions. In table 45 illustrates the meaning and use of the most common of them.
    • 3. Conditional-temporary relationships, those. condition with a temporary connotation; are expressed by a preposition at + P.p. (When conducting competition, maximum objectivity must be demonstrated on the part of the commission).
    • 4. Causal relations expressed using prepositions from, because of, thanks to, from, before, with, due to, as a result, due, as well as prepositional combinations under the influence (under influence), influenced.

    Table 45. Prepositions expressing temporary relations


    The meaning of prepositions

    Examples for use

    V, in

    Indicates the day of the week + V.p.; Indicates month + pp; We indicate the year + pp; Indicates the hour + V.p.

    The rally took place on Wednesday (on Thursday, Sunday ); It rained heavily in June (in August, September); A. S. Pushkin was born in one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine; Someone called me at one o'clock nights (at two o'clock, at five o'clock )

    during, during, per century

    Indicates the period within which the action is performed + R.p.

    During Revolutionary changes in society change a lot; During an unpleasant incident occurred during the debate; IN century scientific and technological progress has exacerbated environmental problems

    during (in continuation), in progress, during

    Designate the period during which the action is performed + R.p.

    During the day the weather changed several times; During (during) the election campaign candidates for deputies spoke with their programs

    Indicates the period of time during which the action is completed + V.p.

    Behind year the child has grown a lot; Spring mud per night covered with a thin layer of ice(D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

    Indicates the period during which an action is performed or its result is stored + V.p.

    The Federation Council of the first convocation was elected for a term for two years

    Indicates the initial time of action + R.p.

    Every Russian person knew his poems from school (N. Tikhonov)

    Indicates the final duration of action + R.p.

    Sometimes I want to live up to 120 years (K. Paustovsky)

    Indicates the period by which the action is performed + D.p.

    Come by nine hours; By the evening It became cold


    Indicates the time at the end of which the action is performed + V.p.

    In a few minutes footsteps were heard, and Anna Mikhailovna entered the room (IN. Korolenko)


    Indicates something that ends with an action + R.p.

    After the theater we decided to take a walk around the city; See you after vacation; Meeting after separation


    Denotes some time before something + etc.

    Before the exam the teacher conducted a consultation; Walk before bedtime

    the day before

    Indicates the day preceding something + R.p.

    On the eve of the holiday I received a telegram from a friend; A country the day before new elections

    Prepositions from+ R.p. And By+ D.p. differ in that from used to indicate a cause that can be controlled, and by- in its absence ( done out of carelessness - by negligence). Pretext from+ R.p. and from + R.p. most often differ in that from used with verbs denoting a static state ( was silent out of fear), A from- with verbs denoting a change in the state of the actor ( ran out of fear).

    Difference between prepositions thanks + D.p. And because of+ R.p. is that thanks to used to denote a reason that has a positive effect on something ( Thanks to the performance director's resolution was adopted at the meeting), A because of- to indicate a reason that negatively affects something ( Because of the performance director's resolution was not adopted at the meeting).

    Difference between prepositions By And because of is that the pretext By indicates a reason that is associated with the behavior or action of someone, and the preposition because of- for a reason unrelated to this ( by verdict ships; due to lack raw materials).

    After verbs denoting an attitude towards someone or something ( like love, respect, hate, be angry, thank, criticize), to indicate the reason for a particular relationship, constructions with the preposition are used behind (People respected him for objectivity. -People respected him for that ,that he was objective ).

    Prepositions due to, as a result, in connection with, as well as prepositional combinations Under the influence (influence), influenced are bookish in nature. All of them except the pretext in connection with, they demand R.p. after themselves.

    After the preposition in connection with is used etc. (Due to strong drought the harvest this year was lower than usual; As a result of the adopted measures the effects of the drought were minimal; Under by the action of heat the metal began to melt; Influenced by what I read the young man increasingly thought about the meaning of life; In connection with the arrival flags were hung on the streets of the city for the foreign delegation).

    5. Target relationships are expressed by prepositions For, behind, in order to, with the aim of etc. In ordinary speech the preposition is used For+ R.p. ( Everyone has the right to associate for guard their interests).

    In colloquial speech the preposition can be used behind (Go to the store while you're hungry), which is combined only with verbs of motion ( walk, run away etc.).

    Prepositions are typical for book speech in order to and with purpose. They differ in that the first is combined only with verbal nouns (in study purposes, checks, liquidation), and the second - with verbal nouns (with the purpose of studying, checks, liquidation), and with an infinitive (with the purpose of studying, check, liquidate).

    • 6. Compatibility Relationships expressed by prepositions with, together with + etc. (Having caught up with the first huts , he turned sharply towards the vegetable gardens. D. Grigorovich; The smell of grass and wet stones permeated the room along with the voices birds. K. Paustovsky).
    • 7. Object relations are expressed by many prepositions, for example: prepositions about + P.p., relatively+ R.p., about + V.p., which indicate the object of speech and thought, and the first is neutral in nature, the second is bookish, the third is colloquial ( The discussion was about further ways economic development - (relatively further ways economic development); Young artists usually sing about love ); pretext to + V.p. ( for what?) or P.p. ( on what?) when indicating transport as a method of transportation ( By tram you can travel to any part of the city). However, if what is meant is an indication not of the type of transport, but only of the direction into something and the place of action of something, it is used according to general rule pretext V+ V.p. ( into what?) and P.p. ( in what?) (On the tram it was cramped and stuffy).

    Examples of the use of other prepositions expressing object relations: Groom's relatives, according to agreement , brought three glasses of vodka(M. Sholokhov) ; The Southern Front Command developed, in accordance with the instructions of the commander in chief, counteroffensive plan(K. Fedin) ; Break the mirror - to trouble (K. Simonov) ; Alexey had already mentally outlined his opponent and, without losing sight of others, rushed on him(B. Polevoy).

    • 8. Comparison relations are expressed by prepositions V+ V.p., s + R.p., like+ R.p. ( The son is all like my father , height from him , figure like a stuffed animal ).
    • 9. The relationship of a tool to an action is indicated by prepositions on+ P.p., with help(With with help) + R.p., by+ R.p. ( play On guitar , open with help (by using )key , resolve the issue by voting. Wed: non-prepositional constructions open with key, decide by vote).
    • 10. The relationship of the source of information to the action is indicated by prepositions from, y + R.p. animate nouns (About students learned about the transfer of the test from the teacher; Ask for the schedule laboratory assistant ). At the same time, the pretext from is used when the actor has a passive attitude towards the source of information, and a preposition - when there is an active one. The relationship of the source of information to the action can also be indicated by the preposition from+ R.p. inanimate nouns ( Employees learned this news from the conversation the boss. Wed: y boss, from the boss).
    • 11. Determinative relations are indicated by prepositions V-I- V.p., By+ D.p. (vessel volume of two cubic decimeters - in professional speech in this case, a non-prepositional construction is used, which has a colloquial character: volume two cubic decimeter; breeding experience early vegetables- this prepositional construction is characteristic formal business style in contrast to the non-prepositional construction breeding experience , which is neutral).
    • 12. Relationship of assignment are indicated by prepositions contrary to +D.p., despite + V.p. (Contrary to forecast there was no rain on the weekend; Despite the fatigue the travelers continued to walk without rest).

    Morphological analysis of the preposition

    Analysis plan: 1. Part of speech. General meaning. 2. Morphological characteristics: simple or compound; derivative or non-derivative.

    Analysis sample. The competitions took place at the stadium and in the swimming pool.

    Oral analysis. On And V- prepositions. 1. Serve to connect the main word passed with dependent nouns stadium And pool in pp. 2. They have morphological characteristics - simple, non-derivative, unchangeable words.

    Written analysis. On And V- prepositions. 1. Took place at the stadium and in the pool(P.p.). 2. Morph, recognition: simple, non-pronounced, unchangeable.

    Prepositions express all kinds of relationships between significant words. The main types of relationships expressed are:

    1) spatial: “return to Moscow”, “come from the south”, “relax in the village”, “live near Moscow”, “snow over the city”, “water under the house”, etc.;

    2) temporary: “sleep until the morning”, “work for a month”, “meet in a few days”, “find out during the session”, etc.;

    3) objective: “a story about oneself”, “to know about oneself”, “longing for one’s homeland”, “to fall in love with a stranger”;

    4) targeted: “to make a claim”, “to live for a career”, “to give as a souvenir”;

    5) comparisons, likening: “live with mine”, “a fist the size of your head”, “the daughter is just like her mother”;

    6) the meaning of the instrument of action: “screw with a screwdriver”; "to establish during experiments";

    7) the meaning of the manner of action: “to pronounce without any expression”, “to dine with appetite”;

    8) defining relations: “apple trees in blossom”, “coat on batting”.

    The meanings of prepositions are realized only in combination with forms of indirect cases.

    Prepositions can be unambiguous: due to, thanks to, except for, etc. and multi-valued. In this case, one should distinguish between lexical polysemy itself and polysemy due to compatibility with different cases.

    Actually, lexical ambiguity manifests itself in a preposition when, combined with the same case, the preposition expresses Various types relationships between words. Thus, the preposition for, combined only with the genitive case, can express target meanings: “live for love”, “work for the good of the common cause”, and objective meanings: “clothing for polar explorers”, “important for you”. The preposition due, used only with the genitive case, according to the 4-volume Dictionary of the Russian Language, can express five meanings, the preposition from, again combined with the genitive case, can express 13 meanings, etc. The lexical ambiguity of prepositions is displayed in explanatory dictionaries Russian language.

    Grammatical ambiguity is noted in cases where a preposition, combined with different cases, expresses different meanings. So, in the sentence: “Slowly (why did he need to rush?) he threw the wood into the barn, unharnessed the horse, left the sleigh in the barn, and took the horse to the empty cold stable nearby” (Past.) preposition in in the first and third cases, used with the accusative case, it has the meaning of direction, and in the second case, in combination with the prepositional case, it has the meaning of place. The preposition s, used with the genitive case, denotes spatial relations: “to come from the station”, with the accusative - measure, likening: “work with mine”, with the instrumental - relations of compatibility: “you and I are of the same blood.”

    Most prepositions are combined with only one case: for (r.p.), from (r.p.), before (tv.p.), above (tv.p.), in relation to (r.p.), in continuation (r.p.), etc. However, there are also prepositions (all of them are non-derivative) that are used with different cases: in (vin. and other cases): “Whatever life teaches us, the heart believes in miracles” (Tutch.); “The water in the river gurgles cool, and the shadow of the mountains falls on the field” (Kharms); s (r., vin. and tv. case): “The hospital in which he lay, and then served, and which the doctor was now about to leave, was located in the mansion of Countess Zhabrinskaya, donated by the owner for the benefit of the wounded from the beginning of the war... It stood on the intersection of the main street with the central square of the city" (Past.); “A boy the size of a finger”, “a little man the size of a fingernail”.

    Rakhmanova L.I., Suzdaltseva V.N. Modern Russian language. - M, 1997.

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