What are the benefits of hot pepper? What are the benefits of hot pepper for the body? Treatment with hot pepper: folk recipes

Cultivation of hot peppers began long before Columbus discovered America. Archaeological excavations prove that the Indians who lived in the territory of modern Bolivia were the first to try this seasoning. Wild varieties of pepper grow only in tropical climates, while domesticated ones can be found in temperate and subtropical latitudes.

The product contains the alkaloid capsaicin, which gives it a burning pungency. Most of this substance is in the inner plates and seeds. To reduce the bitterness, it is recommended to clean out the “insides” of the pepper.

Interesting! The color of the fruit, depending on the variety, can be different: yellow, red and even dark purple. The fresher the pepper, the paler its hue. Once it dries a little, the color becomes more saturated.

Composition and calorie content

The nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calories: 512 kcal
  • Proteins: 8.8 g
  • Fat: 38.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 31.6 g

Once you look at the chemical composition of hot pepper, it becomes clear that this product can bring great benefit body.

The fruits contain:

  • saturated fatty acids;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • ash and water.

Vitamin series:


  • – affects the functioning of the body as a whole;
  • calcium – necessary for bones, nails, teeth and muscles;
  • potassium – necessary for the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • sodium – takes an active part in metabolic processes;
  • phosphorus – has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • iron – participates in the formation of hemoglobin;
  • manganese – acts as an antioxidant.

Benefits for humans

First of all, hot pepper is useful for people suffering from various backgrounds. Also, some components included in the product stabilize gastric secretion and digestion. For gastrointestinal disorders and infections, it is recommended for use as an excellent bactericidal agent.

Thanks to its extensive multivitamin composition, the product:

  • prevents education, improves blood circulation, strengthens the heart muscle;
  • helps in the fight against anemia;
  • alleviates the condition of;
  • increases immunity to;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the pancreas.

Hot peppers are also used for external beauty. Thus, some cosmetic companies add extracts from the fruit to lotions to strengthen and grow hair, as well as to anti-cellulite creams as a warming component.

IN folk medicine the product is used as medicine to strengthen nails and teeth, as well as to heal non-dangerous wounds on the mucous membranes.

Important! Pregnant women are not prohibited from consuming hot peppers, but only in moderation. The severity causes severe thirst, and as a result, swelling may appear.

Harm and contraindications

Burning fruits can worsen the condition of people with the following diseases:

  • chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • and (up to internal bleeding);

Use in cooking

Hot pepper is used as a seasoning in all countries of the world. The product is used for preparing marinades. It can be added to meat, fish, vegetable dishes, as well as soups and side dishes. Some, not too spicy varieties, are eaten as an independent dish - fermented, stewed, salted and even stuffed.

How many times have we heard that pepper is harmful to health? But still, spice lovers include red hot pepper in their diet. And, as practice shows, they do not suffer from any disorders at all, but even, on the contrary, note some improvement in the condition of the body. How does a spicy vegetable affect health, is it really capable of causing harm, how it should be used and whether it has medicinal qualities, we will tell you further.

Hot pepper

Red hot pepper- an aromatic, pungent seasoning obtained from the fruits of an exotic shrub of the species Capsicum frutescens or C. Annuum. The pods of this plant are dried and then ground into powder. The hot vegetable is also called bitter or chili pepper.

The homeland of this plant is the American tropics. Under natural conditions, it is a low (0.5 m) subshrub with numerous oval leaves. During flowering, the bush is covered with large light flowers.

The harvest is elongated or round fruits of red, yellow or dark olive color. They have a spicy aroma and interesting taste, which can vary from slightly spicy to hot. The internal partitions and grains give the pepper its bitterness.

Today, hot peppers are grown in any region, but the main suppliers are Thailand and India.

Nowadays, the burning vegetable has found application in pharmacology, cosmetology and cooking.

Did you know? The hottest pepper recorded in the Guinness Book of Records is Bhut Jolokia. It is grown in India, in the state of Assam.

Composition of red pepper

Hot vegetables are used as raw, so dried. They are suitable for preparing first courses, pickles, sauces, salads and as a spicy component. However, in any form, pepper has unique characteristics.


All the main components of hot pepper tone and heal the body. Just a little of this vegetable can compensate for the body’s deficiency in (composition 100 g):

  • - 0.6 g;
  • - 0.5 g;
  • - 140 mg;
  • - 14 mcg;
  • - 0.1 mg;
  • - 0.7 mg;

In addition, the vegetable contains an alkaloid capsaicin, it is this that imparts bitterness and is distinguished by antibacterial, warming and analgesic properties.


Scientists have proven that the range of useful elements of the hot vegetable (and in addition to vitamins, pepper is also enriched) exceeds 40 components. So, pepper contains in sufficient quantities (concentration per 100 g of product):

  • - 18.1 mg;
  • - 0.44 mcg;
  • - 25.1 mg;
  • - 173-174 mcg;
  • - 7-8 mg;
  • - 40-50 mg;
  • - 0.19 mcg;
  • - 0.25-0.3 mg;
  • - 320-341 mg;
  • - 1.22 mg.

In addition, 100 g of spicy vegetable contains 0.33 g of acid.

Did you know? In the Caribbean, peppers are considered a fruit and eaten whole.

Nutritional value and calorie content of the product

Even those who are watching their weight can safely consume hot pepper; its calorie content is only 40 kcal per 100 g of product.

Nutritional value of 100 g pepper as follows:

  • - 0.4 g;
  • - 7.3 g;
  • - 1.9 g.

Separately about the benefits of hot vegetables

All components that the hot vegetable contains have different effects on the female and male body.

For men

Hot seasoning helps the strong half of humanity in the most positive way - improves potency.

For women

The use of hot spices has such effects:

  • improves the menstrual cycle;
  • protects against infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • serves as a prevention of ovarian cancer.

Is it possible to give red pepper?

Considering the pungency of this vegetable, the question immediately arises: can it be consumed by people with fragile or particularly sensitive bodies.


For this category, in moderation (excessive consumption may cause miscarriage) hot peppers not harmful. And in Asian territory, pregnant women use it very actively.


During lactation, this vegetable (including in ground form) contraindicated.

The bottom line is that the pungency of this product freely penetrates into breast milk and can harm the infant’s fragile digestive system.

For children

A moderate amount of hot pepper will not harm children. On the contrary, it will help improve brain activity and protect against various infections. In addition, consuming this vegetable will help maintain healthy teeth and strengthen nervous system and vision.

Nutritionists say that this pepper can be introduced into a child’s diet with 10-12 years, starting with a small amount.

Rules for selecting and storing hot peppers

First of all, when purchasing this seasoning, you need to pay attention to the packaging. It should be dense, airtight, but in no case paper.

In addition, the color should be quite bright - from bright orange to dark red, but not pale at all.

Important! The dullness of a spice indicates its poor quality.

To properly store this spice, no special conditions are required - it’s quite simple. hermetically sealed packaging. True, to save useful qualities the place should be dark and cool.
It is also worth noting that taste qualities If properly stored, they can last for several years.

A fresh vegetable should also be brightly colored, firm, wrinkle-free and smooth. It can be stored in the freezer for a year, and in the refrigerator for no longer than 14 days.

Application of beneficial properties for treatment

It used to be that fans of hot peppers were harmful to their stomachs and the body in general. However, practice and recent research have proven that this particular hot vegetable can cure many ailments.


Moderate consumption of spicy fruits perfectly stimulates the blood circulation system and has a healing effect on the respiratory system. Therefore, it is successfully used as a diaphoretic and expectorant, as well as a metabolic regulator.

Important! Hot pepper quite seriously irritates the mucous membranes and skin.

For colds, it is recommended to use alcoholic pepper powder internally, and a tincture of pepper is prepared as a rub, vegetable oil and kerosene. The following composition will help with a sore throat: mix ½ teaspoon of pepper, 4 teaspoons of honey and water and drink a teaspoon of the solution twice a day.

Dry cough

The beneficial qualities of hot peppers are also used to remove phlegm. To do this, one pod is crushed and mixed with honey (1:1). Eat this mixture several times a day, one teaspoon at a time. You can drink it with water.

For treatment dry cough You can use the following recipe: pour in 60 g of crushed pepper (natural, of course) and bring to a boil. Filter the resulting drink and drink hot 3 times a day.

Lack of appetite and general loss of energy

Fresh pepper fruits include twice as much. Therefore, its use stimulates the production of endorphins, which not only activate immune system, but also help reduce pain and improve blood circulation. Endorphins are otherwise called happiness hormones because they help.

This vegetable is capable of improve appetite. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, it fights infections in the intestines, reduces pain and discomfort. In addition, as a seasoning it can act as a remedy against diarrhea and cleanse the intestines of rotting products.
For increase appetite The following recipe is recommended: 25 g of crushed pepper is poured with 200 ml of alcohol and infused in a dark place for 10-14 days. The resulting composition is drunk after meals, 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day.

Cosmetic properties

The hot vegetable has long ceased to be just a seasoning and has become an indispensable component in the preparation of various cosmetic preparations.

About application in cosmetology

The unique properties of pepper were used in cooking cosmetics:

  • in shampoos - to stimulate hair growth and improve its condition;
  • in toothpaste - to reduce bleeding and strengthen gums;
  • in hand creams - to strengthen the nail plate;
  • in anti-cellulite products - for burning fat.

Hair mask recipes

Cosmetologists could not miss such a property of hot pepper as stimulating blood circulation, therefore, it is actively used to prevent hair loss and to restore a healthy state. We will only talk about several masks:

  1. Alcohol infusion. Properties: increased blood flow, nutrition of follicles. This product is sold in pharmacies, but if desired, you can prepare it at home. Ingredients: 100 ml pure without additives (cognac is fine), 1 pepper. The vegetable is chopped, placed in a glass container and filled with vodka. This is infused in a dark place for 10-14 days. In order to avoid burns, the resulting mixture is diluted (2:1) before use. The resulting tincture is rubbed into the roots of the hair, the head is covered with film and insulated (with a towel, hat). Leave for 2 hours (if the burning becomes unbearable, then less) and wash off with shampoo. Course - 1-2 times a week.
  2. Vitamin-pepper. Suitable for weakened, brittle hair. Several capsules of vitamins are mixed with 2 tablespoons of pepper tincture (recipe as in the first option) and applied to the roots of the hair (the head must be washed). After this, the hair is wrapped and kept for 2 hours. This gentle option can be repeated every other day.

Important! Pepper masks must be made taking precautions: if it gets on your hair, it can cause it to become brittle, and it can cause burns on your facial skin.

How red pepper helps you lose weight

The effect of capsaicin helps maintain healthy weight. This substance works simply: it activates blood circulation, regulates metabolism, accelerates the process of fat breakdown, and removes toxins.
Those who want to lose weight are recommended to take pepper tincture. It is easy to prepare: the chopped vegetable is poured with alcohol or vodka (1:5) and infused for 7-10 days. Taken before meals three times a day.

Nutritionists also say that this vegetable can simply be included in your daily diet.

Culinary properties

Fresh or processed pepper fruits are added to sauces, homemade sausages, soups, preserves, and national dishes. In ground form, it can be used to season salads, matsun,

Is ground pepper good for you?

Experts are confident that whole fruits bring much more benefits, because during the grinding process a considerable amount of capsaicin is lost. Consequently, such a spice can only impart a piquant taste, but lose nutritional value.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite many positive qualities, the spicy vegetable will not be useful for everyone. Eg, It should not be used for such pathologies:

  • increased acidity;
  • diabetes;
  • liver and intestinal diseases;
  • gastritis and peptic ulcer.

With all these conditions, heaviness in the stomach may occur and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract may deteriorate, as a result of which the work of the digestive system will not proceed in the proper rhythm. In addition, inflammation of the mucous membrane will only worsen the disease, making it chronic.

Patients with heart rhythm disturbances, angina pectoris and arrhythmia should also be careful when using this spice.
When preparing dishes with hot pepper, it is advisable to thoroughly wash your hands and utensils after the process and never touch your mucous membranes.

Important! It is in vain to wash down hot pepper with water. It is better to extinguish its aggressiveness with milk, lemon or eat a piece of bread.

Use hot pepper products for external use Not recommended when:

  • proneness to allergies;
  • presence of small scratches and wounds;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • problems with veins.

More about the benefits of pepper

There are other types of this vegetable that do not have such a burning taste, but have their own beneficial features.


Lovers of this vegetable can rest assured about their health, because it has such effects:

  • strengthens the body, improves immunity;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • improves blood composition, strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • improves appetite, regulates the functioning of the digestive system;
  • stabilizes vision;
  • helps cope with stress;


This type of seasoning also deserves attention because it has such positive effects:

  • alleviates the condition of;
  • reduces gas formation;
  • improves intestinal motility, helps get rid of constipation;
  • improves digestion;
  • reduces hunger;
  • regulates sweating;
  • helps fight infections and inflammation;
  • breaks down fat cells.

In general, hot pepper has many more beneficial qualities than contraindications. If you use it in moderation, then negative qualities can be significantly reduced. And knowing all the features of this vegetable, you can not only improve your health, but also enjoy savory dishes.

All over the world, the seasoning, which has a unique pungency and special piquancy, is highly valued. Red hot pepper has healing properties; eating it is very useful, but only in very limited quantities. Anyone who loves its bitterness will never refuse the pleasure of adding it even to dessert. Its nutritional value and calorie content are low. But it stimulates appetite well.


All the benefits of hot pepper are in its multivitamin composition. The alkaloid capsaicin gives it a burning taste; in addition, it contains fatty oils, minerals and vitamins. The described vegetable contains especially a lot of vitamin C. 100 grams of red fruits, for example, contain 300 mg. This is several times more than in lemons.

Can the product be called dietary?

The described product can easily be called dietary. 100 grams contain 40 calories. This is 1.8% of daily norm adult. Pepper contains the most easily digestible carbohydrates: 100 g. – 7.2 g., proteins – 1.3 g., fats – 0.3 g. In reasonable quantities, hot pepper speeds up metabolism, enhances the secretion of gastric juice, improves intestinal function, helping to get rid of even chronic constipation. Therefore, it will be useful to anyone who is trying to keep their weight in check.

What are the beneficial properties of the product

It is hot peppers that boast the highest concentration of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in antioxidants, lycopene and rutin.

Recent scientific developments have shown that hot pepper stimulates the production of endorphins. They are good at numbing pain and reducing the negative consequences after severe stress.

Endorphins also speed up blood circulation, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots. IN small quantities and in moderate doses, hot pepper improves digestion and increases appetite.

How does the product affect the body's functioning?

Scientists have recently proven that hot peppers can fight sleep disorders; they have confirmed that they are effective in fighting cancer. In a completely unexpected way, the benefits of hot pepper in the treatment of various allergic reactions, especially bronchial asthma.

Thanks to its special multivitamin composition, it helps increase the strength of blood vessels, strengthen the heart muscle, fight depression and diabetes.

Vitamin C is known to help strengthen the immune system. And the presence of minerals makes chili indispensable in the fight against osteoporosis and anemia. Capsaicin alkaloid normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and increases blood pressure. Hot pepper also activates human brain activity.

Does the product affect a person's appearance?

The described product also affects appearance person. In cosmetology, for example, extracts and tinctures from it are used to treat hair. They help increase blood circulation where dormant bulbs are located, resulting in active stimulation of curl growth.

As an irritant and warming component, hot pepper is added to creams and oils used for anti-cellulite massage. It is also effective for strengthening nails and tooth enamel. Pepper also successfully heals small wounds on the gums.


The harm of hot pepper affects those who have stomach problems or suffer from inflammation of the mucous membrane internal organs. Healthy people should also consume hot peppers in moderation and avoid overeating the insidious vegetable.

Since the alkaloid is contraindicated in cases of exacerbation of chronic kidney and liver diseases, hot peppers should not be included in the diet of people prone to such ailments.

Does the product contain high levels of saturated fat?

Claim that hot peppers have a high content saturated fat you can’t, one hundred grams of hot pepper contains only 0.3 grams. fat This is only 0.014% of the daily value of an adult.

Is it possible to say that the product contains a high carbohydrate content?

The daily carbohydrate intake for an adult is 400 grams. 100 grams of hot pepper contains 7.2 grams. This means that it is impossible to say that the product described contains a high content of carbohydrates.

Are there any substances in the product that are considered harmful?

There are no harmful substances in the pure product, but hot pepper, like any other subspecies, is a crop that is prone to the accumulation of pesticides. And eating vegetables “stuffed” with chemicals is fraught with human health. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the pods.

Can the product contribute to the development of cancer?

There are no carcinogens in hot peppers. But there are substances that help slow down the growth of cancerous tumors. But here's the paradox. Overdose and excessive consumption of hot spices often leads to the opposite effect. Therefore, the product should not be abused.

Calorie content

Hot peppers have low calorie content (40 calories per 100 grams). The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in percentage equivalent is distributed as follows. Proteins per hundred grams – 19%, fats – 10%, carbohydrates – 73%. Moreover, carbohydrates are classified as quickly digestible. The following table helps to calculate useful norms.

Hot peppers can be eaten in any form. You can eliminate its excessive bitterness if you remove the seeds and the plates on which they are held.

When processing vegetables, it is necessary to remember that essential oils, which it contains, can cause skin burns.

Taking into account the large number of beneficial properties, we must not forget about the dangers of the product.

The nutritional value

Hot peppers contain a large amount of protein and carbohydrates, while being low in calories.



The presented tables of chemical composition once again confirm that hot pepper is very healthy.

Health benefits and harm will be indicated in the materials of this article. You will also learn about what substances this product contains and where it is used.

Basic information

What are hot peppers? The harm and benefits of this spice are known to few. We will talk about them a little further.

According to experts, the product in question is the fresh or dried fruit of a certain variety of tropical subshrub Capsicum annuum or Capsicum frutescens. Thus, this ingredient is a spice that has a pungent taste.

Does hot pepper have another name, the harm and benefits of which should be known to all people? In Russian, the name of such a spice is consonant with the country of Chile. However, its name has nothing to do with this state. After all, the word chilli in this case belongs to the Aztec Nahuatl language and is literally translated as “red.”

Product properties

What's so special about hot peppers? The benefits and harm to the body are determined by the properties of this product.

The spicy seasoning in question is actively used in various areas of cooking. The burning and pungent taste of this product is associated with the presence in its composition of an alkaloid substance such as capsaicin (approximately 2% of the dry weight). At the same time, the mentioned ingredient is practically absent in other, sweeter varieties of pepper.

Where is it used?

Where are hot peppers used? The harm and benefits of this spice are the subject of debate among many experts. By the way, the latter claim that the product in question can be used not only in culinary practice. It is often used in medicinal purposes in the form of various tinctures.


What components does hot pepper contain? The harm and benefits of this spice are due not only to the presence of a substance such as capsaicin, but also to such elements as vitamins A, E, B and PP. It should also be said that the raw fruit is superior in ascorbic acid content to even the most vitamin-rich citrus fruit - lemon. Among other things, this ingredient contains a large amount of carotene, fatty oils and carbohydrates.

Thus, we can safely note that the unique composition of this product determines not only its unusual taste, but also healing properties. To verify this, you should consider the effect of this vegetable on the human body.

Hot peppers: health benefits and harms

Few people know, but the product in question is actively used in alternative medicine. Its correct use helps not only to strengthen a person’s weakened immune system, but also to have a positive effect on the patient’s entire body.

So how does hot pepper affect the patient? The benefits and harms for men and women will be discussed further:

  • Research by specialists has shown that capsaicin, contained in red pepper, accelerates hair growth. By adding the juice of this product to a hair mask, you can significantly increase blood circulation in the scalp, which, in turn, will stimulate the hair follicles and enhance the effect of the nutrients of the product used.
  • The anti-pain properties of hot pepper are explained by the fact that its use promotes the production of endorphins, that is, hormones that muffle pain and relieve stress. It should also be said that endorphins significantly increase blood circulation in the myocardium, and also prevent the development of atherosclerosis and take part in the thermoregulatory process.
  • Hot pepper affects a person's appetite in two ways. In small doses this product excites him, and in large doses it depresses him.
  • Hot pepper juice can lower blood pressure. However, it should be noted that its use should be started extremely carefully, with a few drops, taking into account all side effects. It is interesting that during heat treatment these properties are almost completely lost. In this regard, hypertensive patients should drink only freshly squeezed juice.
  • Red or hot pepper can become an indispensable product during depression. To do this, you should prepare yourself freshly squeezed juice every day. Just a few drops of this liquid can improve a person’s worldview and mood.

  • The product in question is also indispensable during diets. Just a few drops of it can significantly improve metabolism. In addition, adding this spice to a dish allows the human body to burn about 45 kcal.
  • British scientists have proven the effectiveness of hot pepper in the fight against cancer. At the same time, an aqueous tincture of hot pepper is used for the prevention and treatment of cancer. To do this, pour 5 g of dry powder into 210 ml of cooled boiled water and leave for about 20 minutes. The resulting solution is used three times a day, a dessert spoon, after adding it to the water.
  • Alcohol tincture of hot pepper is sold in all pharmacies. This is an excellent warming remedy that is used at the first sign of a cold. In addition, this solution works well for radiculitis. In this case, it is used to rub the back before bed. Long and deep warming will ensure a quick recovery for the patient.
  • Capsaicin has a beneficial effect on the large intestine. This is because it gives hot peppers a laxative effect. Also, since ancient times, this product has been actively used for flatulence.

As for contraindications to the use of the spice in question, they will be presented right now.

Prohibitions for use

When should you not use hot pepper? The benefits and harms to the pancreas have been discussed for many decades. Some experts claim that this product has no effect on this organ. As for others, they report that in case of pancreatic diseases, the use of hot spices is prohibited.

Also, the product in question can be harmful if you are personally intolerant to the constituent substances or have allergies. In addition, this spice should not be given to children and adolescents.

If the patient has cardiovascular disease, especially in severe form (for example, angina, arrhythmia), then you should take this ingredient with great caution. After all, an excessive dosage, taken once, can quite easily cause a heart attack.

What other human conditions prohibit the consumption of hot peppers? The benefits or harm to the liver are known to many specialists. However, most of them argue that it is undesirable to include such a product in your diet for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, this may aggravate the patient’s already difficult condition.

Let's sum it up

Now you know what hot peppers are. Experts report that when this product is used correctly, it has a positive effect on the human body. However, this vegetable should not be abused, since its components are extremely active and can cause significant harm to the patient’s health.

Find out about the beneficial properties of hot pepper - can pregnant women eat it, what contraindications exist, as well as its composition and calorie content.

The content of the article:

Hot red pepper is a spice, a fiery, aromatic seasoning. It is the fruit of a tropical shrub of a certain cultivar, Capsicum frutescens or C. annuum. The pods are dried and then ground into powder. There are also names for this product - bitter pepper or chili (chilli pepper - red pepper), which everyone has heard. In cooking and trade, the name “cayenne” is used, which distinguishes it from less hot varieties.

The photo shows a subshrub of hot chili pepper

Hot peppers come from the tropics of America. The subshrub itself is low, about half a meter, has many oval leaves, large light flowers with purple spots. During the fruiting period, round or elongated multi-colored berries of yellow, red, and dark olive colors appear on its branched stems. Now it is grown almost everywhere, but it occupies a special place in Thailand and India. Hot peppers are used in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology.

Use of hot pepper

There are two main types of peppers: cayenne and vegetable. The first type has small light orange fruits, unlike the second, and when ground it is much lighter than its counterpart. Red peppers have a stronger aroma and more pungent taste, this is due to capsaicin (a phenolic compound contained in the veins, seeds, skin), which is not present in sweet bell peppers. When they want to reduce the “blazing heat” in food, the veins and seeds are simply removed.

Cooking is unthinkable without pepper: any type is suitable not only as a seasoning. For example, red chili is used fresh, cooked (stewed, fried) and dried. Pepper pods are used in vegetable dishes, in canning, and dried pepper is ground and added to kefirs, salads, soups, added to meat, marinades. Small fruits are fried; if the skin is thick, then it is removed first. In fact, it is difficult to imagine a dish that does not require the addition of pepper, especially in Asian countries. It is very popular among us; the recipe came to us from Abkhazia.

To preserve the spicy seasoning pods for a long winter, it is strung on a thread and hung in a dry place. They do this in Mexico with large chili peppers, because they National cuisine loves making hot sauces. Before cooking, the dried pods are cleaned of veins and seeds, and to prevent them from becoming bitter, they are fried for several minutes in a hot frying pan, then soaked in water. hot water and grind into a puree paste.

Roasted and frozen peppers of any type will not lose their taste and beneficial qualities. Want to freeze fresh? No problem: put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes, take it out, cool it, wrap it in a bag and place it in the freezer.

Medicine also uses red hot pepper. Its “burning substances” are valued. It is precisely this type of shrub capsicum that is used to create the tincture. Such a burning liquid, if taken orally, improves digestion, stimulates appetite, and kills pathogens. Who hasn’t treated muscle pain with a sticky pepper plaster? In general, in medicine no less than in cooking, hot peppers are popular: for shock, fainting, collapsed states, heart attacks, internal bleeding, lack of circulation, etc.

For example, in Asian countries - India, Thailand, Vietnam, hot pepper is the king of spices and at the same time an antibacterial agent. In the tropics, due to the heat, microbes multiply very quickly, so all dishes are spicy. To reduce the risk of poisoning or contracting an infectious disease, hot peppers are consumed heavily even by pregnant women, without the risk of giving birth before term. IN northern countries Women are prohibited from eating chili during lactation and when expecting a newborn, fearing that a large rush of blood to the organs will cause contractions. But in southern countries, even children are born with a “tempered character.”

Chemical composition and calorie content of hot pepper

Fresh pepper is a very juicy product, consisting of 88% water. The calorie content of hot chili pepper (raw) per 100 g is 40 kcal, and also:

  • Proteins about 2 g
  • Carbohydrates about 8 g
  • Fat - 0.2 g
  • Dietary fiber - 1.59 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides - 5.11 g
  • Saturated fatty acids - 0.02 g
  • A - 59 mcg
  • Beta-carotene - 0.7 mg
  • C - 242.48 mg
  • B1 thiamine - 0.09 mg
  • Riboflavin B2 - 0.08 mg
  • (niacin) - 0.059 mg
  • B6 pyridoxine - 0.3 mg
  • B9 - 22.9 mcg
  • PP - 0.1 mg
  • E - 0.7 mg
  • K - 14 mcg
  • Choline - 11 mg
Macro- and microelements:
  • Potassium - 341 mg
  • Phosphorus - 45.9 mg
  • Magnesium - 25.1 mg
  • Calcium - 18.1 mg
  • Sodium - 7 mg
  • Copper - 173.9 mcg
  • Iron - 1.22 mg
  • Selenium - 0.44 mcg
  • Zinc - 0.29 mg
  • Manganese - 0.2 mg

Beneficial properties of red hot pepper

The spiciness of red pepper is the most valuable quality of this vegetable. Without raising the temperature, it warms the place where the soaked pepper powder (in common parlance, mustard plaster) is applied. As if exposed to high temperature, blood vessels expand, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to tissues and organs improves, pain relief occurs (where there is spasm) and healing (where there is inflammation).

For severe headaches, hot pepper tincture can be rubbed into the nose. After 1–3 days, severe headaches disappear. This was confirmed by American scientists conducting this test on students. See the video below for more details.

Peppery, spicy food does not spoil longer, and besides, once it enters the stomach, it kills pathogenic microbes.

The cosmetics industry widely uses hot pepper in anti-cellulite creams, balms and oils for hair thickness. Very popular among fashionistas to lose weight -,

Hot peppers are filled with B vitamins, microelements (potassium, iron, magnesium), essential and fatty oils. Ripe red peppers are still rich in vitamins A and C, unlike unripe ones. When consumed with food, all this usefulness enters our body and has a beneficial effect on health.

Harm of hot chili peppers

A beneficial pungency for some people may be harmful for others. So, contraindications - hot pepper can worsen the health of patients with angina pectoris, hypertension, arrhythmia, and its intake will harm unhealthy kidneys and liver. People with gastritis and ulcers, with diseases of the intestinal tract can get burned, bleed and end up in a hospital bed. Therefore, immediately adding this spice to food in large quantities is dangerous.

It’s also worth talking about some warnings when interacting with hot peppers. For example, there are varieties that can easily cause skin irritation just by touching them. If you are preparing a dish with pepper, be careful not to touch your eyes. Wash your hands and utensils thoroughly. It is useless to wash down hot peppers eaten by negligence with water; it is better to “cool off the heat” with milk or yogurt, although the spiciness can be easily overcome with sour things - lemon, for example.

It is not harmful for pregnant women, as we wrote above - in Asian countries, chili is actively eaten by pregnant women.

In the photo there is a sauce containing red and green chilies, soy sauce, vinegar or lime juice

  • Fresh hot pepper fruits are light in color, but as soon as they are dried, they become brighter in color and darken.
  • In nature, there is a bird - the red-factor canary, so that its feather color becomes more saturated, it is periodically fed with cayenne red pepper.
  • Red hot pepper is unpretentious. It can also be grown at home, on a windowsill in an ordinary flower pot, for example. Just remember to water and feed it regularly.
  • The hottest pepper in the world officially for 2012 is the Carolina Reaper (1.6 million SHU “Scoville heat units”). He took this title from the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion red pepper (1.2 million SHU), which was named champion a little earlier, in February 2012. Both peppers are varieties of Capsicum chinense.
Video about the benefits of red chili pepper:
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