An invisible veil that protects believers. Belief in the Invisible The Invisible World for Muslims

A person's life is made up of many details. From the moment he wakes up to the time he goes to bed, a lot of pictures pop up before his eyes. A man wakes up and a hundred responsibilities await him. Every day is another test for the believer.

There is an important difference between a believer and an unbeliever - this is his attitude towards worldly life. The believer knows that everything is under the guidance of the Almighty. He knows that everything - sickness and joy, success and misfortune - comes from God, no event happens by chance.

The believer turns to the Almighty in prayer, in worship and fortitude. He knows that not a single leaf will fall in this universe without the knowledge of Allah. He knows that the Almighty, whose power and strength permeate the entire universe, directs people and controls events as He wills.

The believer enjoys the blessings of turning to Allah and sincere faith at all times. Physically he is involved in events, in worldly affairs, making money and difficulties, but his soul remains aloof from all this. There is an invisible wall between the believer and this world. This wall of obedience and obedience to Allah, steadfastness and endless faith in Allah. This wall is so strong that nothing can penetrate it. Nothing can disturb, sadden, anger this believer, and nothing can lead such a believer into disobedience and insufficient worship.

Like the prophets (peace be upon them), they separate their soul from the life of this world through an invisible wall, and have a strong will and unshakable strength due to their faith and devotion to the Almighty. They know that every little thing happens under the guidance of Allah. They live for the real, not the superficial. This invisible veil protects them from the tricks of Satan and the surrounding evil.

When the prophet Yusuf was in the well and spent many years in prison, he did not resent or rebel, despite the fact that he was innocent. When Prophet Musa accidentally killed a man in a fight, he did not rebel. Prophet Nuh did not rebel when he lost his son, Prophet Lut did not rebel when his wife died, they all remained steadfast before Allah Almighty and obeyed the will that He had prepared for them.

No matter how hard the trials were, thanks to their faith they always managed them in order to achieve the pleasure of Allah. They knew that all power and strength belongs to Allah alone, and every trial is sent down to prepare the soul for eternal life. They looked at every event with the eyes of wisdom and never equated partners with God.

Indeed, Allah does not forgive when partners are joined to Him, but forgives all other (or less serious) sins to whom He wills. Whoever associates partners with Allah, he invents a great sin (4:48).

Equating partners with Allah is not only worshiping any idols, it also means honoring people and events as independent of Allah. Such people forget about the Almighty in the turmoil of everyday life and go over to the side of the devil. Polytheism leads to lack of obedience, which in turn leads to discontent and unhappiness.

Worldly misfortunes fall on human shoulders as a heavy burden. Shaitan envelops him and separates him from God. A person's head is filled with thoughts about other people and what they will say. He forgets that they are only in submission to Allah, as a result he finds himself in a deep spiritual shock. The believer, on the other hand, gathers all his will and strength and turns to the Almighty in complete devotion and submission, and thus frees himself from worldly worries. Thus he erects a wall of non-penetration between the true and the superficial.

Behind this wall remains a life full of problems, anxieties and worries, and inside a heart filled with peace and hope of Allah. The believer must build this wall between himself and mortal life and turn all his thoughts, love and attention to the Almighty. The constant thought of Allah and the knowledge that all events occur under His control calm the believer. This is how wisdom is formed, indescribable peace and harmony fill the heart of the believer.

The main goal of the life of a believer is to achieve deep faith, which the prophets had, a life in obedience to the Almighty. Heaven is for those.

Say: “Shall I tell you what is better than this? For those who fear God, the Lord has Gardens of Eden in which rivers flow and in which they will remain forever, as well as purified spouses and contentment from Allah. Allah sees the slaves (3:15).

We will report on the signs that will appear closer to the end of the world. Many of them have come true, and we see them. But there are also those that have not yet appeared - very large ones. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) predicted everything that would happen before the world was mired in vices and the Day of Judgment came. When the whole earth is filled with violence and injustice, the imam will appear to restore order. The books say that his name is Muhammad or Ahmad, and the name of his father is ‘Abdullah. As for the hadiths told about him by the favorite of the Almighty (peace and blessings be upon him), there are a lot of them. This is Imam Mahdi, whom we are waiting for, and do not believe those who deny his appearance, since Taha (Prophet Muhammad) (peace and blessings be upon him) truly said that he would appear, even if it happens a day before the end of the world.

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Who wants to know the authentic hadiths transmitted by the imams, look into the books. All the hadiths of Habib (peace and blessings be upon him) reliably state that Mahdi is from his offspring. It is reported that he has a beautiful appearance, features like an Arab, a physique similar to the Israelis. It further says: "The religion that began with us will end on Mahdi, who is also from us (from my offspring)." Moreover, the joy of the followers of the tariqa: Imam Rabbani says that the chain of the Nakshubanda tariqa will not be interrupted until closer to the end of the world, and Imam Mahdi will be in this tariqa. The tariqa that has come down to us in pure form, with an unchanged basis, in the same unchanged, pure form will reach him.

He is the last of the successors of the Nakshubanda tariqa, and there will be no more Murshids after him. He is alive today, but hidden from the people and will appear when the earth is filled with violence.

As for those signs of the approach of the Day of Judgment that have not yet appeared, first of all Imam Mahdi will appear, then Dajjal (Antichrist) will come, after that Isa (peace be upon him) will descend, then a certain animal Dabat al-arzi will appear. Then the sun will rise from the west, they will take the Koran from the earth, leaving only clean sheets. After killing Dajjal, Yajuj-Majuj (Gog and Magog) will appear. People will elect Mahdi as imam and between the maqam of Ibrahim and the corner where Hajar al-Aswad (Black Stone) is located, they will swear allegiance to him. It is said that this will happen on the day of Ashura (the tenth day of the month of Muharram). The last sign of the announcement of Mahdi will be the eclipse of the Moon on the first night of the month of Ramadan and the eclipse of the Sun on the fifteenth day. These will be unprecedented eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Then the accursed Dajjal will appear in Khorasan, Jews and Turks will follow him, and it is said that seventy thousand people will follow him from Isfahan alone.

Another legend says that the year when Mahdi appears will be odd, and after he is elected imam, he will live no more than nine years.

Mahdi's announcement will be a great joy for all the Muslims of the world. Angels in the sky, birds, insects - not even an animal will remain that has not shown joy. The number of those who swear allegiance to him in Masjid al-Haram will be equal to the number of participants in the Battle of Badr, and there were three hundred and thirteen, and the Caliph will make the first speech after the oath, leaning back against the Kaaba. Then he will read a verse from the Qur'an with the meaning: "The one whom Allah (Bakiyatullah) has given you is better for you, if only you believe" (Quran, 11:86).

And adding: “I am the one whom Allah has given you, and His vicar,” he will complete his speech. He will be greeted only with the words: "As-salamu alaika, I am Bakiyatullah fil-arzi."

Then Bakiyatullah will arrive in Kufa and send troops in all directions. The hadith says that an angel will hover in the air above him, who will notify: “This is Mahdi - the vicar of Allah on earth, follow him!”

Imprisoned by the power of Almighty Allah on the island until the time comes, Dajjal, together with the aforementioned army of followers, like a dog that has broken its chain, will begin its invasion. The father of all troublemakers, Dajjal, will have the opportunity to plunge people into confusion, which has not yet been on earth since the day of its creation, not to let see which everything that exists asks. There will be no place where the enemy's foot will not set foot, he will even intend to go to Mecca and Medina. These two protected places, the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Bayt al-Muqaddas) and Mount Tura Sayna’ (Sinai), will be protected by angels and will not allow the damned to set foot there with a dirty foot.

The situation in the countries of the East will become very difficult, as if on a conflagration, where fire and water are mixed. Great upheavals will begin all over the world, and the banner of ghazavat will be raised. One accursed from the offspring of Yazid in Damascus will oppose Mahdi and the Imam will kill him. With a sword, he will call the people to the path of Islam, and thus the Sharia of Habib (peace and blessings be upon him) will spread on earth. Those who oppose will be humiliated, and those who turn away from Islam will find destruction. Seventy thousand Muslims, performing takbir, will take the city of Rumiyyat.

As for the ill-fated Dajjal, he was born in the time of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). At the request of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), Almighty Allah transported him from the land of Hijaz to an island in the sea. This accursed person is from the offspring of Adam (peace be upon him), while his mother is from the offspring of the accursed Iblis. He will appear in the Jewish faith and will argue with people, claiming that he is a god. "If I revive your dead father, will you follow me?" he will say to his son. At this time, the shaitan will appear before him in the guise of a father, and the son, accepting this as the truth, will believe in the Dajjal and fall into error. The erring accursed will not have one eye, and on his forehead will be written "kafir" (infidel). They say that his mount will be a donkey, which will have such ears that they will carry a hundred people. “Heaven and Hell are in my power, and my religion is true, and there is no one else besides me,” this infidel will assert.

And then Almighty Allah will bring down the son of Maryam from heaven - Ruhullah ‘Isa (peace be upon him). It will be lowered onto the minaret of the Al-Amawiyya mosque in Damascus, when the jamaat and the imam of this mosque, appointed by Imam Mahdi, will collectively perform the pre-sunset prayer.

They will make Isa an imam and after him they will complete the sunset prayer. From there, Ruhullah ‘Isa (peace be upon him) will go to Bayt al-Muqaddas, to the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, and there, by the time of dawn prayer, he will meet Mahdi.

Mahdi and his friends will respectfully ask ‘Isa (peace be upon him) to become an imam in prayer, but Ruhullah (peace be upon him) will not come forward, but will pray for Mahdi. He will perform this first prayer for Mahdi to show that he came to Islam (that is, he will follow the Sharia of the Prophet Muhammad), - only for this he will do so, because 'Isa (peace be upon him) is a prophet, and the level of awliyah will not reach the level prophet. Moreover, ‘Isa (peace be upon him) is one of the five chosen prophets. And he will implement the Shariah of dear Khabib (peace and blessings be upon him), who is the seal of all the prophets.

Then Isa Ruhullah (peace be upon him), together with Imam Mahdi, will follow Dajjal, and near Ramlat, in the Ludd area, they will catch Dajjal, who is saving his soul by flight. In this place, Dajjal will be given to drink from the horn of death. Isa (peace be upon him) will strike him with a spear, and he will fall to the ground. Immediately the damned one will be slaughtered, and mankind will be saved from his turmoil. For the Jews who followed him, the real "Judgment Day" will come, from which no one can escape.

And they, like partridge chicks, will hide in different places, and every tree behind which they hid will testify: "A Jew hid behind me too." And not a single tree will remain that would not speak. Thus, the followers of Dajjal will be exterminated, not a single one of them will be left who could tell about it, and those Muslims who will be killed by them will become martyrs.

Mahdi's advisers will be non-Arabs who have reached the knowledge of Allah and speak Arabic. He will not make a single decision on his own without consulting them. After the turmoil of the Dajjal is ended, there will be no other religion but Islam. Jews, Christians will believe in ‘Isa (peace be upon him), and those who do not believe will be punished with swords. They will not get away with paying tribute (jizyat), they will only be answered with a sword. Sharia will shine like the sun in clear weather, and the world will become more beautiful, getting rid of shirk (polytheism). Life throughout the world will become beautiful, having achieved perfection in order and justice, strife and strife will disappear. Sheep and wolves will live in peace, and snakes will play with small children. The economy will flourish, the people will become rich, the harvests of fields and orchards will be unprecedented, even several people will be able to eat even one bunch of grapes. The construction industry will develop to such an extent that not a single dilapidated building will remain. The living, being in bliss, as if in Paradise, will grieve, thinking about the dead: “Oh, if only they were alive!” Some legends say that this will continue for forty years, but they will fly by like one day.

During this time, according to the predestination of Allah, Imam Mahdi will leave life for another world, and ‘Isa (peace be upon him) will bury him in Bayt al-Muqaddas, performing namaz-janazah over him.

Ya’juzh-Ma’juzh (Gog and Magog) will appear and desecrate the whole world, they will all attack ‘Isa (peace be upon him) together and push him to Mount Tura Saina. There he will be encircled with the army and will experience difficulties. Due to severe hunger and thirst, they will be in a difficult position.

Isa (peace be upon him) will stand before Almighty Allah and will beg to take them out of this state. At the same hour, Ya'juzh-Ma'juzh, all as one, leaning on each other, will perish. And then Isa (peace be upon him) with his army will descend from the mountain of Tura Sayna. At this time, the smell of carrion from the dead bodies of Ya'juzh-Ma'juzh will stand on the earth, and at the command of the Almighty, flocks of birds will fly in and throw their rotten bodies into the sea. After that, the rain of mercy will fall, which will wash over the whole earth, and the world will be the same.

Then ‘Isa Ruhullah (peace be upon him) will arrive in Mecca. During his detour around the Kaaba, Dabbat al-arzi will appear, the appearance and dimensions of which cannot be conveyed in words and described with a pen: a head like a bull, four legs, a tail like a ram, ears like an elephant, a long neck like an ostrich, sides like cat, color like a tiger, chest like a lion, feet like a camel, eyes like a pig, with two wings, covered with hair - the Almighty created him as He wanted. The appearance of such an animal is also mentioned in the Koran.

It is said that, having appeared, this animal will blow on all four sides, and Allah Almighty will make this breath the cause of the appearance on the forehead of all people of the inscription - the name of each person, which the Almighty gave him with His eternal knowledge (ilm al-azal). And this inscription will be convex, it will be visible from wherever you look, from afar or at close range. It is considered reliable that this animal is the camel who ran away and hid in the rock after the people slaughtered Salih's camel. According to the hadith, this animal will come out of the Masjid al-Haram. It is also said that it will come out from the side of Safa Hill. No one knows this better than Allah Almighty.

Then Isa Ruhullah (peace be upon him) will go to Medina and visit Ravza Ahmad (peace and blessings be upon him). In Medina, he marries and has two sons, after which he falls ill and leaves this world. He will be buried in the venerable Ravza of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), and a grave will be dug for him next to ‘Umar Farouk. After that, nothing worthwhile will remain on earth, and all clean and decent people will leave this world. By the command of Allah, the sun will rise from the west, and people will turn to repentance, but the Creator will not accept them, for at that time the gates of repentance will be closed.

Everyone will remain in his position - the infidel in disbelief, and the Muslim in Islam. Then the Speech of the Most High will be taken away, and only blank pages will remain in the books. Also, all the readers who knew the Qur'an by heart will be taken from the hearts of what they knew, and they will turn into ignoramuses who do not know a single letter. And then this ignorant people will switch to poetry, and all their skill in reading the Qur'an will be expressed in the chanting of verses.

However, all these signs will appear after the death of Ruhullah ‘Isa (peace be upon him) and the destruction of the Kaaba by the Habashites. Then a warm, pleasant wind will blow, which will become a sign for believers, and everyone who has even a drop of faith left in his heart will leave this world as one. And there will not be a single person left on earth who would pronounce the name "Allah". Remaining most the worst people their behavior will be like animals, and on them Allah Almighty will end the life of mankind.

When Israfil blows the Horn for the first time, there will be such an earthquake as has not yet been on earth. It will not stop during the year and will be more and more intensified every day. The sun will be darkened, the stars will hang, mountains and hills will be destroyed, and the whole earth will become a level field. The shepherds, leaving their flock, will scatter to their homes, the people will run from the villages to the cities. In a panic, nursing mothers will forget about their babies, pregnant women will have miscarriages out of fear. The state of the people will be as if they were drunk. This will be the result of the first blow into the Horn.

The angel Israfil will sound the Horn for the second time, and then everything created for the disappearance will perish, only four will remain in heaven and on earth: Jabrail, Mikail, Israfil and Israel. Allah Almighty, although He is omniscient, will ask: “Is there any survivor of My creations, O angel of death?” Answering the Creator, Azrael will say: “There are four of us left.” Then Allah commands the angel of death: "Take the soul of the angels Israfil and Mikail." And both of them, like two huge mountains or like two logs, will fall to the ground. Angels Israel and Jabrail will remain alive. And after that, the Almighty tells Israel: "Die you too, O angel of death." Fulfilling the command, the angel of death will die. The Mighty Creator will turn to Jabrail and ask him: “O Jabrail, who is left alive?” Gabriel will answer: “The immortal and eternal You and I, Gabriel, created for death, remained.” “O Jabrail, your turn has come to die,” the Creator will inform him. Then Jabrail will fall on his face in prostration and in this position will complete the time of life allotted to him by the Almighty. Everything created in heaven and on earth will perish, except for what the Creator created for eternity.

Except for the One and Only Mighty Creator, no one will remain alive. There will be One who has no partner, the Only, Alive, Existing forever, Judge, Fair and Pure from shortcomings Allah. The Almighty will ask the question: “Who is in power today?” There is no one on earth who would answer Him. Then Allah will answer Himself: “Lillahi-l-wahidi-l-kahhar” - to the Only Almighty Allah.

لله الواحد القهار

The rulers of the world who quarreled on earth will be left speechless, and the tyrants who oppressed the people, once in prison, will be imprisoned. And as for the believers, for whom the world has been a prison, they will be pleased to receive enduring, eternal joy. The mercy and generosity of the Creator will not leave them, and the hardships that they endured on earth will be forgotten. If people who have spent their lives in great sins die without repentance, they are unlikely to be saved. Repentance in the dying state did not save Fir'avn, so turn to Allah.

With this, I will complete the explanation, taken from the books and abbreviated as far as possible, of the signs that the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) spoke about and which cannot but appear in times closer to the end of the world. I think that's enough. I did not give all the versions that are contained in the books of interpretation of the Quran and hadiths, but, having considered, I entered some of them in a notebook without going into contradictions. So, if one alim tells differently, there is no need to argue with him, proving that he is wrong. Maybe he's telling a different transmitter's version, and it's better for the unenlightened to assume both are correct. Also pay attention, I almost forgot to warn about one condition: the transmitter must be from among the Ahl al-Sunnah.

As for the Shiites, they claim that the expected Mahdi is Muhammad ibn Hasan Askari. They also say that the said Muhammad disappeared, hiding in the ground. The boy is said to have been 5 years old. The Shiites are waiting for this Mahdi. They also consider him the twelfth imam. Even Taha (peace and blessings be upon him), whom Allah sent as a mercy to the worlds, they do not revere like him. This is an extremely wrong belief that is not in accordance with Shariah and is rejected by the mind. The story of the true Mahdi, which we told earlier, is given in the book Yavakit. Just as after the departure of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), impostors appeared from this world, declaring themselves prophets, so from time to time there are troublemakers who call themselves Mahdi. Let's not waste time talking about them and calling everyone by name, their number has reached eleven people.

The last of them was Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah al-Qahtani, who argued in al-Haram, proving that he was Mahdi, forced the people by force of arms to swear allegiance to him and, leaving respect for al-Haram, shed a lot of blood there.

We also heard about the last turmoil that occurred in 1400 according to the Muslim calendar. We are talking about the turmoil arranged by the Iranians in 1979.

From the book History of the Prophets. Volume II

In the western part of the kingdom Saudi Arabia 75 kilometers from the Red Sea is the holy city of Mecca for all Muslims. According to legend, it was here that the founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, was born. In 610, he began to preach his ideas and founded a new religion called Islam. Muhammad's followers called themselves Muslims. During prayer, they turned towards Mecca, and not towards Jerusalem, as before.

From the very beginning of Islam, its main shrine was the Kaaba, a stone structure in the courtyard of the Sacred Mosque al-Masjed al-Haram in Mecca. The building, built of granite, is 15 meters high, 10 meters long and 12 meters wide. The four corners of the Kaaba are oriented to the four cardinal points, it is covered with a cloth on top, and inside it there is a door of pure gold leading to the interior. A black stone with a silver border is mounted in the eastern or stone corner of the Kaaba.

This stone of black color and irregular oval shape with a diameter of about 30 cm is a very important element in Islam. As Muslims say, the black stone was sent to them from the sky by Allah himself. According to legend, immediately after the sacred stone descended from the sky, it was white and had such a dazzling brilliance that it could be seen even 4 days from the city of Mecca. The black stone acquired its dark color from the fact that numerous sinners touched it, the legend says. WITH scientific point the nature of the black stone has not yet been studied. Some scientists consider it to be a large meteorite, and some confidently declare that it is a large piece of volcanic rock, since rocky Arabia is full of extinct volcanoes.

The Kaaba was built by the first man on Earth, Adam, but later it was destroyed by a worldwide flood. After that, an exact copy of this shrine was erected by the ancestors of the local peoples, Patriarch Ibrahim with his son Ismail. At the same time, the scripture indicates that the building was built using an unusual device. It was a flat stone that could rise to any height and levitate above the ground, performing the function of a kind of scaffolding. This stone has survived to this day, and, despite the fact that it no longer has those miraculous flying properties, it is also a Muslim shrine. Every Muslim should visit Mecca at least once in his life. The ritual pilgrimage is called the hajj, it involves a seven-fold circuit around the Kaaba, symbolizing the order and subordination of all beings to a single solar system embodied in God.

Mecca. Muslim black stone

There are many outstanding places on the globe, it is difficult to count them on the fingers. Among them, a special place is occupied by Mecca, the holy city of Islam, hidden from the world in a cozy valley. The city, which does not need walls, is preserved by the surrounding mountains and, as Muslims say, Allah himself. This is a city that everyone who considers himself a Muslim looks at in prayer. Even taking into account only the listed facts, it is already worth visiting Mecca. But here you will find even more amazing and unusual things.

One of the stunning sights of Mecca is the flat stone of the Kaaba. It is located in the famous Kaaba Temple. According to the tradition of the Arabs, this temple was built for Adam the first of the people. He grieved greatly for the loss of paradise and the temple that was there. Then the Lord took pity on him and presented a copy of the heavenly temple, lowering it to earth from heaven. After the flood, the building and its place were lost.

Prophet Abraham rebuilt this building. And so that he would build the Temple faster, the angel Jabrail brought him a flat stone that hung in the air and could serve as scaffolding. This stone is now in the temple, so every believer can see the footprint of Abraham imprinted on it.

Why did the stone turn black?

According to legend, the black stone appeared when Abraham had almost completed the construction of the Kaaba. At that time, he needed such an object that would mark the place where he could begin the ritual of walking around the temple. Since in Paradise the angels and Adam went around the temple seven times, Abraham wanted to do the same. For this reason, the angel Jabrail gave him a black stone.

One version says that the black stone is Adam's converted guardian angel. He was turned to stone after he missed the fall of Adam. When the black stone of the Kaaba descended from the sky to the earth, it all glowed with a bright white color.

Gradually, the sins of the people turned it into a dark cobblestone, until it completely darkened. The composition of this artifact is still unknown to scientists.

Some believe that this is a piece of volcanic rock still unknown to science. Others believe that it is a large meteorite that fell near the place where the Kaaba is located. Black stone from this, of course, does not become less attractive, gathering near itself not only believers, but also crowds of tourists.

After all, this stone is associated with many stories that are interesting in their depth and unusualness. Once, when it was necessary to repair the Kaaba, each of the Quraish families wanted to have the honor of transferring the famous relic. Because of this, a bitter dispute arose between them. Mohammed solved the problem in an interesting way. He spread his cloak on the floor, put a black stone there, and each of the elders of noble families, taking his edge, moved the cloak to a new place. So Mohammed settled the dispute.

It is also interesting that Muslims believe in remission of sins after visiting Mecca. They call such a pilgrimage the Hajj and wear white turbans as a sign of it. Perhaps everyone should at least touch the purity and beauty of the Kaaba by visiting the mysterious Mecca. It is located in Saudi Arabia - the holy of holies of Islam, is surrounded by mountains in a small valley. The famous majestic Forbidden Mosque is located in the holy city - the largest mosque in the world, in which there is a rather strange building of the Kaaba - the main Muslim shrine. It is to him that for the past 1400 years the eyes of all Muslims have been turning during the daily five-time prayers. As it says in the Quran - holy book Muslims who profess Islam, the Kaaba is the first building in the world created for the worship of Allah.

In our time, the territory of the mosque, together with the area around the Kaaba, is approximately equal to 193 thousand square meters. At the same time, 130,000 pilgrims can see and bow to the shrine. Ten majestic minarets are located at the corners of the Forbidden Mosque. Six of them reach a height of 105 m. According to some scientists and researchers, the Kaaba is the oldest temple in the world.

The Kaaba is a kind of cubic structure, which is located inside the Forbidden Mosque. Its height is 15 meters. Stone in Mecca - place of pilgrimage for Muslims from all over the world.

Sacred Stone Mahadi-Tash

Sacred for Muslims, the Mahadi-Tash stone is located about 2 km from the village of Ust-Bagaryak on the bend of the Sinara River. In dry weather, you can drive directly to the stone by any car. Near the stone is a large clearing, which is convenient to sit for a rest.

They say about Mahadi that he was from the Mishar Tatars, who moved to this area from the Caucasus or the Volga. Whether it was a real person or not, it is now almost impossible to establish. There is also a legend that he descended from heaven to a stone near the river and performed the rite of ablution. Previously, the traces were clear, now they have blurred and lost their shape, although if you dream a little, you can see the prints of bare feet, the print of a kumgan, a drain and holes from water drops that fell on the stone.

According to the traces, it can be assumed that the ceremony took place in the direction of the North, but Islam unambiguously determines the position of the person praying facing Mecca, and in our case it is the South.

Mahadi-Tash is not very popular. There are no religious pilgrims here. Scientific expeditions are also infrequent guests. In 1949, after a meteor shower in the Kunashak region, ufologists examined the stone, but the version of the space alien was not confirmed. In 2005, the Chelyabinsk-Kosmopoisk NIIG expedition examined the stone, but did not find any deviations from the natural object.

After choosing the new seven wonders of the world, which did not include any of the monuments of Russia, MK-Ural proposed to hold a vote and select the seven wonders of the Chelyabinsk region. One of the nominees of this competition was Mahadi-Tash. In August 2007, the competition ended, but Mahadi-Tash failed to get the required number of votes and did not make it into the list of selected wonders.

But despite all this, people go to the Mahadi-Tash stone who believe that Saint Mahadi prayed on it, who will definitely help and once again perform a miracle.


Problem related togenies and devils, is one of the diseases that today covered a lot of people.

The disease they cause genie and devil happens for two reasons:

1) When genies they themselves cause problems to people, violate their peace, health, harm them;

2) When genies they penetrate into the bodies of people not of their own free will, but by a conspiracy, a spell of a sorcerer, they are in the human body by force and often cannot leave the body until they are freed from witchcraft. Therefore, speaking of genies, we are obliged to touch on two topics: to talk about the world genies to have reliable information about him, and talk about the essence of witchcraft.

And we must immediately remind you: a Muslim must be treated for genies only by permitted Sharia methods, it is unacceptable to turn to magicians, sorcerers, fortune-tellers, psychics or followers of any pagan cults.

genie world

In Russia genies they are called differently: demons, demons, brownies, etc. No matter what anyone says, we know that this world exists, and, trying to tell about this invisible world, we also get into some kind of difficulty. After all, this world is invisible, and we cannot fully explore its inhabitants. But we Muslims must know that faith in genies- this is from the hidden faith. That is, just as we believe in angels, although we do not see them, in the same way we are obliged to believe in genies. Because the one who denies existence genies, contradicts the Qur'an and the Sunnah, since in the Qur'an the jinn are mentioned in 10 suras, in about 40 verses, there is also a separate sura called "Jinns".

A hadith narrated from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) states that the Prophet ﷺ said: “The barrier between the son of Adam and the jinn is the words of a Muslim when he takes off his clothes if he says:“ Bismillahi llazi la ilaha illa huwa rrahmanu rrahim ”” (Tirmizi). Another hadith says: “The one who, leaving the house, says: “Bismillah, wa tawakkaltu ala Allah wa la hawla wala kuvvata illa billahil aliyil azim”, will get on the right path, the Almighty will protect him from the jinn, and the shaitan will move away from him "(Abu Dawud, Tirmizi, an-Nasai).

The Quran and Sunnah say that genies created before humans. We also know that they eat, drink, marry, breed; they see us, but we don't see them. We can see them only when they materialize in some physical body. And when they want us to see them, they take the form of some animals or people. They are rational beings, and, like people, they are also obliged to worship the Almighty, and on the Day of Judgment they will answer for their actions. Jinn are similar to people in that among them there are Muslims and non-Muslims, there are genies different faiths, there are atheists. Some think that there are no believers among them, but the Qur'an says that there are genies believers and non-believers. They enter the bodies of people and animals.

We also know that they differ from people and from angels in their qualities, since the Almighty created angels from nur, genies- from fire, and people - from clay.

Almighty gave genies such power that they can turn into any creature, be it an animal, an insect, etc. Also, the Almighty gave genies speed, and they move faster than the wind; they are not restrained by any barriers, such as houses, fortresses, closed doors, windows, etc., but at the same time they cannot enter the house where the door is locked with the remembrance of Allah Almighty, the dishes with the remembrance of Allah are covered, etc. n. No matter how powerful they may be, they cannot enter such a house and harm the people there. The Prophet ﷺ said: “Indeed devil, genie cannot open a door locked with the name of Allah, and you close your bags of remembrance of Allah, saying: "Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim" , cover your dishes, also remembering Allah, and when you go to bed, turn off the light.

What is sorcery?

Witchcraft is arbitrary from the interaction of the sorcerer with genies when spells or pagan rites are used, resulting in damage, harm to a person’s health, his property, his relationship with other people. Sorcerers cause enormous damage to society: as a result of their activities, people get sick, often die from diseases; neighbors, friends, relatives become enemies, families break up; people, loving friend friend, doomed to suffering, separated. Children with living parents become orphans. Healthy people cannot have offspring, pregnant women cannot keep the fetus. The danger of witchcraft lies also in the fact that it affects the heart. The heart is the place where our faith, iman, is located. And witchcraft directly affects the heart, causing various feelings in it, such as love, hatred, anger, irritation, hostility.

Mental illness in witchcraft

When a person is sick due to witchcraft, his psyche is disturbed, nervous system, occur frequently physiological changes in the human body up to pathologies.

But we must understand that witchcraft is only one part of the problem. After we banished genie, destroyed witchcraft, the consequences of this witchcraft still remain in a person, and medical assistance is often required here.

Location of genies

Jinn there are in abandoned places, in ruins, in deserts, and especially at night in stagnant waters. Therefore, when you approach stagnant waters at night, you must definitely say: "Auzu billahi meena shshaitani rajim" , - with the aim that the genies leave this place. They are in those places where there is sewage (najas), in baths, in toilets and where garbage is thrown, in the cemeteries of unbelievers, in markets, as well as in those places and houses where they do not commemorate the Almighty and do not read the Koran. And in those houses in which they do not remember Allah, which are considered destroyed, devastated, they can also gather genies.

When does a jinn manage to enter a human body?

Jinnah it is easy to enter the body of a person when a person visits sorcerers, fortune-tellers and uses their services. And it should be noted that when a person goes to a sorcerer, he gradually loses his will and after that he is not able to take a single independent step. If the first time he went to the sorcerer for a serious reason, then in the future he is forced to turn to him for every trifle. Communication with sorcerers, in addition to taking away faith and dooming to death in the future, already in this world makes a person dependent on these people.

Genie can enter a person in order to take revenge on him, if a person, for example, involuntarily damaged a dwelling genies or, throwing a stone, wounded one of genies, and they, angry, enter a person and create health and mental problems for him. Easy to enter genie when a person is in great sadness, anger or laughs a lot (laughs). We know that excessive laughter mortifies the heart and is frowned upon in Islam. Our beloved Messenger of Allah ﷺ mostly smiled.

What diseases does the genie cause?

Genie may cause confusion. It can also be caused by medical reasons. But, as we know, in the case when it is from genies doctors can't make a diagnosis. As if everything is normal, but the person complains, and it is noticeable that he is out of his mind. Genie creates a state of sadness in a person, a person withdraws into himself, constantly seeks solitude, loves darkness or twilight, lingers in the toilet for a long time, stops looking after himself.

Genie creates excessive nervous tension, exhaustion, excitement, constant worries, loss of strength. People feel that someone is taking away their energy. Some kind of suggestion, wandering thoughts that are not characteristic of this person, lack of clarity, freshness, peace in the head, memory impairment. Sometimes a person thinks that this happens in everyone's head, but in fact it is a disease. Genie causes strong fears and horror, and can cause fear of loneliness, darkness. A person begins to hear voices or conversations inside himself, hallucinations begin. The patient can see his loved ones in a disgusting way, for example, a husband sees his wife or husband's wife in some animal form or as if a person grows horns. In this case, if a person sees a person in a similar form, then the problem is not in that person, but in the one who sees him - here he is the patient in which he sits genie.

Genie makes a person become overly irritable, touchy, begins to argue with everyone, something elusive appears in him, repelling people. There may be some pain in the body, wandering pains. That is, today your kidneys hurt, tomorrow your legs, and you can’t understand what hurts you, and doctors also can’t make a correct diagnosis. Or a person's stomach begins to move - a person sits, does not make any efforts, movements, but feels how his stomach moves. There may be pain in the stomach or in the back. Among women genie contribute to infertility uterine bleeding, violation of cycles, all kinds of inflammation female organs, back pain. Men also experience infertility, impotence, and premature ejaculation.

Reading the Koran, you can burn genie, That's why genie afraid to enter a person who prays, reads the Koran, who has a connection with the Almighty. Therefore, basically genies are included in those who are far from Allah, far from fulfilling the requirements of Shariah.

Witchcraft mechanism

The mechanism of witchcraft is as follows. There is a sorcerer and there is a person against whom witchcraft is done, a spell is cast, certain rituals are performed, and there is genie who will "serve" this sorcery. i.e. genie forced into the human body. And bewitched gin will harm him according to what he is entrusted with. There are also genie, which "serves" witchcraft from the informational side. That is, when a person is sick or something happened, this genie brings the sorcerer information about how the patient's day went, how he feels.

Witchcraft is one of the destructive sins. Who does not want to destroy his soul, he should not resort to the services of a sorcerer. In a hadith narrated from Bukhari and Muslim it says: Avoid the Seven Deadly Sins ". The Prophet ﷺ was asked: “What, O Messenger of Allah ﷺ?” He replied: " Shirk, witchcraft, murder, usury, eating the property of an orphan, fleeing during an offensive, slandering innocent Muslims ". After shirk, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ called witchcraft: avoid it, he says. Another hadith says: The one who came to the soothsayer and believed what he said, he renounced what was sent down by the Almighty Muhammad ﷺ, and the one who came to the soothsayer, not believing in him, prayer will not be accepted for 40 days ».

Sorcerers, when a certain person comes to them and begins to tell, often say: “Don't say anything, I know everything. Your father and mother are sick,” or they tell about other problems of the visitor. And this person thinks: “How did he know all this? He has a gift from Allah!” But in fact, this sorcerer receives information from those genies who know the history of this person. These are to be guarded against.

Another danger is that if a person is treated by a Muslim specialist and for some reason the treatment fails, then this person begins to look for other ways, that is, he goes to sorcerers, psychics. He adds pagan rites to Muslim treatment, forgetting that in fact it is not a Muslim specialist or a sorcerer who heals, but Almighty Allah. Therefore, it is necessary to use the permitted methods of treatment and ask the Creator for healing - only in this we will find health, happiness and His contentment. We have our own methods of treatment, and they are in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah. We must use them, because we know that only Allah heals, and if He pleases the treatment, then, insha Allah, it will help.

Qualities that one who heals from jinn should have

1. Ikhlas - sincerity. Helping people is necessary only for the sake of Allah, because this is part of our faith, part of worship, and worship needs the right intention. The hadith says: Whoever has learned the knowledge that must be acquired for the sake of Allah, in order to achieve a worldly goal, will not even smell Paradise on the Day of Judgment "(Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah). That is, if a certain person was specially trained to read the Koran in order to receive worldly profit, then he will not even feel the smell of Paradise.

2. The reciter of the Quran needs deep knowledge in religion, especially in matters of aqidah. Jinn there are different confessions and when they enter into a dialogue, they try to discuss, and at the same time they can easily mislead a person - in the sense that a Muslim himself can fall into shirk.

For instance, genie can say: "Alright, I'll get out of this man for you". And the doctor should answer him: “Come out for the sake of Allah, not for me”.

3. Piety, observance of Shariah. The reader of the Qur'an must himself fulfill his duties to the Almighty.

4. The ability to keep secrets, since people sometimes trust us with secret things that they cannot tell even to their closest ones, and the doctor should not distribute them.

5. It is necessary to have a concept of psychology or psychotherapy in order to recognize: before us is a person who suffers from witchcraft, or just a mentally ill person.

Signs pointing to a genie

One of the signs of obsession genie is an aversion to worship: a person physically feels aversion to worship. He does not want to pray, perform ablution, cannot listen to the Koran, something repels him from these actions. Suppose a person wants to go to the mosque, reaches the mosque - and some force stops him, he cannot go inside and comes back. More signs genies or witchcraft may be inappropriate behavior: it happens that a person sits and suddenly shouts something from a place or swears. And when he comes to his senses, you ask him why he did this - he does not understand anything, does not remember anything.

There may be paralysis of the body or some organ. Signs of possession may include rapid anger followed by laughter, frequent headaches without a medical cause that do not respond to pain relievers. A person talks to himself, he has a strange behavior, he is drawn to alcohol, to smoking, to fights, he can hit someone and says: "It's not me." Such people have unpleasant, swollen faces, some kind of voices or music in their heads, the unwillingness of young people to get married or get married. That is, it happens that a girl doesn’t seem to mind getting married, but when it comes to matchmaking, she has horrors, fear, and if yesterday she saw the groom as a nice person, then she already begins to hate him for matchmaking, or vice versa .. .

It happens that a person sees terrible, terrible dreams. But this, like the rest that we have listed above, is not yet evidence that the cause of these phenomena is the genie. Reading the Qur'an can confirm our diagnosis, only after reading it can we say that he is sitting genie in man or not.

The person who showed genie, should be patient and treat, and should also be content with the decision of the Almighty. Because the 6th pillar of iman (faith) - that everything good and bad happens by the will of Allah, this is our test, and the Almighty gives tests to everyone.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): Don't you know that Allah knows what is in heaven and on earth? Verily it is in the Scripture, verily it is easy for Allah "(Sura Hajj, verse 70).

Advice to readers on how to save yourself from genies and witchcraft

It is necessary to sincerely ask the Almighty to keep us from genies, devils and everything bad. Prayer must come from the heart. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “During the end of the world there will be such a great turmoil that people will die in it, and only the one who asks as fervently as the drowning one calls will be saved” . In a hadeeth narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him), it is said that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Precautions do not save from predestination, but prayer helps from what has happened and from what will happen. Truly, misfortune descends and meets with dua, they meet in heaven and oppose until the Day of Judgment. .

Read the dua: Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun », « La hawla wala quvwata illa billah », « Hasbunallahu wa nimal vakil », « Ayatul Kursi ", suras: " al-Ikhlas », « Falak », « an-Nas ". Read the Qur'an more, and if you yourself cannot read, then listen to the reading. Because in the place where the Qur'an is read, the mercy of the Almighty descends, and the place where there is Rakhmat of Allah is not a place for devils, jinn. It is also advisable to read different duas: duas that are read when entering and exiting the toilet, before eating and after eating; remember the Almighty by doing dhikr and asking for forgiveness from Him. Read istiaza ( "Auzubillahi meena shshaitani rajim" ) in those places where garbage is thrown, in ruined houses, when you come to stagnant waters.

One should try to fast, keep sunnat fasts, sunnat prayers, strengthen one's iman, study religion. You need to try to constantly be in ablution, eat and drink with the name of Allah, keep your eyes from the forbidden, not speak bad, protect your tongue from gossip, stay in mosques more, because mosques are the houses of Allah on earth, and angels, good people gather there adhan sounds. And we know from the authentic hadiths of the Prophet ﷺ that when the muezzin calls out the adhan, devil runs away to such a distance where the azan is not heard. It is necessary to be together with good God-fearing people, Ulama. The Quran says (meaning): Fear Allah and be with righteous people "(Sura "Tawba", ayat 119). That is, if we make friends with such people who have only Allah in their hearts and tongues, then because of their grace devil, genies they will also move away from us. Beware of gatherings where there is alcohol, gambling, etc., because they go there genies. In no case do not pour hot water on the ground, especially in baths and toilets, without saying: " Auzubillahi meena shshaitani rajim. Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim ”, - because, as we have already said, it is in these places that there are jinn, shaitans. Try to be consistent in jamaat prayers. When you hear the barking of dogs and the cry of donkeys, read "Auzu" because they scream when they see Satan.

It is necessary to beware of curses against Muslims, not to humiliate them, not to accuse them of disbelief, to protect your tongue from gossip and false testimony. It is necessary to get rid of those photographs where the awrah is visible; you should cover your mouth when you yawn; do not eat with the left hand.

If a person takes 7 Azhva dates every day on an empty stomach, they help against witchcraft and poison. Some scholars say that if there are no Azhva dates, then Medina dates also help.

May Almighty Allah save us all from evil genies and witchcraft, send peace and tranquility into our homes, and may it strengthen iman in our hearts! Amen, I am Mujib!

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