How to find out before the delay whether conception occurred immediately after ovulation? Discharge after ovulation, if conception was successful What discharge after ovulation, if conception occurred

The concepts of ovulation and pregnancy are closely related. The day of ovulation is considered the most favorable period for conceiving a child. Ovulation is the monthly chance of conceiving a baby.

Ovulation is the phase of the cycle that occurs on days 12-15 of the cycle and lasts no more than 48 hours. Women who are planning a pregnancy need to know the exact date of the onset of the phase, since the likelihood of conception during this period is greatest compared to the chances of becoming pregnant in the days after ovulation.

The onset of pregnancy

If the ovulation phase is over, then for successful conception it is necessary to wait for the next cycle. The chance of getting pregnant in the days after ovulation is extremely low. This is caused by the destruction of the egg, which did not meet with the sperm during the period of ovulation. Pregnancy is possible in cases where a woman has a late ovulation before menstruation. The onset of pregnancy in the days after ovulation does not occur in all cases. Consider the reasons:

1. Ovulation has not occurred. As a rule, women calculate the period of ovulation according to the calendar. If the onset of this phase was not confirmed by an ultrasound or test, then perhaps there was no ovulation at the expected time. Its absence can provoke hormonal disruptions, inflammatory processes, severe stress. In such cases, in the days after ovulation, which was supposed to be, pregnancy does not occur.
2. The egg is not mature. In women, several times a year there is a month in which the egg does not mature. In the early postpartum period or when breastfeeding a child, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced even on the days of ovulation.
3. Poor sperm quality. If pregnancy did not occur in the days after ovulation, then men need to make a spermogram to determine the number of spermatozoa, their mobility and morphological characteristics.
4. Gynecological diseases. In a healthy woman, the chance of getting pregnant on the day of ovulation is extremely high. If, on the days after ovulation, the long-awaited pregnancy did not occur, this may indicate the presence of gynecological diseases. The conception of a child becomes possible only after undergoing a course of treatment.
5. Immunological incompatibility. If pregnancy does not occur in the days after ovulation, and menstruation begins two weeks later, then the egg and sperm did not meet. The reason for this may be antibodies in the cervical mucus, rejecting the sperm of this man.
6. Psychological reasons. Doctors often diagnose patients with false infertility. Pregnancy in the days after ovulation does not occur without any objective reasons - the woman is healthy, ovulation occurs. Such a diagnosis can be caused by stress or a strong obsession with the problem.

Methods for determining pregnancy in the days after ovulation

To understand whether conception has occurred or not, a woman can by the absence of menstrual flow. The first signs of pregnancy in the days after ovulation can be noticed earlier. Women who measure their basal temperature daily will notice an increase in the days after ovulation if they are pregnant. You can take a pregnancy test 7-10 days after ovulation. At this stage, the fertilized egg is already attached to the wall of the uterus and the production of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin begins. Ultrasound will show pregnancy only 5 days after the delay in menstruation.

Signs of pregnancy in the days after ovulation

In women, in the days after ovulation, signs of pregnancy are manifested by pain in the lower abdomen. An increase in the size of the mammary glands, pain in the chest area, discoloration of the areolas are the first signs of pregnancy in the days after ovulation.

Seven days after ovulation, signs of pregnancy can be bleeding from the vagina - implantation bleeding. It indicates that the fertilized egg has attached itself to the wall of the uterus.

In the first days after ovulation, pregnancy may be accompanied by bloating, in the future, toxicosis may occur.

When pregnancy occurs, the body maintains an elevated basal body temperature during the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

How to choose the right period of conception

The period when the conception of a child is most likely is called fertile. It lasts five days before and one day after ovulation. The ovulation period can be determined by the following methods:

  • calendar. This method is the oldest and most unreliable. If a woman's menstrual cycle is the same every time, then a favorable period for conceiving a child begins on the 14th day before the start of the next menstruation. But even with the most regular cycle, it is impossible to accurately determine the date of the expected ovulation.
  • Based on rectal temperature. The method is based on the measurement of basal temperature on a daily basis. On the day after ovulation, its increase by 0.2-0.4 degrees is observed. The disadvantage of the method is the procedure itself: for three months, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature in the rectum daily. The reliability of the result depends on many factors: colds, stress, constipation, poor sleep and many others. In 20% of women, the basal temperature during ovulation and on the days after ovulation does not change.
  • ultrasound. Ultrasound examinations give more accurate results. But they can determine the already completed ovulation and ascertain pregnancy in the days after ovulation.
  • A home test is a fairly new method that allows you to determine with laboratory accuracy the onset of ovulation the day before it occurs. The test determines the level of luteinizing hormone. A sharp increase in its concentration indicates that ovulation will occur within 24-36 hours.
  • By consulting a gynecologist. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, using the analysis of mucus taken from the cervix, the gynecologist will determine the date of ovulation with an accuracy of 1-2 days.
  • Symptomothermal. The method is considered the most accurate. It includes measuring basal body temperature and checking the status of mucus, keeping a calendar of the menstrual cycle on a daily basis.

The "fertile" quality of sperm depends on the frequency of intercourse. The more of them, the higher the mobility of spermatozoa and the greater the likelihood of pregnancy in the days after ovulation. However, in cases of two or more sexual intercourses per day, the concentration of spermatozoa is significantly reduced. Couples who have sexual intercourse every day during the fertile period have a high probability of conceiving a baby - 25%, those who have intercourse every other day - 22%. The probability of detecting pregnancy in the days after ovulation in couples who have sexual intercourse once a week is 10%.

What days you can not get pregnant

Those who want to give up contraception need to understand that there are no safe days. A woman can become pregnant any day. The difference is only in a greater or lesser degree of the probability of conception. The safest period is two days before and two days after menstruation. When counting such days, a stable menstrual cycle is a necessary condition. It can shift under the influence of many factors: stress, various diseases, the use of drugs.

Signs of fertilization after ovulation appear almost immediately. The process of fertilization occurs 2-3 days after sexual intercourse. After the connection of the sperm and the egg, the woman's body immediately begins to rebuild.

In most cases, a woman does not even suspect that a new life has arisen inside her, and besides, the first “symptoms” of pregnancy are quite difficult to notice. Usually they begin to appear a few weeks after fertilization, and in some cases, the pregnancy passes without any signs. Then a woman can determine her condition only by the absence of menstruation and an increase in waist circumference.

Ovulation: what is it?

Pregnancy after ovulation occurs very quickly. This is a complex process that can only happen a few times a month. Ovulation is the moment that occurs 4-7 days after the end of menstruation and is different for every woman.

During ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary. She is completely ready for fertilization. The moment at which this can happen lasts for several days. If unprotected intercourse occurs at this time, conception may occur, provided that the female genital organs are healthy. B

Pregnancy can occur if sex was a few days before the onset of ovulation, since the sperm cell retains its vital activity for several days.

The process of fertilization and the beginning of pregnancy

The "meeting" of the egg and sperm occurs mainly in the fallopian tubes. The egg is several times larger than the sperm. Its size is associated with the presence of nutrients that will "feed" the embryo when it attaches to the wall of the uterus.

When the egg and sperm merge, a new cell is formed - the zygote. It is a new life, the beginning of the development of a new person. Fertilization is the moment the zygote appears. Since then, the woman has been pregnant. A few hours after fertilization, cleavage begins (the division of the zygote into parts). The zygote gradually increases and turns into an embryo (human embryo).

On the fifth day of its existence, the zygote has enough cells and turns into a blacyst. A few days after fertilization, the embryo moves freely through the fallopian tubes and looks for a point of attachment. This usually happens 6-8 days after conception. All this time, the unborn child eats exclusively at the expense of its internal accumulations and is in no way connected with matter.

Usually a week passes before the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity and its active division begins. It is at this time that the body begins to rebuild, there is an additional need for nutrients for the mother, and an increased production of certain hormones begins.

The beginning of pregnancy is almost the most important time. Any disorders in the body, lack of nutrition, alcohol and smoking can affect the normal development of the unborn child. Therefore, the sooner a woman finds out about pregnancy, the better.

The first signs of pregnancy after ovulation

Finding out whether a woman is pregnant or not is almost impossible. The embryo is not yet fixed in the uterine cavity, and nothing indicates its appearance. But for some reason, pregnancy may not occur (or the embryo will not be viable):

  1. Ovulation may not occur. This may be a precursor to a gynecological or inflammatory disease, or it may be a rare abnormality.
  2. The egg is incapable of fertilization (it is underdeveloped, does not have enough nutrients).
  3. Mismatch between man and woman. Now doctors have proven that spouses can not only disagree with their characters, but also with their immune systems. The body of a woman in some cases will reject male spermatozoa.
  4. Diseases of the female genital organs.
  5. psychological reasons. It has been proven that most cases of infertility are associated with stress or fears of the expectant mother.

The first signs of pregnancy that may appear after ovulation:

  1. The occurrence of small spotting a week after intercourse (indicates the attachment of the embryo).
  2. The occurrence of small pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which can spread to the back and side (some women confuse them with the harbingers of menstruation).
  3. Change in the digestive system. A woman may feel a slight hunger, or, conversely, her appetite may disappear. There may be slight flatulence and problems with bowel movements.
  4. After the embryo is fixed, the first changes occur in the woman's breasts. The areolas of the nipples darken and increase, the breasts may swell, it becomes hypersensitive.

All of the above signs are not 100% proof of pregnancy. These can be symptoms of various gynecological diseases and an upcoming pregnancy.

Many women who were planning to conceive a child began to feel the first signs of pregnancy, even if it did not come.

An accurate sign of pregnancy can be a change in basal temperature.

It is measured in the morning in the supine position through the anus. As a rule, after fertilization, the temperature is elevated. But in order to use this method, it is necessary to monitor your basal temperature even before the intended conception.

1.5-2 weeks after conception, when the embryo is already fixed in the uterine cavity, an increased release of hormones and a restructuring of the body begin. At this time, a woman begins to notice the first signs of pregnancy:

  1. Severe fatigue, drowsiness, possible fainting. This is due to an increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone.
  2. Increased appetite. The body needs additional funds for the formation of the placenta, etc. In addition, it begins to make reserves for a future pregnancy and the feeding period.
  3. Mood swings, possible depression. It is also associated with hormonal changes in the body.
  4. Nausea and reaction to smells. The reason lies in the increased secretion of the hormone estrogen. Toxicosis is one of the obvious "symptoms" of the onset of pregnancy. For each woman, it can develop in its own way: someone feels sick for several weeks, someone may experience severe vomiting with dehydration, someone does not feel toxicosis at all.
  5. Frequent bowel movements and urination. The uterus begins to grow and occupies all the free space in the abdominal cavity, begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, primarily on the bladder.

Pregnancy test

The most accurate way to determine pregnancy is with a special test. A pregnancy test measures the level of the hCG hormone. It begins to actively stand out after conception and a few weeks after the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus reaches its maximum.

It is possible to accurately determine pregnancy using a test only a few weeks after the intended conception, since at first the release of the hormone is insignificant. 3 (or 4) weeks of pregnancy is the best time to take the test.

During the test, you must follow the instructions on the package exactly, otherwise you can get a false positive or false negative result. In addition, it is recommended to use several tests at once, it is desirable that they be of different price categories and different manufacturers.

If most of the tests indicate the presence of pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only he can accurately determine the presence of a developing embryo in the uterine cavity. Tests may be positive if there is an ectopic pregnancy, ovarian disease, or cancer. In order to accurately confirm the presence of pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct urine and blood tests and undergo an ultrasound examination. Ultrasound is the most accurate procedure for determining pregnancy. She will also indicate the approximate date of conception and birth of the child.

Discharge after ovulation if conception was successful

The emergence of a new life in a woman's body is subject to a number of complex interrelated processes. Provided that all the factors for conception have shown themselves positively, and the development of the fetus. Become a clear signal discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred successfully and the woman will soon become a mother.

  • What happens after conception?
  • Changes in the female body during pregnancy

What day does conception occur after ovulation?

The reproductive system is built very intelligently and fragilely. Every twenty-eight days, she potentially prepares for the birth of a new life, which means that the body almost every month waits for the moment when the germ cell meets the sperm.

The menstrual cycle resembles a general preparation for the main event - ovulation. - this is the key, the most important link in the process of the emergence of a new life. Depending on whether the egg was released in the cycle, the possibility also depends.

When an egg is released in a woman's body, a germ cell is released from a maturing follicle, ready to merge with a spermatozoon. Towards her other half, she moves along the fallopian tube, hastily driven by the villi of the mucous membrane.

Nature has determined how many days after ovulation conception occurs - this is the middle of the cycle. Girls with a stable cycle can even find out what day conception occurs after the act or plan it in advance. In some cases, ovulation is shifted by several hours or days, this can happen for the following reasons:

  • past illnesses;
  • taking medication;
  • changes in the climatic zone;
  • stress;
  • overheating or hypothermia, etc.

Women who want to get pregnant "catch" the exit of the germ cell in various available ways - by measuring the temperature in the rectum, express tests, etc. Knowing on what day after ovulation conception occurs, you can make contact with the child's father or. In this matter, you can trust scientific methods, but also listen to your own feelings - for the majority during this period, but sexual desire intensifies.

The luteinizing hormone, which reaches its maximum during this period, plays a decisive role in the release of the germ cell. Under the action of the hormone, the walls of the follicle burst in one and a half to two days, and the female reproductive cell is sent to the uterus.

To understand when conception occurs after ovulation, you need to know how long the most important cells live - eggs and sperm. The female reproductive cell is the most capricious, as a real lady is supposed to be - her life lasts only 12-24 hours. But a group of assertive "suitors", although not quickly, but confidently strive for their chosen one for several hours after penetrating into the female body. In order for the sperm to enter the uterus, they have a rather dangerous path. The genital tract secrete a mucous secret that prevents their progress. Despite the fact that it takes several hours for the sperm to fuse with the egg, they themselves live for about six days. Some spermatozoa become inactive on the 5th day.

The result - fertilization after the release of the egg from the follicle takes place directly on the first day, since it simply does not survive anymore. If the sperm is late, then the "second half" dies.

If we take the time of sex as a basis and consider the question of how long conception occurs after the act, then here we need to start from just the opposite - from the lifetime of the male cell. As mentioned above, sperm are most capable in the first six days after intercourse. This means that even if the female reproductive cell was not yet ready to accept the spermatozoon directly during the PA, then already on the fifth day of the spermatozoon's stay in the uterus, their fusion can occur and a zygote is formed. Therefore, when conception occurs, it will not be possible to determine exactly after the act, because the process can take up to five days. But this means that within a few days after sex, the expectant mother can become the happy owner of a small miracle under her heart.

What are the feelings after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

The question of the meeting of cells is another 50% success on the way to the formation of a zygote. No one knows exactly what day fertilization occurs after conception, but most of the medical literature determines that the necessary time for fertilization is approximately seven days.

The fusion of two germ cells in a significant part of cases does not drastically affect the health of a woman. After all, to start the hormonal changes in the body, it is necessary to implant the embryo into the uterus, which is worth waiting for.

However, indirect symptoms of successful ovulation still exist. Those girls who want to get pregnant and cannot do this for a long time know how to understand about the onset of pregnancy, so they follow this process with special care. They already know what kind of discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, so they are looking forward to them. So, they include:

  • Persistently elevated basal temperature, which usually decreases after "idle" ovulation. As a rule, a temperature of 37 degrees is considered normal, because the metabolism in the body of the expectant mother accelerates, which means that the temperature also rises. When measuring basal temperature after successful fertilization, the indicators may increase by several divisions to create a comfortable temperature regime for the zygote.
  • Breast engorgement and. Since the level of hormones is still high in the first days after ovulation, the processes regulated by these hormones remain relevant.

What is the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

The process of the exit of the germ cell may be accompanied by a slight release of blood during the violation of the integrity of the follicle and damage to the smallest vessels, but this does not happen in all women. Knowing how it feels after ovulation, if conception has occurred, the expectant mother may not worry about the discharge. Blood is also not always visible. It is rare that there are clear spots of blood on the underwear, which was released directly from the follicle.

Discharge during implantation of the zygote into the wall of the uterus may become more pronounced. This happens approximately seven days after fertilization. During this time, the uterus receives a signal that it is necessary to accept the embryo. Normal changes occur with the uterus - its walls soften, swell, store nutrients, and microscopic villi work to “capture” the fertilized oocyte.

The microtrauma that occurs with a tiny damage to the uterine wall during (a week later) provokes implantation bleeding, traces of which can be seen on the underwear. Do not be afraid, because a few drops of blood in the middle of the cycle do not speak of pathology at all, and bleeding itself is the norm for this significant event. The absence of implantation bleeding does not guarantee the absence of conception.

What are the feelings after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

The first fourteen days after conception is an extremely important period for the fetus and intriguing for the expectant mother. She does not feel how many days conception occurs after the act, she does not yet know what is happening to her body, and the embryo is already developing in her with might and main. By this time, the embryo is well immersed in the villi of the uterus, and it, in turn, signals the beginning of gestation to other systems and organs.

From this moment, a specific hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, will enter the blood and urine of the pregnant woman. Based on the presence of this hormone, most of it is arranged. Unfortunately, the first week does not yet give a high level of the hormone, so the tests cannot yet confirm or disprove pregnancy. But right after the date of the expected period, which potentially should have come in 2 weeks, such a test can be done.

Consider what happens after conception by day.

Period Changes taking place
1-5 day In the first four days, the zygote actively divides exponentially. Daughter cells appear. Simultaneously, the zygote moves down the fallopian tube and descends into the uterus for attachment. As a result of division, a blastula appears - a small vesicle that has a cavity inside. The walls of the blastula consist of two layers. The outer layer of smaller cells is called the trophoblast. From it, the outer shells of the embryo are formed. And the larger cells located inside the blastula give rise to the embryo. By this time, the embryo boasts already 58 cells and a growth of a third of a millimeter. Initiated - the release of the embryo from the protein coat.
6-7 day At this time, the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. A special enzyme is released on the surface of the blastula, which makes the walls of the uterus looser. As a rule, the mucous membrane of the organ is already ready to accept the embryo - the walls of the uterus become thicker, the blood vessels grow, the uterine glands are stimulated. Small villi appear on the surface of the blastula, which increase the adhesion of the surface of the blastula and the uterine mucosa. After the blastula is attached, the villi gradually atrophy and remain only on the attachment side. At the site of attachment of the trophoblast and the uterine mucosa, the placenta is laid, which will nourish the baby until birth.
7-15 day During this period, the cells form two vesicles: an ectoblastic vesicle is formed from the outer cells, and an endoblastic vesicle is formed from the inner ones. The outer cells are tightly fused with the mucosa, and the umbilical cord is formed in the initial stage, as well as the nervous system. The second week is the first critical period, the success of which depends on the further development of the embryo. It is very important that the embryo is firmly attached to the uterine cavity and begins to fully divide - it is at this time that the pregnancy can fail if the embryo does not attach. In this case, menstruation will begin, and the woman will not know about a possible pregnancy.

In the first two weeks, the embryo increases in size and reaches one millimeter. It is still surrounded by a special protective film that provides power. The third week gives the fetus the opportunity to grow a little more, and after another two, the baby can be seen on ultrasound - ultrasound screening. Doctors will set the obstetric gestational age - not when conception occurs after intercourse, but from the beginning of the last menstruation.

What are the feelings after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

In the first days, the hormonal background of the expectant mother undergoes colossal changes. Under the influence of chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone is released into the blood by the corpus luteum. It is progesterone from now on that is responsible for the life of the unborn baby. The task of this hormone is to prepare the mucosa and control the location and attachment of the fetus. In a significant part of cases, it plays a decisive role in spontaneous abortion - termination of pregnancy at this time.

All the same hormonal background will slow down menstruation, and cause classic manifestations of toxicosis: nausea and vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite. As a rule, the expectant mother already suspects pregnancy, and toxicosis only confirms her assumptions.

Under the influence of hormones, external changes occur with a woman - she becomes more rounded, her forms are smoothed out, the oval of her face is slightly rounded. She still does not know what happens after conception by day with her body, but the first signs are already appearing. The chest does not become smaller, on the contrary, it is at first that a bursting feeling is felt in the chest, which indicates the preparation of the passages and alveoli of the mammary glands.

The reproductive system is also undergoing changes. The cervix closes tightly, protecting a new life, and metamorphoses also occur with the vagina and labia - they thicken, become softer. In this way, the body protects the baby from injury and prepares the birth canal.

Summing up, it can be noted that even without knowing how many days fertilization occurs after conception, vaginal discharge will tell you about the onset of pregnancy. It can also be stated with certainty that conception after ovulation occurs within 1–2 days, and after intercourse - within 5 days, since it is during this period of time that a viable sperm cell “living” in the uterus waits for ovulation to occur.

Thus, conception is affected by both the time of ovulation and the time of sexual intercourse. By following the nature of the discharge, it is possible to determine with a high probability whether the fetus has occurred or not.

It is advisable to use a pregnancy test only from the first day of delay. Without waiting for the expected date, many closely monitor changes in the body, including in the vaginal secretion, in order to recognize the onset of pregnancy as early as possible. In this article, we will thoroughly understand the question of whether there are clear differences in the discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred or not.

What should be the discharge immediately after conception: before the attachment of the fetal egg?

The discharge at conception does not differ from the usual cervical mucus during the fertile period. At this time, estrogen dominates, which provokes more liquid and abundant mucus from the vagina, similar to snot or egg white, which increases the likelihood of becoming pregnant (see photo). and can be observed.

transparent like protein

4th day. The embryo enters the tubes, and there are already as many as 16 cells in it. There is no significant effect on the vaginal secret, the situation continues on the third day.

From the 5th to the 7th day. During this period, the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, where it will be decided whether pregnancy will occur or not. A positive result is the fixation of the embryo in the mucous layer of the uterus (may happen later).

What does the color of discharge after conception and before menstruation indicate?

You can navigate by the shade of discharge to mark the absence of pregnancy or the beginning of the first month of the gestation period.

White discharge after conception and in the second half of the cycle

Mucus of this shade should have a uniform consistency and not cause discomfort in the form of itching and burning. This substance cannot tell about a pregnancy that has occurred, since it does not have significant differences.


Such traces on the panty liner are allowed during the luteal phase in the absence of pregnancy, but they should not be saturated (yellowish or). are not a sign of conception, but the probability of fertilization that has taken place still exists.

transparent secret

After ovulation, the mucus from the vagina should become thicker, acquiring a whitish tint. But a small amount of clear liquid is acceptable at any time of the cycle.

Red, brown, pink

Mucus of this color is normal if it is caused by the fertile period and. In all other situations, you need to check with a doctor. In the first case, we are talking about follicle rupture and damage to blood vessels, and in the second, fertilization. Distinguishes their time of occurrence and intensity. The first option - they have a meager character (brown drop on the gasket) and are accompanied by aching pains in the lower abdomen. Learn about the characteristics of the second option below.

What is implantation bleeding?

Bloody discharge after conception, indicating the attachment of the fetal egg, will not appear before the fifth or sixth day from the moment of fertilization.

It is this minimum that the embryo needs to penetrate the uterine wall. Thus, one should expect the appearance of such secretions a week after ovulation or a week before menstruation, which will indicate the onset of pregnancy.

You may notice a small amount of mucus with clots or drops of blood on the panty liner or underwear (see photo). The nature of secretion may vary from the ratio of vaginal fluid and blood streaks. The intensity exceeds the discharge during ovulation. The following shades are allowed:

  • red;
  • pale pink;
  • brownish;
  • light yellow.

It is important to assess the duration and volume of bleeding after ovulation.

  1. Conception happened. The duration of implantation bleeding ranges from a few hours to two or three days. Moreover, there should not be much vaginal fluid.
  2. Conception did not occur. Allocations begin with a daub and turn into a full menstruation.
  3. Sign of pathology. The gasket gets wet in an hour or less, then the trip to the hospital cannot be postponed, because there is a suspicion of bleeding.

According to reviews of pregnant women, most often implantation discharge after fertilization appears 6-12 days after ovulation. Moreover, gynecologists say that most patients did not encounter this phenomenon at all or did not pay attention to it.

Is pregnancy possible if there is no secretion?

The absence of discharge after ovulation is a kind of norm for the monthly cycle. The reason lies in the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the state of the hormonal background. After the fertile phase, the level of progesterone increases, and this hormone creates unfavorable conditions for the movement of sperm when the mucous plug of the cervical canal is the least permeable.

But in most cases, there is still a sticky or sticky secretion, which becomes watery before menstruation. To determine pregnancy, it is better to pay close attention to the changes in the body that indicate it:

  • fatigue;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • dizziness;
  • change in attitude to food;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • mood swings;
  • pain in the abdomen (may pull the lower back).

How to find out by secretions if fertilization failed?

The main difficulty is that the nature of the discharge after ovulation, if conception has not occurred, is very similar to the secret in women in early pregnancy, that is, before the blastocyst is fixed on the uterine wall. From the time of the ovulatory period until menstruation, the secretion in the form of chicken protein or abundant mucus should change to a sticky or sticky liquid with a thicker consistency. Shortly before the end of the menstrual cycle, cervical mucus practically disappears, appearing a few days before menstruation. The most striking sign can be considered the above-described implantation bleeding, but due to the fact that it is a rather rare occurrence, it is not worth drawing conclusions relying on its absence.

It will be right to appreciate your feelings and wait about a week. If there is no blood in the vaginal secretion, there are no aching pains and cramps in the lower abdomen, conception is unlikely, but not excluded. For greater certainty, you can do a test based on the immunochromatographic method for determining the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine (ultrasensitive 7 days after ovulation).

What does it say about pathology?

All secretions that cause redness of the genital organs, irritation, burning, do not exclude pregnancy, but also the risk of developing inflammation and other pathological disorders.

The following cervical mucus indicates problems in the reproductive system:

  • curdled lumps, itching, burning (thrush);
  • dark brown, (polycystic ovaries, severe inflammation);
  • rich yellow, green, (infection).

This is just a small list of possible diseases. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics and take tests.

It happens that brown or red discharge after ovulation torments women with cervical erosion when the affected area is systematically damaged.

or before the expected menstrual bleeding cannot 100% guarantee the success of conception.

When a new life is conceived, the eggs and sperm make a long journey before the embryo enters the uterus. In the body, changes occur that prepare the genitals for bearing a child.

How is ovulation related to pregnancy? The connection is very direct: before fertilization, a mature oocyte must exit the follicle. In other words, without ovulation, the fusion of germ cells is impossible.

Let's take a closer look at the relationship between ovulation and pregnancy.

When does conception occur after ovulation?

The normal menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. During this time, the dominant follicle matures, from which the oocyte emerges. The gamete moves into the fallopian tube, where it waits to meet the sperm.

With a standard cycle, the ovulatory phase occurs on the 14-15th day. This is the most favorable time for conception.

If it is equal to 31 days, the release of a mature egg should occur on the 17th day: 31 - 14 \u003d 17. When you have an irregular cycle, use other methods for calculating ovulation - pharmacy tests, calendar method, BBT measurement, ultrasound.

The oocyte is viable for a short time - about 12 - 36 hours. Successful conception is possible if sexual contact occurs a few days before and during ovulation.

During this interval, the female sex cell must meet with the male. If fusion does not occur, the germ cells die.

Fertilization occurs 3-6 hours after PA (sexual intercourse). The sperm enters the oocyte and it becomes a zygote. Depending on the individual characteristics of the woman, the timing of conception can be shifted by 1-6 days.

After calculating the date of ovulation, some parents plan the birth of a boy or a girl. To do this, they use special calendars and calculate the sex of the child at conception on the appropriate days. True, there are no sufficient scientific grounds to confirm such a planning method.

How to find out if conception has occurred - the first signs of pregnancy after ovulation

Delayed menstruation is not the only symptom of fertilization. If conception has occurred, the gynecologist during the examination reveals specific signs - a bluish-red color of the cervix, a change in the shape and consistency of this organ.

During the first pregnancy, the expectant mother writes off the manifestations of pregnancy as a common malaise. Women who already have children are more sensitive to the symptoms that the body sends. By listening to yourself, you can feel the first signs of conception.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

In the early stages of pregnancy, there is a slight discomfort in the lower abdomen. It is caused by the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus and hormonal changes inside the woman.

The pain does not pose any threat to the health of the mother and her child. It has a moderate pulling character in the suprapubic region. The reproductive organs are ready for the growth and development of the fetus.

Gastrointestinal system dysfunction

Many pregnant women notice changes in taste preferences. I want salty or sour, or even inedible substances - soap, clay, chalk. Sometimes there is an aversion to meat or fish and an intolerance to the smell of perfume and cigarettes.

In order to fully assimilate nutrients, the gastrointestinal tract conducts a longer processing of food to the desired consistency. The girl notes the severity in the epigastric region.

During pregnancy, dyspeptic disorders often occur:

  • nausea or vomiting in the morning or after eating certain foods;
  • violation of intestinal motility in the form of constipation or diarrhea;
  • flatulence due to improper or delayed digestion of food;
  • profuse salivation.

Discomfort in the breasts

After conception, estrogen and progesterone are intensively produced. Hormones subject the mammary glands to changes. The chest fills up, becomes heavy and increases in size.

The woman notices that the halo of the nipples darkens and becomes larger. The venous network begins to be seen through the skin, as blood circulation increases in this area.

When pressing on the nipples, a whitish-yellow liquid is released - colostrum. Don't worry, this is completely normal.

sudden cystitis

An increased concentration of hormones leads to a change in the composition and number of bacteria in the female body. From the vagina, microbes easily penetrate into the urethra and then into the bladder. An inflammatory process develops.

Why does the expectant mother confuse cystitis with a sign of pregnancy? In the organs of the small pelvis, the blood supply increases, and there are frequent urges to urinate. Unlike the infectious process in the bladder during gestation, there is no sharp pain and a feeling of relief after going to the toilet.

The uterus becomes soft and edematous. This also increases the urge to urinate.

Change in basal temperature

In the first half of the cycle, BT (basal temperature) drops to 36.5-36.8 degrees. This is necessary for the maturation of the oocyte. The day before the ovulatory phase, the temperature first drops and then rises to 37 degrees.

Progesterone is responsible for the growth of BT, which is produced immediately after the maturation and release of the egg from the follicle. When fertilization does not occur, the week before menstruation, the basal temperature decreases. If conception has occurred, it will be elevated.

With the onset of pregnancy, instead of the usual decrease, the temperature will remain at around 37 degrees. It is believed that this is one of the first signs of pregnancy, which is determined even before the delay in menstruation.

The expectant mother should take into account that other factors can also affect the rise in temperature. Gynecological diseases, inflammatory processes, exorbitant physical activity, taking certain drugs increase the basal temperature.

Change in hCG level

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is produced by the fetal egg immediately after attaching to the uterine wall. The substance controls the production of progesterone and estrogen in the female body.

This is an early sign that allows you to find out about the duration of pregnancy and its successful course. Normally, the hormone levels are constantly growing and reach the highest values ​​​​by the 10th week of gestation. Then the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin gradually decreases.

With the normal bearing of the child, the content of the substance increases. If the hCG levels do not increase, a frozen or ectopic pregnancy has occurred.

Table: "HCG norm by week":

Gestational age (weeks before fertilization) Pregnancy period (obstetric weeks) The norm of hCG, mIU / ml
3 – 4 5 – 6 1500 – 5000
4 – 5 6 – 7 10000 – 30000
5 – 6 7 – 8 20000 – 100000
6 – 7 8 – 9 50000 – 200000
7 – 8 9 – 10 40000 – 200000
8 – 9 10 – 11 35000 – 145000
9 – 10 11 – 12 32500 – 130000
10 – 11 12 – 13 30000 – 120000
11 – 12 13 – 14 27500 – 110000
13 – 14 15 – 16 25000 –100000
15 – 16 17 – 18 20000 – 80000
17 – 21 19 – 23 15000 – 60000

Bloody issues

When the embryo attaches to the uterine wall, its integrity is broken. As a result, blood vessels are damaged, bloody mucus appears. This is implantation bleeding. Usually such secretions are scarce and are formed 6-12 days after unprotected intercourse. They come long before the expected date of menstruation and last no more than 2 days.

Calculating when implantation bleeding occurs is not difficult. With a standard cycle, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. If it is shorter or longer, spotting will come no later than 10 days from the moment the mature oocyte leaves the ovary.

It turns out that a week before the onset of menstruation, the girl will notice reddish mucus on her underwear.

A woman should be alerted by the following symptoms:

  1. Simultaneously with bleeding, cramping pain appears, extending to the perineal region.
  2. Weakness and dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  3. The discharge is copious, scarlet or clots.
  4. The body temperature has risen.
  5. The mucus contains pus inclusions.

All signs point to pathological spotting. If you notice at least one manifestation of the above, be sure to seek medical help.

What day do these symptoms appear?

Specific symptoms of pregnancy occur already in the early period of bearing a child. Within a week after fertilization, hormonal changes in the female body occur.

It is the change in the endocrine background that is responsible for the time when manifestations of the "interesting situation" occur. Count the number of days after ovulation when they appeared. So you will understand if conception has occurred.

What day do you notice signs of pregnancy?

  • spotting: on the 8th - 10th day;
  • soreness in the abdomen: 8 - 10;
  • discomfort in the mammary glands: 7 - 14;
  • increase in basal temperature: 8 - 10;
  • growth of hCG indicators: 9 - 12;
  • digestive disorders: 14 - 20.

What to do after sex to increase your chances of getting pregnant

Not every couple can conceive a child on the first try. It often takes several menstrual cycles for a woman to become pregnant.

What do we have to do:

  1. Stop taking birth control. For fertilization to occur, give up contraceptives in advance. It will take time for the restoration of female reproductive function.
  2. After intimacy, lie on your back with a raised pelvis or raise your legs, leaning them against the wall.
  3. Psychologically tune in to pregnancy, but do not dwell on it. Experiences and excessive mental stress adversely affect fertilization. Try to reduce intellectual work, rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  4. Visit your gynecologist. With progesterone deficiency, the doctor prescribes Duphaston or Utrozhestan after ovulation. Gestagens compensate for the deficiency of the hormone and contribute to a better attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine wall. The specialist will also prescribe vitamins. With their help, the child will develop properly.
  5. Stop taking drugs. Some drugs (antidepressants, psychostimulants) negatively affect a woman's reproductive health. To stop taking medications, talk to your doctor who can tell you about the risks and help you stop taking them the right way.
  6. Use a decoction of sage. The plant is used if conception has not occurred within a few months. It promotes the production of estrogen, thickening of the endometrium and the regularity of the menstrual cycle. 1 tsp crushed dried leaves pour 200 ml of hot water. Boil for 1 minute, cool and strain the broth. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day.

And some more tips in this video:


Pregnancy is a complex physiological process. For conception to occur, it is necessary to approach it correctly. Try to follow all the rules that increase the successful attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

In the early stages of gestation, specific symptoms appear that indicate fertilization. Each sign is characterized by a certain period of manifestation. Usually they occur already 2-14 days after conception.

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