For the microwave oven, you can use dishes from. Dishes for the microwave: what will fit in the oven? Why stoves don't like gold-plated dishes

I first thought about what kind of dishes could be used in the microwave after a bad experience with a plate with a pattern. The device remained intact, but there were a lot of sparks.

The microwave oven is one of the best inventions for the kitchen. Warming up, defrosting, and preparing all kinds of dishes using this device is more convenient and much faster. However, everyone knows that not all dishes can be placed in the microwave. If you choose the wrong container, anything can happen - from harmful substances getting into the food to damage to the microwave itself.

Let's take a closer look at which utensils are ideal for the microwave, and which ones need to be handled more carefully. We will also dwell on some of the subtleties of using this or that kitchen utensil for microwave ovens.

What dishes should not be used?

First of all, it is important to understand once and for all which plates and pots are strictly prohibited. Absolutely not suitable:

  • any metal utensils. That is, aluminum, copper, steel, enameled and cast iron. Metal does not transmit microwaves, and it can also accumulate an electrical charge. This means that the food will not heat up, and the household appliance may break;
  • dishes with a pattern, and not necessarily with gilding - even a matte pattern can be applied with paint that contains metal particles, and metal, as we understand, is prohibited;
  • crystal tableware, since it is made from a natural material that contains metal;
  • foil forms;
  • disposable tableware made of ordinary plastic or paper impregnated with wax;
  • ceramic without glaze.

It is not advisable to heat food in a container made of thin glass - although it allows waves to pass through, it may not withstand temperature changes.

Microwave-safe dishes

The range of cookware that is perfect for microwaves is increasing every year. Just 10-15 years ago it was hard to find one, especially if you wanted to fit into the overall design of the kitchen. Now the variety of external design, shapes and useful volume is impressive. However, the main thing is the material from which all this beauty is made.


Plates, salad bowls, baking dishes and pans made of thick-walled heat-resistant glass can be safely called an ideal option for microwave oven. It transmits waves perfectly, is easy to clean, and is also suitable for use in the oven, on a gas stove, etc.

It is convenient to cook absolutely any food in such dishes, for example, I always make a simple pie “” in a glass form.

Silicone containers

One of the new products is silicone cookware for microwaves. It performs its functions well and is not afraid of waves, temperature changes, etc. In addition, it has excellent non-stick properties - any casseroles, pies, and cakes in such forms can be cooked without additional greasing.

It is important to buy these forms from a trusted brand, otherwise, instead of a wonderful product, you may end up with a product that is, at best, unpleasantly smelling, and at worst, hazardous to health.

Porcelain, ceramic and earthenware dishes

Ceramics, porcelain and earthenware are materials that are similar to each other, since each is based on clay. The proportions, production technology and some physical properties, but, in principle, all this is pottery.

If there are no patterns on them or if they are painted with paint without metal particles, they can also be used for the microwave. They transmit waves a little worse and heat up, but they perform their functions well. The main thing is that the dishes are free of cracks - even the smallest ones can cause a plate or cup to simply break into pieces.

Plastic dishes

Plastic trays, bowls or other containers are allowed to be placed in the microwave, but under one condition - this plastic is heat-resistant and suitable for microwave ovens (this can be found out from the icons on the dishes).

Some types of plastic are only suitable for heating, but it is better not to use them for cooking, especially fatty or sweet dishes. This information is easily deciphered from symbols. The fact is that the melting point of the material may be lower than the boiling point of the food and the plastic will simply begin to melt, releasing harmful substances into the food.

Paper, polyethylene, cling film

All these materials are usually used for packaging, of which there are many types. You can put food in such a container to warm it up, but it’s better for a short time. Make sure there are holes for steam to escape, otherwise it will explode right in the oven.

If food is packaged in factory conditions, then the manufacturer indicates the possibility of exposing the container to microwaves.

Labeling secrets

The time has come to turn to the mysterious icons on the dishes. So, what marking indicates that the container can be placed in the microwave? There are several examples, but they are all understandable on an intuitive level. For example, as in the photo:

At the end, I offer a short video about some of the features of microwave cookware:

Many microwave oven owners are interested in the question of which dishes can be used in the microwave and which cannot. Today we will try to figure it out, but first we will find out what she doesn’t like.

What dishes should not be put in the microwave?

Even the simplest microwave is suitable for cooking various dishes. When you cook healthy food and want to give your microwave a long life, you must choose the right cookware. A microwave allows you to quickly heat food using microwaves, so not every cookware is suitable for use. It is not recommended to place metal utensils in it. This is explained by the fact that microwaves are reflected by the metal and food will cook worse in it. Also metal material may cause static discharge. Crystal is also not very suitable for the microwave. It is better to use dishes without a pattern in the microwave.

What dishes can be put in the microwave?

What type of cookware should be used in the oven?

When preparing and heating food, the material of the container must be heat-resistant, which can be heated to a temperature of 140 degrees.

The cookware is microwave safe.

From silicone ceramics, paper, plastic, glass, porcelain

1. Silicone cookware

It is quite elastic and very durable, can withstand temperatures over 200 degrees, has non-stick properties, and does not absorb odors and does not contain impurities. Also, this dish can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees, which makes it easy to move a frozen dish from the freezer to the microwave. Inert silicone, does not interact with products.

2. Ceramic dishes

Such dishes do not heat up during use; ceramics do not take away heat from cooked dishes. It is not recommended to wet such dishes with water before cooking in a microwave oven. It is ideal to use vitroceramics; this cookware is sold with the designation “For microwave ovens”. If sparks appear when using the cookware, the cookware should not be used.

3. Paper dishes

It is mainly used for heating ready meals. When heating, there should be no layer of aluminum in the product packaging, otherwise the paper may catch fire if it is overheated. This type of cookware is also suitable for baking. Paper obtained from recycled materials cannot be used due to the high presence of impurities in it. Also, you should not use paper as a utensil if the dish is very greasy or contains a lot of moisture.

4. Plastic dishes

When choosing plastic utensils, you need to be careful. Not every plastic is microwave safe. The plastic must withstand temperatures of 140 degrees and be provided with the necessary markings that it can be used in the microwave. Suitable materials are polyamide and polypropylene. The advantage is that plastic is not afraid of temperature changes. And you can immediately put it from the refrigerator to the microwave

5. Glassware

When using glassware, inspect the glassware for defects that could lead to cracking. The glass material must be fireproof or heat resistant, thick and durable. For ovens, they mainly use glassware, without patterns, otherwise it begins to crack. Glass can easily withstand temperatures of +300 degrees, and glass ceramics can generally withstand 900 degrees.

6. Porcelain dishes

Porcelain cookware is heat-resistant, but several precautions must be taken into account when using it. You cannot put it in the microwave directly from the refrigerator, and it also requires gradual heating.

Whatever choice of utensils you make for cooking or heating food in the microwave, the main thing is that you are satisfied with the taste and appearance of your dish, in which the maximum preservation healthy vitamins and microelements.

Remember school rule about “glass, tin, wood”? It is not at all complicated, which cannot be said about using utensils made of glass, metal and wood. Especially when it comes to microwave ovens.

Text: Olga KUZMINA.

Why don't stoves like gold-plated dishes?

If you have ever used a microwave oven or simply looked into its depths, you may have noticed that the device has a metal body and a mesh is installed in the door. And this is in any microwave oven, without exception!

The reason for such constructive uniformity is simple - waves should not leave the interior of the furnace, and metal is ideal for this purpose, since it does not transmit radiation.

This is why metal utensils are not used in microwaves; they not only prevent food from heating up, but also pose a threat to the device itself. The “meeting” of an iron bowl with microwave waves causes a spectacular and at the same time dangerous phenomenon of sparking or even an electric arc, which can cause the stove to become unusable.

Therefore, nickel-plated, enameled, aluminum and steel pots, plates and cups cannot be used in the microwave! Also include in the list of prohibited items dishes that are lavishly decorated with a variety of decorative elements containing metal, for example, gilding.

However, there are exceptions to this rule (usually they are specified in the instructions for the device). In almost any oven it is allowed to use foil; it covers those parts of the food that should not be heated ahead of time, most often these are the protruding wings or legs of the stove. Foil is used when cooking or defrosting.

Another exception is special cookware designed by the stove manufacturer, for example, the Samsung Aqua Cook steaming kit has a metal cap that protects the food from wave action. Dishes of this type can be used without fear; they will not cause problems with the operation of the appliance.

We must not forget that microwave ovens can be combined, that is, equipped with heaters (grill heating elements, ring elements). If the oven operates without turning on microwave radiation, then you can use any dishes that are suitable in size: small baking sheets and roasting pans, cake and muffin tins, frying pans.

Wooden bowls are better - on the shelf

Wooden utensils are not used so widely in our homes - we love Khokhloma, products made from straw and often buy them for simple purposes: storing bulk products, sweets, bread, but mainly for decoration.

It’s unlikely that anyone will dare to cook in it: it’s a pity, but you can still think of heating something like buns on a wooden plate or board.

Some manufacturers generally do not recommend using wooden utensils in the microwave due to the risk of overheating and charring. Or use it only for a short time, for example, for warming up or instant cooking, for example, hot sandwiches, in this case it is better to give preference to products low in fat and sugar.

Wood is a living material with a heterogeneous structure, the pores of which may contain moisture; when heated, this can lead to deformation and even damage to the dishes.

Paper is not tableware

Microwave manufacturers do not prohibit the use of disposable forms and plates made of paper or cardboard, although they are not reliable for long-term cooking, especially if the future dish contains a lot of moisture and fat. Packages with a wax or plastic coating will “flow” when heated for more than a few minutes: the protective layer will melt and fall on the food.

To absorb juice and protect against chapping, you can use paper kitchen towels; baking trays, like for the oven, can be lined with tracing paper; for baking small and medium-sized muffins, you can use ready-made paper molds in the form of rosettes with corrugated walls.

It is better not to use paper made from recycled materials, as it may contain dangerous impurities or metal compounds.

What not to put in the oven

  • Thin-walled glass products: glasses, goblets, shot glasses
  • Items with decorations containing metal compounds
  • Crystal glassware
  • Stainless steel, cast iron cookware
  • Nickel plated, enameled
  • Aluminum
  • Copper, brass
  • With decorative elements made of metals (for example, gold or silver)
  • Faience and porcelain with decor created using metals
  • Wood and straw products
  • Disposable tableware, including coated ones, are not suitable for long-term cooking.
  • Recycled paper
  • Painted paper, newspapers
  • Silicone products with metal frames
  • Products made from non-heat-resistant polymers

Is it possible or not? What a question: I poured it and checked it!

Most of your plates, bowls, cups, glasses can be safely used in a microwave oven.

To make sure how suitable the cookware is for microwave cooking, carry out a simple test (it is always included in the instructions for the device).

A glass filled with water is placed in the oven, and the object to be examined is placed in the chamber at the same time. The device is turned on full power for 1 minute.

If, after the specified time, the water in the glass has heated up, but not the vessel being tested, everything is in order, the test has been completed successfully, and the item can be used in the oven. But, if the water temperature has not changed, and the plate or cup has become hot, it means that the material of the dish absorbs microwaves and it is dangerous to use such a product.

The instructions for my microwave recommend making the check simpler. You need to put the empty dishes in the oven and turn on the device for 30-60 seconds at maximum power, the suitable dishes will remain cold (or you can touch them without fear), the unsuitable ones will become hot, or even spark.

Toughen up! And you won't burst!

As you can see, almost all the products we are familiar with are excluded from the list of possible utensils: pots, pans, ladles. So what will we cook in?

In glass! This material perfectly transmits waves without reducing the effect of their impact, is easy to clean and is suitable not only for cooking, but also for serving.

Nowadays we offer a large selection of various glass and glass-ceramic products that are ideal for microwaves - these are small, medium and deep frying pans with two handles, with and without lids, saucepans of different sizes, baking sheets.

They are made of thick, heat-resistant, tempered glass (or a composite of glass and ceramics) that can withstand rising temperatures without problems: heat-resistant cookware can be used at temperatures from -40 to 1000 degrees!

Glassware and glass ceramics can also be used under normal conditions - on the stove (except induction), in the oven, and, of course, in a combined microwave oven with grill or convection (where heating reaches more than 220-250 degrees).

We must remember that glass does not like sudden temperature changes, for example, when adding cold water, or place the heated dishes on a wet towel.

You can also cook in the microwave in ordinary household glasses, plates, and salad bowls. But it is better to avoid using fragile products with thin walls, as they may burst when the food is heated.

Many housewives can boast of a small set of crystal dishes. This is a type of glass that is characterized by a high content of lead oxide, which gives crystal its wonderful properties. decorative properties and allows for cutting. But the higher the quality of the crystal, the less suitable it is for the microwave: it can absorb radiation, and its non-uniform walls can crack when heated.

Pots will also work

A large family of dishes made of ceramics (red clay), porcelain (white clay), and earthenware (clay with the addition of gypsum) is also distinguished by its loyalty to microwaves. It can be included in the list of products approved for use in microwave ovens, but with some reservations.

First, it’s still worth conducting a test: currently, various compounds are introduced into clay that improve the quality and appearance dishes, but can change the properties of the material, reducing its ability to easily transmit waves. It is undesirable to use products that have chips or cracks, as these defects can lead to splitting due to overheating of the moisture accumulated in them during washing.

In the oven you can use the same ceramics that we use in the oven - dishes, pots, stewpans, terrines (rectangular containers with lids), tagines (shapes with cone-shaped lids), provided that they fit in the chamber.

You can also cook and reheat in a serving bowl, giving preference to simple-shaped and round products.

Such dishes, especially thick-walled ones, retain heat well and therefore, ready-made dishes do not cool down longer. Since the surface of the products may have many micropores, it is not worth moistening the containers before placing the products.

Silicone molds just ask to be baked

Silicone baking molds are almost always specialized - for muffins, rolls, cookies, casseroles. We can cook all these dishes in the microwave, and of course, use silicone molds for this. You can also use silicone mats in a microwave oven; they are convenient for making sandwiches and pies.

Dishes are also special forces

Some microwave ovens are immediately equipped with special cooking utensils. For example, Panasonic, LG, Whirlpool, Samsung, Teka, Sharp and Rolsen offer stir-fries.

They are made of glass ceramics, but have a special coating that absorbs wave energy. The dish heats up very quickly, so that the food placed in it browns, like in a frying pan. The inside of the dish may have a non-stick coating.

The Moulinex, LG and Samsung model ranges have ovens that come with steamers - multi-tiered dishes with bottoms for water, sections for food and a lid.

LG stoves use a peculiar combination of these two devices - the “Talented Dish”. This is a cookware set that includes a full steamer, a frying disc and a crisping disc.

One of the Moulinex ovens is equipped with a bread maker, a mold necessary to produce brick-shaped baked goods. The device kneads, rests and bakes bread automatically.

What can you put in the oven?

  • All glass and glass ceramic products marked “microwave suitable”
  • Glass plates, bowls, cups, salad bowls, glasses
  • Aluminium foil
  • Special dishes
  • Ceramic products
  • Faience and porcelain
  • Disposable tableware made of paper and cardboard
  • Paper towels
  • Baking paper, special oiled paper pans
  • Silicone products
  • Plastic products with markings
  • Bags and film

Polymer containers: trust, but also check

A distinctive sign that an item meets all necessary requirements (including safety) is the marking: “suitable for microwave”, “safe for microwave”.

Disposable packaging is not provided with such inscriptions, so it is better to check once whether they can withstand heat, since plastic can be fusible and warp or lose shape due to increased temperature.

But bags, for example, for baking (only without metal fasteners), as well as film can be used for dishes that must retain their juiciness. For cooking, heating and defrosting, you can take heat-resistant plates, glasses, dishes and other utensils made of microwave-safe plastic.

Special dishes for the microwave are a variety of containers; they are also suitable for storing food, including at low temperatures, in the refrigerator. The containers are equipped with lids with special valves to allow steam to escape.

Among this group there are specialized items. For example, a steamer is a set that includes a main water container, one or more lattice or perforated inserts, and a cap.

You can also purchase a cap separately; with its help, any plate will turn into a very convenient container for stewing, which will also retain heat better. Another example of plastic utensils is a variety of containers for cooking eggs. They also have a similar shape - oval.

Break an egg into a container, salt it, do the necessary manipulations (for example, stir, add mayonnaise, milk, chopped herbs, chopped vegetables or sausage), cover with a lid and place in the oven. With this device you can get boiled eggs (with varying degrees of readiness - in a bag, soft-boiled, hard-boiled), and prepare omelettes.

For cooking or heating on two levels, you can buy a plastic stand, which will add another working “floor” to the chamber.

Before choosing a location to install your microwave oven, there is one basic rule to know: keep the vents clear of obstructions. Installing the microwave close to kitchen cabinets or other appliances will cause dust to accumulate, which can lead to a fire. Let's take a closer look at the possible options for how and where you can install a microwave.

Where is the best place to install a microwave?

Many housewives become confused when the question arises of where to place the microwave. On the one hand, it should be convenient for frequent use. On the other hand, the dimensions are impressive, and it takes up a lot of space in the kitchen set. The desire to advantageously hide appliances or fit them into the overall interior of the kitchen leads to several installation options:

  • place the equipment on the countertop;
  • make a hanging microwave;
  • place the stove on or under another appliance (this method is used to save space if you have a small kitchen);
  • install a microwave in the kitchen set;
  • on the windowsill, if its width allows.

All methods have the right to exist, but with certain criteria and installation rules. At the same time, it is also important to understand that not only the location of the furnace is important, but also its proximity to other electronics, since some equipment may be subject to its negative influence.

Read also: the best way to place a microwave in the kitchen.

What not to put in the microwave

In order to save space, many people prefer to use the microwave as an additional shelf and place a kettle on it, without particularly wondering whether this can be done. Some people use it for bread boxes, flowers and other items. This is fundamentally wrong, as there may be undesirable consequences. Many stove models have a ventilation strip on the top panel; if water, crumbs and other small solid particles get there, the appliance can burn out.

Above the microwave, on a separate shelf at a certain distance, you can install other interior items.

Despite the fact that popular items that are placed in the microwave are a teapot and flowers, there are many other nuances. The question of whether it is possible to put mobile phone to the microwave. The negative impact of devices on operation has not been proven, but theoretically, a magnetic field is formed around a working oven, which affects the magnetic strip of the SIM card in the phone. Its charge level may also decrease faster. You should not conduct experiments: if you put the phone on a working microwave and nothing happened, this does not mean that there can be regular contact between the devices. After all, the microwave can get very hot, and how a hot panel will affect the phone's body is anyone's guess. This rule also applies to the location of the laptop on it. Surely the phone's influence zone, portable devices and furnaces are difficult to define, much less prove.

Read also: harm of microwaves: truth or myth?

If there is a large window with large window sills, many housewives begin to use them not only for flowers, but also as an additional surface for equipment.

To make it clear where to place the microwave, it is necessary to divide the kitchen area into several parts and define the concepts: the ideal place according to technical standards, what is strictly prohibited and what are the undesirable areas.

How to properly install a microwave

Considering the need to provide ventilation when the microwave is operating, the most suitable places can be identified. The distance between the back panel and the wall must be at least 15 cm. Based on this criterion, we will analyze possible positions where a microwave can be placed.

When installing a microwave on a countertop, it is very convenient to place it in a corner kitchen wall. It can also be placed on a low cabinet. In this position, it does not occupy a convenient space for cooking and technical standards are met.

The microwave must be mounted on the wall using special brackets or a stand. This method will allow you to find the most convenient place in the kitchen:

  • hang above the desktop if there are no hanging cabinets nearby;
  • attach near the dining table or other options.

It is undesirable, but acceptable in some models, to make a microwave element of a built-in kitchen. In this case, the stove can be located either in a hanging cabinet or adjacent to one of the sides close to the cabinet wall (depending on the design of the ventilation outlets and the density metal frame technology). In this case, for ease of use, it is worth considering the location of the oven door and cabinets.

Often in the kitchen there are appliances that are not directly related to cooking - a TV and a gas boiler. In principle, these elements can be located next to each other while complying with safety standards.

If the microwave is located near an installed gas boiler, it is important that the column is of a closed type: it is dangerous to allow steam to connect with an open burner.

A possible option is to install a microwave next to the TV. Modern plasma models are usually placed high on the wall for maximum convenience and visibility. Thus, the operation of the microwave is unlikely to affect the operation of the TV if there are no such restrictions in the instructions. It’s another matter if the idea arises of putting a TV on a microwave - such a combination is hardly possible. If the oven is used for a long time, the heating of the panel may melt the plastic stand of the TV, and the release of hot air will affect the screen.

Unfavorable neighborhood

If we take into account that the kitchen is a place where the maximum number of household appliances and electronic equipment is concentrated, there are incompatible combinations of them. Especially devices that produce steam and heat. So, let's define the main prohibited places.

  • When using heating radiators and other heating elements, placing a microwave nearby is unacceptable.
  • There are restrictions on the location of the stove near electronically controlled appliances. The permissible distance must be at least 2 m. If there is not enough space, it is necessary to look for other options.
  • Installing a microwave over a multicooker is also dangerous, as the steam flow can damage the microwave. This reason is also a limitation for the proximity to the double boiler. An exception may be to install a multicooker on a microwave, but do not allow two types of equipment to work simultaneously.
  • It is dangerous to install microwaves on refrigerators and freezers; this problem can especially arise with combination ovens. When operating in convection or grill mode, the oven elements become very hot. Due to the high temperature, the body of the refrigerator will become very hot, which will result in malfunction or completely disable it (for more details, see the article: Is it possible to put a microwave oven on a refrigerator).
  • Taking into account all the aspects of the location of a microwave oven in the kitchen, we can conclude that there are many installation options. For safe use it is important to take into account specifications and restrictions from the manufacturer. And due to regular use, you should make sure that the operation will be comfortable and will not create causes for concern.

    You may also be useful information about whether it is possible to put a microwave on washing machine, in a dishwasher or other microwave.

    A new, very convenient microwave oven has appeared in your kitchen. Do you have good microwave-safe dishes? You have already carefully read the instructions for the new device and you know: not every plate or pan is suitable for use in the microwave. What kind of dishes can be safely placed in a microwave oven?

    What dishes are not suitable for the microwave?

    The following types of cookware are not suitable for use in a microwave oven:

    • Metal: copper, brass, steel, enameled cast iron. Microwaves do not pass through metal, food cannot heat up; It is also possible that spark discharges may occur that are dangerous for the microwave.
    • Porcelain and glass, if there is a pattern on its surface. This mainly concerns the design applied with gold paint. Even if the decorative stripe or ornament has already been largely worn away, these residues may spark when used in the oven. But metal particles can also be contained in matte paint, which doesn’t look gilded at all. Therefore, it is better to put dishes in the microwave without any pattern at all.
    • Crystal. Crystal contains lead, silver and may contain other metals. In addition, the cut surface of crystal glassware is not uniform in thickness. All this can lead to the transformation of a crystal glass or dish into a handful of shards right inside the microwave.
    • Disposable utensils made of waxed cardboard or plastic.
    • Plastic not resistant to high temperatures.
    • Ceramics self made, not covered with glaze on all sides.
    • Tall aluminum pans for heating or baking in a conventional oven.

    However, you can put food packaged in an aluminum container with low sides in the microwave for a few minutes to warm it up, but only if a number of conditions are met. It is imperative to open the container and place it in such a way that its edges are located at least 2 cm from the walls of the oven. Still, it is better to transfer food into glass containers for greater safety.

    You should also not place food tightly covered with film or a lid inside the microwave. There must be holes in the film to allow steam to escape. Otherwise, you will feel like an action movie hero - an explosion in the microwave will not take long to happen.

    When using glassware, it is not recommended to use thin-walled containers. You also need to carefully inspect the dishes to see if there are any defects in the walls and bottom: air bubbles, cracks, chips. All defects of this kind can cause the glass to suddenly crack. Glass can shatter into pieces both inside the microwave and when you remove it. Both options are dangerous.

    You should also not use porcelain and earthenware dishes that have cracks or chips. Don't forget: thick earthenware and porcelain absorb microwaves quite strongly and heat up. Do not try to remove a heated dish without oven mitts if it is in thick-walled ceramics.

    The best microwave cookware is glass, made from tempered fireproof or heat-resistant glass. You can also use fireproof glassware in a conventional oven. The walls of such plates and pans are thick and durable; they practically do not heat up under the influence of microwaves, since they do not absorb them.

    To get started, one pan with a capacity of 1.7 - 2 liters is enough. Its lid can be used as a plate if high sides are not needed. You can use ordinary glass glasses with thick walls, salad bowls, plates, if they have no defects.

    It is allowed to put porcelain and earthenware dishes in the microwave if their surface is not decorated with drawings. Ceramic dishes that are fully glazed are also suitable.

    What about plastic? Great care must be taken here. Not every plastic is suitable for use in the microwave. Be sure to make sure that there is a special marking on the bottom of the container: an icon with a schematic image of a microwave oven. The plastic must withstand heating up to 130-140°C.

    It is absolutely unacceptable to put plastic in a microwave oven that does not have such a sign. And it’s not even that the plastic container can simply become deformed or melt during the cooking process. When heated, low-quality plastic begins to decompose with the formation of harmful substances that enter the atmosphere and dissolve in the food that is in the dishes.

    Do not buy cheap plastic from an unknown manufacturer. Even if there is a sign on it that allows the product to be used for cooking in a microwave, it is not at all a fact that the plastic meets safety requirements and the labeling corresponds to reality. You can only trust proven, well-known brands purchased in a store that can provide quality certificates.

    Low-quality microwave cookware made in China is especially common. In a country of hardworking people, a huge number of goods are produced almost in a barn. It is clear that the plastic used there is the one that is cheaper.

    Polyamide and polypropylene plastics are allowed for use in microwave ovens. Polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are completely unsuitable; you should be careful with polyethylene.

    A few more points regarding polymers in the microwave:

    • If your microwave oven has a grill function, then it is better not to use plastic.
    • If you want to not just heat up, but cook any dish, then plastic is not suitable for preparing dishes using sugar and fat. These components easily heat up to temperatures at which the plastic begins to deform and melt (we are talking about sugar crystals).

    Heat small quantities products can be served without special plates or pans. The bun or hot dog can be wrapped in parchment paper or a linen napkin. You can also use special porous bags made for microwave use.

    Placing polyethylene in the microwave should be avoided. Thin polyethylene film will simply melt when the temperature rises, while thick plastic film may begin to emit an unpleasant odor that will spoil your products.

    To obtain an appetizing golden crust on your food, you can purchase special glass-ceramic dishes. Its bottom is covered with a layer of a special composition, which heats up greatly under the influence of microwaves. First, the container must be kept in the microwave without food so that the bottom heats up. Then carefully place the pieces of meat or vegetables on the heated bottom. After browning, you can close the dish with a lid and bring the deliciously crusted food to readiness.

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