Ancient satellites of the earth. How many moons does Earth have? Amazing Disc Research Results

As you know, currently the Earth has only one natural satellite - the Moon. But relatively recently - some 6-7 thousand years ago - two natural satellites could be seen above our planet. And even earlier, about 4.6 billion years ago, the Earth had three Moons. Astronomers made this assumption, and an article on this topic was published in the journal Nature.

But first, let's talk about the third - younger Moon, which, according to scientists, was a natural satellite of the Earth for a short time. This is evidenced not only by the myths and traditions of many peoples, but also by geological finds. And there are quite a lot of them.

In northern Argentina there is the area of ​​Campo del Cielo ("sky field"). This name is taken from an ancient Indian legend, which tells about mysterious metal blocks falling from the sky at this place. According to old Spanish chronicles, pieces of iron were found here back in the 16th century. The conquistadors used them to make weapons. Particularly lucky was a certain Herman de Miraval, who in 1576, in a rather remote area, among swampy lowlands, came across a huge block of pure iron. In 1783, the prefect of one of the provinces, Don Rubin de Celis, organized an expedition to this block and estimated its mass at approximately 15 tons. Detailed description the object was not preserved, and no one has seen it since then, although attempts to find the space “aliens” have been made more than once.

In 1803, a meteorite weighing about 1 ton was discovered in the vicinity of Campo del Cielo. Its largest fragment (635 kg) was delivered to Buenos Aires in 1813. Later, this block of cosmic iron was acquired by the Englishman Sir Woodbine Darish and donated to the British Museum; it still rests on a pedestal in front of the museum entrance. Part of its surface is specially polished to show the structure of the metal with the so-called. "Widmanstätten figures" indicating the extraterrestrial origin of the object.

Iron fragments weighing from several kilograms to many tons are still found in Campo del Cielo and its environs. The largest was found in 1980 near the town of Gansedo and weighed 33.4 tons. American meteorite researcher Robert Hug tried to buy it and take it to the USA, but the Argentine authorities opposed this. To date, this meteorite is considered the second largest among all those discovered on Earth - after the so-called Khoba meteorite, weighing about 60 tons.

An unusually large number of meteorites found in a relatively small area suggests that a natural meteorite “rain” once fell in this place. Evidence of this, in addition to the finds of the iron objects themselves, is a large number of craters in the Campo del Cielo area. The largest of them is the Laguna Negra crater with a diameter of 115 m and a depth of more than 5 m.

In 1961, W. Cassidy, a professor at Columbia University and the world's leading expert on meteorites, became interested in the findings at Campo del Cielo. The expedition he organized discovered a large number of small metal meteorites - hexaderites, consisting of almost chemically pure iron (96% of it, the rest is nickel, cobalt and phosphorus). Study of other meteorites found in different time in this area, gives the same composition. According to Cassidy, this proves that they are all fragments of a single celestial body. The scientist also drew attention to a strange fact: usually, when a large meteorite explodes in the atmosphere, its fragments fall to the Earth, scattering in an ellipse with a maximum diameter of just over one and a half kilometers. And at Campo del Cielo the length of this diameter is 17 km!

The published preliminary findings from Cassidy's research sparked interest around the world. The scientist was joined by hundreds of volunteer assistants, and as a result, new fragments of meteorite iron were discovered even at a considerable distance from Campo del Cielo - right up to the Pacific coast.

But it turned out that the area of ​​finds was even wider. A discovery in Australia has shed unexpected light on the story of the Campo del Cielo meteorite. Here back in 1937, 300 km. from the town of Hanbury. In an ancient crater with a diameter of 175 m and a depth of about 8 m, an iron meteorite weighing 82 kg was found. and several smaller fragments. In 1969, they conducted a study of their composition and found that all these fragments are almost identical to the iron meteorites from Campo del Cielo.

Craters in the Hanbury area have been known since the 20s of the last century. There are several dozen of them, the largest of them reaches 200 m, but most are relatively small - from 9 to 18 m. During excavations carried out here since the 30s, over 800 fragments of meteorite iron were found in the craters, including four parts of one piece with a total weight of about 200 kg.

The final conclusion that Cassidy came to was this: a huge meteorite fell to Earth, but not suddenly. For some time before its fall, this celestial body revolved around the Earth in an elliptical orbit, gradually approaching the planet. This was the third, youngest Moon. Its presence in orbit could last quite a long time - a thousand years or more. However, under the influence of gravity, this third Moon eventually came so close to the Earth that it crossed the so-called. the Roche boundary, after which it entered the atmosphere and disintegrated into fragments of different sizes, which fell to the surface of the planet.

The approximate date of the disaster was determined by radiocarbon dating - it turned out to be about 5800 years ago. Thus, the catastrophe occurred within the memory of mankind, in the 4th millennium BC. e., when ancient civilizations began to emerge, leaving behind written monuments. In them we find mythologized references to the second natural satellite of the planet and the catastrophe caused by its fall.

For example, Sumerian clay tablets describe the goddess Innana crossing the sky and emitting a frightening radiance. An echo of the same events is, apparently, the ancient Greek myth of Phaeton.

The luminous celestial body is mentioned in Egyptian, Babylonian, Old Scandinavian sources, and the myths of the peoples of Oceania. The English ethnologist J. Fraser notes that of the 130 Indian tribes of Central and South America There is not a single one (!) whose myths do not reflect this theme.

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas also mention that the Earth had at least two Moons. The first is Fatta, with a circulation period of 13 days, the second is a Month, with a circulation period of 29.5 days. The first was destroyed 13 thousand years ago because the inhabitants of Midgard - Earth - unwisely used the energy given to them. This was the reason for the tilt of the Earth’s axis by 23.5 degrees and, as a consequence, monstrous cataclysms, including the Great Flood. Other places in the Vedas also speak of the third Moon at the dawn of the life of Midgard-Earth. They called her Lelya. When these two moons collapsed, pieces fell from the sky. Fairy tale? Who knows... As they say: a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...

“There is nothing surprising in all this,” writes American astronomer M. Papper, “after all, metal meteorites are very clearly visible in flight. Reflecting sunlight, they sparkle much brighter stony meteorites; As for the large fireball made of pure iron, its luminosity in the night sky should have been brighter than the luminosity of the Moon."

The elliptical orbit along which the bolide moved implied that at certain periods this object would pass close to the Earth. At the same time, the fireball came into contact with the upper layers of the atmosphere and became so hot that its shine should have been visible even in daylight. As the object approached our planet, its luminosity increased, causing panic among the population. According to Papper, the orbit that caused the fireball to alternately glow upon contact with earth's atmosphere, then, moving away from it, it froze again in the icy cold of space, and led to its destruction into pieces. Judging by the fairly large area over which the fragments were scattered - from South America to Australia - the fireball broke up while still in orbit and entered the Earth's atmosphere in the form of a string of separate fragments.

The largest pieces, according to experts, fell into Pacific Ocean, causing waves of unprecedented size that could travel around the entire Earth. The legends of the Indians of the Amazon basin say that stars fell from the sky, there was a terrible roar and roar and everything was plunged into darkness, and then a downpour fell on the Earth, which flooded the whole world. “The water rose to a great height,” says one of the Brazilian legends, “and the whole earth was immersed in water. The darkness and rain did not stop. People fled, not knowing where to hide; they climbed the tallest trees and mountains.” The Brazilian legend is echoed by the fifth book of the Mayan codex, Chilam Balam: “The stars fell from the sky, crossed out the sky with a trail of fire, the earth was covered with ash, rumbled, trembled and cracked, shaken by tremors. The world was collapsing.”

All these legends speak of a catastrophe accompanied by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods. Its epicenter was clearly in the Southern Hemisphere, since the character of the myths changes as one moves north. Legends northern countries they only talk about severe flooding. It was this event that apparently remained in the memory of the Sumerians and Babylonians and found its most vivid embodiment in the famous biblical myth of the Flood.

So, the third Moon - a huge fireball - split and fell to Earth. To avoid confusion, the Moon we see now will be considered the second. What about the first one? There is a version that with its “help”, after the collision, our Moon was formed. At least, this is what scientists Martin Jutzi from the University of Bern (Switzerland) and his colleague Eric Asphog from the University of California (USA) think.

As you know, in contrast to the fairly flat visible side of the Moon, its far side is covered with numerous hills, mountains, the height of which reaches three kilometers, and craters. In addition, the crust of the Earth's satellite on back side 50 km thicker, and also contains more potassium, phosphorus and rare elements.

Earlier theories explaining this asymmetry of the lunar sides indicated that in its early “youth” our satellite cooled unevenly, its matter was affected by the Earth’s gravitational field, or, perhaps, the far side of the Moon experienced increased meteorite “bombardment”. But Jutzi and Asphog believe that this does not explain the lunar dichotomy - the strong difference between the visible and far sides of our satellite.

In their work, the authors referred to a theory according to which, about 4.6 billion years ago, our Moon was formed as a result of the collision of the “embryo” of the Earth with a planet approximately the size of Mars, which is called Theia. As a result of this cataclysm, Theia's heavy core "sank" in the molten magma of the Earth, and light matter "splashed out" and formed the Moon. Yutzi and Asphog proposed a new explanation for those distant events. In their opinion, the impact could have formed not only our Moon, but two or perhaps even more objects. In this case, large “additional” bodies could exist for quite a long time, revolving around the Earth at “Trojan points” - points in the Moon’s orbit where the gravity of the Earth and its satellite balance each other. Such “mini-moons” were supposed to cool faster than their large “sister” and were unlikely to contain large amounts of heavy elements, which are relatively abundant in samples of lunar soil from the visible side of the earth’s satellite.

How did this collision between two satellites happen? Scientists theorize that the small moon, made up of the same rocky rocks as its big sister, got stuck in the gravitational field between the Earth and the big moon billions of years ago and was gradually attracted to the big moon.

According to American scientists, the second “moon” could have a diameter of approximately 1000 km. and after several tens of millions of years, at low speed it collided with the “main” Moon - scientists called this event a giant slap. As a result, lava flows moved to the now visible hemisphere, and mountains appeared on the other side.

Using a computer, they simulated events that may have caused the geographic dichotomy between the visible and dark sides of the Moon. In their opinion, it was the result of a slow - less than two and a half kilometers per second - collision with a neighboring smaller satellite. “It turns out that when the Moon is hit by a nearby object, its speed is low - it’s a very slow collision,” says Asphog. “By the time it hits the Moon, its energy is no longer enough to form a large crater. All that "What it can do is smear itself across a surface like a big pancake. That was a real find, and when we saw it in the computer model, we knew we had figured out something very interesting."

The researchers believe that their findings can be tested in practice if astronauts manage to collect and deliver to Earth samples of lunar soil from the far side of this celestial body. Comparing the soil on the visible and reverse sides will show how different the age of the rocks is - if the hypothesis of Jutzi and Asphog is correct, then the rocks on the reverse side will be much older than the soil on the visible side. It is possible that such an analysis of rocks will help us at least somehow, at least partially, reveal the secret that our “natural” satellite contains.

What is this secret? The most striking thing is the absolutely exact coincidence of the period of revolution of the Moon around its own axis with the period of its revolution around the Earth, due to which, in fact, we are forced to contemplate only one side of it for thousands of years. Such a coincidence of speeds looks very incredible from the point of view of probability theory. Moreover, even the small gravitational interaction of the Moon with the Earth, most clearly manifested on Earth in the form of sea tides, at least to an insignificant extent - according to the law of conservation of energy, should be reflected in the speed of rotation of our satellite around its axis, and this, even if insignificant , the change would accumulate over thousands of years. However, this is not observed.

And there are many other mysteries. In this regard, in the 60s of the last century, Russian scientists Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov put forward an interesting hypothesis. It has eight main postulates, popularly called "riddles", which analyze some of the most amazing points about our satellite.

The first riddle. It concerns the orbit of the Moon and its magnitude. The size of the Moon is equal to a quarter of the size of the Earth, and the ratio of the sizes of the satellite and the planet is always many times smaller. These relationships are also incredible from the point of view of probability theory. Physically it is almost impossible! However, it is there. And if it were natural, one could argue that this is an extremely strange “whim” of the cosmos.

Further. The distance from the Moon to the Earth is such that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are visually absolutely identical, and that at the zenith both bodies are equally small, and above the horizon both are equally large. This allows us to observe such a rare phenomenon as a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely covers the Sun. (The sun looks a little bigger solely because of the optical effect: a brightly luminous body always looks bigger due to the “crown”.)

The same mathematical impossibility applies to the masses of both celestial bodies. If the Moon were a body that at some point was attracted by the Earth and found a natural orbit, then it would be expected that this orbit should be elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.

The second riddle. It concerns the incredible curvature of the Moon's surface, completely inexplicable. The moon is not a round body. The results of geological studies lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is actually a hollow ball. Although it is such, scientists still cannot explain how the Moon can have such a strange structure without being destroyed.

One explanation proposed by Russian scientists is that the lunar crust was made of a solid titanium frame. Indeed, the lunar crust and rocks have been shown to have extraordinary levels of titanium. According to Vasin and Shcherbakov, the thickness of the titanium layer is 30 km.

Riddle three. It concerns lunar craters. The explanation for the presence of a huge number of meteorite craters on the surface of the Moon is widely known: the absence of an atmosphere. Most cosmic bodies that try to penetrate the Earth encounter a multi-kilometer thick atmosphere on their way, and it all ends with the “aggressor” disintegrating. The moon has nothing to defend itself from cosmic “aggressors”, and it is all covered with “scars” - craters of all possible sizes. What remains inexplicable is the shallow depth to which the aforementioned “aggressors” were able to penetrate. In reality, everything looks as if a layer of extremely durable material prevented meteorites from penetrating into the center of the satellite. Even craters with a diameter of 150 km. do not exceed 4 km. in depth. This feature is inexplicable from the point of view of normal assumptions, based on elementary calculations, that there should be craters at least 50 km deep.

Riddle four. These are the so-called “lunar seas”. How were they formed? These gigantic areas of solid lava, which originate from the interior of the Moon, could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior, where they could arise from meteorite impacts. But physically, it is much more likely that the Moon, judging by its size, has always been a cold body. Another mystery is the location of the “lunar seas”. Why are 80% of them on the visible side of the Moon? Okay, the mountains and generally the sharper relief of the invisible side were explained by Yutzi and Asphog by a collision, but the seas are not created by collisions and do not disappear by collisions. In other words, they and the collision are not interrelated things.

The fifth riddle. These are mascons. It should be noted here that the gravitational attraction on the surface of the Moon is not uniform. This effect was already noted by the crew of Apollo VIII when it flew around the zones of the “lunar seas”. Mascones (from "Mass Concentration" - mass concentration) are places where a substance of greater density or quantity is believed to exist. This phenomenon is closely related to the lunar seas, since the mascons are located under them.

Riddle six. They have been talking about it for a long time - it concerns the same geographical asymmetry - the invisible side of the Moon is more prominent. When Vasin and Shcherbakov listed it among others, the version of Yutzi and Asphog was unknown to them. But it is still necessary to mention it, because for a long time it was a shocking fact in science.

The seventh riddle concerns the low density of the Moon. It makes up 60% of the Earth's density. (At the same time, the low density conflicts with the ability not to allow meteorites to penetrate deep into the lunar surface!) This fact, together with various studies, proves that the Moon is a hollow object. Moreover, several scientists have ventured to suggest that the above-mentioned cavity is artificial. In fact, given the arrangement of the surface layers that have been identified, scientists argue that the Moon appears to be like a planet that formed "in reverse," and some use this as evidence for the "artificial casting" theory.

The eighth and main mystery: the origin of the earth's satellite. In the last century, for a long time, three theories of the origin of the Moon were conventionally accepted. One theory suggests that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth. But the enormous differences in the nature of these two bodies make this theory practically untenable. Another theory is that this celestial body formed at the same time as the Earth, from the same cloud of cosmic gas. But the previous conclusion is also valid in relation to this judgment, since the Earth and the Moon should have at least a similar structure. The third theory suggests that, while wandering around Space, the Moon fell into the earth's gravity, which caught and turned it into its “captive”. The big flaw in this explanation is that the Moon's orbit is essentially circular and cyclical. In such a phenomenon (when the satellite is “caught” by the planet), the orbit would be sufficiently distant from the center or, at least, would be a kind of ellipsoid.

Currently, most of the scientific community has accepted the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the lunar planetoid as no less valid than others. Yes, this is the most incredible assumption of all, but, in any case, it can explain the various anomalies that are associated with the Earth's satellite, since if the Moon were constructed by intelligent beings, then the physical laws to which it is subject would not be equally applicable to other celestial bodies. And if we remember the very first mystery with which we started - the absolutely exact coincidence of the period of its revolution around its own axis with the period of its revolution around the Earth - then there can be only one conclusion: there is a force that compensates for these changes and its nature cannot be natural in the power of ABSOLUTE accuracy of counteraction. Apparently, the Moon is actually controlled artificially. Probably precisely for the purpose of hiding from our view what is happening on its reverse side. If you want, you can find a lot of evidence for this.

True, then it would not hurt to ask the question: if this theory is correct, then for what purpose was the Moon designed? There are several explanations. One of the most accepted ones today is that the Moon was built by ancient humanity, which had sufficient technology to carry out this huge project, and was intended primarily to provide people with light at night.

It's a strange theory. Ridiculous. Funny. He doesn't have much moon and a lot of light. But we should take a look at what the "Power moon" looks like, clearly silhouetted against the dark sky, before responding to this assumption with a burst of laughter.

In any case, the mysteries of the Moon put forward by scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov are only some real physical assessments of the Moon's anomalies. In addition, there are many other video, photographic evidence and studies that give confidence to those who think about the possibility that our “natural” satellite is not one.

But then another assumption arises: maybe he is the third one left? And not the second one at all. And all the rest were simply destroyed. As unnecessary...

In preparing the article, materials from the journals "Nature" and "Secrets of Ages" were used.

More than 143,000 years ago, three Moons revolved around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and Month. Lelya is a small Moon with a period of revolution of 7 days, Fatta is a medium Moon with a period of revolution of 13 days (it revolved around Midgard in the equatorial plane) and Month is a large Moon with a period of 29.5 days. Two of these Moons - Lelya and the Month - were originally the Moons of Midgard-Earth, and Fatta was dragged from the Earth by Dei. Confirmation of those times has been preserved in the myths and legends of various peoples.

A little over 111 thousand years ago, the small Moon Lelya was destroyed by the power of Tarkh Dazhdbog, who destroyed the Koshchei base, which was on the Moon Lelya (the Moon closest to the Earth) and it fell in fragments to the Earth, causing the sinking of the continent Daaria is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where our Ancestors lived for a long time after settling Midgard-Earth. This continent sank as a result of a flood created by waters and fragments of the destroyed small Moon Lelya. The Santi Vedas of Perun also speak about this: "You, on Midgard, have been living peacefully since ancient times, when the world was established... Remembering from the Vedas, the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koschei, which were located on the nearest Moon. Deyu... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in half an hour... But Midgard paid for freedom with Daariya, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces and The Svarozhich army descended to Midgard...". An image of the outlines of the continent of Da'ariya was preserved on the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza.

Here is what ancient sources say (Russian Vedas “Songs of the Gamayun Bird”) about this event: “You are My children! Know that the Earth walks past the Sun, but My words will not pass you by! And about ancient times, people, remember! About the Great Flood that destroyed people, about the fall of fire on Mother Earth!”

After the waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon Lelya fell on Midgard-Earth, not only the appearance of the Earth changed, but also the temperature regime on the surface.

13020 years ago (as of 2011) atFragments of the destroyed Moon Fatta fell into the Pacific Ocean on Midgard-Earth. The leaders of Antlan (Atlantis), having a negative evolutionary bias, became conductors of the Dark Forces and unleashed a planetary war for world domination. They used nuclear weapon and tried to control the forces of the elements of Midgard-Earth. Attempts at this control were unsuccessful and the second Moon - Fatta began to fall on Midgard-Earth. To save the planet from destruction, God Niy destroyed the falling Fatta, but the falling fragments turned out to be too large and they not only caused Antlany-Atlantis itself to plunge into the depths of the sea. A huge fragment crashed into the Earth in the region of the western continent (America), as a result of which the tilt of the earth's axis changed by 23.5 degrees and the continental outlines. All this, taken together, caused many natural disasters and the beginning of a new ice age, and most of the survivors, after this planetary catastrophe, very quickly sank to a primitive level.

In a number of ancient texts this process is described as a change in the inclination of the sky in relation to the earth. For example, in the ancient Chinese treatise “Huainanzi” it is described as follows: “The sky tilted to the northwest, the Sun, Moon and stars moved.” The earth's axis acquired a top-like motion along an ellipse, which modern scientists call the “period of precession.” Yarilo-Sun began to pass through other Heavenly Palaces on the Svarozh Circle, that is, it began to pass through new constellations.

On the wall of one of the Mayan pyramids in America there is the inscription “The Little Moon has broken.” In the Chinese treatise “Huainanzi” this event is described as follows: “The vault of heaven broke, the earth’s scales were torn off. The sky tilted to the northwest. The sun and stars moved. The earth in the southeast turned out to be incomplete, and therefore waters and silt rushed there... In those distant times, the four poles collapsed, the nine continents split... the fire burned without subduing, the waters raged without drying up."

A giant wave from falling fragments circled the earth three times, which led to the death of Antlan and other islands. Increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the causes of the Great Cooling and glaciation. This is where the word “fatality”, “Fatal outcome” came from, and the number 13 (the number of days Fatta’s rotation around Midgard) has since been considered unlucky. People moved south to warmer habitats, and the glacier practically destroyed all traces of habitation in the northern latitudes. Many centuries passed before the atmosphere began to clear and the glaciers retreated to the poles.

Follow us

Our land now has one moon and it is called “Month”, but there are ancient sources that claim that once our ancestors admired as many as three moons in the sky and they were called Lelya, Fata and Month.

What are these - fairy tales, science fiction or true stories? And if we assume that this is true, then where could two whole moons have gone from heaven?

How you feel about such information is up to you to decide, and as always, I’ll just give an impetus to the search and write a few lines...

So, let's open the source of this information...

Russian Vedas book “Songs of the bird Gamayun”

“You are My children! Know that the Earth walks past the Sun, but My words will not pass you by! And about ancient times, people, remember! About the Great Flood that destroyed people, about the fall of fire on Mother Earth!”

Slavic-Aryan Vedas - Santiya Perun, Santiya 9:

11 (139). You live peacefully on Midgard,
since ancient times, when the world was established...
Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog,
how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koshcheevs,
that on the Nearest Moon there were...
Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koshchei
Destroy Midgard like they destroyed Deia...

Midgard is the name of our land.

Dazhdbog or Tarkh is such a person high level development, which for us, the inhabitants of the earth, was considered a god, we now cannot imagine how the power of thought can destroy the entire moon, but this was done by him...

Deya - a planet that once existed near Mars - now instead of the planet destroyed by dark forces (Koshchei), only an asteroid belt remains...

These Koschei, rulers of the Grays,

disappeared together with the Moon in half...

But Midgard paid for freedom,

Daariya hidden by the Great Flood...

Koshchei is dark forces, creatures that seize lands, and after the planet’s resources are exhausted, they simply destroy them along with the remaining inhabitants.

Daaria is a continent on which people once lived, which, as a result of the first flood that occurred as a result of the fall of part of the fragments of the destroyed moon Lelya on our land, disappeared under water...

12 (140). The waters of the Moon created that Flood,

They fell to Earth from heaven like a rainbow,

for the moon is split into pieces,

And army of Svarozhichs descended to Midgard...

Our ancestors called everything that fell from heaven to earth Svarozhichi...

Many people died at that time,

who did not have time to climb the Vaitmans,

or go through the Gates of Between Worlds,

and be buried in the Hall of the Bear...

Whitemans (and Whitemars) - that’s what they were called spaceships in those ancient times.

Gates of interworldliness - this is what we would now call “teleport” between worlds, different planets, earth systems...

Hall of the Bear - constellation...

In ordinary words understandable to modern people:

Approximately 112,000 years ago, on one of the three Moons orbiting Midgard-Earth Lele, an alien planetary civilization hostile to earthlings, which earthlings called Kashchei, placed its base to prepare forces to take over the earth. But their plans were revealed, and in order to prevent the destruction of our land and in order to destroy the enemy, they had to destroy the moon Lelya. Some of the fragments fell to the ground, which caused the “First Great Flood.”

The consequences of the fall of fragments of the moon Lelya on Midgard-Earth are a change in the external appearance of the Earth and the temperature regime on the surface. As a result of the Great Cooling, the northern hemisphere of the Earth began to be covered with snow for a third of the year. Due to the lack of food for people and animals, the Great Migration of people beyond the Ural Mountains began.

By the way, it was in honor of this significant event for all the inhabitants of the earth that the holiday PASKHET was established, which, translated from the Aryan Runic writing, means: “The Path of ASA Walked THIS, i.e. the Path along which the Gods walked.” And precisely from that From time to time, there is a custom on the Day of Lelya of Heaven to paint bird eggs and knock them against each other. Yes, yes, those same painted eggs that modern people They beat on modern Easter without understanding where this custom came from and what it means - this is nothing more than a Slavic-Aryan rite. The broken egg is called the Egg of the Koshchei, which is reminiscent of the destroyed moon Lele, and the whole egg is called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog, who destroyed the dark forces along with the moon. A broken egg is always given to enemies or animals, and the whole one is eaten by them. And it is from here that the tale of Koshchei the Immortal emerged, whose death was in an egg (on the Moon Lele) somewhere at the top of a tall oak tree (i.e., actually in the heavens). Lelya's moon was elongated like an egg.

Luna Fatta

3.(83). The Great Night will envelop Midgard-Earth...
and the fire of heaven will destroy many ends of the earth...
Where beautiful gardens bloomed,
Great Deserts will stretch...
Instead of the life-bearing land, the seas will roar,
and where the waves of the seas splashed, they will appear
high mountains covered with eternal snow...
“Slavic-Aryan Vedas”, Book of Wisdom of Perun, Circle 1, Santiya 6.

Antlatida... It existed - as white people settled across the earth, they mixed with tribes of people of the red race who lived in the mountains of Atlantis, and the aborigines quickly began to worship the aliens as Gods, because... many of their actions were perceived as “miracles”! The priests really liked to feel like Gods, which they actually were not, and they built their empire, conquering the tribes of the red race people in Central, part of the South and part North America. And then they began to prepare to seize world domination on Earth.

The Atlanteans have created many types of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons and even placed their military bases on the nearest moon - Fatta. They identified Great Asia (Holy Russia) as their main enemy, which did not allow slavery in its territories and would not tolerate what was happening in Atlantis in any of its colonies. When the leaders and priests of Antlan considered that they were sufficiently prepared for war, they went on the offensive. Thus began the first planetary war between the people of the White Race. Not only nuclear and thermonuclear weapons were used, but also psionic capabilities to control the elements of the earth (climate, weather, tectonic processes). By the way, approximately the same thing is happening today: very sophisticated types of weapons of mass destruction have already been prepared for us.

About 12,500 years ago, in order to prevent the destruction of the planet, the white hierarch Niy was forced to destroy the moon Fattu with the Atlantean bases located on it. Fragments of the destroyed moon, which had left its orbit, began to fall onto the surface of the planet, which caused a terrible planetary catastrophe, more terrible than the first one after the destruction of the Lelya moon!

Firstly, the Fatta moon was larger than Lelya, and the fragments that did not burn up in the dense layers of the atmosphere and crashed into the surface turned out to be much larger. Secondly, this moon rotated in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the Earth around its axis (one might say counterclockwise) and its fragments, in contrast to the fragments of the moon Lelya, fell not after, but towards the surface of the rotating Midgard-earth.

As a result, the earth's axis shifted by 23.5° relative to the ecliptic plane, tectonic plates began to move, new volcanoes appeared and old volcanoes came to life, giant tsunami waves circled the planet more than once, destroying everything in their path. A lot of people died. Atlantis went under water. Volcanic ash from countless volcanoes blocked sunlight from reaching the earth and the “Nuclear Winter” began. Almost everything was destroyed: the infrastructure of the planet, human civilizations - beautiful cities, huge cosmodromes, the Gates of Interworldliness, hydraulic structures and everything else. In addition, as a result of the use of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, a significant part of the surface and waters of the planet was contaminated with radiation. Accordingly, the soil, trees, fruits, animals, seas, rivers, fish, and springs were radioactive, in general, almost everything that people needed to ensure survival and vital activity...

People were thrown back to the level of the “caveman” and there was only one task - simply to survive...

It was from those ancient times, after the tragedy caused by the fall of the moon Fatta on our land, that such an expression as “Fatal outcome” appeared, i.e. death.

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas and other ancient sources speak of the times when three Moons shone over Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and the Month.

The closest Moon is Lelya, with a period of revolution around the Earth of only 7 days.

Small Moon - Fatta, period of revolution around the Earth - 13 days. It was destroyed 13,000 years ago due to the inept use of the power of the Elements of Midgard-Earth

Big Moon - Month, with an orbital period of 29.5 days.

Death of Lun Lelya and Fatta

The First Great Flood occurred as a result of the destruction of the Moon Lelya, one of the three Moons orbiting Midgard-Earth.

This is how ancient sources say about this event: “You are My children! Know that the Earth walks past the Sun, but My words will not pass you by! And about ancient times, people, remember! About the Great Flood that destroyed people, about the fall of fire on Mother Earth!” (“Songs of the Gamayun Bird”).

“You have been living peacefully on Midgard since ancient times, when the world was established... Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koschei, who were on the nearest Moon... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koschei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya... These Koschei, the rulers of the Grays , disappeared along with the Moon in half... But Midgard paid for freedom with Daariya, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from the heavens like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces and with the army of Svarozhichi descended to Midgard...” (“Santii” Vedas of Perun”).

After the waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon Lelya fell on Midgard-Earth, not only the appearance of the Earth changed, but also the temperature regime on its surface, as its axis began pendulum oscillations. The Great Cooling has begun.

However, not all the descendants of the Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clans died along with Daariya. People were warned by the Great Priest Spas about the impending death of Daariya as a result of the Great Flood and began to move to the Eurasian continent in advance. 15 deportations from Daariya were organized. For 15 years, people moved along the Stone Isthmus between the Eastern and Western seas to the south. These are the now known names Stone, Stone Belt, Ripean or Ural Mountains. 111,812 years ago (or 109,808 BC) their complete migration took place.

Some people were saved by flying into low-Earth orbit on small Vitman aircraft and returning back after the Flood. Others moved (teleported) through the “gates of the interworld” to the Hall of the Bear into the possessions of the Da’Aryans.

After the Great Flood, our Great Ancestors settled a large island in the Eastern Sea called Buyan. Nowadays this is the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia. From here began the settlement of the Holy (White) Race to the nine cardinal directions. The fertile land of Asia or the Land of the Holy Race is the territory of modern Western and Eastern Siberia from the Riphean Mountains (Ural) to the Aryan Sea (Lake Baikal). This territory was called Belorechye, Pyatirechye, Semirechye.

The name “Belorechye” comes from the name of the Iriy River (Iriy Quiet, Ir-tish, Irtysh), which was considered the White, Pure, Sacred River and along which our Ancestors first settled. After the retreat of the Western and Eastern Seas, the Clans of the Great Race settled the lands that were previously the seabed. Pyatirechye is a land washed by the Irtysh, Ob, Yenisei, Angara and Lena rivers, where they gradually settled. Later, when warming occurred after the First Great Cooling and the glacier retreated, the Clans of the Great Race also settled along the Ishim and Tobol rivers. Since then, Pyatirechye has turned into Semirechye.

As the lands east of the Ural Mountains were developed, each of them received an appropriate name. In the north, in the lower reaches of the Ob, between the Ob and the Ural Mountains - Siberia. To the south, along the banks of the Irtysh, Belovodye itself is located. East of Siberia, on the other side of the Ob, is Lukomorye. South of Lukomorye is Yugorye, which reaches the Irian Mountains (Mongolian Altai).

The capital of our Ancestors at this time became the city of Asgard of Iria (As - god, gard - city, together - the city of the Gods), which was founded in Summer 5,028 from the Great Migration from Daariya to Russenia, on the holiday of the Three Moons, the month of Taillet, the ninth day 102 years of the Circle of Chislobog - the ancient calendar (104,778 BC). Asgard was destroyed in Summer 7038 S.M.Z.H. (1 530 AD) Dzungars - people from the northern provinces of Arimia (China). Old people, children and women hid in dungeons and then went to monasteries. Today, on the site of Asgard is the city of Omsk.

In memory of the salvation from the Flood and the Great Migration of the Clans of the Great Race, a unique ritual appeared in the 16th year - Easter with a deep inner meaning, performed by everyone Orthodox people. This ritual is well known to everyone. At Easter, colored eggs are hit against each other to see whose egg is stronger. The broken egg was called the Koshchei egg, i.e. the destroyed Moon Lelya with the bases of the Foreigners, and the whole egg was called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog. The tale of Koshchei the Immortal, whose death was in an egg (on the Moon Lele) somewhere at the top of a tall oak tree (i.e., actually in the heavens), also appeared in common use.

As a result of the first Great Cooling, the northern hemisphere of Midgard-Earth began to be covered with snow for a third of the year. Due to the lack of food for people and animals, the Great Migration of the descendants of the Heavenly Family began beyond the Ural Mountains, which defended the Holy Russia on the western borders.

The Kh'Aryan Family, led by the Great Leader Ant, reached the Western (Atlantic) Ocean and, with the help of Whiteman, crossed to an island in this ocean where Beardless people with skin the color of the flame of the Sacred Fire (people with red skin) lived. On that land, the Great Leader built the Temple (temple) of the Trident of the God of the Seas and Oceans (God Niya), who patronized people, protecting them from the Forces of Evil. The island began to be called the Land of Ants or Antlan (in ancient Greek - Atlantis).

Death of Luna Fatta

However, the life of our Ancestors on Midgard-Earth was subjected to another test. As the Vedas testify, great wealth clouded the heads of leaders and priests. Laziness and desire for what belongs to others clouded their minds. And they began to lie to Gods and people, began to live according to their own laws, violating the Testaments of the Wise First Ancestors and the Laws of the One Creator God. And they began to use the Power of the Elements (possibly gravitational weapons) of Midgard-Earth to achieve their goals.

13,013 years ago (in 11,008 BC) in the battle between the people of the White Race and the priests of Antlan, Luna Fatta was destroyed. But at the same time, a huge fragment of Fatta crashed into the Earth, as a result of which the tilt of the earth’s axis changed by 23 degrees and the continental outlines changed (hence - modern word"fatal"). Yarilo-Sun began to pass through other Heavenly Palaces on the Svarozh Circle. A giant wave circled the earth three times, which led to the destruction of Antlan and other islands. Increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the causes of the Great Cooling and glaciation. Many centuries passed before the atmosphere began to clear and the glaciers retreated to the poles.

After the death of Antlani, the righteous people of the Race of Light, Pure Wightmana was transferred to the territory of the Great Country of Ta-Kemi, which was located east of Antlani and south of the Great Venea (Europe). Tribes with skin the color of Darkness (blacks) and tribes with skin the color of the Setting Sun lived there - the ancestors of certain Semitic peoples, in particular the Arabs. Ta-Kemi was the name of an ancient country that existed in the north of the African continent, on the territory of modern Egypt. From Ancient Egyptian legends it is known that this country was founded by nine White Gods who came from the North. Under the White Gods in this case are hidden white-skinned Priests - initiates of Ancient Knowledge. They were undoubtedly Gods for the Negroid population Ancient Egypt. The Greeks called them Cimmerians.

The White Gods created the state of Egypt and passed on sixteen secrets to the local population: the ability to build housing and temples, mastery of farming techniques, animal husbandry, irrigation, crafts, navigation, military art, music, astronomy, poetry, medicine, the secrets of embalming, secret sciences, the institution of priesthood , Pharaoh's Institute, use of minerals. The Egyptians received all this knowledge from the first dynasties. The Four Clans of the Great Race, replacing each other, taught the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests. Their knowledge was so extensive that it allowed them to quickly organize into a powerful civilization. The period of formation of the state of Egypt is known - 12-13 thousand years ago. The route how the White Priests ended up in Egypt is now known: Belovodye (Rasseniya) - Antlan (Atlantis) - Ancient Egypt.

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It was evening, there was nothing. On the Internet I came across a prediction from an Old Believer from the outback:

Artemy Polotsky collected a wealth of ethnographic material about the traditions and legends of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. In his book, he cites the prediction of the Old Believer Yegor Kukhlin, famous in the seventies, who lived as a hermit on the banks of the Yenisei, on the border of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Tuva ACCR and had a reputation as a healer, prophet and sorcerer: “...darkness will come from the sky, shrouded in smoke and fire, from The darkness of demons will come out of the belly of the earth, and when they come towards each other, neither the strong nor the weak, nor the poor nor the rich, nor the free bird nor the caged beast will live.” A terrible disaster will occur when " The sun will be covered by three moons and cold and darkness will come on the earth for three whole days.”

And my eyes turned to this phrase;
And a thought crept into my head;
And off we go.....


Once upon a time, in ancient times, three Moons shone in the sky above the Earth, their names were Lelya, Fatta, and Month.. At first, the Earth had two moons, Lelya and Month. And Fatta appeared later... This is an exciting story. Then a battle between dark and light forces took place in the Universe. It was between the orbits of the planet Oreya and the land of Perun. Then there was also the land of Deia, around which two moons, Lititia and Fatta, revolved. During that battle, the land of Dey was destroyed and turned into the Asteroid Belt. But the moon Fatta remained unharmed. The Aryans flew away on Whitemans to planet Earth. A tribe of black people, the inhabitants of the land of Dei, also asked to live on Earth, because after that battle they had nowhere to live. The Aryans accepted new inhabitants on Earth and settled them in the hot African continent. And to make it easier for them to get used to new planet, then the gods also transferred the moon Fattu to the Earth’s orbit.

And since then, three Moons began to shine in the sky of the Earth, like three sisters - the nearest Lelya, the middle Fatta, and the distant Moon. Lelya revolved around the Earth in 7 days, Fatta in 13 days, and the Month in 29.5 days. When the three moons rose above the horizon, the heavens were illuminated with a bright radiance of wonderful beauty, shimmering with blue, emerald, violet, silver, and golden light. The special force of attraction of the three Moons created an invisible protective field for the Earth, like the dome of a temple... under this gentle field, as in a cradle, more and more new plants were born on the earth, and a magical source of the power of life was created. The Earth slowly rotated, and the Aryans greeted new lunar and solar dawns, and the magical country of Daaria blossomed more and more beautifully.
The Aryans named the near moon Lelei, in honor of the goddess Lelya, the beautiful goddess of pure, bright Love. On the Moons there was a wonderful atmosphere and a warm climate, just like on earth, trees and flowers grew there, and cheerful rains fell and rainbows shone. On the moon Lele there were 50 wonderful seas, and many clean rivers in which magical fish swam... And on the mysterious, wise moon Fatta, new fairy tales were born every starry night. And the clear moon Moon, smiling, conjured fantastic dreams, gave poetry of feelings...
And ancient legends still remember this: “Look, Lelya is shining in the sky, and the Moon has come.”

But one day the greedy Koshchei, the rulers of the gray ones, learned about the Earth and the bright country of Daariya. And they decided to capture the Earth and its entire population. To do this, they flew and settled on the moon Lele, because Lelya is the closest moon to Earth. And they had already installed their guns on the moon Lele and aimed them at the Earth to attack. But no one’s plan goes unnoticed by the light gods. The gods, Svarog, Perun, Dazhdbog, rose to their defense, and for the sake of saving their native Earth and its inhabitants, they sent arrows towards the Koshchei. And the moon Lelya split into pieces. And the salty waters of the seas poured out like tears onto the Earth. Since then, on Earth, the water in the seas and oceans has become salty. A large wave arose in the ocean, and Daaria’s native country began to sink under water.
But Daaria did not sink immediately; there were still 15 days left for rescue. And so the inhabitants of Daariya, the Aryans, managed to escape. Some of them flew on the waymans to the Universe, to their native starry Halls of the gods. The rest of the Aryans began to leave for the mainland through the Riphean Mountains. The Aryans settled on new lands and rebuilt wonderful cities and temples. And life was revived again, and the gardens bloomed. And again the Aryans cherished sacred knowledge and cosmic wisdom, and brought divine light and holy love to people. And again they continued flying into space. And again, even more beautifully, the beautiful native Earth blossomed. And since then two moons, the Moon and Fatta, have shone in the sky of the Earth.

But not everything was calm in the Universe then. Dark forces penetrated the secrets of the magic of nature, and decided to become the rulers of the world, to use magic for the sake of personal power over people. And again the bright gods came to their defense. And one of the fiery arrows in this battle accidentally hit Fattu's moon. A fragment broke off from the moon of Fatta and fell to Earth. But Fatta left orbit and flew into space, and to this day she wanders somewhere among distant galaxies and stars... the lonely wanderer Phaeton... And that fragment of the moon that fell to the ground again raised a huge wave in the ocean. A giant wave circled the earth three times, covering and flooding everything around. The earth trembled, the earth's axis tilted, continents and mountains shifted. Volcanoes woke up and clouds of ash rose in the sky, the earth became dark as at night, and the sun was no longer visible. The time of the Great Cold has begun. The earth was covered with snow and glaciers. But even then, people steadfastly fought for life, with faith, in prayer and work, helping each other to survive. Gradually the clouds of ashes dissipated, and the sun began to shine warmer. Warm, bright days returned, nature came to life, people returned to their former lives, and began to revive everything anew. And again holy temples were built, with faith and love. And again children were born, flowers bloomed. And with new hopes people prayed to heaven. And precious grains of sacred wisdom, bequeathed by the Aryans and gods, are cherished by bright souls.
Since then, one moon has been shining in the sky of our land. But Lelya and Fatta did not disappear on earth completely. They live in the seas, and in every grain of sand on the shores, they live in the mountains, they live in every flower, their clear images appear in wonderful heavenly lights and can be dreamed of.

As We See, there were three Moons on Earth, but today two of them no longer exist. Therefore, the question arises: How will today's Sun be covered by three Moons? Unless, of course, this does not happen in the astral plane.
Interesting information is contained in The Secret Doctrine. Volume I", Helena Blavatsky

“There will be modern monarchs reigning on Earth, kings of a rude spirit, a cruel disposition and devoted to lies and evil. They will kill women, and children, and cows; they will seize the property of their subjects [or, according to another translation, they will seize other people’s wives] ; their power will be limited... life is short, desires are insatiable... People different countries, mingling with them, will follow their example; and the barbarians will be strong [in India], protected by princes, while the pure tribes will be abandoned; the people will perish [or, as the commentator says: “Mlechchha will be in the middle, and the Aryans will be at the end”][?]. Wealth and piety will decrease day by day until the whole world is corrupted... Only property will give position; wealth will be the only source of honor and devotion; passion will be the only connection between the sexes; lying will be the only means of success in litigation; women will only be an object of sensual pleasure... [Appearance will be the only difference between different stages of life]; dishonesty (anyВya) will be the [common] means of subsistence; weakness is a reason for dependence; threat and conceit will replace knowledge; generosity will be called [piety]; the rich man will be considered pure; mutual consent will replace marriage; thin clothes will be a virtue... the strongest will rule... the people, not being able to bear the burden of taxes [kharabhara], will flee to the valleys... Thus, in Kali Yuga, decay will proceed unabated until the human race approaches its destruction [Pralaya]. When... the end of Kali Yuga is very close, a part of that divine Being who exists by virtue of his own spiritual nature [Kalki Avatar]... will descend on Earth... endowed with eight superhuman abilities... He will restore justice (righteousness) on Earth, and the minds of those those who live at the end of Kali Yuga will awaken and become as transparent as crystal. The people who will be thus transformed... will be the seeds of human beings and will give birth to a race that will follow the laws of the Age of Crete [or the Age of Purity]. As it is said: “When the Sun and the Moon, and [lunar asterism] Silence and the planet Jupiter are in the same house, then the Krita [or Satya] Age will return...”[?]

And here we see that the Sun must come together in one house with three planets (satellites) for the Satya Age to come. For a more accurate understanding of Silence and lunar asterism there is a special forum
For those who are not in the know, it’s better not to get into these jungles))

p.s: If anyone has any more information on the three Moons, please provide
Perhaps the symbol of the three goddesses will be useful.

"The symbol of the Triune Goddess, representing the new moon, the full moon and the waning moon, representing aspects of the Maiden, Mother and Crone"

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