How children learn in the Perspective program. Umk, or educational and methodological complexes for elementary school. List of textbooks of educational educational complex “Prospective Primary School”

This issue is especially acute for parents of future first-graders. Everyone wants not to harm either the child or themselves. We begin interviewing friends and scouring websites in the hope of finding the answer to the question we are interested in.

Parents face a choice educational program .

But whatever the program, a lot depends on the teacher primary classes: teaching style, interest, responsibility, attitude towards children and work. It would probably be fair to say that in elementary school “you need to become a teacher.” This means it’s worth learning more about the teachers who will recruit future first-graders and.

Let's start by listing existing programs for the 2017-2018 academic year in schools in the Russian Federation:

It should also be noted that all training programs are developed in accordance with the IEO, which allows you to master the necessary minimum of knowledge (invariant part of the textbooks) or acceptable for the curious (variable part).

Let's look at the pros and cons of curriculum in elementary school:

OS "School 2100"

This program is continuous with kindergarten and up to 11th grade of school. Covers a large amount of material. The teacher directs and controls the students’ search activities. The most difficult subjects are mathematics Kozlova S.A. and the world Vakhrusheva A. A.
On this moment the program is limited to schools because teaching aids were not included in the Federal List, that is, they did not pass the examination of the Ministry of Education.

Pros: Students are accustomed to learn and acquire knowledge. They can easily find the information they need. They write a lot of essays and presentations, abstracts, and have a broad horizon of knowledge.

Minuses: assignments are feasible for secondary and secondary students to master high level, requires control and assistance from parents. Another disadvantage is that not all middle and high school teachers are ready to continue teaching it in the 5th grade.

  • First of all, parents of future first-graders need to focus on the level of development of their child;
  • take the choice of a primary school teacher seriously, because a competent, experienced teacher will make any program interesting and useful, and the child will definitely learn it;
  • It is also necessary to remember that the success of education depends not only on the teacher, but also on the desire of parents to participate in the life of the student himself, to spend their energy and time.

Hello again! Are you tired of studying? Are you confused about their names and authors? Can you handle another one? I want to finally put the finishing touches on this issue, but without completing the research in full, I’m not ready to do so. So take heart: today we are discussing the Perspective training program.

Lesson plan:

Another traditional project

The Perspective set refers to traditional system teaching in primary school, and it was developed in 2006 during the formation of the first stage of education.

The educational materials were prepared on the initiative of the author of the project, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Lyudmila Peterson, together with the Prosveshcheniye publishing house. Scientists from academies of education and sciences, practicing teachers and methodologists took part in the “promising” project.

As anyone should methodological kit used in the educational process at school, “Perspective” contains everything that is necessary:

  • alphabet for 1st grade by L. Klemanova and the same author, Russian language;
  • mathematician G. Dorofeev;
  • literature by V. Goretsky;
  • computer science T. Rudnichenko;
  • “environment” of A. Pleshakov;
  • technology of N. Rogovtseva;
  • physical education at the choice of the teacher: either A. Matveev, or I. Wiener;
  • Fine art by T. Shpikalova;
  • music by E. Kritskaya;
  • fundamentals of religion and ethics in areas of different cultures.

“Perspective” offers the study of as many as four foreign languages:

  • English in standard or advanced programs, as well as in the “In Focus” or “Star” course;
  • Spanish and German according to the classical program;
  • French either in the course “Your friend...” or “In perspective”.

It should be noted that, like many other educational sets of school educational programs, “Perspective” in 2014 faced the problem of obtaining recommendations from the Ministry of Education. Textbooks on mathematics and religion were called into question.

As a result, L. Peterson’s mathematical work “Learning to Learn” was replaced, and materials on the study of religions in grades 4-5 were improved. UMK "Perspective" has passed the necessary approvals in its entirety.

Long-term goals, or how and what the program teaches

Lyudmila Peterson used the system of activity approach she developed as the basis for her educational project, for which she once received a prize from the President of the Russian Federation. It's wisely said.

In fact, everything is simple: this is another attempt to combine in school education the developing approach that is already familiar to us and the established classics through the universal skills of setting goals, solving problems and being responsible for results.

The task of such education at school is not to provide ready-made information, but to teach the child to discover new knowledge independently. “I hear - I forget, I see - I remember, I do - I assimilate,” - I remember that we have already gone through this.

As a result of this activity-based methodology, the educational set “Perspective” has several directions around which the entire educational “prospective” process revolves:

All of the above areas of student development embodied the ideas of the authors in thematic educational materials: “My planet is Earth”, “My country is my Fatherland”, “My family is my world”, “Nature and culture - the environment of our life”.

Pros and cons of prospective learning

In fact, there are not many reviews on “Perspective”, but I noted for myself that there is not much categorical criticism, as in other educational programs, for example, in.

“...didn’t like the copybooks: after writing from line to line, first-graders have a problem later deciding in their notebook the size of the letters: uppercase and lowercase letters are written the same way...”,

“...mathematics first studies the multiplication table, without giving the concept of numbers up to 100...”,

“ to teach children to read and write if there are mistakes in the ABC?”,

“...the exercises in the textbooks do not correspond to the topics...”.

But the textbooks for subsequent grades 3 and 4 are quite suitable for teachers:

“ interesting world around us, but often requires the help of parents...”,

“...mathematics is designed for different children: the weak and the strong are interested in working at the same time, the problems are well presented, one topic involves solving them from 4 to 6 pieces per lesson, strong children can try their hand at solving Olympiad tasks...”

The opinions of parents are presented dryly and in a nutshell boil down to the fact that children in the 1st grade are asked very little about writing, I would like more, and Dorofeev’s mathematics is simple and boring for those who would like to master knowledge at a higher level.

Most of all, parents of schoolchildren are concerned about the continuity of the program when moving to the secondary level, since it is designed only for primary school.

It turned out to be not so easy to express all the pros and cons. Those who want to be “promising” do so, it turns out, almost unheard of. This is, say, a neutral program that does not invite compliments, but is also not subject to strong criticism.

Perhaps being a “gray eminence” is not as bad as you think?

I hope that I have helped you a little in understanding the complexity of numerous educational programs for primary education. I think we can put an end to this. I say goodbye to you, but not for long.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

(The “Perspective” textbook system successfully passed the federal examination for compliance with the 2009 Federal State Educational Standard, and received positive reviews from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the Russian Academy of Education (RAO).

All textbooks of the "Perspective" system are included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation for use in the educational process in general education institutions, for the 2013/2014 academic year.)

The educational complex of the “Perspective” program was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical school education in Russia. When creating the educational complex, not only the modern requirements of society were taken into account, but also the cultural and historical perspective of its development. The Perspective program ensures accessibility of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of material, comprehensive development of the personality of a primary school student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. The educational and methodological complex of textbooks “Perspective” was created by a team of scientists and teachers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, the Federal Institute for Educational Development in close cooperation with the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”.

The uniqueness of the Perspective primary school kit is that it was created in parallel with the development of the Federal State educational standard primary general education. The first textbooks and teaching aids of the Perspective set began to be published in 2006. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Sciences, methodologists and teachers are taking part in the work on the “Perspective” kit together with the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”. The fundamental principles of the set are: humanistic, the principle of historicism, communicative and the principle of creative activity. This principled approach makes it possible to organize the learning process, on the one hand, for the purpose of obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the new standard, on the other hand, as a means of developing universal educational skills and personal qualities, i.e. child development and upbringing.

Ideological basis textbook system "Perspective" is“The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia”, aimed at forming in the younger generation a system of values ​​of humanism, creativity, self-development, morality as the basis for a student’s successful self-realization in life and work and as a condition for the security and prosperity of the country.

The didactic basis of the Perspective textbook system is didactic system of the activity method (L.G. Peterson), synthesizing, on the basis of the methodological system-activity approach, non-conflicting ideas from modern concepts of developmental education from the standpoint of continuity of scientific views with the traditional school (Conclusion of the Russian Academy of Education dated July 14, 2006, Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in field of education for 2002).

The methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is system-activity approach. It is the system-activity approach, which forms the basis of the “Perspective” set, that makes it possible to orient the teacher towards achieving personal and meta-subject learning outcomes for younger schoolchildren.

The achievement of these results is facilitated by the thematic unity of all subject lines of the set, expressed in the following theses:

- “I am in the world and the world is in me”: It is important that training contributes to the construction of the image of “I”, which includes self-knowledge, self-development and self-esteem, the formation of a person’s civil identity, the acceptance and understanding of moral and cultural values, and the rules of interaction with the outside world.

- "I want to learn!": the child often asks the question “why?”, he is interested in knowing everything and about everything. Our task is to maintain this interest and at the same time teach the child to independently find answers, plan his activities and bring them to completion, evaluate the result, correct mistakes and set new goals.

- “I communicate, which means I learn”: the learning process is impossible without communication. It seems to us extremely important to build the learning process as the improvement of subject-subject and subject-object communication, that is, firstly, to teach the child to freely conduct a constructive dialogue, to listen and hear the interlocutor, and secondly, to form an information culture - to find the necessary sources of knowledge learn to obtain information from various sources, analyze it, and, of course, work with a book.

- "In a healthy body healthy mind!": It is important here to preserve the health of students during the learning process, and to teach children to take care of their health themselves, understanding that health is not only a physical, but also a spiritual value. In this regard, the concept of health includes not only the rules of hygiene and the rules of safe behavior, but also certain value systems: the ability to empathize, sympathize, take care of oneself, nature, the people around them, take care and honor what they have created.

The authors of the “Perspective” set reveal their stated theses through thematic areas: “My family is my world”, “My country is my Fatherland”, “Nature and culture - the environment of our life”, “My planet - Earth”, which integrate educational material from different objects and allow the child to more effectively form a holistic picture of the world.

Another advantage of learning using the Perspective educational complex is that the system for constructing educational material allows each student to maintain and develop interest in discovering and learning new things. In textbooks, tasks are offered in such a form that the child’s cognitive activity, cognitive interest and curiosity develop into the need to learn new things and learn independently. At each lesson, the student, as it were, reveals for himself the content of future topics. Training is built on a dialectical principle, when the introduction of new concepts and ideas, initially presented in a visual-figurative form or in the form of a problem situation, precedes their subsequent detailed study. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both logical and imaginative thinking the child, his imagination, intuition. The textbooks systematically build theoretical material, to which are offered practical, research and creative tasks that allow you to intensify the child’s activity, apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities, and create conditions for the realization of the student’s creative potential.

The next feature of the educational complex “Perspective” in the context of its compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is its great opportunities for solving educational problems. The implementation of the Concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the educational complex is aimed at the formation of a value worldview, education and formation of the moral position of the personality of a junior schoolchild. The teacher solves these problems in the process of discussing a system of issues, problematic and practical situations, texts aimed at nurturing the kindest feelings, love and interest in his family, small and large Motherland, traditions and customs of the peoples living in Russia, their cultural and historical heritage.

The basis of the information and educational environment for primary schools is the completed subject lines of the “Perspective” textbook system. Textbooks effectively complement workbooks and creative notebooks, dictionaries, reading books, methodological recommendations for teachers, didactic materials, multimedia applications (DVD videos; DVDs with lesson scripts that implement the activity-based teaching method; CD-ROMs; presentation materials for multimedia projectors; software for interactive whiteboards, etc.), Internet support and other resources for all subject areas curriculum of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES, section III, clause 19.3.). All this makes it possible to organize various types of student activities and effectively use modern methods and technologies for organizing educational work.

One more distinctive feature The “Perspective” textbook system, which provides it with the status of the core of the information and educational environment for primary schools, is a developed special navigation system that allows the student to navigate both within the educational complex and to go beyond it in search of other sources of information. Thus, the “Perspective” textbook system is integrated into a single ideological, didactic and methodological system that helps the teacher meet the requirements of the modern educational process, determined by the Federal State Educational Standard.

A new methodological support has been developed for the educational complex “Perspective” - “Technological maps”, which help the teacher to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process. “Technological maps” are a new methodological toolkit that provides teachers with high-quality teaching of new training course by moving from lesson planning to topic learning design. The “Technological Maps” define tasks, planned results (personal and meta-subject), indicate possible interdisciplinary connections, propose an algorithm for completing the topic and diagnostic work (intermediate and final) to determine the level of mastery of the topic by students. The maps are posted on the Prosveshcheniye publishing house website in the “Perspective for Teachers” section. In addition, additional Internet resources have been developed for teachers and parents, including lesson plans, articles and comments, advisory support for teachers and parents (questions from parents and teachers are answered by psychologists, teachers, and authors).

In order to ensure the effectiveness of using the “Perspective” textbook system in the practical activities of teachers, a multi-level system of advanced training for teachers of different categories (primary and secondary school teachers, teachers of preschool educational institutions, head teachers, directors, methodologists, teachers of pedagogical colleges and pedagogical universities, psychologists, etc.) has been built. .), creating conditions for their gradual development of pedagogical tools of activity-based learning both at the federal level (at the Center for System-Active Pedagogy “School 2000...” of the AIC and PPRO) and in the regions based on the principle of network interaction.

The created mechanisms for improving the quality of teachers’ work in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard on unified ideological, didactic and methodological grounds opens up prospects for a real transition of the school to the implementation of the new goals and values ​​of education and the construction of a unified educational space for the training, education and health of schoolchildren.

working on the educational complex "Perspective"

Main educational program primary general education for educational institutions working according to the educational complex "Perspective" (Scientific supervisor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Center for System-Active Pedagogy "School 2000..." AIC and PPRO, laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education), developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard for primary general education to the structure of the basic educational program (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated “6” October 2009 city ​​No. 000); based on analysis activities educational institution taking into account the capabilities of the Educational and Methodological Complex “Perspective”.

The educational program “Perspective” is a system of interrelated programs, each of which is an independent link, providing a specific direction of activity of the educational institution. The unity of these programs forms a complete system for supporting the life, functioning and development of a particular educational institution.

Educational program "Perspective" in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard contains the following sections:

    explanatory note; the planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the educational complex “Perspective”; sample curriculum of the educational complex “Perspective”; a program for the formation of universal educational actions for students at the level of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the educational complex “Perspective”; individual programs educational subjects, courses included in the educational complex “Perspective”; a program of spiritual and moral development, education of students at the level of primary general education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the educational complex “Perspective”; a program for creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle based on the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the educational complex “Perspective”*; program correctional work based on the principles of activity in the educational complex “Perspective”**; system for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

The program complies with the basic principles public policy Russian Federation in the field of education, set out in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. This:

    the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, free development of the individual; education of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family; the unity of the federal cultural and educational space, the protection and development by the education system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state; accessibility of education, adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of development and training of students and pupils; ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization and creative development; formation of a student’s picture of the world that is adequate to the modern level of knowledge and level of education; the formation of a person and citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society; assistance mutual understanding and cooperation between people and nations, regardless of national, religious and social affiliation.

The goal of implementing the educational program “Perspective” is:

    creating conditions for the development and upbringing of the personality of a junior schoolchild in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education; achieving the planned results in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and on the basis of the educational complex “Perspective”.

Objectives of the implementation of the educational program “Perspective”:

    Achieving personal results for students:
      students' readiness and ability for self-development; formation of motivation for learning and cognition; understanding and acceptance of basic core values.
    Achieving meta-subject results for students: Mastering universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative). Achieving substantive results: Mastering the experience of substantive activities to obtain new knowledge, its transformation and application based on elements of scientific knowledge, the modern scientific picture of the world.

Based general requirements to the programs, each educational institution includes in the Explanatory Note individual characteristics determined by the specifics of this particular institution. These features are reflected in the following provisions of the activity analysis:

    Full name of the OS in accordance with the Charter; the time of its creation; registering it as legal entity
    ; deadlines for licensing and certification; obtaining a Certificate of State Accreditation and institutional status (gymnasium, lyceum, advanced study school... etc.). The structure of the educational environment: the interaction of this particular institution with the institutions of the main and additional education: network interaction. Characteristics of the student population: number of classes, extended day groups. Characteristics of parents' educational needs. OS operating mode: number of shifts, duration training sessions. Characteristics of personnel: total number of teachers. Average age of teachers, their educational qualifications, availability of academic degrees, titles, categories, etc.) Creative achievements of students and teachers: participation in competitions, seminars, conferences. Material and technical base of the educational institution. Traditions of the OU: memorial watch, alumni congress, celebration veterans etc.

UMK "Perspective" represents a holistic information and educational environment for primary schools, constructed on the basis of unified ideological, didactic and methodological principles, adequate to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education. This approach makes it possible to put into practice the key provision of the Federal State Educational Standard: “The effectiveness of the educational process should be ensured by the information and educational environment? a system of information and educational resources and tools that provide conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of an educational institution.”

Ideological basis The teaching and learning complex “Perspective” is the “Concept of spiritual and moral development and personality education of a citizen of Russia”, aimed at forming in the younger generation a system of values ​​of humanism, creativity, self-development, morality as the basis for a student’s successful self-realization in life and work and as a condition for the security and prosperity of the country.

Didactic basis UMK "Perspective" is a didactic system of the activity method (), synthesizing, on the basis of a methodological system-activity approach, non-conflicting ideas from modern concepts of developmental education from the standpoint of continuity of scientific views with the traditional school (Conclusion of the Russian Academy of Education dated 01.01.2001, Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in field of education for 2002).

Methodological basis is the totality modern methods and methods of training and education implemented in the educational complex “Perspective” (project activities, work with information, world of activity, etc.). Textbooks effectively complement workbooks and creative notebooks, dictionaries, reading books, guidelines for teachers, didactic materials, multimedia applications (DVD videos; DVDs with lesson scripts that implement the activity-based teaching method; CD-ROMs; presentation materials for multimedia projectors; software for an interactive whiteboard, etc.), Internet support and other resources for all subject areas of the Federal State Educational Standards curriculum (Federal State Educational Standards, section III, clause 19.3.).

Municipal educational institution "Secondary School No. 27"

Department of Education of the local administration of the city. Nalchik

Educational program


Adopted by the pedagogical council


The importance and relevance of the problem of methodological support of the educational process in primary school in connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Elementary School - the most important stage in the process of general education of the student. In four years, he must not only master the program material of the subject disciplines, but also learn how to study - become a “professional student.”

As an organizational form of training; All cognitive and educational tasks are solved by students in conditions of joint activity, cooperation and cooperation with the teacher and peers.

4. The principle of creative activity presupposes:

Stimulating and encouraging the creative activity of students, initiating the formulation of new cognitive and artistic-creative tasks;

Participation in project-based collective forms of work;

Creating a favorable atmosphere for unleashing the creative potential of each child based on interpersonal relationships built on a model of equality, respect and recognition of the self-worth of each student.

Activity paradigm of education

as the most important condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Speaking about the activity paradigm, it should be noted that its implementation depends largely on the teacher. In the textbooks of UMK "Perspective", methodological recommendations and “Technological maps” (a new innovative methodological manual) offer materials, methods and techniques that will help the teacher organize the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The system-activity approach that forms the basis of the educational complex “Perspective” assumes:

Education and development of personal qualities that meet the requirements of the information society, innovative economy, the tasks of building a democratic, civil society based on tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect for the multinational, multicultural and multi-confessional composition of Russian society;

The transition to a strategy of social design and construction in the education system based on the development of educational content and technologies that determine the ways and means of achieving a socially desired level (result) of personal and cognitive development students;

Focus on educational results as a system-forming component of the Federal State Educational Standard, where the development of the student’s personality based on the mastery of universal educational actions, knowledge and mastery of the world is the goal and main result of education;

Recognition of the decisive role of the content of education and methods of organizing educational activities and educational cooperation in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students;

Taking into account individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, roles and significance types of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them;

Ensuring continuity of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) general education;

Diversity of individual educational trajectories and individual development of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities) disabilities health), ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of educational cooperation and expansion of the zone of proximal development.

All these areas are reflected in the content of the “Technological Maps”. You can get acquainted with them on the website of the Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye" at the link: http://www. *****/umk/perspektiva section “Perspective” for the teacher.”

Routing allows:

· implement the education standard;

· understand and apply in the system the proposed technology for the formation of universal educational actions in students;

· form a holistic picture of the world through the real use of “interdisciplinary connections”;

· fully use the educational potential of the educational complex “Perspektiva”;

· determine the level of disclosure of the material and correlate it with the material being studied in subsequent grades;

· implement regional and school material based on the material of the educational complex “Perspective”

· realize your creative potential (the technological map contains ready-made developments of all topics of the curriculum subjects,

· the teacher is freed from routine unproductive work preparing for lessons);

· individualize and differentiate educational process.

To fully and effectively use technological maps, you need to know a number of principles and provisions that are mandatory for working with it. "Routing" - the new kind methodological products that provide the teacher with effective and high-quality mastery of a new educational course by moving from lesson planning to design the educational process by topic. The technological map provides a description of the learning process in a certain structure and in a given sequence.

Design of universal tools ( technological map) is aimed at achieving the results stated in the standards second generation. The standards answer the question: “What to teach?”, the technological map – “How to teach“How to help a child effectively master the content of education and achieve the required results.

Compared to traditional “training manuals”, the technological map reveals the topic of studying the material, and not just one lesson, which makes it possible to systematically master the content from goal to result, set and solve problems of achieving not only subject results, but also personal and meta-subject results.

The technological map includes:

· topic title;

· the number of hours allocated for its study;

· the goal of mastering educational content;

· planned results (personal, subject, meta-subject);

· basic concepts of the topic;

· interdisciplinary connections and organization of space (forms of work and resources);

· technology for studying this topic;

· a system of diagnostic tasks that determine the level of mastery of the material at each stage of its study;

· control tasks on the topic, determining the achievement of the planned results within the framework of studying the stated topic

The “Study Technology” section is divided into stages of learning. At each stage of work, the goal and predicted result are determined and given. practical tasks for practicing the material and diagnostic tasks to check its understanding and assimilation, at the end of the topic - a control task that checks the achievement of the planned results. The description of each stage indicates the purpose of the learning activity and learning tasks.

At the first stage of training, “Self-determination in activity,” stimulating students’ interest in studying a specific topic is organized through a situational task. This stage involves the following steps:

Motivation as stimulation of interest;

Determining needs as a personally significant component of studying this topic;

Identifying what is missing in knowledge and skills to solve a situational task and determining the purpose of the learning activity at the next stage.

At the stage of “Educational and cognitive activity”, the development of content blocks of the topic is organized. To master the educational content, educational tasks for “knowledge”, “understanding”, and “skill” are offered.

At the stage of “Intellectual-transformative activity”, students are asked to complete practical tasks:

· informative, where students work using a model on the board;

· improvisational, where students use tasks that differ from the sample in content or form;

· heuristic, where students complete their own version of the task.

Completing the task involves self-organization of schoolchildren, which contains: preparation for the implementation (planning) of the activity, execution and presentation of the work.

The result of this stage is:

Student orientation in different types tasks (cognitive action);

Student self-organization when completing a task (regulatory action);

The student’s use of adequate verbal statements to present the result (cognitive, communicative action);

Showing your attitude (gratitude) to the characters in the textbook and the teacher (personal action);

The student’s ability to solve a given problem (cognitive, regulatory action), that is, to use acquired knowledge and skills in specific practical activities.

At the stage of reflective activity, students correlate the result obtained with the set goal (self-analysis - regulatory action) and evaluate the activity (self-esteem - personal action) in mastering the topic.

Unlike others methodological manuals, when using the map at each stage of teaching, the teacher can confidently say whether he has achieved the result or not. And if, in accordance with the result predicted by the teacher, more than 60% of the students in the class completed the diagnostic work at a specific stage, then we can say with confidence that the material is understood, mastered, and you can move on. If the task is completed correctly by less than 60% of the students, then the teacher needs to once again return to the material covered and complete its full mastery. Only after this can you move on to the next stage.

A few simple rules for working with a technological map.

1. Use technology maps to work on a topic or section of the course.

2. Carefully read the topic on which you will work.

3. Find it in the textbook of the subject you are studying, and prepare the textbooks that are marked in the “interdisciplinary connections” section.

4. Get to know the goals of studying the topic, compare them with the planned results, identify tasks that will help achieve your goal (Correlate the goals with previously covered material).

5. Read the highlighted basic concepts of the topic being studied, see in which subjects they are still being studied (interdisciplinary connections).

6. Analyze the meaning of the planned results, especially in terms of universal learning activities

7. Select “your” forms of work in accordance with the goals and conditions of training: for active work or quiet activities, for searching for information or demonstrating achievements, etc. This will help expand the boundaries of the use of resources, which include the educational complex “Perspective”, available at school there are visual aids, interactive or simply additional work boards, exhibitions, stands, and so on.

8. In the “Training Technology” section, follow the algorithm proposed in the map. This will help you not miss a single element in achieving the goal set at the stage, and most importantly, achieve effective and high-quality mastery of the topic

9. At the first stage, motivating students to study the topic, you can use the task given in the map, take it from the textbook, or offer your own.

10. Record in the map the changes you make and correlate them with the further algorithm for passing the topic.

11. Make sure that the student knows, understands, and is skilled in the material being studied, in what way he performs it, i.e., complete the task proposed in the column of the same name, and only after that proceed to the next stage.

12. Try to complete all the proposed diagnostic and control tasks. Then you can say with confidence: “This topic has been completed, the planned results have been achieved. Let's move on."

Compare the stages and steps of the technological map with the lesson plan that you use, and choose for yourself the optimal way to organize the work.

When using a technological map, lesson planning may not be necessary.

Structure of the “Technological map”:

Technological map for studying the topic (topic name)

Purpose of the topic

Planned result:

Subject skills, UUD

Personal UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

Regulatory UUD:

Communication UUD:

Organization of space

Interdisciplinary connections

Forms of work

Stage I. Motivation for activity

Problematic situation.

Stage II. Educational and cognitive activity

Sequence of study

Diagnostic task

Stage III. Intellectual and transformative activities

Reproductive task

Improvisation task

Heuristic task

Self-organization in activities

Stage VI. Monitoring and evaluating performance results.

Forms of control; control task.

Performance evaluation

If it is difficult or unusual to design a topic, then you can limit yourself to designing one lesson. Changes or additions may be made to this structure.

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