Moon in Aries (Characteristics of the Influence of the Moon). Astrology Moon in the sign of Aries what does it mean

People with the Moon in the sign of Aries are cheerful, emotional, and are distinguished by great activity of the soul and feelings. The Moon in Aries, fueled by Martian energy, forces a person to intense, excessive activity, and great ambition calls for the immediate implementation of his ideas and intentions. Here the Moon makes great demands both on itself and on others, which leads to extremes of behavior, and too strong desires and impatience give rise to internal restlessness and temper. People with the Moon in the sign of Aries are distinguished by liveliness, mobility and courage, but at the same time, if they don’t like something or go against what they planned, they become self-willed, capricious, stubborn and obstinate. They strive for personal and spiritual freedom and independence, resist any pressure, but they themselves love to command. People with the Moon in Aries need strong experiences, so they indulge in risky or even dangerous activities. They have a passion for sensations, external effects, and public spectacles.

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Moon in Aries in the natal chart:

keyword emotional aggressiveness

Life is an adventure for you and you easily accept new ideas. You experience the experience as a way of self-realization. You are full of natural and sincere enthusiasm. But it’s worth working hard and developing patience.

You change your mood easily, get ignited easily and quickly, but then you also quickly forget the reason for your anger. You often express the “I come first” tendency. You have a sharp and fickle mind, but you are also prone to bouts of anger, irritability and headaches. It seems to people that you maintain some kind of emotional distance when communicating with them. You have well-developed senses, and you often use them - and consciously - for your own benefit.

Behind external aggressiveness you hide a feeling of insecurity. Learn to ask others for help when you need it. Your courage and natural independence sometimes turn into madness. If you are interested in something, you can be very kind and sympathetic, but if you do not feel inner inspiration, then you become indifferent and faceless. Your feelings are controlled by the ego. You are very smart and have very quick reactions. You trust your senses and react instantly without thinking. This once again emphasizes your impulsiveness and tendency to trust your feelings rather than your reason. You despise authority and don't like being given advice.

You shine in all situations that require the ability to make quick decisions. Your enthusiasm is even more changeable than that of people with the Sun in Aries. You are very original, inventive, have a restless mind, but are not very resilient. In many situations, you take the initiative and show excessive self-confidence. You try to dominate others emotionally and usually take advantage of authority because you perform much better as a leader than as a subordinate. You are an ambitious and sociable person with a pioneering spirit. You are not petty, do not listen to advice and have difficulty submitting to discipline. Cultivate endurance and consistency. You have finely developed organs
senses, especially vision. Some people admire your dynamism and self-confidence.

Since the Moon represents the mother in the horoscope, your mother embodies many of the characteristics of Aries: decisiveness, independence, activity, straightforwardness; your mother has a strong influence on you.

As a rule, the Moon in the sign of Aries provides an opportunity to express oneself in business. The only problem is that periods of vigorous activity suddenly give way to periods of complete shutdown. A short rest restores their strength and they rush into the abyss of business with the same enthusiasm. People with such a Moon are always ready for competition and struggle, often sacrificing their strength and energy for the sake of their power. anyone high life goal. If it were not for their impulsiveness, haste, rashness and stubbornness, they could achieve better results. In women's horoscopes, this is manifested by an inability or unwillingness to adapt to someone or something; they strive to hold the reins in their hands and rule over everyone. The Moon in Aries reinforces the Aries sign's motto: "all or nothing."

Characteristics of the Moon in Aries

The Moon in Aries is Neutral.

  • – water, soul, feeling, perception, ability to care.
  • – fire, fire, energy.
  • Energy + soul = inspiration
  • Feeling + wish = emotional will

The Moon in a neutral position speaks of Aries’ ability to easily adapt to various climatic and biological changes that may occur when changing place of residence, food and living conditions. Aries' emotional attachments suddenly awaken and disappear. The position of the Moon in the hierarchy of planets shows that Aries easily and quickly leaves emotional states, i.e. reflects his quickness after stormy experiences, his ability to change moods sharply.

Positive qualities of the Moon in Aries: idealism, emotional activity, ambition, desire for a leading position, impulsiveness, diligence, the desire to insist on one’s own, the desire for an ideal, readiness for reconciliation.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Aries: self-will, excessive zeal, stubbornness, haste, lust for power, irritability, passion for quarrels, thoughtlessness, need for sensations, instinctiveness.

Features in the male horoscope:

They attract women with a strong character.

Features in the female horoscope:

Very often there is a lack of adaptability, claims to power. This position of the Moon may indicate jealousy and the need to dominate a partner.

Health disorders: headache, eye diseases, poor sleep

If the Moon is afflicted- the subconscious appears on stage. If you are in a bad mood, a person will demonstrate it to others. In this case, a person does not perceive other people and the situation as much as he perceives himself and his mood. He needs energy outlets. Therefore, it is quite possible for a release of energy on others, loved ones, a transition to personal relationships (these are disputes, quarrels, emotional demonstrative whims).

Moon in the decanate of Aries

This position of the Moon is simply wonderful, provided that there are no negative aspects between the Moon and Mars and neither Mars nor retrograde Pluto have negative aspects. Otherwise, there will be haste, rashness, imprudence, imprudence, harshness, causticity in conversations, internal contradictions, the inability to combine what is desired with opportunities, and even a weakening of morality. Negative aspects with Mars and Venus give a tendency to cancer.

With favorable aspects with the Sun - nobility, generosity, courage, bravery, fortitude of the soul.

Courage, courage, excessive self-confidence, showing off, craving for sensations, risk-taking. The abilities are versatile, but one should be wary of fragmentation. With negative aspects to the Moon - internal anxiety, split personality, indecision, rashness, recklessness, troubles due to rash, absurd actions.

Historical persons with Moon in Aries

Cornelius Agrippa, Henry II and Henry IV, Franz Ferdinand, Otto von Habsburg, Albert Schweitzer, George Sand, Louise Colet, Augustine Semenko.

Transit of the Moon through the sign of Aries

These days, physical and mental activity increases, people become more impulsive, enterprising and proactive, the desire to excel is manifested in them, and excitement increases. This is a period of spontaneous activity, which is characterized by the desire to immediately implement all ideas and plans born (rather on impulse than on reason). Personal interests come to the fore. The desire to impose one's own will on others increases, which can lead to disputes, quarrels and rash actions.

The Moon in Aries often enhances parental feelings. Children become more mobile, disobedient and inclined to ignore any orders and prohibitions. Their interest in the new, unknown increases, and the sense of danger dulls.

With intense aspects to the Moon, people become more excitable, nervous, any delays or inconsistencies cause them anxiety and irritation. Much depends on which planets the Moon forms an aspect with. So, an aspect with Mars will give irritability, anger, with Venus - capriciousness, hysteria, an aspect with Saturn can also cause irritability, but different from Martian. If the first gives rise to impatience, the desire to quickly achieve what is desired, then the second is of the nature of dissatisfaction with the existing order or the lack thereof, in the opinion of the individual.

good time

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for matters that can and should be settled in short term, for matters related to the implementation of new ideas, and those that require inspiration, encouragement, speed of perception and decision-making;
  • for matters related to fire, iron, heavy industry, mechanical engineering, technology, medicine, especially surgery, as well as those related to various instruments and instruments, equipment, household utensils, repairs;
  • for contacting government agencies and departments, communicating with superiors and high-ranking officials, especially on the 7th Lunar Day
  • for planned trips, commercial activities;
  • to increase and expand authority, prestige, reputation;
  • for sports (care should be taken, as haste increases the likelihood of injury);
  • to train and demonstrate your abilities, including psychic ones;
  • for recreation, tourism, trips (except river and sea), preferably on the 8th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 25th Lunar day;
  • for the purchase of a car, other equipment, weapons, piercing and cutting objects, carpentry and plumbing tools, sports equipment, textiles, jewelry, household goods;
  • to return borrowed items, money and collect debt;
  • for planting plants that grow quickly and immediately go to the table;
  • for harvesting grain.

Bad time:

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for long-term affairs, responsible calculations, reports;
  • for concluding agreements, contracts, drawing up and signing a will;
  • to solve financial problems, capital investments;
  • for political actions;
  • for flammable and explosive work;
  • for engagement, wedding, family celebrations, love affairs;
  • to clarify relationships;
  • for shopping for gifts, perfumes, fashionable clothes, jewelry;
  • for any operations on the head, face, head, brain, head nervous system, eyes, ears, kidneys.


  • injuries caused by sharp, piercing or cutting objects;
  • injuries caused by moving mechanisms; fire, burns, accidents due to negligence.


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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For a woman with the Moon in Aries, emotions are most important. She's on her own best friend, the worst enemy and only adviser. IN Everyday life she recognizes immediate action as the main thing, without even thinking for a second about possible consequences. Her motto: “Everything at once - and immediately!” Such motorism can lead the owner of the Moon in Aries to success if he does not infringe on the rights of others and inflict emotional wounds on them.

From her husband, a woman with the Moon in Aries demands, first of all, recognition of her right to freedom, independence and can hardly tolerate tenderness that requires an answer. She is the type of woman on whom both a business office suit and a welder's suit look quite natural. She views her husband as a friend, companion, partner with whom she can share the joys of life and the triumph of success.

Women with Moon in Aries

These are optimistic, energetic and open to change women. Very often they have new ideas and plans, thanks to which something new is discovered every time. Bad influence The Moon in the sign of Aries is expressed in extreme susceptibility to impulses, in fiercely defending one’s own point of view and in impatience, and sensory impressions change instantly and are absolutely fickle. The planet forms in such a young lady a sharp, sharp perception and subconscious determination. She becomes rude, self-confident, and hot-tempered. In her opinion, everything that others do is wrong, and if something suddenly doesn’t work out, then her mood instantly deteriorates.

Such a woman has such powerful sensuality and energy that, under their influence, she often takes rash, hasty, premature actions. The Moon in Aries helps a woman get rid of anger quickly and easily, pushing sensual outpourings away. In love she is fiery, but is subject to real explosions of passion. In business matters, he often makes good organizational decisions that other people are unable to implement.

As a mother, she is not as demanding as she should be, which is why raising children will suffer. She is unable to unobtrusively and regularly take care of her child, everything happens in a rush, and the main argument is often slaps on the head. The Moon in the sign of Aries makes a woman impulsive, impetuous, and energetic. Outwardly she will seem calm and calm, but inside she will be a whole whirlwind of restless aspirations. This state of affairs is unexpected for those around her, and even for herself. She can get involved in an adventure, fall for someone’s tricks, be cruelly deceived, and so on.

She simply needs to spend her energy somehow, otherwise she will be extremely uncomfortable. That’s why you rarely meet a woman with such a Moon who is not involved (or has not been involved in the past) in any sport. Such girls perceive life as a constant competition or battle. Therefore, even when everything around is safe and calm, they will always find what interests to defend and what to fight for. Since the Moon rules unconscious reactions, women with the Moon in Aries react quickly and almost automatically in any situation. But when a conscious approach is activated, they often regret what they did. Unfortunately, prudence and patience are not among their virtues.

If the attitudes of such a woman and the conditions of her life do not allow her to find an “outlet”, and she is forced to live a stable, routine life, then her health condition clearly and sharply deteriorates. Housekeeping can be just one of these “outlets”: this young lady will spare no effort in cleaning, cooking, repairing, but this happens, again, in fits and starts (it is impulsive). She lives in the present, and therefore her past is quickly covered in the fog of oblivion, and her future is somewhat problematic. If she needs something, then immediately, otherwise the desire burns out, and if it was very strong, then the woman becomes depressed (fortunately not for long).

It can be very difficult for her to curb herself, since the Moon in the sign of Aries is not very harmonious, and in the case of negative character development, real attacks of severe aggression, frantic anger and other similar states are possible, up to attacks of rage (then she simply disconnects from her consciousness). With severe defeat, phobias and cowardice are possible, which are usually based on the expectation of sudden unmotivated aggression.

With the harmonious development of the Moon in Aries, a woman, as a rule, is not afraid of anything, even to the point of reckless actions and desperate audacity. She has a strong subconscious feeling that she will be lucky and everything will work out, or, in extreme cases, she will get away with it. It is worth saying that this is how it happens, but for the time being, until the level of risk allowed by karma is exceeded.

This young lady is very warlike, but her secret desire is defeat in an equal battle with a man, which gives rise to some contradictions: if the man is weaker, then she will not respect him, if she is much stronger, then she will fear him. In both cases, this means turning her belligerence inward and constant battles with her own negative nature. Working through this aspect gives rise to the ability to realize and burn all the lower subconscious programs both in oneself and in others. The main difficulty in implementing this is that seeing deep programs and higher plans of the subconscious is possible only at low energy, in an absolutely calm state. This woman needs to learn to constructively use her usual and regular depressions, such as seeing failures as a way of outlining karmic programs.

In the house of Mars - the god of war and struggle. On the throne of the Sun - the ruler of creativity, energy, light, joy, consciousness. In the element of Fire.

Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Aries, the active principle takes advantage. Masculinity, courage and impetuosity determine success. If you lack these qualities, this lunar position may be somewhat difficult for you. People become more decisive, open, and more prone to conflict. During the days of the Moon in Aries, you are more likely to encounter tactlessness and fights. Selfish thinking, a tendency to dictatorship, dominance, and extreme decisions predominate.

Most problems are successfully solved with the help of onslaught, pressure, in one fell swoop. Emotional reactions are impulsive, expressive, passionate and changeable. Decisions are made more boldly, openly, impulsively, but later a person often regrets his hasty actions or thoughtless words. These days there is a higher possibility of fires, injuries, and accidents. Drivers, like pedestrians, tend to rush and take risks. In case of bad planetary aspects there is more haste and confusion. There are many proposals and initiatives, but not enough practical action and sensitivity. Avoid: open conflicts, rash actions. Beware of: the bad mood of others.

Job. It's good to start those things that can be finished quickly. A favorable time for trading, buying, selling, taking tough measures, taking risky decisions, launching new projects, opening a new business (especially one where there is risk). A good time for activities in the field: automotive industry, equipment trade, sports, new enterprises. This time is favorable for people whose work is related to law enforcement agencies: police officers, military personnel, security officers. The time is also good for administrators, leaders, politicians, those engaged in active physical work, and athletes. On the other hand, the possibility of injury increases, especially to the head, spine, arms and legs. There is a greater likelihood of theft and assault.

Finance and values. You will be more inclined to spend money rather than save. These days, short-term agreements are successful, for which payment is received immediately upon completion. Do not trust only promises - promises that are not documented will soon be forgotten. Things purchased during this period quickly wear out, wear out, as if they were burning. This time is suitable for purchasing mechanical devices, knives, various tools that must be sharp for the car if you are interested in its speed.

Love. Interest in the opposite sex becomes stronger, men are inclined to prove their masculinity. Love affairs begun at this time will be turbulent, but short or changeable. The Moon in Aries is the right time for declarations of love. If you are hesitant to express your feelings, do it when the Moon is in Aries. At this time, emotions are easier to manifest, but they can be violent, which is not always appropriate.

Health. The head, brain, teeth are especially sensitive, so it is advisable not to overload them at this time, and you should not operate. Are escalating chronic inflammation. You can successfully treat the kidneys, urinary system, and female gynecological ailments. Use the energy of these days to harden, strengthen muscles, and enhance skin tone. Be careful when performing strength exercises and avoid overheating in a sauna or in the open sun. Gemini will find it useful breathing exercises, For Pisces - gymnastics for the eye muscles, for Cancers and Capricorns - for the muscles of the back and chest. Taurus people should take care of their neck and vocal cords during this period. Muscle stretching exercises and a visit to a chiropractor will bring positive results.

The color that harmonizes with the position of the Moon in Aries - red, stimulates physical and sexual activity and can be recommended for women who do not feel energetic enough - Pisces, Cancer and Virgo. Today the body needs protein. It is well absorbed and brings maximum benefits. On protein days, it is recommended to first trim off all the fat from the meat and not fry it, but boil or steam it. It is better to consume low-fat milk and cottage cheese, but it is better to avoid cheese, since there is more fat than protein.

Children. Children these days must learn to fight, compete, win, and acquire courage. If they become prone to fights, restless, if they strive to command and control, then everything is in order. Give them more physical activity, offer competitions: for example, “who is faster, who is taller.” Bumps on the forehead are common during these days, however, they are a natural part of the Aries experience. There is a lot of pent-up energy, so let the children express themselves and move, otherwise you may end up with an explosion of anger. On the other hand, at this time you can be stricter with children - they will obey a strict and fair parental approach.

  • Entry of the Moon into the sign of Aries in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 12 at 11:17
  • February 8 at 17:34
  • March 7 at 23:27
  • April 4 at 05:56
  • May 1 at 13:23
  • May 28 at 21:31
  • June 25 at 05:37
  • July 22 at 13:02
  • August 18 at 19:32
  • September 15 at 01:32
  • October 12 at 07:45
  • November 8 at 14:48
  • December 5 at 22:44
Entry of the Moon into Aries in other years
Moon in Aries 2018 Moon in Aries 2019
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The moon in Aries is considered unfavorable for hair cutting in general, although it does not affect the condition of the hair and hairstyle. The fact is that after such a procedure the body’s immunity weakens and the risk of getting sick increases.


A person in whose horoscope the Moon is in Aries has strong desires, passionate emotions, and a tremendous will to achieve goals and achieve what he wants. He is very energetic, his temperament can literally go over the edge. He is characterized by such qualities as vanity and ambition; he is an undeniable careerist, will never give up fame, in his dreams he sees himself rich and famous. Well, his dreams can come true if he puts his endless energy into it. Activities and vitality this man has enough for four. True, he also has an abundance of less pleasant qualities - irritability, nervousness (especially under stress), suspicion, uncontrolled behavior. In anger, this person is terrible; in a state of passion, he is capable of causing such mischief that he himself breaks his legs over it. This is no wonder: a person with the Moon in Aries shows enviable zeal in everything! Even if he risks getting into trouble, and maybe not “even”, but “especially”... Add to this stubbornness, impatience, adventurism, intrigue and inconstancy. This is not a diplomat. Compromises are not for him, settling everything so that the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe is also not his method, he needs to ensure that he himself is fed, and who patches up the skin at the same time is not his concern.

Among the character traits of the lunar Aries are authoritarianism, hot temper, quarrelsomeness, capriciousness, imbalance, inflexibility and the ability to find a reason for a quarrel even where there is none. One of its unpleasant features is the ability to go your own way without noticing who you are following.

This person persistently implements the motto “The end justifies the means.” Moreover, what the “means” itself thinks does not interest him at all. And if the lunar Aries comes up with some idea, then it will require immediate implementation. With the application of incredible efforts and with the help of others, it will be realized - and this will be better for everyone, because the obstacles of the lunar Aries irritate, and when irritated he is very unpleasant. Having conceived whatever it is, he takes the target by storm. He is not characterized by lengthy planning. Often he comes up with a plan already in the process of action. When something doesn’t work out for the lunar Aries, things go awry, plans come apart at the seams, ideas fail, he feels like the most unhappy person in the world. Most of all, he hates failure and his own powerlessness to change anything. This is the only thing that can seriously and permanently unsettle him. Lunar Aries more often than others starts conflicts out of the blue: it’s enough to say something wrong, or fall under his hot hand, or run into him when he’s out of sorts. At such moments, lunar Aries can be harsh and rude. However, he quickly moves away and easily forgets the insults. And he can’t even imagine that anyone can even remember them. He also forgives easily, unless we are talking about real betrayal.

Communication. The character emerges as not a gift, but, nevertheless, often a person with the Moon in Aries is the soul of society. This is because, in addition to the listed qualities, he is also characterized by frankness, sincerity, idealism, vivid imagination, friendliness, sense of humor, active life position, initiative, and courage. This is a person who has developed entrepreneurship, breadth of soul, the ability to take risks and make an impression, innovative thinking, the ability to achieve goals and inspire others to achieve.

Aspirations. Lunar Aries has an abundance of willpower, numerous talents, creative energy, self-confidence, positive thinking, responsibility for one’s actions, highly developed intuition, and the ability to be a leader. In a word, his positive qualities fully compensate for the dubious excesses of his character. Such a fountain of contradictions simply cannot be ignored! And if he himself wants to go into the shadows, he will not succeed: his curled, wild head is too noticeable. He even prefers to relax not in the quiet of a secluded village or under the shade of a lone palm tree, but in noisy metropolises or bustling resorts. Whatever mood the lunar Aries is in - and it is changeable for him, although for the most part this person is optimistic - he has an almost manic craving for global change. If he fails to remake the whole world or at least change the government structure, he will begin to improve the life of those around him.

Career. Recognition is simply necessary for the lunar Aries. First of all, he is vain. People's opinion about his person is very important to him. And secondly, he sincerely – and absolutely rightly – considers recognition one of the indicators of success. Under no circumstances should Lunar Aries get a job where he will be in the shadows, and all his achievements will remain just numbers in reports. If he has achieved something, a superior person must declare it publicly. If he deserves an award or wins a prize, he should receive it not in his office face to face, but on stage, in full view of everyone. And this is a completely normal desire! Moreover, recognition for lunar Aries is a strong motivating factor. After all, if no one needs a person’s labor, then the worker will wither away very quickly. Lunar Aries understands this simple law very well.

Money. However, in addition to recognition, the material side of the issue is of great importance to him. In money, he values ​​not so much pleasure as independence. Therefore, a modest income is not enough for him; he is interested in an income above average so that one can talk about any degree of freedom. Lunar Aries hates being subordinate, does not like being controlled.

Life plan. And in personal life, and in work, and in any area of ​​​​life, the lunar Aries allows feelings to dominate the mind. He is not reckless at all, just very temperamental and emotional. He is bored of living according to patterns. Following the call of reason, you will always follow the same path, and the voice of the heart can take you to the most unexpected levels. This is the philosophy of the lunar Aries, and he follows it, even if he does not bother to formulate it.

Gardener - sowing

Aries is an infertile sign, but is suitable for planting anything that grows quickly and is used immediately; planting onions, garlic, and lettuce is possible.

Collection of herbs

Headache and blurred vision.

Planning the gender of the child

The moon is in the male zodiac sign.

Weather forecast

The Day of Heat reigns in the world. Most often the weather is good these days, this time is suitable for a walk outside the city. Even if the whole sky is covered with clouds, it seems that it is warm outside.

Nutrition and weight loss

When the Moon passes through the signs of the element of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), the body requires more protein. It is on these days that protein is best absorbed by the body and brings it the most benefits. This means that on the days of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, you need to make sure that your diet consists mainly of protein foods, and the proteins should be half of plant and half of animal origin.

Animal proteins are found in lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese; vegetable - in legumes (soybeans, beans, peas), as well as in various cereals.

But the amount of fat and carbohydrates on “protein” days should be reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to trim the fat from it before cooking meat, and the meat should not be fried, but boiled, stewed, or cooked on a grill or steamed. It is advisable to consume milk, cottage cheese, kefir with a low percentage of fat content or, even better, low-fat. It is better to avoid cheese on protein days, even though it contains enough protein, since cheese is a very fatty product.


Procedures and operations on the kidneys and bladder will go well.
You cannot carry out any procedures or operations in the head area and all organs associated with the head - eyes, teeth, ears. Today these organs are especially vulnerable.

Dental treatment

It is an unfavorable time for any dental procedures when the Moon passes through the signs of Aries (especially), Taurus and Capricorn, because organs in the head area are especially vulnerable now. At this time, it is fraught not only with the danger of the manipulations themselves, but also with the risk of complications.


Not at all good time for marriage. Moon in Aries means "I come first", which is not conducive to success in marriage.


On days with the Moon in Aries, people buy cars and any metal objects, from knives and forks to knitting needles and needles. A good time to purchase toys and children's things, although it is better to choose gifts on other days, since haste will not allow you to think carefully and choose what you need. Our desires are impulsive and excessively strong. As a rule, attention is attracted to things that are spectacular, but short-lived. Shoes bought at this time will instantly burn on your feet, clothes will burst at the seams, and if you dare to buy perfume, you will probably later find out that their aroma is too strong. It’s even better not to choose bed linen now - sleep on it will be restless and shallow. What's good to buy is glasses. Check it out - you won't regret it.


Magic rituals for gaining power, willpower and rebirth. Spells aimed at freedom and adventure are suitable. This is a time of personal energy and enthusiasm. During this period, you may feel more impulsive, as Aries is characterized by a competitive spirit.


Aries - in astrology, is responsible for the head; accordingly, these days all operations in the head area and on the face are prohibited. On such days, it is not recommended to pierce the face, ears, or dye your hair, eyelashes, or eyebrows with permanent dye. It is also undesirable to perm your hair. Even a seemingly useful procedure such as a head massage will not be beneficial during this period. It is best to do a body massage and take an air bath when the Moon is in Aries, because... The body lacks oxygen these days.

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Today you see the Moon in Aries - the most impulsive position of the night luminary in the horoscope. They know how to show emotions. This is a common position in the natal charts of actors. A person with the Moon in Aries receives energy from emotions. It's as if he's being charged by them.

Excessive changeability in emotions and mood is one characteristic of such people. For example, after half an hour you cry into your pillow. Then have fun again. They do not keep emotions deep within themselves. Moreover, Aries is a sign that will do it first and think later. I had one client who could never fully listen to me. I said something and she immediately responded. Patience is clearly not the strength of this position. They do not replay the same situations in their heads, worry greatly and, most importantly, worry for a long time, such as the situation

In nutrition, and this is also a function of this planet, they love a lot of spices. Fried food is also a frequent guest on the table, as is meat. In general, Luna loves this meat like no one else. They will also eat anything spicy for their sweet soul.

Moon in Aries for men

Let me remind you that this planet for men shows the image of their wife in the natal chart. Therefore, the wife of a man with the Moon in Aries will be punchy, strong-willed, and quick-tempered. She will not hide her emotions from others. I also noticed that the stronger sex clearly gravitates towards girls who go in for sports. The exception will be situations if the Moon is connected with Neptune or falls into 12th house

But, alas, men do not experience deep affection and can quickly lose interest in a girl. I once watched with surprise one of my acquaintances with this Moon, and calculated how many serious relationships he had in a year. There were 15 of them. Now we shouldn’t classify them as womanizers. Aries always thinks “this is it,” but quickly burns out. It is also an indicator of increased excitability, so sex is one of the priority components for them.

This planet will tell us something about the profession of a possible spouse. So, the profession of a possible spouse may be associated with activity and independence. It would also not be surprising if she were involved in a male occupation.

In general, the spouse may have a strong Mars. For example,

Of course, for the image of a wife, the Moon alone is not enough; it is advisable to also consider it in the Natal Chart and not forget about the seventh house.

Moon in Aries for the Female gender

For women, the Moon in Aries indicates that it is difficult for her to cope with the flow of emotions that must be constantly thrown out on others. Things can go as far as emotional breakdowns. But you shouldn’t keep them to yourself either. Literally every owner of a night luminary in this sign complained to me about this.

The Moon in a Martian sign creates quarrels and tense situations not only in the family into which a person was born, but also in his own. Often the relationship with the mother does not shine with emotional closeness, unless she is related to Neptune. Secondly, the mother can have a despotic character and command the owner of the Moon in Aries. Matriarchy flourishes in the family or scandals occur periodically.

This is a common position in the charts of famous people.

If we talk about a woman with the Moon in Aries as a housewife, then she “will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.” Therefore, do not rush to criticize the food prepared for you. Otherwise you will cook yourself.

For women, the Moon in the sign of Aries makes it difficult to give birth to a child. Naturally only with additional indicators. I often notice in such girls a desire to give birth to a child themselves, without a caesarean section. But, as you guessed, this does not always work out and a caesarean section is very likely under such a Moon. Also, girls can have large gaps and often illnesses, as they say, in the female part. For example, cervical erosion.

Induces people to conflict. Emotional stress increases, we become more hot-tempered and impulsive. It is on these days that fearlessness, a tendency to drastic actions and “extreme sports” manifest themselves. With such Lunens, they want to achieve the goal immediately, with one effort of will. During this period, we want to solve some task (problem) in just one fell swoop or get rid of the “burden” that prevents us from living easily and freely. Invisible chains rattle these days; they are not tolerated voluntarily. New beginnings arise, the straight path seems to be the best.

Aries days It’s better to devote yourself to a relaxing holiday, freed from important matters, hard work and physical activity. You just need to relax, think about something good, take your mind off bad thoughts...

Aries is favorable for purchasing jewelry, jewelry, household items, and textiles.

When the Moon in Aries does not recommend sorting things out, because during this period we tend to show excessive categoricalness and youthful maximalism. But, often, coping with oneself is not so easy... Quarrels and accidents are possible. Therefore, in the days of Aries you cannot conduct important negotiations, sign agreements and conclude contracts.

Moon in Aries (Aries days) – HEALTH

The Moon in Aries makes the head area sensitive, including the eyes, teeth, ears, and brain. It is not recommended to put a lot of strain on your eyesight; avoid overheating in the sauna, as well as in the open sun. It's better to read and watch TV less. Plastic surgery on the face and in the head area are contraindicated.

Those who are especially susceptible to headaches do not feel very well on Aries days. As preventive measures for migraines during this period it is recommended to drink a lot clean water, and it is better to give up coffee, chocolate and sugar. Lotions for sore or tired eyes in Aries days will be very beneficial. You can moisten your closed eyelids with your own saliva in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast.

When is the moon, also refrain from fasting and spicy foods.

The Moon in Aries is good for the kidneys and Bladder. Therefore, all operations and procedures to improve the health of these organs are recommended at this time.

Moon in Aries (days of Aries) – BEAUTY, HAIR CUT

On Aries days it is better not to cut your hair, and in... When the Moon is in Aries, you shouldn’t touch your hair at all, it’s better not to even comb it. At this time, the hair is very vulnerable, and damage to it will then take a long time to repair. If you get your hair cut several times in a row on these days, your hair may become thin and brittle, begin to fall out, and bald spots may appear.

The moon in Aries is a good time to do skin smoothing, exfoliation, deep cleansing, removal of papillomas, warts, ingrown nails. In the days of Aries, your skin will be responsive to products that increase blood circulation - massage, hardening procedures, physical exercise for the muscles of the body.

Moon in Aries - influence on plant growth and development

Aries is the first sign belonging to the element of Fire. The ruling planet is Mars. Therefore, traditionally this sign is considered sterile, very dry. The probability of rainfall during this period is negligible. Seeds sown these days do not have time to form a strong stem and root. They germinate quickly, but unfriendlyly and are distinguished by the fact that they grow too quickly and stretch out.

In case of unfavorable weather conditions(for example, a long absence of rain), seedlings quickly die due to the lack of a strong root system, although the leaf apparatus may please the eye for some time. The plant does not adapt well to changes environment and sets low-quality fruit.

But, despite all this, when Moon in Aries (especially on the last day of the Moon’s stay in this sign) you can still plant some crops. This primarily applies to those who have a short growing season, for example, chard, chard, spinach, dill, parsley, radishes, onions, lettuce and other green crops that cannot be stored for long periods of time and are immediately consumed.

This rule works especially well in early spring when there is still quite a lot of moisture in the ground and the crops have time to gain strength. It is not advisable to plant all plants that have a growing season of more than 35 - 40 days in the days of Aries; the only exception to this rule is tomatoes. They can be planted when the Moon is in this sign. It should also be said that during this period all plants are very sensitive to the slightest damage.

When the Moon passes through the sign of Aries, it is good to harvest for long-term storage, thin out seedlings, loosen the soil, spray against pests and diseases.

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