What to do if your husband is completely impotent. What to do if your husband is impotent, and how to please him. What to do if the cause of impotence is a psychological condition

On initial stage married life is full of emotions, love and passion. The newly-made husband and wife try to spend as much time as possible with each other. Also, sex life is quite rich and vibrant. But the well-known everyday routine reduces intimate relationships to nothing. Over time, men develop erectile dysfunction due to addiction and psychological disorders. Next, the woman admits that her husband is impotent. How to live with this is a rather difficult question. But there are many ways to correct this situation. But, first, it is necessary to improve relations with your husband and bring him into a confidential conversation. So, if your husband is impotent, what should you do?

Can be divided into two groups: psychological and physiological. It has been established that the most common factor in the development of impotence is the psycho-emotional state of the husband. As already mentioned, everyday routine turns vibrant sex into a banal fulfillment of marital duty. First, the husband’s libido decreases, which affects the number of sexual intercourses. Over time, sex may simply disappear from the lives of spouses. Therefore, it is important to maintain romance and passion throughout your life together.

What to do if your husband is impotent

Excessive stress at work, frequent stressful situations, conflicts in the family lead to psychological disorders. Very often, in the absence of proper rest, men become impotent. It is worth noting that one-time, rare failures in bed are considered the norm. After all, no one is immune from the effects of external factors. But, as soon as cases of fiasco occur with enviable regularity, there is reason to talk about impotence.

In case of a one-time fiasco, it is very important that the wife reacts adequately. You shouldn’t attach much importance or focus on an isolated case. This makes it much easier for the husband to cope with the problem on his own, and his mental state will not be shaken. If the husband quickly became impotent, you need to look much deeper. An unsuccessful first sexual experience can lead to this disease. In any case, first of all, you need to talk openly and frankly with your husband.

If the husband has become impotent due to physiological reasons, it is worth noting the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Injuries of the pelvic organs;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Diabetes;
  • Disturbances of the endocrine system;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Thyroid dysfunction.

In addition, do not forget that your husband has bad habits. , smoking will sooner or later make your husband impotent. Therefore, it is important for a wife to monitor her man’s lifestyle. Factors leading to impotence include: Trying to feed her beloved husband with various sweets, baked goods, and fatty fried meats, a woman does not even think about the serious consequences. Therefore, if your husband is impotent, you need to reconsider the daily menu.

What to do if your husband is impotent?

Sooner or later, women begin to complain that their husband is impotent. How to live and what to do in such a situation? Over time, any sex becomes ordinary. To return your husband to his former strength, or to maintain the existing one, you should follow some rules. It is important for a wife to have a positive impact on a man on a psychological level, take care of herself, and balance her husband’s diet. If the spouse will always remain in good mood, impotence will not threaten him for a long time. Therefore, to prevent a husband from becoming impotent, a woman needs to make every effort and ingenuity.

Psychological impact

To maintain normal potency in the husband, it is important to maintain a favorable environment in the house. Stress at work is difficult to avoid. Therefore, when coming home, a man should feel relaxed and blissful. If conflicts continue at home, sexual desire disappears very quickly. And sex itself becomes rare. Even if the wife has some complaints against her husband, they need to be expressed calmly, without scandals.

Unfortunately, the statement “my husband is impotent” is not uncommon. Few people know how to live with this problem. If you begin to notice serious changes in your sex life, first of all, the psychological impact lies in a confidential conversation. You can't blame a man for this problem. It is worth positioning him, coming to the rescue, and offering options for solving the problem. Typically, the spouse , seeing support in your face, will try to change the situation. Sometimes a simple conversation is enough. The husband begins to completely trust his wife, which leads to the restoration of potency. After all, talking with your wife or a psychiatrist is considered one of the options for treating psychological impotence.

Everyone knows that men love their eyes. The main role in intimate relationships between spouses is played by the appearance of the wife. You need to meet your husband from work in full readiness, and not with a dirty head, in an old stretched T-shirt. If the husband is impotent, the woman should take the initiative in sex. At this time, all boundaries and internal prohibitions are relegated to the background. As a rule, such liberation brings new sensations and returns potency to the spouse.


If your husband is impotent, you need to adjust your spouse’s daily menu. Factors such as excess cholesterol in the blood, cholesterol plaques, and excess weight lead to impotence. All this is due to poor nutrition. Therefore, fatty fried foods, smoked foods, salty foods, sugar, large amounts of baked goods and sweets are completely excluded from the husband’s menu. Also, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of coffee, carbonated water, and alcohol.

Instead, the menu is filled with aphrodisiac products that increase testosterone levels in the blood and cleanse blood vessels. This diet is rich in zinc, selenium, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium. The following foods can help an impotent husband:

  • Sour cream;
  • Greenery;
  • Green onions;
  • Garlic;
  • Seafood;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Bananas;
  • Citrus;
  • Lean meats.

Impotence is a serious problem that can happen in every family. Unfortunately, very few families are able to withstand such misfortune; in most cases, sooner or later the marriage breaks up. However, this doesn't have to be the case because impotence is not the end of the world. Firstly, there are various ways to return so you shouldn’t despair right away. Secondly, it is necessary to act as a united front, as in the case of any other problem that arises in the family. The wife should not distance herself from the should not start blaming the wife for her problems. Spouses must unite and analyze the current situation together in order to find a joint solution. If your husband is impotent, then this is not a death sentence, so you should read this article to get information on what you should do and how to continue to live with it. Under no circumstances should you panic and let your emotions get the better of you. If you care about your husband, impotent or not, you will stay by his side and help him deal with his problem.

Impotence in the modern world

Unfortunately, in modern world everything is far from being as simple as many would like. An impotent husband now is a full-fledged stigma, which is terrifying for both the man and the woman who lives with such a man. And it’s very difficult to get rid of this, because it’s a kind of stigma. But you should understand that intimate life is called intimate for a reason - it is something that happens only between you. So why is it so difficult to combat this problem?

What it is?

So, impotence is the loss of erectile function by a man, which leads to the inability to perform sexual intercourse. In the modern world, the image of a macho man is very common, so any man who loses the ability to perform sexual intercourse can be considered inferior. And that is why many husbands do not even share their problems with their wives, simply trying in every possible way to avoid her and, accordingly, sexual intercourse. But this only leads to more serious complications, since a woman may suspect her husband of cheating or some other unpleasant matter, which further increases the likelihood of a family split and subsequent divorce.

Causes of impotence

At the same time, in the modern world, impotence is becoming more and more common, and there are a huge number of reasons for this, from constant stress to unfavorable environmental conditions. Therefore, you should not see impotence as a personal problem and damage to your own image, since it is just a disease for which you need to see a doctor. And in this case, the wife must play a decisive role, since most men will not want to inflict such severe damage on their ego and consult a doctor with intimate problems. Accordingly, it is the wife who must convince him of the need for such a step. As you can see, an impotent husband is a serious problem, but not at all in the sense in which many might think. This is a problem because of the existing stigma that must be overcome if you want to maintain happiness in the family.

Is the wife to blame?

However, before you consult a doctor, you need to think carefully and independently analyze the current situation, because the cause may not be physiological at all. There is a possibility that the wife is the reason why the husband is impotent. What should the wife do in this case? How can this even happen? It turns out that very often there are cases of partial psychological impotence, that is, the reason lies not in physiological, but in psychological problems, and the root of these problems is often the spouse herself. She can criticize her husband, ridicule him, and criticism of his capabilities in bed has a particularly strong impact on him. There may also be a lack of spiritual intimacy, which deprives some men of the desire for physiological intimacy. So first of all you need to think about how you behaved in Lately towards your spouse. Try changing your behavior, talking to him about your relationship, and so on. However, this is only a special case, and it often happens that the reason is indeed physiological. So, your husband is impotent. What should a wife do in such a situation?

Possible reasons

The fact is that impotence is not something shameful and has nothing to do with a man’s libido, because in most cases it is caused by a variety of diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension and so on. As you can see, all these diseases damage blood vessels, which reduces the blood supply to the sexual organ, thereby making an erection impossible. Accordingly, you need to monitor not only how your impotent husband behaves, but also what diseases he has developed. There is a high probability that all his problems in bed are related to some serious illness, and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. And here we are no longer talking about the ability to perform sexual intercourse, but about the health of your man, as well as even a possible threat to his capacity and life. If your husband is impotent and does not want to be treated, then you will have to influence him, because this will be the only reasonable way. Therefore, try to explain to him how important it is to start treatment as early as possible.

Timely treatment

If a woman says to herself, “I love my impotent husband,” then the problem is already half solved. The fact is that impotence often becomes a consequence of a rather cool relationship between spouses, and not only because the wife no longer loves and praises her husband so much, but only criticizes him. The fact is that, as you have already learned, impotence most often does not occur on its own, but is a consequence of some disease. Moreover, there can be a lot of diseases that cause such an illness, since impotence manifests itself both due to diseases of the cardiovascular system and due to diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary and even nervous systems. Therefore, a caring wife will quickly notice that something is wrong with her husband’s health, so the problem will be eliminated effectively, and the man’s potency will gradually return. So the wife’s task is to monitor her husband, and even if he refuses to go to the doctor, as many men do, to convince him that timely treatment will benefit both him and the whole family. So you shouldn’t be that woman who writes “I’m cheating on my impotent husband,” because such women not only do not help solve the problem, but are also one of the main reasons for this problem.

How to proceed?

In the event of such an unpleasant set of circumstances, the wife needs to be very careful so as not to offend her man in any way. As you already understand, this is not the end of the world, so you just have to accept the fact of the disease and the fact that your husband is now impotent. How to live further? This is a stupid question that for some reason appears on the Internet very often. You need to live on in exactly the same way as before, but at the same time you just need to overcome an unpleasant disease. How to move on when your husband gets the flu? A question like this doesn't make sense, does it? The same applies to impotence. But only in this case it is worth understanding that many men become very withdrawn and sensitive to intimate topics, so you will need to behave as carefully as possible and show care and love. If a man sees that you understand him, that you accept his problem and want to help him, then he himself will be more likely to open up and happily work to regain his masculine power.

But first of all, you need to understand that there should not be any psychological problems in your family, since in this case no clinic will help you. There must be love and understanding in the family, and only in this case can you fight the physiological factors that cause problems. So, as you see, you do not need to decide how to live with an impotent husband. You need to focus on how you can cure your husband.

Spouse activity

If your husband has become impotent, then you need to see a doctor who will help determine the cause and prescribe treatment. However, as stated earlier, there is no cure for impotence, only a cure for the diseases that cause impotence. Therefore, you need to take matters into your own hands and promote further sexual activity in your family. Potency does not immediately return to a man, so you need to take the initiative. This is much easier to do than you might think. You just need to use some unusual underwear, turn on the music, choose a new place, a new position, and most importantly, do not put any pressure on your man, and if he still doesn’t succeed in bed, convince him that that everything is fine and he has nothing to worry about.

Increased tone

Potency is also affected by the overall tone of the body, so your husband should go in for sports. Now there are a large number of gyms, and there is a high probability that his workplace already has one that he can visit for free. Naturally, this is not the only option, and you can encourage him to go for a run in the evenings or just go for a walk with him. You can also give him a relaxing massage, and many experts recommend a contrast shower as a way to quickly and effectively increase body tone.


When a woman begins to say: “My husband has become impotent - what should I do?”, users often suggest using Viagra and other similar drugs. However, this is incorrect advice, since such drugs only temporarily increase blood flow to the penis, which does not provide a long-term beneficial effect. You need to focus on products that are called aphrodisiacs. This means that they increase a person's sex drive, and if your husband constantly consumes such products, then his sexual function will not only return, but will become even better. Most often, aphrodisiacs include a variety of seafood, from mussels to oysters. It is also recommended to consume citrus fruits and a variety of spices, known for their miraculous properties. These include, for example, ginger, cloves and saffron.

What should you not do?

Since we are talking about Viagra and other similar drugs, it is worth paying attention to all the main points that neither a husband nor a wife should do if they are faced with this unpleasant problem. The most important point that you should always remember is that you first need to consult a doctor. Even when it comes to such proven methods as increasing body tone and eating citrus products, you should always consult a doctor first. Do not under any circumstances use the products traditional medicine, since they will most likely only harm you or, at best, have no effect.

You should also work on your attitude towards this issue. You shouldn't ignore it, but you shouldn't pay too much attention to it either. No panic, no “ends of the world.” You need to approach the problem seriously and calmly together, develop a strategy to combat the disease and solve it once and for all. Under no circumstances try to find someone to blame or blame yourself or your husband. This will only make the situation worse.

What should a husband do?

The wife is the person who should help her husband in everything if he is faced with the problem of impotence. However, the main responsibility for treatment in this case still lies with the man. Therefore, he should independently understand the seriousness of the current situation and take the initiative. Firstly, he should not resist visiting a doctor, but, on the contrary, independently express a desire to visit him. Secondly, a man should not be afraid or ashamed, especially in front of his own wife. It is with her that you need to discuss the problem first. Thirdly, you need to focus not only on the disease, but also on additional factors, such as a passive lifestyle, excess weight, and so on. Fourthly, you need to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, both in matters of treatment and in matters of diet, physical activity, and so on. And fifthly, you need to be more attentive to the issue of sexual intercourse. Don't have sex when you're stressed, when you're tired, or when you're having a hard time. It is best to create ideal conditions for sexual intercourse in case of such a problem for a greater likelihood of success.

Biologically, the peak of sexual activity in men occurs at the age of 17–25 years, after which a gradual decline begins. However, it occurs so slowly that a man may not feel it until he is 60–70 years old. Problems arise when health deteriorates, some illnesses appear, or a man is exposed to frequent stress. What should a wife do and how can she help her loved one cope with a delicate problem?

Read in the article

How to identify an impotent person?

Of course, love is a state of mental intimacy, not physical, but the lack of intimate fire does not have the best effect on married life. Therefore, at the first meeting, many women ask the question: how to identify an impotent person? Although there is no universal test, you can recognize a man with problems by some features of his behavior:

  • reluctance to establish a sexual relationship and constant attempts to refuse an invitation from a partner to visit her. Such behavior can be a sign of virtue only at first meetings. If a man does not show desire for intimacy for more than a month, then he is possible impotent;
  • inappropriate irritability to the most harmless jokes “below the belt”, caused by a man’s frequent thoughts about his sexual capabilities;
  • lack of desire to impress your partner - this often manifests itself in untidiness or the inability to interest a woman in a pleasant conversation;
  • ignoring flirting and hints of sex - if a woman speaks directly about her desire to move to the next level of relationship, then an impotent man tries in every possible way to avoid this, citing poor health or work fatigue;
  • a tendency to be overweight, smoke or drink alcohol - such people have misfires in bed much more often than men who lead healthy image life.

As for the general type, it may differ depending on the man’s temperament. Some speak quietly and hide their gaze, while others, on the contrary, behave pompously and arrogantly. In the second case, it often happens that even if it comes to sexual contact and everything does not go well, such a man will most likely blame his partner for everything.

Main reasons

All possible reasons The development of impotence in men can be divided into 3 groups: physiological, everyday and psychological. The first include various diseases leading to secondary impotence and requiring drug treatment. The second group includes common causes associated with work stress and chronic fatigue. In this case, the most effective treatment There will be a vacation and a change of scenery. And the third group is the most extensive and is most often associated with personal unfulfillment and dissatisfaction with life. At the same time, the list of psychological fears is very wide.

Only 7% of cases of impotence are of a physiological nature and are associated with any diseases. In 93% of patients, the cause lies in psychological problems.

Chronic diseases

The most common physiological cause of impotence is caused by problems of the cardiovascular system, when the normal flow of blood to the genital organ is disrupted. This may be due to weak vascular walls, hypertension, blockages and other underlying diseases.

The second most common cause of the problem is endocrine diseases, in particular low testosterone levels. Therapy is usually limited to a course of hormonal medications.

In rare cases, impotence is caused by the development of inflammation and neoplasms in the organs genitourinary system or malfunction nervous system. If misfires in bed begin to become regular, then you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Late diagnosed and untreated impotence leads to the development of prostatitis, which is much more difficult to treat.

The development of impotence is most often promoted by chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, fibrosis of the cavernous bodies, kidney inflammation, atherosclerosis, and hormonal disorders.

Psychological problems

Even men who at first glance seem confident and self-sufficient face psychological problems. The most common causes of sexual dysfunction caused by emotional disorders are:

  1. anger, aggression, bitterness and resentment - as a rule, all these feelings are directed at one person. This could be an overly domineering mother, an unreasonably picky boss, an intrusive neighbor, etc. If a man does not know how to let go of his anger, then it accumulates and does not allow him to see joy in the world around him or, what happens most often, it spills out on his wife;
  2. fear - emotional anxiety before sexual intercourse usually occurs in men who do not trust their partners. Fear of being rejected, not being able to give a woman pleasure, a feeling of some kind of inferiority in comparison with other men - all this becomes the main reason for impotence;
  3. feeling of guilt - this, as a rule, suffers from men who leave their wives for their mistresses. Psychologists say that such cases occur quite often, but the problem of impotence, caused by a deep sense of guilt, develops within 5–15 years;
  4. ridicule - a pathological feeling of male inadequacy can arise when talking about the size of the penis. Unfortunately, stereotypes about the importance of size are so widespread that they have become the cause of another psychological problem. Meanwhile, the sensitive area of ​​a woman’s vagina is only 5–8 cm, which makes fears about size completely unfounded.

Impotence may be side effect medications such as antidepressants, tranquilizers, drugs for hypertension and nervous disorders.

Possible guilt of the spouse

Psychologists say that the biggest psychological problem, which is the threshold of impotence, is a poor microclimate in the family. The lack of trust between partners, caustic remarks addressed to each other and constant reproaches lead not only to a decrease in libido, but also to a complete lack of desire to go to bed in the same bed. The most common causes of psychogenic impotence are:

  • lack of spiritual intimacy;
  • constant criticism of a man for a variety of reasons: from low wages to everyday problems;
  • ridicule weaknesses men, both physical and psychological;
  • discussion of personal intimate life in society;
  • a clear demonstration of dissatisfaction in sex.

In almost any family problem, including the intimate sphere, both partners are to blame. Some women stop caring for themselves after several years of marriage. Naturally, this worsens the visual perception of her on the part of a man and contributes to a drop in libido. If a man has realized himself, has career success and earns good money, then there is a chance that he will begin to look for beauty in the company of his mistresses.

If a man does not have what he wants financial income, is engaged in a job he doesn’t like, and at home he is met by a tortured wife with dirty hair and an old robe, then where does sexual desire come from? Therefore, when creating comfort in which a man will feel protected from any external problems, you should not forget about your reflection in the mirror.

Routine sex life and lack of female initiative in bed can also cause decreased libido.

It is worth highlighting such a physiological problem on the part of the partner as vaginal sagging. This is usually observed after childbirth, when the vaginal muscles lose firmness and elasticity. Lack of sufficient friction during sexual intercourse leads to lack of ejaculation and, as a consequence, the development of impotence. To strengthen the pelvic muscles, a woman needs to consult a gynecologist. Doctors usually recommend doing Kegel exercises. If within three to six months of gymnastics there is no positive dynamics, then a special mini-operation is performed.

Psychologists recommend that men call their wives affectionately, as during courtship. Such humorous nicknames as “mommy” or “my old lady” eventually lead to the fact that a man subconsciously treats his partner without sexual desire.

Trigger factors

The fact that bad habits have a detrimental effect on overall health has long been known, but the fact that they cause a direct deterioration in sexual function was discovered relatively recently. Scientific articles by Dr. Joel Fort, who runs a medical center in San Francisco, describe a number of cases in which in patients, both men and women, quitting smoking for several months increased sexual desire and relieved problems such as erectile dysfunction and inability to achieve orgasm.

Nicotine constricts blood vessels, preventing blood flow to the genital organ, and inhibits the production of hormones, including sex hormones, suppressing desire in both men and women. And inhaled carbon dioxide and tars reduce oxygen levels, reducing physical endurance person.

The second daily enemy of potency is junk food. It is necessary to monitor your weight, since a “beer” belly has never made anyone more attractive. Many men notice an increase in libido when losing weight to normal weight, even if only a few kilograms were extra.

A glass of good red wine can increase blood flow to the sexual organ and psychologically liberate your partner. However, if there are serious problems with potency, the doctor may prohibit the consumption of any type of alcohol.

Sex with erectile dysfunction

If a partner has problems with erection, then sexologists advise turning sexual contact into leisurely intimacy with a gradual increase in arousal. A pleasant evening, watching a movie with sparkle, striptease and other erotic little things will create the right mood. If the impotent husband is aware of the problem and is ready to solve it, then sexologists recommend engaging in tantric sex.

The main difference between tantra is that sex is considered not just as a physiological reflex, but as a divine fusion of partners who try to please not themselves, but each other. Any poses require leisurely movements that increase libido on a psychological level. They are selected in such a way that both partners have equal rights, there is no dominance by anyone, and there is the possibility of kissing and hugging during the act.

An important feature of tantric sex is proper breathing. It increases blood flow to the genitals and helps partners enter into “resonance” during sexual intercourse. Despite the apparent complexity of these techniques, they are more reminiscent of pleasant relaxing yoga than extreme poses from the Kama Sutra, and their effectiveness is very high. Many couples note that as a result of tantric practices they were able to completely get rid of physiological problems in bed and look at each other with the same feelings that they had in the first year of the relationship.

What should a wife do if her husband is impotent?

If the husband is impotent, then sex becomes not just a pleasant activity, but in a sense, work for the partner. To prevent the penis from falling, it is necessary to give the man pleasure and constantly spur his libido. To do this, you should use the following tips:

  • create a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere;
  • You should give up a hearty dinner in favor of a glass of weak wine and snacks with aphrodisiacs: shrimp, clams, mussels;
  • It is recommended to light aroma candles in the room with the scent of nutmeg - this is the aroma that is used oriental women to increase arousal in a man;
  • start with a visual increase in libido - striptease is best for this; erotic lingerie, bright makeup and loose hair will add sexuality to every woman;
  • buy perfumes with pheromones;
  • increase the time of foreplay;
  • offer your partner a pleasant massage, including massage of intimate areas;
  • offer to play role-playing games;
  • If possible, offer non-standard types of sex.

If your husband is impotent, then it’s time to throw away any shyness and start experimenting in bed. Many sexologists claim that a drop in libido in married couples observed due to the emerging routine and limitation of intimate life to the four walls of the bedroom. Sometimes even just going beyond it and changing soft bed on a hard floor increases the degree in intimate relationships.

For erectile disorders, you do not need to take pills right away. Rest, change of environment and variety in intimate life allow you to get rid of potency disorders in 90% of cases.

Is it possible to get pregnant from an impotent person?

Impotence and infertility are completely different things. It happens that a man who is able to have sexual intercourse several times a day turns out to be infertile. Therefore, problems with men's health do not mean there is no chance of getting pregnant. It is necessary to undergo treatment, physiological and, if necessary, psychological, in order to get rid of such disorders as softening or falling of the penis during sexual intercourse, lack of ejaculation or insufficient production of seminal fluid. In most cases, after completing a therapeutic course, a man manages to impregnate a woman in the first 3 months.

When fighting impotence, it is important to remember that the speed of recovery depends on the efforts made by the man himself. Giving up bad habits, visiting the sauna, normalizing your diet with the inclusion of nuts and honey, as well as sports exercises (best of all, cardio) are all a big plus for restoring male strength.

If the husband is impotent, this means that the man cannot have full sexual intercourse. This situation in family life is a common problem for husbands and wives. Life is bad for both, often spouses cannot understand that both are “to blame” for this. Impotence can occur at any age, with very different periods of family life, regardless of whether people live together or separately. Family psychologists believe that the first step in solving this problem is to recognize the existence of such a problem with which the spouses live.

When to think about a problem

Any sexual failure is taken seriously by the husband. If there were 1-2 misfires during sexual intercourse with his wife, it cannot be said that the husband is impotent. To become a problem, 25% of sexual encounters must be unsuccessful. Most of the reasons for sexual failure are related to the state of the psyche, which makes them easily removable. This:

  1. Emotional overload (stress at work, at home, without which few people live).
  2. Physical fatigue (when you have to do work that does not correspond to your physical capabilities).
  3. If the husband suffers from serious illnesses (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, genitourinary problems), cannot live without the medications he takes for these diseases, erections are often impaired, and impotence is more difficult to treat.

In any case, if you suspect the development of impotence, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause. This is a common disease that can be treated well. The sooner you consult a doctor, the more favorable and faster the treatment result is achieved.

How to be a lady

A man is afraid even to admit to himself that he is impotent. If it is impossible to have sex, he looks for the culprits (he always finds them), often withdraws, and makes no attempt to solve the problem. Almost always the husband is convinced that impotence is incurable. Let's figure out what a wife should do, how to live in such a situation. The advice given by a family psychologist is as follows:

  • Convince your husband that the problem is temporary.
  • Avoid criticism of your husband.
  • Provide your loved one with the conditions for sufficient rest, adequate physical activity, and nutritious nutrition.
  • Pay attention to your appearance and home atmosphere.

If your husband has problems with potency, you should not criticize him, this can only worsen the problem.

Do not demand sexual exploits from your husband if he is not in the mood for it; forcing sex will only make things worse. Try not to lose psychological contact with your husband, encourage him, and be tactful. Explain that impotence is a temporary phenomenon that happens to all men and can be easily treated. Persuade your impotent husband to visit a doctor together to understand the cause of the condition.

Psychologists give advice to avoid criticism of your husband. An impotent person will interpret any critical or ironic remark addressed to him as criticism of sexual activity. A wife should be especially careful (according to psychologists) in companies where they make hints about problems in family well-being; they traumatize the psychology of the impotent.

A guy can be impotent even before the start of married life if the woman in love did not pay attention to the lack of sexual activity before the wedding. The situation that has emerged, when the husband cannot provide maximum pleasure to his young wife, confronts her with the choice of ending the relationship or deciding how to continue to live with an impotent man. The different sexual temperaments of spouses, affection for each other, and upbringing suggest an ambiguous solution to these issues; the help of a psychologist is often helpful.

Guardian angel of marriage

For the wife, the sexual component of marriage is less important, so her choice often turns out to be on the side of the impotent man with whom she is ready to live. Family psychologists believe that the main thing is that the husband and wife live in an atmosphere of trust in each other. The advice of psychologists is based on the fact that in the vast majority of cases the husband is impotent for psychological reasons. A calm, relaxing home environment and the moral support of your spouse do wonders, providing invaluable assistance in overcoming impotence.

Often the cause of impotence in a man is a psychological problem.

The spouse will appreciate attention to his well-being and concern for his health, if this is done unobtrusively and tactfully. Here the wife needs to stock up on great patience, calmness and optimism in order to instill confidence in her husband. good result treatment. Sudden mood swings of an impotent person, the transition from delight to despair, gloomy silence should not be a reason for a showdown.

The expression “time heals” is also true for impotence with the right attitude towards the health of a loved one. Doctors great importance pay attention to the correct lifestyle of men during the treatment period. The advice of specialists - psychologists, andrologists - is simple:

  1. Increase physical activity as much as possible.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Adequate sleep, rest.

Sleep should be at least 8 hours per day. If possible, they recommend a country holiday or a change of scenery during a long trip together, which is planned in advance. You can increase your physical activity by purchasing memberships to a fitness club, gym, or attending dancing and swimming classes. What exactly to do should be discussed with the man, taking into account his tastes and preferences; the advice on this topic is endless. The main thing that physical exercise gave pleasure.

Tastyly prepared food can bring pleasure, be a good aphrozidiac, and a healing factor for impotent people. You don’t have to be a skilled cook to do this; it’s enough to use advice from the Internet or the services of a cafe or restaurant (which depends on your financial capabilities and preferences). Internet videos will help you make unusual recipes that will delight even a gourmet. Products that doctors recommend for impotent people for constant use:

  • Lean meat.
  • Seafood.
  • Raw fruits, vegetables.
  • Herbs, spices.

During the treatment period, you need to adjust your lifestyle.

These products contain a sufficient amount of complete protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements for the synthesis of sex hormones, the normal functioning of the brain, and all male organs.

Proper nutrition increases the level of brain endorphins (pleasure hormones), which makes the husband confident in sexual viability. Herbs and spices are irreplaceable sources of vitamins and microelements. They have the properties of natural stimulants of sexual function (pepper, cloves, ginger, parsley, onion).

The connection between bed failures and a woman

A long marriage does not always mean a strong sexual relationship. A man can become impotent at every stage of family life. Often the wife “helps” with this when she does not think about the consequences of her actions. For example:

  1. Forcing her husband to have sex, wanting to have pleasure without taking into account his capabilities.
  2. Comparing the quality of sexual contact with her husband and former partner, voicing his wife with censure of his “talents”, giving advice on this topic.
  3. Discussing with friends and other family members her husband’s mistakes, even in a joking manner.

The physiological capabilities of the male body in the field of sexual relations are quite large. At the age when there are adult grandchildren, the grandfather can maintain libido and sufficient erection. It depends only on the state of health, the presence of an attractive object for sex that gives pleasure. It depends on the wife herself whether she will be such an attractive object. The husband's desire to have sex with his wife gradually becomes less if every day he observes his wife's indifference to his appearance, figure, behavior.

There are cases when a man is unable to have sex only with his wife.

Sometimes a spouse becomes impotent only with his “other half”. This frequent development of events means that it was this woman who became psychological reason bed failures. There is not necessarily a reason for the breakup of a relationship if it is a long-term family union.

It is important for spouses to show the wisdom characteristic of middle age and seek advice from a doctor. Most often, a routine attitude towards marital debt is revealed. The appearance of details of communication that surprise each other normalizes the situation, and pleasure from sexual intercourse appears.

It is easy for a sexologist or family psychologist to understand the causes of family troubles and the development of impotence. Turning to them speeds up the resolution of all male mistakes that arise. The main thing is to do this as quickly as possible when the first signs of the disease appear. Rare cases of incurable illness can be compensated by advice on how to please each other in other ways. These pleasures can be associated with sexual intercourse, be surrogate or substitute, which depends on the specific requests of the partners.

Impotence is a devastating diagnosis not only for a man, but also for his life partner, that is, his wife. There is a category of women who, at the slightest sexual problem, prefer to look for another man without problems, and there are those who are able to share the fate of a man, even help him cope with impotence. Specialists also have an arsenal of techniques and advice on what to do if the husband is impotent and how to help him.

Despite the fact that most men prefer to hide their problems, especially if it concerns the genitals, sooner or later the wife understands what is happening to her husband. Internet forums are increasingly full of questions: advise a cure for impotence for a husband, how to live with an impotent man, how he can be helped, and the like. The urgency of the problem is due to the fact that the number of patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction is constantly growing.

The woman's fault?

Surely, the first sign of sexual impotence and dysfunction of the genital organs in a man appears when he does not notice his wife, withdraws into himself, shows irritability, and is also in a depressed state. It is, of course, inappropriate to talk about such a serious diagnosis without consultation, since impotence does not suddenly arise out of nowhere, but can be a problem that has been “accumulated” over the years.

A wise and loving woman will first try to analyze her relationship with her husband, trying to understand the man’s psycho-emotional state. There are cases when an unfavorable microclimate in the relationship between a woman and a man can lead to temporary psychogenic impotence. The following factors may contribute to this:

  • regular criticism of a man's abilities in private and in public;
  • ridiculing his shortcomings and character weaknesses;
  • a clear demonstration of dissatisfaction with sexual life with a man;
  • lack of spiritual intimacy between partners.

For reference! Many women tend not to take care of themselves after several years of marriage, which can also negatively affect a man’s visual perception, as well as his libido level.

To begin with, it is within the power of a woman to try to renew a trusting and loving relationship with her husband., and also try to attract him sexually. If a woman makes the listed mistakes, then the situation should be corrected and not made again.

Physiological causes of impotence

It is no secret that no treatment will help in the fight against impotence if a specialist does not determine the causes of the pathology in the laboratory, and the doctor does not eliminate these causes through treatment. Erectile dysfunction never occurs as an independent disease, but is a consequence of other pathologies in the body, namely:

  • vascular pathologies;
  • heart disease;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • or drug addiction;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • infections and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • injuries of the genital organs, pelvic organs;
  • previous operations on the abdominal organs;
  • spinal cord or brain injuries;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • uncontrolled use of certain drugs, etc.

A man’s abilities in bed can be significantly reduced due to frequent stressful situations, depression, vitamin deficiency and exhaustion of the body due to poor nutrition and excessive fatigue. Many women do not pay attention to the lack of sexual activity, since it is primarily convenient for them. In fact, this may be a signal of the presence of serious abnormalities in the body.

What should a woman do?

Those women who are worried about problems with erection in their spouse, in most cases want to know how to arouse an impotent man, as well as how to resume the previous sex life. Many men facing erectile dysfunction do not even realize how valuable the help and support of a spouse can be. In fact, such a diagnosis requires a lot of effort from both partners.

How quickly and easily a man can overcome his fears against the background of impotence depends on the woman’s behavior. It is very important not to allow any below-the-belt jokes or reproaches regarding this topic. It is very important that a man can trust a woman and admit that he has suffered such a fate. A loving woman will always treat the problem with understanding, since it is all treatable.

The main task of the wife is to take full responsibility for sex life upon herself.. She should show maximum activity in bed, be able to quickly excite her man, and also not react to a weak erection or its temporary absence. The wife should be uninhibited, bold and have no boundaries in terms of sexual games that can eliminate family routine.

A wife's trump card can be eyes burning with passion, revealing underwear and no less frank conversations., flirting and advances, dim lighting, intimate settings, the use of stimulating aromatic oils, etc. Despite the diagnosis of impotence, it is possible to awaken sexual attraction and desire in a man. The main task of a wife is also to make a man feel desired. Self-confidence and the absence of complexes will speed up the healing process.

How to increase the tone of the whole body?

A man’s sexual activity, as well as his general health, also depends on his physical condition and muscle foundation. Therefore, the wife can go to the gym together with her man, go to different types sports such as swimming or volleyball. Any physical activity promotes a speedy recovery, especially when it comes to cardio exercises. An excellent alternative would be evening walks together in the open air.

The desired effect can be achieved with the help of a relaxing massage, especially if a woman finds those points on the body that are responsible for the sexual function of a man’s body. Help using this method can smoothly develop into an intimate massage. A contrast shower can improve blood flow, it’s good if you take such water procedures a man will be with his woman. These same methods of influence include a sauna, where you can also spend time together.

What is a woman forbidden to do?

You can improve a man's sexual health with the help of certain foods that help increase libido levels and additional testosterone production. Experts include aphrodisiacs among such products, for example, seafood, poultry and lean fish, chicken eggs, as well as greens, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is forbidden to resort to alternative medicine unless approved by a doctor.

A woman’s big mistake will be ignoring the problem and, conversely, excessive panic and anxious behavior. You should not look for those to blame for problems if the husband does not pay attention to his wife, or accuse him of cheating. Also, you should not bring up family problems for public discussion with friends or relatives, as this can have an extremely negative impact on a man’s self-esteem.

What a wife should:

  • treat your spouse’s problems tactfully;
  • do not make cutting remarks;
  • be ready to always help a man;
  • read literature about treating the problem;
  • do not focus on failures in the bedroom;
  • try to solve the situation together;
  • replace traditional sex with alternative methods in case of erectile dysfunction;
  • maintain a spiritual connection and a favorable climate in communication with your husband.

The man’s task is to visit a specialist in a timely manner, undergo a thorough diagnosis, and carry out all the doctor’s prescriptions. In addition, a man needs to entrust his problems and worries about this to his wife. In order for treatment to bear fruit faster, it is worth adjusting your diet, eliminating excess weight problems, leading an active lifestyle, and taking vitamins.

Impotence is a disease that requires studying the etiology and prerequisites. Treatment should be comprehensive, which means it should eliminate the prerequisites for the problems, the problems themselves, as well as the consequences and complications against this background. You need to understand that the speed of recovery and success in the fight against impotence largely depends on the woman. Support, understanding, joint efforts and work in tandem - all this is the key to a speedy restoration of the husband’s sexual activity.

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