Horoscope for April Aries favorable days

In April 2017, the horoscope promises Aries a huge number of events and incidents. From the first days of the month, be prepared for a completely unexpected turn of events. This preparedness will help you avoid potential problems. The Sun and Mars will be your most important helpers throughout the month, so we can say that achieving goals, both in the area of ​​work and personal relationships, will be quite simple.

The second month of spring will allow Aries to learn a lot and realize a lot for themselves personally. Especially in the area of ​​personal relationships, where new horizons will open up for you, even if you already have a loved one. Venus will especially favor Aries in April, so there is no need to be afraid to experiment. The only thing to avoid is impudence and arrogance.

In general, to get what you want in April, you need to work for results, and not just strive to create an image of something.

Aries career horoscope for April 2017

In the field of work and labor, you will be able to implement plans that you have been thinking about for a long time. If you were saving your energy in March, now is the time to act. The only thing you shouldn’t do is go beyond your plan. Move forward along a pre-planned route.

If you are employed, pay less attention to your work colleagues. Concentrate on your business and do not forget about the initiative. April can be a really busy and fruitful month. You will have to do your best to prove to your management that you are the best employee of all.

If you work for yourself, The horoscope recommends focusing on finding new allies and business partners. This is a favorable month for concluding various contracts that will best affect your immediate future.

In April 2017, it is important to remember that satisfying your selfish goals or doing work just for show will very quickly ruin all your plans. Be careful, otherwise you can lose a lot.

Lucky days are 7, 8, if you don’t have a job, use this day to send out your resume and do interviews.

Love horoscope for April 2017 for Aries

In April, you need to think more about yourself than about anyone else. No, the stars do not recommend that you become selfish, you just should not forget about your own happiness. Strive for the golden mean, help your loved ones, but don’t forget about yourself. In April, there is no need to strive to please someone, otherwise life will not bring joy.

In general, April will help you discover new opportunities within yourself and give you food for thought. Spend as little time as possible at home, regardless of your status. Improvise, predictability will be punished. And don’t allow yourself excesses, otherwise there is a chance of disappointment.

Personal life can bring aggravation of conflicts with friends. If you have a friend with whom you are at odds, in April you may mutually decide not to communicate anymore. Moreover, he can turn into a real enemy, possessing important incriminating evidence against you.

If you have a loved one, life will be more simple and relaxing. The only thing is that you will have to constantly listen to complaints about the injustice of life.

If you are alone, April will make Aries dream of new love. This can be a real cry of despair, and obsessive behavior towards the opposite sex can lead to complete ignorance.

Lucky days - 1, 15, 16, 17, 18 if you are single, use these days for romantic meetings and acquaintances.

Health horoscope for April 2017 for Aries

Due to its unpredictability, April promises to make you nervous throughout all 4 weeks. Fortunately, nervous system- the only thing that will be at risk. Once April comes to an end, you will feel a real sense of relief.

Successful days for playing sports are 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 28.

Favorable days in April 2017

  • Luck in sports: 7, 8, 22, 23;
  • Successful days in business: 7, 8;
  • Activity, ambition in work: 5, 6, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28;
  • Luck and optimism: 7, 8,;
  • Clarity of thinking (days of insight): 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30;
  • Confusion in thinking: 21, 22, 23;
  • Foresight, prophetic visions: 17, 18, 21, 22, 23;
  • Emotional sensitivity: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24;
  • Luck in love: 1, 15, 16, 17, 18;
  • Desire for loneliness: 8, 9, 21, 22;
  • Probability of accidents: 13, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30.

This month will give you a lot of positive emotions and memorable impressions associated with tangible changes, both in relationships and in attitude towards them. Aries will draw several useful conclusions that will help them get out of conflict and confusing situations.

Even though your relationship with your significant other will not be perfect, you will be happy. You may unexpectedly come to conclusions and new solutions that will contribute to a radical change in your relationship, making it more harmonious and enjoyable. You yourself will be surprised at how easily you can achieve goals that seemed unrealistic just yesterday. Therefore, you will fly with wings of joy, which will contribute to your production success.

April will be the most favorable for family representatives of the zodiac. Many of them will re-evaluate relationships that they considered familiar and calm. You will only be happy if you show character and allow yourself to be happy. Simple little things will help with this, such as a bouquet of inexpensive flowers, coffee in bed, a small chocolate or movie tickets for two.

Fortune will also smile on free Aries, but happiness can be overshadowed by problems at work and constant busyness. You will be unhappy that you will not be able to devote enough time to new acquaintances and friends, but you will simply need to complete old things, so don’t be lazy.

Aries Woman: Love Horoscope for April 2019

The month has prepared many surprises and love victories for you, especially for those who are not sure of the love of a loved one or are drawn into a love triangle. You can find a way out of uncertainty unexpectedly or thanks to chance, or an unexpected act of a loved one. This situation can lead to both rapprochement and rupture of relations, but in any case there will be an end to uncertainty, which will make you very happy.

Single girls will have to take their physical fitness seriously. Extra pounds can deprive you of self-confidence, so you will have to spend a lot of time in gym or give up your favorite foods. Take this for granted: it is better to prepare for love in advance, even if a worthy man has not yet appeared on your horizon. Otherwise even new summer dress or cosmetics will not add to your spring mood.

But family representatives of the sign will finally feel welcome and happy. A surprise will happen in their lives that will put everything in its place. You will be satisfied and happy that the man is faithful to you and really loves you, but some troubles prevent him from expressing himself openly. Therefore, you will not have reasons for jealousy if you do not listen to the advice of your colleagues and look at your life through someone else’s eyes.

Aries Man: Love Horoscope for April 2019

The tension can become so strong that you will lash out over trifles, which will only complicate the relationship. It will not be easy for you to make peace with the woman you love, but you will find the right words. This month will help you make several important conclusions and discoveries that will radically change your attitude towards what is happening. This will allow you to express your emotions more clearly and add trust to your relationship.

Family Aries will feel best this month. It will be much easier for them to come to an agreement with their significant other than before. In addition, you will be surprised to find new reasons to celebrate, which will give you a lot of positive impressions and emotions. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to communicate with loved ones.

Those who are looking for a mate should not rush things. No hasty actions will lead to anything good if you begin to take wishful thinking. April advises you to listen to your desires, even if you really want to be a couple. This month, the likelihood of mistakes and troubles due to hasty decisions increases, so don’t rush things and everything will come on its own.

Aries have been convinced more than once that in love affairs the initiative does not always need to be taken into their own hands, but, nevertheless, they continued to remain leaders in relationships, which often spoiled them. If earlier the stars gave them a chance to fix everything, then in Lately everything has changed. Only an accurate horoscope will tell whether the love sphere of Aries will be painted in bleak shades in April.

Love horoscope for Aries for April 2019

Unexpectedly for themselves, Aries will understand several important things in April. Firstly, they will begin to treat their current partners completely differently. Love horoscope In this regard, he predicts completely new times in which there will be no place for suffering and omissions. Secondly, Aries will immerse themselves in matters far from heartfelt experiences, which will also affect the attention of their concerned soul mates. As a result, in April Aries will be able to receive that dose of tenderness and passion that they have long dreamed of, however, now, due to their busyness, it will seem inappropriate and unnecessary to them.

April 2019 will be remembered by married Aries as one of the happiest times in family life. People of this zodiac sign will be able to improve even hopeless relationships. And harmonious couples will have the opportunity to spend a lot of time together.

The love horoscope promises single Aries several romantic acquaintances in April. The middle of spring this year will be rich in such events. The attention of fans will become so intrusive that Aries, not without nostalgia, will remember those times when they lacked communication with the opposite sex.

Love horoscope for Aries woman for April 2019

Love astrological forecast in April predicts lonely Aries girls positive changes in personal life. Throughout the month, they will receive gifts and other signs of attention completely unexpectedly and from those people who were not even considered as candidates for the place of their soulmate. Young people who are attractive to Aries girls will suddenly become more active in April and begin to express themselves in virtual life. Therefore, Aries should expect endless messages in their favorite instant messengers and social networks.

April will appeal to married Aries girls. Wives of this sign will be able to enjoy long-awaited happiness. Some will meet their chosen one after a long separation, while other Aries in April will simply begin to pay more attention to their spouses. One way or another, Aries girls who are married will definitely not have to worry about personal relationships in April.

The second month of spring will also be remembered by Aries brides. The girls will learn a good lesson in April. Representatives of the sign do not need to fear a breakup, but they absolutely need to pay attention to their behavior. And if they don’t do this now, then in April of this year the stars will stop turning a blind eye to their whims, and sometimes outright coldness in relationships with their significant other.

Love horoscope for Aries man for April 2019

What Aries men didn't expect from April was new romantic experiences. Representatives of the fire sign will become very emotional this spring. It is no coincidence that in April they will experience jealousy, suspicion, and even despair. The stars are in no hurry to reassure men of the Aries sign. Some of them will have to admit that the woman they trusted and loved with all their hearts did not experience the same feelings.

Aries should not despair. Such awareness will only lead to positive changes. After a showdown, the chosen women of Aries will either reconsider their behavior or leave forever, and their place will very soon be taken by a more worthy lady.

Lonely Aries men will be far from such experiences. They will have an interesting and busy time in April. Aries bachelors will be desperate to meet new people and have fun. But their heavenly patrons have not yet predicted the beginning of a new serious romance.

Love horoscope for Aries for other months of 2019

Expect dramatic changes. Monotonous work and paperwork will be replaced by active actions and instantaneous adoption of important decisions. Your desire to swim against the tide will allow you to move forward rapidly, climbing the career ladder at an accelerated pace.

Despite the unbridled energy boiling inside you, think several times before taking decisive action. Perhaps you underestimated the difficulties and responsibility that you will later have to face. And it will be too late to turn back.

Better direct your potential to study one more foreign language or to receive additional education. The investments and efforts you put into yourself will pay off soon enough.

Aries Woman: Work and Career Horoscope for April 2019

Your work achievements will finally be noticed. Management will notice and praise such an employee in front of everyone. This will certainly give you a lot of pleasant emotions. Only then you may encounter envy and irritation from your colleagues. In order not to spoil your work environment and calm atmosphere, try to maintain normal relationships with everyone and do not push your advantage over others.

Despite the good attitude towards you from your superiors, career growth will be ensured only for those who can truly be classified as workaholics. Nobody will give you a promotion just like that.

It's time to reconsider the main direction of your business if it has stopped generating income. Try to use the help of sponsors or interested partners who are now able to make good investments. But do not forget about your own interests. Your ownership interest should still provide the most power.

After completing the main tasks, be sure to give yourself a short day off. Without giving your body proper rest, you will begin to make annoying mistakes in your work.

Aries Man: Work and Career Horoscope for April 2019

Your career achievements will depend entirely on your own enterprise and resourcefulness. April can be a serious test of your professional qualities. Be prepared for this. But this does not mean that you should sit nervously at your desk and expect a dirty trick from your superiors. Just try to be even more attentive and focused than usual.

You better try to complete things that were started earlier and lay dead weight on the table in the form of a pile of papers. It's time to sort out this heap of documents. Without doing this now, later such connivance can turn into significant problems.

You can get your own business off the ground if you are organized and neat internally. During negotiations, watch your words and do not allow your partner to manipulate you. Be careful in financial matters. If you follow these recommendations, then your business will skyrocket. Then you can plan large-scale steps regarding foreign partners.

By all indications, April 2017 is a troubled time for Aries! Everything drags on, nothing is resolved, so try to limit yourself to your usual affairs and do not count on great achievements.
According to the Aries horoscope for April 2017, this is a time of new achievements and victories. Just as all nature around is filled with enormous strength for growth and renewal, so you, Aries, are becoming stronger and filled with energy every day. The beginning of spring is truly your time! The entire universe is now sending you its support and favor. Therefore, you should not waste time on hesitation. Take action and win! The whole of April is suitable for a new start in business, and the second half is for positive changes in your personal life. April will also delight creative people with brilliant ideas and productivity.
In April 2017, Aries's need for freedom and independence will be high, and anything can be expected from you. There will be no point in planning anything in advance, because there will be a hundred reasons for changing plans. The stars recommend living this period like children live, creatively exploring the world and enjoying life here and now. The greatest eccentricity will be characteristic of Aries born in mid-April.
You are unlikely to be clearly aware of the reasons that stimulate you to take unexpected actions. Excessive impulsiveness can cause an accident, so don't forget to watch your step. April 13, 14 is a turning point. There will be more physical energy, and you can direct your energy and will not only to solving material and financial problems, but also to moving up the professional or social ladder. You will be quite self-confident. However, in order for you to reach the desired heights, you will need to enlist the support of your team, friends, and find sponsors.
In April of the 2017 horoscope, Aries may experience a re-evaluation of values, and concern will arise not only with the material, but also with the spiritual side of life. It is possible to receive rewards or gifts for good deeds performed.
The last ten days of the month are suitable for travel and work trips, but provided that you plan everything clearly and in advance. Your communication with others: colleagues, neighbors, relatives will also become much more harmonious. Therefore, if you need to improve relationships with people from your close circle, the third ten days of the month is the best time for this.
From April 26 to April 30, you may have some brilliant ideas, so try to write them down.

Favorable days in April 2017: 5, 16, 20, 28, 29.
Not favorable days in April 2017: 4, 10, 14, 25, 26.

Horoscope for April 2017 Aries - Love, family
According to the horoscope for April 2017, Aries simply needs to be attentive to loved ones and spouses. Until mid-April, quite tense space weather will last, which may manifest itself as a tendency to take offense, misunderstandings, and cooling of relations. Knowing about these trends, try to spend more time together, arrange dates in a pleasant atmosphere, trips to the movies and theaters, or just romantic spring walks in the park. Make a conscious effort to improve your personal relationships. This applies not only to your “halves,” but also to children and everyone at home.
In April horoscope 2017, Aries may be conflicted, stubborn and irritable. Naturally, to a loved one he won't like it and he will respond accordingly. In another scenario, he may be busy with his own business and your irritation is understandable. Other unforeseen situations are also possible, most of them not particularly pleasant. These include disagreements with relatives, both yours and your other half. In terms of feelings and relationships, it will be difficult for you to resist arguments and discussions, but the stars assure that most of them are useless and will bring nothing but harm. Remember this and in difficult cases, call on your artistry and sense of humor to help - this is the best way out of any situation.
In April 2017, Aries may experience internal dissatisfaction with life and relationships. A secret marriage or the presence of a second marriage partner hidden from society is possible. Unconscious experiences may be associated with unrequited love or a recently ended love story. You face a difficult choice, but at this time you are unlikely to be able to make a reasonable decision.
The second half of April 2017 will mark a thaw in interpersonal relationships. Therefore, all married Aries will be able to breathe a sigh of relief? And for free Aries, the “evil light” will finally turn on for love adventures and new relationships.

Aries Horoscope for April 2017 - Health
In April 2017, the energy potential of Aries will increase noticeably, and the stars recommend using the energy given to you by the sky exclusively for peaceful purposes. A good time to improve your health. The diet or complex selected at this time physical exercise will contribute to your health.
In the first half of April 2017, you need to be careful about the kidneys and the excretory system of the body as a whole. If you have stones or sand, or suffer from other diseases of these organs, be sure to consult a doctor, because the problem may worsen. If everything is fine, carry out preventive procedures to cleanse the kidneys. It will also have a very beneficial effect on your well-being. fasting days or one-day fasting. But it is better to carry them out in the second half of the month on the waning Moon.
So, until April 15, nourish your skin and body with everything that is healthy and easy to digest.
And from the 15th to the 25th will be a great time for cleansing procedures and weight loss.
On April 26, after 15:00 Moscow time, the new moon will occur - the time when you need to lay down positive thoughts and attitudes for the month ahead. Be optimistic, smile, and life will smile back at you!
For the period from April 9 until the end of the month, try not to plan anything new, as the number of errors due to hasty, ill-conceived decisions will increase. You should not plan a radical change in hairstyle, style, or image at this time, as you may later be disappointed in what you have done. You should especially be wary of decisions related to cosmetic procedures on the face that require surgical intervention, for example, correcting the shape of the nose.

Horoscope for April 2017 Aries - Money, finances
In April 2017, Aries's financial situation is unstable, but it cannot be called hopeless. You can count on some money on April 6-8, 17, 18, 26-28.

Horoscope for April 2017 Aries - Work, business
According to the Aries horoscope for April 2017, you may not be too diplomatic and will provoke conflicts with many people. There is little sense in this, but you are impatient and are unlikely to be able to keep within the bounds of decency. Well, you have to defend your interests different ways, but still, sometimes you can show flexibility. This advice is equally good for all representatives of this sign, regardless of their occupation.
It is better for an Aries employee not to come into conflict with his superiors, and in general, the stars recommend keeping your distance and being more careful when turning. If you want to argue, then leave this pleasure until better times, deal with practical issues and generally do not catch the eye of those who annoy you or who do not like you.
In the first ten days of April 2017, exactly until the 10th, you can start promising projects and sign important contracts. However, on financial issues, double-check everything and consult with specialists in order to avoid financial losses.
The second ten days of the month will be less suitable for beginnings. During this period, also be prepared for delayed responses from business partners or late payments for your services (goods) from clients. Be patient.
The last ten days of April 2017 will increase cash flow, but may mark some problems with personal transport and electronic equipment. To avoid them, have your car inspected on time and keep technical support contacts at hand.
Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

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