Laying bricks at an angle hexagonal foundation. DIY brickwork

Brick today is one of the most popular materials for the construction of both internal and external walls buildings. But in order for the structure to last a long time and be as reliable as possible, it must be laid correctly, this is especially important for the first row of material that is being built on the foundation. It depends on it how firmly the structure will stand.

Another Desperate Try: The Fox Experiment

Challenged by the above dilemma, evolutionists began to develop unrealistic scenarios to deal with this "water problem" which disproved their theories. Sidney Fox was one of the most famous of the explorers; He proposed the following to solve this problem: according to his theory, the first amino acids at least formed rocks near the volcano after their formation in the early ocean. The water contained in the amino acid mixture on the rocks evaporated when the temperature rose above the boiling point.

Preparation of installation solution

Bricks today are made from three types of materials. These are materials made from cement and limestone or hyper-pressed brick, baked clay or ceramic brick, as well as silicate brick made from lime and sand (see photo). Most often used for their installation sand-cement mortar, which is done by mixing one part of cement with 4-5 parts of sand, depending on the situation.

In this way, the "dried" amino acids could be combined together to form proteins. However, this "complicated" solution did not take many people because amino acids do not withstand such high temperatures. Research has confirmed that amino acids immediately break down at high temperatures.

Fox, however, did not give up so easily. He produced the combination of purified amino acids in the laboratory "under very special conditions" by heating them in a dry environment. Even though the amino acids combined did not form proteins. What he actually achieved were random loops of amino acids that were randomly crammed, and these loops were far from looking like any living protein. Additionally, these loops would dissolve if Fox kept the amino acids at a stable temperature. 121.

This solution is quite thick, which prevents the bricks from moving relative to each other. Sometimes clay or lime is also added to this mixture, which makes the solution a little thinner. But it should be noted that such a mixture cannot be used for hollow bricks, since it will flow inside, which will reduce the thermal insulation properties of the material. To prepare the solution, a mixture of cement and sand is gradually mixed and filled with water. It should be noted that it is not recommended to prepare a lot of solution at once, as it will begin to harden. To prevent this from happening, you need to stir it constantly.

Another point that invalidated the experiment was that Fox did not use the useless end products that arose from Miller's experiment, but pure amino acids from living organisms, while this experiment was considered a continuation of Miller and, accordingly, according to the results of the experiment, the latter had to come out. Neither Fox nor any other researcher ever used the useless amino acids produced by Miller. 122.

Fox's experiment was not very well received, even in evolutionary circles, because it was obvious that the essential amino acid chains he scored could not be formed naturally, and furthermore, proteins, the basic building blocks of life, could not be prepared. The problem of the origin of proteins remains. In a report in a well-known scientific journal In the 1970s Chemistry News, Fox's experiment was mentioned as follows.

How to lay a brick on a foundation

In order to correctly lay a brick on the foundation, you first need to prepare everything necessary tools(see photo). This is, first of all, a trowel, which is used for applying and removing excess mortar from bricks, and also a special sharpened hammer for splitting the material. Sometimes a grinder with a special disk designed for cutting stone can be used for these purposes. In addition, to lay bricks on the foundation you will need a building level, plumb line, angles and other tools.

Sydney Fox and other researchers were able to combine amino acids in the form of "proteinoids" using very special heating techniques and under conditions that were not actually present in the primordial phases of the earth. They are also not very similar to the very common proteins found in living things. These are nothing but useless irregular chains. It was also mentioned that even if such molecules were formed on early stages development, these molecules would be destroyed. 123.

The proinoids produced by Fox were in fact completely different from true proteins, both in structure and function. The difference between proteins and “proteinoids” is about the same as between a high-tech apparatus and a bunch of raw materials. Moreover, even these disordered amino acid chains did not have the potential to survive in the primordial atmosphere. In view of all this, the idea that proteinoids could be the basis of life gradually lost all support among scientists.

When building brickwork for the first time, quite logical questions may arise, for example, how to make sure that the bricks are laid out at the same level or how to make the corners correctly. The main thing is to correctly lay the first row of bricks on the foundation. To do this, a cord is stretched across the foundation, along which the material will be laid (see video). Bricks must be placed on the surface, driven a little into the mortar, while constantly checking their horizontalness using a building level.

Our recent studies at the molecular level have shown that the evolution of amino acids has not been enlightened by evolutionists. Protein formation itself is a mystery, but the problem is not limited to amino acids and proteins: this is just the beginning. Apart from them, the ideal structure of the cell resists evolutionists with a barrier. The reason for this is that the cell is not just an accumulation of amino acid-based proteins, but a living mechanism that contains hundreds of fully developed systems and is so complex that humans are unable to explore its secretions.

When constructing brickwork, they begin to build the corners first and only then the walls. It is necessary to start laying bricks from left to right. To get even corners, construction angles are often used (see video), which can be metal or wood. It is best to lay bricks in a bandage, i.e. so that the rows do not coincide, as in the photo. Between every 5-6 rows of material it is necessary to lay out a reinforcing mesh.

Complex systems are left aside; evolutionists are not even able to explain the formation of the basic units of the cell. While evolutionary theory has failed to offer a coherent explanation for the presence of molecules that form the basis of cellular structure, developments in the science of genetics and the discovery of nucleic acids have overwhelmed evolutionary theory with new challenges. Many scientists have turned to the science of genetics.

All structural differences in people depend on the sequence of these letters. This is a kind of database built on four letters. At this moment it is necessary to do very important detail: A defect in the nucleotide sequence in which a gene is built will render the gene unusable. Frank Salisbury, an evolutionary biologist, comments on this impossibility as follows.

Completion of work on the construction of foundation structures presupposes the beginning of the next construction stage- masonry walls. The walls of the building can be erected from brick or wall piece blocks (aerated concrete, foam concrete), the technology for laying wall structures on the foundation belt should be strictly followed. Failure to comply with the rules for the construction of walls is fraught with premature destruction of buildings and the occurrence of various emergency situations.

The average protein may contain about 300 amino acids. If you multiply ten 600 times with itself, you get a number of 600 zeros! This number is beyond our imagination. This number is obtained by placing 600 zeros as one. A trillion has 12 zeros, a number with 600 zeros is actually difficult to capture.

When forming complex molecules such as nucleotides chemical processes, we must clearly distinguish between two phases: the production of single nucleotides - which is possible - and their combination in specific sequences. The latter is absolutely impossible. Turkish evolutionist, Professor Ali Demirsoy, was forced to make the following assumption about this.

Laying bricks during the construction of house walls

Before starting the construction of wall structures, it is necessary to make sure that the surface of the foundation is poured smoothly and does not have slopes or differences. The check is carried out using a hydraulic level.

A deviation of up to 1.5 cm is acceptable; if this value is exceeded, an additional leveling screed should be performed on the surface of the foundation. Minor deviations can be eliminated by changing the thickness of the seam. Brick walls are best laid on a perfectly level surface.

The probability of protein and nucleic acid formation is actually far below any discretion, and the probability of a particular protein chain being produced is so small that it can be called astronomical. 127. American microbiologist Jacobson gives the following comment.

The commands associated with the duplication of plans, the energy and extraction of parts from the prevailing environment, the sequence of growth and the effect or mechanism that translates these guidelines into the growth process were all present to be simultaneously. It seems unlikely that the combination of these events is an unplanned event and is therefore often attributed to divine intervention.

Two layers of roofing material should be laid on the prepared and leveled surface of the foundation, which will ensure waterproofing of the structure. The second layer of roofing material is laid in such a way as to overlap the joints of the lower layer by at least 10 cm.

There are several ways to lay a waterproofing roofing felt carpet:

It is highly unlikely that proteins and nucleic acids, which are complex structures, are created randomly at the same time and in the same place, and yet it seems impossible to exist without the other. So, at first glance, one may be led to conclude that life could never have been produced by chemical means.

The same fact is also accepted by other scientists. How does the genetic code arise along with the mechanisms of its translation? For the present we must content ourselves with a feeling of terrible surprise rather than an answer. Two German scientists, Juncker and Scherer, explained that the synthesis of each of these molecules requires different conditions for chemical evolution and that the likelihood of combining these materials, which have theoretically very different extraction methods, is zero.

  • Dry - the layer of roofing felt will simply be pressed down by the mass of the erected wall.
  • With laying on hot bitumen mastic - the mass is applied to the structure while hot, after which the waterproofing layer is directly applied.
  • Using a burner, the roofing material is heated before laying; the hot roofing material can be placed on the prepared place.

Masonry of brick wall structures

After laying the insulating carpet, you can begin laying the brick walls. There is one subtlety: before laying bricks on the mortar, you should lay out the first row of bricks on the foundation to see if you can complete the row with a whole stone flush with the corner of the building. If there is some distance left to the end of the wall, then when laying bricks, you should increase the thickness of the seam between the bricks.

So far, no experiment is known that could be used to obtain all the molecules necessary for chemical evolution. Therefore, under optimal conditions, it is necessary to produce different molecules in different places and then transport them to another place, during which time they must be protected from harmful effects such as hydrolysis and photolysis. 129.

In short, the theory of evolution is unable to explain any of the evolutionary steps that are said to have taken place at the molecular level. Instead of giving them answers to such questions, the progressive development of science confronts evolutionists with more complex and difficult problems to solve.

Typically, the thickness of the seam in vertical rows is 1 cm, but to exclude quarters and halves from the volume of the masonry, it is necessary to slightly increase the width of the seam so that the appearance of the laid surface has a neat and symmetrical appearance.

Digression one: suture dressing systems

Brick walls acquire strength and durability only if the rule of ligating seams was applied during their construction.

It's interesting that evolutionists adhere to all of these impossible scenarios as if each of them were scientific fact. Because they are conditioned to ignore creativity, they have no choice but to believe in the impossible. Renowned Australian biologist Michael Denton tackles this topic in his book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.

For the skeptic, this is simply an insult to intelligence and reason to assume that the genetic programs of higher organisms, consisting of almost a thousand millions of information data, in encrypted form, from countless thousands of advanced algorithms that contain the controls, specifications and instructions for the growth and development of trillions and trillions of cells in complex organisms were composed entirely by chance. But for a Darwinist this idea is undeniable without a glimmer - the model has the advantage.

To prevent longitudinal damage brick walls, the laying of longitudinal vertical rows (spoon) should be carried out with ligation of the seams in butt rows, while it is practiced to shift the brick stone by ¼ or ½ brick. This ligation of seams allows the construction of a monolithic wall structure high strength.

The discovery in the 1970s that gases that were originally present in premature earth's atmosphere, which made the synthesis of amino acids impossible, were a serious blow to the theory of molecular evolution. It was clear that the "primitive atmospheric experiments" of evolutionists such as Miller, Fox and Ponnamperuma were irrelevant. For this reason, the efforts of evolutionists in the 1980s were undertaken.

Built on a chain of impossibilities in each individual phase, this unimaginable model only increased the problem and raised many difficult or irrefutable questions rather than explaining the origin of life. Where did she find the nucleotides she used to reproduce?

Most often, brick walls are laid using the following seam dressing systems: single-row (chain); three-row; multi-row.

Laying brick walls without bandaging the seams is strictly prohibited.

Preparation of mortar for brickwork

For large volumes of construction, it is permissible to use factory-prepared mortar for laying walls, delivered to the construction site in mixers. It must be used in short time, otherwise the solution will harden and become completely unusable.

Amino acids, on the other hand, are only raw materials. However, there is no mechanism for producing proteins. Production without the participation of production facilities and work force also unthinkable in this case. Protein is made in the "ribosome factory" by many enzymes and an extremely complex process inside the cell. A ribosome is a complex cellular organelle consisting of proteins. Therefore, this situation reveals another absurd assumption, namely, that the ribosome must also have occurred at the same time.

Even a laureate Nobel Prize Jacques Monod, one of the most fanatical proponents of evolution, argues that protein synthesis cannot be underestimated since it depends solely on information in nucleic acids. The code is meaningless if it is not translated. When and how did this circle join?

On sites with a small volume of brickwork, the mortar can be mixed directly on the construction site.

Prepare the solution in a concrete mixer or trough (with manual mixing). The main ingredients for preparing cement mortar: cement, sand, water. Typically, 1 part cement requires 4 parts sand. The mixture is mixed with water until the consistency of thick sour cream.

It goes beyond the idea. 133. Evolutionists have no answer to these questions. The ability to reproduce without the help of proteins and the ability to catalyze any stage of protein synthesis. 134. We see no reason to regard them as proven or even promising.

This research demonstrated how incredibly difficult it would have been for living cells to arise by chance from inanimate matter at the time on Earth. This demonstration is an important contribution to science. Future research will also have great importance. However, given the newly understood complications of continuing to make life spontaneously out of inanimate matter, it is very surprising. It is reminiscent of the “work” of medieval alchemists who tirelessly tried to turn lead into gold. 136.

Liquid soap added to the mixture (a few drops) improves the plasticity of the working solution, which has a positive effect on the quality of the brickwork.

Brickwork technology

Brick laying can be done in two ways:

  • “Pressing” - the masonry is carried out on a rigid mortar, with this method it is necessary to carry out mandatory jointing. The bricks are laid against the vertical surfaces of the stones previously laid in the wall.
  • “Butt-to-end” - this method is used to lay bricks on a plastic masonry composition. Masonry technology boils down to the following operations:

Take a brick, dip it in a bucket of water, and use the inclined edge to grab a certain amount of mortar applied to the masonry; move the stone towards the previously laid bricks; laying down the brick.

Second retreat: unstitching

Jointing is carried out in order to give the outer walls a neat appearance, for which, until the mortar sets, the seams are worked out with special tools that have different geometric shapes: triangular, rectangular, convex, concave, rounded.

Laying block walls

Before starting work on the laying of external walls, it is necessary to level the surface of the foundation, lay cut-off waterproofing, install beacons in place of future door and window openings. For waterproofing, you can use roll and coating materials. Using roll waterproofing The width of the layer should slightly exceed the width of the foundation. Laying blocks is only allowed over a waterproofing layer.

Beacons made from the smoothest blocks are placed at the corners of the building (without mortar), after which a series of measurements are taken to confirm the evenness of the corners of the building. The first row of block masonry is made in the direction of the walls from the exposed beacon stone.

It is very important to ensure that the block is not laid flush with the walls; it is better that the wall hangs outward relative to the base or foundation.

Watch the video on how to install the blocks correctly.

When laying blocks, it is allowed to reinforce the walls, for which a layer is laid reinforcing mesh, which must be completely recessed into the solution.

For laying blocks when constructing external walls, it is allowed to use only cement-sand mortar.

A separate stone must be laid on the mortar no later than 10 minutes in advance; for better adhesion, the blocks must be pre-moistened with water.

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