Kandyba Viktor Mikhailovich. The terrible story of a child abandoned on the playground: no one needs it See what “Kandyba, Viktor Mikhailovich” is in other dictionaries

The surname Kandyba originates from the nickname Kandyba. The nickname Kandyba goes back to the Ukrainian word “kandiba” - “weak horse, nag.” Thus, Kandyboy could be called someone who had such a horse, or a weak, infirm person. It is less likely that this surname is based on the colloquial verb “kandybat”, i.e. limp, walk slowly. In this case, the nickname Kandyba was given to a lame, slow person.

Version 3 (surnames Kandyba, Kandybin)

To limp - to limp, to walk slowly. Kandyba was a name given to a bad horse. Probably applied to a person: lame, slow. (F). The surname Kandyba is a Ukrainian surname. Possibly a phonetic variant of the surname Gandybin
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The surname Kandybin comes from the village of Kastornoye, Kursk region. Originally it was a widespread Ukrainian surname Kandyba. Later, when the village came under the jurisdiction of Russia, it “Russified” and received the prefix “in”. Kandybin V.P.

How to spell the surname Kandyba in English (Latin alphabet)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the surname Kandyba in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

“We don’t need food, toys, or gifts, just mom.”

In the city of Shchelkovo, behind house number 7 on Komarova Street there is a cozy children's playground. Now it is noisy: a bunch of kids are happily running along the stairs of the houses and slides under the watchful gaze of their mothers and grandmothers. It was on this site a few days ago that the little boy Sasha ended up inexplicably. The very same parents, relatives or people who know at least something about the child are now being sought through social networks and wanted posters.

Yes, we saw him,” says the mother of the wonderful girl Katya, who is playing nearby. - I don’t know when and how he appeared here. We arrived at about five o'clock, and he was already here, playing with other children. I couldn’t even think that there was something wrong with him, an ordinary child. Very sociable, smiling, well dressed. When they left, he was still on the site. But there’s nothing strange here either - I thought that maybe the parents had let go and were looking out of the window or left the child with other mothers who were sitting on the playground. I learned that he was a “lost” only the next day from neighbors. This is, of course, a nightmare.

Sasha's further movements also remain a mystery. Residents of the surrounding houses believe that someone took pity on the crying baby and let him warm up in the entrance of the house, where he was later found by those who had already sounded the alarm.

Our neighbor Lyudmila from the second entrance found him,” says a local resident. - I was returning home from work at about eight o’clock, I walked into the entrance, and there was a crying child. She approached him, and he extended his arms to her and said: “Mom!” He calmed down in her arms. Well, Lyudmila, of course, immediately began going around the neighbors, asking if anyone had lost a child, but no one responded. Then a group of concerned people gathered and began to walk around all the surrounding courtyards, house to house, interviewing people. On the way we came across the police, they also got involved. We walked and walked, but didn’t find anyone. Then they called the police and described the situation. The staff arrived, took the baby, checked him in, and then his temperature rose! It turned out that he caught a cold somewhere. They took him to the Monino hospital, where he is now recovering.

There are now very different versions of how little Sasha, who still barely even speaks, ended up in the Shchelkovsky yard.

“I don’t think he ran away and got lost,” says another resident of the seventh house. - He was very calm, played with the children. He began to cry only when evening came and he realized that they would not take him away. The fact that he is not a street child or from an orphanage is also a fact. The boy is well dressed, very social, and not afraid of anyone. I think that his parents themselves brought him and left him here. Well, or someone did it for them.

The whole world is now looking for Sasha’s parents or those who could give at least some information about him. In every yard, on every pole, even on regular buses, there are photographs of the baby. And to the entrance where Lyudmila found him, someone had already started bringing toys. However, why is not clear.

Law enforcement officials are also considering all possible versions of where the baby could have come from behind the house on Komarovo Street. There is an assumption that Sasha could have been brought even from another region of our country - investigators have already sent inquiries to the most distant corners to find out if there was a child fitting the description. The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are no cameras either in the yard or in the entrance itself. Employees are trying to work on other cameras located in the city, but so far, unfortunately, to no avail.

Sasha, meanwhile, is in the Moninsky hospital and, according to doctors, is actively recovering and pleases all the staff with her smile.

“We don’t need food, toys, or gifts,” says a hospital employee, “just mom.” He calls her all the time, he calls all women that. He doesn’t get capricious, doesn’t cry, just smiles and reaches out to everyone – gold, not a child. He can’t speak yet, he only knows “mom” and “dad,” so he definitely grew up in a family. When he came to us, he was very clean and well-groomed. The only problem is a cold.

Question: “Why does your point of view on Russian History not coincide with the generally accepted one?”

Answer: “The Russian people have been deceived for several centuries by calling Russian people “Slavs.” From the point of view of modern science, the “Slavs”, or rather “Slovenes”, are a small Russian people who settled many thousands of years ago in the Ilmen region. The Rus-Slovene tribes had as their capital the city of Slovensk, and then Novgorod, which was built by the Slovenes next to the ancient capital of their Land.
The deception consists in replacing the History of the Russian People with the history of a small union of tribes in the northern Lands. Slovenes (Slavs) are only a small and very young part of the Russian People. The history of the Rus-Slovenians is only 20-30 thousand years old, and the History of the Russian People is millions of years old. In addition to the Slovenes (Slavs), the Russian Empire also included all their hundreds of neighbors: Krivichi, Ves, Merya, Polochans, Golyad, Meshchera, Vyatichi, Drevlyans, Northerners, Volynians, Radimichi, Dregovichi, etc. Therefore, the history of any of these ancient Russian peoples is interesting, but it is just a small part of the History of the entire Russian People, consisting of hundreds of tribes, and not just the “Slavs” (Slavs), or Krivichi, or anyone else.
However, tying the beginning of Russian History to Novgorod allowed our enemies to cut off the entire History of the central, southern, eastern and western Rus. Kiev, Bulgar, Troy, Ur, Byzantium, Rome, Arkaim, Rusa, Sur, Vineta, Sigtuna, Olvia, Khora, Rusalim, Uyghur, Uruhansk and other ancient city-states of the great Russian Empire disappeared from Russian History.

The manipulations of our enemies made it possible to present Russian History only as the history of Novgorod and Moscow, these two young Principalities that were formed relatively recently.”

Question: “So, do you think that Russian state existed before Rurik was called to Novgorod?”

Answer: “Your question is incorrect. It’s not me who thinks so, but all Russian science thinks so. Not a single Russian scientist has any doubts about this, and as for foreign scientists, they are openly hostile towards us, therefore their historical “opuses” have nothing to do with science.”

Question: “You imagine History as an eternal struggle: first the Northern Rus with the Southern, and then the East and the West, and you designate the Southern Rus, or, as you call them, “Rusalim,” as bearers of the dark nature of man. Is this really so, with scientific point vision?

Answer: “I treat all people and all nations well, without exception, very well; Moreover, I love people. Most of my friends also never confuse true patriotism and love for the Motherland with false patriotism, when instead of love for the Motherland, a false patriot hates someone, some people or nation. It is difficult to create something on hatred; only Love creates and creates, therefore all world religions are built on Love as the highest human feeling. The Russian Religion is also built on Love, so I, as its creator, simply have neither the moral nor the legal right to hate anyone, much less an entire nation. Therefore, I treat everyone well, including the Southern Rus or Rusalims, but this does not mean that if someone commits a crime, regardless of nationality, then I, as a scientist, must hush up these crimes so that someone can accuse me then suddenly he wasn’t offended. Truth is more valuable! This is the specificity of scientific thinking, and nationality has nothing to do with it!”

Question: “What is the main idea of ​​your book?”

Answer: “The main thing I wanted to say is that the fate of not only planet Earth, but also the fate of our entire Universe depends on the fate of the Russian People! This is our main Secret, our main Truth and the Main Key Essence for understanding everything that is happening around us now and will happen in the future!”

Question: “And yet, please clarify, the Rusalim - what kind of people or peoples are they?”

Answer: “In the most ancient times, when the formation of white Northern humanity and Southern black humanity was underway, then in the North-South confrontation we called the southernmost Russians - Egyptians, Libyans and others who lived in North Africa, this southern region of the former Old Russian Empire - rusalim . The most developed country of the Rusalims was Ancient Egypt, which, according to the priestly secrecy that existed at that time, encrypted ideas and words by pronouncing them exactly the other way around. So, for example, it was the first Rusalim-Egyptians who read the word “Rus” in reverse into the word “Sur”, the word “Yog” into “Goy”, etc. That's why the capital ancient Egypt The Rusalim called it “Sur”, and their entire country was called “Suriya”. This ancient Russian priestly encryption custom is the simplest and most ancient.

So, the first Rusalim were Egyptians. In subsequent millennia, after the retreat of the glaciers, the centers of the Russian Empire shifted from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor to the Dnieper region and the Volga. Then the southern border of the Russian Empire shifted from Egypt to the upper reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates. Today's Armenians and Syrians began to be called Rusalim. After another millennium, this ancient Russian priestly word began to spread to Palestine and Israel, because it was to these places that the Rusalim came from southern Armenia (from the area around Lake Van), who directly named their capital - Rusalim (on the Ie River), and Their kings were called 5-7 thousand years ago - Rusa I, Rusa II, etc.

After another millennium, the southern Rus (or rusalim) from the region of Armenia, Palestine, Syria and Egypt settled in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Germany and even the USA. Therefore, the confrontation between the Northern Rus and the Southern Rus (Rusalim) was replaced by the East-West confrontation.

So, at present, by the word “Rusalim” Russian priests understand all nations Western Europe, but the ideology of the southern Russians, who became the “West,” is most strongly expressed in the following modern countries: Poland, the USA, Spain, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and England.

Modern Russian scientists have many questions about the fact that modern scientific history, which our children study at school, was entirely written exclusively by foreigners. Here brief information about them:

1) Miller Gerard Friedrich (1705-1783) - German historian. In Russia - since 1725. He collected a collection of copies (the originals have disappeared) of documents on ancient Russian history (the so-called Miller portfolios), on the basis of which he wrote the first complete “scientific” history of the Russian Empire, which is still taught in Russian universities and schools.

2) Bayer Gottlieb Siegfried (1694-1738) - German historian, philologist (did not know Russian), member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1725. Founder of the famous “Norman theory”, according to which the Russian people never had their own state until the Western ( Norman) Prince Rurik did not come to Rus' and did not create the first Russian state.

3) Schletser August Ludwig (1735-1800) - German historian, philologist (did not know Russian); in Russian service from 1761 to 1767. Since 1769 - foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (since he returned to Germany in 1768). He was the first to officially investigate the “original” of the oldest Russian chronicle - “The Tale of Bygone Years” (Radziwill Chronicle). He created a version of Russian history from the beginning of time until 1206, the so-called History of Kievan Rus.

So, the concept of official Russian history that is familiar to us today was created exclusively by foreigners! Natural questions arise: where were our historians? In what other countries national history written exclusively by foreigners? Why are all subsequent “historians” strictly followers of the falsified by the West, extremely humiliating for any Russian, anti-scientific version of Russian history?

So, as we see, the need to write the true history of mankind is long overdue. Therefore, the most important scientific battles are about what real story humanity, I think, is still ahead. In the meantime, my book is the first truly scientific history humanity, based exclusively on the most rigorous scientific facts and the most important discoveries of recent years... (academician Kandyba V.M.)

Victor Mikhailovich Kandyba



Victor Mikhailovich Kandyba- a famous hypnotist, healer, “high priest of the Rus”, academician of many academies, author of the newest, after previously known meditation and hypnosis, trance psychotechnology - “SK-Superconsciousness”. A new generation of trance psychotechnologies allowed V. M. Kandyba to develop an effective SC method for developing human superpowers.

V. M. Kandyba in this moment lives in St. Petersburg where he moved in 1992, his office is located near his home where he conducts regular seminars, and also, at the invitation of customers, conducts on-site courses, trainings, lectures, and creative meetings in various countries: Russia, Germany, France, USA, Japan, China, India, Iran, Syria, Israel, Egypt, etc. Viktor Mikhailovich can be seen every day going for a morning jog along the embankment of the Moika River.

Training Center of V. M. Kandyba

The V. M. Kandyba Center regularly conducts in Russia the only courses in the world for simultaneous training in two specialties: professional hypnotist (psychologist-hypnologist) and psychologist-hypnotherapist with the issuance of corresponding diplomas.

Training in the courses lasts 3 months: one day - under the direct supervision of V. M. Kandyba, 10 days - independently at home and 3 months - independent reading of 10 textbooks by V. M. Kandyba: “Fundamentals of hypnology”, “Treatment with hypnosis”, “The practice of therapeutic hypnosis”, “World techniques of therapeutic hypnosis”, “Hypnosis and diseases”, “Mental self-regulation”, “SK-autotraining”, “SK-Method of human development”, “Technique of waking hypnosis”, “Human superpowers”.

Everyone is accepted for full-time and part-time studies, regardless of level of education, personal abilities, age, political and religious beliefs. Those wishing to study by correspondence must purchase a set of books consisting of 10 textbooks at the V. M. Kandyba Training Center.

Those who have completed full-time or part-time studies are entitled to receive one or more (optional and optional) diplomas with a state license: “consultant psychologist”, “psychologist-hypnologist”, “psychologist-massage therapist”, “doctor of Indo-Tibetan medicine” .

The V. M. Kandyba Training Center provides assistance to students with accommodation and meals, and also provides free, highly qualified charitable services to students and their relatives. medical care at the level of the best medical professors in Russia, Germany, the USA and Israel.

Lesson program

  1. Training in the art of mental self-regulation and SC-autotraining.
  2. Training in techniques of unusual abilities: extrasensory perception, dowsing, psychokinesis, telekinesis, mental hypnosis.
  3. Development of hypnotic abilities and training in regressive hypnosis.
  4. Training in X-ray vision and clairvoyance techniques.
  5. Teaching secrets healthy image life and the secrets of good mood and active longevity. Wellness and rejuvenating SC session.


  • Mysterious phenomena of the human psyche.
  • Mysterious human superpowers
  • Traditional methods of treating various diseases.
  • Incredible miracles are around us.
  • The unknown and incredible in our lives.
  • SK-Superconsciousness and SK-method of accelerated development of abilities.
  • The latest psychotechnologies for accelerated development of children.
  • About the main goals and meaning of human life.
  • Modern methods of moral education.
  • Modern methods of reliably getting rid of bad habits.
  • Secrets of the art of mental self-regulation.
  • The main secrets of rejuvenation and active longevity.
  • Suggestion and waking hypnosis in modern life.
  • History of the Russian people before the new era.
  • History of trance culture of the peoples of the world.
  • Historical foundations of Russian national ideology.
  • The life and true teaching of Jesus Christ according to archaeological finds in Qumran, Syria and Egypt. *History of the sons of light.
  • Pop hypnosis: history and practice.
  • Street hypnosis in reality: theory and practice.
  • Psychotechnology for the development of various sports abilities.
  • Development of abilities for school and student learning.
  • The life and true Sufi teachings of Imam Khorasan Omar al-Khayyam.
  • Mystical human superpowers: direct and indirect extrasensory diagnostics, rebirth, reincarnation, memories of past lives, hypnotic age change, change or replacement of personality, levitation.
  • Secrets of the accelerated development of creative abilities: musical, artistic, vocal, acting, etc.
  • Spiritual superpowers of a person: post-mortem experience, predictions, divination, magical hypnosis, astral movements, multiplication of bodies, telepathy, teleportation, hypnosis and influence through time and space, clairvoyance and clairaudience, hypnosis through objects, letters, water, food, clothing and wine; spiritual enlightenment, psychosurgery, visual thinking, light-color thinking.
  • Intellectual superpowers: will, attention, imagination, memory, speed reading, color visualization, eidetic figurative thinking, accelerated language learning.
  • Secrets of the human psychoenergetic system. Man of the future.

Russian scientist and writer, author of more than 120 books on hypnosis, mental self-regulation, the development of human superpowers and creativity, and the development of intelligence; on the history of the Russian people before the new era, on psychology, philosophy, Russian Religion and ideology, etc.

President of the World Association of Professional Hypnotists
-President of the World Association of Alternative Medicine at UNECO.
-President of the Association traditional medicine THE USSR.

www.SkTrance.RU - a portal about hypnosis, SK-trance, religion and the works of the legendary Kandyba.V.M.

"These books are inaccurate copies of the author's books. And they contain a number of errors and loss of information. If you respect the works of Kandyba.V.M. and want to read original publications, purchase books at the Kandyba.V.M Center. For the content of these copies, the author is not responsible carries."

Books (29)

Aryan hypnosis

The ancient Russian Aryan priests “Slavs” understood that the world is much more complicated than it seems and is perceived, but they believed that behind all the complexity of the surrounding world there is a mysterious and mighty Force, which inexplicably manifests itself through visible natural phenomena, the behavior of animals and humans. Therefore, the Aryans believed that it was necessary, through the “Slavs”, sacred animals, sacred idols and sacred amulets, to enter into certain relationships with this powerful heavenly Power and ask it for one or another help, including deliverance from hunger and disease.

Since natural phenomena could either help or harm people, the Aryans began to identify in nature good and evil forces, good and evil spirits, good and evil gods. This is how the trance science of the Aryans was born, as the art of human communication with the Higher Powers.

Kandyba V.M. - all books in 1 file

Mental hypnosis technique
Aryan hypnosis
SK hypnosis technique
Mental self-regulation
Mental hypnosis technique

Magic - Encyclopedia of Magic and Witchcraft
S-K method of human development
The Unknown and the Incredible: Encyclopedia of the Miraculous and Unknown
Human superpowers
Mysterious human superpowers

Secret capabilities of man
Rigveda - Religion and ideology of the Russian people
Highest yoga
History of SC therapy

Information SC therapy
Physiological SC therapy
Secret transformations

Criminal hypnosis

The author is a famous Kiev scientist and public figure, academician Viktor Mikhailovich Kandyba, in this book he described in detail the theory and practice of modern hypnocrime, as well as methods of protecting the population from them.

"IN last years appeared in many countries of the world the new kind offenses - the use of hypnosis for criminal purposes. Having generalized the practice of modern hypnotic offenses, I for the first time created the theory of criminal hypnosis and developed practical methods of combating these most dangerous offenses, the existence of which the majority of our society does not even suspect.”

The magic of the Universe and human capabilities

Nature and the Universe created man in such a way that he was healthy both physically and mentally. But social cataclysms, personal troubles, various dark forces often lead a person to various kinds diseases. In his book, the author teaches readers how to resist them and regain lost health. Trance medicine, methods of hypnosis, and self-hypnosis play a huge role in this, awakening in a person the desire to be strong and healthy.

World techniques of therapeutic hypnosis. Hypnotherapy Basics

The author is the world's largest hypnologist scientist, President of the World Association of Alternative Medicine at UNESCO, academician Viktor Mikhailovich Kandyba, in his new book, for the first time in the world, sets out the foundations of a new medical science- hypnotherapy.

Basics of hypnology. Fundamentals of psychophysiology, etc.

Basics of hypnology: Theory and technique of hypnosis, etc.

The legendary Kiev scientist and hypnotist, academician Viktor Mikhailovich Kandyba, is the author of world-famous scientific and popular science works on hypnosis, the art of suggestion, psychology, history, etc.

Basics of SC therapy. In 3 volumes. Volume 1

In 1984, D.V. Kandyba discovered a new type of trance, which made it possible to obtain a previously unknown specific mode of functioning of the human body, which in world science received the name “SC” - the Kandyba state. SC is a revolution in human science; it quickly found its application in medicine, pedagogy, sports, manufacturing and creative professions.

The first volume examines the history of SC medicine—the history of SC therapy—and is recommended for human specialists.

Basics of SC therapy. In 3 volumes. Volume 2

Based on many years of personal research, the authors created a new type of medicine - SC therapy.

SC therapy is medicine based on special, deeply altered, specific modes of functioning of the brain and human physiology.

With the discovery of SC, world science gained a stable opportunity to arbitrarily control all processes in the human body without exception.

The second volume talks about a new science - informational SC therapy. This is the science of trance medicine and pedagogy.

The book is intended for SC therapists.

Basics of SC therapy. In 3 volumes. Volume 3

Based on many years of personal research, the authors created a new type of medicine - SC therapy.

SC therapy is medicine based on special, deeply altered, specific modes of functioning of the brain and human physiology.

In 1984, D.V. Kandyba discovered a new type of trance, which made it possible to obtain a previously unknown specific mode of functioning of the human body, which in world science received the name “SC” - the Kandyba state. SC is a revolution in human science; it quickly found its application in medicine, pedagogy, sports, manufacturing and creative professions.

With the discovery of SC, world science gained a stable opportunity to arbitrarily control all processes in the human body without exception.

The book is intended for SC therapists.

Secret capabilities of man

This book introduces the reader to the theory and psychotechnics of SK-2 - the most mysterious state of a person, which allows one to reveal the deep, reserve capabilities of his psyche, physiology and energy information technology and talks about the most secret and deeply secret research of scientists in the field of control and manipulation of human consciousness and behavior in any conditions.

Secret transformations

Secret unions are among those forms of religion in which the social side is most noticeable, and this latter even prevails over the purely ideological side.

Therefore, the same doubts that we encountered when we touched upon the system of initiation as an embryonic form of tribal cult are quite possible here: can secret unions be considered a form of religion, and is it not just one of the forms of social organization?

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