Correct location of buildings on the site. Rules for the location of a house on a site. Location of the house inside the land plot

Site planning largely depends on the areas that need to be included in the landscape and the size of the area. In each specific case, the division is individual. But conditionally, it is possible to divide into the most common zones: residential, recreation, utility buildings, garden and vegetable gardens.

The size of each zone is planned based on the total area of ​​the site. With proper zoning on residential area up to 20% is allocated, no more than 15% is allocated to utility buildings, and the vegetable garden occupies about 65-75% of the territory.

Pentagon rents tanks and planes for movie use

Have you ever wondered where to rent fighter jets, naval and military helicopters, military tanks and perhaps a large aircraft carrier? Just play a war movie. If the Pentagon uses your scenario, not only can you use the military technology available there, but you will also have tax subsidies for production.

The decision was made in an internal department consisting of two people. The tip to winning the green light to create his great military is to portray the US military favorably. White House Invasion, a movie starring Morgan Freeman, is one of those that even depicts the interior of the Pentagon, as in the photo above.

When dividing the territory of a site, a number of basic rules and recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Initially, you should think about where it will be posted house and buildings for household needs. Typically, the central or side front part of the site is allocated for the house, and buildings are placed in the background. They can be decorated with decorative shade-loving plants and flowers.
  • The recreation area should be laid out conveniently and in an accessible place. Taking into account the area, this territory can be scattered or compact. Here you should also consider a place for children to play.
  • An area for the garden is selected that is illuminated, sunny side. Structures should not cast a shadow on the beds.
  • If you are planning a bathhouse and a swimming pool, then it is advisable to place them closer to the fence. This will save a significant part of the area.

Breakdown options summer cottage there are a lot, but each depends on the shape of the territory: rectangular, triangular, L-shaped or square.

A small home, when well planned, can be just as amazing as large, architecturally impressive homes that take your breath away. Although we see a lot more of these mansions in magazines and architecture, small homes are practical, warm and ideal for those with a dynamic city life. Compact and smart spaces are growing around the world and are increasingly becoming an efficient and personalized housing option.

Think about the project before starting the project. However, designing a home with limited space is a challenge even for the most experienced, as it means adapting the client's lifestyle and mindset in a functional way from a lot of knowledge sharing. This involves thinking about each room individually and collectively.

The comfort of the owners of the future home largely depends on a well-thought-out layout plan. A residential building should be designed so that it becomes a cozy sanctuary filled with pleasant sensations and gave a feeling of security and relaxation. We should not forget about established laws regulations on the distance of buildings and trees from the boundaries of neighboring plots.

All environments in the home must follow a specific function, but together they must achieve a certain balance and harmony to form the whole: our home. Communication between rooms in a small house is relatively easy to achieve, thanks to the physical challenges of space, visual connection occurs much faster, so the colors and styles of different spaces, like rooms, are understood with simplicity.

Collect photographs of small, well-designed environments. The process of a residential project goes through different stages, and in the beginning it is important to have many references in the manga, examples applied in reality that work well and should be carried forward. Whether you're an architect or a client going through a makeover, always look to contemporary examples that speak to you. For example, how can one project bring so much. When you're thinking about finishes, it's a good idea to choose sober, crisp tones or even bright colors that result in a fun and interesting contrast that's right as it's well-executed.

When planning the placement of a residential building on a small area, you should take into account the aesthetic point of view:

  • it is recommended to place the house itself in the foreground, which will prevent the territory from being fragmented into small zones and increase the functionality of the area
  • on the outside of the site you should leave space for a garage and a parking space
  • It is better to build utility buildings in the depths of the yard
  • for the recreation area, select the most suitable place behind the house

You should also take into account external factors: whether there will be neighbors nearby, how close the roadway is and which side the sun rises from. The south or south-east side is better suited for a residential building.

When you come to see the furniture, the more functional the better! Currently, the market offers many ideal multifunctional furniture options for small houses, but it is also worth using creativity and changing the function of certain objects to achieve more universal functions.

This doesn't mean it's illegal to insert multiple loved ones, just do it with skill and balance. We confirm that we love making your life easier, so today we are sharing 25 tips and tricks that will apply in small houses. Stay with us and be surprised!

When planning the layout of rooms, many prefer that the windows face south. In this case, the rooms will be bright and sunny. If you want to create twilight, for example, in the bedroom, then its windows should be placed on the north side.

If you take into account not only your preferences, but also the characteristics of nature, you can achieve the greatest comfort while living in a properly built house.

Let our receptionists guide you upon arrival, they will provide you with all the information you need to ensure a quick setup and instant immersion in our unique universe. You will also find a tourist information area with leaflets and information about the area. Shuttles: Departures every day from the Sandaya camping car park to Agai beaches every 30 minutes from July 1st to August 31st from 10am to 7pm. Selective sorting: You will find ferries corresponding to different triseptics at the entrance of the campsite.

Write a list with all the areas of your home that need to be placed. Start with the hardest stuff so you get rid of the grossest stuff right away! Use this list to more easily manage your organization's time in each area.

The children's room should be located away from the roadway. This will ensure maximum silence and reduce dust penetration. Should Special attention pay attention to the location of the kitchen. Firstly, so that soot, grease and dampness from steam do not spread throughout the living area. And secondly, the garden and children's play area should be visible from the window. An autonomous exit should also be provided, which will be convenient during preparation of preparations and when organizing picnics and feasts in the fresh air.

Oh, those meters!

This guide will give you tricks and tips to list your home quickly and effortlessly. Despite our best intentions, sometimes objects, products and even food items accumulate in our homes, creating an environment with a dated and cluttered appearance rather than an elegant and modern look. Every home needs a thorough cleaning from time to time, but many people are discouraged by the prospect that reorganizing can entail a huge amount of effort. Sometimes you need to organize your home, and an organized home will also be easier to clean.

You should not build a house close to the roadway. It is advisable to maintain a distance of at least five meters. You should consider the location of the rooms, taking into account the cardinal directions and wind loads of the area. This will determine how warm the rooms will be. Experts advise keeping adult bedrooms and kitchens cooler, and children's and playrooms warmer.

If you're reluctant to organize your home, or if you just don't know how to do it, we suggest useful tips to start. It's very easy to buy food, put it in the cupboard and forget about it, sometimes even for years! Expired food should not be consumed and take up valuable kitchen space. Below you will find recommendations for the placement of your kitchen or pantry.

Solving a problem in the bedroom

Get rid of anything that is no longer in good condition and, above all, throw away any expired food. Cheeses, dairy products in general, and condiments are usually a problem since their time from purchase is short. If there is something that hasn't gone wrong yet but you think you're not eating, you might want to consider giving him a food counter. It's also worth looking at drawers and cabinets where you can place cutlery, kitchen utensils and pots. Consider keeping or discarding bulky and cumbersome items that you never use, such as those devices that you thought were a good buy but ended up being useless! Get rid of all oxidized and damaged gaskets. Throw away expired products and check remaining products. . It is also important to arrange your bedroom.

The location of neighboring houses should also be taken into account. This way you can adjust your home with greater comfort and avoid unwanted miscalculations.

Legislative standards for the distance of a house from the boundaries of a neighboring plot:

  • a residential building must be three meters away from neighbors
  • utility buildings - one meter
  • trunks of tall trees - by four meters, medium ones - by two meters, bush plants - by one meter
  • all buildings one meter away from neighbors must have a sloped roof towards the inside of their yard

Today, the design of a house is often coordinated with an architectural service. Without such approval, you can earn a significant fine or order to demolish the buildings. Such rules significantly limit the flight of imagination and tie your hands.

Collecting clothes in an overcooked closet is not a good idea; materials may be destroyed and clothing may burst easily. If you decide to stage your home, the bedroom should be one of the first rooms. There are other people who could make better use of these clothing items, so consider donating them to charity. Go through all the clothes you haven't worn in the last month and ask yourself if you really need to keep them. Your underwear drawer is another area that may need some attention. Underwear and socks aren't particularly hygienic, so it might be time to say goodbye to them. If you have room in your closet for cleaning groceries, you can keep your socks and use them as rags.

  • Don't resist the temptation to keep clothes that no longer fit.
  • If they are too small, there is no point in keeping them.
  • Additionally, you can give away clothes that you no longer wear.
When was the last time you took a good look at your pharmacy cabinet?

When placing utility structures, you should rely on current construction standards, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance. If you ignore at least one of them, you may encounter difficulties with the subsequent legalization of such buildings or receive a decree on the demolition or reconstruction of structures.

Many people do not know that even medications have an expiration date. It is easy to buy a medicine, use it while you feel better, and forget it forever; so it is wise to check and throw away anything that has expired. Even shampoos, baths and creams can make your bathroom dirty. Look at all your products and think about what you actually use. If you don't want to use them, release them and recycle the bags.

Best Practices for Organizing Your Home

Housing house - important work! The secret is to calm him down a little. Focus on one room first and forget everything else. If you start ordering and organizing different rooms at the same time, you may feel overwhelmed with work and leave more clutter than you started with. Don't do it anymore!

The main standards for placing structures on a summer cottage are:

  1. The fence on the border of the plots should be lattice or mesh one and a half meters high, which will not obscure the neighboring territory. A blind fence can be installed in agreement with the neighbors. A two-meter fence can be installed on the side of the road.
  2. The fire distance between buildings on the same site can be any.
  3. Utility buildings must be located no closer than five meters from the street and entrance.

Distance of residential building:

How to Organize Your Home Without Fear

If you're ready to organize your home but are afraid to give up or give away some items, it may be worth keeping those items for a short time before making a decision. If you have an attic or garage, pack up your items and leave them there for a month. If you see that you haven't missed it, it will mean it's time to get rid of it for good.

The founding of the city of Rimini dates back to 268. The great square of the Roman city, the hole, was at the crossroads of these two main roads, all incompatible with the present Tretiri square. We know little about the Roman Republican house of Rimini due to the fragmentation of revelations.

  • the distance from the latrine, livestock or poultry house should not be less than 12 meters;
  • from the bathhouse or shower - 8 meters.

Such rules apply to any area of ​​the site. And if you only have 5 acres at your disposal, then you will need to try to comply with all the requirements. After all, ignoring them can lead to problems during official registration.

We are well aware of these imperial era residential structures which exhibit solid to moderately good construction. Above all, there is an expansion of space, with extensive and clearly defined structures characterized by a clear distinction between service areas and residential areas. The houses are often equipped with heating systems, and the open quarters - or short gardens - do not occupy almost interior spaces, but are moved outside the house or marginal areas, in the few cases where the same room also speaks of the decadence that many of these residences are about knew in late Roman times, which in some cases led to a certain abandonment of the area and others in restoration and restoration actions, however, no longer able to give the house its previous splendor.

For aesthetic reasons, utility structures should be located so that they are not conspicuous. If there is no way to hide them from the eyes of passers-by, then you can try to fit the buildings into the overall picture with the help of decor.

Systematic renovation is the renovation of the sidewalks - in marble and, above all, in mosaics - inspired by the creation of a good local school; forms musical compositions, first in black and black and then polychrome, become increasingly complex. This growing penchant for enhancing the quality of architectural decoration is also reflected in wall paintings, with wall frescoes featuring figurative, floral and geometric motifs. The most significant remains correspond to part of a residential quarter located on the northern edge of ancient Arimin, overlooking the Adriatic coastline, which at that time was more than a kilometer behind the present.

The recreation area is given a special place when designing a summer cottage. It is planned taking into account the owner’s preferences: some people like active games and noisy feasts, others prefer to enjoy a picnic with barbecue and barbecue, and still others just want to enjoy nature. If you try, then any idea can be brought to life.

Location plays an important role when arranging an area for comfortable relaxation.

On both sides there were two streets with a straight street - hinge and decumano - within which the imperial age took place, including the area known today as the surgeon's house, and therefore the building developed in late antiquity. In addition to these architectural installations, excavations have revealed other elements of interest: traces of coccopean flooring dating back to the first London house of the time, settlement levels dating from high medieval, various structures dating from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries including some masonry wells and granaries once belonging to neighboring religious complexes St.

When deciding where to place this cozy corner, you should consider some rules:

  • Presence of sun. Some people like to have a lot of sunlight, others prefer partial shade. In any case, you should not allow the sun to shine in your eyes.
  • Direction of the wind. You should not locate the recreation area on the leeward side. If this recommendation cannot be followed, then care should be taken to protect against northern winds, for example, by building a gazebo.
  • Privacy. To hide from the prying glances of your neighbors, you can install decorative elements: hedges or interesting landscape ideas.

Options for arranging a recreation area can be very diverse. Much depends on the imagination of the owners and the area of ​​the plot. This is how a relaxation area can be placed:

  • In the courtyard, organizing a small courtyard - patio. You can plant ornamental plants around it, create an artificial pond, or build a small light fence. The platform itself can be tiled and suitable furniture installed.
  • Under the barbecue. It is possible to install a grill for preparing shish kebabs or a barbecue near your home. By installing benches and a table in this area, you can create a cozy atmosphere. And beautiful lanterns placed on tree branches or other supports will add a festive mood.
  • Relaxing near a pond. An artificial pond with a fountain placed in the recreation area and beautiful benches or swings placed near it can add a romantic touch to drab everyday life. This place brings peace and a feeling of relaxation. And if you add decorative elements: plant an alpine hill or hedge, place cute animal figurines or fairy-tale heroes, then such an area will become a favorite place for children to play.
  • Alcove. The most expensive, but at the same time the most reliable way is to create a recreation area. Inside you can place a table, chairs, armchairs or sofas, arrange beautiful lighting and install a barbecue. The walls of the gazebo can be decorated with a log frame, artificial stone or ornamental plants and flowers in pots.
  • Relaxing in the garden. Layout in the garden area cozy corner with a pond and sun loungers allows you to relax in the lap of nature without leaving your own yard. In addition, this option does not require additional decor. Perhaps you can take care of artificial lighting.

Furniture for the recreation area is selected individually, based on certain preferences. Interior items can be forged, wicker, wood or stone. It would also be useful to have additional accessories: blankets, pillows, sculptures, lanterns or garlands.

By the way, when planning a playground, you should make sure that it is not in a draft and is clearly visible to adults.

Before starting a garden, you need to carefully study the soil and determine whether it is suitable for plants. If the land is unsuitable, then it should be supplemented with the necessary components: sand, black soil, peat, or replaced completely. The main thing is that the root system has enough nutrition.

Cherries do not tolerate those located nearby groundwater and without reclamation they quickly wither away. Wet weather contributes to early cracking and rotting of fruits.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of trees, you need to take into account the expected fruiting. Do not clutter the area with useless trees. It is better to plant those that will be beneficial.

Placing garden beds

The garden on the site can be planned in any shape, the main thing is that it is convenient to move with equipment or a wheelbarrow. However, there are general laws and principles that should be taken into account in order for the beds to produce a good harvest:

  • All vegetable crops prefer sunny places. only some can tolerate partial shade. Therefore, near a fence or in the shade of a house, you can plant only onions and some.
  • Coexistence different cultures. You need to consider which vegetables tolerate each other's proximity. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with these features before planting.
  • Accounting for predecessors. Will the plant be able to develop in the place of another crop? And you shouldn’t plant the same vegetables in one place for several years.
  • Maximum use of garden space. Some of the beds can be placed under trees. To do this, the trunks are fenced and fertile soil is poured.
  • If there is not enough space, then vegetables can be planted in places where sunlight is observed from lunch to dusk.
  • You should not plant garden crops in areas with drafts and stagnant moisture.
  • The beds should be raised to a height of thirty centimeters by filling them with fertile soil and edged with borders.
  • Crops prone to weaving are recommended to be grown in round beds with a frame pyramid in the center. They will weave around the support and will not take up much space.

Following all the rules and recommendations will help you plan your site correctly. As a result, it will be possible to create a site that meets all the needs of family members, taking into account their wishes. In such an area it will be possible to fully relax after a working day and receive guests.

More information can be found in the video:

After acquiring land for development, the owner always asks the question: how to locate the house on the site and are there any strict limits in this matter? First aspect: the acquired land is included in the category of land rural settlements or cities. Then the owner will have to adhere to certain standards and requirements for housing placement.

If the acquired plot is part of the lands of a gardening association or partnership, then the planning requirements must be obtained from the management of these organizations. For example, in cottage villages it is often impossible to build houses higher than the 2nd floor, so as not to violate the architectural design and general style collective living.

During construction land plot the owner must comply with the requirements of SNiP 02/31/2001 “Single-apartment residential houses”.

When constructing any structure (house, outbuilding, garage or facility entrepreneurial activity) the property owner must proceed from the restrictions laid down in the building permit and the architectural and planning assignment. At the same time, current legislative and regulatory acts governing design and construction issues in the Russian Federation, as well as the rights of neighbors, must not be violated.

Regulatory documents are not a whim of urban planning organizations; many external factors are taken into account when drawing them up. Questions play an important role fire safety future building.

If the septic tanks are placed incorrectly and outbuildings, may cause irreparable harm to the environment or provoke the creation of unsanitary conditions for the owner and nearby neighbors.

Landscaping and landscaping of the land must also be carried out based on the provisions of SNiP 2.07.01-89, which regulates the placement of all plantings. Below is a table showing the exact distances to remove trees from structures. With a crown diameter of more than 5 meters, these parameters should be increased.

If trees are planted in violation of these indentations, they root system is capable of destroying the foundation and utility systems over time. Indoor lighting suffers from close proximity to trees. A hurricane or other natural disaster can bring down a tree, which can cause significant damage to your home.

Important: for the correct placement of plantings in relation to power lines, you should be guided by SNiPs that specifically relate to the design of electrical installations.

Extract from SNiP 2.07.01-89 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements" (1994).

Table " Minimum distance removal of structures, engineering and technical improvement objects and buildings from bushes and trees"

Building, structure, engineering facility Distance in meters
Tree trunk Bush
External walls of structures and buildings 5 1,50
Sidewalk or garden path 0,70 0,50
Roadway, edge of the road ditch 2,00 1,00
Slope, terrace, etc. 1,00 0,50
Sewage system, natural gas pipeline 1,50
Heating scheme 2,00 1,00
Water supply system, drainage scheme 2,00
Current and communication cables 2,0 0,70

Watch a video collection on the topic:

Construction on the territory of gardening associations

All planning issues for areas included in gardening associations and associations are regulated by SNiP 30-02-97. According to the provisions of this document, several fundamental points can be distinguished:

Aesthetic planning

Accommodation frame house on a land plot of less than 2 hectares from an aesthetic point of view is carried out as follows:

  • The main building is built closer to the front boundary so that the land does not fragment into small areas;
  • Also with outside The plot includes a garage with parking.

A residential building must be located taking into account the following environmental factors:

  • The presence or absence of neighbors;
  • The noise of a nearby street;
  • The best side of the world (south, southeast, etc.).

So, when planning interior rooms, many owners prefer to point bedroom windows to the south side. Then Sun rays caress the body and charge you with positivity for the whole day. If you want twilight in the bedroom, it is better to point its windows to the north.

Knowledge of the laws of nature and taking into account one’s own preferences should be taken into account when designing rooms relative to the cardinal directions. For children, choose the quietest place, away from street noise and dust. The location of the kitchen in the house is of great importance. The housewife should see the garden and children's playground from the window.

By the way, it would be nice to have an independent exit from the kitchen to the street. This is very useful when processing fruits and vegetables, picnics and outdoor tea parties. The recreation area on the site can be represented by a bathhouse and a gazebo. This place should be as far away as possible from the prying eyes of neighbors and passers-by.

The more complete and well thought out the plan for placing the main buildings on the site, the more comfortable the residents will feel there. By definition, a home should be a center of comfort and pleasant sensations.

And finally: we must never forget about legal norms. Planning the construction of a house must be carried out taking into account the following factors: Was this article useful?

Albert Minnagaliev

I understand that this is a stupid question, but please tell me. How much does the fine for self-development vary?

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