Irina careful husband. A year ago, Irina Berezhnaya died. What do we remember about her? The family of Irina Berezhnaya, who is the father of the child

There are many women in politics today. Some of them show themselves from the very better side. One of these women is Irina Berezhnaya. This beautiful and intelligent woman at thirty-six has a rather rich biography and a successful career.

Irina's childhood

Irina was born on the thirteenth of August 1980. Her homeland is Lugansk. There the girl grew up and studied. Irina's mother, Elena Berezhnaya, is a successful lawyer. It was in her footsteps that my daughter decided to follow in her future.


Berezhnaya Irina successfully graduated from Kyiv Shevchenko University in 2002 with a degree in jurisprudence. During her studies, the girl managed to complete an internship at the State Commission valuable papers, serving as Assistant and Advisor to the Head of the Subcommittee on Legislative Matters.

The girl acquired a second education in 2009, received a specialty " public administration". Irina studied this difficult task in National Academy under the President of Ukraine.

Young businesswoman

Irina Berezhnaya, after studying at the university, decides to open her own business. She creates her own travel agency, which becomes successful. At the age of 19, the girl received a good profit from her own business. She clearly knew what she wanted to achieve in life.

Few people at such an early age manage to get success in their careers, start earning money on their own. Irina never liked to sit back and wait for fate to present her with a gift, and she herself, step by step, arranged her life.

Activities according to the received profession

Irina Berezhnaya opened her own travel company, but continued to train in her main profession. She worked in a notary's office in Kyiv, holding the position of deputy director in civil matters.

In January 2004, the girl passed the qualifying exam, having received a certificate of the right to engage in personal notarial activities. In March of the same year, she registered her own notary office.

For several years of work in this office, the girl has achieved high results. Her office became famous throughout Ukraine, became one of the best and most famous in Kyiv.

In 2008, she received the Oxford Award for European Quality.

In 2007, Irina Berezhnaya received her Ph.D., having written an entire dissertation on law. A year later, she was awarded the international title of Honorary Professor at the International University of Vienna. Her special achievements in the development of international relations in the field of science, education, business and politics were noted.

Irina Berezhnaya: biography of political life

Irina has always taken an active civic position. In 2007, she won the majority of votes in the elections and became one of the people's deputies in the Party of Regions.

Irina Berezhnaya is a member of the Rada of Ukraine. She deals with issues of justice, the protection of freedom and rights, the interests of citizens, the adaptation of Ukraine to international legal standards.

This is a real activist, smart and confident woman. She is trusted, all members of the Verkhovna Rada listen to her opinion. She knows how to defend her opinion and interests, she is not afraid to argue with more experienced colleagues. Many deputies support Irina, as she knows how to convey the essence of her thoughts. There are those who do not like Irina, but, as the girl herself says, everyone cannot be liked and please. Lots of people, lots of opinions.

Irina Berezhnaya always takes part in various party congresses, meetings of Lawyers' Associations. He tries not to miss a single important event, constantly learns something, listens to the opinions of others.

Berezhnaya about Euromaidan

Irina Grigorievna Berezhnaya, among many deputies, supported the adoption of "laws on dictatorship." This is the name of the laws adopted on January 16, 2014. But she did not leave her party, criticizing the new government and the president himself.

Irina is against the anti-terrorist actions carried out by the security forces. She is very worried about her countrymen who remained in their homeland, and for those who decided to leave their native land.

Irina openly declares that she considers the current policy of Ukraine to be anti-people. Irina associates the events that took place in Euromaidan only with a coup d'état. She says that they were armed bandits who destroyed the whole country.

Irina has a positive attitude towards Russia. She believes that external factors should not be the reason for the age-old friendship between Ukraine and Russia. She also expressed her opinion about the fact that the EU countries insist on breaking all political relations between Russia and Ukraine. She stated that no one has the right, not even the authorities of Ukraine, to destroy the union of two once kindred countries.

Irina Berezhnaya: personal life

We know a lot about the political side of Irina's life. But we know practically nothing about what and how Irina Berezhnaya lives in her free time. The photo, in which the People's Deputy stands next to the horse, suggests that the woman is fond of equestrian sports. Irina confirmed that she loves horseback riding. She spends a lot of time with horses.

A work colleague, Nestor Shufrich, taught her to this sport. Many believe that Nestor and Irina had an affair, but the woman herself does not say anything about this. She generally completely refuses to comment on her personal life.

Irina also loves to travel. No wonder her first lesson was connected with a travel company. Irina admits that she dreams of visiting every country in the world, looking into every one of its most intimate corners.

What could be more pleasant than finally packing up and leaving all the problems and worries somewhere to the sea? With a job like Irina's, this vacation can only be dreamed of. MPs do not have much rest. That is why Irina Berezhnaya devotes a lot of time to horseback riding. These animals can become a real antidepressant.

Mom's sunshine

We also know that Irina is a young mother. She has a favorite, the most valuable treasure in the world - her daughter Daniella.

Irina is raising the child herself. "In order to educate good man, it is not necessary to raise him together, "is Irina's answer to questions about the girl's father.

Paternity is attributed by many to Boris Fuchsman, a well-known TV magnate. It is believed that Irina and Boris have a long-term romance. The woman does not respond to this, does not comment. She terribly dislikes when they begin to climb into her personal life, like many people.

Irina's life remains a mystery to everyone, she has never let out a single word or hint about her relationship with men. Everything she says on camera is related only to work and politics. Information about who is the father of her daughter Daniella, Irina prefers not to disclose. She asks to stop bothering everyone with this question, because she won’t tell anyone anyway. It's just her business.

Irina also tends not to talk about how her daughter grows up, what she eats, where she walks and with whom she plays. She does not like to publicly discuss her appearance and abilities. Irina believes that it is the child that journalists should be least interested in. Who cares how her daughter spends her time? Berezhnaya will never understand this.

When reporters are once again interested in how the baby feels and how she is doing, Irina sometimes cannot restrain herself from a harsh statement. She asks to leave the life of the child alone, to ask questions relating only to her work, but not her personal life.

Irina is a very serious woman, she does not like women's gossip and discussion of other people's problems. That is why it is difficult to get a story from her life from her. Irina only says that she likes her work, it takes a lot of time and effort. She loves her daughter very much and tries to spend more time with her.

Currently, Irina Berezhnaya is hosting a program at the radio station. The transfer is called "Your Right".

Ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Irina Berezhnaya died due to the fact that the driver of the car in which she moved along the Adriatic Sea fell asleep at the wheel, which caused the car to leave the road. This was reported by eyewitnesses of the traffic accident.

“According to the preliminary version, the driver’s sleep became the cause of the accident. Also, the car was moving at a very high speed, ”witnesses of the road accident said.

In addition, it is noted that Berezhnaya's car was severely crushed by the impact. “Firefighters had to cut the car for two hours to remove the victims,” witnesses of the accident emphasized.

At the same time, former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov recalled that Berezhnaya was an ardent critic of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and his regime.

“After the coup, she went into opposition,” the politician wrote on his Facebook page.

Irina Berezhnaya has always been an "uncomfortable politician" for the Ukrainian authorities. Even being a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, which he headed ex-president Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, she actively advocated for the observance legal status fellow citizens. After 2014, when a coup d'état took place in Kyiv, she went into fierce opposition to the new, in her opinion, illegal government, and opposed the severance of Ukraine's cultural ties with Russia. Berezhnaya was remembered for her participation in political talk shows on Russian television, where she spoke negatively about the actions of President Poroshenko and criticized the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukraine with the European Union.

The “point of no return” for Irina Berezhnaya may have been her official statement about the illegal activities of the Myrotvorets website, which publishes lists of people objectionable to the Kiev authorities, politicians and journalists, including indicating their confidential data. This "mouthpiece of independence" is directly supervised by the Ukrainian security services (SBU) and provides coordinates for the persecution of dissidents. It is clearly spelled out there - here he is a “quilted jacket”, “colorado”, lives there and there, then, gentlemen, nationalists, take action yourself. And the consequences of such “leads” turn into very sad consequences.

The funeral of Irina Berezhnaya took place yesterday, August 10, in Kyiv. According to media reports, the funeral was secret: only the closest friends and family members of the deceased came to them.

Who came to the funeral of Irina Berezhnaya

Ukrainian singer Anzhelika Rudnitskaya, people's deputy Dmitry Dobkin, singer Svetlana Loboda, people's deputy Nestor Shufrich came to say goodbye to Irina Berezhnaya.

Also, Irina's ex-colleagues in parliament - Maxim Lutsky, Anna German, Dmitry Shpenov, Nikolai Martynenko and his wife Anna came to the Lavra.

So, TV presenter Olga Freimut, director Alan Badoev, singer Svetlana Loboda with her mother, TV presenter Anatoly Anatolich and his wife came to say goodbye to the politician.

In addition, the oligarch Boris Fuksman was present, with whom Berezhnaya carefully concealed relations. According to media reports, it was he who took her daughter Daniella from Croatia, who survived the accident.

Berezhnaya regularly took part in Russian television programs

Irina Berezhnaya is a deputy of two convocations of the Verkhovna Rada of the sixth (2007-2012) and seventh (2012-2014). She was a member of the Party of Regions faction, was a member of the Rada Committee on Justice.

Irina Berezhnaya regularly participated in Russian television programs and commented on events in Ukraine. The last time - on July 16 - she became a guest of the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program on the Russian state channel Russia 1.

In December 2016, on the air of the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on the TV channel “Russia 1”, she stated that the majority of Ukrainians “love Russia very much”. Berezhnaya urged "not to compare these areal marauders" with all Ukrainians.

Irina Berezhnaya who is, photo, biography, personal life

On Ukrainian TV, Irina Berezhnaya participated in the Dancing with the Stars project, which ran in 2007 - as the official notary of the project, she announced the results of the audience voting. In 2012, as part of the Party of Regions team, she appeared in the game What? Where? When?". Several times she was recognized as the "best player" of the team. Since 2008, Irina Berezhnaya hosted the author's program “Your Right with Irina Berezhnaya” on the Radio Era radio station, in which she advised on legal issues.

The family of Irina Berezhnaya, who is the father of the child

On August 13, Irina Berezhnaya was supposed to turn 37 years old. The deceased is survived by her 8-year-old daughter Daniela. The name of Daniela's father was hidden, as was the name of her daughter. She, according to Berezhnaya, bears her father's surname .. According to unconfirmed reports, Daniela's father is a businessman, former co-owner of Channel 1 1 Boris Fuksman. Daniela's godfather is People's Deputy Nestor Shufrich.

The driver of the car, which was the former People's Deputy from the Party of Regions Irina Berezhnaya with her daughter Daniella, most likely fell asleep at the wheel. This information was reported by a source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. This could have caused the car to leave the highway leading from Croatia to Italy. The Croatian police are investigating the crash. Why Ukrainian experts are unlikely to take part in it - in the material of the Kiev correspondent of RT.

The accident in which 36-year-old ex-deputy from the Party of Regions Irina Berezhnaya died could have occurred as a result of an accident.

“According to the preliminary version, the driver who was carrying Berezhnaya fell asleep, the car flew off the road and crashed into a pole,” a source in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said.

The day before the car accident, Berezhnaya and her daughter were in Monaco. The tragedy happened on Sunday night, around 01:30, on the highway between the cities of Maslenica and Posedarje in Croatia. The speed of the Mercedes car probably exceeded 100 km/h. The driver of the car and Irina Berezhnaya died. Eight-year-old daughter Berezhnaya Daniella was in a child seat, was fastened and was not seriously injured.

Accidents on this stretch of road are rare. locals have already called the accident the most serious in the last ten years. Good road surfaces, no sharp turns, lots of reflective signs and electronic displays that advise drivers to slow down on more difficult sections make driving as safe as possible. The driver, a 38-year-old Bulgarian citizen, most likely drove the car in a state of fatigue. The collision was so strong that the rescuers who arrived at the scene of the tragedy were forced to limit traffic for two hours, and the dead had to be removed from the car using special equipment. They, as well as the surviving daughter of Irina Daniella, were taken to a hospital in the Croatian city of Zadar.

Inappropriate response

The news about the death of the former People's Deputy became the most discussed in in social networks. There were quite a lot of those who rejoiced in Ukraine. Irina Berezhnaya was accused of sympathizing with Russia, which supporters of the Kiev authorities call the aggressor state.

“I look at the insane crowds of“ patriots ”who dream of quickly dumping the victorious democracy from their beloved country, and this is what I think about - how will they survive that now only quilted jackets will remain in the post-Maidan European paradise?” - Berezhnaya wrote on her Facebook page.

Berezhnaya's active position also caused a sharp reaction from supporters of the Ukrainian regime. The ex-deputy, for example, got the Ministry of Social Protection to pay pensions to residents of Donbass. In addition, she appealed through the court the decision of the Kyiv City Council dated June 1 to rename General Vatutin Avenue into Shukhevych Avenue. She also protested the change of the name of Moskovsky Prospekt to Bandera Prospekt.

Irina Berezhnaya did not refuse to comment on the situation in Ukraine in the Russian media, which caused criticism among nationalists.

“I cannot even theoretically imagine that I could rejoice at the death of some of my political opponents, enemies or people with whom I fight and whose actions I criticize or do not share. I see a huge number of normal and educated people who think the same way as I do. But at the same time, I cannot help but point out a fairly large audience of seemingly educated, but absolutely cynical, vile and stupid people who rejoice at the grief of others, derive pleasure from it and are in the shadow of their erroneous idea of ​​​​admissible words and statements, honor and morality, ”- Andrey Portnov, a well-known lawyer, ex-deputy head of the presidential administration, wrote on Facebook.

Will remain indifferent

Ukrainian law enforcement officers will not take part in the investigation of the car accident, said a source in the Foreign Ministry. “There were no requests for help from colleagues from Croatia,” he said. Ukrainian investigators generally rarely go to places of tragedy in other countries of the world and often need help themselves.

For example, Ukrainian law enforcement officers turned to experts from the EU and FBI officers after the murder of well-known journalist Pavel Sheremet in the center of Kyiv in July 2016. Investigators could make a lot of mistakes and have not yet established either customers or perpetrators of the crime. All suspects in the murder of the ex-deputy were not detained either State Duma RF Denis Voronenkov, who was shot dead at the end of March this year in the very center of the Ukrainian capital.

Yesterday, August 5, in a traffic accident on the Adriatic coast between Croatia and Italy, Irina Berezhnaya from the Party of Regions faction.

Irina Berezhnaya

According to the online edition, an accident with a Ukrainian political and public figure occurred around 01:30 am in Croatia on the road between the cities of Maslenitsa and Posedarje.

Referring to information provided by the police, the Croatian press reports that 36-year-old Irina Berezhnaya was driving towards the city of Posedarje in the passenger seat of a Mercedes car. The car had Bulgarian numbers. The driver of the Ukrainian politician was a 38-year-old Bulgarian.

Irina Berezhnaya

At about 01:30 am, a car with 3 people in it - Berezhnaya with her daughter and the driver, flew off the road and crashed into a lamppost on the outskirts of the highway. The reasons for the incident are still being established.

Upon the arrival of the police and ambulance, two deaths were declared - a 38-year-old Bulgarian driver and a 36-year-old

Irina Berezhnaya

The 8-year-old daughter of the people's deputy Daniella received minor injuries - she was taken to a hospital in the Croatian city of Zadar, which is located in the central part of the Adriatic. There is no threat to the life of the child, but she is still in severe shock.

Croatian police have not yet provided information about the identity of the driver and other victims, if any. By the way, for a couple of hours on that section of the route where the accident happened, traffic was stopped for several hours.

Irina Berezhnaya

According to TSN sources, her father had already arrived for Danielle in the city of Zadar, whose name was rumored in the press that Irina's lover and the father of her daughter was Boris Fuksman, a German magnate and investor of Ukrainian origin.

Watch the TNS issue for the details of the car crash.

The tragic death of a talented lawyer and Ukrainian politician Irina Berezhnaya caused indignation and indignation on the network. Many simply cannot believe what happened to Irina Berezhnaya. The real cause of death of the ex-deputy shocked and made me numb with horror. Eyewitnesses told what really happened, and photos from the scene of a terrible tragedy appeared on the network.

No one can believe the cause of the death of Irina Berezhnaya, who fought against the "Bendera" regime to the last and tried to defend the real history of Ukraine. Relatives and friends of Irina, who also do not believe in an accident, express their condolences to the family of Irina Berezhnaya. Irina herself during her lifetime was a friend of the famous singer Ani Lorak and was familiar with many Russian celebrities. Irina's friend Olga Freimut also expressed her condolences. Both Solovyov and Filatov spoke about her death.

Irina Berezhnaya Ukraine: cause of death, photo from the scene of the tragedy, new details

But netizens who also expressed their condolences to the family and relatives cannot believe that the accident happened by accident. A lot of people assume that it could simply be tweaked.

Irina Berezhnaya Ukraine: new details

Recall that the ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the "Party of Regions" died in a car accident on the coast, between Croatia and Italy. The official cause of the accident is that the driver, who also died with Irina, lost control and the car flew off the road. The 8-year-old daughter of Irina Berezhnaya was also in the car, but fortunately she was not badly hurt.

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