All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTSIOM). Vciom - the All-Russian center for the study of public opinion Vciom spoke about the negative attitude of the majority of Russians towards Sobchak

All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, VTsIOM (until 1992 - All-Union) is the oldest Russian research organization that regularly conducts sociological and marketing research based on public opinion polls. One of the largest Russian companies in this market. Created in 1987.


The oldest sociological company in the post-Soviet space (formed in 1987 by a resolution of the presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the State Committee for Labor of the USSR as the All-Union Center for the Study of Public Opinion, since 1992 - the All-Russian Center). VTsIOM conducts marketing, social and political research of the full cycle - from the development of concepts and tools to the preparation of analytical reports and presentation of results.


100% of the company's shares belong to



The Army and the Russian Orthodox Church topped the rating of institutions approved by Russians

Russian conflict Orthodox Church with Constantinople did not affect its rating in the country - along with the army and security forces, it remains one of the most approved public institutions, according to VTsIOM data

VTsIOM recorded a decrease in Russians critical of migrants

Russians in last years They have begun to treat migrants better in a number of areas, but overall this attitude remains negative. This is evidenced by the results of a survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), received by RBC.

VTsIOM recorded a decrease in the rating of United Russia amid the elections

The trust rating of the United Russia party dropped over the month from 36.3% (before the start of the election campaign before the elections on September 9) to 35.5%, according to a report by the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research (VTsIOM), which RBC has.

VTsIOM named the most memorable questions at Putin's press conference

The most memorable question at President Vladimir Putin's big press conference on December 14 was the question about competition in elections and the opposition, asked by TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak. The data was presented by VTsIOM based on the results of a survey among Russians who followed Putin’s answers. Sobchak’s question was remembered by 19% of the press conference viewers.

VTsIOM determined the unemployment rate to be twice as high as the official one

Unemployment in Russia is twice as high as official data from Rosstat and amounts to 11%, according to a survey by VTsIOM. The gap in indicators could have been greater if the criteria of state statistics had been used in the calculations, sociologists note

VTsIOM recorded record levels of trust among Russians in the police

Sociologists from VTsIOM spoke about a record increase in Russians’ trust in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the year since last November, the number of respondents who trust the police has grown from 47 to 67%

The Russians named the main tasks of the army and assessed Shoigu

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) conducted a survey on the attitude of Russians towards the army. The respondents named the main tasks of the armed forces and spoke about their attitude towards the army. The survey materials were received by RBC.

VTsIOM spoke about the negative attitude of the majority of Russians towards Sobchak

95% of respondents know well or have heard something about TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who announced her presidential ambitions, but 60% of respondents have a rather negative attitude towards her, VTsIOM reported

VTsIOM found out the attitude of Russians to Zeman’s idea of ​​​​payments to Ukraine for Crimea

Most Russians did not like the proposal of Czech President Milos Zeman to pay compensation to Ukraine for Crimea. Only 6% of respondents considered this idea reasonable

VTsIOM found the most opponents of vaccinations among people 35–44 years old

When talking about the reasons for refusing vaccinations, Russians mention side effects, mistrust of doctors and the quality of vaccines, as well as the possibility of turning a child into a disabled person

VTsIOM revealed a lack of savings among the majority of Russians

The majority of Russians (60%) do not have financial savings; 22% of Russians, of those who did save money, prefer not to take it to the bank, but to keep it “to themselves.” This is evidenced by the results of VTsIOM, received by Izvestia.

VTsIOM noted the decline in Russians’ trust in doctors

Russians' trust in doctors is falling. If in 2010 54% of citizens trusted health workers, now their number has dropped to 36%. This is evidenced by survey data from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM). The results of the study are available from RBC.

VTsIOM discovered a lack of understanding of historical processes among Russians

In connection with the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, sociologists tested Russians' knowledge of history. The results, VTsIOM found out, demonstrated that there is no need to talk about the understanding of deep historical processes by Russian residents

VTsIOM found out the political motives of young Russians

Young Russians enter politics and social movements behind “drive and career”, they consider justice to be the main thing in the development of the country and want to be subjects, not objects of politics. This is evidenced by data from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), received by RBC.

VTsIOM cited data from a study of Russians’ attitudes towards Udaltsov

More than half, 61% of Russian residents, know nothing about opposition politician Sergei Udaltsov, who was recently released from prison. 39% of Russians have not heard anything about him. This is evidenced by the data received by RBC from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) on a study of the attitude of Russians towards the oppositionist.

TASS: “There are revolutionary sentiments in Russia”

Russian government media published the results of a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion. Surprisingly, the social research commissioned by the Russian government revealed an unpleasant picture for the authorities - pre-revolutionary sentiments in society.

VTsIOM: provinces need renovation more than Moscow

A VTsIOM survey showed that 70% of Russians have heard about the housing renovation program. At the same time, 73% of respondents believe that renovation is much more urgent for the province than in Moscow.

VTsIOM: Most Russians still get their information from TV

The number of Russians getting news while watching TV is falling, but still exceeds the Internet audience by 23 percent.

According to a survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, the results of which were published on August 7, 69% of the population often receive information from central television, 22% rarely watch the news and 9% do not do so at all. At the same time, a year ago the regular television audience was 2% more.

VTsIOM: 81% of Russians under 24 prefer to learn news from social networks

81% of Russians aged 18 to 24 prefer to learn news from social networks. This result was shown by a survey by VTsIOM.

VTsIOM: Most Russians are not afraid of new US sanctions

Only 28% of our fellow citizens admitted that they were afraid of their possible negative impact on our country.

68% of Russians heard about the new round of anti-Russian sanctions initiated by the US Congress, but most of them took this information calmly, sociologists say. According to the results of a survey by VTsIOM, only 28% of Russians fear negative consequences from the imposed restrictions, and 48% are convinced that they do not expect any changes after the introduction of sanctions. Moreover, 9% of respondents believe that, on the contrary, they will have a positive effect on the country’s economy.

General Director of VTsIOM: In Russia the demand for stability has disappeared and a demand for change has appeared

In Russia, there is a public demand for change. As reported by TASS, VTsIOM General Director Valery Fedorov stated this while speaking at the forum “Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma”.

According to Fedorov, now in society there is a phase of “uncertainty about the future,” which is dangerous, since, according to the sociologist, “revolutionary sentiments do not appear in a situation of crisis, but when the crisis is over and things are getting better.”

VTsIOM assessed how happy Russians are

The majority of Russians - almost 85% - consider themselves happy. This is stated in the report of regular monitoring of the level of happiness of Russian residents by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM).

VTsIOM: 72% of Russians hope that the West itself will lift sanctions

According to VTsIOM, 72% of Russians believe that the Kremlin should not seek the lifting of Western sanctions against Russia. In their opinion, the West itself will soon abolish them, since it also suffers from them. Only 20% of respondents disagree with them, RBC reports.

VTsIOM recorded sharp disappointment of Russians in Trump

After the latest sanctions, the number of Russians dissatisfied with the US president exceeded the number of those who sympathize with him, according to a new poll by VTsIOM. But respondents still believe in the imminent lifting of sanctions

Public opinion, which is a manifestation of mass consciousness, includes the explicit or covert attitude of large social groups, the entire people, to the facts of social, political, economic reality, to the activities of certain parties, groups, leaders, and individuals. Such an opinion, which arises only on issues of public interest, is of enduring importance in the political life of any country. The internal attitude of such groups is largely predetermining, exerting a significant influence in various political procedures; it influences the results of voting in elections, referendums, and the adoption of political and other decisions. The existing opinion creates, as it were, an internal background in the consciousness of a person or group, onto which a decision is superimposed in the above-mentioned procedures.

Public opinion research can be carried out using various types of operations, various sociological methods: researching documents, conducting observations, conversations, etc. Opinion is also revealed as a result of analyzing the results of elections, the final results of referendums, when presenting bills as a result of popular legislative initiative and other procedures allowing citizens to participate in political life (petitions, etc.). Such studies make it possible to identify not only people’s attitudes towards any problem, but also to establish ways and means of solving such problems.

Of particular importance are public opinion polls aimed at finding out the views of large groups of people on any issue of current reality based on identifying the opinions of a certain part of it. As a result of surveys of respondents (interviewees), primary information about the phenomena and processes being studied is collected; the next stage is analysis of the information received. A sample survey, if carried out in accordance with the rules developed by sociological science, allows one to obtain fairly reliable information, which is often impossible to obtain by other means.

Surveys may be national, regional or local in nature, or they may address some social group. It is theoretically possible to survey the entire population, and the results in this case will be the most accurate. Such a procedure would, however, be extremely cumbersome and expensive, and in addition, a more or less significant part of people would completely avoid participating in the survey.

The survey presents the revealed opinion as the sum of individual agreements or disagreements with the proposed judgments. Surveys are based on a probabilistic approach and the law of large numbers.

The subjects of surveys are very diverse - from acute political problems (predicting election results, popularity of political figures, etc.) to minor issues that do not have serious public importance. Of course, when determining the subject of the survey, there must be restrictions dictated primarily by ethical standards and logic. It is hardly appropriate to ask citizens questions about their attitude to the personal lives of political figures, candidates for various representative institutions, or even to ask about something that can only be known to specialists (for example, is Rembrandt a great artist or who should be considered the inventor of radio).

In fact, the survey result does not always adequately reflect the opinion of the social group to which the respondents belong. The difference can fluctuate quite strongly if the research methodology is not chosen entirely successfully. The danger of errors is especially great when selecting respondents randomly. In the 20s - 30s, for example, polls conducted by the American magazine Literary Digest and aimed at predicting the winner of the presidential elections. These polls correctly identified who would assume the US presidency in the 1924, 1928 and 1932 elections. But in the 1936 elections the prediction did not come true, and the deviation was 19.6%. The magazine believed that 57.1% of the votes would be cast for A. Landon, and 42.9% of the votes for F. Roosevelt. However, F. Roosevelt won, receiving 62.5% of the vote. The error was caused by the fact that although several million questionnaires were sent out, the mailing was carried out to the owners of telephones and cars at addresses taken from the corresponding directories. This contingent, which had an average and high level income, was more in favor of the Republicans than the majority of society, whose standard of living was lower and which sympathized with F. Roosevelt*.

* See more details: Petrovskaya M.M. US Public Opinion: Polls and Politics. M.: MO. 1977. pp. 15–17.

For the success of the survey, in addition to the wording of the questions, the qualifications and personal qualities of the interviewers, what matters most is the correctness samples, that is, determining the range of respondents. Sociological science has developed a significant number of such samples: quota, regionalized, multi-stage, random and non-random, systematic, etc. Their detailed consideration is the subject of sociological science; We are only interested in the political and legal aspects of public opinion polls.

By general rule the most accurate results are obtained by a sample that takes into account the demographic, geographic, social and other structure of the population whose opinion is being identified, although even in this case the respondents may not fully adequately reflect the prevailing opinion in the group. One of the most well-known conditions used in public opinion polls is a direct relationship between the number of respondents and the quality of the result obtained. Currently, the world famous company J. Gallup predominantly uses a sample of 1.5 thousand people, although in some cases the range is from 3 thousand to 60 thousand people. With a sample of 1.5 thousand people, the possible deviation can reach approximately 4%, with a sample of 5 thousand – about 2.5%. L. Harris's firm uses a sample of 1.6 thousand people, and the deviation of the voting results in the presidential election from its predictions is 2.4%. It uses six different national sampling designs, using national census data and conducting interviews in at least 100 different locations around the country*. However, in the United States there are more organizations involved in public opinion polls than in other countries. In France, such an institute was established only in 1938.

* See more: American Public Opinion and Politics. M.: Nauka, 1978. pp. 89–91.

Currently, there are voluntary international associations of organizations of this kind. For example, in 1947 the European Commission for the Study of Public Opinion and Markets was formed, and around the same time the World Association for the Study of Public Opinion was established, which holds its congresses annually.

Public opinion polls are used for various purposes - political, economic, social, etc. In the political sphere, they serve as a tool political intelligence, allowing us to identify the reaction of the population on many issues: attitudes towards government activities, the positions of political parties and individual leaders, electoral expectations of certain social groups.

Another function of surveys is to serve as a tool feedback from society to political forces. Identifying the opinions of sections of society, determining their trends, and the dynamics of people’s behavior are important for checking the attitude towards government measures and for their possible adjustments. At the same time, foreign literature recognizes the presence secondary effect public opinion polls, which consists in the fact that published survey data become a means of influencing public opinion and can influence the consciousness and behavior of people. Both aspects of surveys - direct and reverse - complement each other and are taken into account when making government decisions.

The mentioned secondary effect results in the fact that in a number of countries the publication of survey results has been subject to special constitutional and legal regulation. Thus, in France, since 1977, it is prohibited during the week preceding each voting round, as well as on voting day, to publish, distribute and comment on the results of polls regarding elections to Parliament, regional, general and municipal councils and the European Parliament. And with earlier publication of survey results, in each case the organization that conducted the survey, the person who ordered the survey, the number of people surveyed and the date of the survey should be indicated. The government appoints a special commission consisting of members of the Council of State (the highest body of administrative justice), the Court of Cassation and the Court of Auditors to oversee the conduct of the polls. It has the power to set certain conditions in survey contracts and to ensure that persons or bodies conducting surveys the results of which are to be published or otherwise disseminated do not act in a coordinated manner, enter into an agreement, expressly or tacitly associate or enter into any conspiracy that has the purpose or may have the effect of preventing or restricting similar activities of other persons or organizations.

However, regulation of public opinion polls is infrequent in foreign countries Oh. Typically, this activity is subject to the rules on freedom of information dissemination. As for attempts to introduce this regulation, we can recall the proposal made in the United States in 1968 that the survey results, documents about it, information about the method used be submitted to the Library of Congress within 72 hours; in 1978, New York State adopted similar provisions (documents must be submitted to state authorities within 48 hours to determine the quality of the survey). In Great Britain, in 1968, a bill was proposed to prohibit the publication of opinion poll results 72 hours before voting in elections; The government did not support the project. In Germany, in July 1979, a rule was introduced into the election legislation prohibiting, under threat of a significant fine, the publication of the results of polls on voting intentions during elections.

Public opinion polls and methods of conducting them are in the sphere of relations existing in each country. The influence of social order when conducting surveys is undeniable, which also affects the choice of their methodology, the selection of interviewers and other aspects. In addition, the order is manifested in establishing a sample, ways of asking questions, emphasizing or hushing up any problems, developing and conducting even the research plan itself. It seems that M. Gravitz, one of the leading French political scientists, is right: “The conditions in which the institutions of public opinion operate indicate that they meet the requirements of those who pay them. The concepts and issues that guide research, the choice and formulation of questions, the right to publish or not publish results - all this is too tied to the political situation for freedom of questioning to be preserved. Public opinion polling is a political instrument.”*

In addition, public opinion polls can be subject to various kinds of manipulation, which can be carried out by the actions of the organizers and executors of the surveys, and the subjective nature of the sample. Skillfully presented in the media the results of public opinion polls create a certain mood around relevant problems or people, or political parties, etc.

In general, surveys are, of course, a tool for identifying the moods and desires of society, however, like any tool, it can be used both in strict accordance with its purpose, and contrary to it, taking into account the counter-effect noted above. Therefore, relevant publications in the media should be treated with caution, and legislative restrictions such as the French ones seem completely justified.

Test questions and assignments

1. What is a state? What meanings of this concept do you know? In what sense is it used in the sources of constitutional law of foreign countries?

2. What is the meaning of the constitutional characteristics of the state as democratic, social, legal, secular?

3. What is the meaning of the constitutional establishment of the principles of domestic and foreign policy of the state?

4. What is the difference between the state mechanism and the state apparatus?

5. How to distinguish a government agency from a government agency? Is the army a body or an institution? What about the General Staff?

6. What is legal status government agency? What elements does it consist of? Analyze the constitutional status of any government body contained in the constitution of any country.

7. What is representative government?

8. How do you understand separation of powers?

9. What is constituent power? Why, in relation to some countries, do we talk about optional bodies of constituent power?

10. What is depoliticization? To what parts of the state mechanism does this concept apply? In what constitutional and legal forms is it expressed?

11. What is a political party? How does it differ from other political public associations?

12. What is the difference between confessional and clerical parties?

13. How does the name of the party relate to its policies, its social base? Give examples.

14. What is the institutionalization of political parties? How does it manifest itself?

15. What is political pluralism? How does it relate to party systems?

16. What are non-political public associations? What is their political role? Give examples of their institutionalization.

17. What is the legal nature of the chamber of commerce and industry?

18. What do you know about the political role of religion, religious communities and the church? What is a church? What can be said about the institutionalization of religion, religious communities and the church? Give examples.

19. What is the political role of the media? What is their constitutional and legal status?

20. Why is there a fight against monopoly in the media market? What is the role of constitutional law in this?

21. What is the political role of public opinion polls? What are they for? legal regulation?


Barnashov A.M. The theory of separation of powers: formation, development, application. Tomsk: Publishing house Tomsk. University, 1988.

Belsky K.S. Separation of powers and responsibilities in public administration(political science aspects): Tutorial. M.: VYUZI, 1990.

The rule of law. M.: Progress-Univers, 1992.

Zubov A.B. Parliamentary democracy and the political tradition of the East. M.: Nauka, 1990.

Mishin A.A. The principle of separation of powers in the US constitutional mechanism. M.: Nauka, 1984.

Chernysheva O.V. Church and democracy. Swedish experience. M.: Nauka, 1994.

Chetvernin V.A. Democratic constitutional state: an introduction to theory. M.: IGP RAS, 1993.

Chirkin V.E. Fundamentals of comparative government: Training course. M.: Article, 1997.

Entin V.L. Mass media in the political system of modern capitalism. M.: MO, 1988.

Entin L.M. Separation of powers: the experience of modern states. M.: YuL, 1995.

Yudin Yu.A. Political parties and law in a modern state. M.: Forum-Infra. M, 1998.

Society, 19 March, 18:28

VTsIOM reported an increase in the number of Russians fearing infection with the virus ... since February, according to data published by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM) results survey. In mid-March, the answer to the question about fear of infection was positive... the question about the likelihood of infection. More than 80% of participants survey well informed about the pandemic. VTsIOM notes that there were 14 percentage points of such...% of them suggested that, in their opinion, the growth will be significant. Survey was held on March 13 and 15 among 1600 Russian citizens...

Politics, 05 March, 21:17

VTsIOM named the share of Russians who know about voting on the Constitution ... 83%. This is evidenced by the data VTsIOM). Thus, since February 12, the share of those who know about what is planned for... On February 12, their share increased by 12 percentage points. IN survey, conducted on March 3 by telephone among adult Russians, took part..., the Russian people and the union of a man and a woman At the end of January VTsIOM spent survey, which showed that of all the amendments to the Constitution that...

Society, 05 March, 15:45

Almost two-thirds of Russian men planned to give flowers on March 8 ... Martha flowers. This is evidenced by the data survey, published by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM). According to the results survey, flowers were chosen as a gift for friends...

Society, 26 Feb, 11:30

The Russians named the most effective ways protection against coronavirus ... to defend yourself. Among the measures to protect themselves from the virus, participants survey named hand washing and hygiene (37%), refusal to visit... or definitely” will not. The spread of the new coronavirus from China - GIF Survey was held on February 8 among 1.6 thousand Russians in...

Society, 18 Feb, 13:31

VTsIOM named the share of Russians who consider themselves kind ...% of Russians consider themselves kind, follows from the results survey, which was conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM). It is indicated that most often in its... good people. Survey was conducted on February 15 by telephone among 1,600 residents of the country over 18 years of age. In November VTsIOM assessed the level of happiness in Russia. According to the results survey, 81% of the country's residents consider themselves happy...

Politics, 03 Feb, 00:00

The most popular amendments to the Constitution were supported by more than 90% of Russians ... pensions and fixing the minimum wage no lower living wage, showed survey VTsIOM VTsIOM spent survey about the attitude of Russians to the amendments to the Constitution proposed by Vladimir Putin... positive”, “rather negative”, “rather indifferent” and “difficult to answer”. All-Russian telephone survey was conducted on January 24, the sample was 1600 respondents. The most appreciated... More than 10% of Russians said they do not trust artificial intelligence ... understand its essence. This follows from the results of joint survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM) and the project office for the implementation of the national program “Digital Economy” of the Analytical Center for the Government of Russia (RBC has a copy). Survey was held in... The Russians named the best universities in the country ... Survey, conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), showed that the best university Russian countries consider Moscow State University. Lomonosov. ... MGIMO is located, and on the third - MSTU. Bauman (Baumanka). Materials survey RBC has it at its disposal. Respondents were asked to name their choice... The Russians named their cherished dreams ... living conditions - this was reported by 10% of respondents, the results say survey VTsIOM, reports TASS. Another 8% dream of traveling, and 7... managed to fulfill their cherished desires, said the majority of Russians - 89%. Telephone survey VTsIOM experts conducted on December 18. They called 1.6 thousand... New Year In November, sociologists calculated the share of happy Russians. According to survey VTsIOM turned out to be the majority - 81%. The main signs of their happiness for Russians... VTsIOM assessed Putin's ratings after the annual press conference ... VTsIOM assessed the trust and approval ratings of President Vladimir Putin after the annual... % more respondents (37.8%). The President's Job Approval Rate, as shown by survey On December 19, it was 64% compared to 62.5% at... was in early October. Press conference of Vladimir Putin. Main B survey with a free answer, when people were asked to name the politicians who... VTsIOM estimated the number of Russians who approve of the law on domestic violence ... we need a law on domestic violence. This follows from the published results survey VTsIOM. At the same time, women attach importance to the law on the prevention of domestic violence... . 39% are ready to forgive a single incident of violence. 40% of respondents during polls admitted that beatings happened in families they knew. About the absence... Almost 80% of Russians supported the participation of their children in volunteer projects ... and volunteer projects, said the head of the policy analysis and consulting practice VTsIOM Mikhail Mamonov, reports TASS. According to him, 83% of respondents identified themselves as volunteers. On December 3, RBC wrote that according to the results survey about participation in volunteer projects of the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) 87 ... their people are always or often ready to help others, the study showed. Survey recorded that the most popular type of volunteer work is cleanup work. Except... VTsIOM discovered a request from Russians for the replacement of the party in power ... as the “party of power”, and many are in favor of its replacement, I found out VTsIOM. According to Russians, the “party in power” is responsible even for those regions... regarding the negative attitude towards the ideologization of political life. Initiative All-Russian survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" was conducted on November 15 by telephone interview using a stratified...this topic is not discussed. What is expected from the ruling United Russia? VTsIOM I also studied what Russians expect from United Russia. There is a serious... Sociologists have calculated the share of happy Russians ... . Only 17% of those surveyed by VTsIOM called themselves unhappy. According to survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), 81% of Russian citizens consider themselves definitely or... healthy (5%), low level and delayed salaries (5%). According to survey, almost half of Russian citizens (48%) believe that among their loved ones... that there are more happy people around them, 17% answered the opposite. Survey was conducted on November 15th as a telephone interview. Respondents... The Russians named the qualities of movie characters that politicians need ... moments of spring"). This opinion is shared by 20% of Russians, it follows from the new survey VTsIOM and the Center for Political Conjuncture (CPC), the results of which I got acquainted with... Vedomosti. In second place (12%) in the ranking of such movie characters, according to survey, there is Professor Preobrazhensky (“Heart of a Dog”). On the third line are Danila... VTsIOM assessed Russians' trust in Putin ... increased to 73.3%. This follows from the data survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), published on his website. From 5 to... words, this is due to the president’s increased attention to domestic political issues. Survey was held from May to October of this year in 80 regions... . At the end of May VTsIOM changed the methodology for assessing trust in politicians. The head of the center, Valery Fedorov, explained to RBC that now in polls ask directly... VTsIOM studied the feelings of Russians towards Thunberg, who became “kind” after Putin’s words ... 1% consider this indisputable. How it was carried out survey Initiative All-Russian survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" was held on October 10. IN survey took part in adult Russians interviewed by... Fedorov. Greenpeace Russia media coordinator Konstantin Fomin, on the contrary, saw in the results survey"an invigorating blow to stereotypes." “It is generally accepted that in Russia the majority... The Russians named the most popular products for home preparation home. This follows from the data survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM). The most popular among products for home canning are... every tenth Russian (12%) buys products for preserving in stores. According to survey, 38% of respondents make homemade preparations because they believe that it...

Politics, 16 Sep 2019, 05:47

Russians named the advantages of female politicians over their male colleagues ...% of respondents). This was reported by Kommersant with reference to the results survey VTsIOM. On the telephone survey“Politics with a woman’s face: the Russian version”, which was passed by 12...81% of Russians, women should be present in politics on an equal basis with men. Survey also showed that the most famous representative of this profession is Valentina Matvienko...

Society, 03 Sep 2019, 13:23

The Russians considered the United States the main source of the terrorist threat ... them from terrorist attacks. This is evidenced by the results surveyVTsIOM). At the same time, the main source of the terrorist threat relative... decreased by 5%. At the same time, as the results showed survey, among the country's population, concern about global terrorism is decreasing. The share of those who...

Society, 02 Sep 2019, 13:18

Russians rated the quality of teachers' work in schools According to survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), the majority of parents (78%) positively assess the level of qualifications of teachers in Russian... (41%), the development of individual abilities and talents (39%),” the results note survey. VTsIOM named the share of Russians who consider themselves Orthodox As the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion found out ( VTsIOM), 63% of Russians consider themselves Orthodox. The highest proportion is those who... about baptism on their own (the most common age is 30 years). As shown survey, the majority of Russians (75%) are convinced of the need for baptism for Orthodox Christians, in... believers, but do not identify themselves with any denomination. All-Russian survey « VTsIOM Sputnik" was conducted on July 26 among 1,600 Russians over 18... The majority of Russians associated the reduction in the size of product packaging with deception ... while maintaining or increasing their prices. This is evidenced by the data survey VTsIOM, published on the center’s website. The purpose of this measure is considered by 65 ... on the price tags of the cost of goods in terms of kg/l (58%). Survey VTsIOM was held on August 3. 1600 people took part in it... VTsIOM changed the schedule for publishing the rating of spontaneous trust in Putin ...FOM, then 80% of Russians perceived it negatively. According to Friday's release survey Foundation "Public Opinion", next Sunday they were ready for Vladimir Putin... was at the level of 45%. At the end of May 2019 VTsIOM supplemented the methodology survey about Russians' trust in politicians. May 31 on the site... are more prone to socially approved responses. Fedorov explained the addition of a new survey the fact that previously sociologists “limited themselves to an extremely general, non-personalized” question about... Every fifth Russian could not remember the bombing of Hiroshima ... Nagasaki. This follows from the results survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), published on the center's website. According to survey, about real cases of application...% believe that none of the countries poses such a danger. Survey VTsIOM was held on July 3, 1600 respondents took part in it... The Russians named the main purpose of dachas ...grow agricultural products for your own consumption. This is evidenced by the data survey VTsIOM. About a third of respondents (34%) plant flower beds at their dacha and... country house no more than two or three times per season. Survey was conducted on July 10 and involved 1,600 respondents. 85% of Russians said the importance of friendship with Ukraine ... . This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to data from the daily survey « VTsIOM-Satellite". 35% believe that Russia is very important friendly relations with... relations with the neighboring country. 78% are confident in the need for such steps. Survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" about attitudes towards Ukraine was conducted on June 20, by respondents... 6 thousand Russians aged 18 years or older. July 17th survey VTsIOM showed that more than two-thirds (68%) of Russians have a good attitude... Almost 70% of Russians said they have a good attitude towards Ukraine According to data from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), more than two-thirds of Russian citizens (68%) have a good attitude towards Ukraine. ...for some time on the territory of Ukraine. At the end of June the results survey Levada Center showed that a third of Russians have improved their attitude towards... VTsIOM recorded a decrease in Russians’ faith in predictions and omens ... relate to belief in omens, predictions and witchcraft, evidence suggests survey VTsIOM. According to the results of the study, 31 ... souls of the dead believe in the ability to predict fate (13% compared to 16% in 2015). Survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" was conducted on June 28 among 1,600 respondents aged... Three-quarters of Russians called the current time a bad time for loans According to the data survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), three-quarters of Russians assess the current time as unfavorable for large... to spend their salary or pension as quickly as possible. June 10th VTsIOM published data survey, which showed the number of Russians satisfied with their lives. Almost half... VTsIOM recognized young people as the most satisfied with life part of society All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM) conducted a study of the social mood of young people in Russia. As shown polls, young people are more likely than representatives of other age groups to be optimistic about the future. VTsIOM researched social mood... VTsIOM found out the attitude of Russians towards a four-day working week ..., reports RIA Novosti with reference to data survey VTsIOM. 29% of participants assessed this prospect positively survey, another 17% said they didn’t care, and 6% found it difficult to answer. According to survey, among the study participants who did not support the initiative, more residents of small...%, this may include the opportunity to spend more time with family. Survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" was conducted on June 13 among 1,600 respondents aged... VTsIOM assessed Russians' interest in a direct line with Putin ... Most Russians (75%) will follow Putin. This is evidenced by the data survey VTsIOM, RIA Novosti reports. Among those who intend to follow... 77% of respondents, while 22% of Russians do not show much interest. Survey was held on June 17 among 1.6 thousand adults... The majority of Russians said that men are capable of raising children ...children are no worse than mothers. This is evidenced by the data survey VTsIOM). This opinion is mainly shared by women (71 ... keeping one's word (27%), courage and bravery (24%), hard work (20%). According to survey, in case of divorce, it is unacceptable to limit the communication of the father or mother with the child (90%). Survey VTsIOM was held on June 14, 1600 people took part in it... The majority of Russians were in favor of going to work before the age of 18 until adulthood. This is evidenced by the data survey All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research ( VTsIOM), according to the organization's website. They do not support the desire...%), development of independence (16%) and discipline (12%). Almost a third (31%) of participants survey They don’t see any downsides to starting work early. According to 16... adolescence worked as loaders (5%) and in construction (4%). Survey VTsIOM was held on June 13 among 1.6 thousand people over 18... VTsIOM named the most famous work of Pushkin for Russians ... is “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” according to data survey, conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM). The study showed that 85% of respondents had read this... also Fyodor Dostoevsky (18%) and Mikhail Lermontov (13%). Held in the fall survey VTsIOM showed that more than 90% of Russians read books, most of... VTsIOM counted Russians who reuse plastic bags ...or stop using them altogether. This is evidenced by the data survey, conducted by VTsIOM. Sometimes they take new bags, and sometimes they use old ones... a bag or backpack, every tenth (9%) - in a special fabric bag. Survey 1.6 thousand adult respondents were interviewed by telephone 2... VTsIOM learned about the dream of a third of Russians to take part in the selection for cosmonauts ... childhood, according to another 21% of participants survey, their friends and acquaintances dreamed about this. VTsIOM notes that modern youth aged from... considered 74% of respondents, 21% disagree with this point of view. Survey conducted on May 31 among 1,600 respondents aged 18... Russia is considered a leader in space exploration by 76% of respondents. 42% of participants survey declared the need to increase efforts and funds aimed at developing... The head of VTsIOM explained the methodology for polling about trust in Putin ... All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM) Valery Fedorov in an interview with Kommersant FM told how the polls about trust or approval of politicians... there will be no serious discrepancies with the level of approval. Published VTsIOM last week results survey showed a decrease in trust in Putin to a minimum in 13... 65.8% of respondents said that they generally approved of the president’s activities. VTsIOM reported a decrease in trust in Putin to a minimum in 13 years...

The sociological company was founded in 1987 as the All-Union Center for the Study of Public Opinion, and since 1992 - the All-Russian Center. VTsIOM conducts research both at the regional and federal levels, as well as in the post-Soviet space and in “far abroad” countries. Among the main activities of the company: politics (electoral research, monitoring of satisfaction with government), social sphere(education, medicine, family, housing and communal services, fight against corruption), business (finance and insurance, real estate market, development of product and corporate brands, development of corporate reputation, examination of trademarks, market information technologies, media measurements, sports industry, automotive market).

VTsIOM has the status of a scientific institution. Since 1993, the company has been publishing its own scientific journal, “Monitoring Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes.” The magazine is published 6 times a year and has been in the public domain since 2009 (both archive and latest issues). In addition, VTsIOM manages the work of its own department at the Higher School of Economics and a research center at the Russian State University of Social Sciences. The center also regularly holds meetings of its own scientific expert council, which includes the country's leading sociologists. In addition, VTsIOM regularly publishes original and collective monographs devoted to the state of public opinion in Russia. Among the latest: “From Yeltsin to Putin: three eras in the historical consciousness of Russians” (2007), “Political Russia: election guide-2007”, “ Political dictionary of our time" (2006), "Russia at the crossroads of the second term" (2005).

VTsIOM is the leader among Russian sociological services in terms of citations in the media. Materials based on his research are published in leading Russian and foreign media, such as Reuters, Financial Times, BBC, Kommersant, Vedomosti.


The Public Opinion Foundation was created as an independent public organization in 1991. At first the foundation worked under VTsIOM, and from mid-1992 it became completely independent. In 1996, FOM acted as the basic sociological organization of B.N.’s election headquarters. Yeltsin. Since then, the main customer and consumer of the Foundation's research results has been the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The results of public opinion polls are a kind of feedback between the country's leadership and the population. The Foundation played a similar role in the election headquarters of V.V. Putin in 1999-2000 and in 2004. In addition, the Foundation conducted extensive political science research for most election campaigns in modern Russia. These include the parliamentary campaigns of 1995, 1999, 2003; presidential 1996, 2000, 2004, as well as a series of election campaigns in 1996, 2000, 2004 in the regions of Russia.

In addition to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, FOM's customers are the following large organizations: the Government of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, MOST-Bank, GAZPROM, VAZ, ORT, VGTRK, NTV, NTV+, YUKOS, Interros, VIDEO INTERNATIONAL, INTERFAX, RIA Vesti.

All the Foundation’s research is aimed at studying subjective ideas in the areas of socially pressing problems (public opinion), politics, government, mass information, economics, consumption, culture and everyday life. The results of the research can be found on the official website, as well as in the weekly newsletter “Dominants. Field of Opinions."

Levada Center

The Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center) is a non-governmental research organization. The center regularly conducts its own and custom sociological and marketing research, being one of the largest Russian organizations in its field. The Levada Center team began to take shape in 1987 within the framework of the All-Union Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM). In 2003, the leadership of the Center changed. The research team, who disagreed with the changes made, left the organization in its entirety, creating the “VTsIOM Analytical Service” (VTsIOM-A). However, by court decision the name was changed. Today the organization continues to operate under the name “Yuri Levada Analytical Center” (Levada-Center) in honor of the Russian sociologist Yuri Levada (1930-2006).

Levada Center has its own interviewer network of 67 regional branches and maintains partnerships with public opinion research centers in the CIS and Baltic countries. The results of the center's research are used by the media both in Russia and abroad.

Levada Center is actively engaged in scientific activity. The center publishes the journal “Bulletin of Public Opinion”, which is published 6 times a year. In addition, once a year a collection of the main results of mass public opinion polls in Russia is published and distributed free of charge. Articles are published in scientific journals and books by leading employees of the center, reports are made at Russian and international conferences. And in 2008, the department of the Yuri Levada Analytical Center began working at the Faculty of Sociology of the Higher School of Economics.


ROMIR is a large holding company specializing in research into various markets and areas of society. Marketing research makes up 95% of the total volume of implemented projects. The organization was founded in 1987 as a sociological cooperative "Potential". In 1989, the ROMIR research center was created, which was the first of the domestic agencies to present the results of its research on the international market.

The center conducts research in three main areas: specialized marketing research (Ad-Hoc), the SCIF (Shopper-Centric Information Flow) research platform based on data from a consumption panel of Russian households, and research using Mystery Shopping technology.

ROMIR has a developed research network. It includes more than 20 branches and joint companies from the main regions of Russia and the countries of the Eurasian zone. In addition, the center actively cooperates with large international networks Gallup International, GlobalNR and Worldwide Independent Network (WIN). This allows the center to receive information about advanced sociological methods, as well as conduct research in more than 70 countries.

Society, 19 March, 18:28

VTsIOM reported an increase in the number of Russians fearing infection with the virus ... since February, according to data published by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM) results survey. In mid-March, the answer to the question about fear of infection was positive... the question about the likelihood of infection. More than 80% of participants survey well informed about the pandemic. VTsIOM notes that there were 14 percentage points of such...% of them suggested that, in their opinion, the growth will be significant. Survey was held on March 13 and 15 among 1600 Russian citizens...

Politics, 05 March, 21:17

VTsIOM named the share of Russians who know about voting on the Constitution ... 83%. This is evidenced by the data VTsIOM). Thus, since February 12, the share of those who know about what is planned for... On February 12, their share increased by 12 percentage points. IN survey, conducted on March 3 by telephone among adult Russians, took part..., the Russian people and the union of a man and a woman At the end of January VTsIOM spent survey, which showed that of all the amendments to the Constitution that...

Society, 05 March, 15:45

Almost two-thirds of Russian men planned to give flowers on March 8 ... Martha flowers. This is evidenced by the data survey, published by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM). According to the results survey, flowers were chosen as a gift for friends...

Society, 26 Feb, 11:30

The Russians named the most effective ways to protect against coronavirus ... to defend yourself. Among the measures to protect themselves from the virus, participants survey named hand washing and hygiene (37%), refusal to visit... or definitely” will not. The spread of the new coronavirus from China - GIF Survey was held on February 8 among 1.6 thousand Russians in...

Society, 18 Feb, 13:31

VTsIOM named the share of Russians who consider themselves kind ...% of Russians consider themselves kind, follows from the results survey, which was conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM). It is indicated that most often in their... kind people. Survey was conducted on February 15 by telephone among 1,600 residents of the country over 18 years of age. In November VTsIOM assessed the level of happiness in Russia. According to the results survey, 81% of the country's residents consider themselves happy...

Politics, 03 Feb, 00:00

The most popular amendments to the Constitution were supported by more than 90% of Russians ... pensions and fixing the minimum wage not lower than the subsistence level, showed survey VTsIOM VTsIOM spent survey about the attitude of Russians to the amendments to the Constitution proposed by Vladimir Putin... positive”, “rather negative”, “rather indifferent” and “difficult to answer”. All-Russian telephone survey was conducted on January 24, the sample was 1600 respondents. The most appreciated... More than 10% of Russians said they do not trust artificial intelligence ... understand its essence. This follows from the results of joint survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM) and the project office for the implementation of the national program “Digital Economy” of the Analytical Center for the Government of Russia (RBC has a copy). Survey was held in... The Russians named the best universities in the country ... Survey, conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), showed that Russians consider Moscow State University to be the best university in the country. Lomonosov. ... MGIMO is located, and on the third - MSTU. Bauman (Baumanka). Materials survey RBC has it at its disposal. Respondents were asked to name their choice... The Russians named their cherished dreams ... living conditions - this was reported by 10% of respondents, the results say survey VTsIOM, reports TASS. Another 8% dream of traveling, and 7... managed to fulfill their cherished desires, said the majority of Russians - 89%. Telephone survey VTsIOM experts conducted on December 18. They called 1.6 thousand... New Year In November, sociologists calculated the share of happy Russians. According to survey VTsIOM turned out to be the majority - 81%. The main signs of their happiness for Russians... VTsIOM assessed Putin's ratings after the annual press conference ... VTsIOM assessed the trust and approval ratings of President Vladimir Putin after the annual... % more respondents (37.8%). The President's Job Approval Rate, as shown by survey On December 19, it was 64% compared to 62.5% at... was in early October. Press conference of Vladimir Putin. Main B survey with a free answer, when people were asked to name the politicians who... VTsIOM estimated the number of Russians who approve of the law on domestic violence ... we need a law on domestic violence. This follows from the published results survey VTsIOM. At the same time, women attach importance to the law on the prevention of domestic violence... . 39% are ready to forgive a single incident of violence. 40% of respondents during polls admitted that beatings happened in families they knew. About the absence... Almost 80% of Russians supported the participation of their children in volunteer projects ... and volunteer projects, said the head of the policy analysis and consulting practice VTsIOM Mikhail Mamonov, reports TASS. According to him, 83% of respondents identified themselves as volunteers. On December 3, RBC wrote that according to the results survey about participation in volunteer projects of the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) 87 ... their people are always or often ready to help others, the study showed. Survey recorded that the most popular type of volunteer work is cleanup work. Except... VTsIOM discovered a request from Russians for the replacement of the party in power ... as the “party of power”, and many are in favor of its replacement, I found out VTsIOM. According to Russians, the “party in power” is responsible even for those regions... regarding the negative attitude towards the ideologization of political life. Initiative All-Russian survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" was conducted on November 15 by telephone interview using a stratified...this topic is not discussed. What is expected from the ruling United Russia? VTsIOM I also studied what Russians expect from United Russia. There is a serious... Sociologists have calculated the share of happy Russians ... . Only 17% of those surveyed by VTsIOM called themselves unhappy. According to survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), 81% of Russian citizens consider themselves definitely or... healthy (5%), low level and delayed salaries (5%). According to survey, almost half of Russian citizens (48%) believe that among their loved ones... that there are more happy people around them, 17% answered the opposite. Survey was conducted on November 15th as a telephone interview. Respondents... The Russians named the qualities of movie characters that politicians need ... moments of spring"). This opinion is shared by 20% of Russians, it follows from the new survey VTsIOM and the Center for Political Conjuncture (CPC), the results of which I got acquainted with... Vedomosti. In second place (12%) in the ranking of such movie characters, according to survey, there is Professor Preobrazhensky (“Heart of a Dog”). On the third line are Danila... VTsIOM assessed Russians' trust in Putin ... increased to 73.3%. This follows from the data survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), published on his website. From 5 to... words, this is due to the president’s increased attention to domestic political issues. Survey was held from May to October of this year in 80 regions... . At the end of May VTsIOM changed the methodology for assessing trust in politicians. The head of the center, Valery Fedorov, explained to RBC that now in polls ask directly... VTsIOM studied the feelings of Russians towards Thunberg, who became “kind” after Putin’s words ... 1% consider this indisputable. How it was carried out survey Initiative All-Russian survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" was held on October 10. IN survey took part in adult Russians interviewed by... Fedorov. Greenpeace Russia media coordinator Konstantin Fomin, on the contrary, saw in the results survey"an invigorating blow to stereotypes." “It is generally accepted that in Russia the majority... The Russians named the most popular products for home preparation home. This follows from the data survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM). The most popular among products for home canning are... every tenth Russian (12%) buys products for preserving in stores. According to survey, 38% of respondents make homemade preparations because they believe that it...

Politics, 16 Sep 2019, 05:47

Russians named the advantages of female politicians over their male colleagues ...% of respondents). This was reported by Kommersant with reference to the results survey VTsIOM. On the telephone survey“Politics with a woman’s face: the Russian version”, which was passed by 12...81% of Russians, women should be present in politics on an equal basis with men. Survey also showed that the most famous representative of this profession is Valentina Matvienko...

Society, 03 Sep 2019, 13:23

The Russians considered the United States the main source of the terrorist threat ... them from terrorist attacks. This is evidenced by the results surveyVTsIOM). At the same time, the main source of the terrorist threat relative... decreased by 5%. At the same time, as the results showed survey, among the country's population, concern about global terrorism is decreasing. The share of those who...

Society, 02 Sep 2019, 13:18

Russians rated the quality of teachers' work in schools According to survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), the majority of parents (78%) positively assess the level of qualifications of teachers in Russian... (41%), the development of individual abilities and talents (39%),” the results note survey. VTsIOM named the share of Russians who consider themselves Orthodox As the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion found out ( VTsIOM), 63% of Russians consider themselves Orthodox. The highest proportion is those who... about baptism on their own (the most common age is 30 years). As shown survey, the majority of Russians (75%) are convinced of the need for baptism for Orthodox Christians, in... believers, but do not identify themselves with any denomination. All-Russian survey « VTsIOM Sputnik" was conducted on July 26 among 1,600 Russians over 18... The majority of Russians associated the reduction in the size of product packaging with deception ... while maintaining or increasing their prices. This is evidenced by the data survey VTsIOM, published on the center’s website. The purpose of this measure is considered by 65 ... on the price tags of the cost of goods in terms of kg/l (58%). Survey VTsIOM was held on August 3. 1600 people took part in it... VTsIOM changed the schedule for publishing the rating of spontaneous trust in Putin ...FOM, then 80% of Russians perceived it negatively. According to Friday's release survey Foundation "Public Opinion", next Sunday they were ready for Vladimir Putin... was at the level of 45%. At the end of May 2019 VTsIOM supplemented the methodology survey about Russians' trust in politicians. May 31 on the site... are more prone to socially approved responses. Fedorov explained the addition of a new survey the fact that previously sociologists “limited themselves to an extremely general, non-personalized” question about... Every fifth Russian could not remember the bombing of Hiroshima ... Nagasaki. This follows from the results survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), published on the center's website. According to survey, about real cases of application...% believe that none of the countries poses such a danger. Survey VTsIOM was held on July 3, 1600 respondents took part in it... The Russians named the main purpose of dachas ...grow agricultural products for your own consumption. This is evidenced by the data survey VTsIOM. About a third of respondents (34%) plant flowerbeds at their dachas and... in a country house no more than two or three times a season. Survey was conducted on July 10 and involved 1,600 respondents. 85% of Russians said the importance of friendship with Ukraine ... . This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to data from the daily survey « VTsIOM-Satellite". 35% believe that friendly relations with... relations with a neighboring country are very important for Russia. 78% are confident in the need for such steps. Survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" about attitudes towards Ukraine was conducted on June 20, by respondents... 6 thousand Russians aged 18 years or older. July 17th survey VTsIOM showed that more than two-thirds (68%) of Russians have a good attitude... Almost 70% of Russians said they have a good attitude towards Ukraine According to data from the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), more than two-thirds of Russian citizens (68%) have a good attitude towards Ukraine. ...for some time on the territory of Ukraine. At the end of June the results survey Levada Center showed that a third of Russians have improved their attitude towards... VTsIOM recorded a decrease in Russians’ faith in predictions and omens ... relate to belief in omens, predictions and witchcraft, evidence suggests survey VTsIOM. According to the results of the study, 31 ... souls of the dead believe in the ability to predict fate (13% compared to 16% in 2015). Survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" was conducted on June 28 among 1,600 respondents aged... Three-quarters of Russians called the current time a bad time for loans According to the data survey All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM), three-quarters of Russians assess the current time as unfavorable for large... to spend their salary or pension as quickly as possible. June 10th VTsIOM published data survey, which showed the number of Russians satisfied with their lives. Almost half... VTsIOM recognized young people as the most satisfied with life part of society All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM) conducted a study of the social mood of young people in Russia. As shown polls, young people are more likely than representatives of other age groups to be optimistic about the future. VTsIOM researched social mood... VTsIOM found out the attitude of Russians towards a four-day working week ..., reports RIA Novosti with reference to data survey VTsIOM. 29% of participants assessed this prospect positively survey, another 17% said they didn’t care, and 6% found it difficult to answer. According to survey, among the study participants who did not support the initiative, more residents of small...%, this may include the opportunity to spend more time with family. Survey « VTsIOM-Sputnik" was conducted on June 13 among 1,600 respondents aged... VTsIOM assessed Russians' interest in a direct line with Putin ... Most Russians (75%) will follow Putin. This is evidenced by the data survey VTsIOM, RIA Novosti reports. Among those who intend to follow... 77% of respondents, while 22% of Russians do not show much interest. Survey was held on June 17 among 1.6 thousand adults... The majority of Russians said that men are capable of raising children ...children are no worse than mothers. This is evidenced by the data survey VTsIOM). This opinion is mainly shared by women (71 ... keeping one's word (27%), courage and bravery (24%), hard work (20%). According to survey, in case of divorce, it is unacceptable to limit the communication of the father or mother with the child (90%). Survey VTsIOM was held on June 14, 1600 people took part in it... The majority of Russians were in favor of going to work before the age of 18 until adulthood. This is evidenced by the data survey All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research ( VTsIOM), according to the organization's website. They do not support the desire...%), development of independence (16%) and discipline (12%). Almost a third (31%) of participants survey They don’t see any downsides to starting work early. According to 16... in their teens they worked as loaders (5%) and at a construction site (4%). Survey VTsIOM was held on June 13 among 1.6 thousand people over 18... VTsIOM named the most famous work of Pushkin for Russians ... is “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” according to data survey, conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM). The study showed that 85% of respondents had read this... also Fyodor Dostoevsky (18%) and Mikhail Lermontov (13%). Held in the fall survey VTsIOM showed that more than 90% of Russians read books, most of... VTsIOM counted Russians who reuse plastic bags ...or stop using them altogether. This is evidenced by the data survey, conducted by VTsIOM. Sometimes they take new bags, and sometimes they use old ones... a bag or backpack, every tenth (9%) - in a special fabric bag. Survey 1.6 thousand adult respondents were interviewed by telephone 2... VTsIOM learned about the dream of a third of Russians to take part in the selection for cosmonauts ... childhood, according to another 21% of participants survey, their friends and acquaintances dreamed about this. VTsIOM notes that modern youth aged from... considered 74% of respondents, 21% disagree with this point of view. Survey conducted on May 31 among 1,600 respondents aged 18... Russia is considered a leader in space exploration by 76% of respondents. 42% of participants survey declared the need to increase efforts and funds aimed at developing... The head of VTsIOM explained the methodology for polling about trust in Putin ... All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion ( VTsIOM) Valery Fedorov in an interview with Kommersant FM told how the polls about trust or approval of politicians... there will be no serious discrepancies with the level of approval. Published VTsIOM last week results survey showed a decrease in trust in Putin to a minimum in 13... 65.8% of respondents said that they generally approved of the president’s activities. VTsIOM reported a decrease in trust in Putin to a minimum in 13 years...
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