Social political terms vocabulary. Glossary of Political Science. Aggregation is a technology for coordinating various micro-group positions within the framework of developing uniform political requirements of a particular group

Abolitionism(from lat. abolitio - abolition) - a movement seeking the abolition of a law.

Absenteeism(from lat. absens - absent) is a form of political apathy, manifested in voters' evasion from participation in referendums and elections to government bodies.

Absolutism(from lat. absolutus - unlimited) - a form of state and a political regime in which the idea of ​​limiting power is rejected; legislative, executive and judicial powers are concentrated in one institution or belong to one person - the monarch, the sultan.

Authoritarianism(from French. autoritarisme - power, influence) is a type of political system, a feature of which is a significant concentration of power in the hands of one person or a group of persons who eliminate political freedoms, but allow freedoms for the individual and society in non-political spheres.

Aggregation- the technology of reconciliation and transformation of private and group interests into single generalized political demands.

Political actor(from lat. actor - activist) - individuals, social groups, ethnic groups, etc., carrying out political actions. The term "actor" is often used in the same sense as the subject. However, there are also differences. A political actor is not just any subject, but a subject with a high level of political participation.

Anarchism(from the Greek. anarchia - anarchy, anarchy) - a theory and political trend focused on the stateless organization of society, on the fastest replacement of the state by public self-organization and self-government. The state is identified by anarchism with violence and coercion, incompatible with individual freedom as the highest social value.

Annexation(from lat. annexio - accession) - forcible accession by a state of the territory of another state or a disputed territory.

Anti-semitism- a kind of nationalist ideology and practice, preaching intolerance and persecution of people of Jewish nationality.

Articulation(from lat. articulatio - pronounce clearly) - the transformation of vague discontent and protest feelings into clear demands.

Behaviorism(from the English. behavior - behavior) - theoretical and methodological direction, according to which the main object of analysis is the behavior of people, in political science - political behavior.

Bureaucracy(from French. bureau - bureau, chancery) - a specific form of political or other organization in which the actual power belongs to officials.

Power(from the Greek. kratos - to be able, to be able) - the ability and ability to carry out their will in interhuman and intergroup communications, to realize the intended goals, to force other people to obey.

Legislative power - one of the branches of government that makes laws. In modern democracies, the parliament is the direct bearer of legislative power. The Parliament of the Russian Federation - the Federal Assembly - is the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation (see Article 94 of the Constitution of Russia).

Executive power- one of the branches of government, designed to ensure the implementation of laws, management of society. The bearer of executive power is the government headed by the prime minister or the president (in presidential republics). The executive power in Russia is exercised by the Government of the Russian Federation (see article 110 of the Constitution of Russia).

Political power- the ability and ability of some subjects of politics to impose their will on others; the determining influence on the behavior of an individual, the masses, groups, organizations with the help of the means that the state possesses. Political power is manifested in general decisions and decisions for all, in the functioning of state institutions (president, government, parliament, court).

Representative power- power acting on behalf of a more or less wide circle of people, representing their interests in the state. In modern states, representative power functions in the form of national, regional and other levels of parliaments. The Parliament of the Russian Federation - the Federal Assembly is the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation (see Article 94 of the Constitution of Russia).

Judicial power- one of the branches of state power that establishes the facts of violation of the constitution and the law and determines, on the basis of the law, the sanctions for their violation. In the Russian Federation, the judiciary is exercised through constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings (see article 118 of the Constitution of Russia).

Elections- the most important institution of politics, which is a way of forming and changing the authorities and administration through the expression of the will of citizens.

Genocide(from rpen.genos - genus and lat. caedere - kill) - the policy of the state or other organized actions aimed at the extermination of certain groups of the population on national, racial or religious grounds.

Geopolitics(from the Greek. Ge - Earth and politika - the art of managing public affairs) - theory and political practice, which are based on the idea of ​​the geographical conditionality of relations between states and other subjects (ethnic groups, civilizations) of international politics. Modern geopolitics is a discipline that studies the relationship between the subjects of international relations regarding the distribution and redistribution of world space.

Gerontocracy(from Greek geron - old man and kratos - power) - the predominance of elderly people in the ruling groups.

State- the most important organization of the political system, which possesses supreme power in a certain territory and has a number of exclusive rights - to use violence, adopt generally binding laws, and levy taxes.

Criminal state- a special type of state, characterized by the decisive influence of criminal circles on politics, the criminalization of public life, the use of criminal elements as a social support of power.

State legal- the state, limited in its actions by law, primarily by the constitution, which recognizes and is called upon to protect the fundamental rights of the individual. "The Russian Federation - Russia is ... a state governed by the rule of law ..." (see article 1 of the Constitution of Russia).

Social state- a state that seeks to provide every citizen with decent living conditions, social security and approximately equal starting opportunities for the realization of life goals, personal development. "The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development" (see article 7 of the Constitution of Russia).

Unitary state- is distinguished by a device characterized by a single constitution and citizenship, a single system of supreme state bodies, law and courts, operating without restriction throughout the country.

Federal state- a form of government in which territorial units (states, lands, provinces, etc.) that are part of the state have significant political, economic and cultural independence. "The Russian Federation - Russia is ... a federal state ..." (see article 1 of the Constitution of Russia).

Citizen- a person who has citizenship, certifying his belonging to a particular state. "A citizen of the Russian Federation may not be deprived of his citizenship or the right to change it" (see article 6 of the Constitution of Russia).

Civil society- a set of diverse relationships between people, organized outside the framework of the state on the principles of self-organization and self-government (see also: Civil society).

Citizenship- the legal affiliation of a person to a given state, which acts as a system of relationships (rights and obligations) between the state and persons under its authority. "Every citizen of the Russian Federation has all the rights and freedoms on its territory and bears equal obligations stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation" (see article 6 of the Constitution of Russia).

Greenpeace(from the English. Greenpeace - "green world") is an international public organization for the protection of nature, founded in 1971 in Canada. Its main goal is to contribute to the solution of environmental problems (prevention of radiation contamination, chemical and oil pollution of the environment; as well as prevention of catastrophic climate change).

Pressure groups- organized groups external to the authorities that seek to support or hinder the adoption of specific decisions by state bodies. Are a kind of interest groups.

Interest groups- organized associations (associations, unions, foundations) that arise in order to more effectively meet the diverse needs and demands of people. Among them, political (pressure groups) and non-political interest groups stand out.

Democracy(from the Greek. demos - people and kratos - power) - democracy. Democracy is a kind of state with at least the following characteristics: recognition of the people as the supreme source of power, separation of powers, election of the main bodies of the state, rule of law and equality of citizens, subordination of the minority to the majority when making decisions. "The Russian Federation - Russia is a democratic ... state ..." (see article 1 of the Constitution of Russia).

Liberal democracy- a modern form of democracy, in which the power of the majority and the powers of the state are limited by the constitution, which proclaims the most important value and task of the state to protect freedom, human and minority rights. "Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the duty of the state"; "State protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation is guaranteed" (see Articles 2, 45 of the Constitution of Russia).

Democracy direct (direct)- involves the direct participation of citizens in the preparation, discussion and decision-making. It was widespread in the ancient Greek city-states, in the medieval republics. Currently, it functions mainly at the level of local self-government, in organizing the life of small groups. Forms of direct democracy include referendums and elections. "The highest direct expression of the power of the people is a referendum and free elections" (see article 3 of the Constitution of Russia).

Participatory democracy(participatory democracy) - (from the English. participate - participate) - proceeds from the interpretation of democracy as a universal principle of organizing all areas of public life. Democracy as a broad participation of people, according to the supporters of this concept, should be everywhere - in the family, school, at work, in the state, etc.

Plebiscite democracy(from lat. plebs - ordinary people, plebiscitum - the decision of the people) - grants citizens the right to vote to approve or reject this or that draft law or other decisions.

Democracy pluralistic(polyarchy according to R. Dahl) is a theory and practice in which democracy is understood as a form of government that allows diverse social groups to freely express their interests and find compromise solutions in a competitive struggle that express a balance of interests.

Democracy representative- presupposes the indirect participation of citizens in decision-making: the choice of their representatives to the authorities, which, making decisions on their own, are called upon to express and protect the interests of their voters. This form of democracy is necessary in states with a large territory.

Community democracy- a form of democracy that uses the principle of proportional representation to take into account the interests of certain minorities in a multicultural community.

Dictatorship(from lat. dictatura - unlimited power) - power that is not limited by law or other institutions and in its actions directly relies on armed violence.

Discrimination(from lat. discriminatio - distinction) deprivation or restriction of the rights of certain groups of citizens on national, religious, racial and other grounds.

Dogmatism- a type of thinking based on people's adherence to once mastered knowledge, values ​​or means of mastering the world.

Westernism- the direction of Russian socio-political thought, which considers Russia to be a Western country and advocates its development and reform taking into account the experience of Western countries (I.G.Belinsky, A.I. Herzen, etc.).

"Greens"- environmental movement advocating for the preservation and protection of the environment. In a number of countries (for example, in Germany) it is one of the most influential social and political movements. In the modern world, the activities of the international public organization for the protection of nature Greenpeace (from the English. Greenpeace - "green World").

Political ideology- a systematized form of ideas and views of certain social groups, reflecting their interests regarding the socio-political structure, aimed at acquiring and using power in order to implement this structure. "Ideological diversity is recognized in the Russian Federation. No ideology can be established as state or obligatory" (see article 13 of the Constitution of Russia).

Electoral system- a set of rules and techniques for the formation of government bodies by voting during elections (see also: Majority system, proportional system).

Class- a social group that differs from other groups in access to wealth, power and social prestige. In Marxism, classes differ primarily in relation to the means of production (land, natural resources, factories). The ruling classes have the means of production, the exploited classes are deprived of them.

Communism- the ideology and practice of denying private property and justifying the ways of building and functioning of society on the basis of public property and on a collectivist basis.

Compromise- an agreement reached by the parties through mutual concessions.

Consensus(from lat. consensus - consent) - consent based on the presence of some basic values ​​and norms shared by all major social groups in society.

Conservatism(from lat. conservare - protect) is a political ideology that makes the preservation of moral order and, of course, legal foundations based on the values ​​of family, religion, property as the main requirement for the authorities.

Consolidation(from lat. consolidatio - strengthen, unite) - unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to achieve their common goals.

Confederation(from lat. confederatio - union, association) - an association of states for the coordination of any type of state activity, most often military or foreign policy. The states included in the confederation fully retain their independence.

Political conflict- competitive interaction, struggle with the aim of realizing their interests in the sphere of state power.

Conformism(from lat. conformis - similar, similar) - passive adaptation to dominant views and opinions, lack of one's own position, uncritical adherence to dominant patterns of behavior.

Confrontation- a clash of socio-political systems, groups, people, their beliefs, etc., based on opposite, incompatible principles.

Corruption- bribery, corruption of public and political figures. Criminalization of the sphere of power and administration.

Political crisis- the inability of the political system or its elements to change in accordance with the new needs of political development and the socio-economic requirements of the population.

Criminal- criminal, criminal.

Political culture- a set of typical forms of behavior for a given society, which consolidate the norms and patterns of the relationship of citizens with the state and other institutions of power.

Legal(from lat. legalis - legal) - legally legal, permitted by law.

Legitimacy(from lat. legitimus - legitimate) - the quality of power, determined by reliance on the consent of the masses. Legitimate power is power based on the confidence of the masses.

Liberalism(from lat. liberalis - free) is a political ideology based on the requirements of ensuring individual freedom, civil and political rights of the individual and limiting the scope of the state.

Lobbying(from the English. lobby - lobbies) - the activities of individuals or groups in order to put pressure on the development, adoption (or non-adoption) and implementation of legislative acts and administrative decisions by state authorities in the interests of these individuals or groups.

Mandate- a document certifying the authority, rights of a person (for example, deputy mandate).

Political manipulation- covert control of political consciousness and behavior of people.

Marginality(from lat. marginalis - located on the edge) - the intermediate position of people in relation to large social groups, which leaves an imprint on their psychological condition and political behavior.

Mediacracy(from him. Medien - mass media and Greek. kratos - power) - power in the society of the mass media and, first of all, television and radio.

Mentality- a special spiritual warehouse, a way of seeing the world, reflecting stable standards and stereotypes of perception of reality at the level of not only the conscious, but also the unconscious.

Global community- a set of states and peoples interacting at the global international level.

Public opinion- a set of mass ideas about the world, society and its various spheres - economics, politics, culture, problems, facts of social reality.

Multiparty- a kind of political system in which there is competition between several parties. "The Russian Federation recognizes political diversity and a multiparty system" (see article 13 of the Russian Constitution).

Political modernization(from French. modeme - modern) - a change in the political system and the formation of new political institutions in accordance with the requirements of the present. Usually this concept is used in relation to countries that are making the transition to an industrial society and a democratic political system.

Monarchy(from the Greek. monos - one and arhos - ruler) - a form of government in which the formal and (or) actual source of state power is one person who receives it by inheritance.

Political science (political science)- the branch of knowledge about politics in all its manifestations and relationships with other areas of public life. Studies the relations of social, ethnic, religious and other groups about power, political institutions, political consciousness and culture, the behavior of political actors, intrastate and interstate political processes.

Nationalism- 1) ideology and real politics based on the opposition of nations, recognition of the exclusivity and superiority of one's own nation over others; 2) loyalty to one's nation, a sense of high national self-awareness. In this sense, nationalism is close to the concept of patriotism.

Nation- a stable community of people, historically formed on the basis of the unity of origin, culture, cohabitation and communication. Ethnic groups are united in the structure of the nation (see: Ethnos ) and socio-economic components.

Nonviolence- a concept and practical actions based on the refusal to use force in resolving political conflicts, a strategy for resolving controversial issues based on the principles of humanism and morality.

Nepotism(from lat. nepos - grandson) - the provision of politically significant positions and state property by authorities based on family ties.

Political education- process and result of assimilation of systematized political knowledge.

Civil society(see also: Civil society) - the sphere of life of individuals not directly controlled by the state. The variety of non-state-mediated relationships of free individuals in a market and a democratic rule-of-law state.

Oligarchy(from the Greek. oligarchia - the power of the few) - the power of a narrow group of people in the state, obtained not for outstanding abilities, but on the basis of origin, wealth or belonging to a narrow ruling group.

Opposition- political leaders, parties, movements opposing the ruling elite and performing the functions of criticism and control of the ruling forces, development of alternative policies and readiness to implement them in the event of coming to power.

United Nations (UN)- the largest international organization of states, created in 1945 in order to maintain peace and security, develop cooperation between peoples. It includes more than 190 states.

International relations- a set of economic, political, cultural, military, diplomatic and other ties and relations between states, organizations and movements operating in the international arena.

Ochlocracy(from the Greek. ochlos - the crowd and kratos - power) - a state of power characterized by the domination of the social lower classes in state policy and the predominance of their characteristic means of achieving the goal.

Parliament(from French. parler - speak) - the highest legislative body of power in the state, elected by citizens and representing their interests. "The Federal Assembly is the parliament of the Russian Federation ..." (see article 94 of the Constitution of Russia).

Party system- a set of parties and inter-party relations characterizing the number of influential political parties existing in the country, their relative sizes, coalitions and strategy. "The Russian Federation recognizes political diversity and a multiparty system" (see article 13 of the Russian Constitution).

Political party- an organized group of like-minded people striving for power, representing the interests of certain strata of the people by acquiring and using state power or participating in its implementation.

Patriotism(from the Greek. patris - motherland, fatherland) - love for the motherland, devotion to the fatherland, concern for its prosperity.

Pacifism(from lat. pacificus - pacifying) - a worldview direction and movement that reject any war as a means of resolving controversial issues.

Plebiscite(from lat. plebiscitum - the decision of the people) - a nationwide vote or poll, designed to make a decision or express an opinion important for the state.

Plutocracy(from the Greek. plutos - wealth and kratos - power) - power in the state of a small group of the richest citizens.

Political pluralism(from lat. pluralis - plural) - the principle of the structure and functioning of the political system, which presupposes the diversity and free competition of political ideas, parties and other institutions, the presence of a legally operating opposition, various political actors and their competition for power within the framework of the law.

Polyarchy(from Greek ... poly - a lot and arhos - ruler) - plurality, dispersion of power. A political regime, the most important features of which are high level political participation of citizens; and political rivalry between groups and political leaders in the struggle for support of their voters in elections.

Policy- a state in the ancient world, which consisted of a large city with the surrounding environs.

Politics(from the Greek. politika - the art of managing public affairs) is one of the most important spheres of society, associated with the struggle for political power, the coordination of the interests of various social groups ("conciliation art"), the formation and implementation of common interests.

Foreign policy- the activities of states carried out in the international arena with the aim of protecting and realizing national interests. "The President of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws determines the main directions ... of the state's foreign policy "(see article 80 of the Constitution of Russia).

Internal policy- domestic activities, covering a range of activities in various areas of public life. "The President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, determines the main directions of the internal ... policy of the state" (see article 80 of the Constitution of Russia).

Social policy- the activities of the state to maintain the stable development of society through a policy of balanced welfare of various social groups and strata.

Political sphere- one of the spheres of social life (other spheres: economic, social, spiritual), where power functions and relations are carried out regarding the acquisition and use of power, as well as influence on power.

Political relations- a variety of social relations, manifested as the interaction of various subjects (individuals, social groups, ethnic groups, peoples and states, etc.) but about the acquisition, distribution and use of power.

Populism(from lat. populus - people) - the political activity of the state or other political structures and institutions, which presupposes, as the main means of achieving power goals, a direct appeal to public opinion, reliance on mass sentiments, speculating on the suggestibility of large groups of people.

Postmodernism in politics- a trend in Western socio-political thought, which became widespread in the second half of the 20th century, whose representatives (J. Derrida, M. Foucault, J.-F. Lyotard, J. Baudrillard, etc.) question the possibility of obtaining scientific knowledge or generally accepted provisions. Methodology of the Art Nouveau period associated with the ideas of the New Age and the Enlightenment, i.e. belief in science and human reason, rationalism and progress - all this is questioned and criticized.

Human rights- a concept that characterizes the principles and norms of relations between people and the state, providing an individual with the opportunity to act at his own discretion (freedom), without violating the freedoms of other people, and to receive certain benefits (rights). “In the Russian Federation, human and civil rights and freedoms are recognized and guaranteed ... Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth” (see article 17 of the Constitution of Russia).

Government- a state institution, a management system that has the right to monopolize the use of physical coercion to enforce laws and customs on the territory of a given country. "The Government of the Russian Federation consists of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers" (see article 110 of the Constitution of Russia).

Political protest- the negative reaction of the subjects of politics to the decisions made by the authorities. Forms of protest: rallies, demonstrations, pickets, hunger strikes, etc.

Putsch- a coup d'état (or attempted coup) committed by a group of conspirators.

Political equality- a distribution of political resources that ensures equal opportunities for access to power for all social groups and individuals, their equality before the law and the absence of privileges. "The state guarantees the equality of human and civil rights and freedoms ..." (see article 19 of the Constitution of Russia).

Radicalism- a political movement that adheres to the extreme means to an end. May manifest itself in different forms extremism, terrorism, revolutions.

Separation of powers- the fundamental principle of the state structure, which presupposes the institutional and functional separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers, preventing the concentration of powers in one person or institution. The separation of powers is one of the guarantees of political freedom in society. "State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial" (see article 10 of the Constitution of Russia).

Racism- a system of ideological views and practical actions based on beliefs in the physical and psychological inequality of human races.

The revolution- deep qualitative transformation of the political system, socio-economic and spiritual foundations of society.

Political regime- the type of political power with characteristic ways, forms and methods of its implementation. The political regime usually reflects the ways of relations between power, society and the individual, which differ in the degree of freedom in these relations. As a rule, researchers distinguish between democratic, totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.

Republic(from lat. res publika - public business) is a form of state, the hallmarks of which are the recognition of the people as the highest source of power and the election of the highest bodies of the state. "The Russian Federation - Russia is ... a state with a republican form of government" (see article 1 of the Constitution of Russia).

Parliamentary republic- the form of the state, the main distinguishing feature of which is the formation of a government on a parliamentary basis (parliamentary majority) and its responsibility to parliament.

Semi-presidential (or mixed) republic- a form of government, the main distinguishing feature of which is the double responsibility of the government - to the parliament and to the president. This form of government seeks to combine strong presidential power with effective parliamentary oversight of government.

Presidential republic- a kind of a democratic state and a form of government, the main feature of which is that the president combines the functions of head of state and head of government.

Superpresidential republic- a kind of state in which the authoritarian power of the president is formalized and camouflaged with the help of virtually disenfranchised democratic institutions.

Resources of power- the means used by the bearer (subject) of power to ensure the obedience of other participants in power relations (objects of power).

Referendum(from lat. referendum - what should be communicated) - the expression of the will (vote) of all citizens of the state on an important issue for him.

freedom- one of the fundamental categories of political science and other sciences, reflecting: 1) human protection from unwanted influences, violence; 2) activity based on the known laws of development; 3) the ability to choose from various alternatives.

Segmentation of the electoral market- the division of the electorate into groups with special preferences.

Electoral system- the procedure for identifying and agreeing on the political preferences of the population, including determining the weight of each vote, the procedure for submitting it and the method of summing up the results.

Majority system(from French. majeur - greater) - a system of distribution of seats based on the results of voting in certain authorities, in which, in order to win the elections, a candidate or a party must collect a majority of votes in a particular constituency or in the country as a whole.

Proportional system- the system of distribution of seats based on the results of voting in certain authorities, according to which the number of seats in a given authority is distributed between representatives of various parties (electoral blocs) in proportion to the number of votes gained by one or another party (bloc).

Slavophilism- the ideological trend in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, which substantiated the originality of its social and state development, the unacceptability for it of the ways and forms of social structure characteristic of Western countries. The most famous representatives of Slavophilism: K. S. Aksakov, N. Ya. Danilevsky, I. V. Kireevsky, A. S. Khomyakov.

Political consciousness- a set of sensory and rational, empirical and theoretical, value and normative, conscious and subconscious ideas of people, mediating their attitude to the phenomena of political power.

Social Democracy- a political movement and ideology that combines socialist ideas about a society of social justice with a number of liberal ideas and views. The largest representatives of the European social democracy of the 20th century: V. Brandt, B. Kreisky, W. Palme.

Political socialization- the process of assimilation by a person of the norms and traditions of political culture, contributing to the formation of the qualities necessary for adaptation to a given political system and the performance of certain political functions and roles.

Socialism(from lat. socialis - public) - a theory that denies a system of life based on private property, and affirms the ideal of a social system based on public property, the absence of exploitation and an equitable distribution of products and benefits depending on the labor expended.

Mass media- institutions created for the open, public transfer of various information to any person with the help of special technical means... Freedom of the media is guaranteed in the Russian Federation, and censorship is prohibited (see article 29 of the Russian Constitution).

Sovereignty(from French. souverain - bearer of supreme power) - the supremacy of power in a certain territory. The fundamental feature of the state. "The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people" (see article 3 of the Constitution of Russia).

Theocracy(from the Greek. theos - god and kratos - power) - the power of the clergy, a form of government in which there is no clear separation of secular and religious power, and the state is directly or indirectly led by a higher clergyman.

Political terrorism- a kind of radicalism, involving the use of such as intimidation of the population, violence and murder as the main means of achieving political goals.

Tolerance(from lat. tolerantia - patience) - tolerance in relation to a different opinion, action, position; one of the basic values ​​of democracy.

Totalitarianism(from lat. totalis - complete, whole) - a type of political system and society characterized by an all-embracing ideologization of public life, excessive growth of power and the absorption of civil society, lack of personal freedom, all-pervading control by the merged together party-state apparatus over citizens.

Unitarianism(from lat. unitas - unity) is one of the forms of state structure, the most important feature of which is the centralized management of the administrative-territorial parts of the state.

Political utopia(from the Greek. and - no, no and topos - place) is a speculatively constructed model of an ideal society and political system.

Political participation- actions taken by individuals or groups to influence public policy, the administration of public affairs, or the choice of political leaders.

Fascism(from ital. fascio - bundle, bundle, unification) is a radical extremist and political trend tending towards the establishment of a terrorist dictatorship. Historically formed on the ideas of racial exclusivity, anti-Semitism and anti-democratic views.

Federation(from lat. foedus - union, agreement) is one of the forms of state structure, the most important feature of which is the presence in the structure of the state not only of national authorities, but also of local authorities (in the lands, republics, states, etc.), which have a certain degree of political and legal independence.

Feminism(from lat ... femina - woman) is a social and political movement advocating for the empowerment and role of women in society.

Charisma(from the Greek. charisma - grace, divine gift) - an exceptional endowment, a huge authority that followers endow a leader (sometimes an entire organization), attributing to him the qualities of infallibility, even supernaturalness. It consists of the real abilities of the individual for leadership and those traits that adherents see in her.

Chauvinism- a kind of nationalism, a complex of radically nationalistic sentiments, feelings, ideas of national exclusivity, superiority of a certain nation, incitement of national enmity and hatred.

Egalitarianism(from French. egalite - equality) is a theory that defends the priority of equality as a principle of organizing society. Egalitarianism justifies the need for vigorous income equalization.

Electorate(from lat. elector - voter) - citizens who have the right to vote to participate in political elections.

The political elite - a group that stands out from the rest of society by influence, privileged position and prestige, directly and systematically participating in decisions related to the use of state power or influence on it. The political elite includes persons who hold leading or dominant positions in society.

Etatism(from French. etat - state) - the spread of excessive activity and influence of the state on the economic and other spheres of society. Usually statism is accompanied by centralization, bureaucratization and concentration of political power.

Ethnocracy(from the Greek. ethnos - people and kratos - power) - in a multinational state, power or the greatest influence of one ethnic group (nation), expressed in discrimination against other ethnic groups (nations) living in this state or on a given territory.

Ethnos(from the Greek. ethnos - people) - a stable group of people with a common origin, history, language and culture.

5. BASIC CONCEPTS of political science

Politics- the area of ​​relationships between social communities for the implementation of common interests through a variety of means, the main of which is political power. The elements of politics include: political organizations, institutions of power, political consciousness, political concepts, normative ideas.

Politic system- a set of persons taking part in the political process, the institutional structures of the state and society and the forms of interaction between them, aimed at exercising political power, managing leadership, regulating social and political processes.

Political power- a set of mechanisms and means of influencing political actors on the behavior of individuals and social groups with the aim of managing, coordinating, coordinating, subordinating the interests of all members of society to a single political will.

Political behavior- a form of participation in the exercise of political power, protection of their political interests. There are two main types of political behavior: political action and political inaction. Political action is direct and indirect, individual and collective, open and closed. Political inaction is a way excluded from political life, which can be expressed in active rejection of politics or in passive inaction.

Political activity- political activity aimed at changing or maintaining existing political relations. In the structure of political activity, the subject, the object and the action itself are distinguished.

Political life- a set of political processes and political activity taking place in a particular society.

Political regime- a set of methods and means of exercising power in a particular state, the specificity of the prevailing political relations, the form of ideology and the type of political culture of society. The main political regimes include totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic.

Political consciousness- comprehension of society from the point of view of its political organization and on the basis of values, which include the interests of the state, the political elite, the ruling strata of the population, etc.

Political culture- a set of elements of consciousness, political behavior, the formation and functioning of state institutions that ensure the reproduction of the political life of society.

Political interests- a set of conscious needs of social communities, conditioned by the social experience of people and the objective socio-political situation, prompting the individual to certain types of political activity.

Political values- norms, stereotypes of political consciousness, which make it possible to analyze the political situation and navigate in it. The same political phenomena, depending on the ideology and value system, can be perceived in different ways. The presence of stable generally accepted values ​​contributes to the stabilization of society, strengthens the position of the state.

Selection of important terms.

Power- the ability of one party (an individual or a group) to influence the behavior of the other party, regardless of whether the latter is ready to cooperate or not.

Political power(from gr. politike - the art of government, from polis - city-state) - this is the right, the ability and the ability to defend and implement certain political views, attitudes and goals.

Government- one of the types of power in a society where the state, represented by its bodies, institutions and officials, acts as the subject of power, and the population of the country as the object of power: citizens (in republics) or subjects (in monarchies).

Political system of society is a complex, ramified set of various political institutions, forms of interactions and relationships between them, implemented through political power.

State- a political-territorial sovereign organization of public power, which has a special apparatus for the implementation of management, support, protective functions and is able to make its decrees binding on the population of the entire country.

Functions of the state- the main directions of the state's activity to solve its problems.

Government agency- the primary element of the state mechanism, endowed with powers of authority in order to carry out the functions of the state.

Government agency- an element of the state mechanism, not endowed with powers of authority, providing various services to the population (education, health care, etc.).

State mechanism (apparatus)- a set of state bodies, institutions performing the functions of the state on its behalf.

State form- This is a device of the political organization of society, designed to ensure its stability and normal functioning, consisting of a form of government, a form of state-territorial structure and a political regime.

Form of government- This is the way of organizing the supreme state power, the procedure for its formation, the relationship of the authorities with each other.

Form of state-territorial structure- This is a way of interconnection of territorial entities of the state, enshrined in the constitution.

Political regime- This is a set of methods and ways of exercising state power and administration in the country.

Electoral system- a political institution that characterizes the way elections are held and voting results are determined.

Political Party- a group of like-minded people fighting for power to represent the interests of a particular social group.

Political ideology- stable population political views, opinions, positions on political reality.

Local self-government (LSG)- a form of government in which the population takes part in solving local issues. !! Bodies of local self-government are not included in the system of bodies of state power!

Civil society- voluntary association of non-state institutions in order to represent their interests and protect their rights.

Constitutional state- a state in which the activities of all subjects (citizens, officials, etc.) must comply with the law.

Political participation- the implementation of political activity by the subjects of the political system.

The complexity of political life, the uniqueness of socio-political phenomena and processes often lead to their ambiguous interpretation in the scientific literature.
The purpose of the glossary is to reveal the content of the main categories of political science, to help navigate the unusual wealth and diversity of political life. First of all, the authors-compilers sought to reveal their essence and give scientifically substantiated definitions.

The dictionary contains all the basic terms and categories used in modern political science.

All material in the glossary is sorted alphabetically. In concepts and categories consisting of two or more words, the first place is given to the word that has the main meaning (for example, "political power", "political elections", "national security").

ABSENTHEISM - non-participation in voting in elections and referendums of citizens with active suffrage, evasion of political participation. See also APOLITICALITY, from which ABSENTHEISM should be distinguished as a deliberate non-participation in political life, which is a demonstration of an attitude towards power.

AUTARKIA - the policy of economic, social and cultural isolation of the country, its isolation from international relations, the world market and international cooperation.

AUTOCRACY - autocracy, a form of government with unlimited uncontrolled sovereignty of one person.

AUTONOMY - broad internal self-government of a region (regions) of the state, as well as special rights in the field of local self-government, education, culture, granted to national minorities (ethnic groups).

AUTHORITY - 1) generally recognized value, influence; one who enjoys general recognition, influence; 2) one of the forms of exercising power, based on the generally recognized influence of any subject (personality, group, organization).

AGENT OF INFLUENCE - 1) an official (or a person enjoying public confidence and authority) who carries out systematic activities to implement the goals of the policy of a foreign state (not formally being an employee of its secret services); 2) a public figure who pursues the policy of any party or organization in an environment that does not belong to these structures.

AGENTURIES OF SOCIALIZATION - social institutions carrying out socialization ( educational institutions, parties, public organizations, mass media, etc.)

AGGRESSION - (from Lat. Agressio - attack) illegal violent actions prohibited by international law, directed against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state.

ADEPT - 1) initiated into the secrets of any doctrine, sect, etc.; 2) a zealous adherent of any doctrine, idea.


ADMINISTRATION - (from Lat. Adminstatio - management) a set of government bodies, executive power, the activities of which are determined by law.


ACTOR is the subject of a specific political process.

ALLIANCE - a union, an association of individuals, political parties or states - to achieve common goals.

ANARCHY - (from the Greek. Anarchia - powerlessness) 1) the state of society, characterized by the absence of statehood; 2) spontaneity, disorder, lack of power; 3) political ideology. see ANARCHISM.

ANARCHISM is a political ideology that proclaims the need to destroy the state and replace any forms of coercive power with a free and voluntary association of citizens.

ANCLAVE - the territory of a state, completely surrounded by the territory of another state.

ANNEXIA - seizure, forcible and unlawful annexation by one state of the territory or part of the territory of another state, as well as the space located in common use the international community (Antarctica, the bottom of the World Ocean beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, etc.).

ANTISEMITISM - (from the Greek anti- against, Sem - Shem, one of the sons of Noah.) One of the forms of racism, national and religious intolerance, manifested in a hostile attitude towards Jews (from discrimination to deportation and genocide). Anti-Semitism was an integral part of the ideology of Hitler's fascism, which killed over 6 million Jews (including about 3 million - Soviet) during the Second World War.

ANTIUTOPIA - opposition to UTOPIA, an undesirable model of ideas about the social structure.

ANTIFASHISM - (from the Greek. Anti-against and Italian. Fascio - bundle, bundle, unification) 1) ideological trend opposing the ideology of FASCISM; 2) the movement of fighters against Fascism, which, as a rule, unites representatives of ideologies that proclaim the values ​​of humanism and the equality of people.

APATRID is a person who is not a citizen of a given country and does not possess the appropriate formal proof of citizenship of any foreign state.

STATE APPARATUS - (from the Latin apparatus - equipment, equipment) a system of bodies of institutions, organizations that implement the functions of state power.

APARTHEID - (Afrikaans. Apartheid - separation, isolation) an extreme form of racial discrimination against the colored population in South Africa (from 1948 to 1991), manifested in the deprivation of political, socio-economic and cultural rights of the indigenous African population.

APPEAL - 1) seeking advice, support; 2) one of the forms of appeal against a court decision in a higher court, which has the right to reconsider the case on the merits; 3) appeal of any decision to a higher court.

APOLITICALITY - indifference to politics; evasion from participation in social and political life, due to the fact that a person does not see the value of his participation in politics, does not have a conscious attitude to politics. see also

ARISTOCRACY - (from the Greek aristos - the best, and kratos - power) 1) the power of the elect, the best; 2) the privileged strata of society, representatives of the clan nobility (patricians in Rome, the nobility in Europe and Russia, etc.); 3) the form of government, in which the supreme power belongs to representatives of the clan nobility.

ARTICULATION OF INTEREST is one of the functions of the political system, which consists in formulating the requirements for decision-making structures.

ARCHAISM is an outdated phenomenon, a relic of antiquity.

NATIONAL SECURITY - a set of internal and external conditions, the fulfillment of which ensures a favorable demographic situation, the territorial integrity of the state, environmental protection, rational use of strategic resources, stable political, socio-economic, spiritual and cultural development of society, independence, sovereignty, development of national culture and science ...

SECURITY INTERNATIONAL - the state of international relations, characterized by the stability of the world community, based on the observance of the principles and norms of international law. The fundamental principles of international security in the modern world are the balance of forces and interests, demilitarization, partnership, cooperation, humanization and democratization of international relations.

BIPATRID - a person who has the citizenship of two or more states at the same time.

BIHEVIORISM is a direction in political science based on the study of political behavior, the application of quantitative methods to the study and comparison of political objects.

POLITICAL BLOCK - (from the English block agreement, union) an association, a union of states, political parties, public organizations, social groups to achieve certain political goals.

BLOCKADA - (from the English block- barrier) military, economic, political isolation of an object in order to force it to fulfill certain requirements.

BOYCOTT - 1) a method of political and economic struggle, consisting in full or partial termination of relations with an individual, organization, state, refraining from buying goods, etc .; 2) refusal, abstinence of the population from participation in elections to a representative institution.

BRIEFING is a short meeting of representatives of the media, which sets out the government's position or provides information about the course of international negotiations, the views of the parties, etc.

Riot is a spontaneous uprising, protest, rebellion, as a rule, which is a response to any actions of state authorities.

Bureaucracy - 1) the highest layer of officials in the apparatus of state power, which has certain privileges; 2) a hierarchically organized system of public administration, carried out by a closed group of officials.

POWER is the social interaction of the subject and the object of power, in which the subject of power controls the object and realizes its will through it. Power is always a two-way relationship between subject and object. Power is inconceivable without the subordination of the object.

STATE POWER is a form of political power that provides for the presence of a certain territorial space to which state sovereignty extends, the presence of a special administrative and coercive apparatus, the monopoly right to issue laws binding on the entire population of the country. The main modern models of the organization of state power include the principle of separation of powers (legislative, executive, judicial).

LEGISLATIVE POWER - one of the three branches of state power, based on the principle of separation of powers. The main functions of the legislative branch are the development and adoption of laws.

EXECUTIVE POWER - one of the three branches of government, based on the principle of separation of powers. Carries out administrative and administrative functions, organizes the internal and external activities of the state through the implementation of laws adopted by the legislative branch.

JUDICIAL POWER - one of the three branches of state power, based on the principle of separation of powers, ensures the rule of law, being the totality of state bodies that administer justice. Resolves conflicts between various government bodies and between branches of government in general.

POLITICAL POWER - the ability and ability of a class, social group, party, political leader to carry out their will in politics.

WAR - an armed clash in the course of resolving conflicts, a form of resolving a political conflict through the use of violence. There are external (between states) and internal-civil wars (between opposing social groups within the state). World War is a global (covering most of the countries of the world) armed confrontation between political international coalitions.

VOZHDISM - power relations based on a rigid division of a group (organization) into a leader and subordinates, on personal loyalty to a political leader, a leader.

ELECTIONS - a form of direct (direct) democracy, the expression of the will of the people with the aim of forming bodies of state power or local self-government by voting.

GENOCIDE - acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part any national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such.

GEOPOLITICS - (from the Greek "rolis" - city-state, "politika" - state and public affairs, "geo" - land.) 1) a branch of political science that studies the relationship of geographical factors and conditions with the national, political interests of the state; 2) a science that studies the totality of physical and social, material and moral resources of the state, constituting the potential, the use of which (and in some cases even just its presence) allows it to achieve its goals in the international arena.

STATE COAT OF ARMS - an element of national-state symbols, the emblem of the state, enshrined in its legislation. Depicted on flags, banknotes, seals and some official documents.

GERONTOCRACY - 1) the power of the oldest at the initial stages of the development of human society 2) the ruling political and administrative elite, consisting of elderly people.

HEAD OF STATE - the highest official in the system of state power, representing the state within the country and in the international arena, a symbol of statehood, a guarantor of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

GLOBALIZATION is a process of expanding the relationship between different countries and peoples, removing numerous barriers between states and cultures, which is greatly facilitated by the use of modern information technologies.

DOMINANCE is a concept that characterizes the exercise of power, which takes on institutional forms and presupposes the division of society into dominant and subordinate groups, as well as the separation and isolation of a special administrative apparatus.

The STATE is the central institution of the political system, a special form of organization of political power in society, on its TERRITORY it has sovereignty, a monopoly on the use of legalized violence and manages society with the help of a special mechanism (apparatus).

THE LEGAL STATE is a way of organizing the state, characterized by the rule of law, control over power by society and citizens, separation of powers, equality of all before the law, guaranteed rights and freedoms of the individual, subordination of the state to society, mutual responsibility of the state and the individual. The right-wing state is an integral element of modern democracy.

SOCIAL STATE - a way of organizing the state, characterized by the desire to provide every citizen with decent living conditions based on social guarantees and social protection.


STATE GOVERNANCE - the organization of the supreme power, which predetermines the structure of the highest state bodies, the procedure for their formation, their interaction with each other and the population. The main forms of government: - monarchy and republic. Monarchy - (from the Greek monarchia - autocracy) a form of government in which the power of the head of state (monarch) is inherited. There are such varieties of monarchy as an absolute monarchy and a limited monarchy. Absolute monarchy (from Lat. Absolutus - unconditional) is characterized by the concentration in the hands of the monarch of all the fullness of state power. This form of government completely excludes the presence of government bodies independent of the monarch. Limited monarchy - characterized by the limitation of the power of the monarch by the constitution (constitutional monarchy), independent representative bodies of state power (parliamentary monarchy). Republic - (from Lat. Respublica- public business) form of government, characterized by the presence of representative bodies of state power. There are such types of republic as the presidential republic (characterized by the fact that the president combines the powers of the head of state and the head of the executive branch); parliamentary republic (characterized by the decisive role of parliament in organizing state power and forming government); mixed republic (characterized by control over the government by the parliament and the president).

STATE STRUCTURE FORMS - a way of organizing the state on a territorial basis. There are the following forms: a unitary state - a single centralized state that does not have state formations on the rights of subjects and consists of administrative-territorial units; federation - a union state of equal subjects of the federation with legal autonomy; confederation - a union of states that have the right to freely withdraw from the confederation; a form of union of states and retaining their sovereignty in full.

CIVIL SOCIETY is the sphere of realization of non-political interests in society. This is a set of non-political, economic, cultural, ethnic, religious and other social relations, implemented without the direct participation of state power. Civil society is a social basis and an inalienable guarantee of a democratic, rule-of-law state. The main institutions of civil society are political parties, voluntary public organizations and social movements, independent media, etc.

CITIZENSHIP is a permanent legal connection between an individual and the state, manifested in their mutual rights and obligations. It characterizes the relationship of a particular person with the state under whose jurisdiction he is, regardless of whether he permanently resides on the territory of this state or outside it.

GROUPS OF INTEREST - associations of individuals on the basis of common interests, seeking to influence political institutions in order to ensure the adoption of the most favorable and beneficial decisions for themselves. Pressure groups are a type of interest groups characterized by the desire to influence the government by changing public opinion in their favor and in support of their demands. See also LOBBY groups.

DEBATE - discussion, exchange of views at any meeting, meeting; debate.

DISINFORMATION - knowingly false, false information.

DELEGATE - an elected or appointed representative, authorized by the state, organization, collective.

DEMAGOGY - statements, statements, speeches in which lies, deception, speculation, methods of manipulating consciousness are used to achieve political goals.

DEMARCH is a diplomatic action (statement, note, memorandum, recall of a diplomatic representative, etc.) undertaken by the government, foreign relations department or diplomatic representative of one state in relation to another state.

DEMOCRACY - (lit. democracy, from the Greek. Demos- people, kratos- power) a kind of political organization of society, based on the recognition of the people as the main source of power.


DENATURALIZATION - loss of citizenship (nationality) of the respective state.

DENUNCEMENT - termination of a bilateral international treaty or withdrawal from a multilateral international treaty in the manner and terms stipulated in it.

DEPORTATION - forced expulsion of a person from the state.

DEPUTY - (from Lat. Deputatus- sent) a person elected to a representative body of state power or a local government body.

DESPOTIA is one of the varieties of autocratic unlimited power, characterized by the concentration of power in the hands of a despot, supported by a wide layer of government officials.

DECENTRALIZATION - (from objection and centralis - central) delegation central authorities state power of certain powers to local authorities.

DIASPORA is a part of a people (nation) living outside the main historical region of its origin (place of development).

Dictatorship is a political regime characterized by the unlimited power of one person, small group or organization.

DIPLOMACY - (from the Greek diploma - to fold) one of the main ways of implementing the foreign policy of the state, the official activity of the heads of state, government, special state bodies to implement the foreign policy goals of states by peaceful and legitimate means, as well as to protect the rights of citizens of the state beyond its borders.

DISCREDITATION - undermining trust in someone, diminishing prestige and authority.

DISCRIMINATION - restriction or deprivation of the rights of a certain category of citizens on the basis of race or nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs, etc.

DISSIDENT - a person who is in moral and political opposition to the existing government and official political and legal norms and values.

DOGMATISM is an uncritical, one-sided, anti-historical type of thinking, operating with unchanging concepts without taking into account the specific conditions of the place, time of action, based on unsubstantiated, arbitrary provisions.

DOCTRINE - a systematized philosophical, political or ideological doctrine, a set of principles, a concept.

THE IRON LAW OF OLIGARCHY - according to the author R. Michels, the law operates "with iron inevitability" in political systems and organizational structures. The essence of the law is that the creation of large organizations inevitably leads to the emergence of an oligarchy and the formation of an elite, since the leadership of the organization cannot be carried out by all members of the organization.

STRIKE - (Italian basta - enough, enough) a form of manifestation of a political or economic conflict, manifested in the mass refusal of workers to fulfill their duties in order to satisfy the demands made by workers.

LEGALITY - compliance of the activities of physical and legal entities laws and regulations established in the state.


ELECTION CAMPAIGN - (from the French. Campagne - campaign) - a set of electoral actions established by law that ensure the functioning of the electoral process. The main stages of the election campaign include: preparation for elections, nomination (registration) of candidates, agitation (pre-election) campaign, voting and counting of votes.

ELECTORAL QUOTA - (from Latin quota - a part that is allocated for everyone) 1) the number of mandates (seats) in a representative body, which is allocated to any national or social group of the population, a subject of a federation, a separate territory, so that more to fully take into account their interests in the composition and activities of this body; 2) the number of votes, which in a proportional electoral system must be collected by parties, movements, counting on one candidate for deputy in order for him to be elected to the chamber of parliament, another representative body.

ELECTORAL SYSTEM - the procedure for organizing and holding elections to representative institutions or the election of an individual leading representative (for example, the president of a country), enshrined in legal norms.
Majority electoral system is a system of elections to a collegial body (parliament) or an official, in which candidates are considered elected who have received the majority of votes in the constituency where they are running.
A proportional electoral system is one of the varieties of electoral systems used in elections to representative bodies. It is a system of representation of political parties. In elections under the proportional system, deputy mandates are distributed among the lists of candidates in proportion to the votes cast for the lists of candidates, if these candidates have overcome the percentage barrier. The proportional electoral system combined with the majoritarian electoral system forms a mixed electoral system.

ELECTORAL RIGHT - the law that determines the types and degree of participation of citizens in representative government bodies or local self-government bodies; The right to vote is divided into two types: the right to elect to these institutions (active electoral right) and the right to be elected in them (passive electoral right).

ELECTORAL PROCESS - a practical-organizational component of the ELECTION SYSTEM, a specific activity regulated by law, aimed at the formation of authorities and local self-government.

ELECTORAL CENSUS - (from Lat. Censeo - making a census) the conditions established by law for a citizen to obtain or exercise the right to vote. There are: age qualification, citizenship qualification, literacy qualification, property qualification, educational qualification, residency qualification, sex qualification, racial, official, linguistic qualification.

IDEOLOGY - (from the Greek idea - idea, concept, logos - doctrine, word) a system of ideas reflecting the interests of certain social groups. The main world ideologies:

EMPIRE - (from Lat. Imperium - domination) 1) monarchical state headed by the emperor; 2) the state, consisting of the metropolis (meter - mother, polis - city-state) - the central dominant part of the state and colonies (from Lat. Colonia-settlement), subordinate to the central government.

IMPICHMENT - (from the English impeachment - accusation) a special procedure for the removal from office and prosecution of senior officials (including the president) for violation of the law provided for by law.

INAUGURATION - (from the Latin inauguro I dedicate) the solemn ceremony of the inauguration of the head of state, during which the oath is taken.

LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE - (from Lat. Initium - beginning) the first stage of the legislative process, the official submission of a bill or a proposal to parliament. The circle of subjects with the right to initiate legislation is determined by law.

INSTITUTE POLITICAL - (lat. Institutum - establishment) is an element of the political system that exists in the form of organizations, institutions, associations of citizens and performs special functions in the political life of society.

INFORMATION SOCIETY - (from Lat. Information - awareness, enlightenment) a concept existing in modern science, used to describe a qualitatively new stage of social development, in which intellectual production turns into a leading branch of the economy, and knowledge becomes the most important resource.


QUALIFIED MAJORITY - a term meaning a majority of 3/5, 2/3 or 3/4 of the votes of those present at a meeting or of the total number of deputies of a certain representative body of government, delegates to a party congress, etc.

QUORUM - the smallest number of members of the assembly at which it is considered legal and can make valid decisions.

CLAKA - a group of participants in a mass political event, invited (or hired) to organize loud approval (disapproval) of what is happening.

CLIENT - a form of social (personal or collective) dependence, generated by the uneven distribution of power resources. It is distinguished by the priority of personal loyalty over all types of social ties.

CLIKA is a group of people striving by any means to achieve any selfish, base goals.

COALITION - (from Lat. Coalitio- association) 1) association on a voluntary basis to achieve common goals; 2) an alliance of several powers to oppose any state, the unification of states, to achieve common goals; 3) the unification of several political parties to achieve a specific goal, for example, the creation of a coalition government.

COLLEGALITY is a management principle in which management is carried out by a group of authorized persons (collegium), each of whom bears personal responsibility for a specific area of ​​activity.

COMPETENCE - 1) a set of legally established powers, rights and obligations of any public authority or official; 2) the range of issues in which the person has experience, knowledge.

KOMPROMISS is an agreement reached through mutual concessions.

CONVENTION - an international treaty, an agreement on any special issue.

CONDOMINIUM - in international law, the possession of a certain territory by two or more states, which jointly exercise their sovereignty over it.

CONSENSUS - the state of agreement of the majority of society, the main socio-political forces regarding the most important principles of political organization, distribution of values, power and rights in society.

CONSERVATISM - (from the French word conservatism and Latin conservo - I protect, preserve) 1) ideology aimed at protecting the traditional foundations of social life, preserving the prevailing socio-economic, political, moral and legal relations, traditional religion, private property, traditional privileges elites, etc. Supports the restriction of human freedom by the norms of morality and traditional religion, against the increase in state interference in the economy, in the regulation of social relations; 2) a set of heterogeneous ideological, political and cultural trends based on the idea of ​​tradition and continuity in social and cultural life.

CONSOLIDATION - strengthening, strengthening, rallying something.

CONSTITUTIONALISM - 1) political and legal theory that defines the relationship between the state and civil society on the basis of the separation of powers and their limitation by the constitution, as well as on the basis of guarantees of individual rights and freedoms; 2) government limited by the constitution; a political system based on the constitution and constitutional methods of government.

CONSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE - a system of social, economic, political and legal relations established and protected by the constitution and other constitutional and legal acts of a particular state.

CONSTITUTION - the basic law of the state, which has supreme legal force and determines the foundations of the organization of central and local authorities, their competence and relationships, the basis of relations between the citizen and the state.


CONFORMISM is a socio-political and psychological concept that reflects uncritical acceptance and adherence to prevailing opinions and standards, stereotypes of mass consciousness.

POLITICAL CONFLICT is a type of relationship where political interests and their carriers oppose. There are the following types of conflicts: interpersonal, interethnic, interparty, interblock, interclass, intergroup, interstate.

CONFRONTATION - confrontation, collision, opposition.

COOPTATION - introduction of new members into any elected body by decision of this body without holding new elections.

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS - (lat. Correctus - corrected, improved) tactful, socially acceptable attitude towards various political and social groups, excluding any possibility of discrimination, insult to national feelings, infringement of the dignity, rights and freedoms of individuals or social groups for political, racial, religious and so on.

CORRUPTION (from Lat. Corruptio - bribery) 1) venality of officials, politicians; 2) a socially dangerous phenomenon in the field of politics or public administration, expressed in the deliberate use by representatives of the authorities, officials of their official status for the illegal acquisition of property and non-property benefits and advantages in any form, as well as bribery of these persons.

CRATOLOGY is the science of power.

KREATURA - someone's henchman; one who has advanced thanks to someone else's patronage.

CRISIS- (from gr. Krisis - decision, turning point, outcome) 1) a sharp, abrupt change; severe transitional state; 2) economic crisis - a periodic overproduction of goods, leading to a breakdown in economic life, an increase in unemployment and poverty; 3) a political crisis is a moment of acute difficulties experienced by the state, which results in an important change in the direction of policy; 5) in constitutional states - a ministerial crisis - the resignation of an entire cabinet and the formation of a new ministry.

XENOPHOBIA - fear of someone else's, foreign; intolerance towards representatives of other cultures, nations, states.

CULT OF PERSONALITY - 1) initially deification of representatives of spiritual and secular power, endowing them with superhuman virtues and strength; consecration of the power of emperors, kings, kings, representatives of the clergy - high priests, popes, etc .; 2) imposing on the people admiration for the bearers of power as infallible, ascribing to them the ability to create history at their own discretion and arbitrariness

POLITICAL CULTURE - a set of positions, values ​​and patterns of behavior of the subjects of the political process.

LEGALITY - (from Lat. Legalis - legal) - the legality of political power (parliament, government, head of state, etc.), elected in accordance with established legal procedures.

LEGITIMITY - a property of power relations, the conviction of the object of power in the validity of the existence of this power; recognition by society of the right to exist of this power. Types of legitimacy of power according to M. Weber: traditional - based on tradition and the historically established habit of obeying a given subject of power. Charismatic (from the Greek charisma - divine gift) - based on belief in the exceptional or supernatural qualities of the bearer of power. Legal (or rational-legal) - based on the recognition of voluntarily established legal norms, on the relevant regulatory documents.

LEGITIMATION - a procedure for public recognition of any action, event or fact, an actor. Delegitimation is a process opposite to legitimation, loss of trust, public recognition, loss of consent to any action, to the existence of a given power.

LIBERALISM - (from Latin liberalis - free) ideology based on the concept of "natural human rights" proclaims the value of human life, individual freedom and private property. Supports freedom of entrepreneurial activity, restricting state regulation, the development of civil society.

POLITICAL LEADERSHIP - (from the English lead - to lead, to lead) the impact of the person in power (leader) on society, political organization, social group. Leaders are: formal (appointed by the official authorities) and informal (spontaneously nominated in a social group, supported by the majority of the group, community). Leaders are distinguished authoritarian (with a tough, domineering manner of leadership) and democratic (taking into account the opinion of the people being led, who do not emphasize their exclusive leadership role).

LOBBY - (from the English. Lobby - lobby) a kind of interest groups, characterized by targeted direct influence on the holders of power in order to realize their interests.

LOBBISM - purposeful direct impact of interest groups on government bodies in order to realize their specific interests.

LOYALTY - loyalty, adherence of a political subject to the goals, norms and values ​​proclaimed by the authorities, political institutions and ideologies.

LUMPEN is a declassified person, completely "thrown out" from society and having lost the usual values, norms, standards of attitudes and behavior (beggar, homeless, criminal, etc.).

LUSTRATION - 1) a religious rite of purification through magical actions (sacrifices); 2) a special procedure for checking persons holding responsible public positions, as well as candidates for these positions, for their past belonging to the leadership of the communist parties, state security services or cooperation with these services.

MAJORITARIAN ELECTION SYSTEM - a system of elections to a collegial body (parliament) or an official, under which candidates are considered elected who have received the majority of votes in the constituency where they are running.

POLITICAL MANIPULATION - latent mental influence of the manipulator on the object in order to change the political behavior of the object.

MANIFEST - 1) solemn act, emanating directly from the supreme power and addressed to the population (used mainly in absolute monarchies); 2) an appeal, a declaration of a political party, public organization, containing program provisions and principles of activity.

MARGINALITY - borderline state, intermediateness in sociology and political science: 1) loss or absence of belonging to any social group or class; 2) loss of horizontal economic, social and spiritual ties with their social group.

MARKETING POLITICAL - a set of measures in the field of political market research to study the behavior of voters and the impact on them in order to win candidates in elections.

INTERNATIONAL POLICY - the activity of the subjects of international relations, aimed at increasing the power influence in the world, using this influence in order to realize the interests of the subject. In the modern world, it is declared that the main goal of M.p. is the coordination of interests of subjects of international politics. See also POLICY.

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS - (French organization, from Latin organizo - I give a harmonious look, I arrange) one of the main organizational and legal forms of international cooperation in the modern world; voluntary organizations, whose activities cover the most diverse aspects of international relations: economic, political, cultural. The number of international organizations is growing steadily - if at the beginning of the XX century. there were about 40 intergovernmental and 180 non-governmental organizations, now there are about 300 and 5000, respectively. The first international organization was the Universal Postal Union, created in 1875. Modern international organizations include: 1) regional organizations: the Council of Europe, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the League of Arab States (LAS), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) , Organization of African Unity (OAU), Organization of American States (OAS); 2) economic organizations: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), etc .; 3) professional organizations: the International Organization of Journalists (IOJ), the International Association for Political Science (IAPS), the International Organization of Criminal Police (INTERPOL); 4) demographic organizations: International Democratic Federation of Women (IDFW), World Youth Association (WAM); 5) organizations in the field of culture and sports: International Olympic Committee (IOC); 6) military-political organizations: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Pacific Security Pact (ANZUS), the CSTO - the organization of a collective security treaty (RF, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan); 7) trade union organizations: the International Conference of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the World Confederation of Labor (WKT), etc .; 8) various organizations in support of peace and international solidarity: the World Peace Council (SCM), the International Peace Institute in Vienna, etc .; 9) organizations in defense of victims of wars, catastrophes and natural disasters: the International Red Cross (ICC); 10) environmental organizations: Greenpeace, etc. The most significant role in the system of international relations is played by the United Nations Organization (UN), established in 1945 in order to maintain the world security system. The UN Charter enshrines such principles of international cooperation as the sovereign equality of all its members, the resolution of international disputes by peaceful means, the refusal to use force, and non-interference in the internal affairs of states. The UN structure consists of: 1) UN Secretariat (headed by The Secretary General); 2) Security Council (15 countries, including 5 permanent members with veto power - Russia, USA, Great Britain, France, China); 3) General Assembly (all member countries of the organization); 4) a number of organizations - structural units of the UN, including: WHO (World Health Organization), ILO (International Labor Organization), UNESCO (World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), IMF (International Monetary Fund), IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), UNICEF (International Children's Fund), International Court of Justice.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - a system of economic, political, social, diplomatic, legal, military and cultural ties and interactions that arise between various actors in the world community. The main subjects of international relations are states.


A MEMORANDUM is a diplomatic document of a state, which sets out in detail the factual side of an international issue from the point of view of this state, an analysis of certain provisions is given, and a justification of the state's position is given.

MIGRATION - (from Lat. Migration - relocation, resettlement) movement of people associated with a change of residence and place of work. Migration can differ by reasons (voluntary or forced), type (external or internal), type (returnable or irrevocable). Among internal migration, "commuting migration" is distinguished - the regular (usually daily) movement of the population from one settlement to another to work or study and vice versa. Pendulum migration is the result of a mismatch between the location of production and the settlement of people. Pendulum migration is especially developed in the suburban areas of large cities, urban agglomerations, and megalopolises.
In external migration, emigration and MIGRATION are distinguished.
Emigration (from Lat. Emigrare - I am moving out) - voluntary or involuntary resettlement from one country to another; place or time of stay outside the fatherland after such resettlement. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) provides for the right of every person to leave any country, including his own. Immigration - (lat. Immigrare - to move in) - entry into the country for permanent residence or temporary residence of citizens of another state. In the process of long-term immigration, states such as Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada were formed. Thus, a person leaving his country is an emigrant for her, and for the country that received him - an immigrant.

LABOR MIGRATION or labor migration - is the movement of the working-age population for the purpose of employment. The subjects of internal labor migration are citizens of the Republic of Belarus and persons who are in Belarus on a legal basis, carrying out movements on its territory. Subjects of external labor migration are persons who are or will be engaged in paid activities in a state of which they are not citizens (migrant workers).

Militarism - (from Lat. Militaris - military) 1) striving for war and glorification of military ideals; 2) the predominance of military values ​​and practices in society; 3) the direction of state policy based on the constant buildup of the state's military power and, at the same time, the admissibility of the use of military force in resolving international and internal conflicts.

POLITICAL MODERNIZATION is one of the aspects of the universal process of modernization, the process of social changes, due to which traditional societies are being transformed into "modern" ones. Founded in the 18th century. "The theory of progress", preceded the theory of modernization, is based on the idea that different peoples and cultures develop in accordance with the same laws, the difference between societies is determined precisely by the degree of their development.

MONARCHY - a form of government in which power is inherited.

POLITICAL MONITORING - (from Lat. Monitor - one who reminds) observation, assessment of the state and forecast of political processes, events in connection with the activities of certain authorities, political forces, parties, movements and existing states.

MORATORIUM - 1) postponement of the fulfillment by the state of its international obligations, in particular under treaties, as a rule, for a certain period or until the end of a war, natural disasters or other extraordinary events; 2) suspension of any activity, refusal from something.

PEOPLE - 1) in the broad sense of the word - the entire population of a particular country; 2) the term used to designate various forms of ethnic communities (tribe, nationality, nation); 3) the totality of the civilian population, considered from the point of view of a certain system of power, a certain state structure.

POPULATION - the totality of people living on the globe (humanity) or in any country or region. It is characterized by the number, dynamics, intensity of reproduction, settlement, migration, urbanization, age and sex composition, level of education, racial, linguistic, ethnic and religious composition. The socio-economic structure of the population reflects the economically active population, its professional and class composition, and employment.

NAZISM (National Socialism) is a kind of Fascism that accumulates its main systemic features and is distinguished by a special accentuation of RACISM and

MILITARISM. N.'s concepts were developed and were implemented to a certain extent by the NSDAP (National Socialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - National Socialist German Workers' Party) in 1933-45, during the existence of the Nazi regime in Germany.

NATIONALISM — 1) a form of protest against colonial oppression in countries fighting for political and economic independence; 2) a system of views, which are based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity, the priority of national values ​​over universal ones. The development of this form of nationalism can lead to Fascism, to Nazism.


A NATION is a stable community of people, historically formed on the basis of the unity of the origin of culture, cohabitation and communications (economic, political, etc.).

NEUTRALITY - 1) the policy of non-participation in the war, and in peacetime - refusal to participate in military alliances and blocs; 2) an objective, unbiased attitude.

NOMENKLATURA - (from Lat. Nomenklatura - a list of names) 1) a list of positions approved from above; 2) the ruling elite, which is formed by appointing to key posts at all levels of candidates approved by the higher party bodies.

NONKONFORMISM - rejection of the views of the majority, established norms of social life; a set of views that defend freedom of views and actions.

OBSTRUCTION - 1) one of the methods of parliamentary struggle, aimed at disrupting the discussion and adoption by the parliament of any draft law; 2) actions, demonstratively aimed at disrupting any proposal or event.

PUBLIC MOVEMENT - a mass public association that does not have membership, pursuing social, political and other socially significant goals supported by members of the public movement. After completing the assigned tasks, O.D. either disintegrate or reorganize into public organizations or parties. Examples of O.D. - anti-fascist, anti-dictatorial, anti-war, environmental, feminist, etc.

PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS - (FR. Organization, from Lat. Organizo - I give a harmonious look, I arrange) voluntary associations of citizens, which are created to implement and protect their common interests, have a program of activities and are characterized by a clear internal structure. They are an element of civil society, their presence, development and influence characterize a democratic political system. Unlike parties, public organizations and movements do not set themselves the goal of the struggle for power, but can influence the power in order to realize their interests. The types of public organizations in the modern world are: trade unions; veteran, women's, youth, children's organizations; scientific, technical, sports and other voluntary societies; creative unions; communities, foundations, associations, societies, etc. Allocate local, regional, national, international public organizations.


OLIGARCHY - (from the Greek oligos - few and archia - power) 1) the power of the few; 2) according to Aristotle "wrong form of government" (as opposed to ARISTOCRACY); 3) the power of a small group of rich people.

OPPOSITION - (from Lat. Oppositio opposition) 1) opposition, resistance to a certain political line, political action; 2) political parties, social movements, individuals opposing the ruling elite, the ruling party, party leaders or state leaders, existing methods of exercising power, the dominant ideology, programs and plans of the ruling elite or the political system as a whole. The presence of a real opposition is an essential feature of a democratic political regime. The opposition is systemic and non-systemic, constructive and destructive, parliamentary and non-parliamentary.

OHLOCRACY - (from the Greek. Ochlos -crowd and sratos- power) the power of the crowd, the rabble. According to Aristotle, O. is a form of degeneration of democracy.

PUBLICITY - publicity, fame, popularity; advertising of the organization's activities, its achievements by the mass media.

PACT - (from Latin pactum - contract, agreement) type of international agreement.

PARADIGMS OF POLITICAL THOUGHT - (from the Greek paradeigma - example, sample) - an example, theory, model of posing problems. Paradigms of political science thought: theological - is based on a supernatural explanation of the origin of politics, state, state power and sees its origins in divine will. Naturalistic - considers man and society as a part of nature, explains politics by natural factors: geographical conditions, biological, mental properties of a person. Social - determines politics through the influence on it of other spheres of public life (economy, religion, culture, etc.). Rational-critical - focuses on the disclosure of the internal nature of politics, its most important elements and their interaction. He regards political life as relatively autonomous, looking for internal sources for the development of political phenomena.

PARITY - the same position, equality of parties, equality.

PARLIAMENT - (from French parler - to speak) the highest representative body of state power. In many countries, the parliament has a special name (for example, the US Congress, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus). It was first formed in England in the 13th century as a body of estate representation. As a rule, the parliament is elected by the population according to the system established by the constitution and performs legislative functions.

PARLIAMENTARY FACTION - in parliament or its separate chamber, an association of deputies belonging to one party or movement.

PARTICULARISM is a principle of social and political activity based on the domination of private (personal or group) goals and interests.

PARTY SYSTEM - (Greek systema - whole, consisting of parts, and Latin partis - part) a set of political parties in the state, as well as a system of connections between them. There are one-party, two-party and multi-party systems, as well as their varieties. This does not mean just the number of political parties existing in a given political system, but the number of parties that actually participate in the political life of the country.

POLITICAL PARTY - (from lat parties - part, group) a political organization with the goal of seizing state power in the interests of certain social groups, to use power to realize social interests.

PATSIFISM - 1) a worldview that condemns all wars and demands peace on earth; 2) the international anti-war movement, formed in the second half of the 19th century. and opposed in principle against all wars.

PLENUM - a meeting of the full membership of an elected governing body of any state, public or other organization.

PLUTOCRACY is the power of the wealthy strata of society who have accumulated their wealth through illegal or immoral means.

POLITICAL BEHAVIOR - human thoughts and actions related to politics. Political behavior includes both internal reactions (thought, perception, judgment, attitude, persuasion) and observable actions (participation in elections, protesting, lobbying, holding meetings, campaigns).

POLEMIC - scientific dispute, war of words, literary skirmish.

POLEMOLOGY - the science of war as a phenomenon of a social order, of its causes and consequences in all aspects (economic, political, demographic, moral, etc.); direction in political science, which analyzes wars and armed conflicts.

POLYARCHY is a political regime characterized by high competition and active political participation of citizens.

POLITICS - (from the Greek "polis" - city-state, "politika" - state and public affairs, the art of government). The ethical approach views politics as a social activity aimed at achieving the common good. Anthropological approach - politics as a form of civilized communication of people on the basis of law, a way of collective human existence. The institutional approach interprets politics as participation in the affairs of the state, defining the forms, tasks, content and activities of the state. The substantial approach is politics as a set of actions aimed at power, its acquisition, retention and use.

STATE POLICY is divided into external, internal and international.


POLITICAL SCIENCE is the science of politics as a special sphere of people's life associated with power relations, with the state-political organization of society, political institutions, principles, norms, the action of which is designed to ensure the functioning of society, relationships between people, society, and the state. The term comes from the Greek. "Polis" - city-state, "politika" - state and public affairs, "logos" - word, science. The object of political science is politics, the political sphere of society. The subject of political science is the laws of the political sphere of society, power relations, actions aimed at obtaining, retaining and using power. Functions of political science: methodological - the development of methods and techniques for the analysis of political phenomena and processes; theoretical - the creation of a political theory about connections and patterns inherent in phenomena and processes in the political sphere of society; descriptive - creating a database and descriptions of political phenomena; predictive - forecasting political phenomena, the ability to see negative phenomena and extinguish them in time, to outline ways to optimize political governance; ideological - the development of the political consciousness of citizens in society, the formation of value orientations in the political position of a person, a group of people, parties, social and political organizations; ideological - the development, justification and protection of a certain political ideal, which contributes to the stability of the political system in a given society.

POPULISM - (from Lat. Populus - people) a style of political activity aimed at ensuring popularity among the masses with the help of primitive arguments, unfounded promises, demagogic slogans, the use of stereotypes and myths.

POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY - (from Latin post - after and French industriel, from Latin industria - activity) a designation of a new stage of social development following an industrial society, widespread in modern political science, sociology and futurology. The most important characteristic of the post-industrial society is considered to be the rapid growth in the production of services and the volume of knowledge accumulated by mankind. Thus, for the post-industrial stage of development of society, services and knowledge become the main consumer products, and information technologies become the main technologies.

GOVERNMENT - the highest executive body of the state, sometimes referred to as the council or the cabinet of ministers, is headed either by the president in presidential republics or by the prime minister in parliamentary republics and monarchies.

GOVERNMENT can be one-party and coalition. Formation procedure

GOVERNMENT depends on the form of government.

LAW is a system of generally binding, formally defined social norms and relations, which are protected by the power of the state.


PREAMBLE - an introductory or introductory part of a legislative or other legal act, as well as a declaration and an international treaty, which, as a rule, sets out the motives, goals of publication, the fundamental provisions of the relevant act.


PRESIDENT - (from Lat. Prae (before) and sedere (to sit) - "chairman") the position of the head of state, territorial-administrative entity or head of a public or commercial organization. P. of the state is elected by the population or parliament for a specified period. The President of the Republic of Belarus is the highest state office.

PRESIDIUM - the governing body of any organization, institution; a group of persons elected to lead the congress, assembly.

PREGATIVE is an exclusive right, belongs to any state body or official.

PRESS RELEASE - special bulletins for media professionals issued by government agencies, the governing bodies of any organizations and containing materials for urgent publication.

PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE - (from Lat. Procurare - to take care) a special state body (system of bodies), authorized to: initiate criminal cases, support the prosecution, represent the interests of the state in the trial.

PROLONGATION - the extension of the contract, carried out from the moment of its expiration in order to ensure its continuity.

PROMULGATION - 1) the official publication of an international treaty; 2) in the constitutional law of a number of foreign states, the publication of the adopted and approved law in the official press, carried out by the head of state within the terms established by the constitution or law, as a rule, only after promulgation, the law becomes binding.

PROPAGANDA - (from Lat. Propaganda - subject to dissemination) popularization and dissemination of political, philosophical, religious, scientific, artistic or other ideas in society through oral speech, mass media, visual or other means of influencing public consciousness. In the narrow sense, P. is understood only as a political or ideological P., carried out with the aim of forming a certain political outlook among the masses. Political P. can be viewed as a systematic impact on the consciousness of individuals, groups, and society as a whole in order to achieve a certain result in the field of political action.


PROTEST - (from Lat. Protestor - I publicly prove). 1) objection; 2) in law, one of the forms of supervision over the observance of legality consists in a reasoned objection of the prosecutor against a judicial or administrative act; 3) PROTEST
POLITICAL - a petition, declaration, meeting, demonstration, expressing P. against the actions of the authorities or the administration

POLITICAL PROCESS - a set of activities of subjects of political relations, reflecting the stages of change in the political system and aimed at achieving political goals.

PUTCH - (from German putsch - coup) a coup d'état committed by a group of conspirators. Often P. is called not the coup itself, but only an attempt to accomplish it.

RADICALISM - (from Lat. Radix - root) is literally an uncompromising desire to go to the end, to achieve fundamental changes and the most complete results in any transformative activity.

POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT - one of the forms of the POLITICAL PROCESS, reflecting changes in the political system, allowing it to adapt to new social conditions.


RACISM is a theory about the division of humanity into "higher" and "lower", "full" and "inferior" races. Justifies the right to rule over other races, supposedly inferior races, or to reject them.

RATIFICATION - 1) approval of an international treaty by the highest state authorities of the respective country to give it legal force; 2) in some countries (for example, the USA) a special procedure for approving constitutional amendments.

REVANCHISM is the policy of forces that have suffered military or political defeat and are trying to regain their lost positions.

REGULATIONS - 1) the procedure for conducting meetings, sessions, sessions and congresses of representative bodies; 2) a set of rules governing the internal organization and form of parliamentary activity, as well as the legal status of a deputy; 3) a set of rules governing the internal organization and work procedure of the government.

POLITICAL REGIME - (from the French regime - management) a set of methods and means of exercising state power. A totalitarian regime is characterized by the state's desire for complete, all-encompassing control over all aspects of public life and private life citizens; authoritarian regime - complete control of the state over the political sphere of society; democratic regime - state control over the factors of public life necessary to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.


RENEGAT is a person who has changed his convictions, apostate, a traitor.

RENOME - reputation, fame, fame.

REPATRIATION - the return to their homeland of prisoners of war, displaced persons, refugees, emigrants.

POLITICAL REPRESSIONS - measures of coercion applied by the state for political reasons: in the form of deprivation of life or freedom, placement for compulsory treatment in psychiatric medical institutions, expulsion from the country and deprivation of citizenship, eviction of groups of the population from their places of residence, referrals to exile, involvement in forced labor in conditions of restriction of freedom, as well as other deprivation or restriction of the rights and freedoms of persons recognized as socially dangerous for the state or political system on the basis of class, social, national, religious or other grounds, is carried out by decisions of courts and other bodies vested with judicial functions, or in administratively by the executive authorities.


REFERENDUM - (from Lat. Referendum - literally: what must be communicated) a form of direct expression of the power of the people, ensuring decision-making on important issues of public and state life. In formal legal meaning, R. represents the voting of citizens with active suffrage on issues that are the subject of voting, in order to obtain an unambiguous affirmative or negative answer in the form of "yes" or "no", "for" or "against".

SABOTAGE - 1) deliberate disruption of work by open refusal of it or deliberately negligent execution of it; 2) hidden, disguised opposition to the implementation of something.

SATELLITE - 1) dependent, subordinate person, executor of someone else's will; 2) a state formally independent, but actually subordinate to another state.

SEGREGATION - the separation or isolation of a race or ethnic group by forcible or voluntary settlement in a limited area, the establishment of barriers to social communication, separate education and upbringing, and other discriminatory measures.

SEXISM - gender discrimination (“sexual racism”).

SEPARATISM - (lat. Separatus - separate) the desire to separate a part of the state and turn it into a new independent state or autonomous entity. Separatism can pose a danger to the state, since it is associated with a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity (relying on the right of each nation to self-determination, the separatists seek to realize it at the expense of other nations by splitting integral multinational states). Separatism often leads to nationalist extremism (Basques in Spain, Northern Irish in Great Britain, etc.).

PARLIAMENTARY SESSION - (from lat. Sessio meeting) a period of time during which plenary sessions of parliament take place. Distinguish between regular and emergency (extraordinary) S.p.

SECESSION - (from lat. Secessio separated care) separation, secession from the state of any of its parts.

POLITICAL SYSTEM - a complex of organizations and institutions that carry out the political self-organization of society.

POLITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS is a system of political knowledge, values ​​and beliefs, on the basis of which stable orientations of people in relation to the political system are developed.

SOCIAL DEMOCRACY - 1) at the beginning of the 20th century. S.-d. was actually synonymous with socialism; 2) movements and parties oriented towards socialism and democracy for their own purposes. After breaking with the communist parties in the 1920s. the hallmark of the Social Democratic parties was their commitment to parliamentary methods of government with its moderate programs of social reform. Gradually, the Social Democrats abandoned the slogan of public ownership of the means of production, nationalization, striving instead for such a development of the capitalist economy that would provide equal opportunities for everyone to get an education, find a job and successfully advance in service, as well as implement social security programs and improving the well-being of the poorest segments of the population through progressive taxation; 3) a kind of socialist ideology, formed at the end of the 19th century, at the beginning of the 20th century. separates from revolutionary Marxism, proclaiming the main task of building democratic socialism. At the present stage, it is a center-left ideological political movement that advocates the unification of the ideals of socialism and liberalism and proclaims freedom, social justice and equality as the basic values; 4) a form of social government in which social equality is achieved through the redistribution of resources, carried out by democratic methods.
After World War II, most Western countries, in one form or another, adopted the SD theory, and the Scandinavian countries were especially successful in this. In recent years, this policy has been attacked by the new right, who claims that it leads to inflation and slows down economic growth.

POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION - assimilation by an individual of political knowledge, norms and values ​​of political culture, contributing to the formation of the necessary qualities for him to adapt to a given political system and perform certain functions and roles in it.

SOCIALISM - 1) forms of social structure based on varieties of socialist ideology; 2) ideology, represented by various varieties, for which, to one degree or another, the desire for social justice and equality is characteristic, and, to one degree or another, equality in the socio-economic sphere is considered the basis for realizing real equality in all other social spheres ... (See varieties: ANARCHISM, SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, UTOPIC SOCIALISM, etc.).

UTOPIC SOCIALISM - the name of the founders of Marxism of the previous socialist and communist teachings, which, according to Marxism, did not contain sufficient scientific grounds for the realization of socialist ideals. (See also UTOPIA).


SPEAKER - (from the English speaker - orator) the chairman of the lower house of parliament (or unicameral parliament).

POLITICAL STABILITY - a stable state of the political system, which allows it to function effectively under the influence of the external and internal environment, while maintaining its structure and ability to control the processes of social change. A significant contribution to the research of S.p. contributed by S. Lipset and S. Huntington. According to Lipset, S. p. determined by the legitimacy and effectiveness of government. The absence of both variables leads to the instability of the political system, while the presence of only one of them leads to relative stability / instability. Huntington associates political stability with the level of political institutionalization. The higher the level of political institutionalization, the more stable the system.

SOVEREN is the bearer of supreme power.

STATE SOVEREIGNTY - (from French souverainete - supreme power) independence of state power from any other power inside and outside the country, the exclusive right to political independence, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the state, its ability to effectively carry out its functions.

PEOPLE'S SOVEREIGNTY - the supreme power belongs to the people, its sovereignty, the most important socio-political basis of truly democratic power, providing the broad popular masses with effective ways, forms and means of their real participation in the management of society and the state. S.N. manifests itself in the activities of not only state bodies, but also in various forms of public initiative, i.e. in the activities of various public organizations, labor collectives, etc.

NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY - the sovereignty of the nation, the possibility of independent political self-determination, as well as the exclusive right to determine and change the established constitutional order.

SUFRAZHISM is a women's movement for granting women the same voting rights as men.

The COURT is the body of state power that administers justice.

TERRITORIAL WATERS - (from Lat. Territorium region, territory, from terra - land) water space within the boundaries of the state, to which its sovereignty extends. The sea territory of the state is considered to be a 12-mile sea zone.

TERRITORY OF THE STATE - (from Lat. Territorium, region, territory, from terra - land) continental and island land, water (internal and TERRITORIAL waters) space, airspace, as well as objects equated to them, which are subject to the sovereignty of the STATE.

THEOCRACY is a form of government in which the highest state power is exercised by the clergy or the head of the church.

TECHNOCRACY - (from the Greek. Techne - skill, kratos - power) 1) the power of the technical intelligentsia; 2) the technical intelligentsia, which is the leading force

POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY; 3) the power of managers, for whom the means (the technical side of the matter) is an important goal.


TERRORISM - (from Latin terror - horror, fear) a criminal form of political action by means of violence, aimed at intimidating political opponents, at changing the socio-psychological situation in society in order to achieve the goals and demands of terrorists.

TOLERANCE - (from Lat. Tolerantia - patience) tolerance to the "alien" way of life and thought, behavior and feelings, ideas and values, beliefs and ideals, political tastes and positions.


TRAYBALISM - socio-cultural, economic, ethnic and religious isolation inherent in tribal, clan structures; politics leading to such isolation

UZURPATSIYA - (lat. Usurpatio - mastery) - violent, illegal seizure of power or the appropriation of other people's rights, powers; coming to power in violation of the legally established procedure. In democracies, it is a crime against the state.


URBANIZATION - concentration of population and economic life in large cities.

ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL DEVICE - (from Lat. Adminstatio - administration and Lat territorium - region, territory) dividing the territory of the state into component parts (territories, regions, districts, etc.), in which a system of local authorities and self-government is formed.

UTOPIA - (from the Greek. U -no, topos- place, literally “non-existent place”) 1) a model of an ideal, desirable social and state structure. The term comes from the title of T. Mora's book (1516), which describes an ideal society on the fantastic island of Utopia; 2) a wonderful, ideal, but impracticable project.

POLITICAL PARTICIPATION - actions taken by individuals and organizations in order to influence politics, the formation of the political elite, the election of political leaders. The main forms of political participation: pre-election activity, organized activity, lobbying, work in organizations, individual appeal, work at the place of residence.

FASCISM - 1) movements, parties and regimes of a totalitarian type that arose shortly after the end of the First World War in European countries; the corresponding ideology; 2) ideology proclaiming the superiority of any social group and proposing violence, war, aggression, suppression of democratic freedoms, discrimination to ensure the superiority of this social group.


FEMINISM is a social and political movement advocating for the empowerment of women, increasing their role in public life and politics.

FRACTION - 1) a separate part of a political party, which has its own organizational center and its own platform, different from the platform of the party; 2) an organized group of members of a political party, pursuing its policy in parliament, local government bodies, in public organizations.

FUNDAMENTALISM - ideology and politics, characterized by an unconditional commitment to any ideas, values ​​and goals.


FUTUROLOGY is a collective designation of concepts, studies of the future states of society and social processes in general.

CHARTER - (from the Greek. Chartion - paper) declaration, or political and legal document, proclaiming the basic principles of organization and activities of subjects of political and legal relations, but not having binding legal force.


JUNTA - 1) the name of social and political organizations in Spain and most of the countries of Latin America; 2) government authority in some Latin American countries; 3) a group of conspirators, illegally seizing power and ruling by dictatorial methods.

CENSORSHIP - (from Lat. Censura - strict judgment) control over the mass media, publishing activities, consisting in the need to obtain permission to publish from censors.

CESSION - the transfer of the territory of one state to another by agreement between them.

CIVILIZATION - 1) a synonym for culture; 2) the level of development of society and culture; 3) the stage of development of society following barbarism.

SHOVINISM - 1) an extremely aggressive and militant form of nationalism based on the idea of ​​national exclusivity and superiority; 2) nationalism of a large ethnic group or nation in relation to a small one.

EXPANSION - active penetration into any sphere.

EXTRADITION is the transfer to a foreign state of a person who has violated the laws of this state, at the request of the latter, in order to bring the offender to criminal responsibility or to carry out a sentence that has entered into legal force.

EXTREMISM - (from lat extremus - extreme) 1) extreme (for a given society) views, activities using extreme measures, actions; 2) criminal political activity (according to the legal norms existing in this state system).

ELECTORAT - a set of citizens with electoral rights and voting for a specific candidate.

ELITE - (from French elite - the best, selected, selected) 1) the most prominent representatives of any part of society, a select circle of people; 2) the upper strata in the system of social hierarchy, groups with the greatest access to various public goods, to power, to prestige.

POLITICAL ELITES - the few social groups that have the greatest access to power. There are two main systems for recruiting the elite: the guild system and the entrepreneurial one. The main distinguishing features of the guild system: closedness, selection of applicants for higher posts mainly from the lower layers of the elite itself; a slow, evolutionary path upward. The main distinguishing features of the entrepreneurial system: openness, ample opportunity for representatives of various social groups to claim a place in the elite as a result of democratic elections.

EMBARGO - (from Spanish: embargo-ban) restriction or complete rupture of trade and economic ties with the state for the purpose of political pressure on this state.


ETATISM - (from French etat-state) 1) absolutization of the role of the state in solving most issues of public life; 2) active state intervention in the economic, political, social and spiritual life of society.

ETHNOCRACY - the power of representatives of one of the ethnic groups.

ETHNOPOLITICS - purposeful activity to regulate relations between nations, enshrined in the relevant political documents and legal acts of the state

ETHNOS is a stable social group with a common origin, language, history, culture.

JURISDICTION - (jus - right and dict - I say) the totality of powers of the authorities, determined by law.

JUSTICE - (from Lat. Justitia - justice) 1) justice; 2) the system of institutions ensuring the rule of law.

STATE LANGUAGE - a legally enshrined language of official communication, mandatory for implementation in lawmaking, office work, legal proceedings, education, state

Department of History and Political Science


Krasnodar, 2005

The dictionary contains a brief description of terms, concepts, concepts, phenomena of a socio-political and socio-economic nature, often found in the media. When compiling, dictionaries published in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, materials of the World Wide Web were used.

The dictionary is intended for high school students, lyceums, vocational schools, technical schools, students of higher educational institutions.

Compiled by: Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor E.M. Kharitonov,

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Ashkhamakhov,

candidate historical sciences, V.A. Symonenko

Managing editor: Doctor of Sociological Sciences,

Professor E.M. Kharitonov

ABOLITIONISM(lat. abolitio - abolition, destruction) - a social movement of supporters of the abolition of any law. Most often, the term "abolitionism" was applied to the social movement for the abolition of the slave trade and slavery of blacks (mainly in the United States), which arose in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

ABROGATION(lat. Abrogatio) - the abolition of an outdated law either because of its uselessness, or if it contradicts the spirit and rights of the time. A. is declared a new law. Distinguish between: proper abrogation - a complete replacement of the old law with a new one; derogation - a partial abolition of the old law; abrogation - making the necessary changes to the old law and subrogation - complementing the old law.
ABSENTEEISM(lat. absentis - absent) - one of the forms of deliberate boycotting by voters of elections, refusal to participate in them; passive protest against the existing form of government, political regime, manifestation of indifference to the exercise of their rights and obligations. In broad terms - the fact of the population's indifferent attitude to political life, the philistine idea of ​​certain people that nothing depends on them in politics, politics is "not my business", etc.
ABSOLUTISM(from Lat. absolutus - unlimited, unconditional) - absolute, unlimited monarchy, autocratic power, a form of government in which the supreme power (legislative, executive, judicial) belongs to an unlimited number of one person - the monarch.
ADVENTURISMPOLITICAL(fr. avanture - adventure, risk) - the activity of political leaders, individuals, parties, movements, state and other institutions, which is based on the lack of real knowledge about the objective political situation, the absolutization of their capabilities and abilities, the action is ill-considered, unreasonable.
AUTARKY(from the Greek autarkeia - self-satisfaction) - the policy of economic and cultural isolation of the country, the desire to create a closed economy based solely on its own forces.
AUTOCRACY(Greek autokrateia - autocratic) - a form of government with uncontrolled power of one person, autocracy.
AUTONOMY(Greek autonomia - self-government, independence) - internal self-government of a political-national entity within a single state.

AUTHORITARISM(from Latin auctoritas - power, influence) - a political regime in which political power is exercised by a specific person (class, party, elite group) with minimal participation of the people, dictatorial methods of government.

AUTOCHTON NATIONS(gr. autos itself + chthon land) - the original, original population of the country, formed within the territory of this state

SOCIALIZATION AGENTS(lat.agens - acting ) - social institutions and factors (family, educational institutions, church, media, social and political institutions, processes of public and political life, etc.) involved in the process of socialization of the individual.

AGITATION (lat.agitatio - setting in motion) - oral, printed, visual political activity, influencing the consciousness and mood of the masses in order to induce them to be active. As a means of campaigning - meetings, publications, speeches, posters, stands, etc.

AGGREGATION- the technology of coordinating various micro-group positions within the framework of the development of uniform political requirements of a particular group

AGGRESSION(lat. agregsio - attack) - illegal, from the point of view of international law, the use of force by one or more states against the political independence and sovereignty of any state or people in order to seize territory, change the political or social system.
ADAPTATION(Wed - century lat. adaptatio - adaptation) - 1) adaptation of existing domestic legal norms to the new international obligations of the state without making any changes to its legislation. 2) (from Lat.adaptare - to adapt) - the process of interaction of the individual (group) with the social environment, during which the prevailing norms and values ​​of a given society, class, group are assimilated, and the environment is changed in accordance with new conditions and goals of activity, ex. in connection with industrialization, urbanization, scientific and technological revolution. 3) Adaptation of political mechanisms (institutions of power, political parties, state systems) to the changing conditions of their existence.

ACCULTURE - education, development)- the process of acquisition by one people of certain forms of culture of another people, which occurs as a result of communication between these peoples; assimilation by the subject of new values ​​and ideas.

POLITICAL ACTIVITY - active expression of the interests of an individual, group, party, social movement in the sphere of power relations.
DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES in politics - new political, social ideas and social movements, representing an attempt to go beyond the traditional ideas about the problems and conflicts that arose at the end of the 20th century.
ALLIANCE ( fr. alliance) - a union, an association of states, political parties, individuals on the basis of contractual obligations to achieve common goals.
ANARCHISM(Greek anarchia - anarchy, anarchy) - a set of heterogeneous political trends, characteristic feature which is the denial of all state power. Anarchists have a negative attitude towards political means of struggle - parties, organizations, since their activities are concentrated around the problems of influencing state power or conquering it.
ANNEXATION(from Lat. annexio - accession) - forcible and unlawful annexation by one state of the territory or part of the territory of another state, as well as the space in the common use of the international community. It acts as part of the aggressive foreign policy of states adopting extremist ideology (for example, the Anschluss of Austria by Nazi Germany).

ANOMY (gr. Anomie - lack of law, organization) - the state of society, characterized by the collapse of leading values ​​and attitudes, the disappearance of normative standards of behavior, widely shared judgments and, as a result, the growth of deviant behavior (including radicalism and extremism in politics). The term was introduced by E. Durkheim, who considered anomie to be the result of modernization and industrialization that destroyed traditional society, which supported its system of social roles, connections, norms and values.

ANTAGONISM(gr. antagonisma - struggle) - a form of contradiction, characterized by the irreconcilability of opposing forces, public interests.

ANTISEMITISM - one of the forms of national and religious intolerance, expressed in a hostile attitude towards Jews.

APARTHEID (Afrikaans apartheid - separation) - the policy of restricting or depriving the political, civil, socio-economic and other rights of any group of the population; the policy of racial discrimination pursued by the South African authorities until 1993-1994.

APOLITISM - indifference to politics and participation in public life.
STATE APPARATUS - a set of institutions, organizations, their employees, providing services to the sphere of public administration at all levels. Allocate the central, federal apparatus and the apparatus of the subjects of the federation. There are apparatuses of non-governmental bodies for managing social and political life: apparatuses of political parties, public organizations and movements, as well as local self-government bodies.
ARISTOCRACY(from the Greek aristos - the best and kratos - power) - the form of government in the state and the social stratum that exercises power in it. In antiquity, the rule of the aristocracy was considered the best as the power of worthy, competent people (scientists, philosophers, etc.). An aristocratic republic existed in ancient Sparta, medieval Genoa, Venice, Pskov, Novgorod.
ARTICULATION- the process during which social objects are aware of their needs, transform them into certain social claims; technology of transforming feelings of protest into a clear subjective form of expressing interests
ARCHETYPE(gr. arche - beginning, typos - image) - standards and stereotypes of group thinking that are not critically perceived by a person.
ATTITUDE(FR. attitude-position, attitude) - a sharp, qualitative change in the worldview attitudes of society and the individual as a result of a polyvalent reformation in the socio-economic, political and spiritual-moral systems of society.

BALANCE OF POLITICAL FORCES(fr. Balance - scales) - a system of indicators that characterize the ratio or balance of political forces in the rapidly changing political life of society and the state

BALLOT(French ballotter - initially to decide something by voting by dropping balls-points into the ballot box) - to nominate, nominate oneself in elections, to act as a candidate for any elective position.
POLITICAL BANKRUPTCY - failure of the government, state, political party, politician, inability to fulfill the promises given to supporters and voters.
BEHAVIORISM (eng. behavior - behavior) - one of the leading trends in American psychology of the late XIX - early XX centuries, the science of behavior. Behaviorism is based on the understanding of human behavior as a set of motor and verbal responses to the impact of the external environment.
BLANKISM- a political trend associated with the name of the French utopian Louis Auguste Blanqui (1805-1881), a supporter of conspiratorial tactics in the revolutionary movement; in a broad sense - conspiratorial tactics (and the theory corresponding to it) in the activities of any party or movement.
CLOSER (NEW) ABROAD- former members (republics) of the USSR, now sovereign states (sometimes used in relation to all former socialist countries).
BOYCOTT(eng. boycott) -1) a method of political and economic struggle, consisting in refusal to maintain relations with an individual, organization, state in order to coerce to satisfy economic and political demands; 2) refusal to perform their functions for the same purposes; 3) termination of the relationship in protest.
FIGHT POLITICAL- the state of opposition of the interests of political subjects in order to achieve certain political results.
BUDDHISM one of the world religions that arose in the VI century. BC. in India. Distributed in China, Japan, Burma and other countries of the East. The founder of Buddhism is Siddharthe Gautama (623-544 BC), who, according to legend, came from the royal family of the Shakya tribe in Northern India. Main directions: Hinayana and Mahayana. At the center of Buddhism is the doctrine of the “4 noble truths”: there is suffering, its cause, the state of liberation and the path to it.
BUREAUCRACY(fr. bureau - bureau, chancery and Greek kratos - power; literally - domination of the chancellery) - 1) a privileged caste of officials united by a common corporate interest; 2) the type of organization, which is characterized by a clear management hierarchy, strict rules and standards of activity, a specialized distribution of labor.
VASSALITY(fr. vassalite) - in Western Europe in the Middle Ages - a system of relations of personal dependence of some feudal lords (vassals) from others (seniors). A vassal state is a state dependent on another, stronger state (suzerain).
WAKHHABITS- followers of one of the trends in Islam, which arose in the 18th century. in Central Arabia. They demanded a return to the original Islam, abandon luxury, songs, dances, the use of wine and tobacco, fought against wealthy feudal lords. At the beginning of the XX century. formed the state of Saudi Arabia.
WESTERNIZATION(from the English west - west) a mechanical copying of the Western experience.
VETO(from Lat. veto - to prohibit) - 1) prohibition; refusal of the head of state to sign and enact a bill passed parliament; 2) lack of unanimity, preventing the adoption of any decision.
POWER- a form of organization of social relations, in which one element of these relations is able to influence the behavior of another with the help of authority, law or violence. Political power is associated with the ability of individuals, groups and their organizations to realize their interests and will through the means of political and state administration and control
POWERPOLITICAL- the central concept of the emerging political science as a branch of knowledge, an academic discipline.
FOREIGN POLICY - the policy governing the relationship between states and peoples in the international arena.
DOMESTIC POLICY- the activity of the state, its institutions, aimed at preserving or reforming the existing socio-political system.
LEADERSHIP- a political concept based on the recognition of the decisive role of a political person endowed with the rights of a supreme judge, arbiter of human destinies.
WAR- one of the types of armed conflicts, organized armed struggle between states, nations, social groups. Continuation of politics by violent means. Theater of military operations (TVD).
CIVIL WAR- the phase of development of political contradictions, the political process within a particular state, which is characterized by an organized armed struggle for power between various social forces and groups of people. The reasons for the civil war should be sought in the social crises of society and the state, which can cover all the main spheres of people's life.
WARRELIGIOUS- an armed conflict taking place for various reasons under the banner of protecting religious ideas.
VOLUNTARISM(from Lat. voluntas - will) - 1) a policy carried out depending on the arbitrary decisions of political leaders, not taking into account the objective conditions of public life; 2) a philosophical concept that elevates the will of the individual to the decisive factor in the development of the world.
POLITICAL WILL- the activity side of political consciousness, ensuring the transformation of ideas into actions.
POLITICAL EDUCATION - impact on the political consciousness of the population (individual, group, class, people) in order to form a political culture adequate to the interests of the political elite.
VOTE(lat. votum) - an opinion or decision expressed or adopted by a majority of voters or members of a representative body.
UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS - an official international document adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948. Proclaims individual rights, civil and political rights and freedoms (equality of all before the law, everyone's right to liberty and security of person, freedom of conscience, etc.), as well as socio-economic rights (for work, social Security, rest, etc.).
ELECTIONS- the most important component of modern politics, represent a way of forming authorities and administration through the expression of the political will of citizens in accordance with electoral system.

GEHEMONY(from the Greek hegemonfa - domination) - the dominant position of any political force in relation to another political force.
GENOCIDE(from the Greek genos - genus and Latin caedere - to kill; literally - the destruction of the genus) - actions committed with the intention to destroy in whole or in part any national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such, a grave criminal offense.
GEOPOLITICS- a concept that characterizes the theory and practice of international relations based on the interconnection of geographical, geostrategic, socio-political, military, demographic, economic and other factors.
COAT OF ARMS- emblem, symbol noble family, city, individual, etc. State emblem - the official emblem of the state, placed on letterheads, seals, banknotes, coins, official documents, sometimes on the state flag.
GERONTOCRACY(from the Greek geron - old man and kratos - power) - the prevalence of elderly people in the ruling elite, the principle of governance, in which power belongs to the elders.
HYMN(Greek hymnos - a solemn song) - a poetic and musical work glorifying the fatherland, the state, the most important historical events, national heroes.
HEAD OF STATE- an official occupying the highest place in the system of state bodies, ensuring the unity, stability of state power, personifying the state in domestic and foreign policy.
GLOBAL PROBLEMS modernity (lat. globus - ball) - the main, key problems, on the solution of which depends the very existence, preservation and development of civilization. Such problems include: the growth of armaments, unreasonable waste natural resources, disease, hunger, poverty, etc.
HUNGER- refusal of food in protest against the actions of the authorities or in support of demands for them; one of the forms of struggle between prisoners and strikers.
STATE- the main institution of the political system that manages society; a set of organizations and institutions that exercise power functions within a certain territory, determining the basis of economic, political and other relations.
STATENATIONAL- one of the most important principles of the organization of modern statehood, which arose as a result of the collapse of traditional social ties and a sharp increase in the mobility of the population in the process of development of commodity-capitalist relations.
STATE POLICE - a term indicating the type of state and characterizing the political regime in it. As a rule, the police state is the implementation of one of the "strong state" paradigms.
STATE LEGAL - this is a form of organization and activity of state power, in which the state itself, all social communities, an individual respect the law and are in the same relation to it. Law acts as a way of interconnection between the state, society and the individual.
SOCIAL STATE- is a form of organization of state power, which is characterized by concern for the welfare of citizens, the creation of decent living conditions, equal opportunities for the implementation of their talents and abilities, a favorable environment.
CIVIL SOCIETY- a social structure in which a multi-structured economy, the rule of law, the democratism of the political system, the operation of moral norms provide each citizen with a free choice of forms of economic and political activity. G. o. creates a self-regulating political system where the state exists for a person, to meet his interests and needs.
CIVIL CONSENT - the presence of consensus, unanimity, agreement between the various social forces of civil society (or most of them) on the cardinal problems of public life, which determines the concerted actions of citizens to resolve them
PRESSURE GROUPS- a kind of element of the civil-political structure of society, representing people specially selected and trained to influence (pressure) government decision-makers.
GROUPS OF INTEREST - these are voluntary organizations that express and represent the interests (political, economic, cultural, religious, in the field of leisure, etc.) of their members in relations with political institutions and organizations, as well as with other groups. Interest groups do not participate in elections, do not seek to participate in power.
HUMANISM(from Lat. humanus - human) - originally a social and cultural movement of the Renaissance; a worldview based on the recognition of the dignity and freedom of the individual, her right to life, all-round development, humanity of social relations, concern for the welfare of people.
POLITICAL MOVEMENT- the form, the way of existence of politics.
DEBATE(fr. debats) - debate, discussion, exchange of views at any meeting, session. Parliamentary debate is an officially established procedure for the exchange of views between deputies on issues of legislation or government activities.
DISINFORMATION- dissemination of distorted or knowingly false information to achieve propaganda or other purposes.
DEIDEOLOGIZATION- 1) the direction of political thought, implying exclusion ideology as a system of ideas and values ​​from the life of society and the institutions that form it; 2) activities aimed at excluding ideological influence on the work of state or public structures.
DECLARATION(from Lat. declaratio - announcement, proclamation) - a political statement on behalf of the state, government, party, organization.
DEMAGOGY(Greek demagogfa) - influencing people with flattery, false promises to achieve selfish goals.
DEMILITARIZATION- disarmament; prohibition of any state to build fortifications, have a military industry and maintain armed forces.
DEMOGRAPHIC POLICY - state or regional policy that stimulates or inhibits the growth of the country's population.
DEMOCRATIC CENTRALISM - the guiding principle of the organizational structure of the communist and workers' parties. Indicates the election of the governing bodies from bottom to top, their periodic reporting to their party organizations and higher bodies, the subordination of the minority to the majority, etc. It was the basis for the organization of the state apparatus of the former socialist countries.
DEMOCRACY(Greek demos - people and kratos - power) - democracy in the state, a political regime, in which the methods and forms of people's participation in government are established and implemented in practice; enshrined in the laws of freedom and equality of citizens.
DEMOCRACY FORMAL- a form of state-political structure, when all the principles of democracy are formally present, while the fullness of power (means of production and political power) remains with a certain class (feudal democracy, proletarian democracy, etc.).
DEMONSTRATION(lat. demonstratio - showing) - public demonstration of something; a mass march with the aim of expressing public and political sentiments, protest, demands, solidarity.
DENATURALIZATION(lat. de ... - abolition + naturalis - natural) - loss by a person of the status of a citizen or subject of the corresponding state.
DENATIONALIZATION(lat. de ... - abolition + nationalization ) - return by the state of the nationalized property to its previous owners.
DENUNCIATION(fr. denonciation, from Lat. denuntiatio - notification) - in international law, the refusal of one of the parties to an international treaty from its execution; is performed in the manner and within the time frame usually provided for in the contract itself.
DEPORTATION(lat. deportatio) - expulsion, expulsion from the state. As a rule, it applies to foreigners and stateless persons during their illegal stay in the territory of the state.
DEPUTY(lat . deputatus - sent) - a person elected to the legislative or other representative body.
DESPOTISM(Greek. despot - sovereign) - a form of autocratic power, unlimited monarchy, characterized by complete arbitrariness of power, lack of rights of subjects; autocracy and tyranny in relation to others.
DESTABILIZATION POLITICAL - a process aimed at destroying the stability of the political system.
DIAGNOSTICS POLITICAL (Greek. diagnostics - the ability to recognize) - the doctrine of political science methods and principles of cognition of political phenomena and processes leading to the "diagnosis", a qualified assessment of the political situation. Political diagnostics is, firstly, an analysis of the state of subjects and processes of politics, the identification of problems of their functioning and development trends. Secondly, it is a set of principles) and methods of establishing a political diagnosis, researching political processes.
DIALOGUE POLITICAL(Greek. dialogos - conversation, conversation) - a way of publicly expressing political views, opinions, assessments, styles of political thinking of subjects.
DIVERGENCE(lat. divergere - to detect divergence) - an increase in the quantitative and qualitative diversity of political systems, processes, cultures.
DICTATOR(lat. dictator) - a ruler with unlimited power, violating laws and exercising sole control of the state with the help of violence.
DICTATORSHIP(lat. dictatura) - unlimited power of one person, small group, class. Historical varieties of dictatorship: tyranny, despotism, Caesarism, fascism, National Socialism, the dictatorship of the proletariat, authoritarianism, etc.
DYNASTY(gr. - dynasteia - power, domination) - a number of monarchs from the same family, replacing each other on the throne.
DISCRIMINATION (lat. discriminatio - discrimination) - restriction or deprivation of rights on political, racial, religious, social grounds.
DISSIDENT(lat. dissidens - dissent) - a dissenting person who does not agree with the dominant ideology.
DOGMATISM(from the Greek. dogma) - a way of thinking that operates with unchanging concepts without taking into account new data from practice and science, specific conditions.
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT- an advisory body of the European Communities (1957). Parliament elects a president, a 12-member presidium and 5 presidential aides.
EUROPEAN COUNCIL is a consultative political organization uniting 21 states of Western Europe.
EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY(EEC)- the largest integration group, uniting 12 countries of Western Europe (1957).
POLITICAL UNITY- a state of society in which different social groups reach agreement on political issues.
STRIKE (STRIKE)- a means of fighting for the satisfaction of political and economic demands, which consists in an organized collective cessation of work.
LAW- a normative act adopted by the highest representative body of state power or by the direct expression of the will of the people (referendum) and regulating the most important social relations. According to the importance of the norms contained in the law, they are divided into constitutional, organic and ordinary. The latter - for codification and current. In federal states, one can also distinguish federal laws and laws of the subjects of the Federation.
LEGISLATURE - one of the main types of state power, which, in unity with the executive and the judiciary, is the mechanism for the functioning of democracy.
BANNER- a cloth of a certain color, fixed on a pole and serving as the official symbol of the state, a sign of distinction of the state or belonging to any organization, as well as a symbol of military valor (the military banner of a unit).

IDENTIFICATION(lat. identificare - to identify) - the subject's understanding of his belonging to a particular group community.
IDEOLOGY(gr. idea - thought) - a system of views, ideas and values ​​that express the attitude of social groups, movements and parties to reality; usually exists in the form of concepts, doctrines, teachings that serve as the basis for political action. The way political elites influence public consciousness. In this case, Ideology may not be reflected by the broad masses.
ELECTORAL SYSTEM- a set of rules and techniques governing the process of forming government bodies by voting during elections.
IMMIGRANTS(from Lat. immigrans - settling in) - citizens of one state who settle permanently or for a long time in the territory of another state for political, religious and other reasons.
EMPIRE(lat. imperiura - having power, powerful) - originally the highest political power in Ancient Rome; a state headed by a monarch who has the title of emperor. Over time, the concept of "empire" has changed somewhat. An empire denotes a large state entity that unites several countries and peoples around a single political center under the auspices of the universal idea of ​​a civilizational, religious, ideological, sometimes economic nature. Empire is one of the first forms of state organization of society, which has not lost its relevance in the modern world.
IMPEACHMENT(eng. impeachment) - the procedure for bringing to responsibility or dismissal of the highest officials of the state.
INAUGURATION(lat. inauguratio - beginning) - a solemn act at the coronation or entry into a high state office.
INNOVATION(from Latin innovatio - renewal, change) - innovation, renewal.
INSTITUTE POLITICAL(from Lat. institutum - establishment, establishment) - a component of the political life of society, existing in the form of organizations, institutions, associations of citizens, endowed with special powers and performing special socio-political functions. The activities of the institutes are legalized and regulated by normative acts.
INTEGRATION POLITICAL(from lat. integratio - restoration, replenishment of the whole) - unification, merger of political forces within the framework of state or interstate structures, political institutions in order to achieve a certain political community, stability of development of states and societies.
INTERNATIONALISM(6t lat. Inter - between and natio - people) - 1) the concept of a supranational community of interests; 2) a policy based on the unification of the interests of states, nations, peoples or classes, social strata and groups.
ISLAM(Arabic letters - submission) is one of the world's religions. It arose in the 7th century. in Arabia under the significant influence of Christianity and Judaism. The founder is the prophet Muhammad. The creed of Islam is stated in the Koran; Islam is spread mainly in the countries of the Middle and Near East, North Africa, Southeast Asia.

Islamism in politics is determined by such important principles for the Islamic religion as unconditional monotheism, absolute obedience to Allah, unquestioning submission of believers to the religious community and religious authorities, dividing all people into "faithful" and "infidels." Already in early Islam, the doctrine of the "war for the faith" - jihad appeared.

Among the currents of Islam influencing the policy of Islamic states and parties, one should single out the orthodox, liberal-reformist, radical-extremist trends. The first is characterized by strict adherence to the commandments of the Koran, the subordination of secular life to religious principles, but at the same time a tolerant attitude towards non-Muslims. The reformist wing seeks to separate secular power from the power of the clergy, to recognize the universal significance of human rights. Extremism is the most radical manifestation of Islamic fundamentalism.
EXECUTIVE POWER- one of the main types of state power and local self-government bodies, ensuring the implementation of newly adopted by the legislative power in and other normative legal acts throughout the country or local territorial community of people.
ESTABLISHMENT(English establishment - influential circles, the top) - the ruling and privileged groups of society and the system of power subordinate to them.
TOAZUAL(Latin causalis from casus - case) - random, single, not amenable to generalization.
Canton - 1) Federal unit (land) in Switzerland. 2) Small administrative-territorial unit in Belgium. 3) Constituency in France.
CART - BLANCHE(French carte blanche) - unlimited powers, complete freedom of action.
CATHOLICISM(gr. katholikos - universal) - one of the three main directions of Christianity (along with Orthodoxy and Protestantism), which took shape as a result of the split of Christian churches in the XI century. Catholicism is widespread in Italy, Portugal, France, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Latin American states. Based on the same Symbol of Faith as Orthodoxy, Catholicism added filioque (the origin of the holy spirit not only from God the father, but also from the son). The sources of the creed are the Scriptures and Sacred Traditions. The organization of the Catholic Church is characterized by strict centralization, hierarchical character. The head is the Pope, whose residence is the Vatican. In addition, Catholicism contains dogmas about the virgin Mary's immaculate conception, her bodily ascension, the pope's infallibility, a sharp distinction between clergy and laity, celibacy.
CLASS(from Latin classis - category) - a large group of people. Relations between classes are based on the principle of difference in their relation to the means of production, enshrined in laws, their role in the social organization of labor, methods of obtaining and the size of that share of social wealth that they have.
CLERICALISM(from Lat. clericalis - ecclesiastical) - a socio-political trend that requires the strengthening of the role of the church in the political and spiritual life of society.
COALITION(from lat. coalesce - to unite) - an association, union, agreement of states, political parties, trade union and other organizations to achieve common (political, economic, military) goals.
COMMUNISM(from Lat. communis - common) - the general name for a number of socialist concepts. V Marxism- a socio-economic formation replacing capitalism and based on public ownership of the means of production, socio-economic equality and the free development of individuals.
COMPROMISE(lat. compromissum) - 1) settlement of differences through mutual concessions; 2) the method of resolving political conflicts, achieved by agreement of the opposing parties; provided subject to a clear definition of the subjects of the dispute, awareness of the limits of concessions, registration of the results of the agreement reached.
COMPROMISE IN POLITICS(lat. compromissum - agreement) - a deliberately concluded political agreement between opposing political forces (parties, organizations, states), expressing the interests of various strata and groups of society.
CONVERGENCE(from Lat. convergere - to approach, converge) - a concept that substantiates the convergence of societies with different social systems and their merging into a kind of "mixed society".
CONVERSION(lat. - transformation, change) - the policy of fundamental changes in the military, militarization structure of society. Types: political, economic, educational, social, cultural, consumer, etc.

CONSENSUS(lat. consensus - agreement, unanimity) - decision-making based on voluntary compromises, mutual equality, recognition of the interests of each of the parties; the presence of the unity of views and similar positions, expressed in the unity of actions; general agreement on controversial issues.
CONSERVATIVE LOTS - political organizations on the right flank of the political spectrum seeking to preserve the traditional social order in the face of transformations under the influence of industrialization and revolutionary movements.
CONSERVATISM(lat. conservate - to preserve, protect, "take care of preservation) - political ideology advocating the preservation of the existing social order, primarily moral and legal relations embodied in the nation, religion, marriage, family, property
CONSTITUTIONALISM- a form of government based on the subordination of the state and civil society to legal norms, as well as on the principle of separation of powers.
CONSTITUTION(from Lat. constitutio - construction) - the basic law of the state, which has supreme legal force, secures its political and economic system, establishing the principles of the organization and activities of public authorities, administration, courts, fundamental rights, freedoms and duties of citizens.
COUNTER-REVOLUTION(fr. center-revolution) - a political process, the reverse of the revolution.
Confederation (lat. Confoederatio-union, association) - 1) The form of an interstate union, the basis of which is common political interests related to the coordination and implementation of joint actions of these states. 2) Union, association of any organizations, for example, the confederation of trade unions of Latin America. 3) A union of states that preserve their independent existence and unite only to coordinate some of their actions, usually foreign policy and military.
POLITICAL CONFLICT(from Lat. conflictus - clash) - an acute clash of multidirectional political forces resulting from opposing political interests; a way to resolve political contradictions.
CONFORMISM(Latin conformis - similar, similar) - passive acceptance of the existing order of things, prevailing opinions, etc.
CONFORMISM IN POLITICS(lit. conformis - similar, similar) - a way of political opportunism, which is characterized by passive acceptance of the existing order, the absence of one's own political positions, principles, "blind" imitation of any stereotypes of behavior prevailing in a given political system.
CONFRONTATION(from Latin con - against and frons - forehead, front) - confrontation, confrontation, opposition of socio-political systems, military-political unions, individual states, parties, socio-political movements, ideological concepts.
CONCEPT POLITICAL(lat. conceptio - understanding) - a form or level of political consciousness, in which a metaphysical substantiation of any process of political life is given.
CORRUPTION(lat. corruptio) - bribery, corruption of public and political figures, officials, criminalization of the sphere of power and administration.
CRATOLOGY(Greek. kratos - power and logos - doctrine) is a science that studies numerous social phenomena associated with power, comprehended through public institutions of power.
POLITICAL CRISIS- This is the state of the political system of society, expressed in the deepening and exacerbation of existing conflicts, in a sharp increase in political tension.
XENOPHOBIA(gr. xenos - stranger + phobos- fear) - fear, hostility towards strangers.
CULT POLITICAL there is an anthropological phenomenon of politics, expressed in the deification of political leaders. Political cult is not an exclusive feature of Eastern societies, but is found in all societies (including Western ones) and in all periods of their development.
CULTURE POLITICAL- an integral part of social culture, which includes ideas, values ​​and norms that determine the characteristics of political institutions and processes of a given society, its political system.

LABILE(from Latin labilis) - unstable, weak, changeable.
LATENT(lat. latens - hidden) - hidden, externally not manifesting.
LEGALITY(from Lat. legalis - legal, legal) - a way to legitimize the political order, which is based on legal documents and social norms.
LEGITIMITY OF POLITICAL AUTHORITIES(lot. legitimus - legal) - recognition by the people and political forces of the legitimacy, legitimacy of political power, its tools, mechanisms of activity, as well as the ways of its election.
LIBERALISM(from Lat. liberalis - free) - 1) a doctrine based on the principle of complete freedom of the individual. Based on the concepts of private enterprise, competition, market, decentralized economic management; 2) ideological attitude, proceeding from the priority of individualism, tolerance, humanism, the enduring value of the individual; 3) political orientation associated with the concepts of the rule of law, human rights, parliamentarism, reformism.
LIBERAL PARTIES- political organizations that occupy center-right positions on the political scale of modern states, defending the idea of ​​individual freedom as the most important component of their program guidelines.
LEADER(English leader - leading) - a person capable of influencing other people, organizing their joint activities to achieve certain goals.
LOBBYING(from the English lobby - lobby) - pressure on legislators and government officials in order to adopt laws or decisions that meet the interests of individual parties, corporations, movements, organizations, individuals. Carried out by lobbyists - representatives of interested parties.
LOCAL WAR- a war involving a relatively small number of states and a limited geographic area.
LOCKOUT(from the English lock out - to lock the doors in front of someone, not to let out) - one of the ways to resolve the labor conflict, which consists in closing the enterprise by the owners and mass dismissal of workers.
majoritarian electoral system(fr. majoritaire from majorite - majority) - the procedure for determining the results of voting, in which the candidate who receives the majority of votes is considered elected
MACHIAWELLISM - an image, a scheme of political behavior that disregards the norms of morality to achieve political goals. The term is associated with the name of the Italian politician and writer N. Machiavelli (1469-1527).
POLITICAL MANIPULATION(fr. manipulation - fraud) - a system of methods of psychological influence on the masses, which the political authorities use in order to introduce into the minds of the people illusory ideas about political life.
MARGINAL(lat. margo-edge) - 1) secondary, not the main; 2) intermediate. A marginal person does not have his own system of values ​​and assessments, imitates someone else's, he is inherent in social anomie.
MARKETING POLITICAL (English marketing - market, sales) is a system of targeted influence on the consciousness and behavior of people, their associations and organizations, which allows, in conditions of political and civil liberties, to form their interests and needs that are beneficial to the acting subject of political relations.
MARXISM- philosophical, economic and socio-political doctrine, created by Marx and Engels in the 40s. XIX century. on the basis of modern European rationalistic theories (the English political economy of Smith, Ricardo and others, the French utopian socialism of Saint-Simon, Fourier, etc.), as well as the German classical philosophy of Hegel and Feuerbach. The methodology of Marxism is close to structural and functional analysis. In Marxism, there are three components: philosophy, political economy and the doctrine of socialism (communism). Marxism is aimed at expressing and protecting the interests of the proletariat and, in fact, became the theoretical basis for the programs of the social democratic and then communist parties all over the world.
MAFIA (it.maf(f) ia) - a secret criminal organization acting by methods of blackmail, violence, murder. Originated on about. Sicily as an organized self-defense of the population. Sometimes the term Mafia refers to organized crime in general.
INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION (ILO) - a specialized agency of the United Nations. Created in 1919 at LeagueNations as the International Commission for the Development and Improvement of Working Conditions. Unites 150 states; headquartered in Geneva.
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL FIELD ORGANIZATIONCII (INTERPOL). Created in 1923 for the joint fight against common crimes. 154 states are members of Interpol; headquarters - in Paris.
INTERNATIONAL LAW- a set of legal norms and principles governing relations between states (includes maritime, air, space law, the law of armed conflicts, etc.).
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS - the system of political, economic, scientific, technical, cultural, military, diplomatic relations of various subjects of international law.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - interaction and mutual influence of various socio-ethnic communities, during which relations between people of different nationalities are regulated.
MENTALITY (MENTALITY)(from Lat. mentalis - mental) - 1) direction of thoughts, state of mind, mentality; 2) the way of thinking inherent in an individual, social group, political party, people; 3) the peculiarity of spiritual life.
MENTALITYPOLITICAL(fr. mentalite - mindset, attitude) is a single, syncretic form of awareness of the socio-political system, which is formed as a result of the understanding of political experience by the individual and collective political consciousness, I expresses the values ​​that are relevant for a given political collective.
MERITOCRACY(Latin - worthy and Greek - power; literally - the power of the most gifted) - a theory that proves that traditional democracy in the conditions of scientific and technological revolution develops into government, the exercise of power by the most talented, gifted people, qualified specialists.
POLITICAL MYTHS(Greek mythos - legend, invention, fiction) - political consciousness, inadequately interpreting the real political system.
Multiparty - 1) the presence in the country of several or many political parties that actually participate in the political process. The basis of the multiparty system is the constitutional principle of freedom of formation and activity of political parties. 2) the constitutional principle of organizing political life in democratic states; is an expression of a more general principle of political and ideological pluralism. According to the principle of a multiparty system, the state recognizes and guarantees the right of citizens to unite in accordance with their political views into political parties, the equality of all political parties before the law, and freedom of their activities.
MODERNIZATION(fr. moderne - modern) - the desire of the state, the political system of society to bring less developed countries closer to the leaders. Modernization is carried out using the experience accumulated by advanced countries, with their technological, political and financial support.
MONARCHY(Greek monarchia - autocracy) - one of the forms of government, in which the supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person - the monarch and is inherited. Distinguish between absolute (unlimited) and limited monarchies.
MONOPOLY POLITICAL(Greek monos - one and poleo - I sell) - a form of political organization of society, political power, in which all control belongs to a single subject of politics.
PEOPLE- the most important category of political science, the content of which changes significantly depending on the interests and political positions of the determining subject. In a broad sense - the entire population of the state, country.
NATIONALISM(Latin nation - nation, people) - an ideology based on the promotion of national exclusivity and national superiority, as well as a policy that implements the nationalist ideology.
NATIONAL POLICY- a comprehensively substantiated system of measures carried out by the state in the sphere of national relations, aimed at the realization of national interests, the resolution of national contradictions.
NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS- a set of ideas, traditions and concepts of a nation or ethnos, which makes it possible to reproduce this community of people as a whole and to classify each individual as a given social integrity.
NATIONALITY- This is a political and legal category denoting a set of characteristics formalized by law, the possession of which makes a person a full member of the national state.
NATIONAL RELATIONS- this is the relationship between the subjects of national - ethnic development - nations, nationalities, national groups and their state formations.
NATIONAL QUESTION- the question of the relationship (economic, territorial, political, state-legal, cultural and linguistic) between nations, national groups and nationalities, the question of the reasons for the emergence of contradictions between them.
NATION(Latin nation - nation, people) - historically formed in the process of development, a stable community of people living in the same territory, having a common culture, language, identity. It is characterized by an economic community and a single, manifold manifested system of political life, a complex ethnopsychological nature. The nation has a special mentality, style of thinking, mentality, and self-esteem.
NEUTRALITY(German Netralitet; Lat. Neuter - neither one nor the other) - the principle of foreign policy of the state, which presupposes its non-participation in armed conflicts, and in peacetime - refusal to participate in military alliances and blocs.
NEOCONSERVATISM- an ideology that combines the ideas of classical conservatism and liberalism: they are more tolerant of the state, they recognize the need for its minimal interference.
NEOLIBERALISM- a trend that arose on the basis of classical liberalism and was further developed in the 50-60s. XX century, recognizing that along with the absolute value of private property, the rights and freedoms of citizens, one cannot deny the need to take into account public interests and state participation not only in the economy, but also in various social programs.
NOMENCLATURE- (Latin Nomenklatura - list of names). A set of names and terms used in any branch of knowledge, art and technical production; in administrative and managerial practice, a hierarchical system of positions located by levels of subordination.
NONCONFORMISM(fr. non conformisme) - rejection of the prevailing views in society, traditions. In politics - rejection of the existing political system, the current political course and the people who implement it.
OBSTRUCTION(Latin obstructio - obstacle, hindrance) - a way of expressing protest, one of the methods of parliamentary struggle aimed at disrupting the discussion and adoption by parliament of a bill that is unacceptable for the obstructing opposition group.
SOCIAL AND POLITICAL MOVEMENT- a voluntary, self-governing formation, created at the initiative of people from below, united on the basis of a community of interests for the implementation of common goals.
PUBLIC CONTRACT- the main regulator of public life, giving legitimacy to ties and institutions within civil society, as well as its relationship with the state. It involves an agreement between two or more parties, which determines the exchange of rights and obligations, the procedure for their change and termination.
PUBLIC BUILDING- a complex social system based on the relationships inherent in a given society in a particular historical period. The legal basis of the social system, as a rule, is the foundations of the constitutional system and the constitutional system itself.
OLIGARCHY(Greek Oligarhia - the power of the few) - a form of government in which state machine explicitly or implicitly subordinated to a small group of people with dominant influence based on the ownership of the means of production, finances, etc .; the dominant group itself.
OLIGOPOLIA POLITICAL(Greek oligos - a little and poleo - I sell) is a form of power exercising in the interests of an insignificant, private group of people in the state in relation to the people.
OMBUDSMAN(Swedish ombudsman - a representative of someone's interests) - a person authorized by the parliament to exercise control over the observance of the legal rights and interests of citizens in the activities of executive authorities and officials. Ombudsman institutions exist in several dozen countries, with different names.
OPPOSITION(from Lat. opositio - opposition) - opposition of some views and actions to others; political leaders, parties, movements opposed to the ruling elite; denial not of power in general, of any of its concrete bearers or forms, expressed in open or hidden resistance, counter movement to power with the aim of replacing or seizing it.
OPPORTUNISM(Latin opportunus - convenient, profitable) - opportunism, conciliation, unscrupulousness; policy of compromise with ideological and political opponents.
UNITED NATIONS (UN)- an international organization established on the basis of a voluntary pooling of efforts of sovereign states in order to maintain and strengthen international peace and security, as well as the development of peaceful cooperation between states. The UN Charter was signed on June 26, 1945 by the states participating in the founding UN San Francisco Conference.
POLITICAL ORGANIZATION- a type of public organization created on the basis of joint activities of people with the aim of realizing a political and power goal, political interests. It is characterized by stable membership, structuredness, discipline, and the use of various means to achieve a common goal.
OSTRACISM(Greek ostrakimos from ostrakon - crock) - practiced by the state authorities from the country, in extreme cases, the physical destruction of prominent people, undermining their popularity, talent, wealth, influence, etc. the power of the existing state system.
ALIENATION- rejection from a person of the products of his activity.
OCHLOCRACY(from the Greek. Ochlos - crowd, rabble and kratos - power) - in letters. sense - the unbridled power of the crowd, the power of socio-political groups using populist sentiments and orientations of the population in extremely primitive forms, which creates conditions for arbitrariness and disorder, riots, pogroms that induce base aspirations, senseless destruction, reckless murders and arbitrariness, violation of all guarantees human life.
PUBLIC RELATIONS(English Public relations - relations with the public) - the area of ​​action of various government and other organizations to achieve mutual understanding between them and the public. Public relations (hereinafter PR) is nothing more than the establishment of two-way communication to identify common ideas or common interests and achieve, mutual understanding based on certain principles.
PARLIAMENT(fr. parler - to speak) - the highest representative and legislative body of the state, performing the functions of representing the main socio-political forces of the country, legislative activity.
PARTY SYSTEM- a set of parties (ruling and opposition) taking part in the struggle for power and its implementation.
PARTY OF POWER(lat. Pars, parties - part) - a set of institutions, structures and associations grouped around the head of state, conducting an official course, as well as participating in determining the goals and strategy of the state's development, including its individual regions.

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