Nutritional supplements. Let's talk about food additives... Much better than artificial additives

Grocery stores today offer a huge variety of products that are beautifully designed, look great and smell fantastic. Despite high awareness, consumers are mostly accustomed to trusting manufacturers and sellers and do not always delve into the composition of a product before purchasing. Meanwhile, it can not only capture anyone’s imagination, but also shock anyone with the presence of a huge number of incomprehensible abbreviations. Regular cookies, which should contain only 5-6 natural ingredients, have a whole list of nutritional additives. And this would not be a problem if they did not pose a danger to the human body.

The dangers of food additives have been proven through years of research, although not all of them are dangerous, and some simply prevent food spoilage.

Food producers and consumers stand on opposite sides of the barricade. It is important for the manufacturer to reduce costs and produce a product that will be in demand. When choosing a supplier, stores focus more on the purchase price than on quality. And the buyers themselves, although hypothetically they want to consume only products that are healthy for the body, are influenced by the pricing policy of stores, focusing not so much on quality as on price. All this leads to an endless race to reduce the cost of the product, and food additives also help achieve this.

Nutritional supplements are divided into:

  1. Dyes that allow not only to give the desired color, but also to maintain it throughout the entire shelf life of the product.
  2. Preservatives that keep food fresh and extend its shelf life and consumption.
  3. Antioxidants, acidity regulators.
  4. Gellants.
  5. Consistency stabilizers and emulsifiers.
  6. Flavors and flavor enhancers.
  7. Moisture-retaining substances.

Each of the ingredients has its own specific purpose. In addition, among them there are substances of both organic and inorganic origin.

Increased shelf life

Increasing the shelf life of products is the primary task of the manufacturer. Food in general is a perishable commodity, but some of its items can be stored for a matter of days, or even hours. This fact does not allow setting up production on a large scale, since there is always a risk of stagnant sales, and, consequently, direct losses. Preservatives were invented to increase the shelf life of food. They are widely used not only by manufacturers, but also at home.

The most common preservatives are:

  1. Benzoic and sorbic acids.
  2. Citric and malic acid.
  3. Salt.

Such substances, within acceptable limits, do not harm humans, but allow the product to remain shelf-life for a longer time. The food industry cannot do without preservatives.

Enhance Flavor

Freshly prepared food does not require enhanced taste and smell. But housewives use a number of spices that are added to food to improve the aroma and taste qualities. In everyday life, people try to use natural enhancers, for example, garlic, herbs, vegetables. But all of them are capable of imparting taste only for a limited amount of time. The more hours pass from the moment of preparation, the less the original taste of the food is felt.

It is important for manufacturers that throughout their shelf life the products taste good and do not lose their original properties. The task, in general, is quite honorable, but, unfortunately, it is achieved not with organic additives, but with artificial substitutes. Monosodium glutamate coped with the task completely; when added, the taste of the main ingredient is enhanced several times. On the one hand, this allows you to irritate your taste buds and hook them on rich aromas and smells. On the other hand, the manufacturer can significantly save raw materials when making food. For example, sausage should contain 60% or more meat, but only 20% is added, but due to monosodium glutamate it gives a natural taste. Expensive meat is replaced with soy additives, which leads to cheaper food.

Classification of additives

Food additives are divided into several groups:

  1. Natural, which are of plant or animal origin. This group also includes some minerals, such as rock salt.
  2. Identical to natural. They are obtained in a laboratory, but their essence and properties fully correspond to natural products, and therefore are not considered harmful to humans.
  3. Synthetic are completely artificial substances that do not exist in nature.

All of them are divided into harmful and harmless. But even natural food additives can cause harm if they are consumed in quantities exceeding the norm.

All food additives are divided according to their intended purpose. Their classification is given in the table:

  1. Dyes are included in groups numbered E100-E181.
  2. Preservatives from E200 to E296.
  3. Antioxidants and antioxidants are assigned classes from E300 to E363.
  4. Stabilizers – E400-E499.
  5. Leavening agents and emulsifiers are included in groups E500 to E575.
  6. Flavor and smell enhancers – E600-E637.
  7. Sweeteners and anti-flaming agents (reducing foam) – E900-E999.
  8. Enzymes and catalysts – E1100-E1105.
  9. Thickeners – E1400-E1449.
  10. Solvents – E1510-E1520.

E700-E800 are considered reserve positions, since no one has stopped the production of new food additives and chemists are working to obtain new positions.


There is so much talk about E-grade food additives that most people perceive them all as potentially harmful and hazardous to health. However, this is not the case; not all positions presented in the table have a negative impact on a person.

Unfortunately, there are more harmful food additives than harmless ones. Some of them are prohibited for use, while others are considered conditionally dangerous, therefore they are not yet limited by law, but they should be avoided when choosing products.

International studies of the harmfulness of food additives are expressed in the following data:

  1. Considered very dangerous are E123, E510, E513, E527, E102, E110, E120, E124, E127, E129, E155, E180, E201, E220, E222-E224, E228, E233, E242, E400-E405, E501-E503, E620, E636, E637.
  2. Cancer-forming (carcinogens) – E131, E142, E153, E210, E212-E216, E219, E230, E240, E249, E280-E283, E310, E954.
  3. Cause persistent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - E154, E221-E23, E226, E338-E341, K343, E407, E450, E461-E463, E465, E466, E626-E635.
  4. They provoke skin diseases - E311-E313, E151, E160, E231, E232, E238, E239, E320, E907, E951, E1105.
  5. Increases blood pressure – E154, E250-E252.
  6. Increases cholesterol levels – E320, E321.

All of these E-additives are united by the fact that their danger has been proven. But there is another group that, although there is no evidence of causing harm, still needs to be feared - E104, E122, E141, E171, E173, E241, E477.

The information presented is subject to constant changes, as new research is carried out to prove or disprove the negative effects of E-supplements.


Not all food additives are harmful to the human body; on the contrary, some of them are recommended for use. The most striking representative of such a substance is E322 - lecithin. This is a natural supplement of plant origin. E322 is obtained in the production of refined sunflower and soybean oil. It allows you to mix two mutually repelling liquids and give them a uniform consistency.

The list of useful E-additives includes:

  1. Curcumins for weight control – E100.
  2. Vitamin B2 – E101.
  3. Lycopene – E160d.
  4. Lactic acid – E270.
  5. Ascorbic acid – E300.
  6. Licithin – E322.
  7. Pectins – E440.
  8. Calcium iodate – E916.

All these substances have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. There is another category, which includes harmless or neutral E-additives. These include:

  1. E475 – stabilizes the thickness and viscosity of products, giving them uniformity.
  2. E476 – soy litcithin, widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products, such as chocolate.
  3. E330 – lemon acid.
  4. E422 – glycyrin.
  5. E471 – vegetable fats that are easily absorbed by the body.
  6. E472a – food emulsifier.

The presence of these ingredients in food products is considered permitted and not capable of causing harm to the body.

Prohibited food additives

E-additives officially prohibited in the Russian Federation include:

  1. E924a and E924d - these additives are used to improve the taste of baked goods.
  2. E216, E217 and E240, which are preservatives.
  3. E121, E123, E124, E127, E128, E173, Red 2G and E240 – dyes.
  4. E107, E103, E125, E140, E160d, E153-155, E160f, E174-175, E166, E180, E209, E213-215, E218, E219, E182, E225-228, E237, E238, E230-233, E241, E252, E264, E253, E281-283, E303, E305, E302, E308-314, E318, E317, E323-325, E343-345, E328, E329, E349, E355-357, E350-352, E359, E370, E375, E365-368, E381, E387-390, E384, E399, E408, E403, E409, E419, E418, E429-436, E446, E441-444, E462, E465, E463, E467, E476-480, E474, E482-489, E491-496, E512, E505, E519-523, E538, E541, E535, E537, E542, E554-557, E550, E552, E559, E560, E576, E574, E577, E580, E579, E622- 625, E629, E628, E632-635, E641, E640, E906, E913, E908-911, E916-919, E929, E922-926, E942-946, E959, E957, E1000, E1105, E1001, E1503, E1521 .

It is impossible to remember all the specified codes, and, it would seem, why, since they are prohibited. However, for your own safety, it is better to have the entire list of prohibited codes at hand, because any product can be found on store shelves. You need to memorize only a few of the most dangerous and severe in terms of impact:

  1. Saccharin – E954.
  2. Isolmat – E953.
  3. Aspartame – E951.

These food additives are completely prohibited because they cause severe illness and death.

Effect on the body

Any product, even the most useful one, can cause irreparable harm to the body if it is abused. The same thing happens with E-supplements, even those classified as beneficial or neutral can become dangerous when the norm increases. And those that are included in the list of harmful ones should be avoided as much as possible.

Nutritional supplements can:

  1. Provoke the growth of cancer cells.
  2. Irritate the intestines.
  3. Impair stomach function.
  4. Cause allergic reactions.
  5. Manifest in the form of skin diseases.
  6. Increase blood pressure.
  7. Increase cholesterol levels.

The problem with the effect on the body is that it does not manifest itself instantly. Substances accumulate slowly in the body, and their excretion rate is extremely low. The consequences of consuming low-quality products can take place only after a few years.

Features of the influence on children

Children are less resistant to external influence, and their body is still too weak to withstand the dangers. That is why a child who consumes foods with harmful food additives can not only get sick instantly, but also have irreversible consequences in the functioning of the vital system.

The most common symptom in children is allergies. It can be congenital, if it began during pregnancy, or acquired.

To avoid negative consequences, mothers during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children, should not be given:

  1. Products with very bright unnatural colors. Natural dyes cannot have bright colors, so all sweets, cookies, and lemonades are pathologically harmful.
  2. Food products that contain sweeteners will also be harmful to the child’s body.
  3. Both children and adults should avoid consuming transgenic fats.

The special insidiousness of E-additives is that many of their properties have not been fully studied. Today we are talking about the fact that some of the substances permitted today may subsequently affect not only the general well-being of children, but also the reproductive function of the younger generation. Before buying this or that treat for your child, think about the long term, weigh the benefits and harm that it can cause.

Use in food

Modern people are unable to completely give up food additives. They are found in all products in varying quantities.

And even if the eggs do not have additives, the feed of the chickens that laid them consisted of the lion's share of these substances. Therefore, E-additives can be not only obvious, but also hidden.

Of course, the human body is a fairly powerful self-adjusting tool, and it is able to adapt to the environment and survive in any conditions. But the adaptation process is different for each person, so it may happen that someone cannot tolerate a certain type of supplement at all, while another person uses it quite calmly.

To protect yourself from harmful effects, it is not necessary to go to the store with a list of E-supplements. You can do it simpler and give up processed foods, packaged foods, brightly colored and overly aromatic products as much as possible.

Products with harmful additives

Trying to classify products based on the presence of harmful additives in them is quite difficult, because even bread from different manufacturers has its own composition. You'll need to do your own research on the ingredients, but there are some general guidelines for purchasing. Definitely worth not buying:

  1. Sweet soda.
  2. Chips and crackers.
  3. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to find real ice cream.
  4. Lollipops, which consist entirely of dyes and flavor enhancers.
  5. Smoked sausages and sausages.
  6. Instant soups and noodles.
  7. Processed cheeses.
  8. Dairy products with long shelf life.

IN modern world It is easier to list products that can be consumed than those that cannot be eaten. If there are trusted brands on your shopping list, then you should not change them and rush to promotional offers from unknown manufacturers. Approach your choice thoroughly - this will help keep you and your family healthy.

The first nutritional supplements appeared almost simultaneously with humanity. The need to obtain and, most importantly, preserve food gave rise to the use of substances that can extend the properties of a particular product over time. Salt, vinegar, pepper, spices have long become a necessary part of our lives. They give food a special taste, aroma, and also help to store it longer.

At the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, the production of food additives was focused on industrial basis. The reason for this was a significant increase in population and, as a consequence, an increase in food production. Currently, the food industry is simply impossible to imagine without “chemistry”. Food additives are designated by the index E and a three-digit number.

Food additives are divided into natural, artificial, and synthetic.

Natural (natural) food supplements

They are made from plant or animal raw materials by physical or biological methods (extraction, pressing, freezing). These are additives such as E100 - curcumin, E330 - citric acid, E440 - pectins, dietary fiber extracted from fruits and vegetables. They are also designated by the letter E, so there is no need to be afraid of it, it is important to approach this issue wisely.

Artificial (identical to natural) food additives

They are made from natural raw materials using chemical methods or chemical synthesis and always have a natural analogue. This is, for example, vanillin. It is worth paying attention to the fact that not all flavors that are identical to natural ones have their own E index - due to their huge number.

Synthetic food additives

They are produced only by chemical methods and have no analogues in nature. For example, E320 is butylated hydroxyanisole, an antioxidant added to fat-containing foods and chewing gums. Synthetic additives are the most effective, but, accordingly, the most harmful to the human body.

All food additives are divided into groups according to the principle of action. The group can be determined by the first digit of the additive number.

E100-199 – dyes

Give food the required color.

E200-299 – preservatives

Extends the shelf life of the product. They are the most dangerous group, since almost all of them act on the principle of antibiotics. The purpose of a preservative is to preserve the product from spoilage, which means making life impossible for bacteria. This group includes additives such as E250 - sodium nitrite (also a coloring agent in semi-finished meat products), E251 - sodium nitrate, E252 - potassium nitrate. They are approved for use all over the world and are added to sausages, often canned food, and hard cheeses.

E300-399 – antioxidants

The purpose of antioxidants is similar to the purpose of preservatives - to preserve the product as long as possible. There are both harmless (and even useful) antioxidants - E300 ascorbic acid, E306-309 tocopherols (vitamin E), and dangerous ones (the majority of them).

E400-499 – stabilizers and emulsifiers

Stabilizers maintain the desired consistency of the product, thicken it or form gels (jelly). The action of emulsifiers is similar to the action of stabilizers - they also maintain the desired consistency in the product. However, they are used to create emulsions from immiscible liquids. The substances included in their composition are capable of reducing the energy required to create a separation between liquids. Prominent representatives of such emulsions are mayonnaise and margarine.

Stabilizers are used for thickening and gelling and cannot act as emulsifiers, since there are no such substances among them. It is impossible to imagine marmalades, jellies, ice cream, dairy desserts, and chewing candies without stabilizers.

E500-599 – acidity regulators, anti-caking agents

Acidity regulators can act as preservatives, since an acidic environment creates unfavorable conditions for microorganisms.

E600-699 – flavor enhancers, flavorings

It should be remembered that one of the common flavor enhancers is E621 - monosodium glutamate. With large doses of consumption, general weakness and rapid heartbeat may occur. Long-term use can lead to glaucoma and Alzheimer's disease.

E700-799 – antibiotics

Designations E800-899 are a reserve; E900-999 includes other additives: waxes, sweeteners, glazing agents, foaming agents. Substances with numbers greater than 1000 also include a wide variety of substances (emulsifiers, moisture-retaining agents, foaming agents and defoamers).

However, don’t be intimidated by the term “dietary supplements.”

After all, these include the salt and sugar we are used to, as well as healthy natural additives. In defense of man-made additives, it should be noted that without them modern food industry with its volume and variety. However, it is simply necessary to remember that many additives are harmful to the body, and the effect of most has not been fully studied. When choosing a product, pay attention to its color, aroma, shape - bright colors, strong smell, uniform consistency - that is, everything that gives the product a beautiful presentation - these are the first signs of using a large number of different food additives.

Then you should pay attention to the expiration date. A long shelf life indicates the presence of preservatives. The longer and more unnatural the shelf life for a given product, the stronger the preservatives used in its manufacture. There is no need to completely give up nutritional supplements, and it won’t work, but being more attentive to the food we take is necessary to maintain our health and quality of life.

Today in supermarkets you can find a huge variety of products, which are quite easy to get confused about. Bright packaging, seductive pictures, shiny labels, plus all this is complemented by promotional price tags, and we make a purchase. Stop, first you need to carefully study the packaging, namely the composition of this product. The fewer different incomprehensible words it contains, the better. For example, GOST condensed milk contains only natural milk and sugar, but the same product, but produced according to specifications, has a completely different composition. It contains stabilizers and emulsifiers, as well as various substances labeled E. Today we will talk about them: everyone should have a table of harmful food additives at hand to prevent their consumption.

What are various nutritional supplements used for?

First of all, you should be wary of the “E” markings - they indicate food additives that are used all over the world as preservatives and stabilizers, flavor enhancers, thickeners and leavening agents. All this is needed to improve the nutritional properties of the product, as well as increase its shelf life.

Why do we need a table of harmful food additives, and are all substances labeled “E” harmful? No, there are neutral, harmful and even dangerous, and therefore it is important for each of us to know them and be able to distinguish them. After all, the quality and duration of our lives greatly depend on what we eat. The more vitamins and minerals in the diet and the less “chemicals”, the better.

Natural or artificial

Despite the assurances of manufacturers, almost all additives are artificial and therefore potentially dangerous. These are chemicals of synthetic origin. Considering that even the safest of them sometimes cause a reaction in particularly sensitive people, it is clear that the table of harmful food additives should be known to everyone. However, there is one more subtlety here: not all manufacturers warn you that their product contains additives with the “E” index. They often make do with general phrases like “does not contain artificial colors or flavors.” Others note the presence of stabilizers and thickeners, but do not indicate which additives were used. In this case, there is only one way out: refuse the purchase and choose a more honest manufacturer. This is especially important if the product is imported, because no one can guarantee that it does not contain prohibited products. Perhaps this will allow you to look differently at goods in supermarkets, because, despite the attractive appearance, almost all of them contain preservatives.

What does the number code next to the letter "E" mean?

Below we will look at what the table of harmful food additives includes, but for now let's look at what these mysterious numbers mean. If the code starts with one, then you have a dye. All preservatives begin with 2, the number 3 denotes antioxidants - they are used to slow down or prevent spoilage of the product. All 4 are stabilizers, substances that help maintain the consistency of the product in the required form. The number 5 denotes emulsifiers; they work in tandem with stabilizers and preserve the structure of the product. The flavor and aroma enhancers that create the notes and shades we love so much begin with 6. Some products contain special substances that prevent foaming; they are marked with the number 9. If you see a four-digit index, this indicates the presence of sweeteners in the composition. The realities of life show that you need to know harmful food additives ("E"). The table will help you timely identify foods that should not be consumed.

Such different food additives "E"

Behind this marking there may be quite harmless and even useful material, for example, plant extracts. This is the well-known acetic acid (E260). Baking soda (E500), or regular chalk (E170) and many others can be considered relatively safe E additives.

However, there are much more harmful substances than beneficial ones. You are mistaken if you think that these include only artificial additives; natural ones also have a negative effect on the body. Moreover, the more often they are used, the stronger and more pronounced their effect will be.

Healthy Supplements

You should not immediately return a product to the shelf just because it contains E. You need to look and analyze what substance is hidden behind it. The table of harmful and beneficial food additives will help you make the right choice. For example, the most common apple contains pectin, ascorbic acid and riboflavin, that is, E300, E440, E101, but it cannot be called harmful.

The most common beneficial supplements are curcumins, or E100 - these substances help control weight and are actively used in the production of fitness products. E101 is a common one that is famous for synthesizing hemoglobin and participating in metabolism. E160d - it helps strengthen the immune system. E270 is a powerful antioxidant that is widely used in pharmacology. To enrich products with iodine, the additive E916, that is, calcium iodate, is used. We can’t forget about lecithin E322 - this supplement supports the immune system and improves hematopoiesis.

Relatively harmless additives

Today the topic of our conversation is “Table of food additives “E”. Useful and harmful, they are ubiquitous in the most common food products. In this group we need to mention the dyes that are used by the most famous confectionery companies to give an attractive appearance to creams and cakes. This is chlorophyrol , or E140, green dye. Also known is betanin, that is, a red dye. It is extracted from the most common beets, the juice of which is an excellent tint for creams at home.

This group includes calcium carbonate (E170) and regular baking soda. Despite the fact that these substances do not pose a threat to life, in large quantities they can disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. E290 is ordinary carbon dioxide; all carbonated drinks are made with it. Every kitchen should have a table of food additives E. Useful and harmful, they are presented in such large quantities today that it is very difficult to remember what a particular substance means.

Additives to Avoid

Today the table contains 11 groups of additives, among which are dangerous, prohibited substances that are harmful to the skin and disrupt blood pressure. Since everyone needs to avoid foods that contain dangerous E's, we'll look at each group separately. You shouldn’t be negligent about your health and rely on the manufacturer. Many of them are guided only by short-term gain and do not think about reputation. Moreover, it is much easier to periodically close production and open it under a different name, releasing products with new labels. This is why you should know the harmful "E" food additives. The table will help you navigate and not forget what this or that code means. So let's get started.

Dangerous additives

This group includes many dyes, so if you see confectionery products colored in, think about whether you should take them to your children. Be sure to study harmful food additives "E": the table is updated periodically, so you need to update the printout, which is best kept next to the kitchen table.

This includes E102, namely tartrazine. It causes asthma attacks and is banned in several countries. E110 is a yellow dye that is banned in many countries because it causes an allergic reaction and nausea. E120 - carminic acid (research has not yet proven harmful, but doctors strongly recommend avoiding it). Red dyes E124, E127 and E129 are banned in a number of countries because they are carcinogenic. This also includes E155 (brown dye) and E180 (ruby rytol).

E220 - sulfur dioxide - should be used with caution in people with kidney failure. Feel free to put aside products containing E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242. Recognized as dangerous

Very dangerous

If the previous group of additives is dangerous or potentially dangerous, then representatives of this category should be treated more than carefully. The fact is that the table of additives only gives you codes that hide substances that stimulate the growth of cancer cells. To completely avoid contact with them, you will have to give up most confectionery products and seriously reconsider your view of the diet. The simpler the better, so bran biscuits, cereals and fruit are the safest choices.

However, let's return to our conversation. The table of the most dangerous additives "E" includes dyes such as E123 (amaranth). It is banned all over the world as it causes developmental pathologies in the fetus. In addition, this group includes E510, E513E, E527.

Prohibited substances: table of the most harmful food additives "E"

It should be noted that Russia has very lenient rules for manufacturing companies. Only 5 additives are officially banned, although the number is much higher worldwide. This is E952 - cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts. This product was discontinued because it was found to be a strong carcinogen. E-216 - para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester - is also prohibited in Russia. But this is not all harmful food additives ("E"). The table includes a number of dyes in this group - these are E152, E130, E125, E126, E121, E111.

Substances that cause skin rashes

Everyone can imagine the effect of carcinogens on the body, so you need to do everything necessary to exclude from the menu products that contain the most harmful food additives. Having a table at hand will help you stop in time and not make an unnecessary purchase. Women should especially think about it, because many conditionally safe supplements cause deterioration of the skin. This is E151 (black, shiny BN) - in a number of countries it is completely prohibited. Second on the list is E231 (orthophenylphenol) and E232 (calcium orthophenylphenol). Aspartame, or E951 - a favorite sugar substitute by many - also has a number of side effects and is not recommended for use without special reasons.

Let's sum it up

You may find this table useful every day. A food additive whose harmful effects have not been fully studied should be excluded from the diet. This group includes quite a lot of different “E” - these are E124, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E247, E471. To optimize your diet and consume as few synthetic additives as possible, study product packaging before purchasing. The fewer different components and unclear terms there are, the better. Do not purchase unfamiliar products, as well as those whose packaging does not contain ingredients, and give preference to well-known manufacturers.

Avoid products with bright, unnatural colors. They may contain too many dyes and preservatives. Give preference to natural products, grains, fermented milk, as well as vegetables and fruits. This diet is guaranteed to be free of harmful and dangerous substances. To maintain your health for as long as possible, try to avoid products that use harmful food additives ("E") in their production. A table containing the main ones will become your reliable assistant.

Preservatives are designed to solve a single problem: to prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms. This protects products from spoilage and extends shelf life.

In fact, the spectrum of action chemical substances much wider.

Therefore, conventionally, products included in the group of food additives with indexes from E200 to E299 are divided into two categories: preservatives and substances with preservative properties.

Preservatives of the second group can additionally act as:

  • color fixatives (nitrites, nitrates);
  • (all sulfites);
  • acidity regulators (malic and fumaric acids, all acetates, lactic and acetic acids);
  • bleaches (sulfites);
  • sealants for plant tissues (acetate, formate, calcium sulfite).

Let's dive into history

The very first preservative was fire smoke.

Carbon monoxide, alcohols, aldehydes, acids and other combustion products made it possible to protect the harvested meat from spoilage for some time. Primitive ancestors had no idea about the carcinogenic properties of complex organic compounds.

The production of table salt from salt springs was described in 18 BC. Strabo.

In ancient times, trade began to actively develop. Products were transported on ships. Long distances raised the question of the need to look for a way to preserve goods. Salt, wine, and honey were recognized as effective preservatives. Eastern merchants used spices.

The first two are the result of bacterial fermentation and act as antibiotics. Lactic acid is a product of natural fermentation of liquids (milk, beer, wine).

Acetic acid is in a separate row. Depending on the technology of its production, we can talk about both natural (fermentation of ethyl alcohol) and artificial (synthesis of methanol with various reagents) origin.


Most preservatives are artificial. Some have natural analogues (for example, sorbates). The industrial production of such substances by chemical synthesis does not give the right to classify them as natural.

Depending on the derivative substance, synthetic preservatives can be divided into several subgroups.


One of the safest categories includes its salts. Food additives are obtained by neutralizing the base with certain reagents.

May cause hives.

Sorbic acid E 200 25 mg Safe Sausage, confectionery, baked goods, juices, granular caviar, dairy products
Sodium sorbate E 201 25 mg Safe Processed cheeses, curd products, margarine, jam, canned fish
Potassium sorbate E 202 25 mg Safe Mayonnaise, canned vegetables and fruits, soft drinks, low-alcohol wines
Calcium sorbate E 203 25 mg Safe Breakfast cereals, olives, egg powder, candies, filled chocolate, dried fruits


Preservatives are derivatives. Obtained by the interaction of an acid derivative and reagents.

All benzoates are unsafe to health to one degree or another. They can provoke the development of cancer. Exceeding consumption standards is strictly prohibited.

Name Index in the European classification Permissible daily intake per 1 kg of body weight Degree of danger, possible harm to health In which products is it most often found?
Benzoic acid E 210 5 mg Moderately dangerous. Negatively affects liver and kidney function Ketchups, fish products, carbonated drinks
Sodium benzoate E 211 5 mg Moderately dangerous. Carcinogen Dried fruits, products instant cooking, confectionery
Potassium benzoate E 212 5 mg Moderately dangerous. Allergen, can cause eczema Creams for cakes, margarine, non-alcoholic beer, low-alcohol wines, preserved fish, granular caviar
Calcium benzoate E 213 5 mg May cause allergies Jam, marmalade, salted and pickled vegetables, desserts, sauces
Para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester E 214 10 mg May cause dermatitis Most often for surface processing of boiled, salted, dried meat products
Sodium salt of para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester E 215 10 mg Allergen, carcinogen Jam, jelly, chocolate with filling
Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester E 218 10 mg Moderately dangerous. Allergen Meat and confectionery products
Sodium salt of para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester E 219 10 mg Moderately dangerous. Causes dermatitis Meat pates, confectionery products, casings for sausages and cheeses


All substances (except for sulfur dioxide E 220) are derivatives of sulfurous acid. Obtained by synthesizing the base substance with metal carbonates (hydroxides) in the presence of water.

Sulfites are usually quickly eliminated from the body; in reasonable doses they are not considered dangerous.

The harm lies in the property of food additives of this subgroup to destroy vitamin B1.

Name Index in the European classification Permissible daily intake per 1 kg of body weight Degree of danger, possible harm to health In which products is it most often found?
Sulfur dioxide E 220 0.7 mg Moderately dangerous. Allergen Wine, beer, juices, dried fruits, peeled potato products
Sodium sulfite E 221 0.7 mg Affects the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract Cherry liqueur, surface treatment of dried fruits, jams
Sodium hydrosulfite E 222 0.7 mg Moderately dangerous, can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract Dried vegetables, pickled vegetables, sausages, juices
Sodium pyrosulfite E 223 0.7 mg No data Semi-sweet wines, glazed fruits, tomato puree
Potassium pyrosulfite E 224 0.7 mg May narrow the airways Processing of grape pulp in winemaking, frozen seafood, candy, beer
Potassium sulfite E 225 0.7 mg Allergen Mushroom products, dried and pickled vegetables, lemon juice
Calcium sulfite E 226 0.7 mg May cause gastrointestinal diseases, kidney problems Ice cream, marmalade, jams, semi-finished food products
Calcium hydrosulfite E 227 0.7 mg May disrupt the gastrointestinal tract Breakfast cereals, sago, jams, molasses, sausages and fish products
Potassium hydrosulfite E 228 No data Irritates mucous membranes Starches, beer, soft drinks, wines (including sparkling)


A group of hydrocarbon radicals that are derivatives of benzene.

Phenyls have a pronounced fungicidal effect. The substances are classified as moderately hazardous.

Name Index in the European classification Permissible daily intake per 1 kg of body weight Degree of danger, possible harm to health In which products is it most often found?
Diphenyl E 230 0.5 mg Poisonous in high concentrations. Disturbs the functioning of the heart and liver
Ortho-phenylphenol E 231 0.2 mg Harmful effects on the skin, nausea, vomiting Surface treatment of citrus fruits
Sodium salt of ortho-phenylphenol E 232 0.2 mg Irritating to mucous membranes, may cause cramps Surface processing of fruits and vegetables

Nitrites and nitrates

A very dangerous group.

Nitrites are salts of nitrous acid. Possess carcinogenic effect. Additives are obtained by various reactions of metabolic decomposition of chemicals followed by crystallization.

Nitrates are salts of nitric acid. They are part of the natural composition of plant products and water. By themselves they do not pose a danger. Once in the body, they are reduced to extremely toxic nitrites.

Now there is a trend towards a maximum reduction in the use of preservatives of this group in food products, up to their complete elimination.

Name Index in the European classification Permissible daily intake per 1 kg of body weight Degree of danger, possible harm to health In which products is it most often found?
Potassium nitrite E 249 5 mg Converts uncontrollably to nitrite Meat and fish products
Sodium nitrite E 250 5 mg Smoked meat, minced meat
Sodium nitrate E 251 5 mg Carcinogen. Dangerous in large doses Herring, marinated sprat, cheese analogues, sausages
Potassium nitrate E 252 5 mg Carcinogen. Possible development of anemia, kidney disease Sausages, Dutch cheese


A group of salts and esters of acetic acid.

Products containing acetates are not recommended for people allergic to vinegar.

Name Index in the European classification Permissible daily intake per 1 kg of body weight Degree of danger, possible harm to health In which products is it most often found?
Glacial acetic acid E 260 Not limited Dangerous at concentrations above 30% Canned vegetables, bread, cheeses
Potassium acetates E 261 Not limited Forms carcinogenic substances when heated Canned vegetables and fruits
Sodium acetates E 262 Not limited Moderately dangerous Meat products, flour
Calcium acetate E 263 Not limited Moderately dangerous Canned vegetables, bread
Ammonium acetate E 264 Not limited Moderately dangerous Baking powder in flour
Dehydracetic acid E 265 5 mg Possible accumulation in the body Impregnation of food packaging materials
Sodium dehydracetate E 266 5 mg Can accumulate in the body Surface treatment, coating of sausages, cheeses


Low-hazard substances are salts and esters of saturated carbonates. The production is based on the oxidation reaction of propionic aldehyde.

Name Index in the European classification Permissible daily intake per 1 kg of body weight Degree of danger, possible harm to health In which products is it most often found?
Propionic acid E 280 Not limited Dangerous in high concentrations Bakery products
Sodium propionate E 281 Not limited Low-hazard in solution, carcinogen in large doses
Calcium propionate E 282 Not limited May cause migraines Same as E 281
Potassium propionate E 283 Not limited Low risk Same as E 281

Other preservatives

Food additives of natural or artificial origin.

They are formed by bacteria themselves (antibiotics nisin, natamycin), fermentation (lactic acid), as a result of a chemical reaction involving maleic acid (malic acid), or the oxidation of methanol ().

Preservative subgroups are considered safe, some are beneficial.

Name Index in the European classification Permissible daily intake per 1 kg of body weight Degree of danger, possible harm to health In which products is it most often found?
Nizin E 234 33000 units Safe Processed cheeses, dairy products, canned vegetables
Natamycin E 235 0.3 mg Safe within acceptable concentrations Bakery products, cheese surface treatment
Formic acid E 236 3 mg Dangerous in high concentrations Canned vegetables, soft drinks
Dimethyl dicarbonate E 242 Not limited No data Soft drinks and wines, iced tea
Lactic acid E 270 Not limited Safe Jams, marmalade, nectars
Carbon dioxide E 290 Not limited Low risk Wine, carbonated drinks
Apple acid E 296 Not limited Safe Pineapple juice, frozen fruits and vegetables
Fumaric acid E 297 6 mg Safe Baked goods, candy canes, drinks, chewing gum

Impact on human health

The prevailing opinion that food additives cause serious harm to health is not entirely true. The preservative is not as dangerous as the substance hidden behind the digital code. Table salt is also a preservative. A dose of 45 g will cause severe poisoning, even death.

  • para-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester (E 209);
  • para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester (E 216);
  • sodium salt para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester (E 217);
  • hecasamethylenetetramine (E 239);
  • guaiac resin (E 241).

The substances are strong allergens, carcinogens, and disrupt the functioning of many body systems.

The toxicity of most preservatives depends on their amount in the product. Exceeding the permissible daily norm consumption can provoke:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • allergies;
  • migraine;
  • failure in work internal organs(liver, kidneys, blood vessels);
  • eczema, dermatitis and similar ailments;
  • respiratory tract diseases.

People with individual intolerance to the active components should be careful.

When creating your own fast food establishment, you need to think about what equipment to purchase. You can read more about this.

Independent ecologists of the KEDR center conducted their own tests of additives. Preservatives unsafe for health were divided into groups:

  • prohibited: E 216;
  • dangerous: E 201, E 220, E 222, E 223, E 224, E 228, E 233, E 242, E 270 (for children);
  • suspicious: E 241.

Separately, experts identified a group of preservatives that, in their opinion, have a carcinogenic effect: all benzoates, phenyls, nitrates and nitrites, propionates.

Official studies do not confirm these data.

It is difficult to find a product on the shelf that does not contain preservatives.

Substances that extend the shelf life of products have undoubted benefits, preventing poisoning from the toxic waste of pathogenic microorganisms.

Most of them do not accumulate in the human body and are quickly eliminated naturally.

Washing vegetables and fruits (preferably with soap; if possible, remove the peels) will help reduce the negative impact of preservatives on health. It’s a good idea to limit your consumption of low-calorie foods (they contain a higher dose of preservatives).

In the modern world there are practically no people left who eat only completely natural foods. If you do not live far from civilization, somewhere in the forest, tundra, jungle or other exotic places, then the advice is not to adjust to life without food additives (E-supplements). Every consumer should know that they can be in almost any product and take this fact into account.

This article will be your permanent guide to nutritional additives in food (see table below). It will help you quickly find the necessary information and determine the degree of harmfulness of the purchased product.

In order to correctly answer the question of how to approach the consumption of food with food additives, it is necessary to understand and weigh the main disadvantages and advantages of their use. Advantages - the product is better preserved and has a seductive appearance. Disadvantages - Your body wears out processing various chemicals, simply put - it is harmful to your health. And at certain doses of consumption it becomes dangerous.

Everyone has their own attitude towards their health and their own priorities in life. Many have come to terms with the daily consumption of foods with additives, and many, on the contrary, deliberately refuse almost everything in the store. But the fact that no one wants to get poisoned from an overdose of various chemicals or become exhausted from hunger is for sure. Therefore, the main advice is to carefully study the composition indicated on the food label and know the limits in their consumption.

It is also impossible to blindly believe that what is written on the label is true. Manufacturers often add additives “by eye,” which can result in a product that is dangerously concentrated. And sometimes, the manufacturer deliberately exceeds the norm in order to hide the shortcomings of the product (staleness, poor quality of raw materials).

Unfortunately, the exact composition can only be found in specialized modern laboratories. The buyer’s task is to collect available information about the product and make the right conclusion. The more experience and knowledge in determining the quality of a food product, the greater the chances of buying a good-quality product.

It should be said that not all food additives are chemicals. There are also natural ones, which, however, are much smaller. On labels you can also often find a mysterious phrase like “identical to natural”. Make no mistake - these supplements are not natural and are also produced through synthesis. Identically natural supplements are synthesized in the likeness of the natural substance. And artificial additives are substances that do not exist in nature, but they can imitate taste, color, and smell. They should be treated with the utmost caution.

Learn to live with nutritional supplements

You should not fanatically avoid all foods with additives, just as you should not be an eater of chips and Coca-Cola. To minimize the harmful effects of chemicals on your health, consider these helpful tips:

Eat vegetables and fruits every day. Dietary fiber (fiber) substance pectin (soluble fiber that gives firmness) helps the body cleanse itself of toxic substances.

Do not use chemicals when the body is weakened (illness, weak immunity).

And once again about moderation - do not eat a lot of food with nutritional supplements at once. The body can process chemicals in a certain limited amount. If the consumption of chemicals is exceeded, human health can be undermined and fail.

Avoid foods with unusually bright colors - a clear sign of the presence of artificial colors. Dyes can also be natural. Unusually for the season, fresh imported vegetables and fruits are also a reason to think about it.

Avoid subjecting food containing chemicals to heat or other processing that could create hazardous substances. If you still need to heat it (frying, for example), then first study the composition of the product and the possible reaction of their ingredients. The sugar substitute aspartame (E-951), sodium nitrite (E-250) are vivid examples when, when heated, substances are formed that are much more dangerous than the additives themselves.

Information about nutritional supplements is a weapon in the hands of the buyer

Each additive has its own permissible daily intake (ADI), which must be taken into account when manufacturing products. But manufacturers do not indicate the weight of additives on the product packaging and do not indicate the amount of the product that would not exceed the permissible dose of the additive. Therefore, the ADI figures will not bring any benefit to the average consumer.

Good to know: the list of all product ingredients (including food additives) indicated on the packaging is compiled in descending order of their quantity. In other words, the product contains the most of the ingredient listed first, and the least of the last.

Below is a table of nutritional supplements that will be very useful for the consumer and will help him in making the right choice food products. The table is constantly updated - new data about each food additive is added. If there is no information about the level of danger, this does not mean that the additive is safe.

Pay special attention to the additives that are highlighted in red in the table - they are very dangerous and prohibited. If you find any of these in food products, immediately refuse to purchase them. Avoid products with dangerous additives, marked yellow. The average level of danger should alert the buyer to unsafe conditions. You should also not experiment with “suspicious” or unauthorized additives. Pay special attention to additives that are highlighted in red - they very dangerous and prohibited. If you find any of these in food products, immediately refuse to purchase them. Avoid products with dangerous additives, marked in yellow. The average level of danger should alert the buyer to unsafe conditions. You should also not experiment with “suspicious” or unauthorized additives.

Remember that a substance has a negative effect on human health if it is consumed in excess. There are no absolutely safe or dangerous food additives. For example, salt and sugar are considered safe additives, but if used in excess, they can significantly harm the human body. The same goes for harmful additives - with a small dose, your body can handle them without consequences. Do not panic when studying the composition of the product - think soberly and choose the best.

Also, keep in mind that some additives are not approved not because they are dangerous or harmful, but only because the necessary tests have not been carried out.

Please note that on the product label, food additives can be designated in different ways: by coding, full or partial name of the substance, or maybe both. Even the code can be described in different ways - through a space, through a dash, or together. Example: E-101, E101, E 101. You can find the required component in the table, if not by code, then by name.

To quickly search for a food additive in the table, use the key combination “CTRL+F”. Just dial the number or name. The table is constantly updated with new data.

Table - Nutritional additives in food products

CodeCode Variations Name of food additive Hazard level and health effects Usage
E-100 E100, E 100, E-100 Dye yellow-orange curcumin - curcumin Safe and can be useful. Must be limited in quantity. Allowed Dairy products, oils
E-101 E101, E 101, E-101 Dye yellow riboflavin (vitamin B2) - riboflavin Low risk and may be useful. This dietary supplement can... Allowed Baby food, oils, bread
E-101a E101a, E 101a, E-101a Dye yellow sodium salt of riboflavin-5-phosphate - riboflavin-5"-phosphate sodium Allowed Drinks, baby food, cereals
E-102 E102, E 102, E-102 Dye yellow tartrazine - tartrazine Very dangerous. Allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Migraine and visual impairment. Banned in some countries Ice cream, sweets, dairy products, drinks
E-103 E103, E 103, E-103 Dye red alkanet, alkanine - alkanet Dangerous. Cancerous tumors.
E-104 E104, E 104, E-104 Yellow-green yellow quinoline dye - quinoline yellow Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, , drinks, sweets, chewing gum,
E-105 E105, E 105, E-105 Dye yellow fast yellow AB - fast yellow AB Dangerous. Toxic effects. Banned in most countries Confectionery, drinks
E-106 E106, E 106, E-106 Yellow dye riboflavin-5-sodium phosphate Allergic reactions, negative effects on kidneys and vision. Banned in most countries Dairy products, sweets
E-107 E107, E 107, E-107 Dye yellow yellow 2 G - yellow 2 G Allergic reactions. Not allowed in most countries
E-110 E110, E 110, E-110 Dye yellow-orange yellow “Sunset” FCF, orange-yellow S - sunset yellow FCF, orange Yellow S (website) Very dangerous. Allergic reactions, carcinogen, negative impact on children. Banned in some countries Sauces, canned food, spices, crackers, sweets, dairy products
E-111 E111, E 111, E-111 Orange dye orange alpha-naphthol - orange GGN Dangerous. Carcinogenic. Banned in most countries
E-120 E120, E 120, E-120 Raspberry cochineal dye, carminic acid, carmines - cochineal, carminic acid, carmines Medium level of danger. Dairy products, sausages, sauces, sweets, drinks
E-121 E121, E 121, E-121 Dye dark red citrus red 2 - citrus red 2 Very dangerous. Cancerous tumors. Banned in most countries Coloring orange peel
E-122 E122, E 122, E-122 Dye red-brown azorubine, carmoisine - azorubine, carmoisine Very dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions. Banned in some countries Sweets, drinks
E-123 E123, E 123, E-123 Dye dark red amaranth - amaranth Very dangerous. Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions. Banned in most countries Sweets, breakfast cereals
E-124 E124, E 124, E-124 Ponceau red dye 4R (crimson 4R), cochineal red A - ponceau 4R, cochineal Red A Dangerous. Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-125 E125, E 125, E-125 Ponceau red dye, crimson SX - ponceau SX
E-126 E126, E 126, E-126 Ponceau red dye 6R - ponceau 6R Dangerous. Cancerous tumors. Banned in most countries
E-127 E127, E 127, E-127 Dye red erythrosine - erythrosine Dangerous. Allergic reactions,
E-128 E128, E 128, E-128 Dye red red 2G - red 2G Allergic reactions, genetic changes, cancerous tumors, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-129 E129, E 129, E-129 Dye red red charming AC - allura Red AC Dangerous. Allergic reactions. Banned in some countries
E-130 E130, E 130, E-130 Dye blue blue indanthrene RS - indanthrene blue RS Medium level of danger. Cancerous tumors, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Negative influence on children. Banned in most countries
E 131 E 131, E 131, E 131 Dye blue patent blue V - patent blue v Meat products, drinks
E-132 E132, E 132, E-132 Dye dark blue indigotine, indigo carmine - indigotine, indigo carmine Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-133 E133, E 133, E-133 Dye dark blue brilliant blue FCF - brilliant Blue FCF Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-140 E140, E 140, E-140 Green dye chlorophylls chlorophyllins - chlorophylis and chlorophyllins: chlorophylls chlorophyllins Low level of danger. Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries Creams, ice cream, sauces
E-141 E141, E 141, E-141 Green dye copper complexes chlorophylls chlorophyllins - chlorophyll copper complexes Suspicious. Dairy products
E-142 E142, E 142, E-142 Dye green green S - greens S Medium level of danger. Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions. Allowed
E-143 E143, E 143, E-143 Dye green green durable FCF - fast Green FCF Banned in most countries Canned vegetables and fruits, sauces, ice cream, sweets, seasonings, dry snacks
E-150a E150a, E 150a, E-150a Dye brown sugar color I simple (simple caramel) - plain caramel Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinks, sweets, ice cream
E-150b E150b, E 150b, E-150b Dye brown sugar color II, obtained using “alkali-sulfite” technology - caustic sulphite caramel Drinks, chocolate butter
E-150s E150c, E 150c, E-150c Dye brown sugar color III, obtained using “ammonia” technology - ammonia caramel Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. May contain GMOs. Allowed Sauces, sweets, drinks
E-150d E150d, E 150d, E-150d Dye brown sugar color IV, obtained using “ammonia-sulfite” technology - sulphite ammonia caramel Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. May contain GMOs. Allowed Sauces, sweets, drinks
E-151 E151, E 151, E-151 Dye black brilliant black BN, black PN - brilliant black BN, black PN Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, allergic reactions. Banned in some countries Dairy products, ice cream, sweets, canned vegetables and fruits, drinks, seasonings, sauces
E-152 E152, E 152, E-152 Dye black coal (synthetic) - carbon black (hydrocarbon) Medium level of danger. Cancerous tumors, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed Cheeses, confectionery products
E-153 E153, E 153, E-153 Dye black vegetable carbon - vegetable carbon Medium level of danger. May be dangerous for children. Cancerous tumors, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This food supplement Drinks, confectionery
E-154 E154, E 154, E-154 Dye brown brown FK - brown FK Dangerous. Intestinal disorders, blood pressure disorders, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Prohibited Smoked meats, canned fish, chips. (More details in the website sections)
E-155 E155, E 155, E-155 Dye brown chocolate brown HT - brown HT
E-160a E160a, E 160a, E-160a Yellow-orange carotene dye: b - synthetic carotene, extracts of natural carotenes, provitamin A - carotenes: beta-carotene (synthetic) natural extracts Drinks, confectionery, dairy products,
E-160b E160b, E 160b, E-160b Dye yellow annatto, bixin, norbixin - annatto, bixin, norbixin Low level of danger. Allergic reactions. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products, cheeses, oils, seasonings, bakery products, smoked fish, chips
E-160s E160c, E 160c, E-160c Dye orange paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin - paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin Allowed
E-160d E160d, E 160d, E-160d Dye red lycopene - lycopene
E-160e E160e, E 160e, E-160e Yellow-orange dye b-apo-8-carotene aldehyde (C 30) - beta-apo-8’-carotenal (C 30) Allowed
E-160f E160f, E 160f, E-160f Dye yellow-orange ethyl ester of beta-apo-8’-carotenic acid (C 30) Suspicious. Cheeses. Not allowed in most countries
E-161a E161a, E 161a, E-161a Dye yellow flavoxanthin - flavoxanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Banned in most countries
E-161b E161b, E 161b, E-161b Dye yellow lutein - lutein Safe and can be useful. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-161s E161c, E 161c, E-161c Cryptoxanthin yellow dye - cryptoxanthin Medium level of danger.
E-161d E161d, E 161d, E-161d Rubixanthin yellow dye - rubixanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Banned in some countries
E-161e E161e, E 161e, E-161e Dye yellow violoxanthin - violoxanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Banned in some countries
E-161f E161f, E 161f, E-161f Rhodoxanthin yellow dye - rhodoxanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Banned in some countries
E-161g E161g, E 161g, E-161g Dye orange canthaxanthin - canthaxanthin Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-161h E161h, E 161h, E-161h Dye orange zeaxanthin - zeaxanthin Banned in some countries
E-161i E161i, E 161i, E-161i Dye yellow citranaxanthin - citranaxanthin Banned in some countries
E-161j E161j, E 161j, E-161j Dye yellow astaxanthin - astaxanthin Banned in some countries
E-162 E162, E 162, E-162 Dye red beetroot red, betanin - beetroot red, betanin Frozen and dried food, sausages, sweets, drinks
E-163 E163, E 163, E-163 Dye red-violet anthocyanins - anthocyanins Safe and can be useful. Allowed Confectionery, yogurt, drinks
E-164 E164, E 164, E-164 Orange dye - saffron Low level of danger. Toxic effects (poisoning). Banned in some countries Spices, sweets, tea, coffee, confectionery
E-165 E165, E 165, E-165 Dye blue gardenia blue - gardenia blue Not allowed in most countries
E-166 E166, E 166, E-166 Dye orange sandalwood - sandalwood Not allowed in most countries
E-170 E170, E 170, E-170 Dye white calcium carbonates - calcium carbonates Low level of danger. Toxic effects. Allowed
E-171 E171, E 171, E-171 White titanium dioxide dye - titanium dioxide Suspicious. Negative influence on children. Allowed Quick breakfasts,
E-172 E172, E 172, E-172 Dye black, red, yellow iron oxides and hydroxides - iron oxides and hydroxides (website) Allowed
E-173 E173, E 173, E-173 Dye metallic aluminum - aluminum Suspicious. Liver diseases. Not allowed in most countries
E-174 E174, E 174, E-174 Metallic silver dye - silver Not allowed in most countries
E-175 E175, E 175, E-175 Metallic dye gold - gold Hypoallergenic properties. Not allowed in most countries Confectionery, alcoholic drinks
E-180 E180, E 180, E-180 Dye red ruby ​​lithol VK - lithol rubine BK Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions. Not allowed in most countries
E-181 E181, E 181, E-181 Dye yellow-white tannins for food - tannins, food grade Low level of danger. Irritation of the digestive organs. Allowed Adds tartness and astringency to drinks
E-182 E182, E 182, E-182 Dye red (acidic environment) or blue (in alkaline environment) orsail, orsin - orchil Not allowed in most countries
E-200 E200, E 200, E-200 Preservative sorbic acid - sorbic acid Low level of danger. Allergic reactions destroy vitamin B12 in the body, negative impact on children. Allowed Cheeses, sweets, margarine, butter, preserves, packaged bread, dried fruits, cream for flour products (More details in the website sections)
E-201 E201, E 201, E-201 Preservative sodium sorbate Dangerous. Allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Allowed Cheeses, fats and vegetable oils (except olive), margarine, butter, dumpling filling, mayonnaise, pastries
E-202 E202, E 202, E-202 Preservative potassium sorbate - potassium sorbate Low level of danger. Allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Allowed Cheeses, fats and vegetable oils (except olive), margarine, dumpling filling, mayonnaise, baked goods
E-203 E203, E 203, E-203 Preservative calcium sorbate Negative influence on children. Allowed Cheeses, fats and vegetable oils (except olive), butter, dumpling filling, mayonnaise, baked goods
E-209 E209, E 209, E-209 Preservative para-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester - heptyl p-hydroxybenzoate Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries (More details in the website sections)
E-210 E210, E 210, E-210 Preservative benzoic acid - benzoic acid Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, strong carcinogen, can cause kidney stones, negative impact on children. Allowed Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), fish products, canned fish, soft drinks, canned vegetables and fruits, drinks
E-211 E211, E 211, E-211 Preservative sodium benzoate - sodium benzoate Very dangerous. Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Allowed Meat and fish products, preserves, caviar, sauces, margarines, drinks, sweets
E-212 E212, E 212, E-212 Preservative potassium benzoate - potassium benzoate Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Allowed
E-213 E213, E 213, E-213 Preservative calcium benzoate Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, intestinal disorders, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), fish products, canned fish, caviar, soft drinks, canned vegetables and fruits, drinks
E-214 E214, E 214, E-214 Para-hydroxybenzoic acid preservative ethyl ester - ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate
E-215 E215, E 215, E-215 Preservative para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester sodium salt - sodium ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-216 E216, E 216, E-216 Preservative para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ether - propyl p-hydroxybenzoate Very dangerous. Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Banned in most countries Sausages, sweets
E-217 E217, E 217, E-217 Preservative para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ether sodium salt - sodium propyl p-hydroxybenzoate Very dangerous. Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, intestinal disorders, negative impact on children. Banned in most countries Sausages, sweets (More details in the website sections)
E-218 E218, E 218, E-218 Preservative para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester - methyl p-hydroxybenzoate Allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-219 E219, E 219, E-219 Preservative para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester sodium salt - sodium methyl p-hydroxybenzoate Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), canned fish, caviar
E-220 E220, E 220, E-220 Preservative sulfur dioxide - sulfur dioxide (sulfurous acid, gas) Preservation of meat products, fruits and dried fruits (very often used for). Disinfection of containers
E-221 E221, E 221, E-221 Preservative sodium sulfite - sodium sulphite Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritates the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Allowed Disinfection of containers
E-222 E222, E 222, E-222 Preservative sodium hydrogen sulphite Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritates the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Allowed Disinfection of containers
E-223 E223, E 223, E-223 Preservative sodium pyrosulfite - sodium metabisulphite Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritates the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Allowed Drinks, sweets. Disinfection of containers
E-224 E224, E 224, E-224 Preservative potassium pyrosulfite - potassium metabisulphite Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritates the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Allowed . Disinfection of containers
E-225 E225, E 225, E-225 Preservative potassium sulfite - potassium sulphite Disinfection of containers
E-226 E226, E 226, E-226 Preservative calcium sulphite Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritates the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Disinfection of containers
E-227 E227, E 227, E-227 Preservative calcium hydrogen sulphite Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritates the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Disinfection of containers
E-228 E228, E 228, E-228 Preservative potassium hydrosulfite (potassium bisulfite) - potassium hydrogen sulphite Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, irritates the respiratory tract, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries Disinfection of containers
E-230 E230, E 230, E-230 Preservative biphenyl, diphenyl - biphenyl, diphenyl
E-231 E231, E 231, E-231 Preservative orthophenyl phenol Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, skin diseases, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-232 E232, E 232, E-232 Preservative sodium orthophenyl phenol Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, skin diseases, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-233 E233, E 233, E-233 Preservative thiabendazole Dangerous. Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, skin diseases, negative impact on children. Not allowed in most countries , fruits - prevents the development of mold
E-234 E234, E 234, E-234 Nisin preservative Medium level of danger. Negative influence on children. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed , canned meat and vegetables, oils and fats, food casings, wine, beer, baked goods
E-235 E235, E 235, E-235 Preservative natamycin (pimaricin) - natamycin (pimaricin) Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, negative impact on children. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products (cheeses, condensed milk), canned meat and vegetables, oils and fats, product casings
E-236 E236, E 236, E-236 Preservative formic acid - formic acid Negative influence on children. Banned in some countries
E-237 E237, E 237, E-237 Preservative sodium formate Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries Drinks, canned vegetables
E-238 E238, E 238, E-238 Preservative calcium formate Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries Drinks, canned vegetables
E-239 E239, E 239, E-239 Preservative hexamethylenetetramine (urotropine) - hexamethylene tetramine Dangerous. Cancerous tumors, allergic reactions, skin diseases, negative impact on children. Not allowed Cheese, canned caviar
E-240 E240, E 240, E-240 Preservative formaldehyde - formaldehyde Very dangerous. Cancerous tumors, toxic effects, allergic reactions, damage to the nervous system, negative impact on children. Banned in most countries Meat, sausages, sweets, drinks
E-241 E241, E 241, E-241 Preservative guaiac resin - gum guaicum Suspicious. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Not allowed in most countries
E-242 E242, E 242, E-242 Preservative dimethyl dicarbonate - dimethyl dicarbonate Dangerous. Allowed
E-249 E249, E 249, E-249 Preservative potassium nitrite - potassium nitrite Cancerous tumors, negatively affects children's body. Allowed Smoked meats
E-250 E250, E 250, E-250 Preservative sodium nitrite - sodium nitrite Medium level of danger. They cause a variety of allergic and inflammatory reactions, headaches, hepatic colic, irritability and fatigue. Increases blood pressure. Possibly carcinogenic. Negative influence on children. Allowed
E-251 E251, E 251, E-251 Preservative sodium nitrate - sodium nitrate They cause a variety of allergic and inflammatory reactions, headaches, hepatic colic, irritability and fatigue. Increases blood pressure. Possibly carcinogenic. Negative influence on children. Allowed Smoked meats, sausages
E-252 E252, E 252, E-252 Preservative potassium nitrate - potassium nitrate Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries Smoked meats
E-260 E260, E 260, E-260 Preservative acetic acid Low level of danger. Toxic effects. Negative influence on children. Allowed Canned food, baked goods, confectionery, mayonnaise,
E-261 E261, E 261, E-261 Preservative potassium acetate - potassium acetate Negative effect on kidney function, negative effect on children. Allowed
E-262 E262, E 262, E-262 Preservative sodium acetates: sodium acetate, sodium hydroacetate (sodium diacetate) - sodium acetatessodium acetatesodium hydrogen acetate (sodium diacetate) Negative influence on children. Allowed
E-263 E263, E 263, E-263 Preservative calcium acetate Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-264 E264, E 264, E-264 Preservative ammonium acetate - ammonium acetate May cause nausea and gastrointestinal problems. Does not have permission for use in Russia. Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-265 E265, E 265, E-265 Preservative dehydroacetic acid Banned in most countries
E-266 E266, E 266, E-266 Preservative sodium dehydroacetate - sodium dehydroacetate Banned in most countries
E-270 E270, E 270, E-270 Preservative lactic acid - lactic acid Dangerous. Dangerous for children. Load on the kidneys. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products, sauces, baked goods, crackers
E-280 E280, E 280, E-280 Preservative propionic acid Cancerous tumors. Negative influence on children. Allowed
E-281 E281, E 281, E-281 Preservative sodium propionate - sodium propionate Dairy products, sauces, baked goods
E-282 E282, E 282, E-282 Calcium propionate preservative Cancerous tumors. They provoke spasm of cerebral vessels. May cause migraines. Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries Dairy products, sauces, baked goods
E-283 E283, E 283, E-283 Preservative potassium propionate - potassium propionate Cancerous tumors. They provoke spasm of cerebral vessels. May cause migraines. Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries Dairy products, sauces, baked goods
E-284 E284, E 284, E-284 Preservative boric acid - boric acid Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-285 E285, E 285, E-285 Preservative sodium tetraborate (borax) Allowed
E-290 E290, E 290, E-290 Preservative carbon dioxide - carbon dioxide Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
E-296 E296, E 296, E-296 Preservative malic acid - malic acid Low level of danger. Negative impact on the children's body. Allowed Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, confectionery
E-297 E297, E 297, E-297 Fumaric acid preservative Low level of danger. Allowed Soft drinks, confectionery, baked goods, curd pudding
E-300 E300, E 300, E-300 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ascorbic acid, vitamin C - ascorbic acid Low risk and may be useful. Allergic reactions, negative effects on the urinary tract, diarrhea. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Canned meat and fish, confectionery
E-301 E301, E 301, E-301 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium salt of ascorbic acid (sodium ascorbate) - sodium ascorbate Low risk and may be useful. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Meat and fish products
E-302 E302, E 302, E-302 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium salt of ascorbic acid (calcium ascorbate) - calcium ascorbate May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-303 E303, E 303, E-303 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium ascorbate - potassium ascorbate May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-304 E304, E 304, E-304 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ascorbyl palmitate - ascorbyl palmitate May contain GMOs. Allowed Oils, dairy products
E-305 E305, E 305, E-305 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ascorbyl stearate Not allowed in most countries
E-306 E306, E 306, E-306 Antioxidant (antioxidant) mixed tocopherols concentrate May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-307 E307, E 307, E-307 Antioxidant (antioxidant) a-tocopherol, a type of artificial vitamin E - alpha-tocopherol (site) Safe and can be useful. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Oils, dairy products
E-308 E308, E 308, E-308 Antioxidant (antioxidant) synthetic g-tocopherol, a type of artificial vitamin E - synthetic gamma-tocopherol Suspicious. Not allowed in most countries. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs Oils, dairy products
E-309 E309, E 309, E-309 Antioxidant (antioxidant) synthetic d-tocopherol, a type of artificial vitamin E - synthetic delta-tocopherol Suspicious. Not allowed in most countries. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs Oils, dairy products
E-310 E310, E 310, E-310 Antioxidant (antioxidant) propyl gallate Negative effect on the skin, rash. Not allowed in most countries
E-311 E311, E 311, E-311 Antioxidant (antioxidant) octyl gallate
E-312 E312, E 312, E-312 Antioxidant (antioxidant) dodecyl gallate Allergic reactions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions on the skin, negative effects on the nervous system. Not allowed in most countries
E-313 E313, E 313, E-313 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ethyl gallate - ethyl gallate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Not allowed in most countries
E-314 E314, E 314, E-314 Antioxidant (antioxidant) guaiac resin - guaiac resin Not allowed in most countries
E-315 E315, E 315, E-315 Antioxidant (antioxidant) erythorbic (isoascorbic) acid Allowed
E-316 E316, E 316, E-316 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium erythorbate - sodium erythorbate Allowed
E-317 E317, E 317, E-317 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium iso-ascorbate - potassium isoascorbate Not allowed in most countries
E-318 E318, E 318, E-318 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium isoascorbate - calcium isoascorbate Not allowed in most countries
E-319 E319, E 319, E-319 Antioxidant (antioxidant) tertiary butylhydroquinone Allowed
E-320 E320, E 320, E-320 Antioxidant (antioxidant) butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) Meat, confectionery
E-321 E321, E 321, E-321 Antioxidant (antioxidant) butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) Dangerous. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, allergic reactions. Increases cholesterol content. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Oils and fats, fish products, beer
E-322 E322, E 322, E-322 Antioxidant (antioxidant) lecithins - lecithins Low level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. May contain GMOs. Allowed Oils and fats, dairy products, baked goods
E-323 E323, E 323, E-323 Antioxidant (antioxidant) anoxomer - anoxomer Not allowed in most countries
E-324 E324, E 324, E-324 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ethoxyquin - ethoxyquin Not allowed in most countries
E-325 E325, E 325, E-325 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium lactate - sodium lactate Low level of danger. Harmful for people with lactose intolerance. May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries Drinks, cookies, meat products, canned vegetables
E-326 E326, E 326, E-326 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium lactate - potassium lactate Baby food, dairy products (cheese), cookies, confectionery
E-327 E327, E 327, E-327 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium lactate Low level of danger. Harmful for people with lactose intolerance. May contain GMOs. Allowed Confectionery, canned vegetables
E-328 E328, E 328, E-328 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium lactate - ammonium lactate Not allowed in most countries
E-329 E329, E 329, E-329 Antioxidant (antioxidant) magnesium lactate - magnesium lactate Not allowed in most countries
E-330 E330, E 330, E-330 Antioxidant (antioxidant) citric acid - citric acid Low level of danger. Cancerous tumors. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Drinks, baked goods, confectionery
E-331 E331, E 331, E-331 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium citrates: monosodium citrate, disodium citrate, trisodium citrate - sodium citrates monosodium citrate disodium citrate trisodium citrate Low level of danger. Increased blood pressure. Allowed Drinks, sweets, dairy products
E-332 E332, E 332, E-332 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium citrates: monopotassium citrate, dipotassium citrate, tripotassium citrate - potassium citrates monopotassium citrate dipotassium citrate tripotassium citrate Allowed
E-333 E333, E 333, E-333 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium citrates: monosubstituted calcium citrate, disubstituted calcium citrate, trisubstituted calcium citrate - calcium citrates monocalcium citrate dicalcium citrate tricalcium citrate Allowed
E-334 E334, E 334, E-334 Antioxidant (antioxidant) tartaric acid ((L+)-) - tartaric acid (L(+)-) Allowed
E-335 E335, E 335, E-335 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium tartrates: monosubstituted sodium tartrate, disodium tartrate - sodium tartrates monosodium tartrate disodium tartrate Allowed
E-336 E336, E 336, E-336 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium tartrates: monosubstituted potassium tartrate, disubstituted potassium tartrate - potassium tartrates monopotassium tartrate dipotassium tartrate Allowed
E-337 E337, E 337, E-337 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium potassium tartrate - sodium potassium tartrate Allowed
E-338 E338, E 338, E-338 Antioxidant (antioxidant) orthophosphoric acid - phosphoric acid Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-339 E339, E 339, E-339 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium orthophosphates: monosodium orthophosphate, sodium orthophosphate, sodium orthophosphate - sodium ortophosphates monosodium ortophosphate disodium ortophosphate trisodium orthophosphate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-340 E340, E 340, E-340 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium orthophosphates: potassium orthophosphate, monosubstituted, potassium orthophosphate disubstituted, potassium orthophosphate - potassium ortophosphates monopotassium ortophosphate dipotassium ortophosphate tripotassium ortophosphate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-341 E341, E 341, E-341 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium orthophosphates: monosubstituted calcium orthophosphate, disubstituted calcium orthophosphate, calcium orthophosphate - calcium phosphates monocalcium ortophosphate dicalcium ortophosphate tricalcium ortophosphate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-342 E342, E 342, E-342 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium orthophosphates: monosubstituted ammonium orthophosphate, disubstituted ammonium orthophosphate - ammonium phosphates monoammonium ortophosphate diammonium ortophosphate Allowed
E-343 E343, E 343, E-343 Antioxidant (antioxidant) magnesium orthophosphates: monomagnesium orthophosphate, dimagnesium orthophosphate, trimagnesium orthophosphate - magnesium ortophosphates: monomagnesium ortophosphate dimagnesium ortophosphate trimagnesium ortophosphate
E-344 E344, E 344, E-344 Antioxidant (antioxidant) lecithin citrate - lecitin citrate Not allowed in most countries
E-345 E345, E 345, E-345 Antioxidant (antioxidant) magnesium citrate - magnesium citrate Not allowed in most countries
E-349 E349, E 349, E-349 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium malate - ammonium malate Not allowed in most countries
E-350 E350, E 350, E-350 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium malates: sodium malate, sodium malate monosubstituted - sodium malates sodium malate sodium hydrogen malate Not allowed in most countries
E-351 E351, E 351, E-351 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium malate - potassium malate Not allowed in most countries
E-352 E352, E 352, E-352 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium malates: calcium malate, monosubstituted calcium malate - calcium malates calcium malate calcium hydrogen malate Not allowed in most countries
E-353 E353, E 353, E-353 Antioxidant (antioxidant) metatartaric acid Allowed
E-354 E354, E 354, E-354 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium tartrate Allowed
E-355 E355, E 355, E-355 Antioxidant (antioxidant) adipic acid - adipic acid Not allowed in most countries
E-356 E356, E 356, E-356 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium adipate - sodium adipate Not allowed in most countries
E-357 E357, E 357, E-357 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium adipate - potassium adipate Not allowed in most countries
E-359 E359, E 359, E-359 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium adipate - ammonium adipate Not allowed in most countries
E-363 E363, E 363, E-363 Antioxidant (antioxidant) succinic acid- succinic acid Safe. Allowed Sweets, soups, dry drinks
E-365 E365, E 365, E-365 Antioxidant (antioxidant) sodium fumarates - sodium fumarates Not allowed in most countries
E-366 E366, E 366, E-366 Antioxidant (antioxidant) potassium fumarates - potassium fumarates Not allowed in most countries
E-367 E367, E 367, E-367 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium fumarates - calcium fumarates Not allowed in most countries
E-368 E368, E 368, E-368 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium fumarates - ammonium fumarates Not allowed in most countries
E-370 E370, E 370, E-370 Antioxidant (antioxidant) 1,4-heptonolactone - 1,4-heptonolactone Not allowed in most countries
E-375 E375, E 375, E-375 Antioxidant (antioxidant) nicotinic acid - nicotinic acid Not allowed in most countries
E-380 E380, E 380, E-380 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium citrates (ammonium salts of citric acid) - ammonium citrates (site) Allowed
E-381 E381, E 381, E-381 Antioxidant (antioxidant) ammonium iron citrate - ferric ammonium citrate Not allowed in most countries
E-383 E383, E 383, E-383 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium glycerophosphate Banned in most countries
E-384 E384, E 384, E-384 Antioxidant (antioxidant) isopropyl citrate mixture - isopropil citrates Not allowed in most countries
E-385 E385, E 385, E-385 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (calcium disodium EDTA) Allowed
E-386 E386, E 386, E-386 Antioxidant (antioxidant) disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate Allowed
E-387 E387, E 387, E-387 Antioxidant (antioxidant) oxystearin - oxystearin Not allowed in most countries
E-388 E388, E 388, E-388 Antioxidant (antioxidant) thiopropionic acid - thiodipropionic acid Not allowed in most countries
E-389 E389, E 389, E-389 Antioxidant (antioxidant) dilauryl thiodipropionate - dilauryl thiodipropionate Not allowed in most countries
E-390 E390, E 390, E-390 Antioxidant (antioxidant) distearyl thiodipropionate - dustearyl thiodipropionate Not allowed in most countries
E-391 E391, E 391, E-391 Antioxidant (antioxidant) phytic acid - phytic acid Banned in most countries
E-392 E392, E 392, E-392 Antioxidant (antioxidant) rosemary extract - extracts of rosemary Allowed
E-399 E399, E 399, E-399 Antioxidant (antioxidant) calcium lactobionate - calcium lactobionate Not allowed in most countries
E-400 E400, E 400, E-400 Emulsifier alginic acid - alginic acid Dangerous. Allowed
E-401 E401, E 401, E-401 Emulsifier sodium alginate - sodium alginate Dangerous. Allowed
E-402 E402, E 402, E-402 Emulsifier potassium alginate - potassium alginate Dangerous. Allowed
E-403 E403, E 403, E-403 Ammonium alginate emulsifier - ammonium alginate Dangerous. Not allowed in most countries
E-404 E404, E 404, E-404 Emulsifier calcium alginate - calcium alginate Dangerous. Allowed
E-405 E405, E 405, E-405 Emulsifier propane-1,2-diol alginate - propan-1,2-diol alginate Dangerous. Allowed
E-406 E406, E 406, E-406 Stabilizer agar - agar Safe. Allowed Sweets, canned food, baked goods
E-407 E407, E 407, E-407 Emulsifier carrageenan, carrageenan salts - carrageenan and its salts Dairy products, cheeses, ice cream, sweets,
E-407a E407a, E 407a, E-407a Emulsifier processed seaweed - processed eucheuma seaweed Allowed
E-408 E408, E 408, E-408 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier baker's yeast glycan - bakers yeast glycan (website) Not allowed in most countries
E-409 E409, E 409, E-409 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier arabinogalactan - arabinogalactan Not allowed in most countries
E-410 E410, E 410, E-410 Emulsifier carob bean gum Safe. Allowed Dairy products, ice cream, canned food, bakery products
E-411 E411, E 411, E-411 Oat gum stabilizer - oat gum Allowed
E-412 E412, E 412, E-412 Stabilizer guar gum - guar gum Safe. Allowed Dairy products, ice cream, sweets, drinks, canned food
E-413 E413, E 413, E-413 Emulsifier tragacanth - tragacanth Allowed
E-414 E414, E 414, E-414 Emulsifier gum arabic - acacia gum (gum arabic) Safe. Allowed Dairy products, sweets, ice cream, creams, drinks
E-415 E415, E 415, E-415 Stabilizer xanthan gum - xanthan gum Sweets, sauces, baked goods, dairy products
E-416 E416, E 416, E-416 Emulsifier karaya gum - karaya gum Allowed
E-417 E417, E 417, E-417 Tara gum stabilizer - tara gum Allowed
E-418 E418, E 418, E-418 Emulsifier gellan gum - gellan gum Not allowed in most countries
E-419 E419, E 419, E-419 Emulsifier ghatti gum - gum ghatty Not allowed in most countries
E-420 E420, E 420, E-420 Emulsifier, moisture retainer, sorbitol sweetener, sorbitol syrup - sorbitol sorbitol sorbitol syrup Medium level of danger. Stomach upset, cataracts. Allowed Sugar-free confectionery (dietary), dried fruits, chewing gum
E-421 E421, E 421, E-421 Sweetener mannitol Low level of danger. Stomach upset, negative effect on the kidneys. Allowed Sweets, chewing gum
E-422 E422, E 422, E-422 Emulsifier, sweetener glycerol - glycerol Safe. Allowed Confectionery.
E-424 E424, E 424, E-424 Stabilizer, sweetener Kurdlan - glycerol (emulsifier) Banned in some countries
E-425 E425, E 425, E-425 Emulsifier cognac resin, cognac glucomannan - konjac konjac gum konjac glucomannane Dangerous. Reduces blood cholesterol levels, irritation of mucous membranes, and stomach upsets. Allowed Sweets, chewing gum, oils and fats, dairy products. It is prohibited to use in the manufacture of confectionery products and baby food.
E-426 E426, E 426, E-426 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier soybean hemicellulose Allowed
E-427 E427, E 427, E-427 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier cassia gum - cassia gum Allowed
E-429 E429, E 429, E-429 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier peptones - peptones Not allowed in most countries
E-430 E430, E 430, E-430 Stabilizer polyoxyethylene (8) stearate - polyoxyethylene (8) stearate Not allowed in most countries
E-431 E431, E 431, E-431 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene (40) stearate - polyoxyethylene (40) stearate Not allowed in most countries
E-432 E432, E 432, E-432 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 20, Tween 20) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 20) Not allowed in most countries
E-433 E433, E 433, E-433 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate (polysorbate 80, Tween 80) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate (polysorbate 80) Not allowed in most countries
E-434 E434, E 434, E-434 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate 40, Tween 40) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate 40) Not allowed in most countries
E-435 E435, E 435, E-435 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate 60, Tween 60) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate 60) Not allowed in most countries
E-436 E436, E 436, E-436 Emulsifier polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate 65) - polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate 65) Not allowed in most countries
E-440 E440, E 440, E-440 Emulsifier pectins: pectin, amidopectin - pectins pectin amidated pectin Safe. Allowed Marmalade, jelly and other sweets, dairy products, mayonnaise
E-441 E441, E 441, E-441 Thickener gelatin - gelatine Banned in most countries
E-442 E442, E 442, E-442 Emulsifier phosphatides ammonium salts - ammonium phosphatides Not allowed in most countries
E-443 E443, E 443, E-443 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier brominated vegetable oil- brominated vegetable oil Not allowed in most countries
E-444 E444, E 444, E-444 Emulsifier sucrose acetate isobutyrate Not allowed in most countries
E-445 E445, E 445, E-445 Emulsifier esters of glycerin and resin acids - glycerol esters of wood rosins Allowed
E-446 E446, E 446, E-446 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier succistearin - succistearin Banned in most countries
E-450 E450, E 450, E-450 Emulsifier pyrophosphates: dibasic sodium pyrophosphate, tribasic sodium pyrophosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, disubstituted potassium pyrophosphate, tetrapotassium diphosphate, dicalcium pyrophosphate, calcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate - diphosphates disodium diphosphate trisodium diphosphatetetrasodium diphosphate dipotassium diphosphate tetrapotassium diphosphate dicalcium diphosphate calcium dihydrogen diphosphate ate Low level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed Dairy products, processed cheeses, canned meats
E-451 E451, E 451, E-451 Emulsifier triphosphates: 5-substituted sodium triphosphate, 5-substituted potassium triphosphate - triphosphates pentasodium triphosphate pentapotassium triphosphate Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-452 E452, E 452, E-452 Emulsifier polyphosphates: sodium polyphosphate, potassium polyphosphate, sodium calcium polyphosphate, calcium polyphosphate - polyphosphates sodium polyphosphates potassium polyphosphates sodium calcium polyphosphate calcium polyphophates Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Allowed
E-459 E459, E 459, E-459 Emulsifier b-cyclodextrin - beta-cyclodextrine (website)
E-460 E460, E 460, E-460 Emulsifier cellulose: microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose powder - cellulose microcrystalline cellulose powdered cellulose Low level of danger. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products, bread, sauces, ice cream
E-461 E461, E 461, E-461 Emulsifier methylcellulose - methyl cellulose Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Negative influence on children. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-462 E462, E 462, E-462 Emulsifier ethylcellulose - ethyl cellulose
E-463 E463, E 463, E-463 Emulsifier hydroxypropyl cellulose - hydroxypropyl cellulose Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-464 E464, E 464, E-464 Emulsifier hydroxypropyl methylcellulose - hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose Medium level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. May contain GMOs. Allowed Sauces, canned food, sweets, dairy products
E-465 E465, E 465, E-465 Emulsifier ethyl methyl cellulose Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-466 E466, E 466, E-466 Emulsifier carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose - carboxy methyl cellulose, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose Low level of danger. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. May contain GMOs. Allowed Dairy products, cheeses, ice cream, mayonnaise, sweets
E-467 E467, E 467, E-467 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose May contain GMOs. Banned in most countries
E-468 E468, E 468, E-468 Emulsifier carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt three-dimensional - crosslinked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose Suspicious. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-469 E469, E 469, E-469 Emulsifier hydrolyzed under the action of enzymatic carboxymethylcellulose - enzymically hydrolysed carboxymethylcellulose May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-470a E470a, E 470a, E-470a Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-470b E470b, E 470b, E-470b Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier magnesium salts of fatty acids Allowed
E-471 E471, E 471, E-471 Emulsifier mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Safe. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed Oils and fats, ice cream, dairy products
E-472a E472a, E 472a, E-472a Emulsifier esters of mono- and diglycerides of acetic and fatty acids - acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-472b E472b, E 472b, E-472b Emulsifier esters of mono- and diglycerides of lactic and fatty acids - lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-472s E472c, E 472c, E-472c Emulsifier esters of mono- and diglycerides of citric and fatty acids - citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Allowed
E-472d E472d, E 472d, E-472d Emulsifier esters of mono- and diglycerides of tartaric and fatty acids - tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Allowed
E-472e E472e, E 472e, E-472e Emulsifier esters of glycerol, diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters of glycerol Allowed
E-472f E472f, E 472f, E-472f Emulsifier mixed tartaric, acetic and fatty acids esters of glycerol Allowed
E-472g E472g, E 472g, E-472g Emulsifier succinylated monoglycerides Low level of danger. Allowed Sauces, oils, creams
E-473 E473, E 473, E-473 Emulsifier sucrose esters of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-474 E474, E 474, E-474 Emulsifier sugar glycerides - sucroglycerides Not allowed in most countries
E-475 E475, E 475, E-475 Emulsifier polyglycerol esters of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-476 E476, E 476, E-476 Emulsifier polyglycerol polyricinoleate May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-477 E477, E 477, E-477 Emulsifier propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids Not allowed in most countries
E-478 E478, E 478, E-478 Emulsifier esters of lactylated fatty acids of glycerol and propilene glycol Not allowed in most countries
E-479b E479b, E 479b, E-479b Emulsifier thermally oxidized soya bean oil interacted with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids May contain GMOs. Not allowed in most countries
E-480 E480, E 480, E-480 Emulsifier dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate Not allowed in most countries
E-481 E481, E 481, E-481 Emulsifier sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate - s stearoyl-2-lactylate May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-482 E482, E 482, E-482 Emulsifier calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate Not allowed in most countries
E-483 E483, E 483, E-483 Emulsifier stearyl tartrate Not allowed in most countries
E-484 E484, E 484, E-484 Emulsifier stearyl citrate Not allowed in most countries
E-485 E485, E 485, E-485 Emulsifier sodium stearoyl fumarate Not allowed in most countries
E-486 E486, E 486, E-486 Emulsifier calcium stearoyl fumarate Not allowed in most countries
E-487 E487, E 487, E-487 Emulsifier sodium lauryl sulfate - sodium laurylsulfate Not allowed in most countries
E-488 E488, E 488, E-488 Emulsifier ethoxylated mono- and di-glycerides Not allowed in most countries
E-489 E489, E 489, E-489 Emulsifier ester of coconut oil and methyl glycoside - methyl glucoside - coconut oil ester Not allowed in most countries
E-491 E491, E 491, E-491 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier sorbitan monostearate SPEN 60 - sorbitan monostearate Not allowed in most countries
E-492 E492, E 492, E-492 Emulsifier sorbitan tristearate - sorbitan tristearate Not allowed in most countries
E-493 E493, E 493, E-493 Emulsifier sorbitan monolaurate, SPEN 20 - sorbitan monolaurate Not allowed in some countries
E-494 E494, E 494, E-494 Emulsifier sorbitan monooleate, SPEN 80 - sorbitan monooleate Not allowed in some countries
E-495 E495, E 495, E-495 Emulsifier sorbitan monopalmitate, SPEN 40 - sorbitan monopalmitate Not allowed in most countries
E-496 E496, E 496, E-496 Emulsifier sorbitan trioleate, SPEN 85 - sorbitan trioleat Not allowed in most countries
E-497 E497, E 497, E-497 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier polyoxypropylene-polyoxyethylene polymers Not allowed
E-498 E498, E 498, E-498 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier partial polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids of castor oil Not allowed
E-500 E500, E 500, E-500 Acidity regulator, leavening agent sodium carbonates: sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium sequicarbonate, soda - sodium carbonates sodium carbonate sodium hydrogen carbonate sodium sesquicarbonate Safe. Allowed Bakery products
E-501 E501, E 501, E-501 Acidity regulator potassium carbonates: potassium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate - potassium carbonates potassium carbonate potassium hydrogen carbonate Dangerous. Allowed
E-503 E503, E 503, E-503 Acidity regulator ammonium carbonates: ammonium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate - ammonium carbonates ammonium carbonate ammonium hydrogen carbonate Dangerous. Allowed
E-504 E504, E 504, E-504 Acidity regulator, stabilizer magnesium carbonates: magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxycarbonate, magnesium hydroxycarbonate - magnesium carbonates magnesium carbonate magnesium hydroxide carbonate (syn. magnesium hydrogen carbonate) Safe. Allowed Chocolate, dairy products
E-505 E505, E 505, E-505 Acidity regulator iron carbonate - ferrous carbonate Not allowed in most countries
E-507 E507, E 507, E-507 Acidity regulator hydrochloric acid Mineral waters
E-508 E508, E 508, E-508 Stabilizer, thickener potassium chloride - potassium chloride Safe. Allowed
E-509 E509, E 509, E-509 Calcium chloride hardener Allowed
E-510 E510, E 510, E-510 Flour product improver ammonium chloride, ammonium chloride - ammonium chloride, ammonia solution (acidity regulator) Yeast, bread, flour, diet food, seasonings, sweets
E-511 E511, E 511, E-511 Hardener magnesium chloride Allowed
E-512 E512, E 512, E-512 Emulsifier, stabilizer tin chloride - stannous chloride
E-513 E513, E 513, E-513 Acidity regulator sulfuric acid - sulfuric acid Very dangerous. Intestinal upset, negative effects on the liver. Allowed Yeast, drinks
E-514 E514, E 514, E-514 Acidity regulator sodium sulfates: sodium sulfate, sodium hydrogen sulfate - sodium sulphates sodium sulphate sodium hydrogen sulphate Allowed
E-515 E515, E 515, E-515 Acidity regulator potassium sulfates: potassium sulfate, potassium hydrogen sulfate - potassium sulphates potassium sulphate potassium hydrogen sulphate Allowed
E-516 E516, E 516, E-516 Acidity regulator calcium sulfate - calcium sulphate Allowed , tomatoes, yeast, dairy products
E-517 E517, E 517, E-517 Flour improver ammonium sulfate - ammonium sulphate Allowed Increases active yeast, increases volume
E-518 E518, E 518, E-518 Ammonium sulfate hardener - magnesium sulphate (epsom salts), (acidity regulator) Allowed Yeast, starter cultures, canned vegetables (More details in the website sections)
E-519 E519, E 519, E-519 Preservative, color stabilizer copper sulfate - cupric sulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-520 E520, E 520, E-520 Hardener aluminum sulfate - aluminum sulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-521 E521, E 521, E-521 Hardener aluminum-sodium sulfate (alum-sodium alum) - aluminum sodium sulphate Not allowed in most countries Fish and meat products, canned fruits and vegetables. Fruit peeler
E-522 E522, E 522, E-522 Acidity regulator aluminum-potassium sulfate (aluminum-caldium alum) - aluminum potassium sulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-523 E523, E 523, E-523 Acidity regulator aluminum ammonium sulfate (aluminum ammonia alum) - aluminum ammonium sulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-524 E524, E 524, E-524 Acidity regulator sodium hydroxide - sodium hydroxide Allowed
E-525 E525, E 525, E-525 Acidity regulator potassium hydroxide - potassium hydroxide Allowed
E-526 E526, E 526, E-526 Calcium hydroxide hardener Allowed
E-527 E527, E 527, E-527 Acidity regulator ammonium hydroxide - ammonium hydroxide Very dangerous. Intestinal upset, negative effects on the liver. Banned in some countries
E-528 E528, E 528, E-528 Acidity regulator magnesium hydroxide - magnesium hydroxide Allowed
E-529 E529, E 529, E-529 Flour product improver calcium oxide Allowed
E-530 E530, E 530, E-530 Anti-caking agent magnesium oxide - magnesium oxide Allowed
E-535 E535, E 535, E-535 Anti-caking agent sodium ferrocyanide - sodium ferrocyanide Not allowed in most countries
E-536 E536, E 536, E-536 Anti-caking agent potassium ferrocyanide - potassium ferrocyanide Allowed
E-537 E537, E 537, E-537 Anti-caking agent ferrous hexacyanomanganate Not allowed in most countries
E-538 E538, E 538, E-538 Anti-caking agent calcium ferrocyanide Not allowed in most countries
E-539 E539, E 539, E-539 Stabilizer sodium thiosulfate - sodium thiosulphate Allowed Bakery
E-540 E540, E 540, E-540 Emulsifier dicalcium diphosphate (acidity regulator) Banned in most countries
E-541 E541, E 541, E-541 Emulsifier sodium aluminum phosphate: acidic basic Not allowed in most countries
E-542 E542, E 542, E-542 Anti-caking agent bone phosphate, its basis is 3-basic calcium phosphate - bone phosphate (essentiale calcium phosphate, tribasic) Not allowed in most countries
E-550 E550, E 550, E-550 Emulsifier sodium silicates: sodium silicate, sodium metasilicate - sodium silicates: sodium silicate sodium metasilicate Not allowed in most countries
E-551 E551, E 551, E-551 Emulsifier silicon dioxide - silicon dioxide Allowed Dairy products
E-552 E552, E 552, E-552 Emulsifier calcium silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-553a E553a, E 553a, E-553a Anti-caking agent Magnesium silicate, magnesium trisilicate - magnesium silicate magnesium trisilicate Allowed
E-553b E553b, E 553b, E-553b Anti-caking agent talc - talc Allowed
E-554 E554, E 554, E-554 Anti-caking agent sodium aluminum silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-555 E555, E 555, E-555 Anti-caking agent potassium aluminum silicate - potassium aluminum silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-556 E556, E 556, E-556 Anti-caking agent calcium aluminum silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-557 E557, E 557, E-557 Anti-caking agent zinc silicate - zink silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-558 E558, E 558, E-558 Anti-caking agent bentonite - bentonite Allowed
E-559 E559, E 559, E-559 Anti-caking agent aluminum silicate (kaolin) - aluminum silicate (kaolin) Not allowed in most countries
E-560 E560, E 560, E-560 Anti-caking agent potassium silicate - potassium silicate Not allowed in most countries
E-561 E561, E 561, E-561 Acidity regulator vermiculite - vermiculite Not allowed
E-562 E562, E 562, E-562 Acidity regulator sepiolite - sepiolite Not allowed
E-563 E563, E 563, E-563 Acidity regulator sepiolitic clay Not allowed
E-566 E566, E 566, E-566 Acidity regulator natrolite-phonolite - natrolite-phonolite Not allowed
E-570 E570, E 570, E-570 Acidity regulator fatty acids May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-572 E572, E 572, E-572 Anti-caking agent magnesium stearate - magnesium stearate, calcium stearate (emulsifier) Banned in most countries
E-574 E574, E 574, E-574 Acidity regulator gluconic acid (D-) - gluconic acid (d-) Not allowed in most countries
E-575 E575, E 575, E-575 Acidity regulator glucono-d-lactone - glucono-delta-lactone Allowed Meat and fish products, sweets
E-576 E576, E 576, E-576 Acidity regulator sodium gluconate - sodium gluconate Not allowed in most countries
E-577 E577, E 577, E-577 Acidity regulator potassium gluconate - potassium gluconate Not allowed in most countries
E-578 E578, E 578, E-578 Calcium gluconate hardener Allowed
E-579 E579, E 579, E-579 Color stabilizer ferrous gluconate Not allowed in most countries Canned olives (olives)
E-580 E580, E 580, E-580 Acidity regulator magnesium gluconate - magnesium gluconate Not allowed in most countries
E-585 E585, E 585, E-585 Color stabilizer ferrous lactate Allowed
E-586 E586, E 586, E-586 Antioxidant, stabilizer 4-Hexylresorcinol - 4-hexylresorcinol Allowed
E-598 E598, E 598, E-598 Acidity regulator synthetic calcium aluminates - synthetic calcium aluminates
E-599 E599, E 599, E-599 Acidity regulator perlite - perlite
E-620 E620, E 620, E-620 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavoring agent glutamic acid- glutamic acid Dangerous. Allergic reactions. Negative influence on children. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-621 E621, E 621, E-621 Flavor and aroma enhancer, monosodium glutamate flavoring - monosodium glutamate Allergic reactions. Negative influence on children. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-622 E622, E 622, E-622 Flavor and aroma enhancer, monopotassium glutamate flavor - monopotassium glutamate
E-623 E623, E 623, E-623 Flavor and aroma enhancer, calcium diglutamate flavoring - calcium glutamate Negative influence on children. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries
E-624 E624, E 624, E-624 Flavor and aroma enhancer, monosubstituted ammonium glutamate flavoring - monoammonium glutamate (website) Negative influence on children. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries
E-625 E625, E 625, E-625 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavoring magnesium glutamate - magnesium glutamate Negative influence on children. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries
E-626 E626, E 626, E-626 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavoring guanylic acid - guanylic acid
E-627 E627, E 627, E-627 Flavor and aroma enhancer, disodium guanylate flavoring agent - disodium guanylate
E-628 E628, E 628, E-628 Flavor and aroma enhancer, disubstituted potassium 5'-guanylate flavor - dipotassium 5'-guanylate Intestinal disorders. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries
E-629 E629, E 629, E-629 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavoring calcium 5'-guanylate - calcium 5'-guanylate
E-630 E630, E 630, E-630 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavor inosinic acid - inosinic acid Intestinal disorders. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-631 E631, E 631, E-631 Flavor and aroma enhancer, disodium inosinate flavoring agent - disodium inosinate Intestinal disorders. It has a negative effect on children. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Allowed
E-632 E632, E 632, E-632 Flavor and aroma enhancer, disubstituted potassium inosinate flavor - dipotassium inosinate Intestinal disorders. Not allowed in most countries. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs
E-633 E633, E 633, E-633 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavoring calcium 5'-inosinate - calcium 5'-inosinate Intestinal disorders. Not allowed in most countries. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs
E-634 E634, E 634, E-634 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavor 5'-ribonucleotides calcium - calcium 5"-ribonucleotides Intestinal disorders. Not allowed in most countries
E-635 E635, E 635, E-635 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavoring agent 5-sodium ribonucleotides - disodium 5"-ribonucleotides Intestinal disorders. Not allowed in most countries
E-636 E636, E 636, E-636 Flavor and aroma enhancer, maltol flavoring Dangerous. Banned in most countries
E-637 E637, E 637, E-637 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavoring agent ethyl maltol Dangerous. Allowed
E-640 E640, E 640, E-640 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavor glycine and its sodium salt - glycine and its sodium salt Not allowed in most countries
E-641 E641, E 641, E-641 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavor l-leucine - l-leucine Low risk and may be useful. Not allowed in most countries
E-642 E642, E 642, E-642 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavor lysine hydrochloride - lysine hydrochloride Allowed
E-650 E650, E 650, E-650 Flavor and aroma enhancer, flavor zinc acetate - zinc acetate Allowed
E-700 E700, E 700, E-700 Antibiotic bacitracin - bacitracin Allowed
E-701 E701, E 701, E-701 Antibiotic tetracyclines - tetracyclines Allowed
E-702 E702, E 702, E-702 Antibiotic chlortetracycline
E-703 E703, E 703, E-703 Antibiotic oxytetracycline - oxytetracycline
E-704 E704, E 704, E-704 Antibiotic oleandomycin - oleandomycin Allowed
E-705 E705, E 705, E-705 Antibiotic penicillin G potassium - penicillin-g-potassium Allowed
E-706 E706, E 706, E-706 Antibiotic penicillin G - sodium salt - penicillin-g-sodium Allowed
E-707 E707, E 707, E-707 Antibiotic penicillin G procaine - penicillin-g-procaine Allowed
E-708 E708, E 708, E-708 Antibiotic penicillin-g-aminobenzoic - penicillin-g-benzathyne Allowed
E-710 E710, E 710, E-710 Antibiotic spiramycin - spiramycins Allowed
E-711 E711, E 711, E-711 Antibiotic virginiamicins Allowed
E-712 E712, E 712, E-712 Antibiotic flavophospholipol - flavophospholipol Allowed
E-713 E713, E 713, E-713 Antibiotic tylosin - tylosin Allowed
E-714 E714, E 714, E-714 Antibiotic monensin - monensin Allowed
E-715 E715, E 715, E-715 Antibiotic avoparcin Allowed
E-716 E716, E 716, E-716 Antibiotic salinomycin Allowed
E-717 E717, ​​E 717, E-717 Antibiotic avilamycin Allowed
E-900 E900, E 900, E-900 Antiflaming dimethyl polysiloxane - dimethyl polysiloxane Canned food, drinks, sweets, chewing gum
E-901 E901, E 901, E-901 Glazer beeswax, white and yellow - beeswax, white and yellow , sweets, chewing gum
E-902 E902, E 902, E-902 Candle wax glazing agent - candelilla wax Low level of danger. Allergic reactions. Allowed
E-903 E903, E 903, E-903 Glazing agent carnauba wax - carnauba wax Safe. Allergic reactions. Allowed Fruits, sweets, chewing gum
E-904 E904, E 904, E-904 Shellac glazing agent - shellac Allergic reactions. Allowed Confectionery, fruit, coffee, chewing gum
E-905a E905a, E 905a, E-905a Glazing agent Vaseline oil “edible” - mineral oil, food grade Suspicious. Not allowed
E-905b E905b, E 905b, E-905b Glazing agent Vaseline - petrolatum (petroleum jelly) Suspicious. Not allowed Fruits, sweets, chewing gum
E-905s E905c, E 905c, E-905c Paraffin glazing agent - petroleum wax Low level of danger. Allowed Fruits, sweets, chewing gum
E-906 E906, E 906, E-906 Glazing agent benzoin gum Suspicious. Not allowed in most countries
E-907 E907, E 907, E-907 Poly-1-decene hydrogenated glazing agent - crystalline wax (website) Negative effect on the skin, rash. Banned in most countries
E-908 E908, E 908, E-908 Rice bran wax glaze Not allowed in most countries
E-909 E909, E 909, E-909 Glazing agent spermaceti wax Not allowed in most countries
E-910 E910, E 910, E-910 Glazing agent wax esters Not allowed in most countries
E-911 E911, E 911, E-911 Glazing agent for fatty acids - methyl esters of fatty acids Not allowed in most countries
E-912 E912, E 912, E-912 Glazing agent montanic acid esters Allowed
E-913 E913, E 913, E-913 Glazing agent lanolin, animal wax - lanolin Low level of danger. Not allowed in some countries Fruits, eggs
E-914 E914, E 914, E-914 Glazing agent oxidized polyethylene wax Allowed
E-915 E915, E 915, E-915 Glazing agent rosin esters - esters of colophony Banned in most countries
E-916 E916, E 916, E-916 Glazing agent calcium iodate Flour, bread
E-917 E917, E 917, E-917 Potassium iodate glazing agent - potassium iodate (More details in the website sections) Suspicious. Negative influence on children. Not allowed in most countries
E-918 E918, E 918, E-918 Glazing agent nitrogen oxides Not allowed in most countries
E-919 E919, E 919, E-919 Glazing agent nitrosyl chloride Not allowed in most countries
E-920 E920, E 920, E-920 Flour and bread improver l-cysteine ​​- l-cysteine Allowed
E-921 E921, E 921, E-921 Flour product improver cystine, L- and its hydrochlorides - sodium and potassium salts - l-cystine Banned in most countries
E-922 E922, E 922, E-922 Flour improver potassium persulfate - potassium persulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-923 E923, E 923, E-923 Flour improver ammonium persulfate - ammonium persulphate Not allowed in most countries
E-924a E924a, E 924a, E-924a Flour improver potassium bromate - potassium bromate Very dangerous. Cancerous tumors. Not allowed
E-924b E924b, E 924b, E-924b Flour improver calcium bromate Very dangerous. Cancerous tumors. Not allowed in most countries Carbonated drinks. Additive for flour and bread.
E-925 E925, E 925, E-925 Flour improver chlorine Not allowed in most countries
E-926 E926, E 926, E-926 Flour improver chlorine dioxide Not allowed in most countries
E-927a E927a, E 927a, E-927a Flour improver azodicarbonamide Banned in most countries
E-927b E927b, E 927b, E-927b Texturizer carbamide, urea - carbamide Allowed
E-928 E928, E 928, E-928 Flour improver benzoyl peroxide - benzoyl peroxide Banned in most countries
E-929 E929, E 929, E-929 Flour improver acetone peroxide - acetone peroxide Not allowed in most countries
E-930 E930, E 930, E-930 Flour improver calcium peroxide - calcium peroxide Allowed
E-938 E938, E 938, E-938 Propellant, packaging gas argon - argon Allowed
E-939 E939, E 939, E-939 Propellant, packaging gas helium - helium Allowed
E-940 E940, E 940, E-940 Propellant, packaging gas dichlorodifluoromethane, freon-12 - dichlorodifluoromethane Banned in most countries
E-941 E941, E 941, E-941 Packaging gas nitrogen - nitrogen Allowed
E-942 E942, E 942, E-942 Propellant, packaging gas diazomonoxide - nitrous oxide Not allowed in most countries
E-943a E943a, E 943a, E-943a Propellant butane Not allowed in most countries
E-943b E943b, E 943b, E-943b Propellant isobutane Not allowed in most countries
E-944 E944, E 944, E-944 Propane propellant Not allowed in most countries
E-945 E945, E 945, E-945 Propellant chloropentafluoroethane Not allowed in most countries
E-946 E946, E 946, E-946 Octafluorocyclobutane propellant - octafluorocyclobutane Not allowed in most countries
E-948 E948, E 948, E-948 Propellant, packaging gas oxygen - oxygen Allowed
E-949 E949, E 949, E-949 Hydrogen propellant - hydrogen Allowed
E-950 E950, E 950, E-950 Acesulfame potassium sweetener - acesulfame potassium Allowed
E-951 E951, E 951, E-951 Sweetener aspartame - aspartame Dangerous. When heated, a poison is released - methanol, which is harmful to the skin. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Dangerous during heat treatment. Allowed Jelly, drinking mixtures, desserts
E-952 E952, E 952, E-952 Sweetener cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts - cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca salts (site) Suspicious. Negative effect on children, has carcinogenic properties. Banned in some countries Sweets, ice cream, diet products, sugar-free chewing gum
E-953 E953, E 953, E-953 Sweetener isomaltitol May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-954 E954, E 954, E-954 Sweetener saccharin and its Na, K and Ca salts Low level of danger. Negative influence on children. Not recommended for use with sugar. May be carcinogenic. Allowed Beverages
E-955 E955, E 955, E-955 Sweetener trichlorogalactosucrose, sucralose - sucralose (trichlorogalactosucrose) Safe. Allowed Drinks, baked goods
E-956 E956, E 956, E-956 Sweetener alitame Banned in most countries
E-957 E957, E 957, E-957 Flavor enhancer thaumatin - thaumatin Safe. This dietary supplement may contain GMOs. Not allowed in some countries Confectionery, ice cream, chewing gum (More details in the website sections)
E-958 E958, E 958, E-958 Flavor enhancer glycyrrhizin Not allowed
E-959 E959, E 959, E-959 Flavor enhancer neohesperidine dihydrochalcone - neohesperidine dihydrochalcone Not allowed in some countries
E-960 E960, E 960, E-960 Sweetener stevioside - stevioside Allowed
E-961 E961, E 961, E-961 Sweetener neotame Not allowed in some countries
E-962 E962, E 962, E-962 Sweetener aspartame-acesulfame salt - aspartame-acesulfame salt Allowed
E-965 E965, E 965, E-965 Sweetener maltitol, maltitol syrup - maltitol maltitol maltitol syrup May contain GMOs. Allowed
E-966 E966, E 966, E-966 Sweetener lactitol Allowed
E-967 E967, E 967, E-967 Sweetener xylitol Negative effects on the kidneys. Allowed
E-968 E968, E 968, E-968 Sweetener erythritol - erythritol Allowed
E-999 E999, E 999, E-999 Foaming agent Quillaia extract Medium level of danger. Allowed Carbonated drinks, ice cream, confectionery
E-1000 E1000, E 1000, E-1000 Emulsifier cholic acid - cholic acid Not allowed in most countries
E-1001 E1001, E 1001, E-1001 Emulsifier of salts and choline esters - choline salts and esters Not allowed in most countries
E-1100 E1100, E 1100, E-1100 Stabilizer, amylase flavor enhancer - amylase Banned in most countries
E-1101 E1101, E 1101, E-1101 Stabilizer, flavor enhancer protease: proteases papain bromelain ficin Allowed
E-1102 E1102, E 1102, E-1102 Antioxidant (antioxidant) glucose oxidase - glucose oxidase Banned in most countries
E-1103 E1103, E 1103, E-1103 Invertase stabilizer - invertases Allowed
E-1104 E1104, E 1104, E-1104 Lipase flavor enhancer - lipases Allowed
E-1105 E1105, E 1105, E-1105 Preservative lysozyme - lysozyme Negative effect on the skin. Not allowed in most countries
E-1200 E1200, E 1200, E-1200 Stabilizer, thickener, moisture retainer polydextrose - polydextrose Allowed
E-1201 E1201, E 1201, E-1201 Stabilizer polyvinylpyrrolidone - polyvinylpyrrolidone Allowed
E-1202 E1202, E 1202, E-1202 Stabilizer polyvinylpolypyrrolidone Allowed
E-1203 E1203, E 1203, E-1203 Moisture retainer, glazing agent polyvinyl alcohol - polyvinyl alcohol Allowed
E-1204 E1204, E 1204, E-1204 Glazing agent, thickener pullulan Allowed
E-1400 E1400, E 1400, E-1400 Thickener dextrin - dextrin (dextrins, roasted starch white and yellow) (stabiliser) Allowed
E-1401 E1401, E 1401, E-1401 Thickener modified starch ((acid-treated starch) stabiliser) Banned in most countries
E-1402 E1402, E 1402, E-1402 Alkaline modified starch thickener (stabiliser) Banned in most countries
E-1403 E1403, E 1403, E-1403 Bleached starch thickener - bleached starch (stabiliser) Banned in most countries
E-1404 E1404, E 1404, E-1404 Emulsifier, thickener oxidized starch - oxidized starch Allowed
E-1405 E1405, E 1405, E-1405 Thickener starch treated with enzyme preparations - enzyme treated starch Allowed
E-1410 E1410, E 1410, E-1410 Thickener monostarch phosphate Allowed
E-1411 E1411, E 1411, E-1411 Emulsifier distarch glycerol (thickening agent) Allowed
E-1412 E1412, E 1412, E-1412 Thickener distarch phosphate Allowed
E-1413 E1413, E 1413, E-1413 Thickener phosphated distarch phosphate Allowed
E-1414 E1414, E 1414, E-1414 Thickener acetylated distarch phosphate Allowed
E-1420 E1420, E 1420, E-1420 Thickener acetylated starch Allowed
E-1421 E1421, E 1421, E-1421 Thickener starch acetate esterified with vinyl acetate (stabiliser) Banned in most countries
E-1422 E1422, E 1422, E-1422 Stabilizer, thickener acetyl distarch adipate Allowed
E-1423 E1423, E 1423, E-1423 Thickener: acetylated distarch glycerol Allowed
E-1430 E1430, E 1430, E-1430 Thickener distarch glycerine (stabiliser) Banned in most countries
E-1440 E1440, E 1440, E-1440 Thickener hydroxypropyl starch Allowed
E-1441 E1441, E 1441, E-1441 Thickener hydroxypropyl starch glycerine - hydroxy propyl distarch glycerine (stabiliser) Banned in most countries
E-1442 E1442, E 1442, E-1442 Thickener hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate Allowed
E-1443 E1443, E 1443, E-1443 Stabilizer, thickener hydroxypropyl distarch glycerol Allowed
E-1450 E1450, E 1450, E-1450 Thickener starch sodium octenyl succinate Allowed
E-1451 E1451, E 1451, E-1451 Thickener acetylated oxidised starch Allowed
E-1452 E1452, E 1452, E-1452 Stabilizer, glazing agent for starch and aluminum salt of octenyl succinate ester - starch aluminum octenyl succinate Allowed
E-1501 E1501, E 1501, E-1501 Sweetener benzylated hydrocarbons Banned in most countries
E-1502 E1502, E 1502, E-1502 Solvent butane-1, 3-diol - butane-1, 3-diol Banned in most countries
E-1503 E1503, E 1503, E-1503 Separating agent castor oil - castor oil Not allowed in some countries
E-1504 E1504, E 1504, E-1504 Solvent ethyl acetate - ethyl acetate Banned in most countries
E-1505 E1505, E 1505, E-1505 Foaming agent triethyl citrate - triethyl citrate Allowed
E-1510 E1510, E 1510, E-1510 Solvent ethanol, ethyl alcohol - ethanol Allowed
E-1516 E1516, E 1516, E-1516 Solvent glyceryl monoacetate Banned in most countries
E-1517 E1517, E 1517, E-1517 Solvent glyceryl diacetate or diacetin Banned in most countries
E-1518 E1518, E 1518, E-1518 Water retainer glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) - glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) Safe. Various flavors. Allowed
E-1519 E1519, E 1519, E-1519 Filler benzyl alcohol - benzyl alcohol Banned in most countries
E-1520 E1520, E 1520, E-1520 Moisture retainer propylene glycol - propylene glycol Allowed Cookies, sweets, rolls and other confectionery products. The additive can be used when freezing food
E-1521 E1521, E 1521, E-1521 Defoamer polyethylene glycol - polyethylene glycol Not allowed in most countries
E-1525 E1525, E 1525, E-1525 Thickener hydroxyethyl cellulose Banned in most countries The additive should only be used in cosmetics
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