Bank of rubles. JSC Commercial Bank Rublev Lc braga limited bank rublev

By Order of the Bank of Russia dated June 27, 2018 No. OD-1594, the license to carry out banking operations at credit organization Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank "RUBLEV" JSC CB "RUBLEV" (reg. No. 3098, Moscow).

The business model of JSC CB "RUBLEV" was focused on attracting funds from the population and their placement in assets of unsatisfactory quality. The formation, at the request of the supervisory authority, of reserves adequate to the accepted risks led to the complete loss of own funds (capital). In the current circumstances, the Bank of Russia, on the basis of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities,” fulfilled the obligation to revoke the license to carry out banking operations from JSC CB “RUBLEV”. The Bank of Russia has repeatedly applied supervisory measures against JSC CB RUBLEV, including once introducing restrictions and once a ban on attracting household deposits.

The decision of the Bank of Russia was made in connection with failure of the credit organization to comply with federal laws, regulating banking activities, as well as regulations of the Bank of Russia, the value of all equity (capital) adequacy standards is below two percent, a decrease in the amount of equity (capital) below the minimum value of the authorized capital established on the date state registration credit organization, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law “On the Central Bank Russian Federation(Bank of Russia)".

In connection with the revocation of the license for banking operations, by order of the Bank of Russia dated June 27, 2018 No. OD-1594, the license for the credit institution JSC CB RUBLEV to carry out professional activities in the market was canceled valuable papers. In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated June 27, 2018 No. OD-1595, a temporary administration was appointed to JSC CB RUBLEV for a period until the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” or appointment in accordance with Article 23.1 of the Federal Law Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” of the liquidator. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit organization have been suspended in accordance with federal laws.

JSC CB "RUBLEV" is a participant in the deposit insurance system. Revocation of a license to carry out banking operations is an insured event provided for by Federal Law No. 177-FZ “On Deposit Insurance individuals in banks of the Russian Federation" in relation to the bank's obligations on household deposits determined in the manner prescribed by law. The said Federal Law provides for the payment of insurance compensation to bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs, in the amount of 100% of the balance of funds, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total per depositor.

Registration number: 3098

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 22.09.1994

BIC: 044525253

Main state registration number: 1027700159233 (27.08.2002)

Authorized capital: 540,000,000 rub.

License (date of issue/last replacement):
License to carry out banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency (without the right to attract funds from individuals on deposit) (03/04/2015)
License to attract deposits from individuals in rubles and foreign currency (03/04/2015)

Participation in the deposit insurance system: Yes

JSC CB Rublev was registered in September 1994 in Moscow. On this moment its activities are mostly focused on servicing and lending legal entities, actively works with small and medium-sized businesses, and is also involved in attracting citizens’ funds into deposits. Active participant in the foreign exchange market.

In 2005, it became a participant in the deposit insurance system.

Initially, it had the organizational and legal form of a closed joint stock company, which in 2015 was changed to the current status of a joint stock company.

The head office is located in Moscow; there are also two additional offices in the Moscow region, an operational office in Gus-Khrustalny and 11 credit and cash offices in other cities of Russia. The ATM network consists of 7 devices, which are located in the territories of additional offices.

The controlling stake is held by the owners of NK Nobel Oil. This determines that among the bank's main clients are enterprises in the oil, processing and other industries.

Currently it has assets of 17.9 billion rubles. This indicator puts the bank in 168th place in Russia and 101st in the region.

IN Last year The bank reduced its activity in the market. Which immediately affected the profit - it ended the first half of 2017 in the red.

reference Information

Registration number: 3098

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 22.09.1994

BIC: 044525253

Main state registration number: 1027700159233 (27.08.2002)

Authorized capital: RUB 540,000,000.00

License (date of issue/last replacement):
License to carry out banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency (without the right to attract funds from individuals on deposit) (03/04/2015)
License to attract deposits from individuals in rubles and foreign currency (03/04/2015)

Participation in the deposit insurance system: Yes

About Bank Rublev

Rublev Bank was founded in 1994, and today it is a Moscow bank, with relatively small assets, but with a steady tendency to develop. The Rublev Bank network includes 17 branches, as well as 44 service points throughout Russia.

Almost 100% of the shares of the bank ZAO Rublev belong to the oil holding Nobel Oil, which includes several large companies, and the majority - 61.32% - belongs to Grigory Gurevich. He is also the founder of Rublev Bank itself.

The purpose of the bank’s work is not only legal entities, but also to attract private clients - individuals. For small and medium-sized businesses and legal entities, Rublev Bank presents ample opportunities for doing business: settlement and cash services, financing of various sectors of the economy, investments, leasing, acquiring, as well as other opportunities. Rublev Bank also pays great attention to individuals: deposits, bank cards (including VIP), safe deposit boxes, money transfer services, etc.

Since 2013, according to Russian ratings, Rublev Bank has shown stability in its credit rating, which is achieved by the constant development of the bank’s services, maintaining financial stability and ensuring the fulfillment of obligations to its clients.

The bank was registered in Moscow in September 1994. Since August 2005, it has been a participant in the deposit insurance system. In February 2015, the bank changed its legal form from CJSC to JSC.

Today, the main beneficiaries of the financial institution are the founder, co-owner and president of CJSC NC Nobel Oil* Grigory Gurevich (58.33%), as well as minority shareholders of the said NC, including Grigory Gurevich’s wife Vera Artyakova (through various structures she controls 37 .04% of the bank's shares) and their daughter Maria Nazarova (0.23%). Igor Gorlushkin (4.40%) is also listed among the final beneficiaries of the credit institution.

The bank's head office is located in Moscow. The sales network also includes two additional offices in the Moscow region, 11 credit and cash offices in other Russian cities(five of them are in the Republic of Crimea) and an operational office in Gus-Khrustalny. The company's own ATM network is represented by seven devices located on the territory of its structural divisions. The headcount at the beginning of 2017 was 229 employees (a year earlier - 280 employees).

In addition to individuals, the bank names its main clients as enterprises in the oil, food, processing and light industries, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, publishing and printing industries, agro-industrial complex, information technologies, construction and transport.

Legal entities are offered a full range of basic banking services, including settlement and cash services, provision of guarantees, placement of funds on deposits, remote servicing (Client - Bank system), payroll projects and corporate bank cards, trade acquiring, rental of safe deposit boxes, foreign exchange transactions, lending (including small and medium-sized businesses), as well as leasing transactions.

Individuals have access to a wide range of deposits, settlement and cash services, rental of safes, payments and Money transfers(Contact, UNIStream, money transfers to and from Crimea), bank cards (Visa, MasterCard), Internet banking, brokerage services. The bank does not currently provide consumer lending, with the exception of lending to employees or persons recommended by the governing bodies of the financial institution. As part of the special offer, the bank also offers mortgage credit lending for the construction of a cottage in the village of Zadorino.

Among its clients, the bank noted PO Eleron LLC, Yuza LLC, Laguna LLC, Petrusko LLC, MV Real Estate LLC, Plastavia LLC, Russian Lead Group LLC, PO LLC Eleron", LLC "Service-Integrator", LLC "TD "Appolo", etc.

Since the beginning of 2017, the credit institution’s assets have increased by 7.5%, amounting to 18.5 billion rubles by August 1. In liabilities, the main increase was provided by interbank loans, the volume of which increased by 2.5 times. In assets, the attracted liquidity was used for lending to legal entities, investing in securities and the interbank lending market. The bank also received part of the funds, reducing its highly liquid balances by almost a third.

The bank is characterized by an increased concentration of its resource base on household deposits, although their share has decreased slightly since the beginning of 2017 - from 73.1% to 68.2% by the reporting date. Funds from individuals are mainly raised for periods ranging from one to three years. Attracted interbank loans form 13.0% in liabilities as of the reporting date (at the beginning of 2017 - 5.6%), all funds were raised for short periods from commercial banks (in the reporting for the first half of 2017, the entire volume of interbank loans was attracted from JSC Bank National Clearing Center" within the framework of direct repo transactions). The share of funds of enterprises and organizations in liabilities is 8.8%: the structure is dominated by perpetual subordinated loans included in the calculation of fixed capital, deposits with a maturity of six months to a year and balances on current accounts. By August 1, 2017, the overall adequacy of the bank's own funds fell below 11% (with a minimum of 8%) and completely coincides with the adequacy of fixed capital (minimum - 6%). At the same time, the adequacy of the basic capital, which does not include perpetual subordinated loans, is almost half as low as the total adequacy of equity capital - 6.1% (with a minimum of 4.5%). A share of 0.2% of liabilities is formed by its own issued bills. The credit institution's client base is small, with stable payment dynamics. Turnovers on customer accounts in recent months were at the level of 6 billion rubles.

About 62% of net assets are accounted for by the loan portfolio, 14.1% are investments in securities, 9.5% are other assets (mainly represented by claims on other transactions), 5.1% are highly liquid assets (cash and cash balances). correspondent accounts), 4.4% - issued by interbank credit, 5.4% - fixed assets and intangible assets.

The loan portfolio as of August 1, 2017 is 11.4 billion rubles and since the beginning of the year has shown an increase of 5.6% due to corporate lending (+0.6 billion rubles, or +6.0%). Loans to legal entities account for 96.5% of the total portfolio. Retail loans on the balance sheet are represented by consumer loans, housing and car loans. Since the beginning of 2017, the bank has more than halved the volume of overdue debt (a reduction was observed in both retail and corporate portfolios); the share of overdue loans in the total volume of loans decreased over the same period from 3.0% to 1.3%. The provisioning level is high and, in contrast to overdue loans, has increased significantly since the beginning of 2017 - from 7.0% to 11.3% of the loan portfolio. The level of collateral for the loan portfolio with property is assessed as insufficient (85.0%).

In the sectoral structure of the corporate loan portfolio, according to the explanatory information for the reporting for 2016, the following sectors of the economy predominated: wholesale and retail trade (28.5%), manufacturing (12.8%), real estate operations (11.2 %) and construction (5%). A significant share also accounted for other types of activities (27.4%).

According to IFRS reporting, at the end of 2016 the bank had 22 borrowers (a year earlier - 27 borrowers) with the total amount of loans issued to each borrower exceeding 10% of equity jar. The total amount of these loans amounted to 7.95 billion rubles (a year earlier - 8.2 billion rubles), or 65.7% of the total volume of loans and borrowings before deduction of the provision for impairment of loans and receivables (a year earlier - 73%).

The securities portfolio - 2.6 billion rubles, has grown by 21% since the beginning of 2017. The portfolio is 80% represented by bonds, a significant part of which is pledged under repo transactions, and another 19% are “free” OFZs. Thus, on the one hand, investments in bonds are highly liquid, and on the other hand, the bank maintains a reserve to build up its position to attract funds on the repo market if necessary.

All interbank loans as of the reporting date are placed in commercial banks for short periods of time. In the interbank lending market, the financial institution exhibits high intra-month activity, including in the placement of liquidity, although it acts mainly as a net borrower. The bank is also active in the foreign exchange market. In particular, in recent months, turnover on accounts for accounting for conversion transactions has risen to the level of 700-800 billion rubles.

At the end of January-July 2017, the bank suffered a net loss of 272.1 million rubles. During the same period in 2016, the bank earned 13.1 million rubles in profit. For the entire 2016, net profit amounted to 11.7 million rubles. Main pressure on financial results The bank in 2017 has expenses related to the creation of reserves in the second quarter.

Board of Directors: Grigory Gurevich (chairman), Igor Fisenko, Sergey Shapoval, Olga Basalai, Dmitry Fominov.

Governing body: Olga Basalai (acting chairman), Tatyana Ovchinnikova (chief accountant), Artem Malenko, Elena Barenbaum.

* Nobel Oil Group is an independent oil and gas holding company specializing in oil exploration and production in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province and in the territories of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The holding was founded in 1998 and includes enterprises of various industries. The key enterprise of the group is CJSC NK Nobel Oil, which is engaged in the management of subsidiaries and affiliates, consulting activities for the development and design of fields. The main assets of the group can be called oil producing enterprises of the Komi Republic - CJSC NeftUs and CJSC Kolvaneft, as well as several fields in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. The holding group also includes CJSC ARM-Coating (a plant for applying protective coatings to the inner surface of oil pipes), LLC Severnaya transport company"(transport services), Devon-invest LLC, Stati-neftegaz-invest LLC. The holding's management company is Nobel Oil LLC (KO). Since 2009, the group's shareholders are an investment fundChina Investment Corporation, manages over $300 billion in assets and is Hong Kong's leading investment groupOriental Patron. The president and main owner of the group is Grigory Gurevich, chairman of the board of directors of CJSC KB Rublev, a famous oil worker and former official who served as vice president of the Tyumen Oil Company (TNK) from 2000 to 2001.

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