Polluted Russian cities. Russian cities with the dirtiest air according to the ministry of nature. How will they "fix" the ecology in Russia

At the beginning of July 2013, Rosstat issued a bulletin entitled “Key Indicators of Environmental Protection”. Among other information that related to the state of the environment and ecology in the country, there was provided comprehensive information about the dirtiest cities in Russia, which concerned air pollution with harmful substances from vehicle emissions and industrial facilities.

According to these data, a list of the most environmentally polluted cities in Russia was created. But this rating, according to some experts, does not reflect the actual picture of pollution, since when it was compiled, the main criterion was the total volume of emissions into the atmosphere, and not their chemical composition.

How are things in the capital?

That is why Moscow is in second place on the list, although nitrogen dioxide accounts for about half of the harmful substances emitted into the city's air. But Krasnoyarsk took only 11th place in the rating, although about 80% of all harmful emissions here are sulfur dioxide, which is almost a widow's toxic nitrogen dioxide.

Nevertheless, information on pollution is presented quite fully and in detail. On our site, we have already devoted several articles to the topic.

After all, it is this component that plays an increasing role every day when choosing a person's place of residence. Moving, each person is faced with the question of the advisability of purchasing an apartment in this particular house (district, city). Once again, this rating of pollution of Russian cities will help you to weigh the pros and cons when buying a new building.

List of the most polluted cities in Russia


During the year, 1.959 million tons of harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere here. Only 0.5% of this amount is emissions from cars, and the rest is factories, the lion's share of which are enterprises of the Norilsk Nickel group of companies.

For example, the content of sulfur dioxide in the city's atmosphere exceeds the maximum permissible norm by about 30 times, nitrogen dioxide - by 24 times, and formaldehyde - by almost 100 times. But thanks to environmental safety measures, in comparison with 2011, it was possible to reduce pollution by 1.4%.


Unlike Norilsk, here the main part of emissions is produced by cars - their share is 92.8%. Cars produce the most pollution while standing in traffic jams.

It is estimated that for an hour of standing in traffic jams, one car emits more than 30 kg of mixtures of various gases into the air: nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, etc.

3. St. Petersburg

Here the situation is similar to that in the capital - too many cars and improper traffic organization lead to the fact that 92.8% of the total amount of emissions - and this is 488.2 thousand tons, falls on automobile exhaust gases.

4. Cherepovets

More than half of the 364.5 thousand tons of pollution is accounted for by industrial enterprises, especially the large metallurgical plant Severstal.

5. Asbestos

In this city, located in the Sverdlovsk region, 98.6% of pollution is produced by enterprises of the asbestos-extracting and asbestos-processing industry. The total amount of emissions is 330.4 thousand tons.

6. Lipetsk

The total amount of emissions is 322.9 thousand tons, 91.3% of which are stationary sources. The main "producer" of pollution in the city is the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant.

7. Novokuznetsk

The total amount of annual emissions is 321,000 tons, of which 90.8% are energy and industrial facilities.

8. Omsk

In Omsk, 291.6 thousand tons of harmful substances enter the atmosphere per year and 71.7% of these emissions are generated by enterprises and stationary sources.

9. Angarsk

Of the 278.6 thousand tons of emissions per year, 95.4% falls on stationary sources and facilities.

10. Magnitogorsk

The value of the annual emission of harmful substances here is 255.7 thousand tons. 89.9% of emissions are produced by the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works and other stationary sources.

11. Krasnoyarsk

Despite the developed industry, only 62.6% of the city's emissions come from stationary facilities - everything else is cars. The annual amount of emissions into the atmosphere is 233.8 thousand tons.

12. Chelyabinsk

In Chelyabinsk, the situation is similar - out of 233.4 thousand tons, industrial facilities account for only 62.8%.

13. Ufa

The amount of emissions per year is 205.5 thousand tons, the share of stationary sources is 65.4%.

14. Yekaterinburg

203.5 thousand tons. Stationary sources produce only 16.1% of harmful substances, the rest is automobile exhaust gases.

15. Vorkuta

The city's enterprises and automobiles produce 197.3 thousand tons of hazardous substances per year, of which only 2.1% is the share of transport.

16. Nizhny Tagil

The number of emissions per year is 149 thousand tons. 85.2% of emissions are generated by metallurgical and other industrial enterprises.

The dirtiest cities in Russia are large metropolitan areas with a large number of people. It is in huge settlements where industry is most developed, and the roads are literally clogged with cars. No developed country can boast of a good environment, and Russia is no exception.

The environmental issue in the Russian Federation is raised systematically. So why hasn't a solution been found yet? People continue to live in polluted environments. And most of the inhabitants major cities would not agree to the move. Taking advantage of the benefits of civilization with pleasure, not everyone thinks about the cost of such an existence.

What does the statistics say and should you ignore it? What does the list of the most polluted cities in Russia look like? Many people find it interesting to find answers to these questions.

The presence of large enterprises is both a blessing and a disaster. On the one hand, these are jobs for citizens, but on the other hand, working factories pollute the environment. Emissions from chemical, metallurgical and petrochemical industries harm the atmosphere on an incredible scale.

58% of the urban population of the country inhale air, the level of pollution of which exceeds allowable norms.

Indescribable harm is also caused by vehicle exhaust. 40% of harmful substances enter the air from running machines. No one Russian citizen having the opportunity to purchase a car will not refuse such an opportunity for environmental reasons. Traffic jams have become commonplace. Modern residents primarily satisfy their own interests, considering such a way of life to be the norm.

Ten most polluted cities in Russia

Industry growth Russian Federation raises the country's economy. But nature suffers. Fewer settlements can boast of clean air. Worth considering. top 10 dirtiest cities in Russia.

  1. Norilsk. The dirtiest city in Russia is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The mining and metallurgical plant Norilsk Nickel is located here. It is this enterprise, where many elements of the periodic table are mined, that is the cause of the extreme pollution of the environment. Almost 2000 tons of harmful components enter the biosphere during the year. The Blacksmith Institute data confirm that the Norilsk area is one of the most polluted in the entire globe.
  2. Moscow. The total volume of emissions in the capital is about 1 million tons per year. More than 90% is car exhaust. The number of vehicles is increasing every year, which entails an aggravation of the situation.
  3. Saint Petersburg. 500 thousand tons of the total volume of harmful substances, of which 85% are transport emissions. The present tendency towards an increase in gas pollution is similar to the Moscow problem.
  4. Cherepovets. The city in the Vologda Oblast annually receives over 360 thousand tons of industrial emissions into the atmosphere. Nature suffers from the functioning of the metallurgical company Severstal, as well as the chemical plants Ammophos and Cherepovetsky nitrogen.
  5. Asbestos. A small town in the south of the Sverdlovsk region with a population of 68 thousand people. Asbestos mining and processing has been established here, silicate bricks are produced. This leads to the fact that 330 thousand tons of very dangerous carcinogenic substances are released into the air every year.
  6. Lipetsk. Located 400 km from Moscow, a city with a population of over 500 thousand people. The scale of production of the Novolipetsk Combine ranks third in Russia. 90% of the harmful substances entering the biosphere belong to this plant. The total volume of emissions per year exceeds 300 thousand tons. The smell of hydrogen sulfide often hovers over city streets.
  7. Novokuznetsk. Large industrial city in the Kemerovo region. The Novokuznetsk metallurgical plant is the main source of air pollution. Coal mines are also contributing. In total, 310 thousand tons of emissions each year replenish the already polluted atmosphere.
  8. Omsk. A huge city in the southern part of Western Siberia with a population of one million. The active development of the city took place during the Second World War. In the 40s of the last century, some enterprises of the USSR were evacuated here. Industrial facilities not only took root successfully. They continue to function and develop today. Such industries as chemical, petrochemical, aerospace and metallurgy are simultaneously developed here. The food, light and printing industries are not lagging behind. During the year, more than 290 thousand harmful substances enter the environment. The unfavorable ecological picture is aggravated by the too developed transport system of the megalopolis. 30% of pollution comes from cars.
  9. Angarsk. The city in the Irkutsk region suffers from the annual emission of 280 thousand tons of harmful substances. The main culprit is the electrolysis chemical plant. Another polluting factor is the work of petrochemical and machine-building enterprises.
  10. Magnitorsk. Closes the list of the dirtiest cities in Russia Magnitorsk of the Chelyabinsk region. The metallurgical plant located here does not influence the atmosphere in the best way. 255 thousand tons of harmful substances, including formaldehyde, benzopyrene and nitrogen dioxide, are emitted into the air every year.

The tenth city does not complete the list of contaminated settlements in the Russian Federation. Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Vorkuta are not far away. In these cities, the volume of emissions reaches 200 thousand tons and more.

It is impossible to call clean air in Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, Novosibirsk, Orsk, Irkutsk. Here, the intake of harmful substances into the biosphere exceeds 100 thousand tons annually, which is also an excess of the permissible norm.

Is it dangerous to breathe polluted air?

More and more of the Russian population suffers from industrial emissions and automobile gases. The most polluted cities attract with their livability. But the problem covers suburban areas and even villages located near industrial centers. WHO representatives claim that 90% of the world's population is deprived of the opportunity to breathe clean air.

The human body is negatively affected, and this has its consequences. Against the background of environmental deterioration, life expectancy is decreasing. A huge number of people die from diseases caused by the constant inhalation of harmful substances.

The future of the descendants depends on the path chosen by humanity. That is why it is so important to take measures to reduce the number of cars, implement waste recycling projects, build treatment plants, put on industrial enterprises modern equipment that reduces the degree of environmental pollution.

Russia is far from the only country facing such global problems... The situation can be corrected only if the best minds of the whole world work to resolve the issue.

Since time immemorial, mankind has been worried about the end of the world. When will it come and what will it be? What will happen to the planet? Now, looking at the creations of their own hands, people understand that the consequences of environmental pollution will lead to the apocalypse.

Global warming, caused by huge emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere, has led to horrific disasters. Scientists predict that in some 200-300 years, many large cities will go under water, crop yields will fall to the limit, and diseases will begin to mow down peoples around the world. But until this happens, we can still change something. Think about it, because perhaps you are the one who lives in the dirtiest cities in Russia.

Norilsk has been called the dirtiest city in Russia for many years. It is also one of the ten most life-threatening places on the planet. Here, almost 2,000,000 tons of harmful substances enter the atmosphere. In fact, half of the periodic table is just in the air.

The main environmental damage is caused by the mining and metallurgical plant "Norilsk Nickel". By the way, the population of the city does not exceed 177,000 people. All these hard workers account for 2% of harmful substances in the world, which cannot but be terrifying. It is not surprising that the soil, frankly, is burnt out around the city for several kilometers. Where the poisonous gases have not reached, the townspeople go to rest and restore their health. However, soon that small part of the wilderness will also disappear due to the obscene attitude of man to his home.

If you ask an ordinary Russian where everyone wants to go to the Russian Federation, he will answer: "Of course, to Moscow." Indeed, the capital, like a rubber one, receives guests from different countries... Many people want to live and work here. However, not everyone realizes that due to the endless flow of cars, Moscow is considered the second dirtiest city in Russia. 93% of 996,000 tons of harmful emissions consist of toxic substances that enter the air from vehicles. Exhaust is poisoning the atmosphere more and more, which leads to an increase in the percentage of cancer patients.

One of the most beautiful cities in Russia is ranked third in terms of pollution. In St. Petersburg and the region, there is a huge number of people who go to work every day, rush to meetings and visit friends. All of them, along with the crowds of tourists, mainly travel by cars, which pollute the air of this wonderful old city. 488,000 tons of poison fill the clouds every year and seep into the atmosphere. About 85% of all harmful substances come out of the exhaust pipes of vehicles scurrying through the streets of the metropolis. Because of this, the percentage of pollution is inexorably growing in St. Petersburg from year to year.

Another giant was included in the rating of the most polluted cities in Russia. Glorious Cherepovets is known throughout the country thanks to its metallurgical plant from the Severstal company. Also, the city has a well-developed chemical industry represented by the monsters Nitrogen and Ammophos. An incredible amount of emissions goes into the sky. About 365,000 tons of poison for all living things are purposefully thrown into the atmosphere by people. It is not surprising that there are a lot of cancer patients in such places of residence.

Among the most polluted cities in Russia, there are both megalopolises and small settlements. Polluted cities are a huge problem affecting our country and the entire world. Millions of people suffer from harmful emissions every day, often without even noticing it. Unfortunately, very little attention has been paid to the problem of pollution. Let's take a closer look at the most polluted cities in our country.

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general information

The environmental situation in Russia has deteriorated markedly since 2013. Per Lately the concentration of dangerous (often fatal) substances in the air has increased significantly. This is due to the development of railway and road transport, growth in the number of enterprises. Some statistics: damage from vehicles increased by about 6% in 2017 alone.

Of course, this affects people's health. In 2014-2016, children began to suffer from asthma 70% more often, and adults - 50%. These are indicators for only one disease: a huge number of people suffer from other problems due to the dirty atmosphere.

Water pollution is appallingly high. For 2017, each region of the country has several extremely dirty water sources. Most often, small rivers suffer from mud, but even the largest need help. The Yenisei, Volga, Ob have already lost their drinking value: the water is unsafe here. The situation is especially serious in the Central region, where almost all rivers are extremely polluted. Among them are Yauza, Rozhaya, Don. In other regions, the most polluted rivers are the rivers Rosta, Padovaya, Tagil, Rudnaya, Chernaya Rechka, Kamenka. Unfortunately, this is far from full list... Water is polluted due to waste water from utilities and industrial facilities.

River pollution by discharge of untreated wastewater:

Every year the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia publishes a report on the ecological state of the country. This information cannot please people, because every year there are only more problems. The government is taking some measures, but what the ecological situation will be depends on the people as well.

Contamination reasons

Large enterprises are both a blessing and a nightmare for people. On the one hand, this is the active development of industry and trade, which ensures a normal life for people in the country, as well as jobs. On the other hand, factories, factories and combines constantly pollute the environment, sometimes throwing out waste in an amount that exceeds all permissible norms. Both nature and people are being destroyed. This really portends a global ecological disaster, due to which people will get a lot of problems.

Main polluting areas of work:

  • Energy;
  • Ferrous metallurgy;
  • Non-ferrous metallurgy;
  • Fuel industry;
  • Chemical, petrochemical industry;
  • Coal mining complexes.

Another risk factor is cars. A huge number of cars poison the atmosphere with their exhaust. They make up about 40% of the total amount of harmful substances that end up in the air every year. It is unpleasant to realize that only a few are ready to give up a car in order to save the environment. Most people will be better off gradually choking on emissions, but will not give up the comfort of having a private car. This is especially true of large cities, which regularly fall into all kinds of city ratings for pollution.

The authorities of some countries do not even try to reduce the amount of emissions, and unscrupulous entrepreneurs do not pay attention to them at all. All this leads to sad statistics on the pollution of large settlements, an increase in mortality, the level of diseases, and the number of ecologically clean places on the planet tends to zero.

Let's take a look at the 10 most polluted cities in Russia. It is worth noting that these ratings can be expanded up to 20, up to 100 lines, but now we will only study the top 10.

All-Russian rating of 2017

The rating of the most polluted cities in Russia is annually compiled on the basis of the level of emission of toxic substances into the air. Don't be surprised that the first lines Russian rating do not coincide with our cities belonging to the global list. Different organizations assessing the degree of pollution take into account different parameters. Below you can see a list of "grimy" cities in Russia in 2017.

1. Norilsk. The most poisoned city in Russia took the first place due to the activities of the nickel processing plant. The atmosphere receives approximately 2 million tons of toxic waste annually. The most ecologically poisoned city in the country is on the 7th line of the world ranking, behind Dzerzhinsk.

2. Moscow. Of course, megalopolises are located in the first 3 lines of the rating. In addition to manufacturing plants, Largest cities overloaded with transport. In Moscow, toxic exhaust from cars is about 1 million tons per year. This is approximately 90% of the total number of toxic substances that annually poison the air.

3. St. Petersburg. The cultural capital is not far behind - 500,000 tons of toxic dirt is poisoning the air due to car exhaust. Here it is 85% of the total waste emissions of this city in Russia.

4. Cherepovets. Chemical plants, metallurgy plants, of which there are a lot here, bring up to 365 tons of toxic dirt into the atmosphere per year.

5. Asbestos. This small (about 86 thousand inhabitants) city in Russia is extremely poisoned. Year after year, the atmosphere above it receives approximately 330 thousand tons of toxic compounds. This is due to the work of factories that process asbestos, as well as due to silicate production.

6. Lipetsk. The metallurgical plant located here is the 3rd largest in the country. It emits 322 tons of harmful compounds per year. The cement, machine-tool and other factories "help" him.

7. Novokuznetsk. Abundant coal mining and metal production in the city's factories are the main causes of pollution. Emissions per year are about 310 00 tons.

8. Omsk. Aerospace and metallurgical production, as well as the chemical industry, are actively developing here. More than 290 thousand tons of hazardous waste pollute the air annually. 30% of them are car exhaust.

9. Angarsk. The atmosphere over one of the most comfortable areas in Siberia receives approximately 270 thousand tons of harmful substances annually. The culprits are petrochemical plants, engineering enterprises, as well as a chemical plant.

10. Magnitogorsk. It is here that the country's largest metal processing plant is located, from where the atmosphere receives about 255 tons of toxic emissions annually. It completes our list of the most polluted cities in Russia.

The most polluted cities are not limited to this list. The top 20 also includes Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Vorkuta, Nizhny Tagil, Samara, Bratsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd.

Dzerzhinsk is worth mentioning separately. It ranks among the top 10 dirtiest cities in the world, ranking 6th. However, due to the difference in research, the city was not included in the above ranking. Burials of the most dangerous chemical waste, located here, amount to about 300 thousand tons. It is not for nothing that at the beginning of the 21st century this city became part of the famous record list as the most polluted city on the planet. The mortality statistics makes one shudder: for every 10 births - 25 people died. Even now, this city in Russia is the most poisonous in the country, and has long been included in the "grimy" rating of cities all over the planet.

Dirty list of Moscow region

The capital of our country is on the second line of the overall rating for pollution. This level of dirt affects the small towns surrounding Moscow. In addition, there are also many factories, factories, and the car traffic is quite active.

Not so long ago, studies of the atmosphere of these cities were carried out, in which samples were taken from many streets. We present the results of the work of environmental experts, which include the dirtiest streets. By the way, scientists have confirmed that the cleanest area is located far from Moscow.

Here are the dirtiest cities in the Moscow region:


It is sad to realize that a huge number of places where people live are terribly polluted. Every day we have a negative impact that we don't even notice. Industrial waste, car exhaust, and other types of pollution are slow killers of people. Everyone should think about what they can do to prevent an ecological disaster, to make their place of residence cleaner. Environmentally friendly settlements, villages, abandoning a personal car, helping nature conservationists - perhaps you are the one who will come up with new methods of dealing with the problem?

Accra e-waste dump, Agboloshi area (Ghana)

The constant smoke from burning plastic delivers many highly toxic elements to the environment. The soil around the landfill contains amounts of lead, cadmium and mercury several hundred times higher than the permissible levels.

At the same time, processing gives residents of the surrounding areas a good income (by local standards). Boys sorting trash and burning non-ferrous metals earn about $ 2.50 per day's shift.

The more adventurous are busy rebuilding components. These are mainly old system blocks. Once rejected, the working parts are fitted into whole housings and sold for much more.

9th place. Ranipet ()

The reason this small town is ranked among the dirtiest settlements is a leather processing plant. It uses a number of carcinogenic substances to color and tan the raw materials. As a result, from the landfill, which consists of 1.5 million tons of solid waste, they partially end up in groundwater.

Dirty waters in Ranipet, India

This affects the quality of drinking water and agricultural land. Farmers have no choice but to farm on the poisoned land.

Several years ago, the Indian government was forced to close one of the processing plants, but the situation has hardly changed. The management of the enterprise was obliged to develop a project that would reduce the volume of polluting emissions by at least half.

8th place. Karabash ()

The first Russian representative from the current list of the most polluted cities in the world is located in. There is not only a difficult ecological situation here. In 2014, it was included in the list of settlements belonging to the category "Multidisciplinary municipalities RF, which are in the most difficult socio-economic situation. "

Wastewater, Karabash (Russia)

For almost a century history of the existence of enterprises specializing in the production of copper, the technology that is used for production has never been updated or modernized. Thus, all harmful emissions got into the environment, practically bypassing the purification system, which was simply not provided for.

The treatment facilities were launched only in 2005. This led to the fact that in 2009 the city was excluded from the list of "Zones of ecological disaster", where it was added three years earlier.

In 2010, the fact of the onset of a premature autumn was officially recorded here. In the second half of June, the foliage on the trees turned yellow and fell off. A similar situation occurred with all the vegetation in the region.

As a result locals and agricultural enterprises suffered colossal losses.

Information located on third-party resources assigns Karabash to the leaders of this rating, based on the information provided by UNESCO. Former head of the city district Vyacheslav Yagodinets argued that Karabash is not the dirtiest city on the planet. He refuted this information with the words: "We looked for this information in the archives of this UN agency, but did not find it!"

7th place. Kabwe ()

A city located 140 km from the capital of the country Lusaka. At the beginning of the 20th century, deposits of lead, vanadium and zinc were discovered here. The construction of the infrastructure necessary for the extraction became the reason for the formation of a settlement.

The construction of the infrastructure necessary for the extraction became the reason for the formation of a settlement.

In particular, the mining industry functioned without restrictions and purification systems until 1994. As a result, long-term emissions into the atmosphere have done their job:

  • The degree of pollution exceeds the permissible standards by more than four times.
  • Almost the entire population suffers from symptoms of acute blood poisoning, expressed in frequent vomiting, diarrhea, and chronic diseases internal organs.
  • The maximum concentration of toxic substances, and this is the worst thing, was found in children's organisms.

The development of treatment facilities does not give the desired result, since the area has already been poisoned and affects people like a time bomb. At the moment, residents who have refused to move to other areas are provided with information assistance. There is no other way out of this situation.

6th place. Norilsk (Russia)

Russian Norilsk is annually in the top of the dirtiest cities in the world. The only difference is that from time to time he changes his position. It happens that sometimes it even surpasses the state of the industrial cities of China.

The population of the city barely reaches 200,000 people. Half of them work at the city-forming metallurgical plant Norilsk Nickel. More than 10 types of various metals are mined and processed here.

City-forming metallurgical plant "Norilsk Nickel"

The generated volatile compounds enter Airways people and can cause nausea, abdominal pain, chronic diseases of parts of the body.

V last years the situation starts to shift into better side... Treatment facilities are being modernized, and therefore the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere is reduced. But this is not enough.

Important! The statistics of children's infection in Russia calls Norilsk the leader in the number of cases of intestinal and pulmonary diseases.

5th place. Dhaka ()

Bangladesh is known for its overpopulation. Residents of the capital and neighboring agglomerations know this firsthand. In total, more than 20 million people live here.

Although most of the industry is concentrated here, environmental problems did not arise because of this. The city with the dirtiest air received this status due to the excessive agglomeration of the local population.

Most of public transport falls on rickshaws. More than 400,000 carriers take to the streets every day. It is they who are recognized as the main culprits of many kilometers of traffic jams.

The port, located on the banks of the Buriganga (Ganges delta), receives tens of thousands of watercraft of the most varied configuration every day. Their movement is assessed as complete chaos. The water in the river is so dirty that it starts to stink a few hundred meters from the shore.

The port, located on the banks of the Buriganga (Ganges delta), receives tens of thousands of watercraft of the most varied configuration every day.

In most of the city, tons of household waste and carcasses of dead animals are concentrated, exuding a stench and spreading various infections.

4th place. Dzerzhinsk (Russia)

The second largest city is in a difficult situation. From 2008 to 2013, the city was listed in. In 2014 it was excluded from it due to the fact that the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere was partially reduced.

However, the amount of suspended particles, nitrogen oxides, benzopyrene and phenol is many times exceeded. The following factors can be called the reason for poor ecology:

Important! The Swiss branch of the International Green Cross classifies Dzerzhinsk not only as the dirtiest city in Europe, but also enrolls it in a similar rating covering the entire planet.

3rd place. Sukinda (India)

Nearly all of the Indian chromium deposits required for stainless steel smelting are mined in the Sukinda Valley. Around the city of the same name, 12 mines are concentrated, where open-cut production is carried out.

As a result, all production waste remains on the surface of the earth. At the moment, it is about 35 million tons. The most poisonous carcinogen is hexavalent chlorine, the concentration of which exceeds the permissible limits by three to four times.

Sukinda, India. Dirty water near the mine in Sukinda

Most of it ends up in groundwater or is immediately washed off into the waters of Brahmani. The river, in turn, is the only source of water for three million people.

Thus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, asthma and tuberculosis of the local population are perceived here as natural things. According to international voluntary health organizations, almost 90% of deaths are somehow related to the ecological state of the region.

2nd place. Tianying ()

The blue smoke that is constantly shrouded in it is far from the worst.

The population of this small town by Chinese standards is only 800,000 people. A third of them are registered as doctors with the status “ Serious illnesses». Locality is famous for its metallurgical enterprises, which provide half of all lead mined in China.

The blue smoke that is constantly shrouded in it is far from the worst. The main harm is concentrated in the soil, which contains a huge amount of lead. Getting from it into agricultural products and drinking water, it enters the body, causing serious consequences.

The country's leadership can practically do nothing with this, since the agglomeration of the republic is extremely exceeded. There is no chance to give up poisonous foods either.

At the same time, cereals grown in local fields are prohibited for sale both on the external and internal markets. The lead content in them exceeds the permissible standards by 26 times. Thus, there is a deliberate poisoning of the population.

1st place. Linfen (China)

In the absence of natural gas, coal is the main source of energy in the country. More than half of the mines are concentrated in the city, providing 2/3 of all production. It’s not just dirty air, but almost oxygen-free.

Linfen (China). It’s not just dirty air, but almost oxygen-free.

The air is saturated with the following particles:

  • Ash.
  • Carbon monoxide.
  • Nitric oxide.
  • Sulfur dioxide.
  • Arsenic.
  • Lead.

The coal mining industry is not the main culprit in Linfen's environmental problems. Changed vector economic development countries demanded an increase in energy resources. The result was the expansion of production not only of coal, but also of the chemical industry.

Every day, factories and factories in the city emit deadly compounds of exhaust gases and toxic waste water into the atmosphere. Visibility even in sunny weather is no more than 300 m.

The official conclusion of the Chinese Ministry of Health confirms that more than three million people living in the region have health abnormalities. In the coming years, the country's leadership plans to reduce production by closing several mines. The solution suggests itself. However, in this case, crowds of Chinese with compromised health and lung cancer will find themselves unemployed.

Interesting! Residents of the city never dry their clothes on the street. In literally an hour and a half, it becomes gray.

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