PFR subject is the essence and features of the organization’s activities. The socio-economic essence of the Russian pension fund. List of used literature

In order to government controlled finance of pension provision in the Russian Federation was created Pension Fund(PF). The Fund was created on the basis of the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated December 22, 1990. However, this Fund began to operate on January 1, 1992. Its activities are regulated by the Regulations on the Pension Fund of December 27, 1991.

There are many points of view on the definition of the term “Pension Fund”.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is centralized system accumulation and redistribution of funds used primarily for making payments various categories disabled population in the form of labor, military and social pensions, disability pensions, child care benefits until they reach the age of 1.5 years, survivor benefits, compensation payments. This point of view is shared by scientists P.N. Shulyak and N.P. Belotelova.

A.S. shares a different point of view. Neshitaya. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in her opinion, is a centralized pension fund for the population.

According to the economic dictionary, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is an independent financial and credit institution that carries out state management of pension finances.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation,” the subjects of compulsory pension insurance are federal government bodies, insurers, policyholders and insured persons.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) is an independent financial and credit institution, accountable to the government of the Russian Federation and operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, approved by the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991. No. 2122-I. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation. The funds of the fund are federal property and are not included in the budgets of the corresponding levels; other funds are not subject to withdrawal. The total budget of the Pension Fund is 1/3 of the Federal budget of the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund includes regional branches created by decision of the board of the fund for the implementation of state financial management of pension provision in the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, autonomous regions, districts, territories, regions... The fund and its regional branches are legal entities, have an official seal with their name, settlement, currency and other bank accounts.

The main objectives of the Pension Fund are:

  • * targeted collection and accumulation of insurance premiums, as well as financing of expenses related to social protection of the population;
  • * organization of work to recover from employers and citizens guilty of causing harm to the health of workers and other citizens, the amount of state disability pensions due to work injury, occupational disease or on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner;
  • * capitalization of the Fund’s funds, as well as attracting voluntary contributions from individuals and legal entities;
  • * control over the timely and complete receipt of insurance contributions to the Fund, as well as control over the correct and rational expenditure of its funds;
  • * conducting research work in the field of state pension insurance;
  • * outreach work among the population and legal entities on issues within the competence of the fund.

The Fund may take part in financing social protection programs for elderly and disabled citizens, etc.

The Pension Fund performs the following main functions:

  • * receiving from payers insurance premiums necessary to finance the payment of state pensions;
  • * organization of a data bank on payers of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • * individual accounting of mandatory insurance contributions received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from working citizens, with a view to further increasing the size of state pensions at the expense of funds contributed by citizens;
  • * interstate and international cooperation of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Pension Fund.

The pension fund is an important link financial system state, while having a number of features:

  • - the fund is planned by authorities and management, and has a strict target orientation;
  • - the fund's funds are used for financing government spending, not included in the budget;
  • -formed mainly due to mandatory deductions from legal and individuals;
  • -insurance contributions to funds and the relationships that arise when paying them are of a tax nature, contribution rates are established by the state and are mandatory;
  • - most of the rules and regulations apply to relations related to the calculation, payment and collection of contributions to the fund Tax Code RF;
  • - the fund’s monetary resources are in state ownership, they are not included in budgets, as well as other funds, and are not subject to withdrawal for any purposes not expressly provided for by law;
  • - spending of funds from the fund is carried out by order of the Government or a specially authorized body (Board of the Fund).

The management of the Russian Pension Fund is carried out by the Board and its permanent body - the Executive Directorate. The Directorate is subordinate to branches in the republics within the Russian Federation, branches in national-state and administrative-territorial entities. There are representatives of the Fund locally (in cities, districts). The departments provide organizational work for the collection of social insurance contributions, financing of social security bodies, regional social security programs, as well as control over the expenditure of funds.

In addition to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, pension issues are dealt with by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation (assigns and redistributes pensions), the Ministry of Communications (deliveries pensions), and savings banks (provide pensioners with cash). The budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and cost estimates (including the wage fund), as well as reports on their implementation, are compiled by the Management Board. The budget is approved by the legislature. The law on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation approves the total amount of income, including by source, and the total amount of expenses by area.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is an independent financial and credit institution, however, this independence has its own characteristics and is significantly different from the economic and financial independence of state, joint-stock, cooperative, and private enterprises and organizations. As mentioned earlier, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation organizes the mobilization and use of funds from the fund in the amounts and for purposes regulated by the state. The state also determines the level of insurance payments and decides on changes in the structure and level of cash social benefits.

Currently, Russia uses the so-called funded pension system.

Under such a system, contributions accumulated in the pension system through payments by the employee and his employer are not spent on payments to today's pensioners, but are accumulated, invested and generate income until the payer retires. All the payer’s savings and all his investment income received on these savings are his personal property, which will ensure the payment of the pension.

An elderly person under this system does not depend on either the state or the younger generation. In this case, there can be no pension equalization, while at the same time the economy receives enormous resources for long-term investments. In some cases, the management of pension money remains with the state, but often private companies also take on this responsibility. There may even be a system of non-state pension funds competing with each other.

The basic principles by which an increasing number of countries are switching from a pay-as-you-go system to a funded system are as follows:

  • a) with a funded pension system, there is a direct connection between how much a person earned and what the size of his pension will be. Money in pension accounts is the property of citizens, not the state, therefore the reliability of pension provision in the savings system increases;
  • b) the demographic situation in the world today is such that there are gradually fewer and fewer people working per elderly person.
  • c) the funded system increases the rate of savings in the country, which is very important for accelerating economic growth, especially since the main factor determining the low level of pensions in Russian Federation- the state of the economy and labor productivity.

Thus, the result of the ten-year development of the Pension Fund is the creation of a sufficiently strong system of pension provision for the population, in which such an important task is carried out not by the state management apparatus from the state budget, but separately, specially created for this purpose, a state institution, dealing only with this task directly, and using only own funds not included in any budget.

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1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of the activities of the Russian Pension Fund. The role of the Russian Pension Fund in the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation

1.4.2 Spending funds from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

2. Analysis of the formation and use of funds from the Russian Pension Fund

2.1 Formation of funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in 2006 - 2010

2.2 Use of funds from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in 2006 - 2010

2.3 Problems of pension legislation in the Russian Federation

2.4 Problems of the standard of living of pensioners in the Irkutsk region

3. Improving the activities of the Russian Pension Fund

3.1 Assessing the effectiveness of the pension system at the current time

3.2 Measures taken by the Russian government to improve pension provision for citizens

3.3 Prospects for the development of the Russian pension system


List of used literature


The profound qualitative changes taking place in the Russian Federation have affected all spheres of life of Russian society and the state. In this regard, an objective need arose to revise the ingrained ideas about the activities of existing social institutions, their financial sources and the rational use of available funds.

State extra-budgetary funds are an integral part of the financial system of the Russian Federation. In addition, they represent one of the forms of redistribution and use of the state’s national income for certain social and economic purposes.

The largest of the off-budget social funds is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, accounting for 75% of all off-budget funds. It is a centralized system of accumulation and redistribution of funds.

The most important direction for the transformation of the state's social policy for members of society is the reform of the pension system, which affects the interests of several generations over a long period of time.

Pension provision is considered one of the most important social guarantees for the stable development of society, since it directly affects the interests of the disabled population, which, as a rule, makes up over 25-30% of the inhabitants of any country, and indirectly the working population. Especially great importance it acquires during the period of economic transformations taking place in Russia, where currently the number of elderly, disabled people and family members who have lost their breadwinner amounts to over 26.3% of the total population.

Negative demographic changes that are projected to exacerbate socially - economic situation in Russia in the next 10-15 years, they force us to look for new approaches to solving problems related to the financial support of those unable to work in the event of old age, disability, or loss of a breadwinner.

The pension system and the mechanism for managing its finances require changes that are adequate to modern economic, social and demographic conditions, taking into account the advanced world experience accumulated by financial science. This necessitates a deep scientific analysis of the problems associated with the implementation of the pension reform, its consequences, the functioning of the pension system and, most importantly, the activities of the state pension fund.

Based on the relevance of the topic, the goal thesis is to study the theoretical and practical foundations of the activities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as the prospects for its development.

Based on the goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

study the theoretical foundations of the organization of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, consider the tasks and functions of the Fund;

analyze the sources of formation and directions of use of funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

consider the prospects for improving the Pension system of the Russian Federation.

The subject of the study is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The object of the study is the theoretical foundations of the organization of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, analysis of the formation and use of its funds.

The subject of the study is the Russian Federation.

The sources of information when writing the thesis were: Federal laws, works of domestic and foreign authors for the period 2004-2009. And periodicals and personal observations of the author.

We used scientific methods research: monographic, calculation-constructive, abstract-logical.

pensioner insurance premium

1. Theoretical basis formation of the activities of the Russian Pension Fund. The role of the Russian Pension Fund in the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation

1.1 Pension Fund of the Russian Federation: essence, objectives, functions

For the purpose of state financial management of pension provision in the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund (PF) was created. The Fund was created on the basis of the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated December 22, 1990. However, this Fund began to operate on January 1, 1992. Its activities are regulated by the Regulations on the Pension Fund of December 27, 1991.

There are many points of view on the definition of the term “Pension Fund”.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a centralized system of accumulation and redistribution of funds used mainly to make payments to various categories of the disabled population in the form of labor, military and social pensions, disability pensions, child care benefits until they reach the age of 1.5 years, benefits in case of loss of a breadwinner, compensation payments. This point of view is shared by scientists P.N. Shulyak and N.P. Belotelova.

According to Professor A.G. Gryaznova and Professor E.V. Markina, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a fund of funds formed outside the federal budget, intended to provide financial support for the protection of citizens from a special type of social risk - loss of earnings (or other permanent income) due to loss of ability to work due to old age or disability; for disabled family members - death of the breadwinner; for certain categories of workers - long-term performance of certain professional activities.

A.S. shares a different point of view. Unsewn. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in her opinion, is a centralized pension fund for the population.

According to the economic dictionary, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is an independent financial and credit institution that carries out state management of pension finances.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ, the subjects of compulsory pension insurance are federal government bodies, insurers, policyholders and insured persons.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) is an independent financial and credit institution, accountable to the government of the Russian Federation and operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, approved by the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991. No. 2122-I. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation. The funds of the fund are federal property and are not included in the budgets of the corresponding levels; other funds are not subject to withdrawal. The total budget of the Pension Fund is 1/3 of the Federal budget of the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation includes regional branches created by decision of the fund’s board to carry out state financial management of pension provision in the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, autonomous regions, districts, territories, regions, and the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Fund and its regional branches are legal entities, have a stamp with their name, settlement, currency and other bank accounts.

The main objectives of the Pension Fund are:

targeted collection and accumulation of insurance premiums, as well as financing of expenses related to social protection of the population;

organization of work to recover from employers and citizens guilty of causing harm to the health of workers and other citizens, the amount of state disability pensions due to a work injury, occupational disease or loss of a breadwinner;

capitalization of the Fund’s funds, as well as attracting voluntary contributions from individuals and legal entities;

control over the timely and complete receipt of insurance contributions to the Fund, as well as control over the correct and rational expenditure of its funds;

conducting research work in the field of state pension insurance;

explanatory work among the population and legal entities on issues within the competence of the fund.

The Fund may take part in financing social protection programs for elderly and disabled citizens, etc.

The Pension Fund carries out a number of social significant functions, including:

receiving from payers insurance premiums necessary to finance the payment of state pensions;

organization of a data bank on payers of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

individual accounting of mandatory insurance contributions received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from working citizens, with a view to further increasing the size of state pensions at the expense of funds contributed by citizens;

interstate and international cooperation of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Pension Fund.

accounting of insurance funds received under compulsory pension insurance;

appointment and payment of pensions. Among them are labor pensions (old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner), state pensions, pensions for military personnel and their families, social pensions, and civil servants’ pensions. 38.5 million Russian pensioners receive pensions from the Fund;

assignment and implementation of social payments to certain categories of citizens: veterans, disabled people, disabled people due to war trauma, Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, etc.

personalized accounting of participants in the compulsory pension insurance system. The system takes into account insurance pension payments of almost 63 million Russians;

interaction with employers - payers of insurance pension contributions. Information about citizens insured in the pension system comes from 6.2 million legal entities;

issuing certificates for receiving maternity (family) capital;

management of pension system funds, incl. the funded part of the labor pension, which is carried out through the state management company (Vnesheconombank) and private management companies;

implementation of the State Pension Co-financing Program. As of February 2010, over 2,200,000 Russians have joined the Program.

Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Irkutsk Region

The branch of the Pension Fund for the Irkutsk region was created on the basis of the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of February 27, 1991. On October 1, 2001, the Unified Pension Service was created in the region. Since 2004, the Department has been headed by Nadezhda Sergeevna Kozlova.

The Pension Fund is an independent financial institution. The Fund's funds are not included in the republican budget, other budgets, funds and are not subject to withdrawal.

The pension fund provides:

· collection and accumulation of social insurance contributions on the territory of the region, intended for the payment of pensions and benefits by social security authorities;

· financing the expenses of social security authorities for the payment of pensions and benefits;

· participation on the basis of concluded economic agreements in the financing of regional social security programs;

· control over the correct expenditure of the Fund’s funds, as well as, together with the tax authorities, control over the timely and complete receipt of social insurance contributions to the Fund;

· attracting voluntary contributions to the Fund from Soviet and foreign citizens, enterprises and organizations.

Today, 32 territorial Directorates of the Pension Fund operate in the Irkutsk region. The Pension Fund branch serves more than 700 thousand pensioners. At the beginning of 2009, 2 million 640 thousand individual personal accounts of insured persons were registered in the personalized accounting system.

The effectiveness of the work of OPFR specialists is highly appreciated by the management of the Russian Pension Fund. Twice the PFR Branch in the Irkutsk Region was awarded the title “Best PFR Branch in the Siberian Federal District” - in 2006 and 2007.

In order to improve the quality of work and service to the population, the Department is introducing and using modern technologies. Thus, a corporate data transmission network (CDTN) has been created, thanks to which automated information exchange is carried out with the structural divisions of the Pension Fund of Russia both between districts of the Irkutsk region and between regions of the country. A register of the population of the Irkutsk region has been created and is being improved, helping to constantly improve the quality of work on compulsory pension insurance of citizens and ensuring completeness of information and timely assignment of pensions.

Particular attention is paid to direct work with the population. A network of customer services has been created and is developing in Irkutsk and throughout the region, which ensures that citizens are received on all issues at a time convenient for them throughout the working day. On-site receptions are regularly held, the Department’s specialists work in public reception areas and in consultation centers, and collective Internet access points have been organized for residents of remote areas together with the Russian Post.

Almost every year new areas of activity of the Department appear. Thus, in 2007, work began on providing maternal (family) capital, in 2008 - on the implementation of the Program of state co-financing of additional contributions to the funded part of the pension; from 2010, the OPFR will be involved in the administration of insurance contributions.

Outreach work is being actively carried out, while a variety of forms are used to reach the largest audience and different segments of society - cooperation with the media, interaction with authorities and local governments, seminars for employers and policyholders, competitions for the title of the best transfer agent and much more.

Service area and structure of the Branch

The Irkutsk region occupies 767.9 thousand square meters. km, that is, more than 15% of the entire territory of the Siberian Federal District.

The PFR branch in the Irkutsk region is represented by 32 Directorates and Divisions, which include 42 client services.

Directorates (Departments) of the Pension Fund of Russia are located in the following districts of the region: Angarsk, Bodaibinsky, Bratsk, Balagansky, Zalarinsky, Kazachinsko-Lensky, Katangsky, Kachugsky, Kirensky, Kuytunsky, Mamsko-Chuysky, Nizhneudinsky, Nizhneilimsky, Olkhonsky, Sayansky, Slyudyansky, Taishetsky, Tulunsky , Ust-Ilimsk, Usolye-Sibirsk, Ust-Udinsk, Ust-Kutsk, Cheremkhovsk, Chunsk, Shelekhovsk, Irkutsk; Kirovsky, Kuibyshevsky, Leninsky, Oktyabrsky and Sverdlovsky districts of Irkutsk.

The branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is located in the regional center - Irkutsk. Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District - in Novosibirsk.

1.2 Development of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was created by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 No. 2122-1 for the purpose of state financial management of pension provision in the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is an independent financial and credit institution operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The pension fund and its funds are state property of the Russian Federation. The funds of the fund are not included in the budgets of other funds and are not subject to withdrawal.

Initially, the main function of the Russian Pension Fund was to collect insurance contributions to finance the payment of old-age, disability and survivors' pensions. However, back in 1992, an experiment was launched in a number of regions of the country to create unified pension services (UPS), which simultaneously assign and pay state pensions. Further development This process became Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2000 No. 1709 “On measures to improve the management of state pension provision in the Russian Federation.” He recommended that regional authorities conclude agreements with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the transfer to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of powers to assign and pay pensions that were at that time held by regional social protection authorities.

In 1997, the federal law “On individual (personalized) accounting in the state pension insurance system” No. 27-FZ came into force. In accordance with this law, the main importance for increasing the size of the pension was not the total length of service, but the recorded insurance period and the amount of payments made in the interests of the employee by his employer. An Information Center for personalized accounting was created in the Pension Fund system to ensure prompt interaction with all territorial offices Pension Fund and for maintaining a database of personalized accounting at the central level.

the federal law dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” further expanded the functions of the Pension Fund and introduced changes to the procedure for the emergence and implementation of citizens’ rights to labor pensions. Thus, in particular, the size of the labor pension now consists of three parts: basic, insurance and funded. At the same time, the basic part is financed from the federal budget, the insurance part is financed from the amounts of insurance premiums paid by the policyholder for the insured persons to finance the insurance part of the labor pension, the funded part is financed from the amounts of insurance premiums paid by the insurers for the insured persons to finance the funded part of the labor pension and income from their investment. Investment of pension savings is carried out by the Pension Fund through management companies chosen by citizens or non-state pension funds.

In addition to its core activities, since 2000 the Pension Fund has been financing social programs in the regions of the Russian Federation. In 2008, the Pension Fund allocated 1 billion rubles for these purposes, in 2009 - 1.2 billion rubles.

The main tasks of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation include Soloviev A.K. Problems of development of the state pension insurance system in a transition economy // Bulletin of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. - 1999.- No. 2.- P. 31 - 48:

Targeted collection and accumulation of insurance premiums, as well as financing of expenses in accordance with the purpose of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

Organization of work to recover from employers and citizens guilty of causing harm to the health of workers and other citizens, the amount of state disability pensions due to a work injury, occupational disease or loss of a breadwinner;

Capitalization of the funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as attracting voluntary contributions to it (including foreign currency values) from individuals and legal entities;

Control, with the participation of tax authorities, over the timely and complete receipt of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as over the correct and rational expenditure of its funds;

Interstate and international cooperation of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, participation in the development and implementation, in accordance with the procedure established by law, of interstate and international treaties and agreements on pensions and benefits.

Since 2007, the Pension Fund has been entrusted with an additional task - issuing certificates for maternity (family) capital.

In connection with the adoption in the summer of 2009 of a number of legislative acts that, from January 1, 2010, significantly changed the Russian pension system, the scope of activity of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation expanded significantly.

First of all, the Pension Fund carried out valorization of pensions. Valorization is a revaluation of the estimated pension capital, which is aimed primarily at those who have a long “Soviet” work experience. Pensioners with work experience before 2002 received a 10% increase in the amount of pension rights that they had formed before the start of the 2002 pension reform. Also, for each year of Soviet work experience before 1991, 1% was added to the estimated pension capital.

If, after valorization, the amount of the pension in the amount of other payments due to the pensioner turned out to be below the subsistence level of the pensioner in his constituent entity of the Russian Federation, then the corresponding social supplement was established for such a pensioner. If a pensioner lives in a region where living wage If a pensioner is below the federal level, then he is entitled to a federal social supplement to his pension, which is paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If a pensioner lives in a subject of the Federation where the cost of living is higher than the federal one, then he is entitled to a regional social security payment, which is paid by the social protection authorities of the region.

Another important innovation of 2010 - the unified social tax (UST) was replaced from January 1 by insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Fund social insurance Russian Federation and compulsory health insurance funds. At the same time, the function of administering contributions to the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund has been transferred from the tax authorities of the Pension Fund.

The pension fund is an important link in the state’s financial system, while having a number of features:

the fund is planned by authorities and management, and has a strict target orientation;

The fund's funds are used to finance government expenditures not included in the budget;

It is formed mainly through mandatory contributions from legal entities and individuals;

Insurance contributions to the funds and the relationships arising from their payment are of a tax nature, contribution rates are established by the state and are mandatory;

Relations related to the calculation, payment and collection of contributions to the fund are covered by most of the norms and provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

The fund's monetary resources are state property, they are not included in budgets, as well as other funds, and are not subject to withdrawal for any purposes not expressly provided for by law;

spending of funds from the fund is carried out by order of the Government or a specially authorized body (the Board of the Fund).

The management of the Russian Pension Fund is carried out by the Board and its permanent body - the Executive Directorate. The Directorate is subordinate to branches in the republics within the Russian Federation, branches in national-state and administrative-territorial entities. There are representatives of the Fund locally (in cities, districts). The departments provide organizational work for the collection of contributions for social insurance, financing of social security bodies, regional social security programs, as well as control over the expenditure of funds Finance: Textbook / V.M. Rodionova, Yu.Ya. Vavilov./ under. ed. V.M. Rodionova - M.: Finance and Statistics - 1993.

In addition to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, pension issues are dealt with by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation (assigns and redistributes pensions), the Ministry of Communications (deliveries pensions), and savings banks (provide pensioners with cash). The budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and cost estimates (including the wage fund), as well as reports on their implementation, are compiled by the Management Board. The budget is approved by the legislature. The law on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation approves the total amount of income, including by source, and the total amount of expenses by area.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is an independent financial and credit institution, however, this independence has its own characteristics and is significantly different from the economic and financial independence of state, joint-stock, cooperative, and private enterprises and organizations. As mentioned above, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation organizes the mobilization and use of funds from the fund in the amounts and for purposes regulated by the state. The state also determines the level of insurance payments and decides on changes in the structure and level of cash social benefits.

Currently, Russia uses the so-called funded pension system Finance. Money turnover. Credit: Textbook for universities / under. ed. prof. L.A. Drobozina - M.: Finance, Unity, 1997. - 479 p. .

Under such a system, contributions accumulated in the pension system through payments by the employee and his employer are not spent on payments to today's pensioners, but are accumulated, invested and generate income until the payer retires. All the payer’s savings and all his investment income received on these savings are his personal property, which will ensure the payment of the pension.

An elderly person under this system does not depend on either the state or the younger generation. In this case, there can be no pension equalization, while at the same time the economy receives enormous resources for long-term investments. In some cases, the management of pension money remains with the state, but often private companies also take on this responsibility. There may even be a system of non-state pension funds competing with each other.

The basic principles by which an increasing number of countries are switching from a pay-as-you-go system to a funded system are as follows:

a) with a funded pension system, there is a direct connection between how much a person earned and what the size of his pension will be. Money in pension accounts is the property of citizens, not the state, therefore the reliability of pension provision in the savings system increases;

b) the demographic situation in the world today is such that there are gradually fewer and fewer people working per elderly person.

c) the funded system increases the rate of savings in the country, which is very important for accelerating economic growth, especially since the main factor determining the low level of pensions in the Russian Federation is the state of the economy and labor productivity.

Thus, the result of the ten-year development of the Pension Fund is the creation of a sufficiently strong system of pension provision for the population, in which such an important task is carried out not by the state management apparatus from the state budget, but separately, specially created for this purpose, a state institution, dealing only with this task directly, and using only own funds not included in any budget. Also, this system collects the necessary statistical data necessary for the further development of the pension business, and mandatory when forecasting the necessary funds to provide people in need of social protection.

One of the further directions of the Pension Fund's work is improving the quality of customer service. The Foundation will strive to ensure that any interaction with citizens is effective and comfortable. To this end, new customer services are already being put into operation, personnel are constantly being trained and trained, and the Internet is being actively used to provide services or reference information.

1.3 Development of non-state pension funds in Russia

The new pension system, operating in Russia since 2002, has fundamentally changed the procedure for forming pensions, which now consists of three parts: basic, insurance and funded. The basic part is fixed, it is established by the state and does not depend on the length of service and salary of the insured person. And two more parts of the pension (insurance and funded) already depend only on the amount of insurance contributions paid for you by the employer. However, for various reasons, the replacement rate (the ratio of the pension received to earnings), which is currently less than 30% of the average wages, will decline in the future and, according to experts, by 2015 it could be about 15%. Moreover, the higher your income, the lower the replacement rate.

The normal replacement rate, which allows a person to maintain their usual standard of living - rest, dress well and eat well, is recommended by the International Labor Organization. It is 40-60%. In the EEC countries, higher requirements are set - 70%. However, such a high level of the coefficient is ensured not only by the state pension system. Bring the income of pensioners to this level high level non-state pension funds are called upon.

Some skeptics generally doubt the need to independently save for an additional pension, citing the fact that with the average life expectancy of men - 57 years - the need for the pension itself disappears. However, you should know that average life expectancy is calculated taking into account mortality in childhood, from alcohol and drug consumption, deaths in accidents, natural and man-made disasters, etc. Moreover, according to statistics, the average life expectancy for men who have lived to 60 years is 74 years, and for women who have lived to the same age - 78 years.

Now there are several tools for accumulating funds: you can use the services offered by banks, mutual investment funds, and non-state pension funds.

If the goal is to receive a guaranteed income from invested funds after a specific period of time, then, of course, in this case you should use the bank deposit service.

If you need to get a higher interest rate than the bank rate and are willing to take risks with your investments, then a mutual fund is suitable.

If the goal is to have a reliable source of permanent income for a long period of time after finishing your working career, then you should definitely use the service of a non-state pension fund (NPF). The safety of pension savings in NFPs is ensured through legislative regulation of their activities and the current strict system of control by the state.

The creation and development of pension funds is a new phenomenon in the loan capital market, the securities market and in general in the state credit system.

The basis of passive operations of pension funds are resources coming from corporations, enterprises, as well as contributions from workers and employees, usually accounting for 20-30% of all receipts. The share of contributions varies significantly among different corporations, enterprises and countries. The more powerful and rich the corporation, the lower the share of contributions from workers and employees. The capital of pension funds is formed mainly from contributions from entrepreneurs, workers and employees, accumulated, as with life insurance, for quite long periods - 10 years or more. Pension funds hold long-term funds and invest them in government and private securities. Almost 80% of pension funds' assets are securities of private corporations. At the same time, over 30% of assets are in ordinary shares, which allows pension funds to actively influence corporate policies. In addition, pension funds invest in shares of their own corporations, primarily common stocks.

Pension funds managed by banks are widely used by the latter to acquire large blocks of shares in large corporations, for which commercial banks receive significant commissions. This makes it possible to concentrate most of the securities, especially shares, in the hands of a few funds.

The development of private pension funds in Russia began with the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Non-State Pension Funds” dated September 16, 1992. No. 1077. However, in practice, the funds began to officially operate only in 1994.

Federal Law “On Non-State Pension Funds” dated January 10, 2003 No. 14-FZ defines a non-state pension fund as a special organizational and legal form of a non-profit social security organization. The exclusive types of activities of non-state pension funds are activities for non-state pension provision, activities as an insurer for compulsory pension insurance and activities as an insurer for professional pension insurance.

According to the law, a private pension fund is formed as non-profit organization, which accumulates pension contributions and makes pension payments in accordance with the terms of the agreement. To increase the collected funds, the pension fund must transfer them to a special institution (commission) for managing the assets of the pension fund (CAAPF). With the exception of a pre-agreed share in the form of commissions, all income received by the commission is used exclusively for the purposes specified in the fund's charter (mainly for the payment of pensions). This demonstrates the non-profit nature of the non-state pension fund (NPF). Private pension funds do not use different pension payment schemes: payment of a lifetime pension; pension payments for a specified number of years, but not less than five; a lump sum payment of part of the pension amount and a guaranteed amount of pension payments over a specified period (a number of years). In this case, the funds use options with inheritance of pension amounts.

A successful development strategy for a non-state pension fund requires the correct selection of regions, types of enterprises and a specific contingent for individual coverage. The organizational structure of the non-state pension fund should be built in accordance with these tasks. This dramatically expands and at the same time complicates the range of activities. Non-state pension funds of Russia must perform the following functions that are unusual for them:

Purchasing a fund of enterprise shares in favor of the client and providing him with an interest-free loan for this purpose;

Issuance of interest-free loans for the purchase of real estate (cottages, apartments);

Increasing client protection from unemployment;

Opening and maintaining special stores selling at reduced prices for elderly and low-income customers.

Currently, there are 250 non-state pension funds operating in Russia, 100 of them are assessed as quite strong.

According to the Law “On Pension Funds” (2003), pension reserves are invested by non-state pension funds solely for the purpose of their preservation and growth. NPFs are obliged to take care of the security of deposits in the interests of participants. Analysis of statistics allows us to say that non-state pension funds consistently show a high percentage of investments in stocks and bonds Russian companies. The total volume of investment in shares and bonds of Russian companies reaches almost 80% for some non-state pension funds (NPF GAZFOND), which makes the portfolios of these funds quite risky. Despite the existing restrictions on investments in one type of financial assets, the special investment procedure approved by the NPF Inspectorate, which is in force for a sufficiently large number of funds, allows them to pursue an unbalanced policy. Serious deviations from investment norms can be observed in non-state pension funds and in promissory notes and government bonds at the federal level. And yet, non-state pension funds are showing fairly stable growth.

In the near future, a significant increase in the number of non-state pension funds is expected Russian market. Statistics indicate an increase in the number of management companies focused not on creating mutual investment funds, but on working with pension reserves. The successful functioning of non-state pension funds will allow Russia to move to a balanced pension system.

1.4 Formation and direction of use of funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is generated from the following sources:

deductions from the unified social tax going to the Federal Budget;

deductions from the single tax under special taxation regimes received by the Federal Budget;

insurance premiums;

Federal budget funds;

amounts of penalties and other financial sanctions;

income from the placement (investment) of temporarily free funds of compulsory pension insurance;

voluntary contributions of individuals and organizations paid by them not as policyholders or insured persons;

other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Currently, as part of the Unified Social Tax, the employer transfers 20% of the wage fund to the Pension Fund of Russia, which goes towards the formation of three parts of the labor pension:

basic - a fixed part, which is set in a fixed amount. Its size is differentiated depending on the type of pension (old age, disability, etc.), disability group and the presence of dependents;

insurance - differentiated part, which depends on the results of the work of the insured person, reflected on his individual personal account in the form of estimated pension capital;

accumulative - part calculated from the accumulated amounts of insurance premiums and investment income reflected in the special part of the individual personal account.

The basic part provides a minimum guaranteed income upon the occurrence of an insured event. The size of the insurance and funded parts of the labor pension is determined by law.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation ensures the fulfillment of the main function in the pension system - financing the payment of assigned pensions in a timely manner. The possibility of transition from a distribution pension system to a funded one was laid down in 1996, when the Federal Law “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system” was introduced. It established the legal basis and procedure for recording information about citizens who are subject to the Federal Law “On State Pensions of the Russian Federation” dated May 5, 1997 No. 77-FZ. In accordance with this Law, an insured person is a person who is subject to mandatory pension insurance, as well as someone employed in a workplace with special (difficult and harmful) working conditions, a person for whom insurance contributions are paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation .

The most significant part of the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is insurance premiums paid by pension insurance entities. These include: employers (enterprises, institutions, organizations), peasant farms, tribal family communities of small peoples of the North, individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers and private detectives.

For these categories from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009 (Chapter 24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2 “Unified Social Tax” loses force from January 1, 2010 (Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 213-FZ)). The corresponding interest rates are established:

20% for employers;

15.8% for agricultural producers and peoples of the North;

14% for taxpayers - organizations and individual entrepreneurs who have resident status of a technology-innovation special economic zone and make payments to individuals working in the territory of a technology-innovation special economic zone;

20% for taxpayers - organizations operating in the region information technologies, with the exception of taxpayers who have resident status of a technology-innovation special economic zone

7.3% for individual entrepreneurs;

5.3% for lawyers and detectives in private practice.

Funds received by the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are allocated to:

payment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation of labor pensions and social benefits for the burial of deceased pensioners who were not working on the day of death;

transfer of funds in an amount equivalent to the amount of pension savings accounted for in the special part of the individual personal account of the insured person to a non-state pension fund chosen by the insured person to form the funded part of the labor pension;

delivery of pensions paid from the Pension Fund budget;

financial and logistical support for the current activities of the insurer (including the maintenance of its central and territorial bodies).

Along with budget financing and extra-budgetary social funds, an additional source of funds allocated for social development purposes are non-state pension funds (NPFs), operating on a voluntary commercial basis. The beginning of the activities of NPFs is associated with the adoption on September 16, 1992 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Non-State Pension Funds”.

With the help of NPFs, additional opportunities for the State Pension Fund are provided. A non-state pension fund is a non-profit social security organization whose exclusive activity is non-state pension provision for pension fund participants.

1.4.1 Payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The main and most important change in the calculation of payroll taxes can be considered the abolition of the unified social tax; Chapter 24 was excluded from the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Along with the abolition of the unified social tax, the regressive tax payment scale was also abolished.

In this case, the base for calculating insurance premiums in relation to each individual is established in an amount not exceeding 415,000 rubles on an accrual basis from the beginning of the billing period.

Insurance premiums are not charged for amounts of payments and other remuneration in favor of an individual (under employment or civil contracts (contracts, services)) exceeding 415,000 rubles on an accrual basis from the beginning of the billing period. Thus, in 2010, the maximum tax burden for each employee for a regular organization will be 107,900 (415,000 * 26%), for organizations using special regimes: 58,100 (415,000 * 14%)

In 2010, there was no general change in rates; they remained at the same level:

1. Insurance premium rates for all insurers (except for agricultural producers, organizations and individual entrepreneurs with resident status of a technology-innovation special economic zone and organizations applying special tax regimes)

Table 1

2. Insurance premium rates for agricultural producers

table 2

3. Insurance premium rates for:

Table 3

4. Insurance premium rates for organizations and individual entrepreneurs applying the single agricultural tax

Table 4

During 2011 - 2014, reduced insurance premium rates are applied to insurance premium payers:

4) for payers of insurance premiums who make payments and other benefits to individuals who are disabled people of groups I, II or III.

Table 5

For insurance pension contributions to the Pension Fund, the distribution of rates for the insurance and savings parts has changed:

1. For the period 2010 - 2011. For all policyholders (with the exception of agricultural producers, organizations and individual entrepreneurs with resident status of a technology-innovation special economic zone and organizations applying special tax regimes), the following insurance premium rates apply:

Table 6

The maximum size of the base to be indexed in relation to each individual

Base indexing coefficient

Insurance premium rate

To finance the insurance part of the labor pension

To finance the funded part of the labor pension

For persons born in 1966 and older

For persons born in 1967 and younger

For all policyholders (except for categories of policyholders for whom reduced insurance premium rates were established for the period of 2010)

415,000 rubles

Not installed

For all policyholders, with the exception of categories of policyholders for whom reduced insurance premium rates were established for the period 2011 - 2014)

415,000 rubles

-<*> <*>- the base indexation coefficient will be entered into the table after it is established.

2. For agricultural producers

Table 7

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs with resident status of a technology-innovative special economic zone;

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs using a simplified taxation system;

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs paying UTII;

For public organizations of disabled people, as well as payers of insurance premiums that make payments and other remunerations to individuals who are disabled people of groups I, II or III, in relation to the specified payments and remunerations.

Table 8

4. For organizations and individual entrepreneurs applying the single agricultural tax

Table 9

During 2011 - 2014, reduced insurance premium rates are applied for the following categories of policyholders:

1) for agricultural producers, for organizations of folk arts and crafts and family (tribal) communities of indigenous peoples of the North engaged in traditional economic sectors;

2) for organizations and individual entrepreneurs with resident status of a technology-innovation special economic zone and making payments to individuals working in the territory of a technology-innovation special economic zone;

3) for organizations and individual entrepreneurs applying the unified agricultural tax;

4) for insurers making payments and other rewards to individuals who are disabled people of groups I, II or III.

Table 10

Payment of insurance premiums.

Payers of insurance premiums who make payments and other remuneration to individuals determine the amount of insurance premiums to be transferred to extra-budgetary funds in full rubles. The amount of insurance premiums less than 50 kopecks is discarded, and the amount of 50 kopecks or more is rounded up to the full ruble. Monthly payments are due no later than the 15th day of the calendar month following the calendar month for which the monthly obligatory payment is calculated.

Entrepreneurs paying insurance premiums for themselves must transfer them no later than December 31 of the current calendar year. The need to round up the amounts following the transfer does not apply to these contributions.

Reporting on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund.

As for the FSS, there are no special changes.

By the 15th day of the calendar month following the reporting period, a report must be submitted to the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund.

In addition, before the 1st day of the second calendar month following the reporting period, it is necessary to submit reports to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, calculations of accrued and paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance and for compulsory medical insurance to the compulsory health insurance funds.

In the report for 2009, everything remained unchanged - payers of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance no later than March 30, 2010 submit to the tax authorities a declaration on insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance for 2009 in the form approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

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The significant increase in pension costs was due in part to the existence of 30 separate pension provisions that provided preferential pensions.

Already by the beginning of the 1870s, it became obvious that providing for retiring Russians was an intractable issue. Russia spent less than 4% of its income on pensions, while the total number of expenses on pensions in foreign countries averaged up to 6%.

That is, funds for pension payments still remained modest. Therefore, the only possible way out was proposed: employees must ensure their future, including with personal savings, and the state will take under its full care only those who, due to illness and other accidents, could not take care of themselves on their own. The first to support this idea were members of the emerital cash registers.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, emeritus was the name given to special pensions for long service to those dismissed, as well as benefits from the emeritus fund issued to widows and orphans. These pensions were a supplement to pensions paid under the Pension Charter and special pension provisions. At the expense of funds transferred gratuitously and indefinitely by the state to the cash register, emeritus capital was formed, which was first placed in government securities, and then in mortgage securities. The interest received from such placements and mandatory deductions from the salaries of civil servants were used for current pension payments.

State pension provision for workers in Russia was established after the October Revolution of 1917. From the first years Soviet power Disability and survivor pensions were provided at state expense. Since 1928, old-age pensions were introduced for workers in certain industries, which were then extended to all workers, and by 1937 to office employees.

The pension system in the USSR began to actively take shape in the 30-60s. It was based on the law “On State Pensions” adopted on July 14, 1956 by the Supreme Council. This document still determines the retirement age for men - 60 years, for women - 55. The minimum length of service required to assign an old-age pension was 25 and 20 years, respectively. The 1956 law significantly increased the level of pension provision and expanded the circle of persons entitled to a pension: workers, employees, citizens covered by state social insurance; military personnel of private, sergeant and senior officers of conscript service; citizens who have become disabled in connection with the performance of state or public duties or in connection with the fulfillment of the duty of a citizen of the USSR to rescue human life, for the protection of socialist property or socialist legal order. Family members of the above-mentioned citizens are granted pensions in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

With the adoption of the law “On pensions and benefits for members of collective farms” on July 15, 1964, a unified pension system was formed, covering almost all workers and members of their families.

Thus, we can say that the first pensioners in Russia were military personnel, and state pension provision for workers was established in 1917. Then, in the 90s, pension provision was formed in the Russian Federation on the basis of many legal acts, in particular, on the basis of the law “On State Pensions in the RSFSR” of November 20, 1990.

1.2 The need to create and economic entity Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is one of the largest and most significant social institutions in the country. The creation of the Pension Fund was a milestone in solving one of the most important tasks in reforming the social sphere - the transition from state pension provision to compulsory pension insurance.

Today, in terms of the scale of the tasks being solved, the activities of the Pension Fund are unique and have no precedents in the history of Russia.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was created by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 No. 2122-1 for the purpose of state financial management of pension provision in the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is an independent financial and credit institution operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The pension fund and its funds are state property of the Russian Federation. The funds of the fund are not included in the budgets of other funds and are not subject to withdrawal.

The main tasks of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation include:

1) targeted collection and accumulation of insurance premiums, as well as financing of expenses in accordance with the purpose of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

2) organization of work to recover from employers and citizens guilty of causing harm to the health of workers and other citizens, the amount of state disability pensions due to a work injury, occupational disease or loss of a breadwinner;

3) capitalization of funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as attracting voluntary contributions (including currency values) from individuals and legal entities to it;

4) control, with the participation of tax authorities, over the timely and complete receipt of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as over the correct and rational expenditure of its funds;

5) interstate and international cooperation of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, participation in the development and implementation in the manner prescribed by law of interstate and international treaties and agreements on pensions and benefits.

The pension fund is an important link in the state’s financial system, while having a number of features:

1) the fund is planned by authorities and management, and has a strict target orientation;

2) the funds of the fund are used to finance government expenses not included in the budget;

3) is formed mainly through mandatory contributions from legal entities and individuals;

4) insurance contributions to the funds and the relationships arising from their payment are of a tax nature, contribution rates are established by the state and are mandatory;

5) most of the norms and provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation apply to relations related to the calculation, payment and collection of contributions to the fund;

6) the fund’s monetary resources are in state ownership, they are not included in budgets, as well as other funds, and are not subject to withdrawal for any purposes not directly provided for by law;

7) spending of funds from the fund is carried out by order of the Government or a specially authorized body (Board of the Fund).

The management of the Russian Pension Fund is carried out by the Board and its permanent body - the Executive Directorate. The Directorate is subordinate to branches in the republics within the Russian Federation, branches in national-state and administrative-territorial entities. There are representatives of the Fund locally (in cities, districts). The departments provide organizational work for the collection of social insurance contributions, financing of social security bodies, regional social security programs, as well as control over the expenditure of funds.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is a centralized pension fund for the population.

A pension is a guaranteed monthly cash payment to provide for citizens upon reaching the age specified by law, as well as in the event of loss of ability to work and loss of a breadwinner. Pensions should provide a living standard of living. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is one of the most significant social institutions in the country and the largest federal system for providing public services in the field of social security

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was formed on December 22, 1990 by Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR No. 442-1 “On the organization of the pension fund of the RSFSR.” It was created for the government's financial management of pensions. with its creation, a fundamentally new mechanism for financing and paying pensions and benefits appeared in Russia. Funds for financing the payment of pensions began to be formed from the receipt of compulsory insurance contributions from employers and citizens.

The structure of the pension fund includes

Offices in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation

Pension fund branches in the Russian Federation

Territorial departments in all regions of the country

The funds of this fund are state-owned, are not included in other funds, and are not subject to withdrawal

The Pension Fund carries out a number of socially significant functions

1. accounting of insurance funds received under compulsory pension insurance

2. assignment and payment of pensions (old age, disability, loss of breadwinner (labor); pensions for state pensions, pensions for military personnel and their families, social pensions, and pensions for civil servants)

3. assignment and implementation of social payments to certain categories of citizens: veterans, disabled people, disabled people due to war trauma, heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation

4. personalized accounting of participants in the compulsory pension insurance system

5. interaction with employers - payers of insurance pension contributions

6. issuance of certificates for receiving maternity (family) capital

7. management of funds of the pension system, including the funded portion of the labor pension, which is carried out through a state management company and a private

8. implementation of the state pension co-financing program

Initially, the main function of the pension fund was to collect contributions to finance old-age, disability and survivors' pensions

Later, in 1997, an information center for personalized accounting was created in the pension fund system to ensure prompt interaction with all territorial branches of the fund and to maintain a database of personalized accounting at the central level

In 2001, the new status of the Pension Fund was determined as an insurer and as a state institution, and the procedure for insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance and the rights and obligations of subjects of the law of relations for compulsory pension insurance were regulated. Also in 2001, the functions of the Pension Fund were expanded and changes were made to the procedure for the emergence and implementation of citizens' rights to labor pensions, this concerned the division of labor pensions into 3 parts: basic, insurance, funded.

At the same time, the basic part is formed from the Federal budget. The insurance part is based on the amounts of insurance premiums. Cumulative from the amounts of insurance premiums paid by policyholders for insured persons for the funded part of the labor pension and income from their investment

In addition to its core activities, since 2000 the Pension Fund has been financing social programs in the regions. Since 2005, it has been entrusted with the functions of calculating payments in the form of a set of social services. Since 2007, the fund has been entrusted with the additional task of issuing certificates for maternity (family) capital. As significant changes in the fund’s activities, one can note the pension reform that began to be carried out in 2001. As a result, the procedure for generating income and the direction of spending the funds of this fund have significantly changed.

The main sources of formation of the revenue side of the Pension Fund budget are

1. Mandatory deductions

2. Deductions from the single tax under special taxation regimes

3. insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance

4. insurance premiums at an additional rate for certain categories of employers

5. income from placing amounts of insurance contributions on the funded part of the labor pension

6. Federal budget funds

7. Voluntary contributions from individuals and organizations

8. Income from investment of temporarily free funds of compulsory pension insurance

10. Others not prohibited by law

The Pension Fund funds are used to pay

1. state pensions (by age, for long service, in case of loss of a breadwinner)

2. Disability pensions for military personnel

3. Compensation for pensioners

4. Financial assistance to the elderly and disabled

5. Allowance for children from 1.5 to 6 years old, single mothers

6. Benefit for children infected with the immunodeficiency virus

7. Benefits for victims of the Chernobyl accident

Can be divided

For compulsory pension insurance

State pension provision

For additional pension benefits

For financial and logistical support of the fund’s activities

3. Social Insurance Fund

The Social Insurance Fund is a fund of funds formed outside the federal budget and intended to implement the rights of citizens to social Security for illness, disability, in cases of loss of a breadwinner, birth and raising of children, all this is reflected in the budget code

This fund manages the funds of the state compulsory insurance of the Russian Federation, the funds of this fund are state property and are not included in other funds and are not subject to withdrawal

The budget of this fund and the report on its implementation are approved by the government of the Russian Federation. Regional and central industry budgets, reports on their execution, after consideration by the fund’s board, are approved by its chairman

Objectives of the Mandatory Social Insurance Fund

1. Providing state-guaranteed benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, for burial, sanatorium treatment, health improvement of employees and members of their families, as well as for other purposes of state social insurance provided for by law

2. Participation in the development and implementation of state programs to protect workers’ health and measures to improve social insurance

3. Implementation of measures to ensure the financial sustainability of social insurance

4. Development of proposals on the size of tariffs for insurance contributions for state social insurance

5. Organization of work on training and advanced training of specialists for the state social insurance system, as well as explanatory work in the field of insurers and the population on social insurance issues

6. Cooperation with similar funds of other states and international organizations on the issue of social insurance

There are 2 types of social insurance provided through the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

1. Social insurance in case of incapacity for work as a result of general illness, maternity, death

2. Social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases

The Social Insurance Fund is one of the state extra-budgetary funds related to the unified budget system of the Russian Federation. The budget of this fund is not part of the consolidated budget and is approved in the form of an independent federal law

Since 2001, the income portion of the fund has been formed from the following income

1. Mandatory contributions from employers

2. Deductions from agricultural tax

3. Deductions from the single tax according to the simplified tax system

4. Deductions from the single tax on imputed income

5. Insurance contributions of business entities for social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases

6. Federal budget funds to cover expenses related to the provision of benefits to persons affected by radiation accidents and their consequences, as well as in others established by law cases

7. Income from the placement of temporarily free funds of the fund

8. Voluntary contributions from individuals and legal entities

9. Other income

Insurance rates for compulsory insurance against accidents and occupational diseases are established by groups of economic sectors in accordance with occupational risk classes.

Insurance payments are made in connection with the death of the insured and to pay additional expenses for medical, professional and social rehabilitation

Like the pension fund, the Social Security Fund is an autonomous and strictly targeted fund. It was created to provide state guarantees in the social insurance system. There are branches of this Fund in all subjects of the Federation. Management is entrusted to the Chairman of the Fund. The Chairman and his Deputy are appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Social insurance itself is one of the types of state provision of the population in the event of disability due to illness and in other cases provided for by law.

Control over the completeness and timeliness of payment of social insurance contributions is entrusted to the Social Insurance Fund

The funds from this Fund are used for the following purposes

1. Financing a resort orderly

2. Partial financing of the maintenance of sanatoriums, dispensaries and children's health camps

3. To pay benefits in excess of the norms for treatment and health improvement of workers

4. For the payment of benefits for the period of parental leave until they reach the age of one and a half years (up to 70%)

5. Financing the executive directorate of the fund

The budget of this Fund and the report on its execution are approved by Federal Law, and the budgets of regional branches and reports on their execution are approved by the board of the fund

For the purpose of state financial management of pension provision in the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund (PF) was created. The fund was created on the basis of the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated December 22, 1990.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) is an independent financial and credit institution, accountable to the government of the Russian Federation and operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, approved by the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991. No. 2122-I. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation. The funds of the fund are federal property and are not included in the budgets of the corresponding levels; other funds are not subject to withdrawal. The total budget of the Pension Fund is 1/3 of the Federal budget of the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation includes regional branches created by decision of the fund’s board to carry out state financial management of pension provision in the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, autonomous regions, districts, territories, regions, and the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Fund and its regional branches are legal entities, have a stamp with their name, settlement, currency and other bank accounts.

Initially, the main function of the Russian Pension Fund was to collect insurance contributions to finance the payment of old-age, disability and survivors' pensions. However, back in 1992, an experiment was launched in a number of regions of the country to create unified pension services (UPS), which simultaneously assign and pay state pensions. A further development of this process was Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2000 No. 1709 “On measures to improve the management of state pension provision in the Russian Federation”. He recommended that regional authorities conclude agreements with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the transfer to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of powers to assign and pay pensions that were at that time held by regional social protection authorities.

Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” further expanded the functions of the Pension Fund and introduced changes to the procedure for the emergence and implementation of citizens' rights to labor pensions. Thus, in particular, the size of the labor pension now consists of three parts: basic, insurance and funded. At the same time, the basic part is financed from the federal budget, the insurance part is financed from the amounts of insurance premiums paid by the policyholder for the insured persons to finance the insurance part of the labor pension, the funded part is financed from the amounts of insurance premiums paid by the insurers for the insured persons to finance the funded part of the labor pension and income from their investment. Investment of pension savings is carried out by the Pension Fund through management companies chosen by citizens or non-state pension funds.

The result of more than twenty years of development of the Pension Fund is the creation of a fairly strong system of pension provision for the population, in which such an important task is not carried out by the state management apparatus from the state budget, but separately, specially created for this purpose, a state institution, dealing only directly with this task, and using only own funds not included in any budget.

Today the main objectives of the Pension Fund are:

  • - targeted collection and accumulation of insurance premiums, as well as financing of expenses related to social protection of the population;
  • - organization of work to recover from employers and citizens guilty of causing harm to the health of workers and other citizens, the amount of state disability pensions due to a work injury, occupational disease or loss of a breadwinner;
  • - capitalization of the Fund’s funds, as well as attracting voluntary contributions from individuals and legal entities to it;
  • - control over the timely and complete receipt of insurance contributions to the Fund, as well as control over the correct and rational expenditure of its funds;
  • - conducting research work in the field of state pension insurance;
  • - explanatory work among the population and legal entities on issues within the competence of the fund.

The Fund may take part in financing social protection programs for elderly and disabled citizens, etc.

The Pension Fund performs the following main functions:

  • - receipt from payers of insurance premiums necessary to finance the payment of state pensions;
  • - organization of a data bank on payers of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • - individual accounting of mandatory insurance contributions received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from working citizens, with a view to further increasing the size of state pensions at the expense of funds contributed by citizens;
  • - interstate and international cooperation of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Pension Fund.
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