How to lay parquet boards with your own hands: installation technology. Instructions for laying parquet boards - from preparation to installation What is the best way to lay parquet boards?

Indoor renovation is not only a very labor-intensive and necessary process, but also quite entertaining at times. Most of the time you have to perform monotonous manipulations, but when working with finishing materials the fun begins.

The great popularity of parquet boards is not only due to the variability of appearance, but also the ease of installation.

Material Basics and Surface Preparation

Before laying a parquet board yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with it. The material is mostly natural, so it is preferred in a number of cases. Usually there are 3 main layers, but in fact there are 5 of them:

  1. Seamless veneer. Lays down softly and lasts a long time.
  2. Reiki. Like the bottom layer, it is made on the basis of coniferous trees, because they have high levels of endurance and durability.
  3. Layer to strengthen the ends. It is usually made from beech, but manufacturers often use conifers here too.
  4. Face wood. Usually the material is selected depending on its wear-resistant qualities, but options with any wood of interest are possible. Only high-quality boards (lamellas) without chips and cracks are selected here.
  5. Varnish. The number of layers depends on the manufacturer, but usually ranges from 5 to 7.

Externally, parquet looks like a board with a tooth on one side and a notch on the other side. They gained particular popularity not only due to the variability of appearance, but also to the ease of installation.

It is not always possible to start installation on a perfectly flat surface, and leveling the floors in order to lay parquet boards is impractical. The easiest way to level is to use chipboard, because... the slab will give the floor exactly the look you want. It is better not to use other options for operational adjustment in this case, because a parquet board, despite its strength, may not withstand point loads on an unreinforced area (wardrobe, sofa).

Main work activity

Tools and materials:

  • jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • polyethylene film;
  • scotch;
  • substrate;
  • parquet board;
  • square;
  • pencil;
  • wooden block;
  • hammer;
  • wedges

Before you start doing anything, you just need to bring the parquet into the room and leave it there for 3 days so that it “gets used” to humidity and ventilation (the packages are not opened at the same time). Otherwise, difficulties may arise after installation due to changes in deformation.

A 0.2-0.3 mm polyethylene film is laid as a base, which serves as waterproofing. This film will reliably protect the bottom layer from external moisture, and at the same time will not allow the necessary moisture to come off, which will significantly extend its service life. It is fixed with PVC tape to the base and to each other. A backing is laid directly on top of the polyethylene, which is also secured with tape.

And only now you can lay one parquet board. The direction is chosen along the line of light or along a wide wall if there are several windows in the room (for example, facing east and west). The very first board is laid against the wall, but there must be a gap between the board being laid and the wall, so special wedges should be used. No rigid fixation is required in this case.

It often turns out that the length of one board is not enough, so measurements are taken and another cut is made using a jigsaw. You can use a fine-grained hacksaw, but it may be more likely to chip.

Each next row begins with the installation of trim from the previous board, which will allow you not to get into the seam with the previous one, i.e. do not lose strength. After the board is inserted into the lock manually, you need to place an oblong wooden block against it and securely fix the material with gentle blows. This is how advancement occurs until the very last row.

The last row often has to be cut to width, because... You're not always lucky with width. Before cutting off the excess, you need to take measurements several times, and only then cut. It is optimal to use a test cut 10-15 cm wide, which will certainly reveal errors.

When, you often have to deal with complications - pipes and internal corners, but you just need to go around them, cutting off all unnecessary. To do this yourself, you will need a tape measure, a square and a pencil. When bending the pipe, you will have to cut a little more, because... With reverse side you need to add a segment.

Finishing touches and summing up

Tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • baseboard;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowels and screws;
  • connecting elements.

At the very end, the wedges are removed, the baseboards are cut and screwed to the walls. If the walls are wooden, then you can immediately grab them with screws, while for concrete ones you will have to do the following sequence:

  1. Drilling holes in 40 cm increments.
  2. Driving dowels into each hole.
  3. Tighten the screws until they are completely secured.

At the very end everything open areas The baseboards are covered with a special edging that blends perfectly with the surface. If the length of 1 plinth is not enough, then you need to use special connecting elements, which are also used in the corners.

In order to lay parquet boards indoors yourself, you will not need a lot of effort and time, but you need to pay close attention to the process.

Due to the fact that the material is natural, it will last a long time, and the convenience of its use will not leave anyone indifferent.

Parquet is a time-tested floor covering. It's eco-friendly reliable material, allowing you to make the floor high-quality and beautiful. If you have the strength, time and desire, then you can completely cope with laying parquet yourself. Presented today wide choose parquet boards allow you to create original floor compositions that are far removed from the usual Soviet “herringbone” pattern.

Preparing the room

Laying parquet is always the final stage repair work in an apartment or house. Doors, windows, ceilings, walls, heating and other functional systems are already installed and working.

Leave the purchased parquet board unpacked in the very room where it will be installed. This acclimatization period should last at least two days.

We remove the packaging from the parquet board right before laying the parquet. Carefully inspect the boards for defects and sort them by place of use.

Laying parquet on a concrete floor

The concrete floor on which the parquet board will be installed should not crumble, be free of cracks and have a smooth and clean surface.

According to modern standards for laying parquet boards, the permissible deviation along the plane should not be more than 2 mm for every 2 m. Otherwise, the parquet board will creak unpleasantly.

To implement the “Running” pattern, it is optimal to choose parquet boards 350-400 mm long and 35-40 mm wide. Of course, at your discretion, the planks can have different lengths, but their width must be the same.

If you want exclusive figured parquet, contact specialists. Just be prepared that such a desire is quite expensive.

We lay parquet using “floating” technology

“Floating” technology is a type of parquet installation accessible to anyone. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and have an assistant.

If suddenly some board in the finished parquet turns out to be damaged, then disassembling the parquet assembled using the “floating” technology and replacing the board will not be difficult.

The indisputable advantage of this technology is that the room can be furnished immediately after laying the parquet.

Just remember that such a floating floor is installed in a room with an area of ​​no more than 50 m2? For rooms with larger area additional expansion joints should be planned.

So, we lay a special substrate on the prepared concrete surface: composite (quite expensive, but will perfectly protect against moisture), cork or cheaper synthetic.

The underlay is needed to protect the board from moisture and provide sound insulation. The maximum height of the material used for the substrate should not exceed 2-3 mm. Otherwise, over time the floor will begin to creak.

Laying the first row of parquet boards top part lock to the wall, making sure to leave a gap of 10-12 mm between the walls and the edges of the boards (not exceeding the thickness of the purchased plinth). First, we strengthen them with special wedges, which we take out at the end of installation, and close the gaps with plinths.

Begin laying each next row of parquet boards with the remainder of the previous row, provided that its length is at least 50 cm. To finish the boards after joining, use a wooden block or a special installation device, but under no circumstances assembly belts.

Parquet boards are connected to each other using a proprietary locking system. You can additionally glue the joints of the boards - this way you will protect the parquet from damage by water or other liquid accidentally spilled on the floor.

For those who want to emphasize their status, wealth and good taste When choosing flooring, you should pay attention to parquet. It has high reliability, environmental friendliness, good wear resistance and excellent appearance. The process of laying parquet has always been one of the most complex species work, but with the advent of massive parquet boards, everything became much easier. Laying parquet boards is a fairly simple task, and you can do it yourself, the main thing is to know how to use the tool and follow certain rules and recommendations.

Today there are two types of parquet boards on the market: solid parquet boards and multilayer parquet boards. They differ in their production method.

Solid parquet board made from a single piece of wood with a groove and a tongue at the ends. For its production, both deciduous and coniferous wood are used.

Multilayer parquet board consists of different breeds wood

It is created by combining several types of wood with different characteristics, thereby achieving exceptional performance characteristics of the board. For the first layer of lamellas, hard and valuable wood species are used. It will depend on the first layer appearance and strength of the parquet board. The second layer of lamellas is located perpendicular to the first, and softwood is used for it. This layer is used as a connecting element both for this panel and for neighboring ones. The third layer is made of plywood or pine or spruce slats up to 4 mm thick.

In addition, parquet boards are sold with a coating applied at the factory, impregnated against fungi and rot. Regardless of the type of parquet board, its durability and strength are directly affected by compliance with production, storage and installation technology. And if on manufacturing process and it is impossible to influence the storage conditions, then you can control the installation process, or better yet, do it yourself.

Specifics of laying parquet boards

To create a strong and durable floor covering from parquet boards, skill in using the tool will not be enough. If you do not adhere to installation technology during work, you will not get reliable and beautiful parquet. Therefore, before laying the parquet board, it is necessary to perform a series of preparatory work and adhere to certain technological requirements.

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the base on which the parquet board will be laid. It should be smooth, durable, without cracks, depressions or differences. The maximum permissible height difference is 2 mm per 1 linear meter. If the foundation is damaged, it should be repaired or rebuilt.
  • The second important point to pay attention to is the humidity level in the room. Parquet board does not tolerate high humidity, so installing it in a bathroom, toilet or kitchen is undesirable.
  • Thirdly, after purchasing and delivering a parquet board, it must be allowed to sit indoors for 48 hours. And only after the board has “accustomed” to the microclimate of the room can you begin laying it.
  • Fourthly, in order to obtain a truly strong and durable coating, during installation indoors it is necessary to maintain a certain level of humidity, in the range of 35-65%, and a temperature not lower than +18 °C.

Laying plan for parquet boards

Another requirement for laying parquet boards is the presence of a backing and waterproofing, regardless of the type of base and room. The parquet board itself should be laid in the direction of the rays of light to hide the shadows at the joints.

Preparing the base for installation

Before laying the parquet board, the surface is leveled with a self-leveling mixture

Installation of parquet boards can be done on both concrete and wooden bases. The main requirements for it are strength, reliability and a smooth surface. Therefore, before installation, it is necessary to inspect the base and, if necessary, carry out repair work.

Let's prepare the wooden floor

If the parquet board will be laid on a wooden floor, you should check it for dips, creaks and differences between the floorboards. If the floor is in excellent condition, but there are small differences and gaps between the floor boards, then it needs to be leveled. To do this, the surface can be scraped and puttied, then sanded and further installation work can begin. If the floorboards squeak or loosen a little, they can be secured to the joists using self-tapping screws, and the surface can be scraped and puttied. But if a wooden floor fails, you will have to disassemble it down to the joists, level or partially replace them, and then reassemble the entire structure.

Preparing a rough concrete base

With a concrete base the situation is somewhat simpler. Its surface should be checked for cracks, differences or depressions. If any are present, the surface should be cleared of debris, filled with a self-leveling mixture and allowed to dry for several days. But if the concrete has cracked, turned to dust and is wobbly in places, then you will have to use a hammer drill to remove the old concrete screed to the base and pour a new one. And only after the concrete has dried can you begin laying the parquet boards.

How to lay parquet boards correctly

Before laying the parquet board, you need to decide on the method of laying it. There are only two of them - glued and glueless (floating).

Gluing the parquet board to the base creates monolithic structure

The adhesive installation method allows you to create a durable and reliable coating in rooms with large area. The process itself is quite labor-intensive and requires increased attention and precision in the work. In addition, if there is a need to replace one panel, you will have to tinker a lot and, possibly, replace several adjacent panels at once. The glueless method is the simplest and fastest. The panels themselves are connected to each other in a lock and laid on a substrate, while the lock connection is sometimes glued.

Installation of parquet boards is carried out as follows:

  • We lay waterproofing made of polyethylene film on a concrete or wooden base. We lay the film sheets overlapping (15 - 20 cm) and glue them together with tape. We also make an overlap of 10 - 15 cm on the walls and glue it with tape;
  • Lay a backing on top of the film. For these purposes, you can use foamed polyethylene, polystyrene or cork. Polyethylene foam and cork are sold in rolls, and polystyrene is sold in the form of mats. We spread sheets of foamed polyethylene and cork along the entire length of the room and glue them with tape. We lay the polystyrene mats end to end and “staggered”, sealing the joints with tape. If you plan to create a completely environmentally friendly floor covering, then you should use cork as a substrate.

The adhesive method of laying parquet boards requires a base made of moisture-resistant plywood

Important! If you plan to use a glue method for laying parquet boards, then waterproof plywood is used as a backing. We lay its sheets directly on the base and secure it with self-tapping screws. We begin laying from the walls, moving towards the middle of the room so that the last row of sheets lies between the two previously laid.

  • Now it is necessary to carry out small calculations of the number of rows of parquet boards. If it becomes necessary to trim the last row and its width is less than 5 cm, then you will have to make the first and last row the same width;

The first row of parquet boards is laid with a tenon against the wall (the tenon is pre-cut down)

  • we lay the panels of the first row with the tenon to the wall;

Important! For a tighter fit, the tenon on the longitudinal side of the panels must be cut off.

  • Since wood tends to expand or shrink depending on seasonal humidity levels, it is necessary to leave a gap of 10 - 15 cm between the wall and the parquet board. To maintain this gap during installation, we insert special pegs. We place three pegs on the longitudinal side of one panel, and two on the narrow side;

For a tight fit, we finish the parquet boards with a hammer

  • We connect the panels of the first row together into a lock. To do this, place each next panel at a slight angle with a tenon into the groove of the previous one and, for a tight fit, finish it with a hammer through a wooden block;

In addition to gluing the parquet board to the base, we secure it into the groove with pneumatic nails

Important! If we use the adhesive installation method, then before laying each new panel, apply glue to the place where it is laid and level it using a notched trowel. We additionally secure the panels using pneumatic nails in an inconspicuous place - inside the groove. It is necessary to ensure that parquet panels at narrow joints do not form ledges or bevels.

For greater strength, the parquet boards must be laid “staggered”

  • In order for parquet to be a reliable and durable floor covering, it should be laid staggered. Therefore, we begin to lay the second row with a shorter board. To do this, you will have to cut the board so that it is 2/3 of the normal length;
  • the second row of panels is connected to each other in the same way as the first, then the entire row is moved towards the first and connected. We place the panels of the second row at a slight angle into the groove of the first row and, for a tighter fit, we finish the panels with a hammer through a block. We do this gradually, first the first panel, then the second and so on until the end;

Important! The last panels in each row should be finished off using a clamp. With the adhesive laying method, the second row is laid by casting. To do this, glue is applied to the installation site and the parquet panel is immediately laid, which is achieved with a hammer, and only after that the next one is laid. We secure the second row of panels additionally in the same way as the first.

  • We begin laying the third row of panels from a board whose length is 1/3 of the normal length. After which the installation is carried out according to the algorithm of the first and second rows;
  • We begin laying the fourth row from the whole panel. We lay each next row, completely repeating the above-described algorithm for laying the first four rows;
  • when laying parquet boards near doorways, it is necessary to make cutouts in the board so that it fits snugly against the door frame posts;
  • Particular attention must be paid to the places in the room where the heating pipe risers pass. To make installation in such places, it is necessary to mark the position of the pipes on the parquet board. After this, drill a hole for the pipe with a diameter 2 mm larger than the pipe itself, and cut off part of the board exactly in the middle of the hole. Now we put most of the board in place and secure it. Apply glue to the ends of the cut piece and put it in place. We place a special plug around the pipe in the same color as the parquet;
  • when the parquet board is laid over the entire area of ​​the room, remove the spacer pegs between the wall and the first row;
  • The final stage of laying parquet boards is the installation of skirting boards. The plinth itself is attached to a special fastener - a clamp. To install the plinth, first cut off the protruding part of the substrate and waterproofing with a knife. Then we install the first clamps at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from the corners, install the next clamps in increments of 40 - 50 cm. The clamps themselves for the plinth are attached to the wall using dowels and self-tapping screws.

Important! If glue was used during the installation process, it must be allowed to dry for 24 hours, after which the parquet flooring will be ready for use.

Parquet board and “warm floor”

The parquet board itself is quite good thermal insulation material In addition, the substrate provides additional thermal insulation. But if there is a need for additional heating, then the parquet board can be laid on a “warm floor” system. The main thing to consider is the type of “warm floor”. It should be water heated, but not electric. The fact is that “warm floors” with electric heating get too hot too quickly, and as a result, the locking joint of the parquet board begins to crack due to a sharp temperature change.

Also, before starting the installation process, it is necessary to turn off the system in advance and allow the floors to cool to room temperature, and only then begin installation. Upon completion of all work on installing the parquet board, the “warm floor” system can be turned on no earlier than 7 days later, and the temperature can be increased to the same level gradually, 2-3 degrees per day. In addition, in order for a parquet floor to not “lead”, the temperature over the entire surface must be the same. If the “warm floor” system is installed in all rooms, during installation it is necessary to ensure that in each room the parquet floor ends at doorways.

The parquet board served as an alternative to classic parquet, which made it possible to create beautiful and natural floors on your own, significantly saving on the services of hired craftsmen. But, like any natural material, parquet boards require careful work and compliance with all standards, requirements and recommendations of the manufacturer, following which you can create a reliable and durable floor covering.

Parquet board is a traditional material used for floor finishing. It has many advantages: reliability, durability, noble appearance. But many novice craftsmen do not undertake to install this type of coating themselves. They just don't know how to lay parquet boards. Because there is an opinion that for this you need to have certain knowledge and skills.

The structure of the parquet board.

In fact, this work is not much different from installing other floor coverings. If you plan the upcoming work correctly, know the secrets and rules of installation, then even an inexperienced person will cope with the task. You only need a little effort and minimal experience in woodworking.

Preparatory stage of work

Many experts disagree on how to lay parquet boards. The most controversial issue is the use of a substrate under the coating. On this moment There are 4 most common ways of forming parquet:

Options for laying parquet boards.

  1. Flooring using the so-called “floating” method.
  2. Installation on the base (joists).
  3. Laying boards on a plywood base.
  4. Installation on rough wood flooring.

Thus, there are no clear rules on exactly how to lay parquet boards. You can install the coating on any surface. The main thing is that it is level and there are no significant differences in height. The permissible deviation should not exceed 2 mm per 1 linear meter. Therefore, if your wooden floor meets these requirements, then the parquet board can be laid directly on it.

It should be taken into account that parquet is laid on a solid base, having previously lined the mounting surface with a soft substrate. It will also help comment on some of the unevenness of the base. If the installation takes place on an initially soft surface, such as linoleum, then there is no need for such a substrate.

Parquet laying technology.

But if the floor in the room is uneven and old, then it is necessary to use fairly thick plywood or chipboard. In this case, you do not have to dismantle the old wooden covering. The plates will also serve as an additional fastening frame. This method will help strengthen the entire floor structure.

Craftsmen do not advise installing parquet boards on a concrete screed, even if it is thoroughly dried. As a rule, flooring laid on a rough base becomes deformed over time and “leaks.” In addition, concrete easily condenses moisture on its surface, and parquet boards “do not like” it.

The floor surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt. Moreover, this must be done extremely carefully. Only then can you get a perfectly smooth and reliable parquet. Moreover, the dust is first collected using a fairly powerful vacuum cleaner, then wet cleaning is carried out. And after the surface is completely dry, the floor is primed. The base must be primed at least 2 times, allowing each previous layer to dry completely.

Tools required for installation

Whatever installation method you choose, you will definitely need the following tools:

Laying parquet on a subfloor.

  • a special finishing strip (it can be replaced with a piece of softwood timber);
  • finishing crutch (you can purchase it in specialized stores or make it yourself);
  • heavy wooden mallet;
  • spacers (small wooden wedges with a tip thickness of 0.5-1 cm);
  • jigsaw or hacksaw for working with wood;
  • hammer.

Before laying the parquet board, do not forget to prepare your measuring tools. You will need a building level, a square and a centimeter tape (with millimeter divisions). Without this equipment, you will not be able to properly form the coating.

Foamed polyethylene can be used as a substrate. Such material with one foil side will serve not only as a soundproofing, but also as an insulating coating. Cork substrate has higher performance, but it is much more expensive. If you are planning to lay parquet boards on concrete base, then you also need to take care of vapor barrier. This will increase the reliability of the flooring and allow it to last much longer.

Do not forget that the installed parquet board must be puttied and varnished. Accordingly, you will need materials for this type of work.

If you lay a parquet board correctly, it will serve you for decades. But for this you need to know some small tricks of experienced craftsmen:

Stages of laying parquet.

  1. Be sure to store the purchased board in the room where you are going to use it. It should rest at room temperature. Then it will not “behave” during operation.
  2. Buy only high-quality material. Parquet boards are not something you can save money on when renovating. As a rule, parquet of poor quality very quickly becomes unusable. And competent installation cannot correct this deficiency.
  3. The parquet board should be laid parallel to the window. Then natural light in the room will make the seams almost invisible.
  4. The junction of different types of floor coverings can be covered with a decorative threshold. It comes in tone-on-tone with the floorboard or in a contrasting color.
  5. If you are going to change the floor covering in different rooms of the house and plan to join parquet boards with floor tiles, then it makes more sense to lay the parquet first, and then start finishing the kitchen or hallway. The layer of tile adhesive is much easier to control. And this will give you the opportunity to level both coatings in height.

If you follow these simple rules, the result will be a high-quality, durable and reliable coating.

Laying parquet boards

Parquet connection diagram.

Installation of parquet boards is usually carried out using the floating method. That is, the dies are connected using the tongue-and-groove method. This allows the floor to change its area depending on the temperature and humidity in the room. In addition, if necessary, you can always replace a section of the coating that has become unusable.

Calculate how many whole boards you will need. Determine the size of the scraps that will need to be added to the row being laid out. It makes more sense to start laying with them. Some of these pieces will be hidden under the baseboard, so they will not spoil the appearance of the coating.

There must be a gap of 1.5-3 cm wide between the wall and the floor covering.

It is necessary so that the parquet board can expand.

Installation starts from the wall. In order for the gap to remain constant, you need to use wooden wedges. Next to them, according to preliminary markings, the first board is placed. Each subsequent die is joined next to the previous one, knocking them together using a strip and a hammer.

The next row must be laid so that the seams are spaced apart. That is, they must move relative to each other. The boards can be simply mounted or glued in the grooves. This will help form a much more reliable coating. After the floor covering is completely formed, the gaps near the wall must be covered with floor plinths.

Final floor treatment

Modern stores sell parquet boards with and without varnish. If you purchased option 2, then after installing the coating it must be sanded and sanded. This way, you will remove the top layer of wood along with dirt and damage that may have occurred during transportation and storage.

This work requires specialized equipment, which not only reduces the time required for surface treatment, but also regulates the thickness of the layer being removed. To perform this task, you can hire specialists or rent the necessary equipment. In this case, it is wiser to use a belt type sander. The result of her work is considered optimal.

The coating must be puttied, removing small cracks and chips. For this purpose, special mixtures are used. Experts advise adding dust generated during grinding to them.

People who want to emphasize their high status, good taste and wealth when choosing flooring, as a rule, give preference to parquet. And all because this material has excellent wear resistance, a high level of reliability, it is environmentally friendly and looks simply gorgeous. The most problematic aspect and difficult type of work has always been considered to be covering the floor with parquet. But fortunately, with the advent of parquet boards, the situation has changed better side, and even a novice builder or a person far from repair work can cope with this work. Today we will learn how to lay parquet boards yourself, guided by the recommendations and advice of experts.

Types of parquet boards

Today this material is produced in several variations. Multilayer and solid parquet boards are available on the market. Their main difference lies in the manufacturing method. And depending on the production method, they are divided into:

  1. Solid boards are made from solid pieces of hardwood and softwood. They are fastened using ridges and grooves located at the ends of the boards. Such materials are not cheap due to the fact that huge pieces of the most expensive wood are used for their production.
  2. Multilayer boards - two or three layers of wooden sticks glued together. To give them additional strength, during the production process the layers are stacked on top of each other exclusively at right angles. But so unique performance characteristics they have through the use different types wood Thus, the top layer is usually made from the hardest wood species, and the second layer is made from softer wood. Subsequent layers are formed from plywood or previously discarded pine or spruce lamellas. Such boards cost much less than massive ones, since smaller materials are used for their production.

Depending on the number of planks, parquet boards are also different. Namely single-lane, two-lane, three-lane and even four-lane. To understand which materials are best to choose, you need to know the following:

  • The most popular are three-strip boards, because they are most similar in appearance to parquet and are inexpensive.
  • The most budget option are parquet boards consisting of four strips, because they are made from the narrowest lamellas. Unfortunately, their unattractive appearance does not allow the designers’ ideas to be realized through a successful combination of lamellas.
  • Single-strip and double-strip boards are the most expensive, because they are made from the widest pieces of expensive wood. A room with such a floor looks solemn and rich.

Important! They can also vary in thickness from 7 to 22 mm. And it is this parameter that directly determines how the board will be laid.

Features of laying parquet boards

Despite the fact that even a beginner can install parquet boards, there is still a risk of completely ruining the coating. Therefore, during work you need to adhere to a certain installation technology.

If you want your parquet floor to last as long as possible, be sure to follow the rules below:

  • The base must be well prepared. To do this, it is necessary to create a flat and durable surface, without any differences or deep cracks.
  • It is necessary to maintain the required level of humidity. At least at the expense modern technologies wood is reliably protected from moisture, it is still not recommended to put this material on the floor in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, because this is where the most high level humidity.
  • The parquet board must be well prepared for installation. To prevent it from starting to warp and crack after all the work is completed, it should be left immediately after purchase in the room where it will be stored for several days.

Important! Maintain a certain level of humidity and temperature regime necessary during the installation process. Make sure that the temperature does not fall below 18 degrees and the humidity remains at 35-65%.

  • The board also needs to be additionally insulated, because it is especially susceptible to negative impact moisture and temperature. For this purpose, a substrate is equipped, which consists of a layer of thermal insulation and waterproofing.
  • Choose the correct laying direction. Boards must be laid in the direction sun rays so that the joints are almost invisible.
  • If the house where you want to lay parquet has a heated floor system, then you will have to create a separate covering of boards for each room. The fact is that each room has its own temperature microclimate and therefore the temperature can fluctuate within wide limits.

How to prepare the base for laying parquet?

Before learning how to properly lay parquet boards, read the information regarding the required preparatory work. This refers to the base on which the installation will be carried out.

Important! Parquet boards can be mounted on both concrete and wooden bases. Therefore, it is important that they are smooth and durable. If you are creating floors from scratch, then you will have to make them taking into account the future installation of parquet. If you have to work with an old floor, you will need to carry out its repair and complete inspection.

Features of preparing a wooden base

If you want to use an existing wooden floor as a base, then you will need to perform whole line work before laying the parquet board:

  • First you need to remove the old covering and check that the floor does not creak or fall anywhere, that there are no gaps between the boards and that all elements are firmly attached.
  • If no problems are identified, then installation can begin. Otherwise, you will have to work hard if any defects are discovered.

Important! If the floorboards have simply dried out and there are large differences in height between them, then you can level the floor using putty or scrape it off. And if they are simply loose, then using self-tapping screws they can be attached to the joists.

  • The most complex and time-consuming process is restoring damaged joists. The fact is that in such a situation you will have to completely dismantle the floor. Sagging joists can be raised by placing wooden chips or bars under them. And rotten boards will definitely have to be replaced.
  • Maximum attention should be paid to the lag level. It is necessary to check that they are all in the same plane along the horizon.

Preparing to lay the concrete base

Here everything is much simpler and there is less work. You will have to do the following:

  1. Remove the old coating and check for breaks, cracks and unevenness. If everything is fine, and there are small unevenness and cracks, then you can treat them with a primer on top, fill them with a special screed, which will level itself after drying.
  2. If the concrete floor is severely crumbled, you will have to use a hammer drill to remove the old screed and re-lay it. And only after this it will be possible to start working with parquet.

Features of laying parquet boards in different ways

And now we will look at how to lay a parquet board with your own hands in all possible ways. Today there are three of them:

  • floating method;
  • using fasteners;
  • through glue.

Important! It should immediately be noted that:

  • Floating and glue methods require the creation of a continuous base for laying parquet. As a rule, they are used when working with panels of any type and thickness.
  • By means of fastening, the boards are laid directly on the joists or wooden base - in this case it is very important that the board is at least 20-22 mm thick.

To choose best option For yourself and to find out the styling features, you need to familiarize yourself with each method separately.

Floating installation of parquet boards

This option is considered the fastest, simplest and does not require much labor. In this case, the boards are placed directly on the substrate, and the panels are connected to each other in a lock. And now in more detail how to lay a parquet board using a floating method:

  • We lay the waterproofing on the already prepared base. It is better to use polyethylene film with a thickness of 200 microns for this. In order to end up with a solid surface, you should overlap the pieces of film next to each other so that the overlap is 15-20 cm. Then they are glued together with tape. It is also necessary to make an overlap of 10-15 cm on the walls.
  • The second layer is a substrate laid on top of the film. Foamed polyethylene or cork can be used as a backing. They need to be laid end to end. All cracks and joints will need to be taped.
  • Before laying the board itself, you need to calculate the required amount of material. We do this so that if it is necessary to trim the last row, its width does not exceed 5 cm.
  • Now we connect the panels of the first row and lay them with a tenon directly to the wall. To ensure a tight fit of the boards to the wall, it is necessary to cut off the tenons.

Important! In order to avoid damage and swelling of the boards due to fluctuations in humidity levels between seasons, gaps of 10-15 mm should be left between the boards and the walls. And in order for them to be preserved, pegs should be driven in.

  • The panels of the second row are connected first, and then the entire row is connected to the first. You need to hammer the boards through a wooden block.
  • You need to start laying the third row with a board, the length of which is equal to ⅓ of the normal panel.
  • We start the fourth row with the whole board. All remaining rows are laid according to the same pattern.
  • After installation last panel it is necessary to remove the bursting pegs and install a plinth.

Important! Often when performing work of this nature, problems arise related to bypassing water pipes and heating riser. To ensure perfect coverage in these places, you need to carefully trim the parquet board. As for the doorway, it is enough to make markings and cut the panel in the shape of a rectangle.

Laying parquet using glue method

Installing a parquet board in this way allows you to create a stronger monolithic structure, but you will have to work hard. In this installation option, all actions occur in the same sequence as in the method described above. But there are still some differences:

  • In the case of working with glue, the role of the substrate will be played by waterproof plywood, which must be laid in rows at intervals. It must be additionally secured to the base with self-tapping screws or special pneumatic nails.
  • Apply glue to the base and boards using a notched trowel. They should also fill all the grooves at the ends of the panels. You can remove excess glue with a damp cloth.

Important! The only disadvantage of this method is the high labor costs and complexity of installation.

Fastening method for laying parquet boards

This method is used when laying parquet on joists. In principle, most of the work is carried out similarly to the previous methods. But, of course, there are some differences:

  • This method is used in cases of laying massive and multi-layer parquet boards with a thickness of 20 mm.
  • Laying with fasteners is also used when laying massive boards on a solid wooden surface or on joists.
  • Even at the installation stage of the logs, waterproofing and insulation are carried out.
  • The boards are fastened by driving nails into the groove at an angle of 45 degrees or screwing in self-tapping screws.

Important! During the process of laying the joists, you need to make sure that the joints of the boards run right in the middle of the joists. And nails and screws must be at least 2 times longer than the thickness of the panels.

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