The life of a Russian family as depicted by S. Aksakov. An open lesson on literature on the topic “The unforgettable world of childhood in S.T. Aksakov’s story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” (8th grade) What events shaped Serezha’s character

The epic of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov. “Family chronicle, Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson” in last years is attracting increasing attention from researchers and educators.

Sergei Timofeevich was not professional teacher, he was far from pedagogy, but in his works he revealed the essence and nature of the original Russian family education, the subtle psychology of the child’s soul. “I want to write a book for children that has never been seen in literature. Such a book would preserve the memory of me for a long time throughout all of literate Russia... The secret is that the book should be written as if it were for children, but as if for adults, and so that not only would there be no moralizing (children don’t like all that) , but even a hint of a moral impression, and so that it is executed artistically to the highest degree,” wrote S.T. Aksakov

According to information provided by Ufa researchers E.Sh. Fayzullina and E.S. Mironova, book by S.T. Aksakov’s “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” in the 80s of the 20th century was the leader in England in the list of bestsellers compiled based on the results of a survey public opinion. At the same time, the researchers indicate that this survey is conducted monthly, and the list includes literary works of all times and peoples, and not just modern authors, as is customary in most countries. The prim English called “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” the number one book for family education.

The origins of the longevity of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov’s books, their relevance not only for modern Russian, but also world pedagogy, lie in a deep Christian understanding of the essence of the nature of the family, manifested in the very figurative structure of the author’s narrative, in the spiritual coverage of the events of the life of three generations of one noble family.

In Aksakov’s book we find many expressive examples that can serve as an illustration of the Orthodox teaching on family and marriage.
“The law of marriage,” writes Saint Philaret of Moscow, consists in the following words: Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife; and the [two] will become one flesh (Gen. 2:24). The Savior Himself points to this very law, as the fundamental institution of marriage” (Matthew 19:5).

According to Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, the sacrament of Marriage represents God’s blessing to those entering the path of family life. This is the mysterious union of husband and wife in the image of the union of Christ with the Church. The purpose of marriage as a Sacrament is to consolidate the union of love between spouses, to make it spiritual and sacred. In it, the grace of the Holy Spirit is given to the newlyweds, sanctifying and helping them in the matter of giving birth and raising children. A marriage, properly performed, remains valid for the rest of the life of the spouses.

Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov devotes many heartfelt pages to the history of matchmaking and marriage of his parents. The main place in this narrative is occupied by the story of receiving blessings from their parents. Neither the groom nor the bride allows even the slightest doubt about the necessity of this blessing, although receiving it was associated with considerable difficulties. According to the “Family Chronicle”, the bride and groom, very different in level of education and upbringing, first overcome complications with their numerous relatives, and having become husband and wife, they “adjust” to each other in order to maintain mutual understanding, love and like-mindedness for the rest of their lives.

“Just as the body can never be in disagreement with itself, nor the soul with itself, so a husband and wife should not be at odds, but live in unity,” points out St. John Chrysostom. - Countless benefits can come from this for the spouses. All blessings flock where there is such unanimity - there is peace, there is love, there is spiritual joy; there is no quarrel, no abuse, no enmity, no grumpiness; all this disappears, because the root of all good things, that is, like-mindedness, destroys it all.”

Saint Gregory the Theologian also writes about this:
“The common concerns of the spouses ease their sorrows; and common joys are more delightful for both. For unanimous spouses, wealth becomes more pleasant; and in poverty, unanimity itself is more pleasant than wealth. For them, marital ties serve as the key to chastity and wishes, the seal of necessary affection. Being one flesh, they have one soul and through mutual love they equally arouse in each other zeal for piety.”

In “Family Chronicle,” Aksakov relies on the stories of his father, mother, and relatives, whom he “heard a lot” of... And here the apparent simplicity turns into a special complexity and depth, which is not always easy to comprehend for the modern reader.
According to literary critic V.A. Kosheleva, “Aksakov seems to be revealing to us, today, that world of human relationships that seems to be lost to us. Will the current father and mother retell to their son the story of their generally ordinary marriage? Which of today's children would be interested in their grandfather's character from times long past - so interested that they would carry it through their whole lives? In order to tell everyone about this grandfatherly character in his declining years, to find significant, generally interesting content in the ordinary history of his ancestors, and to decide to make this story, as it is, without embellishment and invention, the property of literature. This requires not just a special artistic gift, but also great moral qualities...”

These “great moral qualities,” which a modern researcher writes about, are based on Orthodox foundations and, first of all, on the great commandment about the love of children for their parents.

Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “Children accept so much from their parents! From them is temporary life; from them is the foundation, beginning, methods and eternal life. Hence, children should not only naturally, but also conscientiously, be drawn to their parents with special feelings and dispositions, recognize themselves as obligated to them and warm them up in themselves. The main feeling, which is mostly not taught, is love with respect and submission. It is only necessary to make these feelings reasonable and at the same time durable so that they do not evaporate over the course of a lifetime. The will of the parents is the will of God, their face is the face of God.”

The pious life of Aksakov’s parents, their adherence to the charters Orthodox Church with an annual cycle of services and holidays, prayer example mothers become the foundation of little Seryozha’s family moral education. “The constant presence of my mother merges with my every memory, the image is inextricably connected with my existence,” we read from Aksakov..

The great Russian writer Andrei Platonov emphasizes in his review of the book by S.T. Aksakov “Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson”: “Aksakov’s attitude towards nature and the Russian people is only a continuation, development, spread of those feelings that arose in him when he clung to his mother in infancy, and those ideas when his father first took took his son fishing and gun hunting and showed him the big, bright world where he would then have to exist for a long time. And the child accepts this world with trust and tenderness, because he was introduced into it by the hand of his father.”

Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) writes about the importance of the example of parents for raising children in the book “My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

“Raise your children by your example. The glorious Russian preacher, Archbishop Ambrose of Kharkov, spoke about this beautifully: “When not a single member of the family can be left without evening and morning prayer, - when a father does not leave the house to do his business without praying in front of icons, and a mother does not begin anything without the sign of the cross, when even a small child is not allowed to touch food until he crosses himself - are these children not learning to ask for help? God's help to everyone, and to call upon God's blessing for everything, and to believe that without God's help there is no security in life, and without His blessing there is no success in human affairs? The faith of parents cannot remain fruitless for children when, in need and poverty, they say with tears in their eyes: “What to do? God's will be done." In case of danger: “God is merciful.” In difficult circumstances: “God will help.” With success and joy: “Thank God, God sent.” Here, God’s goodness, God’s providence, and God’s justice are always confessed in everything. The mother, the object of all love and tenderness for the child, stands with a reverent expression on her face and prays before the icon of the Savior. The child looks first at her, then at the image, and does not need long explanations of what this means. This is the first and silent lesson in the knowledge of God.” This is the first and most important lesson of piety and the rules of life obligatory for a Christian.”

Seryozha Bagrov's mother closely monitors his reading circle. The central place in this circle is occupied by Russian literature, which gave him, a provincial boy, the first knowledge about his country, its past, traditions, and people. Among Seryozha’s favorite books are “Ancient Vivliofika”, “Rossiada” by Kheraskov, full meeting in twelve volumes of works by Sumarokov, “Children's Library” by Alexander Semenovich Shishkov. This example is of particular importance for us, today’s teachers, who are faced every day with the lack of historical consciousness among modern schoolchildren, the lack of interest in the past of their Motherland.
Narrating about his childhood, about his parents' house, the head of the Aksakov family constantly combined two time plans. He built his own family taking into account his parental experience; he literally recreates in his family the special attitude towards the first child that Maria Nikolaevna had (in the book “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson - Sofya Nikolaevna) towards Seryozha. Subsequently, a similar relationship will develop between father and son. Having literally nursed his sick first-born Konstantin, Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov will predetermine their blood-spiritual inseparability throughout their lives.

The family of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov had 6 sons and 8 daughters.
The Aksakovs' house, their family nest, becomes the heart, the center of spiritual communication of the best minds of Russia for several decades. M.P. visited the Aksakovs. Pogodin, famous historian, publisher of the Moskovsky Vestnik magazine, S.P. Shevyrev, professor of Russian literature, writer M.S. Zagoskin, playwright A.A. Shakhovskoy, collector of folk songs P.V. Kireevsky, here one could meet N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgeneva, L.N. Tolstoy, F.I. Tyutcheva, A.K. Tolstoy, N.M. Yazykova, A.S. Khomyakov, actor M.S. Shchepkin, composer A.N. Verstovsky and many others.

Sergei Timofeevich's sons Konstantin and Ivan, as well as his daughter Vera, stand at the origins of the powerful movement of Russian thought - Slavophilism. And the issues of connection between the Russian family and the Church, the Russian people and Orthodoxy constantly remained at the center of their attention.

In the article “Bogatyrs of the times of Grand Duke Vladimir according to Russian songs,” Konstantin Sergeevich Aksakov writes: “Thus, the first and most important thing that stands out from this world of Vladimir’s songs is the Christian faith; it is constantly and everywhere the basis of life... All heroes are Orthodox, and the heroic greeting is constantly repeated when an Orthodox knight comes to a non-Orthodox sovereign:
You don’t have an image of Spasov,
There is no one to pray to you, -
There’s nothing to bow to you for.
Together with and in accordance with the beginning of the Christian faith, the beginning of the family is revealed, the basis of all good things on earth. Bogatyrs are respectful to their father and mother... So, heroic strength appears among us, overshadowed by a sense of Orthodoxy and a sense of family: without which there can be no true strength.”

Ivan Sergeevich Aksakov in his article “On the relationship of Orthodoxy to the Russian nationality and Western confessions to Orthodoxy” notes: “Russian nationality is unthinkable outside of Orthodoxy; that Orthodoxy is that spiritual historical element under the influence of which the Russian nationality took shape and was formed, that all attempts to isolate the idea of ​​Orthodoxy from the idea of ​​Russian nationality, to pump out, so to speak, the very air from it with different pumps and create some new one from this soulless material political Russian people..." And further: " Orthodox faith is the social and everyday beginning of the Russian people and permeates its historical existence; ...a clear understanding of Russia and its apparently purely external, even political, circumstances is impossible without an understanding of its spiritual and historical element.”

And here are the words of Vera Sergeevna Aksakova: “The significance and future of all humanity and each tribe in particular depended, it seems, on its end, and the crown of all was to be the triumph of the faith of Christ, and namely Orthodoxy.”

This roll call of statements by the Aksakovs is noteworthy, whose activity in the field of Russian thought and literature is in itself a convincing and visual evidence of the spiritual strength and life-giving life of family Orthodox traditions.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk writes: “Good fruits follow from a good upbringing: 1) the fruit of a pious life in older children; 2) for parents, joy and joy about the good behavior of their children; 3) undoubted eternal hope; 4) this kind of hope is good and is foreseen to be in grandchildren, for children, just as they themselves are well-educated, will not fail to instruct their children; 5) honor and praise of the family name; 6) support for the fatherland."

These words of the saint can be fully attributed to the results of the entire life and work of the outstanding Russian writer and public figure, a wonderful father, son and grandson - Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov.

The story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson,” created by the pen of Aksakov, is a work that had a great influence on the formation in the 19th century (in the 50s) of a new genre of domestic literature - a story about childhood, which is autobiographical. Let us briefly describe the history of the creation of this story.

History of the creation of the work

In 1854, on August 26, Sergei Timofeevich told his beloved granddaughter that on her next birthday he would send her a book that would tell her “about the young spring,” “about beautiful butterflies,” “the forest Bear,” and that this book the girl Olya will read all day long.

Two years later, congratulating his granddaughter on her birthday, the writer reports that the promised work did not turn out at all as planned, and God forbid it will be published in another year. Aksakov’s plan expanded significantly, and the result was a text telling about the years of his childhood and the human destinies of the past.

You may ask, what is the name of the hero of the story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson?” Our article is devoted to answering this question. From it you will learn not only about the name of the main character, but also about his character and personality transformation. Let's talk about everything in order.

Serezha's story

The name of the hero of the story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” is Seryozha. The story of this child represents the world that was seen through his eyes and filled with the boy’s experiences. S. T. Aksakov managed to amazingly convey the peculiarities of his young hero’s worldview through the prism of an adult who has experienced life, since in the work Bagrov the grandson is both the narrator and the main character. He not only recalls his childhood, but at the same time tries to reproduce the feelings of the boy Serezha and the adult, correlating them in time. The author of the story seems to be looking back, conveying childhood impressions, but at the same time assessing many things from the height of life experience and years lived.

For the first time in Russian literature, Aksakov presented a traveling and reasoning child as the main character, and devoted significant space to the experiences that accompanied Seryozha Bagrov on the road. Main character recalls his childhood spent in Ufa, as well as in several villages that constituted the “ancestral homeland” of the Bagrov family.

"The Road to Parashin": characteristics of a boy

In “The Road to Parashin” the author gives the following features to the name of the hero of the story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson”. "Who is he, this Seryozha?" - you ask. We answer. This is a little boy who is inquisitive, curious, the whole road is interesting to him in advance. He experiences bewilderment, surprise, even shock from what he saw, since everything is happening to the child for the first time. The boy feels joy and pleasure, and it is this state that becomes decisive, the main one on the journey. In the first journey, therefore, a hero appears before us, open to the perception of everything new, everything delights and surprises him. Apart from exciting impressions, he has no other thoughts here. The road is so good that the hero of the story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” looks into the future only with hope.

"Winter Road to Bagrovo": characteristics of the main character

The author depicts the boy differently in the chapter called in Bagrovo." Autumn and winter pass between these two journeys. The past time was filled with various events, both sad and joyful. His goal is to visit his grandfather, who is dying, and this fact is very upsets the main character. In addition, he still has sad memories of the days spent in Bagrovo with his sister without parents. The hero Seryozha from this journey can be characterized as follows: curiosity, surprise, amazement disappeared from his perception, but anxiety and fear, which becomes the basis for the emergence of faith in premonitions.This traveler is tired of the road, irritable, angry, putting his irritation into the characteristics of surrounding objects and phenomena.

On the first trip, Seryozha wanted to travel, and on the second he felt the end of the journey with relief and joy, but at the same time he felt exhausted and defeated.

General characteristics of Seryozha’s inner world

Aksakov spoke with complete truthfulness about what he experienced in childhood, starting from his first sensations and ending with a whole range of different human feelings. The author even took the name of the hero of the story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson,” thereby emphasizing the autobiographical nature of the work. Although the text, of course, contains fiction. Thus, the name of the hero of the story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” should be considered only half autobiographical, since the author of the work changed the surname.

The writer shows great interest in the inner world of the child. He watches with close attention the development of mental movements in the boy, including the most insignificant ones. Mental maturity, surpassing age, has developed in the protagonist the habit of analyzing his thoughts and feelings. He lives not only by impressions. They are the subject of analysis by the boy, who looks for appropriate concepts and interpretations and consolidates these impressions in his memory. When little Seryozha fails, Bagrov, remembering and matured, comes to the rescue. Thus, two different voices are heard throughout the piece.

Boy's personality development

Knowledge about the outside world deepens and expands. This leads to the fact that the boy is increasingly visited by the desire for his practical development. The need for labor awakens in him. Seryozha begins to admire the delights of working in the field, but he also notices how terribly difficult the everyday life of serfs can sometimes be. The matured hero not only sympathizes, but is confirmed in his opinion about the holiness and importance of work, in the fact that peasants are much more dexterous and more skillful than the wealthy segments of the population, since they can do what others cannot.

Seryozha, experiencing the existing disharmony of the outside world, comes to understand his own imperfection. A critical attitude towards himself awakens in the boy. In his soul, “clear silence” is replaced by searches for a way out, doubts.

The narrative in the work ends on the eve of Serezha’s entry into the gymnasium. Childhood is over. The image of a mature, maturing person with his own spiritual, emotional and eventful world, qualitatively and constantly changing, is the main pathos of this work.

Now you know the name of the hero of the story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” and character traits his personality. This work is very interesting. We advise you to read it in the original and get to know this boy better.

“The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” is an autobiographical work by Sergei Aksakov. In this book, the writer talks about his childhood spent in the Southern Urals. The first books read by the future writer, the first joys and sorrows - all this is told in the work “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson.” A summary of the novel is presented in the article.

about the author

There is very little fiction in the book “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson.” The summary of the early period of the writer’s biography almost completely corresponds to the condensed presentation of this work of art. True, the novel, of course, reflects not only events, but also emotions and feelings of the future prose writer.

The book “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” is often called a story. The genre of this work is an educational novel. However, calling Aksakov’s “Childhood Years” a story is not such a gross mistake.

This work occupied an important place in the history of Russian literature. It doesn't matter whether it's a novel or a story. “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” received an enthusiastic reception from both readers and critics. The latter emphasized the novelty of the form, as well as the contribution that Aksakov made to the development of Russian genre prose. This writer, along with Nikolai Gogol and Ivan Turgenev, according to Leo Tolstoy, once again proved that Russian artistic thought is capable of finding new forms and does not always fit into traditional genre frameworks.

Author of the educational novel "The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson", summary which is set out below, was born in 1791. His hometown was Ufa. The father of the future writer served as a prosecutor at the zemstvo court. Mother was an intelligent and powerful woman. The daughter of the Governor-General of the Ufa Governorate spent her childhood and youth among officials and received a good education for those times.

Sergei Aksakov spent his childhood on a family estate located in the Orenburg province. The title of the work discussed in today’s article did not appear by chance. The grandfather of the future writer had a huge influence on the formation of his grandson’s worldview.

History of writing

Aksakov began working on the autobiographical trilogy in the forties. "Family Chronicles" was first published partially. The first excerpt appeared in 1846 on the pages of the literary magazine "Moskvityanin", and then the following parts of the autobiographical work were regularly published. The final part was “Memories”. The second and most famous is “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson.”

The summary of the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” is known to everyone from an early age. But does everyone know that the Russian story of beauty and the beast first appeared as part of a novel telling about the writer’s childhood? The tale was told by one of the heroines, the housekeeper Pelageya. Subsequently, “The Scarlet Flower” was published separately more than once, and then became the most published work of Sergei Aksakov.

Early memories

What is told in the novel “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson”? There is no plot as such in this work. This is a collection of memories, in the first chapters of the book, quite early, dating back almost to the hero’s infancy.

Pictures often emerge from a person’s memory that he seemingly cannot remember. This also happens with Aksakov’s character. He assures his family that, for example, he remembers well the moment of parting with his nurse. His parents do not believe him, believing that he once heard all this from his mother or from the same nurse, and then mistook it for his own memories. Nevertheless, in the book “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson,” Aksakov warns in the preface that everything told is not fiction, but facts that should not be doubted.


The hero's early memories are associated with a serious illness. Seryozha was often ill as a child, and once his parents almost lost him. During the long illness of the mother, Sofya Nikolaevna, relatives more than once told her that she should come to terms with the imminent death of the child. But the woman took such statements with hostility. She continued to do everything to save her son from the disease, and her actions often seemed senseless to those around her.

Serezha’s parents decided that long travels would contribute to his recovery. But one day, during one of the trips, the boy became so ill that he had to stop. They laid him on the tall grass, where he lay for several hours. And after this journey the boy recovered. As already mentioned, the novel “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” is an autobiographical work. Aksakov, like his hero, was very sick as a child and survived, perhaps thanks to the love and care of his mother.

First book read

The hero learned to read so early that he did not remember when the book first came into his hands. After his illness, he became a rather sensitive, nervous boy. The only activity that brought peace to his soul was reading. The first book was the one that his neighbor Anichkov gave him. It was called "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind." This was his only book, and he soon learned it by heart.

Seryozha had to experience his first separation from his parents at the age of four. The mother decided that she had fallen ill with consumption, and therefore, together with her father, she went to Orenburg to see a famous doctor. They took the children to Bagrovo. Seryozha and his sister had to spend several months away from their home.


The grandfather, as already mentioned, had a huge influence on the future writer. However, he left far from pleasant memories in the memory of the central character of the novel “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson.” The main characters in the work are shown through the eyes of a little boy. He madly loves his mother, respects his father, but he is frightened by his relatives, with whom he is forced to stay in the same house for several months.

Grandfather turned out to be a rather contradictory person. Sometimes he talked for a long time with Seryozha and his sister, but sometimes he was gloomy and silent. In addition, the boy once witnessed an unpleasant scene: the old man was furiously stamping his feet and loudly cursing. The boy did not know what caused this anger, but he treated his grandfather with distrust.

Among adults, relationships were far from simple. The boy's mother was disliked in the family of his father's parents. They considered her arrogant, arrogant, and Seryozha himself - a “mama’s boy.” One day, his cousins ​​arrived in Bagrovo, and the boy finally realized that he and his sister were not treated favorably in this house. These girls “belonged” here, they were surrounded by love, affection, they even made their tea sweeter.

Back in Ufa

Unlike his father's relatives, his mother's brothers made a positive impression on Seryozha. He met them upon returning home. Sergei and Alexander carried military service in a dragoon regiment. They came on vacation for several months, and at first sight the boy fell in love with both of them. They were beautiful, young, affectionate and cheerful, and most importantly, they told their nephew a lot of interesting things. Seryozha learned about what poetry is from them.

The boy was happy to plunge into his familiar environment again. In the grandfather's house, the children began to be treated more kindly in the last weeks of their stay. But still they, and above all Seryozha, were glad to return to the Ufa house.

Seryozha's family lived relatively poorly. Nevertheless, it was in his parents’ house that unforgettable holidays were held. The mother prepared macaroons with her own hands, and watching this process was one of the boy’s favorite pastimes. He was looking forward to the appearance of this delicacy on the festive table, primarily because he was pleased to listen to the praise that was spoken about Sofia Nikolaevna.

First teacher

The mother's brothers, however, were also directly related to one of the unpleasant events in the protagonist's childhood. Having learned that the boy could not write, they began to tease him cruelly, as a result of which he attacked them with his fists. Seryozha was punished and spent several hours in the corner. And then he got so worried that he got sick again.

This whole story, of course, ended with general reconciliation. And after Seryozha’s recovery, his parents hired a teacher, who began giving him writing lessons. But even here there were some unpleasant discoveries. One day the boy went to the school where the teacher worked. At home, the teacher was quite affectionate with Seryozha. At the educational institution, this man treated his students very cruelly.

Sergeevskaya wasteland

This is what the boy’s father called the acquired lands. Seryozha, of course, was very proud of this, and soon learned that they would spend the coming summer in new village. From his father he inherited a love of nature. He was not upset by the unfinished, uninhabited house in Sergeevka, but was very pleased by his participation in a weapons hunt, the view of the picturesque Lake Kiishki and other details of rural life.

After his life in the countryside, Serezhin’s love for his Ufa home faded away. From now on, the only thing that pleased him here was the opportunity to spend hours reading. Upon returning from the village, the boy heard about the accomplished event, which later received considerable significance in the history of Russia - the death of Catherine II and the ascension of Paul to the throne.

Back in Bagrovo

One day news came about my grandfather's illness. The family hits the road again. Seryozha managed to say goodbye to his grandfather, but he was no longer able to talk. The old man did not cry or scream - he was paralyzed. The boy was unpleasantly surprised by the behavior of his relatives. The aunts fell at the feet of Father Seryozha - as if they were a new owner. Everyone at the table sobbed loudly, as if for show, but at the same time they ate with great appetite.

Last years of childhood

After Seryozha's father became the owner of Bagrov, he resigned. The whole family moved to the village that Seryozha once disliked so much. The main character is distinguished by his extraordinary powers of observation and his capacity for compassion—all of which, perhaps, later helped Aksakov to become one of the greatest Russian writers.

His hero Seryozha is a typical representative of a landowner family. In the first days of his life in Bagrovo, he feels compassion for his grandmother, who recently lost her husband. But soon he sees how she cruelly treats the servants. Assault was a component of landowner life; no one could be surprised by this then. Sergei was distinguished by amazing clarity and the ability to form his own opinion, independent of anyone. The cruelty towards the servants, which the grandmother so often showed, turned the boy away from her.

In Bagrovo, Seryozha first appreciated the beauty of the winter landscape. It was here that he learned about what real spring is. In the village that his father inherited from his grandfather, he heard a fairy tale about a merchant’s daughter, who once paid with freedom for her dreams of a scarlet flower. Bagrov the grandson spent his last childhood years on the family estate. And then a new period of his life began - entering the gymnasium, fresh impressions, new acquaintances, in a word, adolescence...


Topic: “The unforgettable world of childhood

in the story by S.T. Aksakov “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson”

Goals: 1) to arouse persistent reader interest in Aksakov’s work, to establish a spiritual connection between the writer and the Bashkir land;

2) convince students that childhood is a happy, but at the same time responsible age of human thought;

3) help to realize the moral duty to parents; instilling a love of nature and reading books.

Lesson design : exhibition of books by S.T. Aksakov and famous authors about childhood, an exhibition of children’s drawings and illustrations for works about childhood, a thematic newspaper and musical recording “Nostalgia” by F. Ghia, a filmstrip “The Scarlet Flower”.

Notes on the board :

“Happy, happy irrevocable time of childhood! How can you not love and cherish memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me” (L.N. Tolstoy.)

“A person’s character is formed precisely in the first years of life” (Ushinsky.) Glossary of literary terms:

Fairy tale, essay, story, autobiographical story, epigraph, art, criticism, hero-reader, trilogy-tetralogy.

During the classes.

On the illuminated screen there is a scarlet flower (a living rose). (Slide No. 1) A fragment of a fairy tale by S.T. sounds in the background of the melody. Aksakov (p. 28 of the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”): “An honest merchant walks around, marveling... And, having uttered these words, he came up and picked a scarlet flower.”

Teacher's word. Of course, you all recognized a fragment of a favorite fairy tale that came to us from childhood, “The Scarlet Flower.” This book takes us back to the unforgettable world of “the beginning of all,” because every person remembers the beginning of his life with tenderness and respect, the memory of childhood lives in every person.

Krylov and Pushkin, Lermontov and Tolstoy, Turgenev and Chekhov - many writers addressed the theme of childhood in their works. And today we get acquainted with the work of the wonderful person S.T. Aksakov and his story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov - Grandson.” “The unforgettable world of childhood in S.T. Aksakov’s story “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” is the topic of our literature lesson today.

Our great fellow countryman Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov (Slide No. 2) was born in 1791 in Ufa into an old noble family. His father Timofey Stepanovich was an employee in the Ufa supreme court. The mother was also from the family of a major official from the village of Zubovo near Ufa. Marya Nikolaevna was distinguished by her intelligence and education, she strived for culture and knowledge. She taught her son to read and write early and instilled in him a love of reading. Aksakov spent his childhood in Ufa and on the family estate of Novo-Aksakovo, Buguruslan district, Orenburg province. Aksakov studied in Kazan, first at the gymnasium, then at the university. He served in St. Petersburg in the Commission for Drafting Laws. After which he moved to Moscow and, along with poetry, took up theatrical translations. In the last years of his life he was engaged only in literary creativity.

Sergei Aksakov died in 1859. Buried in Moscow.

The writer loved our region very much; in many of his poems he praised the nature of Bashkortostan. Sergei Aksakov's grandfather Stepan Aksakov had estates in the modern Karmaskalinsky district (the village of Starye Kiishki, nicknamed by him Sergeevka), Belebeevsky (Nadezhdino), Ufa districts (Zubovo), near Orenburg (Novo - Aksakovo).

The main place in literary works Aksakov is occupied by his autobiographical prose.

What autobiographical works do you already know? (L.N. Tolstoy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, M. Gorky. “Childhood. In people. My universities”).

What is an autobiographical story? ( Piece of art based on personal impressions, thoughts, feelings).

What is a biography? (The writer’s narrative about his own life, based on real biographical facts).

How does an autobiography differ from an autobiographical story? (An autobiography is based on the real facts of the writer’s life; in an autobiographical story, fiction plays a special role, although the writer’s personal feelings and impressions are also important.)

But S.T. Aksakov believed: “I am not able to replace reality with fiction. I tried several times to write fictitious incidents and fictitious people. What came out was complete rubbish, and I myself felt funny... I can’t invent anything: I don’t have a soul for what’s made up, I can’t take a living part in it.”

S. T. Aksakov also wrote a trilogy: “Family Chronicle,” “Childhood ...,” “Memoirs.” (Slide No. 3) In the book “Family Chronicle,” he shows his grandfather, father and mother under the name Bagrov. And in the book “Children's...” he describes his, sometimes fragmentary, memories of his loved ones, of Ufa, the village of Zubovo, places dear and familiar to us. Aksakov spoke about the idea of ​​the work: “This should be an artistic reproduction of my childhood years, from the third to the ninth year of my life.” The book, indeed, describes the first 10 years of a child’s life spent in Ufa and the villages of the Orenburg province. He gave the hero his name - Seryozha, and another surname - Bagrov. In the story, Aksakov described the story of his childhood, and dedicated it to his granddaughter Olya, who was then 10 years old. So, today we are talking about the childhood of Seryozha Bagrov and, it turns out, Aksakov himself.

- Did you like the story? What places did you especially like? Now let’s find out whether you read the work carefully. There are pictures on the screen. You must say what episode is captured on them. (Slide No. 4).

Childhood is always something special. Let's all remember Tolstoy's words about his childhood years. (“Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How can one not love and cherish the memories of it? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me”). Why do we call childhood the happiest moment in a person’s life? ( Firstly, this is the happiest and most carefree time. Secondly, you are surrounded by sincere love and care of your closest and dearest people.)

And then one day “benevolent fate,” as he would later write, sent him a happy occasion. What case? (Retelling of the excerpt “Beneficent fate...” (pp. 18-19) from the chapter “Arrival for permanent residence in Bagrovo” p. 155)

--- “Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind” was the name of a series of children's books published in twenty parts at the time the writer lived. The boy did not receive a complete collection of works, but only twelve books. How did the boy take this gift? (The boy was very happy).

Read the words in the text that tell about this feeling of the boy.

(Children find words that reveal the hero’s sensual soul: “oh, happiness!”, “he was so happy that he almost threw himself on the old man’s neck with tears,” “not remembering himself,” “screamed,” “fearing that someone would not took away my treasure”, “forgot everything around me”, “I was just like crazy”, “didn’t say anything”, “didn’t understand what they were saying to me”, “didn’t want to go to lunch”, “after dinner I grabbed the book again and I read until the evening.")

Now find in the text the expression with which the author characterizes the boy’s reading. (The author calls the reading “frenzied”: “Of course, the mother put an end to such frenzied reading...”)

How can you explain the meaning of this expression after reading this passage? (Frenzied means reading with great enthusiasm. And I think that this is such a passion for reading when you don’t even hear or notice anything around you. And I think that these are some kind of sublime feelings of a boy.)

You guys understood correctly, you made the right conclusion after reading about the state the boy was in when he read the books. In Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “frantic” is given the following interpretation: “Frenzy is an extreme degree of excitement, passion with loss of self-control.” This means that the boy’s reading took place in a state of strong excitement. Now read further, with what other feeling Seryozha read the books. (“I read my books with delight...”)

And now I want to draw your attention to last words text. (The guys read: “A complete revolution took place in my childhood mind, and a new world opened up for me...”)

How did you understand these final words? (For the boy, books opened up a new world of knowledge. He learned a lot of things that he didn’t know before. Seryozha was very inquisitive, but still didn’t know much, and books helped him discover secrets. A revolution took place in his mind - which means he became smarter, more educated, more perfect.)

And now I want to read the continuation of this passage from the book: “I learned in the “discussion about thunder” what lightning, air, clouds are; learned the formation of rain and the origin of snow. Many phenomena in nature, which I looked at senselessly, although with curiosity, received meaning and significance for me and became even more curious...” Tell me, guys, what instructive conclusion can you draw for yourself after reading an excerpt from Aksakov’s story? (I concluded what great importance has a reading for every person. He who reads a lot knows a lot. A book is a man’s faithful friend; it teaches a lot. And I remembered the proverb that we talked about in first grade: “Reading is the best learning”)

Of all the childhood desires of little Seryozha, the strongest was love and passion for reading. Even in early childhood, Aksakov became interested in reading, which was facilitated by the family's common reading in the evenings, he devotes himself to it with frenzied passion He read various translated books, read with interest, and learned a lot almost by heart. It is important that his childhood reading consisted mainly of Russian books, when at that time French “dominated.” Even as a child, he became acquainted with the works of famous Russian poets of the 18th century. I also read Scheherazade’s tales in Russian. He read fairy tales to the point of unconsciousness and loved to retell them, introducing entire episodes of his own composition. On long winter evenings he listens to the gifted storyteller Pelageya, the housekeeper of the serfs. Her fairy tale catalog included all Russian fairy tales, and many oriental ones. Seryozha not only learned one of them - “The Scarlet Flower” by heart, but also said it himself with all the jokes, groans and sighs of Pelageya. Seryozha “imitated” her so well that everyone at home laughed. But none of them suspected that the boy had true acting talent. Fueling his imagination, he invents adventures similar to those read in books, and tells them as authentic, as if they had happened to him. Moreover, Seryozha even competes... with Scheherazade, inserting incidents and episodes of his own fantasy into her fairy tales. When Seryozha was caught in an invention, he was puzzled, worried and perplexed. And these “additions” were created not by the usual child’s imagination, but by the creative fantasy awakening in him. Early on, an “irresistible, unconscious desire to convey to others his impressions with the accuracy and clarity of evidence awakens in him, so that the listeners receive the same concept about the objects being described” as he himself had about them. Seryozha apparently inherited this desire, so important and necessary for a future writer, from his mother, who possessed a rare gift of speech.

Let's think about what place parents occupied in Seryozha's life. How does the father's character appear in the story? Can he become an example for his son? ( Father, Timofey Stepanovich, passionately loved nature. Sergei was also not indifferent to nature, and this is the merit of his father, a gentle person by nature. He developed in his son an attachment to hunting, fishing, and communication with nature. “My father gave me knowledge,” said the writer.)

The boy was often taken hunting and fishing. He considered such moments to be great happiness. One day, while fishing, Seryozha managed to catch a small roach. Later he would write about it like this: “...I was trembling all over, as if in a fever, and completely lost my memory of joy. I grabbed my catch with both hands and ran to show it to my mother... My mother did not want to believe that I could catch the fish myself, but, gasping and stuttering with ardor, I assured her... that I had definitely pulled out this beautiful fish myself.. Mother had no inclination towards marriage, did not even love him, and it was very painful for me that she coldly accepted my joy; and to my great sorrow, my mother, seeing me in such excitement, said that this was harmful for me, and added that she would not let me in until I calmed down.” (Children can retell this passage.)

In “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson,” he spoke about the first joys of a fisherman that he experienced in childhood. “The dinner just drove me crazy! – he wrote. “I couldn’t think or talk about anything else...” (Pages 29, 30, 149, 188). What did little Seryozha dream about when his mother didn’t let him go with his father and Yevseich? ( “My God,” I thought, “when will I be big enough to spend whole days with a fishing rod and a Marmot on the bank of a river or lake.”)

On the estate of his father and grandfather in old Aksakov, the future writer had the opportunity to communicate with nature, which he loved to the point of oblivion, and became addicted to fishing and hunting, rifle and falconry, picking mushrooms and berries, and catching birds. Even in the summer, in the heat, in the rain - in any weather, he left the house with a protective visor lowered over his almost blind eyes and sat for hours on the bank of the Vori in Abramtsevo with a fishing rod in his hands. Aksakov even has a number of essays and stories about fishing and gun hunting - then this was the first time in literature. These are “Notes about Fishing” and “Notes of a Gun Hunter of the Orenburg Province”)

What can you say about Seryozha’s relationship with his mother? Let's read lyrical digressions about Seryozha's mother. (You can let me learn it). (There is no doubt that for Serezha, his mother was the most dear person. They have an excellent relationship. They understood each other perfectly. Serezha’s mother was charming to everyone around her. She performs a feat of devotion and compassion. For Serezha, she became a savior, a guardian angel. Serezha has the happiest days of his life with his mother. “My mother brought up feelings in me,” recalls Serezha.)

During his childhood, his mother Marya Nikolaevna paid exceptional attention to the development of the writer. A relationship of rare trust was established between them. The mother shares both the sorrows and joys of her son, dispels his doubts and bewilderments, and speaks to her son as to a friend. The boy is tender and sympathetic becomes attached to mother. Their mutual love and understanding of each other grows. Mother becomes for Seryozha the greatest authority, the most beloved and dear authority in the world. He shares with her everything he saw, everything he heard. and experienced. The closest person in this world is your mother. No matter how old you are, you need your mother. Mom loves us and takes care of us. Guys, let's be attentive to mothers, take care of them the way Seryozha Bagrov does.

Serezha’s parents remained in his soul and memory for the rest of his life. He remembers them and is grateful to them. Parents are the most precious thing in life. Only those who remember and honor their family and their ancestors are worthy of respect.

What is the relationship between brother and sister?

What did you like about the Bagrov family? In their relationship? (They address each other politely. In their communication there are such beautiful expressions as ... This is a very friendly family. I remember how .... The characters are compliant, frank with each other, and friendly. There is a warm atmosphere in the family)

Father's house, family are great wealth. “Happy is he who is happy at home,” wrote Tolstoy. A person who grew up in a kind family thanks her for her joy all his life. Aksakov grew up among loving and beloved people, in a good environment. He loved children very much. He was a wonderful father. His children recalled that they were grateful to their father for their happy childhood, that they grew up among people loving friend friend. In the Aksakov family there was the unquestioned authority of the father, mutual trust and respect, mutual understanding. The problem of fathers and children has never existed in this family. Belinsky wrote: “Oh, if only we had more fathers in Russia like old Aksakov. The themes of S.T. Aksakov’s works are eternal: the struggle between good and evil, love and indispensable domestic happiness - all this is so relevant in our troubled times. It is not for nothing that the President of the Republic of Belarus declared this year the year of family and strengthening family values.

The kindness and sincerity that his mother fostered in Seryozha encouraged the boy to sympathize with the forced position of the serfs. Let us remember the incident at the mill. (In the rich estate of Praskovya Ivanovna’s grandmother, Parashin, the headman was Mironych, whom Seryozha called to himself “a man with scary eyes.” While examining the mill with his father, the boy observed Mironych’s rude attitude towards the old man - backfill and other peasants and I felt an “inner trembling.” Many questions arose in Seryozha’s mind: “Why is the sick old man suffering, what is the evil Mironych, what kind of power is Mikhailushka and grandmother”) “... I began to feel an internal trembling. What a confusion of concepts occurred in my head!” - Seryozha is perplexed. An incident at the harvest. “An inexpressible feeling of compassion for those working with such tension, in the sunny heat, gripped my soul...”

“Dema, an overnight stay in the Chuvash, springs, a mill, a decrepit old man - backfill and a rye field with reapers and reapers, then each object separated and became clear, dark places or spots in these pictures that I did not understand appeared.”

An incident at a public school: “It disturbed the clear silence of my soul.”

Autumn Harvest (PAGE 153) “I came to great amazement...)

Spring plowing “I came to the greatest amazement...” Pages 204,211.

How do these reflections characterize Seryozha? (These cases prove that Seryozha lives a complex inner life. He is tormented by questions of how and why the world works this way. Some are rich, some are poor. Communication with people allowed him to feel the inequality between them and gave rise to thoughts about good and evil. Why was Easter cake for the Bagrovs so much more moreover How did the servants break their fast? Beloved mother, whose reasonable judgment Seryozha is used to verifying his impressions and thoughts, no, no, and will reprimand him: “It’s none of your business”...)

“My head was older than my years,” Bagrov complains. He complains because such a “head” deprived him of his childish spontaneity and fenced him off from his peers. This mental maturity, surpassing his age, developed in Seryozha the habit of analyzing his own feelings and thoughts. He not only lives by impressions. He makes them the subject of analysis, the boy subjects his experiences to introspection and tries to change himself. Aksakov leads us to the idea that character formation occurs through overcoming difficult life situations.

Bagrov later recalls that everything he saw led to a “confusion of concepts,” produced “some kind of discord in my head,” and disturbed “the clear silence of my soul.” But it was external impressions that became for Seryozha those, as he put it, lessons that had a decisive influence on the formation of his character. A stream of impressions poured into open to the world the soul of a child, observant, prone to introspection and self-criticism, and this fusion gave beneficial results.

The child’s inner world does not split, does not fall apart. Seryozha is trying to drown out his doubts by communicating with nature. Nature becomes the source of a child’s mental health.

Tolstoy considered the greatest advantage of “Childhood” to be the love for nature, the poetry of nature, poured out in the book. The feeling of nature came to the boy, the hero of the book, during the first spring in the village and was formed under the influence of his father Alexei Stepanovich Bagrov and uncle Yevseich.

How does Seryozha see spring nature? Why exactly “the first spring in the village”? (Before this, Seryozha had not seen the onset of spring in the village.)

– Do you think this is important for us, readers? (Of course, the first perception is always sharper, brighter, more unexpected, and is remembered for a long time)

– Find in the text what impression the onset of spring made on Seryozha. (The approach of spring in the village... I felt a special kind of excitement that I had never experienced.)

– What increased Seryozha’s excitement? (Conversation about spring with Yevseich and father)

– Find words that convey the common passion of the father, Yevseich and Seryozha for the arrival of spring.

(We rejoiced like hunters)

– Why did father, Yevseich and Seryozha perceive everything around differently (with joy)? (They were looking forward to the arrival of spring, and therefore the changes around them only made them happy)

What pictures of nature would you like to especially note in the story? (Dema, crossing the Belaya, ice drift on the Belaya, nature in Sergeevka, Lake Kiishki. Expressive reading excerpts about nature. You can give it by heart.)

Seryozha surrenders to the experience of nature with such strength and spiritual dedication that it even frightens his mother. The boy puts into his love of nature not only passion, but also the talent of a naturalist, which he undoubtedly possessed: he establishes signs of the approach of spring, inquisitively watches how birds build nests and raise their offspring.

The boy notices every little detail, gives scope to his childhood imagination:...

River banks coming to life under the spring sun, with all kinds of game,

swimming ducks and rushing flocks of birds, which father and Yevseich knew from

It was during this period that the boy felt that merging with nature,

which is so characteristic of the writer Aksakov: “At the end of Fomina’s week

that wonderful time began, which is not always friendly, when nature,

waking up from sleep, he begins to live a full, young, hasty life: when everything turns into excitement, movement, sound, color, smell. Not understanding anything then, not parsing it, not evaluating it, not calling it any names, I felt in myself new life, became a part of nature, and only in adulthood, with conscious memories of this time, did he consciously appreciate all its enchanting charm, all its poetic beauty."

In many of his poems, the writer sang the nature of Bashkortostan and admired its beauty.Attention to the screen. (Slides with pictures of the nature of Bashkortostan). Is it surprising that the writer so beautifully described the nature of our region and wrote the following lines: (The teacher memorizing an excerpt from the poem “Message to the Village.”)

So, we say goodbye to Seryozha.Serezha is about to enter the gymnasium. On the eve of this most important event in his life, the story stops. Childhood is over, adolescence is on the threshold. And a man who has grown spiritually and morally and matured before our eyes is preparing to cross this threshold!

How will you remember Seryozha Bagrov - Aksakov? (Seryozha has a kind heart. He is sensitive, impressionable, knows how to feel sorry, sympathize with others. He is smart, observant, knows how to think, analyze his actions, suffer because of them. Family is very important to Serezha. He loves and respects and loves his loved ones, happy in communication with them. The father is an example for the boy in everything. Seryozha is warm-hearted and kind, loves and understands animals, they are his friends. He is very sensitive to nature, enthusiastically perceives it, notices every little thing, fantasizes. Seryozha attracts with his sincerity, spiritual simplicity, his love for others. The hero tirelessly monitors himself, knows how to analyze his actions, and suffers because of them.)

What kind of person is Seryozha if he keeps all these warm memories in his soul?

The teacher's summary word. It all starts from childhood. We come into this world with a pure heart, with an open soul. If a person is able to maintain this purity, then everything around him will be bright and clear. And those around you, feeling this warmth, will be kinder and softer.

Aksakov lived a good and honest life. Although not that rich, Aksakov was always ready to help those in need. He supported Gogol with funds and helped Belinsky.

And his children grew up just as worthy: Konstantin and Ivan - literature, Gregory - Governor of the Ufa province. Granddaughter Olga Grigorievna Aksakova founded the first sanatorium - a kumiss hospital for tuberculosis patients.

Aksakov’s creativity calls us to understand Russia, to do good, to understand ourselves in our native land. The book “The Childhood Years of Bagrov’s Grandson” is a hymn to parents, a hymn to nature native land, a hymn to a happy childhood. The world of Serezha Bagrov’s childhood is beautiful. His childhood is filled with happiness, understanding, love. I really want you to be happy children too. Let your childhood not be overshadowed by troubles, illnesses, wars. Let your home be warm and cozy. Be worthy sons and daughters! And the words of S. T. Aksakov’s son Ivan sound like a commandment to us:

Don't let your soul forget

with which the strength boiled in youth,

And instead of the good, instead of the goal

One desire to love.

Habit is evil. Alone tired

Her empty spirit is gratified...

Striving, do not be satisfied with little

And don’t make peace with your soul!

Homework. Write an essay “Why is Seryozha Bagrov close to me?”

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