Angelica herb has beneficial properties. Angelica forest and its medicinal properties. The scope of application of angelica is quite extensive.

Angelica officinalis (Archangelica officinalis), or angelica officinalis- a herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Angelica of the family Umbrella. This plant comes from the north of Eurasia. In culture, angelica is grown as a medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plant. Otherwise, this plant is called an angelica, a wolf's pipe, a meadow pipe, a cannabis, a stretcher, an angelica, a piper, and in Europe - an angelic or angelic grass. Angelica was brought to Central Europe from Scandinavia in the 15th century, from there it spread to other regions. It grows in forest ravines, in spruce and pine-birch forests, along the banks of rivers and streams.

Planting and caring for angelica

  • Landing: sowing seeds in open ground- in September. Stratified seeds can also be sown in early spring.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight, partial shade.
  • The soil: well moisturized, permeable and fertile.
  • Watering: only in severe drought.
  • Top dressing: 2 times per season with complex mineral fertilizers.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew and rust.
  • Pests: spider mites.
  • Properties: the plant has medicinal properties and is grown as a medicinal plant.

Read more about growing angelica below.

Angelica grass - description

Angelica officinalis is a two-year-old fragrant plant that forms in the first year of life only a basal rosette from a bunch of leaves, and it develops a stem and flower stalks in the second year. Angelica's rhizome is brown, short, radish, up to 8 cm in diameter, overgrown with numerous adventitious roots. It contains a yellowish or white milky juice. Angelica stems up to 2.5 m high, erect, single, naked, thick, cylindrical, hollow inside, and branched at the top.

In the photo: Growing angelica in the garden

The leaves are three times pinnate, alternate, with large three-lobed or two-lobed ovoid segments: basal - long-petiolate, large, triangular in outline, stem leaves are not as large as the lower ones, and with a stalk-enclosing sheath. Angelica inflorescence is a large, complex, almost spherical umbrella up to 15 cm in diameter with twenty to forty rays, blooming on a densely pubescent peduncle in the upper part. The umbrella consists of nondescript, small yellowish-green flowers with five petals. Angelica fruit is an elliptical greenish or yellow two-seed dividing into two half-fruits. Angelica grass blooms in June-August in the second year of life, and its fruits ripen from July to September.

Sowing angelica

Angelica grows best in semi-shaded or sunny areas in well-moistened, fertile, permeable soils. Before sowing, the soil on the site is dug up with compost or humus and leveled. The angelica plant is sown before winter, in September, since its seeds need cold stratification. The sowing should be dense, since the germination of the seed is relatively low. If angelica grows too thick in spring, it should be planted according to the scheme 60x30 or 60x40 cm. You do not need to cover angelica crops for the winter.

If sowing is carried out in spring, the seeds are kept in a vegetable box in the refrigerator for three winter months, having previously been mixed with wet sand and placed in a container. However, by spring the number of germinating seeds may decrease.

Angelica care

When angelica shoots appear, the plot is mulched with moss to increase yields. Angelica caring is simple: watering in a dry season, weeding, frequent loosening of the soil around the plants, applying mineral fertilizers to the soil twice a season, protection from diseases and pests - that's all this plant expects from you.

Angelica pests and diseases

Under certain circumstances, angelica can be infected with fungal diseases such as rust or powdery mildew. It is undesirable to treat plants with chemical preparations, since angelica tends to accumulate poisons in itself, therefore, preventive measures must be taken to combat probable diseases: compliance with crop rotation, regular destruction of weeds on the site, the use of mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content.

In the photo: Angelica inflorescence

Among insects, spider mites, which also do not like dampness and moisture, are dangerous for the drought-resistant angelica. To scare away ticks, angelica is treated with tobacco infusion: 200 g of makhorka or tobacco should be poured with 3 liters of water, infused for a day, then strain, add 50 g of liquid soap for stickiness and spray the plants and the soil under them.

Collection and storage of angelica

V medicinal purposes they mainly use angelica root, and sometimes its seeds and leaves. The roots of plants of the first year of life are harvested in autumn, in September-October, and the roots of plants of the second year, in March and April. They are carefully dug up, freed from the ground, separated from the ground part and carefully examined: rhizomes damaged by voles or moles lose their healing properties... Whole rhizomes are washed in cold water, cut lengthwise and lay out in a single layer on paper, wire rack or thin cloth to dry in a well-ventilated area or in the shade outdoors. If you decide to dry raw materials in an oven, you need to do this at a temperature of 35-40 ˚C.

Angelica leaves are harvested during flowering and dried in the shade outdoors. Store finished raw materials in bags or tightly closed cardboard boxes for no more than two years.

Angelica species and varieties

Angelica officinalis has three subspecies:

  • Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica;
  • Angelica archangelica subsp. norvegica;
  • Angelica archangelica subsp. Litoralis.

Domestic breeders did not breed angelica varieties, and of the European angelica varieties, the most popular are Jizerka and Budakalaszi.

Angelica properties - harm and benefit

The healing properties of angelica

Angelica medicinal contains many useful substances: the roots contain essential oils, valerian, malic, acetic, angelic and other acids, as well as resins, wax, sugars, carotene, pectins, bitter and tannins. The composition of the essential oil squeezed from the rhizome - a liquid with a musky aroma - contains protein, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, fatty oils, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid. The characteristic smell of the oil is given by the substance ambrettolide.

Since ancient times it has been known that angelica stimulates blood circulation, has a tonic effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, strengthens the heart and immunity, increases the secretion of bile and pancreatic juice. Angelica is used for rheumatism, gout, kidney disease. Alcohol tincture of angelica rubbing the lower back for pain.

Angelica root is part of the fees prescribed for the treatment of alcoholism. It also has expectorant, antimicrobial, diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties. It is used for bronchitis, colds, indigestion, infertility in anemic women, circulatory disorders, prenatal and postnatal weakness and dizziness. Antiseptic properties plants allow its use in rheumatic inflammatory processes and cystitis.

Almost all plants can help a person, including those with health problems. In search of a suitable product to combat a specific ailment, some go to extremes and begin to apply everything, without spending time on a detailed analysis of the properties of the plant. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of the medicinal angelica - an umbrella plant, the use of which in folk medicine is widespread. By understanding all aspects of its effect on the body, it is possible to extract the greatest benefit from application in a given situation.

Angelica - what is this plant and what does it look like?

Angelica is a biennial plant that belongs to the umbrella family. In height, it can reach two and a half meters, and once met, then it will be difficult to confuse it with any other plant. Above the ground, at the very root of an adult plant, a rosette is formed, from which a lush bunch of leaves and a high erect trunk emerge. The stem visually looks very massive, but inside it is hollow, which ensures its relative lightness in weight. At the very top of the plant, an inflorescence is formed - a complex large spherical umbrella, which reaches 15-20 centimeters in diameter and is endowed with several dozen rays with small, nondescript flowers.

Angelica grows both wild and cultured. The preferred climatic conditions for it are swamps, forest ravines, spruce and pine-birch forests. It should be noted that the plant has a very pleasant aroma, which will surely draw attention to this unusual representative of the flora.

Useful and medicinal properties of a medicinal plant

Medicinal angelica in its composition has a huge amount of substances useful to humans, so that it is often called a power-giving one. All parts contain: essential oil, malic, acetic, valerian and other acids, tannins, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, B 12, resins and other components. Based on this, angelica can be used as:

  • diuretic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant action;
  • means for activating blood microcirculation and lowering blood pressure.

What diseases are the root and the herb used for?

The active use of angelica in medicine is a consequence of the properties that it can have on humans. Of course, as the only one remedy it is not used, but the plant can have a powerful auxiliary effect in one aspect or another, therefore it can be used for such health problems:

  • indigestion;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • gout, rheumatism;
  • cholelithiasis and kidney problems;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • cough with bronchitis or colds;
  • spasms in the digestive tract;
  • with allergies.

Why plants are useful for women in gynecology

The plant in question should be attributed to the group of products that carry enormous benefits for women's health... Due to the fact that angelica has vasodilating and antispasmodic properties, it is simply irreplaceable for menstrual pain. By improving blood circulation in the pelvis, the plant helps to minimize discomfort at different stages of the menstrual cycle.

Angelica is also able to affect the level of estrogen in a woman's body, and therefore is actively used in menopause (relieves symptoms, including relieving hot flashes). The plant can be used in other situations:

  • endometriosis;
  • profuse bleeding during menstruation;
  • the need to restore the cycle after prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives.

Methods of application in traditional medicine - recipes

Obtaining a result from herbal medicine is a consequence of the correct selection of the form and amount of the medicinal composition taken. Consider the basic recipes based on the medicinal angelica.

For potency

Considering angelica as a tonic for blood circulation, it will be fair to say that its use will be useful for enhancing attraction to the opposite sex, that is, for enhancing libido. Improvement of microcirculation in the external and internal genital organs of a person will also be important in this matter. The easiest option would be to purchase special angelica tea at the pharmacy, which is pre-packaged in disposable tea bags, or to prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to pour two teaspoons of the dry roots of the plant with a glass of boiling water and insist under a closed lid for about 10 minutes. They drink it in small sips while warm, up to three cups a day.

With a delay in menstruation

Angelica is one of the most popular herbal remedies used by women for missed periods. The broth allows you to activate blood circulation in the uterus, thereby provoking the discharge of unnecessary epithelium. So, to prepare the composition, you will need to take a couple of tablespoons of the dried product (leaves or root) and fill it with liquid, in a volume of 200-250 ml. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for about half an hour, cooled and filtered. It is necessary to take the medicine 50 milliliters twice a day until the desired result is obtained.

Before you start using this remedy to provoke menstruation, you should completely make sure that the option of pregnancy is excluded as the cause of the delay that has arisen. Otherwise, there is a high probability of harming the fetus.

With infertility

Infertility can be the result of a wide variety of reasons, in some situations they are simple and easy to solve, and in others they are insurmountable. Often a woman cannot get pregnant due to the fact that the pelvic organs receive little blood (this is observed during sedentary work) or the patient suffers from anemia. In such situations, the pharmacy angelica will be able to help conceive such a desired baby, as it eliminates the described problems. The following recipe will be relevant:

  1. to prepare an aqueous infusion, you will need a tablespoon of plant roots and a glass of boiling water;
  2. the ingredients are combined and left to infuse for several hours;
  3. after the mixture is thoroughly filtered and drunk per day - 100 ml each morning and evening.

The infusion well activates the body and the processes occurring in it, it can be used from time to time as a preventive product.


A good helper in the fight against extra pounds will be an alcoholic tincture prepared on your own. The procedure is as follows: a couple of tablespoons of dried rhizomes are placed in a jar and 250 ml of vodka is poured. After a week of infusion, the product can be used - a dessert spoon three times within one day. You should not arrange too long courses - about 10 days will be enough. At the same time, the ideal result can be achieved only with the observance of the correct lifestyle and nutrition, regular physical activity(in acceptable volumes).

Angelica preparations

Pharmacies offer a wide variety of angelica remedies. So, you can purchase the plant in the form of a mixture of dried leaves, roots, alcohol tincture, tablets, capsules, packaged and loose teas (both in pure form and in combination with other phyto-ingredients). They are presented as biologically active additives and are not official medicinal products. Many companies are engaged in the production of such products, so it is not advisable to mention them.

Angelica can also be part of a multicomponent formulation, such as Planetary Herbals tablets, designed to tone the female body.

What are the differences between angelica and cow parsnip?

When picking herbs on your own, there is always a danger of losing vigilance, and taking not the desired plant, but its dangerous "double". So, angelica medicinal can easily be confused with hogweed, which in turn is poisonous to humans. When its juice hits the skin, an active response develops, blisters and dark spots form, which take a very long time to pass. There are some differences in appearance, which will help to distinguish the useful from the dangerous: the angelica has an exceptionally smooth trunk, at the very bottom it is slightly reddish, and the inflorescences tend to the ideal large round shape, and in the poisonous "analogue" all elements are covered with hard hairs. When the green leaf of the hogweed is damaged, a very unpleasant smell begins to emanate, while the aroma from angelica is very attractive.

Harm from the use of the plant

Harm from use means based on angelica can take place only in two situations: when contraindications are ignored, and when the recommended rules of admission are violated. So, if the dosage is exceeded, a state of severe poisoning of the body may occur, accompanied by nausea, loose stools and vomiting. If you suspect the development of a negative reaction to the plant, you should immediately call an ambulance team.


A feature of the product is its photosensitizing effect, that is, the ability to increase a person's sensitivity to light. Thus, the product should not be used by patients with fair and thin skin, especially before a planned vacation. If plant juice is applied to the skin, then upon contact with sunbeams a severe burn or skin reaction in the form of dermatitis develops quickly.
It is also worth abandoning the use of angelica:

  • during pregnancy, since the product is capable of having an abortive effect;
  • with severe uterine bleeding;
  • during menstruation (if they proceed normally);
  • with a high tendency to bleeding;
  • when diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • during an attack of tachycardia or fever.

A separate point worth noting is such a standard limitation as individual intolerance.

Angelicamedicinal herb, a representative of the umbrella family. The plant looks like this: it reaches 2.5 meters in height, has a powerful rhizome, a single stem with a slimy bloom. The grass blooms in small flowers, which are collected in umbrellas (see photo). Angelica spreads are located on the banks of reservoirs, forest glades, and bushes. Scientists consider Northern Europe and Asia to be the homeland of the plant. Grass is widespread in the North Caucasus, in the Urals. Angelica is cultivated in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands. In order to grow angelica in your area, it will be enough to collect the fruits of the grass and sow them in early autumn.

The plant is also known by the Latin name "Archangelica". The herb got its name thanks to a long tradition, according to which God sent people an angel with the root of this herb, seeing them die of the plague. The root was brought to Europe from Scandinavia in the XIV century. The Slavs greatly revered this herb, which bestows health. In the Middle Ages, angelica root was used to remove poison from the human body after being bitten by a snake.

Angelica is a honey plant, honey from this herb has a special aroma and taste. The product tends to crystallize slowly, which allows it to have a liquid consistency until spring. Honey is rich in trace elements and vitamins, has a tonic effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system. The honey of the plant is considered a natural antispasmodic, it can be used for stomach pains. Angelica honey improves a person's condition with insomnia, epilepsy, nervous diseases, rheumatism. Honey lowers blood pressure, acts as a blood purifier, strengthens the immune system.

How to distinguish angelica from cow parsnip?

The difference between angelica and cow parsnip is as follows. Firstly, in the first plant, the stem has a fairly smooth surface, and closer to the base, a scarlet color predominates. But in the hogweed, the stem is completely covered with hard hairs.

Secondly, if the green angelica leaf is damaged, the plant will smell pleasant enough, unlike the cow parsnip, which, when damaged, emits a fetid odor.

Thirdly, in angelica, the inflorescences are formed into a rounded and rather large shape, and in hogweed even the inflorescences are covered with hairs.

Collection and procurement

Angelica is harvested in the second year, when the grass and its root have time to accumulate useful substances. The plant is harvested along with the rhizome. The procurement of raw materials takes place in March or April. When collecting angelica, it is important to distinguish its rhizome from a plant called angelica. The rhizome should not be damaged by insects, since this reduces it beneficial features.

Angelica roots are thoroughly cleaned of soil, then washed and cut each across. Roots are dried indoors or in an oven at a certain temperature. The root of this plant, if stored properly, can be used for 3 years. If necessary, the leaves of the plant are also harvested, they are harvested after flowering.

Healing properties

The healing properties of angelica make it one of the strongest medicinal plants. The antiseptic properties of the herb are concentrated in its rhizome. For medical purposes, the rhizome and angelica leaves are harvested. The root contains tannins, essential oil, bitterness, starch, valeric acid. Valerian and malic acids are very beneficial for the body. Valeric acid has sedative properties, is part of hypnotics and sedatives. Malic acid normalizes the digestive processes, it is often one of the components of laxatives. Malic acid has a positive effect on the circulatory system, stimulates the formation of red blood cells, and improves the condition of blood vessels.

In folk medicine, herb is used with edema, convulsions, insomnia, exhaustion... Angelica tincture is used to rub sore joints with gout, rheumatism, radiculitis. The sap of the plant is instilled into the ear for inflammation of the middle ear, and the sap will also be eliminated toothache... Angelica insist on alcohol in a ratio of 1:10.

With hysteria, it is shown to take a bath with the addition of angelica decoction. For the broth, you need 50 grams of dry roots. For treatment nervous disorders prepare a decoction of 3 tablespoons of roots, which are boiled for several minutes. The broth has a positive effect on the patient's condition with rheumatism and gout.

The medicinal plant angelica for women's health is simply irreplaceable. Angelica roots in gynecology are used to suppress the symptoms of menopause (reduces hot flashes, calms the nervous system).

Angelica with menopause. It will take about ten grams of ground dried roots of the plant to steam with a two-hundred-gram mug of boiling water, and then boil in a water bath for thirty minutes. After the broth should be infused for some time (the container with the herbal liquid should be wrapped in something). Drink sixty milliliters three times a day.

Angelica for weight loss. Traditional medicine experts offer several options for making special tinctures based on this medicinal plant, which contribute to weight loss:

  1. Tincture on water. It takes two tablespoons of angelica root to pour two hundred milliliters of freshly boiled water and leave to infuse for a day. Drink the infusion three times a day, a couple of teaspoons.
  2. Alcohol tincture. Pour a couple of tablespoons of angelica rhizomes with a two-hundred-gram glass of vodka and leave it alone for exactly seven days. Once the mixture is infused, the liquid should be filtered. Drink the tincture in a dessert spoon three times a day.

Any of these tinctures should be taken for no more than a month. Such courses for weight loss can be carried out a couple of times a year. In a month, you can lose up to three kilograms. It should be said that any infusions will work more effectively if accompanied by an appropriate diet and exercise.

So, with regard to the benefits of angelica for women, we found out. Now it is necessary to find out what is the use of angelica for men. The medicinal plant is prescribed for heart disease, high blood pressure, infections, inflammation, as well as for severe headaches. Some experts claim that angelica is able to cure a man of alcoholism (but this is not an accurate statement). Also medicinal plant can be used as an aphrodisiac and tonic, which helps to normalize hormonal levels.

Essential oil angelica has the following properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • bactericidal;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • cleansing;
  • antifungal;
  • stimulating;
  • tonic.

Angelica essential oil is used in medicine for massage chest(for coughing) and abdomen (for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract). It will take a couple of drops of angelica essential oil to add seventeen milliliters of vegetable oil.

Inhalation is also done during the period of a cold. Add a couple of drops of angelica oil to hot water and inhale for a couple of minutes for ten.

You can also take a bath with angelica essential oil. Stir four drops of oil with thirty grams of salt and add to a bath with water.

Cooking applications

In cooking, angelica root is used to add to hot dishes, salads. The root has a bitter taste and characteristic aroma, which makes it suitable for flavoring dishes. Before using it, it must first be cleaned of a coarse crust.

Fresh plant has a pungent taste, angelica is great as a side dish. It is added to salads to give them a flavor and a special flavor.

Angelica is used to make jam. The jam is obtained from the crushed roots of the plant, sprinkled with sugar. The washed roots (300 grams) are poured with three liters of sugar syrup and boiled for half an hour. After half an hour, 3 kilograms of small apples are added to the jam.

Candied fruits, povilo, marshmallow are also prepared from angelica root. The stems and petioles of the plant can be used as a filling for pies. The spicy scent of the plant is great for flavoring tea.

Dried angelica roots are added to meat dishes, sauces, vegetable side dishes. Powder from the roots of angelica is put into baked goods. The seeds are used to flavor hot dishes. Leaves and petioles for salads, side dishes, soups are harvested from April to June: at this time they are juicy and taste good. For jam, the stems are harvested before the inflorescences appear. The seeds are harvested in September.

Angelica benefits and treatment

The benefits of angelica are quite varied and multifaceted. The root of the plant is applied for the treatment of stomach problems... The herb helps with bloating and flatulence. Angelica normalizes intestinal peristalsis and acts as a mild laxative. The plant has a carminative and choleretic effect, improves digestion. Angelica decoctions are indicated for intestinal colic, chronic diarrhea. With insufficient secretion of the pancreas, it is indicated to take powder from this plant. The required amount of pre-dried plant roots is ground into powder. Before taking 1 gram of dry root, dilute with 100 ml of water, take in the morning and evening.

Angelica can be taken for diseases of the upper respiratory tract as an expectorant... Angelica decoctions help remove phlegm from the bronchi. It is not difficult to prepare the broth, it is enough to pour boiling water over 3 tbsp. l. the root of the plant. The broth is prepared for about half an hour over low heat, then it is filtered and taken in 100 ml 3 times a day for stomach cramps and coughs.

The infusion of the plant is shown to be taken with neuroses, it soothes gently. For the infusion, you need a tablespoon of plant rhizomes. The rhizomes are poured with boiling water and left to infuse for 3 hours. After the infusion is filtered, it should be taken in 100 ml half an hour before meals. The infusion is effective for nervous exhaustion, neuralgia.

Angelica seeds are also used for medicinal purposes. Seeds possess carminative, diuretic properties... The broth is prepared from a tablespoon of seeds and 0.5 liters of boiling water, you need to boil the broth for 5 minutes. The broth is infused until the seeds drown. Apply the broth up to 5 times a day, 100 ml.

To treat linen lice, elecampane ointment is used. Seeds (1 tsp.), Root (1 tbsp. L) and cheremitsa (1 tbsp. L) are crushed together with pork fat, 4 parts of pork fat will be needed for one part of the herbs.

Angelica seeds have long been used to treat female infertility. A teaspoon of seeds is steamed along with a teaspoon of honey and half of the onion gruel. The mixture is injected into the vagina in the form of tampons every other day (on even numbers) after the onset of menstruation.

Angelica harm and contraindications

Angelica can cause harm to the body during pregnancy, because. substances this plant contains can cause miscarriage... The use of angelica is contraindicated during breastfeeding and with heavy menstrual bleeding. Angelica has photosensitizing properties, therefore a person who regularly takes angelica-based medications should not be in direct sunlight for a long time.

Angelica archangelica translates as “medicinal angelica”. There are about 100 plant varieties. The beneficial properties of angelica (angelica) were established in the XIV century. It was then that this herb began to be widely used in Central Europe.

Angelica archangelica translates as "medicinal angelica"

Today Angelica is known not only for its beneficial properties in the fight against gastrointestinal tract pathologies, gastritis, insomnia. The roots of the herb are often used in cooking (making butter), and young shoots have found their way into the distillery industry.

There are many species in the angelica genus, but only some of them have medicinal properties(Forest, Chinese and Large-sawed angelica).

The plant is two years old, the roots are strong, but short. Angelica officinalis is equipped with complex green leaves (alternate and three times feathery). Flowers - small, corymbose umbrellas white... The time of flowering angelica falls at the very beginning of summer. Already in August, broad-oval, two-seeded fruits fully ripen:

  1. Grass Angelica is grainy. It is a perennial plant with rounded and branched stems. The leaves are wide-triangular and double-dissected. It has whitish flowers and strong roots. Flowering time - August, grows in the Far East in oak forests, on cliffs and rocky slopes.
  2. Angelica Chinese. This medicinal herb is annual, its height is not less than 50 cm, the stem is rounded, straight and hollow inside. In the rhizome, there are many additional root-appendages. The flowers are small, white, inconspicuous. It blooms in early summer. It can be found in places with high humidity in China.

Today Angelica is known not only for its useful properties in the fight against gastrointestinal tract pathologies, gastritis, insomnia.

All varieties of the medicinal herb angelica are used for medicinal purposes in the same way, because they have an identical composition.

Gallery: medicinal angelica (25 photos)

Angelica officinalis (video)

Medicinal properties of the plant and rules for collecting angelica

Angelica root is best for making medicines... The seeds and leaves of the plant have found their application, but less often. When collecting herbs, it is impossible to do without experienced herbalists. Thanks to their help, it is possible to distinguish the medicinal angelica from poisonous relatives.

When collecting herbs, preference should be given to intact roots. The optimal time for harvesting them is September. After harvesting, all rhizomes should be washed and dried, observing the technology. It is worth remembering that during drying, direct sunlight should not fall on the raw materials.

Angelica archangelica leaves are collected at the very beginning of flowering, then dried well. Their shelf life should not exceed 2 years.

Why has this medicinal herb found such widespread use? All thanks to the useful substances included in its composition (essential oils, coumarins, organic acids, tannins, pectins, calcium, etc.).

Angelica Chinese. This medicinal herb is annual, its height is not less than 50 cm, the stem is rounded, straight and hollow inside

Angelica officinalis is used in folk medicine for the manufacture of tonic, choleretic and antispasmodic agents. In addition, the roots of the plant are used as the main component of vasoconstrictor, expectorant, and diuretic drugs.

The angelica plant enhances secretion, as well as gastrointestinal motility, normalizes the functioning of the CVS, increases physical activity and the resistance of the human body to the negative effects of toxic substances. After the use of special preparations based on angelica, there is a strengthening immune system the patient, metabolic processes in the body are normalized.

Folk remedies with angelica archangelica are widely used to treat colds, laryngitis, gastritis, and rheumatism.

Angelica forest (video)

Recipes for the treatment of various pathologies

Herbal medicine will be effective if the form and the amount of raw materials used are correctly selected. Today, angelica remedies have found use for the treatment of various pathological abnormalities. There are many recipes with which it is possible to improve male potency, relieve menstrual pain and even lose weight.

Exists folk recipes using angelica:

  1. For diseases of the oral cavity. At home, you can independently prepare a remedy from the extract of the roots of a medicinal herb. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant properties, the therapy will be effective.
  2. With pancreatitis. You need to make a decoction. Grind the rhizome well (15 g) and pour into boiling water (300 ml), simmer for 10 minutes over low heat and cool. The strained broth is used 50 ml 3 times a day.
  3. For rheumatism. Angelica officinalis is recommended to be added to bath water. First you need to add the chopped angelica root to boiling water (2 l) and boil for 20 minutes. After straining, the resulting broth is poured into a filled bath. It is important that the duration of the procedure does not exceed 15 minutes.
  4. With abscesses and skin pathologies. To make a special ointment from the leaves and flowers of a medicinal herb, the raw material is finely chopped (20 g is enough), and then filled with water. The resulting product should be boiled, cooled and added honey, wax, linseed oil, as well as spruce resin.
  5. Treatment of diseases genitourinary system... Crushed powdered angelica medicinal (dry root) should be taken in 0.5 tsp. daily.
  6. For the fight against bronchitis and migraines. To prepare the tincture, the finely chopped rhizome is poured with vodka. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. Take 20 drops, 2 times a day.

The angelica plant is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. In addition, preparations containing angelica archangelica are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes. If, after using the plant-based products, ailments (dizziness, nausea) appear, it is better to immediately suspend the therapy. It should be remembered that due to the high content of essential oils in angelica, there is a high probability of poisoning.

Modern man is very far removed from nature and the knowledge that our ancestors passed on to us. But from this he did not become healthier, and sometimes after many unsuccessful attempts to cure this or that ailment, we turn to herbs, healers. To return knowledge again, you need to study plants and their properties. And today you can learn about one very useful herb called angelica.

This plant has existed on our planet for thousands of years. And for the same amount of time it was known for its qualities useful to humans. Angelica was used for the treatment of many diseases, while the effect of the treatment was good. For such a long history of its existence, the plant has acquired many other names - angelica, meadow oaks, bordanka, sweet trunk, angelica.

Did you know? According to ancient legends of some peoples of the world, angelica was presented to people from heaven. This happened when people were struck by the plague, and there was no salvation from the disease. At that moment, an angel, sent by God, descended from above, and in his hands was the root of a wonderful plant. Then people called the angelica archangel (Latin).

According to scientists, the herb has its homeland in the northern regions of Eurasia. In the XIV, angelica was brought to European countries from the Scandinavian regions. Since ancient times, our ancestors, the Slavs, have used it for the treatment of various ailments. The plant gave health, strength, beauty. Moreover, it was angelica who saved a person from poison after being bitten by a snake.

The grass still grows on the territory of our country. At the same time, it is quite widespread throughout the territory; herbalists can prepare angelica in the European part, and in the Urals, and in Siberia. It grows in the mountainous Caucasus and the Far East. Here the grass grows wild. Sometimes it can be specially cultivated in some regions. But in Europe, many countries grow angelica on purpose.

Description of the plant

So that you can better understand what is at stake, look at the photo of angelica. This herb has a tall stem that exceeds the height of a person. Blooms with umbrellas with white or yellow flowers... The sheets are beautiful as they have carved outlines. The grass has a rather pronounced aroma, its roots grow over a long distance, holding firmly in the soil, but at the same time they do not grow deeper. Angelica root also has its own delicate aroma.

The stem has many branches, the leaves on it are large, there is a silvery bloom. The plant blooms in the second and third decade of summer. If the angelica is a year old, then it does not bloom and the timing of its collection is September, October. If the grass is two years or older, then it will bloom and is harvested in April and May.

For information! The powerful angelica root is very healing and smells good. It is he who is the raw material for medicines for many diseases. To understand why the herb is valued, read on its composition below.

Angelica medicinal. What is its strength?

Of course, each medicinal plant helps a person because it contains various necessary components, vitamins. Angelica is considered a herb that can give health and strength. It contains a lot of essential oils, acids (malic, acetic, valerian, others). The composition is also rich in tannins, carotene, antioxidants, sugars, resins, bitter substances. This is not all.

Nature did not deprive the plant of proteins, vegetable fats, calcium, pectin components, ascorbic acid, phosphorus. Without these components, our body cannot be healthy, and they can so easily be replenished using the plant in your everyday life. It is worth noting that angelica contains fiber, and our digestive tract needs it for digestion and cleansing the body of all harmful and unnecessary substances.

For information! The essential oil is made from the rhizome of the plant and is used for therapy. It contains all the beneficial substances, while its aroma is subtle and there are notes of musk. Also, scientists believe that the oil contains one of the very important components - felandren.

Angelica plant. Its benefits and contraindications

Healing properties

  • Used as a powerful immunity agent.
  • The plant has always been prized for its ability to help our cardiovascular system and improve blood flow.
  • It removes bile, helps kidney function. It has a good effect on the health of people who were or are addicted to alcohol.
  • Stimulates and tone the nervous system.
  • An excellent helper for those people who suffer from various back pains and diseases. To do this, use alcohol infusions as a grind.
  • And during a cold, angelica grass is our helper, as it can bring down the temperature, cope with the pathogenic environment of microbes and bacteria, and relieve a painful cough.
  • The herb normalizes blood pressure, improves motor skills.
  • Angelica root infusions help our digestion. The body begins to receive a maximum of nutrients, and toxins, toxins, carcinogens are removed from it.
  • Medicinal ingredients help lower cholesterol levels.

Agree how unique this herb is. So, why don't we know anything about it, and if we know where it grows, then we don't use it for therapy. After all, it is much easier to use natural gifts than to drink pills with a chemical composition.

Angelica officinalis for women

All of the above qualities of the herb are good for everyone, but angelica has certain properties that can help women's health. Namely, the plant gives a chance to get pregnant for women who suffer from anemia, circulatory problems, constantly feel tired. Against this background, it is very difficult to conceive a child.
If you use angelica for therapy, you can gain strength, because we remember how the Slavs called angelica in ancient times. The woman will regain health, her skin will not be pale, dry. The plant also helps those who have already given birth to remove weakness, restore menstruation, and relieve pain in the small pelvis. In a word, for women's health, an angelica is needed for its medicinal properties and composition.

Contraindications Who shouldn't use the herb for therapy?

Always, using for the treatment or prevention of this or that plant or means made on its basis, it is necessary to understand about the individual intolerance of the components. Someone can drink the infusion like tea, and someone can get a severe allergy. After all, we all have a different organism.

The infinitely useful angelica does not have any special contraindications or side effects, it is impossible for two categories of people - women, when they are already carrying a child, note that after childbirth, the herb is useful for conception, and for people with diabetes mellitus... Well, as mentioned earlier, plants are not allowed for those who may be allergic to it.

Important! Even if you all know about your state of health, what diseases you have or not, you still never do treatment at home without the advice of a doctor. Women need to be especially careful, because sometimes we may not immediately find out about our pregnancy, in which one cannot drink decoctions or infusions based on angelica root.

We must use the medicinal properties of the plant for our health, immunity, and prevention. After all, everyone can collect raw materials, as well as make an infusion, while you will receive an environmentally friendly medicine. Competently selected grass is able to lift you to your feet after the most serious illness, so, is it worth neglecting such gifts.

We hope the article was useful to you, and now your knowledge base about traditional medicine has become more complete. You can prepare the herb yourself or buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. But remember about the collection time.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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