How to wear spinal corsets - areas of application and tips for use. How to wear a back corset correctly: detailed instructions How to put on a corset

A back corset helps to form correct posture when it is poor and relieve the spine during heavy physical work. Correct posture is an important aspect that characterizes a healthy and confident person. With excessively pronounced kyphosis (stooping), a person is characterized as an unconfident, depressed person.

A childhood disease, the situation only gets worse as you get older. Violation of the position of the vertebrae leads to weakening of muscles, displacement internal organs, development of spinal diseases (osteochondrosis, osteoporosis).

Correction of the problem is carried out using conservative methods including manual therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, spinal traction and wearing an orthopedic device known as a corrector or corset for stooping.

What is the effectiveness of a back corset?

The stoop corset is used to correct postural disorders in children and adults in the early stages. Wearing the device is designed to “accustom” the muscles and spine to the anatomically correct position and is used along with exercise therapy and massage. All 3 procedures mutually enhance the effectiveness of the previous ones and consolidate the effect.

A back corset is selected by a specialist and solves the following problems:

Back corset - varieties

There are 3 types of orthopedic devices for correcting spinal defects:

  • The reclinator is designed to spread the shoulders and reinforce the habit of correct muscle position. Represented by an elastic band, prescribed for early stage scoliosis, stoop, poor posture. Reclinators are often prescribed to adults for the period of work; they must be removed at night;

  • the corset supports the entire length of the spine. It has stiffening ribs or magnets that help keep your back in the correct position. Selected individually according to size and wearing time must be strictly observed as prescribed by the doctor;
  • a bandage (elastic belt) secures the required area (thoracic, lumbar) from excessive bending and reduces mobility in case of vertebral instability or increased load (for example, during pregnancy). Wearing a bandage while working reduces the load on the spine. Recommended for people with heavy physical labor for prevention. Reduces pain from spinal hernia.

Which back corset to choose?

The choice of a posture corrector depends on the degree of curvature of the spine, the age of the patient and concomitant (background) diseases.

An initial degree of stoop allows you to choose a bandage or reclinator yourself (after being prescribed by a doctor) at the pharmacy. You can make it yourself.

In case of serious disorders of the spine, the corset is selected together with the attending physician. It is important to consider the comfort and composition of the fabrics. The device must be worn for a long time and significant discomfort in use will lead to the child not using it.

How to choose the right corset for posture correction and not spoil it in everyday wear, watch the video


Wearing a back corset when stooping should be strictly dosed. This method corrections can be compared with the use medicines. Overuse or underuse has a negative effect.

The time of wearing the corset is selected individually from 6 to 12 hours a day. Duration 6 - 24 months.

Abuse of corrective devices without simultaneous strengthening of muscles with the help of exercise therapy leads to weakening and subsequently atrophy of muscles. Which has a negative impact on the spine.

Indications for wearing a back brace

A posture corrector should be used strictly according to indications, and not at will. The need for use arises in the following situations:

  • children during the period of growth with the development of scoliosis or stoop;
  • scoliosis of 3-4 degrees in case of disruption of the functioning of internal organs caused by displacement;
  • a corset is prescribed after a spinal injury during the period of rehabilitation treatment;
  • postoperative period during recovery treatment;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spinal hernia;
  • spondylosis;
  • during pregnancy, wearing a bandage may be prescribed in the event of the development of osteochondrosis, scoliosis or the appearance of pain;
  • in order to prevent back pathologies during prolonged sedentary work or while moving heavy loads.

The listed pathologies are not absolute indications for wearing a corset. Posture correction methods are selected taking into account all research data and lifestyle.


Orthopedic products are available to everyone and are available without a prescription, however, it is recommended to purchase a back brace only with a doctor’s prescription and an option selected by an orthopedist.

The use of a corset is not allowed when:

  • allergies to the material;
  • damage to the skin in the localization (location) of fixation of the corset or straps;
  • insufficiency of the circulatory or respiratory system;
  • pregnancy;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • The magnetic corrector is prohibited for persons with a pacemaker.

There are exceptions to all of the above contraindications. If there are contraindications, wear correctors only as directed and under the supervision of a specialist.

Basic rules for wearing posture correctors

It is better to wear a posture corrector on a T-shirt made of natural fabric, which will prevent chafing of the body and excessive sweating.

Dress in a lying or standing position, depending on the device.

Wear for a strictly defined time, from 6 hours a day. During treatment with correctors, be sure to train the muscles that will hold the spine in the correct position after removing the device.

The corset should hold, but not squeeze. The tension of the belts is adjusted gradually during wearing. The first days the belts are tensioned minimally to get used to the straightened position. Subsequently, the density increases.

After a course of wearing the device, gradual weaning follows, which consists of: That wearing time is gradually decreasing. The muscles must get used to working independently without support. The process of removing the corrective device lasts from 2 weeks to 2-3 months, depending on the duration of use and the body’s reaction to its cancellation.

Corsets for children

Children's corsets differ from adults; in most cases, they are elastic correctors designed to give the correct position to the back and accustom the muscles to the correct redistribution of weight.

The stiffeners are rarely used and can be easily removed.

The material is natural, which protects little patients from allergies and chafing.

If serious correction is necessary, the corset is made individually.

Corsets for adults

Back corsets are universal; they are not divided into men's and women's. The only requirement for women is a free position of the chest. Otherwise, the choice depends on the purpose of the corrector and the material.


A corset or corrector for stooping is not included in the list of free medicine. The price of posture correctors depends on the purpose. For preventive wear and slight stoop, reclinators are prescribed costing from 300 - 1500 rubles.

In case of severe scoliosis and the need for correction, corsets are made to individual measurements (Chenault) and cost 10 - 15,000.

Rigid corsets for spinal hernia or scoliosis in the range of 2-9 thousand.

DIY posture corrector

If it is impossible to buy a corset, you can make it yourself, but subject to slight curvature. Do not use homemade correctors for children.

You will need:

  • elastic bandage 10 cm wide and 6 m long

Progress of posture fixation:

  • fold the bandage in half and place the middle between the shoulder blades;
  • throw the first end over your shoulder;
  • point the other under the arm in the direction opposite to the first;
  • wrap with bandages in the shape of a figure eight;
  • Pull the loose ends under the armpits and wrap around the waist;
  • You can fasten the ends on your stomach or back, whichever is more convenient.

Adequate use of corsets to correct posture has a positive effect. Studies have proven its effectiveness in correcting posture and correcting initial degree spinal curvatures. When wearing any type of corset, it is important to pay attention physical exercise necessary to strengthen the back muscles. plays an important role in the fight against back pathologies.

The use of corsets for spinal hernias also has a positive effect in restoring intervertebral discs and eliminating pain.

Since ancient times, a corset has saved any girl who wanted to appear even slimmer. Thin waist, lush breasts are the main standards that have come to us since the Middle Ages. Incredibly, the ideals of a refined figure and attractive curves remain popular today. Many girls consider a corset to be too revealing an outfit, which borders on kitsch and shocking. In fact, this is far from the case. Modern designers offer various options for corsets that will help out both on a holiday and for occasions when you need to look restrained and beautiful.

The colors, styles and types of corsets are varied. Therefore, when choosing a corset, you should be guided by a number of nuances.

Corset size

Among them is size. As you know, the task of a corset is to tighten and emphasize curves. This means that buying a corset by size loses its main meaning. In this case, the difference between it and a simple shirt in terms of fit is small. Therefore, when buying a corset, take the model you like for one, or even two sizes smaller than actual. Your waist may decrease by twenty centimeters. Although the best option, which will not cause significant harm to health - ten centimeters.

Corset style

When buying a corset, always clearly define why you are purchasing it. What clothes do you look harmonious with in it? Perhaps it will be used as underwear, as a way to correct posture and figure. Then buy a corset with a very simple and laconic style, in which there is nothing superfluous.

What to wear with a corset

If you plan to use the corset as part of your wardrobe, then wear a corset with a floor-length or knee-length dress. This way you will emphasize your femininity, and at the same time you will look very sexy and charming. Corsets that are too bright, with beads, appliqués and stones attract a lot of attention, so wear them only in the right place (to a party, gala evening or informal celebration). The little feminine trick of most corset lovers is that they wear it along with stockings and high heels. This trio has captivated hundreds of men.

After choosing a corset, carefully consider the selection of accessories. Find the middle ground between a vulgar and discreet image so as not to cause unnecessary conversations and sidelong glances. Naturally, if we are talking about a party, then you can allow yourself some bright accents in clothes and makeup.

Achieving comfort

Those who wear a corset for the first time usually complain that they feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable in it. The whole point is that the corset should adapt to you and “understand” your shape. This means that before an important day, when you are going to go out in it, wear it out. Walk until you feel that the adaptation process has passed or is at the final stage. This is compared to new shoes that you get used to. She rubs at first, but then you don't want to be separated from her.

Usually, in practice, the corset is broken in at least a week. Wear it on thirty minutes every day. It is impossible to initially tighten the corset by all twenty centimeters. Start small - five centimeters and gradually increase this figure to ten if you do not want to plunge the body into a state of shock.

We gradually get used to the corset

The corset itself is unique. After the process of buying, wearing and adapting to it, you need to understand how it should be worn. After all, this is not just a piece of outerwear. It is specific in that it restricts your movements. In it you will have to learn to breathe from your chest, not from your stomach. Otherwise it won't work. In addition, you should not make sudden movements. You should not wear a corset to a party or celebration where everyone is dancing and moving a lot.
To move in it gracefully and gracefully, weeks of training are required. Walk around in a corset in front of a mirror, look at how your posture has changed, how your hands move, how you sit down on the sofa, what is happening at this time with your back and neck line.

You cannot do without rehearsals, because not only does your body get used to it, but you also realize that you are wearing a corset. This is a unique state that introduces many women into an amazing sense of the world, contributing to the desire to look even more desirable and feminine. After all, it is known that not a single man can resist a girl in a corset, stockings, high heels with an exciting look.

In the case of certain back diseases, as well as as a rehabilitation measure after surgery, a spinal corset is used. This effective remedy, which allows you to keep your back in a straight position, relieves tension and fatigue and helps to gradually correct your posture. However, the therapeutic effect is possible only if it is worn correctly.

Before you figure out how to properly wear a corset for different areas of the back, you should familiarize yourself with all the possible types of models. Each of them is intended for its own case.

The simplest classification is based on the area of ​​the back for which the corrector is intended:

  • lumbar;
  • chest;
  • cervical;
  • sacral.

It is very important to consider how rigid the device is - all corsets are made specifically for specific purposes:

  1. A rigid back brace is used only in cases of severe injury or for post-operative recovery when particularly strong compression is required.
  2. Semi-rigid is intended for patients with long-established postural disorders or chronic spinal diseases. The advantage of the device is that it creates a massage effect, due to which the back relaxes, pain and symptoms of fatigue disappear.

Depending on medical purposes, all corsets are divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Corrective - used for treatment.
  2. Fixing – provide constant support for the back due to fairly rigid compression. Essentially, these are rigid corsets - they are worn only for post-operative recovery and rehabilitation of the back after injuries.

A spinal corset is often also called a posture corrector.

Its therapeutic effect is complex:

  1. Relieves the back muscles, which relieves fatigue and pain.
  2. Correction of posture by constantly maintaining the bones in the correct position.
  3. Improving blood supply to the bones of the spine and back muscles.

Wearing an orthopedic corset is also useful because it warms up the back, and in this sense, the effect of the corrector is similar to the effect of wool belts that are worn on the lower back.

Wearing a corrector is indicated in the following cases:

  • postoperative recovery after surgical interventions in any part of the spine;
  • injuries, bruises, fractures that caused damage or displacement of the bones of the spine;
  • during pregnancy, when bones are subject to constant increased stress;
  • hernias in any part of the spine;
  • incorrect lifestyle associated with spending a long working day in one position;
  • severe back fatigue due to constant stress on it;
  • any postural disorders (lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis).

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, you need to learn several rules about how to wear a corset, how to put it on - on clothes or on the body, whether you can sleep in it, etc.

Among the important conditions for how to wear an orthopedic corset, you need to take into account, first of all, the following nuances:

  • how to wear a corset correctly;
  • how many hours a day should you wear it;
  • Is it possible to sleep in a corset, and in what cases.

Very often, patients begin to feel relief just a few days after wearing it, and as a result, they abuse the use of the corrector for too long, believing that this will give an even greater effect. Other errors are related to the fact that the device is worn on a naked body, as a result of which it rubs, skin rashes appear, allergic reactions and so on.

To avoid these phenomena, you need to immediately take into account a number of simple rules:

  1. The back corset should only be worn over clothing. First, you should put on a thin T-shirt made of cotton fabric, and then the device itself on top of it.
  2. You can only put it on while standing. When putting it on, you need to stand straight, shoulders back and not slouch.
  3. You need to tighten all the fasteners, but not too much: you need to rely on your feelings and not overtighten the fasteners.
  4. At first, you can fasten it deliberately weakly, and gradually increase the tension force: twice a week, tighten the straps another 1 cm. This way, you can ensure gradual adaptation.
  5. It is very important to know how long you can wear an orthopedic corrector. The very first session should not exceed 20 minutes - after that the device is no longer worn that day.
  6. Next, this time is increased by 5-10 minutes every day to form a habit. Experience shows that the patient begins to feel comfortable after 10-15 days from the start of wearing.
  7. The period increases gradually, but the maximum wearing time should not exceed 6 hours.
  8. Sleeping in a corset is not allowed. During sleep the body relaxes naturally, so no additional tools are needed for this.
  9. Playing sports, running, dancing and making other active movements while wearing a corset is prohibited - it is intended only for passive wearing.

Otherwise, you should always listen to your doctor’s recommendations, especially if wearing the device is indicated after surgery or recovery from injury.

IMPORTANT – The use of a corset is only one measure of back therapy. Wearing should be used in combination with other types of treatment. Sports activities, swimming, physical therapy exercises, which are also agreed with the doctor, are perfect.

It is imperative to ensure that the device is worn correctly at all stages of its use.

It's very easy to do this:

  1. First of all, it is important to focus on your feelings - if discomfort arises, your back no longer relaxes, but tenses, then something is clearly going wrong. You should either loosen the tension or reduce the period of daily wear.
  2. If rashes, itching, or allergic reactions occur, you can take a break for 1-2 days, shower more often and always wear the corrector only over a T-shirt made of natural fabric.
  3. To understand whether the device is put on correctly, you can simply stand in front of a mirror in which you can see a full-length reflection. If your back is straight and your shoulders are as far apart as possible, and your posture looks correct, everything is fine.
  4. You can also evaluate the correctness of dressing by leaning your entire back against the wall: If the points of contact are on the back of the head, shoulder blades and buttocks, then the corrector is dressed correctly.


If the therapeutic effect is not observed for a long time, your back gets tired, and you feel discomfort, you need to consult a doctor - perhaps you should change the corset.

Rules for caring for a corset

The instructions for the corset always contain rules for caring for it.

Basically they are very simple:

  1. First of all, after finishing wearing it, you should always straighten it and keep it in this form until the next session.
  2. Washing is done only by hand using regular powder in warm water (no more than 38 o C). Bleach should not be used.
  3. Ironing the corrector is prohibited.
  4. The corrector fabric is wrung out only by hand and very carefully - you cannot twist it: you should just let the water drain and dry.

Wearing a corset is an effective treatment measure, but only if the patient consciously chooses the device and also follows the rules for its use.

At various diseases and injuries, rehabilitation means are widely used. One of these especially popular means is a corset. Corsets can be corrective or therapeutic, lightening the load. how to choose and wear a corset for various back problems - in this material.

What does a corset provide for various conditions?

The main task of the corset is to keep the patient’s spine in a natural position. This fixation helps reduce the load on the vertebrae and speed up recovery or alleviate the patient’s condition. Using a bracing device can help correct poor posture, promote healing after surgery, or reduce tension in the back and muscle tissues during pregnancy.

Such bandages are developed by orthopedic doctors and have various additional levels of fixation, depending on their purpose.

Types and tasks of corsets

Corsets have different levels of rigidity and a special structure. There are bandages for the lumbar and mid-thoracic region - that is, they are designed to fix a specific area of ​​the spine or the entire back.

The materials used to make such devices are fabric and plastic. If necessary, corsets can also contain metal plates.Corsets come in rigid and semi-rigid types.

Rigid corsets

Rigid corsets are used during the rehabilitation period after fractures and bruises. They fix the back as securely as possible so that injured parts of the skeleton can recover faster. Such reliable fixation prevents displacement of the vertebrae and significantly speeds up the healing process. Rigid fixing corsets are also used for congenital pathologies of the spine, when a person cannot support his back in a natural position.

Semi-rigid corsets

Semi-rigid orthoses are used for prevention and treatment purposes. Such corsets significantly alleviate the condition of radiculitis, spinal hernias or osteochondrosis. Similar designs are used by athletes to reduce the load on the spinal column, and by drivers who are forced to remain in a tense, forced position for several hours.

Fixing and correcting corsets

Orthoses are called fixing orthoses, the task of which is to partially or completely relieve the load from the spine. They support the back in a stationary position and at the same time correct deformities. Such corsets are selected individually under the guidance of an orthopedic surgeon. An example of such a product is corsets for compression fractures of the spine.

Corrective corsets are used to correct posture. They are often used for children to correct developmental abnormalities at an early age: scoliosis or stoop.

A special place in the list of such rehabilitation means is occupied by the Chenault corset. It is made from special plastic according to an individual cast. He is remedy for complex forms of kyphosis, scoliosis and after surgical interventions on the spine. You can read more about the Chenault corset here. It only remains to note that the price of Chenault corsets today is the highest of all the listed orthoses. Its production costs approximately 40 thousand rubles.

The Chenault corset is made individually

Magnetic corsets

Magnetic therapy is becoming increasingly popular and manufacturers are offering magnetic corsets that can relieve back pain and relieve muscle tension.

Corset during pregnancy

This is a special type of corset that doctors recommend wearing in the second half of pregnancy. A special bandage removes some of the load from the lower back and supports the woman’s back in the correct position. If you use the corset correctly, you can avoid pathologies in the spine during a large fetus or multiple pregnancy.

Rules for choosing a back corset

You should not choose the type of corset yourself. Only an orthopedic specialist can recommend the correct orthosis. Self-indulgence in choosing is fraught with undesirable consequences, because products such as medicine must be used correctly.

A corset with a busk clasp must be fastened from the second loop from the bottom, then the rest in order upwards, and at the end - the lowest one (here and below, see the figure).


A corset without a bust fastener must first be unlaced to the middle, without touching the loops at the waist. Then loosen the lacing from the waist up. Put the corset over your head and turn it towards you with the lacing. Lace the corset completely and turn the lacing back.


Once you have put on the corset, you can begin to tighten the lacing at the back. Start from the middle - at the narrowest point of the waist there are 2 loops, pull them (see Fig. 2) After the waist is tightened, start pulling the lacing from outside, starting from the top down and then from the bottom up to the waist. You will have to repeat this 2-3 times to fully tighten the laces. Never tighten the lacing so much that it causes you discomfort or may damage the corset!

Then tie the laces at your waist into a bow, twist them and hide them under the lacing. Never tie the laces around the front of the corset as this may damage the facial tissue. The edges of the lingerie corset need to be placed under the underwear.

In order to remove the corset, you need to untie the bow at the waist and loosen the ribbons along the entire lacing, then remove it in a convenient way (in corsets without a front fastener - over the head, in corsets with a fastener - simply unfasten it, starting from top to bottom).

GETTING acclimated to a corset

For the first few days, avoiding sudden movements, wear the corset for a maximum of 2 hours. Stand in front of a mirror and do several slow bends in different directions. Practice sitting up and sitting up in the corset. After the first hour, tighten the laces and continue wearing it for the remaining time. This allows the fabric of the corset to stretch evenly and gives the corset the specific shape of your body. This will also extend the life of the corset, make it more comfortable to wear and make sure that the fabric and accessories will not be damaged. Repeat this process 2-3 times before wearing the corset for an extended period of time.


“How to lace a corset?” is one of the questions that most concerns our clients. We made a video especially for you, in which we clearly showed how to lace a corset correctly. We hope everything will be clear, and the issue of lacing will no longer be a problem.

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