From what exercises the waist grows. What exercises for a thin waist really work. So, how to reduce the waist and remove the sides

A thin waist of no more than 60 cm is the standard that most girls around the world strive for. Nevertheless, this criterion has not been the norm for quite some time. Ideal volume depends on body type and height. It is believed that it can be calculated by subtracting 100 cm from the figure that makes up the height. The resulting value will become a rough guideline. But this does not mean that minor deviations in one direction or another are unacceptable. According to the second method, the waist-to-hip ratio should be 0.7. If a woman has a wide bone, you need to add 3-5 cm to the result, if it is narrow, on the contrary, take it away.

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The best helpers in the struggle for ideal parameters will be waist exercises aimed at forming a chiseled, feminine silhouette. You can perform them at home without using expensive fixtures and weights.

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    Factors affecting waist size

    The anatomical features of many women and girls do not allow the formation of a wasp waist for a number of reasons, and they are not always overweight. There are several factors that affect volume:

    • Exercising in the gym with the use of weights - make the figure more massive, do not allow to fully stretch the muscle corset.
    • Improper nutrition with a predominance of fatty foods, proteins, confectionery - provokes the deposition of fat in the area of ​​the sides, abdomen, lower back.
    • An increase in the volume of the fascia, which is a thin film that envelops the muscle corset, visually enlarges the waist. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to do stretching exercises to strengthen the muscles without increasing the volume.

    Common mistakes

    In the struggle for a thin waist, women of any age often make mistakes and instead of the long-awaited result, on the contrary, they get an increase in volume.

    Strict diet

    The most common and common mistake is adhering to a strict diet and limiting vital proteins, fats in the diet, which leads to inevitable periodic breakdowns.

    As a result, a woman gains the lost weight "with a margin", and it becomes more and more difficult to get rid of fat accumulations.

    Corset application

    Using a corset to reduce bulk is another common mistake. As a result of constant squeezing, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, the secretion and outflow of bile, and digestion deteriorates.

    Stagnation of food in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract invariably leads to weight gain in the waist, abdomen and sides.

    Choosing the wrong exercise

    Those who strive for a wasp waist should avoid the following exercises:

    • Bending of the trunk to the sides from a standing position- a popular exercise in various gymnastic complexes, which provokes a shortening and an increase in the volume of the lateral muscles, which leads to a loss of harmony.
    • Squats with weights- effective for the muscles of the legs, buttocks, back, but the waist from them becomes larger, since weights contribute to the growth of muscle mass.
    • Twisting the torso from a supine position. By pulling your head and knees together at the same time, you can pump up the abs and at the same time increase the waist in volume due to shortening and muscle growth.

    Another mistake for beginners is to diligently perform the Russian twist exercise, the essence of which consists in turning the torso from a sitting position on the floor with slightly bent knees and raised legs. At this time, the hands are located in front of the body, at chest level, and rotate with it. Some people use a small weight to increase the load, which they hold in their hands and carry it from side to side when cornering.

    Exercise is definitely useful for strengthening the muscle corset and eliminating fat deposits from the sides, abdomen, lower back, but it is not recommended to use it in the fight for a thin waist, especially with weights.

    Warm-up block

    For those who do not have the opportunity to devote time to training in the gym, there is a set of simple exercises that can be performed at home.

    The best option would be morning workouts, when the body burns extra calories. Exercising in the evening increases the risk of muscle gain.

    Before proceeding with the main complex, it is recommended to perform several warm-up exercises. This will help to avoid accidental injury and stretching.

    Warm up is done with a few simple exercises:

    • Turning the head in different directions in a standing position with legs apart shoulder-width apart for 30 seconds.
    • Slow rotation of straightened arms in a circle for 20-30 seconds.
    • Bending the torso forward and backward from a standing position with legs apart shoulder-width apart for 30 seconds.
    • Bends forward to straightened and joined legs from a sitting position on the mat. You need to do 10 bends, trying to touch your forehead to your feet.

    Exercise should be done slowly, feeling each muscle and how it stretches. This simple complex will help prepare the body for the upcoming stress.

    The best exercises for a thin waist

    The coolest home exercises are simple and effective, promote weight loss, form a narrow waist and a flat stomach.

    Some of these will require a special foam roller or roller, which should be purchased from a sports equipment store. It will help reduce the stress on the lumbar muscles, stimulate blood circulation and lymph drainage.

    Jumping rope

    The well-known exercise, which allows you to use almost all muscles, promotes weight loss, forms a wasp waist and a slender silhouette with smooth curves.

    To perform, you should purchase a rope that matches your height. A consultant in a sports store will help you make the choice. You need to start training with 20-30 jumps on two legs. As the loads increase, it is allowed to increase their number to 60-80 per lesson.

    The pace should be even, the movements should be soft. After completion, you should pause for a minute to restore the rhythm of breathing.


    It is considered the best exercise for the development of all muscles and the formation of a feminine silhouette. It is used in almost all types of gymnastics.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. 1. From a standing position, quickly sit down, touching the floor with your hands.
    2. 2. From this position, take an emphasis for push-ups: straighten your legs and stand on your toes.
    3. 3. Squeeze out 1 time.
    4. 4. Return to the squat position with your knees tucked towards your chest.
    5. 5. Jump up, raising your arms above your head.

    Repeat at least 10 times at a measured pace.

    "Bicycle" with twisting

    A well-known exercise with a small addition, which will allow you to form a wasp waist in 3-4 weeks.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your back with legs bent at the knees and arms connected in a lock and placed under your head.
    2. 2. Perform standard torso lifts in order to pump the press, each time touching the elbow of one hand to the knee of the opposite leg.

    You need to do at least 3 approaches 5 times. The pace depends on physical fitness.

    Vertical hip lifts


    1. 1. Take a starting position in the shape of an inverted "L": lying on your back, raise your legs so that your feet are in line with your hips.
    2. 2. Lift your hips off the floor and stretch your feet towards the ceiling.

    It is important to ensure that your legs do not sway or sag at the knees.

    Repeat the exercise at least 10 times. For trained and hardy people, up to 50 repetitions are allowed. Hip lifts not only make the waist thinner, but also remove fat from the lower abdomen.

    Air twist

    An effective exercise for strengthening and shaping the muscle corset and losing weight.


    1. 1. Stand on a flat surface, straighten your legs joined together.
    2. 2. Make jumps, simultaneously turning your hips in the air and landing with your feet turned to the other side.

    Perform 15-20 jumps at a measured pace. Better - slow: this will help you concentrate on the work of the muscles.

    Side bar

    The best exercise for removing fat folds from the sides.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. 1. Lie on one side, bend your legs at the knees.
    2. 3. Rise on a straightened arm and legs, and raise the opposite arm perpendicular to the floor or put on the waist.
    3. 4. Hold in this position for 20 seconds.

    For each side, the plank must be repeated at least 5 times. During execution, it is recommended to ensure that the body is stretched in a straight line.


    One of the best exercises for shaping a wasp waist and a flat stomach with elastic muscles.


    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees and arms along your torso.
    2. 2. Take a few breaths with the diaphragm, inflating the abdomen.
    3. 3. On exhalation, the stomach should be drawn in as much as possible, creating a vacuum for 5-10 seconds. Repeat at least 10 times.

    If it is impossible to hold the breath on exhalation for up to 10 seconds, it is allowed to hold a shorter amount of time. It is allowed to perform the exercise while sitting on the legs bent at the knees with the arms resting on the hips.


    It helps in a short time to reduce the waist, strengthen the muscles of the back and arms.

    Execution technique:

    1. 1. Get up in the starting position: legs are wider than shoulder width.
    2. 2. Make a forward bend so that the body is parallel to the floor.
    3. 3. Spread out your arms and alternately touch the floor with the fingers of each hand while swinging.

    Perform at least 30 seconds. For beginners and untrained people, 15 seconds is enough.

    "Snow angel"

    A simple yet effective exercise for shaping a feminine silhouette is done like this:

    1. 1. The initial posture is lying on your back with legs spread apart shoulder-width apart and arms outstretched about 20 cm from the body.
    2. 2. You need to simultaneously put your hands behind your head, without lifting them off the floor, and try to spread your legs as wide as possible.

    Movements should be rhythmic, slow. Perform the exercise for a minute, trying to keep the arms and legs moving in the same rhythm.

    Raising the pelvis


    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees.
    2. 2. Place your hands along the body.
    3. 3. Raise the pelvis, leaving only shoulders and arms on the floor.

    You need to linger in the final position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat at least 15 times.


    To perform this exercise correctly, you will need a foam roller purchased from a specialist store.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your side with straight legs. The feet are located on the roller.
    2. 2. Lean on the arm bent at the elbow, lift the opposite one perpendicular to the floor.
    3. 3. Lean forward slightly, trying to touch the floor with your straight hands without turning your whole body.

    Perform 10 times for both sides. During repetitions, you must make sure that the legs located on the roller remain motionless.

    Raising the legs

    One of the best exercises for strengthening the muscles of the thighs and lateral abdominal muscles. Helps achieve a fluid and feminine silhouette.

    Execution technique:

    1. 1. Lie on your side with straight legs joined together.
    2. 2. Lean on an arm bent at the elbow.
    3. 3. Raise a straight leg rather slowly as high as possible, trying not to move the rest of the body.

    For both sides, repeat 15 times. After a few sessions, it is recommended that you exercise even more slowly to maximize muscle tension.

    Roller skating back and sideways

    An effective exercise for achieving a thin waist and expanding the volume of the chest is as follows:

    1. 1. Take the starting position lying on your back with your legs bent at the knees.
    2. 2. Put a roller under your shoulders, put your hands in the lock and put it under your head.
    3. 3. Roll your back on a roller, keeping your head and arms 10 cm from the floor, trying not to bend in the lower back.

    Continue for one minute. During repetitions, be sure to make sure that the body is straightened in one line.

    Rolling on a foam roller sideways looks almost the same, only you need to roll while lying on your side. Hands are located behind the head and locked in a lock. Continue for at least a minute.

    It is important that the legs bent at the knees remain motionless during rolling: this will ensure the training of the oblique abdominal muscles.

    Rolling with fitball

    For this exercise, you will need a fitball, which should be purchased from a specialist store.

    Execution technique:

    1. 1. Rest on the ball with straightened arms, leaning on the toes of the flattened legs.
    2. 2. Roll gradually so that the ball moves under the body.
    3. 3. At the end of rolling onto the fitball, not hands should be supported, but straight and connected legs.

    You need to perform at least 10 approaches, making sure that the body does not bend anywhere and is stretched in one straight line.

    Rotation of the hoop

    The hoop is considered the best device for shaping a thin waist. You can choose the right one at a sporting goods store. It is worth giving preference to the model with an average weight. The height should not be lower than the navel line.

    There are several proven exercises that will help you achieve the desired results in a short time:

    • A simple rotation around the waist for 5-15 minutes a day will help improve blood circulation and remove fat deposits in the problem area.
    • Bending forward with an emphasis on the upright hoop will help work out the obliques and back.
    • Rotation of the hoop in a standing position with legs slightly bent at the knees for 3-5 minutes helps to lose weight and strengthen the whole body.

    After several workouts, it is allowed to complicate the exercises with the hoop, to do bends and lunges during rotation. However, this method is dangerous because it increases the risk of injury while tilting. It is recommended to start exercising with a plastic hoop. It is more difficult to hold it in weight, which puts additional stress on the muscles of the abdomen and sides, while the risk of injury is minimal.

    Spins on a gymnastic disc

    A simple device - a gymnastic disc - will help to form a thin waist at home without unnecessary effort.

    Exercise options:

    1. 1. Kneel on the disc and rest your hands on the floor, turn your torso from side to side, leaving your hands in place, for 2 minutes.
    2. 2. Stand against the wall, lean on it with your hands. Put your feet on the disk, try to turn your torso, leaving your hands motionless. Perform 1-3 minutes.
    3. 3. Stand on the disc without support and rotate the arms in one direction, and the legs and torso in the other, creating tension in the sides and abdomen.
    4. 4. Sit on the disk, rest your hands on the floor behind the body, raise your legs bent at the knees 10-15 cm from the floor. Make turns of the body in different directions, without moving your arms, for 2-5 minutes.

    10-15 minutes a day is enough to form a perfect waist in 3-6 weeks. It is important to listen to your feelings during exercise and not make sudden movements.

    Any physical activity aimed at reducing the waist is recommended to be combined with a proper diet, which is dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and other healthy foods.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

    My weight was especially depressing for me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with an increase of 165. I thought my stomach would come off after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that overweight girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew that size." Then at 29 years old, divorce from her husband and depression ...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

The belly is one of the most problematic areas for girls. However, you can also find the perfect waist at home. You only need motivation, some free space and regular implementation of the presented set of effective exercises for a thin waist.

The best exercises for a thin waist at home

Thinking about how to make your waist thinner and quickly remove your belly? Looking for an effective set of exercises to do at home? In this article, you will find the best workout program to do at home.
Many people believe that crunches, abdominal exercises, and bends are enough to reduce waist size. It should be remembered that the wrong execution technique can only increase the sides. Follow the advice of a professional trainer and adhere to the program below.

Before starting your workout, take some time to warm up. Perform side bends, jumping, and running in place for 5 minutes before training.

How to make your waist thinner: a set of exercises at home

Exercises Sets Reps / Time
2 1 minute
2 10
2 10
Exercise "Cat" 6 15 sec.
2 1 minute
"Bicycle" for a thin waist 3 1 minute
3 15
"Swimming" for a thin waist 2 15
3 30 minutes
5 1 minute

Execution technique:

  1. Get into a lying position. Use your forearms as support. The whole body should form a single straight line. Tighten your glutes. Make sure that your hips do not drop.
  2. Fix the achieved position for a minute.

Exercise activates the lateral abdominal muscles. Only your stretching can make the task easier.


  1. Lie on a flat surface with your stomach up. Lower your arms along your torso. Lift your legs up in a right angle. The hips and feet form one line.
  2. Lift your glutes. Stretch up with your feet. The legs should be straightened throughout the exercise. Avoid rocking.
  3. Return to starting position. Do 2 sets of 10 times.

Execution technique:

  1. Lie on your back. The body and buttocks are firmly pressed to the floor. Bend your knees. Place them near the sternum.
  2. Expand bent legs to one side. Do not touch the floor. Then return to the starting position. Do the same twist on the other side. For each side, do 10 reps of 2 sets.

The movement engages the transverse abdominal muscles.


  1. Get on all fours. Exhale. Try to draw in your stomach as much as possible. Look forward only. Don't lift your head.
  2. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6 more times.

All abdominal muscles are involved in the exercise.

Execution technique:

  1. Lie on one side. Exit into the plank using your forearm and feet as support. Look forward only. Keep your back straight.
  2. Stay in this position for a minute. Do it 2 times with a break of 1 minute.


  1. Lie flat on your back. Lock your arms behind your head.
  2. Bend your knees alternately. At the same time, turn the body, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Exercise for a minute. Follow 3 sets.

The press is involved. Its rotational function plays an important role. Balance and coordination are also trained. Do 15 jumps in 3 sets for each side.


  1. Stand straight with your hands in front of you.
  2. Jump so that your feet are pressed together. While jumping, turn to one side. On the next jump, rotate your body to the other side.

Exercise "Swimming" for a thin waist

Execution technique:

  1. Lie on the floor with your back up. The hips should be pressed against a flat surface. The distance between the feet should correspond to the width of the shoulders. Stretch your arms in front of you. Look ahead. Don't lift your head up.
  2. Bend your elbows, placing your palms near your sternum. Flatten your shoulder blades.
  3. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 2 sets of 15 times.

Take your sports equipment seriously. The hoop must be over 2 kg. Exercise with a hoop can provide you with a thin waist and a loss of a few extra pounds. If this is your first time doing the hoop exercise, don't overdo it. Allow your body to gradually get used to this type of stress.

Execution technique:

Control tension in your abdomen. Rotate the hoop for an hour and a half. It is permissible to take only 2 breaks of 2 minutes each.

With the help of a rope, girls will improve metabolism, work out the abdominal muscles. During the jump itself, turn the body to the right, then to the left. Over time, this movement will become fairly easy to perform. Jump fast, take as few pauses as possible. After a minute of continuous jumping, take a break of 20 seconds. Do 5 sets.

Training frequency

Train so that the muscles have time to recover. Practice approximately 3 times a week... Leave 1 day off between training days. The muscles will gradually get used to the load.

Do the Thin Waist Complex when you feel most comfortable. Usually girls prefer to stretch and stretch in the morning. Thus, the body is quickly involved in work. The basic exercises can be played in the late afternoon.

How to make your waist thin quickly in a week: tips for exercising

  1. Exercise smoothly. Eliminate sudden movements. Rest no more than a minute between sets.
  2. Watch your breathing technique. Breathe in as you relax. Make the effort as you exhale.
  3. Do not rest your chin against your chest. Keep your neck straight.
  4. Control your posture. The lower back should not come off the floor. Don't overload your spine.
  5. Ventilate the area before each workout.
  6. Stretch out at the end of the session. This will help the muscles relax.
  7. Lead an active lifestyle. Go jogging, yoga, cycling.

What determines the thinness of the waist?

Subtract 1 meter from your height to determine what waist measurement will be most suitable for you.

  • Heredity... People who are not predisposed to being overweight achieve noticeable results in sports much faster. It is hard for girls who have a small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone.
  • Hormonal background... The waist will be thin if estrogen is present in excess. If there is not enough female hormone in the body, the figure will look the opposite.
  • Sports training level... Waist thinness depends on the amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue. Regular exercise will help you get a slimmer waist.


Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet. Such food includes confectionery, sugar, carbonated drinks. All of these foods are converted to fat. Choose foods that contain protein. For meat, choose chicken breast. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink as much water as possible. Eat small meals often. It is necessary to stop smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

A beautiful, thin waist, flat stomach, lack of sides - all this is the object of desire of almost any lady at all times. Alas, this is not so easy and not everyone succeeds.

Let's figure out which exercises will be useful for a thin waist and a flat abdomen at home and in the gym, which ones to do to reduce volume, and which ones not!

Bone Wide will help you achieve the body of your dreams: without stress and mistakes - we break myths to smithereens!

Volume rate

Leaving aside the old standards 90-60-90, hourglass and all that, let's think about how much waist you should ideally have, given your unique parameters, for example, height. This figure is 70% of the volume of the chest and hips... For example, if the upper and lower parameters are 100 cm, which is the norm for a height of 170-175 cm, then the waist should be about 70 cm, but not 60.

So strive to make the waist that is beautiful and slim for you. What's the use of looking at the waist of a model if you are 20 cm shorter than her? ..

Never set yourself the task of doing something like someone else! You just won't succeed: because all people are unique and good in their diversity.

Why can't you do it?

For aspen

In our super cool article (there about diets for the abdomen, etc.), we analyzed absolutely all the myths associated with losing weight in the waist area and came to the scientific conclusion: the only thing we can do to reduce the sides, stomach and waist is it is to lose weight and change proportions!

Those. In fact, all the best effective exercises for the sides, narrow, thin waist, flat stomach are exercises for the whole body that will allow you to burn calories and, as a result, lose weight!

The most common mistake women make- throw all your strength into training the abdominal muscles, forgetting about other zones and neglecting such important factors as body type and genetic predisposition.

To understand how to reduce and remove the belly, as well as get rid of the sides, you should pay attention to the following:

    Back muscles and posture- if you straighten your back, you will notice that the stomach becomes slimmer. To keep your posture straight at all times, it is important to strengthen your back muscles. Yoga and special exercises are suitable for this purpose.

    Internal abdominal muscles- sometimes they do not cope with their function of holding organs, because of this, the effect of a bulging, hanging abdomen is created.

    Yet again body type- For girls with an "apple" physique (narrow shoulders and hips, a wide waist), a "rectangle" (the width of the shoulders, waist and hips is about the same) and a triangle (broad shoulders and narrow hips), you can harmonize the physique by working out the muscles of the hips or shoulders.

    This will visually bring the figure closer to the feminine hourglass. It is also worth choosing clothes based on the structural features of the body, hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages.

For sides and abdomen

So how do you make yourself a subtle bend? As we constantly repeat: in fact, local fat burning is absolutely impossible! So there are no special exercises for losing weight, for example, the press or for a narrow waist. As you lose weight, you will do it from head to toe. Controlling and directing the body to the place where the required amount of fat will be burned is impossible.

This is supported by one remarkable study. According to its results, in the fat, which is located on top of the trained muscle, there is still a local increase in lipolysis and blood flow -
for 30 minutes of training per 100 grams. adipose tissue burned an additional 0.6-2.1 milligrams of fat.

If you have extra 5 kg of fat on your sides, then in half an hour of training the press, at best, mobilizes 0.03-0.1 grams of fat from these 5 kg in excess of the norm. You understand, the numbers are ridiculous!

Conclusion: to remove fat from the belly and sides, it must be removed everywhere.

Alas, the vast majority of people do not think so and are looking for a secret waist exercise that will remove the sides, stomach and any other problem area. We need exercise to increase energy expenditure, sparkle eyes and tighten the figure, food is more responsible for losing weight! However, this does not mean that you do not need to exercise.

It is also necessary: ​​a healthy, strong back will always be useful to you!

The simplest and most effective at home

You need to select exercises, depending on your health condition, age and general medical indicators. The emphasis should be on restorative exercises and on the abdominal press.

Before starting strength exercises, be sure to do it!

You can tone your abs with the following gentle exercises:

    Side bends- The most important thing in this exercise for the waist is keeping your back straight.

    Straighten your spine, straighten your shoulders, and tighten your glutes and abs. Make sure that the movement is made only from side to side - you cannot bow forward and backward. The tilt itself should be accomplished due to the tension of the abdominal muscles. It is not worth doing the exercise with a load, as this will lead to the growth of the oblique muscles.

    Plank - if you do not have sports training or you suffer from excess weight, follow the simplified bar.

    Stretch your arms forward and rest your palms and toes on the floor. In this case, the elbows should not bend, and the buttocks should not protrude. The back and legs should be in a straight line.

    Mill- stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your body at a right angle forward.

    The chest should be parallel to the floor. Spread your arms to the sides, take a deep breath and as you exhale, touch the toe of your right leg with your left hand, without bending your knees. At a time when one hand is directed downward, the other should dodge up behind the back. This exercise is not only for the waist - it will also tone the muscles of the arms, back and abdomen.

    Body rotation- Place your hands on the edges of the stick and look in front of you while moving. The range of motion should be maximum. The back is straight. The spine is vertical.

    Squats- the classic depth of the squat is limited to the moment when the thighs become parallel to the floor. If the task is to pump the muscles of the hips and buttocks, in order to balance them with the waist, you need to do a deeper squat.

    Jumping rope Is a great way to do cardio workouts at home.

Best in the gym

Of course, working out in the gym makes it much easier to find exercises for a thin waist. To make the waist visually thinner - pay attention to the development of the shoulder girdle, hips and buttocks.

Remember, there are no magical ultra-effective exercises for a thin waist and abdomen. Most of the methods that are offered on the Internet are absolutely useless in terms of reducing the waist and eliminating the sides.

Shoulder exercises:

  • Bench press from a sitting position;
  • Bench press while standing;
  • Barbell pull to the chin;
  • Breeding dumbbells to the sides;
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Exercises for the hips and buttocks:

  • Load squats;

The best, simplest and most effective exercise for the sides, abdomen and thin waist: this ...! Because it engages almost every muscle group, improves your posture and burns a lot of calories!


So, you can do yoga at home for a flat stomach and thin waist. Before performing asanas, be sure to warm up and prepare your muscles - this will help to avoid injury. The room temperature should be comfortable and the air clean and fresh.

Pay attention not only to the position of the body, but also to your breathing, so that only with correct breathing you can completely relax and take the correct posture.

The most effective waist asanas are:

  • Side pull- Reduces body fat in the waist area.
  • Staff- a very useful exercise for the waist, it strengthens the muscles of the back, makes your posture smoother.
  • Candle- general strengthening gymnastic exercise.
  • A boat- strengthens the muscles of the press and back.
  • Locust- improves digestion, helps cleanse the intestines.

  • Sage Marichi Pose- naturally slims the waist through twisting.

Yoga not only helps to strengthen muscles - it also strengthens the nervous system and helps relieve stress.

Perform asanas smoothly and carefully! The first lesson is best done with an instructor!

Sports disc "Health"

As they like to write on the packaging of these discs: "The best exercise for losing weight on the abdomen and perfect waist - remove the belly, make a thin waist at home!"

You know, it already sounds suspicious to put it mildly. But in general, using it allows you to slightly increase your calorie expenditure, like picking your nose, for example. True, this is far from the best way to spend energy for a number of reasons:

    Boring occupation.

    There is an 80% chance of giving up your workouts in 1-2 weeks. But for losing weight, such a period is not enough, because in order to achieve a significant decrease in body fat mass, you need to train for at least several months.

    Microscopic calorie consumption!

    On the Internet they write that the health disk burns up to 500 kcal per hour. This is a lie - so much energy is expended when running at a speed above average, but there you work with all your muscles, breathe often, sweat. And then you stand on the disk and twirl your booty. Naturally, energy costs cannot be so huge.

    Short workout duration.

    Most women exercise no more than 20-30 minutes and not every day: you know, they will burn 100-120 calories.

    It is believed that the health disk is good for reducing the volume and shaping the waist, sides and slimming the abdomen. "Where are we going to make a waist?" 🙂 It is in these places, according to legend, that this device first of all burns fat.

    Tales like this can be heard about many sports equipment, some exercise, and even food. Unfortunately, I have to repeat again: you can't burn fat where it gets in your way. Fat is only lost when you are in a calorie deficit. Where to get it in the first place - the body will decide without your participation. So this waist exercise is useless.

Oxize and bodyfex

We will not even direct the shadow to the fence. Oxize- this is breathing exercises, it will definitely not help you lose weight, and body flex with vacuum. Our advice: cut back on the dietary supplement diet, live an active life and go to the gym - just breathing in air you will not lose weight.

Once again, briefly: oxidize, bodyflex and vacuum for belly reduction at home are not suitable!


Hypertrophied oblique muscles of the press look beautiful and sexy on the male body, however, women are frustrated by such a training result. To avoid hypertrophy of the oblique abdominal muscles, you do not need to pump them during the period of obtaining a surplus calorie content.

You need to understand what types of exercise complexes are aimed at the growth of these muscles and exclude them from your workout. To harmonize body proportions, it makes sense to work on the lats and do exercises for the buttocks and hips.

Let's take a look at what sets of exercises will definitely not work to reduce the waist:

If you are in doubt about the performance of this or that exercise (for the waist or not), consult with a trainer and find out how it will affect the oblique abdominal muscles.



Let's summarize, and once again note the main theses on how to reduce the waist and which exercises for the waist to choose:

  1. Eat in a calorie deficit (eat less than your body can use) and try to stick to the principles of good nutrition.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Strengthen the muscle corset, but do not get carried away with oblique exercises (especially with weights).
  4. Don't waste your money on useless "tricks" (corsets, massages, body wraps, films, etc.).
  5. A narrow waist may not be due to the peculiarities of the body constitution, which are almost impossible to influence.
  6. If you do not have a natural waist, but you really want to get beautiful contours, then work on increasing the muscles of the buttocks, hips and shoulders for more expressive curves and improved body composition.

It is pleasant to look at graceful and slender girls. Beautiful curves, graceful gait, flat tummy are not always a gift from nature. In 99% of cases, this is the result of long, daily, hard work on your body, diet, and lifestyle. But the result is really worth it! How to make a thin waist at home: a selection of the most effective ways and what you don't need to waste time on.

Basic body types:

  1. Apple. The most difficult type of figure for the formation of the waist, does not have pronounced curves, the chest and abdomen are full, the legs are thin.
  2. Pear. Girls with such a figure look very feminine, the waist is thin, but the hips and legs are wide and full.
  3. Inverted triangle. This type also does not have a pronounced waist; the body in the belt area may be wider than the hip line.
  4. Rectangle. Hips, waist and chest have almost the same volume or look like this, it is quite difficult to shape a figure with this type.
  5. Hourglass. Ideal type, hips and chest are about the same, waist is thin. It includes the world famous standard of parameters 90-60-90.

Of course, girls "apples" or "rectangles" should not give up and lean on buns. In any case, efforts and work on the body will give positive results. You can pump up your hips and buttocks, choose the right clothes to visually narrow your waist. There are many different ways to make your waist thin, including surgical ones. But drastic measures are not always needed.

Interesting: According to the norms, the waist of a healthy adult man should not exceed 98 cm. For women, the maximum indicator is 78 cm. Large numbers are considered a deviation, indicating obesity and health problems.

Correct sport

Abdominal swings, bends, and torso lifts are the most popular exercises for the waist and flat tummy. But often they only increase the sides, as they are done incorrectly. To really remove the excess in the right place, it is wiser to work with a coach or at least get a few lessons. Small mistakes lead to pumping of the lateral abdominal muscles. Squats with weights, lateral bends (including sitting), twisting require working out the correct technique.

What exercises can be done without fear:

  1. Cross bar. A person is pulled into a string, held in this position with the help of two anchor points: toes, bent arms.
  2. Side plank. A person is stretched in a lying position on his side, held with the help of two anchor points: the arm bent at the elbow and the side of the foot.
  3. Jumping rope. Strengthens the back, abdominal muscles, accelerates metabolism, will have a positive effect on the whole figure.
  4. Deep squats. Exercise can only be done without weights.

Exercises "Burpee" give very good results. This is a small complex for high-quality workout of the muscles of the whole body, including the abdomen. It consists of exercises that move from one to the other. The lesson begins with a deep squat, which flows into the bar, then squat again and a sharp jump.

"Vacuum" for slimness

Exercise "Vacuum" will be a good help in forming bends and getting rid of the tummy, sometimes it is called "Pump"; breathing exercises "Bodyflex", "Oxysize" work on the same principle.

The exercise is done immediately after waking up or just on an empty stomach, you can not combine it with the main workout and take a few minutes separately. The vacuum is allowed to be done while standing, on all fours or lying down. A short technique for performing: exhale all the air to the very end, draw the stomach under the ribs, hold your breath for 8-10 counts, inhale. Repeat several times.

Video: Thin waist in 7 minutes a day

Proper nutrition and weight control

The waist will never be thin if you use flour products, sweets, fatty foods, fast food. All of these foods contain fast carbohydrates and are instantly deposited on the sides and stomach. It is very difficult to remove fat from this zone; it goes away last. Therefore, the primary task is to bring the weight back to normal, only after that to start working on the problem area. An obese and even slightly overweight person will not be able to find a beautiful waist.

For weight loss, you can choose an effective diet, a huge number of them have been developed. Helps to lose weight by counting calories, protein-carbohydrate alternation, fasting days. If you have a little extra pounds or you just want to reduce your belly with a normal body weight, then it is wiser to switch to proper, fractional nutrition.

The basic principles of proper nutrition:

  1. Carbohydrate food is consumed in the morning until 12 noon. After lunch, only proteins, low-fat dairy products, vegetables.
  2. It is not recommended to eat fruits after 16 hours. You can make an afternoon snack out of them.
  3. Dinner is as light as possible: chicken, fish, fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese.
  4. After 6 pm, you can and should eat so that your metabolism does not slow down. It is advisable to take a meal 2-3 hours before bedtime. Boiled chicken, protein omelet, kefir or cottage cheese will be an ideal late dinner.
  5. Alcohol is very high in calories and harmful, moreover, its use often leads to a loss of willpower and overeating. Sometimes you can afford 1-2 glasses of dry wine, but not more often than once a week.
  6. The maximum serving size is 300 g. It is better to keep within 200-250 g, snack every 2.5-3 hours.

Important! Water is needed for the normal functioning of the body and weight loss, but you do not need to consume it in liters at once. Drinking should also be fractional, in small sips in a glass every 1-2 hours. You should not forcefully catch up with the daily norm in the evening.

Correct posture

Over the years, women gain weight, they have a tummy, the waist spreads to the sides, and very often this is associated with a biological slowdown in metabolism. According to the world famous doctor Elena Malysheva, from 30 to 40 years old, metabolic processes slow down by 30%, from 40 to 50 years another 30%. But for some reason, many are silent about posture. She, too, suffers over the years, but begins to change much earlier, sometimes from the very youth. It is worth going to the mirror and straightening, stretching the neck, bringing the shoulder blades together and changes in the waist will be immediately noticeable. The tummy will become flat, and the figure will be attractive.

How to return or change your posture:

  1. Strengthening the muscles of the back. It is they who are responsible for posture, help maintain the tummy. Exercises on the back, for example, "cat" will help. Yoga and stretching have a beneficial effect.
  2. Special corsets. Clever gadgets in which it is simply impossible to slouch. There are different types of corsets for posture straightening, curvature prevention.
  3. Constant control. Particular attention should be paid to the posture when working at the computer, writing or reading, eating. It is at these moments that the muscles relax, the stomach "falls out".

Video: Posture like a queen

Bowel cleansing

The intestines of modern people are lazy, not completely cleansed, over the years, fecal deposits, microbes, mucus accumulate in the folds. Their weight can reach several kilograms. Naturally, this is an extra volume in the abdominal region. The problem is often associated with improper diet, namely, insufficient intake of coarse fibers - fiber. Fresh vegetables, cereals, baked goods made from grain flour are increasingly being replaced by rolls, sweets, and sausages.

How to help your intestines cleanse:

  1. Eat daily fresh vegetables, cereals from unrefined cereals, grain breads and wholemeal flour.
  2. Take a course of cleansing with pharmaceutical preparations. For example, "Laktofiltrum", "Fortrans", "Lavacol".
  3. You can clean it with affordable folk remedies. For example, beets and kefir, salt water with lemon.
  4. Include bran in the diet. A small portion of 30 g will cover the body's daily fiber requirement.

The effect of cleansing the intestines will be very noticeable, you can first take measurements and compare them after a few days. Losses are up to 3-5 cm. The figure will instantly transform, along with harmony, lightness and good mood will appear.

Cleansing the intestines has other positive aspects: the work of the stool is improved, the complexion and skin condition are improved, the number of rashes is reduced, toxins and toxins that poison the blood are released from the body. The procedure is useful in all respects, but requires a competent approach.

Clothing: how to hide a flaw

A person spends most of his life in clothes. She is able not only to cover the body, but also to hide flaws, emphasize advantages, and visually narrow the waist. The easiest and safest option is shaping underwear. You don't need to save on it, you shouldn't buy it over the Internet. It is important to correctly determine the size. The tummy and waist should be tightened, but without folds and protruding seams.

You should not buy slimming underwear in bright colors or decorated with lace, lacing, with the exception of corsets. Corrective clothing should be inconspicuous. If it is not possible to buy several different colors, then it is better to take beige right away. It is suitable for colored, white and dark clothes.

Tips for choosing clothes:

  1. Dark top, light bottom. If you are wearing a wide black belt or a dark T-shirt, then the waist will look advantageous compared to the light bottom.
  2. A-line skirts. The flared bottom visually makes the upper part of the figure more feminine, sophisticated, and favorably emphasizes the waist.
  3. Skirts and trousers in fabric with horizontal stripes. This option will visually expand the hips, create a contrast, perfect for girls with a rectangle, apple shape.
  4. Cropped jackets. Such clothes line the waistline and emphasize it.
  5. High-waisted jeans and flared trousers. They stretch the figure, add grace, sophistication, and emphasize the waistline.
  6. Basque. She can be present on skirts, dresses, blouses. This option is only suitable for slim girls. On obese people, the Basque sometimes looks funny and ridiculous.
  7. Dresses with dark inserts. Models of dresses with side dark wedges shape the hips. The figure in such clothes looks slim, sexy.

When looking for clothes, do not forget about the color type and your age. What is right and good on another person does not always work.

Useless and ineffective ways

Not all work will be rewarded with a slender waist. In addition to effective methods, there are a lot of useless, but for some reason advertised and well-known techniques. At best, they will only take time; at worst, they can harm the body.

What doesn't help:

  1. Wraps. Yes, you can lose a few centimeters in the waist, the extra water will go away, but in a few days everything will return. You can use wraps as an express method before an important day or event.
  2. Hoop, hula hoop. A controversial way to get a beautiful waist. Someone assures of its effectiveness, others complain about the abundance of bruises. But not a single hoop, even the most expensive one, can provoke lipolysis (fat breakdown) in the right place.
  3. Slimming belts or thermal underwear. This is not only useless, but also harmful. Many girls put on all this before playing sports, the same effect works as from wraps. But only water leaves, while under pressure breathing becomes difficult, the work of internal organs becomes more complicated.
  4. Slimming corsets. They give an instant visual result, but there can be no talk of any lasting effect.

It is even worse when girls apply anti-cellulite creams, wrap themselves in a film or put on slimming belts, then begin to twist a hoop in this form. The effect of the procedure is possible, but short-term. Losing weight in a local place is impossible, and the gone water will return very soon. The maximum that can be achieved by such methods is to improve the condition of the skin due to the good penetration of the cream. But why not just rub it in and give it a gentle massage? Any pressure on the abdomen leads to pain and injury to internal organs. The path to a beautiful figure must be laid out correctly!

Video: The most dangerous ab exercises

The abdomen and sides, because of which the waist moves away from the ideal, are the result of a complex of reasons: genetic predisposition, anatomical features and improper lifestyle. However, there are ways to make your waist slim, but to enjoy the results longer than 3-6 months, you need to engage in your body constantly, take care of yourself, diet and exercise daily habits.

How to make the waist thinner and remove the belly

Achieving a thin waist is not as easy as the manufacturers of weight loss products write. You can make the task easier only by using special secrets. First of all, it is worth finding out the root cause of excess weight. If these are hormonal disorders or problems with the thyroid gland, then you cannot do without treatment.

For weight loss, it is important to use a symbiosis of methods:

  • Healthy food;
  • Wellness habits;
  • Physical exercise;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Getting rid of bad habits;
  • The right motivation.

In order for the waist to be slim, a whole range of measures is needed.

One way follows from the other, complementing it. You cannot choose one thing, neglecting the rest of the list items. It is equally important to prepare the body for a new lifestyle. Switch to a balanced diet and good habits smoothly so that the body gets used to it. A sharp jump will become stress, which it is advisable to avoid at all.

Physical activity begins with a warm-up and stretching to avoid damaging the muscles. The load should be dosed - from a minimum of 10 minutes at home to 2 hours of active training in the gym. Let your body relax while staying toned. For this, a hula-hoop (hoop), a jump rope and a gymnastic disk are useful, on which it is enough to spend at least 20 minutes a day.

Proper nutrition

A balanced diet consists of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. A diet for weight loss is the consumption of food in which the minimum amount of carbohydrates and the maximum amount of protein. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and clean water help to increase metabolism, as well as remove toxins and toxins from the body.

The main rules of dietary nutrition:

  1. You should eat light meals 5-6 times a day instead of the usual three. It is better to divide one standard portion into two or three.
  2. The most significant meal is breakfast. It should be complete, rich in nutrients and calories, which will last for the whole day. Lunch is also rich, unlike dinner. Eating at night should be low-fat foods in a minimum amount. It is advisable to have dinner no later than three to four hours before bedtime.
  3. It is worth drinking about two liters of clean water per day, not counting drinks. Nutritionists call green tea, vitamin cocktails and fresh juices useful. They can be drunk at any time, except for meals. It is advisable to drink food only with mineral water.
  4. It is important to start the morning with fiber-rich foods: bran, nuts, legumes, wheat, raisins, lentils, rice, oatmeal. Add carrots, herbs, broccoli, cabbage to them. Instead of coffee, it is better to drink green tea with ginger, apple or orange juice.
  5. For dinner, nutritionists recommend eating kefir, fresh grapefruit, salads. For fruit salad, it is best to use apples, pineapple, or pears. Vegetable salads with cucumbers, herbs and cabbage are welcome. These fruits and vegetables burn stored fat.

The diet should contain lean meat and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, olive and flaxseed oil. The latter contains a minimum of calories, as well as a complex of nutrients that are not even found in fish oil. It is fish oil that is considered to be an assistant in the fight against cellulite in the abdomen. If you can't stand it, then replace it with linseed oil.

Foods to eat for weight loss

In addition, you should abandon:

  • Sugar, it is replaced with special diabetic additives, honey, dried fruits;
  • Fast food - it has a lot of fat;
  • Chips, croutons and snacks;
  • Fried, smoked products, and it is better to steam or boil;
  • Sweets and carbonated drinks, where there are practically no nutrients, but there is a large amount of fast carbohydrates.

Pomegranates, grapes, watermelon, banana and cherries can be consumed but in small quantities. These berries and fruits are rich in vitamins, but they are also rich in fructose, which whets the appetite.

Spices, garlic, cinnamon, black pepper, various homemade sauces are not prohibited, although they also have a positive effect on appetite, so do not overdo it. Purchased mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, and other sauces should not be consumed, because they are created from not the most useful products with the addition of chemical enhancers of taste and smell. As a last resort, only purchase them from health food stores.

Fiber-rich foods

The best exercises for a thin waist

To make the waist thin, you need a set of exercises, which includes strength training to strengthen the abs plus cardio loads, removing excess volume in the abdomen and burning calories - the basis of the fat layer. Each exercise should involve the obliques and core muscles.

Physical activity is conventionally divided into exercise in the gym or at home. They differ in their execution technique, efficiency, and the use of special equipment. They can be combined, changed, and the load can be increased daily.

In the gym

Those who want to lose weight often use various weighting agents in the gym. They are needed to build muscle. This is useful for those who wish to have abs cubes. If all you care about is getting rid of excess weight, you should not work hard with a barbell or dumbbells. In addition to weights, lateral extensions on the simulator, straight crunches on the press, and side-to-side bends have a positive effect on the press.

Hanging leg raises

Hanging on the horizontal bar, you need to raise your straight legs to an angle of 90 °, hold them a little in this position, and then slowly lower them. Hands remain shoulder-width apart, breathing is even. Do it as many times as you can physically.

Hanging leg raises

Crunches on the bench

The simulator is tilted 30-40 degrees. They lie head down on their backs, their legs are fixed by special rollers. Gradually tear off the shoulders and upper body, leaving the lower region motionless. It is not necessary to lower it to the end so that the tension on the press remains. Arms can be crossed over your chest or behind your head.

Crunches on the bench

It is important! To relieve the vertebrae from strong pressure, the back is kept round.

Rises on an incline bench

You need to lie on your back with your head up, and hook onto the crossbar with your hands. The legs are raised at a right angle, after which they slowly return to their original position. Avoid lowering your lower body completely to maintain tension in your abdomen.

Rises on an incline bench

Fitball lessons

The legs are on the fitball, the hands are on the floor, the stomach is directed upward. As you exhale, the legs stretch to the chest, and the gymnastic ball rolls over the body. After a few seconds, an exhalation is made, then the starting position is taken.

Fitball lessons

Crossover training

The sports equipment uses the pectoral muscles and abs. You need to grab the handle of the crossover with both hands, taking a position in its center. The cables run slightly forward at the sides on slightly bent elbows. When you exhale, the handles tend to the chest, while inhaling, they return to the standard position. It is important to keep your back straight.

Crossover training

At home

Since exercises at home can be performed without special equipment, they are suitable for beginners as a basic physical course or as an effective addition to training on simulators.


In a prone position, place an emphasis on your palms, bending your elbows. The pose is similar to a push-up. Rise on tiptoes, bringing the body into a single straight line. In this position, stand for 10-30 seconds, then lie down on your stomach and rest for about 5 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.


The lesson can be done in any position. Exhale all the air in your lungs. Inhale as much as possible so that the stomach is practically in contact with the spine. In this state, you need to spend 15–45 seconds, then exhale again. Repeat the lesson as many times as possible. The exercise tenses the transverse abdominal muscle, acting as a natural corset.

Steps to the side

Stand up straight with your feet together and your hands on your waist. As you inhale, take a step to the side, raising your arms. When exhaling, lower your arms, put your feet next to each other. Repeat on the other side. The back always remains straight.

Steps to the side


Sit on your back, press your shoulder blades to the floor, clasp your hands behind your head or lay under you, put your legs bent at the knees on the floor. The head is raised, straight legs are raised perpendicular to the body. Alternately, the legs fall to the floor.


You need to lie on your stomach with your feet shoulder-width apart and hips pressed to the floor. The arms are extended forward. Then the upper body rises, after which the elbows are bent and the arms are pulled up to the chest. The shoulder blades are as close as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise as many times as you can.

Swimming or swallow

Good habits

In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, good habits will help to slim the waist and remove the belly. They are additional measures due to which the desired result is achieved faster.

Good habits include:

  1. Healthy sleep. A person should sleep at least 6 and no more than 9 hours a day. Long-term sleep, like its lack, slows down the processes in the body, creates a state from which it is difficult to get out.
  2. Cold and hot shower. He is especially invigorating in the morning. Try not only to abruptly change the water from cold to hot or vice versa, but also turn on the massage mode in the shower, directing it to the abdominal area.
  3. Wraps. With the help of cling film wrapped around the waist, a greenhouse effect is created - fat is released along with intense sweating. To improve the result of the procedure, you can apply special mixtures under the film, to which honey, wax, chocolate and other components are added. They have a positive effect on the skin, eliminating wrinkles and other imperfections.
  4. Swimming or gymnastics. Sports, especially with these types, strengthen the abs, dissolve excess body fat, and have a positive effect on all muscle groups.
  5. Yoga. There are special asanas aimed at getting rid of excess weight. They also calm the nervous system.

A corset is a great solution for those who dream of a flat waist. But you should not consider it the main tool for this, because it "works" only as an additional tool. Before buying it, be sure to consult a doctor.

You can find out what your normal waist circumference is, if you subtract the figure 100 from the height (in cm). For example, with a height of 160 cm, the waist should have 60 cm, and with a height of 185 cm, respectively 85 cm. The difference is 10 cm more or less is considered risky.

Video: how to achieve a narrow waist

To remove the stomach and sides, it is worth adhering to a set of exercises and balanced nutrition. It is equally important to relieve yourself of stress, think positively, delete cigarettes, alcohol, love of fatty foods, and other bad habits from life. The exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym. The second option is preferable. Sports activities along with a diet will give an effective result in a few months.

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