Stanzas of Jiang - a magical book that changes life and consciousness. Mysterious books: Jiang's Stanzas Army behind barbed wire. Diary of a German... Edwin Dwinger

“There is an abyss of existence, incomprehensible to man...”(Howard Lovecraft, “The Cthulhu Mythos”)

"The Book of Dzyan"(from the Sanskrit word "Dhyan"- mystical meditation) is the oldest known book about the creation of the Universe and Life. No one knows the age of this book or who wrote it. It is difficult to find out who was the first and when to mention the “Book of Dzyan”, brought to India and supposedly arrived from Venus. Louis Jacolliot called this book "Jiang's Stanzas". Some believe that it was written more 10 thousand years ago, others are sure that she is about 1 million years.

Apollonius of Tyana assured that in his time (1st century AD) in India there were amazing, ancient books that contained wisdom that had come to us from a very distant past. Apollonius supposedly saw Jiang's Stanzas with his own eyes. Perhaps he brought a copy of the book to the West.

Several encrypted formulas ( Stanz) The Books of Dzyan form the basis "The Secret Doctrine" by Helena Blavatsky. The source of the legend about the “sons of god” and the “sacred island” Shambhala is also "The Book of Dzyan". As Jacques Bergier writes (“Cursed Books”), Blavatsky allegedly learned about the existence of a “very dangerous book” (“Books of Dzian”) while staying in Cairo, from a Coptic mystic who taught her to read using clairvoyance. According to the mystic, the original book reveals secret knowledge that came from other planets and relates to a history that dates back hundreds of millions of years, was in a Tibetan monastery.

One can, of course, put forward a hypothesis that Blavatsky, who had an extremely rich imagination, was carried away by the fantastic plots of ancient legends. Or maybe there is nothing incredible in the fact that Blavatsky actually read the book with the help of clairvoyance, as Edgar Cayce did? Blavatsky constantly claimed that all her knowledge came from Stanza Zian, which she first read telepathically before receiving a copy of the book in India. Where and when did she study Sanskrit? This is one of the secrets of her biography. “Jiang’s Stanzas” were allegedly written not even in Sanskrit, but in the Senzar language, which no one had heard of before or after her. Blavatsky translated this text into English, the translation was published in 1915 by the Hermetic Publishing Company in San Diego.

“The teachings contained in these volumes, although fragmentary and incomplete, do not belong to any one religion, such as the Hindus, Zoroaster, Chaldeans and Egyptians, nor to Buddhism, Islam, Judaism or Christianity, exclusively. The Secret Doctrine is the essence of them all. Born from it in their beginnings, the various religious systems now return to their original element, from which every mystery and dogma arose, developed and materialized. It is more than likely that this book will be considered by the majority as the wildest fable, for who has ever heard of the Book of Dzyan? (Helena Blavatsky)

Esotericists claim that the “Book of Dzyan” is revealed only in parts, only to the Initiates, only under the guidance of the Great Teachers, and it is as real as the “Secret Doctrine” of Helena Blavatsky is real. The Secret Doctrine is essentially an exposition and detailed commentary on the 19 Stanzas (chapters) and 49 Slokas (verses) of the Book of Dzyan. The book was originally published in two volumes in 1888, the third volume was published after the writer's death in 1897.

The basis of the “Secret Doctrine” is made up of Stanzas translated from the “Book of Dzyan” with comments and explanations by Blavatsky. The first volume of The Secret Doctrine, entitled “Cosmogenesis” by Blavatsky, comments on the first seven Stanzas of the “Book of Dzyan”, which tells about the formation of the Universe, the structure of matter, evolution solar system, the origin and change of human races on Earth. The second volume, entitled “Anthropogenesis,” is dedicated to detailed description the origin and evolution of man, in it Blavatsky comments on the 12 Stanzas of the next part of the “Book of Dzyan”. According to many eyewitnesses, the material given by the Mahatmas “passed” through Blavatsky’s pen different ways. Sometimes it was dictated, sometimes clairvoyance or other means were used. Some things appeared in manuscripts from the Mahatmas themselves.

The third volume, “Theogenesis,” contains information about the cyclical nature of human development, explained by natural disasters. “Theogenesis” (from the Greek “theos” - God and “genesis” - emergence) includes previously unknown Stanzas of the “Book of Dzyan” and comments on them by the Great Teachers and Initiates. Stanzas have been published since 1912. to 1918 in the “Temple of Craftsmen” (the official publication of the esoteric society “People’s Temple” in the USA). The third part of the Ancient Stanzas of the Book of Dzyan was not communicated by the Great Teachers to Helena Blavatsky.

As he writes Vladimir Streletsky(“Shadows of the Multidimensional World”), "Theogenesis"- this is a book about how humanity becomes God - a continuum(space-time), synthesized from the spirituality of all human personalities who have ever lived on Earth and constantly creating new physical universes.

“Theogenesis” has not lost its relevance today, since the book is dedicated to future events of humanity, distant, according to the Great Teachers, millions of years.

Ancient prophecies in the light of modern science

The prophecies of the ancients, set out in " Theogenesis", are in good agreement with modern scientific views on the nature and paths of evolution of human consciousness and civilization. A few examples:

1. The time of fulfillment of the prophecies described in the “Book of Dzyan” refers to events in the human and cosmic chronicles, many millions of years distant from modern times.

IN Lately Superstring theory is becoming increasingly popular among physicists. This theory suggests that all elementary particles are made of two-dimensional strings - a kind of threads that stretch throughout the Universe. If it is impossible to say anything definite about the behavior of the elementary particles themselves in the depths of the “Black Hole,” then superstrings fit into an information structure there - a “fluffy ball”. This possibility has been proven by a team of scientists from Ohio University (USA). This means that when moving through a singularity, information is preserved. The final stage of the existence of the physical Universe is singularity, which is also a giant “Black Hole”. The fundamental processes occurring in it give birth to a new physical world from old information. Therefore, in the nascent Universe, the basic matrices, algorithms and patterns that existed in the “pre-singular” state of the previous world are repeated. They are “recorded” in the structures of a “fluffy ball”, which, with the beginning of the next cycle of physical evolution, is transformed into an information field. The authors of “Theogenesis” (representatives of a highly developed antediluvian civilization) managed to “read” general and repeating laws and algorithms from this information field through logical synthesis and creative insights, that is, the methods by which scientific theories are created.

2. In the Stanzas of the Book of Dzyan, the source of all earthly cataclysms of a cyclical nature: displacement of the earth’s axis, flooding of old continents and the rise of new ones, is considered to be the periodic attenuation of the activity of the Sun.

Modern astronomers are very interested in the sudden disappearance of individual luminous stars from the starry sky. This phenomenon was recorded and thoroughly studied back in the 19th century by German astronomers Friedrich Argelander and Eduard Schoenfeld. Astronomers at the Bamberg Observatory in the mid-1930s confirmed the results obtained by these scientists. Astrophysicists from the University of North Carolina (USA) believe that 65 million years ago As a result of the temporary extinction of the Sun and the subsequent neutrino bombardment, the dinosaurs became extinct. Who knows what “surprises” the Sun will present to the inhabitants of our planet in the future?

3. In the commentaries to the Dzyan Stanzas, attributed to the Great Teachers, it is stated that the new representatives of humanity who will be able to escape from global cataclysms will be “painted with gold” - distant descendants of the current Chinese subrace.

In 2002, the forecasts of a professor at the Institute of Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. medical sciences Nikolai Safonov regarding future human mutations. The scientist proves that by the middle of the 21st century the world's population will noticeably darken their skin and acquire slanted eyes. This is due, first of all, to a noticeable lag in the birth rate of European peoples compared to Asians and Africans. The forecast is perfectly illustrated by modern Italians. Almost none of the blue-eyed and blond inhabitants of the Roman Empire remained - they were noticeably “mixed” by the southern peoples. The conclusion from all this suggests itself: the Great Teachers, knowing the laws of “mixing” of human races, made a scientific forecast of biological changes in human appearance.

4. Based on the analysis of the “Book of Dzyan”, a definition of high human spirituality was obtained as “independent space - time, the grain of the world of higher dimensions,” which will begin to form around the field bodies of people of the future sixth race a special shell with a topology that does not coincide with what is familiar to us space - time.

Doctor of Philosophy Konstantin Kedrov in the book “ Parallel Worlds"describes the concept of a human chronotope - an elementary cell of space-time that exists thanks to consciousness and does not obey Einstein’s (four-dimensional) topology. As the scientist writes, “the four-dimensional space of the Universe and the eleven-dimensional space of the microworld can be reflected in the consciousness of living matter as a single internal-external reality.” Physicists Anatoly Akimov and Vladimir Bingi in 1995 in their article “On Physics and Psychophysics” concluded: “individual consciousness is capable of unconsciously and consciously, through the effort of thought, changing the structure (curvature, torsion) of space-time.”

5. Prophecies of the “Book of Dzyan” about the inevitability of uniting the spiritual consciousnesses of individual individuals of humanity into a single type of Cosmic Consciousness.

Ideas psychosphere(noosphere) - information layer of the planet's consciousness Many modern scientists develop in their works. As Victor Rogozhkin writes in the book “Eniology”: “Man, being an elementary cell of the mind in the Universe, simultaneously carries within himself “genetic” information about this entire grandiose living intelligent organism. What we are used to calling a person is only just a shadow, a projection of this organism into four-dimensional spaces. Moreover, there are many of these spaces, corresponding to the multidimensionality of the Universe. The universe is not just quantity n-dimensional spaces, but also a combination of their interactions. In this case, the spaces are, as it were, nested one within the other. Like nesting dolls, they form a complex multidimensional structure. The largest of them can be contained within the smallest.”

The main storage media in six-dimensional spaces - thought images and thought forms. A thought form can be compared to a certain computer program that determines the spatial and temporal action of thought images. Six-dimensional spaces correspond to the mental plane of the individual, and collectively to the noosphere, the sphere of mind of the entire civilization.

6. Comments on the Dzyan Stanzas allow us to conclude that the united Planetary Consciousness of humanity forms an independent space-time form or “mini-universe”.

Individual human consciousness has a spatiotemporal nature. Therefore, it would be simply illogical to assume a different nature for the united consciousness of humanity. The commentators of the Dzian Stanzas also understood this.

It is impossible to comprehend the origins, nature and future of man in the world unless one recognizes the parallel existence, together with ours, of another Universe. In different ideological systems, this mysterious world is called differently: God, the Absolute, Subtle or Invisible Reality, Multidimensionality. Common to all is the belief that this multidimensional world precedes the physical Universe, gives rise to it and subsequently influences all processes.

“...Both time and movement are nothing more than illusions. Everything that has existed since the beginning of the world still exists today. Events that occurred on this planet many centuries ago continue to exist in another dimension of space. Events that will happen many centuries later already exist.” (Howard Lovecraft, “The Cthulhu Mythos”)

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BOOK "DZIAN" ( full version)

I. Esoteric cosmology

The texts of this ancient manuscript are not stored in any European library. Even the most meticulous researcher of ancient manuscripts has never seen them in the original source. Modern linguists do not know the mysterious language “Senzar”, in which the mysterious Book is written. Traditions say that this was the language of the Gods. The texts of this Book echo the texts of the Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, the Babylonian Book of Numbers, Kabbalah, the Assyrian Avesta and others. The bizarre conglomeration of images and metaphors of ancient Indian and ancient Chinese philosophy, found in individual published fragments of the manuscript, leads even seasoned admirers of sacred wisdom into a dead end. Finally, no one knows Its full content. Esotericists claim that the Book is revealed only in parts, only to the Initiates and only under the guidance of the Great Teachers. It is possible that She, as a whole, does not have its own material expression, but eternally exists in the form of an independent formation in the total information field of spiritual humanity.

We are talking about the mysterious Book “Dzian”. It is as real as Helena Blavatsky’s “Secret Doctrine” is real. This titanic work of the Great Initiate is essentially a presentation and detailed commentary on the 19 Stanzas (chapters) and 49 Slokas (verses) of the Book of Dzyan. The first volume of The Secret Doctrine, entitled “Cosmogenesis” by H. P. Blavatsky, comments on the first seven Stanzas of the Book of Dzyan. Here's the story of the action creative forces Space, the structure of matter, the evolution of the solar system, the origin and change of animal and human races on Earth. The second volume of the “Secret Doctrine,” entitled “Anthropogenesis,” is devoted to a detailed description of the development of humanity from the beginning of the Fourth Great Age and the Fourth Early Race to the end of the Fourth and the beginning of the Fifth Great Age. Here E.P. Blavatsky comments on the 12 Stanzas of the next part of the Book of Dzyan.

In 1887, Helena Blavatsky completed writing The Secret Doctrine. The two years that the Great Initiate devoted to expounding and commenting on ancient wisdom, demonstrating remarkable knowledge in all areas of science, religion and philosophy, is not even enough to mechanically rewrite 1853 pages of her work. The Great Teachers guided her with her hand. In 1891, the titan and prophet of the 19th century left the earthly plane. E.I. Roerich wrote with bitterness that if it were not for the anger and hatred of her contemporaries, E.P. Blavatsky would have written two more volumes.

But this is the story of the Secret Doctrine, told by H.P. Blavatsky through the Dzyan Stanzas and their commentaries by the Great Teachers - Kut Hoomi, Moriah and Hilarion, did not end. (The author further asks the reader not to confuse The Secret Doctrine (without quotes) as a comprehensive esoteric theory with the book of the same name.)

In July 1906, an article with the intriguing title “New Stanzas Opened” appeared on the pages of the “Temple of Craftsmen” publication, the official publication of the mysterious esoteric society “People’s Temple” (USA). It reported that the agents of the “People's Temple” - the same Great Teachers who supervised the creative work of H.P. Blavatsky, new Stanzas of the Book “Dzian” were transferred. These previously unknown Stanzas and commentaries on them by the Great Teachers and Initiates were published in the “Temple of Craftsmen” from 1912 to 1918 ( full transmission all 9 new Stanzas and 41 Slokas to the agents of the “People's Temple” occurred in the second half of 1912). As for the “People's Temple” society itself, which was in contact with the Great Teachers, little is known about it. It was founded in Syracuse, New York, in 1889 by Francia Ladoux and Dr. William Dower. In 1903, the organization's headquarters moved to California, to the city of Halison. During the period between the two world wars, traces of the “People's Temple” were lost. It is also known that the Chief Guardian of the “People's Temple” Harold Forgoshtein did a tremendous job of collecting, analyzing and systematizing all the commented Stanzas “Dzyan” published in the “Temple of Craftsmen”.

This work culminated in the appearance of the third part of the Secret Doctrine, which was unknown to H.P. Blavatsky and received the name “Theogenesis” (from the Greek theos - God and genesis - emergence). In the preface to the new book about the Secret Doctrine, G. Forgoshtein, as a sincere and conscientious researcher, noted that the Stanzas of “Theogenesis” were communicated “by the same Initiates to whom Madame Blavatsky dedicated her life and her efforts, they form the third part of the same holy book Dzyan, from which the first Stanzas are taken, illuminate the evolutionary path of man.”

The reader is offered the full version of the “Book of Dzyan”.

(The stanzas are intended for transcendental meditation. Independent work over the material requires some intellectual preparation and a specific cognitive goal of the student. Each passage can have many reading options, directly depending on spiritual experience studying, which, in our opinion, indicates the “multidimensionality” of the work itself).

I. Esoteric cosmology

Stanza I

1. The Eternal Mother - the Giver, hidden in her Veils, Eternally Invisible, once again dozed in the continuation of the Seven Eternities.

2. There was no time, it rested in the Infinite Bottoms of Duration.

3. There was no Universal Mind; for there was no Ah-hi to contain Him.

4. There were no Seven Paths to Bliss. There were no Great Causes of Suffering, for there was no one to be generated and seduced by them.

5. One Darkness filled the Boundless Everything, for the Father, Mother and Son were once again united, and the Son had not yet awakened for the New Wheel and Wanderings on it.

6. The Seven Supreme Lords and the Seven Truths ceased to exist, and the Universe—the Son of Necessity—was immersed in Paranishpanna to be exhaled by that which is and at the same time is not. There was nothing.

7. The Reasons for Existence have disappeared; the former Visible and the Existing Invisible rested in the Eternal Non-Being - the One Being.

8. Only the One Form of Existence, boundless, endless, causeless, extended, resting in Dreamless Sleep; Unconscious life pulsated in the Universal Space in the All-Essence that is felt by the open Eye of Dangma.

9. But where was Dangma when the Alaya of the Universe was in Paramartha and the Great Wheel was Anupadaka?

Stanza II

1. ...Where were the Builders, the Radiant Sons of the Dawn of Manvantara?... In the Unknowable Darkness, in their Ah-hi Paranishpanna. The Creators of Forms from Non-Form - the Root of the World - Devamatri and Svabhavat rested in the Bliss of Non-Being.

2. ...Where was Silence? Where is the hearing to feel it? No, there was neither Silence nor Sound; nothing but the Indestructible Eternal Breath, which does not know itself.

3. The hour has not struck yet; The Ray has not yet penetrated the Embryo; Matripadma has not yet swelled.

4. Her heart has not yet opened for the entry of the Single Ray, in order to then cast it, like Three into Four, into the bowels of Maya.

5. Seven have not yet been born from the Fabric of Light. One Darkness was the Father - Mother, Svabhavat; and Svabhavat was in the Darkness.

6. These Two are the Embryo, and the Embryo is One. The Universe was still hidden in the Divine Thought and the Divine Womb.

Stanza III

1. ...The Last Trembling of the Seventh Eternity trembles in Infinity. The Mother swells, spreading from the inside out, like a Lotus bud.

2. Trembling spreads, touching with its swift Wing the entire Universe and the Embryo abiding in the Darkness, the Darkness that breathes over the slumbering Waters of Life.

3. Darkness radiates Light, and Light drops a lonely Beam into the Waters, into the Depth of the Mother’s Womb. The Ray pierces the Virgin Egg, the Ray awakens awe in the Eternal Egg and plants the Embryo, non-eternal, which condenses into the World Egg.

4. Three fall into Four. The Radiant Nature is seventeenth; Seven inside, Seven outside. The Shining Egg, triple in itself, curls up, spreading in milky white Clots in the Depths of the Mother, the Root growing in the Depths of the Ocean of Life.

5. The root remains, the Light remains, the clots remain and yet Oeaohoo is One.

6. The Root of Life was in every Drop of the Ocean of Immortality, and the Ocean was the Radiant Light, which was Fire, and Heat, and Movement. The darkness disappeared and no longer existed; she disappeared into her Nature, into the Body of Fire and Water, Father and Mother.

7. Behold, O Lana, the Radiant Child of those Two, the incomparable, shining Greatness-Space of Light, the Son of the Space of Darkness, arising from the Depths of the Great Dark Waters. This is Oeaohoo Junior. He shines like the Sun, He is the Flaming One, the Divine Dragon of Wisdom; Eka is Chatur, and Chatur takes Three for himself, and the Union begets Sapta (seven), in it Seven, who become Tridasha, Hosts and Multitudes.

Behold him lifting the Veil and unfolding it from East to West. He hides the Above and leaves the Below, revealed as the Great Illusion. He marks out places for the Shining Ones and turns the Highest into the Boundless Sea of ​​Fire and the One Manifested into the Great Waters.

8. Where was the Embryo? And where was the darkness now? Where is the Spirit of the Flame burning in your Lamp, O Lanu? The embryo is THAT and THAT is Light, the White, Shining Son of the Father, in the Darkness of the Hidden One.

9. Light is a cold Flame, And Flame is Fire, and Fire gives birth to Heat, which produces Water, the Water of Life in the Great Mother.

10. Father-Mother spins the Fabric, its upper edge is attached to the Spirit, the Light of the One Darkness, and the lower edge to the Shadow Edge, to matter; and this Fabric is the Universe, woven from two Essences fused together, which is Svabhavat.

11. It spreads when the Breath of Fire is over it; it contracts when the Mother's Breath touches it. Then the Sons are separated and scattered in order to return to the Mother’s Womb at the end of the Great Day in order to unite with her again. When it cools, it becomes shiny. Her sons unfold and contract by themselves and their Hearts; they contain Infinity.

12. Then Svabhavat sends Fohat to solidify the Atoms. Everyone is a part of the Fabric. Reflecting, like a mirror, the “Self-Existing Lord,” each, in turn, becomes the World.

Stanza IV

1. ...Listen, you, Sons of the Earth, to Your Mentors - the Sons of Fire! Know: there is neither first nor last, for everything is a Single Number that came from Non-Number.

2. Know what we, who came from the Primordial Seven, we, born of the Eternal Flame, learned from our Fathers...

3. From the Radiance of Light - the Ray of Eternal Darkness - the Energy, newly awakened, rushed into the Space; One of Egg, Six and Five. Then Three, One, Four, One, Five - Twice Seven, Sum of the Total. And these are the Natures, the Flames, the Beginnings, the Builders, the Numbers, the Arupa, the Rupa and the Force or the Divine Man - the Sum of the All. And from the Divine Man came the Forms, Sparks, Sacred Animals and Messengers of the Hidden Fathers contained in the Most Holy Quaternary.

4. This was the Host of the Voice, the Divine Mother of the Seven. The sparks of the Seven are subject to and servants of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh of the Seven. They are called Spheres, Triangles, Cubes, Lines and Shapers; for this is how the Eternal Nidana—Oi-Ha-Hou—holds.

5. Oi-Ha-Hou is Darkness, Infinity, or Non-Number, Adi-Nidana, Svabhavat 0.

Adi-Sanat, Number, for he is One.

The Voice of the Word, Svabhavat, Numbers, for he is One and Nine.

"Square without Form."

And these Three, contained within 0, are the Hidden Quaternary; and Ten are the Arupa Universe. Then come the Sons, the Seven Warriors, One - the Eighth is left aside, and his Breath is the Light-Giver.

6. ...Then the Second Seven, which are the Lipikas generated by the Three. Rejected Son One. The "Sons of the Sun" are countless.

Stanza V

1. The Primordial Seven, the primordial Seven Breaths of the Dragon of Wisdom, in turn, generate the Fire Whirlwind with their Sacred Circular-Spiral Breath.

2. They make him the Messenger of their Will. Jyu becomes Fohat; the impetuous Son of the Divine Sons, whose Sons are Lipikas, rush in a spiral whirlwind. Fohat is the Horse, and Thought is the Rider. Like Lightning it pierces the clouds of fire. Makes Three, Five and Seven Advances through the Seven Regions Above and Seven Below. He raises His Voice and convenes countless Sparks, uniting them together.

3. He is their guiding spirit and guide. Beginning his work, he separates the Sparks of the Lower Kingdom, rushing and trembling in joy in their luminous abodes, and from them forms the Rudiments of the Wheels. He places them in the Six Directions of Space and One in the Middle - the Middle Wheel.

4. Fohat draws spiral lines to connect the Sixth with the Seventh - the Crown. The host of the Sons of Light stands on every corner; Lipika in the Middle Wheel. They say: "This is good." The first Divine World is ready; First; Second. The "Divine Arupa" then reflects himself in Chaya Loka, the First Robe of Anupadaka.

5. Fohat makes five Advances and builds a winged wheel at each corner of the square for the Four Most Holy Ones... and for their Hosts.

6. The lips outline the Triangle, the First One, the Cube, the Second One and the Pentagram in the Egg. This is the Ring called "Thou Shalt Not Pass" for those who descend and ascend; who during Kalpas advance towards the Great Day “Be with Us”... Thus Arupa and Rupa were created; from the One Light Seven Lights; from each of the Seven seven times the Seven Lights. Wheels guard the Ring...

Stanza VI

1. With the power of the Mother of Mercy and Knowledge, Guan-Yin - the Trinity Guan-Shi-Yin, residing in Guan-Yin-Tian-Fohat, the Breath of their generation, the Son of Sons, summoned from the lower Abyss the Illusory Form of Hsien-Chang and the Seven Principles (Elementals ).

2. The Swift and Radiant One generates the Seven Laya Centers, which no one will overcome until the Great Day “Be with Us”; and establishes the Universe on these Eternal Foundations, surrounding Hsien-Chang with Primary Germs.

3. Of the Seven - the First is revealed, the Six are hidden; Two are revealed, Five are hidden; Three are revealed, Four are hidden; Four are revealed, Three are hidden; Four and One Zang are revealed, Two and Half of One are hidden; Six must be manifested, One left aside. Finally, the Seven Small Rotating Wheels: one giving birth to another.

4. He composes them like the elder Wheels, establishing them on the Indestructible Centers. Fohat, how does he create them? He collects Fire Dust, he lays down Fireballs, rushes through them and around them, imparting life to them and then setting them in motion; some in one direction, others in another. They are cold, he makes them hot. They are dry, he makes them wet. They shine, it flows around them and cools them. This is how Fohat acts from one Twilight to the next during the continuation of the Seven Eternities.

5. At the Threshold of the Fourth, the Sons are instructed to create their own Likenesses. One Third refuses. Two obey.

The curse has been pronounced: they will be born in the Fourth, to suffer and cause suffering. The First War began.

6. The Elder Wheels rotated from top to bottom and from bottom to top... The Mother's Embryos filled everything that existed. Battles arose between the Creators and the Destroyers, and the Battles were fought for Space; The seed was born and reappeared incessantly.

7. Be careful, O Lana, if you want to know the exact age of your Small Wheel. His Fourth Spoke is Our Mother. Reach the Fourth Fruit of the Fourth Path of Knowledge leading to Nirvana, and you will know, for you will see...

Stanza VII

1. Know the beginning of Life that is sentient and beyond form. In the beginning Divine, One from the Mother Spirit; then Spiritual; Three from One, Four from One and Five, of which Three, Five and Seven. These are the Trinity and Quaternary in descending order; Of the First Lord, the Mind-born Sons, the Shining Seven. They are You, I, He, O Lanu; they watch over you and your Mother Bhumi.

2. The Single Ray multiplies the small Rays. Life precedes Form, and Life survives the last Atom. Through countless Rays, the Ray of Life, United, like a thread in a Necklace.

3. When the One becomes Two, the Trinity manifests and the Three are One: this is our Thread, O Lanu, the Heart of the Plant Man called Saptaparna.

4. This is the Root that never dies; Trilingual Flame of Four Wicks. The wicks are Sparks that are extracted from the Trilingual Flame, directed by the Family, their Flame is the Rays and Sparks of a single Moon, reflected in the flowing Waves of all the Rivers of the Earth.

5. The spark of Fohat, connected with the Flame by a thin thread. She wanders through the Seven Worlds of Maya. She stops in the First, becoming Metal and Stone; passes into the Second, and behold - a Plant; The plant rotates in the Seven Shifts and becomes a Sacred Animal. From these properties of combinations, the Manu-Thinker is created. Who creates it? Seven Lives and One Life. Who completes it? Fivefold Lha. Who perfects the last Body? Fish, Sin, Soma...

6. From the First Born, the Thread between the Silent Witness and his Shadow becomes stronger and more brilliant with each Shift... The Morning Sunlight was transformed into the radiance of the Midday...

7. “Now, this is your Wheel,” said the Flame to the Spark. “You are Me, my Likeness and my Shadow. I Myself have clothed myself in you and you are My Vahana, until the Day “Be with Us,” when you will again become me and others, yourself and me.” After this, the Builders, having put on their first shell, descend to the shining Earth and rule over people - being themselves...

II. Esoteric anthropology

Stanza I

1. Lha, rotating the Fourth, Servant of Lha Seven, those who rotate, directing their Chariots around their Lord, the Single Eye of our World... His Breath gave life to the Seven. It gave Life to the First.

2. The Earth said: “Lord of the Shining Face, my House is empty... Send your Sons to populate this Wheel. You sent your Seven Sons to the Lord of Wisdom. Seven times closer to himself he sees you, seven times closer he feels you. You forbade your Servants, small rings, to catch your Light and Warmth, to intercept your great Generosity on the path of its ascent. Send them now to your Servant!”

3. The Lord of the Shining Face said: “I will send you Fire when your work begins. Raise your voice to others Locke; turn to your Father, the Lord of the Lotus, ask for His Sons... Your people will be governed by the Fathers. Your people will die. The people of the Lord of Wisdom are immortal, but not the Sons of Som. Stop your complaining. Seven covers are still on you... You are not ready. Your people are not ready."

4. After great labors, she threw off her old Three Veils and put on Seven new ones, and appeared in her First.

Stanza II

5. The wheel rotated for another three hundred million years. It built Rupa (forms); soft Stones that have hardened; hard Plants that have become soft. Visible from the invisible, Insects and small Lives. She threw them off her back every time they defeated the Mother... After three hundred million years, she became round. She lay on her back, on her side... she did not call on the Sons of heaven, she did not want to call on the Sons of Wisdom. She created from her Womb. She developed the Water-People, terrible and evil.

6. Water-People. Scary and evil, she herself created from the remains of others. From the refuse, from the silt of her First, Second and Third, she formed them. Dhyani came and surveyed - Dhyani from the bright Father-Mother; They came from the White Regions, from the Abodes of Immortal Mortals.

7. They were dissatisfied. “Our Flesh is not here. These Rupas are not suitable for our Fifth Brothers. There are no Habitations for Lives. Clean Waters, not cloudy, they should drink. Let's dry them."

8. The fiery ones came. Lights and Sparks; Lights of the Night and Lights of the Day. They dried up the muddy, dark Waters. They calmed them with their heat. Lha Above and Lhamain Below have come. They destroyed the Forms, two-faced and four-faced. They defeated the Goat-Men, and the Dog-Headed Men, and the fish-bodied Men.

9. Mother Water, the Great Sea, wept. She stood up; she disappeared into the Moon, which raised her, which gave birth to her.

10. When they were exterminated, Mother Earth was left desolate. She asked to dry it.

Stanza III

11. The Supreme Lord has come. He separated the Waters from her Body, and this became the Heaven above, the First Heaven.

12. The Great Kohans called upon the Lords of the Moon about the Aerial Bodies: “Give birth to People, People of your nature. Give them inner Forms. She will fold the outer shells. They will be husband-wives. The Lords of Flame also..."

13. They went, each one to the Land assigned to him; Seven of them, each for his own Destiny. The Lords of Flame were left behind. They didn't want to go, they didn't want to create.

Stanza IV

14. The Seven Armies, Will-Born Lords, directed by the Life-Giving Spirit, separated People from themselves, each in their own Zone.

15. Seven times the Seven Shadows of future People were born, each with its own color and appearance. Each is a degree below his Father. The Fathers, the Boneless, could not give Life to Creatures with Bones. Their offspring were the Bhutas, devoid of Form and Mind. That is why they are called Chhaya-Rasa.

16. How are Manushiya born? Manus, possessing intelligence, how were they created? The Fathers called for help their own Fire, which is the Fire burning in the Earth. The spirit of the earth called upon the Solar Fire to help itself. These Three, through their combined efforts, created a suitable form. She could stand, walk, run, lie down or fly. But still she was only Chhaya, a Shadow, devoid of reason...

17. Breath needed Form; the fathers gave it. Breath needed the Dense Body; The earth formed him. Breath needed the Spirit of Life; the solar Lhas breathed it in her form. Breath needed the Mirror of its body; "We gave him our own!" - said Dhyani. Breath needed the Carrier of Desires; "It has it!" - said the Dryer of Waters. But Breath needs Mind to contain the Universe; “We can’t give it!” - said the Fathers. "I never had one!" - said the Spirit of the Earth. “The uniform will burn if I give her mine!” - said the Great Fire... Man remained empty, meaningless Bhuta... So the Boneless gave Life to those who became Humans. Bones strengthened in the Third.

Stanza V

18. The First Were the Sons of Yoga. Their sons became the offspring of the Yellow Father and White Mother.

19. The Second Race arose through budding and excretion, A-sexual from Asexual. Thus, O Lanu, the Second Race was created.

20. Their fathers were self-born. Self-born Chhayas from the shining Bodies of the Lords, fathers, sons, twilight.

21. When the Race grew old, the old Waters mixed with the fresher Waters. When their Drops became cloudy, they evaporated and disappeared into a new Stream, the hot Stream of Life. The outer shell of the First became the Inner shell of the Second. The Old Wing became the new Shadow and Shadow Wing.

Stanza VI

22. Then the Second developed the Born from the Egg, the Third. The sweat intensified, its drops increased, and the drops became hard and round. The sun warmed her. The moon cooled and shaped it; The wind nourished her until her maturity. The White Swan from the Starry Sky overshadowed the Big Drop. Egg of the Future Race, Swan Man of the end of the subsequent third. First husband-wife, then man and woman.

23. The self-born were Chhaya. Shadows from the Bodies of the Sons of Twilight. Neither water nor fire could destroy them. It was not so with their sons.

Stanza VII

24. The Sons of Wisdom, the Sons of Night, ready to be born again, descended. They saw the low forms of the First Third. “We can choose,” said the Masters. “We are wise.” Some entered Chhaya, Others directed the Spark. Some abstained until the Fourth. From their own Rupa they filled Kama. Those who entered became Arhats. Those who received only the Spark remained deprived of knowledge; the spark burned weakly. Still others remained mindless. Their jivas were not ready. These were separated among the Seven. They have become narrow-minded. Still others were ready. “In these we will abide,” said the Lords of Flame and Dark Wisdom.

25. What did Manasa, the sons of Wisdom, do? They rejected the Self-Born. They're not ready. They neglected the Later-born.(*) They are not quite ready yet. They did not want to enter the first Eggborn.

26. When the Later-born gave birth to the Egg-born, two-pronged powerful, strong, equipped with bones, the Lords of Wisdom said: “Now we will create.”

27. The Third Race became the Bearer of the Lords of Wisdom. She created the Sons of Will and Yoga, by the power of Kriyashakti she created them, the Holy Fathers, the Ancestors of the Arhats...


(*) Note “ Then-born
From the point of view of Agni Yoga, the life of several races takes place on Earth:
- the first root race (self-born);
- second root race (later-born);
- third root race (Lemurians);
- fourth root race (Atlanteans);
- fifth (currently living) root race (Aryans);
- the sixth and seventh root races.

Stanza VIII

28. From drops of sweat, from the deposits of the dead bodies of people and animals of the former Wheel and from the waste of dust, the first animals arose.

29. Animals with bones, dragons of the deep and flying Sarpa were added to the reptiles. Those who crawled on the earth received wings. Those with a long neck, who lived in the waters, became the progenitors of the birds of heaven.

30. During the Third, boneless animals grew and changed; they became animals with bones, their Chhayas became dense.

31. The animals were the first to separate. They began to give birth. The two-faced man also became disconnected. He said: “Let us be like them; Let us combine and create creatures.” They did this...

32. They gave birth to dumb Races. They themselves were mute. But their tongue was loosened. The language of their offspring remained motionless. They gave birth to monsters. A race of bent monsters, covered with red hair, walking on all fours. The silent Race, so that shame does not give it away.

Stanza IX

33. Seeing this, the Lha, who did not create people, shed tears, saying:

34. “Amanas has desecrated our future dwellings. This is karma. Let us establish our dwellings in others. It’s better to instruct them so that the worst doesn’t happen.” They did it...

35. Then all people were gifted with Manas. They saw the sin committed by the insane.

36. The Fourth Race developed Speech.

37. One became two; as well as all living and reptiles that were still united, giant fish-birds and snakes with armored heads.

Stanza X

38. So, two, two by two, in seven Zones. The Third Race gave birth to the Fourth Race: Sura became Asura.

39. The first, in each Zone, was lunar in color; The second is yellow, similar to gold: The third is red; The fourth is brown, turned black by sin. The first seven human offspring were the same skin color. The next seven began to mingle.

40. Then the Third and Fourth became proud. “We are Kings; we are Gods."

41. They took wives who were beautiful in appearance. Wives from the insane, narrow-minded. They gave birth to monsters, evil demons, males and females, also Khado (Dakini) of small intelligence.

42. They built temples for the human body. They began to idolize husbands and wives. Then the Third Eye stopped working.

Stanza XI

43. They built huge cities. They built from rare soils and metals, from erupted fires, from the white stone of mountains and black stone they carved their own images in size and likeness and worshiped them.

44. They erected huge images, nine watts in height, the size of their bodies. Internal fires destroyed the land of their fathers. The water threatened the Fourth.

45. The first great waters have arrived. They swallowed up seven large islands.

46. ​​All the pious were saved, all the wicked were destroyed. Along with them are most of the huge animals that originated from the sweat of the Earth.

Stanza XII

47. Not many remained: a few yellow ones, a few brown and black ones, a few red ones. The moon-colored people disappeared forever.

48. The fifth, descended from the sacred family, remained; it began to be ruled by the first Divine Kings...

49. ...The serpents who descended again and established peace with the Fifth, who taught and instructed her...

III. Esoteric futurology

Stanza I

1. Ever since Fohat connected the two lines of fire, forming a ring of flame to make room for the feet of the Fifth, the demi-Gods have filled this Cosmic field with their images.

2. The Firstborn rushed back and forth, jumping between the Fiery Swords that grew from the head of the Mighty One, trying to find the Pasture for the birthday of the Big Red Cow. The milk from this cow will be collected and flow in Rivers of Water and Wine to quench the thirst of the Twice-Born Lords of the Sacred Mystic Fire.

Stanza II

1. The Radiant One said to the Shining Face: “I will cast a shadow on Your face so that it covers it during the time of day and night. When the shadow leaves Your face and You shine again, I will nurture Your offspring and give them strength and power.”

2. And again you will shine, seven-layered with Light, and the face of Your Firstborn will reflect the light emanating from Your face. There will be no more black and brown and those painted with gold will awaken from their sleep and rule as they ruled in the old days.

3. A star with a blackened face will be engulfed in fire and flood, drenched in acid and blood.

The once bright-minded sons of the half-Gods cast deep shadows on the face of the Star. They stole the fire that glowed in her eyes and gathered them into a sparkling mass to bind their once flexible limbs. Retribution quickly came, throwing them into the abyss.

Stanza III

1. When the ring of Flame opens again and the line of life is freed from captivity, the five will fall on the six and Surabhi’s nipples will give birth to four doves, each of which will carry a twig of the Sacred Ash to help the sons of Maya and to heal them. Fohat will take one, wider step, cross the line again and, with the force of his right hand, direct the downward arc of the life line upward.

2. Four-layered Lhasas will spew out bacteria from their loins, which, for the benefit of man, will turn into a three-layered shell of animals, fish and birds.

3. On the Rim of the Wheel, where the Sons of Fire and Flame live, there will be no more room for huge creatures and creeping reptiles.

The animals of the field and the birds of the air will meet and part with the world, both of them will feed on purple grain, a gift received directly from the hands of the Gods. All plants growing under the bark of the Wheel will henceforth be prohibited, and man will live not by rough food, but by the power of his Will.

When the Wheel makes one and a half turns, the Sparks will be embodied in fruits hitherto unknown to man. Both the child and the adult will taste these fruits, and, to the surprise of the Gods, words of wisdom will flow from their lips.

Stanza IV

1. The Wild White Bull covered the Big Red Cow. With one exploding effort she gave birth to a female White Calf.

2. On both sides of her head, one Golden Horn grew, and in the middle, a Horn with a Diamond Tip suddenly grew.

Z. The Three Horns grew quickly, several cubits a day. The Two Golden Horns surrounded the Changing Star tribes. The Middle Horn bent, entered the ground and felt the bodies of the Serpents of Wisdom. He pulled Them out of hiding and lifted Them high.

4. When Their eyes saw the white calf, They said with one voice: “You are a sign to us. And now we will enter the Ring of the Golden Horns and give our Wisdom to those whom you yourself point to, and they will be our Messengers, both among the young and among the old.”

Stanza V

1. “Will you have the courage to defy my will?” - Fohat cried in His anger. “Dare you to provoke the wrath of the Shining Face and His circling masters? Be careful, otherwise I will stamp so hard that the bridge between the Gods and people will collapse, and then you will no longer be able to serve man or strike the perfectly tuned strings.” “Look! I call to myself, Lhasa, the Light Dhyans - the sons of Law and Wisdom, and the Shining Face, and everyone, everyone. They will make a decision."

2. From His head, His feet, His left hand, and His right hand, flowed four powerful streams of Fire.

They entered the dwelling of the Gods and quickly brought the Gods to the bridge, where Fohat stood with his foot raised. Sparks flew from His navel and He did not know that they all possessed the power to overcome death itself.

3. Here they all came, the Gods of heaven and the underworld, speaking these words: “We have almost lost our ability to create and destroy. The sons of Maya took away our power and wisdom by force.”

“You, great brother, must complete the Fifth Step, but when you rest from your labors and lift your foot again for the Sixth Step, look back! Will you be alone".

“Those whom you now revile will become Gods before you complete your Sixth Step, and you will no longer raise your feet, for the Ring of Flame will open before you and the line of life will be cut.”

4. Although Fohat was not afraid, he lowered His raised foot onto the far shore of Time with little force. Everything was plunged into darkness. The faces of the Shining Ones were hidden from the rotating Wheels. The spirit was “Thinking” again.

Stanza VI

1. The darkness and twilight of another Night have passed. The foot of the Mighty One lifted up again, and with His torch He illuminated the faces of the Shining Ones. The Smoking Sparks awoke to life, found Surabhi's nipples and, feeding on her milk, quickly gained strength. The Holy Mountain awakened and large clouds of smoke, flames and thunderous sounds rose from the depths.

The demons of the underworld appeared and shook the surface of the Dark Star until it again appeared in its true, harmonious form.

2. Addressing the Shining Face, Meru shouted loudly: “Smile at me and remove the icy shackles that have entangled small living beings, so that the Sparks, dressed in new clothes, will cause living beings to grow, so that the Sons of Maya can feed on them when they again they will come to achieve the fulfillment of their desires.”

Z. Then came the Dhyana Chohans - the Devas of the Fourth - Those Who failed in the Third. They said to the Shining Face: “Let us complete our work where we have failed: we have learned a lesson from our failures.”

Then They entered the bodies created for them. The fathers of the Fourth became Their own offspring of the Fifth. They took spouses and created in huge quantities. But their offspring knew the severity of the sins of their fathers before the Gods, or knew the reasons why they were forced to undergo the test of Karma. Their minds were not free. Furious and bitter was their struggle with the spirits of nature, dressed in lower forms, and with demons - the masters of the underworld. Sometimes they were defeated, and sometimes they were victorious.

They shouted to the images They created with Their own hands, and to the stars, and to those who cannot be seen: “Reveal to Us the secrets of our fathers. We are blind, deaf and stupid compared to our enemies. We fumble in the darkness in search of the Light that lit the Fire that now burns so weakly inside us.

We know that in secluded places this Light burns bright and clear, but every time we get close to it, it disappears. And after we stop seeing the faint reflection of this Light, the darkness thickens even more. So let us die rather than suffer forever from the pain gnawing at us in an unquenched thirst for this Light.”

4. Then compassion awoke in the heart of the Mighty One, Who rides majestically on the White Horse; and He answered in these words: “I will send you my Son. He will be clothed in Fire and will be the torch that will light the Fire in your hearts. From the Fire thus kindled, the true light will shine upon you.”

The space between the upper and lower waters of heaven opened, and Someone appeared, powerful and bright, like the sun. He stood on the upward-facing arc of the Dark Star and touched the sightless eyes, ears and lips of all the petitioners gathered there to see, hear and speak with Him.

And He said to them: “I am sent to be the torch that will light the Fire in your hearts, and I will remain with you until the Holy Light shines so brightly that every enemy will be visible to your eyes, but only you will have force to destroy him. Go gather fuel and light a Fire.”

5. He called loudly and the Great Mother descended along with the Lipikas. They cooled and compressed the Fiery Sparks. When the long night came at the end of the Fifth, the Three, Four and Pentagonal were compressed and cast into the Six and Heptagonal.

6. The Six Sons of Fohat came to harden, condense and direct Them into a form corresponding to the Chhayas of the Gods.

7. Two new doors opened from Finitude to Infinity.

The clear white ray of the Divine Sun shone through the newly opened doors and did not dissipate. The surface of the once Dark Star changed: it glowed with bright light. Her companion Wheels caught only scattered rays, since they were the last in this race.

8. The Great Mother shouted to the Eternal: “I have done everything for Your once rejected son. And He will rule over my descendants while I return to You." And the gates closed, separating the upper world from the lower.

9. The Dragon of Wisdom descended, and with him the Master with the Diamond Soul. With their own divine essence, they embraced the forms created for Them - and they were no longer the Sons of Maya, but the Sons of Will and Yoga.

No more obstacles will be erected between the end and infinity so that the Sixth can easily pass into the Seventh.

Stanza VII

1. Finally, the Sons of Maya struck the Ideally Tuned String, and with that sound the Illusion disappeared. The truth was fully revealed. The newborns put on Knowledge, Power, the splendor of achievements, as if in robes.

2. Down along the star-strewn path of the Gods - the path of small Fires awaiting birth in other forms, passed Someone, unlike the Gods, but related to Them; unlike the Spirits of the Throne, but known to them; similar to a person, but superior to him; Someone dressed in clothes, sparkling like Frost in the sun, majestic, stern in face, but quiet in voice.

Z. He walked from the small Lights to the Light, and with each step he stepped on another Star, and it made the sounds of the most tender melody. He came closer and closer, and the sounds merged into a triumphant song.

4. Finally, having reached the very top, He stopped and bent down to hear the song that far below, under His feet, the stars were now singing clearly and loudly.

5. The once Dark Star now sparkled with a brilliance reflected from his face, and absolutely clearly He heard melodies, which until then had consisted only of quiet sounds of sadness and pain.

6. The king appeared himself and was now known to them. “I am the first,” He said, “and I am the last, and we are both one person. Light came from darkness. Everything came from nothing. From Death came eternal life. It is done".

Stanza VIII

1. Fohat has already raised his foot, but does not lower it until he can take His widest step. The Sons of the Flame shout to Him with great

How did “Stanzas” get to Blavatsky? This story is told in his work “Cursed Books” by the French occultist Jacques Bergier.
Blavatsky first heard about the book from an Egyptian friend, a specialist in Coptic magic, Paulos Mentamon. And in 1852, when Elena Petrovna was traveling around India, she met with brahmins who gave her a copy of the mythical manuscript. Returning to America, Blavatsky translated the text into English, and hid the manuscript given to her in a safe deposit box.
In 1855, during Blavatsky’s next Indian voyage, she again met with the Brahmans, and they suddenly demanded that the book be returned. Otherwise, they said, she would face great troubles... However, Elena Petrovna refused to return the manuscript, apparently not attaching much importance to the words of the brahmans. Moreover, “Jiang’s Stanzas” formed the basis for the most important work of her life, “The Secret Doctrine.”
After some time, Blavatsky began to have serious health problems. Doctors were unable to diagnose the woman. Then Elena Petrovna again took a trip to India. There she received treatment from local yogis. The treatment helped, but on the way home the ship on which Blavatsky was sailing exploded. Having miraculously survived, Elena Petrovna finally realized that she was being pursued by some kind of evil fate. But it still did not occur to her that the book given by the Brahmins could be to blame for her misfortunes.
Blavatsky believed that she should be the owner of the manuscript. In addition, she was going to publish the text of the manuscript and scheduled a press conference dedicated to Jiang's Stanzas. But the day before, the manuscript inexplicably disappeared from the safe...
Despite this, Elena Petrovna did not cancel the press conference. And in vain: during the event, an unknown man tried to shoot her. True, he missed while shooting and was detained. During interrogation, the criminal testified that he was ordered to kill the founder of the Theosophical Society by people who had the gift of suggestion at a distance, and he could not resist this order...

Cursed books - description and summary, author Bergier Jacques, read free online on the website electronic library website

French writer Jacques Bergier in his book traces the dramatic fate of a number of amazing manuscripts, manuscripts and books from ancient times to the present day. This is the mysterious "Book of Thoth"; "Jiang's Stanzas"; a book that deprives one of sanity - “Excalibur”; manuscript of the work of the Russian scientist M. M. Filippov and some others.

All these creations of the human mind were destroyed in one way or another. And the reason for this phenomenon, to which the author attributes the destruction of the famous Library of Alexandria, the greatest treasury of human knowledge, J. Bergier sees in one thing: their content threatened the existence of earthly civilization. From Bergier’s “Cursed Books,” the reader learns who, according to the author, takes upon himself the functions of protecting humanity from self-destruction.

Bergier's book was published in 1971 and, naturally, was written on the basis of the facts that the author had at the time. However, most of them have not lost their significance and interest even now.


It is difficult to find out who was the first to mention the book, which was brought to India and allegedly arrived from Venus, and when. Apparently, this was done by the French astronomer Bagli in late XVIII century, but it is quite possible that information about this will be found in earlier sources.

The Frenchman Louis Jacollio in the 19th century called this book “Stanzas of Jiang.” Beginning in the mid-19th century, it became clear that accidents had happened to people who claimed to possess this book, but it was Madame Blavatsky who gave Chiang's Stanzas its true scope.

It is simply impossible to speak impartially about Madame Blavatsky. Opinions about it are very contradictory, and passions still run high even today.

The best French book on this topic is “Theosophy” by Jacques Lantier. I will touch upon the personality of Madame Blavatsky only in that part of it that seems to me necessary for understanding the fantastic story of “Jiang’s Stanzas.”

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was born in Russia on July 30, 1831, and from the very birth she was haunted by misfortunes. During the baptism, the priest's cassock caught fire, he received severe burns, panic arose, and many of those present were injured. After such an unprecedented beginning, Helena Blavatsky, from the age of five, sowed fear and horror around her: she hypnotized her playmates, and one of them threw herself into the river and drowned.

At the age of fifteen, she suddenly discovers the gift of clairvoyance; she finds criminals whom the police are unable to detect.

The girl aroused horror and confusion in the minds, and they wanted to put her in prison until she gave an intelligible explanation for her actions. Fortunately, her relatives intervened: she was married off, hoping that she would calm down, but she ran away from her betrothed and in Odessa boarded a ship bound for Constantinople, and from there she moved to Egypt.

And again we are on the trail of the Book of Thoth and the writings that survived the destruction of the Library of Alexandria.

In Cairo, Madame Blavatsky met a magician of Coptic origin, a great Muslim scientist. He told her about the existence of a cursed and very dangerous book and, despite all this, taught Blavatsky to read using clairvoyance. The original book, according to the magician, was in a Tibetan monastery.

The title of the book is “Stanzas of Jiang.”

According to the Coptic magician, this book revealed secret knowledge that came from other planets and related to a history that dates back hundreds of millions of years.

“Theosophists speak,” writes H. Lovecraft, “of such things as would make the blood run cold, unless they spoke of them with blissful and disarming optimism.”

Many have tried to find the sources of these stanzas. My friend Jacques Van Erp believes he found one such source in a vague article published in the Asian Review, which Madame Blavatsky probably never looked at.

One can, of course, put forward a hypothesis that Madame Blavatsky, who had an extremely rich imagination, was carried away by the fantastic plots of ancient legends. However, cases of incredible clairvoyance are not so rare (see, for example, Joseph Millar's book "The Mysterious Man Edgar Cayce"). Perhaps there is nothing incredible in the fact that Madame Blavatsky actually read the book with the help of clairvoyance?

Later she would claim that she had “Jiang’s Stanzas” in book form. After leaving Cairo, Blavatsky goes to Paris, where she lives on the money her father sends her. Then he goes to London, and from there to America, where he gets involved with the Mormons.

After this, Madame Blavatsky engaged in robbery in the wild West - I am not making things up, this is a well-known fact.

Then she returns to London, where, according to her, she meets a certain man named Koot Hoomi Lal Sing. Four versions have been put forward regarding his personality:

1. He was just a figment of Madame Blavatsky's imagination.

2. A real person it wasn’t, it was a projection of the mental efforts of Asian adepts.

3. It was a Hindu, an agent of a secret society, who used Madame Blavatsky to liberate India. Jacques Lantier, a policeman by profession, seems to prefer this hypothesis.

4. It was an Intelligence Service agent.

The fourth version is adhered to by the intelligence agencies of the USSR, where Madame Blavatsky and all her activities are viewed as a tool of British imperialism.

The most amazing thing is that a century after the events described, when thousands of articles and hundreds of books have already been written, we still know no more about the mysterious character, designated by the initials K.H., than we knew at the very beginning. We can only speculate, and it is possible that all four versions listed above are wrong.

Be that as it may, K.H. began to write to Madame Blavatsky. Some of his letters have been published. Among other things, he talks about the dangers of weapons based on the use of atomic energy, and the resulting need to keep certain secrets. And this is a hundred years ago! Echoes of these letters can be found in the science fiction novel “Fire Eaters” (“Fire Eaters”) by Louis Jacollio, which deals with the complete transformation of matter into energy.

These letters talk about many other things. Thanks to them, Madame Blavatsky, who until then had been a completely ignorant woman, whose library consisted only of cheap novels bought on the road, suddenly began to gradually turn into the most educated and knowledgeable woman in matters of science of the 19th century. It is enough to read the books published under her name, such as “The Secret Doctrine”, “Isis Unveiled” and “Archaic Symbolism of Religions”, to be convinced of the breadth and depth of her education - from linguistics (she was the first to study the semantics of archaic Sanskrit) to nuclear physics, and in addition, all the knowledge of both it and our time, as well as several sciences that do not yet exist.

Note that her secretary, George Robert Stowe Mead (1863–1933), was a very educated man. But Mead met Madame Blavatsky only in 1889 and spent only three last year her life. Moreover, as a graduate of Cambridge, he was well versed in any issues related to Gnosticism, yet he did not possess that universal culture, so ahead of its time, which is felt in the works of Madame Blavatsky.

The latter constantly claimed that all her knowledge was from Jiang’s Stanzas, which she first read at a distance before receiving a copy of the book in India. Where and when did she study Sanskrit? This is another one of her secrets.

In 1852, Madame Blavatsky again went to India, then returned to New York and spent another two years in the wild West. In 1855, she was again in Calcutta, after which, overcoming stubborn resistance from the authorities and circumstances, she tried to penetrate Tibet. That's when she begins to receive warnings: if she doesn't return Jiang's Stanza, she will be in trouble. In 1860, Madame Blavatsky fell ill and for three years rushed around Europe, as if fleeing from pursuit.

In 1870, Madame Blavatsky, returning from the East, was on board a ship sailing through the newly dug Suez Canal. The ship exploded. It was said that gunpowder was transported on it, but this has not yet been proven. In any case, most of the passengers turned to dust, so no traces of bodies were found. The description of the explosion most closely resembles an explosion atomic bomb. Madame Blavatsky miraculously survived.

After that, she held a press conference in London, at which some madman (?) shot her several times with a pistol. He later stated that he was controlled from a distance, thus anticipating the statements of Lee Harvey Oswald, Shirhan and Charles Manson.

Madame Blavatsky survived this time, but she was terribly confused. At the press conference, she was going to present Jiang's Stanzas, thinking that this way she would save her life. But the book disappeared. Disappeared from what was then a brand new safe in a large hotel.

At this point Madame Blavatsky was completely convinced that an extremely powerful secret organization had taken up arms against her. The most important episode of this struggle occurred a few years later, when Madame Blavatsky met in America with Henry Steel Olcott, an American businessman who called himself a colonel, as many Americans did at that time, for example Buffalo Bill.

Alcott was passionately interested in everything unusual. Madame Blavatsky simply bewitched him! To begin with, he founded the Miracle Club with her. Then the society, which at first I wanted to call Egyptological. But there were numerous protests, and he changed the name to the Theosophical Society. This happened on September 8, 1875. Immediately all kinds of signs and wonders began. The society intended to burn the remains of Baron de Palma, a member of this society, an incredible adventurer. Cremation was a completely new thing at that time, at least for America. To build a crematorium, it was necessary to obtain a special permit. But as soon as the body of Baron de Palma was placed there, right hand the deceased rose to the sky in protest. At the same time, literally at the same moment, a terrible fire broke out in Brooklyn: a large theater building caught fire, killing two hundred New Yorkers. The city shook in horror.

Some time later, in 1878, it was decided that Colonel Olcott and Madame Blavatsky would travel to Asia to contact the Grand Masters of the White Lodge. The United States government took the expedition so seriously that President Rutherford Hayes appointed Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott as special representatives, issued them travel certificates, and issued diplomatic passports. Subsequently, thanks to these documents, they will not be put in an Indian prison as Russian spies - only espionage has been missing in this story until now, but now it has appeared!

On February 16, 1879, the expedition arrived in India. The guests were received by Pandit Shyamji Krishnavarma and other initiates. A less pleasant detail of the meeting: immediately after arrival, all the travelers’ documents and money were stolen. The English police managed to recover the money, but the documents were never found.

It was a declaration of a merciless war that ended in disaster. Police arrests and searches followed one after another. Colonel Olcott was outraged when presented with a message from the President of the United States and wrote the following statement:

“The Indian Government received false information about us, based on ignorance or malice, and we were subjected to such brutal surveillance that it attracted the attention of the whole country: local residents In this way, they made it clear that communication with us would threaten them with the disapproval of their superiors and could harm their personal interests. Laudable and virtuous intentions thus encountered serious obstacles, and we became victims of completely undeserved insults due to the decisions of the government, which believed false rumors.”

This letter somewhat eased the police persecution, but the threats only became more frequent: if Madame Blavatsky continues to talk about Jiang’s book, she should prepare for the worst. She continued.

Now she had at her disposal “Jiang’s Stanzas,” written not even in Sanskrit, but in the Senzar language, which no one had heard of either before or after her. Madame Blavatsky translated this text into English, which was published in 1915 by the Hermetic Publishing Company of San Diego, with an introduction by Dr. A. S. Raleigh. I was able to get acquainted with this document in 1947 at the Library of Congress in Washington. This is a very interesting thing, worthy of study.

The answer from the Unknowns was formidable and hit the nail on the head. Madame Blavatsky was accused of what was dearest to her: the unfoundedness of her claims to the occult. The English Society for Psychical Research gave an absolutely depressing conclusion, compiled by Dr. Hodgson: Madame Blavatsky is just an ordinary charlatan, her whole story is a fraud. She will never recover from this blow. Morally destroyed until her death in 1891, she never emerged from a severe state of depression.

Madame Blavatsky publicly expressed regret that she had spoken about Jiang's Stanzas, but it was too late. Indian researchers such as E. S. Dutt would subject Hodgson's conclusion to scathing criticism, but would not have time to save Madame Blavatsky.

After her death, it was established that there was a real conspiracy against her, organized jointly by the British government, the police of the Viceroy of India, Protestant missionaries working in India and other persons who cannot be identified, but they were probably the main ones. From the point of view of the effectiveness and success of psychological warfare, the operation against Madame Blavatsky is a true masterpiece.

This whole story proves that even the President of the United States cannot protect from certain organizations. But one way or another, politically, Madame Blavatsky won a complete victory: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi admitted that he owed it to Madame Blavatsky for finding his way, gaining national consciousness and ultimately liberating India. One of Madame Blavatsky's students supplied Gandhi with a drug that helped him hold on in the most difficult moments. And, probably, because of these connections, Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948 by another strange fanatic, inexplicably controlled from a distance.

But Madame Blavatsky's ideas prevailed. Undoubtedly, the Theosophical Society played an important, if not decisive, role in the liberation of India. There is also no doubt that the Intelligence Service and other instruments of British imperialism took part in the conspiracy of Madame Blavatsky and against Jiang’s book.

And yet it seems that another organization, more powerful than the Intelligence Service, and not political, was trying to silence Madame Blavatsky.

It will be objected to me that this organization did not prevent the publication of the text in 1915, but who will prove that this publication had at least some relation to the original? After all, I know absolutely nothing about the San Diego Hermetic Society...

In any case, after the last catastrophe Madame Blavatsky fell silent. Let's take a last look at her on the Rue Notre-Dame de Champs in Paris. There she spent the rest of her days, after which she left to die in London.

Let's look at her through the eyes of one of her enemies, the Russian religious philosopher Vladimir Solovyov, who described his meetings with her in the Russian Messenger magazine. It seems that most of all he was struck by the silent reproaches with which she seemed to constantly address him. Madame Blavatsky, although she had already become completely exhausted by that time, still experienced strange phenomena. This is what happened to the skeptic Solovyov at the Victoria Hotel in Elberfeld (Germany) when he was traveling with Madame Blavatsky and several of her students:

“Suddenly I woke up. Someone's hot breath woke me up. Next to me, in the darkness, stood a tall human figure in white clothes. I heard a voice, I can’t say in what language, but I was ordered to light a candle. By its light, I saw that it was two o’clock in the morning and that there was a living person next to me. It was a man who looked exactly like the portrait of Mahatma Morya I had seen before. He spoke to me in a language that I did not know, but nevertheless understood. He told me that I was gifted with great abilities and it was my duty to use them. After that he disappeared. But he immediately appeared again, smiled and said in the same unfamiliar, but still understandable language: “Rest assured, I am not a hallucination, and you are not crazy.” Then he disappeared again. It was three o'clock in the morning. The door was locked all this time.”

If these kinds of phenomena happen to skeptics, it is probably not surprising that even more amazing things happened to Madame Blavatsky herself. It seems that she actually wrote using her gift of clairvoyance. The English critic William Emmett Colyman believes that in “Isis Unveiled” Madame Blavatsky quotes approximately one thousand four hundred books that she did not have at her disposal. The quotes are correct.

I was accused of resorting to the same occult method when I wrote “The Morning of the Magicians,” but I do not quote a single quotation in all my books, as in this book, from memory. Precisely because I could not find the photocopies I made in 1947 of the 1915 edition of “Jiang’s Stanzas,” I do not give any excerpts from them, since I do not rely on memory.

In any case, Madame Blavatsky never again threatened anyone with the publication of Jiang's Stanzas. The reader may ask: why did I get the idea that the works belonged to ancient civilizations and, perhaps, of alien origin, are located in India? This idea is not new: it was brought to the West by a character no less fantastic than Madame Blavatsky - Apollonius of Tyana. It was dealt with, in particular, by George Robert Stowe Mead, Madame Blavatsky's secretary in the last three years of her life.

Apollonius of Tyana, apparently, really existed. His biography was compiled by Flavius ​​Philostratus (175–245). Apollonius of Tyana made such a strong impression on his contemporaries and descendants that even today quite serious scientists claim that Jesus Christ never existed, and the creator of his teaching is Apollonius of Tyana. This version is not only held by slightly demented adherents of rationalism. Apollonius was credited with supernatural abilities, although he himself denied them with the greatest fervor.

In any case, with the help of clairvoyance, he allegedly saw the murder of Emperor Domitian on September 18, 96 AD. e. Undoubtedly, he traveled around India, and probably died in Crete at a very old age: he was more than a hundred years old.

Let us leave aside the legends surrounding his name, in particular the one according to which Apollonius of Tyana still lives among us. Let us also leave aside the connections between his teaching and Christianity. Let us only note that Voltaire placed him above Christ, but he must have done this only to tease Christians.

One thing is beyond doubt: Apollonius of Tyana assured that in his time - that is, in the 1st century AD. e. - in India there were amazing, ancient books that contained the wisdom of bygone centuries, wisdom that came to us from the very distant past. Apollonius of Tyana brought with him some of these books, and it is to him, among other things, that we owe what we find in the Hermetic literature large passages from the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita.

It was he, before Bagli and Jacollio, who put forward the idea of ​​​​the existence of ancient books, which since then has not stopped wandering around the world. His student Damis wrote notes about these books, but, as luck would have it, Damis’s notebooks disappeared. The author of the preface to Mead's writings, Leslie Shepard, writes in July 1965, that is, not so long ago, that it is possible that Damis's notes "will be found." It would be very interesting to read them. The history of the Dead Sea manuscripts proves that the most amazing “finds” are still possible.

In surviving notes, Damis speaks of Apollonius’s secret meetings, to which he was not allowed, with Hindu sages. He also describes cases of levitation and combustion only under the influence of will, without the help of any tools. He was present at experiments of this kind carried out by Hindu sages. They seemed to treat Apollonius as an equal and taught him, revealing more to him than they had ever revealed to Western man.

It seems that Apollonius saw Jiang's Stanzas with his own eyes. Did he bring a copy of the book with him to the West? Who can know?

“The Book of Dzyan” (from the Sanskrit word “Dhyan” - mystical meditation) is the oldest known book about the creation of the Universe and Life. No one knows the age of this book or who wrote it. It is difficult to find out who was the first to mention the “Book of Dzyan” and when, brought to India and supposedly arriving from Venus. Louis Jacolliot called this book Jiang's Stanzas. Some believe that it was written more than 10 thousand years ago, others are sure that it is about 1 million years old.

“There is an abyss of existence, incomprehensible to man...”
Howard Lovecraft (The Cthulhu Mythos)

Apollonius of Tyana assured that in his time (1st century AD) in India there were amazing, ancient books that contained wisdom that had come to us from a very distant past. Apollonius supposedly saw Jiang's Stanzas with his own eyes. Perhaps he brought a copy of the book to the West.

Several encrypted formulas (Stanzas) of the Book of Dzyan form the basis of Helena Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine. The source of the legend about the “sons of god” and the “sacred island” of Shambhala is also the “Book of Dzyan”. As Jacques Bergier writes (“Cursed Books”), Blavatsky allegedly learned about the existence of a “very dangerous book” (“Book of Dzian”) while in Cairo from a Coptic magician who taught her to read using clairvoyance. According to the magician, the original book, which reveals secret knowledge that came from other planets and relates to a history that dates back hundreds of millions of years, was in a Tibetan monastery.

One can, of course, put forward a hypothesis that Blavatsky, who had an extremely rich imagination, was carried away by the fantastic plots of ancient legends. Or maybe there is nothing incredible in the fact that Blavatsky actually read the book with the help of clairvoyance, as Edgar Cayce did? Blavatsky constantly claimed that all her knowledge came from Stanza Zian, which she first read telepathically before receiving a copy of the book in India. Where and when did she study Sanskrit? This is one of the secrets of her biography. “Jiang’s Stanzas” were allegedly written not even in Sanskrit, but in the Senzar language, which no one had heard of before or after her. Blavatsky translated this text into English, the translation was published in 1915 by the Hermetic Publishing Company in San Diego.

“The teachings contained in these volumes, although fragmentary and incomplete, do not belong to any one religion, such as the Hindus, Zoroaster, Chaldeans and Egyptians, nor to Buddhism, Islam, Judaism or Christianity, exclusively. The Secret Doctrine is the essence of them all. Born from it in their beginnings, the various religious systems now return to their original element, from which every mystery and dogma arose, developed and materialized. It is more than likely that this book will be considered by the majority as the wildest fable, for who has ever heard of the Book of Dzyan?
Helena Blavatsky

Esotericists claim that the “Book of Dzyan” is revealed only in parts, only to the Initiates, only under the guidance of the Great Teachers, and it is as real as the “Secret Doctrine” of Helena Blavatsky is real. The Secret Doctrine is essentially an exposition and detailed commentary on the 19 Stanzas (chapters) and 49 Slokas (verses) of the Book of Dzyan. The book was originally published in two volumes in 1888, the third volume was published after the writer's death in 1897.

The basis of the “Secret Doctrine” is made up of Stanzas translated from the “Book of Dzyan” with comments and explanations by Blavatsky. The first volume of The Secret Doctrine, entitled “Cosmogenesis” by Blavatsky, comments on the first seven Stanzas of the “Book of Dzyan”, which tells about the formation of the Universe, the structure of matter, the evolution of the Solar system, the origin and change of human races on Earth. The second volume, entitled “Anthropogenesis,” is devoted to a detailed description of the origin and evolution of man; in it, Blavatsky comments on the 12 Stanzas of the next part of the “Book of Dzyan.” According to many eyewitnesses, the material given by the Mahatmas “passed” through Blavatsky’s pen in various ways. Sometimes it was dictated, sometimes clairvoyance or other means were used. Some things appeared in manuscripts from the Mahatmas themselves.

The third volume, “Theogenesis,” contains information about the cyclical nature of human development, explained by natural disasters. “Theogenesis” (from the Greek “theos” - God and “genesis” - emergence) includes previously unknown Stanzas of the “Book of Dzyan” and comments on them by the Great Teachers and Initiates. Stanzas have been published since 1912. to 1918 in the “Temple of Craftsmen” (the official publication of the esoteric society “People’s Temple” in the USA). The third part of the Ancient Stanzas of the Book of Dzyan was not communicated by the Great Teachers to Helena Blavatsky.

As Vladimir Streletsky writes (“Shadows of the Multidimensional World”), “Theogenesis” is a book about how humanity becomes God - a continuum (space-time), synthesized from the spirituality of all human personalities who have ever lived on Earth and constantly creating new ones physical universes.

“Theogenesis” has not lost its relevance today, since the book is dedicated to future events of humanity, which, according to the Great Teachers, are millions of years distant.

Ancient prophecies in the light of modern science

The prophecies of the ancients set out in “Theogenesis” are in good agreement with modern scientific views on the nature and paths of evolution of human consciousness and civilization.

A few examples:

1. The time of fulfillment of the prophecies described in the “Book of Dzyan” refers to events in the human and cosmic chronicles, many millions of years distant from modern times.

Recently, superstring theory has become increasingly popular among physicists. This theory suggests that all elementary particles are made of two-dimensional strings - a kind of threads that stretch throughout the Universe. If it is impossible to say anything definite about the behavior of the elementary particles themselves in the depths of a “black hole,” then superstrings fit into an information structure there - a “fluffy ball”. This possibility has been proven by a team of scientists from Ohio University (USA). This means that when moving through a singularity, information is preserved. The final stage of the existence of the physical Universe is singularity, which is also gigantic “ black hole" The fundamental processes occurring in it give birth to a new physical world from old information. Therefore, in the nascent Universe, the basic matrices, algorithms and patterns that existed in the “pre-singular” state of the previous world are repeated. They are “recorded” in the structures of a “fluffy ball”, which, with the beginning of the next cycle of physical evolution, is transformed into an information field. The authors of “Theogenesis” (representatives of a highly developed antediluvian civilization) managed to “read” general and repeating laws and algorithms from this information field through logical synthesis and creative insights, that is, the methods by which scientific theories are created.

2. In the Stanzas of the Book of Dzyan, the source of all earthly cataclysms of a cyclic nature: displacement of the earth’s axis, flooding of old continents and the rise of new ones, is considered to be the periodic attenuation of the activity of the Sun.

Modern astronomers are very interested in the sudden disappearance of individual luminous stars from the starry sky. This phenomenon was recorded and thoroughly studied back in the CIC century by German astronomers Friedrich Argelander and Eduard Schoenfeld. Astronomers at the Bamberg Observatory in the mid-1930s confirmed the results obtained by these scientists. Astrophysicists from the University of North Carolina (USA) believe that 65 million years ago, as a result of the temporary extinction of the Sun and the subsequent neutrino bombardment, dinosaurs became extinct. Who knows what “surprises” the Sun will present to the inhabitants of our planet in the future?

3. In the commentaries to the Dzyan Stanzas, attributed to the Great Teachers, it is stated that the new representatives of humanity who will be able to escape from global cataclysms will be “painted with gold” - distant descendants of the current Chinese subrace.

In 2002, the forecasts of Nikolai Safonov, professor at the Institute of Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, regarding future human mutations, later duplicated by many reputable scientific publications, appeared on the Internet. The scientist proves that by the middle of the 21st century the world's population will noticeably darken their skin and acquire slanted eyes. This is due, first of all, to a noticeable lag in the birth rate of European peoples compared to Asians and Africans. The forecast is perfectly illustrated by modern Italians. Almost none of the blue-eyed and blond inhabitants of the Roman Empire remained - they were noticeably “mixed” by the southern peoples. The conclusion from all this suggests itself: the Great Teachers, knowing the laws of “mixing” of human races, made a scientific forecast of biological changes in human appearance.

4. Based on the analysis of the “Book of Dzyan”, a definition of high human spirituality was obtained as “independent space - time, the grain of the world of higher dimensions,” which will begin to form around the field bodies of people of the future sixth race a special shell with a topology that does not coincide with what is familiar to us space - time.

Doctor of Philosophy Konstantin Kedrov in the book “Parallel Worlds” describes the concept of a human chronotope - an elementary cell of space-time, which exists thanks to consciousness and does not obey Einstein’s (four-dimensional) topology. As the scientist writes, “the four-dimensional space of the universe and the eleven-dimensional space of the microworld can be reflected in the consciousness of living matter as a single internal-external reality.” Scientists and physicists Anatoly Akimov and Vladimir Bingi in 1995 in the article “On Physics and Psychophysics” concluded: “individual consciousness is capable of unconsciously and consciously, through the effort of thought, changing the structure (curvature, torsion) of space-time.”

5. Prophecies of the “Book of Dzyan” about the inevitability of uniting the spiritual consciousnesses of individual individuals of humanity into a single type of Cosmic Consciousness.

The ideas of the psychosphere (noosphere) - the information layer of the planet’s consciousness - are developed in their works by many modern scientists. As Victor Rogozhkin writes in the book “Eniology”: “Man, being an elementary cell of the mind in the Universe, simultaneously carries within himself “genetic” information about this entire grandiose living intelligent organism. What we are accustomed to calling a person is just a shadow, a projection of this organism onto four-dimensional spaces. Moreover, there are many of these spaces, corresponding to the multidimensionality of the Universe. The universe is not only the number of n-dimensional spaces, but also the combination of their interactions. In this case, the spaces are, as it were, nested one within the other. Like nesting dolls they form a complex multidimensional structure. The largest of them can be contained within the smallest.”

The main carriers of information in six-dimensional spaces are thought images and thought forms. A thought form can be compared to a certain computer program that determines the spatial and temporal action of thought images. Six-dimensional spaces correspond to the mental plane of the individual, and collectively to the noosphere, the sphere of mind of the entire civilization.

6. Comments on the Dzyan Stanzas allow us to conclude that the united Planetary Consciousness of humanity forms an independent spatio-temporal form or “mini-universe”.

Individual human consciousness has a spatio-temporal nature. Therefore, it would be simply illogical to assume a different nature for the united consciousness of humanity. The commentators of the Dzian Stanzas also understood this.

It is impossible to comprehend the origins, nature and future of man in the world unless one recognizes a parallel existence together with our other Universe. In different ideological systems, this mysterious world is called differently: God, the Absolute, Subtle or Invisible Reality, Multidimensionality. Common to all is the belief that this multidimensional world precedes the physical Universe, gives rise to it and subsequently influences all processes.

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