What is the best material for the facade of a house? Materials for cladding the facade of a house: which one is better to choose

So, you choose the materials that can be used to cover the facade of the house. Which material is better? Photos of different facades with different materials used will help you solve this issue.

Let's figure out together what properties the cladding of the facade of a house should have, which material is better. The photos on this page, as well as in the photo gallery, will help you and me with this.

Materials for decorative cladding of the facade of a house

Why is it important to decide, before cladding the façade of a house, which material is better? Photos of which completed projects we will need to choose best materials for cladding the facade of a house?

So, let's go through the list.

These materials can be used for decorative cladding of the facade of a house:

  1. Decorative brick.
  2. A natural stone.
  3. Fake diamond.
  4. Vinyl siding.
  5. Metal siding.
  6. Facade board, lining.
  7. DPK board.
  8. Facade tiles.
  9. Porcelain tiles.
  10. Profiled sheeting.
  11. Shingles.
  12. Metal cassettes.

Far from it full list those materials that can be used for cladding the facade of a private house.

Each of these materials has its pros and cons. As you understand. There is no ideal facade material, which would have only one advantage.

For example, natural stone has excellent decorative characteristics, but it is expensive and heavy, which means it is not suitable for every façade. And the work of installing it on the facade can make a significant hole in your construction budget.

The decorative value of corrugated sheeting as a façade option is close to zero. Only a few designers manage to fit this material into the facade of a private house so as to create a visually beautiful exterior.

On the other hand, corrugated sheeting is relatively cheap, its installation is inexpensive, and its weight allows it to be mounted on a wide variety of walls, including light frame walls, on a wooden or metal frame.

Photo gallery of facades - different materials for facade cladding

Well, there is no friend for taste and color, as they say. Here are several options for a wide variety of facades, which are lined with different materials.

If we talk about the decorative component of each facade material, then only you can personally choose what is suitable for you and what is not, specifically for your home.

The original decoration of the facade of the house with stone-effect panels, the photo of which you see on this page, allows you to obtain a decorative and respectable facade at the lowest cost. Besides,...

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  • Look at modern market individual housing construction? Do you see that there are many different home finishing options on the market? Indeed, when creating the design of the facade of a private house, we are faced with...
  • What material is better for cladding the facade of a house? This question comes up most often on initial stage construction of the facility or, if necessary, perform new finishing of the building. Today, there are many options that have certain advantages and disadvantages, as well as differences in installation technology. For the most the right choice all existing features should be taken into account.

    When deciding what to cover the facade of a house with, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters that will allow you to make the optimal decision:

    1. Impact resistance various types precipitation and high humidity. Indeed, this is one of the main factors, because the house outside is influenced by various atmospheric phenomena: rain, hail, snow, which leads to increased humidity. But this should not have a significant impact on the cladding.
    2. Resistant to temperature changes. This indicator varies depending on the territory; fluctuations can range from +40 to –40.
    3. Installation features. This procedure can be simple or complex. In the second option, it is necessary to have relevant experience, otherwise the resulting design will not be reliable.
    4. Durability. The ability to withstand various types of impacts, as well as compliance with all installation nuances, should ensure a long service life of the facade cladding.
    5. Good decorative potential. The visual component is not the main criterion, but we must not forget about it.
    6. Price. The combination of “cheap and beautiful” is not so common, but this balance occurs in some materials.

    On a note! Due to the fact that they can be used for cladding a house different types products, achieving the presence of all factors is very problematic. But the presence of most of them will make it possible to make the right choice.

    Cladding the facade of a house with brick is a responsible task; it is extremely problematic to complete it without the appropriate experience; the process does not forgive even basic mistakes.

    It must be taken into account that brickwork It is practically a separate wall, which is erected at some distance from the base. This gap allows for excellent ventilation or is used for additional insulation.

    To clad the outside of a house, several requirements for the foundation should be taken into account:

    • The optimal situation is in which the base is immediately erected, taking into account additional finishing. This will help avoid further problems.

    Brick laying is carried out only on a reliable foundation
    • If there old foundation, which is suitable for lining a house with brick, it is cleared and further strengthened.
    • Things are much more complicated when the presence of a foundation for the masonry is not provided for initially. In this case, a new concrete support strip is poured, which will exactly follow the required contour.

    Only if these conditions are met can one think about the successful use of the material.

    Product Features

    Facade facing bricks have a number of features:

    Attention! It is impossible not to notice that the correct execution of masonry is a complex process: it is necessary to take into account the structure of the flexible ligament, and, if necessary, the uniformity of the air gap. Thus, without experience and skills, achieving optimal results will be problematic.

    Types of material

    The following types of bricks can be used for cladding building facades:

    • Silicate. A popular option that has a relatively affordable cost. It has low resistance to constant moisture accumulation, so it is not recommended to use it for work on the foundation plinth.
    • Ceramic. The production technology involves firing specially purified types of clay. The product has good resistance to various kinds influences.
    • Hyper-pressed. It is obtained by pressing. Suitable for cladding the lower part of a building, as well as for creating a surface close to natural.
    • Clinker. This variety has a similar production process to the ceramic version, but due to its greater weight it places a serious load on the walls of the building.

    Of course, there are many more types, but they mainly differ in the way they produce a decorative surface.

    Thermal conductivity coefficient of different types of bricks

    Installation technology

    Such facade materials have the following installation technology:

    1. The foundation for masonry is being prepared; it must withstand heavy loads.
    2. Reinforcement is installed along the perimeter of the walls of the house to strengthen the finishing coating and connect it to the base. Although this process can be done sequentially when laying a certain number of rows.
    3. The brick is fixed to a pre-prepared mortar. Each fragment is leveled, lightly tapped and checked for level. Particular precision is required when installing the first row.
    4. If ventilation is assumed, then at a certain interval the edges of the elements are left without a fixing composition.

    In fact, the procedure requires increased concentration and accuracy, because it will be very difficult to correct flaws.

    Natural and artificial stone

    This kind of facade cladding is always a winning option, since with the help of these materials it is possible to create a truly individual design solution. Although each type has its own characteristics.

    Natural stone

    Natural stone is used to cover facades that you want to give an attractive and natural look.

    The material has the following advantages:

    • Durability. If all installation details are followed, the coating will last for decades.
    • Resistant to temperature changes. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of adhesive composition, which must withstand such fluctuations.
    • Unique appearance. Indeed, the outside of the house turns out to be completely individual.

    Of course, there are also disadvantages:

    1. High price. Such decoration of the walls of the house outside will require quite serious financial expenses.
    2. Heavy load on the building. Therefore, surfaces need more reliable strengthening, and often reinforcement.
    3. Adhesion natural materials is not too high, so you need to purchase special types of glue, the price of which may unpleasantly surprise you.

    This facing material includes several main varieties: marble, granite, limestone and sandstone. The last option is the most acceptable, considering the price-quality ratio.

    Fake diamond

    Artificial stone for cladding external walls is a fairly common material that allows you to obtain a coating that almost completely imitates natural stone.

    They cover load-bearing walls such products using two methods:

    • Using technology that replicates the use of natural products. That is, a layer of glue is applied to the prepared base and to the parts, after which the element is fixed in the selected location.
    • The second method is more modern and reduces the labor intensity of the process. The work consists of the preliminary construction of sheathing and guides. Artificial stone will be attached to this structure by grooving and fixing with self-tapping screws.

    Currently, there are many varieties of this material, but the most popular options are based on acrylic and concrete. Each of them has good environmental resistance.

    Facing tiles

    Tiles are great for decorating the outside of a home. This type of facade cladding is a modern solution that allows you to achieve excellent results. There is a very wide choice of this material on the construction market, but the most popular options are:

    This façade cladding material is fixed in two ways, which replicate the technology of working with artificial stone.

    Facade panels

    Cladding a house using facade panels is becoming an increasingly popular solution. This situation arises due to the fact that working with the product is relatively easy, and the result, even at low costs, is very impressive. Existing production technology makes it possible to use various materials: fiber cement, composite compounds, plastic and even metal.

    Fiber cement panels. They are made from a mixture of cement, cellulose fibers and a special mineral filler. This material is excellent for finishing the facades of houses, since the weight of the elements is insignificant. Installation is carried out on a previously erected sheathing by hidden fixation and grooving. Despite all their advantages and durability, such products absorb moisture well, which can lead to their deformation.

    Composite panels. This option is a multilayer structure. Most often it looks like this:

    • front part made of reliable decorative film;
    • polyester-based coating;
    • thin sheet of aluminum;
    • filler made of mineral fiber or aluminum strips;
    • aluminum sheet with protective coating.

    Thus, the parts are light, reliable and inexpensive. Lined structures can have a different appearance, because the products are painted in different shades.

    Thermal panels. This option incorporates the advantages of all the previous ones, but due to one or two layers of insulation it stands out against their background. This material can be used to decorate houses in as soon as possible. The main thing when choosing is to pay attention to the filler; it must be resistant to the spread of fire.

    Installation of all types of panels can be carried out directly on a prepared base or on a frame.

    There are many options for materials that help clad the facade of a house. It is not possible to say exactly what will be better: to cover the walls with bricks or paneling, because one must proceed from the specific situation.

    Choosing a material for cladding the facade of a house is a complex job that requires a careful approach. The quality of the finishing will determine its service life and the degree of protection of the house from weather conditions and his appearance. Today, the range of products in question is literally replete. Each manufacturer tries to satisfy all the requirements of its customers, as a result of which the range of finishing materials only expands every year.

    Choosing finishing material for the facade of a house it is necessary to accept a number of requirements, including climatic conditions, aesthetic appearance, complexity of installation and, of course, your own wishes.


    This material belongs to the category of budget materials for facade finishing. At the same time, plaster is the most popular home finishing option. Today it is available in a wide range, making it possible to turn all your ideas into reality. Plaster is actively used to obtain both smooth and textured surfaces. She has high level fire safety, and also has excellent sound and heat insulation qualities.

    Cladding the facade of a house with plaster

    The most popular types of plaster include:

    • silicone;
    • cement-sand;
    • decorative.

    But you can see how plastering on polystyrene foam is carried out

    As for the advantages, plaster has many of them. This may include:

    1. High level of thermal stability, which creates reliable protection against cracks and chips.
    2. High moisture resistance.
    3. Good adhesive properties, as the material adheres perfectly to the wall surface, creating durable protection from the wind.
    4. Walls under plaster can “breathe” and also remove moisture outside, eliminating the possibility of condensation.
    5. Long service life. The average duration of facade plastering is 30 years. But this is provided that the facade is painted every 6 years.
    6. To complete the finishing, you do not need to look for a professional person, since all the work can be done with your own hands.
    7. Light weight. Due to its light texture, plaster does not create additional load on the walls.
    8. Wide range of products in colors.
    9. Ecological cleanliness.
    10. Fire resistance.

    But you can see how plastering under the lighthouse is done in this

    In the video, facing the facade of a house with plaster:

    Facade plaster is not without its drawbacks, which include poor thermal insulation and rapid destruction of the layer, provided that it is exposed to aggressive chemical substances. In addition, the finished finish requires maintenance and quickly loses its attractiveness.


    This material has been used for finishing facades for decades. Brick is a classic way to decorate a house. It has high strength, long service life, and also creates reliable protection for the walls of the house from various weather conditions.

    Cladding the facade of a house with bricks

    The advantages of the material include:

    1. Durability and reliability.
    2. When using brick, there is no need to carry out waterproofing, because brick does not allow water to pass through.
    3. Creates strong protection for the house from the wind.
    4. Simplicity installation work will allow them to be carried out without the use of a large amount of equipment.
    5. Brick is not affected by chemical reagents.
    6. Fireproof.
    7. Bricks are obtained from environmentally friendly materials.

    The video shows how the façade of a house is faced with brick:


    This facing material is in great demand due to its high strength and attractive appearance. Both natural and artificial stone can be used for finishing. With the help of this material they open ample opportunities for home decoration.

    Facing the facade of a house with stone

    The stone differs in color, shape, texture and species. The advantages of the material include:

    1. Luxurious and elegant appearance. For finishing, you can use a special polished stone, which is characterized by a smooth surface.
    2. Possibility of application artificial stone, which have no worse appearance, but are much cheaper.
    3. Stone can be used for finishing houses made of brick, concrete and wood.

    The disadvantages of the stone include its heavy weight. For this reason, the material cannot be used on twig walls or under conditions where weighting would have a bad effect on the entire structure. But you can see what natural facing stone looks like

    Thermal panels

    The presented finishing option has a large number of advantages. This is a completely ready-made material, which requires the presence of insulation and plaster. Installation of thermal panels is characterized by its simplicity, and the process itself will not take much of your time.

    Using thermal panels

    Thermal panels have excellent thermal insulation, so the house will remain warm in winter and cool in summer. They are lightweight, so they can be used for cladding completely different structures. Thermal panels perfectly level the surface of the wall and can be used for building reconstruction. The material has reliable fire protection, and the panels are made from environmentally friendly components. Thermal panels have high air conductivity, do not lose their attractiveness for a long time, and their service life is about 30 years. But you can find out which ones exist from the article at the link.

    There is a huge selection color range, textures and designs. Often people choose thermal tiles with imitation stone or brick. The obvious advantages of the material include:

    1. Possibility to make any drawing and design.
    2. It is both an insulation material and a finishing material.
    3. Thermal plates can be installed in any weather conditions.
    4. The material is frost-resistant and unaffected by climatic conditions.
    5. Affordable price and attractive appearance.


    For those who are looking for a more budget-friendly finishing material, you need to pay attention to siding. Despite its low cost, it allows you to give your home a pleasant appearance. With its help, it is possible to hide various flaws on the walls, and the installation process is distinguished by its simplicity. Siding is available today in various variations and is moisture resistant and highly durable. The following types of siding are available:

    Wet facade

    This façade finishing material is characterized by a structure that consists of several layers. Each part is responsible for different processes. Most often, this type of finish consists of 3 layers: base reinforced, heat-insulating and decorative. The task of the reinforced layer is to give the wall surface evenness and perfectly secure the thermal insulation. It consists of a mesh and an adhesive composition.

    Using a wet façade

    The thermal insulation layer retains heat in the room. Its structure requires the presence of special plates that retain heat. The material in question is made from mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. The outer layer is made of plaster and plays not only a decorative role, but also a protective one. For those who want to learn more about how insulation occurs wet facade more than what is in this article, it’s worth going

    Which material is the best

    On video is the best façade cladding:

    Finishing the facade of a house is important work, because the degree of protection of the building from weather conditions, its appearance and much more will depend on their quality. When choosing a finishing material, it is important to be guided not only by your own wishes, but also by taking into account long service life, thermal insulation and corrosion resistance.

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