5 obstetric week of pregnancy sensations. How is the fifth week of pregnancy from conception. What will ultrasound diagnostics show

Has come 5 obstetric week of pregnancy. Right now you will notice that the next period has not come. Pregnancy tests give almost 100% guarantee that you are pregnant, because it reaches the maximum value.

Visually, you have not changed at all, however, your sensations become different. The fetus also changes. This week many body systems are born.

The size and development of the fetus at 5 weeks of gestation

Continues active development of the embryo, further specialization of cells. Of these, the internal organs of the baby will subsequently form.

If you compare an embryo to something in order to understand what it looks like, the most appropriate comparison would be with a shrimp. Only the size of the fetus is tiny: 2-3.5 mm.

Begins to form neural tube, which is the prototype of the future central nervous system. There is a thickening in this tube, which later will turn into the most complex and important organ - the brain.

As for the heart tube, it happens transformation into a small heart beating at a frequency of one hundred beats per minute. The cardiovascular system is just beginning its development, however, the heartbeat is already noticeable.

Lungs also continue to develop: the rudiments of the main bronchi appear there, and they begin to branch into smaller ones, creating a bronchial tree.

Other organs (kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, pancreas and thyroid glands) are also just beginning to form. But thyroid already begins the synthesis of the hormone thyroglobulin.

What happens to mom in the fifth week of pregnancy

Tummy does not increase during this period. If you do not tell anyone about your pregnancy, they themselves will not guess. There is also no change in weight yet.

Due to hormonal changes there are certain changes in well-being. The breasts begin to increase, it becomes more sensitive. Headaches appear, weakness and drowsiness increase. Urination becomes more frequent, appetite decreases. Nausea and vomiting may occur.

All symptoms are individual and can be barely expressed, so many women may not even pay attention to them.

Focus on your own feelings and make a decision in accordance with them whether it is worth having sex.

According to physicians, sex is not only not contraindicated, but even useful if the pregnancy is proceeding normally. Thanks to sex, hormones of pleasure enter the bloodstream and have a beneficial effect on the fetus. Mommy, on the other hand, will be pleasantly surprised by the new sensations: due to the increased blood supply to the pelvic organs during pregnancy, the sensations of orgasm become much stronger. Sexual life is forbidden in such a tender period only for those who have a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Categorically give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. At the 5th week, gonoblasts are formed in the fetus, from which eggs or spermatozoa will be formed in the future.

Answer yourself the question: do you want your grandchildren to be addicted to tobacco and alcohol? It has long been confirmed by research that alcoholism is inherited, and smoking causes disturbances in the DNA structure and can lead to a number of defects in offspring.

Also, start walking more and avoid heavy workloads. Visit a doctor to prescribe the necessary vitamins for you and tell you what to do to minimize the risk of miscarriage. We have prepared a set of exercises for the first trimester of pregnancy for you.

Video about the 5th week of pregnancy

We suggest you watch the video, where you will find out when and how to register for pregnancy. The specialist will answer the most common questions regarding early pregnancy. You will receive brief information about the development of the fetus.

So, the fifth week is a time of happy realization that you are definitely pregnant. In general, the period is beneficial, although in some cases there are unpleasant symptoms.

How did you feel at 5 weeks pregnant? Did you register at this time, and what benefits did it give? What advice can you give to those who are now five weeks pregnant? Share your story with us!

The appearance of the embryo changes greatly, you can see a small cylinder, in which you can roughly see where the stomach, legs and head of the child are located. Since the baby's spine and nervous system have already begun to form, you can see the initial outlines of the vertebrae and tubes of the nervous system. But due to the fact that the nervous system is very vulnerable, it needs to be strengthened with the help of vitamin and mineral complexes. The main condition: the presence of vitamin B9 () in the composition.

The development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems also occurs, the growth of muscle tissue and internal organs occurs. The embryo increases significantly, which can cause a sharp change in the emotional state of a woman.

In addition to the fact that irritability increases, the woman experiences strong and nausea. Drowsiness increases, strength disappears, you constantly want to go to the toilet, but there is not enough strength to do anything. All these are the consequences of toxicosis of the body, since it spends a lot of energy on the development of the child. It is advisable to see a doctor if your condition has deteriorated very much and you are ready to start taking medication. But keep in mind that you can not use medicines without a doctor's prescription.

5 weeks: what happens to the baby?

Starting from the fifth week of pregnancy, many organs and systems of the body begin to form in the fetus. It is for a period of five weeks that it is important for the mother to be as nervous as possible and take folic acid, because at this time the neural tube partially closes, the central nervous system as a whole, the spinal cord and the brain are formed, the circulatory system is formed and the heart begins to beat.

The embryo is surrounded by amniotic fluid, through which the exchange of substances between the mother and the unborn baby begins. The dependence of the state of the fetus on the lifestyle, nutrition and mood of the mother is formed.

At the fifth week, the formation of the reproductive system of the embryo, the upper respiratory tract, the liver and pancreas begins. The rudiments of such organs as eyes, auricles, nasal and oral fissures, arms, legs, fingers are also visible. And all this happens even in a very tiny embryo, 4-7 mm in size, and weighing no more than 3.5 grams.


The uterus, while it has an elongated asymmetric (depending on the place of attachment of the fetal egg) shape, but starting to increase in size, gradually acquires a rounded shape. In its size, the uterus has already increased to the point where a qualified gynecologist can determine the presence or absence of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks

It is impossible to establish the presence of pregnancy with a single examination by a gynecologist. After passing an ultrasound in the fifth week of pregnancy, you can find out: the number of fetal eggs, the size of the uterus, the location of the fetus in the uterus. At the fifth week, the heart begins to beat and a competent specialist in ultrasound examination, comparing heart rhythms with the motor activity of the fetus, will be able to make the necessary assessments and predictions of the fetal life.

Up to twenty weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is measured as the coccygeal-parietal size, and starting from the twenty-first week, the size of the fetus is already measured from the heels to the crown.

Ultrasound photo at 5 weeks

Symptoms and signs

The very first sign that a woman suspecting pregnancy can find in herself is the absence of menstrual flow. The next sign of the onset of pregnancy is the frequent urge to urinate, due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder.

There is also a pouring and swelling of the breast, its painful sensations appear. It is at the fifth week of pregnancy that the first signs of toxicosis may appear - a change in taste preferences, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, an acute reaction to smells.

The active work of hormones can lead to increased fatigue and irritability, dizziness and headaches. But the appearance of the last signs is not at all necessary - they may not be, because the body of each woman is individual and it is impossible to make predictions about how the pregnancy will proceed.


The changes that begin to occur with a woman’s breasts, starting from the fifth week of pregnancy, will undoubtedly please the spouse - the breasts will significantly fill up and increase in size. But to this will be added a feeling of discomfort in the chest, an increase in its soreness, tingling, scratching, increased sensitivity of the nipples, veins may appear and the areolas of the nipples may darken. It is worth waiting a bit and many of these signs will disappear as suddenly as they appeared.

Feelings at 5 weeks

It feels like a pregnant woman in the fifth week may experience conflicting feelings that replace each other: joy and sadness, calmness and irritability. Most often, there is increased fatigue, drowsiness, weakness, frequent changes in mood and taste habits. It may even seem to a woman that she is getting sick and her body temperature is about to rise, or even slightly increased.

Body temperature

An increase in body temperature in the fifth week of pregnancy may occur slightly, up to 37-37.3 degrees. But this is enough for the expectant mother to experience aches all over her body, malaise and drowsiness. An increase in body temperature is not at all a mandatory symptom in early pregnancy. If the body temperature rises to higher levels and is accompanied by a runny nose, cough and other symptoms of a cold, then you should not attribute this to pregnancy, but you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to exclude colds. It is extremely dangerous to take medications, without a doctor's recommendation, in the first trimester of pregnancy. As well as the use of traditional methods of treatment.


Under the influence of hormones at this stage of pregnancy, a woman's libido can increase significantly. If a woman does not experience pain during and after sex, there is no bleeding, then sex is by no means contraindicated.

But the attraction to the opposite sex can and will decrease until it disappears completely. Not a small role in reducing libido have toxicosis and the above signs of early pregnancy. The main thing to remember is that in everything you need to know the measure.

Photo of tummies at 5 weeks

Pain in the abdomen at 5 weeks

Abdominal pain in the fifth week of pregnancy may be associated with the intestines, while the onset of pain can be traced after prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position or squeezing the abdominal organs. Also, an increase in the uterus, and stretching of its muscles, can cause discomfort. If there are painful pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, then it is worth spending more time lying down, refraining from having sex and wearing heels for a while. This may be uterine hypertonicity, which entails the threat of termination of pregnancy.

If bloody or brown discharge is added to the pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Pain in the lumbar region

At the fifth week of pregnancy, a woman may feel unpleasant pulling pains in the lumbar region. If a woman is unaware of a pregnancy that has occurred, then the ones that have arisen in her stomach, she can take it as harbingers of menstruation. Also at this time there may be smearing brown discharge from the vagina, which will further suggest the idea of ​​an upcoming menstruation. If a woman is aware of the onset of pregnancy, then pain in the lumbar region in the fifth week of pregnancy can be an alarming sign and should certainly lead to an appointment with a gynecologist.


Pain in the lower back and abdomen, accompanied by vaginal bleeding, are symptoms of an incipient miscarriage. A woman who plans to keep her pregnancy and is worried about her health, about the health of her unborn child, urgently needs to call an ambulance and prepare for hospitalization. The threat of termination of pregnancy at the fifth week is high in women with a high content of male hormones (large build, with increased hair growth, overweight). For this type of women, it is recommended not to wait for the twelve-week period, but to register for pregnancy earlier.

menstrual flow

According to statistics, about 20% of women continue to have periods in the first months of pregnancy. Therefore, spotting does not always indicate a critical situation. This is a common reason for the late detection of a pregnancy, since the discharge of blood from the vagina is taken by a woman for menstruation, and in obstetric practice this is called "washing the fetus." But these cases are the exception rather than the rule. As a rule, in the fifth week of pregnancy, menstruation no longer occurs due to a significant increase in the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman.

It is possible to distinguish menstrual discharge from bloody discharge from the vagina, with the threat of premature termination of pregnancy, by the color, consistency and duration of the discharge. But still, with the established fact of pregnancy and ongoing monthly menstrual flow, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist.

Allocations at 5 weeks

Vaginal discharge in the fifth week of pregnancy can be of a different nature, but in any case, they signal the need for immediate medical attention. Bloody spotting may be a signal of a threatened abortion. Abundant bright red discharge indicates a miscarriage.

But the discharge can be of a different nature - yellow, curdled, grayish, greenish, with a characteristic unpleasant odor. The etiology of these secretions, most often, is of an infectious or venereal nature. Discharge, accompanied by itching, burning, irritation and swelling of the organs of the genitourinary system, indicates the presence of a disease. Only a doctor can confirm or refute suspicions of a disease when taking certain tests. At the same time, an increase in the secretion of mucus from the vagina in the fifth week of pregnancy may be the norm and be based on a change in the amount of hormones produced by the female body. In this case, it is worth paying special attention to the hygiene of the genitourinary system, using hypoallergenic personal hygiene products.


In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman's body is most susceptible to colds, viral and infectious diseases due to a decrease in immunity and protective functions of the body. In the first trimester of pregnancy and specifically in its fifth week, important organs and body systems are laid in the fetus. And the use of drugs and some traditional medicine products can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, during this period, the expectant mother should take care of herself as much as possible. And at the first signs of the disease, drink more warm boiled water, gargle, rinse your nose and immediately consult a doctor.

Alcohol use

In the fifth week of pregnancy, the fetus and mother are connected by common blood vessels, through which he receives what the mother consumes. Alcohol, even in small quantities, can be detrimental to a developing embryo. And even drugs on alcohol are contraindicated for pregnant women. Drinking, unknowingly about pregnancy, a glass of wine for a period of five weeks, of course, is not an indication for abortion. But a woman who has made a conscious choice to continue her pregnancy should completely deny herself the use of any amount of alcohol.

Nutrition at 5 weeks pregnant

The quality, quantity and diet at this time should already undergo changes towards a healthy and balanced diet. Mandatory products that should be present in the daily diet of a pregnant woman are vegetables and fruits, both fresh and heat-treated; meat; fish; bird; cereals and cereals; dairy and sour-milk products (cottage cheese, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk); cheeses; nuts.

For the period of pregnancy, starting from the fifth week, it is worth minimizing the consumption of fatty, salty and fried foods. The best ways to cook food are baking, stewing, boiling, steaming.

At the beginning of pregnancy, it would be advisable to purchase a double boiler, which will become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen for a pregnant woman, a nursing mother and a child, when transferring his usual food. A pregnant woman should not limit herself to drinking. Along with a balanced diet, on the recommendation of a doctor, it is necessary to use vitamins, folic acid, calcium, iron and other micro and macro elements. In addition to nutrition, the expectant mother already at such an early stage of pregnancy should pay attention to regular walking.


The very first test that can be taken to confirm the onset of pregnancy is an analysis for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood. The so-called pregnancy hormone has elevated levels in the blood from the twelfth day of pregnancy. And if a woman needs to find out about her pregnancy as soon as possible, an hCG test is the most accurate way. But by the fifth week, the level of hCG also rises in the urine, and you can determine the presence or absence of pregnancy using a conventional test.

After discovering the presence of pregnancy, not every woman immediately goes to see a gynecologist, because they usually register for pregnancy much later. But if a pregnant woman is registered for a period of five weeks, then she will have to pass the necessary tests: OAM (general urine test), KLA (general blood test), blood tests that determine the blood type and Rh factor, as well as blood clotting, coagulogram, b / x blood test, RW, HIV, Hepatitis B and C, cervical smear, bacterial culture from the cervical canal, feces for I / worm. An analysis for hCG, in addition to taking it for a diagnostic purpose, may be prescribed to take it if there is a threat of premature termination of pregnancy. Also, with the threat of termination of pregnancy, the doctor may consider it necessary to take an analysis to determine the hormone progesterone, which favorably affects the course of the entire pregnancy.

During the day, try to eat much more often, but in small portions, and with bouts of nausea, take a slice of white bread or a slice of lemon.

By the fifth week, it is good if the woman has already found out for sure that she is pregnant.

  1. Be sure to visit a doctor if you haven't already. You need to make sure that everything is fine with the pregnancy. The first trimester is dangerous.
  2. Before visiting the doctor, ask all possible relatives about hereditary and chronic diseases. Perhaps the doctor will recommend something specifically.
  3. Adjust your diet according to how you feel.
  4. Don't worry and don't overwork. This is dangerous!
  5. Continue to strengthen the body with vitamins and recommended physical exercises.
  6. Scientists say that at this time the predisposition of the future person to alcohol and smoking is formed, so beware even of being in smoking places and do not take alcohol in your mouth. You are responsible for the life of your child!
  7. Do not overcool, remember the extreme undesirability of colds in the first trimester.

See also with this article

Author of the publication: Victoria Teterina

At this time, many women realize for the first time that they are pregnant. The most common first symptom of pregnancy is missed menstrual bleeding. Signs of pregnancy at week 5 can be varied, but not very pronounced - these are nausea, dizziness and headache, fatigue, irritability and nervousness, aversion to certain tastes and smells, increased or lack of appetite.

Having noticed a combination of several of the listed signs, it is worth buying a test at a pharmacy kiosk to determine a probable pregnancy. But you need to remember that the test in the early stages may not determine a positive result - then you need to take an analysis to determine the level of hCG in the blood. This test is highly specific and accurate, with levels of this hormone doubling every 24 to 48 hours during pregnancy.

How many months have passed? The fifth obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second month. By the end of the week, the age of the embryo is 21 days, it is actively developing and growing, laying the main organs and systems.

What's happening?

Now there is an initial stage of development of your baby, the laying of all his organs. The uterus at the 5th week of pregnancy is still quite small, its shape is asymmetrical due to the fetal egg located in the uterine cavity. As the uterus grows, it will become more rounded.

Embryo at 5 weeks pregnant

By the time of 5 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal egg has already moved into the uterine cavity, and the embryo has begun to actively form. At the 5th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is no more than a gram, and its length is from one to three millimeters. It is actively growing and changing, taking the shape of the letter C; the baby looks like a cylinder, in the upper pole of which the head will form, in the lower - the legs.

A groove is located along the future body, which gradually closes into the neural tube. In the future, the spinal cord and the entire nervous system will form from it. At the upper end of this tube is a thickening - it forms the brain. Thickenings are located along the neural tube - future muscles. You can also see the rudiments of the vertebrae, which will soon surround the neural tube and form the fetal spine.

Other organs are also actively laid down. In the fetus, the cardiovascular system is formed: first, vessels are formed that grow into the embryo, then the heart is formed. Initially, the heart is formed in the form of a tube, and only later it will become four-chambered. At this time, a significant event occurs - approximately on the 21st-22nd day from conception, the baby's heart contracts for the first time. In the future, the beating of the heart will not stop for a minute.

Paired organs are laid on both sides of the dorsal chord: lungs, kidneys. The liver, pancreas and thyroid gland are actively developing. The trachea is separated from the esophagus, and the rectum from the urinary tract. The foundations of the intestines are being laid.

Despite the size of the baby, in a child at the 5th week of pregnancy, you can see small rudiments of handles, while they look like fins. Also in the head region, the rudiments of the eyes and ears are formed.

The fetus is separated from the chorion, amniotic sac and yolk sac. In the yolk sac, primary germ cells are formed, which determine the sex of the child - in boys, spermatozoa are formed from them, and in girls, eggs.

Fetal photo, ultrasound

Proper nutrition

The most important thing in the first weeks of pregnancy is the nutrition of the mother - after all, for the correct laying of all organs, the baby must receive all the necessary substances. In this situation, a significant lack of any element in the mother's body can lead to a catastrophic situation - the formation of defects and miscarriage.

This postulate is especially relevant in relation to folic acid. Scientists have proven that its deficiency can lead to disruption of the formation of the nervous system and other organs. That is why folic acid intake is indicated three months before the intended conception, and then throughout the entire duration of pregnancy.

In addition to taking the vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by the doctor, mommy should eat well. Particular attention should be paid to various vegetable crops, fresh fruits. The amount of protein in the diet should meet the increased needs of a pregnant woman.

If early toxicosis does not allow you to fully enjoy your new position, limiting your choice of food, you should listen to your body. If you absolutely cannot eat any foods due to nausea, try to choose others so that the balance of essential nutrients is maintained. At the same time, you should not force yourself to eat those dishes and foods that make you very sick.

You need to drink plenty of water, teas or fruit drinks, fresh juices. They can help you in the fight against toxicosis, and also make up for vitamin deficiencies.

Mom's Feelings

The abdomen at the 5th week of pregnancy is not yet increasing, but the baby is already making itself felt - pulling pains in the pelvis and abdomen, frequent urination, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands are sometimes perceived as harbingers of menstrual bleeding by mothers who do not yet know about their pregnancy.

The appearance of these symptoms is associated with hormonal changes in the body, which is preparing to bear a child. Hormones can cause a decrease in the tone of the stomach and intestines, which causes heartburn, nausea and constipation. The uterus squeezes the bladder, there are frequent urges to the toilet. Due to jumps in hormones, a woman can become irritable, anxious, tearful. Also, this period is characterized by frequent mood swings, changes in periods of increased activity and apathy, fatigue.

Many mothers complain that after the 5th week of pregnancy has begun, they pull on their stomach and lower back - the uterus grows and stretches its ligaments. Also, under the influence of hormones, the pelvic bones are gradually rebuilt, which can also cause pulling pains.

The temperature at the 5th week of pregnancy may slightly increase under the influence of hormones. If you feel overwhelmed, tired, the temperature is not higher than 37.5 ° C - blame the hormones. If the temperature rises above this level, accompanied by a cough and runny nose, sore throat - immediately contact the clinic. After all, a viral infection during the period of active development of the embryo has a detrimental effect on it.

Discharge at 5 weeks pregnant

The discharge in the fifth week of pregnancy may become more abundant and watery, but it should not have a distinct smell and color. The appearance of curdled, greenish or yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor is the result of an infection that is very dangerous for the baby.

At 5 weeks pregnant, brown discharge or red blood should alert you - this may be a sign of a miscarriage. In a small percentage of women, menstrual bleeding continues despite the successful development of pregnancy, but this is rather an exception to the rule. If you find spotting, especially if it is accompanied by cramps and pain in the abdomen, call an ambulance immediately and go to the hospital.

An ectopic pregnancy can also present with severe cramping or cutting pain and spotting. Only a doctor can distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a normal one. Termination of an ectopic pregnancy is life-threatening for a woman, so if these symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Twin pregnancy, 5 weeks

Pregnancy with twins at this stage does not yet cause any inconvenience to the mother. If two embryos are detected on ultrasound in the uterine cavity, the mother should pay more attention to her health and nutrition. After all, two babies require double doses of nutrients, and also double the load on the body of the expectant mother.

Usually in the fifth week of pregnancy, moms experience an increase in libido. Sometimes, due to toxicosis, sexual desire, on the contrary, may be absent. If the pregnancy develops normally, there is no threat of miscarriage - there are no obstacles to having sex at this time either.

Pain at 5 weeks pregnant

Pain at this time should not particularly bother the pregnant woman, although slight pulling pains in the abdomen are possible (reminiscent of pain at the onset of menstruation). If you are worried about severe pain in the abdomen, headaches and other pains, seek medical help. Never try to treat pain on your own. First, taking medication without a doctor's prescription can harm the developing embryo. Secondly, by taking painkillers, you can blur the picture of your condition, which makes it difficult to diagnose and provide assistance.

Required studies and analyzes

Usually the first study that a pregnant woman undergoes is a pregnancy test. This test measures the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. In the early stages, it can be quite low. Therefore, for control in controversial situations, it is recommended. An elevated level of hCG at 5 weeks of gestation makes it possible to accurately determine the presence and duration of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy is performed quite often as a way to diagnose pregnancy. On ultrasound, you can determine the number of embryos, the exact gestational age, the size of the uterus. In addition, the conformity of the size of the fetus and uterus with the declared gestational age is determined. Occasionally, at this time, it is already possible to determine the heartbeat of the crumbs.

Useful video

Questions - answers

I am 5 weeks pregnant, the diet is forced due to toxicosis. What foods do I need to include in the diet so that the baby does not suffer because of my nausea?

Mommy's diet should include a lot of leafy greens, various vegetable and fruit dishes. If you have an aversion to meat, eat more vegetable protein. Avoid smoked and spicy foods. Instead of frying, steam or simmer. Try not to eat too cold or hot foods. Every mom has a way to deal with nausea, try to find your own and focus on foods and dishes that are pleasant for you.

I have aggravated pyelonephritis, temperature and very bad tests. How dangerous are antibiotics at 5 weeks pregnant for a baby?

Any medication at this time can be dangerous for the baby. However, the penetration of infection to it, exposure to high temperature is even more dangerous, so follow all the doctor's prescriptions. In the future, monitoring of pregnancy should be very thorough in order to detect possible deviations in a timely manner. When planning your next pregnancy, try to treat all chronic diseases before conceiving a baby.

I had ARVI at the 5th week of pregnancy, there was no temperature. Could this affect the baby?

If the temperature did not rise, and the disease itself was not very difficult, then the probability of a favorable outcome for the embryo is quite high. Usually severe infections in this period lead to miscarriages. If the pregnancy develops normally, and no pathology is found on the ultrasound, you should not worry.

I am 5 weeks pregnant by ultrasound, my period started in the morning. This is dangerous?

Bleeding at this stage of pregnancy may be due to the onset of menstruation, but this is rather an exception. A much more likely cause is a miscarriage. With any bleeding during pregnancy, you need to go to the hospital to exclude pathology and maintain pregnancy.

Is severe nausea normal at 5 weeks pregnant?

Hormonal changes in the first weeks of pregnancy can lead to the development of toxicosis. The most common manifestation of toxicosis of pregnant women is nausea, especially in the morning. The development of nausea at the 5th week of pregnancy is natural, but you should not try to treat it yourself. If nausea bothers you too much, see your doctor. He will advise methods of dealing with this disease.

I have a lot of bleeding at the 5th week of pregnancy, what should I do?

Heavy bleeding in the early stages may indicate an abortion. At the first sign of bleeding, you should call an ambulance and go to the hospital to find out its cause and treatment.

At the fifth week of pregnancy, most women become aware of their situation, especially if the conception of a baby was planned. It is possible that doctors have already announced this to the most impatient expectant mothers the previous week. If the pregnancy was not planned, but the delay in menstruation makes itself felt - it's time to place all doubts by going to the pharmacy for a home test. Now you can already know for sure whether a new life was born inside.

  • 5th week of pregnancy: medical and scientific definition

    Under the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy is meant the 3rd week from the moment of conception of a new man. Thus, at this stage, the age of the fetus is three weeks. Just 5 weeks have passed since the beginning of the last menstrual cycle.

    From a scientific point of view, the 5th week of pregnancy is a turning point in the intrauterine development of the unborn child, the completion of the first and the beginning of the second month of pregnancy according to medical calculations. At this time, the sensations of a woman vary significantly, whose body is rapidly rebuilding for the sake of the successful development of a new life; the fetus also goes through significant metamorphoses.

    At week 5, all the most important organs and body parts of the future crumbs are laid. Therefore, women in position should pay utmost attention to their condition and well-being, begin to treat themselves with special care.

    Symptoms and sensations at 5 weeks pregnant

    This stage of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of specific signs, which with a high degree of probability can be used to judge changes in the status of a woman. And if in previous weeks the “suspicious” symptoms were implicit, and they could be attributed to premenstrual syndrome, then in the second month the picture changes significantly, and pregnancy should be judged by signs such as:

    • Absence of "critical" days.
    • Feeling faint in the morning.
    • Slight increase in body temperature.
    • An unusual change in taste preferences.
    • Increased salivation.
    • High sensitivity to certain smells.
    • Pulling non-intense sensations in the lower abdomen.
    • A slight increase in the breast and an increase in the level of its sensitivity.
    • Frequent desire to rest, lie down, etc.

    However, it is also considered absolutely normal that the expectant mother at week 5 does not experience any of the listed symptoms and does not notice any changes in her state of health. Perhaps the notorious toxicosis will declare itself a little later, but some women even avoid this “inevitable nuisance” during pregnancy. And it does not belong to the category of pathologies.

    As for changes in the emotional sphere, during this period the mood of a woman is extremely unstable. At times, there is inspiration and a desire to do great things, and at times - melancholy and depression, resentment even at insignificant trifles. This is the natural reaction of the body to the rapid activity of hormones. And even if the expectant mother does not attach any importance to this, then others will notice for sure.

    Some are worried about weight gain, but at the initial stage of pregnancy, there is practically no increase in body weight - a maximum of 0.5 kg. Rather, on the contrary, some women lose weight a little because of nausea and dislike for their favorite foods. But there is nothing to worry about, because in the coming months, weight will be gained naturally.

    At the 5th week of pregnancy, as well as during the entire period of bearing the baby, the discharge becomes more abundant than before, but normally it should be whitish, light or transparent. But the appearance of spotting is an alarming signal indicating the risk of miscarriage. When opening bleeding and acute pain in the abdomen, you should immediately call an ambulance: then there is a chance to save the fetus.

    However, in about a fifth of women, bleeding during pregnancy is in no way associated with spontaneous expulsion of the embryo. Indeed, cases are not so rare when menstruation continues to come up to 4-5 months, and then doctors talk about the so-called “colored pregnancy”.

    But for reinsurance, any alarming changes in the body should be a reason for an additional visit to the doctor. So, beige discharge at week 5 may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, and yellowish or greenish in 100% of cases indicate genital tract infections that require immediate treatment while waiting for the baby.

    Changes in the body of a woman at the 5th week of pregnancy

    The 5th week of pregnancy is characterized by the occurrence of some discomfort associated with changes in the functioning of the body. The most important role in the initial stage of pregnancy is played by progesterone and estrogen - these hormones help to relax smooth muscles, prevent uterine tone, and also prepare the mammary glands for milk production.

    The concentration of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a special "pregnant" hormone, increases significantly at this time, increasing daily by 2-3 times. Therefore, a pharmacy test will most likely demonstrate the presence of pregnancy.

    At the end of the first obstetric month of pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, as if it is preparing for an honorable "mission" to bear a little man. Because of this, pregnant women often notice pulling sensations in the abdomen and begin to go to the toilet more often, which is caused by gradual muscle tension and pressure from the growing uterus. In shape, the “house” for the future crumbs resembles an egg at the current stage and protrudes at the place where the embryo is fixed, growing asymmetrically.

    Video - 5th week of pregnancy: discharge, sensations, symptoms, what is happening, abdominal pain

    The breasts also become a little larger, and due to its high sensitivity, many pregnant women feel uncomfortable when wearing their usual bras. Unpleasant sensations in the chest are caused by preparation for the appearance of milk in the future, but after a few weeks they should pass, although sometimes they are disturbed throughout the entire time of bearing the baby.

    In some cases, there is a darkening of the areola, translucence of the wreath on the mammary glands, as well as the appearance of a longitudinal pigmented strip on the abdomen, but more often these changes occur in the later stages of pregnancy.

    Fetal development at 5 weeks of gestation

    A tiny man in the mother's belly at the 5th week of pregnancy is an arcuate tube 4-7 mm long and weighing about 4 g. It gradually separates from the extra-embryonic elements - the chorion, the yolk sac and the amniotic bladder. From embryonic cells, the fetus develops organs responsible for its life support in fetal development and later in life.

    An embryo at week 5 is no longer just a “head with a tail”, but a small creature with the rudiments of limbs, fingers, parts of the face. There is an active formation of the liver, pancreas and thyroid gland and upper respiratory tract, the primary spine (chord) appears. Also, the production of primary germ cells, gonoplasts, migrating at later stages of the fetus into its genitals, is in full swing.

    By the beginning of the 5th week, the neural tube is partly closed - the base that forms the spinal cord and brain, as well as the central nervous system. The fetus acquires the initial vessels that carry the first blood, and on the 20-21st day from the moment the parent cells merge into a single one, a heart begins to beat in it, even if it is still tiny and primitive.

    Now the baby does not eat at the expense of nearby tissues, but takes the necessary substances from the mother's body. So the 5th week is significant for the establishment of an inextricable bond between the future baby and his mother. The primary placenta is formed, which performs the functions intended for it by nature for the nutrition and growth of the fetus. But at the initial stage of its development, the placenta is still far from working at full strength, and therefore the unborn child is extremely vulnerable to the effects of negative external factors.

    Diet at 5 weeks pregnant

    The food menu at the 5th week of the “interesting” position must certainly be adjusted in the direction of usefulness and nutritional value, if this has not been done before. It is recommended to purchase a double boiler and subject the products to gentle processing, in which the maximum possible amount of useful elements remains in them. Thus, fried dishes should be left in the past, giving preference to stews, baked and boiled.

    On the other hand, changing food preferences will sometimes push the expectant mother to far from healthy food, but do not dramatize. It is better to give in to the desire to eat a jar of pickles or a huge pizza, since doubts and nervousness will only harm the condition of the pregnant woman and the little man living in her. But you don't have to get carried away either.

    Products unanimously recommended by doctors and nutritionists to the table at the 5th week of pregnancy should contain enough folic acid, which is so necessary for the proper formation of the body of the unborn child and its successful development. Proteins of animal origin are best replaced partially with vegetable proteins, so as not to overload the body once again. The menu of the expectant mother at the 5th week of pregnancy should certainly include:

    • legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, etc.);
    • fresh greens;
    • dairy and sour-milk products;
    • poultry and lean red meat;
    • hard and soft cheeses;
    • nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts);
    • fruits and vegetables (fresh or cooked);
    • various cereals.

    Among fruits, it is recommended to "lean" more on mangoes and apricots, among vegetables - on carrots and beets, because they contain to a large extent vitamin B1, which is largely responsible for the development of the fetal nervous system. It is also important that the body of a pregnant woman receives enough iodine and magnesium at week 5 - they can be found in abundance in seaweed and bananas.

    If there is intolerance to milk, then you do not need to force yourself to use it, it is enough to increase the proportion of sour milk in the diet. Pregnant women should completely remove disgusting foods from the table and eat what gives pleasure.

    In order not to provoke attacks of nausea once again, you need to eat a little bit and quite often - up to 8 times a day. If this tactic does not lead to a positive result, it makes sense to start taking pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - it helps proteins to be absorbed more easily and reduces the severity of unpleasant symptoms.

    In some cases, the female body at the 5th week of pregnancy refuses to take almost any food, which can cause dangerous consequences, both for the woman herself and for the life developing in her. Then you need to go to the hospital, where vitamin fluids, as well as glucose injections, will be administered intravenously.

    No matter how carefully the expectant mother follows nutritional recommendations, taking vitamins is indispensable. Usually there is no need to specifically select vitamins, as they are sold in a wide range of pregnant women. But it is better to start taking them after consultation with the doctor.

    At this time, it is worth visiting a antenatal clinic and registering. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will make an assumption about pregnancy, prescribe the necessary tests, and prescribe vitamin complexes.

    It is especially important not to delay the moment of the visit when working in harmful conditions. According to a special certificate issued by a gynecologist, the management is obliged to transfer the woman to another area or to light work. Also, a visit to the gynecologist in the very early stages of pregnancy is necessary for women with elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) or formerly infertile women who had a history of miscarriages.

    It is advisable, before going to a specialist, to inquire about the state of health of her husband and close relatives, to ask about the diseases experienced. In addition, at the first pregnancy appointment, the gynecologist asks the woman about what she was ill with before (special emphasis is on rubella).

    In addition, without fail, the doctor gives a referral for such examinations:

    • blood test (general);
    • urinalysis (general);
    • research on the Rh factor and blood type;
    • urine test for blood sugar.

    If you suffer from severe toxicosis, then you need to notify the doctor about this, and not self-medicate with dubious folk remedies. You should eat as the body requires, without restrictions, but also without overload.

    A separate word should be said about bad habits. If a couple of weeks ago, when the fact of pregnancy was still unknown, cigarettes and alcohol could not have a negative effect on the embryo (after all, it was not yet directly related to the mother's body), now everything is not so.

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