Lunar calendar online. Lunar calendar online Lunar phases of the moon for a year

The power of the Moon is more reflected in the female half of humanity, while men, the “children of the Sun,” are affected by the new moon, when the Moon and the Sun are on the same line. Critical moments are the days of transition from one phase to another. Due to the fact that the first lunar day can be only a few minutes long, it is impossible to accurately determine which day will be dangerous and which will be favorable; to determine them, it is necessary to consult the current lunar calendar.

A detailed, accurate lunar calendar for May 2015 will help you live in harmony with the world around you and with yourself, you will be able to find out exactly when the next new moon and full moon will be (date, what date, exact time), and will also help you find out in detail and correctly what phase it is moon, when the moon will be waxing or waning, the new month, what lunar day (or lunar day), when will it be favorable days or unfavorable days in May.

Many people believe in the role of the Zodiac horoscope and use it in choosing their partners. Experienced gardeners rely on the recommendations of the accurate Lunar calendar for growing crops. But few people think that the Moon controls all aspects of our lives.

Therefore, it is necessary to know about the strong and weak phases of the planet in order to properly plan your life: determine your wedding day or get a job, start repairs or undergo surgery.

You need to make the Moon work for you in order to achieve success both in love and in business.

Favorable days - Moon calendar as of May 2015

On growing or it is also called the “young” Moon, energy accumulates, and therefore any planning is favorable for this time. These days we are more emotional and react violently to the events of the world around us.

From new moon to full moon It is best to make important decisions, start new businesses, and negotiate.

On decreasing or the “defective” Moon, our emotions are inhibited, our susceptibility to external factors is reduced. During this period, the body actively spends energy. This period is favorable for doing good work and completing all the things you have started.

Unfavorable days - Lunar calendar for May 2015

Unfavorable periods of the Lunar month are considered to be the days of transition of the Lunar phases, when one phase replaces another. During this period, strong emotional outbursts are possible, from euphoria to deep depression, and health problems. Therefore, you need to be especially attentive and careful, and take into account the negative impact of transition days.

These are unfavorable days of stress, please show care, attentiveness and caution! It is not recommended to start any new important business on these unfavorable days, and if possible, it is better to transfer your business to the days of the waxing new moon. It is also recommended to pay attention to your health these days.

The lunar calendar indicates Moscow time.

Always consider your time zone to determine your local time.

The lunar month begins with the new moon, from phase 1.

A lunar day (lunar day) begins with the rising of the Moon on a given day.

A detailed lunar calendar also indicates the transit of the Moon in a zodiac sign and the exact time of the moon's entry into that zodiac sign.

Lunar calendar for May 2015

date Lunar day Sunrise time Zodiac sign Entrance sign Moon phase
1 14 17:04 Growing
2 15 18:11 Moon
3 19:19 04:48
4 20:27 Full moon06:43
5 21:33 14:14
6 22:35 Waning moon
7 23:30 21:17
9 00:18
10 00:58 02:23
11 01:32
12 02:02 05:54
13 02:28
14 02:53 08:15
15 03:18
16 03:44 10:03
17 04:14
18 /1 04:49 12:28 New moon07:14
19 2

Although we are accustomed to relying on the Gregorian Calendar when counting time, which is based on the doctrine of the constant rotation of the planet Earth around the Sun, we should not forget about the lunar influence on human life, which means you should navigate when certain events and on the lunar calendar.

If you build your life depending on it, you can avoid many troubles, such as nervous breakdowns, unfavorable events related to both communication and money, and also choose good days for cutting hair, planting great crops in the future and much more.

The fact is that the Moon constantly revolves around the Earth, which means that the ebb and flow of the oceans depends on its influence, which also affects the circulatory system of people.

On our website you can find the lunar calendar for 2015, it will help you keep your energy in and out under control, and therefore prevent troubles. Thanks to this calendar, you will be able to coordinate your actions, focusing on the phases of the moon, which will have a good effect on family life, work, as well as health, both physical and moral.

Lunar calendar for January 2015
Lunar calendar for February 2015
Lunar calendar for March 2015
Lunar calendar for April 2015
Lunar calendar for May 2015
Lunar calendar for June 2015
Lunar calendar for July 2015
Lunar calendar for August 2015
Lunar calendar for September 2015
Lunar calendar for October 2015
Lunar calendar for November 2015
Lunar calendar for December 2015

Lunar day, month and year

We are accustomed to the fact that an earthly year is 365 days, a leap year is 366, during these days the Earth makes a revolution around the Sun, but the lunar year is shorter - 354.36 days and it begins with the new moon, when the Sun is in Aquarius.

The lunar month has 4 phases - from new moon to new moon. Lunar days also differ from earthly ones - they are shorter and last from one moonrise to the next.

Moon in Zodiac signs

In 30 days, the Moon passes through all the signs of the Zodiac, each taking several days, while the night star has a different effect on each sign of the Zodiac, depending on its characteristics. To determine when the influence of a certain zodiac sign on the human body begins, a lunar calendar is needed.

New Moon in 2015

The night luminary during this period is not very visible in the sky; it is on the same line with the Earth and the Sun, that is, the “dark” lunar side rules, which is not hit by the rays of the Sun. Usually at this time people feel an energy slump, physical ailments, bad mood and even depression, so it is advisable not to start important things or make serious meetings and acquaintances on the new moon.

Dates of new moons 2015 (Moscow time)

January 20, 2015 at 5:15 pm
February 19, 2015 at 3:48 am
March 20, 2015 at 1:37 pm
April 18, 2015 at 10:58 pm
May 18, 2015 at 8:14 am
June 16, 2015 at 6:07 pm
July 16, 2015 at 5:02 am
August 14, 2015 at 6:55 pm
September 13, 2015 at 10:41 am
October 13, 2015 at 3:07 am
November 11, 2015 at 09:48 pm
December 11, 2015 at 14:30

First quarter

The first quarter lasts from the new moon to the full moon, when a person feels calm and balanced, a good time for starting new businesses, opening businesses and making important plans. Often, in the first lunar quarter, one’s own potentials are revealed. By the way, this is an excellent period for planting gardens and vegetables in anticipation of an excellent harvest, and for haircuts - healthy and strong hair will grow, good growth guaranteed.

Full moon in 2015

When the Moon looks like a full disk, this period is called a full moon. People often complain of insomnia and short temper, there is a huge expenditure of energy, many accidents and catastrophes occur precisely when the Moon is full. It is advisable to pay attention to safety rules during the full moon and strictly follow them.

Dates of full moons in 2015 (Moscow time)

January 5, 2015 at 8:54 am
February 4, 2015 at 3:10 am
March 5, 2015 at 10:07 pm
April 4, 2015 at 4:07 pm
May 4, 2015 at 7:43 am
June 2, 2015 at 8:20 pm
July 31, 2015 at 2:44 pm
August 29, 2015 at 10:36 pm
September 28, 2015 at 6:52 am
October 27, 2015 at 4:06 pm
November 26, 2015 at 2:45 am
December 25, 2015 at 03:13 pm

Third phase

Immediately after the full moon, the Moon decreases and the third phase begins - mature - a great time to finish all your affairs, you can easily establish all contacts - social activity and relaxed communication.

Fourth phase

The waning moon is a time of fatigue - strength is running out, immunity is reduced, you need to find time for rest, postponing all important matters, spare your energy.

Lunar eclipses in 2015

The earth casts a shadow, and when the night luminary falls into it, a lunar eclipse occurs. Bad energy becomes more active, mental state worsens, illnesses worsen, hormonal disbalance V female body. Although it should be noted that the lunar eclipse does not have negative consequences for everyone - some, on the contrary, feel at their best, both mentally and physically.

Dates of lunar eclipses 2015 (by Moscow time)

Dates of solar eclipses in 2015 (Moscow time)

Beginning of astronomical seasons 2015 (for the Northern Hemisphere). Dates and times of the Earth's equinox and solstices are given in UTC. For places in the Southern Hemisphere, Spring-Autumn (equinoxes) and summer-winter (solstice) changes because it is summer in the southern hemisphere when it is winter in the northern hemisphere.

Moon without course in 2015

in 2015
Ingression of the planet Moon for 2015
Time zone: +03:00:00
System: Ecliptical Geocentric

Journal of ingressions of the planet Moon for 2015

Date Time Sign Date Time Sign Date Time Sign
01/01/2015 19:58 Gemini
01/4/2015 5:06 Cancer
6.01.2015 13:39 Leo
01/9/2015 0:54 Virgo
01/11/2015 14:52 Libra
01/14/2015 1:16 Scorpio
01/16/2015 11:16 Sagittarius
01/18/2015 15:59 Capricorn
01/20/2015 17:06 Aquarius
01/22/2015 16:47 Pisces
01/24/2015 17:18 Aries
01/26/2015 20:38 Taurus
01/29/2015 2:50 Gemini
01/31/2015 10:04 Cancer
2.02.2015 19:31 Leo
02/5/2015 9:06 Virgo
02/07/2015 20:13 Libra
02/10/2015 10:30 Scorpio
02/12/2015 19:25 Sagittarius
02/15/2015 0:37 Capricorn
02/17/2015 2:41 Aquarius
02/19/2015 2:46 Pisces
02/21/2015 2:42 Aries
02/23/2015 4:02 Taurus
02/25/2015 7:49 Gemini
02/27/2015 14:50 Cancer
2.03.2015 3:16 Leo
4.03.2015 13:53 Virgo
03/7/2015 3:47 Libra
9.03.2015 15:37 Scorpio
03/12/2015 1:22 Sagittarius
03/14/2015 10:24 Capricorn
03/16/2015 14:25 Aquarius
03/18/2015 15:13 Pisces
03/20/2015 14:21 Aries
03/22/2015 13:59 Taurus
03/24/2015 16:42 Gemini
03/26/2015 23:44 Cancer
03/29/2015 8:23 Leo
03/31/2015 20:19 Virgo

The 4th Lunar day, according to its energy, is a passive day; it is better not to be active, but to spend this day calmly, without unnecessary fuss.

It is better to devote this lunar day to sublime thoughts and increase your spirituality. It is ideal for walks in the forest, prayers, meditation, commemoration of ancestors, and reading books. If you have lost your way from your spiritual path, then on this day you will feel empty, it’s time to think about it and find your way, the energy of this Lunar day will help in every possible way to bring you back on track, to put you on the path. Open your heart and it will guide you in the right direction.

The 4th day of the Lunar calendar is very favorable for starting training and advanced training. Everything will work out easily whose activities are related to information technology, communications, telephony, internet.

At this time, you should not make quick decisions; it is better to think about everything ten times, and only then make a decision. Not recommended teamwork, you can't cut down trees. People who were born on the 4th Lunar day have some kind of cosmic secret, but at the same time they must know it themselves. It is also believed that on these lunar days you can see prophetic dreams, especially if you dreamed about deceased relatives.

Love and relationships

This Lunar day is not considered suitable for romantic dates, especially if you expect a lot from it and have high hopes. On the 4th Lunar Day, most people are prone to apathy, which is why any romantic mood is nullified.


On the 4th day of the Lunar calendar, any work with wood will be successful, no matter what you do with it: sawing, planing, burning. Only cutting down trees is not allowed. It's a good time to clean the house.


The weak organs are the larynx and cervical vertebrae. You can easily strain your voice; physical and emotional fatigue is contraindicated. It is not recommended to drink alcohol. The day is well suited for preparing healing herbal tinctures.

Business and money

All things related to finances may not go well, it is not recommended to start new things, but it is better to continue the ones that have been started. This lunar day is great for working on mistakes.

First phase (quarter) of the Moon

Element: Earth. It begins with the appearance of the month in the sky and lasts exactly half the period from to. The first quarter corresponds to spring according to the solar calendar, that is, it means the beginning of everything. During this time, the human brain is very active. If you make plans during this period, they will be extremely clear and understandable and will certainly bring good luck. The overall activity and desire to create increases. But you shouldn’t rush too much either; it’s better to think through everything, calculate it and, slowly, start implementing the plan.

During this period there will be effective treatment eyes and heads. This period is also favorable agriculture. All plants planted during this lunar phase will grow well and bring a wonderful harvest.


The Moon in this zodiac sign sets people up for harmony, complete rest and peace. The possibility of disputes and conflicts arising is extremely low. People find it much easier to connect with others mutual language, make compromises, make peace and forgive offenders.

On such days, great importance is attached to the norms of etiquette, rules of behavior and external decency, so people become pleasant, courteous and delicate. All desire to offend, quarrel and argue disappears. The mood is stable, and there is an understanding of opposing opinions and other points of view.

However, the Moon also rewards people with such qualities as hesitation, self-doubt and indecision. Difficulties arise in making choices and important decisions, so it is postponed indefinitely. These days, it is better to work on relationships, seek compromise, joint solutions, hold meetings and negotiations where diplomatic qualities are required.

Moon without course (from August 4 7:27 to August 4 16:29)

The term " " refers to the period of the Moon's state when it is between the last major aspect with a planet in the current sign, and the moment of transition into the next sign.

  • Do not start new projects, important things with far-reaching plans.
  • Avoid important meetings with new people during this period.
  • Don't make expensive purchases.

How to use the Moon period without a course

  • It's a good time to clear away the rubble and bring order to your desk or home.
  • A good time for yoga, meditation or spiritual practices.
  • Rest and sleep will quickly restore your strength.
  • Fun activities and meetings with friends.
  • Good time to travel.
  • Strengthened intuition or sixth sense will help in finding unresolved, internal psychological problems. Best time to listen to your inner self.

Folk sign: Get out of bed facing the room and step on your right foot. Then the day will pass peacefully. It is believed that January got its name in honor of the ancient Roman god of time, Janus. In Rus' it was called "stuzhen" (from the word "cold") or "ask

Lunar calendar for February 2015

Folk sign: The right palm itches for profit, the left for loss. February can be called a transition period from winter to spring. It is already getting warmer, but at the beginning of the month the frosts have not yet subsided. Additionally, February is the shortest month of the calendar year;

Lunar calendar for March 2015

Folk sign: The left eye is itching to cry, the right eye is to look at the dear one. They used to think like this: what March is like, so will be the whole spring (and sometimes summer). It’s still cold, but nature is ready to awaken, the sun is becoming gentle. Anxiety instilled

Lunar calendar for April 2015

Folk sign. To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot. Tips for April for everyone April is a month with unpredictable weather: the sun may come out, it may rain, or it may even get colder. The earth has not yet warmed up properly

Lunar calendar for May 2015

Folk sign: Spilling salt means quarreling. To avoid this, you need to laugh or hit yourself on the forehead. Horoscope for May for all zodiac signs May is the warmest month of spring: the time when everything blooms. There was no trace left of winter at this point,

Lunar calendar for June 2015

Folk sign: A cat reaches out to a person - for renewal. Well, here we are... Red summer has arrived! June is the first month of summer and the rainiest. During the summer solstice (June 21-22), anomalies often occur. In June - the longest day length in

Lunar calendar for July 2015

Folk sign: The ear is burning - someone is talking. If the right ear is burning, they are telling the truth; if the left ear is burning, they are telling a lie. Useful tips for July July is considered to be the warmest month of the year. For many, it is also the most long-awaited: it’s time for vacations, and therefore, rest and

Lunar calendar for August 2015

Lunar tips and recommendations for August for all zodiac signs. Folk sign: The ear is burning - someone is talking. If the right ear is burning, they are telling the truth; if the left ear is burning, they are telling a lie. Useful tips for August August is the last month of summer, as well as the time when

Lunar calendar for September 2015

Useful tips, recommendations and hints for all zodiac signs Folk sign: If a person is mistakenly mistaken for someone else, it means that he will soon have some profit. What awaits us in September September is the first month of autumn.

Lunar calendar for October 2015

Useful tips, hints and recommendations for every day of October for all zodiac signs. Folk sign: If you go to visit someone, you need to sit down at home and sit for a while so that you are well received there. What awaits us in October Mid-autumn. In Oct

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