Correctly make a wish for the New Year on a piece of paper: tips to make your wish come true. How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true Choose the best wish for the New Year

The ashes of a treasured piece of paper in a glass of champagne, 12 white grapes swallowed while the clock struck, a coin under the tablecloth as a symbol of wealth, or new red underwear as a guarantee of hot sex - you may have already done all this, more than once. If it seems to you that traditional signs do not work, it is better to choose a time and perform your own ritual... not forgetting the rules of Feng Shui and the advice of psychologists.

1. In a couple of days: free up space

Why do some dreams come true and others don't? Maybe there is simply not enough room for them in your life? It’s better to start preparing New Year’s wishes by saying goodbye to the past. Moreover, you need to part with him both in word and in deed.

It’s not enough to simply brush off the dust and remove from the surface everything that is out of place. As you walk through the house, carefully look around to notice and throw away everything that is broken, old and unnecessary without regret. Look into your closets and get rid of at least those items or pairs of shoes that you have never worn in the previous 12 months. In general, all items from the “what if you need it” category are solid candidates for discarding. The Chinese or Feng Shui experts would say that such things accumulate stagnant, blocking energy. The Italian New Year's tradition is based on approximately the same logic: on December 31, not only clothes, but sometimes even old furniture fly from windows and balconies. The meaning of “sorting out the rubble” is to clear the space around of what is pulling into the past and make room for something new in your own life.

Think about what some of the things that you are getting rid of may be associated with for you: old misconceptions, old habits, empty affairs, outdated connections, wrong relationships - everything that you want to leave in the past. If you are outside the city or have a fireplace in the house, it is good to throw several of the most “charged” symbolic objects into the fire: for example, a crumpled cigarette pack, a receipt from an unnecessary purchase, a note from an unpleasant person...

Don't forget to clean your desktop, remove all junk from your mail, update your diaries and notebooks.

In the days remaining until the New Year, try to complete at least one (even small) task, fulfill a promise to someone, or repay a debt. Listen to yourself and notice how a new feeling of lightness grows inside.

2. The day before: set a vector of desires

It is customary to thank the passing year by remembering all the good things. This ritual has an important psychological meaning. Over the past 12 months, you have changed, and your desires have changed with you (even if it is not obvious at first glance). By analyzing your feelings and assessing events, you can form a vector of movement for the better. To do this, you can use NLP techniques. Take 2 sheets of paper and a pen, find a few free minutes and try to honestly answer the following questions.


Remember: what events happened in your life over the past year?

Which ones were the most joyful - and why?

Which ones are the most unpleasant and why?

Write down the three most important themes that have defined the past year.

Which of the following do you NOT want to face in the new year?

What have you achieved that you are most proud of?

What do you think others underestimated?

What is your biggest regret that happened this year?

What did you wish for that did not come true?

How do you feel the general mood of the passing year? Notice both positive and negative emotions.


Looking back, what did you miss most in the past year? (For example: time, money, support, determination, etc.)

If something happened again, what would you do differently?

What has this year taught you, what lessons will you remember?

Name at least three things for which you are grateful to other people, the Universe, and life itself.

Name at least three things you are grateful to yourself for.

Save the piece of paper with the second list (“Conclusions”), and burn the first, still listening carefully to the feeling of lightness that continues to grow inside. By celebrating positive changes, you start the movement of time.

3. Night of December 31st: “charge” your dream

If the previous stages of work have been completed correctly, you are ready to name your desires. It is important to formulate them specifically, with details and your own feelings: imagine exactly what you feel when they become a reality.

Pay attention to what or who your desire is directed at: you personally; on your relationships with people; globally on your role in this life or place in the Universe.

Try to place the main emphasis not on external circumstances (for example, “I want to meet ideal man"), but on my own role and quality in this situation (“I want to be a happy, loved and loving woman”).

Eliminate any negations and the “not” particle: for example, instead of “I want to lose 10 kg,” it is better to say “It’s easy for me, I’m at the optimal weight and in great shape”; instead of “I don’t need anything” - “I always have enough money for what is important to me.”

Our words have powerful energy: if the desire is correctly formulated and written down, it becomes a goal, and the Universe immediately begins to implement it. Place the piece of paper with your wishes in an envelope and hide it in a secluded place. If in the process of work your imagination has created some kind of symbolic image, try to draw it - carefully, in colors, with love. Roll this piece of paper into a roll, tie it with a ribbon and hang it on christmas tree: After the holidays it will also need to be removed in order to be deployed next December.

Finally, to consolidate the result, on the first day (or even the first night) of the new year, you can perform the “Ritual of Eight Oranges.” It is believed that these solar fruits embody the energy of prosperity and joy of life, and the number “8” symbolizes prosperity according to Feng Shui. When entering the house, throw them onto the floor over the threshold so that they roll throughout all rooms except the bathroom and toilet. While rolling the oranges, sincerely and out loud wish yourself all the best - happiness, love, success, wealth, health, etc. During the first week of the New Year, give these fruits to your guests or neighbors. But most importantly, catch the feeling of the holiday and carry it into the future: your dreams are already beginning to come true!


Rules, signs and rituals for fulfilling desires in the new year, fortune telling for the New and Old New Year.
For those who want to learn how to make cherished wishes in the New Year 2018 so that they come true.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that on New Year’s Eve you could make your cherished wishes, and they would come true. But for your dreams to come true, you must really want it, believe in miracles, and perform some symbolic rites and rituals.

2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Let's find out how to make a wish so that it comes true in 2018?

How to make wishes correctly for the New Year 2018: rules

In order for the Universe to correctly perceive information from you, you must teach it correctly. You can be sure that all the wishes you make for the New Year will come true.

Most importantly, follow the tips below.

Never talk about dreams in the past or future tense. For example, “I want to have a good salary.” The word "was" is a block. The higher powers answer: “Yes, you had a good salary.” Accordingly, this dream will not have any realization. We must say: “Thank you for my wealth, which is growing every day.”

When thinking about the innermost, be positive. Drive away all negative thoughts from yourself.

Also get rid of words that slow down your intentions: should, will, maybe, at least. Do not use negative particles: no, neither. Just imagine, you are dooming yourself to failure with such desires: “I should at least have a small corner, but my own.” As a result, you get a small room in a family dorm.

Don’t draw vague pictures in your head, formulate very clearly what you want, then all your plans will come true.

IMPORTANT: Make your own wishes. Only you can truly convey the idea. Otherwise, if others dream for you, everything will not turn out the way you wanted.

What time should you make a wish for the New Year?

We are used to celebrating the New Year with our loved ones and friends. And according to tradition, they make a wish at the strike of the clock until twelve at night. It is at this magical time that we move from one time to another. These seconds are especially filled with magic. But this is not the only option.

You can help make your dreams come true even before the New Year holidays. It’s not for nothing that children write about their wishes to the fairy-tale Grandfather Frost in advance. Note that such wishes often come true.

Don’t despair if you overslept the New Year, because we will still have the Old New Year. Here you will definitely still have time to prepare and correct Higher Powers to make your dream come true.

List of 30 wishes for the New Year

Nowadays, very often there are people who do not know what to wish for; they say that they have enough of everything. But no, that doesn’t happen. As long as a person strives for something, he lives. This state is temporary: now there are no plans, in an hour there will already be. Surely, on your wish list, you will find yours, which you have been putting off for later, and now it’s time to implement it.

1. Explore the world, go on a trip to a country that you have long dreamed of seeing

2. Wake up every day surrounded by your loved ones, tell them - I love you.

3. Meet your (your) loved one (beloved)

4. Create a strong full family

5. It’s great to relax on vacation so that this period of life is filled for a long time

6. Do a lot of good deeds

7. Get a pet

8. Change the interior of the room, make repairs

9. Open your own business to make the project a success

10. Buy a membership to the fitness center. Start taking care of your body

11. Become slimmer before your vacation. Get your body in perfect condition

12. Gather all your old friends for a picnic in the summer

13. Get rid of bad habits. Finally stop putting this off until later.

14. Overcome your complexes and fears. Love yourself, do something unusual, for example, make a parachute jump

15. Learn to cook delicious healthy meals

16. Trade your boring job for something you love

17. Buy a new car

18. Go to a fancy dress party

19. Increase your knowledge level. Enter a higher institution

20. Make a child’s dream come true

21. Go on a romantic trip

22. Become a movie star, singer

23. See with your own eyes the sunset on the ocean, sea

24. Go on a hike, conquer the top of the mountain

25. Cure a long-standing disease

26. Visit Thailand - see the purity and beauty of the ocean

27. Learn to swim

28. Learn English perfectly

29. Build your dream home

30. Make your loved ones happy

Rituals for fulfilling wishes for the New Year

The Year of the Dog is a turbulent year; this animal loves active ones. And everyone who will do something for the sake of their dreams will definitely achieve what they want. And to reinforce the fulfillment of your plans, use rituals.

To attract wealth

Buy it before the New Year beautiful postcard and an envelope. Inside the envelope, place this card with wishes and any paper bill. Send it to yourself by mail. When the money is delivered, put it in your wallet and never spend it.

Seclude yourself, light three green candles, forget about your troubles. Imagine money falling into your hands. The more real the picture is, the better things will go for you financially.

Prepare in advance for the chimes. Take in left hand a paper bill, and a glass of champagne on the right. According to magicians, you will have money for a whole year. Don't celebrate the New Year empty-handed.

To attract good luck and happiness

If the past year has not been a success for you, then clean your home. On the 31st, before the New Year, open the doors and windows. As the air in the rooms changes, all the negativity will go away. After the New Year 2018, repeat the process. May good luck enter your home
From the first day to the 12th day of the New Year, monitor your actions and thoughts with particular strictness. Each day represents a month. For example, whatever the third of January is, so is the month of March. Try to radiate more positivity at this important moment.

Know that all your wishes will come true if you are grateful for today. Find bright moments at the present time, and thank the Higher Powers for them.
In order to start your life with a new leaf, light a fire on the eve of the New Year holidays. Let all things that remind you of failures and misfortunes burn in it. Have fun by the fire, the main thing: do not eat or drink during the ceremony.

IMPORTANT: Celebrate the New Year 2018 in new outfits. Then you will have plenty of everything in your house; it is advisable that your clothes contain elements of red details.

Making wishes for the New Year 2018 with champagne and paper

This method is used by many; according to sorcerers, it is considered very effective. To fulfill your cherished desire, you need to take a small piece of paper. Then describe your dream in detail. For example, you need money - write what amount you need and why you want to receive it. Just don’t demand wealth; in the text of the appeal, don’t use the words: necessary, required, necessary, etc.

Complete the letter in advance, even before the clock strikes, burn the paper at the last minute, pour the ashes into a glass of drink (champagne, juice, wine) and drink at 12 o’clock at night. Sit in silence for a while to allow the desire to take hold. And then you can talk loudly, have fun, sing, dance.

Wishes in balloons for the New Year

To celebrate the New Year, it wouldn’t hurt to organize interesting games and comic competitions in your company. This will especially delight children - after all, they believe so much in magic and for good reason, because such a time is truly a magical period. For fun entertainment, you need to prepare in advance. Take a lot of ordinary balloons and place notes with wishes inside them. Then give them to all your guests. Let everyone burst their balloon and find out what awaits them in the Year of the Dog.

Wishes in dumplings for the New Year

It’s very good if you cook such dumplings not alone, but with family and friends. For everything predicted to come true, you will need a positive mood, warm conversations about something good.

For different wishes you need a certain filling, just writing a note and wrapping it in dough is not for this case.

A small crust of bread that you come across in a dumpling at the festive table is a symbol of the fulfillment of material desires

The coin is good sign(to profit, unexpected wealth)

A thread comes across to travel lovers

Ring - for marriage

Dill will fulfill all your health wishes

A piece of apple comes across to people who will spend the whole year quietly and calmly

Cabbage - for a permanent relationship

Cucumber - fulfillment of a cherished dream

Sour berry - to unhappy love

Garlic is not a very good harbinger; it indicates that many obstacles await you along the way

Caramel - love adventures

Bag of wishes for the New Year

You can sew and decorate a bag of wishes yourself. Moreover, the design options of this product You can find a lot on the Internet. If you sew something yourself, you will fill it with positive energy.

Then, on the eve of the New Year, each guest must write his wish on a piece of paper, and at 12 o’clock at night give the bag to Santa Claus, he will fulfill all wishes
Another option is to hang a bag at the entrance. Let everyone who enters the house place a gift there. When the New Year comes, distribute gifts in random order.

Comic wishes for the New Year 2018

To avoid getting bored on a festive night, play the game “Comic Wishes”. Be sure that this activity will not allow you to fall asleep and not wait until twenty-four hours (the onset of the holiday). To do this, people need to fulfill each other's wishes in turn.

You can make any interesting wish to make it funny.

For example:
. blindfold a person and have him identify any four objects
. show what the symbol of this year is
. say a rhyme to a given word
. give the person sitting next to you a head massage
. draw a mustache for a friend
. sing the song “Brilliant” to a man
. dance the “Little Ducklings” dance

Fantas of wishes for the New Year

Forfeits are the same comic wishes, only here one person (the presenter) makes a wish for what the owner of the forfeit should do. To do this, each participant puts his own thing in the bag. The presenter takes it out and comes up with a wish for this person.

Again, your wish list can be varied.
. Stand on a chair and read a poem
. Remove the ring from the plate with sour cream with your teeth
. Sing a children's song
. Talk to the crow every five minutes for half an hour
. Dance a gypsy girl

Sign with grapes to fulfill wishes for the New Year 2018

Grapes in Italy are a symbol of success and happiness. On the festive New Year's table in mandatory there must be clusters of these sweet berries. It is believed that when the clock strikes, you should eat exactly twelve seedless grapes, then you will have a “sweet life” all year.

How to make a wish tree for the New Year 2018?

To fulfill your cherished desires, your New Year tree must be decorated not only with toys, but also with candies, tangerines, and homemade cookies in the form of various figures.
It is believed that if the Christmas tree is decorated in this way, then there will be harmony and grace in your family and you will not be faced with material difficulties. Such delicious decorations should be removed from the tree for the New Year and eaten.

There is another effective ritual. If there is discord in your family, then for the New Year 2018, buy two Christmas trees. Wrap them tightly together, place them in one container, as if there was only one Christmas tree, and dress it up. And in the New Year, the relationship between you and your soulmate will improve.

Children's wishes for the New Year

Start by teaching your child to make wishes correctly. You can dream about anything, the main thing is not to focus only on material interests. When your child starts writing a letter to Grandfather Frost, tell him that he can make a few wishes.

For example, let him wish for a new car so that his grandparents will be healthy and have many new good friends. All dreams should radiate only positivity.

IMPORTANT: If you teach your child to make the right wishes that can be fulfilled (not just any kind of transformation, for example: “I want to become a fairy”), then in the future the child will be able to correctly formulate his goals and realize them.

How to make a wish for a child for New Year 2018?

In order for a child to make his dream come true, he will definitely need the help of adults. It is the parents who must help the child make a wish. This action means a lot for the baby, because children believe in miracles more than adults. See below how you can formalize your child’s wishes.

Buy a small casket in advance, attach a thread to it, and then hang it on the beautiful Christmas tree. Give your child a piece of paper, a pen, and let him, with your help, write about his dream. Wrap the leaf and put it in the box. Together, ask the box to help your wish come true. Hang it on the Christmas tree, and after the New Year, throw away the leaf.

Take a landscape sheet, paints, a brush, and water. Ask your child to draw what he wants. Place the picture on the table. During the chime, tell the child to think about his dream again and look at the drawing.

And don’t forget about the most proven method - a letter to Santa Claus. Give your child an envelope, a pen, a piece of paper. When he writes his wish, seal it in an envelope and sign it. Take it, promise to send a message to the addressee.

How to celebrate the Old New Year and make a wish?

The Old New Year is celebrated in many countries. It is celebrated from January 13th to 14th. This is a magical time of fortune-telling, the fulfillment of cherished desires. If you didn’t have time to make your wish for the New Year, then don’t despair and make it on this magical night.
In the old days, on the evening of the Old New Year, young girls and boys all gathered together and went to visit friends, wishing them happiness, goodness, and prosperity. For this they were treated to festive dishes, sweets, and given money.

Now these traditions have begun to be forgotten and the holiday is celebrated at home with family. True, not everyone celebrates it, because it often falls on weekdays. Those who still decide to celebrate the Old New Year need to prepare twelve festive dishes.

The food is prepared in a variety of ways from different types of meat; it is imperative that kutia and pork be present. Pancakes, dumplings, and pies will not be out of place on the festive table. The more satisfying and varied the food, the more prosperity you can expect next year.

Ritual of making wishes for the Old New Year

To achieve your goal, on the Old New Year, first get rid of the burden that weighs you down. this moment. To do this, burn a piece of paper on a plate. But before that, on that piece of paper, describe the essence of the problem that is tormenting you.

If you are a fashionista and dressing well is very important to you, then celebrate this year in a new red dress. Then you will look great all year of the Dog and often buy new things.

Before midnight, fill a glass with any drink (not necessarily champagne), blow lightly on the liquid, and make a wish. At exactly twelve o'clock at night, drink a drink.

Fortune telling for a wish for the Old New Year

Write your wish on one piece of paper, write nothing on the other. Place the pieces of paper under your pillow. In the morning, put your hand under your pillow and pull out one piece of paper. But before that, don't look out the window. If the piece of paper contains a wish, it means it will definitely come true.

Prepare two cups. Fill one halfway, leave the other empty. At the stroke of midnight, think about your dream. Then start pouring water from one cup to another.

Do this seven times. Then look, if the water is not spilled, then the dream will come true, but if it is spilled, then not.

Again, write your deepest desire on a piece of paper. A minute before midnight, light a piece of paper in a container. If it burns completely before twelve, the wish will come true.

Magic card of wishes for the Old New Year

If you want to realize your plans for your future life, then on the eve of the Old New Year, make a wish card with your own hands. For it, you need to take whatman paper and divide it into nine equal parts. Each square is responsible for a certain aspect of your future life. See the picture below.

In each square you need to paste pictures that symbolize your idea of ​​these aspects. Be sure to sign the photo. In the center, stick your best photo where you like yourself. For the Old New Year, wish that your dreams come true.

Prayer for fulfillment of wishes in the Old New Year

For your prayers to be effective, you must fast until Christmas. That is, until the Nativity of Christ, they will not only abstain from eating meat, etc., but also purify themselves spiritually—be positive. Moreover, the second is even more important than the first.

On the eve of the Old New Year, go outside (be closer to the stars). Think about your dream, read the “Our Father” prayer three times, cross yourself.

If a girl or woman has long dreamed of marriage, then let her pray. Then he will ask the Blessed Virgin for a quick marriage.

What should you not wish for in the Old New Year?

Thoughts are material. This statement has already been confirmed many times. Wishes for friends and enemies who have pissed you off are especially quickly fulfilled. Therefore, be careful with such thoughts. On this holiday, forget all quarrels, try to forgive irritants. Especially if they themselves ask you about it.

The Old New Year is the holiday on which people forget about conflicts, have fun, and enjoy life.

Now you are ready to implement it yourself real life their deepest desires without outside help. After all, there are many ways to do this, choose which one you like.

Video: 9 ways to make a wish for the New Year

New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve itself are the most magical time of the year. This is the time when not only children, but also adults begin to believe in miracles and make cherished wishes. How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true for sure and as soon as possible?

Miracle of the New Year

In fact, the technical side of the issue, that is, how exactly to formalize a desire, what ritual to perform to make it come true, is secondary. First you need to decide on the desire itself, its essence and content. Exactly correct definition and formulation desires are the key to their fulfillment in the near future.

You can always make wishes, not only on New Year's Eve! But still this night - one of the best moments for making wishes. This is the time when all people in one impulse ask for something from fate, from the Universe, from God, from Santa Claus (depending on who believes in what) and this joint direction of thoughts and feelings enhances the probability of fulfillment of each of your wishes!

Psychologists, esotericists, physicists, and religious people explain this magical effect in different ways, but the essence is the same: wishes made by people together and at the same time are more likely to be translated into reality.

Precisely because a wish made on New Year's Eve has special power, it is very important to make it correctly.

How to correctly formulate a desire

Rules for making wishes:

Psychologists have long proven that what a person imagines in his imagination clearly, vividly, emotionally and in detail is perceived by the brain as really happening!

For example, psychologists have found that athletes who, in addition to regular training, train in their imagination and imagine themselves as winners in a competition, show top scores in this very competition than those who train without resorting to visualization.

Actually, this last rule - Visualization - already exists first excellent technique, ritual of making wishes. But besides her, there are others.

Magical rituals of making wishes

Toy on the Christmas tree

Spruce, a symbol of the New Year, was considered a sacred tree in ancient times. The ancient Slavs believed that evergreen tree- This is a symbol of continuous life; it combines the energies of the past, present and future. Our ancestors decorated the Christmas tree not just for beauty. Jewelry is an offering to the spirits of nature. Gifts were always presented with a request for a better, happier life. Spruce is a symbol of transition from one life cycle to another.

By decorating a Christmas tree, you can help improve your own life. It should be decorated with symbols of what you want to see in the new year.

You can also make a special, secret decoration. Taking the most beloved and beautiful Christmas ball, remove the top mount from it and put a note there with your deepest desire, then hang the ball back on the spruce branch, closer to the top of the tree.

Letter to Santa Claus

It is a mistake to believe that writing a letter to Santa Claus to an adult is pointless. Firstly, it is an opportunity to record on paper in correct form the most important and expected events in the new year, and accordingly, get ready for their implementation. And secondly, this is a great way to cheer yourself up and make it festive.

The letter can be sealed in a beautiful envelope and placed under the tree or hung on its branch. At the end of next year it will be interesting to print it out and see what of your wishes came true!

Well, who is the Santa Claus to whom the letter is addressed? The author himself! This is a letter to yourself!

If dreaming is very useful, then making your dreams come true on your own is the most useful thing you can do.

Wish card

Usually on pre-holiday winter evenings you don’t want something specific, but something large-scale and comprehensive - . I want everything to be great in the new year on all fronts of life: at work, in personal life, with health, and with personal growth and development.

The “Wish Map” technique is primarily focused on visualizing a holistic ideal lifestyle. Here you need to select and paste onto whatman paper suitable pictures from magazines, newspapers, photos (slender body, cozy home, wealthy husband, and so on), and not write down these images in words (although you can combine the first and second).

You will find a scheme for drawing up a “Wish Card” in the article

A glass of champagne

This magical ritual is already a New Year's classic. The method is very popular, many consider it effective. It is very simple, but requires efficiency, since you need to manage to carry out several actions in a very short time, as one New Year’s song says: “While the clock strikes twelve!”

You need to think over and memorize your wish in advance, and a few minutes before the New Year, fill a glass with champagne, put next to it a small and thin piece of paper (but one on which you can write the wish), a pencil, matches or a lighter.

It is curious that the tradition of writing down a wish during the striking of the Chimes is so popular that today in stores you can find magic paper designed specifically for this ritual!

When the Chimes start chiming, you need to write a wish on a piece of paper, set it on fire, throw the ashes into a glass and in the last seconds, or better yet, drink to the bottom at exactly 00:00. It’s good if there is still time to clink glasses with your family and friends and wish them happiness!

The glass doesn't have to be champagne! It could be juice, compote, plain water- doesn't matter.

Message from the Universe

On New Year's Eve, while the Chimes are striking or after, at night or even in the morning of January 1, go out onto the street or onto the balcony (another option is to open the window), raise your eyes to the sky and whisper or shout your cherished desire, as if sending it upward.

A moment when everything seems to breathe newness, as if starting from scratch, when the frosty air invigorates, and before your eyes there is a starry or clear blue sky, it’s hard not to feel the strength and energy of life.

If there are many desires?

This method could be classified as New Year's fortune-telling, but since it involves recording desires on paper, it is also suitable as a technique for making wishes.

This is a method for those who have a lot of desires and can’t decide which one to take on first.

All wishes should be written on small pieces of paper, mixed thoroughly and placed under the pillow (you can first place them in a bag). When you wake up in the morning, put your hand under your pillow and pull out one of the leaves. The desire that comes first has priority, and it will come true the fastest (if you make an effort, of course).

Turn your dream into a goal

A dream framed as a goal comes true more often and sooner!

May all your dreams come true in the New Year!

Many books have been written about how to make wishes and set goals correctly! We recommend that you read some of them:

  1. R. Berne “A Mystery for Every Day”
  2. V. Levi “Genius of Desires”
  3. I. Makarenko “Textbook of wish fulfillment”
  4. E. Hicks, J. Hicks “The energy of desire that changes the world. Law of Attraction"
  5. N. Pokatilova “Born to Desire. Feminine power in realizing desires"
  6. M. Svetlova “Thought creates reality”
  7. A. Calabrese “Any whim - with the power of thought. The right way get everything quickly"

How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true

People have been making wishes for a long time. Making a wish on New Year's Eve occupies a special place in such rituals. Apparently, the enormous power of universal joy and fun helps to convey desires to places where something will influence their fulfillment.

Perhaps one of the most famous, however effective ways riddles is like this. You need to write a wish on a piece of paper and read it as the chimes strike, burn it, shake the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it.

The problem is that in those very last minutes it is very difficult to gather your thoughts amidst the general noise, jokes and laughter. Maybe, if you really want it, you’ll still be able to make the desired wish, that’s why it’s cherished. Moreover, rumor claims that the method works.

They also make a wish on the New Year tree. In addition to the beautiful Christmas tree, you will need a bouquet of flowers, ideally donated by someone. Carefully sorting through the petals, they think about their cherished desires. Exactly one hour before midnight, you need to pick exactly three petals, whisper a wish, throw them into a glass and hide them under the tree. When the clock strikes, they take out a glass and drink with everyone else.

You can make a wish on a sparkler or candle. The Yellow Dog will love candles and lights on New Year's Eve, so you can count on her patronage. A wish should be whispered over the fire.

How to make a wish for the New Year 2018 so that it comes true

The most important thing for a wish to come true is to formulate it correctly. There should be no negativity in it, no particles of “not”, only positivity. The desire should sound without the words “I want”, because it has already come true: you already want a car or get married.

It is very important to express your dream correctly. Here's a dream come true: big bright apartment, but together with mother-in-law or other relatives.

The dream must be real. Having an average income, you should not dream of becoming a millionaire, because this is unlikely to come true. It is more realistic to wish for a promotion at work, which will lead to improved well-being. But, in this case, you need to try to fulfill your desire. Because in many ways its implementation depends on the person himself, and before New Year’s Eve it will help bring order to thoughts and desires. And if some wish is not fulfilled, then there is a reason for it: fate has prepared something else, even better. It is only important to consider your chance in time and do the right thing.

During the change of the calendar year, a special atmosphere of goodness and miracle is created, which is why wishes made on New Year's Eve very often come true.

In order for your plans to come true, you need to formulate your dream in advance as completely as possible, but briefly. In order not to get confused in the pre-holiday bustle, it is better to write down your New Year's wish on a piece of paper. Moreover, this note can be used to perform a ritual.

Let's guess correctly

Few people know that making a wish for the New Year is not so easy. The point is that you need to outline your dreams in as much detail as possible, but you won’t write a treatise on several pages! Therefore, you will need to try to fit your desire into a few words.

Basic Rules:

  • you need to think about the final, and not the intermediate, result, that is, if you want to relax at an expensive resort, then you need to think about a vacation trip, and not “more money.” You may have more money, but it will go to other needs;
  • there is no point in making wishes about other people, they should concern you personally. For example, it makes no sense to say “I want my husband to find a high-paying job”; it should be formulated as follows: “The financial situation of my family is high and stable”;
  • the desire should not contain negativity and evil directed at other people;
  • there should be no negation in the wording, that is, make sure that the particle “not” is not found among the words.

It’s better to start thinking about your desire a few days before the holiday, so that you can think about everything without rushing. It’s worth writing down the possible options on a piece of paper, and then choosing what is especially important and valuable to you.


There are many interesting rituals that need to be performed on New Year's Eve, using a piece of paper with a wish written on it.

The most famous and frequently used is the one in which you need to burn a piece of paper with a wish for the New Year, and throw the resulting ashes into a glass filled with champagne and drink it in one gulp.

A few notes on performing this ritual:

  • you need to formulate and write down what you have planned on paper in advance; it is very difficult to complete all the actions in a minute, so you should make your task a little easier;
  • use thin paper and take a small piece of paper, remember, the smaller the paper, the less tasteless ashes you will have to swallow;
  • attract helpers while you make a wish for the New Year, burning a piece of paper, someone will have to open a bottle of sparkling wine and fill the glasses;
  • Even if the last chimes sound, be careful, trying to swallow the wine in one gulp. If you choke, the desire may become irrelevant;
  • If you don't drink alcohol, it's okay. This ritual can be performed with any carbonated drink - lemonade, Coca-Cola or even mineral water.

In addition, you need to properly burn a piece of paper with a wish for the New Year, that is, following fire safety rules. Be extremely careful with open fire, as a fire on New Year's Eve will not bring joy to anyone.

If it happens that you cannot set fire to the piece of paper (forgot your matches, are afraid of setting fire to the festive table, etc.), then you should use a simpler version of the ritual. It is enough to simply eat a piece of paper with a written desire and wash it down with wine.

Not everyone is happy about the prospect of swallowing paper or paper ashes, even in the name of fulfilling a wish. However, you can do without this. It is enough, simultaneously with the twelfth strike of the chimes, to open the window and scatter the resulting ashes from the paper into the wind, sending your dream into the information field.

If there are a lot of guests and everyone wants to make a wish, then it is hardly advisable to organize a mass burning of papers; after all, it is unsafe. Therefore, hand out white paper napkins and scissors to your guests in advance. Let everyone cut out an openwork snowflake for themselves and write their wish on it. When midnight comes, open the window and throw snowflakes outside to the friendly cries of the guests: “Happy New Year!”

There is another interesting ritual with papers that helps you get rid of negativity in your life. Write down on small pieces of paper everything that makes you unhappy (illness, lack of finances, lack of love, bad relationships in the work team, etc.). Then start collecting old unnecessary things in it - cracked plates, worn clothes, broken combs. In a word, we begin to consistently clear our house of rubble. There should be no less old things “to throw away” (if you end up with more, no big deal) than there are pieces of paper with the negativity present in your life.

We tape the prepared notes to the old things with tape (or attach them in any other way) and put the things in a large bag made of fabric (however, you can also take a plastic bag).

Put the bag on your back and take it to the trash containers. Throw it away and feel relief, liberation from negative events in your life. This ritual does not have to be performed on New Year's Eve; it is better to do it the day before, during the pre-New Year's cleaning.

For the rituals to work, it is not necessary to follow all the instructions exactly. It is much more important to believe that everything will work out, and also to be positive. If you perform the ritual in a bad mood or with the thoughts: “What nonsense this is!”, then you should not hope for the fulfillment of your desires.

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