Pisces horoscope favorable days in May. Pisces - horoscope for May

Pisces - horoscope for May

Magazine: Horoscopes and predictions No. 4, April 2018
Category: Horoscope for May
Lucky color of the month: baked milk.
Good luck talisman: pearl.
Motto of the month: “Get out of the castle in the air and build your fortress on the ground.”

Work and money

Some Pisces take criticism too sharply and cannot always distinguish constructive comments from nit-picking. So, you need to study. If your colleagues do not support your ideas or your boss does not notice your efforts, this does not always mean that you have made a mistake or are not coping with your job. Negative reviews can have thousands of reasons: bad mood, personal problems, work troubles. Understand that everyone has their own weaknesses. And don't be offended by anyone. Then relationships with colleagues will improve, and work will be more interesting.
For fish dreaming of finding a better place, we advise you to slow down a little. May is not the best time to change jobs. But there is a chance to achieve success in your home team.
You can’t expect a noticeable increase in income yet, but you won’t face a personal financial crisis either. Of course, provided that you control your spending. It's not that difficult: to get started, just give up impulse purchases.

Love and family

Changes are coming to the family - fortunately, very pleasant ones. This May, Pisces may find out that they will soon become a mother, grandmother or aunt. It is possible that an adult son or daughter will announce their engagement and introduce you to future relatives.
Other positive developments are also likely. For example, a spouse who last years completely forgot about romance, suddenly turns into a knight in love. Arrange a fantastic date, prepare an amazing surprise, or suggest going on a trip to refresh the memory of your honeymoon. Some Pisces will suspect something is wrong: why on earth is the husband trying so hard - nothing more than trying to make amends. Don't look for a catch: there isn't one here. Have you dreamed of a romantic relationship? Apparently, your spouse was able to read your thoughts.
Lovers but unmarried Pisces! If you have met your prince, but have not yet moved to his castle, it is better not to rush things. Do you have sincere feelings for him? Then, of course, agree. Just don’t rush to the registry office and don’t tell anyone about the joyful event yet: wait until the beginning of summer.
The stars will help free Pisces find true love. Just keep in mind: now is not the time to actively search. Blind dates organized by friends, dating through social media will bring complete disappointment. That same meeting will be unexpected, so just trust fate.

Health and beauty

Most Pisces do not complain about their health, but in May you should listen to your body’s signals and not ignore even the most unobtrusive calls. It’s better to play it safe now than to allow a serious illness to develop. If something worries you, do not rely on chance - consult a doctor immediately. You need to pass all the tests, undergo a full examination, and if necessary, spend several days in the hospital. Don't be afraid of anything. Diseases that may appear in May are easily curable. The main thing is not to start the disease.
Drink more in the morning clean water, but in the evening - to a minimum: there is a risk of edema. You should also avoid salty, smoked and fried foods and, of course, fast food.
Typical Pisces do not need to be reminded of the benefits of evening walks, especially in May. But you shouldn’t forget about active recreation. Bicycles, roller skates, volleyball, and any outdoor games will have a positive effect on both appearance and well-being. But keep in mind: overexertion is harmful. If you play sports, do not increase the load. If you are just thinking about regular training, do not rush to buy a gym membership - wait until the end of the month.
In mid-May, the stars strongly recommend shopping. Just don’t buy everything that doesn’t fit well (that is, it’s inexpensive). Find your thing and don’t spare money on it. This month is not the best for cosmetic procedures; it is better to limit yourself to daily home care.

Pisces Man

For many representatives of the sign, May will not be the calmest and most successful month. Most Pisces men personal experience will be convinced that it is wiser to solve problems as they arise, without filling the long box to the limit. Troubles, which only recently timidly reminded of themselves, can simultaneously fall on the shoulders of Pisces like a heavy load. Work troubles, conflict with relatives, financial difficulties - your head is spinning from numerous worries. A Pisces gentleman will be lucky if he has a calm and reasonable woman next to him. Do not leave your loved one alone with his worries, offer your help and support: together you will certainly cope. In addition, overcoming difficulties together will benefit the relationship. You will feel like one and become truly close people. At the end of May, when the obstacles are left behind, it would be nice to go on a romantic trip.

Pisces Child

Preschool children are sweet, obedient, inquisitive, but very vulnerable. A remark from a mother or teacher, a small quarrel with a friend in the sandbox - and the fry is ready to burst into tears or run away and hide. Of course, the child needs to be supported and consoled. Just don’t try to protect him from any everyday problems, unless, of course, you want to grow mimosa.
Schoolchildren are not so vulnerable. It’s just that school in May is slow. Don't scold your child for bad grades. Understand: he is not lazy or incompetent at all - the man is just very tired - both morally and physically. If it is possible to lengthen the holidays a little, do so. For example, you can take a trip to health resort.
No serious problems are expected for high school students. The almost adult Fishes, of course, are also tired - but they are holding on. Academic performance is excellent, preparation for exams is going according to plan - in short, there is nothing to worry about.

A prince on a white horse is unlikely to gallop towards you, but updating your wardrobe wouldn’t hurt. You've probably wanted to change something in your life for a long time, start with your clothing style. Not on the horizon yet young man, you can feel completely free. But you want love, spring is already ending, and no one has even invited you on a date. If Pisces left the house for a walk more often, they would definitely meet someone. Until you do anything, happiness will not be in your hands.

The Yellow Dog supports Cupid, who is not ready to arrange your personal life. You don’t want to put in at least the minimum amount of effort, why should someone do it for you? Pisces are accustomed to representatives of the stronger sex taking care of them, running around and inviting them to meet. Put yourself in their shoes, if you were constantly rejected and capricious? It is unlikely that you would do anything for such a person. Therefore, it is worth learning from your mistakes and drawing the right conclusions.

In May 2018, it is worth sorting out work issues, finishing all your started projects and trying to establish friendly and partnership relations not only with colleagues, but also with potential clients. Behave as carefully as possible and do not say too much; in any case, sooner or later the information will be used against you. No health problems are expected yet, unless you complete your nervous system to exhaustion.

Favorable days in May 2018 for Pisces: 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 18, 19, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31.

Love horoscope for May 2018 Pisces

Those born under this zodiac sign have mysterious and unshakable personalities. They hide their real emotions behind a mask and are not ready to show their true colors to everyone around them. A Pisces woman is terrible in anger, and if some representative of the stronger sex decides to offend her, she will take revenge like crazy. This is how a modest and shy beauty can turn into a real warrior.

Lonely Pisces look at men very carefully so as not to make a mistake. You are like subtle psychologists trying to find out as much as possible useful information about the future victim. At any moment you can tell yourself “stop” and turn back. There is no need to force yourself to communicate with a person if you don’t like him. Such an obstinate young lady will not live with a man who boasts of his money, cars and apartments. It is important for her to achieve success herself, so as not to depend on such characters.

Pisces in love is not yet thinking about marriage, they used to want to wear the treasured ring on their finger, what has changed since then? Looking at her friends, Rybka was simply disappointed in the institution of marriage; why is this stamp in the passport necessary at all, when you can simply live happily under one roof. True, you don’t really like living with your parents, so you should decide soon housing issue. Don't be afraid to take a risk and run away from your relatives, you are already a big girl and deserve better.

Married couples are at a crossroads: should they have children? The stork is already knocking on the window and dreams of handing over the baby to you, but for some reason Pisces is in doubt. Remember that time flies very quickly, and if you spend years deciding to have a child, then it will simply be too late. A strategically important decision needs to be made and begin working with your spouse on this mission. And don’t shoot your eyes around, how long can you catch men’s gazes?

Finance horoscope for May 2018 Pisces

The Yellow Dog decided to play a few tricks on you to test your nervous system's strength. Boring and gray everyday life has captured you in its routine captivity. Apathy and despondency are the beginning of depression and for now you can cope with it, but as soon as you give in, you will become a hostage to these unpleasant emotions.

Busy and active Pisces are used to shining in the rays of glory at work; they like to always be in the center of everyone's attention. Who will the boss praise in front of the whole team? Of course, there are no more worthy candidates or you. You need to learn to listen to your intuition and always be guided only by your own emotions.

There should not be any drastic changes in May 2018, searches new job should be rescheduled to early June. If you are looking to open your own business, first make a plan of action. You need start-up capital, do you really have such a large sum of money? If not, then you can take out a loan from a bank. This is a favorable period to ask for a loan. It’s unlikely that your friends will have a few extra millions to lend you so easily. If you find the right motivation and try to confidently walk this path, you will become the happy owner of a substantial monetary reward. Who said a woman can't open a business? This someone is wrong, and you must prove otherwise. Pisces feel great potential within themselves, you just need the support of dear and close people who will definitely not leave you to the mercy of fate at the most crucial moment. Try to conduct an experiment, write down all your expenses and income every day. You will be surprised where you spend most of your earnings.

The main expense item is food and this is definitely worth fighting. You can, after all, refuse some products, crossing out the most expensive ones. You spend a certain amount every day on lunch, buy cups of coffee - that's where your money goes. On the day of the new moon, May 15, you should not make important decisions; nothing good will come of it.

Health horoscope for May 2018 Pisces

Try to devote more time to self-development, read books, you can do meditation. The more interesting things you learn, the more exciting your life will be. Ever wanted to take up spiritual practices? You have such a unique opportunity to try yourself in something new. There aren't enough hobbies to keep you busy on weekends. Try yourself as an artist or photographer to quickly open the treasured door to the world of incredible colors. Paintings and photographs can then be hung throughout the house.

The energy potential of representatives of this zodiac sign is unusually high, and it is necessary to use it 100%. Pisces simply must reconsider their diet in May 2018. The food you eat must be healthy. No products that expire in a few days. Give preference to steamed dishes, fresh vegetables and fruits. Whole grain porridge for those women who don’t particularly like salads. Start each day with a smile and freshly squeezed juice from berries and fruits that grow in your region. There should be no exotic or enchanting creativity. You eat low-calorie foods, and if this continues, you will simply melt. Necessary balanced diet, you can sometimes drink alcoholic beverages.

This is bad if you have not decided to quit smoking. Bad habits have never made anyone happy until you start actively fighting for your health. A fight to the death - this is the main battle of this season. A bad habit called cigarettes forces you to go outside to smoke ten times a day. Sometimes this is vital, you direct all your negativity into one tiny cigarette, but you can and should fight this. Make your boyfriend cook while you're at work. Pisces do not like to do housework, much less cook for the whole family. Why should a woman, as the keeper of the hearth, do all this? Let the couch-dwelling husband do something, at least look away from the TV screen. You shouldn't throw a tantrum, but you can have a preventive conversation.

Try to take care of your nerves in May 2018, and then you will definitely be able to live and enjoy life. Pay attention to your parents, they need your help. Just having a heart-to-heart talk is a real feat for Pisces, who are used to behaving as constrained as possible. When loved ones need support, you should definitely be there to listen and encourage. Appreciate people who just want to spend their time free time and who don’t need anything from you. You should not go to the doctor on the day of the full moon on April 29, this day is unfavorable for this kind of decisions.

Read the horoscope for May 2018 for other zodiac signs:

In May 2018, Pisces will definitely need to be active in all areas of their lives. The horoscope promises them many wonderful moments that are very important not to miss. Therefore, try to overcome your natural laziness and get up from your favorite sofa.

Main tasks of the month of the Pisces sign

During May 2018, the Sun will reign over Pisces in the 3rd house of the horoscope - the area of ​​the immediate environment, information and short trips. It will make them inquisitive, lively, active, interested in any information that is new to them. The Pisces horoscope for May 2018 reports that this month you will constantly communicate with relatives and friends, often visit familiar companies and spend your free time profitably. This position of the Sun is especially favorable for those representatives of the sign who are engaged in some kind of social activities, as well as writers, journalists, scientists. In your professional field this month, the horoscope recommends trying to maintain good relationships with your work colleagues and not imposing your opinion on them. Please note that not everyone may need the information you have. Or they may have a different point of view. As for your personal life, if you are still single, the horoscope believes that it is time to start an active search. But first you will need to update your wardrobe.

Horoscope for May 2018 Pisces: study, business and contacts

Mercury in the 2nd decade of May 2018 also moves into the 3rd house of your personal horoscope, where it will remain until the end of this month. It is quite possible that short trips and business trips will now await you. There is no need to give them up, because they can bring you a lot of useful information. According to the Pisces horoscope, May 2018 is an extremely favorable month for studying. And if you want to get a new education or improve your professional level, then you should take courses, take training at seminars, or study at home on your own. This will be especially successful now. Of course, in May you cannot do without new useful contacts. But the horoscope advises to hold off on changing jobs for now.

Love and money of the Pisces sign in May 2018

The financial situation in May 2018 for Pisces may worsen somewhat. Your income may not be as great as before. Therefore, the horoscope advises now that it is better not to refuse any work, even if it seems small and boring to you. Even if this is true, but thanks to this routine you will be able to survive this difficult period without any problems. It is also not recommended to take out loans or debts now. If necessary, seek financial help from relatives who will not refuse you.

Venus in the first half of May 2018 will be visiting the 4th house of your personal horoscope - region family values and traditions. She will give you good relationships with members of your entire family, in her broadly understood, and especially with parents and the older generation. At the end of the second decade, Venus will move into your 5th house - the area of ​​pleasure, entertainment, games, sex and children. As the horoscope for May 2018 predicts, during this period Pisces can begin several light, easy romances at once, which they will consider more as entertainment than a serious relationship. Those representatives of the sign who have already found their match may also succumb to the temptation to flirt on the side. It is clear that their partner will not like this and can lead to a rather serious conflict. So think about whether it's worth doing. Well, family Pisces, most likely, according to the horoscope, will spend this month communicating with loved ones and caring for children, with whom they will establish warm, trusting relationships.

Horoscope for May 2018 Pisces: activity and health

In mid-May 2018, Mars will finally leave the 11th house of your horoscope and move to the 12th. During this period, it is not advisable for Pisces to engage in any intense physical activity, it is better to devote more time to your spiritual development. Moreover, the state of your physical health directly related to psychological health. Now the horoscope advises to give up bad habits, not to abuse alcohol and to carefully monitor the quality of the products consumed, as there is an increased risk of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or banal poisoning. You should also be especially careful when handling any unusual exotic dishes.

The sovereign master of the fate of Pisces in May is Uranus. Its influence will be complete and limitless throughout the month and will be expressed in patronage in many areas of life, subject to many conditions, among which the main ones are restraint, caution and the icy calm of the representatives of the sign throughout the month.


Routine household chores, vanity and a series of small dirty tricks arranged by the White Rat will overwhelm representatives of the Pisces sign in May. Everyday life and monotony can cause despondency or apathy, disappointment, a loss of interest in what is happening and a decrease in self-esteem. This contradicts the businesslike and active nature of Pisces. Pisces categorically do not want to get used to this state of affairs, and already in the last ten days of the month Pisces will be able to throw off this numbness and finally give vent to their emotions. A long stay of Pisces, taking into account their belonging to the element of Water, is strictly contraindicated. A bad mood and prolonged negative emotions are fraught with many diseases for Pisces.

But still remember throughout the month that the stars do not advise throwing yourself into the pool headlong. Listen to your own feelings and intuition; you will not be mistaken in choosing exactly those actions that can help you feel harmonious and free again. To do this, Pisces do not have to radically change their lives. Just try to be a little freer from monotony and dullness.

In the presence of a sharp mind and high analytical abilities, a state of melancholy will not allow Pisces in May to achieve either outstanding career steps or obtain any additional financial results. Do not be upset, because there will be a more favorable time for this ahead. Now it’s better to distract yourself with active sports or recreation, which will inject an additional portion of adrenaline into your circulatory system.

Throughout May, Pisces can receive unexpected cash bonuses. This could be the result of hard work over the past periods, or pleasant unexpected surprises from fate. During this period of time, winning the lottery is very likely. Fortune is facing you, Uranus favors you, and all your endeavors will turn out to be a good jackpot.

Arranging your own home can have a positive impact on representatives of the sign. This will give you a feeling of security and even some value in your own eyes. Pisces always have complete order in their home; they are big fans of minimalism and hi-tech style, but at the same time they never rest on their laurels. The interior of the house is constantly in a state of polishing to an ideal state known only to Pisces, and in May Pisces households will have to say goodbye to many interior items. If you live with a representative of the Pisces sign in the same area, you can prepare for renovations, after which everything in your home will become even more rational, chrome-plated, and the number of things will be reduced to the bare minimum. And if for some reason repairs are not organized, then disassembly and sorting with such love of the things you have accumulated will be ensured.


In the middle of the month, the influence of Uranus will be supplemented by the slight influence of Venus, but this influence will be enough for the romantic relationships of Pisces to develop in the most successful way. Family Pisces have very strong marriage bonds, they are truly attached to their spouses. Pisces perceive the family as a reliable rear and support, and love relationships stimulate Pisces exclusively to new, higher achievements in life.

Pisces that are not yet connected love relationships, can purchase them. But do not forget that due to your modest and unobtrusive disposition, this will be more difficult for you to do than for representatives of other signs. The stars recommend paying attention to representatives of other signs belonging to the element of Water - Cancers and Scorpios. Feeling confident in yourself and your appearance will help you look simply amazing. Be a little bolder and more proactive, your innate sense of proportion will not allow you to look ridiculous and vulgar, and you will be simply magnificent, no one will be able to resist your charm.

May is a great time to attend cultural events and social events. You can easily take your mind off everyday worries, feel attractive to others and increase your self-esteem. And high self-esteem is what Pisces needs in order to cope with any task, successfully resolve any issues and feel great.

In order to live in harmony with yourself, devote more time to spiritual development.

The fish are beautiful and caring parents, and their children very often abuse the patience of Pisces. In May, most likely, limitless parental patience may come to an end, and an avalanche of conflicts and quarrels will overwhelm Pisces and their children, and Pisces’ nature is disgusted by this and deals a painful blow to the psyche of the representatives of the sign. Therefore, if you are a Pisces parent and do not accumulate negativity within yourself, do not put off talking with your child “until later.”


To harmonize your relationship with your own self, devote more time to spiritual development. It does not follow from this that Pisces should engage in spiritual practices, meditation, or plunge headlong into religion. Good literature, a fashionable photo exhibition, or, in extreme cases, just contemplation of beauty, will significantly decorate your everyday life.

In May, the Pisces body is in excellent shape, their energy potential is unusually high, and many Pisces are completely satisfied with their own health.

In May, Pisces need to reconsider their food intake. Products that contain cholesterol and which predominate on the table of most representatives of the sign cause irreparable damage to the health of Pisces. On the menu, Pisces should give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits. And, if after eating salad you do not feel full, then try supplementing your diet with porridge from whole grains. This will significantly reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension, to which Pisces are very often susceptible after forty years. Start your day with a glass of fresh juice or pure mineral water. Water is vital for representatives of the sign. It is better to make juices yourself and from fruits and berries growing in your climate zone.

In May 2020, Pisces will receive unexpected cash bonuses.
Free Pisces can meet their love.
Horoscope for Pisces for June 2020.

Pisces in May 2017 will be sufficiently collected and purposeful to achieve good results. Leave all prejudices and excuses behind and get down to business. What you have so carefully planned and dreamed about for a long time may come true this month. You just need to make every effort and focus on the main thing, without wasting energy on all sorts of distracting little things. Remember that daily household chores and current problems will exist tomorrow, and in a week, and always. But now gather your willpower into a fist and do what is long overdue. Try not to explain the course of your actions and the direction of your thoughts to strangers. You will only waste your precious time. The faster your reaction and response, the greater your chances of success. Now it is important to change your perception of the world around you and look at problems differently. Only in this way will you understand that there were no problems at all, and that you were simply exaggerating and deceiving yourself.

In the first ten days of May 2017, the stars advise Pisces in conflict situations to put themselves in the enemy’s place in order to see the situation through his eyes, and, accordingly, to fight with his own weapons. Don't make mountains out of molehills. After all, most of the barriers and obstacles on your path are simply invented by you. Focus your attention on achieving your main goal. Now you have great opportunities for success. Try to use your time wisely, as there will not be enough time during this period. Basically, the location of the planets suggests that all troubles will bypass Pisces, you just need to strive and persistently move towards your happiness. You should not sacrifice yourself, your time and health for petty results. Target the “big fish” and very soon he will be hooked.

In the second ten days of May 2017, the professional side of life for representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign should be quite eventful. The position of Mercury suggests that Pisces will receive an excellent reward for their nobility and reliability. But during this period, you will have to change tactics to make people around you respect your dignity. Do not take responsibility for the mistakes of your colleagues and do not agree to provide them with services if this goes against your principles or will negatively affect your well-being or personal life. Be firm in your decisions. In the end, announce yourself to the whole world. You have those qualities that many lack - you are quite hardworking and smart. And this is quite enough to win everyone’s respect and strengthen your authority. In mid-May you will probably be asked to take on some obligations that are not listed in your job description. If you are afraid of offending your superiors, try to refuse as tactfully as possible. Stop being a superman who always helps everyone out, but is deprived of even the slightest reward and gratitude. Live for your own pleasure. Rest as much as possible, do not burden yourself with extraneous problems. The most important thing in success in the professional field is to begin solving current affairs with a cheerful spirit and in a great mood. And all you need for this is just a good night's sleep. You have many pleasant moments ahead, including a salary increase or a transfer to a worthy position, and maybe generous bonuses.

In the third ten days of May 2017, Pisces in love will be like dumplings in butter. It's time to put everything in its place and have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one. The influence of Venus aspects will have the most favorable effect on mutual understanding and harmony in your relationships. Therefore, you should not remain silent and worry within yourself about all sorts of little things that irritate you. Calmly and without emotion, tell your chosen one about the problem. He will understand and support you. Avoid dividing the family budget into mine and yours. This can lead to resentment. Let the money be common. Just plan your expenses together and make unanimous decisions. Pisces are secretive by nature and are accustomed to acting independently, but just for the sake of the purity of the experiment, try asking your partner for advice before each decision. You will see how your relationship, and your loved one himself, will transform. Yes, it will be a little difficult, but believe me, it will be worth it. You will enjoy it, and you are unlikely to want to return to your previous lifestyle. Moreover, you have good adaptive abilities, take advantage of this.

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