Technological technological maps. Why are standard technological maps needed? What is the difference from PPR

In the construction industry, the use of technological maps is becoming more relevant every year. This is one of important documents, developed separately for each type construction work.

Creating maps requires not only responsibility, but also highly qualified developers. In most cases technological maps in construction, research and design institutes or contractors are created that are responsible for the project and the implementation of all work at a given site.


A technological map, or abbreviated as TC, is a document created for the execution of only one construction and technical process and containing all the necessary information:

Technological maps in construction are presented in 3 types:

  • Typical or standard TC, not related to any specific construction project. This document is being developed for a specific type of work that can be performed at facilities with different purposes of use (TC brickwork, TC finishing works).
  • A typical TC, tied to a specific object, but ignoring construction conditions. Most often, such maps are used for mass standard development.
  • An individual or work plan developed for a designated facility and taking into account all aspects of construction, including location. Original and non-standard construction and architectural projects require the creation of individual technical complexes.

Why is a technological map needed and where is it used?

The main purpose of a technological map is the choice of method and detailed organization of a standard technological process, which allows reducing costs, reducing work time, while maintaining high level quality and full compliance with technical safety.

Technological maps are used during work on:

TCs are also actively used in the learning process in professional and higher education institutions. educational institutions or to improve staff qualifications.

Another way to use cards is to check the quality of construction and installation work performed by the customer, as well as the contractor or representatives of supervisory authorities.

TCs are actively used for:

  • organizing work flow charts;
  • wage calculations;
  • rational use work force and time of personnel and engineers;
  • increasing labor productivity;
  • reducing the time required for construction work;
  • ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

Who develops and approves the TC

The development of technological maps, as a rule, is undertaken by research and design institutes, design bureaus and other organizations involved in the preparation project documentation and PPR. They approve the procedure for the development, binding and application of the TC. Also, development can be carried out by ourselves construction organization in the presence of appropriate qualified specialists.

The map is drawn up with the participation of engineering personnel using the experience of foremen, foremen and construction crews. Before approval, a mandatory procedure is a meeting held by the SMU construction preparation group.

During the meeting, final edits, comments and suggestions are made, which should be reflected in the TC. The technological map should include the use of only those methods and construction equipment that are available to the organization. The information presented in the TC gives a final idea of ​​the construction process and methods for calculating costs for it.

The document is approved by the chief engineer or the immediate supervisor of the construction organization.

What is the difference from PPR

In most cases, builders use standard technological maps that are not tied to the construction site, while at the same time the work execution plan (WPP) is written for a specific construction site.

The second difference is the number of technological processes described. The technological map deals with one process, and the PPR can be developed for both one and several processes. Thus, the PPR may include from one to several technological maps.

The TC is attached to an object thanks to the following actions:

Initial data and composition

The initial data are:

  • selected construction and technological process;
  • composition of the fleet of equipment, necessary equipment and tools available to the organization.

The TC includes several sections that formulate certain conditions and requirements that make it possible to increase the efficiency of the process at minimal cost.

  1. Scope of application – section in which the main initial data are formulated: from climatic conditions to the structural features of the building being constructed. Also here is a list of regulatory documentation regulating the implementation of this type of construction work.
  2. Organization and implementation technology are all the requirements that apply to three stages: preparatory, main and final.

This section states:

Also in this section you can find information about the organization of passages and passages, the location of dangerous zones on the territory of the facility, a description of the main construction works, as well as the conditions for their implementation.

  1. Quality requirements for acceptance of completed work indicate the parameters, equipment and measurement methods by which quality is assessed.
  2. Calculation of labor costs or TEP (technical and economic indicators) provides a breakdown of indicators such as wage, bonuses, standard labor costs, rates for standard working hours, both for people and machines.
  3. Construction work schedule.
  4. Material and technical resources - information about the required materials, structures, equipment and tools.
  5. Occupational safety and health.

Technological maps have long gone beyond the construction field, and have been used for a long time in various fields of industry. Progress and innovation require knowledge about the quality organization of technological processes to achieve maximum efficiency in conditions of tendentious cost reduction. The development and creation of technological maps successfully solves all the assigned tasks.

A technological map is a document that contains all the necessary information and, accordingly, instructions for personnel who perform a certain technological process or maintenance of an object. A well-drawn technological map should mandatory give clear answers to the following questions:
- What kind of operations should be performed?
- In what sequence are the operations provided for by the technological process performed?
- How often do operations need to be performed (in cases where it is necessary to repeat the operation multiple times)?
- How much time does it take to complete a single operation?
- What is the end result of performing a certain operation?
- What tools and materials are required to effectively perform the operation?
The development and implementation of technological maps is necessary in the following cases:
- with a high degree of complexity of the operations performed;
- if there are controversial elements and ambiguities in the planned operations;
- if it is necessary to clearly determine the labor costs for high-quality operation of the facility.
It must be said that most often a technological map is drawn up for each individual object, drawn up in the form of a clear table. One technological map can take into account different, but at the same time, object models that have some similarity to each other. This type of documentation is compiled exclusively by the technical services of the enterprise, while it is approved directly by the head of the enterprise.
Today, there are technological maps for absolutely all types of construction work, which are developed not only by the construction companies themselves, but also by special institutes. Technological maps are also produced by factories specializing in the production building materials.
Technological maps, first of all, are designed for training workers, because this document, as mentioned above, shows the most rational methods of performing various types work, and also a chain of actions has been built for the worker, who, for his part, does not have the right to skip any cycle, thereby performing the work only at his own discretion.
IN last years the use of technological maps has occupied an important place not only in construction, but also in many other industries, including industry and Agriculture. And this is not surprising, because the number of workers with fairly low qualifications is increasing from year to year, which leads to the impossibility of performing the simplest jobs with high quality. On the other hand, many new types of work appear every year, so even a qualified worker or master often does not know how to correctly and as quickly as possible fulfill the duties assigned to them. In such cases, it is simply impossible to do without a well-drawn technological map (if, of course, the enterprise wants to effectively carry out its tasks).

Examples of a technological map are present in any production facility, be it an aircraft factory or a public catering facility. This standardized document is mandatory in the enterprise, but the form and appearance differ from industry to industry.

What is this

Examples of a routing include required information for workers performing a specific operation. It can take the form of a procedure or instruction, presented in the form of text, tables, graphs, recipes, action plans, and so on.

What should she be

Whatever form the examples of the technological map are made, it must answer the following questions:

1. What to perform (what operations or procedures).

2. How to perform (specific steps are described in a certain order and sequence).

3. How often they should be performed (regulated regularity, periodicity).

4. How long should the execution take (how long can it take to carry out any stage of the operation and all of them together; often a “fork” is indicated from start to finish).

5. What is expected as a result (result after the procedure).

6. Resources required for production (list necessary tools, materials and other resources for each stage of the operation).

Main functions

Examples of a technological map are necessary not only for passing Rospotrebnadzor commissions. They also have practical meaning in the enterprise itself. Such a document greatly facilitates the work of personnel and the inspection of special authorities.

This requirement is based on the understanding that specialists with completely different (including quite low) qualifications can be used in the same production. In order to ensure a sufficient level of competence of the employees involved in the departments, an example of drawing up a technological map of an enterprise is provided. Thus, their first function is educational.

The second task is to regulate a certain procedure where different work options can be used. Often, specialist developers choose the most rational methods.

The third task is to ensure that existing professionals are involved as quickly as possible in the new process and improve the skills of existing professionals. And planned, well-written instructions will help them with this.

It follows that the technological map should be drawn up in such a way that the least qualified employee of the enterprise can intuitively understand it, and competent specialists can find the required tips for themselves in the work.

Where is it used?

It should be noted that this document is often developed for each individual enterprise object.

Today, an example of filling out technological maps for almost all types of production has been developed. Based on one sample, you can develop any instructions and recipes.

Developed by

This document is compiled by specialized departments of the organization and is approved at the level of enterprise management.

In small companies, the document can be drawn up by any technically competent specialist.

They are compiled not only by specific companies and factories for their needs, but also consulting companies, and specialized institutes to order.

How is it developed

Often, a technological map is drawn up separately for each division of the enterprise. In one document it is allowed to take into account different schemes of operations if the execution method is similar.

It is recommended to develop and display technological maps in the form of plates, graphs, and clearly structured text. Any visual aids may be used to ensure that operations and procedures are understood and performed correctly.

Features of compilation

Each technological map is individual. It must take into account not only the specifics of the industry, but also the requirements of the market, the region in which the enterprise operates, the qualifications of employees and functional connections within the company. This is precisely the difficulty of using ready-made examples.

However, given that this is a standardized document, it should be written using a familiar structure for your field of activity.

Compilation examples

To begin with, we will consider the technological map of the excursion. This example is taken as one of the fairly common and at the same time relatively understandable in preparation.

The technological map of the excursion (an example of the structure is given below) will include the following components:

1. Introduction (includes general maps, enterprises). You can include here the history of the creation of the tour agency. Describe how the divisions of the enterprise are interconnected, how the documentation structure is arranged.

2. Scope of application. In this section, it is already worthwhile to clearly and reasonably describe exactly which procedures and operations are covered by the route flow chart, an example of which is being considered.

3. Regulatory documents. List here everything that may affect your activities, from legislation to internal instructions. Please note that this section is your kind of cheat sheet. You can contact him if you have any questions not described in this map.

4. Terms and definitions. Also meticulously and painstakingly include here everything that appears in the text. Don't forget the names of the companies you work with that are mentioned in the document. Perhaps you use the services of hired vehicles, then be sure to indicate who falls under the definition of a carrier. If your routes have separate names, be sure to spell them out. Be aware of abbreviations. They should also be included in this section.

5. General provisions and the main text of the technological map. This is the longest section of the document. It includes a description of the organization of the process, technological features, and routes. This can also include requirements for the quality of work and methods for assessing this quality. Describe all the materials and resources you need to organize the process. These include not only finances, but also the personnel involved (human resources), office equipment, rented or own real estate, transport, if required for excursion activities. The technological route map, an example of which we are considering, is best described here. Calculation of duration is one of the required columns.

6. Description of safety requirements may be separated into a separate section, or may be included in the previous one, at the discretion of the developer and management.

7. Costing also placed in a separate section at the request of the compilers. At the same time, it is often included in section 5. Neither option will be considered an error. When calculating costs, do not hesitate to seek the help of professionals and accountants.

8. Procedure for development and approval. If your company has created a lot of technological maps, then it may be advisable to put it in a separate document.

In documentation you can also often find the definition of “routing and technological map”. An example of it will not differ much from that discussed above, since this is one of the terms that describes the sequential course of the entire technological process.

A similar compilation principle can be used when an example of construction work, agricultural operations and other projects is needed. You will never prepare the right dish if you do not follow a clear recipe (proportions, sequence, ingredients).

Examples of a technological map are indeed present in any production, be it a bakery plant or a local cafeteria. This standard document is mandatory in institutions, but its form and appearance differs depending on the industry.


The basis for compiling a culinary, bakery or confectionery product is a collection of recipes, which provides the content and necessary standards for filling, yield of semi-finished and ready-made dishes, and cooking technology. If this dish is branded or new, and there is no official recipe for its preparation, then it is necessary to draw up a technical and technological map for it, the content of which is identical to the content of a regular technological map.

Guided by the recipe, indicate in the technological map of the products necessary for the preparation of this, the norms for laying raw materials and the weight content of the semi-finished product and the finished dish in grams. This will allow you to determine the total amount of food needed to prepare the estimated number of servings.

Take into account the qualitative and quantitative food when calculating the costing for it. If the preparation of a dish requires any unique conditions or requirements for the quality of ingredients, then they will also be reflected in the technological map.

Describe the preparation technology in detail, step by step. In this case, indicate the time required to complete each step and the total time required to prepare this dish. Using bookmark standards and indicators nutritional value products used, calculate the total calorie content of one serving of the finished dish and indicate it in the technological map.

In the card, be sure to indicate the weight of one serving of the finished dish and describe in detail the requirements for its design, if any, then for serving the dish. In the case where manufactured products are subject to long-term storage, the technological map should reflect the conditions and period of storage.

When drawing up a map, adhere to the requirements of the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50763-2007 “Catering Services. Catering products sold to the public. Are common technical specifications" It regulates the content and design of the technological map for public catering products.

Sign the technological map by the chef or production manager, and approve it by the head of the catering enterprise.


The site contains a collection of the best recipes and technological maps of dishes: recipes for baking bread, technological maps for fish dishes, a catalog of salad recipes, etc.

Helpful advice

Organization of catering production / Ready-made menu (download). By purchasing the package Ready-made standard menu, you receive technical and technological maps, calculation cards, calculations of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, justification for calculations and control reports for each dish.


  • drawing up a technical and technological map
  • Explanations for the calculation of technological maps

A technological map for a certain type of product is the source document - the basis for determining the cost of production. Thus, in technological maps for public catering products, the basis for which is the approved recipe for a given specific dish, its quantitative and qualitative composition and a description of the cooking technology are indicated.


The technological information is compiled on the basis of collections of recipes. They give the content and standards of the raw materials used, indicate the yield standards for semi-finished and ready-made dishes, and the technology for their production, including taking into account time standards. Requirements for the content and design of technological maps for public products are established by the National Russian Federation GOST R 50763-2007 “Public catering services. Catering products sold to the public. General technical conditions".

In the technological map for such products, indicate a list of products included in the dish, indicating their quantity in grams. This is necessary in order to calculate the total number of products required to produce a certain estimated number of servings. In addition, this recipe will be taken into account in the calculation for the specified dish. If there are unique requirements for the quality of the products used, then these should also be indicated in the flow chart.

Describe the manufacturing process in a step-by-step format. Indicate the amount of time required to complete each step and the total amount of time spent preparing this dish.

Indicate the weight of the finished portion and the requirements for its design. If the product is intended for long-term storage, indicate in the technological map the time required for implementation, terms and conditions of its storage. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the quality and safety indicators of the finished dish.

In the technological map, indicate the nutritional value of the finished dish. Calculate it according to the recipe and the total nutritional value of all ingredients.


A technological map is a document according to which control of product quality and safety of production processes is carried out by regulatory authorities.

To establish general rules information exchange between various government departments, there are technological maps of interdepartmental interaction. Such maps are separate projects that describe the procedure for the exchange of information between government authorities and determine the mutual obligations of institutions regarding the content, timing and methods of transmitting information. Filling out the technological map is carried out according to certain rules.


Familiarize yourself with the structure of technology interdepartmental cooperation. A map of the procedure for providing public services, data on the composition of documents for a specific service, information about counterparties, plans for inclusion in legal documents and plans for the implementation of interaction between departments.

Prepare the forms necessary for drawing up a technological map, including forms for entering data on the procedure for providing public services, forms for entering data about contractors and the content of interdepartmental interaction, forms for a plan for making changes to legal acts and a plan for implementing such interaction.

It is impossible to provide for absolutely all cases when filling out forms, so when filling out a card, proceed from the specific conditions related to the description of the services of your department. Ministry economic development The Russian Federation provides instructions for filling out forms for technological maps, relevant recommendations and a description of the procedure for approving the technological map.

When filling out the technological map, keep in mind that it is compiled for each public service separately.

The absence of administrative regulations for the service does not eliminate the need to draw up a map. In this case, fill out the technological map on the basis of the acts regulating its provision.

If you plan to obtain information from the base resource in the form of an extract, for example, from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, then describe the request in a standard way (according to the instructions), since during the description it may become clear that the data from the base resource can be transferred to interdepartmental interaction.

After drawing up the technological map and filling out all the necessary forms, coordinate it with all counterparties involved in the provision of public services (consumers and data providers).


  • About technological maps of interdepartmental interaction

Only after careful preparation and assessment of the object that needs to be dismantled. During the preparation process, a detailed technological map is drawn up, which allows you to record all stages of the upcoming work. A technological map is a kind of plan for dismantling work. And in the event of demolition of a complex object, you cannot do without such a map.

What is included in the technological map?

A technological map is a document that contains important information about the object, the upcoming dismantling work, as well as a kind of instruction for workers who will carry out the process of dismantling or demolishing the object.

The standard flow chart lists upcoming operations in detail, and also outlines a clear plan and sequence of work. In particularly difficult cases when dismantling a large object, when it is necessary to repeat some operations many times, the flow chart indicates the frequency of operations.

The technological map allows you to calculate in advance how much time it will take to complete each operation and dismantle the facility as a whole. This map also indicates the tools and materials that will be needed for effective, high-quality and safe dismantling.

In what cases is a technological map necessary?

Without a technological map, it is impossible to carry out high-quality dismantling of a structure or other object. detailed instructions is important if the upcoming operations are excessively complex, if there are controversial decisions during dismantling, and also if it is necessary to clearly determine the time, money and labor costs for the upcoming work.

For each individual object, its own technological map is drawn up. Sometimes similar technological maps can be drawn up for similar models of objects. However, in any case this type documentation is drawn up taking into account the nuances of the upcoming work and is approved by the head of the enterprise that will carry out the dismantling.

Technological maps are drawn up not only for dismantling, but also for many other types of construction work. They are being developed construction companies, as well as specialized institutes. In addition, such cards are even produced by factories that produce building materials.

This type of documentation offers the most rational method for performing various construction works, including dismantling. The process map clearly and easily indicates the worker’s action plan. If you skip any point, the dismantling or construction process will be of poor quality and even unsafe. Therefore, we can say that the technological map is designed for training and monitoring the actions of workers.

Technological maps allow you to perform dismantling correctly, efficiently, safely, in as soon as possible and with the involvement of the required number of workers.

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