Planting a walnut in the fall - the secrets of breeding with fruits and seedlings. The walnut is the tree of life. Planting, growing and care Walnut how to plant and care

Walnut (Juglans regia)

originally from Central Asia. It came to us more than 1000 years ago, it was brought by Greek merchants in the old way - “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, which is why the tree got its name. Now it is grown in the south of Belarus, in Ukraine, Moldova and the Caucasus.

Walnut As soon as they did not call the walnut - the food of heroes, the tree of life, the acorn of the gods. And there are reasons for this: nut kernels are not only healthy, but also taste great. Yes, and other parts of the plant will be useful: for example, the leaves are used for various medicinal purposes, and walnut wood is considered very valuable.

Walnut kernels are tasty and very healthy

Planting a walnut

Walnut is a mountain plant that tolerates low temperatures well. Spreading and beautiful crown it is formed in constant sunlight. He does not like tightness and groundwater close to the surface. Also, do not plant a walnut on heavily swampy and compacted soil. The best soil for planting– moist calcareous loams with a low content of groundwater in the soil.

With constant sunlight, a beautiful spreading crown forms at the walnut Place for planting a walnut should also be chosen carefully. If you want to plant not one, but several trees, then the distance between them should be at least 5 meters. An exception is planting trees on a slope, then they can be planted closer to each other (but not closer than at a distance of 3.5 meters).

The soil in the place chosen for planting the walnut must also be well prepared and cultivated. If the fertile layer at the planting site is shallow, then you need to replace the earth or carry out its additional fertilizer. To do this, a large amount of manure mixed with ash is introduced (2 cups of ash are added to a bucket of manure), with an additional addition of superphosphate. Such an improvement of the soil cover is carried out to a depth of 80 cm in the pit itself, then, with further favorable plant growth, we annually replace the soil along the width of the walnut crown.

walnut sapling

  • In the ground prepared for planting, we make a hole 40x40 cm wide.
  • To further stimulate the growth of lateral roots, we lay out a sheet of plastic wrap at the bottom of the pit.
  • When planting, slowly and carefully lay out the lateral roots in a horizontal position, sprinkling them with fertile and crumbly earth. We do this slowly, starting from the lower roots, gradually moving to the upper part of the root system. The upper roots should be close to the soil surface, at a depth of 6-7 cm.

Reproduction of a walnut

Below we describe how to propagate walnuts by seeds and grafting. .

Propagation of walnut seeds

Propagation of walnut seeds

To begin with, it is necessary to select seeds for further planting, while trying to choose local varieties. Nuts should be large, without damage, the kernel should be easy to extract.

Nuts should be large, without damage Seed harvesting is carried out when the outer green shell of the nut begins to crack. After collecting, finally dry the nuts at room temperature in a dry room.

In order for the seeds to germinate faster, it is desirable to carry out additional stratification. Varieties with a thick shell are stratified for up to 100 days at a low positive temperature (0 ... + 7 ° C), walnuts with a medium and thin shell are stratified at a temperature of + 18 ° C for about 45 days.

Planted seeds in the beginning of April when the earth warms up to + 10 ° С, into previously prepared fertile soil. Large nuts are planted to a depth of 11 cm, small and medium - to a depth of 7-9 cm. To get straight shoots from seedlings, put the nut in the prepared hole on the edge, sideways.

Walnut sprout When planted in open ground walnut sprouts slowly. You will receive seedlings suitable for planting in the garden only after 5-7 years, and for rootstocks - after 2-3 years. Therefore, it is better to grow them in special film greenhouses: in them you will receive seedlings suitable for rootstocks by the end of the first year, and seedlings suitable for planting in open garden soil after 2 years.

Propagation of walnuts by grafting

This method of reproduction is chosen when it is necessary to preserve the positive qualities of the fruits of the mother tree. For the stock, two-year-old seedlings planted in special pots are suitable (flower pots with a diameter of 12 cm are suitable). Rootstock seedlings are best brought indoors in winter (around December) so that by the time they are grafted they will give good shoots. Best time for vaccination - February.

After grafting in a room with seedlings, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of + 24 ... + 26 ° C both in the soil and in the air. At this temperature, the growth of seedlings will be continuous. We plant grafted plants in open ground in the middle of May.

walnut care

walnut care


to form a crown, a walnut does not need to be done - the tree will cope with this on its own. If you still need to remove unnecessary branches, do not do this in the spring: the walnut will lose a lot of juice, and this will negatively affect the growth of the tree in the future. You can remove unnecessary branches starting in the summer, for example, in early June, and this is done in two stages. For the first year, we cut off part of the branch, leaving a small (7 cm) knot. And we remove the dried knot from the tree next year in the spring, while we cover the cut

garden pitch


Watering will be needed for young trees in the spring and summer, when they consume a large amount of water. More watering will be needed in case of drought. Each tree takes about 3 buckets of water per 1 m² of soil. We water the tree 2 times a month - that's enough. Trees that have grown up to 4 meters in height can be watered less intensively.

top dressing

Walnut trees are usually fertilized 2 times a year - in spring and autumn. Nitrogen fertilizers are added in the spring, and potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall, before plowing. An adult tree at the age of 20-50 years needs up to 7 kg of ammonium nitrate, 2-3 kg of potassium salt and up to 10 kg of superphosphate.

When using nitrogen fertilizers, there are some nuances:

  1. firstly, they should be applied carefully, as they may favor the development of bacteria harmful to the tree;
  2. secondly, one should refrain from using them in the first 2-3 years of fruiting the tree so that it can produce more nuts in the future.


The time of collection of nuts is determined by the green pericarp. As soon as they begin to crack, the nuts are ready.

You need to collect nuts when the outer green shell begins to crack. After picking, it is advisable to keep the fruits for up to a week in the basement, then it will be easier to clean them from the softened and blackened pericarp. If you don’t want your hands to turn black during cleaning, put on rubber gloves - there is a lot of iodine in the walnut pericarp, believe me, this will not be superfluous 🙂 After cleaning, wash the nuts in water and dry in the sun. If some of the nuts remain, in which the pericarp is not removed, then pour them into a pile and hold for some time in the sun - this will help the fruits to ripen.

Varieties of walnut

The most common varieties of walnut are ‘Ideal’ and hardshell ‘Angulos’.

Variety ‘Ideal’

Trees of the 'Ideal' variety love light and moisture, grow well on carbonate loams with moderate moisture. The root system of trees of this variety is powerful and dense, it penetrates deep into the soil, so try not to plant them near buildings so as not to damage anything during the further growth of the tree. Blossoms in May, fruits can be harvested in October-November. Variety ‘Ideal’ refers to early-growing forms of walnut, a tangible harvest can be harvested from trees as early as 5 years of age. The flowers of this variety are collected in inflorescences, when the fruits ripen, a brush is formed, consisting of several nuts.

Walnut variety ‘Ideal’. Photo from

Variety ‘Angulosa’ (‘Yaglydzhevus’)

Such a strange name for the ear is a hard-shell variety, which, due to its yield, is widely distributed in the Crimea and the southern regions of Russia. Some trees of this variety under the age of 40 produce up to 25,000 nuts annually in the Crimea.

Also noteworthy are ‘Tenera’ (‘Jelter-dzhevus’); ‘Karga-breaker

, ‘Maxima’ (‘Kaba-dzhevus

), ‘Buccaneer’,

‘Serotina’ and other varieties of walnut.

Walnut variety ‘Buccaneer’. Photo from

Do you grow walnuts in your garden?

A walnut is not only a very tasty fruit, but also a very useful one, it is not for nothing that it was called the "Tree of Life" in ancient times. That is why so many gardeners would like to grow this crop on their site. In our article we will tell you how to plant a walnut and properly care for it.

How to buy walnut seedlings?

Proper cultivation of walnuts begins with the selection of seedlings. This culture has an interesting feature: first, the plant gives all the strength to the root part, and only then does the trunk and green mass build up.

Therefore, seedlings that can take root and give “offspring” in the future must have a powerful root system.

Young walnut seedlings

But if there are a large number of leaves on the seedlings, then they may simply not take root, especially when planting they will still need to be cut so that the nutrition goes to the rooting of the nut.

In addition to a powerful root system, the seedling itself must be healthy - there should be no damage or signs of disease on the bark. By the way, too dry bark and soft roots may indicate a disease, so you should not buy such seedlings.

It is best to contact a specialized nursery when buying it, whose employees will help you choose the most suitable option. In addition, only experts can tell you if your plant is of seed or graft origin. In the first case, the harvest can be obtained approximately 10 years after planting, in the second - in the third or fourth year.

This culture prefers bright and lit areas, because only in this case it is guaranteed to get a thick and sprawling crown of a walnut. It is worth remembering that the height of the tree can reach 25 meters, the diameter of the trunk can reach 5-7 meters.

The tree can grow on small slopes - about 18-20 degrees. Walnuts should not be planted on dense and swampy, poorly aerated lands. It is best if the soil contains equal amounts of soil, clay and sand. Also, you should not choose places with too close groundwater to the soil surface.

Also remember that as the walnut grows, it will begin to cover crops growing nearby, so it’s better to immediately choose a free area so that you don’t have to replant in the future. Also remember about the choice of location itself - it is best to plant on the south side of the site, protected from the wind. Try to plant a nut away from buildings and fences, because over time root system the tree will become powerful and branched, and can cause damage to the foundation.

Proper preparation of the seedling and planting pit

Planting care will be simplified as much as possible if the walnut seedlings themselves and the planting site are properly prepared.

The selected area must be thoroughly cleaned of any plant debris, then loosened and leveled. If the land does not meet these requirements, it must be replaced with more fertile soil. At the same time, you need to dig a planting hole right before planting a nut - in this case, the required amount of moisture will remain in it.

The depth of the hole depends on the length of the root system - it must be dug deeper so that the roots develop quietly and do not break. Also, seedlings need high-quality top dressing. Fertilizers for this crop are prepared from components such as 10 liters of manure, 400 g of wood ash, a glass of superphosphate.

We lay the prepared nutrient mixture on the bottom of the dug pit, and sprinkle it with soil when planting - it is very important that the roots do not touch fertilizers, otherwise burns may appear

Walnut - landing according to all the rules

The most favorable planting time is spring, due to which the plant will be able to take root and get stronger before the onset of frost. To facilitate the rooting process, you must first lower the roots of the nut into a mash using a growth stimulator. This mash is prepared from water, clay and rotted manure in proportions of 3: 1: 1.

Landing is carried out very carefully, slowly, the roots should be straightened, giving them a horizontal position. We fill the soil from the lowest roots, as a result of which part of the roots should be 5-7 cm below the soil surface.

We gently tamp the earth near the trunk circle, do not forget to make a groove for watering around the plant. After planting, water the seedling - about 12-15 liters of water per plant.

How to properly care for a walnut?

If you follow all the rules for planting and further growing walnuts, this guarantees a quality harvest. Care is quite simple, the main thing is to carry out all the work on time and remember about some features of growing.

For example, it is necessary to carry out weeding, loosening, but most importantly, no deeper than 5 cm, so as not to damage the roots located close to the soil surface. Let's look at all the stages of care in as much detail as possible.

Pests and diseases

Walnut care must necessarily include pest and disease control. In early spring, it is worth carrying out a number of preventive procedures:

  1. We remove dead bark and whitewash from the trunk.
  2. We wash the cleaned surfaces with a solution of copper sulfate.
  3. Refresh whitewash.

In the spring, while the buds are sleeping, we treat the tree and the near-stem circle with Bordeaux liquid (1%). In summer, the soil around the tree should be cleaned with soil, and the plant itself should be viewed and treated with fungicides.

If you notice a pest, immediately treat the walnut with fungicides. Most importantly, prepare the solution according to the instructions. After harvesting, also process using copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid, you can also use a solution of urea.

An important point: urea contains nitrogen, therefore, top dressing with its help should be carried out only in the spring.

Watering a walnut

After winter, if there was little snow, the plant really needs good watering. Therefore, the tree needs to be watered with high quality - about 20 liters of water. If precipitation was normal, then the plant should be watered about twice in the spring. In summer, the number of waterings needs to be increased - from May to June, the tree is watered about twice a month, 3-4 liters of water for each seedling.

By the way, the lack of moisture can adversely affect the yield of walnuts. It is not necessary to carry out loosening after each watering - this culture does not like such events. But if the summer turned out to be rainy, the culture should not be watered at all - this can have a detrimental effect on the plant.

You also need to reduce the amount of watering if the walnut has reached 4 m in height - the roots of such plants pull all the liquid from the deep layers of the soil.

By the end of summer, the number of waterings begins to be reduced - only a couple of times per season. Also water the plants abundantly at the end of autumn, which is necessary for a normal wintering of the walnut.

And to avoid cracking the soil, be sure to mulch the soil using peat or straw - up to 5 cm in layer.

Feeding rules

In May, it's time for feeding. What should be used? Much depends on the age of the walnut.

If the tree is older than three years, then you need to add about 6 kg for each plant of ammonium nitrate - in the middle or end of spring. At the end of June, you need to feed the nut with potassium and phosphate, trace elements - for better growth tops.

If the tree bears fruit, you need to feed for the whole season with the following:

  • Superphosphate - 10 kg.
  • Ammonium sulfate - 10 kg.
  • Potassium salt - 3 kg.
  • Ammonium nitrate - 6 kg.

You can also use biological additives. For example, plant green manure between the trees - oats or lupins, which need to be buried in the ground in the fall.

Walnut pruning

In the first three years of life, it is necessary to form the crown and trunk of a walnut. The side shoots of the tree are pruned annually. Moreover, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning with the help of the sharpest tool - this will avoid the appearance of burrs.

If you need to carry out work on the formation of the crown, you need to wait until the height of the tree is 1.5 meters. Forming a crown, shorten the branches by 20 cm, leaving about 10 skeletal branches on the tree, cleared of small shoots.

It is possible to give the tree a shape in 4-5 years, but after that the gardener will have to cut only those shoots that interfere with the growth of the main shoots that grow too densely.

The basic rules for pruning are as follows:

  1. Work should be carried out only before the start of sap flow or already in the fall.
  2. In autumn, events carry out pruning of damaged shoots - thanks to this, such branches will not take away valuable food.
  3. Be sure to treat all sections with garden pitch, so that infections can be avoided.

Wintering rules

After you have harvested, clean the area before winter, remove plant debris where pests can live. Then carefully inspect the trees, bark and branches, whitewash the tree trunk. Young seedlings need to be carefully prepared for the winter period. Be sure to cover the trunk circle with mulch, along with which you can also use manure, although in this case the trunk must be covered with burlap.

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The crop should be harvested around the beginning of autumn. It is best to collect nuts whose skin has already begun to crack. But completely green and smooth fruits should not be removed - they will not contain even half of the micronutrients that are in a mature fruit, and such nuts are not stored for long.

To simplify the collection process, some gardeners have come up with the following: a long pole with a tight bag attached, where the nuts will fall. If the fruits have fallen on the ground, they must be collected as soon as possible - if they lie on the ground for too long, this will adversely affect storage.

In order for the nuts to be stored for as long as possible, they need to be peeled off and dried thoroughly, scattered on paper or cloth. Drying takes an average of a week, while the nuts need to be turned over regularly to dry evenly.

After drying, they can be consumed within the next six months, stored in glass jars or cloth bags.

Due to its numerous useful qualities, the nut is a fairly popular product. Walnut fruits can be obtained at home. Most gardeners claim that growing a tree is not difficult. You just need to adhere to a number of requirements. About how to properly plant a walnut and care for it, and will be discussed in this article.

Preparatory work

The exact choice of a place for planting a nut is not only a guarantee of obtaining good harvest. The tree has an extensive crown and grows tall. AT hot weather under its leaves you can hide from the scorching sun rays.

Walnut is a photophilous and moisture-loving plant. It tolerates low temperatures very well. It has a powerful root system that penetrates deep into the soil. For this reason, it is not recommended to plant a walnut in places where groundwater approaches the earth's surface at a close distance.

Naturally, compacted and waterlogged soil is also not suitable for planting a tree. Most the best option- These are carbonate loams with sufficient moisture.

In addition to focusing on the location of groundwater, planting a walnut is accompanied by the following rules:

  • when planting several trees, minimum distance between them is 5 m (on a slope - 3.5 m);
  • the presence of a constant draft is not recommended;
  • does not land close to the house, fence and fruitful trees.

Particular attention is paid to the soil, which is prepared in advance. In the presence of a shallow fertile layer, the land changes and additional fertilization is carried out. They serve as:

  • manure mixed with ash (for 1 bucket of manure - 2 tablespoons of ash);
  • superphosphate.

The improvement of the ground cover is carried out to a depth of 0.7-0.8 m in a pit. When the nut begins to grow normally, further replacement of the fertile layer is carried out along the width of the tree crown.

Ways to plant a nut

Tree propagation can be done in three ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • vaccination.


The first option looks preferable. With the help of seeds, the best result is obtained. The main condition is the use of the fruits of trees that grow in the area.

Harvesting of seed material occurs in autumn, when the trees shed their fruits. The best seeds are characterized by excellent maturation and easily fall out of the shell. There should be no dark spots or other damage on the pericarp. Cracks almost always spoil the fruit.

Selected nuts for seeds are dried:

  • 1-2 days - in sunlight;
  • 5-6 days - in the shade.

Seed material is stored in a cool and dry place. 3-4 months before planting, the seeds are covered with wet sand. Moreover, the air temperature should be within + 7ºС.

Before planting, it is necessary to determine the quality of the seeds. To do this, they are lowered into a container of water. Those nuts that have sunk are suitable for planting. Their kernels are solid, which increases the chances of good sprouts.

The process of planting a walnut provides for:

  • digging a hole with a diameter of 1 m;
  • mixing earth with humus;
  • shelling a nut;
  • placement of seeds at a depth of 12-20 cm (depending on the climatic conditions of the area).


Growing walnuts using seedlings involves the following planting conditions:

  • the thickness of the tree trunk must exceed 1 cm;
  • a dug-out two-year-old seedling with a tap root 0.3-0.4 m long is planted in a permanent place with a clod of earth;
  • digging a hole 0.5 * 0.5 m wide;
  • a piece of plastic film is laid on its bottom;
  • roots are laid and gently sprinkled.

Walnut seedlings are planted slowly. Lateral roots are placed strictly horizontally. Sprinkling is done with loose earth, starting from the lower roots and ending top root system. The depth of the upper roots is at the level of 6-7 cm.

Beginner gardeners can use the simplified version. Many specialized stores sell seedlings that have a canned root system. A special container contains nutritional components. Thanks to them, seedlings easily take root and grow everywhere, regardless of the region where trees are planted.


Sometimes, when propagating a walnut, seedlings do not retain the qualities inherent in the parent variety. To solve this problem, they are vaccinated. For this procedure, you will need two-year-old sprouts that are planted in flower pots.

In December, rootstock seedlings are brought into the room. Before grafting them, they must give normal shoots. The best month for vaccination is February.

After the tree is grafted, the temperature must be maintained at 24-25º. Only such a temperature regime ensures the continuous growth of seedlings. The grafted tree is planted in open ground in the first decade of May.

The nuances of transplanting a walnut

If it is preferred to grow trees by planting seedlings, then several seeds must be planted. After the appearance of several trees, the best seedling is selected. Walnut is transplanted in spring or autumn.

When planting it in the autumn, the roots should be located at the maximum possible depth. This prevents them from freezing in winter. Trees planted in the spring should be watered regularly. This is especially true for dry areas.

When transplanting walnut seedlings, a number of other factors should be taken into account. Planting trees is carried out at the same level with the place where it was previously grown. Otherwise, the development of the seedling will stall, which will lead to later fruiting.

The roots of the tree are located to the south. The root neck of the seedling should be flush with the ground. A small hill is made where the neck is placed. When the first watering is done and the earth settles, the root will also fall into place.

To obtain a good harvest of walnuts, it is recommended to create all conditions for its pollination. This tree is wind pollinated. For this reason, other trees should be planted not far from the nut.

Planted tree care

Conventionally, walnut care can be divided into four main stages:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • pruning;
  • fight against diseases.


The maximum amount of moisture will be required during the period of flowering and fruit ripening. Additionally, the ground under the nut is moistened on hot summer days. The rate of watering one tree is 3 buckets of water / 1 m² of land. In the absence of hot days, two waterings per month will be enough. When the nut reaches 4 m in height, then it can not be watered at all.

The first watering compacts the soil. The resulting small depression is covered with earth. A small mound of earth is made near the tree. It will not allow excessive accumulation of melt water after winter.

top dressing

Walnut is fertilized twice a year:

  • spring;
  • and autumn.

In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, and in the fall, before plowing, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied. For one adult tree (more than 20 years old) requires:

  • ammonium nitrate - 7 kg;
  • superphosphate - 10 kg;
  • potassium salt - 2-3 kg.

The only caveat is the correct application of nitrogen fertilizers. They are not introduced in the first three years of fruiting. Otherwise, the tree will not be able to produce the maximum number of nuts in subsequent years.


In order for the walnut in the photo and in reality to be the same, the branches are pruned. Moreover, there is no need to form a crown for a tree. This process happens naturally.

To be trimmed:

  • dry branches;
  • branches rubbing against each other and damaging the bark.

It should be noted that pruning is not carried out in the spring, when there is increased sap flow. Pruning of walnut branches is carried out in mid-June. This procedure is performed in two steps. In the first year, not the entire branch is cut: a small knot (about 7 cm) is left. The next spring, the knot is removed completely, and the cut is smeared with a garden pitch.

Disease control

Walnut disease is marsoniasis (brown spot). The occurrence of this disease is associated with excessively wet weather. It is especially common on rainy days.

To prevent marsoniosis, the following preventive measures are taken:

  • a tree variety is acquired that will grow normally in these climatic conditions;
  • young seedlings are treated with Bordeaux liquid or other preparations (Strobe, Horus, etc.).

The first treatment of walnuts with chemicals is carried out before bud break. Subsequent sprayings (2-3 times) are carried out at the first stage of the growing season.


Nuts are harvested in autumn. The exact time of collection is determined by the pericarp. If they begin to crack, then the crop can be harvested. For a week, the collected fruits are placed in the basement. So it will be easier to clean them from the blackened shell.

After a week, the fruits are peeled, washed in water and dried in the sun. If there are nuts available that are difficult to separate from the pericarp, they need to be kept in the sun for a while. So they ripen faster.

Video on growing walnuts:

Walnut is a tree belonging to the genus Nut from the Nut family, which grows in the Eurasian territory both as a wild and as a fruit crop. Its fruits of the same name have great nutritional value and are widely used in the culinary industry. Confectionery is made from nuts, oil is used as food product and raw materials for the production of soap, ink, artistic varnishes, cake - as a feed product. Many gardeners and summer residents of the CIS countries are interested in knowing how to plant and grow a walnut tree and get an excellent harvest from it.

Walnut tree: description

walnut tree

Walnut is a massive tall tree included in the genus Nut of the Walnut family. It can grow over twenty meters in height. With a long life, in some specimens of the species, the trunk thickens up to 3-7 meters in girth. Outwardly, it is characterized by an extremely wide spreading crown, gray bark and thin complex leaves up to 7 cm in length. They grow in late spring along with small green flowers.

Female and male inflorescences are formed on the same tree, and are pollinated by wind. Botanical walnut fruits are defined as drupes (single-seeded). Their pericarp has a leathery thick structure, and inside there is a ball-shaped bone divided by several incomplete partitions. Inside there is a core representing the main nutritional and raw material value. Fruit weight varies from 6 to 18 grams.

How long does a walnut tree live

Walnut is not only one of the largest, but also one of the longest-lived trees that live in the Middle Strip. In this climatic zone, other specimens of the species can reach an age of 400-600 years. True, in the current situation this is unlikely, due to the fact that their wood is highly valued and is actively used in the manufacture of furniture and decor.

A pleasant characteristic for a walnut is that its fertility is directly proportional to age. According to experienced gardeners, the yield of a tree younger than 50 years old is not comparable to that of a tree that has survived more than a century.

Countries - producers of walnuts

According to a report by the Food and Agriculture UN for 2013, the leading countries in terms of production of walnuts (with shell) are:

  1. China - 1.45 thousand tons.
  2. USA - 446.3 thousand tons.
  3. Iran - 425 thousand tons.
  4. Turkey - 212 thousand tons.
  5. Ukraine - 115.8 thousand tons.
  6. Mexico - 107 thousand tons.
  7. Chile - 44.7 thousand tons.
  8. Uzbekistan - 40 thousand tons.
  9. India - 36 thousand tons.
  10. France - 33.5 thousand tons.

Where is the walnut crop applied?

The main product of the processing of the fruits of this tree are kernels. They are distinguished by a high calorie content and a pleasant taste, thanks to which they have entered the cuisine of different peoples from time immemorial. And most often, nuts are added to sweet dishes, they go well with stewed and baked meat, vegetables, and poultry.

In industrial terms, walnuts are processed into the base vegetable oil. It is used not only for food, medicinal and cosmetic purposes - the raw material is used in the brewing of soap products, art materials (varnishes, carcasses), etc.

Cake, as a by-product of oil production, is sold as a valuable feed for livestock and poultry. Its nutritional characteristics are good in that up to 40% of the composition is occupied by proteins, and approximately 10% by fats.

In the medical traditions of many peoples, walnuts are used to treat heart, liver, and kidney ailments. The modern characteristics of the product speaks of its beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, nervous system, reproductive organs. On the basis of green nuts and pericarp, very useful vitamin concentrates are prepared.

How many walnuts per tree

The yield of a walnut from 1 tree can be both very modest, and indicative or even record. The key influence on this indicator is the area of ​​growth, the age of the tree and its position relative to its neighbors.

It is believed that by the age of 50, a walnut is gaining a yield of around 10 kg of seeds with shells and pericarp per season, and at a century of age, productivity can already reach 100 kg. The average indicator for the species is 1-300 kg of fruit per season. Trees reach their peak fruitful capacity in the second hundred years of life.

Gubanov I. A. mentions in his book “Wild Useful Plants of the USSR” that planting density also affects productivity. Closed trees, according to the researcher, rarely produce more than 40 kg of fruit per tree, while some free-standing trees produce up to 480 kg per season. In the natural environment, abundant yields are observed only in 10-15% of the entire crop, and the average for the crop is 120-200 kg.

The onset of fruiting occurs at about 10 years of age, but can occur earlier if appropriate care is provided (but still weakly manifested even in this situation). Abundant productivity begins at about 20 years of age and remains high, on average, for another 130-180 years.

Popular varieties of walnut

Today, Russian gardeners practice the cultivation of about 20-25 varietal varieties of walnut. These hybrids are bred taking into account regional characteristics, are more resistant to low temperatures and have a fairly high yield.

Walnut tree - planting and care

Walnut tree varieties suitable for Russian gardens:

  1. "Abundant". A fruit variety capable of “growing” up to 5 meters in height and ready to please with the first fruits already 4 years after planting. The fruits grow in clusters of 8-10 nuts with a total weight of up to 30 kg per tree. "Abundant" has excellent taste characteristics and immunity to brown spot, but due to poor resistance to frost, it is recommended for cultivation in the southern regions.
  2. "Harvest". A tree with a high spreading oval crown. Due to frost resistance, it is successfully cultivated in the middle lane. In this zone, it is convenient in that it manages to produce a crop in early autumn. It has a high immunity to most diseases.
  3. "Elegant". A massive tree with a dense crown and a height of up to five meters. Fruiting occurs in the middle of autumn of the fifth year of cultivation. It has good resistance to the main factors preventing development: frost, pests and infections. On average, it shows a yield of 20 kg of fruit per tree.
  4. "Dessert". Drought-resistant, but vulnerable to frost varieties of walnut - buds and bark crack. It has a wide crown, but small growth - 3 meters. On average, it pleases with a yield of 25 kg of nuts per tree.
  5. "Ideal". A fast-growing variety that gives the first crops at 3-5 years of age. Upon reaching the age of 12, productivity goes beyond 100 kg. Requires good lighting and free space away from buildings, as it develops a large amount of soil with its roots. Grows best in loamy soils of medium moisture.
  6. "In memory of Minov". A very popular early ripening variety in our country. It develops rapidly and gives the first fruits already in the sixth year of life. Large, flattened nuts are recognizable by their thin, silver-colored shells.
  7. "Black Walnut". A giant tree with large black fruits enclosed in a hard, thick skin. Fruiting usually occurs at 10 years of age. Likes lighted lands with average humidity. It can tolerate frost, but at a young age it is better to cover the trees before winter.

How to plant a walnut tree

Planting a walnut

Modern experience in the cultivation of walnut allows you to successfully grow this tree in the central and southern regions of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, and the Crimea. Regardless of geography, it makes more sense to choose cold-resistant varieties for cultivation with high productivity and moderate growth.

Trees of this species are not particularly capricious and grow well on lands of various structure and composition. However, an enviable yield cannot be achieved on deeply sandy, swampy soils and areas that are poorly ventilated. The depth of groundwater passage under the walnut should not be less than 150 cm.

Distance between walnut trees

Good sites for planting walnuts are those that are well supplied with sunlight. The presence of neighboring walnut crops should not be a big problem if the minimum distance between them is 5 meters on flat lands, and 3.5 meters on slopes. Before planting, you should think about the fact that in a couple of decades the walnut crown will increase to 8-12 meters in diameter.

Walnut tree: planting seedlings

Of the three known methods of planting this tree, planting seedlings is the easiest and least laborious. When purchasing them, one must pay attention to the condition of the roots and bark. It is better not to take trees with wounds and damage, as this greatly reduces the chance that they will take root. The age of trees suitable for planting is 2-3 years.

The date when to plant tree seedlings is decided by gardeners in different ways. There is an opinion that only autumn planting is needed, when sap flow is slowed down in seedlings - in this state, the risk of infection is reduced. Those who are in favor of spring planting talk about the beneficial conditions of cultivation in the coming months, since the trees do not have to winter.

Walnut seedlings for planting

On a note!

Experts say that in this matter it is necessary to build on the climatic zone of growing crops. Autumn landing is advisable in the southern regions, where even in winter there are no severe colds. And gardeners in the middle zone need to choose at their discretion - the chances of successfully developing a plant are approximately the same both for early spring planting and late autumn.

How to transplant a walnut tree in spring

Proper planting of seedlings affects the rate of development, resistance to cold and disease, the time of fruiting, yield and life expectancy of the tree.

  1. Dig holes in the selected area for each seedling with a depth of about half a meter and an extension of 90-100 cm. It is advisable to spread the excavated earth around, and bring another to fall asleep the seedling.
  2. For the growth of a wide-brimmed crown and a quick transition to fruiting, you need to put a stone under the seedling that prevents the growth of the central roots.
  3. To enrich the soil, put a little ash and 1-3 kilograms of ammophos into the holes, and pour 20-25 cm of soil on top. Next - 20-30 kg of humus.
  4. Place the plants in the hole so that the root collar does not go deeper than 5 cm relative to ground level. It is desirable to lay the lateral roots of the seedling horizontally.
  5. Fill in the hole and ram the ground. Around the trunk, you need to pour up to 10 kg of a mixture of equal parts of straw and fresh manure.
  6. Water the tree generously.

How to grow a walnut tree from walnut

Before growing a tree from a walnut fruit, you should select seeds that will grow well in a particular climatic zone. The easiest way is to ask for some seed material from the owner of the nearest giant tree. Or at least find out the variety of this hazel. Otherwise, you need to look for "local" varieties at points of sale. Quality nuts should be large, dense, without damage and cracks.

Opinions on the need to clean them from the outer shell (pericarp) differ, and examples of successful cultivation are given in both cases. It is important not to damage the inner shell during this.


Nuts purchased for planting are first subjected to stratification, a preparation method in which they are placed in a moist environment for germination. To do this, within 3-4 months, the seed material is placed in wet sand with the ribs up and placed in a room with a temperature of 0-+6˚C. Similar conditions are usually found in basements, cellars or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

In the course of stratification, it is necessary to maintain the humidity of the sand, taking out the box every 20-30 days to moisten.

If you plan to sow stratified nuts in April, then they should be thoroughly dried before this procedure. The first couple of days in the sun, and then in the shade. It is strictly forbidden to place them near heating elements for this purpose. When sowing nuts in the autumn, you do not need to dry them.

When choosing a place for future walnut trees, you should rely on the recommendations described above. In the process of sowing, the seed material is immersed to a depth of 15 to 20 cm. For an earlier onset of fruiting, laying with the tip up should be avoided. In each hole, 3-4 nuts should be left in order to choose the strongest of them after germination.

When growing from seeds, the possibility of growing seedlings is also considered, which, at the age of one year, are transferred to open ground.

Walnut, tree: cultivation and care

walnut tree

The most careful and attentive care of plants is necessary in the first few years of growth. They need to be watered, on average, once every two weeks, 30-40 liters per 1 m2. Most of all, plants need moisture in spring and autumn. Upon reaching a height of 4 meters, the intensity of watering can be reduced.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Two feedings are carried out per year. In spring, nuts need to be enriched with nitrogen, and a lack of phosphorus and potassium is observed in autumn before plowing. For plants older than 15-20 years, about 10 kg of superphosphate, about 6-7 kg of saltpeter and 2-3 kg of potassium salt are needed. At the age of 5 years, it is better not to add nitrogen fertilizers under the trees, as this reduces the yield in the long run.

In general, nitrogen fertilizers should be used with caution on walnuts due to the fact that they can provoke the development of some infections. It is allowed to apply phosphorus and potash fertilizers already in the second year after planting. Thanks to them, the formation of ovaries is enhanced. For better penetration of nutrients, the earth can be loosened at a shallow depth before application.

How to prune branches

As mentioned above, trees need good natural light. Since the fruits are formed at the ends of short branches, a wide and dense crown eventually becomes an obstacle to good fruiting. It also leads to the gradual death of branches and exposure.

For these reasons, it is necessary to trim the branches of still relatively young trees - when they reach a height of about one and a half meters. The specific stem height is determined by the variety, but it is desirable to minimize it. Usually, with such a tree height, about 50 cm are allocated to the crown, and 80-100 cm to the trunk.

There are many options for decorating a walnut tree. How to grow a crown specifically chooses the gardener himself, since both cupped, and spherical, and longline are suitable.

Most often it is recommended to form a bowl. To do this, leave 4-5 branches at the same level, which do not touch until the onset of fruiting. From the third year of the tree's life, pruning should be moderate. First of all, dead branches and those that rub against each other should be cut from the nut, as this contributes to infection with diseases.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the branches do not need to be completely cut, but only up to the second or third shoot. Upon the onset of active fruiting, the plant is completely left alone.

The shoots are shortened by about 15 cm, and after laying the branches, the main conductor is cut off above the upper branch. In the fourth year of growth, the crown forms almost completely, so it remains necessary to remove only thick branches.

"Rejuvenating" pruning should be gentle, with it you need to remove 1-2 old branches from the tree. Old walnuts do not take well the removal of skeletal branches. In case of frostbite of a tree, the dead parts should be cut no further than the “live” wood.

Walnut: tree grafting

Another affordable way to propagate walnut trees is grafting by budding. As a stock, it uses two-year-old greenhouse seedlings, bought or grown independently. The best time for the procedure is June, the period of active sap flow.

walnut trees

For effective budding, you need to stock up on straight 30-centimeter cuttings taken from large productive trees, with decorated axillary buds.

How is budding done:

  1. At a height of 10 cm from the ground, two cuts are made across the trunk and two along the rootstock.
  2. The bark is removed from the designated rectangle.
  3. A similar rectangle is cut out on the handle, but so that the eye of the trunk is located in the middle of the figure.
  4. The cutting is applied to the cutout on the rootstock.
  5. The fastening is tightly wrapped with polyethylene and removed only after 25 days.
  6. The next spring, after the buds swell, the stock should be cut at an angle of 70 degrees above the shield.
  7. In the course of the growing season, cut off the shoots growing on the rootstock.

Diseases of the walnut tree

Brown spot "hosts" both on leaves or shoots, and on the fruit part of trees. It is determined visually by numerous brown dots. The disease leads to shedding of foliage and occurs due to excessive soil moisture, which often happens after heavy and frequent rains.

Brown spot is most dangerous when it affects flowering nuts. In this case, it often leads to the fall of almost all flowers, which, of course, has a catastrophic effect on productivity. Fruits affected by spotting crumble, dry out or rot. To prevent spotting, the trees are treated with a 3% Bordeaux mixture, and the leaves that have fallen as a result of the disease are burned.

root cancer

One of the most dangerous walnut ailments is root cancer. Infection comes through the wounds received by the tree during transplantation. With a large damage to the root system by convex growths, not only the fruitful function can be lost, but the vegetation can completely stop.

Treatment, unfortunately, is not possible, but to prevent, seedlings are examined before planting, removal of growths and a five-minute treatment of the root system with a solution of caustic soda (1%).


Bacterial burns are another dangerous disease of fruit trees that affects walnuts. They are the reason why the walnut turns black on the tree (and also foliage, flowers and shoots). Visually, the disease is determined by watery, blackening over time, spots on the leaves and petioles. It is characteristic that with such burns, foliage fall may not occur for a long time. After the leaves, ulcers appear on the stems - the shoots wither and the buds die. In the same period, the fruit kernels turn black and dry. Regular rains, unfortunately, exacerbate the situation.

The disease is carried by wind pollen and insects. To combat the bacteriological enemy, copper-containing preparations are used. Trees that have been irreparably damaged by the infection have to be removed and burned.

Love walnuts and regularly go to the market to restock? Why not grow your own walnut tree in your backyard? Of course, the process of growing a walnut is associated with some difficulties, but with a competent approach, it will be possible to harvest the first crop in 4–5 years, and a sprawling tree with large leaves will become an unusual garden decoration. By the way, the fruits from it are in no way inferior to the market ones in terms of taste and other consumer characteristics.

Planting dates and growing features in different climatic zones

The technology of walnut cultivation in different regions is not much different, but the mild climate of the southern regions can greatly simplify the process. For example, it is possible to plant plants in the ground in the south both in early spring and in the middle of autumn, then in the middle lane this event is possible only upon the arrival of stable spring heat. When planted in autumn, seedlings do not always survive in severe frosts.

Due to the long growing season, planting of certain varieties is also possible only in warm regions. Only trees of early-growing and frost-resistant varieties are able to fully develop and bear fruit in the middle latitudes. However, a competent approach and compliance with the necessary requirements allow gardeners in the central and northern regions to harvest an excellent harvest of healthy walnuts even in not the most favorable conditions.


For planting a walnut, it is necessary to determine a flat area illuminated by the sun or located in the middle part of a hill, as protected from the wind as possible. Additional protection against drafts can serve as the walls of buildings located nearby. The proximity of artificial or natural shelters also makes it possible to increase the ambient temperature by 3-4 degrees. However, when placing plantings near residential premises, it is worth remembering that powerful walnut roots can significantly damage the foundation. Of other horticultural crops, the neighborhood with a walnut tree is easily tolerated only by fruit and berry bushes that have time to bear fruit and grow old before the neighbor's crown reaches an impressive size (up to 10–12 m in diameter) and becomes a serious obstacle to the penetration of sunlight. In addition, juglones contained in walnut foliage are toxic to many plants.

seed method of reproduction

Growing walnuts from seeds is the simplest and least expensive method. For this purpose, you will need a few high-quality, well-ripened nuts from a new crop and a little patience. The germination of the selected material takes place in several stages:

  • The nuts, peeled from the outer pericarp, are soaked for 2-4 days in warm water with the addition of a few drops of a growth stimulator. Water should be changed daily.
  • A prerequisite for good germination is high-quality seed stratification. To do this, they are placed in a container with wet sawdust or sand, where they are kept for 70–90 days at a temperature of +2 to +5 ° C.
  • At the end of hardening, the nuts are transferred to heat and planted in pots with a nutrient substrate - each specimen is placed in a hole “on a barrel”. The optimal cutting depth is 6–11 cm.

By the beginning of autumn, young plants grow to a height of up to 20 cm. For further growth, it is useful to move them to a greenhouse, where they will get stronger and gain strength before planting in a permanent place of growth.

Recipe for the occasion::

As practice shows, the probability of the seedling inheriting the characteristics of the mother plant is about 80%. However, in some cases, young trees are qualitatively superior to parental varieties.

Planting seedlings in the ground

In addition to walnut seedlings that have grown stronger and grown in greenhouse conditions, you can use purchased planting material purchased in a specialized nursery. The site for planting must be fertilized and processed in advance. For digging to a depth of 50–80 cm, it is recommended to fill the soil with rotted manure, wood ash and superphosphate. Landing operations are carried out as follows:

  • Dig a planting hole with a side length of about 50–60 cm and an approximate depth of 40–50 cm.
  • 2–3 days before transferring the seedlings, a nutrient mixture of humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is laid in a high hill in a pit.
  • The contents of the well are mixed well and pour 40 liters of water.
  • A strong supporting stake with a height of at least 1.5 m is driven in the center of the pit.
  • A walnut seedling is placed at the top of a nutrient hill and, gently straightening the roots, gradually pour the soil. A well-visible thickened root neck of the seedling should remain above the soil surface.
  • So that the tree, which is unstable due to the large windage of the leaves, does not suffer from strong gusts of wind, the seedling is securely tied to a support.
  • The trunk circle is mulched with a thin layer of humus or dry peat.
    Since walnut seedlings are characterized by extensive growth, with group landing keep a distance of at least 5 m between plants.


First of all, young plants need additional watering, since mature trees with an already formed powerful root system are able to extract water on their own. During dry periods, the soil under the walnut is actively watered 2-3 times a month at the rate of 30 liters of water per square meter. To reduce the evaporation of moisture, it is recommended to mulch the area around the trunk circle after watering with sawdust, humus or compost. Trees of drought-resistant varieties can safely tolerate drying out of the soil for 25–30 days.

top dressing

Fertilize under walnut trees should be no more than 2 times a year. Nitrogenous dressings are added for spring tillage, and the use of this component is undesirable in the first few years after planting. An excess of nitrogen in the early stages of growth negatively affects the future development and quality of fruiting. In the second half of autumn, before the period of natural dormancy for the trees, the soil under plantings is filled with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The walnut does not like deep digging and loosening, therefore nutrients should be applied in the form of infusions and solutions, having broken the surface soil crust before that.


Bookmarking the crown is the most important condition for the proper development and future fruiting of the walnut. Mature trees rarely need this procedure, if at a young age the crown of the seedling was cupped in time. Unlike many fruit trees, walnut is not recommended for pruning in early spring. All booking activities start no earlier than June. Shoots are removed in 2 approaches: first, the branch is cut, leaving a stump about 7 cm high, and in the next season it is also removed. The cut point must be treated with any disinfectant (garden pitch, crushed coal).

Popular varieties

Of the zoned walnut varieties, the most promising are:

  • "Ideal" is a walnut variety that fully justifies its name. It adapts well even in harsh climatic conditions. When the temperature drops to -35 ° C, it does not need additional shelter for the winter. Mature trees grow up to 4–5 m in height and bear fruit in the 2nd–3rd year from the moment of planting. Propagated by seeds.
  • "Abundant" is a disease-resistant variety. Tall walnut trees begin to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting in the ground. Due to the high sensitivity to low temperatures, cultivation in the middle lane is not recommended.
  • "Dessert" - a variety of medium ripening. It tolerates dry periods well, but is defenseless against return spring frosts. It enters fruiting in the 4th year.
  • "Graceful" - productive variety, resistant to disease and drought. It is hard to tolerate frosts, therefore it is more suitable for growing in regions with a mild southern climate. The first harvest of nuts can be harvested 5 years after planting.
  • "Dawn of the East" is a fast-growing high-yielding variety, extremely popular with gardeners in the middle lane. Trees grow up to 4 m in height, endure severe frosts without much damage. They begin to bear fruit in the 4th or 5th year.

A correctly selected variety is half the success in growing walnuts, but the last word still remains with the climatic features of a particular region of cultivation.

Diseases and pests

Compared to other fruit trees, diseases and pests affect the walnut quite rarely. However, the problem should not be completely ruled out. Lack of sunlight and stagnant moisture in the area can provoke the development of such dangerous infections:

  • Brown spot and bacteriosis are dangerous fungal infections that spread rapidly in wet weather and with excessive watering. The yield of the affected tree is significantly reduced, as the flowers and fruiting ovaries die off. Regular spraying of plants with copper-containing preparations will help get rid of pathogenic fungi. From preventive measures seedlings are shown periodic treatment of the crown with a solution of urea and balanced watering.
  • Root cancer is a severe disease of the root system, leading to a halt in plant growth and cessation of fruiting. You can cure a nut only on early stages the development of the disease, cutting off the ugly convex growths on the roots. After removal, the cut sites are treated with an aqueous solution of caustic soda.

Harvest and storage

The degree of ripening of nuts is determined by the state of the green pericarp, the cracking of which is the signal for harvesting. To facilitate cleaning, it is recommended that the removed fruits be placed in a cool cellar for 7-10 days - during this time, the amniotic peel will soften, and it will not be difficult to separate the nuts from it. The peeled fruits are washed and dried in the sun. Nuts with not yet cracked pericarp can be piled up and left under the sun for several days to ripen. Attention! It is recommended to carry out all work on harvesting and processing the crop with gloves, because due to the high concentration of iodine in the pericarp, the skin of the hands may turn black.

The polyunsaturated fats present in the composition do not allow walnuts to be stored for a long time; over time, the kernels dry out and acquire an unpleasant rancid taste. To avoid this, it is recommended that the fruits be packaged in airtight containers and placed in a cool, dark place. In the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, walnuts retain their consumer qualities for 6-8 months, and in the freezer they remain fresh for more than a year.

Product Matrix: 🥄

The walnut tree belongs to the walnut family. In the literature, you can find other names of culture, for example, such as: Greek, Volga and royal. In nature, the nut is found in Asia, Kyrgyzstan, China, and India. Some varieties grow even in Norway.

General information

The walnut is thought to have originated in Iran, but some botanists believe it may have originated in India or Japan. For the first time, culture was mentioned in historical treatises in the seventh century BC, when the Greek sailors brought the walnut from the Persian lands to their homeland.

A little later, the Greeks shared the nut with the Romans, from where it spread throughout the continent. In America, they learned about the nut in the nineteenth century, at the same time it appeared in Russia.

Growing a walnut is not difficult, although it takes many years to get a luxurious, fruit-bearing tree. But still, the long wait is worth it to plant this useful and beautiful culture on your site.

Types and varieties of walnut

- is a short, frost-resistant variety that does not grow above 5 meters. The tree has a gray bark and non-paired pinnate leaf plates. The culture bears fruit from the second year after planting in open ground.

The inflorescences are small, racemose, with a whitish-green tint. The nut bears fruit from early to mid-autumn. The fruits of this variety are oval, large, reaching a weight of 10 grams. From one tree, you can collect up to 120 kilograms of nuts.

- the birthplace of the tree is North America where it is cultivated in many states. The walnut grows up to 50 meters in height and has a wide spreading crown. The variety is frost-resistant and has a wide range of medicinal properties. Fruits in autumn. The nuts are small, ovoid with a pointed end. The yield is up to 100 kilograms per season.

- the height of the tree reaches up to 7 meters. It has a compact dense crown with excellent decorative properties. The tree is frost-resistant and has good disease resistance.

The fruits are large, have a thin shell and weigh up to 35 grams. Walnut bears fruit only 6 years after planting. During the season, up to 100 kilograms of nuts can be collected from a tree.

- the variety is characterized by short stature and frost resistance. The tree reaches a height of up to 10 meters. The flowering period begins in late spring, and the nut begins to bear fruit in early autumn. The yield per season is up to 40 kilograms.

- This variety is winter hardy, high yielding and large-fruited. The tree reaches a height of 13 meters, has a rounded crown and dark green, glossy elliptical leaf plates. The yield is up to 100 kilograms per tree.

The tree reaches a height of no more than 5 meters. It has a spreading, dense crown, framed by dark green non-paired pinnate leaves.

The nut begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. It has light green racemes that appear in mid-May. The nut bears fruit in mid-autumn. The fruits are large, oval-shaped and thin-shelled. Fruits twice a year.

- This variety, characterized by high yields, was bred in America. The tree is medium tall, with a dense, semi-vertical crown with a straight, large gray trunk and oblong, wide leaf blades with a narrow tail. The fruits are large, egg-shaped. Up to 100 kilograms of nuts can be harvested from one tree per season.

- the variety is characterized by high yield, resistance to diseases and frost. After planting, it begins to bear fruit for 2-3 years. In height, the tree will grow up to 5 meters and has a spreading crown with dense foliage. The fruits are large, egg-shaped. The yield of a nut per season is up to 100 kilograms per tree.

- the tree has a compact, sparse crown with dense, dark green foliage. This variety is characterized by high yield and early maturity. The first harvest can be taken in the third year after planting. The fruits of the nut are large and thin-skinned.

- the variety is characterized by frost resistance, productivity and high resistance to diseases. The variety is medium tall with a spreading, densely leafy crown. The nut bears fruit in early autumn. The fruits are large, oval.

Growing walnuts in the Moscow region

Often, young trees are planted in the spring, but autumn planting is also suitable for the southern regions of Russia. For a nut, the soil is not as important as its drainage layer. If the soil on the site is clay, it can be mixed with compost and peat.

A place for planting a nut should be chosen sunny, as the tree loves light very much and does not tolerate shade. Those trees that were planted in a sunny area at a great distance from each other will grow best. Walnut should not be planted in an area where there is a high occurrence of groundwater. According to acidity, the soil is suitable for him not lower than from 5.5 to 5.8 pH.

Before planting a young tree, the root system should be inspected and its unusable parts removed, after which they should be coated with a thick clay mixture, which includes rotted manure, clay and water. Some gardeners add Epin to it, which is a growth stimulant.

Grapes are also a fruit and berry crop that is grown during planting and care in the open field. It has a very high taste, which is why it is eaten, and is also used in the preparation of many culinary recipes. To grow a healthy grape bush and get a high yield, it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology. All the necessary recommendations for growing and caring for this plant, as well as much more, you can find in this article.

Planting walnuts in spring

For spring planting, a tree pit has been prepared since autumn. Since the seedlings have weak roots, they need additional nutrition, which will be specially prepared soil.

The size of the planting hole will be determined depending on the composition of the soil on the site. If it is fertile, the pit should be 60 centimeters in diameter and depth. If not, then within 1 meter.

The top layer of soil taken out of the pit should be set aside, the rest should simply be removed as unnecessary. The deposited land must be mixed with equal parts of peat and humus. Then, the necessary fertilizers should be added to the mixture obtained and mixed with the existing soil.

The fertility of such a soil mixture will be enough for a tree for five years, until it develops a strong root system and is able to extract nutrients on its own.

The finished soil mixture should be placed in a hole, then pour two buckets of water into it. This completes preparations for landing. During the winter, the earth will settle and become denser, and when the time comes for planting a nut, it is necessary to remove the soil from the pit, drive a peg 3 meters high into the ground for support, and pour a mound of prepared earth around it.

After that, you need to place the seedling in the hole, straighten the roots and cover it with the remaining soil, then lightly tamp and water it well. When the moisture is absorbed and the earth settles, exposing the root collar, you should tie the tree to the support peg and mulch the place around the trunk with a thick layer of peat and sawdust. Landing completed.

Autumn planting is carried out according to the same principle, the only difference is that the preparation of the pit takes only three weeks.

Watering a walnut

Walnut requires systematic watering, as it is very moisture-loving. If spring and summer are rainy, then the tree can not be watered. In drought, watering should be done every 14 days, using 40 liters per square meter of the trunk circle.

In August, watering is stopped. However, if the autumn is dry, the tree will need to carry out water-charging watering before wintering, which will help it endure the cold.

soil for walnut

In order for the walnut to grow and develop well, fertile soil should be selected for its planting. To create it, you need to take the top layer of fertile garden soil, humus and peat in equal parts.

Also take 2.5 kilograms of superphosphate fertilizer, 800 grams of potassium chloride, 750 grams of dolomite flour and 1.5 kilograms of wood ash. Mix all the ingredients, pour into the planting hole and plant a young tree.

Repotting a Walnut in the Spring

You can only replant trees that have not reached the age of four. Transplanting nuts over four years old will lead to injury to the root system and, as a result, to the death of the plant.

This procedure is performed in the spring before the buds appear or in the fall after the tree is freed from the leaves. Transplantation is carried out according to the same scheme as the landing of young animals.

Walnut nutrition

Since the nut does not like loosening, the spring feeding complex should be applied with extreme caution. Nitrogen fertilizers are used only in the spring, if they are applied later, they will provoke the development of the fungus. Fertilizers based on potassium and phosphates are applied in autumn.

For a season, a nut needs three kilograms of potassium salt, ten kilograms of superphosphates and ammonium sulfate, and six kilograms of ammonium nitrate. Some gardeners fertilize the soil around trees by planting oats, peas, or lupins under them in the spring, and plow the plants into the soil in the fall.

walnut blossom

The flowering time of the walnut falls on May. The inflorescences of the tree have a light green hue and a racemose shape.

They are pollinated by the wind, so it is desirable to have several different-sex trees on the site. When the nut fades, fruits begin to form, which ripen by mid-autumn.

Walnut pruning in spring and autumn

Cut the nut should be twice a season: in autumn and spring. In the spring, sanitary and formative pruning is carried out. In autumn, only sanitary, in order to avoid the consumption of nutrients on diseased and weakened branches.

During spring pruning, dry, weak and frosted branches are removed. If the sections are thicker than 7 millimeters, they should be treated with garden pitch. If the tree has not been looked after for a long time, then the fruits begin to form only at the top of the crown, for this reason, anti-aging pruning should be carried out.

For this purpose, it is necessary to cut down high-lying skeletal branches and thin out the crown so that light and air can penetrate into it. You need to cut off the side branches so that they do not grow up, but to the sides. In this case, the tree sap will begin to nourish the entire tree, which will lead to the awakening of the kidneys and the emergence of new shoots that will form the crown.

In autumn, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing broken, improperly growing and diseased branches so that in winter the tree does not feed them. After pruning, all sections should be treated with garden pitch.

Preparing walnuts for winter

Since the walnut is a heat-loving plant, it should be especially carefully approached for its wintering.

Young nuts must be covered with burlap, and the near-stem circle must be covered with manure, having previously stepped back 10 centimeters from the trunk. Mature trees do not need any preparation.

Propagation of walnuts by seeds and grafting

Growing a walnut from seeds is a rather long process. Harvesting of planting material should be made from large fruits with well-extracted kernels. Nuts for planting should be freed from the amniotic membrane and dried in the sun for about a week, and then brought into a room with a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees, where they should dry.

Nuts can be planted in the fall or next spring, but for this they should be stratified, withstanding 100 days at a temperature of 0 to 7 degrees for thick-skinned varieties, and from 15 to 18 for thin-skinned ones.

In order for the fruits to germinate faster, they should be kept in moist sand at a temperature of 18 degrees, and when they peck, they should be sown in open ground, which should warm up to at least 10 degrees.

The distance between future seedlings should be at least 15 centimeters, and the row spacing should have a distance of 50 centimeters. Large nuts should be planted at a depth of 10 centimeters, and small ones at 8 centimeters. The first shoots should appear by the beginning of May. Usually about 70% of the seeds sown will germinate.

When the seedlings release two leaves, they are planted on the garden bed, pinching the tip of the central part of the root. These seedlings grow very slowly. In order to grow a full-fledged young, it will take from 5 to 7 years.

Nut propagation by grafting is carried out by budding, but since the tree has large buds, the scion inserted under the bark of the rootstock tree must also be large so that it can provide it with nutrients. Two-year-old seedlings are used as a scion. Vaccination is carried out in March. This method allows you to fully preserve the quality of the parent tree.

Diseases and pests

Walnut is resistant to both diseases and pests, but with proper care, they can attack it.

Walnut diseases:

bacteriosis This disease manifests itself in the appearance of dark spots on the leaves and fruits . It leads to their deformation and death. An ailment develops with excessive soil moisture and untimely application of top dressing containing nitrogen.

In order to rid the plant of the disease, it should be treated twice with a fungicide, Bordeaux liquid and blue vitriol. In autumn, after leaf fall, all foliage must be burned.

Marsoniosis - the disease manifests itself in appearance of brown spots on the leaves . It leads to drying and death of leaf plates and fruits. To combat the disease, the affected leaves and fruits should be removed and the plant should be treated with the Strobi preparation. Most often, marsonia appears due to excessive and frequent watering.

root cancer - disease affects the root system, leading to drying and death of the plant . It manifests itself in the appearance of growths on the wood, which must be opened and cleaned, then treated with a solution of soda and rinsed with water.

Bacterial burn - disease affects leaves, flowers, branches and buds, which are first covered with brown spots, and then turn black and die . The disease develops with severe waterlogging of the soil. In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to cut and destroy all infected areas, and treat the places of cuts with copper sulphate dissolved in water.

Walnut pests:

American white butterfly - this pest strikes leaf blades . In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to treat the plant with Lepidocide according to the instructions.

Walnut warty mite - the insect feeds on young leaves. About his appearance indicates the appearance of dark brown tubercles on the leaves . To get rid of the pest, the nut should be treated with Aktara acaricide.

Nut codling moth - the pest feeds on nut kernels, as a result of which the fruits fall off and are not ripe . To combat it, pheromone traps and the removal of existing nests on the tree are used.

nut moth - pest destroys leaf blades . To combat it, the tree should be treated with the drug "Decis".

Aphids - a pest damages leaf plates, which leads to their drying . To destroy insects, the nut should be treated with Actellik.

To prevent the appearance of diseases and pests, the plant must be treated twice a season. Spring and autumn. Spring treatment of the near-stem circle with copper sulphate is carried out before the appearance of buds, and in the fall after the leaves fall.

Why are walnuts bitter?

Nuts may be bitter due to early harvest, long-term storage or non-compliance with the conditions of transportation. You can remove bitterness from the kernels by soaking them in water for a day.

Indeed, walnut kernels are similar to the human brain, but why they look like this, scientists still have not been able to find out.

The most common theory of similarity is that this fetus contributes to the synthesis of such necessary substances for the brain as neurotransmitters, which is why it is similar to this most important human organ.

Walnut useful properties and contraindications

Without exception, all parts of the nut are rich in biologically active substances represented by quinones, triterpenoids, tannins, steroids, vitamins C, PP, B vitamins, aldehydes, carotene, coumarins, alkaloids, flavonoids, antacids, phenolcarboxylic and organic acids, systosterols, linolenic and oleic acid, cellulose, as well as salts of iron and colbat.

One hundred grams of walnut contains 654 kilocalories, which makes them a very satisfying product. Its calorie content is almost twice as high as bread. But despite this, it has a lot of useful properties. For example, it helps to fight atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency and constipation.

Decoctions based on walnut leaves, in traditional medicine used in the treatment of rickets and skin diseases. And tinctures are used for stomatitis and periodontal disease. Preparations from walnut extracts have tonic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, astringent, antihelminthic, hypoglycemic, regenerating, epithelizing and hemostatic properties.

Walnut oil useful properties and contraindications

The most valuable preparation from the walnut is its oil. It is highly nutritious and has excellent palatability. The oil is an excellent restorative remedy after a long illness and surgical interventions.

Thanks to saturated fatty acids, macro and microelements, vitamins and other useful components, it is an effective herbal remedy that allows you to fight hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis, endocrine ailments and cardiovascular diseases. It helps to eliminate toxins and radionuclides, and also protects the body from carcinogens that lead to the development of oncology.

Nut oil is used to treat tuberculosis, skin ailments, varicose veins and inflammation of the mucous membranes. It lowers cholesterol levels and is recommended for use by future and lactating mothers.

The use of nuts should be discarded if they are intolerant, as well as in diseases of the pancreas and a tendency to thrombosis.

Medicinal properties of walnut

Walnut has a wide range of medicinal properties, which is why it is used in traditional medicine. Recipes for the most effective and commonly used remedies for treatment various diseases will be given below.

Tincture on walnut partitions for colitis and diabetes

To prepare the product, you should take 3 tbsp. spoons of dry walnut partitions and pour them with a glass of vodka. It is necessary to insist them for a week in a dark and cool place.

You need to use the tincture 4 times a day, 10 drops, after mixing them with Art. a spoonful of water. The course of treatment with tincture is 30 days.

Green walnut tincture for tuberculosis and gastrointestinal diseases

To prepare the tincture, you need to take 30 pieces of green walnut fruits, grind them and pour a liter of 70% alcohol. After that, shake the mixture and put it in a dark, cool place for 14 days.

Before use, the tincture must be filtered. It should be consumed 1 teaspoon, 4 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is one month.

A decoction of walnut partitions for prostatitis

To prepare a healing decoction, take 4 tbsp. spoons of dry walnut partitions, pour from 500 milliliters of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and leave to infuse for half an hour. Then cool and strain.

The decoction is divided into three doses and drunk three times a day. The course of treatment is six months.

A decoction of walnut shells for cervical erosion

To prepare a decoction, you should take 1 kilogram of dry nutshells, rinse them thoroughly, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, put on the stove and bring to a boil. When the liquid boils, boil it for 5 minutes, cool and strain.

The decoction is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/10 and used as a douche for two weeks.

All of the above remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Cooking nut jam is a rather difficult process, but if you can cook this unusually tasty delicacy, then you can safely classify yourself as a culinary aces.


  • Vanilla - on the tip of a knife;
  • Water - 600 milliliters;
  • Green nuts - 1 kilogram;
  • Citric acid - 3 grams;
  • Sugar - 1.2 kilograms.

Preparing jam:

To make jam, we take green nuts, wash and dry them for 24 hours. Then we soak the fruits in cool water throughout the day, changing it three times a day.

After the nuts are soaked, blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes, then cool and remove the green shell. Then we soak them for two days in a lime solution prepared in the proportion of 100 grams of slaked lime per liter of water. We mix lime well in water, stand for 6 hours, then drain the clarified liquid without sediment and use it for soaking.

After the nuts are soaked, wash them in cold water, pierce them with a fork and soak again in cool water for two days, changing it three times a day. After the time has elapsed, we blanched the nuts in boiling water for 15 minutes and dip them into filtered boiling syrup, which must be prepared in advance from water and 700 grams of sugar.

We carry out the first cooking of jam for 10 minutes on low heat. Then we remove it from the stove and insist for a day. During the second cooking, add the remaining sugar and citric acid to the syrup, boil the jam until tender and periodically collect the foam. When the jam is ready, add vanillin and cool. The cooled jam is ready to eat.

This salad takes only 10 minutes to prepare, but at the same time it turns out to be very tasty and unusual. We advise you to try.


  • Celery - 5 stalks;
  • Canned tuna - 1 can;
  • Apples - 2 pieces;
  • Walnut - 3 handfuls;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 pack.

Preparing the salad:

We take celery, mine and finely regimen. I also wash apples and finely. We chop the nuts. Mash the tuna together with the juice with a fork. We shift the ingredients into a salad bowl, mix and season with mayonnaise.

Before serving, decorate with herbs and walnut kernels. Enjoy your meal.

Preparing this delicious roll is quite simple. It comes out crumbly and fragrant, and nuts give it an unusual taste. This cake is just perfect for morning coffee.


  • Sour cream of medium fat content - 300 grams;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Walnuts - 150 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Sugar - 200 grams;
  • Flour - 400 grams.

Roll preparation:

We take oil, three it on a grater. Then mix it with flour, put half a glass of sugar, sour cream and vanillin. We knead the dough. It should turn out cool.

Grind walnut kernels. We roll out the dough with a layer 5 millimeters thick and put the nuts mixed with sugar in the middle. Gently roll the dough into a roll and process it with an egg.

Put on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. We take the roll out of the oven, let it cool, cut into slices and serve with tea or coffee.

This light, non-greasy, homemade cheese is an alternative to the store product. In addition, it turns out more tender and tasty. Do not be lazy and be sure to cook it.


  • Nuts - 70 grams;
  • Milk 3.2% fat - 1 liter;
  • Large sea ​​salt- 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Sour cream 15% fat - 200 milliliters;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces.

Cheese preparation:

Pour the nuts into a bowl and pour boiling water over them for 3 minutes. After the time has passed, drain the water and remove the peel from the kernels. Chop the peeled nuts with a knife. Pour milk into a saucepan, add salt and put on the stove. We boil.

Mix eggs with sour cream and beat until smooth. Then pour them into boiling milk in a thin stream, constantly stirring the mixture with a whisk. Boil the mass over low heat for 5 minutes, until the milk curdles and the whey leaves.

Add nuts to cheese. We take a bowl, put gauze folded in several layers into it and pour the cheese mass from the pan. We collect the ends of the gauze and hang the cheese for three hours so that it stacks. After the time has elapsed, squeeze the cheese as hard as possible. Then we transfer it to a round bowl, on the bottom of which we put a few paper napkins. We put cheese in gauze in it, put oppression on top and put it in the refrigerator for the night.

In the morning we take out the finished cheese, remove the gauze, cut into slices and serve.

This tasty and fragrant dish is very popular in Georgia, served with satsivi sauce. If you like the combination of chicken and nuts, then this dish is perfect for you.


  • Chicken legs - 600 grams;
  • Parsley - 3 branches;
  • Nuts - 250 grams;
  • Pomegranate seeds - 30 grams;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Suneli hops - 2 teaspoons;
  • Bulb - 1 piece;
  • Wine vinegar - 2 teaspoons;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Cooking chicken:

Take the chicken and cut it into large pieces. Pour two liters of water into the pan and put one tbsp. a spoonful of salt. Put chicken in water and boil for 25 minutes.

Preparing the sauce:

We take the nuts, crush in a mortar to a powdery state. Add 150 milliliters of chicken broth.

We push salt, suneli hops and garlic to a powdery state.

Add another 150 milliliters of broth and wine vinegar to the nuts. Stir and add the garlic-salt mixture. Mix again.

Take an onion and cut it into rings. We take the meat out of the pan and fry on both sides until a caramel crust appears. Add sauce and onion to the chicken, heat it until it starts to boil. Then we remove from the fire.

Decorate the finished dish with parsley and pomegranate and serve with rice. Enjoy your meal.

Walnut sauce is an ideal addition to meat dishes, so if you decide to treat yourself to steaks, kebabs or chicken, then it will come in handy.


  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Walnuts - 200 grams;
  • Saffron - 1 teaspoon;
  • Pomegranate juice - 0.5 cups;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • cilantro - 100 grams;
  • Ground red pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • Broth - 0.5 cups.

Sauce preparation:

Grind the nuts, garlic, saffron pepper and salt, then mix them and grind until smooth. Add the broth and pomegranate juice to the mixture. Pour the sauce into a gravy boat and serve to the table along with the meat.

This unusual sweet is worth it to cook. The combination of nuts with grape juice is very spicy, so if you want to treat your family to an original yummy, then churchkhela is what you need.


  • Grape juice - 2 liters;
  • Walnut - 200 grams;
  • Flour - 200 grams;
  • Sugar - 200 grams.

Cooking churchkhela:

We take nuts, peel and string their halves on a strong and thick thread 30 centimeters long. We tie half of the match to the lower end. At the end of the stringing, at the upper end we make a loop.

Cooking Tatar:

We take grape juice and boil it on a small flame for three hours, gradually adding sugar and removing foam. At the end of cooking, cool the liquid to 45 degrees and introduce the flour, stirring constantly, in order to avoid clumping. After a homogeneous mass is formed, boil it to the state of jelly, boiling down to ¼ of the original volume.

We take the nuts strung on a string and dip them three times with a break of five minutes in a hot mixture of juice and flour. Then we hang the finished churchkhela in the sun and dry it until it is no longer sticky, but at the same time remains soft.

We wrap the dried sweetness in a towel and put it in a dry and ventilated room for three months. The finished churchkhela should remain just as soft, but at the same time be covered with a thin coating of powdered sugar, which appears at the end of ripening. After the required period, the churchkhela becomes ready for use.

Interpretation of dreams about a walnut

Those who dreamed of this powerful and beautiful tree or its fruits were probably looking in the dream book for the decoding of their dream. We bring to your attention the most common interpretations of dreams, the main role of which is a walnut.

  • If in a dream you saw walnuts - this is evidence of favorable news.
  • The use of walnut kernels in a dream - says that your dreams will soon come true.
  • If in your dream you collect nuts - this indicates that an unpleasant showdown with a loved one awaits you.
  • Peeled walnut kernels- dream of making a profit and improving material well-being.

The walnut well deserves to take its place on your garden plot. For its proper growth and development, it is enough to follow the above tips from experienced gardeners.

Then you will not only be able to grow a beautiful, powerful, healthy tree, but also always have on hand its tasty and healthy fruits that can be used for cooking. delicious meals and treatment of many diseases.

Many believe that growing walnuts in unstable climatic conditions is a hopeless business. We will consider picky and frost-resistant varieties, and also tell you how to properly prepare the soil and where it is better to plant a walnut, the cultivation and care of which will not cause difficulties, but require a special approach.

Walnut - a brief description and features of growing crops

Walnut (lat. Juglans regia) loves heat, requires a lot of light, and is quite picky about watering. Many summer residents consider the climate to be the main deterrent for growing this crop in the conditions of central Russia.

Severe winters and recurrent spring frosts are a fairly common occurrence in the Moscow region. Many varieties perfectly tolerate temperatures down to minus 25 degrees Celsius, and some zoned varieties down to 30 degrees below zero. Growing walnuts will give good result if you choose a winter-hardy variety, and provide the culture with the necessary care.

The best varieties of walnuts for the Moscow region

Russian breeders have bred the following varieties, which are adapted to low temperatures and frequent drops:

  • Walnut Harvest - winter-hardy, drought-resistant variety. It bears fruit from mid-September. Up to 3 buckets of fruit can be removed from an adult tree.
  • Duet is one of the most cold-resistant varieties. Precocious. Fruiting time is the end of September, up to 10 kg of crop can be harvested from a tree.
  • Dawn of the East is a winter-hardy, drought-resistant and early-growing variety. 4 years after planting, it begins to produce a small crop. From an adult tree 6-12 years old, you can collect up to 25 kg of nuts.
  • Pelan - differs in the increased winter hardiness. It tolerates drought well, fast growing. It is undesirable to grow in northern latitudes. Harvest ripening time - mid-September. Productivity - up to 2.5 buckets of nuts from one tree.
  • Marion is a winter-hardy variety, it forms fruits in the first half of September. The average yield of a tree is 20 kg.

Walnut planting and care

Various varieties of walnuts are planted both in autumn and in spring. All of the varieties listed above must be planted in the spring. In the climatic conditions of the Moscow region, walnuts are planted in April or May, when there is definitely no likelihood of return frosts.

Where to plant a walnut

Choose a place for the nut so that the earth is sufficiently moistened there, but the water does not stagnate. The soil should be noble and well fertilized, but loose enough for access to the roots of oxygen. It is better if it is chernozem soil, with high level ground water.

Walnut is a hermit. Under it should not be other crops, because its foliage contains a herbicide. After rain, this destructive component penetrates the soil layers and harms plants. Trees planted next to a walnut do not develop well, as it develops a very powerful root system, and can drown out neighbors.

There is one rule for quickly adapting a nut to a new place after planting or transplanting: placing the seedling in relation to the same cardinal points as it grew before. The tanned (darker) part of the plant stem indicates that this side should be planted to the south.

Site preparation

A few days before the expected planting date, prepare holes, the size of which should correspond to the diameter of the seedling root. If the soil is quite dense (pure black soil, or black soil with clay), mix it with sand in a 4: 1 ratio, and cover the bottom of the planting hole with drainage (broken brick, drainage stone, gravel).

Before planting, feed the soil: mix 20 g of phosphate and potash fertilizers with 2 kg of humus. At hyperacidity soil add 250 g of lime.

Planting a walnut

If the seedling was sold in a pot, then it is better to plant it together with an earthen clod. It is important not to bury the young tree, the root neck should protrude above the soil surface.

After planting, carefully compact the soil and form a trunk circle. Water the plant with warm water at room temperature, at least 30 liters. To save moisture as long as possible, mulch the near-trunk circle with ash.

walnut care

If you have prepared the soil in accordance with all the rules and planted a walnut, growing in the Moscow region in the future will not cause any problems. Despite the fertility of the soil, the culture must be fed annually, follow the rules of watering, and periodically cut.

top dressing

  • In the first year, apply a complex fertilizer consisting of potassium salt, saltpeter, superphosphate;
  • In the second year, lime or dolomite flour is added (not more than 300 g), for the maturation of wood, it is added in the second year;
  • Every year in the spring it is required to fertilize with nitrogen, and in the summer (in mid-July) - phosphorus-potassium.

If the soil is saturated with minerals, nitrogen is not necessary, but phosphorus and potassium are necessary.


In early and mid-summer, the crown and root system of the tree are actively developing, and therefore the plant requires a large amount of water. Lack of sufficient moisture will adversely affect the leaves and crop.

Also, poor watering of a young tree can lead to freezing of the root system in winter. Do not forget to mulch the soil after watering to avoid rapid evaporation of moisture.

Pruning is necessary for crown formation and disease prevention. It is performed in the spring, after the last frost, or in the fall, before preparing the nut for winter.

Pruning begins with the removal of damaged, frozen, and diseased branches. The remaining branches are shortened using one of the crown formation schemes:

  • untiered;
  • cupped;
  • improved tiered.

A timely pruning procedure will extend the fruiting period of the tree and increase productivity.

Major diseases and pests

Visual control of the plant helps to identify diseases in a timely manner. The first signs of infection immediately appear on the foliage and shoots. If you want a walnut to develop well and not get sick in the Moscow region, cultivation should include systematic processing of the plant, cleaning of old leaves and fruits.


With this disease, you will find dark spots on the leaves, fruits, flowers, shoots. For preventive purposes, the plant is treated in the spring with a 3% Bordeaux mixture. After flowering, the procedure is repeated.

Bacterial burn

Manifested by blackening of the leaves, ulcers on the stems. In the fight against this disease, drugs that include copper will help: Tsinebom, HOM.


The first symptom is that oval spots of an ill-defined shape form on the leaves. This disease threatens a complete loss of the crop. Prevention is carried out with 1% Bordeaux mixture:

  • before the formation of kidneys;
  • again - at the time of the appearance of foliage;
  • the third - after a couple of weeks from the last treatment. Branches affected by the disease are cut and burned.

root cancer

It affects the root system, which threatens the lack of plant development and, as a result, the lack of a crop. You can get rid of the disease by removing growths from the root system and subsequent treatment with a 1% solution of caustic soda. After this procedure, the roots are washed with running water.

In order for a walnut to bear fruit well and get sick less often, protection from pests is necessary.

American white butterfly

An insect dangerous for culture, it multiplies rapidly, and the caterpillars eat literally all the foliage. The fight against the pest is carried out in two ways: to search and remove, and then burn their nests, with chemicals: Dendrobacillin, Bitoxibacillin, Lepidocide.

sapwood beetles

They damage the bark and the top layer of wood, sap flow begins, the likelihood of fungal infection increases, the sap attracts other insects. Prevention - pruning, removal of old foliage. In case of damage - spraying with insecticides: Aktara, Vector, Confidor, Mospilan, Confidor Maxi.

Aphids and mites

Preparing walnuts for wintering

Even the most cold-resistant walnut varieties can suffer. This is especially true for young seedlings, which are still weak and may not survive the winter.

  • Wrap the area near the trunk carefully, especially near the ground. The seedling itself is completely covered with agrofabric.
  • As an alternative to warming the root system, you can use manure or compost, organics are laid out under the trunk (without falling asleep) 11 cm thick. To protect the rest of the tree, spruce branches are tied to the trunk, it does not protect from the cold, but allows you to accumulate snow.
  • In extreme cases, you can wrap the barrel with newspaper. It is better to use this method when stable frosts begin, so that the covering material does not soak with rain.

As for adult plants, it is not necessary to cover frost-resistant varieties of walnut. If your site is located near a reservoir, and walnut branches freeze from cold winds, you can continue to cover the tree for the winter with lutrasil or other agrofiber.


In order for the walnut to bear fruit well, the cultivation of which we examined in central Russia, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for care. Timely watering, top dressing, regular pruning and pest control will guarantee you a good yield.

» Walnut

Usually it is a huge, by our standards, tree up to 25 meters it has a very indirect relation to Greece: the fruits were brought from the south, and "everything is in Greece." Surely, it also grows there, wild forms of this tree are common in Europe.

The tree looks impressive. A separately growing nut not only differs in height - its crown also reaches a diameter of 20 meters.

By European standards, it is a long-liver (second after oak)- specimens of 300-400-year-old trees are often found.

The development of a tree begins with the formation of a powerful tap root, which reaches 1.5 meters deep in the 5th year and 3.5 meters by the age of 20.

Horizontal ones do not grow immediately - they are formed after the rod, located in the surface layer of the soil at a depth of 20-50 centimeters.

The tree begins to bear fruit after 10 years of life., and from the age of 30-40, the time of full fruiting comes.

If the trees grow in groups, partially shading each other, they rarely produce more than 30 kg of yield, while a free-growing nut can produce up to 400 kg of nuts.

But such cases are rare, only a tree 150-170 years old is capable of such a harvest. Usually an adult tree 25-40 years old in Moldova gives 1500-2000 fruits or 2000-2500 in the Crimea.

Moscow region, central Russia - where else can you plant and grow walnuts

They are found in the European part from the foothills of the Caucasus to St. Petersburg where the northernmost nuts in Russia grow. But these are isolated cases, exceptions that only confirm the rule.

These trees do not freeze completely, but they do not grow to their full potential either.

The main factor determining the possibility of growing this southern tree is not at all the winter sub-zero temperature. The sum of average daily temperatures above 10 degrees is taken into account. It cannot be less than 190 C.

If in winter the temperature does not drop below -36 degrees and for 130-140 days a year the temperature is above 0 C, the walnut can grow and bear fruit.

The best winter hardiness was shown by hybrids of Manchurian with walnut.

When planting even the best seed material brought from the south, adaptation to a cold climate does not occur - such trees regularly freeze slightly and practically do not bear fruit.

Completely unsuitable for growing varieties from places with a humid warm climate(west and south of Ukraine, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus).

Only nuts from eastern Ukraine, the mountains of Central Asia or the Caucasus successfully adapt to the new conditions of central Russia.

Moreover, it is better to grow a nut from the stone yourself- An imported seedling (even from the indicated regions) will be significantly inferior in terms of endurance and adaptability to new conditions.

How and when to plant and grow a tree from a seedling: conditions

It must be immediately planted in a permanent place.. It is unrealistic to transplant a 5-year-old tree already. Therefore, you need to decide to take into account all the factors and calculate the consequences.

A vigorous tree can form a dense shade over an area of ​​approximately 100 sq.m. You will have to delete this area from circulation - there is little that can bear fruit under a walnut(affects the strong overwhelming effect of the biofield of a huge tree).

On the other hand, it is possible to arrange a summer recreation area on this square - walnut essential oils keep flies and mosquitoes away.

We choose a place for planting on the edge of the garden so as not to shade other trees. The walnut is very unpretentious to soils, although it prefers loose sandy-stony soil.

The landing hole is dug with the expectation that under the roots there is a layer of stones of at least 25 centimeters.

The bottom of the landing pit must be half filled with construction debris.(broken brick, pieces of cement, crushed stone) - this technique allows you to shift the flowering time of the tree by 1-2 weeks (the stones warm up slowly, the nut starts growing a little later, skipping the frost period).

Half a bucket of ash, compost or humus is brought into the pit. The soil should not be too fertile, the nut will grow intensively and will not have time to prepare for winter.

You need to take a seedling for planting only from a trusted seller, otherwise you won’t get anything except frostbitten branches of a southern tree, you probably won’t wait for the harvest.

A walnut tree is planted only in the spring, it enters a dormant period too early and will not have time to take root before winter.

It is believed that a walnut planted by hand from a bone will grow into a tree practically adapted to new conditions, which will develop successfully.

Seeds are planted in autumn directly into the ground to a depth of 7-10 cm.. It is advisable to lay sideways on the seam in the soil. Spring planting requires 2-3 months of stratification in wet sand.

Special care for seedlings is not required - in the middle lane even walnuts have no pests.

How to plant an annual walnut seedling:

Care after planting: spring, summer and autumn

How to care? Walnuts may only need watering in spring and early summer. when there is an intensive growth of green mass. Usually the tree has enough soil reserve of winter moisture.

Water only young trees up to 5-7 years old, if it is completely dry.

The tap root system of the southern tree is adapted to find water in the lower horizons. After 10 years of age, watering the walnut should generally be forgotten.

For him, excess moisture threatens too active growth., to the detriment of maturation and preparation of wood for winter. Freezing after a wet summer is guaranteed.

In addition to stopping watering, care must be taken to prepare the root system for winter. That's why, trunk circles must be mulched with any organic matter or compost:

  • in summer - to preserve moisture;
  • in autumn - to protect the topsoil from freezing.

In particularly cold areas, the soil is mulched with a layer of at least 10 cm, especially in areas with little snow.

It is useful to cover the trunk up to a height of about 1 m with spruce branches or wrap it with newspapers in several layers (already after the first frosts). This will help to survive -40 degrees and below.

Such shelter is necessary only in the first years. The tree must be hardened naturally.

How to properly care during the growing process: before ripening and after

Like all fruit crops, walnuts need periodic feeding.

In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, in the second half of summer - only potash and phosphorus, which are responsible for preparing the tree for winter and laying the fruit buds of the next crop.

On cultivated soil, nitrogen can not be fed at all, and phosphorus and potash fertilizers can be applied (in terms of the active substance) at 10 g / sq.m.

Practice shows that the rule applies to all cases where the nut does not grow on obvious stones and clay.

What is especially pleasing - in the middle lane, the walnut has no natural enemies. It has already been said that flies and mosquitoes fly around it.

Moreover, walnut leaves can be cooked very effective remedy against aphids and various caterpillars, which is successfully used in Ukraine.

Completely harmless home remedy allows you to process trees and bushes with ovaries of fruits and berries.


Unfortunately, walnut cuttings do not take root - reproduction occurs only by seeds.

Vaccination is carried out in cases where:

  • there is a seedling of probably winter-hardy Manchurian walnut, for which -40 in winter is not a problem;
  • the planted variety did not live up to expectations - it became possible to re-graft it.

One-year-old seedlings are grafted into a split and, under control, grow in a greenhouse to a marketable appearance.

Young trees that have already produced their first few nuts can be re-grafted by the type of "eye budding"- only the bark is removed with a kidney in the form of a half-pipe (the method is called so) and combined with the same cutout on the rootstock.

Until complete healing, the vaccination site is tied with a film.

The result of grafting an adult walnut tree:

Reproduction in the country

The main method of obtaining seedlings is growing from seeds.. To simplify the process, nuts are planted without additional processing in the fall to a depth of about 10 centimeters. It is believed that it is better to lay them sideways on the seam.

Whoever did not have time to bury for the winter, put it in damp sand in the basement - the nut must pass the stratification, otherwise it will not hatch.

Walnut is renewed by stump shoots in just a year or two. These trees are able to bear fruit literally in the second year, and in 10 - already a significant harvest.

It turns out that a walnut can be successfully planted and grown in a country house in the middle lane, in the Moscow region. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • the right choice of location;
  • seedling - only zoned;
  • mandatory mulching of the trunk circle;
  • shelter trunk from frost in the first years of life.

All this is within the power of most gardeners.. Choose a sunny location, protected from cold winds - the nut will thank you.

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