Table of plural adjectives. French adjectives have plurals too! Generalization according to plan

Greetings to all lovers of the French language. Today we will talk about the plural of French adjectives.

As you remember, we discussed the feminine gender of adjectives in French. So, French adjectives also have a number. Usually the plural of adjectives is formed by adding the ending s to the singular form (petit - petits). This ending is not pronounced except in cases of binding (les grands amis).

But there are also special cases of forming the plural of adjectives, which we will talk about today.

So, Le pluriel des adjectifs. The basic rule for forming the plural of adjectives

If a singular adjective ends in s, -x, then it does not change when forming the plural. In oral speech, the ending is not pronounced, so the article most often acts as a plural determiner. For example:

  • Un vieux plafond – des vieux amis – old ceiling – old friends
  • Un sourire faux – des billets faux – fake smile – fake tickets

If singular adjectives end in -al, then in the plural they change this ending to –aux:

  • Un geste amical - des gestes amicaux - friendly gesture - friendly gestures
  • Un problème principal – des problemes principaux – the main problem – the main problems

Exceptions: banal, fatalglacialnatal,naval,finalpascal– these adjectives take on an ending s in plural:

  • Un conflict banal – des conflicts banals – banal conflict – banal conflicts
  • Un concours final – des concours finals – final competition – final competitions

If singular adjectives end in eau, in the plural they add the ending –x:

  • Un beau matin - des beaux jours – beautiful morning – beautiful days

Adjectives in the feminine form form the plural accordingly. In this case, the plural of the same adjectives in the feminine and masculine genders may not coincide. For example:

  • Masculine: Faux – plural faux
  • Feminine: Fausse – plural of fausses

If in the context of the above some adjectives refer to the masculine and feminine gender at the same time, then in the plural they take the masculine form. For example:

  • Paul et sa soeur Anne sont blondes. – Paul and his sister Anna are fair-haired.
  • Michel et Marie sont bons amis. – Michelle and Marie are good friends.

If we use the pronoun in speech on in the meaning of “we”, “they”, “you”, the plural is implied. In this case, we use the appropriate form of the plural adjective, which in meaning refers to this pronoun. For example:

  • André et moi, on est jumeaux. – Andrey and I are twins.
  • Nadine et moi, on est jumelles (moi – feminine gender is implied). – Nadya and I are twins.

But if the pronoun on is used in the meaning of “everyone”, “people”, then in this case the adjective is used in the masculine singular:

  • On est satisfait de tout cela. – People (they) are happy with all this.
  • On est bien aise de vous voir. Everyone is glad to see you.

If the pronoun on is used in the meaning of “man” or “woman”, then we use the masculine or feminine form, respectively, but in the singular.

  • Quand on est belle, on est capricieuse et coquette. – When you are beautiful, you are capricious and flirtatious.
  • Quand on est mère, on est heureuse. – When you are a mother, you are happy.

And a few more important rules...

Some color adjectives remain the same. In most cases, these are adjectives that come from nouns. Eg:

  • Un pullover marron – des pullovers marron – des chaussures marron – brown pullover – brown pullovers – brown shoes
  • Un pantalon orange - des bas orange - des blouses orange - orange pants - orange socks - orange blouses

But there are exceptions:

  • Ecarlate-écarlates (crimson)
  • Rose-roses (pink)
  • Fauve-fauves (fawn)
  • Mauve-mauves (purple)
  • Pourpre-pourpres (purple)

Compound adjectives, which consist of two, both agree in number and gender with the noun referring to them:

  • Sourd-muet – sourds-muets – deaf-mute – deaf-mutes

Compound adjectives, which consist of two, if the first ends in -i or -o, only the second agrees in number and gender with the noun referring to them, and the first does not change:

  • Un cas tragi-comique – des cas tragi-comiques – tragicomic case – tragicomic cases

Compound adjectives denoting colors, both adjectives remain unchanged.

  • Une blouse bleu foncé – des blouses bleu foncé – dark blue blouse – dark blue blouses

Try to remember these rules; they will be needed in performing practical exercises, as well as in speech.


  • To acquaint students with the peculiarities of plural adjectives, with the peculiarities of declension of plural adjectives.
  • To develop the ability to decline and use adjectives in the plural.
  • Develop speech, memory, thinking, ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

(2 slide)

Today in the lesson there is difficult work ahead, we will need your knowledge, a bright mind, and, of course, your great desire to learn and learn new things .

– How would you like to see the Russian language lesson today?

(A note opens on the board:)


  • interesting
  • informative
  • developing
  • fruitful

– Explain each concept. What do these words have in common?

II. Repetition of what has been covered

(4 slide)

– What is an adjective?

– What role do adjectives play in our speech?

– How does an adjective change in the singular? ( End repeat according to the table)

– How to find out the gender, number and case of an adjective?

– How should you check the unstressed endings of adjectives?

- So, you said that the lesson should be ______________

– To make a lesson like this, the actions of one teacher are not enough; your help is also needed.

– What should students be like in class? (students answer)

Writing on the board


  • active
  • thinking
  • efficient
  • attentive
  • neat
  • disciplined

– Can you become like this?

– What do these words have in common?

– Tell me, what part of speech will we talk about today?

Name the topic of the lesson.

III. Topic: "Declination of adjectives in the plural"

(7 slide)

– What do you think you should learn and learn?


– Today in class we will continue our acquaintance with plural adjectives.

- Let's learn to write correctly case endings plural adjectives

Let's continue to learn how to answer questions correctly and write beautifully and correctly.

IV. Calligraphy minute

(9 slide)

– Let’s highlight the endings of adjectives in the plural.

– Name them.

– In a moment of penmanship, we will write the letters that in our example are the endings of plural adjectives.

– Determine the order in which the letters are written in this chain:

eeeee eeeeeee

(In the first chain, after the ending of plural adjectives with a hard base, the ending of adjectives with a soft base is written twice, and in the second spelling vice versa)

Write this chain of letters in the specified sequence until the end of the line.

V. Vocabulary work

Picturesque(yazhiavnosip), active ( ykyatniv), delicate(edoleiknta), silver(esnyrbeyare)

Work in pairs

  1. Unscramble the words and write them down in your notebook.
  2. Determine gender.


  1. Read the words
  2. Let's check the spelling of words on the board
  3. Name the letters you need to remember.
  4. Determine the genus
  5. Which word caused difficulty?

The question arises: will the plural adjective change at all?

This is what we have to find out

VI. Working on new material

(9 slide)

Academician: Today we will conduct a study of educational material on the topic of plural adjectives, you will answer the questions posed to you, draw your own conclusions and explain the educational material to others.

– Questions that you will have to answer.

(On the desk.)

We work in groups.

- Let's start researching the adjective.

Group 1: How do adjectives change in the plural?

  1. (on sheets)
  2. Do the endings of adjectives change?
  3. In which cases are the endings similar and in which are they different?

Questions: Draw a conclusion. Write it down.

Group 2: Name the endings of plural adjectives. Create a table of endings

  1. Decline plural adjectives: slender birch trees, small bushes(on sheets)
  2. highlight the endings of adjectives.
  3. Make a table of endings.
  4. In which cases are the endings similar and in which are they different?
Name Which? -s, -s
R.p. Which ones? -y, -them
D.p. Which one? -ym, -im
V.p. Which? -s, -s
etc. Which ones? -s, -s
P.p. (about) which ones? -them, -them

Conclusion. Write it down in the table.

Group 3: How to check the spelling of unstressed endings of plural adjectives?

  1. Decline plural adjectives: slender birch trees, small bushes(on sheets)
  2. Place stress on adjectives
  3. Compare stressed and unstressed endings.
  4. How can you check the unstressed endings of adjectives?

Group 4: Do adjectives change in the plural? by birth?

  1. Decline plural adjectives: slender, small (birches, bushes, trees)
  2. Highlight the endings of adjectives.
  3. With what kind of nouns did you decline adjectives?
  4. Have the endings of adjectives changed?
  5. Do plural adjectives change according to gender?

Conclusion. Draw a conclusion. Write it down.

Group 5: How to determine the plural case of an adjective?

Winter forests, about huge pines, made of green leaves, delicious buns, thin branches, to small islands, rich harvests, with funny monkeys, in the forest twilight, mighty heroes, interesting people

  1. Highlight the endings of adjectives.
  2. Determine the case of words in phrases (Remember how you determined the case of adjectives in the singular)
  3. How to determine the case of an adjective?

Conclusion. Draw a conclusion. Write it down.


Everyone worked with phrases: slender birch trees, small bushes

1. Let's check how you declined these phrases, each group names a phrase

What endings are written in adjectives?

Teacher: -each group conducted a study and answered the questions posed

We listen to their conclusions

2. A representative from the group speaks

Generalization according to plan

How do adjectives change in the plural?

Do plural adjectives change according to gender?

How to find out the plural case of an adjective?

  1. How does an adjective change in the plural?
  2. Name the endings of plural adjectives. Make a table of endings.
  3. How to check the spelling of unstressed endings of plural adjectives?
  4. Do plural adjectives change according to gender?
  5. How to determine the plural case of an adjective?

Registration of memos

Consolidating new

1. Physical exercise (sitting at desks)

I name adjectives, if the number is singular, spread your arms out to the sides, if you are plural, raise your arms up

low clouds, about indoor plants, silver sparks, winter days, a loved one, slender trees, a balloon, carved patterns, on bright fire, deep roots, wavy clouds, along the night street.

2. Insert ending and determine case

(On the desk)

About frosty days (P.p.), in winter coats (P.p.) snow flakes (P.p.) Cold weather (R.p.), tall trees (I.p.), in luxurious winter clothes (P.p.), in snow mittens (P.p.), fluffy snow (T.p.), in silvery frost (D.p.), slender birch trees (I.p.)

1. Write in a notebook and determine the case

2. Check

Front work

Read the phrases, name the endings, case

Creative work

Using these words, write a mini-essay on the topic “Winter Forest”

Preparatory work

– Look at the illustrations depicting a winter forest, how magnificent the picture of a winter forest is!

And so winter forest depicted by our artist

Redvanskaya Vlada (Painting of a student)

Now you will listen to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky Seasons

While listening to the music, write how you imagine a winter forest


Children read essays at will

VII. Lesson summary

Complete the sentences.

At the lesson

  • I found out …
  • I learned …
  • I like it…


  1. Rick T.G. “Hello, Noun!”
  2. G.A. Bakulina “Intellectual development in the Russian language”


Subject: Declension of adjectives in the plural

Goals: Formation of skills to decline adjectives in the plural form, spelling skills of the endings of plural adjectives.



Improve knowledge of adjectives, their singular declension;


develop the skills to observe, compare, draw conclusions;


to cultivate discipline, responsibility, the ability to empathize, self-esteem, activity, perseverance, diligence, curiosity, and interest in the learning process;

cultivate mutual assistance, mutual assistance, and the ability to work in a team.


I. Organizational moment.

I really want you to smile

We were satisfied with our work.

Let this lesson please us all

And each of us will feel our success.

II. Updating knowledge

A minute of penmanship

bb bb bb

Which tree is the symbol of Russia?

Slide 1

What do you think about the spelling of this word?

For the word birch, select and write down words with the same root (birch, birch, birch, boletus, birch forest, birch tree)

What words can we use to describe birch (white, slender, flexible, curly, Russian)

Which part of speech helped you in your description? What do you know about her? (Remember the adjective)

II. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

What poems about birch do you know?

Read an excerpt from a wonderful poem by S.A. Yesenin. This will help you determine the topic of today's lesson:
Slide 2

The sleepy birch trees smiled,
The silks were disheveled...the braids.
The green earrings are rustling,
And the silver... dew burns.

Slide 3 (with endings highlighted)

– What can you say about the topic of the lesson? What will we study? (Adjectives in plural form.) Why did they decide this? (The poem omits the endings of plural adjectives.)
– How did you determine that this is a plural adjective? (On the question - Which?; according to the nouns with which these adjectives are associated, they are also used in the plural.)
– Do we know the endings of adjectives in the plural form in the nominative case? (Yes, s, s.)
– What else do you think we will learn about plural adjectives?
(Endings in other cases, case questions).

What goals will you set for yourself in this lesson?

Slides 4 and 5

ІІІ. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Observation of the plural declension of adjectives

The following phrases are written on the board:

Put the phrase in the plural form and decline (The task is completed according to the options, 2 people work at the board)

1st row: slender flexible girl;

2nd row: bright winter day;

What can you say about these phrases? (they have adjectives with a hard and soft stem and animate, inanimate nouns with which the adjectives are associated)

What did you notice? (Students analyze and draw a conclusion)

Conclusion: Plural adjectives change according to cases. The case of an adjective in the plural can be recognized by the case of the noun)

2. Checking against the ending table

Slide 6

Conclusion: The spelling of case endings of plural adjectives is influenced by the type of stem and whether the adjective is animate or inanimate. The spelling of adjectives in V.p. depends on this.

IV. Fizminutka

"Four forces"

Earth - squat, water - arms to the sides, fire - arms up, air - jump (I pronounce the names of the elements quickly in any order several times - children perform the movements)

V. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

3. Working with the textbook

Page 19, exercise 26

How to determine the plural case of adjectives. number? (according to noun case)

How to check the unstressed endings of plural adjectives?

How can this rule be formulated in a humorous manner? (If you don’t want to be left out, check the ending with a question.)

In what cases are plural adjectives? do the numbers have the same endings?

Explain the spelling of the missing spellings. Write down, identifying the endings of adjectives and indicating their case.

Peer review.

Who completed the exercise without errors? With 1 or 2 errors? Evaluate the work of your comrades

VI. Consolidation

Performing exercises in groups (differentiation by degree of complexity and volume)

Level 1

a) Write it down.

Winter lay on the frozen ground. Flexible... trunks over the forest... roads bent in lace... arches. In the winter forest there are many animals... and bird tracks. Along the edge of a deep ravine there are huge aspen trees.

Level 2

a) Place and write the words in brackets in the correct case.

We admired (snow-white plains), drove up to (high mountains), drew on (cold glass), flew around (slender pine trees), glittered (multi-colored lights), climbed on (tall trees).

b) Determine the case and highlight the endings of adjectives.

Level 3

a) Make up and write down 4 adjective + noun phrases from each line: masculine in R.p., feminine in P.p., neuter in D.p., plural in V.p.

Good (people, mood, gift, song).

Blue (bell, river, lakes, sky).

Early (breakfast, morning, walk, sunrise).

b) Highlight the endings of adjectives.

Self-test against the standard. Self-esteem.

VII. Reflection

At the beginning of the lesson, we set ourselves the goal of finding out how plural adjectives are declined. Have we achieved our goal?

Today in class I learned...

It was interesting to me….

Which tasks were easy for you to complete...

What tasks did you have difficulty completing?

VIII. Homework:p.18-19 – tables of endings, p.20 Exercise 27


To use presentation previews, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and log in:

Slide captions:

The birch trees smiled at the sleep, The silks... braids were disheveled. The green... earrings rustle, And the silver... dew burns. The birch trees smiled at the sleep, The silks... braids were disheveled. The green... earrings rustle, And the silver... dew burns.

The birch trees smiled at the sleep, The silks... braids were disheveled. The green... earrings rustle, And the silver... dew burns. The sleepy birch trees smiled, their silken braids disheveled. Green earrings rustle, And silver dews burn. S. Yesenin

Lesson topic Declension and spelling of plural endings of adjectives

Objectives: to get acquainted with the declension of adjectives in the plural; make a table of case questions and plural endings of adjectives; learn to determine the case of plural adjectives.

DECLINATION OF PLURAL ADJECTIVES CASES QUESTIONS ENDINGS I. like i? - ee, - ie R. what's their name? - oh, -their D. how do they like it? - ym, -im V. what’s their name? (who?) what? (what?) - y, -ih - y, - ie T. how do they? - ym, -imi P. (o) what’s their name? - oh, - their Chernik E.N.

Thank you for the lesson!


Russian language lesson in 4B class.

Subject: “Declination and spelling of plural adjectives.”

Place in the lesson system:first lesson on the topic: “Declination of adjectives in the plural”

THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON: Formation of skills to decline and correctly write the endings of adjectives in the plural.



Improve knowledge about the declension of singular adjectives;

To develop the ability to decline adjectives in the plural;

Develop skills in spelling the endings of adjectives in the plural form


improve mental operations: analysis, comparison;

develop skills to argue your opinion;

develop mental activity, cognitive activity, thinking, observation, attention, memory;

develop the ability to self-assess one’s activities;


cultivate discipline, responsibility, the ability to empathize, and self-respect; activity, perseverance, diligence, curiosity, interest in the learning process;

foster mutual assistance and mutual assistance;

nurturing and strengthening interest in the Russian language;

This is the first lesson on the topic “Declination of adjectives in the plural”

In accordance with the program and lesson number, goals are set and the type of lesson is selected.

Lesson type – lesson-learning new material

Lesson structure:combined. The lesson is divided into 5 parts.

1 part. Organizational. Emotional mood.

The goal is to get you ready to work.

Creating a positive mood with the help of a poem.

Part 2. Updating knowledge.

The purpose of this stage is to repeat the knowledge necessary to work on the topic of the lesson.

The structure involves repetition of knowledge about the spelling of dictionary words with the same root, analyzing them according to their composition; about the adjective. Entertaining material is used to attract students' attention.

Part 3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

The goal of the stage is to develop the ability to decline and correctly write the endings of adjectives in the plural.

The structure of the third part of the lesson includes work with a textbook, work with a table of endings, work at the board, and independent work.

Forms of work at this stage alternated in accordance with age characteristics and taking into account the level of training of students. A physical session was held.

Part 4 Consolidation

The goal is to strengthen the ability to write case endings of plural adjectives.

The children were given tasks to independent work different levels of difficulty.

Part 5 Summarizing.

The goal is to summarize, to find out the degree of mastery of the material based on self-assessment, which was conducted during the lesson.

A multimedia presentation was used during the lesson.

Lesson objectives completed. Their implementation is carried out through the organizational and teaching activities of the teacher in the classroom.

I consider the teacher’s organizational activities to be sufficient. It included:

rational organization of student work;

preparation and presentation of key points on the screen;

student discipline;

regulating the time of forms of student activity;

summing up intermediate and general results;

completeness of didactic moments during frontal testing;

holding a physical education break;

implementation of the lesson plan;

implementation of basic psychological requirements.

The teacher’s teaching activities in the lesson were sufficient. It consisted:

in the selection of educational material content;

implementation of the scientific principle;

organization of independent work under the guidance of a teacher;

organizing control over students’ independent activities;

application of methods for summarizing educational material through teamwork, independent work.

control of students' learning through independent work.

In order to ensure individual approach I provided for the selection of the content of educational material according to the levels of difficulty of tasks, the optimal pace of student activity.

The following working methods were used in this lesson:

methods of verbal transmission of information and auditory perception of information

methods of visual transmission and visual perception of information

methods of stimulating and motivating students

methods of control and self-control

Students' work in the class is assessed qualitatively, in accordance with the standards for assessing students in the fourth grade. Control of the effectiveness of written work will be carried out after checking the notebooks.

Lesson objectives:

  • Summarize students' knowledge about adjectives as parts of speech;
  • Develop the ability to recognize adjectives in text, establish a connection between adjectives and nouns, determine the gender and number of adjectives, write gender endings of adjectives correctly, remember the concept of “initial form of an adjective”, use reference books;
  • Teach students to determine the gender of adjectives in the plural; expand students' vocabulary;
  • Develop critical and logical thinking, imagination, memory, speech.

Equipment: drawing of three stars, drawing of an alien, envelopes with assignments, explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegova, projection screen, sheets for operational control, cards for working in pairs, table “Determination of the gender of adjectives in the plural”, task for frontal work on the projection screen, card with a saying, reminder for syncwine.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment (psychological mood) Each child has three clouds on the pieces of paper: a sad expression, a calm expression and a cheerful one.

Teacher: - Guys, look carefully at the stars. Circle the one that best suits your mood in this moment. Survey of children.

Teacher: - It’s great that you are in a good mood, I hope that by the end of the lesson it will continue and increase.

II. Lesson topic message

To find out the topic of our lesson, let's solve the “helper word”

K – consonant, hard paired, unvoiced paired sound in the word “bell”

A – unstressed vowel in the word “rolled”

K – checked paired consonant in the word “fist”

O – vowel letter in the suffix in the word [friend]

Y – consonant, soft unpaired, dull unpaired sound in the word “layer”

We check every letter.

Teacher - What word did you get?

Children: - Which one.

Teacher: - Which part of speech answers this question, which one?

Children: - Adjective.

Teacher: - Are adjectives the only answer to this question?

Children: - No, what else? which? which? whose?

Teacher: - What do adjectives mean? And why do we need them?

Children: - adjectives denote characteristics of objects, and are necessary in order to make our speech more interesting, colorful, and expressive.

Lesson topic: - Today we will take a trip to the planet “Adjective”.

III. Lesson topic

Teacher: - Let's imagine that we are all inhabitants of this planet. Everyone is different: I, for example, am cheerful, inquisitive, ... and what kind of resident are you? And you?...

We listen to children. Write down on a narrow piece of paper that everyone has in an envelope and write your name - what are you like?

Teacher: - And we all live in different cities in one state. There are 8 cities. Their names will tell you questions answered by adjectives

Children: Which, which, which, which, whose, whose, whose, whose.

Teacher: - To find out the capital of our state, take your task cards. (Work in workbooks). Write down adjectives from the words listed.


Write down adjectives from the listed words

Timid, courage, appropriate, freedom, pollute, wet, meets, idle, think.

Teacher: - Do you understand all the words? The meaning of which word caused difficulty?

Children: - Reverent. 1 student looks up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.

  1. Idle– about place, space; unoccupied, empty, free, empty, empty” (V. Dal. Dictionary in 4 volumes, III volume, M.: “Russian language”, 1990, p. 380)
  2. Idle– 1. Unoccupied, idle, without useful activities. 2. Aimless, empty” (S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language. Edited by N.Yu. Shvedova: “Soviet encyclopedia”, M., 1972.)

Teacher: - What do all these adjectives have in common?

Children: All these adjectives answer the question Which? They are singular, masculine - this is the initial form of the adjective.

Teacher: - Sign gender and number above these words. This means that the capital of our state is the city of “Kakoy”!

There is a noise.

Teacher: - What happened? Who is this?

An alien has arrived on the screen (Figure 1)

Alien message on projection screen.

Greetings, residents of such a strange country “Adjective”!

There is danger looming over your world. This is a meteorite gigantic size. You are all very different. You make your speech more beautiful, more expressive, more interesting. Therefore, we decided that it was you who could save this planet from disaster. A rocket can change the trajectory of a meteorite. It will be activated by a code. To find out, you need to complete several tasks. For each correctly completed task you will receive a letter. By putting the letters into a word, you will guess the code. Residents of the neighboring country, with whom you are very friendly, will help you in this matter.

We wish you success!

Teacher: - Guys, what kind of neighbors did the alien talk about, what do you think?

Children: - If we are adjectives, then we are friendly with nouns, since our gender, number and case directly depend on this part of speech.

Teacher: - Well done! Open the envelope with the assignments.

IV. Determination of gender endings of adjectives. Development of logical thinking

Task 1. Children work in pairs, and 2 pairs are at the board.

Option 1. ( Work in pairs).

Answer: cold and I weather, gold oh ring, bad th character, hospitable and I mistress, gay oh sky, affectionate th kitten, sang oh apple, scorching and I heat, tart th smell

Together we check the guys at the board.

Teacher: - Well done! We have completed this task and receive the first letter “R”.

Option 2. ( Work in pairs). Choose the pair “adjective + noun” and insert the missing endings of the adjectives.

Answer: absolutely th hearing, smooth and I road, carriage oh depot, berezovy and I grove, colorful th tie, linen oh canvas, painting and I gallery, clear oh image, convenient th table.

V. Physical education

Teacher: - Stand up, move away from your desk, hands on your belt. I will name adjectives, and if you hear a feminine adjective, squat, a masculine one, jump, a neuter adjective, stomp.

Words: cunning, beautiful, perky, bright, funny, thoughtful, wintry, caring, warm, friendly.

VI. Determining the gender and number of adjectives

Teacher: - Open the second envelope. Here is a poem and an assignment.

Task 2. Find adjectives in the poem, determine their gender and number.


There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...
Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere,
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

(F.I. Tyutchev)*

*F.I. Tyutchev. Poems: “Fiction” M., 1985.

The answer is hidden on the board: (c) original – zh.r., singular, short – zh.r., singular, wondrous – zh.r. singular, crystal - m.r., singular, vigorous - m.r., singular, thin - m.r., singular, (on) idle - zh.r. , singular, (before) the first – zh.r., plural, (before) winter – zh.r., plural, pure – zh.r., singular, warm – l.r., units

Teacher: - Which 2 words stand out in this list? Why?

Children: - (Before) the first, winter – plural.

Teacher: - How to determine the gender of an adjective in the plural?

Children: - You need to put the noun with which the adjective is associated, put it in the singular and determine the gender. The adjective with which it is associated will have the same gender. (before) the first storms – storm (singular), zh.r., which means (before) the first also zh.r.

Determining the gender of adjectives in the plural

Warm evenings

Evening – noun, m.r., singular, means evenings – noun, m.r., plural.

Evenings (what?) are warm, warm – adj., m.p., plural.

Teacher: - Wonderful! We completed this task too. The next letter is “M”. And the last task.

VII. Development of logical thinking and imagination

The teacher reads the alien's latest assignment, which is written on the board.

Task 3. Imagine what our planet looks like.

The work is done from the front. After discussion, the teacher fills in the blanks with the best option.

On the ………. live on the planet………. little people, they have ………. eyes, ………. hair, ………. ears. But very………. character. Little houses with ………., with ………. roofs. Near each house sits………. dog. The dogs on this………. planet instead of chickens, because………. the houses are guarded by ………. dragons and………. ostriches. They are sitting on………. ropes and growl. On the ………. singing in the trees………. songs ………. flies. IN ………. There are ………. in the forests. turtles.

Teacher: - Excellent!! And the last letter is “I”. So, we got the letters “P”, “M”, “I”. What word did you get?

Children: “Rome” and “world”.

Teacher: - There is also a note in the envelope. “To check the resulting cipher, substitute it in the proverb... BEAUTY WILL SAVE..." Well done!!! We really saved our planet!

VIII. Summing up the lesson

Today in class we remembered what an adjective is.

Children: - This is a part of speech that answers what questions? which? which? which? whose? Indicates an attribute of an object.

Teacher: - How to determine the gender of adjectives?

Children: - It is necessary to determine the gender of the noun with which the adjective is associated. The gender of the adjective will be the same.

Teacher: - How to determine the gender of an adjective in the plural?

Children: - Put the noun with which the adjective is associated into the singular and determine its gender. The same gender will apply to the adjective.

Teacher: - We practiced establishing connections between adjectives and nouns, writing gender endings for adjectives correctly, and got a little creative.

Teacher: - Now take your narrow pieces of paper with your “names” and fill out the syncwine. Next to it, select the star that matches your mood at the moment.

Children hang all syncwines on the board.

Open Russian language lesson in 4th grade.

Teacher: Karaseva Elena Kimovna

Lesson topic : “Declination of adjectives in the plural.”

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

The purpose of the lesson :

Introduce students to the peculiarities of declension of plural adjectives.

Make a table of case questions and plural endings of adjectives;

Develop the child's intellectual abilities.


    Organize activities for students to learn and practice spelling skills for case endings of plural adjectives.

    Foster interest in learning, love and respect for the Russian language; feelings of cooperation and cohesion, culture of communication and behavior.

Planned results


    identify and compare unstressed case endings of plural adjectives;

    decline adjectives in the plural;

    determine the case of adjectives in the plural form;

    find phrases with plural adjectives


    understand and retain in memory the educational task of the lesson;

    draw conclusions based on comparison;

    prove the correctness of the task;


    show respect for nature.

Form UUD:

Personal learning activities: promote self-esteem based on the criterion of success in educational activities.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; work according to a collectively drawn up plan; evaluate the correctness of actions; plan your action in accordance with the task; make necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on his assessment of the nature of the errors made; express your guess.

Communicative UUD: the ability to express one’s thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication in the lesson and follow them.

Cognitive UUD: the ability to navigate one’s knowledge system: distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher; gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, additional literature, your life experience and information received in the lesson.




    Presentation ( )

    Cards for working in pairs ( )

    Cards for working in small groups ( )

6. Cards for differentiated homework ( 4 )

Lesson structure:

    Self-determination for educational activities

    Updating knowledge

    Setting a learning task

    Building a project to get out of a problem

    Primary consolidation in external speech

    Physical education minute

    Work in groups with checking against a standard

    Differentiated homework

    Reflection on learning activities


(Organizing a class for work).

Greeting students

The bell rang

We need to start the lesson

Stand up straight, pull yourself up

And smile at each other.

Is everything in place?

Is everything all right?

Pen, book and notebook?

Is everything sitting correctly?

Is everyone watching carefully?

    Today in the lesson you will find many different discoveries: big and small. But discovering something new is impossible without repeating the old. So, let's get started.

Greetings from the teachers.

Organize their workplace, check the availability of educational supplies on the table.

– What would you like our lesson to be like today? Choose words for the noun “lesson” .

What are you asked in class? What kind of assignments are there?

Educational, interesting, fun, meaningful

Tasks. (meaningful)

3.Communication of the topic of the lesson, setting an educational task

– What part of speech are epithets expressed?

(Slide 3)

Work in pairs

( )

Interesting lesson

Have a fun break

Interesting lesson

Happy recess

Interesting lesson

Have a fun break

Interesting lesson

Happy recess

About an interesting lesson

About a fun break

(Slide 4)

    So how do singular adjectives change?

    How to determine the singular case of an adjective?

Read an excerpt from a wonderful poem by S.A. Yesenin. This will help you determine the topic of today's lesson:

The sleepy birch trees smiled,
The silks were disheveled...the braids.
The green earrings are rustling,
And the silver... dew burns

What can you say about the topic of the lesson? What will we study?

Why did they decide this?

Can we say that plural adjectives change according to cases? (Not really-?)

Would you like to know whether they change by case or not?

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

What challenges are you facing?

– How did you determine that this is a plural adjective?

    Do we know the endings of adjectives in the plural form in the nominative case? ( Yes, s, s.)

– What else do you think we will learn about plural adjectives?

- Put in phrases interesting lesson in the nominative plural.

– Is it possible to determine the gender of adjectives in the plural? What's the problem?

This means that the gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined.

By adjectives

Adjectives are a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions which?, which?, which?, which? Adjectives change according to number, gender and case

Singular, masculine, feminine, neuter

Adjectives in plural form.

The poem omits the endings of plural adjectives.

Declension of plural adjectives.

Learn to determine the case of plural adjectives

On the question - Which ones?; in essence, with which these adjectives are associated, they are also used in the plural.

Endings in other cases, case questions

Gender is not determined

Compiling a table of case questions and plural endings for adjectives.

Let's bow now

Option I – Interesting lessons

Option II – Small changes

– In which cases do plural adjectives have the same endings?

The endings are the same

(The endings of the genitive and prepositional cases, nominative and accusative cases coincide.

Adjectives in the plural are changed by case or declined. The gender of plural adjectives is not determined.

    Physical education minute

– I will name phrases with adjectives in the singular and plural. If I name an adjective in the singular, you bend forward; if the adjective is plural, you tilt backward. Count how many adjectives are in the plural.

Winter days, autumn weather, green peaks, white snow, low clouds, houseplants, hot air balloon, steep banks, bright fire, silver sparks, deep roots, dear person.

7. Work in groups with self-test according to the standard

8. Reflection on learning activities

9. Differentiated homework

1. Work in groups. ( )

Join small groups. There are cards on your table. Read the phrases and explain in your own words what needs to be done.

Behind balloons- etc.
About summer holidays - P. p.

From thorny bushes - R.p.
With bitter frosts - etc.
Until the first frost - R. p.

Along the river waves - D. p

(Slide 8)

– How to determine the plural case of adjectives?

(Slide 9)

(Slide 10)

Write down the proposal.

– Check that you do the same.

(Slide 11)

(Slide 12)

Check with a friend.

Remember the topic of our lesson. What did you learn during the lesson?

– What did you learn about changing adjectives in the plural?

    How do plural adjectives remain unchanged?

    How to determine the plural case of an adjective?

Finish the sentence:

-Today I found out.... I'm glad.....

-I learned.....

-I was....

Here is the text.

(Slide 13)

Read it.

– What part of speech is missing?

Green card.

Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest, patterns of... footprints are visible in the snow. The frosts are crackling.

Yellow card

Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest, patterns of... footprints are visible in the snow. The frosts are crackling.

Blue card.

Winter has come with crackling... frosts, noisy... blizzards, deep... snowdrifts. In the winter forest, patterns of animal... footprints are visible on the snow. The bitter frosts are crackling.

(Slide 14)

And now a little surprise. This big heart is a sign that I was very pleased with your work in the lesson. And on your desk there are three small hearts: red is a sign Have a good mood in class, that you are satisfied with your work, pink - a sign that you saw small flaws in your work, and a cold blue heart - a sign that you remained indifferent in class, and you were in a bad mood, and nothing it worked. Turn to the guests and show your hearts.

Insert and highlight endings, determine case

Only by cases

Does not change by gender

Organizing a class for work.

1. Self-determination for educational activities

2. Updating knowledge and difficulty in individual activities

3. Setting a learning task

4. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty

5. Primary consolidation in external speech

6. Physical education minute

7. Work in groups with self-test using a standard (inner speech)

8. Differentiated homework



The bell rang

We need to start the lesson

Stand up straight, pull yourself up

And smile at each other.

Is everything in place?

Is everything all right?

Pen, book and notebook?

Is everything sitting correctly?

Is everyone watching carefully?

    Today in the lesson you will find many different discoveries: big and small. But discovering something new is impossible without repeating the old.

    So let's get started.

They sat down nicely, opened the notebooks, laid them down at an angle, and took the pens correctly.

(Slide 2)

How would you like our lesson to be today? Choose words for the noun “lesson”.

Who does it depend on?

    What part of speech are these words expressed?

– What do you know about adjectives?

(Slide 3)

Group work.

( )

Decline the adjectives on the sheets.

This means that the gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined.

Agree on the purpose and topic of the lesson.

– Can we say that plural adjectives change according to cases?

– What do you think we will work on in class today? Who will formulate the topic of the lesson?

(Slide 5)

(Slide 6)

Let's bow now

Option I – Interesting lessons

Option II – Fun changes

What new have you learned about plural adjectives? Draw a conclusion.

– Read the rules silently and out loud.

– What did you learn about changing adjectives in the plural?

How to determine the plural case of adjectives?

I will name phrases that contain nouns and adjectives. If I call adjectives in the plural genitive case, you squat; if in the plural prepositional case, you jump on the spot. Be careful.

True friends (R.p.) , about forest plants(P.p.) , in dense snowdrifts(P.p.), bright stars (R.p.), by deep rivers (R.p.) , in huge cities(P.p.) , from interesting books(R.p.) , in dark caves(P.p.) .

1. Work in groups. ( )

Join small groups. There are cards on your table. Read the task and explain in your own words what needs to be done. (Insert and highlight endings, determine case)

For balloons - etc.
About summer holidays - P. p.
To the neighborhood boys - D. p.
From thorny bushes - R.p.
With bitter frosts - etc.
Until the first frost - R. p.
On musical instruments– P. p.
Along the river waves - D. p

- Enough. Let's check it against the standard.

(Slide 8)

– Which group did exactly the same?

If you took an active part in the work of the group, put 3 points on the evaluation sheet, if you are not completely satisfied with your work in the group - 2 points, and if you are not at all satisfied with your work, then give 1 point. ( ).

– How to determine the plural case of adjectives?

2. Guys! Look down, up, left, and now out the window and at the screen.

(Slide 9)

Winter does not want to give up its rights to spring. Proof of this is the most beautiful winter days with frost and sun!

– Make up a sentence using the words on the slide.

(Slide 10)

Snow sparkles, multi-colored, in the bright sun.

The snow sparkles with colorful sparks in the bright sun.

Write down the proposal.

– Underline the main parts of the sentence. Determine gender and case of adjectives.

– Check that you do the same.

If you have not made a single mistake, put 3 points on the evaluation sheet; if you have made at least one mistake, then put 2 points; if you have more than two mistakes, put 1 point.

(Slide 11)

– Restore the recording of parsing the word as a part of speech.

(Slide 12)

Check with a friend.

If you did everything correctly, then put 3 points on the evaluation sheet, if you have 1 mistake, then you put 2 points, and if you have more than two mistakes, then you have 1 point

    Here is the text.

    (Slide 13)

    Read it.

    Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest, patterns of... footprints are visible in the snow. The frosts are crackling.

    – What part of speech is missing?

    – Whoever can independently choose adjectives that are suitable in meaning, take a green card.

    Who needs words - helpers, take a yellow card.

    If you are not confident in your abilities, take a blue card.

    You will complete the tasks on these cards at home.

    Green card.

    Write down the text, inserting appropriate adjectives. Determine the plural case of adjectives.

    Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest, patterns of... footprints are visible in the snow. The frosts are crackling.

    Yellow card

    Write down the text, adding words that suit their meaning. Determine the plural case of adjectives.

    Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest, patterns of... footprints are visible in the snow. The frosts are crackling.

    Words for reference: crackling, fierce, noisy, winter, bestial, deep.

    Blue card.

    Write down the text, inserting the missing endings of adjectives. Determine the plural case of adjectives.

Winter has come with crackling... frosts, noisy... blizzards, deep... snowdrifts. In the winter forest, patterns of animal... footprints are visible on the snow. The bitter frosts are crackling.

Remember the topic of our lesson.

– How do adjectives change in the plural?

– How do plural adjectives not change?

– How to determine the plural case of an adjective?

(Slide 14)

And now a little surprise. This big heart is a sign that I was very pleased with your work in the lesson. And you have three small hearts on your desk: red - a sign of a good mood in class, that you are satisfied with your work, pink - a sign that you saw small flaws in your work, and a cold blue heart - a sign that you you remained indifferent during the lesson, you were in a bad mood, and nothing worked out. Attach your hearts to a big poster and we'll see how well we did

Making things kinderlatent psychologicalgical atmosphere in the classroom. Motivation to work.

(Educational, interesting, fun, meaningful)

From the teacher and students and their mutual understanding)

(With adjectives)

(Adjectives are a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions which?, which?, which?, which? Adjectives vary by number, gender and case)

Singular, masculine

The same

In the singular, adjectives change according to gender and case

The case of an adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers

interesting lessons

Gender is not determined

(Not really-?)

Declension of adjectives in the plural

The endings are the same

The plural case of an adjective can be recognized by the case of the noun

(Adjectives in the plural are changed by case or declined. The gender of plural adjectives is not determined)

Only by cases

Does not change by gender

As in units. h., the case of the adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers

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