The drinks are, and most importantly, healthy. Healthy drinks. What drinks are good for health?

Our review will help you change your understanding of various drinks that not only quench your thirst, but also benefit the body.

Are you thirsty? Instead of pouring yourself a sugary juice or syrup that is high in calories and loaded with harmful dyes and preservatives, opt for a glass of green tea. This drink is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism.

Introducing the Top 10 Healthiest Drinks in the World

  1. In first place, of course, is plain water. This is the healthiest drink of all, as it ensures the vital functions of our body, is an important component of the blood, and flushes out waste, toxins, and excess salts. Without water, normal digestion is impossible; it helps absorb nutrients, vitamins and microelements from the foods we eat. To maintain normal functioning of the body, you need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Sometimes even more, for example, in the heat or after drinking dehydrating drinks, which include coffee and alcohol. You can add a slice of lemon or lime, a slice of cucumber, or a mint leaf to keep the water from tasting too bland.

  2. Pomegranate juice is extremely beneficial for the body. This ruby ​​nectar contains a large amount of antioxidants that help fight various inflammatory processes, heart disease, lung and prostate cancer. One glass daily pomegranate juice will avoid many health problems. Please note that some drinks industrial production may contain other liquids and excess sugar in addition to juice. Before purchasing a product, carefully study the label on the can or bottle to ensure that the pomegranate juice is natural.

  3. Rich in microelements and antioxidants, it accelerates metabolism, blocks the activity of pathogenic bacteria, protects the body from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and radiation, and ensures healthy teeth and gums. This drink can be drunk both hot and cold. An aromatic infusion with a few ice cubes and a slice of lemon will relieve thirst in the summer heat and give a life-giving boost of energy.

  4. Juices are prepared from any type of fresh vegetables, for example, carrots, cucumbers, celery, spinach
    What beneficial substances are contained in spinach and how does it help our body. For what diseases is it recommended to consume spinach and its chemical composition?, cabbage, lettuce. Each of these plant foods contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to our health. Nutrients are absorbed better from juices than from whole fruits. It is better to make vegetable drinks at home using a juicer, since store-bought juices contain too much salt.

  5. This dark red drink will help lower blood pressure and increase vitality. Research conducted at the University of Exeter (UK) showed that due to the presence of useful elements, it increases the body's performance by 16%. It was also noted that with daily consumption of beet juice, blood circulation in the brain area improves. This factor is very valuable for older people, as it helps to avoid memory problems and even prevent senile dementia. You can make beet juice at home or buy a bottled drink at health food stores.

  6. A small portion of fermented milk product will saturate your body with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Yogurt contains calcium, protein, magnesium, vitamin B12 - elements that help restore intestinal microflora and strengthen immune system. Preference should be given to unsweetened, low-fat drinks.

  7. Grape juice

    Due to the presence of antioxidants in this drink, it is useful for maintaining normal heart function. Drinking grape juice reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, lowers blood pressure, and speeds up metabolism. Fruit juices tend to be high in calories. Therefore, they should be consumed in moderation, no more than 1–2 glasses per day.

  8. This sour drink can bring great benefit to your body. Lemon juice improves digestion and cleanses the liver. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of certain types of cancer.

  9. Ginger is famous for normalizing digestion and helping to cope with nausea during pregnancy or as a result of motion sickness. Cup ginger tea
    This article provides 18 undeniable benefits of drinking ginger tea, 6 popular recipes for preparation and use for various diseases. will help get rid of acute pain in the stomach or intestines. For chronic gastrointestinal diseases, ginger should be taken regularly.

    To make a healthy tea, add 1-2 thin slices of ginger root hot water for a few minutes. If desired, you can add a spoonful of honey to the cup to reduce the tart taste and aroma of the drink.

  10. A mixture of skim milk with berries or pieces of fruit is one of the healthiest drinks, which is preferable to drink for breakfast or lunchtime. You can make smoothies with cocoa, chocolate, peanut butter, banana, strawberry, raspberries
    How are raspberries beneficial for our body? The article contains 16 results scientific research about the beneficial properties of raspberries, as well as what contraindications exist.- in a word, with any flavoring or vitamin supplements at your discretion.

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To cram useful microelements into your body, you don’t have to choke on pills. You can put different delicious foods into a blender and get a delicious and nutritious mixture.

website I found recipes for 30 interesting drinks in which vitamins just jump.

Spinach + banana + lemon

A small portion of spinach is enough to replenish daily requirement body in some vitamins and nutrients. Take 350ml water, add 3 bananas, a generous bunch of spinach leaves, juice of half a lemon or lime and mix well in a blender.

Blueberries + banana + lemon + celery

Blueberries are a very tasty and healthy berry. It strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on human vision. Mix 2 bananas, 3 tablespoons blueberries, juice of 1/3 lemon, 2-3 stalks of celery, 1 glass of water in a blender.

Celery + spinach + lime + banana

Celery is a food that not only has the ability to burn extra calories, but is also rich in vitamins and nutrients. In a blender, blend 2 stalks of celery, 1 cup spinach leaves, 1 cup water, juice of half a lime, 1 banana. A multivitamin cocktail in your hands.

Spinach + banana + apple + lemon

A very interesting and healthy combination is banana and spinach. Bananas perfectly lift your spirits, relieve fatigue and energize you. Combine 1 cup fresh spinach leaves, 2 bananas, 1 apple, 1 cup water, juice of half a lemon and blend in a blender.

Cucumber + lettuce + lemon + honey

Such a simple drink can also please taste buds. Cucumber has the ability to remove toxins from the body, and lettuce leaves are a rich source of vitamin E. The drink is prepared very simply and quickly: beat in a blender a bunch of lettuce leaves, 1 medium cucumber, previously peeled, juice of half a lemon, 1 glass of water, a spoonful of honey .

Carrots + beets + celery + cucumber + apple + parsley + ginger

We are preparing a thick drink that combines a powerful dose of vitamins and bright colors. In a blender you need to mix 1 carrot, 1 beet, 1 stalk of celery, 1 cucumber, 2 apples, a bunch of parsley and a small amount of ginger Tasty and healthy.

Spinach + lettuce + celery + pear + banana + lemon

This drink will be a wonderful breakfast that will inspire you to new feats and lift your spirits. In addition, it will strengthen the immune system and protective forces body. Take a handful of spinach leaves, 5 lettuce leaves, 3 celery stalks, 1 pear, 1 banana, lemon or lime juice, 1.5 cups of water. Wash, chop and place in a blender.

Carrot + apple + ginger + banana + orange + mint

Even just one look at this bright and juicy drink will lift your mood. Take 3 carrots, 2 green apples, a piece of ginger, 2 bananas, 1 orange, a handful of mint leaves. You need to make juice from carrots, apples and oranges and then mix them in a blender with other ingredients. Don't forget to treat a friend, because the recipe is for 2 servings.

Strawberry + lingonberry + banana + mint

A refreshing and juicy version of the drink is berry with mint. Take 200 g frozen strawberries, 150 g frozen lingonberries, cranberries or cherries, 2 bananas, 1 glass of mint leaves, 1 glass of water. Mix all ingredients and place in a blender.

Banana + apple + bran + cilantro

A great start to the day can only happen with a drink that contains many healthy ingredients. Take half a banana, half a green apple, 1 tablespoon bran, a bunch of cilantro, basil, spinach or mint and blend well in a blender. It’s better to choose just one green so as not to mix flavors.

Cucumber + spinach + pineapple + green tea + lemon + ginger

The drink can also be prepared using green tea. Then it will be rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth: 1 cucumber, 2 bunches of spinach, 2 cups of chopped pineapple, a cup of brewed green tea, juice of half a lemon, ginger root.

Grapefruit + flaxseeds + strawberries + grapes + avocado + banana + lemon

This drink contains a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and improves overall well-being. Grind a spoonful of flaxseeds in a blender. Then throw in all the other ingredients: half a grapefruit, 15 frozen strawberries, a handful of seedless grapes, half an avocado, 1 banana, the juice of half a lemon or lime. Mix well.

Apple + lemon + cucumber

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, and apple is rich in iron and pectin. Why not combine these ingredients in one drink? Mix 1 apple, juice of half a lemon in a blender and add 2 cucumbers.

Pineapple + kiwi + cucumber + lemon

Avocado + banana + orange + greens + lemon

Avocado is a very valuable and nutritious fruit that should definitely be included in your diet. You can add vitamins and make an avocado drink. Peel 1 banana and 1 orange and place in a blender along with the avocado pulp. Add herbs, a glass of water and the juice of half a lemon. A healthy cocktail is ready!

Apple + celery + cucumber + beets + ginger

All the ingredients are very simple, and the effect is impressive. Take 3 green apples, 1 stalk of celery, 1 cucumber, 1 small beetroot and ginger root. Mix everything well in a blender.

Cucumber + parsley

Yes, yes, this drink only has two ingredients. But what kind! Cucumber is 99% water, and parsley is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Such an amazing combination of freshness and benefits will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ginger + spinach + apple + honey

This drink, due to its valuable composition, will give a head start to, perhaps, everyone. Ginger is a very effective anti-inflammatory agent that is also a valuable source of vitamins. Combine 2 large handfuls of spinach, 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger root, 2 apples, 2 teaspoons honey and water in a blender. Water can be added gradually until you reach the desired consistency.

Blueberry + pomegranate + apple + cucumber + spinach

Pomegranate is very useful for the cardiovascular system. And the sour blueberry helps strengthen the immune system and stay healthy. Combine them in a juicy smoothie. In a blender, puree 3/4 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup pomegranate juice, 1 peeled apple, 1 peeled cucumber, and a small handful of spinach leaves.

Orange + grapefruit + lemon + green tea + banana + honey

Why not make a mix of the most beneficial detox foods? This is undoubtedly green tea and citrus fruits. In a blender, add 1 peeled orange, half a grapefruit, the juice of half a lemon, a glass of chilled green tea, 1 softened banana and a teaspoon of honey. Beat well.

Broccoli + cauliflower + grapefruit + flax seeds + almonds + dates

All cabbage, without exception, is a valuable source of B vitamins and improves the functioning of the digestive system. We prepare smoothies from several types at once. Take a few florets of broccoli, a few florets of cauliflower, half a grapefruit, 1 teaspoon of flax seeds, a small handful of almonds and 4 dates and blend well in a blender until smooth.

Banana + apple juice + carrots + lemon

Take 1 banana, 1 glass apple juice, 2 tablespoons carrots, sliced, and the juice of half a lemon. Beat all ingredients thoroughly in a blender until smooth and enjoy the juicy and refreshing taste of a healthy drink.

Carrots + tomatoes + celery + olive oil + salt + pepper

To prepare this nutritious drink you need to take 1 carrot, 2 tomatoes, 1 stalk of celery, 1 teaspoon olive oil, salt, pepper to taste. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. So the charge of vitamins and vigor is ready!

Can your favorite drink affect your health? What do people who look and feel so great drink? There are several similar habits that can give you longevity. The most healthy drinks for health are described below.


A certain amount of water is extremely necessary for a person to ensure that all processes in the body proceed correctly. Many celebrities say that they drink a lot of it. But how much fluid do you need to feel great? Scientists are still debating this issue. These disagreements are due to the fact that the amount of water consumed depends on gender, age and region of residence. Scientists agree on one thing: on average, you need to drink one and a half to two liters of liquid per day. People get approximately 20% of the required norm from food.

The benefit of water is that it speeds up metabolism. Metabolism in the body is much faster, which prevents large amounts of toxins and waste from accumulating in it. Therefore, to be healthy and beautiful, you need to drink a lot of water.

Lemon water

Warm lemon water is becoming increasingly popular among celebrities. And that's why. Lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps digestion and the rapid absorption of liquids in the gastrointestinal tract. It is not necessary to add lemon to the water. Vitamin C can be obtained from fruits or vegetables. But if strawberry water tastes good, then warm liquid with cabbage is unlikely to be to the taste of many.

As for the water temperature, there are also considerations on this matter. If it is cold, the body will require additional efforts to warm it up. Because of this, some of the liquid is not absorbed in the stomach. But warm water enters the bloodstream much faster and begins to act.


The debate over the benefits of alcohol also continues. Some people say that a glass of wine before dinner is good way improve health. Others argue that all alcoholic beverages should be avoided, because each of them causes irreparable harm. But most people agree that alcohol should only be consumed in moderation.

For women, you should not drink more than one glass of medium-strength drink per day. Men are allowed up to two drinks. This prevents many diseases of the cardiovascular system. Alcohol also protects against the onset of type 2 diabetes and gallstone formation. A glass of wine before meals improves digestion.

But alcohol abuse will not have any positive effect and will cause a whole bunch of serious illnesses. Doctors rarely recommend drinking alcohol for preventive purposes. And all because it has a strong influence on systems and organs. Therefore, before using it, you should take into account your own health, family history and a number of other important factors.

Beet juice

Not many people like this drink. But its health benefits are undeniable. Scientists have proven that one glass of beet juice per day lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure, removes cholesterol from the body, increases endurance during physical exercise and can help prevent cancer. It contains a lot of potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and vitamin C. Therefore, it makes sense to love this vegetable in order to experience it for yourself beneficial features for good health.


Coffee lovers, rejoice: this information is for you. Scientists have proven that this drink is good for health. It contains a lot of antioxidants. Residents of almost the entire planet get more of it from coffee than from vegetables and fruits. Scientists have conducted studies in which the beneficial amount of the drink has been studied.

To reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, you should drink at least 3 cups a day. Four servings or more prevent the development of cirrhosis, improve mental health and reduce the likelihood of suicide. People who drink about 5 cups a day may live longer than those who do not like this drink or drink it in smaller quantities. But it is worth remembering that coffee is good for pure form: no sugar or cream.


Those who don't like coffee can turn their attention to tea, especially green tea. There is also a lot in it useful substances. To begin with, it is worth saying that the drink contains a lot of polyphenols. They fight inflammation and even prevent cancer. Green tea contains 30% polyphenols. The drink also contains a lot of catechins, which are considered antioxidants.

People who want to quit drinking coffee can safely switch to green tea. It also has enough caffeine, although slightly less than the black drink. Tea is also a great tonic and adds energy for the whole day. Many celebrities prefer tea because it is tasty, varied and healthy.


This is also a controversial drink. Its peculiarity is that there are people who cannot tolerate dairy products. They are very unhealthy for them. If a person can drink milk normally, he will enrich his body with calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. The drink is good for brain function and bone health. To feel great, you need to drink 300-400 ml of cow's milk per day. It is also worth remembering that the healthiest foods are not low-fat and do not contain sugar.

Tea mushroom

This drink is made in a special way. Colonies of special bacteria are added to the finished sweet tea, which ferment the drink. Because of this, probiotics are formed, and the tea itself becomes carbonated. At the same time, it acquires a special sourish taste.

It has enormous health benefits. Firstly, the body receives all the benefits that exist in plain tea. Secondly, the fermentation process fills it with beneficial bacteria, which act as probiotics and destroy harmful microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies on rats have shown that this tea drink improves indicators of good and bad cholesterol in just 30 days of use.

Tomato juice

This is a fairly popular drink all over the world. But his problem is that too much salt is added to the juice. And this is not an ingredient that should be used to enrich your diet. But if you drink pure tomato juice, you can avoid the risk of many dangerous diseases, including prostate cancer in men and stroke. This property of the drink is due to the antioxidant lycopene it contains. If a person consumes few tomatoes in his daily diet, you can safely replace them with tomato juice without salt.


Chocolate lovers will be pleased to know that hot cocoa offers even greater benefits than a chocolate bar. It contains much less saturated fat, which negatively affects human health. Cocoa beans contain many antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body - the cause of many diseases. Therefore, it is better to drink a cup of warm chocolate drink on a frosty day than to chew on a chocolate bar.

What kind of drink should you prefer to always feel healthy and strong? Experts say that all of them can be combined. For example, it makes sense to drink a cup of hot green tea in the morning, treat yourself to sweet and aromatic cocoa in the afternoon, and in the evening, dilute your dinner with a glass of good red wine. Of course, each person can choose their own combinations, the main thing is to adhere to moderation in everything and not overuse sweeteners.

A person needs to replenish his water balance every day, since every cell of the body consists of water. But, unfortunately, we forget about this too often. The result of this is a number of health problems, the true causes of which we do not even suspect. We offer a list of 10 healthy drinks that will not only replenish the water balance in the body, but also strengthen your immunity.

It is estimated that about 90% of people suffer from chronic dehydration, which occurs when there is a decrease of just 2% of water in the body. How to fix this? Every day you need to drink at least two liters of fluid. It is best if it is a mix of vitamins and microelements for the body.

1. Water

Our body is 70% water. And often a person does not provide himself with enough fluid for normal life activities. We drink little or choose completely unsuitable drinks for these purposes.

Water performs many functions in our body. Its main task is to maintain body temperature at a constant level favorable for its functioning. The important role of water is also to remove toxins and various harmful substances from the body.

Unfortunately, humans do not have the ability to accumulate water. This means that its losses must be constantly replenished. A proper supply of water also ensures optimal bowel function and adequate hydration of feces.

2. Pomegranate juice

Doctors say that pomegranate is the fruit of life. Even in ancient times, it was considered a symbol of good health.

Research shows that ruby ​​nectar is loaded with antioxidants that may help fight heart disease or cancer.

Protects the prostate blood vessels, improves well-being, rejuvenates and adds vitality. Pomegranate juice has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the psyche. Research shows that regularly drinking pomegranate juice helps reduce stress levels.

However, remember, when you see a pack of juice on a store shelf with pomegranates on it, make sure that there is juice there at all. Manufacturers often replace it with a drink.

3. Green tea

The wonderful properties of green tea can be listed endlessly. Some people claim that it, and not water, best quenches thirst and hydrates the body. Early Chinese used it to combat drowsiness, indigestion, headaches and vision problems.

Today we also know that green tea helps cope with emotional tension and stress, has properties that inhibit the growth of bacteria in the digestive system, and also stimulates the secretion of digestive juices.

Regular consumption of green tea lowers blood pressure, improves circulation and reduces the risk of heart disease. Due to its high antioxidant content, it is also used in the prevention of cancer.

4. Vegetable juice

Can I have a salad? Sounds funny, but why not! It is enough to squeeze the juice from fresh vegetables. This drink is indispensable for the body; it quenches thirst, refreshes, saturates, and provides essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. Vegetable juices heal various diseases and have cleansing properties. Thanks to them, toxins and excess salts are eliminated. Besides, they are very tasty.

They are quite easy to prepare. It is enough to put the vegetables we love into the juicer: tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, even lettuce. Launch it, and we will get a real vitamin bomb. In addition, this drink is low-calorie.

5. Kefir

This is an excellent refreshing drink suitable for daily use. It perfectly quenches thirst and restores strength. Kefir comes from the Caucasus, a region where long-livers live. It was there that its properties were first assessed. Today we know that it is a tasty, healthy and nutritious drink.

Kefir is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including protein. It contains a sufficient amount of calcium, which is found in ideal ratio with phosphorus, as well as magnesium and potassium. the compound of magnesium and calcium regulates blood pressure. Calcium itself lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing arterial hypertension and protects against cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.

6. Ginger tea

9. Grape juice

Early grape juice was used to treat diseases of the digestive system, constipation, cuts and wounds. It’s not for nothing that grapes are called divine berries. Healing properties this plant has positive influence on the skin nervous system, kidneys and liver.

Grapes contain many vitamins: B, C, D, E and PP, as well as trace elements: boron, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and copper, due to which they oxidize and detoxify the body, increasing its immunity. Drinking grape juice may reduce or even prevent the risk of memory loss.

10. Milkshake

The combination of healthy fruits has a beneficial effect on our body. If you add natural yoghurt or low-fat cream to them, then after drinking such a drink our immunity will protect us many times. Fruit cocktails not only perfectly quench thirst on hot days, but also hunger. From time to time it is worth replacing dinner with them.

They enrich our diet with vitamins and minerals necessary for active life! Colorful fruit smoothies filled with vitamins, minerals and microelements that are needed for good health and maintaining the necessary energy level. By consuming them, you also provide your body with valuable fiber.

Video “The 7 Healthiest Drinks for Health”

An informational video detailing the 7 healthiest drinks you can make at home.

The most beneficial drink for health is simple purified water. This is the most correct and useful source moisture. However, there are drinks that have many restorative properties and give strength and energy to our body. We have collected information about the most useful drinks for human health and longevity.

Green tea

Benefit: reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular diseases. Green tea contains many flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants, which protect cells from harmful effects and neutralize free radicals. Tea also contains fluoride, which strengthens bones and has a beneficial effect on teeth.
Calories : 0

White tea

During the collection of raw materials for white tea Special attention pay attention to leaf selection. Usually, for white tea, only the youngest, half-bloomed leaves of the first harvest, half-covered by the white hairs of the open tea bud, are collected. For elite white teas, either only the top leaf (thyrsa) is collected, or the tipsa plus one more leaf following it. The degree of processing of white teas is low. The production of white tea consists of only two steps, so they are considered weakly fermented because they are dried in the sun and warmed up, and then dried and due to this they acquire a weak degree of fermentation. Essentially the leaf color should remain the same (green or grey-green) White color the bottom of the leaves should be clearly visible. Despite the apparent simplicity of preparation, the leaf used for this tea is very intricate. All processes are carried out manually.

White tea has varieties such as: white peony, green snow, silver needles and other varieties. When brewed, white teas have a clear yellow infusion with a delicate taste and delicate aroma. White tea is found almost exclusively in China and is considered one of the most exquisite (and expensive) teas. White tea, due to its high content of vitamins, amino acids and pectins, helps rejuvenate the body.
White tea must be brewed with soft and not too hot water (50-70C). Since it has a special concentration essential oils, giving it an exquisite aroma, then brewing with too hot water will kill these wonderful odors. The brewing time is extremely short, usually no more than 5 minutes.

Mint tea

Benefit: The beneficial properties of a mint drink help cope with indigestion, relieve colic, promote digestion, helping food move through the gastrointestinal tract. Peppermint tea has an antispasmodic effect, relieves muscle pain and muscle tension.
Calories: 0

Milk with 1% fat content

Benefit: Milk contains complex carbohydrates, proteins and some fat, so this product is digested slowly and you feel full for a certain time. Complex carbohydrates keep your blood sugar levels stable. Calcium is contained in milk along with vitamin D, so it is easily absorbed. Moreover, calcium helps cells burn fat, hence milk promotes normal weight loss.

Calories: A glass of milk (250 g) contains 120 calories.

Soy milk

Benefit: Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The dietary fiber and proteins contained in soy milk reduce the levels of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides. However, if you want to completely replace a cow's milk with soy milk, you will lack calcium and vitamins A and D. In this case, you can buy soy milk fortified with these microelements. Soy contains phytoestrogens, which are likely associated with the risk of breast cancer. If you have a family history of this disease, it is best to discuss the advisability of drinking soy milk with your doctor.

Calories: 81 kcal per 250 g of product

Hot chocolate or cocoa

Benefit: improves mood and protects against cardiovascular diseases. What provide this product with its beneficial properties? Cocoa contains many polyphenols, which protect cells from free radicals. Drinking hot chocolate increases the production of the hormone serotonin, low levels of which negatively affect mood.
Calories: about 195 kcal for 250 g of finished product and 115 kcal for powder mixture

Tomato juice without salt

Benefit: Protects against many forms of cancer. As is known, processed products fresh tomatoes contain lycopene in higher concentrations than the fruits themselves. Lycopene is associated with a reduced risk of cancer in the following organs: oral cavity, lungs, stomach, liver, mammary glands, cervix, stomach, colon and rectum. In addition, lycopene protects the heart from the effects of free radicals, thereby reducing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
Calories: 43 kcal per 250 g of product.

Cranberry juice

Benefit: Prevents gum disease, helps cope with urinary tract infections. However, juice most often contains sugar, so either choose 100% sugar-free juice or drink no more than one glass per day.

Calories: 140 kcal per 250 g of product.

Orange juice

Benefit: Vitamin C contained in the juice improves immunity and protects against many diseases, including cataracts and cancer. Orange juice is an excellent source folic acid necessary to prevent fetal development defects.

Calories: 115 kcal per 250 g of product.

Drink delicious, natural and healthy drinks! Be always healthy and cheerful!

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